.) (J i nr. iji m i ion. 'I lie AlfiTnieiil lum-laded -sv.iif !uai'iual AlllJailt.. btllf iiiir,I Jin 1: At tin- nx iiliu f e u rt yinterday af t.rnooii Judge h linn, one of ilii attor ney for tin- investigating commute.-, arose and aiiiiotiiuvil t lint on their part they were willing toiiiiunil llif iiiiiiinn without urguuiviit. A little till fol lowed Istwcvli tin-i sllig counsel on the iippniiilmi lit nf a nfcrrce in llir caw, Judge Ihyaoii, of Cortnllis, hav ing declined liiacccpt. No ugrvelliclit being leached tin- opening argument on the motion, to dissolve the prelim inary injunction In the case, him be icuii by licii. A. liorri, one of the at torney fur Noland. Counsel I gnu with an extended review of thehl.lnry of the case, lie udvali.vd the pioissu tioll, thut, UN the injunction hal leell grunted without notice to dvnuduut alul la-fore un unwer to the cotuplnllil hud been tiled ulul, u the uuswt-r.iuce tiled denied nil the allegations of coin iluint, w it ti u g "xl prif supporting the denial a upirtil the complaint, under the law the injunction should t dissolved. He then ealletl Hie atten tion of the cniirt to the afudavit of County Judge Flsk and t'oiniulwloiier , Jamc Parker. Mr. Flsk'a statement in.l..r u.ili un In .iilMi.anceiu follow: ' Tl... Litis of Klieriir Nolund win lire ! aeii'ed to and exainiued by the whole ! .....,r. lii.Iii.mI hi.iI a i,wh br the iiii.iiiniiMin eniiu nt nf the leinher n,..nw.r Tl... f.- allow ed were uch : u. ,.r...rlU.I lie kllillllM t-XlI'lit 111 ill- ' HiHin-.- where no audi nrtivmloii wa Uiude and In tliow caia the auiount mH..u...i u..r. mn-li iu lo the court I i.i.i .I..I rifrlii Theru wa no colliixam lo liU knowledge in any mat- ter npHTtuiiiiii(; to the uccouuta. Mi- l',.rL..r, .unrn htiiteineiit waa ! an euel reiterutlon of the fon-olni(. laud liewa coiukI1c1 lo Uirmw the The attorney for tha coinmittew had j ne.vury fund to pay ruiiniiiK rs-pniM-iiti-l the afllduvlt of t'oinmliiion. H ii-. Kvcry Item iu the bill pr er Kli 1'erkiu in aucwer to tlieae. j entcl to th county urt had Uimi I'erkiii NWor that w hen I he uill of ; J. K. Nolund welt- prcwutel to the court, at the time iecltlt-d In the coilipluiut, he olijected to llu-ir allow alnv. JllreaoliH lor onjecillii; were 1 thut he could not iell if I lie M-rvice performed were necewury omdul dutie , of the aheritr' ollhv, or whether the iliMumt-a in item for mileage hud U eu churptl nccunitely. He deiiiiil hi H- limvul of miid an-ounlH but aworv thut after making the aum objection re- live and might it-suit hi u iluiiiHiiii peiitedlv linil Without uvuil he ceaH.il j (N. of ai-rvin- on aci-ouilt of the llnali-fiiril,4.r'r,.iiioiiiriiin-.-. Never iiiiice he cial ellocl of the iiriH-eedinif. That a hud Im-cii county -oiiuniwioiier hud the . . . count v court ordered Hiiy warrunta druw n by the clerk and lueuiil In pay ment of account allowed. Ill reply to thlf nfllduvlt Attorney Dorri n ud u Joint deHition iworu to bv Jud;e Ki?.k, ('oiiiminaionel I'arkcr, V. K. 1'row n, Ivpuly hheritr lay, County Attorney r-kipworth, County Clerk Walker, etulimc that they were nil pri-miit in court U ou the ilute which I'erkln Hwore he ohji-cted ho ctreiiuoiiHly to the ullowaiu-c of a particular hill, and that Raid I'erkin did not make the objec tion for rca.on wl fin 111 iu hi afti dtivit inn did lie make any objection w liatwK-ver. Mr. Wulker'a atlldavlt went lurthcr nnd stated that he had Urn pn-w nt lit each term of court iiiw Coiiimiwioiier IVrkiti had lren a memlH-r thereof except one and that all item lu Noland bill were di-cii-.K-d and warrant ordered by aM'iit of comt. m-puty County Clerk lturr inade allldiivil that he wa irc cut, iu thi particular iin-tnin-e of I lerk Walker' ali-eiice, at which timu a hill of J. K. Noland, nhcrill', for tl'.m w m pn-M'titcil, examined and allowed and all item lu Nolund bill were di ctiHed ami warrant ordered by aent of court. tleo. A. Dorri' nfllduvlt wa licit pn-M-nted. He nwore that thei-oliteiit of Hie hud mentioned ntlldavit wa xhown to I'erkin at a refnt w-wilon of the iimntv court of l.une i-ounty nd that naid' Coinmineloncr lVrkina sd mittcd, in the pn-eiiiwof afllant nd the other lueuiU r of the ald court, nnd u nniiiU r of ritien atteudaut tin nun, that tin- artldavlt of the afore Hnid Ki-ntlemeii was corre.'t exivpt ill one InMance where he, aaid I'erkin, did object to an amount of t 'O. 