The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 20, 1894, Image 2

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.. . i ..........I ...'. I.. M fort in-'i ..-...-...
iUHWay 10 lr l HUSH H ir-t
C'ftlifoiniii Coal Fields
Affair of Hi' I'aflflr- Hank nf Sn
Fraiiriro Kepnrlcil In I"" i
a Him-nuraifliii; W ).
K. 11. I..II. a frmt irn.wer m-ar !.
Ai.if.-h-. I-.'- l-'-l I'"" '"' "
-..,( t- ,"'.
Yuma. ,. i..h.i" . I.. '.-I a l.'i pu'-iii in
liiiiiii.-..i.l th k. t lor II..- lii'l tin."- in
t . my v .-in .
Th .'! IIom- linn m Kiwi-il"
comity, i.. ha- I-' n -.I'l for M"o.'i
to I a-l. rn iinii ii.' in' n.
Th in-a In- I'll "f n.' t Mar
Ii-laii-l wi iil .liiinury 1.
am ri'lie tioim r ma-le in tin'
I lii
iiavy ar.U in Hi l.a-t.
It now tnin out that the nlory of th
l.iiriiinii toil. ill. ol a Mojav ..,11a hy
her lrn near N. i-.lli-, I 'ah, ail-e !
e l.irlh lo tail.', a a ho.
The llnli-h hii l,o-lofl, ahi.h
toai-l iiilotojo a ( week" anoailh
hi t 1 aiK'o 011 In. I' K0111K lo Hiie nu
ll, r the l.nil. tiiiit'i ol n-eiil lorm
Jii'l.'e ..iin- at
I-ull Lake, I 'liih. ha
ami .hilar.! Ill 1I0.11K " Ihat I he killing
of Moiitt'oiiien h Iimii a a loaafl
Iv a. t.
v. 1, , ,, i.... ...
Il,e Sanai.iio II. .Minn, ri ha a.
,-,-,.1.-1 a r..h..t.oi. .'lua i w . -;r
I a ri.hi'tioii niual lo M-r
....... it... .... 1. , ,.,,.. .,. m,.i nil.,..-
u.e uiaii.u. iii..i.
Dlllit fi.ll.-i -lolii
u.,l. ......... I I., liu...
II111K ilrilli..
I he ullta I e N -Mel lean dan In-en
imn haxil hy a I h-ino. rain- mmh. ale,
ami will taiome an aihiiiiiixHatioii 01
Kan. It ha- U'n the li alih l:v.uhl,i an
MH-rol the l. iritory.
It 19 Mali-I llo 111 Allii'ilriili
that a
i..-. -..!.. joi.n i.iii.u. hi,1" 1 M - : .
Am, rii an'iiiaii aim
- " -
ly " lia.l a hull, h ol .In-, U-lonlii to
a Mi ll, an 111 hi" llok, aa uliot, ami
fiom thia faitaua ori!inuli-l IheaiM
rtory M-nt ahioa.l Ihat a tan- war wan 111
i.iir.-n aie I that taeiily-loiir 11111 ha.l
Ix-en kille.1 III oan halllii near lai-uiia
The holt llianit l.uiiil-r Coiii.hiiv Mill
hinlil a ohorl lailaay line Ir l-orl
lliatiif on the i-oai-l lo ihe roal li.-Mn m ar
I!. ,iiiI Valley, Miiio.ino iniinlv, t al.
'Ihoinaa I.. ami ii'ni ral l:ii--ll
AIki of Mn liinanaieln hliel the m hi-in.
The roal aim h are lo lie om-iii.
a. r mil. I l.v Jaiin- I.. I l--'l ami John
V. Ma.kaylo tin- liiinU-r mini-aiiy lor
hinie K.iiie liver iiiUn-woii ha re
yaineil lla iioiiuul .Ut ol water a iln-
t liannel m Im iiiki iiI -1 lailit out lo -a,
w lule lln. noun . nl liu niov.-l out lo
iH-a lully hall a mil. At low H i a low
Ut t ali l- i--. ii ti-ai hiiiit out liom t In
M. I k 10. k 111 a n-iul i in I lo Ihe
mouth ol Hi iner. hall a mile farther j
out than the I011111 1 ill, alul win 11' Hi
inoillh ol the in. I lot mi l I V la How
ih-a.l water.
The an lin.-lim iil
t on, I anv ha I-hhii unit ;in.nli-l llie
I'lirllaml ln,in-tiial I tH.ition lor .V,
Mil on a ioiiii-rv mile, ami theai-Hiintmi-iit
of a iiii-m-r ami lore, Iimiih
ol a 11101 liiau un the e-itioli iomi,l
a mi uiiiy lor pnvuieiil ol the mile are
B-k.-.l lor. Ihe iiliioillit mn. I for
loaniil lo Ihe i- 1 - 1 1 1. .11 la-t I hruary,
aiel waa ilue 111 wm-ii yai. lull theinni
inv ilelaillti-l It" inti-ri-el, iiml Ihe
whole iuiii 1 now ilue. Lie i-o-iti..n
lal lull waa a lailur.
Suit waa drought at I'liitlaml to n
r.ner IH' ilaiiiai;eii oil iiiniiilit "1
V. Ilai 11, .finer ol Ihe I', .rtlrtinl Na
tmnal H nk, hat ni "iM-n l, ilerol r. .-
oiiiinemlalioii lo Ihe Aim-lie 1 .11111 1 x r
t ..ui.iiiiy, w hi-reliv it m-un-.l relit to
thai amount at ihe Hank of
I Ina mini .n.i-l a total lo. It i al-h-K.-l
lhal at the tune the h tlei well
wnil. 11 the luiiiU-r iiiinianv owi-l Ih
I'oriUn.l hank wa inoKeiil
win. Ii fart wa known lo the ih lemlanl.
I 1- .l. femUiu'a .l.-iniiirer waa n. rrult-l
hv Hie, who hel.l the l-ank
,-. i,,r a. Hun
I rail-e
Ai.-'I'liHk' lo
the of Ihe It.inl
t'i.uiliiii.i..iii i" who are lnUi.laliliK Ihe
allaii ol the Turin.' Hank ol sn I ian
11K..1 the ri al 1 all. hi ol the aarela la like
h lo I'll. ii- a loiiit an. I lroulilome all. nr.
The i-.liiiial'-l amount ol aet la alight
Iv ou r II iml,n, u-aiiial total liahilitu a
.hi a. 1 ' ol rn .litora of I
Nearly a I the laitl a-w-la ol th hank
arr 1 !n,l.i aie-l w.tli all luuiiner of en-til..-:,
u,. i.l. '..Ih l.k'al m 11-1 iMliiinet, nil.
an I in ii. any 11. .tain are hi-.ilti-l. I I
I vt. t -al l ra.. ration on liotra an, I
u. r !r'-. o lr n hut little,
a.l.-.-i."i a h man. I lor pat Ineiit
. a -r. :..a.i.- uf.-ti all .h-hlota. In ri--l-I
U. n.-ir-t.-lm-aa of Mr. I.aiie,
i. t I.J an I that ol the
J.x.n i .a-i 1 will, wh.ih owe the
U: 1 t.- , -. a '.mi." hat Im-i'Ii
lii.t.r.t.-l .a 1 t th r ("-. 1 1 v 1 -art ie.
.,it it a , . i r-, ..r 11, 1. h limi- atel inauy
i t ui.rat-. I hi- 11 ttrra. I he nun
Hi 1 - i.i 1 .''. i hai... .. a f I y
liti l.i. l a iar rin.-.te. that there i
unit a !.'.'.,. ii. -r I '.' '"i al .ra
eiil in ..u I. in a I I.I 1..11 to the t-'.-141
.ri-l t-t th -.'1. r to ai-i'lire J'l.k' 1
lii.-nta, an I that t) ir alti iiiitii to real.e
ii-.n a-. ! l av tim !ai 11 lin.-t un ,
u-l... ,.rt an l ..I 1..- iiai ln,K' an, I
Ii-...hi 1,1 , -a' .,.ii l,i 111. ai.y thmk'. '
1 ' U-a I ,.iii, l.a l-.-fi nf-j ., nt- r-ii.-r
nl Ih 1 n. .- in l a. 11,, . II ,('ia.i-
tn-l II th. r :..!,. I ,a,al...- an. I
1 ...i. un. al iiiah.t-i nit nt 1. a.iir.-.!.
Alter the n-i.-ii..i t l;.-. iv. r II . I
lev It a. ,! l.eta 1 I ...l II. al 1 . J
Mil;, r, til., 1 I, a I u 11 l,.r the -.
aitioll I I th. en. I . , . ..,, 1 I. m,
illil. .1. h it ...!i ..( (.. ! .,. 1,, a I,,..iMiMt,,ik. !, 1 a'ki.aj".i.t.a.
raiiio-i'l liiau, !i. ha -.mi tl. 11,1.
