The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 10, 1894, Image 1

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i IS
! ' Y
NO. 7.
The Easme City Guard.
ririii-isiiKi k v i : n y satf k da y.
J. I.. ( 'AMlMM-'Mi.
I'ubliilirr nil Proprietor.
oKJ'I1'!' "i tlis Kv-t !.! "f WWaiwtia
H rtvt, btw.-ii St-ni'; I Kltfhth KUanta.
Pr mm
! Month
Ihraa motli...
Aletrf,tn:t Hit" -V'; A'wmvi n
Tim a-ltarti.r will I chri.l t lha
lowing rt:
Una aaaaw tlr uiouth J
C)a aiiiuM .11 Ul.ntiu "
t na ao,iurv una yaar.
.12 IW
Trao.ivut notlctsi in l.J column, 'JO rauU
txr IIm tor ... h lnrti'i.
Adverti-in- lill will rw rtavWil qnarUriy.
AU ub w..rk oiu-t m rll mao DiLtviar.
Clocks, atones, Clia-ns Jewelry, Etc.
7-111 Viork Warranl.t.-1
At torncy-at-I.atv,
OK KICK - ' lH I'i'H-lt oath ' 1.
"Sp.-il sttriitioa gii'so to Cillrti"Di
anil Protista busiioos.
L. W. BROWN, M. D.
PliyKicl.'.iii nu'J Suruuon.
Ollio and ni. otur imstoMUsa. lloim;
7 t a. m.i I J to -, t' l !' u.
23. C 2-2S:ES.
Kcw Ir.iiini a 11 1 Ni-w I'rlrri In FurrUn nl
Iiomi'ttir Marble and (iranlte, M niiiimuta,
Ili-a Ltunca and Certiflcry work of
alt LitKla fur I 'I.
Wl Mami-ltr Si.--t. tu-ar I', .toffliv. Kuvni., r
II. Kama, .'a.,
1'iwl.i. I
Ot Eugene.
Paid up Cash Capital 50,O00
Surplus and Profits, $50,000
Eugene - - Oregon.
A irnnira! b.nikiutt biulnaaa iltia on rsaaou
anUWwa. .Night -IralM on XKW YOKK,
CHIt'-Vtli), SAN HlAN'CISt'O and POUT-
T.VXU. oi;k;u.
iliils f r!in i'M nn foreign onaatiie.
1)i.iu rr!vt mlijact to cliack or oartirj
eat "I ! i-iu
Ml :;. ti..u. nrtrutc ) to oa wl'l r o:ra
lr- mtt tnv' rt.
lf lra N!u!ura. lnwa, wriUa nmler data l
Mar. h SI, 1'J3:
S. II. Mki. Mm. ('.,
Dufur, ()r'jfr.. '
(tKNTl.i:MK: On arriving liomo I;i-t
uit'k, I fnuiiil nil wi ll ami unxiniinly
waiting Our lilt lo irirl, t'llit nul oiu
iulf ycttntoM, who lui'l wuftwl awny
ti :itHtuiilH. la nw well, tion nnl
vignnniH, niul wt'll HkIh'1 up. rt. M.
CdiikIi 'uri' lum iih' It work fll.
Ilothof tlnM-lilMn-u like It. Ymir S.
11. Couu'li t'uri- ha ciirvil ami kt pt
nwny all liuururx from inc. Sniflve
It to' fvt-ry oiic, wilh cn-limrii fr all.
Viliiii(f'you pnifM'rity, an-
Youin, 'Mil. ami Mks. J. F. Fdkii.
llrniiwlMtn f.-rl (rr.h ami rho-rtul. and
frail) tlu -i.rilin. rk, rlran Ihv .y.lftn
a ilh ih llrn.lrrln- ami l.urr I'lirv, bjr taklnir
two or ihrw a a iH'h.
nolil mi'li ra i!lvi- auarautoe
J) ivnu n-r Itotllr bj all 'Irticl.ta.
rl "I Mi'lr a i'l jr iiv ri. u-.ihl In the
m,I ibrhr-l
Kxcluif". v i n C'unIi,
I ran ofTi-r t!i.' puliiii ltUT prlw
thuii any otlit-r Iioum
I'n.lnr 'fall kind UUt-u M innrl'.ft
T. S. .is, ; .
i'f -li'.i-t.
First Hatisnal Bank
Kugen?, Oreg m.
Call. ansurnul dau
S'enc, Willamette street.
liravy rahia la-t ullit.
A oiru ilix tor 1 iloiiiK 1".uki iu-.
St. Vuli'iit Iiii'h iluv "lily in1 wik
Onlv thiw prU uiora In tin iniinty
Thnv w'ka frmn tu-Nt Mmiilay i-ir-:
cult court tiiiivriit. I
J ell' IiMitu, of ISrowiiNvillc, killi'ila!
hoK Hi 1m wwli that UivM-tl 710 llw. I
Yu nnilfmliiml the proHi!.itioii to i
rnvl n tlnuriiiK mill h-iv la n will" it i
hilt. ;
('oniiiilMliilt lin n art now pnyliii; '
from .VI to 7i ivnta jK-r liunhrl for jjimmI
riicS. I. It. It. makoa u nilut'tloii of
Ml fiitit on run ii 1 1 (rip tit-ki'lH to 1'oit-1
lullll I
TIh lax iiilliH'tor will mihiii 1m alima'l
in th liiml, to the wirrow of tlioavn
nRV t'iti.cli.
Tim First 1'rvliyti-riaii liuirrli li-
i- iv i liltii n new iiirliiia m ,ai 1-1111-
lay luoruiiiK.
