HIE POLICEMAN'S LOT Is Not Altogether Happy One. Why It ',MS JOY AN TBIBrLATIONS. I .. Mfl " niaeFr.. llaaskl rM r i. " hi- 1 ,ililHy- hlceV aorltadeiia, I Ih rrelert "I ''' Taller I Th'ae hn IniBtfln t liat a ta 'lira-man' life , rf ry i"" ' 1 muu , ) ,tt p.lntf iln i( II" ii'r likrljr lo 1, V',My tiiUtnkrn. Walktbtf llieetreelj ., mtmiii inaiirr if foilirtl f'r an liur io a an amusement. ltil wlirn irac- .t.a'liir Mr I. wmraauaT n invnin jjjr,) ,,rk. Tlie lailiiviiian'e may tire , !. I.i ami'le calvee may tn-tnlile from i si,. f.iliK'l'. t"1 be mar nut kit down, or if Le vPa-a " Bt iU rl,k u( nil"intf -V '-.MiJCTvl-: 'sv AT TIIK l ltt lT TAM. thine Importance' n la-at. IT I rieM tH.riinlljr repiiilile fur everything that ps-aon In tlie district under liisrliarkte, ami it mi vtlmiit l wrung liemuatla prepared to explain it. " a dnrcii "toiikdi" armed villi rluli. bra-a knuckle, knivr. r.imr. la-er mallet a, revolver anil other mean of il. fciiae ni.il onVnae Krt Into a itrtirrnl Unlit In a luw milium lie nmt I ,irrpanl to ruli in single handed, anil at tlip risk of hi life attempt to quell I lie disturbance ami arrest I lii" hrnwlcra. .Snrilo lii troulilra end here. Ilia plat- . p-iii-rully rv-itardcd aa so desirable tliat (p.iii t to a lo.rn men era oil the time mrni-lly ena.'J IntliertTort to get liim tint out III order tliat tliry may have a ilinnre t get ill, and lie niut accordingly .' cm gil ti-rm with lii uiai-rnir ami with lin n of Influence on hi beat lii order tliat lie limy H"t l-come unpopiiliir anil ao tw nmrk.il for liMiitwal w hen tlieflrot com ilnint I rntrml aaint him. Hut the polimnan lora not prm-mlly tiikp hi troulilr much to hrart. HmoH'n air lifi" t. niU to pminote rhi-rrfiiliin, ami ilinrfiilin- promote dlctlon. Dik-'-tioii in turn ht-lioii hi apx-lite, anil tlie fniiii'iirr w ith w li it li lie niiIlr hi bun- r nt apple Manil atnl free lunch counter t.v ami I'T L'ive him an amplitmle of wnii, l.n.iK.rU"iic-. to the length of time he h i bem on the forci Year ly year he lucmic theiizeof belt which Incloara bla manly form. Year by year the amount of mate rial which enter Into tba regulation unl form I ifrvat.-r, ami a he becomea more comfortiilile hi view of lifa eu large ami be iiecuiiii- moro c ' iit:l.ie. llarrcaiil-with a in.rv lenient eyetha ca'raof tin r rl ! , lilena with phll nnhir p.iilciiivui.il without luterfereiic to tlie ipum-:-. i f truck ilrivera ami anawrra with iiiniiii. i: y the queatioii of bewil it. r.il olil v.oimiii who hava luat their way and I. ml It lii:NMihl to nncleratand hiadl rrction. With increasing benerolenca coin." aiittmeiitetl popularity, llehecomea afuvonte nn hia K at. If it Ilea In a resi dence dltnrt, b w.tv wr a and handMmecioka,andnumerouaara tha dehcata little auppera of which ba la tha brtirliciary at thrir charitable banda. If on a down town In nt, he I welcome at tha luu kdiM.r of any ilim, und a knmlwich ami :liiiif lH-. rnreiilwaat lit arrvire. The iuot M-rioii draw ti It to the police man coiupleiF hiippini" I the fact that li.illii-oinii-rahle (Kirtlonof tlie colnlnllliity r..-tni him iia a natural enemy. Amoiiu the diil lite and criminal ! tlii an txk'otiim i active and perpetual; among .iluT piple It i oecaMoiial, hut not the I.m iironomuTi!. lie I to tiineieniii oi the wople the only emUnllment of the law they know anything alKiut even tothe law hiding, the n-xtrainta of law are mint lime irWxiine. The poliii inan on the lient cxmie round promptly after the f!it anow fall in the early winter nml iiotllh-a the hou- holder to have it (.hoveled off the pavement. He come at irregular but too fntiienl lllte val to allude tothe ennditionof tlie alley or to mention a lop lmrn-1 In the luick Junior to lii'iiire if there are any vehicle ;. or dog on tlie plai-eon whk-li te ba , Dot been paid. MKTAKL BltESXA. Hi authority i rewpei-ted In hi presence and r.,iit.d when hi bark i turned. He I actr.-d at, nnule fun of. derided, when ever he g.M- If he gi-a Into a picture gal lery, he Und himaelf mocked on It wa.l. If he iri- I,, i Le circua. he behold coua- terle.i n--t.tmeiit of himself kicked all over the ring, to the immense diversion? tl amlierice. I ir cannot put hi bead in-i-ie a theater without bearing a Joke ft l-.on vxprntw. An ugly fellow come t; n the aia-e, i. orl iirgeon per form an it;. ...'.nary operation on hi head rxl remove- i.i brain. -Wbiitcana mu do without br.i.:iV I aVe.l. and in n s;ui some one run to the w ii.g. bra.- b (,l,,e oit and bat, put them oa t-e brainl.sa ibdividiial and behold him r.'