1 ,v vnp coiTivrv. -in'-1 ' mm. . V:!"". iill'rii -i.Vlnw. . vu fn NdTtotta I'rustratiua. Jt lUfinua, utlnrricVMil- ., .p l.iii I'll f.irins. Kii'jiiiri' uf VltH. 0.rttT lltl'k-rtnUli;: nvr ,M d.iy i 1 .1,1 nt I. ill II A Rata' aton-. ,j's'" ' .SviU'e - I " ' . F. L. I'llAMIIKKS. fx I"14" lin'nvi furiim for .jmi4 vram at a renamiliMi mt? of 'kit ')' J- l.-'laiuilian. I'riMi want a suit of cliitlica or a. jmir yliliilcHillK K'l M Ihivla, til tailor. ijf filiiniuii-s. sausiu. vcn New 'liver Slit-I 1'lowr In the , rii.iw Unit Klv.n MTftvt aatlafiii- '" .1 I .1. It l nii.rHiir.HM i:l III SUCK Will". I" ,.. i. (i. V. ltiMlu nmy ! found at ,. n-i.. nv on Olive utrtt l, la-twccn ..Ml and Sixtll atrtvta, "I"" I'liN'k west ihu Minncaot Imtel. Hi l it ' . . i n i .....i ... .-b i ii... fi ureii i nu nu ucuvi ... IsiU-fcar-lkr I". !' ar1a. lieu. T. Hall will my tin- liltflifat s.ii iriiv for wool. Monitor ilrllU, la-ver linrrowa. ICUintf 4-iiliivton. fpnim tooth and " olliiT kiiiil or l.urruwa ut Ix'ltoiu iiriiva. F. L. C'iiamiikhm. Oliver Chlll'il 1 WalkliiK nu. I V Sulky OliviT Stl ) (lain, I'lowa. V conii.lelo "lock of all alwa alway on jm,. F. L. (.HAMIIKKH. Coal Hill Surgery. full on or addrvaa T. X. HKr, F.u-c-iii-, for nil kind of numery ati-ck. mine on inamlaileiil luin root that u ill not aproul, almi on ja-acli root. (JKO. W. KINSKY, AUCTION KKIt When you want your jtoimU, linum; hold furniture ot land wild at auction call on (Sen. W. Kinney, Hie .ionecr ami numi auii-iWul auctioneer In Ijuie county, lie will attend to all aalen on a iviiMiiinhle couinililn. "DuriiiK my term of M-rvlee In the army I contnicleil chronic illnrihii'n," nay A. F.. lW-nliiif, of llaly, On (fo'n. "Since then 1 have uw.il n ureal amount ofuicillcinc, but w hen 1 found any that would plve me relief they would Injure my Muiiinch, uiitllfham herlain' t 'liollc, Cholera ami Dhirrhoea ICeliiiilV wan hrollKht to my liotiiv. I tiw-il itiind will wiv it U the only renidlv that pive me iermauelit re lief and no liad remit follow." For uile hv Osiit itx A PkLano. SHF.K1' 1X.SI'I:1X)US XOTICK. All eron in Ijine county owning m-alihv mIui or ahivp ulllletnl with other'diwiiin. are hereby notilbil that Miid nhirp mu-t In' thoroughly diHil, iuftleienl to kill wild ilix-a' forthwith. Any nmoii failluc to eoiniily with t Ma notice will lie liable to have hit ahccii illpiml by the I iiHHi'tor at wild neritou'ii exiienw. Juke notice and aave nwt. lhid-l l-w-pt. 1, lhU'i. H. It. Jknki.nh, Hieep IiiHpcctor, IVrlmp some of our readera would like to kiio In what nweel Cham U rhiln' fouirli lU-uiedy in belter t bun anv other. We will tell you. When thU remedy i tken a warn an a cold Iihi Ihimi contracted and liefure It lu"J become nettled in the yltem, it will counteract the etlirt of cold aud Kreat ly lemeii ilM aeverity, and It i the only Mii.ily thut will do thl. It neta In wrfirl harmonv with nature and aids nature in relieving me iok "i- r thenirellonn, li.Uefviii the iiiucuh and ciiiiMiiiK ita expulnion fnmi the air cell or the lunga and n-storliiK they lem to BtrouK and healthy condition. No other remedy In the market k M4W'4 the- ri'inarkuble pnKTtun. No other will cure a cold w iuickly. For wile by OMii ns DkLa.no. French Tansy W afer. Thine wafer are for the relief and cure of painful and Irreirular menwn, and will it-move all oUlructiona, no matter what the cauxe, and are ure and wife every time. Manufactured by Kinerxi.n Kruir l'o., San J one, I al for wile l.ytsl.urn A UeLano. , ami Dca'tTaM::jSjlt orsi.Ke locrLUe Awaj it., trtohl.ii. rillnc tlllrnl a lltllr txxik i,.. i m.i ,Ki,t.iMf. ihx wiindartui. harinan. ui uoitlK lolxwvo havl.lt rurr. 1 ha -,t i. irllliiiK a tlir mail who anU lo ijull m.i ran i run uu fliiiml or financial n.4 In ii.in. "S,ki.i.--' x.,1.1 ht ixilxirn A IX-Ijiiio. at ilru ior, or l.jr mall Inxt. A,Ji T:i- .t.rlux keurnlr lo.. Inillaiia Mineral lull. "I consider t'hamberlaln' fouirh lt..olv n i-illf- for rroiin. It la very pleiixanl to take, w hich la one of the moat Important niUiaitea wnere couifll n-liiixlv ia inlelldtil for Uae atnoiiH' childn-n. I have known of cnxca of croup where I know the life of a little one was aavtil by the Uxrj of llltlll l.rlain'a t.'ouirh ltcriiedv." J. J. Katinitiiri-, dnifc'k'ixt, Avia-a, Xebraa- ka. !) cent Ixittlea for aal tiy (tMU'K.x A I)lLano Tbe Loral Market. Tlx fll..iiiir .itLKali.