The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 06, 1894, Image 4

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Kugcno City (jimrd.
We have juit Jinoovcnilwl a re
js.rt of the grange-alliance commit
tin in the alt'u lnil-ienlrnt.
The n irt wm wot furnished Ku
gene twoer for t.uhlirMion or it
would have a.-arl Unlay. This
wm to us a tdranp- j.row'durr to
say the leant. We will probably
publish it m-xt m-k. The refer-i-nwa
iiiadu to thia pa-r are mis-It-adin?,
and we believe were done
ho maliciously hy the rorninilti.
We will uimwfr the name complete
ly in our next insui', and ahow that
the coiinnitU knew lln iu to have
beon unjust. Kueh work proves
conclusively that they are doing
thii Lunineaa merely for partisan
punioiaB. We fink for a u.nsion
of judgment until tlie fiMta are
Malfin )mocrat: The price ol
wool in thii state in now only a
fraction of the duly. That ahowa
how much the duty ia good for.
If it wi re 110 a ixiund it would not
give the grower a market unless
there were manufacturer to buy.
Taxed wool simply tends to trans
fi r the woolen manufacturing in
duntry to foreign countries, and
thin prowKH, if carried far enough,
would com 1 the wool grower to
cxort hia product and he the
freight, a the wheat-grower dis-s,
Justea I of rolling it at homo and
having the freight in hi favor.
The trouble with the wind murk
t t uow i not that the manufacture
era are buying foreign wool. It in
that t'n'y are not buying any at
all. It is bvcauwt the mill are
closed thai the bottom hna dropped
out of prirv. Free wool will om-h
them giiin.
Tlx xeluition of Australian and
Argeii'iiK' wools from the American
murk I I ni abnormally ili-pp'sscd
their prico abroad, and ho given the
foreign manufacturer an unfair ad
vanillic. Hitherto tlie American
policy ha Urn to imort foreign
wool in the form of manufactured
good. I'nder the Wilson bill we
oil all iniMirt it raw, and make it
up here. That will muke a steady
homo market for whatever wool
i produced in this country, and
uch a complete collapse a the
present will bo almoHt ni)Kxilik'.
Consumption ia a contagioui
disease and ilTorta have Urn made
in aouieof tho large cities to iso
late or at leant to provide means
for treating puticnta so that the
disease may not be communicated
to other. It ia not popularly r.up
potted that consumption ia com
municable, but it it in fact easily
transmitted, and the danger lie
not so much in the chance associa
lion of H'rnous affected with the
disease with tlmae who are physio
ally sound, aa it does in the conta
lion which can bo spread by them.
The germs of tuberculosis can U
transmitted in liijuids. Diseased
milk is one of tlie mod common
forms of carrying the disease. Care
less persona are very (reUenlly
subjected to contagion.
line means uned to prevent the
spread of consumption is to have
the doctors report to the health au
thorities each case as it is discov
ered, the same as is done in other
contagious discasts. This is a
sound sanitary precaution, and
while it is not mwssary to isolate
the cases, it is necessary that the
public? shall be acquainted with
the existence of tlie disease how
ever, it is located. In some cities
ipevial wards are set apart in the
princio-tl hospital for the treat
ment of consumptives, and it is a
wise measure.
Consumption require treatment
different from other dines-, and
atients alovled with it are javul
iarly sensitive to improer meth
ods. The tint issue of the I'cndloton
I)aily Tribune lias Urn received
at this oflice. It is an excellent
paper, but if its advertising trou
age do.., t increase r.ipi.lly the
journalistic cemetery will receive
another grave. However, we
wih the new venture sucoei-.
Curling Irona ft, 10, 1.) irnta.
K. I.. ClISMIllNn.
Slraaaar 1 kai triiaa.
Tim jir.U.fOi'iirt ttalsy uerhli l aruri
ontly romantic mill u . Thirty year
ago Mary V- VIU was ena-atcl '
uisiry an ol.l m h..luiat. TUry qnar
rell ami rl. t. Tli Kill. aftT lr
lover' inrri.." to hiioIImt wonian, in
tho colim) of time In-tame tha keeper of
a notorious tuHiM in Low ..In the
name .( I.ylis Wrwari. Four years aft
i r bu loarrwii ht-r i-l-l lover's wifs died
in fivlnif l.lrlli to a (Uiyl.l'T. and ti.e
.rt JyiliK two ymmlatS thr rhll l WiU
in a lnni f'r if I" ' "" !"