.tedoul aa point man, while the bovi In ti gallery r am atd the men in lb aj.lieore lurn rn,d to l'k t the poli n aa atain!.: g up behind t e bow ba kaaea it, j,lk,e. r h A. sa ll.e wnU! einbittet bit r he know th-y repreaeul a a.pul ' 1 14 d.liktn him and hi railing, did !- i know perfectly well that ba.f " ' l :.!.er would tbemarlve like to J t- l n..n if It.eTlalilr Lad lh) etifiuetnw Ui e-ure aa ap;inimrr.C KuU ' take anvibir.f raiu b to heart, out hiwaj irf rniini:hiinultifrva - -.. we. 1 a be raa And. after ail. la ,.f tUtnie.Hia and the -. at etr-i: hekrH'Wtbalteneaiattietir- f'e,1eUaf.rn,lvirnajn'ie.l frmr of Lie o'Wi-yi4 , L.a.-wnsaaa.butbe.ana, repeT.ta the maj'ty of onrar,!d n-'y- A croej caf friend may aTire la .a u. separate two dronkrn brawler; a t- ca.i;ia.-ao4U- A f:K . I I I ft - 'V'ki i l . r I'ti mm?' llm peraon.Hy, Mil vrrvU1y unMertat At that behind Lun iai.d K.e h..l (ore. ail the Cajrtain. ud the cLl. f. and the g.urm or, and the ti.ilit .at. ai.d, if im-Mtry. the MueroNtnl ii. rn.if ti, nituUrarmy and the pmid.'iit of the I'mtrd Mate. hll tha l.fe of a patrolman I tolerably nioliot.nioii, tbe nature of l.l diltira fiv qmiitly k'ir him o .iriiinit)r for ht Mic tion ai.. I prunotion. With hi frrt imi fim.ly planttl on the Udder of advam. Dietit, an ablr ami ambition .iHTiiin tnay climh to Mitiiiii tf nn t honor and frriinilility anil may rten athirte na tional fame In tin comirrt i n the rarrer of Thoma F. Il nir, a l.o iturtnl a a v tmlmanand I now u-riiitrii.lrtit of the New York poi re d i.vniiii lit, I ui; atiTa, llvrnr taa a wi.rl.lw i.le rrputaiion and It know n a a il. i. live of rtirini:nnry klll and ahlre. lii-'tor Wlll.iini I ao- otlu r New orker of nation.il c lebnty who Mm from the humble pmttionof patrol man. fciml'.ur rxample if tie riiirtuiilliei oju to hotirt, etierget :c and aii.bitlou tm lu-enien niay lw point il out in nearlvrtery lurgeci'y. '1 here, for lnt.inre. I Muhael llreiinan, w ho wa recent '.y mle uperin tendeiit of tbe I'lm 'i f.ine. He emigrated lo t lin-.u-o fnnu In land In 10 and enterel tbe (ol.re force a a patrolman III I7H. After two rear on h: l-.it he W a tliadi- dek MTk'e.tlit. ."-UJierilltei .lent Vl,t.unie tu.i.lr lam a lieiitenaut. l uder M.ni r t'n r hrwa made aitant u- pcriiiirtidctit ami rrtamed that p ition un til Mnyor ahbunie wa inaugurated, when he wa honorably r-tin-d Mayor llarriaon reiiille.1 him tothe force on uc ceeding to t be mayor chair and maile him attain aaitaiit ii-rtutendent of police, ai d when Major H. W. .MK'laughry reiireil from the iiperiiilendenry a few day ago Mr. Ilrentian wa promoted to that im tant ition. It ininiore.l that Major McClaughry will Km aiceft the u-riutendeucy of the Michigan Mate reform achool for loyat I'olitiac. In retiring from ollice he aanl: "I am proud of thet 'hu-ago police force and proud to have tt-eii cuniivt.-,! w ith it, for I ronaidcr It the peer of any police organiui tion. Indeeil I roiiliilently a-rt that In view of the di.vlvntnge under w Inch it baa to lie maintained and conducted it i the beat police force In the world. It ia much aupenor to the New Yurk police loci l bi'ist:. nti rt.i T or r.i:is rol.lcK. force, for with ,nn men l. it cover a diatrict of ll wpiare mile U tter than the New York police force di- a dilnct of 45 quare mile. The Chicago force i in every line of police duty niore rapiible and more effect I w llian that of l.ondoii. I wa proud of tbe pr.it ion of iii rintemh nt of such a body of men, hut 1 could not long, rhamprr tbe mayor by retaining the oilur " That tin-civil arrvU-e idea uImi obtain in tbe police ilmiiiiatratioo of foreign couu trie i khonii by Ihe recent pn. motion in I'aria of M. I.oui I-pine lo the position of prefect of ilua M. l-iine inade luad ininist rat ive debut in a siihpn-l.l at Lav I'alls. ttien ha aa al MuuUirtauw. Lavugnaami iWiiuI.Uii, sUiva waa trausferred to the I 'liai. aiinnn a prefect of tbe dcmniueiit of I.'Indre. He left that office to go to I'nri it kern-tary general of the pn fwtun- of police ill I wlin h oflli-a lie held until 1S'.M. lie wa decorated w ith Ihe military medal in 171, alter having acrved in Ihearmydtirinu the Franco I'rti ian war, and it wu while lie wa prefect of the Loire that he bad to sii riiitt!iil the trial and the excrut n of the fanioiiAu an but Itavucbol. M. lu pine waa prefect of Yersaillc when hewacallid to hi new oflice a prefect of police of run. Traveling In I roll. A enriou nnaleof cntiveyance in India U the tlioppa, a long cane kiket, w ill M-at In the tiniblle. from vviih h hang a small board to jiil IH.rt the feet, liver the head I a covered lop of tane and cl .lh. A you sit ill thi b.Kart a man curie Joil on In bai-k, upirtiiu aome striin which altacbe I tbe weight by a I the Inu k of the; thotina to In head, lie alw iy la-gin by InforTiiiiij von that J'.u are nun II toO I hear to be lifted by a mgle individual. except for double pay, but eventually pn k you up and c.irrn- you aa if you were a mere featherweight. lining along backward, and knowing that ahoilld the man' he.uNlrap break you will doubt lea la- pr.