-aa f.r (h Uaal markrl r. i.l ivla.l pri,- oiojr 1 bJI ara oorrrrbxl -,), a i, I i,l ix- lonud aa accurate aa aucb a r,-;M.rl can 1m ma-lr: Ta-a.DtT. V' aaT-Nrt. v. nn lnt . OAl-Vf U.i"t.r., bl J' (4 Kli a Ivr its. n Hr-IVr t Mi ttoa-Ivr B t -aa-lvr t VuL-lvr :a Uoji-ln it 3Mt'U.RSa - I'rr a. wiax trt Ta L au I'er at Hinsa-lvr r. II u an K'.ms Ivr -a i an as -i.-i brua, -r ! lit , - Ivr l td ill.-IVf !- ki.o-si nt ... u-i bi 14 ua 'S 1 is 14 " I., f.'.V 'Mi I4 M'. K,Traa-fi Huacl 5 erwa-l'r) c'i...aia-l. r1 fcl'.r.v . f a ..... ua. r n C'.rriK-4 -Ma 1..CO txrst ! k. r Jx.a t T-f s,krs ivr .l. X bmra ... . i xaa-a-l'vi av i. I. - 4 : . m Xi I w I l I- 11 1.' in a U H.i- . The .li-play "f pbot-Tfrapbie work win. h II,. ks I'ti-'lo I o. tiave at tlie.r-'- f..t of tin ir stairway la well wortny or j mention. It being the ni..-t work we have een in Fugvne. j THIS PAPER a.- -!oo D f II I . .I'llII Itrrl.s.lf A I -' T SUl arrhlil irr.:.. -sva r r . sv. autre c.tiirr'j t x- s,-,if...i rmn i bm t'rtar Hat Iicihv KiiiToit (i( AHi: Will you kindly ' Kraut a Mimll In your valuable pa r to ny n few rd to e:ie tlie liilliil of a m ill puriiorliiii; lo be a Wal- , lervillc coin-poudi ui, l'it i kuoMiij I'lww here, and mtIi:i O'le io- Hot live further up than iliur-ton. In n-1 Knrd to the Ix tltioll to !n- folilltv court ukhi; for the removal of Mr. Sim le aiil puttim; in ln .iiri-Mr. Iuald mII, theol jivt i to u' '. a lliull II. the iicr i no i: the di'lrui. n we could p t x'tiie work done tln re llml w:i imdly lliidid. The oud Wire nil pi"iilie In wveral I'l.i'i-, all I It , mi'IU''I to i llml i. a k'h ut iiiaiiy - p!e Were iillilc!li l to lr:iTi 1 oi r II, e; road In or'cf to ic ; tin ir pi Im t out, i and their provUioim in, it u iiiin-- i aiiry the chnni?" should I made, hot cn-th: any relli-etion on Mr. Mimic a a ellleli u ail. I'.ul ll m evident he 1 did ti ! tlx the Uppel ni I. Al thoM' that li!iitd the itili ni have done from H I" t-Vi worth ef work on the upper end every y ar for the l:ul ten1 enr. ' volui'it.rn d ti lt men out of iilxtrict No. f to bl ip I iv new cor lu-. roy IbU year, at .Mr. iin,h ' rNj!j.--.t, ! BUdwcWiTked b ird I'l the lllllil add run two d:iv and imlv Ihnv of your j linn cum,-, one ihiv only and not a i team. We had to fiirni-li our own team. The miervior wa not then at all. Some of the ix titloiu rx piy iimk money for taxi-x aihl are not ! llliiplelit. We have xix uuli'of umiit. tain road to keep up lx'idK our bridin, the iiimbinixj I. n;lh Ix lu IMMI or Tun feet, liut we will U tx.rlv with you on tlilx point. If you wlll'work our end of the road ami cad on ua we w ill ivc you man for man and team for team. Hut you mu-t n t wll ua out like mi did la-lore and de pend on our force to ki p up your mad. If you do you willlx-lelt. It we have to do your work we will a-k the court to annex you to u and irive u the xii- Ix-rvlwr itt thix end. Then I think uxllcew ill lx-done. We are tame u li ma vou tramp on our corn, then we wili'kick. IU-xx-tfiilly your", A I'm iioNhit"lMr. No. M. (iuxllell Itellix. Ikv. U". Frank llylaud and family xxnt Chrixtumx with his parent marJinu lion. II. I.. SwatfKart and aixter .Mi F.tta attetidiil the ma-MUeniile ball at Springfield Monday niht. I'haa. Smith and wife enjoyed a so cial dance at Mark Kclley'a mar fre wcll XmiM niK'ht. quite a ininilx-r Imiii thi vicinity were the (ui-tx of Mathewa l!rolhcr. of I'hiixiiul Hill, Monday cnini and Mirticlpatcd in the nioxi enjoyable i dance of the sca-Miu. When thcKeiicr al pleiixiire iuatiifi-led, lack of lienor, aud that ex.vlleiit xtipx-r pn-pin-d by Mrs. Ilert Mathewx are taken Into con aldeniliou, callim; it a mhii-s Is not aulllclclit. We were present and know whcnxif we sp uk. A pleasant wH-lal wn civeli at the residence of Messrs. F. I!, and 1. W. Oillard one evening la-t Wit k. We are pleased with the runmr that J. 1). Mullock, of F.uli-iic, ci'iitetu platea rebuilding his wan no.w at bis jihuv. Fn-d Hurt, of Swivl Home, Is visit. Iiitf w it It tlie family of his uncle, J. II. Kcciicy. Mn. John Kivncy has Ui-n wrioux ly 111 but is now improving. The contiacl for carry i iiic the mail la-tix ii liosheii and lN-M.r for four years fn.m July, Iv.d. lias Ix-cu -eure.l