11.1111 -anv trial t . 111 i!, . iipi. .! ,,
tiain l, In-r an-l . I,i,. . , . i.-., ,, .
ent ill the aim no nl ll,al ,,l!.. ,.; v..
th I "fit ,011 . au,r to him ti 1, m 11 . ,. I I
With . ut ol.).. t,..i,. it,, 111 ant,r. 11. .
a'..u, tun nl will 1.0 . 1. ,111. 1 mn,
the ..rot 1 .. a.l n.t. 1, -!., n, i!. t,,., I
No ra4.,al .i,ai.k-.. are aim 1
Mam an-ol the .. n.. .ti that ai.
a - mi in it 1. I in a-ki:rf lm t
ley'a remot al. I'i.. r are l k- i,i,ii,. t.,
riaiirrthat 11. ..lake- he 11, a,
hate 11. a 1. . it II . 1 o.n. I ! , , ,, .
take, w. ie 11 a I mi l. r the r. , 1 , , . ,.
orita n I a-ti-rn . a .ta .-t- in i ,,,,, (.,.
ha.l ila..-l .-.till I. in. , l.iit ai,,,,,, 1,,. ,,,.
aline I. a'l.xl t ' ii -irn-t that I. . !..r
till U-ha I ..I t:. ... Were 1.,r oliat I
a-.n.-ert-it la in t I to ! t. r the Hi,.
that tie won .1 hat.- i.'.oe l i , ,4
th rroiinai vl N- ura rtna Ui u
(AJTioi out.
TV, a r.nlon nfflre Lai decided that In
ti of lln f.t of CongreM ol leimber
2i. 1"V3, it ni longer Lm the riUt to
withhold tun petition 01 junge i
Midman, and haa directed he be aga.n
p. ami on tit nion rolla.
Tli B-tM-Uir of theTreaurThant
a couimuiiirali'on to Coiitfreai in ,lich
h e.t,..,ate that an appropriation!
7.2',U&1 will hr nei-eaaary to defray the
ripen of colln-tniU the revenue from
cu.toma for hcal year endm June
. . i. . 'i . ... I '' . m-iII
1h. .......ryto defray the expehae
Th Pacific Mail leamhip Company
a(tr rrbruarv I a ill (ni a urn e-a-wi-k
mail wrviif Irlmvn New York ni l Co
Ion m-tead l thirty-aix tri a year. A
(uiir trara'ioiitra. t with th ijovi-miiieht
r.inrea tin- compahv to make thirty-aix
trip a vear during th lirl two veer
and tilti'-two a year during the latter
hail i( the riil.
:..r'Miitaliv Ma.'iiir ! ititrlii'-i
a ul t'lvrHph hnl i.ruiiding lr an
. .Ill- of I'i't.O'.1" HI holld to
l,el III th erei I loll o tlli-ttrapll lltiea,
-tuning at thirty-two ol th liirt-t i it
in tin-1. .hi, try. Th toil ht fixed
Ml for ten word, aii'l th Pot-ma-ter-ii.
neral id an' horned to arrange
lor a rate of 20 cent r l'i word lor di-pah In.
Hi n rt on the mining reaoiiM of
the i oiintry, prepared hyt'lnef I'av of
hw-ion of mining atatiatie ol in
nl aiirtcv, ahow a that the high-
water mark in mineral pro-lm-timi waa
r.-a In-1 in I'-', l'lh in thl and evert
ollnr ronntrv. Th total vain of all
tli miiiral pr'aluet ol that vear wa
ii.,77... Ttn ii l:,"io,i"i greater
than for any previoil ar.
I lir monthly i-Ue of a pilot i hart
tin- '.. !: Iirenn, aiuiilur in general
chariieler to thccliailof the North At
liintii', i in contemplation hv th naval
htdrograpbic olli'i-. t prraeiit there
mi- mri. no mi an o l ii-l r i oi 1 1 n tc inlorina
tion to iiiarnn r of the I'arllir On-all,
ami (he ! iimlnl ha l-i li an U-IM fal not
i,n v iimoiiir .Min iii an inrini i, mil
amoliK lor. inner", that the ivilrotrrilm
1. Ih. i l U liev there l an liillrll reaw.ll
for iiihli-hinif a Tai ilii- ilot rlmrt h
i l nere 1- a 1 nan 01 in .iin..ii .........
. , , B.
,,,', ,1,1,. .. ,j. I, .. att.-ml
1 '
. , . , ,.,1M.I1M1
' I
Nun umnii i U-ini iii'lnliti-l in an fo
the .rolahiiity of further iiiimetiate
irol,l ulillillli-lll". Ill view of the faet
that the avi-raife lo., K'iM to the I ri an
nrv in .lannarv for Ihe i.i.l laelve v.-ar?.
him le-i-ri I'i.iukI.iiiH noine I n anry olh
! i lain .to not In lleve there la anv iroi-t
1 . .. . 1.. 1 .I..... 1... 1. 1 ll.u
1 1 . .. ,11, a ml , llw., 11, ..1 rain 1.
eli liallife nru eHiri i n'nui i
(.rohuhle. I he. la-lli-l l Kelielal, how
ever, that, if mi'li hiiineiit are in
.liilifi-l 111. New York hank woul.l not
com to the relief of the I raiiry to any
.oiih'I. rahle .- ti nt ami thila .revent
leielloll of the(oi rewrve.
The I'liiti-I Slate Supreme Court ha
r. mh-n-l a ih . i.inn 111 thera-eol A Hif l-
V. the ( hliak'o. St. I'aul, M uilieaill
aiel llniaha rail n.11 1 aainl the eoui
Ii.iiiv. Ih iilamlill, Mr. Anirle, 1
wi.low, u.-l for inonev ilue her hu-haml
for he waa to rforiii in
lnulitiuK the sua-iior Air Line. I hi
niiirl liol'l thai ih i-omiianv . iire-l
laml L-ranl of :t,UKHHI are from Ih
Siia-iior ('oin.aiiy hy iiiireiri eiitation
lo the l.-.iliMII l, lili-llllili. aii'l u
tain Ih i lmriri of (ran. I. Mr. Anli
1 ' hi 1 1 1 1 a until In IIV ."'. I he 1 laiui
of Ihe nl. khol.h-r of Ihe Siia-ri..r Air
l ine are vet to In-lile.l. I he lulu I
1 ill. -I hv the I linahat 'oniiaiiv are valui .l
al inillion of ilollai.
The Sei n-tarv of Slate ami the lrilih
uiha.a.liir are iiiruuiK ni-irotialioii
for 1111 aeiiutil iiiti the ri'Kulation
to (-ill. HelitlllK Sea. It I llllKillaill
that Ih.- "hall he K'r.-l
ii-,u I fore the om iiinn of the w-alini;
M-a-oii. Ihe luriiialilie to I- K'Hi.
tliroiich li wi n Ihe two Kov.-rnuieiit
will i-im-uin mm h tin..-. I h Navv
I iei.i, Imeiil I aiirelii'liiili!( oln i in
1'iir l.imclll ill iiii.I ilii millii'ienl M-
M-N ol Hi 1 1 1 ,1 1 1 ia- riUlr.-l to lo the
work of i.aiiollniK the t.-intorv il.-in
mil. -I hv the at I'ari. lu ll
(01111.I in-, --at v to iK.hie Ih-hriiiK Sea
Indite, Ih I r. a-iiry I H'iiitlliielil hml to
In-1 alle.l 111111 for leveinie i iilter lo ai.l
111 the woik I. mi-iraiilv. I'lier i iiniiol
well l iuii-.l for .t iiiaui-tit ll-i-III that
work. No in live le. hav a -.t Ui-n
I. ik. -n toaanl the iri aration ol a .atrol
Sivretary Morion liaa eir-is ur
ptl-e at Ihe lltler liiiiiiirelienloii on
the att ol the .uhhe of in -.-itn.ii III
ri-ar, to the aun. iilturnl i t H-riineiil
-tatloii aiir.iiri:ilioiia aiel of Ihe 1110
li w In. Ii ill. lir el lit lit lo 1. lull lhiuui
' 'r 'he i -linuili of e lie III hi .h
l-arliueiil for the eii.uiiik- Ii- al year. II
-anl "A" a mailer ol l.u I I have taken
I he annie eoui e in tlua le-- t aawa
I iiio'le. lv 1 11 y retiveor, i.i-iii-rai
; Ku-k, mill a I iin ler-laii'l from lieoririt
William II ill, to w limn Siiii-tHiv l!il
e,M--l hllli-ell on Ihe auhj.vt I nil
ri ei-ely the -aine itroumt. Ihe nail
1 1 If of til "I Mil lnlk-e of 1 1 1 V reirt hi till
I 'leal, lent ahntt a 1 Ii ui I v w hat t he irrotiiiill
for nit urlioii ure. I he fart la plum to
any otie w ho takea the uillia In review
the only ollirial iitlerame I I1.1v e
trr--l 011 the -ihj.s-t, t hal no aiitf.-i-a
lion ol the aUihtioii of a Mtate ataliou
w.i aiii;! al.-l hv In."