-ci pilnted down Ihe cllll. are nit plea-ii ruble s. natioii, but on la-come exceedingly ralloit after lengthy courae of thopp rnlea in the hill. bometlmea the la-nr.-r rememla-r that il I a oold night, and hi patr-m I g"ing to a : ball, to be there four or live hour while he j 1. t..rt mil side iu t he cold. 1 1 a v ing am ve.1 at tberoncliialon that the eld will pniUibly by that time Is? iiitenx-. he w ill la gin the j Journey enveloped In all the covering he , can muter. j After be ba gone ome distance witnlh Iboopa be laa-ome warm, and rapidly diveaU blmlf of bi many wrapper. I plac ing t hem on the top of Ih machine, where they flutter bout, now and then ' hitting oue playfully In the mouth or eye. Having made Ihemaelve a unpleasant a tbey p-avaibly can. they end by falling otf Into the Piad. I The bearer perreivea them, and I in me- diaU-Iy descend with you lo Ins hand , and kneea. and gn.vel alut until he recover the fallen raiment, curing ini. prvsresa yir head aume a downwanl tendency and your beel fly he.vv. t.wanl; houldyou move ever so slightly lu any direction, you Immediately bud yuraeif Ittingonthe gnind in an attitude lea dignilicd than hasty. Then you may raje at the native and abuse all h. rv lati ms aiorimg (i cus tom, in hi nn language, and you will not Impress hitn in Ibe .-a-(. but ue g1. sound, flabwife Kng'.l.b. fuel hew. II treat you a la-.-omi- a .r.n wort!. of n-ia-cl My Thre! Year, iu Mai.. pur." A Heaaa alia Thoaiaaad IUM.aa. Tbe Vatican, tl.e arx i.nl pvl ee of tb p,,,. of K-ne. ui tl.e imet i..ak-MO" t tuo.ling of Ibe kind l" H" ""'' " OO tbe ngt.t lvr k of ll.e 1 J. -r. a hill ,lb-l ll.e a-.K.inua. U-ai.ar r.e I-al lu (... nerly or.h -peal a: im i ii. a" ,.,.-.,(.. liar .!.. t tb..lp: ve i t t ) when tbe b'ol.l.l g w is '-.n,e.,...l Doooekl-ow . tl.anrn.ag" I""""1" Lav ,'ibalMe.: it over a li.u.u.. si.-o Tbe 11 I t extent toe lt. ia elka-Hi"'! tl nuii 'a-r or r-u-. Ih. loel r-''I..Wl Vt u, ;,i!g . trea.ure.of l.o .ie .l iea. am . lit a- "i s paiutii.ga, boos. man-i-T p.. eo . " U.;.pare. i y wi:UtU-iali lr. uare-l iA y with tua u f i.o. rcaaejtn. Tbe ft..-a " Mm aiw " a fra. c n'" 1 rcaaeatn. TUe i.-t-gto sram a.oo as a fr ma erraiiv arr.fr say lam-d i the rr.-la.a. ll.al I lie K .' rm .a. ri.a.t, arl . . . - v .... . 'I waai.d make nvr g ' ,: " wboae of in present turopraa eir. luailoa. -aaV Lou liepxtUM. THC HIGHEST AWAflO. Kyl Baklaa Tawaer Ha 411 the ea- ltth a4 Valaa laal AWa II aatM t'aielilr. The Royal Paklng- I'oader ha the etui able rrcoid J hatii f reie'ted the b liel rd for W'tlciv .f its Cia t 'elrl trvnitth. ptlreal Itlgreellenl. Inoit frfeet y e..iiioel - a here r evtill'ttut III oll.ell Hon Witt) other In the rltuhitlol. ol lormer year, at th-viutentiLai. at I'aria. Vienna ami at Ih tanoti Mate n. nubia trial lair, ahere it ba leeti evlui-itid. uii-ra hat iiitartal'i) aaarded the i,i()ai hating l oader the Ma-brat h nor. AI Itie re el t N ori4 alar in eianuita Hon lor the baking poa b r aaU" aere made ny the riierta of Itie t hemu-al diti aion of tne Airrtcuil'iral le(ar1iuetit al VI mm 1.1, .f.. I Iia ..,..l M..u.r Il tel ol Ibe laalllg Her which were I made by lint ilefartinenl lor I lie -ecitn i purpose ol a- ert. limit bn b w a the I- I ami a hu h l.aa len u a.le toil I c. alio a tl e ; leaienitin atreiik-tli ol the 1. "i al to l-e l-1' cul'li ilu be ol carlaunc tfa ounce ol J piler. i 'I Ihe rreatn if tartar oak n,: Mia.er ellilbite.l al tbe la.r t tie nell blk-tl-eat III atrcliplh ttlll telnt contained nut ! I -I cubic niche of leavening ?. Ibe oilier der rave an ateiaa-e ol IU. I lie Uoyai, Iherelorr, wa foiiti.l ol .M -r -eiil t grvater Iravetillig alr.lig-ttl than 11 neareat i ioiu-titor. ami It per eiit ai-otr the aver i aa'e of all tbe other let. Ita uienont in other reect. howev.r tn tbe .juai.tv of tbe Io.k1 II maaa a to lineiia. drii. a V I and a holeomenea. cjuid not la uieaaurtU by t'.gure. It i these bigh iiialilie. kiioan and ap 1 