The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 23, 1893, Image 1

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If i
i' I '
'ill I ; if
' h I
-Ii. JL
iT'.KLl!IE'i n:f! t:MK.!V.Tlu P. DM"' KITH UlVII'lr. 1U M EJM H UMNO BT TDIIWE1T OP Oil BEOW
i. -
NO. 52.
VOL 25
The Eusrne lit) (iuanl.
I. I. CAMlMtKU..
I'ablUker ml IVoprlrlnr.
OWL' -Oe th Kft .iU .Wi ', , .t
juK btwan HorMilb u t I'UMb Sf "U.
Par UIMM...
tl i Muelh...
Dim BualL.
A'ltl""'! on .
TIm advrtUn will b chug! at tht M
Uwtag rai
( aquae thr month 9" '
Urn ar U tnth
Dm aqtun ooo veer 12
TimhhI -ioa la (oral column, 30 inU
utr Itu bar ch iaMrtion.
AdvartUiat- bilU will b rra Urwl nuarUrly.
AU lob work Biwt b ru ruo hkliviht.
OFFICE -tp.tir, npiU II. .Ul r'.'i'.-ti.
Clocks. nVatcnes, Chains. Jewelry, Etc.
A II Wert WarreBl.-a
McClaren Building,
Next to Ln Ct. Hiiiik
Eugene, - Oregon.
m) aou Mill Di
Orders by mail fillfJ on tin' J.iy of
(V Vmt Moiaf, low. Ht unlf ilaU "I
H. B. Mko. Mko. Co.,
Uufur, On-ifoi:.
0KWTUEME5: On nrrlvlnn limnf hut
wark, I found all wWI ami anxiously
waiting. Out little (flrl, eljtht ami mn
balf yearn old, who lunl wn-ti'd i '
to 88 pound. U now well, ntninit uml
Tlgoniun. and well fltuhed up. S. II.
Cough Cure haa done Itu work wi II.
Both of th children like it. Your S.
B. Cough Cure han eured uml kept
awav all hoanmewi frtm me. So jriye
with uret-tlliki for nil.
VIhlllRyU pnerlly, we aw
Youra, MR. anu Mkh. J. h. I
irrrmvl.bto M frrh ami rii.-.Tini.
rrtAy h prlu'i '". cimiiw v "
m I
wlln lh IIMiMrnt mwi
I.J iNklLH
two or Hin iIimm wm.
aald on.lf po.lil Mn"f
JO muu pre bulll tif all Jnii,-ii:t.
8. B. Kxtm. J.,
I I tl I I
01 Eugene.
paid up (asb Capital 50.()()0
Surplus and Profits, 30,0H)
Eugene - - Oregon.
A aanl b-iklai ; budna-
l HP'A(i. HAN FRANCISCO and 1""
tNU, ORKUUN. , ,
BUla ol atobaiMI a "'' wii''"'
UllaaKlTiubjtlo ob.k or
ala al dapuail. , ... . , .
All oollaatluB aelmud to w ai-i "r
Vfueip altaaUoa.
H AVISO A UkaiK ! ' '"V Vi , ,- ,
M akarwia
Exclusively For Cali,
I en offer the puhlic letter pri.-m
tba,o any other huut
irlN' EUGENE.:
Produce of all klnda taken at mark, t
r-UUclloa. axa4aal Uo. o-.ii-
I -ft.
crrus-Caavatf .. imat- f.w
Vm, 0K'
University Bookstore;
University andSrliool Book
First Ilalioiial San
VC?tV fjAIf
i,.. ', .11 !.
.. I'.i.q
t IM!,,...
.nk ..'itii ..f r. o.
Illwu t'l Clir. ll 'll.
m. l'r.
"1 1 v".u i-1 1
:'... a.,. I r.-i
; . . in.; i.' t
fiii i
' -r I"
, ii t" '.' p
City Property.
f ;m invit'ii. iit in
aii.l tin' i
m-rit !,i. h it ,
' . : ..i ..
j I ii. u inn-
rri'i rty i tin'
iiiv.-'iiii ul in Kiilm ins i--'iu!iy if vim imt i U-aulifiil linv fiT a limn.'
. . Ij . i i i 1 1 tin- 1'iiiv. r-ily umiimN ami tli.' .-Sty limil-: tin- I :
ir.i tin, i-ily wnti r niul rlii-lrif li-lil- Mrlnlini! In it. it i
tin- iin-t .imv. iiii nt ami ili-lnl.l .r..mty on 1 1 inarUrl.
N.v. r ..I tin xuntli. r, I'N IVl'KSl I' Y APJMTloN, I. Iiidi
i i I .. .i,. . u.ll .Imiiu-il. l'r!.. Iiim. lill'l "II rii-V trrili".
i ii iii " i '' .
i Call t ril- II. N. r. k. rliiu-, Y.
CV.V tnsircinl (
'air, U'ilhniHttc .street.
I u.Jrr Arn-t. j
P' I i.'wr l. I ' ' I" !
A -i: ! .lit wii- w Til out in Jn-tlii'l
Km- y - ' "url Iriie Saturday afli rmui
.v II. . Iln-;"ii of S ini r pnt-lni'l, l
f.'r Hi.-air. -I of Cliailloii rkin, n
yoiniL' lu.i'i al""it Vrar- of iilt, for,
iln- rm -a- "I -t'-aliiur rattli'. II" !i
pla'i-d uirl.rair.-l Lylln- f 'i rtlt' mid
t:,V,. III I!.' "Uiil "f ., Willi !