SahMii viftcnlnv aolil .rinl,(K) worlli
of ImiIiiI. W'hii'll illBW tl InTCI'llt. 1 ln'V
Itroiiuhl a premium of tiiIO.
II.C. lVrkiiia I Maiil to Ih n caluli-ilati-
for cli'TlH', alllijiH-t to the lU i'lilon
of tin- Hipiilixl iimvi-iitiuii.
Work u i-oimiit'iKTil on rrpainiiK
tin- null r ue. lint oiM-ratlon hiivo U'ii
mi-n mlfil, at liia-t, ti-inponirily.
Tin1 linif of thr n fiivlii tin-hIutUI'm
im' tixlav lia l'i-' ii mainly taken up
lv tin1 ar'.imriil il tin1 attoniry.
I'll.- Mil.wripti.iii lit of Hit-Daii.v
( il'AltW eoiitliiiii to liirira". Aovcr-tiM-r-
xlioiilil niak a note of thi fiu't.
Tlieri i iioiiii! m Iu at Morfil at Ai
l-any lor whiril !'J lit waa olli-ivil
OIKV, lllll III fOUr.O till' OWIIlT Klll'W
too minii.
(icorirv Finli-v, a foriiior university
stllilrlil, I- a eauiliilate fur tile olliee of
neonler ulijei-t ti' the Linn ei imty
niplllilU'alt Inivrt.
lliiiianl K"k'i'I- hail a Un' 1. 1 n u t nt' l
liv Ilia. I'.iiiieA: lviivkemlall, ill tlii
eily, l-t aturluy. Ho reeenlly let a
bar ot iron lull on U.
Hull. A.J. Mrl.uuriii will miiii-iiI
I. S. (N-imtor Walthall from Mllw-
ippi, tho latter (,'er.tlemaii having re-
alKUetl aomu 1 1 nit) i-i m v.
Tho retlilletoil l"-i-t Ireon linul nil
Item: "Wateh, the liemoerntic War
lloix', (iet an Appointment." Ami
wv w ill any it wait u ili-erviii) not.
The Wooilineii of the Wnrlil w ill
have no ns.K'auieiit for thi' iiimitli of
Fchruary, wiiieh will U- welcome
new coiiHiilerinir the iot time llnan-
The Jury ill the W,(M J lil l Miit
liroUL'ht ly John II. Ilayne ai;ainl
the !-iiokaiie Chroniele, returneil a ver-
iliet fur the ilefeliilatit, iueluiliui; the
Muvur K. L. I'lekrell, of I'alollte
City, Waill., ilicil hililitelily at hi home
ill Hint eltV lil eveiiiMii. lie wax hick
oiilyufetv hour from iiervoua eompli
eat ion.
T. L. Ijiwreiuv, of Mlnto, ha Ueii
nrifiliuu U fore the atiite railroai eoui-mln-iiin
iiKainit the On-Koii l'.teille,
(iaiuiini: it tarilf on onion 1 ruining
that iiuluitry.
The republican '!iila at I'mtlaml
elirteil the followiim ollUvm: It. H.
Iti-ekmaii, pn-liciit; J. C Iauri',
vh-e pn-aiileiit; Frank Itovey. K. '.
Iayi ami I', 1(. l aii y, meiulive ioiii-
A letter reii lve.l fiom W. U. tiil
Htrup. Mlatea that he Iiiih purehu-a-il ail
interest in the t', at Tulare, Cali
fornia. Willi a e.oo.1 niHtlcr, unler
lauil the iie-vipupi'r bilsinc", ninl
w llh u kimhI lielil ia usxtiri'il ol h licit .
Lieut. Milton A. l)ai, 1'. S. A.,
ilatiiiiicil at I're-iilio, San Kr.iuti-i-o,
Wll inarrieil oil Weillle.ilaV 1 :t t lo
Mim .Mi.f I'.nte-. I iert., Wu
! iif l.tirli. i uielet al Vl I'oilit from
It In j'Hi, ami lie formerly wa atuli nt
i at I he aiaiu university.
J All onler hn Ineii Is-, ml by l'.ri,'-
mlier ( oinpsoii, appointing Alva 1..
Stevei.s nl i li I- i I ti I oil Hie hriyaili"
slat!', w itli tin rank of lir-l lieutenant.
LleuN liiiliI SloVrlla iiM la-ell n stall oi'l
ceri f ihe iirt nviiuei.t, i.ii'l l it wil
l.i. own u.ei..Ur i"l Mu!'.uoniali
ftx'ilhall !c, n.
Mike Miihouey, of Wolf creek. w lit
nut the otiier eveii;ii lo hunt up a
trny heifer. lie I. ii.ii I it uitt, i:i it
I ijiiartcr i f a mile of h: Iioiim- ih ai,
w llh a p iiilher iii'Vourii ij t', :;!:i! uii
c.t liL-r iiln lu froiu mi oppo-
.1,1. llills lion. Ilu tln-t oil Tl.e t.-asl-
In la-asi, itml hi erai kifig rule .tartt-l
i up I iiiel of live f i!l irrow n pu'itli-ri,
w It ir li nlti T'-il li a many directions.
The iniistrtl'
home building i
bil'g, tl." Will"
l',...f. It Is stltl
will ! nu'lv
ion of tl
to ptores at l' -
i ii.,, 1. 1 lo Ihe M-colid
X' l's the bill. ding
'..r ! 'lication at the
. Il ei ampmeiit at
.. ..r tl... i: I: .-c. :ion.m.iif i
Itosetiur lo Xt -V. I oe eollllll.tlld. T
(or siia-riiiteii.i l ; i.f the li'.iue Is i aid
fVi a inotith toe s.i, 'tlmi ..f
in.s htiil.iiiii. after which hia salary
'will U''ia v.-tr.
oan Francisco Cal
night. Opposite Hotel Fm-
"An a
tlieliill.V'ati I
never oxou'.l
v l. "Trio l
ati l provon"
i. the vonlitt
o f millions.