Ti n facta em to t1' ear i.f Mim
WalU'c. Hbe t'1 ' 'l'i a', SH'I
formally a-l-'l tniK tli clnl.l .Ur.-l tur
in linn-U of friHii'U. tli Ktrl Ix'ii'K
afterwanl elinl-l in a ronvi-nt, all
ktioMKof hf-r moth. r' voca
tion or Iwr own wiiMi'h cur--folly
k".t from until h ri.-iit-ally
iMirtiH of it wlien lm luurrinl J.
E. KI.ti.f nmlia two ).rk'o. In
Annu-t lt Mim Wslltx f li'-l after a
loiiK lllii-i, iluriiiK tlie l.ittr rt of
win. h xlit- ui.l. a will kiviiik Mr.
11.011. tlm Uliieof li. r .. "tati
ln-iiiK Kivt-n to tli li"tutor' i-tT, Mr.
Uai. yof ( lii. nuo. Mr. KM Wan a
rrtit-t, sii'l t'la)' Hi" court il .l"l in
ber f.ivor on tin' ifroiiml II. at ll. il r
lim.1 iil mi. lux inll'H in wli' ii tin. li
taUr was iin-ntally il r. sikI that
thi contract of al.tion nto.j. lr
frotmliniih'Tiiiiu lii-rwlopt'-l lanlin r.
Lincoln (N h.) l)ii h.
A Ihanktcl-lng lrorll...
One of th ln.t .l. aiiiii( ilworation!
Iiavnevi-r 'iifor acliun li vim wrought
out in ilriwl Iii.Iimii l orn. ir-ut Ulk
of it wr ina.lf into U-I I rii sIh.vk
Hit. wiii'lown ami li"l lirrn.lth-r
aroiui.l tin- r.K'in. the earn of nnMy K"1
khowuiK atfam-t th IT li.n kroilli.
with in.wt i liamilliK ellii t. Illio of the
unmt .i-aMiiit ilimratioiia of a hwluiK
llt..ii church a year or two
wniiu'ht out alinwt wholly in com ul
in tin maun. r.
Tli..Mwh.i have ti.l.--l the ilii-orativ
laMuhiliti.- f i-.irii will uii'l. r-laii.l nt
once how l.l. micI kmc. ful hii-I i-utir. Iy
hariiioiiioii tlie liiKm.f rui h a fri. r.'i ail
belllU'le. ll.i-l tl hi i;-"-k sculptor
llS'l a kllowe.l(e of tllli ' lit It t . 1 Hill Coll-
ti.leiit tin y woiihl have iiiixle i of it in
their treat in" nt of ca.itnl ami friinn,
fur it len.lil"'lf a rea.lily to fine eftWta
In sculpture ti i the iicaiithun, which
their chiwU have liiiinorliiliZ"!. 1 iiit
arc with I'r.K-..r, who has so
eaniefttly aiil cl.uetitl' inaile lii-r ph
for itiialopl..iiiui a national emblem. It
U tliHtinctivt ly AtiiencMii. It is Wiiti
ful ami vhi1m,1i7.'i wealth an. I .Iwity.
Lailm' II. une Joiirnul.
The dumb ak.
Last rk Mini Nilli"" Kullar.l was
ilutiih. Tolay xhe talk llin ntly. The
"nue of li.-r In'Iiii; srclilis was el. ft
palate, a liiif..rtuiii" from lurtli. Her
voire i cli iir, ami her wor.U are ntti re.
tlirtliiclly. Thlm hail.'.- Imnlnn wrought
liy mean of an artinciul uihile ol.l urn
tor ii. el.' of v tilt .mi i mi l miIiUt. It
wm i. no I.' I.y a .1. mixt of thin city. For
merly Minn Hull ml el. ri" Ii. e.l crt'ut
.lidl. nlty In nv.allow iii ;. Tne .l. nti-l
tiwrintl of her iiiir.rtiine, nti.l after
maki.iK tin eiamitiati..ii ih-ci.le.1 to try
an r riiiient. For wvi-ral week h
Iims worke.l mi the artili. ial palate obtu
rator. Ui-t wi-ek It wan c..ii.l.