by J. II. Kn-my forfilU jx-r annum. A lui als'Ut n y--r and a half old bcloiiiii!.r to the A. J. Kcciicy i-lat..' waa nxviilly biitchensl ami louinl ! inikscxx tlve'well formed leet. The ix fixit Ix-lnif on n fon li and alul half the sl.e id the others. J. '. il-m we arv t 'hi has a freak iiuioinr his awlue in the way of a pitf without tiir,liot by knife, but by nature. Mr. and Mrs. Huti hinxoii are c laited home In bIm.ii' a wivk from an extembxl visit with nlatlvia mar ileiisbur', W ashuiKton. The ( n xwcll i-orn-poiideiit com- ihilux of t -alilx-rs in that wi-tlou hav- InKauiliial taken fnnil their tra, etc. Perhaps ll a crriaiii puiij nm, )n-spav.i) on the lalius oi oioria he mijiht uoi "i") cano v.-... but avoid I he law. Jam.-a 1'arker. jr., Is home from the agricultural mllcire at t orvaiiia, to xM-!id the Imllilays. Misa Jennie I ay lor is iaKi m wis k'a vacation fnnu In r selnsd here. r i:ai ui iiw mo ii i . ( if swell ( asUillb'S. I h-c. -s. W. W. Scott returned from Omnia I'uxs last week losx li. Hie iioima., - home. AHa-rt .iniker Is home troin ouin- ern in-iron, ami win s.x'u i- hernia to work all winu-r. fhrislniiis lax-eil a uiievetiiiu ny as anv other day hen-. S .me w.-n- nuni- liitf. s!ine vi-ltitii ami sone- at Marcus Kelly's. Jaim-a IUslfor.1 and Oliver M-aicn, with their families, cai In fr-tn Itow river to sa-ti I I hristmas al I r-t I -I, rl. man's. l I W li.sl. r. of Plea-alit 11111,1a ..iliii..' Mr. ami Mrs. Till'any. n..i..v tw-fit Chri-tniiis at ("i.ttiiin- rove, returning with lux fam lly Tuesday. f, w of our yoiiiiB x.p i..i i. iIih riiristmas Weld t" trx- and l inn-iai ; . . entert.-nnmeid w iim o i- r a :rvelU.k...fA..n.r-.U .. .. . - i....v., here for a few day. via- prof. C. I 1. 1.... Mr. suit Pr- family are i ntx, Mr. and OII.K . ..- . .... t. Mr W Jlnittalii, on ...n..- M. I.hmctt ami w.fe v.-it.sl at Ci itt age lip-ve Aml WIX-K, leu" X MoiidaV Mi-x I r,i..(ir..u.t.. kixle.;n'; fi;;' the Monmouth tioiiua J -4-ll.X.l l"l vi.i holidays. Ziiii . I ruwf.ild W l 111 Kx-Indiali .1 ;i-u. 1 . '.I. . I ...(. i,r-ibably I -'d r.n.- n i. ni , . .. I. . 1. VI ill em ' r-g' Ii ili-nlie - ' '"' " '" . protsibly be I-'' 1 in P. Il lletoll. I Ills u .-.untiii.' y"lir 1, kell. la- oM II.' ) .re hatch.sl. hut t!"'"- : , f mn in it f .ra-iiii.- p .' -- l.i-ar til. A w illiari oil " toiiU. T x Irv.-I i-y it" dm Pr t ".' li'r-'r l.ll-l'Keof )'!' .ma'i g'l! 1 T:t staii .ti Wl.en the w re inv..t -1I-I I an 1 tw ll- ouiif w.re IsUllllI--'-' .1 ,;r..w;i , .rrlll. Il.e rm l I-'' ' l:'r " ' j r ,t. ral T- mahawk. T!,e u.in t!.e o.t.tn t f i-h ti r --.irrv Ii. i.i ' hi' . I .r.l i ,h oil his . I: is ea-.ily w.rtJi 'rf i I r ar.r.'itn- i'l l.M tl l.tlliO. Tin M,iiilr Krrrl l.t I'tralnir l.argr tttrn,jnrf. O j .,nnl. Ix. .s 1 1 he coiuiuh1ou l.xlge nx.itl 111 tin Masonic 1'i-n plo wua crow .led to Ita full i-.ipii.-l y i s. iiing by maxoiia, lin .r u im a id il:i,.-l!trrs, and a hum- Ix T of invited gU. S'.s, ll- lllt'll.l to w ll ne tin it n iiiony of tin iiist.-tlhli the 1 oiVi.s rs of ::ueiie l.xlm-. No. II, for the, i-iisiiihg y.-:it. Jin- cx.-riixea Ix gan w ith an oi, r.iiri-l the IllU'iln- Ikiud M indoiiii i n lo'sira, onix--l of M-'ssr. Oi.-sa, Vliiivtit, I'avia and In.. . lbc Vixal aolo, "luinlr g." w.is Uauti.ully reiideml by 1 M. ( .1. ii. I In iii-i o. Mn o... us sung t.y a' luale lar i l!c inhsi-ling ol Mi-ssrx. ; i ii, .M .-A : 1 1 , (ialstr.ip and Text. A:'t.-r this .. N, Homy, W. M.. anas' and a:t' r a I. w iiilrixlurtoty n uialka Is .- ui the n uiony of lustallalloii a-i-l.-l by M i xhul '. F. I..xiiiils. The' llr-t o'li,-. r installed waa It. K. lrix (u, Worsliinful M.isi. r- l.s I. This pall f the ivn-iimiiy wax ery llllt-rea- sivc and wa- atteiuivt Iv olx rvix by all pr s. nt. After ti c in-w master had In-ii xs II pres. lit. d Willi the aWl.lx.la of bis olti.v und duly xcatot l'al W. M. li uiey conn lu.-d the o n-umiiy. W, V. Il. iiderxiii, .ssi-uior War.h ti, waa tn-xt iiistall.-d and then follow isl In xiii-.vsiou, J. .. 'agi. Junior War den. J. I'. biirch, I naxun r, J. F. l;.'hiiioii, .s-M-n taiy, 1. A. Paine, .S-u-lor and P. I. t.ilU rt, Junior lieacoua, O. T. Hall, r-ciuor and I". F.. SmalgraM Junior Mewardx, mid V. Mrharlaud, Tyler. Al the c!.x. of I In- ceremony the Uarli'ltc, "Nearer My liial to Thee," was snug bv Mss x ( ii-ilc and llelict t.i llorri., M.