U'. II. .- r.nuli ami K.l. Cnl.lw.-ll of
Jn'm ll.iii i.r. .-.m t n.-n!' !' lor In-up-'
iM-araiiri' '"I Ju-tii-.' Kiiixy 'Inn-
daV Mioriolii; i'l oM... k, wla ll he I
will U- ni ii n'l i xaii.inalii II. The
pluinl all. Oial wild harlloli I
I', rkiii-. on tin- -''ih day or Novi-iiiIht, ,
in fi- ii.i.otv of ih.-n and Ih.-re
I-ii.,- .h. I tin n ami th.-re feloiiioii-lv
i .L.. -.1 mi. I diive a.-iv six h
,, ,,f '
' ... I.... . t .1... I
en-ol Hie nni : "-
i pii.jM-rty "f M. i . ii'i-ioii, inn., ivi
il., .latil!. - "I the taie in iin k-ni.
Ii i.i.i. -ar t int .pllt-' Hilllii
r "1
i-attle have l. -II l"li II III t Hal in-iK"
l,rln'.l d irinw the pa-t inotilh or
two m,.!'L' lh"- ! have "U-tail,.-l
l.-'-are N. I . 1. 1. rv. rt. II. C.
i.l Mr. l;.twi, k and olln-r-.. I he
II. on, " o v.-ial ilidit idim!. have U.-li
...... .
,,...i,i,,.!,, I in i-ohle-t i mil ini ie on.
and it i h1 l.v that "l I" r nin-l
follow Hi due ii'lIK of llllie.
will'o Eya and Skin
a ri.- f..rC!ir--nie!-o!8F."
A r
r-t:. r, j-...t r.!i.v:-:i. S I llea.l, UW
.' lironi.' Son , I' V.-r Sore, Kczcuia.
I:rh. I ra.r. t-Yra'.i-!.''", rora Mpp'.i
arjil I';:--.. It U I'.K"'".' n'l 'thin2.
II nr.!
r.-! of i-:;.-- bar.- l..--n cureu i)
r:, ..!'... r tr.u'.!l c: t had IIial.
t-i pel l"X.
Y t a ' ' ".i.i- ' t "-!".
i.i-.o.v. xx. r.
i.l. W I.. I i(
1 i.f theerime
,ii, M lo r i
I train and
II,- w ill I-
,r,,n- Ju-'..--
i.,rr,w n..,'n
. I r
rl ,
it.ii i '
i. i ,.
k. v .1 a.
K;ii - y
p..'. I.
:..p I ..
, i- l--. li
.1. U i.-.
re- :
.. I
...lit t-i
t.- I;
int.-- r "ii
i tr.
1 1
:..; ,1.
lr. !-U-
r v
I., r.
I. I..
i- Ml-
I ii.i A I
, i
r.. ...
i . .
i t..r
. ri a1
fr. .
k.ii r
tl -..t
, r '
I,.-- t.
t. ,
I t
,f 'at ! t
bottom r ants
m f 1' III
E. SOTAL'saD. Ffcrrutrr.
school sutkii.
i.i. faiti:.
"""'fiill Stock ol Buttcrick Patterns.
ph rty .1 u.l- ii"'ii tin-
r J -ft- !' hut. ;i?iiiv' in v;ilur.
m , Or. OUl.v in Cliri-maii H!'-k.
Fruit Lands
iiiltt. OpHi.u'tc J I li I I'.ii-
I" He in kinri iii-.
Tl.eie vii" ii man iii our to u,
Who thought Idi" ery l-i-:
You miilil talk to him, ami prove to
I low it pny to nd vi r t i - :
Hut he' "-live th t," "r think he
.-..ill,! -
An, I hi. i-oiii-lil"r tliii. ".-ix.p
Whiili mad.- hi. pat mm. very tii.-d,
And he v. .-lit in tin- Miup.
- Allnrt l.'-a, Muni., Mamlard.
Ill l.l. Siinday' On cold. in: In
llieniuiiii eouil ye-terday John It.
I iit.-l,l urn a. hel l to ki'.m-r to tlie
trrand Jury on the elian.-'- .f r-.i lvin
niul i- -. iihnu .toli-n pro rty, under
IhiihIh of ;.m, ami Jann Coln-n,
. . .. . . i i .. .i
eliartfi - 'l Willi .-xtoiuoii, iimnr iMiiio.
'I n like iiinoiini. rnne u hi:..
Coin n iirre.t. il lor lan. tivoi ..une
inoni-v iiml a wat'li from Mr-. K.l.
I.eyde. lie w a imlieh d hy the tralid
juiy ami ilrl. ii - 1 nv ihk i.oioii, no-
jury ili.iiLre. nil.'. i nn. i:iv me in-lirtm.-iil
ML'iiin.l him wa ili-ini"". 'I,
ami it i alii k''"l that I Mehhiirn .-nll'-d
on Mr. U-ilye and oll.-r.-.l to . II h.-r
the wt. h. ' She Informed the ili.lm-t
Htlolli.-y, w ho made I'omplaint alli"l
Inn lil.urn. Mri l-.le i luin," thui
Coln-n railed on h r ali and oil, n l to
tell h.-r where the wateh eoiild U
found, for a ration.
ItATIII K M"l l lilnt a. - Saturday
mnriiiiiu ufh r iiii.lnik'lil May Imuran,
the PVyear-dd il.iili'ht. ro .nin l.'iili.
ri-"iiliri"i opia-ite Tola-do, was found
li.iir Hie O. I', track lit that pine.-, tl.-d.
hull. Is Ulld Two II Were
thought lo have l-s-ii h'-ard linvuik'
the xi'-iinty. I he tir.1 Id.-u wna lhat n
t.-rrihle itiiue had Us 11 is.muiit I. d .
hut illX. -Mf .lloll revealed the fact that
thetrirl hmi ii"t ! II harmed, und t tint
.lie waa a a..iiliaiuliuli"t. If " how j
.!.,! .1..- I . olne lied na ahe waa. Her i
ef I1
r Was iltnV f.'.lll In III", hut tl.eie
other, in C " leal-- who h.-ard
I. 11 r h-
.-fl. 1 ie- matter !
a in -
I' d '
. a r. -
tie n.'
two .
tl " -
f I...
in tl.i
f.nn I
it ..1
I'l v
, ..