MU Hiillar.l came on a vi-it to her rela
tive, Ci.Ioim'I It. ('. ('ami. .ii. an. I In' whs
prem nt.'.l with the i!ale oliturator an a
free uift. It wan a.ljute. in Ii. r mouth,
an.) f..r the I'iikI tune in h. r life nhe ut
tcre.1 a wor.l. Like a little ehil.l, nhe In
h'au to talk frmn the nimple wor.U in
rommoii iix, until tixhiy nhe coiivemr
frtrly with her frien.U. Mm Hullanlls
17 )car of Sk'e ami i pretty. Way
rrixu (da ) U'tt.-r.
llvmlurM Uoulil the I'lnmt.
C'oimiil (ieiieral Jiii oli Hun of II. iu. lu
ran want n ili.'e force orKHiiixe.l in hit
repill.hc ninillar to that of New York.
Ho I) an ail.lrt-Mil a letter to the police,
boarl lo thin i-lTi-ct. which was rea.l at
the lat inivtiiiic. Apn.lel whs a re
quest that the Ixwril iletail a huiniih
pttkitiK .ln einau of aluhty to do the
or(Hiiiziti( In hi country.
lis tuentionv.1 I'oliceiuan J. ('. M. tlee
aa a tit wrMn for tho work. Mc(h
talks HMnih llin ntly. He in known as
Hiinpeu.ler Jim, which liaiiiu he acquirrtl
by wimiiiiK a w a. r w hile on the wot
rrn plaint in the capacity of cowlmy.
String a lot of Indian trying to rids a
broncho with a tingle bridle one day, lis
bet lie coul.l do it with no bridle at all.
Ills waiter wns taken, and lie fooled his
friend by tuun Ins niinpenders in lieu
of headstall and Int.
Us was appointed on the New York
police force (lire year aifo. The request
of Colinut Hull w ill be counideretl at a
future meet uitf.- New York Tt-lt grsui.
Trlrkf t'snaaiMift.
It i Keuerally U-heve.1 in nftlcial cir
clea lieru that Canada has (ol the bent
of the bargain in the llehniiK ' arbi
tration. Hy tho decUioti at Paris the
killiliK of neal with ilrcsruis or riplo
nives was prohibttml durum the month
of Aiiiftnt. but for aoiuo iinexpluiiiitl
reasoii tho i.b-a dm-s ut appear to have
entered Into the mind of thoae t
lliK the Aineru ati i-ane that an rtnially
Stt.rtive mean for killing the seals was
to le found in air nuti, inch an are mail
for ymrf whalen, a spear beliiK
driven from the icuu by coiiipmiwHl air.
The ntNiler of Hritinh Columbia are tiow
tarttiiiK their attention to thin means of
evadltiK the intention of the roliiuilnniou,
and it in generally conceded that they
will ntiff. r no .n throUKh the nutmhto
tl.'U of air and t arn for flrearuit
during the mouth in winch they are pro
hibited uinK th.- latter wvHpous for kill
ing the wain. Torouto New.
lilrago'i AiabltluK.
It I said by a ttii. hki literary uiau
that I here in kI reanoii to U hevo that
Mr. Itowelln could tr iiidu.t-d to Ro to
Chli aKO to live. That city ap-ars to v
very much in .an..t in it intention t the literary center, SVeti if Itbtn
lo make Mdvaii.e , eiwtern literal v
uieu Hut lli. n Mr, Howell waa burn
in the middle wet. U-ntou Trauncnj .
Frrnrb Tanny Wafers.
Tlunan wafer ar ftir the r-ln-f atnl
t u re of il n ful ami Irregular tnen-n,
sti.l will remove all ol-tnn lloii., no
luatter t,r raiie, ami ar aurs
an. I aalT- every ttnie. Maniifai-tiinil hv
Klneraitii Itnis; Co., Knti J .., ('!., anil
f.jX l ydvl.uni it lvl.ano.
flilloh's Vitallw-r I what you ns
f..r Iy-ia, torl. liver, jvllow
kln or kiilney Tmuhle. It I Kuaran
tertl to rIvs you atinf. ti..n. 1'ri.v 75
tTiita. N.hll.y Hr. R I. M. Kennev,
AnaGr. tin-Harvard ln.Uiiii, wiua
pwa; fanio r' ly.
An lrew Ki! . I!a rt I the l'.rn kl) U
Kae aa i..icr !) and r e to be it fl-
JuMdi I'lili'X'-r mine to thin country
with wither money, education nor
kn-welf of F.n.'li-h.