pntiate.1 by the somen cl tl.e country lor so many vears. that have caua-d the aalea of Ibe Koval Hakllig i'oa.ler. aa aboa u nt : alatiatlc. to ratesl Ibe sales ol ail othel baking powder combined. j A lever llaarf. A magtiifli-elit feitot had been pn-varvd at lliirleighln honor of the king and itirvii. J and It wa arrangi-d that the little dwarf. . Jeff rey, should step from a huge vein-m I pastry Into her inaji-iv' si-rvnr. Tbia mole of ap-arance w a not m w even I ben A pie with a dwarf Inai.le wn tboucbl a "dainty ihb lostt la fi re a king." and a gift of this kind wo often rood lo Ho toren igu favor. tin tbe day of the dinner Jeffrey found bittix-lf lmiri.hid in a large dob. aur lUlldcl by a high wall of atambn crut. (if coiirw a way had lai n found to give Li i ill air, but he afterward aunt he fell bur nd alive. To add to hi dixotnfort lliickingliain slyly ordered the pie to I warmed, saving, "It were better eaten warm than cold." Young Jeffrey remained quiet and eaid Dcver a word aa the dih w a curried to I lie kitchen; but he waa fur from ha;py and thought of Srbui h.!lr-ur and the In ry funince until he grew "warm w ith nppre hen.ioii. " The ciaik, however, limb r-tiaal the joke and (he dwarf pie waa place.1 In safely on the royal table. At l.vl came Ihe fateful time the crowning moment of Jeffrey' life. The pie waa oncm-d, the truniM-t sound ed and forth sprang the dwarf. Uewa cla.1 in a full suit of armor and ekipl alaiut the tabic shaking hia little anord at nunc of the guc(. and. rem. inU ring the aconhitig the duke hail tbreat.ne.l for him, he gave a vicious little tweak at Ilia grace' noble nisv. Iliickingham dicw laatk lu tune to save hi handaouio f.u-e and threatened lo cudgel tbe young knave with acLii ken lame; but the king laughi-d and said liuckinghain wa acrvisl quite nubt. Hy this (line Jeffrey waa nearly d. afeiw-d with applauoe ami half dniwniil In the perfume the ladles sprinkled u -oi bun. an lie baoteued to end the scene b) prnl rating hlmx-lf la-fore (lie queen' plule und in treating to be taken Into her service. M. N'ifhnlu. What l.eneral lane Did lor Teta. One cpU.li in the career of the late Ueueral Waller I'. Ume w ill forever en dear hia memory In the heart of the Texas people. Kuring Ibe Mexican war. while; be wa major of Have' r. -g nl of Texiu It an vera, usat- TW Wuul, he waa sent with a small laalr men lu 4Jm d.rv-elloo i of huu l.uia 1'olie.i to iliai over the move I liicuta of t lie Mexican army. I here wen two nanla lo San I.ui I'ot.eii, otii. by Malchuelii. a large town, the other by tl.e great hacienda of Salado, where the seven teen Texas war priaonci drew bla. k la ana In IMtland were abut. The two na-wla were divided by a range of iiioiiiil.iiu. lme lia.k the left hand. ami a. tually a-lictr.il.-d to and rlitenal the city of Malchuelii with lla "ju.imi "-ople and a garrison of aevi rul hulidn-il lin n. He orden d und obtain, il dinner at a tuc-m. a sort of wagon jard inn, announced that a large American army wiia near ami feasted hi men In their full. Then remounting he retlml obliqud) acnrui the mountain to the other nuol mid struck the Inn iemU of Nibwlo. N-iini; the alcalde lie onhre. I lie reaiirreclion ol the bom- of (be aeveiileeli martyred Tex ana ainl demanded muli-a, k and every tlnlik! m e.-nry to laar them away. All were ftirtii.h'-d and Ihe n inaiiis of thr deail duly plai-rd in lranit on mule Ijtue l-re the relic to Itciw-ral Ta; lor. who bad tin in e orted to (irange, on the Colorwlo, where they were Interred with great solemnity in the presence ol thoiiaaml. 1 hu (o lo-neral l-ane Texas la Indebted fir the acsion of Ibeae lue tneiitiai of a remarkable lieroiaiu. Ixiiiia (ilohe lleima rat. -M jaegrav rartlagtona. Judge Ih-ut of Newnan had aome queer Wltneax- III hia court on Wednesday. Tbey were uegna-, and while emleavormg loal Uin tbubliin height, of (tilled phrase ology abused the ' king' KiiglKh" iu a frigblful iiiannrr. "Why did you go there!" a-ked the Judge ''Caw I wanted to pcrpctrtiate de whole fax ob de rase," w a the answer. "Why did you do so?'' another man was asked. "I done bit fer de reasou lint I wux go statical to know 'xaL'tlj how It win." J"or to hours the courtna.in wa lurid with Just sin li Kngll'h, but the Judge woa belpleaa and had to lake (be anawer lo l.ia t)iiestion a be could get them. Atlanta Constitution. Ha Are T a la Details "If I were hungry," sa.d a phil'axipber. "and aoiiielaaly should offer in f"d. 1 khould not luai-t on a silver knlfa and folk U, rat with If I w. re cold and auinelaal) should offer ni a tbi. k wavl, I sbouid Ii4 .l"t ou ha'ing it of tl.e color that I'loo-I iny faiicy beat. If I were poor and s..u.e. l,ly should offer me fortune, I should uut insist on Laving It in h.ll of a certain denomination. In fu-i. I Ib r.k lhat I am d.;aed Ii"t to I overpart.cular about da taiia New York huu. Aa I ah.ppr Banker. Thousand of hi aiiiititam- ennf. Ilerr rvirnnerfield. tbe Itf-rl.n laviik- r Any thing that rnonej i aiid pnaure be bad ai tbe laat .,f everilong was at his ion. mand A 1'an.ian tailor ll.