I' Mill I.'
U , d- a
il it t ' 1 1
.. in,,
r'- I I u,
o. l not
,,: I to
P- I
It I
' I a ' i
( nr.
'-II noil lie
t. Till of
ttll- ,11, l
.,r. f,,- l.-ir 'try. !!
.1 .
I r..
w I..
-,! r a
,. r -.ii.
-i th -..
tl . f M i."
U ii
I the
aI- .
rv r-
V ,i I
J . 1.- I
r i f !
I i ' " !. I .
II. ( .
.n. : .a i.
:.-. to X
I'.-rkin. t ul
an I ar'i.liv-
x.. .-I., r J
it. I'.a -I 'I -
.t'-.N- uid III
j , J 1 1 . 1 . I i..r. '
. H i"-, r - t r a i ii 1 1
lulll Ir.lll the
u:.i v v rr..i,t.
,. r n'i" 1. r l.
i-- .
I I ' e a I
, in
r. !l. ,t I
I II sMid '
J. K. .wi
of is rtain'-'i'.fi or i
-a i I Inn- 1
la the ri,
I If. ..Tl. I,i
1 i,. ,n I.- I.- ar I al . I...
4-n Uy, !"- 'i. - r I- - .. at Ii... :- k I
a. in., to ii-1. riiiiiic the in.ttt r.
ft' I
of I-.l.'i'.,
S i in in o n
l lUT i." t!.'
ir. 1 Kil:iv
hi. liam I i
xx Lii-h you pin vour
filth fir x
cure. A
r.iilil l.ix.i-t;-.',
I'tirvly w-
ttal'l.', :h't
in -l'r.-. tly
o'. tl.o I.ivi-r
;i n l K 1 1 -
tu'v. Trv it.
.S.U Ly'iill
Pr'i-.ri.-t-x in Li,ui.l, or iti Tow lor
t il o t ikon ilry urra.i.lo into i tea.
Th King i.l I.Urr Mrdlrlnr..
' I In..- .I,. I.l,-r Itfffil
lill. I Hint ioi, i, Mi.l, t, III. II...
lone , 1 1 ii. r in. ,ii-iiii-., I "i.l.-r II a
in..i. in.-,-'., .1 in n 11 -XX . J a
,5i, I,i,-.'aii.. XX i.iiiit.ii.
M-MMir r.trki;r-ii
llaa ttiw 1 iaiii In rr.l nn wra.,e
N ll.l l IJHI.I.K I1I1IM.
i Nn in In-r of latere. tln' Itetii" Frum
Mil" I lie tllhiice.
Ike. is.
Wall. rvll!.. has a :!" xxhli-h may
h ad to n iliv -n e. A i-oilple, x hn haxe
I. rii inarri. d n little im-r it year, mid
have a little will twoXMt k" old, have
-. I ar-iti-.l, tie x ife polntf to live w Ith
1 hall l i nlh.-r, xi hn i" liol married.
The !a-l ."'iiiity eoiiit (.'rallied M" to
lr ICit -tl ! nrl UiiiiU r to 1 over a
I 1 1 lye on the I.ii.m II rond. The iu l
.l.iytho-,. 11 1. rested hauled llieliiin-,
1 1 r ami in I i .. h.nin. the hi idite win
eoveii'd. , then' xa more than one ;
111,11 int. r " l In the lui,l','. Ilia
1,1 arlv I"-' f. t Ion.-, and lln- IiiiiiUt'
s lurnisli I hy Lew lli-. tn-'n mill, at !
Thiir-lo'., .11 .'i i r Ihoiisaml to the I
-..11, ty. I II, I ei .
t,.i, a lo.y.
Th- ,.. !i
i.i.t Mr. Mil
-ii-i i -.r, 1
it hill;4 ill I
XI 0 1 t III. II .
' I, It p. t It llll
llll .-"Lllll
1 I. the wile. if John llr.lll-;
1 that ;m -lit in reinov
1" from ill.trii-l No. s, as
, on iv thn-.' p.-rsoin 011
.- ih-tn-l, ami II, road i"
vi r. Tl that Mt'tied
.,11-l.t to Is- linn'.- to work
1 i niiu; K. A. West, a
palll lit III I I. I'll"
till, ili. 'l of - iini r.
ll' 11 mily
The i-aueiT hud
I 11 t.ik. 11
I''" I" ''1 "'
a I m il 1 1 two
livi s on the
he was k
iini (lure XVii" exerv
his l'i
A. .-M
Illlii; Is-ller, w hell 1 I In-Ill Milne iiaya anerwuni on iiieisiiio
hl'o his He, w ho ' ty mad w.s-l of tow 11 m-ar w hen, the
, iiotilicd him that i riiilroad i rnwrn the Itlalr plaiv. Ilna-n
mt' to eel 11 ilixorn from
i,- t 'k to hi. Ih.I uml all
him, xt In 11 11,
ell, Uts to i.iu-
him proved uiiavailiiik'.
I. X. 1,.
Tin: I mi m Hon Cam:. -Salem 1 11
il. s'mleiit : I lie soldicr'a home i-iim'
xx ill mioii upon coine Is f.iie the eolitta.