Mr. Sa.ino I Ileum tt of Tanner, W.
Va., ha ."V n. hh in (1. Mr.
Ib-tuiett in 6:1. and the i.'tf votinic Ueiifu-ttl
are -nht art."
Tho kin;; of Italy Btv.-sj l.i qn.-en
rriiiof ..'irl u.n eiu h of h rbirth
dayn. hho own now vi-ritah!i rojn-s of
thew precious w m.
The Duke of York pay treat att' ntisn
to what tho ii-wpanr ay aln.ut him.
Iln k-- a Un.k in wliii h i i-.tted every
referellt n made to hllll in the public pP
whi h falls into his hand.
K. N. HnbUrd of MiddMown, Conn.,
ha the r-m-ft roll.ctloli of livitiif bird
In New KiiKland. It include npe ie
from aImot every country in the world
and i worth thouand of dollar.
David Ilradb ) and Captain William S.
(Jiiyer, broth rn in-Uw. who were mar
riel on the Mine ilar in Went port. Conn..
In IM:t. celebrated their Kolden wmlditi
recei.tly, tin y and their wive all Win
Few ronple n-acll the nevenlleth 8!i
tiiverary of their wedding. Thin lm
tincti'in, however, han In-en enjove.1 by
tho liev. and .Mm. IV iijaiiiin .M.-vcnn of
llai, Mo. Mr. Mi veu in H I and In
wife M year of ae.
Qn.t-ii Victoria airorditiaT to her pho
to'ruplier, I a n.ont natiffactory utter,
hhe I. an never epol led a plate, and though
nhe ha had M-veral huudretl picture
taken at different tune nhe rarely disap
prove of any of them.
Captain Sam lirown will M-llhinlior-es
In training, but ib nien the p-nrt that he
will retire from the turr.
The vet. ran Ilarrv Wilkm ba Urn
driven lately w ith J. r vinaii, ..iij.aiid
the two are alile to pi a clip.
It it rcportttl that John A. b'an, Jr.,
ia .In kermif for tlie HiiMiiiili lllld Arilbiall
hor-s that were exhibited ut the World's
fair. J. m. MiKN.uri imcer. I.k.iii
np like a commie horw. Not I.uik iiko
lie paced a half over tlie Mexico track 111
Tl." champion yearling f PUIInnd the
fa-l'-t of all ntalllolin of that neiNtho
pa. -r Ambulator, w ho iiiade a ret ord of
iMH rtneiitly.
lliix.i l Wilkea. Siva, Muta Wilken, Dou
ble C:mw and Chrin I.anx. the kingpin
ofth Corlatt t able, haw won a for
tune thi te-aMiii.
Tho American mare Nellie It, ejmrt
ed to Aunt ria by Dan Mcl'h.-e, him w..n
th' Crown Prince prize in Uuvia, tlanh
of four mile, in l Vi.
A lady who at ten. l. d the race at S.-nc-inaw,
Mich., remarked that iinlinn h. av
en contained t -t Ii men and hor-a n nh
did Hot Wli-h to Kt there.
Uin le le.b. w iiiiii r of the American
Derby of ivm, wan hold the tiny la-fore
that race f..r 17. ". Hewn nold iu
Montana a few wtn k ao for f IV
Alinont. Jr., wan a "ntone rejected by
the builder" n.-veral yearn ai;o. Twelve
of bin net entered the L'.lto lit thin year,
which Kiven him a total of X -rforiu. rt.
llirlit.p Ib-ro. by lli-hop. recently
ktl.n kel out llillitn-Mt' three mile record
at Oakland, Oil., trotting the .lit.uire ui
7:ll. Hiintn n made her record of 7 I i
in i
Nina Ilertini lliimphrey ban left the
Hinrichn I ' ra coiui.iny.
JoM-ph Arthur in said t i bav.t ht artel
to rewrite "The Corncr.icker."
C. .1.'e ha joined " tlm
Potomac," playilijr Captiuu Fax well.
"Tim Oath," a M-unatioiial draiiia, will
l-o pr.nlth-cd at lhiltiinore on Nov. Vi.
Kuiiice (i.ndrii-h, a wentenier, will
make her firnt eantt-rii tour in Febniary.
()i--.r,i' Lannen in or;atiixiiii; a nt.n k
rtimpany to play over Davi' miineum
circuit in I'eunnylvaiiia.