'I'liU fMf he did not ni?ree to. When aked to make an ntlldavit m-ttine forth hi udmiNxioii he took the matter under i!onidcralioii fur u hort time but ai lut rt-lueil, tutiti a un excuse, that he had conferreil with Attorney K. ). 1'ntter, who adviwd him not to alti anv affidavit. i'he nrtldnvit pnnted in onpoaiimu to the pending motion, by .Nliiwr. A. C. Jcuniiiif, W. II. Kpauirli, H C. I'erkin and J. M. f"tn'rd. plaintilt In the original coiiiplaint, wa next read. The complaint u woru to dial ed that Sln-rill' Noland had rfnned no m-rvicc whatever for the time nieo U1...I In I hi affidavit the L'elltlcmcll wear that they examined the book of the county court nnd could not tell ir.fl'icr or n-l A -r I. ft r,rml '( thnn-irt fr k.'h.'i i ifm pli'i. of the ileiii ill tin- allowed account did not eliow what m rvic- had been perforineil for the charn made. The ulllduvil of u!l the officer of the county court, exii pt Kli I'erkin, d forth thut when theherill " hill were presented, item which did not i.i tinctly ami upedllcally utato the er viir -rformel, ald hentI'or hidef tic nppeareil lufore aid court and ex iiluliied each and every Item no nl Iceil. . .... Tlie affl.lavit of Alien llolid. J. M. Kitchen, Jus. L. Lii r, judg.-oi e.'- lion at Irving Muted, that al tlie lime III I III' !". I'lisin. mini - . . I !.... '.. I uu. If til at M Ml 111 hud 111 ullowed for slsrial deputy aheritt'at the polling ph and none hud apts-ared. U-rov Flhtiaker made affidavit tint Sherill' Noland had told the Ur.irt'.'f J.mctihilie culllllV III hisotllceul irat8 1'iu. that he, Noland, charged stini-five niileuife. in re,r.ir,l to t hese last two an w u Atforii.-v llurri ..titt'.! iiii.i niikrui Noland had l-n-ii cull"! to California iiv sieLfus.s of hi family and wu ln.t there to make splulialory aniduvlt re gnrding these- lUgardmg the elect lou dcDUty heatuled however that the bill hud l-s ii put iu w ith the other bill; for Mcl.-il .lepUlle at every polling ..I.,..- in f l, isilllilV as ulie llUil ISS.-I1 Ull- iH.inted fur Irving. The aps.ii.tee h. a sick child die and ousispiciitly did ti". peiform the service but .ih. ntl No laud wa nut aware of the fact wL- u the bill was reudePd. , The affidavit of S. Y. AblsiU slated that a iil.p.-n:i had l-eii serve-l utsm i,in, si.ii.. iii ii,h iiirnf huirei.e. ihe ueriU had charged inUeage to his rw deuce and return, a distance ol .'12 in ile. The record hnw that Abliott collected mileage for 111 miles. I.. I'. I'row made aftldavtt that lie received from Sheriff Noland for services a sliecial deputy 111 hunting iiimtiial. llrcord show that fur.ucti M-rvi.-e eourt allowed hill nf .'I0. Aftldavit of A. (. Mathews In an swer explain, tliat latter aa deputy travelled with Crow a far aa I'ritio vlllc and leaving him there paid 1 1 1 in li for .Nolund. Tint mink-1:1 I'row hail revived lanhle hlex(H liin while Nolund 111 putt in III hl lull hail made a mistake and only cha.ged the county :. The aftliluvit of Julm Jeiikin tatcd that Noland had svrved utiMa-na up on hlmmlf and w ife and although wod pr were served in the city of Fu gene mileage had lru charged Iroiu rcnl.leucr of said purtlea. t he lecord. how thut bill had beU allowed Slur 111' Noland for serving .uh.eiia on utd Jenkins and wife In two lusiamv. I ue wan for apitearam-e before the graud Jury and the other in circuit court. In the one cum charge had la-en made for 1 mile and return mak iin for the two 40 centa mileage. In other he had churged mileage fvr aerv lug iix r at residence 14 miles and re tutu charged mileage lor une niny milking U .. total mileage, (. M. Anlduvit of S. Uuir nrovisj that In them! aiue twn iiitalUf, Jeiikin had app-ared l fre tlie court and lor him- Tirana lit wile tloreiii-e ciaunixi llillcntu fruiu lioiue in em'h cam-, 'J4 llillin lor cik U oue tU time, total i:I.MI. hlicritl Nolaud'i alUduvit waa to the cllivt that there had laeii no i-ollulon l.tweu hiiimell and the county court iw charted lu th couiulnint. 