In tl I" cii"' the i.row-eiiliiiK attorney
tefii-.-" to app-al ia-fiirn the eoiirta In
la-half of Ih" as.ple ami mi the eiuie
cia " directly to .finite I'.uinett, who,
il is l lieved, xx ill i-lit.-ltaill il. The
law - providi-a dial w hile it ia Iuimm...
hie to Ill'linllilllUa lis u proa.'1-tlt illK lit
lorin V or a- atloriiev tr.-ii. rnl. that they
.. . .
i an 111 a-ai 11 1 1'ei't ix', w 11 lioul w 11 leu l lie
... r
la-ople won;. I la Hlmolutclv at the nier- am", " ". ...s-.,
cvoltl Iltcera. In tills rjise thi'l'-ouietohla fill lnr' holla., alaml aix
1 It'll I III U t II til ll'lfl. t I lit I I ltt tirtMU'lll. I O eliN-k In the riiornlnif and hired him.
Ilii: allorni x I" an iH-roliai uaa, I
who, fori-iu'i" refus.a to n pn-
lit the If Jiidk'" I turui't 1 1
1 oiiclinh t In re is lui rit in t he iii"e it
w III k'o ahead and an Injunction he
I slljr l.uar.l, h.-e. ...
Ax Kx.xii.rinM Mai:. Meaora.
Ix.a I ler ami I .roudahl, of the South
ern I'm 1 lie railroud, in eompiiuy with
Ma.xor I ilendly, I". M. Wilkina, the I.drl-, and other", Satunlay af
tiruooii tin. new liver
channel. We understand thut the
... nil. .in. hi iti.l not think the limaml-
inif .hti.L'i r to the niiniHiiiv'i rK'ht of
wi.v uotilil wiirrant I hem ill lakimr
;n v H. tl ill the miilt. r al prea. nl.
TlieV l. fi for 1 '. rt luii.l on sumluy
iiioriiluu a early train much plcnaed
Willi th. ir xi-it to thia city.
I'.ai.I.K Vm. Covin :. TIio IK'hiaii
lie vl.w lell. the following: While I'oin-
; lllk' aeroaa Colllha Hat liu-l Ir riday W.
I C. I'lllllillier Wltlieaaeil all I'XeitillK
I Ik'i.t la'twis'll llll l-aile and a CiiVi l.'.
I '1 he enirle h i I riiiik'ht a nihhit and the
isivote uml, I'aa.k lo take It away from
hllll. The cattle his prey
manfully f w. me time hut the i-.iv-
1 1.;.- w aa i ni.-li for hiiii ami II null y
; -t a w ay
il 1 he hi;
I h I he rahhlt hut lint un
told clawed several hnud-
( ill. of hair it of his hui k and left
i .iii -on ew it ili-llured.
No A; io
I, .t he V 11
' .V 11 1 , l
d V ,i..
. , i ,x I I-
lloNXIKNT. Count X S -il
l.t "t.-X.-llxill llll , I Ilia lis
,,t kpa.rtoll the Illl.lii y
.nd I'l l.ane emiiity la.t
,e .tile la.ard, 1.11,1 the
. iii April, u" the law on
f. r the i I r t , , 1 1 1 1 1 of
, -, sl.V M'hia.l "II "Tlllt. II-
, M.'tidax" in April and
, 1 .,ru t!...t many of the
I in -.'.;ii-.ii th. ir -liari' at
tin- lie. ("
! hind.
i" n
I 1 1 W mild I h:.a la
. t of ll, e of our l. ul
'. : i.. -. will r in. :o r Hint
i M i our" lot" in.tix Idu
. y aud x w ho w ill
;. rt any t mint l"li of thr
II. li... know led.'.- nf .y.
., -i-al.l" la in' ki.l" d here
I if h-r'a foil i . in they
r h.iXe Ol.l V I I. ell. a. Iv.-a
in t
, pr ,i
i . r , I i
I r. . . ..i ,
I t i
I .Mi 1
rloii '
m. I. ;'
I ' -
I ul M t "7 i" r m re In
.-i in j'o.a, ; 1 1 in
I. nn. 1 1, at la
" I'M a hint of any
ax . r ;f value of !,.--4
I'l, ,. t il III I'.'la, ii III
I, T! .'.-.
an, I, .11 and t -l-on in I. inn itaunty.
IN JIM nr. iou;r.
M In) I h tattle IiuIIvLIukN r
l I'linui'il Hand h I lilir,.' !
1 !'. i.uanl. Is.- 1 1
1 he 1.11 liiniiiarv iialiiilintiotl
Charlton I'. il.iu. lor h nlllik' entile ill
s..iiis. r iris k ptxfiiifl Ix-k'tiu in
lu-tii- K.ii". x 's isiini thi forviiooti at
u 01 lo.-k. It nr Iro in iiil'oriua
lion at haul that n-x.-rnl part I. si In the
l" iu- r ens k and Coyote lo.-nlitii-
liaxe ini.M',1 i-attle of late all. I thia
harp- iiL-aiu.t yoiun; I'erkina wna
1-r iin.lit I x- II. C." I Ill-ton, one of the
Mr. Hn. ton xv a the flM w lllu
-.xxorn hi the en- and tmlllh-d a to
I . 1 1 J 1 the cattle and afterward ItudiliK
-une of them iii n pultun', near w here
the railroa.l itoms. the lllair farm, ad
joitiim; Kup'iie ami one or two 01 her.
111 one of tlie "laughter yard" m-Mw the
K. Iktatw I. k t.-slllh-d Hint he wiia a
in lkhlT of Mr. Huston ami lived
alsnit eiKlit inllea vntl of here, haw
I'erklii" on the allerno.ui of NoveiiitaT
'J Cam.' Ik hia 1 Ikwlw lek'al houae
ami I. irrowe.l n saddle. Ilndahorxe.
Another 1111111 xx na with hint, (nine
haek alter dark ami left the Middle In
the ham. It wna miiiinir and very lit
tle eoiiversiitloii wna held.