W. A. Whitecar Im nfeived a play
from I'lirtuital, from t!ii'i n of Catuille
Hlalico, and will translate it.
Valerie llertere has won favorable in
tlce fur her leading work m "The Jour
nnllnt," a new play pnaluceU rtveiitly in
Wint ouniu.
A new play called "Tim the Tinker"
was recently produced at Hunt.. I. Colin.
"Wild U.nte." allot. it-r new play, Wat
launched at Mount l'lilaki, llln.
Violet Maneottti will k out ni;ain tin
canon nudi-r the iiiauak'euieiit of H
ForU-s of Cuba, N. Y. The tour will
Win on Feb. A at l'iula.l. Iplna.
It Mt'im that JtHM-ph will n
tain the proprietary rights in Aui;ui.tun
Thoiuan' new play, "Hlne lll.nnl," and
that he ha nllliply dlnnel of tlie ri Jit
to A. M. Palmer to present the play Hi
New York and other large cities
OihnI, to la x nuaii. iit, mimt be
gin on the iuni.le.
Fihing for coiiipliineiit in not a bit
better than tUhttig on Sunday.
Tlie devil get lame an nnn an he colii.-n
in nuht of a good inan'n hoiine.
Th.. man who et tn to outrun a lie
had Mti-r not ntart with lame f.t t.
If the devil e.T take .'IT bin bat to
any man oil earth. It in to the bpn rile
W'.l.-ll tlie devil got tochuri'h. beg. tl
r.ill, walk there w it 1 actmr. Ii ineinU r.
Tl devil linn tin iiuarn I w it h tlx- m m
who never hn aiivctntrovt-rv w it h I nn
Self. An nr. 'ban.;. I would break im '- r
what nolne .-( le rvj-.t of a pat. .
Tlire I often an imi. li n !: i-i t' e
point tf a Jli an tie re l m the l ' ri.d
of a ciiib It tiu' l..rti
A etrraa of the Vevlesn Mar.
Oak II vkiiok, iiii -I m.-t tis o.
Mollleliiy, all ol.l VetelTili of the M. V i
; t all wnr oil the "tret t tl.-iy, ho to!. I
tur that after r n.lilic aU.ut Mion....'s
I lU'if'l'ntor he la.iiuht a sti:e
an. I the tlmt linr il.n cn e him In.-
imsliie rt-lit f. - tost. t;.lme. Your
j tlni(.-.-int si'lln In s..i r or li.iii.l. The
laiw.ler to In- taat li .Irv or In.t.le into a
I tea. '
Mr. I-I.irelii'O I-.. Kei.i V. a
thiiiiiflit fill voi .. i iii i.i.,l.iiili.r...-j
itr movement in " 1 1 r-I. '- "Ii-
. . I I .
m-rvetl, H 11 1 - i. ill i' I r. .1- "I in' ii i
an- i.e I.y tl.iy .ind !' in !
tin- city hall by iii;!it, many ol'
th'in" children who lire n riilittt-'l
to toil U-t-HII-e nf tin- ilidlgeiiec .if i
t ! i r n:ireiit nn- -'ill - rl!v r-.
I . I '.I - .1
KxiK' l. 1 I ' r- .'I'- i i" I'll .- -. -.i--
l i' I'll ;. -, Mi"
and -t-.r. n ill tloit
ill ti .- y.i iii-,'
p,r.- 'l to I ili-.r
from !') !.ll I. ...
Te-'.t w Ii' re-
-corner- an-
- K.!!"v!
j. .!. I m;
V . Illl.ot i
p i- !.;.- ol'.. ii 1 - I.
bv I -I' lit- " li", w i 1 1 ! t
oe' curl, l-.r tilt ill-' !'--. V. I -i'li. r
th' ir i iiiMieii ! j. i ..ri.i !'i iitid
ard i'ii; ! ili ir t" untl.'-: --try
AMONG Thi Cf.'S.
Tliefilieattuniiloip' - conn-fr. 'Ill
Thula autiful (,'n-. r. of malachite Indus
to cop-r.
IJono turiuoi.-.J incut fr..m thct.t th of
mantodotm, colored with animal matter.
Diauioniln ant found in every color and
shade, frtJin the purept white to jet black.
The Regent diamond was found nt
Golconda and In the rough weighed 410
Carat. n.