1 hat he relied Uimn the fee of hi olllco to m.V theeinpiiwM t'lt-n-ot. HI aulnry for Hie liuil Vi-ur wa lli-U Un liy nil mm duly explained to that oody llore bc- inir lUfxed uimiii, Mr. Dorri cited authority lohow that if bilU allowed by county courtwcie noi puiuM-l umiii imi-niK'-uu.T, i imm -ourl tMuld not review aaid action un der an e juity pnaitiiiiiK but nun iviici in a uit at law. Mr. WiMMli-H'k In li!s argument made the point that ailMulnliiK the in Junction would dilreiw a pulilr: execti- no oflldavlt were on record proving i . l: II ... IIl oveicharKi-a exirediii 17 or fin, tyitijj up over ll,(Mi wa an unjul action. Attorney Klinn, for the comiuitlw, iu hi argument laid aouie tre on tlie ubje-l of conatrocllve mileage and uliM-uce of Itemized iccillculiii in bill. Mr. AiuU, followed Klinn with a few remark, and the tlnal urnniiient fur thut ide coimlkted of A. H. Keliuedy'a m-utioniil t'lidertakliii;. The coiii( arfrument w a reached ahortly In-fore H u'l lix k lat evenlm;, and waa made by M. I.. I'ipe. Suui miuK t'p, lie reiewel the mint broiiulit out on ImiIIi aide. The original complaint did not cci fy any particular crvlcv which hail not laii performed, or fraud praetiivd: but alleged thut hlieritf Noland had -rformed no aervkva w hatevcr for the Kiven time. Atlldavlt had l-vii Intro dmvd In uport of Injunction w hich iit airaiiiHt the truth of complaint. A traiiT nouialy. If the compluiut Is dot tiue llljlliiclioll lotlld Hot iNnlle oil pleudiiiK of iliforuiatioii ami belief. I n the abeeiu e of Iraiid the court con not rc-4-xainiue the Undine of the county court a an auditing board lu an equity. uit. If fraud had not b-cii proven by aftldavitM, injunction should be di olved. Jude Kullcrton tMik the matter un der adviw-ment and atated that hi de cision would be forthcmimini; In a few day , and at the name lime he would appoint a refeTf If ho overruled the nmtion. Cottage (irove Item. Kcho-Iieader, Jan. 13. MIm May Cochran retunuil from Kii(fciio Thurday where he ha l ii taking iiiuiv leneou for ome time. Several of the Odd Fellow of Hi la city attended the 1. 1). O. K. iiihtulla Hon at Drain faturday nljlit. Dr. ((;lejy delivered all able addre. School oH-ned here Monday with M pupil enrolled. Thl i a jfood I--elnnlntr nnl the pommt outlook w ith our fon of energetic teacher Indicate a proTou ;-ear. A wiin pie of black Hand from the South l iiniua country wa auyiil vi-terdny uud went iu free jfold to the ton. It 1 cUiml that l-lt r mple will lun $lom r t n. With iijpil at work a ton of thi und w ill noon i accumulated. The follow in ir oflh-cr of Juveiitu l.odKc No. 4, K. of I'., were Installed l,..t Wediiewlav rvrniliz: C. C-, A. O. YenRer; V. C.. J. H. Mi-lley; l, W. 1. IxK-kwiMxl; M. of W., J. K. Ilarrett; M. of K., IS. Lurch; M. o. r., a. u I .imvilnr K. of It. and S.. .'. A. ISell- xtn: M. at A.. II. II. i'elne; 1. V. L. Wallace; O. F- I". Uug. The Fortnlicbtly Club. 1117 Ouaril, JD. 1- At a mei-tlnir of this club held today in. r.iiiiiKiiiir ui-riutendent weru k-te.1 fur tlie dlnVrent department Mixi I.. C- Carson, art department; . . i. w,w; Mr. ij.attoii: Mrs. C. Condon ' f Li'l.:.-al f.n-ces: Mr. Kmii.a Wilkina, , houae aud home; Mi I'hilura .Hurcii, I literature: Mrs. I.uie l.inn, muic; I Mr. K.t Met'Iung. philanthropy; Mr Minnie Wsjibburne, rvo-pti..ii; . Mrs! A. Collier. M-ieiice.aml Mr. Klma . L-..L1,. M-ieliee. 'Ihe regular '; meeting are M Imp held the tlrst and Hunt Wei ne-ilay III earn uioimi, mw urrilJi. ..J wu.ay, January " 17 l ulvernItT Lecture Cour. The next liuture .f the University .