Johnny Itoatw lek, 1 4-year -old aott of
I'.. Itoslwiek, M awi'irn. CotnlliK
home from m-hool on the nfti-riiiMHi In
iiesllon he had wl 1.1 enwa alailit
mile Iroin home. W en- alnitiki' enltle
and he ealled his father'" attention to
what he had aeen. Silpiied they
wen- Clay Perklna' mtlle a It wna re
hiiIis Perkins had loot 1:1 head of
cow a.
J.Mcph Sovcrn I'nllisl ami Icntllled to
haxiiut known Charlton I'erklna foi
als.ut live yeara. Saw him Jut Ihla
hie Covote ImiIIoiii one day alaml the
la-l of SovenilaT. lie wan driving
.une cattle. him muue iiie
tloiia rewardiiikt the la-al way lo (p-t
ncriaui n the water wna 11 11. S'otlissl
the t-nttle hut little. I'erklna aald he
xxna k'"in hack In a little hit. Were
alsiiit ten cattle. Thia waadny la-fote
riianksix itiK. Another la.y waawlth
John Conner aw orn; Uvea one mile
west of l uireiie. Alaml Thnnkak'lvinK
.Hue cuttle wen- hroimht hy hla plm-e
and afterward one of thn yoiiiuf men
who wen driving them came hack
ami asked petliilanloll In turn entile III
Ins pasture w lil. li wax Kninted. Waa
another I ..y with Ii 1 111. San ie party
I nine hack next morning with Mr.
II vniaii, a cuttle huxi r, and tiaik two
ol "the caltle out. lid not wv part ot
the hand taken out hut they were all
tone la.' Saturday. The tviuallilnK
1. in s wei-taken out niul taken wiwt.
'I ho man who left the cattle woru a
hlue arm V overeont.
Mr. Sovcru nvnllis.1 nud leatllletl that
w heii he met I'erklna and the other
youui; mail on Coyote one of llii-in
w on- siie'i a coat.
Ilud ll.iuaii was 111 xt aworn. T.-l I
lie.l to hi. villi; t wo cow a of Jehu (iris-u
011 Thnul.i.k'ixiuir day, at Mr. Conirvr'a
intxturu xiesl of town. Wereuther vat-
tie there. Me nsnKliljsl aoiiie of
elaiiiiisl lhat lie lament one 01 me
eoxx a from Nccley.
Y. It. Itohrer, a KutK'ue huteher
I "worn, iiuvitiK mei luiriion
I I'erkiua near the niilnmd on thn lllair
! idaee lii"t wis k. I'erklna waa one of
Blu r cattle w hich lie anld had tfiiue
from a .turo In which they had Vax-n
pl os d near hy.
Shenlt Noland h-atlllisl to hnvliiK
heard Ch.irlton atato to the atate'a at
loriiev, atler hla arnsl that he had
lai-n liin-d hy John (ins-n to help him
ilrive cattle to town. When they ifol
n far an Conuera liuature,
CoiiL'er'a puature, (Ina-n
.......ul ,1 It. Ml.,! I... I'l.P.
""'n 1 ' I ""V " ""',
ii.i.. ... ....... 1 h.,. i.h.i
lt.a lllialon, anil of II. C. Illlatoll,
t'-tlll'-l to ladiiu with llviiiaii when
1 hey niini.s me niitie near in
lllair lilies', uiey were mi miner
entile. Wan ae.pialntisl with John
dns-n and Charlton 1'erklna. (Ins-11
had II vi-. I In theeoiiimuiilty alaiut two
yeara ami he ami I'erklna hail aawN-lal-isl
toL'elher a Ifiaal deal.
The defenae ailliimoluil Ik'lillty
Sherill Ihiy, who teatilled that from
Hie la-at of Information at hand John
(ins-n hud iiurchnaed a ticket from
r.iik'cncto Yinitit, I ndliin Territory and
lell on the overlnml train Ikss-mlaT I,
A w arrant waa In cualiHly of the aher
: Ufa ollli-e for 0011' arreat for the
! t heft of the mime cuttle ineiilli.tied ill
1 me eninpiaini airaiii"' 1 eiaina.
II. C. I'erklna, father of Charlton,
t.-atifU-d that the lacy waa nearly In
yi nra of Bk'". lie had haat ealtle and
I Inn I aelit hla anil to II lid thent at (llf
fcfi'llt tlinea,
I Mr. Noland. nsnlled hy the tiriaas'U.
' tlori teatitlisl that III the conversation
ulluih-rl t'l In hia prrvloua teatlmniiy,
Vouiik rerkina had made an Indcll
liite alalemenl renrdiliK the time that
; (irwil left heri'.
i The urKUUM-iita hy the atturueya oc-
1 1'tinled aome time. Ik iiuty rrnanut-
. in- Attorney I'otter conducU'd the
case for the atate and Attor
I nex a l I'.ilyeu and J. K. Amla
for the di feiiae.
' SiiiiiinluuT nil the teatlmoiiy and the
a: ttuiii.ii's tlie isnirt that
the evi l' me did not aiitllcleiitly
nrove is.ii.,Iii Ity nn the rl or U
f n liitit '.o w arrant li..lti(i him to-I-ar
la fi re the grand Jury. lie wa
. , ii". 'pii inly di".-har.s.
A lea li IIU:.-A relu-loua "eliaua la
I. mi; lal i ii of Salem. The Stat, "man
-a: 1 ie -r it-Ill of church meillla-M
nud til nil r'" ra la aiirpi l.lnif, an
loin h i lhat it la were all
th.w w l'ii ifax'e the .-aiivawra to Ull
.I. r-laiul they all.-inlisl rh'ireli lo git to
.-Lurch, -il-iii, the city of churches,
would ii t hate near cihhu'Ii naiin lo
I...I I tl,'- i-otii;l' v'atloln. Il la thotlt'l.t
i,i. yl, ia las-n exer. iae.1 aoinewhal.