-a.le h:a I ,M I.e. .,,..ila n.,tiliJ the rm-aiali rap.t.il I- take hi measure, wit ii I, tr-la tf I- sarntie. Il l in i'Io'i i line Irotn v a. arid bis Uaf from a.-: m r kit t.eti in al.'l. be I.A.I t .-. , O e. ol.e I ' tr'.. i l y a I r u- b c.k it.e otb. I.i. .i.i.ii.an l i ever) r.-;a t I.i-1 .m.t mjmm MiwelC. Tet be w as all un Lap; y man. ami be' l -e-l h.s career bj u.'Jv- a ai kte Iboaia Tha t slua -I Sljkl. Ti ,.f ihe . jl,l la leer fu"y a; nrei.ste-1 ui.t.l t ia I -t or nupw.red per-aoi r a. -re tl. vl i..e.j of rn," I al l-" ;,r ei e l" an .1.; rn -f it a vae'i; ri. -e ion. p I ami ih ;. -ate sy!j'l-tn. I.', ll.aa ll.e l . ... o. ..or mi l.oc Ct..ea4 w -' n . tLe i... !rrn n-l y.'.lti are ai. t .'i h t-.eri I.I tM. i- ..d ui aMiar it ia a m i-r ..-i. .(. H e t,a. ber serti .r g t' I P'ttr.r.) ignorant 4 j,rUaU d-aMrwu naauita. O llni of iprlBf. V-Htalbf r-it drttib' rata W Wa a aake at aaUaitiil Ire Hi-f i! traa-hea oa tbe um biii-4 aanak wibeeiMiw-r. tn ittal ra t, kb teamllif lh..l4lM 4 u-u.t" lu the auulea. lluJa ILat froiu thrif IbleT Uul lee, n I t:u-u like fettty luaiOa, tiratrf il .-lor .4 laint earth. Uii r,-i.B if.e i-r in i-ll nil. r-L.-ut t.rf. t-r nt in her oiirih, !, ll.e lrr ri.ka of the hilak It. re ami tl t ltti-t . W I.i,. it. .1 re a ' ro. bead are tr c.i.l, . r, m ai . Ill 1-e.t, 1 1 1 ! r mol.L Mir tl r i 1 i.rrv i on. I.,,-. .-r hi j, la nean M.e la a i.-l In tl.e s r. Ka n II. t b.ill.e I.i -l.l'll will la- here, M.k':.J I i' -.'n.a from ber hair. - Jauie. I. u, kl..tu ib Harper' Paaaf, klfna of rll,( la a t IIJ. Tlie pre-tit f twanl wcillnr nvmi to ! u gtc. it . ..-. n f..r the small lair, He get more "o I tijov tii.-nt out of the warm ilav ami Ilu- dry atdcwulk than the street ! .iiimg d partiuetit of the tavnr I of public v..ik. Kvcry small boy w ho t iinv U-lv down nil the bctghta bit pair i f r.'l'u r ak.itea ami a gal slrvtiM' uir of lung. Tlic laij pl.irlua kcy on the naph.iit nvciin iit f that riclu aive iu ut. r. c.iti U n-b- oil the back of gria-i ry w agon ami kia-p tip a constant and eternal jelling. Why they jell doee iit apa-.ir. It i pcrh.ip Ivum mi. ill l.y cannot do mill II of anv tliinrf williotit jelling. Tln-M- lay go svurry nig around vomer on their skati-a iu iiu I tiiim nt d.uu'ir of cr.v. king their own skull and to (he gn at terror of paaaere by. They d.alge under the Ih h.U of apir ibvl con. h bora.- ami altogether make fr.-li and Inalthy nuisance of theiu $ Iv . Tlioa.' jaa.n r la.v w lioure not wralthy enough to niTotd c.uh airof roUer skab-i, split up a '.ti r la-twivn two and go uU-iit I'li-limg the whivli-.l fivot in front of (In in. cviilciitly having aa tnucli fun a the ret. The bippiii top ia nlx now linn b in vogue, and the to and the roller make life m burden to the nuix-maida with their prrmubu- latum ml balm and Ihe policeman on the corner. - llr..klj il liel'e. Aa Amerlean Atiaealee l.aadlnrd Olio of the ptincipal argument ad vanced in favor of ihaT fon-sl i that th.BHV who are able to indulge- in that luxury n ml much luoiiev in the High laud. Hut how if a nt Minn insist on maintaining foreat groiiml and never visit them? Mr. Wimiiis, wlitsae r1 nig (crntory extend. from the lhiily Kitth to the Atlatitii- from sc to , in fact hu not shot over the land once during tlm p.i-t four jeur. and a the diaT tin Via III roiixMitience tliultiplital euoriiioiialy. the crofter of the district have rcoli-d to ak the inillloliatre to allow- tin in u day slnaiting. The application ia doubtli-ea made more with the view of bringing tbe crofters' gin valu e la foro the public than anything i l-e. for it 1 aura tube iguon d. Hut ll.e i-oiit iiiinil absence of Mr. Wiiiana r.ii a wider ami in'ire important quo'ioti: Cui tho aetting uMiletfa great slrct(i of cotintry a dit r foii-"ta vvhiiii lire never shot over la ju-'.illiil on any ground whatever?- K M Kit ALU r Til K IKrANT TttAK. rllpiheUal thirty yesra or mure from Ihe eeiiluri, ami the M-nutil will rei.reat'til the leltll o U- lllila-liml.