Il la Keneiiillv a'rii-l aiiioiii; IVui.e I. that the linall. lal iUa
ti.,11 will u n, am nutoil. he.l 111 t'onifie
tnl the lam! hill la iIihhms ol. V.-.r
he.- am. I thai no ell.ut whateti-r w.uil'l
la niuile to rea hia ailter hill until the
I it r 1 tl ia nut nl the war. When rea. lu-l,
h. meter, he thoiliflit It woul.l lirme a
lull. ui ol the .rthleiii. Hlaml alao an-
noiinre Ihat he w ill not trt to tret hi
(ree roinui: up in the l..iie till the tar
ill lull la 'aj--.-l. ( arll-le holt. I 111
.r,.-itiou will prohahlv ivwav to the
tin if . aa the latter la ituiai.leri-l a matter
ol I'mnarv niiN.rtiime, ami Ha ,le, i,on
mat mt lualti r 111 iii h a imii.IiIi.ui a
to make iauan. ol lain. la iiini.n ur v
Kurihi-r r. , il i known that the ailtel
men a.. rote ol la.mla ami are ne,tr..l
h. toti- h.r their laaiie uiiaiiial anv man
Ii.. ii- favor lire ailter. Ilem-e
t here ne-l la- no 1 all..' (or aiirjinae if the
t.i. 1 k-ii. ol Ihe la. ml raiti.iii mat
la ,!. iti-l -o l u-l,- aa to remler it nn-il-it
.. 1.1 take it up al all.
I: hia lain li 1. lei to 111, rea the
aii,-kt ta i 11 lit gallon, lr.uu 11
hi I- 1,1 1!, ti Iv l.-tii-l nk-a.n-l w hiakv
11 a- w. .1 a out ..( bom I. 1'i-in a rep
r. --i. lal ,nii that thia iii.-ri-a-e w 01 il l wot k
m, I . I, ar Ul! p to 1 1 a net of w hi-kt
in I itaa- .1. ; l.-l to et.-n. the
'ii h. I r; .1 lr un thru- to i-:h'ht year-.
I'ie tat on .!.ii;ii rar I, ml o'ie time
h ti I ii , . i.t. a pa. k.w.i tiu,i- '
ii! aiel the n.i.t. tnp;ate. tat on a-r-f
iii.e. an-l .,-,,1,1,,. .li-ar,.s. No in-"'I--
i ma ' 111 the tat on . ik-ar, hut
t' . Ill tea-- . , .ri-n ..( r
.'..., I ,, -n,, J ,r .i.uiMiiltee
--t 11, that the la t on in.-iunea from
i.',. an 1 n,.n i,4! . ..r . a! i.mi.
i ii in- i-.-l a. lie lit ehiai a-nraw
Iji.i..,.i, i,.i,i,ii.-I.'ih,ihi !,,
.....r,! .... an I ; it, iiai fn ,,,.
'I." 1 1 . ii r.. u, n,r hi.t lat.
II - . -t ri a'.-l wul u . ft....a
ft.,, - ..I ll.l ...... 11., ,, ,.
h. r '... al,,. h a., to !. u, 1
III . a H.e p ol..,.,,,,, r the in lit . 1 ,1 ml
in. on, e tai taiivl, ia iitH tlavu
Marshall i'lM'i Grand Uift to
the Columbian Museum.
. I
Kefelpt Mild Kipi-nai- of tlie UllJ
Ieirtlllnt of the Jinrtueru
I'arlflc for
'liirjo ha a ilefi. it of over i::,'""1.
min. Pitt-hiirjtii relief fuiil amount to
( lm a.'o i now 1 laiiniiia! l''ulatiiiii
Of J,lal,l"al,
I'hila.el.hia ia to try water-tfa muk
II, on it ow 11 a. 1 ount.
The In-liaii are niatinK the ifovern-
iin-nt t::"","" i1' yr.
Ileport from th w inter- ln-at -. lion
ahow a liillrll "iiiallr averajfe man ii
Another wori'lerfuHy ri'li atreuk of
ifol.l nuurt ha lai-n atrm k at Cripple
( reek, Col.
Ihe health lpartini lit of New York
proKe lo make war aitauiat the ne ol
hitiiinliioil roal.
.-Ja-aker Cri'p aaya that the Wilnoti
hill will Iia the Holla.-ol llepreM-nta-tive
hv January 'M.
Th Colora.lo Karniera' Alliatu e want
( 'otik'ri-- to iue li-ifal-ti-lnliT note to
th amount of ."i,iXI,ixi.
Mi-hoi. Com- at lluflalohaa a-ain h-
IH.UIl.i-.l the aellion 01 llie inuiooe
, '. .....I tl... ..t.l.lie.a. l.,l itltl..ll 111 I
. 0.1.. o .... .... . ,
thil roiiiilry.
llhio. In-liana, Illilioia, .Miihik'aii,
Kana an I Miaaouri earh reirt a
mailer arn-aK aown lo wmterwheat
till aeiiaoll thatl III I'.''.'.
The linam- al ami i-omiiierrial .leire
aioii exiatinit 111 Canaila at tin- pr.-aenl
tilH i" la-inif more aeverely fell than
an ilepn-aaion alin e lii7.
There ia i-onaiili-rahle fon e in the a
aertion of lon-rnor r ihha. k of Arkan
aa Ihat the lii'lian Territory ia I-111K
rapi.lly niiiverteil into a m leail of i-riine.
A ah.a.tiiiK a, riin. at a hall at Ci-hir.
i'l(liL ill I lea from Colilllihia, Tx., le
rrtiaai ill the ileath ol three, the latal
woiimluiK of four ami alight injury to
A reieiit iliH-iaioii of the liiiliana S11
preine Court ailiiultnl women lo prur
tire la-fore the lll-llalia har. Mlaa Stella
Colhv wua the liiat lo take ail vantaje 01
thai ili-'laion.
A poij.i t ia on fool ill Miii-u aiel
eUewheie ill the South to puri'hae Jef
fermili I "avia' hoiiae at Iteauvoir (or a
home. for in.lik'i-lit et-Confe.lrate l
.hera ami wi.low a of nil. her-.
It ia a K'al ml'h of Metiro'a 1 rulit in
the market of the worl.l that I-iiianre
Miniater 1 . 1 in mi I. ii r lm i-oinpl.-ti-l in-foliation-
Willi a ll.-rlin hoiiae lor a loan
ol .'i.(Xl.iaai iihiii favorahl tenna.
The Iron Ai;e thinka thai the extreme
ly eaay money market ami low roat ol
material will very niiii.letiille
exteuaioii of eli-i lrii- railwava in variou
parla ol the . nil ill ry .Inriiitt Una year.
Many a..le Iiviiik in l!. heler, N.
V., w ho woul.l an, I n.ul.l work, are .1
Imirnl (mm ao ilolluf lai ail-e of liiaulh
lent rlollumr. I Inl.lreii, .a., are iinahh
to K'l lo M-hiail laiailmi they have no
The Stale I". iitrtiniit ia .i-ati-tinl
with tin- r.-jHirta nl Miinatr I
at I; 10. It ia thiiunht he ia i-njot iiik I11111
el( in the ueiiihlairh.aal ami 1 not kn-p-lll
hllnaelf Well a.-t. II to III r.ill ll
1 1. .11 at liio. Ill rirl- are ilirertlv th
...-.-il ol Captain I'l. kiiiit, ami f.itor
the uiMirK. lit.
The Si. nix City, ll'Ni-il ami We-t.-rn
liailwiiy Company III It auawer to th
fori rlo-iiie ami of Ihe Manhattan l'rii-t
( .iiniiiliy , tril-l.i- (or the liimla, 1I11 Inn a
lhal It total riiiilaliatioli waa i.hi. e.l at
m arly til.ixi.imi on .m mile- ol roa-l. or
three tllliea ita ro-t. I hi l-lliI rnlilr.llt
to th I'onatltuliiiii iiinl lawaol Ni-hlii-kil.
Ihe iiim tin uak that all the nl.a k ami
lam,! I .hi lari-l v.n.l ami the roa l
tuiue.1 over to the a-iun- of the t'liioii
lian ami I ru-l Company (or the la-m-tit
ol the riiiiipauv a rn-litora, who a l
ia in. the moliev to lnlil-1 the roa.l.