I he a r s ,t of llittd' la and thoae ll
are in, hi!, nut ia nn-.,urak'in((ly aiiiull
to l anvpsM ra.
!.... iciaM. las- JO.
CiXIMiT I.rT. The rsililraet for
ti.e is, ii' ru. t ioii of the , ra' home
atl l i.rif waa 1. 1 ).s.trrdny to W.
IL M.-k.a A. Co., of 1'ortlatnl, f.rf 7KI.
A. tr'. I . h r ,n, of ( orxalha, had a hid
iuf'.rf. 'li, hut refused to aun the
isnitrm t. The only hid la from I u-
f. lie mi that of I.. N. IColirV'a for
;,'.. II," hlirhe.t hid wtll'i
1 'he plu iil'iria' waa let Ul Du'kll llroa.,
of rSak-m, for t iJM.
The TriJi'iit Delivers His JIivi:
lo Congress.
lie la Oatairil le laariailaii.
W'.XMIIM.Ii'N, Iks'. Is. The pr.-i
lent a r.'siiae to reaoltltioll" .smsl I X
Itll hollaaa., nslll--llln II. format lull
on Haw ailaii nttnlra, wixa .-iit in to
laoiiKrcas toitay. Iii lila Inta-ae, the
pnnldcut any:
III inv rxtvnl annual inc-aire to
itiUKreaa, I hrielly n fi-rnil to our retii
tlonawith Hawaii, and I'xpnsswsl my
inteiilloii ol ijaiiamiitiiitr luruicr in
formation on the auhjoct when
tlonal advl.tsi asrmitud. Thoiik'h not
aide now to report any dellnite cliniie
III the aituatlon, I am (Miivliiitsl that
the diftleultiist lalclv crxatisl laith here
and at Hawaii, aud now atandiiu; in
th. wav of a aolulion, throiitrli exis-u-
live action, ahoiild now la r fcrnd to
the hronder authority of eotik'risM w ith
a full explanation of eiidenvora thus
far mail.' l ileal W illi the enierir.-ncy
and a alntemelil of the considerations
w hteh iroverueil my action.
"When the present adinliilstration
ententl on Ita dlltiea the aelinte had
under Cotlaldl ration a treaty lrovldii
for the annexation of the Hawaiian
Islands aa a territory of the I uil.-d
stalie. Surwly under our eonatltution-
al law the enlnrp incat of our limits
la inanlfcat and In the hlk'hisl atlrihute
of novervintV, and entensl iihiii aa nn
. Xis'iillve, all think" rt'lntliiK to the
trallaaetloll aliouhl la. clear mm ll'.t'
fnmi au.piclnn. Addllloiial lniairt-
amv wna attncmii to nua piirncuuir
Intttv of annexation, Un-ntiae it eon- a departure from unhrokeii
American irmliiiou in provuiimr an
addiiinii to our territory, of tluae
ialauilaof the wa, and more than 3o
iiill.ti reinovisl from our ni-nn-ai iimst.
I'heae iillalileruttoii nihdit Hot of
theiiiaelveM eall for luterlen uiv w ith
the completion of the In nty eiitep'd
uhiii hy the pn-vloua ndiiilnlntratlon,
hut It npN-nra fmui dia iimcnta ne. oni
panylnu the tn-atv, when auhinlttcd to
the aeiinto that the ownelhip ol II.I
wuil tendered to u hv a provisional
Kovi-rnuiclit, m1 up to auitttsl the eon
"lilutlolinl ruler of the Islands, t ho
had laaui ilclhnuicd, aud It did Hot ai-
IMtir that Kuril proviaioiial k'overiinieiit
i a I the aanctloii of either laipular rev-
ohilliui or MillVniri.. Itapaund that
t he ao-rullial collimlttsn of aafety lastell
alhly, wna a aoiiri-e of n-volt iik'niiiht
the cniialillltliiuul (joverniiH'lit of Hk
w ail, orvalilJieit on Salunlav, the.l It h
lav of January. That on Moiidity, the
li.ih. t'iiit.-l hlatea font-a wen lamlisi
al Hoiiiilulii from a naval veaM-l ; Ihk
Iii Ita harlair, that on the lilli, the
m heine of the prox inlollid uovernuient
waa lNTfeete.1. and a pna Looutioll
nauilinr Ita oflht re wna on the annie
day pn par-d and read In the frnvcru-
iiicnl liiilhlliik'. l mil inenai am iiu-
I 'lilted State lilinlater lt-tKUiis the
iirovlalouul Kuvernmeiit Ihua inatisl;
that two daya afterward, on the pun
dny of January, eominlaaloiiera n-pre-aentlliK
uch ifiivertitneiil aullisl for
thia (tiuutry on a at.iuner eaa,'lally
cliartere.1 for the oecaalon, arrlvliiK In
Hu Krum lsAtj on January i!8 and in
YYiudiiuutoii on hehruary 3; that on
tlie next day they had their llrat In
terview with the atfntary of atate
and another on the 11th, when a
treaty of annexation wna practically
agreed upon, and on the I Itli ll waa for
mally rtiiit'ludeil ana nn inn irana-
inittvil to the Senate. Ttuia he tw cell the
luillallen of I lie aeheine for a liruvialunal
irovrrniiieiit lor Hawaii, on Die I Itli day
of January, and Ilia aiiliinlwhin to the
Senate ol lha treaty of annexation waa
concluded with inch government, Hie
entire Interval waa thirty-two ilnyi. III-
leen of w hlch w a ipenl ly tlie Hawaiian
coriiiiilMlonert on llielr lourney ui aaii-
liik'ton. lo Ilia next place upon the lace
of the papera tiilHiill'ed Willi Ilia irea'y
II clearly appearen mere wa ao opeu
anil uiiileleiuillieu lauu in uioai tiibi on
portauce. 'Tli innaa)n of Ihe preahleul
ai-eotiuianTlnir the treaty declare "the
overthrow of Ik monarchy wa not In
any war promoted hy tliln iroyernineiit.