-s-rx. l.leli and McAllis ter. This w s followixl by an addnxw of weli-oiuc by T. W. Ilarrix on la, half of tin-1 xlgc. Ilia remarks were I u 1 1 aiipropriate and niiicli appni-iat-i d by tin- glli-stx. S. II. Friendly ib-livcicd a short but ph asing tribute to Masonry as a factor ofx.M'iety. It fosters aaa-uil Inter course ami brings iimu a common plain- uu iiiU-rs of all rexxrtabt inn ditions of MK'ii ty. It brings together not only heads of families, but oil oc casions like this, wivi-s and children, mothers and sixtcra as well as bMther in. s i in happy axsiN-iatlou. The eliding address waa made by S. M. Vorali. It wax a short dlwMiirxe mi the history of Fin- Masonry but wax full of Information, which all of his licurvrx iiprix-iatixl: "lllaasxert edthat no orgaiiiatioii of coiuarutlve luiportaiii-e Is an little known or leas imlerstixxi outsiiic its own meui- la-Hiip us this one." t olKlliU lug be eiilargisl Usui the fraternal Ix-mlllxof the order, its itlou ill x ii ty and Its attitude toward gov- eriillielitx. I lie addlexa w iia ilelivi-ldl ill a tin. nt, easy maimer and com manded the dose attention of the as seliililv. After the shaking W. Master Hrb low aiiiiouiiivd thai lunch w tut await ing in the dining ball adjoining and all were Invited to partake. Although fully x-rsoiis were present the elegant lunch was served without an accident. It had Ixx-n i.rei.Hie.l bv S. K. I row n. ami waa aa isimiilctc hill of fare ua la usual at a bati'iiiel. Alter eating, tlie n-ina r of the ( Veiling wax hx llt In a wa lal lime, the maudoliii orchestra furnish ing niui.'. Ibis ellort of l-.iigenc LoiIlt.- No. II. was ivrtaililv a isiin- nlete siicii-x. May their wxi'lala la? oltcll lepcated. Trent Items. I'hri-Uniis iiuxmd nuietly. Nothing ol iii.iioiUiiiv In Hole tills Wivk. Oursi'h.sil cos-d Friday. It has Ix . n snug, -t'-d by a great many that we lis ub.it money we have on hand to continue the xeli.x.l. I think II a .piH-r xtc,i for the din-ctorx to hxik af ter the nu. tt r ami also to make some preara(iou for water; the wlusil la without a wi ll. Water could bew-cur-i .1 for only a trill.-. James l'ller and wife were among the guests al the dali.-e on Pleasant lliil at Matthew Ilnw. Mr. O. M Kow land, late fnun Ar kansas, x contemplating teaching a writing xh Ii.mi1 al Una place In the near future; he ix a fine s-umiiu and should Ix- lilx'inllv piitmuifd. Mr. Waiker of I'l" ax-int Hill w ill i-jiII a inix-tliig of Ihoxe Inten-xtl In a cheese lactory at Pleaxanl Hill. We think such an i-ntcipilxe would 1 a gnat advantage to this community and Mirmunding country. The iins-l iug will Is- the d day of January, 1MM, at in o'chs-k. Andrew Miller's flue atallloa, 'Frank" dl.-d a few days ago. Then' an- some few bird hunter that are getting too Isild for any uw. I think that they had la lli-r lead the l"w- . . Then, have Isi n w veral d-r aaael through this place en mute for the liver pur-ued by hounda thla w k. Mi- Mamie' lMrman la visiting friends at this place thla week. Tin-re wen- three iteina fnun Dexter signixl "Itigular" two wiika alm-e. Ix xh r mu-t la- lisimiug up. OlU.KMIoKN. I ommtinlralliiB. TllKNT. Dec. -J), lX'J.1. F.oitiik Oi AKK. Mr. "iicctihorn," I think vou make yourself rather con--nicuous" for a short anpiailitani'e. J have lived here for ii years aud never . f..n- wax Hi. k uaiii.-l, and I have for the llrxt time lo nl. kiiuine anybialv. I I. r it a low dowu calling. Aa far n the a. !i.s. has i .ax la sill-ivri.- d I willsuV that I know of tlme families that ik tie Ir children out of h,.l, and uiiolher one who would not send to it. .nu me r""'ii oi X.tUl.lloW. I. hi Hakiik. liiiltalloiix rolls but oflheOliverChiII.il y fail to do the work like th F. I.. Cll sMIU KS, si de Agent, F.ujfcnc. Ne.dxl Are mini (-...us tl. getlUllie. '.,r nil kind of Ii. Id s. . --. d. g'l t'l A. Oi.l I-V4HII, 1 be ins-er. i i.i-of 'be Iim' advi-rti-s-rx of the t Ml.. .t.s x W. L. Isiuglas, the ..... ,t .j,.-man. W hile a. spe i ...... u.l (.'..rf i.iiii i-n. t:o. K ic y oa . , s ,11.- MIL'S ,--i r . t ,, r- .J4.'S ii- .r: v .-.I Mr Is.-Vis baa fnayle a M i-h the IMIl.V III AKH I'T xv, ,iue style to that. i I the gret is-tl'S-riia of tllM :..!.