-..irw. uill l- i'ivii rn-lay eenins- January l'.'lh. by i'r- v- H Portland. Hi .ubj.se. . t old ti,.. i,M,l it iiiui-s and cure. of, 1,1 I ,l uill tie illustrated with tereoitl.iii view, and 1 hkely to pive both en- U-rtaiuiug and instructive, Ma rtha J. tnglaud, of LAlie euuiuj. KIM DAY, JANTAKY 11 MImAiikIc l'attern I viaiiltiir at (!ohrii. , , JuiIkc Fliun returned to Albauy thi inoruiiiK. Nine lale 111 Uioiiiniliali, out of reclteri-l. I'he (iraiid Army pot al Kloreiii-v tin Zi tn.i! I rw. Judi:e Ku'.li Moil went home on Ut liiK'ht' overland trmn. JuIk' I'll left for hi lioiue iu Portland thl niorulin;. H. I.. MiMirdiead, tilltor of thejuuo thin l ily llinea, i ill the city. Mr. Wealev Siiaoiion went to Hu- It-m thi moriiinK to wiid a few day. Mr. (!-". M MilU r write fiimi !( ton that Iheir little dauglit. r I very 111 un a wfvere case 1 1 iue.ic. weeu Individual In yourcouiitC.' Do Mix I'.va lloiich, who hal eu vilt , you uot know that if the t:i(v l-oiir.l liikt lit tlie resideiiiv of A. 11. Hovey, bad rtsluied the outsiilc lot :ui, or any relnrueil to her home at Portland th'.a s r ivut., that it would have Ueii toiii luoruilii;. n lied to uiluii-the business lols and A geiilleiuiiii arrival here thl after- improvement Ihcmiiuc r c. nt '.' Iiimiii Imill .Maine to lis.lt lor UUie ' county farming land for litmielf and , veral friends Tho. II. Carter ha. rr.lmsl a.! chairman of the republican i.atloi.ul i .s.i.i i... .1 J ii'm..,u-. of M-,.m! Uci-e'd ll I IU . Flureiiiw Winl: The pile-driver U ing built at Mapletou will is- msiii launrhed. uud will iirobably do it first work ut the Mitchell A Uailey IsmiiiI. C. M. Youni; and bride were pits. n k'er by last niijlil' overland Iralu. They will make their lioiue ut Mr. Kiti'h'. The (i'Al:l extend coiirut illation. M.-. Mastcrsoti, mi' Maltha thiy, and daiihler, Frame, lately iroiu Celitraha, Wash., have loeatcd In K.u Cene and arc occupying the rvsldeliro ,.f I ml. M. Miller. Springfield clectisl the tolloi ink' i:eiilleim-n to re present that pieciucl at Ihc lux payer' convention lo ! held in tin fit v, January I'llh: A. D. ISur- o. Kinsley, AlU-rt Walker, T. t. .Maxwell and A. (i. Itogar.. SATl I'.DAY, JAN. 1!. John Anderaou, of IieaburK, I In town. Major Forrest ha returned fnuu the mountain. ll. A. Wushhurnu and wife vislti-d hi I'ortlaiid thi week. ( I" It. (ski n worth vlsltosl Junction to day on Icira' busiacn. J. I'. Holland wu down from Cot tage t irove today. J. U. Campliell re tu i mil lioiu Kum--biirgon thi iiiorulnj,' Ih-uI. IU v. D. N. Mclnturtr went to liar riluignn the Iin'uI thi inoiuin ;. Snow Im lHi-n over the cnnmd for over a week ill Kogue liver valley. Seven new mcinlicr were iiiitiut-d into the WiMMlmeii lodge last night. Mis Minnie Houston, of Junction City, I visiting relative at Fairmouut. (I. K. I'laif, a I'ortlaiid nc wspniH-r man made thi office a pleasant call to day. llarrishmg Cornier: MU lU-Ilt Have Went mi to l.ui;eue Friday to attend HchiMil. M. F. Ck mid family formerly from northern Michigan, are visiting iu Kllgene for a few week. Mr. M. A. Huiisuker ha liceli iously ill for several days with compli cations cauel by lu gripjie. J. It. Curtw right, of HnrrUburg, is trying to organiv a company to plant JbJ ucn-s of hop near that city. The river Is rising fast. The falling of o warn: and heavy a rain I certain to bring snow out of the mountain. The Harrlsburg Courier I now a ev- eu column folio. Mr. Morlo print a na-r that would be a credit to a mucli larger town. Mr. J. M. "iVlHCinnii, who ha liecn vliting at the reldence of lloliert I'ratt. left for her liomu at I'raw fords- ville this morning Three huffa!'- passed through here yesterduy afternoon lu a slock car '- laeueii 10 me iri-i;ufc niii. a uej "nr , enniute lo the midwinter fair. J. M. Howes, of the farm, arrived from Itutte City, Mon- Ihiiu, on the overland lust night. aent you a communication u day or He 1 accompuiiicd by Mr. Sherman, a j two ago, which you have not publish prominent attorney of that place. jed. If you wish only to publish your It 1 reiMirted that the bank at the . views or the view oIHiom- whougiee mill race ha Ihi-ii wash.il aw ny until j w it It vou on the subject In your pa- oillv alsiut 17 feet I left. The high water which w ill certainly result from tho iircM-ut storm will lie apt to wash it nut entirely. The Jacksonville Time five II. C. St. k. of Yumhill emmty. vU , lyav.ier.ise.i uiwi.e, ,. e ' - " hi wife, the following E V. . Z 3' u Z . .. -I. I.. 1.1. ..I ... ...I...... Il...e.. I. I.i. .tllil.. ll la I lift a.lU!l I1UI1I Hull- pf,lt ir- ju ' v All ...1 ... I e-...l. l.il-. ICIMJWn HlltfliK mi ii'v iv u - i iurf print." J. K. P. Wither i Just recovering from an atluek of la fcripie and thnait troiililes. Hi daughter Mis Jeneie w it obliged to leave her aclKMil near Nat run on account of similar lllnes but ha now so far recovered a ti lie able to resume t. in hing agulu iu a few lav, An tjistern exchange aay: "For the llfMt time in the ex-rieii(' of fruit dealer, orang.