S i m m o ti s
Livor HeLju-
s' V
jrj lator i.-t tin
hPrrPl'm only Liwr
XJCCv ttl,.l Ki.lncv
lator i. thi
inolicino to
which you
can in your
faith for a
euro. A
mild laxative-,
a n l
jmn'ly W
utiblt', iu:t
in;Jt iliroctly
on tlio Liver
,i n d ' Kil-
iicvi. Try it.
Soil l.y all
rtrui;i;i.U in Li'miil,or in IWilcr
to lo titken ilry ormaileintoA tea.
Tha Kluc of t.lffr Mrillelnra.
" I tiitvo li-i' I j-iiiirtiiinions l.lver It"-"-Inter
llllil f'ti l colli., irlli' miv It I. I lo'
k I II If of nil liv.-r till llrlllt-s, I ISMIilller It a
III..II-I1II I-I. -I 111 Itself. liKO. W. jAtlt-
aoM. Tuitana. WmjiIiiiikUiii.
' fl-tM HY I'.tCKAliK .1
Una the Z Slump la rrd nn w raiii
( iitt ic (.rif 1 1 fin h.
I. eailer, Feh. X
Mr. J. V. Thornton went to I'urt
latnl Sntiiriiny, where she will remain
a few weeks as the gut st of her broth
er. Miss F,;ln reliirne l to her
home In Fui.-' iie Wiilni-silny, alter a
lea-ant vi-it with her uncle, Mr. Her
Is rl I'ikin.
Uev. I-;, (iiltins, of Cre-wt ll, left till
city Momlay iiiorniiii; for Fui'tic, to
l'iiil the week ill the M. K. revival
aervlee at that plaiv.
J. D. I. ami came ilown from llo
heiuia Salunlay with Till pmimlsof con
centrate from the Annie mine, for
nbipmeiit to the California miiw Inter
fair at San Fnineiseo.
Chamberlain's Eye and Skin
A e Ttain i.i for Chronic Sorts Eyf,
letter, UliDiiiii, hoalil Head, OKI
l' Sores, 1'cvcr Porcn, F.c.cma,
Iliii, l'rairie Scratches, Kor-3 Nipple
CD'l I'i'.ca. It U cooling anil soothing.
I I;ml rcl of cntit-a bao been cured by
itnftrrnll oilier treatment Lad failed.
2") cents per lxx.
For aa'.r lr litinrn i lu ljno.
Siot.K Haiux. Albany iH'inocrat:
l'.. T. Lewi wu tried I fore Justice
Curl for Iiiirtri.try thi forenoon, J. It.
Wyatt iii jH'ai ini for the iiroMi utioii,
ail'l N. M. NcwiHirt for til" de(eile,
ami held iini. r Mmi Uuula to await the
action of the oraud Jury. The iw I
A 'Cllllar one. I.ewia proposed to a
muii named Molloii to rob the hinoke
liotiae of Daiii. 1 Ii-eily, on hi farm on
the Santiani. Moltoli Informed the
proscciiliiiLr attorney, and arrange
ment were made to en pi lire I-wia, aa
il wa tlioiiiflit other theft had la-en
made by linn. Si Molton consented
and had X. Uridyl and C. A. Wink
Icr on liaml to make the arrest. Hat
unlay niylit I-w ia, aeetimpniiltsl by
Molton, l.r 'Ue Into the smoke house
ami tisik ntsiiit Mi puud uf bacon.
A-rlel. ii.tifid from the ainoke
hiiiiae hu was capliiretl bv the two men
w ho were wiiit itiir outsiile. He had a
dark lantern made by I he h'K of a rub
I r l int la im; 'liMi-d aroiiml n lan
tern. Mr. Lewis and two children
were iii "onrt. A the prisoner can not
furnish bail they will l olili'i- o
lisik o it for tlieiii- Ivi- f r vutv time.'
Kvll.l.l" SMlMiiN.s. Tuesday'
I'orti.tnd Tel. gram says: irville IL It.
Simmons, inc forger, who wa brought
back In. liana yesterday, w as ar
rai'tied in tl.e criminal is.urt this
i iii. riiii.g s:mfi"?: l.a'kcd .omewtiat
Is lter to in
lev,-, I II'
on his a. ii'.
day mo: .ii
Ut oil.. V '
r. .-e III I.,
ill. t lilt i.t w
ts'Utll.g ll'l
, ! yiteMay, after hi
. uv. i land Journey. C
d ul the county jail yeter-
. ie a-U. d lio'l'l.-sllolis lillt
i to-!. s ound remained in
t ..;i .
.s r.'.e
lav. When the III
I i.. I,;,.. I..- tl... r
.r'. .
t i" o'..l kilowe.l
. i
; him till Tl:
... i.i .Ie i.le what plea
ii iel.--to make.
,1 n.lvf oi
S I IS! A' I '"I: V. A telegram fiom
Cottage .rove -j i lie at'isii nt unlit
i.f I; M . :.t
uf thi piai-c, for r. g -
Istef of the lull'! "I'"V at !-"" lllfg, ha, wi'h g' "atuhi -tioii. s.
! f;.r he ha n .s-n.d I twi u .Vi and 7j
i leii-gtuii.-and It tiers of t otigratulation
I fr m I'ti tin,' lie n of the siji,.. o
Mi -DAY, ! Fit V
China lif , ear.