-l M.ulsrll ol II.Mtet ter "iotiieh llii:. I. 1 lie na tilnf ul tll)eaf l"-.aiil l-e ..rfiial le-t I'Vttiv sl1-srstiee o II. .1. A.I..SI.S. .M Vl Hlllet. In vvl.leb lha lUa-, i.n a. o Ion a i. 'I a. I ion ol I Ilia a or li.sln.Mia men leoie will la- )n.lill sel Inrlh. keerfla-ir .hi.iliil r.-. II. I l e rrtlriiilar sml alroiioniH-al el. iiisiioii. lo li loiiinl ill llila tir.N'liiire are al- a.v. M.nlllli.li 1 at .Itsle, sn. IS,' alallallea. llil.trslloi'., Iiicin r anil oilier r. S'lllitf uialler rt tl III tiller. --I nt..! full ol profit. 1 he lliatleller ilntwi.y nl I'lll-hlirif, I t., pilliilall II lllelll- M-liea. I li. v emi'inr tiiore titan alvl) lialnl. Ill the in.-eliaio.'al a. 'Ik. ami more lllatl eleVeu itl.Mitliv lu Itie veal are eolialltne.1 111 lla revra l:on. It chii la- .ilUallie.1. Wllln.ilt l-o-l, ol sll il r its lata bii.I . oiln iry tlralera, allU la prill Oal In Hiail-h, l.ettllitll, Irelictl, Welah, Norwegian, "ae.li.ti, Ib'liaiiil, lliihrmlau ami aaiiilali. Ini. ta aiii.'iiir Ibe Kreiieh llepulle are aitalli cine Uahn-lint.le I h y are jtiat at. 'Ml as lislia- Mil a. o-e iltiel VleMrs. Ilavla au.l lunuaeml lllil nol lifc-hl. AUIITII K MOW I KO. Thai Ali i oi x'a I'oaor I'lasti I the hiKheat reault of Intallcal science ami skill, ami ill ingredient and method ha never a-ll equaled. Thai it i the original and genuine por- oua plaater. I bat Ai k oii I'oaor n.ASTia never il.toperlorm it remedial work quickly ami ell., tually. I bat Ibis lact is allealiHl by tbonaanila ol voluntary ami iiinmarac.hab teslimoiilals Iroui Ktslelul I'Slii ula. Thai lor rbeiiiiisii.nl, weak ba k,ciallca, lung Iroulile, kidney disease, dyspsia, malaria and ad ha al pain it ia luvalualil. llist when )ou ImyALKiMi I'oaoi'r I'lA.ia you obtain alwdutely the best plaster made. H.M.aKtii a I'nia are a vegetable pur gatlv. II aliie Hi en a. re lo Wave lh.-lr fortune In Ihe lame aa II. ei I n, d theni, tbey Woulil lli.l.l li "..in. leHl) g"lu lo Jail. If you have no mpb.v metit, nr ara la-lni .",rly mll for lliesoik rou ara dolliff, lhall sr. tel.. II I' Ji.liua.iii A I o. of HU timolol, V a., o. l ll.e, mil allow ). u how lo Usual., rm Mlas f.irlui.v inn Ms'laou- orlun. Tr II. 7. a. her Johntiv, can you tell rn. what I tba il. ni.lli.li ol p.) 7 J. lil.u) - e BV. II s ra-aa. I'ATAMHM CAM WOT Hat llslll With l.'H A I. AITbli AlHiNa.a Ihey ran mil o-m h Hie seat ol the ft erase. I alarrk la a l.l.aal i.r i-onatltllllotial illa.a, and III UOIer In cure II foil mii-l t.Se li.iernsi reaiertlaa. Ilsll'al siarrl i .ire ia taken nil. rn.lly, ami arts direetiywi e t. "l ami emeo'ia aurlsee. Hal.' I start l I ut la nol a 'I'la. a SJ.eilellie. l Has raa rilaa. i, I ,,i,r of tne lawl l. ) alt lalia 1 Una collhlp n.r ear.,and la a re. insr prsert,tltm. II l .-.,fr'1"'"e. ..I ihe lel i"i,o k ii" li , cm 1,1 lie till ire ia l i...m.i f -1 ir.ara, a tin. .Iireelly 011 i.t,e lioir -if Is. ea I lie a-f I. et ee.ml.ll.alMOi ol the ISO iiifre-llrnla la a pal ,rlu ea ao !. tell i f..i ta ia iillim talsffti "en4 i"f leall inoiiiaia. free. K J. H r K Y A II. fri'i . Tule4o, . so d by lroiri-a ; r e. 74 rent. ra laaasa.lD- avoa rolls : ao fisst, aav a Ta 0at for bieakfaat. Hood's is Good BECAUSE Hood's Cures poss'ssos curative power pi-culitr to it'-' 1 T, rind has a record of cures unequalled in the hibtory of medicine The severest cases ci Scr-fuN, Salt P.heum, Uyz-pi- psia, Catarrh and Hheu r.iatifrn have bofn cured by it. If you su.!r from any cf the so comp!air.t3 Kve lied 3 Eanaparilla a trial. . , aial it f. Il -r la'le: a i .aw f. Mio-l'e rme " !'" o,, , ... j, rirtaui rUI illia? s.nalryevi.al. I I i uttv root i mm aju PKitrnTC t lllKU. for ati'i'l' ' of lot ttt me t-tern atth A ti r a ii.TtK, a rlie!. tiarnoe, almfl '! i-rlc t r,N- li.r ty Uiuagiai and IhhTTi w in t..f etr, i;ar I U H I I W'X'Pl KP I'll . Atfetil. -urlti.4 irt-k.,a. "xv rr, n-l n.! down," if y.aj re a ulTrr Inj wotiiau KvetT . of the l-.l Iv tr-ubU Ilia' ixne lo Women ooiv has a trtoininreed cure in 1 r. I'a-nv'a I vorita l"r aripinav lint will bfuig you aiie ittkl .-rtain b-it. It a a " .-rt ui k' la-rwl, aa well aa ut.-riiH, t. mi u- an-l oi v ma, end ,1 build up and llivigoratfw lis i i.tir, li-nialn avatein. Il regu- Irlaa and pr.aivol.w ail Ui pr.-taT full, twin. Improve lltfc'.-atlntl, eoriclHw Uu bl.ad. bring r-fnm-lug b-ti, and rvwMrv health and Sllvllt.'ttl. For uhwalioiia. ili. laoeniMita, Iwaring down senaati. -us, t-ii.linl vin, and all ' female complaint " and wenkiMam, " I'a vorite lrr. ription " lain vnly oa.irtiafeevi rmelr. If II ever fail to Iwm lit UT cur, you have jour money hack. I III every ce of Catarrh tha aermi hox lc, jou can ib p.