Carvel were well known to
tho ancients and of high value an cut
Opal are no st-nrntivo that exjio-ure to
Biolntiire or h.-at, or even no. Men atmos
pheric change, hoiiietiiiit-s ruin tln in.
When a fltni ruby in f-und in Hnrmah,
a proceiwlon Ol l-lcpuiun. i nn- ' hou
aoldiers i-jcort it to the kin,-' palace.
Jitnin T ia sn iini.tiro quart r., u-ually
eontaining tnurh iron. It i found in r d.
brown, yellow, gn- n, black and blue.
Th" sapphire which adorn the piimmit
of tho F.ngli-h crown in the Mine that
Kdwanl the C'oiifen-"r wore in hi ring.
To tho habit of burying gems with the
owimr wo owo tlm jirt-t-rvation of mnny
of tho most n-markabl.i iiiitiipie j.-weln.
Amln r, often da d nmotig gem, is
fow.ll pnnlui-t. Mo-t of the npecim.-IH
Inciting iiipuctaaru mauiifjictiired from
gum copaL
Tho emerald wan one of the lt-M known
ancioiit stotiis. Fiii'-ralilnhave Int-n din
coveretl iu tlm F.tru-n-aii tombs in set
tings over 2.000 years old.
The Santa Catino of tho cathedral of
Genoa i an
Inches w ide and o deep. It wan, accord
Inir to tradition, giv ii by tlm yum-n of
fiheba to Solomon. It was captured nt
twntarea by tho t ru-ider and given to
(Jenoa in 1 0l. St. Lniiin (JloU-Democrat,
When an early cro;i h n ri itun-1. Ii.ivs
another ready to t.iki. Itn pi.:.-.-.
Dupting white li. 11. Lor., ov. r the foli
age will slop the currant worm.
Theln-.-t worlt iu fi.'I.'i:i-i in-ct I ents
1 wIm ii th.y f.r-t iua!.. tie ir up
(earance. It in a naf.i rule not t. ..r allow a
tree to bear more fruit tliiin i! branches
will Biiptain.
In lighting tho cur. ulioon III- plum
thu tnn-s hhould In! jarr -l d uly iu ordt r
to mako thorough work.
It in a p.-ifo plan nt all Imn n a'ld uiab r
all conditioim to cut away any .: ad. de
caying or di-capcd wood.
To liavo pig iu the orchard h n.t f nly !
gml for th" pig, but al.-" c "! I T tlm i
trtrs, provided tin r. ia i:"''d pa -tn rage, j
An Ifollotliical in. 1 e:y r-medy f.-r I
many of tho ailments nnd t i. nil. n ' f !
fniit trees is a good ai pin-a'i.ui or I
For the codling lilotll cm the appb
spray as noon us the fruit ban net, using
a pound of pari gr.s n to b" gallons "f
It is jKipniblo to iniiiiiir.. too much
while tho trtsj in grow ing, but nfter it
comes into In uring inanmo can Ik iij,
plied without -t int.
A good rule with a oiitig orchard in
to keep iu with homo cultivated or hot d
during the tirt tiv. years aft- r
planting, manuring thoroughly ineati-
while, ami then us . I tl..wii to clover
all tha rtillar l:-..-..l.. i! 1 u
man. 1 he only .v.n r. 1.1. ; I.t tl - :h ;
la l'r l'inr.-e f'nt '. I '.' - i 'i ' ' ' ' ,,r
aronipn mi(T.-ring fe. .'i a" ehi. -h- "fon:i'e '
roiiip'.Vnt " or .sO n I r w. n .n whonre j
rtin.l iwn an. I ov. r"i k -.1; l"r -ia n .1- j
las ting to lssnii i... th ; nn I I f i.i"'l-r i
who ara nursing u::.l e!i:oiv'. -1 ; at tl:t j
ehaiiRa from girlli.s , to '..'.:i'ih.r. ar.l
later, at tha tnti. :i! " ot I".-'' it
in iinsli. ine tliot wt'. 'r hi- I ert.only lu:KU '
llj. tlnthelin, rt-,'".. It.--, n'.hi et.les 1
It it l.s.nt. if ii i-M-ii l.ii:s lo t-Rt'i;t or
cure, you hata yeur :n. m U-u k.
What you an1 :ire of. If veil n-e Pr. !
