The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 16, 1893, Image 9

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Through All III' Tronhlr Ihe I'atrlankul
Akrr 1'arb I'ru h) ml.
If Jni- A. Ilrndlry had not I r III
fpnil overwork til tli 'Hiunrr of 1 "to. the
now thru lug u turner rit v of Abtir l'ark
might Mill 1 th brier grow n mujt wh.ib
It n a In Is'-I when the pai ket .hp Nrw
i.r wa mini llirrr ami our of L
pa.' tT-rt lot their live.
- -I w", ? v.
JAM! 5 A. I'RAPI Tt .
Mr. Bradley w, m down fnnn New York
cit jr, where lit i bni.lio. In rump mi
aome lotah owned nt Ocean llnive.thcn
Jut Inaugurated n a Metlnali.t amp urn t
lug rc-ort. While tlirrr be explored thc.ur
rounding t .-ritory and concluded that the
adjoining Vuunt would make a u"l ite
for n inialel aummcr rvort. ThcrvtijHin he
bought lliu laud, cleared oil the, laid
out atni-t and Ik i.mii to ell lot.
He bit Im in cllltig lot rvtT iiire and
In every th-ed made out Bpar a .tipul.v
turn that uo Intoxicating li'jmr thall br
old upon I be pnti rt y convey ul. Thi
etipulatioti I n mode lot of trouble fur
Ilnilbcr Hradlcy. Many of hi n.igi..
looking w lib longing eve ami itching liu
L'cr on k alcoholic prop rity ( Cohcy
lUtiil, lu: 'j iiiuriiiunil at t lie rr.lriciiiu
nil nought In varum wat l.i evade il
Hut ilrulhrr llradlt-y wa bound toenfone
that ciiinw though It kept blm in the
Court continually itinl hmught bun im t-ml
ol notoriety. Ill' lit. illy In- foil ml t lie uo i
lonely pmlitalde ami cld more lot.
lint be bail other trouble. He tried to.
clone up all plait of bii.ihe In A.bury
Park oti ii '.tv. ami thai "t In tlirp i) ix
Thi'ii it init w1i.mii be Li'l ar
ri'vlrtl lur luiu'r M-lliiiK nttl liim fur
liiipriituiiiiM'iit mul iifti r l'J jt-itiV litlit im;
got a rnln't fur 11'.'..'"'. Tbr.j-i-priiitttl
bll a lion t Ihut tin. 'ibi-yalxi I;iiii1k.i ,1
blm nlHint tlif cut ut the nun In- in I
ltel hhunlil be wurii by luttirr nil l.i-
UnrU anil intiilililJi!!)' "nitnl'' bim I
aUmt many tiiti.r ll.lii. lint be I
PKbl (in M'liiliK bt.
The lliu-.! initiirHm of all llr'tlii r I'.Mil
Ifj'a trtmlilt. Im u-r. ami if wlm li Im
cripltl up at'ain tl i iitr. Im l n In I
trnuliK' with ll.e . ..'I prople wbu."ti
Alnry l'ark i vvry Milium r a wr.iii'.. i
TheM (Knplr, be I'l.iiiu. iiM'ii'pili'il tin' j
I-. twal In tlirurk mul pii. Il "ii ui.'l the Uaih mill the U.inl ua!k
to the ilttriiiiiiit anil iI.-k'U-I n( uiuti'
KUi'M nii'l M jiinrni r. l ui.tlly be put iiji
imt nt fiirliiilninu tnlnn-il .ii'p!e the i i i-
li i tl.i'V h.i.l Uuil. iiiitiiir' at .i-tln'i
bnl IiiiliKiiaiinii iinvlini: .re
beltl, and a.iin the I ) 1 1 . u K 't inl'i the pa- ,
Jx-r. lint llrntbt-r llrmili ha-li"t ln'pil j
lliliK lul-. I
Ituthrr rarllrular.