and In a letter to Ihe preaident from the
ecrelarv of dale, alao (iitiiuitled lo tlie
.-enate with the treaty, the following
iiajwase occur: "Al the time Ihe pro
vlaioiialguverameiil look Mwirlciiol ilie
Koyernineul imllilinga, no iroop or uiu
cer ol the L'nlled Slate werepretenl or
IcM.k any part whatever io I lie proceed
iriira. No Dtilillo rerognitlua wa ac-
coidi'd to tlieiirovltionalgoverutiient hy
tlie l ulled Stale milliliter until after Ihe
ipieen' altdlcallon, and when they were
In effective poaaeaalonof Ihe government
hulhllOC. the archive, the treasury, the
harracka, police nation and all Kiteotlal
mai-hlnerv of the iroverniiieni.
Hut a proteal alao tvccmnpanled th
raid treaty. licnl by lueuiieen ami ner
minlatrt. at Ihe time the uiale way lor
the iirovlalonal government, wlih hrx-
tiliclllv Uted thai ba yielded lo th
aunerior force of the I idled Statca
whine niinlal'r had caused Ihe I tilted
State trooiai to te landed at Honolulu
and declared he would iuppiirt null
provisional govern in.'iit. The In. Ill or
lalaiiy id Ihl proteal ur ly dci aiidt
Aral liiiportnnce, mid the Irutti or I tl.ily
of ut'U prole! ha mil heen Inveallgated.
I coiicelxed H t' If my duly, Ihi-re'ore
to willi.haw the treaty from llio
for examination and meaiiw l ile cau.e an
a.'. urale, full and Impartial Inv.sti
lion. I aeleeted lor llio workof luxeall-
irition Hie Hon. Jam.' II. IUhihiI
l.eorgi. Hi reir det.tllln ln action
under Him In.tnn Hon. given lilm. am
the rouclutioo arrixed at from hi In
teatlk-allon. accompany llll" message,
I'heae isiuclll.lulH ar aceouitexnleJ h'
the exiileiii-e uixin w hlch they r-i hbe
which evidence i al.o h'-rewilU lrn-
luillrd. and from wbu h Iher aeemt uo
other deduction could poaalhly he
reached than tb" arrived at hy the
coiuiiil'.iotier. The preaident ); lhat
be It of th opinion lhat win-a I're.i lent
Harriaou wa led li auhnill the treaty to
tu Senate with Ihe declaration thai "Ihe
overthrow of Ih Monarchy a not in
any way promoted by Hn government."
Ibat the I'realdeiit aud Senate wvre mi
led. "Aa attempt will not be uiarie in
IbU com ui unical ion," be tax, "to touch
upon all fact which throw light utaiu
Ih projjrea of thi m heme of annexa
tion.'' It I utiiitl srr lo mi lorih
th rasuaine which, ou January, ITj.1, leu
a eiai.lerahi proportma f AmerKtui
asJ other foerigD tuerchalil and trader
reaadiOg ID llucolula In favor Iheaonexa-
, Ia n . f lliiwiiii hi tl:e I'l itcl .Sti.tea. It
is ii' i;t ( tioh. the f il l and to oh-
arm. that tlx. pro; s t wr. one wlilcli n
! call. ii ly promi l y l'ia imiu"'nr rep
i ntM-ntiiig the t'nif-il St.itiM. Hi, en
,1. 1.t'y 1 nd mi ,! i. !, . ..- that it.l.iKl d
Isfoine a fa-t a,v-ottipli jwl hy h;
J a.'eiiey iliirm hia nniiHtry, und m l in
, rotiTeuii'i.lly aeru.!il -H uh to tlio Uftm
; euijiloxed lo Hint end.
! i hi tin. li'th day of Nmenher, ly:2, he
J uddreaa..! a Ion letter to th. .vretary
of atntw iii whicli the cawt for annexation
an i lal sir at. ly arutnsl on niond, jm . 1 it ii-nl
nd economical grcun la. lU.n.n: "In
truth a ruoiiarrliy hen. i an alwiird au
aclironirTi, nud hua rothlug on vihieh,
lo.o-nlljr or lcit niatcly, todnnd. The
feud ill hail mi it once khaid HO
longer rxiatinir. a uioiinrcliy now ia only
an iiiip.sliiiieiit to u h.,1 government, an
nlwiti m-lioii to pro. rty aud to th pro
Itremnf th ilnii.l." He further ax:
Hie i.-Iiiiv and vaat future mtrreat of
tlie I 'mted Slat.e In the 1'acitlc clearly
llnhcatm who, al no diatalit day, untat be
reaponaihle for the governmelit of thea
lalatnla. Oue of two cull rate aeetn all
aolntely nitts-cary to la. folloee.1, either
laild aud vigonitia iiieaaure of annex,
lion, or a eiiatoin union, an ocean raid
f'om the California coast to Honolulu,
Karl harhor, pcrtH ttinlly itthtl to III
l ulled Statis! with implied hutuoex-
reaaly atipiilate.l Anierii-im prot.t'torate
over the mliunla. IIiism .ttt'laratioii
(t-rtaiiily allow a iIh-ikhhIiou and
tnma of lllllid wlili'h in il r las Ilaetiil when
ras-alle.! in interpreting theaiuiUcaueeof
the niiniHter'a itimttleil acta, or when
eonaiderilig the prohithihlle of such ou
hi part a may Hot lie admitted.