The ht.rii;raihii' ollire ol the Nat t
I". l-artm. lit ha atarti-l the new tear
Willi the I in- of the tirat niliula-r ol a
pilot rliait ol the North Tan lie t "
l.,r .luiinart , li'.'l. Ita pura.-e 1 to il
lualrale the rhararter ol Ihe tnonthlv
I til 1 .1 ii 11 1 1011 w huh ha li-n planne-l hy
Ihe lit iln-raplui- ollire for the U-ll. lit ol
Ihe tuaiitiiii h-.i,i-oI the I'm ilh Coa-t.
Ihe ratiinatea of the Sii-relary of tin
Navy for Ih next li-eal year nuitain an
item of d. (am (or the imlilii alion of the
1 halt, ami ll Colireaa ahoul.l itrant tin
Mini, It la ,r.,i,,-, to i-aiie the lual .lav
of i a. h Inonlli all e-hlion ahow 1111; u'lai'li-
nailt 1 11 1, ir 11 1 ut 1. .11 ol timelt iiiter-
. -I ami wariiiiiK to mariiu-r aa ran I
eollivliil In. 111 rea.rtaol iiinmiiiiij nati-
til Ihe IMHai.lXI a. re of lall l r int.-.l
to the Northern I'arllir railtonl i-t th.
ai t of Conre. Jnlv iM-t, unit 'i. lis',,.
t'.'.l a, re ha.l lai n piiieute. to Ihe eoiti
panv at th rio- ol the la-t li-ral tear.
Ihe, I- of the inriil lainl olh,
ali iiim that s.tii'i. ik a. re ol imh-iu-inly
laml l.aali-l ill VVi.nnain, M 111111--oia.
I' Montana. I'liiho, Wa-hnii.-'
ton ami 'i l-'Ui hate U-eti r tore.1 t,.
the pllhlir , I, l mi 1 11 . Hv a .In i-ioii ..( the
( aiiiiuna-ioni-r III I MO .III. tiki a. re..( the
k-raiit l, tn V ahiinrtoii hat ali
U-.-H leatonil. Oti-r JI,iHl,HIl ar'ea
more ol (,-ot rriiin. iit laml hate l-i 11 i.-r-titiiil
to the ouiipant . ami it haa a,., ,,r
a h aime the (rant wa tir1 iiia.le.l.iw 11
to Ihe preaeiil tune a,.l.Mi.,'.j arn-a. I he
total raah rii'i'ipta fiom all aalea hate
am. Mint. -I to (.!J.7lli,'.i7 1, ami there re
inaina i.utatamtiiiK oil a.iiMtntol lime
aalea Yi'7t' '-l. luinripal ami inter!.
t'he m ei,t ol (h laml .h-partiiii iit of
Ihe Northern I'ai-ilii- Coinpanv for the
iat vear were l.iai,-JJ ui ami Ita
I n-- (kV 7.rV.l KJ.
Ilw- in.lirallnli ar that the at.ak
I, oi ler ..( the Coliiuihian h Xiti,.u
( 011, ., nit w ill 11 rtviite 1) r nut
In Men. I 011 their at.ak. x.vonlitiu to
the ret ol Vil.lilor llarril f ton there
waa Ki-emU-r 1 IliVix'.iaHl 111 rapital
-l.k. i( (In amount :t.ixi.ixxi wa
ul-r nl- I hv the 1 it V ol Chi. ak-o an l
the ..'her Ytt.t1 hv 111, l.v 1, lual. In j
the Iv.vmU-r r rt there wa an e-t--mate
that the net a t .'( theetan-
lion ixmpaut woul I )r ala.ut 1.7io -' I
Mlow mi.' (or the 1-lualllg lip of theeXlai
ill.. 11 a:la,r. it woul, I appear that ii.-t 1
more than III n ut on the .lol'.ar imii .I
la- tetiirne.1 to the at.a khol.h-r. I'll of
the .oli-i.l.-ratloiia wh't'h .1. terrr.1 the'
I Uiaiiie ('..iiiinill.i- from m.tW 1 iif a r.i-- ,
1 .nun. ii-I at 1011 wa the fa. t that, if a .lit
l leml of anv am, unit ai re pa,. I 11. . .
woul. I lliterfeie with the l..i a! ion ol
fUnk to the Coliiuihian Nl u-iiiii. In
a.ii...n. e w ith the .-oriiliti na n( Jar--ha'l
f ie. f it of II lax' ixti to the mn- i
-.-inn there alioul.l la- .hma'e.1 to the
triiti-e of that mat nut 1 .n l.'.m'.ixx' of
ai net-re- ein,tioii t.a k an t t-'aa.'.l'XV caii auli
crijitiont. The tion ia not fa!tilltJ,
A lumm renul. in Centrai A .
Pari 11 totitr.nrWgrlJiCkCon-
Tim Arv-entirit navy now coinpr.wi
f.ftv-four tirt-la v-el.
It i coiifl.lel.tiy prwli. t-l that aCoiiifo
Ixaiin Ii a!Ut to iiitllllielii e.
A 1 lerman coin any n aail to I alter
,. Viiararfiiaiaiial (ranch ae.
The .Iroiitli in th Ar.'i-nt.u l.epul.lir
ia ra fS"2 ""oU" ilaiiia.-e to rpij.
The aiiimal n-t of the l'.ritiah army ia
17.iaai.ixi; of (he navy i 1 t.ii.'"J.
Tin.iilati worki-ra of Meath. Wale
hate ha I their wa.'ea rut Hi r i-ent.
It i ri-:.rt.-. that I'aly ia m-wot lalitia"
a loan of mai.ixi.ia.i lrt. in (ii-rmany.
The Shah of Vr.4 wh! viait lU-rlin,
t. l'e!erh'ir', I'ar.i airl Vn hha m il
... 1 1 - i .1 .1
1 in rvaiai-r na o.'i. (. ... .,.,,.i.,
r.,Vk,(,..-n.,:. I- u-i-l in th.-Her.
, .r,v.
The Ilar.-elona t-.!i.e have hit ti,-.n
another f.n-lorv . mita Iiii.k fortv pear -
-l,a -l Un.!.'
Two thou-ainl new la. .ka will U- put
1 hv li. . loti i.uhli.hrra
alone tin y.-ur.
Klll.-Ilitl'l, il ia - ll'l,
than ll1"1.1"1.1"" on
the next live year.
r.pei.. more i
navy w ithin !
l.r.i-e will prohiil !-. I, forn-l hy the ,
rri-litor iiwr to mIui In-r army alio
navy an-l pay her eht.
Mona ro i.u.'ht to av -pain i:,."',
i:i imleiiiinlv for the Melilla troiihl,
.at a Ma-lrnl new paa r
Tin- I'r'l-.ian overninent hiia iSeinon
-trate.l that a-troli-um I a reliahle wale
preventer 111 -leant liiira.
It la 1111I10111.1 . .1 that a rhiirter r
iiiiiveraitv lor it a e na men aitrneu ny
the loi.-eii. ami ron-i-iii-titly haa Ui-oiin
law .
i.iiiimitte of Ih IjiII'Ioii SI. a k K-
! i-hiiiik.- ia at pre-M-nt eliila.ratiiik' a plan
to nla. hah or al lea-t 1 ripple the hlli ki t-
, -hop hll-llll-
, 1 . 1 1 .1 .1 .. u ., I
I ram e iiitemla toahai iloii lierilelnaiiil
for the extra.lition ol I'r. Ilr., Ui aue r"'"1' . . .1 .
,t i,Ve. .he ia averae to reviviiiif the I It lim i-n f uiml n-i-e-r-ary, th.-rfore.
Puiiauia ihuii lal. to th fonnal i-er-tiioiiiea of
The 1111nu.1l return of the Civile ahip- i C tnni; th Kx.-itioti for a few .laya,
huiMiii- imlu-try ahow Ihat the tiitul i or until ev.-ri tiling la 111 phn ". (tntlie
imtiHit lm l:i"i waa Ji'H.taul toiia, auinat br-t day of January, ln.w. ver, 1111 infor
;'.:ii.(i la( j uml o miii: on ur. The fl in of all
Japani-M- feeliiiK airain-t foreigner natioh will lly front tlm flai; a.lion
iiititmnea to un n-ae. The i-haplaiii of 'the p. m 1 1 1 . . 1 1 hml. line ainl in the
th l',riti-h h t'iilioli wu riitlilly aa- proiih'l-. t In r w ill ta lnuii' ami li-Hiill.-I
ill Tokin'a alri-et. Maj Bna ,),. ,.T,i-ta. hut the ".lay of
Seven .r-ona have la-en arreati-1 at ji(v," theilav w hn San Kraiii'i-in ahull
lh--:i. liu ia. rhariri-l Willi havillif 1 ,,,(,.. t . ,,f Imi.tni,. when her
forun-il H.omhiin- for the purai of role
Iiiiil' Ih (amine-. tnekrli a .alilr.
lliietio- Avrea paper aaya that the
.ifrn iniu-al irialirl of Arelitin hill
Ir. l11.1l III the la-t ten year. The value
of thia year'a 1 np aiiioiiiitnl lo '7,IXI,
t a) Ml.