Some ili 1 1 inu dlscii-scd.
liissl wc: T for this time of ) al. fit
tin w v n I'iirU-r liiji.
in r' i niirt in l Wiil'i.
Thr.t re alill raiminn in I n
pne. i Sinie la n ipK- still prevnilinn in I'm
kcne. ' Hah it, t pilgrim piinti r " i at
linker il v.
' The t'hun 'ie all eoiitninr l km"I eon
' nn'irition je-terdiiy. '
K. II. A L. Co. No. 1 meet III ret!ls
, Inr aesou tills eVelllllk'.
I No town in llrt'iii'ti can boast of 1s t-
ter slrtvts than Fuddle.
I (julte a liiiuil r of ilruiumers Mm
' tiny ih in Lunelle a Usual.
rscott Chtisinan, a Cottage lirove
j liierchaut, visited F.Uj:elie t slay.
I Mr. Wesli y .shannon returned home
tliia afieruiHUi from a visit at Halcin.
i The (.'vniliiisluin at the I'liiversity la
! . J..... I.- f..M i .. ...t.i.
Ill III I It (HI, O'l III! ll " H J - '...
Mis Nellie Hampton n I ul il. il to
her home at (loshcu ycstirihiy alt. r-
The (Irt'ltmi press association will
Visit the midwinter fair the Hot week
ill April.
It la thoiiKlit that the tax roll will
la turned over toMierilt' Nolaild Ills. Ill
the I '.111 lust.
"Jimmy the Toiitii" I in Fiiceue af
ter a vear'a aliseiitv to the lioreiitv
I Deputy Shi lilt (ico. Smith went to
CottnKe tirove thi aft. rniM.ii to m rve
j legal paper.
Don't fail to reserve your scat to hear
I the Calhoun t ra t'o. Witlnesday,
1-eliruary l.i.
Thediilll i Hardware Co. ami Linn
Jc Knya have had Hew aigua miiiled
on thiir plate window.
J.a I'tirdu'ii I a candidate for alicrilt
ol Clackniiiii i county. Jin was t.inr
ahcrill ol 1).- u'la county.
C. S. Yaii' i.yiie, formerly of Cobur,
I a camliilii for the olthv of council
man nt llcp.uicr, (in-goii.
Albany I voting tialiiy on thepropo
aitioii In mnl the brldi;e nt that plmv
across the illaiuctie, a toll one.
Ouitea n : nlsT of Kugciie ist.nlc
talking of vl
linirtlie San I ranciseo
- in the near future,
lections for voting lii.l
xt Fridav all. i ii. hiii
r of 1 ami 4 o'cl.s k.
.g I mi' lailig e. n. rally
l he acreage w ill la- large
.us year in Lane county.
iirt at Corvalli ha ad
March 1!, w hen the dale
e w ill probably I' set.
ttlve of the salvation
ila orauiatioii, is in tin
barrack inn v ! started
I inidw uitt r I.
The aehiMi
will la held
tween the h
Hop plant
Indulged in.
!y incri iiseil
The cir.-ii
Jotirned li ii'
oflhetl I'.
A rep" -army,
a rel
city. Kegll
Mr. J. C.
clililrell, i
her parents,
. Mich, of Portland, mid
siting at the resi.lclicc ol
M. ttlllrt iintl w ife in thi
Mr, licit i (iale, of Taitima, Wash.,
arrived here yesterday afternoon ami
I visiting with L. I!. Kowlaml and
We are iii'ormcil thai ihe mime of
Volney Hei.ieiiway ahould la- ad.lnl
lo the republican ll-I of calldidates for
Ah Abraham, w ho attended the l'n
lverity her., for a year or two, 1 prac
ticing law in Portland, and haw a
Mis Latini Clement, the prima
donna of the Calhoun (Ijs ra Co., ia
cousidert'il one ot the hnudomist
women on the atnge.
Thing seem to Ik unlet around the
court house t.xlay, ami yo res.r(er wa
unable to ill).' up any Item of gn at in
terest In that locality.
Last Thursday Misa llirdie (Ishurii,
well known by many young -opl in
thiaclty died of typhoid fever at her
home in Corvalil.. Aged 111 year.
The Stale Cniverslly Medical Col
lege won a game of foot hall over the
Willamette Medical College Saturday
In Portland. Now the Willamette ure
kicking at the referee.
Portland Sunday Welcome: Salon
want a little notoriety and has mail.
I a bid of I",'M for the Corla tt-Jaeksoii
light. 1 luil a a pretty good blull; Sa
lem couldn't raise (i) for such an af
fair. Klauialli Fall Fx press: John
Ilown.-a i'.xpi eta to aturt for the coal
mini a in Lane county aa mmiii ua the
wenlher w ill (a-rmil. These mines are
loctilisl on the Middle Fork of the Wil
lamette. After la ing iliiiuh for -I year, a
Hiasfhtirg woman ha reinvered Ihe
faculty of 'fh. She will now have
lota to tell her husband. The old man
say a he wishes he could spare the
money lo make a trip to the Holy
Mis Kn 'v Failing, tluuhlcr of
Henry Fail i ", the I'oitlaml banker
i nml capi'.all I, w ill 1' tiniled In inar
Irlnue to LI' litcnuiit Henry C. Cul II,
piarteriiuist.'r I lib Infantry, Ynu
ctnivi r, on Fehriiury II. I he marriage
w ill beipile: and no card issued.
Mr. Mary
the I. Mid I
home of hi t
Watts, L.U
ing retunili
A fight t
vVittta-Wiilhice arrived on
UlteriMMill flolll Lock
ouiing, for a viol at the
irt tii-s Ih r father, J. II.
r ut Portland last even
w ilh her.