-. ur. k. .i.g it up at the i.i.lv si-asioi.aliy one asking .1 ten. 1 i,.'.. I : ,.; 1 1..- a ..;.-t,t I Li-rmaii n-aybing Sunday , f Is. in r at 1 1 a. m. and . w .ur- "lay at the same the 3lat Monday h'xjr at W: ! i. ail. aite tlie ICaskrt Ix- a o U-bration f after preaching on here W. . sot , r il.iy il are crdially lnviu.1. I ll .. Wai.iilii:, rastof. O o nu . 1AV 1U :. Fall wheal l growing nl.x ly. Chairs .Vs. each at Iay A 1 lender- a.i'a. I' unity iM'iiiuiMiioncra' eiurt next wwk. Curling in s '), 10, 1 ceUta. F. U CltAMIlKKs, n sets for f Ju rach at lny Onk lad: . A llemlerxui iVindow g. .-a cut to order. F. U ClIAMIIkKx. liix.rge Paik la working bla line o at I J per .1 1 Ii the county jail. The county Is pulling up l.irge nuiu lars uf sign" Ixatrds llirviUghoilt the i-ounty. The tramps are now alx.ul evenly d -vi.led in titvcling northward ami southward. I'hc state I ardof ixualialioii has not made any change in the line county asms,. in,, ii i ct. A light mist has txvn falling a xr lion of the day, and the average Ore Kouiali is hu .y again. tiov. IVniioyi-r panloiml yeatenlay another convict wlileliccd foi two year for lar.i ny fnui Portland. A marriagi- license w aa granbil by Count v Clerk Walker yi-terday to U-n-ii Kilwunlsaud Anna Ikiwiiing. Thla la the aftern.aili Ujsnii which the public la invited to insm t the new dormitory btul.liiig. Wuite a lunula r of our ciliM-iis an- taking advantage of the opxrtuinly ull'cred. We llnd the following III Tucadny'a Pendleton Fast Orvgoiilaii: "Ihello tel l'elulletotl dining nailll waa i'liawil Saturdav i-veiiiiig by Ihivtd lay, pro prietor.'1 Shlloh'B Vltallw-r la w hat you Heed for Ivsia-la, torpid liver, yellow skin or kidney Trouble. It la guaran teed to give you satisfaction. Price 75 eelita. Sold by Ir. V. 1. McKclilley, John Ditchburn, the Finland altor- nev, will las trim on an uiuiciineoi, charging him with mvlvtng atoieu pMs-rtv, Moii.lav. January a, iwi. It iatlmiight lu ronlaud by many that lhlcbburn la lu close ipjartcr. Karl'a Clover lUat, the Hew bliaal l.urillcr. irivca fn-ahllcM and clearnesa to the eompli xloii and cunsi coiistia tioli. i'iivlita, .M) c-nla and fl. Sold by Dr. F.. 1). McKeumy, ClTV DKl'U STOKK. A voung lii.lll wa arrested by I'lilliV- man Mathews, last night lor pMWIIllg around the stns ta III the amall luMira of ni.a-nlng. lie waa taken la-lore tlie ni'onlcr this aneruoon, inn la-iuga minor he was dlamixw-d with a gat hi-ture. K vent.-eii traiiin wcrehouaed lu the .-oiinlv lull lat uight. They were fur nlxlicd wltli iilaiul one iiouar a woriu of cheap fiaxl at the expense of the cllv. I ierainxs.! coliil-anv I now objecting to ' hew lll.livi.lualx riding on trains without iy. JuiIli. I'll) . rton heanl argumeiita yeatenlay al orvallls on the motion lo aixx-iit the r.-aignalloll of Itecvlvcr llH.lu-vof Hi, O. P. 1C It. II l ex it ted' that iue court will order anot It- 1 ... - .1.. er sale ol itic loan ai a uniw n"i ...v. than six luoi thx. M l... ro.ol t! rough the Judkins iilaiv lo Henderson station is being ox-m d bv the road a,i'rvlwir. A new bridge U-iinr built 11. ar the Judklnauld lloliie has uniavled llr llmla-r for atrlllgcis .....I iihuttiiiciitM. If tbe young tun la-r waa ws-led tt would last twice the lline. II. C. Slock adveitlw In a Yamhill coiinlV paar that he will pay no ,1. ni.'.-oi.trn. led bv hla w ile; and In the same column Mr. I.. SUa k an nouin'-a that xlie will my none con in.ei.sl hv II rinali Stock. The fainl Iv i-vldi'iillv doea not take much Mock III Itm-lf. 'Uu. Salem Hoard uf Trade ami (-ill M-iiaof that place met laat evelilng and xvm .l strong n-xolutlona bramliug the axw-rtlona reoelllly made by Oov- crnor I'eiinnyer aa fale ami asking our r.-pM-lllatlvea al aalllligioii 10 ire-.-nt the sHine to Pn-aldclil Cleveland aud to tioth houaea of isuign'wi. The children oomMialiiir the mlaalon itrv lu.ii. I of the Cumla-rland I'reaby teiall t-hiireli were pieasaniiy enw-r laiiuxj at the parsonage Wnlui-aday af tcru.x.n. tlius au.inig aiiowicr nuiy event to their holiday. lU-fnulimeiiU ..I elillil s i I. lava were me onier Alx.ut :i were nreent. Mr. Hialr aa hostiiia 1 alwaya a aucta-aa. Have vu w-eli the tl-VU) Uilroom w-t at Day A Hendcrnon'a. Do you know that Day A Heinle nam are selling woven wire liiatn-aw- at 1. 