-ml upon Iha tor ge Catarrh llctintlv for a cure. It's proprietor are o sine of It thai they'll pav f"aal rj-li for any Incurable raM. tvil.l by all drugglai. tVta, so.UL.and 11 UUtaar ItottkC Uu ueul ill was. Tnte DaaiT Tornn 1 1 h proiui'iiy wa wtssea all oihera lau. Cuh. traaf. Mmtm 1hrt, NoarHaM, Waaariai Cau and Aathrna. I.ar Caaaasaru It baa no rlaal: baaur4 ikeuaand. ami will ri al Too If taken in tire. h.'l.l by l'ru lata n a ur amee "r a lam lu. it Chest oa HlkOH Bat-t-aiM-iraraa rbanaa ,. HILOH'SACATARRH ive..iii aiarth t Thi reroe-ly aarusrsa. tavedlocureyou. iTtceaaucia, lusclor Ins. SssssssssS s s s Swift's Specific s A TMtrd Remedy for All Blood and Skin Diseases A rsliabl cur lor Cont leu blood poison, Inhtruad txraa tul. nd tkla Cnc.r. Aa a Ionic for dellcsl Wonvea od Childrva It ha en ul. Being eat rely we tbl, I harm less ia lla aflati. A tresilw ,aa Pkaat .ad skis !) asea rnsii,-,! rsas .aa s-lk alauav. VmygMt avl II. SWIFT SPCCiriC CO., s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s Osaasr 1, Atlaat. 6a, SssssssssS Baking Ponicr Purity tind Lctaveninjfi Pon'cr UNEQUALED. CAH PRICES To Inlrwlvr our Y4t. hf te lrmliitMll4jdtHriruUeunmg tK t'-nrnm- nam l r tf Ani Mu141 T ibMrriiorrtubr4i.rning u t h I MM.iirrirrriii.iAi-ncr brir Juua L IHV4, mm Wll vivftMrt rlMOf HaU, nei ( ntrii latftfMl, puwiewoti ftitMf pmk Wan ttvtu iw97l IX tAMlL CLOSSEr DEVERS, PORTLAND, Or. "German Syrup My citiaiiitanre witU Boscfift'i a . ' i l . - ijriDiin ,-yrup wa niauc ainjui iuui ;een year no. I contracted cold which resiiltol in a hoarseness anr! ugh whit h t!iab!e'l me from fill ing ray pulpit for a number of Sab baths. After tryinif a t'hysician rithout obtaining relief I saw thr idvertivment of your remedy and ibtainrd a Imttle. I received quiik ind tiermanent help. I never liesi ate to tell my eiperienc. Rev. W IL Haggerty, Martinsville, N.J. Extreme. me, nnp Chronic, Tortu; Cases ARE CURED BY ST. JACOBS nnnn IIKIIr UllUI -..i. . lr I i.ra, I ra - artK I. ra-'ilraa l,f .tilff ai, Ibil II k 'Mill. b aad il au u 8 m w i 1 JS WI:W '"aa. .. -ass-J 'a. w -i. a as a.. -am tm AWLIJswJ mMen, Si -WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OP SAP0LI0 I. nnEUMATIIM vUnlvLf BT IF1 vit vr liloora's Revealed Remedy. ' T j aea-ia imaaoa. Jannare ta I aaa xa vtxk , saaain) lha taa aaa ar,..t. .iv.. ..i kiali.r nan! aM mm.im9mm taoai .a a a e IH I M At jvM aad a aaaaaaiasI.BaiurliaFUAa1Aloal kHSI At A I last k ss kaa aaassa a la ( neart. ) ri.4JT niiMi'srrrM II Una , nt , mil Hi,, a e hit I-al lin ft lerrv'saa-ed tasaalfa I ta.Jf I .oa a," aisi.t vasaMa keie si.'-.l a kal U' mmw sna kaav so mm law II. II r.Ms'a lahaa g m Ika, It. I ka.1 If-HVi ao tmJfJ k aa free la all. Jig V B. K. err Cavr Ok. IVtrelt, Adf kXatua. to DR. GUW8 PILLS 4 M 'LO PHYSIC ONE PILL FOR A DOSE. A aseesaaaal sf ik ksarsls save as a an iiina est m m hii St., Sii Fnocltci TM. laenrlt hotel I. aniler ike ansiiaaaaa.a si I IIAKI.K stlvMwiialkkV, Slid I. a fiaal tl nol ihe la-l rsavlll aad liuinas Mea llol la aaa Vraarlaro. Homo Comforts! Coisioi Unexcelled 1 lrat-laa aerrlre end Ih allheal standard t rtrlaullllf urlllaat. taae riaaaia aaaaW t ear .UMI s.iraas aaaaneef. raaira ne tva.ai laar list, II iV II It). II Tl Slid V uo, Uaire and fta.r iar . 17 i.i 111: aiivl. rooaas, stk loll, rnenakea io ana iroai aula. J- A.h 1 mmt Wealer I r OronocO Plug-Cut Smoking Tobacco. WEBB I CO., Juttli, Wk i.nti. RUPTURE I KKM ANKMI Y ri KKIi nun We tvt.r in A.immi iMt tHiu, NiHnn'ii. No M t im r rail fur rliriiifti1 utl bant. rifrftiir. i The O.E. MILLER CO., H.rsaaai Sal Ml a. latsesae. a C.sJI.I ad lr4l. 11.000 000. EOCENE. I a aneelal brand ol Ritrnlm Oil. whark " Bnulacliilelrasl lr IAMII.Y t'HK. IT I A rrrVT li 1 1 li AToat. T I HII1H BF H K ,. IT I OF linifliHa tlVALITT W entrant It In b Ihe HluaasT raaalU aa.naor iLLi-aiM.Tiaaoii. Aa lor lu STANDARD OIL COMPANY. SOCIETY BADGES. a riti.KiNiirixi- I H. I e.lii Je- elar nl Ih I'M-InC Knrlliaa.t, keeea Urea .li.'k ol ll Sll Hkl MH'II.TV HA la.r a i.n bsn.l Heal IiaaM al l- est Mare. Hala aaau lo onler. nilllOU i aTTIg Gas or Gasoline A r.avitlr luster. Hianilra N l.leen4 Eaft uir. Your tail ra Hua li. PiLltl t in, Sii rnuiEt, CaL ul ftrUiii, Or. No Battrrif or feclre Spark. r yi x rj rj r. rest L ' , jt W Farllanal. Oragasu . F. A asTtiu. frluelrail. t. A. Waaro, Aarr.tarj. asaalllal Caialoaae Free. J9 .mum ITOlU'l Mil HA r A. '" lHaraiHall.j.. latoaja, lj.i. a 1 1 n w mm f . i ,,m .... ai 1 H, YMI auiuui'iat rawnMUiiiatin-itaJ I tLS Tiat.a.roa ra OS.OOUaiolFlltaaaim, UU I ajkk-a aa aiasaa I w e saan.aa assaa, SI; PILES i"r'i iif mm pmnm mm FRAZER AXLE Best iatht World! fist thi Cscnini! BHEASL SoldLrerywt.nl stasia, MM)L,aKt, Aaoat.rorlaa1,l IIMlin I (0(1 oa laerauaiarr. ! axakaa N 1. 