A wi'H ilri'-l mail enti riil thronii-e
of a IJjitin'nr ImIi I otic nild I'Vi tnn
lotiu mut e and told tlio clerk Im wan
trimmer iu tlioitty. b:id no uii'tiry and
Of-knl fur a j liM-o to lei The clelk
b;id iity fur linn, (,'iivo bun a k,,H"' nm .
and aa the infill :i cnld ol tiiititil all
extra lil:inki t or two for the l d. Tlie
clerk lift tin limn, wlm m u few imr :
6t.K nun,' call Tliu clerk went to t'u
room, utid the uuui told turn hectnil'l
not iK'i in the room, a lie w;i acrut
tinned to have a tire in Ins kle'piii?
apart itieiit- The clerk wa nlmo-t
trtlrk lllttll'j, but llllltiaed to ri'eover
tiftK leiitly to tell the mini he wan too
particular for that hotel. Ihat be 11- ;
terMH'k free l'l,'U.r elM'when-, nnd o
tlieliiliiilii'T u lurne.1 out intothecold
World. U.i ii -i' iMi'-l Commercial. j
A llesal Hallway Train.
Tlie imiHnal railway train Ihat ha
Jut lan n itiinle to order for theUermnn
enieror ha font the I'rtiwiati ciche.iiet
nearly fl.UOH.miO It W cotiij"-! ol
eleven i-umnm contiwted by corridor
and all cotimictod on a atyle of nn
parulleleil luxury and niauniticencft
One rarnae. w hich l tleiK'",,'l t
the kaiwr'a tudy. ia bum; with real
Uol.'lin lai-try from Ch.irlotleiila-rg
and the milotn arnatfe I uplioWere.1 10
white aattn The remaitiiun car com
mine a nunery. a reception ailorneil
with marble Mutuary an oak linin, a kitchen and l-.lnmi for er
ral i;riet. New York World
t.ln-trlrltr la a irl Milk
The announceineiit come from St
Paul that electricity i to I tried a the
motive jKiwer in a lare Hour mill to t
emted in that city. anC thoiiijh it Hi
trodtirtion by a cotuerti may not revo
lutlotitie the busmen a I predicted ol
at any rate very wn. it cannot (ail t
be an important innovation if It prove.
aucce A practical miller of tlnrty
year' ex neuce u aald to I l hind Hie
.heme for It empioyiiieiu ui.n.. .
after thirteen month of ex'ritnetitiii;
with the elit tnc enrrent that he i
thon.tii;hly convinced of IU ch.-apti.
and it practicability. -rn-videtice
Journal i
Mular Jnhnnj Take "
At Unuopew Minday. Maeter J 'hnrr
Bazemore a,'el fourteen yean au.l
ill- Kmma Lynn n.-e-l Ihtrteen year,
were muted in tn.irn.irfe at the re-i
deuce of one of the bride relative.
They are of -! fatnilie and are
thought well of by all who know ttieiu
They lire with the father of the bnde
Cor Atlanta tVm-titniton
The nn- Kotallon IVrlml.
lW.-r Duner. the r l.,li atn.n
mer. ba niIe known an ui.;.rta:.t w. :a
which ba rl to iirtiriin r-ult eon
rrrnin the rupid.iy of the un rrrolii
lion. Hi olf- r inrf the ill-pi''"'-!'!
Ilii.-o'tLr .4ar ;' tr im in the i,i r
toryio l'..t-!.im. l' ilum r !. )
la; in-1 a hitherto unknown ex.wt.t'ide in
the rueA.ur. im nt of the rnoirrn. nn of the
tin and found lhl the mot e around
It an at a rate
of a no.e ''! '"' 1,1
a aeri.nd irf lime. Ihe tun '!-y
theref.,n. at it twenty live da)
an I twelve hour f our re. k.a.u.i Itut
what ia rvtnarkahle In m.a.iire
mrnta 1 thi.t ti.. y re..ilt iu a d. Cerent of revolution in d ll'-reol rt of
tbetxlyof the aun. r- .-uiariy inrrcs:t..;
In fro.n the equator loth !-
thai tie .n of the nil nrfare ly.i il
Dear Ihe two t"ie bve a day a brf a
fortT.Iiof ourd.iv Tb. l only p-ea
M with a ni'.val .e and i:a-ai
UuU of tt aun--Ixdoo wa.