. phut' yesterday Is-tw.s ii
Kvaii and Morel ut.'l
It Timmiii ulid lloy.l,
ea-l I i tiinubla, al.:
wi re lln J but without
I the bandit
I Ih-ptity Sh
ntsuit Z ) in
' lib' ul Z'i si
i Inj'.iry t it
: A! II. r.
the I. O
i vi ntiii: t
! -iiilth, V. '
O'lrdon, .-
J'.IOl! . II.
ir 'juail' iiv ting of
l'...e li. Id hit Moi, iiy
f.'.l'.w ing i.t!o;er wire
;- Pi.
. Long,
II. i .
C. T. ; Lt ttv
o"ii, ('.: II.
F. Sc.; Mis.
II in noli, M.;
C. svUt-ler,
I I .U t Pi
. . ..... i.
I .
a-w. II, V. C ; Mr.
i a-weti, s.. i. i.
j The D:i!. Chronicle: Il e.s-ts In
' snlarir al-.t ?7..'t i a venr to run tl.e
public aehi lis of The llstlle. ihe
tenrher g I 1-uv for liilio Inont lis in
1 lie veur a li.'.ow s, s r U.olitl,
Cltl. tssistnllt prilieil, 70;two
ti-iu'hcra - I'ucii: ami s. ii im. i.i r-
t-Vl each. Ihe sulaiy of tl.e aih.a.I
el. ik amou.,: to t l yearly, whah
brings the .inn up to t
r.xrnti- MMHONS.
11 Mas.
il IiiNpernte legal Mrtlg
. I'.ut U It limit n.
lll!cl'.. II. illllUlllls, Ulli. Mil It
Hie ". ( l'" I. r the L.nini!c-alll:Hi.-e
1 1. Ulll. .It' i', I - I ... W 111 tile '..lialld Jul,
o't the 1 1 of having forged the
names of tlic above . inimillit' to a
note mi l bavil g s..ld llic all;c lo II.
I.. Sil.iay. .'I' l'.M i l.uil, l.r a aluablc
The r.'.th.n.l Daily Telegram, of(
Monday, I. as this to say I.Im.iiI I. is re.
(Ulll to the cl.r.a.t stale:
"la puty slicrill' r-iiiiiult r. tnriic.b
h. .ire tins hi. .ining w ilh irville II. II.
im'noiis, eliared with forgery, w ho
' w as in rct. .1 by the shcritl'of Madixiti
iiiiiily, I in liana, on a Iclegrnpliic re
.(iiest lr.Mii h. re.
i .sinm..iis made a vlgoioti light,
nn. I it was only alter two bals as tsir
pus suits thai i-tniiott wa allowtst in
leave III. liana with . him. He s ut
eight ila in Amlcrsoii, the county
-sal of Madison county, where the
i new spapcra, copiea of which la'pilly
1 Siuiiott broiiuhl w It li hiui, stale It
the most notitile hnt'ua ctirpu
citi' ever tried ill that county. The
tlr-t cH'ort to liiils iis tsiriiu him waa
: from the ellst.aly of the shcriir. Thi
failed and he Wa turned over to Sin
! not t, win ii Mioihcr bals n corpua suit
was brought. The statute there l
: 1 1 ii i n s ideiitillcatioii of a prist. ner Is"
i lore la in g taken from the state, and
.Siniott w as ci.nis llcd to go to Will
;tiiesler, in lllllea Irolll Anderson, to ae
j cure w Itnesst for ideiitillcatioii. Thell
I Simiuoiia ultelllptisl to prove all alibi
and to show (hat he w na not in Oregon
at the time of the commission of I he
allck'ed ei line.
"l'he Judge la-fore W holll the case
wi re I rie.l delayed tin in for two day
to go on a lecture tour, and two coll
tiuiiaiiit were granted at the instance
of Simmon' attorneys. The division
of the court In the ease wna vert
I lengthy, rtspilriug an hour and a half
lo deliver.
j "Simmon was at one time recorder
; of Madison county, mid came here last
Minim, r ami worked as nu cx'rl on
! the county record of Lane county.
He disposed of a Hole U-aring the
lorgi d names of live clti.cii lo 11. (i.
'Sibray, ii I'ortlitnd broker, w ho caused
hi arrest and extradition."
Jul go Full. rt. iii llciiir.
Fugei.e Journal: We have retvlvcd
tlie IoIIoh nig letter froin Judge Fuller
toti, ilal. ! at Kosebiir, dr., Jan. '.'7,
"Ill tin-State Journal of Jan. 'J7, I
li ml mi in I ii'lt headed, "The Oregon
Pacille ami Judge Fiillerloit." This
inn called out by something in Ihe
Capital Journal a few day prior.
"1 he fact are (lint the' article In the
Salem paara us it refer lo me i un
true and nn i list . I have Hot allowed
! an v extravagant attorney' fi. 1 have
I out y nllov ed during the year and a
haft that I have had charge of the Or
egon I'ae ie mutter II Judge of the
court, .,' t..l n l.s s to attorney, and
the forth, r sum o ,ikI on account of
expenses. f attorneys. l'he rtitiver
did allow hi attorney something
more in ndditioti on aivotint of ex
penses, but it was not allowed on order
of the court, and hi account have not
lafli appiovcd by the court.
"These are Ihe aimple fact in Ihe
case, ami ii' you .vl like giving the
same to the public, I would he glad to
have Voil tin so."
talker II c in.
Fi h. 5, I Wil
Fine weather'
If something I not done to repair
the river channel (1. Walker will have
to limit a new building alle.
C. Sweet has purchased a wire c-iblc
for hia stump grubbing machine.
liud Johnson, (iivelcv Cox, IL Ic-
Joy and C. Write are cutting railroad
w ood ,
J. F. Walker I preparing to fence In
hi line resiileiiiv with a picket fence.