Sjgr' t'atsrrli, in ei;!n-r a per- (
let-t anil jirrmanetit utf fo vo ir Ca- j
tanh, no matter how l- . I your i:i-i' may j
he, or "."0 in fa-:., 'i n or. . in-torn of i
the in.-.lli lne -r..;i .1 to e..v joii llo) ,
money, If thi-y caul ou.
i i i i r: i
Nn I Id',
..t i-s ; . i :
.. i. l.'l 't .1.
! i ! i . t '! i
n't, l 'r. w ii. t I
r.v , ( -I.,. .-t o
' 0
I .
.ti' 1m T"' . 'Uli' 1
I 1 f r. '.tl it al t . p
r ...... -i .
1. 1 . ,1 .' .U
t-. I't. 'rl.t t 1 : t '
t r . I I . I
l-.U -:.. lot:
. ( t! i. ! .
I '.tp.! i! - ::.
t i'.
Att. mpv.
lo A ' r i- -
Oj.j.-t I.
r: :
1 111??
111 Wet Feet
hen you can boy pair of
of good shoes for
:.:B.ot&Slioe Store.
I :y6i Hentierson, Undertakers and
Err ..Imers. Cor Wil. aid 7th .ts.
lOU'n) rJiOHrilOUlMtk
Tba Ureal En! Il.h ll4r.
tw i-niniinir n4 ponnaaaaUf
WvJ!'"s4m all f.irm ut Ana
V ' as tgtot
A y fe-rllKsl cwf
T tsVTi.N jvlK'-"'a UiuuwinUorca
-';' j j,' utlvumJl lUIUibliamd
J,, rtanJAJr. irn.
itm. ,t f.,p W.ioJ'. PhaaahoSlnel If S
torn. o,riLU-itiMnll.-lntlnilap"of Oil., Inn hi
dLh .t it.. Incl. prlea la trtler, aa4
or I wnl I r murn mail. W, oo (Mekaaja,
1: S's o. ! tf lll mn. rmvl-
lilli . .10 eale.rl"'.SCfntptaaW.
4J. m Th Vo4 'hmll Ca..
l: l w .lwanlanu.IciTol'.llailfc
pull i I .' : i . iel .ist al t re l y all a
Jewel rv,
Iterlirg anil Silver-Plated Ware.
N'at'-li l.'i piiiiilig a Siai-Iiilty.'WI
l-.i i'.i'.ni-:. t)Ki-:oi.N.
yk ntnt dUrowy br sa ol4
I tiiilclaa. SmnMIr md
. . i ... , 1 ..J. rtt
laiU. U lha cat! I-rttl
C2t2 Ufa and rrll.bla itiPdl. lo du
I lvwa-e of unurlnrlDltsl dronUU w
iff'- uf.rl. Ineill.lnr la placSor tola. A f
Cih Cotton Bool t'omaoani. "
tutt r lm l. tl nn.l S ceou In poni la Ullaf
an l wilUrnd. walt.1. 1.r Mum mall. Fulleall
I pan liar lo l.i.iln rnrtl. pi-. la ladlr polf, S
I dui l AiMn-M Poi.4 Lily t'matr.
Nu. v 1 Ubcr tlluck. Uotrull. Mica.
approved form for
Salo at tho
0 lers by Mail filled
Jus o Blanks Constantly on Hani
-, J ? 'V
4 -J '
' - -n
. i f. li.r.J
i, p. It Of
-.. . anI
i . . i." r.viii:
i i i. .'"t if
. ;j i ' ,;i.ur-
L A j i L K "JjC.
i'i:; l-CATARRH
vc: "lMEDY.
....... . -. . i ..osraiw
.. . yu. '' i ', ' i iurlro.
I-i: V l. M. KKNNt V.
-t. r.'. - l-'.iiiei r. ' rr. on
pi.I'T lv nitrpn thnt J It Ilarria
li .In ! v i. p.iilltrit t'IPCIllor nf Ihp
. IM- tMf M'llk.-T. All
l:nu .-Iniii.p pet al.i rvtate
.It Ini'lt.- .1 It t r-pelit ll'P pnnia l.
- nt t .1 II.. !f,.-e ol Iip r. Jl (It
'.' k- 1..'. r. n, itli.U all (Vi llb
1, ol 'Ins l ..ij. P.
I tl,i l Hh .lav ef l 'e . 1S9J.
J. I. Htuan,
s I'..i.t:, Kircnior.