75 each. Tin. .herlfTa lnluiictlon rase will I l..nl Ixfon- Judge Fullerton, In hiiil.ra. at the court house tomor mw. II aeem very likely that Frank J Miller, f AlUny, will l the new re elver of the O. 1'. II IC Such au ap siliitmeiit would be an excellent one County Superintendent of Hchil Steveiiwiii dell venal a lecture la-fore the imI teai-her aMM-latloii In Portland veaterdaV. I'mf. Hawthorne also made a abort aMldrena. Nutlc- to Srhool (Terki. Tl, .Itelilion ol all achixil clerks I callixl to an-' Ion 4. laxge i amended achiail law of On-gou. The clerk of every dlstrl-l where tax ia desired to be levied for the cur rent vrar are nxiui-oUil t at olliw Ilotl fy the undersigned and la-rtlflcatc of aast-xxel vaiunlioil Ol uuninn win forwarded i a amii aa awmenl nill an- cmpleb .1 by state lrd of euall ration. Dec. II, PU3. WM. 11. S AI.KI.K, County Clerk Investment. J Invi half Intenxit it l.-ili. ss. ollliv. 'xl now will s-ure a olie- n a m year, prol Ku.pjlre at the (il AHn The man who aaya advertising .I'x-sn't wy .a referred lo the mayor of Marysville. Last Week he In-erted an ad. in the (.lot linulej "(iirl Want- rd." Threi dava laU-r on nrisim is lo. wife gave birth to girl. ailvertising i.avT if cirtirxi. It do or x,!e w-suldu't ailverti-. Shiloh Cure, tbe great cough and cn-Jp cure Is f.-r sle by us. l'is krt aie ooiltailis twenty-five dsv, only Z'i (x nta. I hi.dren love It. ClTV likl'ii SroKK. I ne of Uu- inen hai.t dispatch anllin .-. 1 froui New Vork to sn Kratirla co, the Ala ixla. due In Sau rraiicls.x early In - t.-mtr, baa been deUined , in lUoib-Jaiiero f-rr aHue time, get. I ting away 1 ert-mlsr anh. I it .11. i.;.i:ii.. Ihf MJiiers (.rucrall Mill 1 tar Work ai a l.s. It Is hi :i 1 1 1 ! v n-iuai k;;Uc how ( heap the ei n. -Ii I public l w illing lo Work for I ncli SMiiiiiiel III carrying his mails, l ie routes in Ituc iisiiity w III gi ncially la- i-arried at a ha to the III. II who ,iae txeli awardixl the ix.u tla.'ta O i-ollls,. the lon igu bidders w ill siilt-li t tin ir is.it::n'ts. The fob lowingan xnnii of t he routes hi : l-r..iii si iruictleld. l y way of Thurs- I ton. Wall, ii die, I-abiir-.'. Oatc l rk, ' I'.luc Uivi r ati.l M. U.-pic r.ridge, lo I I'l'lrr Si m. '." T'. mil- and back, I tlniv ( mi, wo K , lioui Nl.iy I to j ! Hi tolx r . I, and t in ,l . '. the n-sl-l hie ol tin y.ai; suiniiu r In dulell lining; w i h i h-uiis. Contract nwai.l.xl I ii. I. J ii i.-.in, of l'.iistls, Ion l.i, I. i I'.' ' s i iiunuiii. From S: i iticll. I.l. bv Mohawk and Ixalx'l to M .N 1. Is. hi ni.i. x mid latck, thnv linn a wis s. hidulc llillc, i Ml rs. I olitlliet lll.l.s to S. K. liixifgl', of .-spl iln;tll I I, Oicgoll, at JAM araiiiuun. Fnun ringl'n Id, by Naln.u, Jaspe r and Fall i'n. k to Lowell, Ix ,'si milca and Uu k, Iwtii- a wit k: s. In-dulii limn hoilis. t oiitia. t awarded to r. I ar it, of London, Kentucky , al r-.T.i.fV a-r year. From Kugciie, by l.liuira, arien, Hale, Walton, (ih iili uu, Meadow, Seav Ion, I'ollil I'crni.v and Acme, to Flor- lo-e, sill milea and bin W, t tins' tllliea a week, May I to Octolx-r :tl, and tw hva wisk the nxidiie of the year; lime hediilc l"i hours. Contract awarded lo W. W'elghel, of San Friinclw-o for H"" x t xear. f .' . fl. . I... I 1 11.... I'-....- r roni r.ugi in-, i-y i,ti . ii.u.i n-w, ng loin ami l.lmirn, to r raiikiiu, miles and Imck, twn-e a wivk; time Inxlule, 12 hours. outrnct awanlixi In W. K. Travia, of Chicago, for M-l a-r year. Fnun F.ugelie to Siilslaw, 11. 7. mile ami lau'k, muv a week; lime m-nnmie, hours. Contract awnrdul to I-.. I ar- ker, of Loudon, Kcuiucky, for tliai.tti ia-r year. muil lioxlicn, I'V I'lcnxani inn ami Trent lo Ix xt. r, 1.') mlh-a and Iwa k, alx llinca a wivk; time wluiliilc, 4 hour. The i-ontnict w aa awardul to II. KccllfV, of lliaihell, Or., for f,tl'J.,rsl a-r annum. r nun l ullage limve, ny i nrisuiaii, Star and Hluti to Wlldw.sxl, 11.47 mile and lack, tw hv a wwk; lime hcdulc. 7 h nirs. The contract waa awaribxl lo J. W. Harms, of Cottage limve: price not atatixl. Fnmi Cottage limve, by 1 loyal to tairane, 14) mil. -s and ba. k.thni' llmi-a wis k: time scbedule, .i hours. on- tract awaidcl to J. W. Ashby, of Col-tagetimv.-; prhv not slalixl. From Cottage limve lo W allai-e, ll mile and Ihu-K, oiuv ii week; lime schiilule. '! hours. Contnicl awanlixi to I-' Pin ker. of Kentucky; price not staled. IVriinal. Pall i.iiant, P.