James and Dave K-ara are Milling
out a large hop yard.
Mary Porter hn returneil to achool
4 icorgo Hedford wear a smile; It 1 a
Mr. Weist. of Cottage Drove, hn
purchased tl.e tilting place and la
moving on thesame.
Mire Ilnat. ant i.laiitinir a large
amount of ground lo onion.
C. Kennedy I preparing to plant a
Imp yard.
John Tall, one of our lat farmers, la
laying aome tile. Kvcry farmer Willi
wet ground should do likew ise.
A heavy railroad st run la laving
taken out of the river at till imlnt.
X. . z.
Tiik Li.i itiKs. lS.rtlatid Dally
Telegram: Secretary J. M. Page, ol
the .National F.lilorinl AastH'lalloti,
ha ai'iiomii'tsl that July -ml I the
date and Aslibury Park, N. J., the
I'liuf for holding the next annual
uniting. Oregon I entitled to ten
delegate, am I there are "7 application
and I here are -7 implication on (llu for
the honor. Ira L. Caii't UII pn-sl-dent
of t he Oregon Ldllorlal Associa
tion, husthu 'h. Inting of the dele
catcs. The On gnu delegation will
go ilialri:. ted to Wolk for the election of
Jamea P.. I'jldy for l.ns.dent of the
I national body. Mr. Lddy Imw hold
, the position of first vi.e president, and,
' as Joiiriu.lis! t its a rule believe in pro
! mollou in ollb.e, hi chaiii-ea are very
g.s.d for llrst pluee.
! t'a'.ljr Ouarit, va. 4.
I .V F.l-si.iiisii, The Ougouiiiii'
Wii-liltU'tMji tvrresMiiiiU'lil Italay la
guilty tf Ihe follnwiiuj fitlsehiMMl:
"V 'ea'.eh, w ho Ion tat li sel.ete.l for
regi-ter ul L'.s, biiig, is snld here to Is?
,t pini.'.y.r mail." Any ilitielaii
.knows lint It. M. Vcatch "baa a Very
jMHir o;.i ion of On g. .n' crank gov
ernor. In fait they are not II M .11
peaking ! rins.
J..n iii. M o: ut i.ti. - Salem
.-titlt-sini n: Ii is n s.?.s Unit J.
L'.unit', r., the Portland li.lllloliairi',
w I.O l:a Is II ill .-ulelil many 111111-
during tl.e l. gl-lative s. s-i.,iis, and wa
n "high l- Her'' in tl.e line of big atip
l rs. ba" m.iiri 'd Mi. Lillie Wjalt,
it night. I ol i.. F. Wyatt, on.-v of liu
g' '
Li.kx.-Im thi eily, Ftb. Il, l!ll, to
the w I'e of Ji- ph Voglc, a anil.
Ural ('.stale Transfer.
J I Ilarhrn to A L Hatiilsak. r, 0
acn-a in t 17 a r - e; '!.
II l-v Mil. h. II to J is s Mil. hell,
!' acre in t Pi a r 7 w; t7'i.
Stephen Smeetl lo William Sinn.-.!,
1'7 acie in t 17 a r I w ; .c. t.
Chas. It. M.Mirt a i t III to J. F. Chase
I'l ncrea in I 17 a, r 1 w ; M,'""'.
S. A. D. Ptitt r ( Il,.ra.f li. McKiu-
lev, Iml acn a III t I " a, r J e; tsnil.
I. lio N. iiioinp-in, gtianiiaii, to
Marl ha W. Ciaiper, .'I'l acres, In I pi a,
rl; t".,ii.
Henry Swart, to L. I. Swart., n
ncrist in' t I'm, r.'i w; tlJmi.
Fdward F. Jtidklua to Flcnnor S., laud in I It", r3 w ; 77 1. Ml.
II. C. II.' to F. II. Dunn estate 1 :t
aclea III t Is a, r .'I W. R'ii.
Martha W. C.s.s r to M. J. Il.irs r,
I si a. res In t pi ..rl w; H,.'.Ul.
Ilora.-e (1 M. Kllilcv to Jamea
McKlnlev i'l al, MHincnu'ln 'V ' ' s. 11
1' F: 1 1'"-'.
lien. W. HauilstikiT to Alma L.
llnudsakcr, 40 ucrea In t ID a- r - e; tl
T S Ttiwiisfiiil to Julia Knight, -x
ni fis t on Ninth stns l; r.ioo.
W. M.-tiis- In Ju.sih Oilli-si.ii.. hits
17 and Is blin k I. Shaw A Pattcrsou'a
Jniiiiss M. tu Fleaiior S. Mosa.
a 1 lota I and bl.s k il In Packard'
l.litlon; H, i.
Fiiiinu Crime tu A. J. Crnne. tot li
and w J of the of lot 7, blis k I,
Hiirri- ami; '"o.
Jt'MTlnN I'l TV.
Allan Kiswlo Martha Miure, lota ii,
7, . hlk la, W A M'aad; Hi'i.
Willamette Ileal Folate Company to
F W A Craiii, lot in, hlk ".I: t'i.
Alex Mat hew lo Norrl Humphrey,
llacie in Tp 17 S, l(4W;(lu'ai.
Jacoh L lU aver to llenrv lleaver, MO
acn-ain Tp I'J H, It 2 V;1.
J i: Lewi to J It Im'wI, .'loxluu fivl
In McKarlaniP ad; KkNI.
Aasrssinriila aud Tat l.rvliH.
The following rate of tux levies have
ls n made by seh.sil district! In Lane
Pl.t. Nil, I .K'. ul, ....