A eho.,1 la Wlil.h Allibillau lluuk rd
ttlrr tr 1.11(1,1 iu kiitml Ike I luilt
ad lliitlntra ti,ult ( uiantr- U
N'hi In I liM-utlun.
It l doij.: fill if ii. inT of the people M
r 'Ti.tiuitly N there.! hv jl.e 'rrnml 1 k
.' tit know th.i' the pati. nt. ulili Individ
tl tl vt ho mtt',-. ,,t tl utereotyix.) hire
the Iti.l .till the ! - r l njietied lo bin or her
I a nt .1 pr;n" e.l hi ion a
i ar. Inliy n 1 1." ; riin.i il 'tuia ioe h'-r ar:.i
or the i i.'titi..:.:.t l,t. r.t nation. Such I
ti e f.n t tiin r 1 1.. and. trailer Mill,
Ih.-re lire eeri .!.i..- In town where re
u!;irri.i.w. f. r the training of c n.i.lvn
ar.-hi :.. nnd whi re they leant to d.cbutn
II.- ;r ittii r w th wh it the intructiou cir
ri. '.ir I.-: t en t h, in i .ill "ilrituatic rllii-t." j
Tli- vtr.t. r w. tit i-.terdar tu
fr'. i.d vvhi Hire I in a ivrt.A.n grv it :
l-iat. ilnst; il iw n totvii mi l found hi ibT
il ik'd mi. I ilreorated wit'l a tfolie In
lunch" -' Wlule he Itujiat iently p.
trolled the coiti '.or wnitii'.K for bun to re
turn h lieurl ipitir kound proniilitut
f ri mi - r nt t he in lo r end and rt.ud br
alep to liteii.
"I have hi re, l.ulie and i:rntlenien,"ald
a pi. n.tit v on with very rfeet tntotia
1 1' ti, "a nn .l v'i.ilerful txiok - one w hu h
Jo i will never U'tnthaiice lo ln;yi'n
oletiihd ll!utrati"ii, i;no. tviH. perfi.t
I'liniuil,'; it i iiid.t d a k'etn i here a ilnuiauo !
pan-Mo, nnd the prn e U i.iily (.1 T.'i
Kor l'iil lo iiiinute li"'.'ir tlie vole
rol.t to t alk r.i; lillv in tii.'aine .train,
ainl thin after a nioinitit ' ilt'tne aonie
one el.e I'Mik up the Mlahli'.
"Mi'I'l" cried the lir.t voice, "yoj rail do
l !'er than that."
'l i e .Toud on e beuan lin, and after
M-veral more failure carrn.l it t a uc
ref ul tertitinat :on.
"Next!" wa, and the -rfonnnne
roiiinietic..l a nin w it Ii it t n tn l . 1 1 1 kC. ipiavi r
ii:i iii'lony for a voire try iiu; lo curry the
I he of the room from which the
Viiiet r.tine wai-f froletl ii!a., of coiir.',
I nt the Irtler fonniHK the name of the
cotii;atiy wen- r! nr. a;i l)ini; her t)e
to the I . t r i -1 rapitiil the writer ohtaint.l
ac'Vit.-.l look Into the uiy.tenoii i hum
! r. Sute.l nh :i the Kide npitu the
lioor Wen aU'tit '-X1 ei'ple of liotil M'Xe
ami in tIv ivt'ty urade of r' ial life,
from ti i p -rt yoiiui; luaideti frenh fnuu the
rb.Mil to the tired teai her aiiXInU to luitk
n li in.' during the utnuier month., and
the c.l.i ivi.rtl lliiinwhil had f.ilhil 111 ui
Ihe other way of wni kitn; po-.iile lo him
In front of them the owner of ti n
I'lea.aiit voice, a tall, looking (. ill. v
t'fli'ior thervaloiit, nod a t-ut li tucuihe:
of the thi-K iu turn re. the forri.'oin( l.
reprove!, cnuitni mliil ami rnroiirai.'i'.l
them. (Via. tonally one would lie told to
Mii'ly Ihe i in ular more thoroughly, and
after li.teuin to the other try ai: nn, atul
aoinet inie the in-! rurtor Would n-tnark:
' That 'll do. You're all rinht "
Hvery pupil eemr I to lie indeadrarne't.