1 1 M 1 " l.rlea sand fcar eauioaisa llUWWsttt. CJ. . H, Mlsaaai, Cat. . P. N. n. Hn. Ms t. f. Ti. V. N 'l RA fu bi IJ M u u OIL PROMPT AI9 SURE. it if Y'n a ai cis ra txti ot fay f'klrten ar aUr sa4 atirrasslail) II r.la4 by Bain lb Petaluma In BI oubalaro aa4 Nroaxlara. II litfla-i cal.l.t' li.l il about tl rVasV at kMlik I haa. sail, .mpi-is assi . aaaa .1 na-niw Ta a,.. Ha4aras aaiasta Ik. k,M tad laar Ih. Vmplsi.-a S'aa ik.a aaa. I .s- ' - -i i eaara III a..,l asarlaa ares, ea . fall Sal fo aSaaaua aVM " ' saaaraikai, aaaaaaaa AtaO. las, fkilaaaiesia. I aa f Brooklyn Hotel !!M5 mW - - MakllaslSltt llekat f AT ii MRS. WINSLOW'S Vr oa OMiLoaiaj tiithimo ! Fa sal. brail Hi.aai.i. l.lMa.lilllk j fain'! l.'ir anr bail Ib IVlalussa ll J.tm arsi.l tmff. vleoraiu. eblria . i. I seior i aal lleart i'.ailara lr Mane and I loeef I altera, star sr.. !.-, I .(a.iii.ii.c 1a.i., r.Hai.laii.., fliwsl . kaia l are, Murrk .... .1.. In fraavl efc w kannlie killer aaasvarr (KS. aa.allrT raiaer. aa Ik. saarklne. in .ilwralloa ll.a Virfaail I wlrw-h fsr-a, si i-tar liifcef tmtf. klr kin, feil'a "f er. "l.'j'ie fra II t-i w.nl ll, earila PITALUA liCUBATOW CO, , 3a ij- i'H- IJft Mask suael, ialaiuaoa, CaL 1 aau4 aaa b M ei iwiia i. r-a. aaa. B. t. t tova k PRINTERS -A5I- PUBLISHEHS WILL riMD A fill UK! OF TYPE J Presses, i Prinlinj Material mil Machinery For as., si !t vrtraa a4 avast klruUfraaj Vrrta al Palmsr&ReyType Foundrf, Cor. Frost tad Alder Streets. PORTLAND, OH. Writ let prli a4 sr letor brln Far aiaalellr H SSVll Ih WaHaV II all Itaalf rra a Rarlr. Ha t'arbarsHar ta gel f oral sea Km MatierlM ar BIsaHrta ' II raa. llk a CXvrai-e c lraa n uvaa Ihaa aaf laiaaf S.U.IMS. aa saia miusri taa ALMER U RtV. MangraCTUMa 4(1 taMM ttreH, lu Frat. CjL, roNTLawn. on . DOCTOR THE GREAT CURE FOE INDIGESTION -AVIV- CONSTIPATION. Regulator cf the LiYer and ICidnsys -A It-ECIFIO FOR scrofaii, Bbeamttisa, Silt Rutnta, ltnnl.il Id 1 111 Othir llotd tad lilt DImiml h la Mttte ear kar all those saxlnful. A.IW ealaeoeislalal aaa eoaiplleaiail Iroaiklea o4 akiiaase.rasM saaoua ear wives, ssolker and da. asur Ta.nael I laiaveillal aa laallnc. Taaar Ihraadfaaai ol la faacal'. kaaanr utst Jlf kaea Ik bloaal eool, Ik. Heat an kl.llasr rt l. ana will enilrali ereatieat Iraaa Ik tib all Iraoaa ol avrol!, aall kkaiiaa, M aa; vkf lora a Dtaanaj qiaasae. he aaettu-liveeear li.irooneeat 1 Ik I eaajatrv ka saal ana sue rvlf sale, aaar eieea aar aalveraai sail.laeiioa kaaaaer anal a laal al li faai, H.ainT. Iki rama-lr kaa laaea Daed le IK aesMial Ibiouifcoal Uea44 aorl hir lb saal lasatf Bve asar a peel Ac or Ik. akaave eiaasaaa. nt It has aa4 UI eereaaea allotkera cailevl reaae.Ha tail. ana laf ra sank la ol laallaaoalali rmta tkoa k k.e kaaaa ear4 br II as. lrK(ii aall il i II u kolU. Try II aaa a euaetueavt Pa i kj MACK & CO.. 9 an1 II franl tt Ian rranaltetv. rtlaaaar, rrtnar aua Lie Plaaa DreMf ra.ai aaa uiaiasia ar ear ? HUNT'S REMEDY (Ml BIST HI UU IT AND tlVIaJ MIOIOINI. HUNT'S REMEDY :ure erlfkls irnasaa. aevonii.Hi nr aaan eauoaat in a, rata, la lb Hack, Loan a HUNT'S REMEDY aarteaiiue nt Nob re ur InwMrtktM-B, hwmum iHm Wblilll, lMaai MfMMe.Uil I IU HUNT'S REMEDY I'arsa Slllnii.a.i. Head ark a, ;auDdlr. boar Ho Baack, lr.taikala, Coa.lls.Uoa a4 fuav HUNT'S REMEDY IV AT K m l !. I t ar sad Hasvel. raaiortnf Ik a a ia beaUta, a uaaa.sa.1 II Mk.bekaa ail etkae aaaaiieio) tail. Haa4ral kaea kaa saead baa bva llfaa b as bf truaaj 4 pkrasr van, BOLa SfV ALL VMltalalSia, lyiiSQUEEADES. PAH10ES, II tallllMIHklTH 1NB.ATMIVAI.aW ftteralbtne la Ikoatal i Una. t 'naluas, a la. r-Va, I , rroaarrltaa, taea aad Mar kVuoaa. (Mi. ranilkd at , resi, j raalaraal rake aad la .uoaa rsur vas.nr t-r lkol.ksal, larfaal, baatl reaoaraadl and uaoralur 0m eviaaaw rasrMaW laMsajaa Maaasr ea IM aei e isavat, t'orraaaaMKlefveo so- larltad. Uuuarrai At..,,a su I av u rarrail ausart. alaa a.- MalkaH slal,aaa rrauelaeak, aasaa r ail rkaastr sl kkt tfeasat. b aaoai l Barirull, asksf. nlsn aaaaaity IXvmr aa uas aaa .i a ka Taa. a I ,.,"' ax Utaaa r i naaiil or east fcy aaaM, I I a aVt-llii in i.Wanaa, fa. J f " Out ee Isaami l( O W. rata s Cm. KIDNEY, )