-9 are cheaper than ap - iilea." n asi n u""' """'' rVmr 'irM'o?;: ;.eTin .hi' Faster., so.tr I now worth more than i ....I ll.r. tin. .s. fia aharreloforamtispanl llUr, t umh ...any apple ran be sold with thl. d.a - fn.,lllV a-KlsllflL'. ercputiey existing. The S. P. are puttiii electric aean h I lilflit ou their englnra. and the two, Hogg engine running Into Ashland., are to I cUlp-d anon. The war. Ii light an? very powerful and long-di-; ta:nv j--r into darkness, lieing (it. I to throw a light for mile. The dviia- inoand miu'iniiery rrii on iup in ion - .i , i . . L.ii.r ml loUmin Lv steam: i theeinriliei-r iu the cab being the dl . . rector general. ln.ijOnrl.Jcu.il Wll.l. F.tAMIMLTIIK ItlVKR. Lieu- tenant 'luvi'.r, if the U. . riiginT- siul ( antaiu lial''h. of Ihe llMt t.Ht arriv-d In t iwn yistenlay evening and lft 1" a .mail lst today ... i ..-.I.- it in eiHiii'i.e the river i.-i-- - Ksrmer ' l.iiK'vue, Oregon, Jan. l.'l, lv.il. ' Addrced to the F.dltor of the- I rurtland On itoiilun: I Youan l.Mr.il. W. CorU tt claim now that Iiii-iiu-i lot and in- provemeul in I'ortlaud are not a--M-d ti) hit;'i, or at Ini-t you did not cMi'l the state Uard to redinv the as'llielit on them. Hill you i-ay liixldo lol an- nni ton and that you cxyccti.-d the I. lie lMird in reduce tin iihm-m-un lit on tin-in. Your claim liowh;- l liuraiuv or a detcriiiluatiou to nun p- rein-lit the act loll of the nlutc Imard. ' iLl V.tll II. ,1 Lll.lW tllllt I III hllll- ImlitiI ,.. ,K uahe the u-ctmctil U- iiirmmr nmnniriiii un ..iiiuu- , mail a a county. W hen wmie of your ; cili.cli ukisl lor a reduction, It wnJ W' ,.,,u ,,,,,":'"1:frIy, 1 " .""T; ! 1 '! ' ' , ',' . r T ! , l"opTlv to which the puillculur Clasai I M lUIIgm I'll S llll II lilt IMIIII IK'll . I, r. I askeil. ll tlie isiurii nan reuueen uie, . asscsmiieiil on outside lots iii Mull no-' 'mall .'lo s-r elit., it would hac at the , same tunc luluivd tiic us-sssuieiit on the must Valual'le lots ami liiipruxe , lllellts ;UI s r n llt. Or, Chsidellll, II : von claim, that the asse-incnt on bus- ; i in s lots and llliprovi niellts is lion ' , low ciiuiiIi, the Isiard uould have i ; linnle the a-scsKluelit un business lots ! and iliipioveinelits I'M per icnl. lover tlmll It oil tilt t" Is-for the purpoM- uf , rfhcviii! the lot owner uf "modi-rale means,' as Mr. CorU-tt staled, ll mm' , tin- bnsiiii-ss of yuiir nss-sur ulul conn ; ty Isiard uf iioiili.:iliuii lo u-tiuilv the evil il oiilside I'Hs ale ass 'wi-il hmher 1 in pruHiiiiuii in tiieir value than n-i- in lots and impruveiiieiits. " 'our M .sir, Mr. ."v-.irs, aluiost patiiclically I si. ills llll. t hi IC-scsslucUt Wlls lllllili- i I fore tin- panic came and he iis-es-srd the proH-iiy lisi IiikIi. Huw is it that , ! lie maile an iims wiih iiI mi liic lin -t valuable pro-i l v that i not l-si lnh fur a panic, mid left the burden to be' Carried by the piopcrty owin-l of. "iiiiMlerute nieiuis, ' a Mr. Corl-t I uj , ' and by the ivorcr claiw. There ian- ; olher'Ciiluirity alsiut the nsscssuiciit 1 of Miiitnomah county, which voiircoii. , hcIi lit ions ascsir o free to cliurne (s,r nipt niutive on the part of the liieuiU-r of the Nlate Ismnl, ou;:lit to explain. ! The total UHscsuielit for money, not in, niroiiiit nnd hhaie of st ick lor Multnomah county, for the year vi;, in rooinl iiuiiitN is, i I i.l'iooi-i. In ; I. urn lounly ti,l:,i i. In l.une county it I i'."l,!'M'. lu Million conn-, ty it is l,u'll,i" o. lu l iiialillacoiiiity il Is fv;,ooji. Inl nlon county it is il,im. In VHinhiil l.i:u i.i . As a "ruslic'' und u