and one or two ilutui lo their pro.jeei u
w i: h fraut ir k'rip Imrn of deair. Sune
re. w ith un :il iHiidtie.. mid eonlliletice,
other hlu-hfl and, and for
rat h and nil the lead' r bad an cnciuraiiuj
I-atrr. In r li iiin ut.ide nnnpt' lul
the writer boldly inteml the lik rompa
ny rnu and tal. her d.-ire to ee aome
of the people w ho advert fuil for amenta. A
roiirtiHiu i;ent leiiutti fdmwrd her aevernl
ImmiW. iave term and adviitil bera to lu-r
"Mo-t youiii; latlir do better in Ihe b.i.i
ne ollices." be -inl. "but you, I, h id
lietter keep to the llnllte and ileal with
btdie. ( 1 he w rit, r t not Kift'il w ith -r
ounl U-aiity ) A to exi-rit hit, )o'
k t tin. little Imoklel and pra-iui' on
m me friend or relative," atul lie. kotiini: lo
the l.f. leader he turned themkir aftel
liif.irinatioii over to liiui.
"I think voa would make a kh can
idiHt," thi eiitlenian remarked
fully a a In-u'iniuni,' "Your manner b
pleifwiut, and your hand are .mill and
jirett;, ; heidr I am a coal Judtte of char
acter. and I know vuu poM- deteriuma
"11 ul I have iioexjierli'iire," he .ur:i;i-.ted
"and I don't know bow lo tret il. Miall I
o into the liii.ines on the hit or mi plan
ami try to k.i.ii it "
"I ih, by no nn-in," rniled her Iitener.
"You could not do wnre. You atudy the
circular we five you and then come down
In re, uml we'll help you. You nliall try It:
ke'l it a book, and we w ill tryto ll yol
"l)h. do you have a reuular ela..'" ex
cluiiii.-l the writer InipiiUively and a II
proved very tin i-ly. for her advier Kavr
Ler a keen look and ccvd Kvi
Ct utly that c!a wa a trade K-cret, not to
le parltil with until urr ol the a;eiiL.
llii.tily collect im; a lot of rin ulur pain
I hlet and letter of "mh Uc lo ai;eni'' the
unldetil) silent man crammed iln-in Into
the outKlde e ket or the upiel elliplo)
In. lit ati'ker'a at hi I, and adti.itiK her t' ti,. m all carefully l-f"re . l.-ctiii
l...k lo xihl lt for bade her a brief "K1
inoriiitiK" and rt turunl to bidi-k.
xnd truly tboM- bt'le booklet mail
fiiunv ri'iiiliiii: Suiie of them luid a ironu
family n mhlaiii e lo Unit fanioii
m for omkiiikt a uare
w hlch l van.
"l irl catch Jour
hare." Iletwet'll tht
rover ot line
'll'.Trilclloll Were lollli'I
i dm-. I ion for evcrvthihtf iu the way 'I can
I vio-inrf. from the l.t inatiiier in h l
altr.utllie llltelitloliof aplohahle buyer,
excite hi. y and leave it .1 ill uii.t down to ui h minor tuint. a "kcr
xotir limn tl'iin and Jour h.-. alwa).
bright ami fr.-hly hhuk.d." "ba'he Ire
' .oi. ntlv and le Hire your breath I aweel
.ml vonr teeth clean." and "if vom hew !
but t-odo -nn private ainl rin- jour tnout h
I TI.e nro.I''tive t'k a.'eiil m iuatrucV
l l,.o louel into the l-t boiliM-.. bow to
I,., ibere when In-ide. how to a. 'iure
in. ultiuratioii of' ami how tou-eai y
.-... .1 nn.vl.etl.Ill he lull-t te-- 1 hr
ludie were told how a to mm
I mand the l-t and m-t re-j.-rtful a'l. n
1 linn, and one ai.d all w,re re a'e.ily urh'
lo "come to Ihe
and we will t;.
which may !