Ihe pn-auient unolc from a letter
wrilt.-u hy tin. minuter to Ihe aecretary
of lat on the Mh dny of Murch, l.f.r
nearly a )ratr prior tu the tirat ah p takeu
towanla aniiexatiiiu. After elating pian
lively that the exuding government of
llawuii niiitlit l oxerturiie.1 by orderly
aud iH-nrx fiil revoluliou, Mimater Nteveu
write a follow: Ordiuarily io like or.
einuataiica the rule aeem to he the limit
ill lauding And movement of the l iiltod
Stale fores, in foreiu water and the
loniiuioii rxcliiaively bi the protection of
the ITilted Kiltie legation and Ih live
and property of Anieiicnn, hut
relating to I lilted Mahal otl.i'lnl her
hehtik iH'iui.whHt exceptional action in
1'ircillni.tnucr of ihaorder. I disiire to
know how far Hi prcwut nunisler ami
naval iMiiiinniider lui.y devinte from ee
ttililisliisl iiitertintiomil nile and pre
rtslenta 1U the coiiliiigeiicue indicated 111
the llrat part of thia ilippiitch." To the
milliliter 1. 1 tin temper lull or xew lor
munition there .fiiie.t tu aria in
Janunry, ":k, the precna" oiportnuity
which, wnlclif ully WHitint; an optairtuui
ty, hy timely "deviutaiu lioni caUhlialied
niteriiatiolinl rule mil pristaUiiUi"
InlcLt tan th a-li-cee fill acxt'Ul
olclitueiil of the great ohl-s-t in Xlur,
and we ar uiulo prepansl for the exul
tant nthilaliiam Willi alilch, in hut letter
to Ihe atate department, dated !" U ,"-r
he din' hi re the "Hawaiian peur I now
npr nn I tin i the gol,lu hour f r n to
pluck It." ' "
A a further tlliiatritlinu ol Ihe activity
of tin diplomatic representative, atfen the fact that th day
the above letter wa written wheieh)','iii
the name of the tinted htut. h" aaminird
pmtcctinu of the Hawaiian lalauda, he
declared aaid action win "taken peudun;
iihjit-t to tiegotiatmii at Wiwtiiiititoii."
Of oourae, tin aaaiimption of a prolec-
torale wa promptly iliaavowed hy our
government, lint Ihe Amencan Dag re
mained over th government building at
Honolulu and Hie forrtsj remained to
guard tt until April, and after liluunt'a
arrival no th scene, when both were re
moved. ( ri flttor DIs.atMli'd,
The Alhiiuy Herald hi n taiitlng tlu
mtt'llng of the employe of the Ont-'on
1'nclllc In I.l Hi that city Salunlny
night, any:
After lliacuanloll It Wa llit'hle.1 I hot
the form of protect pnsa-nhsl did not
nut't the rtspilrcmciiU and on motion
a committee of three waa apHiintitl by
the claimant to draw up a ja'titlon to
la) pr.-a. li ted to J ll Ik'" rullertou to pM
t.ttt ak-alnst the anlo o' the nmd, the
aatne to la. alguist by all the employee.
T he follow I mr iniiiinlltis' w na npiailnl
e.1: Harry Waldcii, John Tway ami
II. II. Hewitt.
Thia committee aonn nreaelihtl a lint-
teat agnlnat the Kile of the n-nd on the
ground that a conspiracy bad been
entered Into, lo prevent a lurircr
amount than f Jial.laal to be hid. which
would pay hut Id or 1 1 per cent, or
their claim and asking Judi,t r uller
toll to act aside the anle.
A aas'ial I nil ii will leave Albany
for Yaiiulna this inornln to obtain the
algnalurxw of all the employe and U
hold a lnajt iniftlng ratifying Ihe ac
Hon. A more ireiitlemaiily and faithful lot
of men never worked for any mil mad.
Tliev are orderly ami itmrteoua, tail
are determined. They ay they can
uot work another mouth without their
money, and they have the popu
lar aeiitlment of our Ut.1 cttliclia. The
aale ahould never las eonllriiied Until
they receive their pay 111 full.
I X TIIK TollJl. Ihwehurg Ilevlew:
Win. F. Kingnnlda, wholiiiile well
known In lio-cburg, and who tauirht
achia l in Oakland fur l!i year chasing
laalJune, la now a prisoner lu llio
Kane county Jail charged with forgery.
Nnue time eo It ilevi loiatl that he
wild County Clerk Walker, of Ijute
county, a note to w hich he had forced
the name of J. II. l;.iy nml Mra. Mor
rl, of Oakland. It ins that aoine
time "imv Mr. ll.iv had clx'eil a itiinli
t ii .ii ul note to tl." 1'iu ilh- Mutual Iiisiir
aiuf Company, for w hich KtngnahU
acted aa "at lal n.'t'lit, the aailie ta-ing
dcaitel with K. ( J. Young A Com
pany for aafe kieiiing, and it v)t 11. I
iioie that the pmlcs-or evidently at
tempted to copy. It wa thought the
matter had las n hualiid u;i ami st-i-1,1
v- this wa not tho olleiiM) for which
Uv w a arr.s.1. . Judging from w tial
the Kiitrclie Ol'Ailli aayt. Itatatt-a
that hiiik-naliU ia chargitl with cm
la rhiuf 4.U worth of note U-loiik'i.ig
to the I'scilic Mutual I.llo In-ummv
Coiiiiiy. He wa arnsU-d in I'ort
land Saturday hy lk'puty SheniT
Croiier and brought to Kut" ne. Kim;,
mtlda ia well educated, ami a t nclo r
of K.aal al'Uity, but hi love for the at
tractive game of joker ha lavil Lis
KaltT I.uanl, tare. W.
MinwtxTi.R Fair. The canvassrt
are now around f..r a;ih. rtpil"ii to
IheOtt-iroil exhibit al the nod xx -inter
f-tir. T he !l-t wa.a hca.h.l by t!iy First
.National Hank for ? J. 'lAerxone
aide ahould contribute to il.. worthy