villaH.cr" I l-liee that I'oitland i 'he money center of. Or. pin, ami to a ci-rtam extent of. iislniit'toii ami liuilio. Ann i i--lieve further, that if all the money, note, ais-ollllt lltld Hharc of htiM-k thut are Mihji-ct to taxation in I'oillun.l liiul Inm-ii wwiwil at -'ill ci-nt on the dollar, that the tolnl usMewmeiit of thine cllissej of plo-rty would havo aiiioiiuti-d to nearly a much a toe tin lul assessment on city ami town lois. And that for your a'-sur to proclaim tllluu'll hi useessmelit rull, to the -ii-plc of Oregon, that Multnomah county tin not more- than three uml ouc-lialf time a much of those classes of pro- rty a I iiiutillu, I.am Yumhlll ami Marion count lea i a fraud on the tux Miveraof (iixKoii. f rom the above I think il will li wi n that the claii.l of you and Mr. Cor l tt to the cll'i-cl that I have driiKKi"! into the dim-ussion business proj-rty and the improvemciit then on, ami that they oUKhl Hot to lie colmiden-il, I noc well founded. A to what mo tives piompttsl Mr. Wiii','ute to lake the HisUtoii he did, I know not uorcan not. I know that the action of the state board in refcrenco to the awH-H-meiit of Multnomah county, wa lair. and just; and will beur the light nf ,seussloii In every particular, and Some llrtu uf llltU"'t In Ui'KMrdlUa Vl) Ud' rter"fulr! y ,ZXZ"ZZ7ZZ McKcn,!e at k feu"- Is, he a VL'! a lliulh tutte City, Mon.phl(w,pher. nh IomuiI I per, I shall I) coinlle.l in MK I lie , column ol tnu "rusiic press oi inc tut.- of Oregon. ' A. ( . W.SU.. .M K. i K rm nHrdrr i ,,!. W,xnui it. O.. Jan. Ii-Al.ut a ,,, ,1L, porter. a eolon-l . Ill.-I.kll f.-r ' 1. brutally murdered un ..Id c.uple inn 1 Khine. for whom Im worked li knew of Chine' rei-i-iving luom-y, i uml tlie murder w a for robU ry. A I-1 ter hlsurr.-st he wu taken to roria nioiilh to prevent lynching. I.ust lliuht tho sheriff took hilll to West I'nion on hi way to have a iirc-lim-luury examiiiutioii. ihe fuel ls-.-aiim known and a meri t organization, In cluding many prominent .iti.u, UMen:dTw4;:,.r Jul. d,.r;Uk" the . . . ! n. irm out, hanged him and nddle.1 the i bisly with bullet, 1 fcrir ' nm4m ntm twmf " Pn il.l ll. Jail. Ii-J. i. Hilton, . iv:f ! ' ' " "Z 'V kli . . ... .. .. .I l.H ..-lll J'l HI"'' iroill "s iij-siui j I -in I J , (W Uw Mrt , wryu,ly he met. Hi . . .-'..... . aim w a generally bud, though he seriously wounded Isaac ( Intty. He then put the llill.le of the revolver ill hi ow n mouth, and blow ed oil the top of hi head. HiillaS a Pealutasler. Piiil.Ai'l.l.J'H.A, Jan. Ii I'islinii ter lieli. lal Ihtling, of Ambler, fa., wu. anisai io j i .si ijiitsu leiu im i.i" "'''" I . . .. ,. ... . .. - i t,i w.1Iorri.,.MplMi a is.y.i.ii litis! y A i Mattisoii, cheinieul uiauufaetiin-r at ', Ambler, have furt-d him to eaneel I, ' iMi.isrj of their stump purehnsed w here, and altaehed to circular an-1 lei te, . mailed al h'l.ne. Hi s.ilary lia tt.il l-eii cut fiom a year to tl, iji e y.-ur. lhlr Jrrrf l.rpl.lalMrr. Tkim'.n. N. J., Jan. li-The re put, hum s.-ntit.- met thi ui'.rini!. ; They called the roll, and ill the al-sf-n.-e of a 'I'lo rum adjourned until Monday. MtaMtU'S. ! I'lic Valley i:cr.l a.V tlmt tlic!juJfi or clerk of election, uml f.ibjcct uf the U ring of a great tun I hence th y arc mail, ami jroK)o M in i through the Mskiyou in.iun- l.n . , so a to rclicvf the road ol th- L'rcat cxihmih' of tlio miles of 1 . p ami higli tnount.iiii gr.nlc ti d over tin one of nature's l.iinl-1 in. irk ami fir.iiid.il!e o'-istruction, ti cheap ami ciy railral Iran-1 illation, lias Urn rcvivcil. It will Ih rctncbi'.M ic1 tli.it during th i gnat railro.iil snow olockade of, J.iiiuaiy, IS'.Ht, when the cotn'ninctl i cll.irt of the Southern l'ucitic sys. ti m's lrt talent could not os n tin mount. mi for ham lor live weeks, the Soutiicrn I'acilic silc li.nl ordered tlicir cniiiuccr., iissoou a they were throiigli with tlu ir wora in the l ow crecK canyon, 10 , tn.iko 11 preliminary survey of this i great cntcrpri: c lor a big hole through tlie Siskiyou mountain. Tin' surveyor's camp was prepared, and the surveying crew were in Ashland rca ly lo go to work, win n they were suddenly ordered hy wire to do some immediate work on the coast road in Southern t'alifoi-' ilia. I'he Southern I'acilic has is sii'il orders to all of it surveying crews, wli.i have Ufa idle for month.