1 ,t .1.. t, roil '
i,!T:re when rea.!y t 'art
ir yo'i final in.tructioti.
worth ni.liioti limwii
I 'i i.:. I.t bit of a.hne nn.-ht be (.- .! to
Jo li.w in re ot.e r-ally wal.te.! to ad.
the nliii.. of lady l-.k ak'ent, but It w
i, a cud luywben the wr.ter c- tl"
1 a- . n and he h:vee. to thina w hat tr.'rfi.t
Ini- '- n .hoiild that pleaan'it. Iti'.nuatiiu
i.!rriL accord. i.kt to tr.e ar
, t ,.l t.i. firm, trrat a.i rn.:iuer.
!i fatherly kii.dnr
ii, ..rr th
rjtrcf ii.y
.rumoii ( rop
S'WMel aee rev .-
ny -I'tiuwo 1 r.nui.e.
A Mir. I'UC'j
Ti. n i a v. ntaoi
till, e pla"l OO
iVi Si-ottl.ll l'Mr
i-r w lm h tia
d me
lli:tnen daina.-e to p-t-!ura.
l...r!re hi be,n b taliy de-tr
I na
a T.t:.- of irren bvin
ni.r i cotie.,u-ntly O"
l.i-.t to retnoi the Rreat.r
t-ll left
n iiul-i '
,heT and l.ti l f1
It U te-lleve-l that I I'-'
lb. ahc-P on th..3" te.! fano '.H I-'
to t rin"Ve-l. ao that ' i verr ch'ti.y
tte ou.t'"' i,,T
f armer nnanl
pi t.-ie to the 4e
'I ' ""
nii.ti.iT a'tr.i.tit t'
itrurti..n by cwl
r of the we-!
haw a. owl. u.a.
an I or b-T natural
eru-tuie of nii'-w,
act to tbe ft mat
Unaru ar preve,.til from nrmu
rou.B rtar m Kt -L
lie a Tairvf lntn-ra,lur Held l aTwa
I rrlKhl Train.
Weareo aceutoiiml to ti e k r.'oriimiirea
t M:u,mri r.wl a.-ml th a we rather
, !'' ( r i. Ai n it lirralt of In, k Tur
I'll., -in In the ilitf Mu ktate Hut w are
tin hiii d lo r jn t more uht U and rh-.n'it
until. .1. of i...,tery in theelt. tcca.t. The
Aineniall puhlic w.t tb tl;.;KMe.l to
lhrw tin li h.tii'l in a.tom.hnirtit w lien
it rend of the mad pra:ik of a mr of d,'
p. ra.1 iu w c-i'rn r,-ii:iv Iv .mi the ol her
j.iy, who In i. up two liKiitnotive and
limited 1 1 , niteivt' With panic trlckeii
p.t I.1C p. ill V.
The ri;'h'it of iIii'm. Pcnn.v lv .u.i.i out
i m.trt.'.f ilerte lo ru.k with t',e
f . i. of wt.t, in r..d at nt. f 1 1 In y com
liiitlidno r '''' rv , a'.i Ii ' U'l they did not
i.e.. late at iiiunh r I h. y im.l itctu ti d
by a nt of ilev:','.rr and debtibUil in
making the.r v.. tun. d ttu e to the nui-ic of bullet. Tin' . i tie of Iheirnji
rratiHti wa. H'.'iit u:i iniii- fr.iui lft.t:
j I r.ti on the l'ut.hur aii'l We.teru ra.l
. hod.
A .hiftitu; engine wa tandiiu: on the
trai k ill' ut half a mile from Witt mar "a
tioti, w In u t he nuuiier mid llrvmali were
. ..tlut.l by two pi. hot., and two ev-.t
I I-, k. lli if men .ctitml'hd out of the hii.lie..