-e ."a. O. I. II .11 of Irving sia-ut last night ill I'.ugciu. lUv. Chirk ciime up on thla after noon's IismI. IU'V. C. Sia rry, of this city, la visit- lug at lllllslsiro. Mrs. P. III. I. lie. of Albany, la visit ing n inth cm and friends in this city I leorgc Alexander, of the Lebanon Advance, n-lui'iii-d home Una morn lug. Mrx. C C. Cruller went lo Cottage 11 rove Ibis ui t. rii.H.n to visit several lays. Frank l oiter, of Mudd, w ho baa Ix-. II visit ng ben- a short lime return i d home Una luorulnv!. Mcxxrs. Ihill.r mid 1 lu-v with their w ives Ml i i oe.l home lo J l.irrinburg on the local Ihix iimruliig. Mr. Ii. I.. Coiii.tix k of Coluirg made the OcMiiiollliv a friendly call on the .lilh and leia-ucd hla subscription. Mix. Frank And. r-'ii and little son have n tin in -.1 to tin ir lioinc In Junc tion I uy iiii. r a thnv w-wk' visit w ith her parclilx. Col. J. A. Straight has gone to Port land lo ai is'Pt a iHs.lli.ui under Lionel f . . ... .. S- . .1 I lugge, n iiiver 01 incwri-goii .saiiouai bank. Tin- Ksitliin aald to be Worth al the rate ol f dial jx-r year. A. J. Zuinwalt and daughl.-r, of Irv ing, w III leave on a vlxil to California, by .Monday night' train. The lady has Ixx-ii In 111 bi-alth for aouie lime aud ll la hoixxl a change of climate will prove la'iicllclal. Albany Hemia-rat, Ik. 1.7: Ib-v. and Mra. T. J. Wilson left loday for Faigeiiv on a vlxil with their daughter Mra. C. II. Watson. Mr. Wilson baa nun'hastxl a small fruit farm near that city and cxta-cta to move upon It lu the spring. Letter 1.1st. Ikxvmber is. 103. Ihirmy, Ib-n M (1J Cannon, II IvIyhumMrsNaiicyliilcin, Mra (Irubh, 'rbadi-ua llobklna, J (' January, Mra K Johnson, W M Klngsley, Frank King, F I' Koe, Mra Ann Morgan, H It Marsh, Jno l'lti-r, N J Itutlieia, Sarah L Shine, It K till Shlelda, J V M D Spwiigliw, Mr Wllaon, A Which, Itev T A rtiaraa f ona rnl will Im ma4 an aark ktu-r aitvii 'Mil ivrsons rlliuc lirf latux-a w 111 t,U-aas ar s. Iisti a.1vrtl.l M INMk W Anil tft' KMC. V. laveatinent. f 1M0.00 Invested now will secure a one-half iuterest lu lxsi a yi-ar, prof- It buslnev. Km Ml I re at IhetiCAHIt ofllce. Ssjiii IIoat. Wslln'lay, Salem J.airnal: The C. S. snag lajnt Corval- Ua arrived at Salem at insm and w III pnaxa-d ii up Ihe rlvtr toinornw with full cn-w and will Ha nd alx week working thia way from l.ug-iie. Jeff (.wvnne, the englnwr, la ronfllie! - ,.l. nl f, ver at Ida home In tin. clt v butexpecla U Join tbe boat very Usui. SKKPil si V lit llNHi. The. 1-year old ilamditer of F. . Ivl, living near lladleyv.lle, was s.-riously and s-rhpa PiiMllv l...rii.-d Monday by falling lino the tire. I he ll. -li on her right side waa bori.blv burmd and large mt. he oil w it h the ..tiling w i.l. n re- lliali.ixl I .Iter Ihe Ii"' waa ainot In-red. Pa.. r i.uar-t. P-'. J. Fi.m-i i hula en-la-t lligl '. illg )eh k,ms, l rxhertlial xx-ri i; J- t,v I ii i I. i ns Wimaw one til. N. '.. I. . . V., it.- t,oi:i. ia p.r me enaii rr.. I i. Ii. C. I' ; M r P.: Ii. W. Knixa-y. . W. Il- l .-r. J. W : J. C. liray C. I hureh, iriu-UM, limi .1 i. a. y. sai.i- Notice F. V Iniim a aim. .uo's ioeiit in tixtay'a i.i iHi). It r 'all. a In all line. Our reader v .11 d I Well to III vest IgaUJ. V imi !. lu.Ui -bat. Iv, . cars ebol. winter anil.-. Higheat i-aah t.ri.-ewl.l I Jvaid. r.l.'Uirof i.tJK T. llUMfi, oar I liriMiuu l ive. Ami what will hang on It. Some thing fr oi l and young, rich and p s.r. Ilargains epial lo gifts, for we will hang 31 ll granulated sugar for 1 1, 'l IU la-t mixed candy for iV, cb-'i.v walnuts at hV; those choi.v hail.- at I U We w ill aUi hang a few pair of lluase Is aiillful va-a-a w hl. h ixl t- at 1 'r pair; a few bl-xpic llgurcH at half prhv; China dinner sets, .n pin-ex, old priiv t l'i but as a gift we make them '.".V; wise hiin-x marked down si a-r will. We w ill make -pcclal c!!"tt lo n-diliv our slix k of toilet wis all. I will tcfiiw no gixxi nil. r. We will hang on our tree popcorn, miaitia, cur rants, o. ingis, pickliss, honey, ami all the lUMirlc of the s.