4 F.Ugeue
I 'jisi Irving
South la i gene
Sprliu Held
t 'row
Faist Junction
Cottaie drove
North F.ugfiiu
North Coburg
Walte vllle
June'.; hi
Weat c'.ugelio
Wtstt Fllgeliu
West Irving Hill
Kl, lot
.'I'M 1 7
I (Ml) lue,7.VI
in 7 lo iVds
is, I I.i
1st, 1 77
I'lTY l.KV
Illy. I)
Fugetio ' mill
Junction .1 "
Sjuiiigllclil I "
Trial Ite.'lu.
Dally (iuanl, Kill &.
II.C. Watson, nfcn lu the cute
against Slicrill' Nolaiul, arrlvctl this
Hltcrn.Hiii and Is gan taking tcatiiuniiv
in the case. 1'crey It. Kelley, of Al
hnny, aceompanlisl him to till the po
aitioii of stcnogrnpher.
Attorney J. F. Amis, assisted by F.
I'.. Ilenetlict, will conduct tho com
iilalnaiila' mstt and Meanr. A. C.
ViHMhts k and (ico. A. llonia the tlc
feliae. 1 1 1 probaolii that It will take
aevcral tlay to hear the testimony.
lion. It. M. Vratrli, of t'oltagr' (irove,
Ufl a Hood Aiiolutinelit.
t-rlal lo IUII.T (it'ABO.
Wahhinoton, I). C, Feb. fl. Hon.
S S. . ., ..
II. M. eaten, oi image tirove. ijtoe
county, ha bevn aiiailntet by the
president register of the L'lilletl Slute
land oinee al itiatebiirg ror tlie term or
four yearn, vice J. IL SIiiim, time ex
pired. D.lljr Ouanl, KuU
Hah JtiNAWAV. Sherman Heller,
ha a 7 year-old home which t.revloti
to yisteriliiy waa considered worth
tloo, but during a runaway he came
near laing Injured past renutly. Mr.
Heller had lust returned from a drive
and waa iilihilchlng lu Ida blacksmith
shop on iu I at reel. The horse waa
hastened from the cart, but the thrill
had not l'ii tl nipped, w hen lie made
a aud. leu start and ran to Ihe optHislle
etui of the shop, made a turn and ran
out the entrant) breaking down a
door ami taking It along. I t fell Uku
reaching the atns't hut regninetl it
feet and ran several block la-fort being
caught. In the tangle with the d. sir
the muscle on tho upper left lorrleg
waa nearly aeveretl, making a gash
half way through the leg. The arlcr
list were taken up and the cut rloacd
wiih atitchc ami although the horse
hied profusely It la hoped the injury
will not lie jsTUianeitt.
DiioWM li AT Ska. Florviice Wiat,
Feh. ill On lust Momluy w t k Jose
Martin, an Lillian, waa iulaiug, and
on Saturday following hia Is sly ua
found on the ta. aii beach two mile the iimulli of the Siualiiw river.
Judge Cham avrlin uiiiuioiMtl a Jury
isillslaling of Jl-sst) lhaut, John II. .Mor
rl, Itoy Johnaoii, Wui. HardcH, A. F.
I'unke, I tola rt l-rnhanlt, who after
making an t XHiniuatlon found "that
ho came to hi death by drow ning,
w hich neeur'-ed on or als.ut Jautuiry
2, Islil" I roni circuniNtaiice il i
plisttimetl that he A't'lit lo Ve-p ill hi
Is. at and the lido t.a.k l.lni U aea. A
broken whUkv t'wtk found In Ida
ss ket throw llgl t uhhi the matter,
and givt'i evldi ti.s. of aiich a (s.iuio
slui. llu max li.iul ow ner, having
rect nil v provetl up on a ehilni ou
North Fork and he had other proia-rty
Is'M'li-a. Hia ImkIv Waa turned over lo
Id friend foi burutl.
Dally i.uard. Krtu V.
Wu.L lti:i'AiK. Messr. F.tlria A
Shi am milking preliminary arrange
mi lita to repair the nsvnt daitiage lo
the mill ra.v. Thewnler wna drawn
out aa m arly a iswasihlc tislay and the
work will I gin in a day or two. liell
ti lie plana will be decided upon today.
Ilii.MMt 0K Til A UK.
Tli" Mcttner liiiri'iie" an I ('. r,
Assein'.dy liisruri.
I'ml) '.u.. I . t,. ...
Hoard of trade in. t in n-gulni session,
'i.T Prt sid. nl Levlnger In the chair.
1'rcidnit Wilkin, being called away,
was excused.
Minute of tin- u.t rin-s tiutr were
M ad, cm recti d and npproved. Itll! lo
the amount of ic -'o were presented,
a.'ii pled and ordered paid.
On motion a cninmlttt' consisting of
Mcssts. McClanahnu, CiH-keriiue ami
Darker wn upisiiuti .1 to pna'tm-n suit
i able Hag for the new steamer, "Fu
jrene." : Mr. Met iannhati stated that when
the commit litt on steamlaiat wan 111
! Portland, they saw mid examined the
j new Is. at, ami they rcx.rtc.t that she
j w as a tine, staunch vessel mid perfivt.
ly adapted for the upr river traoie.
! Lev. O. A. P.lair, pastor of the Cum-la-rlaml
Presbyterian church waa prva
l cut ami rt nui-stisl that a committee of
' thre.t Im' iipHiinted from the Isiard of
trade to m l in conjiiitctioii with a slm
liar coiiimitus' from wich tif the
I churches ami the common council of
I lugeiie to arrange for the entertain
ment of the general assembly ot the
i uinia-rtanil rrcsbylcrlan cliurcli. The
oinl committiv ti. meet nl the Cumta-r-
j ... i-r. it-, inn i iiiiii'u ui'Jit .111111-
i 1..1. ...... i i i ti ...
iiay niicrmaiii, mh. u-, al Jo cl.s K, ror
tirganiation and work.