; Without .iMii a wortl liny acproacdiil
Ihe engine, ih h.irt.tu their rvvoiver a
j IheT Mil lit e of the hull. t glanced (tun
Ihe l.uli r and ' ruck lit k'ite r lb w In I he
I f.nv. and l.e ft U to ti e lh or. In rep...n.e
j Ti the retnoii.traiic. of the tin nutii the
I limh r of the two h i n. w Im wa. nfterw ml
found to lie "KiiliSv " Nell. .nd. "We watil
you to haul u. to bllew ;M
Alxiiit tlii tin it n titriMiL'h (:ii:ltt truin
The llrrinan w in
lo n
o fiit i:ic 'f 'i.;in.iT,, n br.ikt
tni'iiNii'l tin rnndiii'tur, ih hi l; roup
lihvlrti.iik, t tl.t (rMii:ii. rl. Hint loll
Ftnliletily ihelwoMad a."iit aijaln put
In an ap'H'araiiii'. Aw lit the other raw,!
nn li carrinl a brace of reviver, w hit h be
pt liritiL'. Mrikimt terror lo the heart of
the trainmen. I hey iipproat hed Ihe rail
roadcr to a t'.i.t.inee of about lo h.-t ami
then topi to onb r the nu n almt. They
directed e.i h man lo hi. p.... and iu no
ne wen t l.eir wi.hi opiiil. Self and
In rouiiai!ion thru lnnl.. the fn telit
train, nnd w it h unt..i onh the
eui:iiiiirto move aht ad. I inpii nt ly Itiey
rinpha.i.'.il their n inaik by tt ri i vc. and lit
thi. In aimer tin y ran tliiin.' a. mnlinii lo
Ibeir own In-le. A the fr. U'llt Irani pulh-il
into W ildwil they onlerid Ihe
to atop I lie eiiume. Tin ir order w a ol )e.l,
and with loud jell they alighted and ran
into I la W mil.
N IT and In roinjiaiiiou mode way
to WildwtN! i;rove, where a picnic wa III
tirorti ... The women mid cluhlrui were
H-.ilily put lo tli.'ht. and few rich men
w ho i op h 1 to l:!.t reiiiaiui.i lo prat lor
tin rev. Thee nut rtunai.- tie ilii-
ban iiuicklv caud lo form in line it ml lo
niatih nnd countermarch in a.mtle and dou
ble Hie and with band uplifted. Thi
ai!iiiriiicnt wa. rndelv bya.le-In-live'
e.M.. and .Nell and hi companion
were haiidcuii'il la-fore any n-.i.tmii-e imilil
br olleml. "It.ihly" Nell ia the b ailer of a
deM'rale a'ali of loiiub whlcli lui II
beaihuart. r in a workul out nuiie.
lid la.V ill' i"l e'ploit ol .mu I
likely to reult ill breiikmn up In rrowii
atul toppini their depredation, a coii-uui-
million devout ly hoil for by the rvaiuem
of the arpibtirrf di-tncl.
A Tlilrlreii-) Mmleiil l.lvr III
Ili a."!' I or hlllln llliuell.
At Itnlouna a l-y of 111 vear of ae, liio
vaiuil t'levta, who i" in the "i;vmhaiiim"
of Ihat town, atllel'le Willi a re
volver III la.t will and t.-.tntuelit baa
Jut 111 aiiinnu hi tli'iltei
low. Il I In and aiionlmu to
Ihe I'all .Mall lludijel rolitain the follow
lux mMu'rapli.:
"failae of my death: j-t year I fell Iu
love with Kti'lna l'i. urani. but waa unre-
IplitMl. T in mi all. etui that I neijleel
nl my mIh". I dun.. I fell i.iiimi my
a. hool'ellowa, and in ' .nieuriire h"iil'l
liot have la n able to lini.h my tudi.w in
lime lo net free from military rr ii-e. I
am therefore oblu'l to kill mjm-lf, llrsl.
for iinniiuitnl love: erninl, for the ire
,tieiit reprimaii'U i f my ma.t. r: tlunl. lo
erap heiHK a aoldier, w hn h would be e
fi ially baleful to me meter me m vni
goveniiiieiiK'i. and. la.tly. laian-e of tbe
sorrow I have alnady caii-d my iarent.
and r-ai utlly my 'bar mother.
"I a.iint my friend and m lioolfellow
AtiKU-te l.lverini my exeiutor and re
qurl blm to fc'ive me a ipn. t funeral, bill I
hall I Kn-aliy plea.! if my friend and
acquaintance would follow m to t liar
"I leave my waU h to my father, a well
aalheta.k of coiiifnrtu.ij my mother for
my death. To my neither, wh.a tear I
have o often au-il ! ft.., I leave all my
handkerchief In order to dry them and
beir brr pardon. I leave lo my fter Ada
Ihe rililf with the death brad whirh I al
way wore; lo toy cuter Ma iy Inter
which have i,..l )! la-en publi.hrd.