-a-oii at jiiiiss never Ix-fon' made In Kugeiie. And if any mini tnr. to ix-nt our prnvs wc wilt bang IIIM bxi. I lot one of our pun-hasc canls and draw fni of c.s-1 a la-auliful Ixx.k worth t-'. Tin: FA III, V.. C. smi in, I'n.p. luvratmrnt. trai ls) Invi-xtixl now, will noun- a ouedialf interest lu f .MM a year, pmflt, husluca. Fii.pilre at the lilAHII oftbv. Captain Swwney, I'. S. A., Sn Die go, l al., aava: "Miiioii a i ainrrn lU-mcdy la the llrst iiuxllclne I have ever found that winild ever do me any good." rrhv 'aJ wnt. Sold by Citv Diirn SniKK. W beat ae Husk. I atu now ninnlng a feed, mill and grain store. All kluda of hxxl to onlcr. 1. K. I'aTKHH, Ninth at rent feed alon'. DECEMBER, 1893. lurin thin tlio last niontli if tho your ami heforo taking txttH'k, which occurs January 1, lN'.M, I "hall make Hwccjiing rciluctioni in nearly all lines. Tho following prices for loini'stics ntut other Htaples: IIouho lining, formerly oc; now Ic. Chicago formerly (ijc; now ". lla.lger LL, " 7c; " lie. Cabot W, " H.',o; " 7c. CahotA, " lc; " He. lVppwell U. " Uf; " Hjc Shirting prints ! (Jloucoster " ataiulanl, 1H yils for Imligo hluo " Ui yils for Mack ami white prints, formerly K.;now . .. Keilan.l Mack " " " ;; " LailicB' nml chihlreiis' gossamers at cost. All underwear that were $ l.'J, now $1.(H). Odd Hints of clothing at any price to close. A lino lino of hroadliead wort-tods, former .'o; now ""k Theno aro tho lot wearing dreM goods iu tho market, and at thin prico the cheapest. Wohhalt keep it IIAIKJAIN t'OUM KIl upon which will ho found many unoful Holiday trade, and many holow tlm cost of manufacture. Thin ia NOT a clearance nalo hut a REDUCTION SALE. A reduction in price in order ot tho advantage of LOW get tho money to put into new goods for tho spring trade, and thus tho benefit is mutual. Come Early and Sec What Wc Can Do for You. Wo take this opportunity for their very liberal patronage, our nales for tho months of October and November Wing hotter than tho correspond ing months last year notwithstanding tho money panic, and we hhall continuo to doHorvo tho confidence and pat ronage of all those who favor us by giving them tho IlEST QUALITY of goods for tho LKAST l'OSIULK prico. J. H. Grand Clearance Sale. F. E. DUNN'S 2nd Semi-Annual Clearance Sale. Wo are now taking inventory and will nil you mer chandise VEIiY LOW in order to save trouble and reduce my largo fctock for Spring (lo.xk I expect to dart for New Y-Ok in time weeks, whero I will secure tho Late-t and Cheapest goods cut brought 0 to this market. Thii sale will la-t until FEiil.UAUY 1, and will bo stri. tiy CASH. llo-istctfully yours, F. IS DUNN. Jt li.JIi. Als.tit the lust of tk tols-r, H. Tot uaiisky came here fnun nm town do n ihe valley ami opened a dye and clothing n pair shop In the Halo block ui W illiuiieti.. slm-t. Monday he skl.xs out on the haul h aving all w Ith w hoiu be bad done buxinc, an far as wc have h iirin d, In the bin h. lb- owes Ida blnst help, a printing bill, bold bdl, lent and other amall bills. He also has mt return, s clolhins lafl In his hs. ssjon f..r n-palra. He got ' his woik done In Portland, and xxrln-a i w ho w n.le Iln re to have it n-turned It', o. II. by expnsu, were luforuieil thai poiiaiisky n i'l bx-ii there and ' got tlie art idea. I'mbably they are In a 'l n xhoi by this time. J I'l.naiirkv is alx.nt fi-t, 7 Inch.- ' IiIl-Ii. dark iiair, imixtache and roni' ' plexioii, and light built. Ilia eye ant 1 not exactly atiaight, neither la he. He i tuav have gone to K'svliiirg im lie nail Ixx-n talking of that xunt aa a place for bl.llis.x. otire. After Jan. 1 we will sell no goola without the cash and this rule will tw strictly adhen-d to. Strictly cash giaxlx w iU tai sold at surprisingly low llguns. It will pay you to Investi gate. Parties indcbteil to ua will pit aw xcltle. Uhav A Hon. Wauled. bi,(i ixiiiii.Is of On-gon grape mot, dcllvcnxi al Friendly' wan-house, Ku geiie. W ill pay t in jx r ton. Must be cut lu plixix. fnun t wo to four Inchisj In length; free from pith and of gisal color. Ijirgi- nails) gn.w lug on thelajt. lotus pn-fernxl. Must be fnsj froui w ater and dirt. I.. D. FoKKKJfT. Dmlu your laud. You need tiling. For terms and Information about tile, addnxM D. Nash A Co., manufacturer of tiling, Halxey, On-gon. the month will hold gotxl on i . .). 1.(10. l.(K). . 7. . 7. price article - , hoiiio adapted to tho to reduce my stock. You prices for what you need; wo of thanking our customers very re8iectfully, McClung.