The l.'oviil ( 'oiiiiiii 1011 reHirta that ill
Siiitlaml, 11 el-ew here, the llpplv of a l'-rii-iiltural
liiia.reia 1 muih haa than
tweiili .vein atfo. They have Kotie to
tow II.
erlni- r a 1 1 v I 11 la-netralnl
i-ti II tin" lll-tlli--e ol me I J roleae
Mouiitiiiu. a rou I lit. -nty -even inilea
IniiK I 1 ii i; pri.j.i te l la twi eii Una ami
I'aria i to hat a mahoj'nny roadaay.
A part of Ulle l.a Klllette ia la-ilic plltnl
with that w.l. It ia only an exa-ri-1
in nl. hut it -mil, I- 1 1 Li- a very exp.11--ite
The Cairo rorri -ui.i lit of the l,.ui
don .N'l-it -at the halite I iryptian
pt. i- r 11. -w ,111; it violent atta. k 011
th P.iiti-h and Unit nr.- the people to
I.r l -illi-hnrt a rerellt ap erh ill til
I pper llou-i- diirilii: th dehiite on In
ill.lll llliltl:, a- I- te.- ir h-l II- il detillll
proii.ium em. nl 111 tutor of inlei niiiiil
I-iiiii t. 1I1-111.
The Vienna puhii, an- hat atar i. -I a
I a it i oil .i' nn-l I'll-.-ni-r la-.-r 011 un ,11ml
of a II-- ill the pnre. ami thev ur Hl'I
I. it . in; t hroUi:hout Au-ti 111 1 1 iiu-iiry ..r
rn oju-ratioii.
A portion ..I ;ni "A
in th New l.'.n-r (
Iti-ntiii- r a aliare '
'nllll, .HIV ll.l hi. 11
a-.,. II 1 ;l k I II J the pr Ire ol one -hare more
than I I.'i.mi. 'I hi- ia tin. Inctit-et fijj
ut 11 r r. arh. .
A -i-inln ant ,l-ii ol the hard tune i
eeii 111 th la, I that the Siotland Yard
anil, 1. 1 it 11- hat e after murh ,i--ii-ion
vote. I to allow the London .i;. e to earry i
pi-t..l- tor tin w inter only. I
The llr,ti-li t'lH.-riimi-lit ha ilernh-l
lo expend a Ihil -11111 on -IreiiifthfliiliK
I he .lefeti-e- at Portland. Hall a million
Kti-rlnii; will I- rnpnr.-d, and the work
are expert. l t.i.aiupv ten tar.
Mr. Il.nin-ttorth hn cm-n to Itir-
1 1 1 1 f I 1 1 r 1 1 aillil' relltahle hoiiae, aitllplv
aa an em low mi nt for a 1 itv. I he Town
Coiinril il.-.eted. with til hope thill
tin-" ill la-the hr-t ol a loiiu line o(
am II !l't."
In II, ill. 111, 1 tinmen and peroii ol
either -ex under the a,: of I an- now
forludd.-ii to U-l-iii woi k earlier than .'i
t. m or to . ii I 11 , ii- woik alter 7 r. xi.,
nor ran their woi k ex, iid eleven hinira
a day in all.
Al'.iiti-li old f.-v lament that w hat
waa once "I think toil, air.' Ion ui;o
lot the " I " and la-riiine " 'hank you,
-ir." I hu the " air " wa droi.piil, ami
-a.ii ' I iiank " la ranie ' I'liank-,"
and I hen " I hatika. awfully," uml liiiaily
llll .ll-llppeali-l.
The 1 .eriiian War luii-ter. Von Aarh.
h i- k'lv. n a -i n, 1 .an, 1 1,111 to iiielink- in
.1 i-i rh in Parililllielit. I'mler the prea
. lit rin ilii -t. 111, ea o a.a ietv, he aaid.
du.'liiiK 1 aiiimt la-aUi,ahe. ill apile o
tlielaw. I h airh r.ll-t-l a aloriu of
pnil. .la in the I 'u t.
Ciintain White and IVuioiiiii, who
were 111 th M itala-le nuiiitry, have none
to I on. I, .11 I hi v haie i;nn a detailiil
ai.-onntof ihe lichtitif. Cu.'iiin White
.1. 111. Ihe -i .rv ol unmet, -.- -laiu-lit.-r ol '
Ih M 11.1U .. , and an not more than!
I .'' or J ii.i tai nor were killed ill the ,
W hole , .UlllM L-U.
Nl liol rt -he. who retiirne.l I
latelt to I on. loii Iroiu I'cun.lii, arta '
that a In roll ral. (, rim-lit threat-,
el.- to ll-flrh the w hole rolllltrv. lie
iaha ar well arine.l and preparnl wnh :
anilinitiitioii, he a.ita. ami lIlilllliHnl
material i t-iiik. amu.-.-inl through
N irn i -. a't r hat iiik- lai-n o ii!v a l- ,
inil'.-l tlir,,iik-i .. rnian li-rntorv. lm-
no .l.a'. ,1 int.- art 1011 i tits va-arv. Ir.
V-ln -at - :n order to atert an. it her -.u-d.ill
1 -r :, i re.
W hat.- , .-r nl f m.inv 1 ear
the bla.kUrrv 1- enr al.iin laut
in am ot o-ir lari.- m.iiket. Ph.. a
rr.,p t!,t rar.-'v ia:l- here it ha- t r,.p. r
att. n:. on, and w, I return a g v profit
ill. n the Ian i and lala.r a l.i, h ;t ri-
W ! ,
'I t.
n p
I t:,
tn.- for the a-iorn-1
k-roiin.l l.-t i:a iiuti-.-(l,
ri-me 1, 1 the native for-
,1 liot .'.- Ilioliel f ,r
te pr,.-.-ill,..
-k-ti irr.a !la that are 11., t lai
e-e n. r w e l .u.t.-d to tl,.- :r
ar:x a.l of our native tr,-.-. .
a. I
I u.l to advantage for thia purp.-f.
. .1
The Five Main LuiJinvr rjv
Practically KinMied.
.a VI'
' Ouitf a Number of llie Colli eaaiolial
Fiattirei in HeaiIiin-oiie
of the Sfiiaalimi.
, ar I.ettr N j "1
el, etitl ill of thJ A l
With tin- in2'
1t.i1. itra!i. n l.u:l.l.iii. Ukn n-i-1 a
full .-k' wcrk W"r it will nun-
.... .1
j ,.:t.-l. the live ..., h.nlill.ilC th
j California M.-lw .i.t.-r Itit.-nuTioiial ht-
po-iti.-n are r.i- In .o'.y tihi-h.-.l. Still,
;.! ha Wn f uml 111.1- to oen tli
j -itn.n in all tt-.l-partmetitaon Jan.
I Wi,n tli pn ju t.-r- of Una in-liM- eiitirt.r!- t. k a'lvahtiu'e .fth
ilorioii nii'lH'iiiti r u!lii-r 111 luiiior- j
ii.a they ilnl not etjit that th wintry j
m.N 011 th ln r of Lakn Mu hiK.iii,
11 I Ihe tiioiin, un of iiow l-tween that
point utel tin
I army iheiiinelvi
ill j poMtinii to th.-ir plan. INI', liow
aver. lm provi it to la th ra. and
btniilril- of 1 ml' ii-l of exhihita which
were to mine from the Coliiuihian Kl
altlnll to atntel on ilr--a par.l.l 10
( (inte park linve N-n a,-ri.ui:y
J.-liiy.-il hv the we.ithi-r. There h.u. Ia n
freat ilirti. ulty 1 x rienreil in k'etting;
!far to loaii mi at Chn aio ita fast
a tln-y wr remit-, nn-l when thy had
lonre been atar!il wetaril, a run of
oletinlii h.e I to l-overrume until, ern
thotiirh the hull lm .-- in S.111 Krarinaco
ar prartu ally r.-.olv f,,r th.-ir r.i-pti..n,
the hulk of th i-xiiihll whli li are to lat
I I .. I - . .. t ..... ..
uiii'i I'v ior-'iau niiioiu, ua.a ii-. i.
ii. tile ahull turn mil ti ni l.--, when an
extra li-u-al In. Inlay -hall la-.hi lunil ami
when nil Californiii ahall join in the
trreut i-riii.iy of tin- o-iuni nf thia
K' mi. In inter fi t it al that day will
11 line a little later on.