"I Inteml uli'n.iiii. mi-i-.f with a revolv
er, which our diar famil) il'"'tor. lr. Ilrt
jatto, ha lent n.e In ev.rhi..'e for my old
gun. and lK thai l.e may not be en. id
ered reol-on-itoe for my death. If I had not
bail hi revo. v.r, I nouid have ii.niuiiiie-l
auirtd' In Kiine o'her inaiuier, for I am tio
tired of life to live."
Ilrleen la lnanllr anl ulrM.
An epidemic of aun ide ha prevailed In
li'idaPoth and other ll.ii.naii U.wri
lately, in IPl'l l''--'h alone. eveli'll. idea
txrurred IU t.e ily tne li-kiwi
Tie nuriii-er of - of ii...itotyl ali in
rre.:t. ra; i-liy that Ihe hpilal and
aiyluu. are rrow-lrd I't.t . in a- r ial
b-,tti nhrnomrt. to 'he r.ty of pur
win nti'e tie pl.jli'.xera. in n.n-uenr
i f which Ihe peopi ilnnk a made upli( iil
r.n.pawi of ii.-'ar.'-e pn.i'i..u Ui lb
A II H'l n rierlg llllraiv
Ij,.tai..e are i.uti.. r.. .. ..f traveler In
,1. It.- ay .'! ;-'''-
aU-K tie :." li-" t""" Wl'D
ram"! to a "." r . ..mate or u.i" r.t.iu.
(ten en.,.'-' ) revive -ec
. al t.t.l l.
m a rt. ree oi
r.d that '.-'II' U otUr
turel - I"t k..l tl-'t"
X aerld I air f Inane.
Tl. 1 r. 1' n en. h.'i I IV.', wb.ih waa
tl tci great 1 f'r. U tL. ...y 'i la- il 'iv' ! "'''"d " "real f.nan'ial
It., a't.' i"ra."i -.-' i
Amr ar.,1 tt.e reoe
wrr a!-il '
aaih.t aa oullay of l- Ika ,u-
The crew fn.n, tl.efreil.t train Junii-il le"'l'te.l that 1 1 ti-md I a union of , -ff vf "1
from the car, el a i.,.,t near t he .h.fter In '"I'L.i 'i N.. .tier all, the aira.,.-. r i V '
erler lo Invnuate the. tuM-of thelmu """" h!v Ihe e.....vpti,'t, . f tl- V ,,.;li.. , rtl,
Lie. The li reman . rxpl Imt matter, mme. ht. h. w lule tt inay ll.itter Ihe l.tiit- . Vr
and at the ti.nen,.tl.u thee,ln.-,r n'"' M"!' 1 1' ' ""' IZT
lb. e..i Iran l.k ti ., at rutiri-dHila lint i rt.
t.i Li .-( 1 1 1 frl 'hi I mm rar .....,.. . ,
The l li.,.tlrl ami Her a.H-lal rl
Hun Tillrd mnt XXeitirn In the arl
n Trade and ll.m Itieir May
Atte. I lM.rer lilrl.
There are tour..! and lour;!. Some
ill cine h.'ti.e and I aMe to I. 11 only
l .ttl.'T have .i n tbe Alp and Im-n lo
I'an. w Inie ot hi r will l.tve ne" Home
a , and a an rliu'.h lal wonder
I iv narralid of one u. 'i Alnt-TiCali who
i id -rf"M.ii d the fe tt "h-. ' a wonderfully
fitter Idiaof it nt that" Neviithile
the nu'.t m r.i.ieiit and oh-iv atit touri.l
would lit: I it a hiTi'llleau tak to lletrnl
Into the botne unit. furul.he.1
w ith exc. letter of U:t r-iluct ion or
p, of i in-pi ii'iinlly f.iM n .il intf man.
tier and tci-l!i'tiaity rare adv .inta ;i- of
mretini: people who are except tonally nn
pre e.