-, to I icady for work as .-nun as spring oih'U.s, commencing March I, 1 Sit I. ' AlKiut the lirsi wm k to'.- done will lie prcliini-! nary survey, followed hy a riua iiciit survey, hy a dillerrnt engi neer, of this lug tunnel. t'orvalli limes; Never in it hictory did the general ollicc of the O.I', present so deserted an appearance as it docs now. Time, was, when the room swarmed with general managers and assistant general manager genera, super.... I.. i. l..ti I J ft tl. I flaiail a. t llll lVilllril Mil ,Mr..itcndci.ts, general Ire.gl.t un. l V ll'ts ifcr- linn tn-. i. ion fc- pi,-M i.ger ..gents payma.u rs a... vie- prcs uiciiis ui lo ij iniiiii de 'ni-. but thoso birds havi UllllieiH.il llll lluivn. Hie KKr old road lost its, Lionel Maggo will receive noth liuaucial giip uud was forced to ing but words of jnaise from those spare its titled and sagacious, olli-1 citi 'cns who admire a man who lias ecu lor lack ol casn 10 jay ineir salaries. Tho trains weio all run ning, and on time yesterday, how ever, in spite of the fact that only live men and a Isiy ofliciatcd iu the whilom husy offices. These were Auditor llopking, Koadmastcr Sullivan, Ich-graph oerator Mayo, two clci ks und the olhco boy. So far as known out one other man Ih-' his in the ollicc, and that is tin newly u;iHiintcd receiver Ch irlcs Clark, w ho is in San Fran-cisi-o, endeavoring to arrange for a Sa i Francisco contiK'tion by ocean I I r I i - a with the road at Yuouina, either 1,V securing the release ol the debt lu'den Willatnette Valley, or tl10 charli ring of another craft. It shall lie unlawful to sell, bar ter, trade, give or in any manner furnish to uny minor under the ago of eighteen years any tobacco, cigars or cigarettes iu any form, or any coiiijMjtind iu which tobacco forms a co:iiM)ueut part, without the written consent or order of such minor's parents or "uardian; and when such minor has no parent or im -i r,l i il ii Cieii in thut eusn iviiiHciit may be given hy the county court' in the county where aaid minor I I lives. Any nersons violating thoi 1 "V" ul cu,"ric - lJ'. '8.BU,'J''ct ""'n "V'?" , than o nor more than o0. " also uniawitn ior any minor unuei",w re,iuc( or ruiHWl by other the a;;.: of IS years to Binoko or in ,lleans thun a tax, as tho peoplo any way use any cigar, cigarette or cannot ,!iV this largo amount in tobacco in any form whatsoever in ,,(. to t,e city and county any puiuic nignway, street, inace, si.are or rcsori, uiui any iiiinoi violating this provision is subject to a lino of from one to ten dollars or imprisonment of two days for each ollctice. Tho Portland tax ee.iers uro now on tlie run. Their chieforgan virtually admits thut tho inside pr.-'MTiy o. u.e eiiy ,s ussss.s, .t a ... f.i . I - . - v ry small per cent of I what those. who own it would Is; willinx toilis- "6 luul" miso of the Kuiuo for. Now the claim is made that tho poor ls-ople. w ho own the outside lots, is tho oor ItU case, 1 i .i e why in uie name oi common sense ( uionu cinnnca n un. wuuwj do not tho voters of the metro-mlis plainly manifest in lxindon, as al eleet an assessor who will idace p I so in Puris and Ilcrlin, during the fair valuation on the magninceiu brick, iron and clone, blocks and re. luce the amount placed on the jssir man's home. As the Oregon inn is aware, that is not the kind of an assessor want -1 and will not lie eh -ted if the rich, selfish capital ist of that city, can prevent it. Many persons still do not un l r-taod the w.a'lii r signals and we will explain them again. A wi.ite (lag indicates clear or fuir w ither and a blue one snow or ra ii. A w hite und blue Hag says y... i may ext:t hs-al ruins, and if it o a white Hug with a black iarc in the center y ju may t-x-j-. t frost. The triangular black dig refers to weutler. When pi. ! a'uove any of the otlirs it li. .