Hoard adjourned.
M. C. VaxTvxk,
A NOT II Kit VirTlJl.
An Ovrrlaiul Passenger KalU From
t tie Tup of a t oacli.
Dally t.uanl, Vvb.6.
Two tou.isl were Isatlng their way
tn the aoiitli-laiiin.l overland train last
night, when a the train wna rounding
t lie curve near II. C. Yeatch'a, aome
ilislauif thi aide of Cottage tirove,
flic of them fell oil. He wait found by
t lie Hack-walker ami taken lo Cottage
( irove, arriving then nlaiut S o'clock.
Hi partner missing him got ott the
train al CuiitsttN'k and returned on the
iiiirtli-laiuml train intending to search
for him hut found him well care. I for.
How bad the man waa hurt la Hot
known but he was conscious thla morn
ing. It Is stated that the men had
money hut were traveling In thi man
ner to ave car fare.
As Ixvkm ion. -The U'hanon Kx-
ItressaaV 'liv. l'.iMiltli. tuisa liuuli.l tf
ail Invention ou w uleli he hold a pat-
i .1'. . ...... r ... i
t in. i utt niMiani in i ior inweriuir a
itillln into tlie grave ami la a very neat
structure. Anyone who ha ever wit
lit'osed an accident nt a grave while the
idIUii wa Is'ing low, nil Into the
grave, by a stiap breaking or aome
other cause, will fully appreciate thi
Invention. IUv. llealtle ha refusetl
ail oiler of a largo aiim of money for
M'Vetal state right. Helm aeiit the
iiiimIcI to J. II Tliompson, who I now
at San Francisco an. 1 will exhibit It
lor Mr. Ileatlie."
1 1 in ii City Tax. Allamy Demo.
crat: If an light mill laxia liisunkicnt
to run AlUiuy, aa I evidently the case,
let tint eit v charter I by the
next legislature, providing for 10 II 1 1 1 If
as the hunt, l'hi could te done before
I 'ebniitry I. Hut do not provide for a
triu Ie tax, making one clasa of men
pay in. ire than their share of taxea, a
iiittst unjust system of taxation, lnit
ing an extra burden on those already
having their hand full, particularly
under the present law, w hich do not
M-rinlt the. taking out of Indebtedness.
A Wll.l, Cask. Allmny IVimsTal:
A very luteresliug will eonti-sl la laing
heard today lalote Judge Duiicaii.
Tim point to be tlcclilcd ia whether
will made by an unmarried woman la
revoked bv her aulpient inarrlage.
Mr. tieo. V. Wright ai.Tini for the
surviving husband and Win. Hunter
ami li. L. Sav, the administrator, and
Mr. H. II. Hewitt ror partlca tialmlng
iimler the will.
Finn at IttssKiii iui. A. one atory
ifsildcnce, ncctipleil by 1. F. Page ami
family, In North I li' burg, waa a total
lima l.y lln at 10 o' Monday
morning. Mr. Page waa away from
home, and Mr. Page, who I an Inva
lid, had to Isu carried out by nelghtajra.
Nearly all Ihe household furniture
w lot saved. The lire caught from a de-fti-live
Hue. The lo waa about 00f
fully Insured.
Dally Ouanl. IU .
Mahui khauk Party. A aurprine
pit rt y wu given Mr. and Mr. Iula
Aya at their residence on South Wil
lamette street liutl evening. About 40
couple were prvaetit and motit of those
wliu attended went masked. A dance
atwl sups r furnished the cntcrtalu
inelit. Those present socuk of the kv
cuaiou aa a most enjoyable one.
Car Dist i HHiox. T h e Alliany
Ik-mocral of Momlay haa this: "He v.
Driver, the evanioilst, and (. A.
I'litip, the lulldii lecturer, on coming
to Allatuy on the car Saturday bad a
live illcussioii on religion subject.
Nrne of tho Irletul of Dr. Driver doubt
but that he held hi own against the
Mpulit lnlldel."
Daily (.uafll, J i b. a.
CniMK Nt:w Ykaii. Moiigoliana
are wearing thiir Sunday clothe.
Tlieir pigtail are tarefully oiled. They
an. oke cigar and promenade the
alfi-vt. Tho mai.ilarli. wear silk rlb-
Is.ix in their iiui'iim. The day last a
week with the heatheii Chinese and
ho ms.'Iu lo enjoy 11 w hether ot.herpeo
plf do or not.
iHKIi.Netir Walker, Oregon, Feb.
.1, I Mil, Frank Wesley Miller, youngest
win of John W. and Miller,
ngisl H year and three mouth, front
isnisuu ption. The ri iiiain were in
terred in the Howe cemetery, nenr
Crvawtil, TiK-stl.iy,
Daily Ouanl, l. U t.
I'rki; I'.iiilKiU At a saial cbt-tloit
ht hi in Albany yealeithiy, il wait deti.l
eit by 4'J limjorit'y, that the btidge at
lb nl plain aliould remain a free one.
Tlie correct nolutiou of tiie iiuisitiou.
Marhiku. At ihe residence of Dr.
W. II. Ihivis, in Albany, on January
, Is'.it, by Lev. F It. Pricbard, Mr.
Hurt S. Norwissl and Mi Lillie
lly tie U'tli of llarrisl.urg.
J. I. Mattlngly, of PortlanJ, apent
lust night In laitp ne.