Atlnrlt. v.
l.. r.l t t o.n t ib otidrr-
l..-1-SIH..I . iTumisiralnr of
. 4j-i..-n. .wawti.
ti-- - .-....:. .ii. -
iat,sv -.:':!
-J i :
I . ' his lr- ;
'IIP ,
X 'iu r. '
I. I
1 1 i : i. y -. it- I., i NV.
I . l ' , A '. N" h nk.
-:::(i.".:n:a C.t;i j &.:::::
Li 7
Having long ago recognizedthe
fact that to sell
profit it is necessary to do so tn a
CASH BASIS, and being enciar-
aged by many of
the experiment, I shall on thelst
day of January, 1894, inaugurate
trust that with
shall retain the
old customers.
Farm Hardware. Farm Machinery.
; ; canton i.ii'i'i:!: n.u.
A Now Lint' f N'v l!;ifilv..ic No M (iiMi-l.-.
Evervthina si Hi-ici Time Prices.
Mm nt nt ti im ni
t. "a
? r
a 1
ia 3 r
ic Ir in
Grateful to their friends and the pub
lic in general for the liberal and satis:
factory patronage accorded them dur
ing the past year wish them all a
And pledge themselves to spare no pains to please them in th
future. If good goods, low prices, and courteous treatment wll
continue to secure their trade, they are bound t j have in the Odd
Fellows Block.
Wi.f'.ft I i.t r
rnl l.n III I.N.k .. I il) i
ran make .shI ak'.-. ' im'it-.
SH. t-liiall.l 111. t'k. I M lK .
-ar a .,..lJ,jT,.-j
Mr V A m Mm 1 . ' ' s, r.- tv.
fi: '..'-;'-..- il
xlsj: sf aa;. w nvvi . iL -f
AnaamssaMe latxive nn I ,N riiv t TtiMi:.
So;. i.f UnirrtH'-tPiii l.rnil 2V.,&x-,
anu (I.UU per i-aekagss. (at4;ii frt.
ITrt wnernvori-eirtTj r:r:ri
mil V!iii it'
Ull (111 J IMI ,"J
3::::s::r 'a H E.:t
, r -i rtn
I'-c-'p-rvec ip a tap.til of ilJ,-
' nr.n -h tw Pni.j n..
WW T .11 W VVW I U'M a y
i. , ' rsTr rl 4 ,'. ,i t rh' a I :. " r "t
it- U( 10 !- Mm .s ;- , mIi-1 ': 1
ft; ur.
rj.ut j 'Hi', if
t ft I kft-ll JLI . H t 1 MIM
( il lla '11 UN
Th v.. :ir vu "! 'f ::
A .4 l --li. a .tn'nrr ia! ?t . r . .
a. : t- t' 'l (-; I' ; 't m
llt'a .os) . i I Ol U III t'l ) J'.'l .
tu; m ij i . J !: !i lli
r tt ':iu: .i uM-fr p 'it irf. -
b'. Itt afs ft Ut . U -t '1 I-tl-ti II. Hf !a'
.tr .t.-t, til I I iu iN:f ..r iin' r
It is . ff t "..t Ul afWi f fli.l ir-ril. ; ' ,! t
rt '.j' in ft m ! ft. t ' a ; t . fc
ts. ti - i-i us iW. lli I,. mi 11. - I rr 1 i.
ribr I.f tht WtU'wu tiMrftioii . ( cm
tisan ID th.t rs'tumumlj, It tsjiU.t i.
rsfbY xm tbi matu-f .
K a, ' T ill. r
goods on a snail
my patrons tdtry
my new prices I
support of all my
l.n: (IIIMII.I.KU A l'KTr'.r..
a l J
- .1 - , 9 V. a. I
CT3 '
CD "
. i
My Stock
roci-iii s uikI :!asi,.vare
Must Go
I am Cinslll
ll nut
At Cost.
Tn inakv m.irc I'liniii tn li'-
plav lIlV ililliHMlso .stuck nf
if ilc a I CO.
(I (111 ml UL
-' l.-l-s hi . 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 . I'ri.s p ;.n kiy 1
Iln the li.He-t. No tr. n I 'If to ahovt'
P-..N. j
A Goldsmith,
Uiiiry iii'iih'iiway,
I'l U !-K I.N -
iiniiisiiiiil Mm.
-T. J. CPAiC. -UCC ST.r
I l.i
Lugene, OrcgonJ