(Juile a iiiiinla-r of tie cmi'-exiiiinal
feature of Ih r.i..iitioii at all in
raditii- 11ml w ill I- in full Lla--t on
Jan. 1. Tin- cr. at Kirth wh.i-1 U-cint
it revolution with th New Y-ar; th
I lion uii'l ti. i- 111 Ih wilil aiiiuial nn-na
..,., ... ,.. v..,.- v. -.a ..,..1,..,,, il,
Simla M-a lmti "ill r-.11 uml
, P ar ill th rr.Mt tatika that have l-en
pn,i. for; th forty-tinn-r
1 iiiiniiikT imp w-ill r.-n-tv mil in trua
1 frontier f i-hi"ii; l-r ami pl.-a-ur will
flow at th ll.-id.-lla-r," riiat'e; Ihe Ha
wuii.m 1 ti 1 rania will lm ..ja-n to the
puhlir: th riiri.uM oni ran do down
into the Colorado .i'M inine; ami even
the cr it el.-rtrn- tower will lie aliimat
i-oinpl.-r.-l. Hut tin word "aliinatt"
will la r!i itiu'-l tnl" ".pute" 111 it appli
cation to evi-rvth:! a proj.-.t.-d in i-H-!
liectioii with th l'.xpo-ltioli la-fore the
Uriiinl 1 1- un ,' day n ini-i 011, ami xvln n
that .lav c there will I" aprea-l out
1 for -h Vl-I'ltl iiiultiiu lo tli lllo-t
lOlnl'li t and tl.i-t ph tllle-gue m...i
tn 11..,! inn vte-teni ami haa i-vi-r
hone ii; .11.
Spe.iku:!.' of III gvut Firth w in el nog-J,'i-t
tin 1 . 1 1 . . 11 of it Very int. r-tiu; in
ter-tin.f in, i l -;it tvhu-li t. .. ,k pl.e in
coiiiii . ti. ii vnh it- coii-trurtii n the
oth.-i luy. iiir:nii temporary lull in
tli-tinik nf putting up th -piih-rlike
a;, ken of tin- it heel, 11 111. in waaula-erved
to l iiiiiil- r up in th 111 ik of tinila-r
mirrmu.'liiie; tin- haa of th u-iatnti-t-ur.
II waa at lir-t Ml'p. -. d to la? a
wi i iiin.ui, an l no utt. iitiou xvaa
. paid In tn. I'ri -.-titly, however, he clam
bered out 011 mi of the lower rijMikea.
The aupcniitemleiit of coiiatrurtiuii,
rtrliinn' Mi;ht of him. aakeil what he
want. d tip there. The adventurer
mn. I tin r.--;-. n-e. but continui-il hia vi
rent, Working hi nay m-,le the
periphery with catlike atrility. The
Ui'i-niltelli'.-llt ordered tl 1 111 doll II. The
only auawer he K"t waa an invitu
tioti to Mim ami fi-trli him. He kept
011 chinl, 1111;, and tvin re tint a-riphery
ha tint l-i-li I'l.n -, he had to r-hdeduw O
the hij ajaike until he reai li,l the chan
nel iron. Croaiiii 011 th-e to the next
like, In-w. rki-l out to the periphery,
and proemle.l aa U-fore,
Hv tin time ijuitit a crowj ha.1
fatheretl. watchuii; the pror.- of thia
darinrf fellow, r.'-ife.-t front th p-uuiid.
He waa rieati!iy warned to haik out
for llinin If, hilt ahnivnl hllnaelf abund
antly able to do o. Finally hf reached
the the highlit jaunt, and, Mandmjj ut
full length, cave an exult iti); whicli
waa an-w.-ri .1 by a irrotip of frii-nda
near the vol. ami Imildiiii;. Of coiirae
he came doit 11 the ot !i.-r way, and
made the tir-t revoluti.-n of the great
Firth wheel. ( n r.-a. hint; the r.iuud
he ill. Iom-iI hi id.-ntity, and wa- rtiif
ninl a n a.nlor and rijc.-r. II -aid he
had made th trip to settle .1 U-t that he muk th tir-t trip around thia
great rotary roii-trurtion.
line of th nf the F.iptt
tion will la- th f iinoti .Iiv.-r, Kohiitia
llak.l. w ho-e rn'i rd Oa a lohtf-li-taju
wimim-r, d-i-p div.-r and ahark hunter
urpaaaee that nf all n,iiatn- wmidera t f
miri i j
ii .Maka
the fr-nt I'm if-,-. It 1 Koliaii
who ha kipt alive the . ! l iark hunt
ing cn-tniu "f lli.-.-.irly kmc-of Hawaii.
In f.-llin-r it m. tin- rn-t. m nf
myal -p.,rt-tn. 11 t.. to ...i m tier war
Lm,- or . ataniai 111. taking aionir a
,rire !,! ..f rh, .jd heinn-a. 'ftn
lawl wa pli.-id nr tli- water, ami
fragment-. (
through a it.
l'Wl. thll-
ih. .1 K.makii were thru-t
111 the,,Mj ,,f th,.
ttl.l. !
-rll.-il of UlMIl
ai'.ni.' -I' i! a. h. li the ali-irk 1
came tin. k around the N-ata a native
att-ir would d-t in mil,' tllIU. ktlife
in hand, am!. ...iu.ii' up under the
, ii - l. . u, 1 , tie .1 h... ar.e. Tin
I- oil ,-f til-ti.ii,,;-that Kohatia Mak.i
J - in the T hurt-will be t.
'-..: 111 ti..- Ir.t'.e la within the
II iwaiiaii
I ure at the Midwinter
. I 1
it t ln-re Will ) amide
n - 111 ( r ,1,
wt;.i-r i.--. .i! -Wi-in-
u .11: 1
the l-.rri,- , ,v
t y K hat. 1 '
i.',.i-tr I-- r ,
I r w h., ii 1.
ii.' and f r K. -hana and
.1 .men t i-xer. i-e. Four
.! li.-'Ti. all exj. r;. form
l.v I wnnnii-ra. In ad.--!
ika. 1 'l.i y w ill not milt--
-i 1, ru! ar.:at;o frata
ir!.ii.,!. i ar lain. mi. but
: ,. t aim. unce t ! l.-.-Ii aa r.-o-ly to
u.i et a.1 i'uu.rr- ii(y forui ut aauatu-j-jaiVa.
W'.ia Wau4,
tl'ivic yt nut.
mar, wool ajid unit.
1.1,1,.. fim 7l!
Wool Valler. 10 -tile per Jioillid.
I'mjapia, llnlJc; Kaalern Urmun, i4
1U-, ariorilin to ipiallty and aliruikarfe.
Hid Iinr ieieiteJ prune, fx ; ifreeii,
aalti-l, M .uniii ami over, 3'c; umler
! buiauiliili,.' .i-; iheep IU, ahearlmw'".
lk.dl.Vi iiie.liu.iii. aimSV: lone '''
..Jt.. .-'I..., .....I In ehoi.K 'i itll'-C
.,, u , .wn ,
per umL
UVI AND tlRKaaco m AT.
Bair Top ter, ." .c MrK)un lj fair
to paal ateera, -r-; So. 1 oiwa, I'r ;
fairiowa, l'...c; .lrea-e-l hetrf, $3.505.(J
! M-r 1 1 m ajumi.
! MtTIo ll-at ahii'p, 2.tH); 1 hoii-e
million, l.7.ViM"J; lamU. WAW-" -'
( llooa-( hoi.-e heavy, 4.V)iS.; lue
1I.11111, $-l.(l,a-l.oO; liiilit auii leerlera,
: H.IHi J t.oO; ilrewe.1, t.0O.
1 VAL J.OUit.'i.l'J.
llama, medium, 12 ! Hlc -r auml;
haina, lartf. 1 1 l,'r 1." ar; hama, pn inr.',; hreakfaat ha. -on, llhalV;
ahorl clear aide, lll.'k-j dry aall anlea,
in .jlk-: ilnni U-ef haina, 1-"..'" l.Tc;
lard, romajund, in tin. Ii'ni W'sC er
aiuml; pure, in tin. 1 1 . ' l:i'..c ; piK''
feet, !, -').fj. ; piua" fw-t, -K", o.0O.
inlin ti.r.
Manilla ro?, 1 14 in. cir. and up, 10'c ;
mamlla nine. U'-thread. diam., lie;
manilla roie,ii ami U-lhrfud, aml5-li)
diam., ll'.jc; mamlla hail ro, in coils
or 011 r.i-ia, lu' jc; manilla lath yarn,
larrnl, 1H-; manilla hawaer-laid roa-well-la.ruiK,
etc., lc; manilla tranainiaaion-of-taiwi-r
mi. 1-tc; manilla pai-er twine,
lie: manilla anrnikr twine, 14c; ai-ul
roue. I 'a in. cir. and upward, 7r;aiaul
roia. U'-tli read. diam., 7'..r; aiaal
I rojie, il and IMhrend, land b-Ui diam.,
' Hr ; lath yarn, tarreil, 7c; hoevuie
tw me, larre.1, ,c ; aiaal paH-r twine, -,
ruii-a, nan, rrc.