-an warmer weather, but if plies below the weather is apt to turn cAfr. In Marion county tlie court ilnl not nii'Hjint a sinclc tKipulist a a (0 tako tin- matter into the courts. A journal in a rival town on 1'uget Sound thus refers to Kvcrett, Washington: "The liotno of tho whalehack, tho inosshack nnd tho grey hack; followed by a slidchack whioli is such u set back that no 'oody ever cxinrls to git tluir money hack." The IVndlcton K. 0. says: Mr. Mitchell addressed tln council on ihc condition of city finance. Ho javc some figures showing that tho city's indebtedness fur every man woman und child, was U; annual iiitvrcsts, -'. ID; aunual cost of run ning the city 10. The board of su'rvisor of San Dico, California, have forwarded lo congress a petition to make im mediate appropi ialions for the jiur ihisc of surveying and build'ng highway in the several stale of the I'nion, and so giving employ 1 incut to thoe who during this w in ter are in great need. The chair man of the HUiTi'iors, Arthur ti Nason, rci'iicst. the ti rvisors nnd commissioner throughout the I'nitnl State-to follow the example of the San l'icgo hoard. Field und Karin.l'olorado, says: Tlie cattle market i going up right along and there is no kick coming. For three years the calves and the cattle of the range have Urn crowded onto the market. lecau- the rang" wa played out und the l (iplc (jtiitting the btiinc.s. Sunn hig out lit have entirely gone, w hile the nuiiiU r of calves branded ycarl v is from one-half to three- - 8jx 1 ... , o,(, C()I)llili evo, if ; t(ro w,.n, , ,!ut t0 tmff! , ....... r, .1 coining n iiiiiijj 'i ni" pant. tlie nerve to icfortn and IsxMtne a food citizen, after falling once. In fact such a man is very seldom found. Many men and women have not fallen 'iHvntise they have not been forciil lo icsist a tempta tion. No credit is duu them. Hut w hen a fallen one desists and be comes a useful citizen he should re ceive the t'iicoura:eineiit of all. We hos) the government will see its way clear to ictain tlie gentleman in bin high ssilion of honor and tiust. lie will not betray the hon or and confidence. ... .... , .- I Mvcr Mato m refuting Pon.o 1 T't':i "lurs on Nevada says: Ne- vadii is not nearly dead not gone to the dogs bvuny means, that in fact Nevada is on tho mend, mines and mining improving, and cattlo industry heaping up. Whero would Nui Fruncisco lie without Nevada? Where would Arizona lie? Half the cattle raised iu tho latter for market in San Francisco go first to Nevada where tho boun tiful crops feed. Three times as many csttle, sheep and hogs as nro now being raised or feci in Nevada W het-asily acwmincJated there. b"'"R ...i,l..rsiI....l that the diree- 1 tors of this sch.K.l dihtrict will ask ' ftn l" U'VV at 11,8 meeting on the ICth. This must Uxi At Albuny, wo are infonncl tho voters of that district author ized the directors to Umd the same to ruiso all money required this year, and 0 jcr cent bonds brought a premium. Wo believe that it would Isj unwise to levy over a , three mill school tifx at tho present time. Therefore wo advocate tho bonding of tho district for a (sir- -- an(. t,.U8 '.,. ,,., ,, . 7 .' , ' ' ii u;i.t 1 1 un i i M' im iKinniiiiii. i That tlie distress which the ca- bio dispatches from tliM Uniti-d I SUtes tell us prevails there is not i ..1.... .,...(;. I t. ll.nl AAim t at awa m cold snap that sent a chill up and down tho spina ofall Europe, from Leghorn to Stockholm, during tho rreek. The poor In London simply overran the missions and charita ble institutions. At one of the lat ter 8,CK0 jsirsons are reported to havo applied for food. Only 2,000 secured any, the provisions giving out when that number had been fil. Tho number of unemployed is rcjioitcd by city bureau olliciuls to lie about tho average, but tho great army of poor singularly shows considerable incn-ase. In l'uris thcro has been a great deal of suffering, principally from the cold. Many persons were frozen to death in the province along the coast. Germany caught the rim of the storm, but tho damages and casual ties resulting from the combined influences were slight as compared with those in France.