Fuit a Portland, ll.'o; Salem, '.'.7,')
Camadia, 'J.7.'i; layton, I-.75; Walla
W alia, :l.00; Snow Hake, l.'.HU; l orval
1 ih. '.".h5; Pendleton, '.'.-ri; liraham,
'.'.4H; atlM-rtine, '.'.L,5 ier barrel.
OATa White, XtntW- per hilahel ;
trray, olnClc: mile. I, in hatta, l.iS
barrel, H1.75k7.(X); in caii, J.75.
Mu.ijiTirrB llran, i:ii.lH; ahorta,
ll.'i.alli; irroitlid barley, llim 1M ; chop
feed, I5 a-r ton ; w hole Iml barley, iKIni
70c a-r cental; innldlinit-, ?lf2H -r
ton; chicken wheat, i-Via Jl.15 ier
Hav (ioud, llOiil-' H-r ton.
OAiat raoiirca.
HfniH Orevon fancy creainerr, IMhut
:ii"...c; fancy dairy, S.W27V; lair to
ipaal, 2lha!'vi; coiiililoll, 10 al7'..,c a-r
Ciikk-a Oregon, lOcrllk-; Califor
nia, c; Yoiiiik America, l-'rtl.V;
swia., iinportnl, 3Uia3'Jc; iloineatic, lt
in lHc a-r miiiiii1.
Iraioa I Iretjoli, '.'"...c -r doii-n ; F.aat
ein, l,l4'nL,7'c.
I'oui.thy ( lm kena, mixi-l, quoted ut
I'.'.fali.i :!.."al mt dozen ; ilre nl, hiulv a-r
ihiiiiiiI; iliieka, .l.,'aii,M..aJ per iloreli;
Ki-eae, , .no"i .(j : llirKeya, live,
Jier (HUind , dre n 1, lo-a Mr.
TxoarAHi.aa aso rai-ira.
VaoKTAHLKa Cahhatre, 1; vr hiiiiiiI;
il(ia-a, I Ireon, laii i 7ac per aark ; 011
lona, l.i' H-r aack ; aweet aitalia-a, H' ,0
ier jxiiiml; (in-oii celery, ;Wm 5tk-; arti
choke, s-'h- H-riloen ; Calilornia ltture,
C UK- per doen,
l-KI ITa Sicily lemon, .'i.0l)i,5.'iO .ei
Ian-; t.'alifornia new crop, H.Wh.i -l.fai
-r l.x ; haiiaiiaa.f l.-Vlnilhialper bunch;
llorioliiln, l ..'an.i J..'ai ; California luivi-la.
.l.7 .1 .t 5o per lix ; t-ec.lliiijr, 'i On 1
'.'.7.'i: Mexiiiin, ;l.ra-i,n:i.77: Japan-,
l.7"i'-i'.'.t"i; i;rupe, ffl-OOm l.Uo per l,x;
apple hut ill,' price), fctreell, otlnll.'a-n-r
ln ; red, lH-(n7-V; craiila-rrn-e, '.i.(HJ -r
barrel ; per.-i 111111011, l..'n) per laix.
Canixku (iooiia Table fruita, aaaorte-l,
1.7.rui :'.(.; peachea, (JI.S-'i n 2, (K); Hart
lett ieara, 1 .7 '"f I'.iatl ; pluina, l.J7',i'
l.fai; atraw la-men, V2.'S'2At 1 herriea,
r- ' blm kla-rru-a, ffl.rVnu-.'.ui;
laapU-rru-a, l-MU; pineapplea, f-.i11'
J SO; apricoia, l.i.r. Pie Inula,
aaaorlnl, (l.'.M; la-achea, II. '.'.')-, pllllna,
ll.lD'iil.LM; hlackla-rnea, ll.iW 1.40 vr
dozen. Pie fruila, allona, a.-nortnl,
fo.l.Wll.oO; H-ache, ;l.&0i.i4.H0; apri
cola, f.T.1 Talii 4.00; plum, 'J.7.5,.t:t.OO;
hlai kla-rrie, M ir '"4.ot); tomatiM-a.ll.lO,
MitATM Cornell lieef, la, $1.40;
(I'.IO; chiiHl, $2.:iri; lunch toiixne, la,
1X50; 1(1.75; devile.1 ham, 1..V(
2.75 a?r don n.
Flan Sardmea, '4, 7.Vi2."J; ,s,
:M.V,(4..ral; lohetera, f-.M3M; aal
111011, tin 1-lh talla, l.r),,( I..VI; (lata,
$I.75;2-llj, $:'.25 a2..r)0; ,',-barrel, (jJi.tW.
C'orrs-v',wU Kica, 2H',c; Kio, 22',
hi2:k-j Salvador, Slh.c; Moiha, .V.'.n
:'N-; Arhiirkle'a, Columbia and l.iou,
lOO-jajiind caaea, 2.r).:U.- jier taiiiud.
Daiao FaiiTa lrnul park, Petite
pruiiea, liias-; nilver. 10m V2i-; Italian,
1,1 lnc; lierman, tii.ihc; pluina, Ini 10c ;
tairatil applea, 8u 10c; evairat-l
apricota, I.VifltM", H-achea, lOijt 12'o;
a-ani, 7tllo per pound.
Sxi.r l.iverwail, 200, $15. SO; Ii'iOk,
flil.OO; 50a, flii.fiO; aloxk, .50t.50.
S v in-1 Kaatern. in barrel, 40ia .V-;
in half barrel, 42 .rt7c; in caaea, liTint
per gallon ; 2.2.' er kt-t ; California,
in harrela, 20iU 40c a-r gallon; $1.75 per
Si'OAa n,4'ac; Golden C, i.. c; Mtra
C, 4'.c; coiilectionera' A,5',c; drv gnn
ulateil, 5'4c; cula, crushed an.! jaiw
dereil, o'.c er pound; i4c jier pound
diacouut un all tirade, for pniinpt caah;
maple auijar, 15itlrtc per pound.
Hi: a Small white, No. I, 2'4c; No.
2'sc; laiye white, 2'c; n-a la-ana,
2'4c; pink, 2'..c; bayou, 2'4c; hutter,
W: l.iuia. :i'4c er jajund.
Jiicr No. 1 Sandwich Ilaml, f 4.50 ,r
4.7i; 110 Japan in market.
I'n ki t.a liurrel. No. 1, '.'S ul'aV M-r
icaiion; -to.,-; ki-i:. ;. SV
kerf; hall ifallona, 2.75 r doeii ;
ler if.illona. 1.75 K-r doen.
I I; tlia lain, Ion lat er, laixe. 1)1. 7.1
I "-'.': halve, l-.'.tai.j-.".:'.-,; .jturtera,
, K'.'.'.V. I 2.7"i; eltflith. 11'..") all.OO. laawe
Mil. atem, Ian. fl.M; (amy fan-l,
1.75; b.ik-a, :i crown, 4'...i..V- -r iun, .
t crown, 5 a.',' .,-. S.1-IU su!laiia.
ix'X-,'.'.(Hi; Luc-, H-iv
, N 11 ia Whol, AINpi.-e, IS..-JV
l--urii; iaia, in Ms-; cinnamon. :'.
I'i : dove. 1 i.lm-; blark J --r, 2i
. liutiinv, 75 .. v.
II. .ai t-i. Han t l ! -liAv. j
i l-... v.-l tint tl , r,. ru n wa a
when i-t.ry orri,,-!. Kt-t pt 1.111 mil
r at nu t'- l i-t-r l.i- 1 ,-. -.i.ii and
t lim
ine i-t. tinot
ake il,,
it! I, i-t ell, r i'l n. foliv-rmht
I nl.K,- I ii- l;, of a later
K"- ; ti, i,, n.,t routine Ilia
of -I. o to free oitim. hut
t hi 1 r -l.u .-. to l,ave laKli f.e e aiid
t la.lil. K. iiuhiic.
..! -
A Mraalj Hut.
' W'. II. .!. hmiy, do you ni,in i;r to hold
your ;:.n e iu 1 our 1 U-r at houl'"
"Vr'.b, thir. I've been ftajt of 'em all tul
1L.1L Jrar " Ilarja-r a lWar.
Practice Savinj; Money ly th
Proper Care of Tools.
(.et the Soil iu TuoroiiLrbly (ioo,
Tilt li ISefure Sowlnir of the
Seed Oilier Note.
Ill II recent i-atle of I'lirtll New ita ed
itor call a-i lal attention to the
tneol aaiiiik' iiioiiy by proa-r cure nf
tiaiia. lie rat a that aa the work of rui
tivatiliit the pn-ai-lit crop ia liiiiahed a
pro-r ilii.-i-itioii uf our farmiiitt impl
li it-li t m ahuilld lit once la mude in order
to avoid mill Ii worry and more i xh'1im.
at the o-iiiiii of another aeawiii, H
would not la-a wiae man who on lat in,;
aaide In Mlinlner 1 liitlniifcj Would throw
Iheui into the carn-t or flitter; lieitln r
lia a the prudent farmer leave hi lurm
1 in! iiiipleiiii'iila, in which ao many hard
iarnl doliara ure lliveated, expoe. lo
the In at of the Mill to ahriuk uml full
apart, nor in ram to 1-e utterly ruined
by the mat, W hell coally plow a, Inai-a,
mower and cultivator ceuae lo la Uaed,
un appliciiliou of aoinc k'"ol oil, alter the
dirt lm la-en carefully cleaned away and
they have lai n placed in tome dry ahe.ter
or lumla-r-hoiiae, will weur twice a loiur
aa uiKha teil bail-ol a aila-nor illiillty.
It I but little trouble to put away a bail
when you are .lone with it, uml aoine
ma. k, trieiidly ami inv ilinic, can ulway
he found to allord ahelter to dlailaed 1 1 1 -plemeiit.
Scatterid around on turn
row in the Held to la- broken hy watroh
and 1 aten by ru-t ami worm uml alaiul
the barmanl to frighten and criiple
link and I a- foiilnl hv iultry, your no
pleinenta, which at all timea ' aliould Ihi
hrilil, clean and inviting, Imome an
eyeaore to the careful farmer, and the
deterioration in vulue and availabilitv
Uiniiie a itrievou draft 111111 the nne-t
plethoric iure. Wiaal ami iron wrought
into their miiltitude of iiaeful aitirle
iletiiHiid daal 111 the liuie of ml ami
ahelli-r to protei't from moiatiire a murh
ao a the lame ami lira it 11 that coiiatitute
the human laaly. Whatever proti-cla
your " adak in trade" Ui-onu-a a a-r-iiianent
iinprovi-meiit, and cannot In
neiflectcl without lo-a and UKKruvatioli.
Then try ahelti-rinit your iinpli-ini-nta,
and notice how mm h loiie.-r they laat
ami how luiirh time i (.-allied when the
time cometi to hriiiK them from their
hilling place and ifo forth to the liel.l
Uk'iun. NuthuiK iM-cilpiea no little time
uml Kin-a Hiirh biit retiirna for the in
veatiuent. otaTIK Ml 1:1.1a Ion i.tvivii MKNa.
I'uriiiit the puatfew year coiiHideruhle
dia.-11-aion haa iai-iirre.1 amoliK Hiultry
men in rurd to the iilation w hether
ovater ahella were ol anv 11 -e to the lieu
a-a H.iirre ol iniiterial (nr the eirt'-lu-ll.
It trout-rally known that the ordinary
icraina ful to auiltry arc very delicicnl
ill lime, uml aoinc have aouht to atipply
thia ilelicielicy, umler the atlpai-ltloli
that ovater ahells iter 111.0 lilble. hv re
lyiiiit aoh-ly 11 jKiri aoinc plant daal rich
in lime, aiirh a the clover. Cru-ln-l
I oy-ter ahella have U-cn exteiiaivclv fed
I ami w ith uikhI realllta, hut It haa la-ell
tlioiiu'lit hy many that tln-v were of vulue
, anli'ly n tint. No aati-ia. tory un-wer
j ai l-ma to hute la-ell Inadi- lo the iiu-tioIi,
j and 111 order to o'ltiun aome ilelinite 111
I foriiiiition w-veralexH'riiiieiit- have lai n
I made iluriiuf the pn-t t ao year lit tin
New York uitrii ultliinl experiment at:i
I tion. Six olie-year-old helia were tiaed
j ill the-e ex rilnentH, the re-ilit- of
; whieh are Mlliilni-.l lip 11a follow: The
I Icedlllif of ovater ahella diirilii; the lul
ling aeiiaoll, where they run la- rhi iiplv
nl'taim-l, 1 OiietMiuml
w ill 1 1111 (ai ti lime enoiieli fur Ihe -hi ll of
alaiiit aivi'ii ilo.-n ik'". line k'ravil
iiiiituiniiii; liiue-ioii will a
Hell aupply tin-ilelii lenry of lime exiat
ilii! ill 1110-t l.aala, but the tiae of a.. me
-harper unt w ith it muybeof Hiita..'.
Ixmu or aharp -phiiter-ol k'lii-- or .li t
lame aliould la- uvoided. The aie lif
liiirtirlea of jrit hud for hena la-tti-r la
lurirer than that of a kernel of tth.-ut,
uml -lioiild Ih- ainaller than that of a
kernel nf corn. An unlimited autuilv of
Hiiiiili .l )laa ha Ihi-ii attemled w ith
110 had reaiill when the I.Hal ami other
k'rit utailuhle to the fow I contained an
ahiimliiiii e of lime; but, when the fiaal
waa deficient in lime ami no other tf ri t
wu obtainable, hen ate an iiijuriotialv
larw'e uiiioiiiit of i;la-a.
Ai.llll t 1.1 1 II II, NOTK.
If you have the ri'lit kind of cow and
the cow have the nht kind of owner,
not lea than :'et Hi uim laof buttira vear
aliould Ik- the average yield.
The next year' crop on maiiv a farm
will la- improved if Ihe owner of the
farm w ill do aiime readmit ami vtudvitiK
while aitlnn? alauit the alove the-e lout;
Whether plautinit eed or react tiuu
plant or tree, take pama alwav to firm
the anil alamt them. Many eeda (ail to
eeriuiiiati- ami many root to takea (r.-.h
atart l-rauae thia aiinple prerautioli in
not obaerved.
If you are oblieil to fe-d atraw thia
winter, feed a little oilineiil a well. If
you have never u-e.l any, von will be
-urpriacd to aee how well a'tock will come
Ihroiii-hoii atraw and oilmcal a their
principal f.'i-l.
Then-1 liooiienperation in the cultiva
tion of a cmp that ia of , murh iniHir
t Hire a that of trcttinu the will in thor
oiichly ifanl tilth U-fore aow inn of the
ainl. .Ni-k'lect in tin cannot U- iom-i-n-ated
f,.r by any other work,
l"o you know any way by which the
urn land can ! more ihoroiichlv. eaailv
and cheaply fertilized than l.v plow iiik
under a -.k1 growth nf rye? 'if ao, we
would like to have your exa-rience, u
we have never foiind'a la-tler metlnal.
Have you ever noticed w hat acute vi-
hoii birda and fowl have? Tlmvi-.ii
hlld iniliute acrup of dual, iliatiiitf'ui-h-
iiik' iiiem irom what appear to u , x
I ii. tly aimilar pin- of eurth or irrurel.
I hey tan al-o aee object aidewi-e a
I well a. in fnmt.
I There i u murh nenl for the atudy of
1 roiiomv in the hull-, hold ua IIon the
larm. U haa alwata la-en a matter for
w inder with u that farmer w ill bin
their table ailppliea in aiirh amall iUan-titu-,
when a .al larr. ntaiie could le
a ivi-l by but iiiW' in laru-er lota. In pur
chaaii i: alii.o-t all -tiipl. . tn,, or Ihri e
latum i;, join l...-.;h.-r and
!- at a. moat wholeaale prin .
lanGrr In Vaaant H.iUM-a.
Se Iit a. the I,um. 1. uii.-. up..., thrp.
l no ht ). ,.. ,.,.,.,.,
' I" "' 'I. II" ) wi.l , lo
1 aa I.-..- .r- .1 ,!, i , I, .ii,. ,t tnonaiidlr
1 .- I h.r mn ..,i, prr ,.. ,V(. ,w.
..rilearied. .(. .Ir.m;,:,, , .
.a-el ainl nt:. a i- fee I aiel ,!,.,,,,. ...l
. n.l a 1
1 r lrjt
.'. ii. r.n otrrh. lining ,-tT.-. t.,.
reiuw 1- ajaata . ft
the l.i al uc-
. npai.ta of a an.. an-l a.
ti.cae uii.l.rva
1 'itr. r. t,,,n. r,o!..
i.'io-.t an. I duor
:'. houf tja-
.re ti.-i.tly rl .- I.
1 .llie u.h, t..l 1 ...
. 1 XI, ..!, 1 r f-..M
. thrr k'i nil .!. .i. . ,.(... .,,
aSet IL .vu;tiou ul a Lew .. , "