"An Htuti'.litiuitr hoii.e 1. bl ra.tle" i
t pi rae fiiuiiiiar to u all, b it to thi un
familiar with the .urviv.ilef feudal idea
the full for.r of the Mimi: t lo-l. I'
Ihe noble lady who fc-rn;.
Anierican hospitality on II . .nle of the
water and then foruetn lo rt i.d an I iv ila
I! "ti for a return i. it to the -lov . nlv w ife
pf the KruAi fcirn'iT w ho ! un t he ibur of
tier Kn k piil'Tvvhiti .he t i.ti i- Ihe hor
to im rvr a cti.t"iner, the privacy of the
! me 1 ji aloii. ly uaidnt.
Nov t h. t have int reduced u. t.i the draw
'lit; n.itn. of i he threat atul I he ii ' i in; room
if t he I: II II 1 1 le, I III a tllMlrcl :lilie ha
t-en tnnititaiuiil concernii. . lite hoii.e-
holil" of Ihe .In pkn li r, ami il may I' re-
rue .tnte id atTalr.
I It maybe well I fire rtiterim; fuilhir
' upon the atihje. t to t x plain run I ly w hat i
meant by a .hopki r. The entire bu.i
Ue of the C' Ul.tiv I iliv i.l.d Into three
rl:i.c and 1 coii'liicti.l In warchituar,
which I the liatre 'iviii to luilhliuu' tie
vottil wIh I'mI trade; ollui. where
yiat are aohl from rtatiiple, and hnp,
which lal i v mmyuioua with our rela. I
tore. A man ket punt; cither a warehnue
ur an office I a tradesman, but be I not
ahopkecper, thoiuili a hopkeeper I a
truiiealliall, "etty" or otlierwl..'. A ahoje
a'lll 1 not a factory band; tint lu-r la hti a
"vile.a ly." Her binlnit title that con
fern! iiniii In r by ml of parliament In re
cent t n act lueht , ".hop a-.i.tnnl."
T !ice "vouiiii ;K'roii" h ad very d.fTer
rnt live from tho In iiiulni poition In
till colintrv. Ill Ihe lir.t place, for th
mo-t part tin y leave home and live In the j
houe of their emplover. Tin I of rourae
.iirvtval of the old appntitue v-teiu.
fivt-ti ill warehoiiM it I ipule coiumoii for 1
tlione leaniuut Ihe lui-iuc to live "In-
dooi-," and inai.y pHLjirmi Iradiitmeii !
have Ihetr lintmw over liieir "hop. and of j
nn- ill ro in. Iltted liol br family mm- I
fort, but Ihe idea of acfommialalina amall
army of nvi.taut. i
The kitchen nnd larib nt of uch J
li.hllleht IV. Illhlt. tlloM. of OUT liolel ,
When it 1 remeinla'ml that lb Irade- !
man w ife In. to nuperuilc ml iu h a houae-
hold, the life of an American hoardlUK,
tlulIM keeper liailna up a I levant lei. lire In with her lot, not In mention
that the Ann man woman h .oil he hamllinu
uf iiuiuey, w herea the trii'leaiiinn' wife
reiwivea no rewar. aave Ihe cou.-iiiuueMj
if hav iim ilot.e her ilnty. Ven who have
income rniiKin n bidi a o,'"i a jear
lo not employ lioiiM'kceer, but llnpoe
Loii'x'holila of '.'I or in "in clraniirr Un n .
their wive. Th'-M' "yoiniK (aiiple" have '
lo l balu'd, ful and in many nwi mil 1
foriii'd, ai d thi t. l-tti mu. i M-ethat no
wa-l.t lakr plate in any Ion; that
Ihehr.iltll and no. nil of her cl arni are
larefully K-u.irdii, and If a cuim lelillou
aotnail he fre.;ueiil! perform the ilutie
if tltirw III ai'rioll lllnraa fur thie.e w ho are
far from home or wlm Lai no home aave
that of their employer.
It would aeein imHi.ihle with theatric! i
urveillance to w hi. h all IIi.nmi Iu reaiai-t
thl hoiiM are uhjcct.d for M-rioii evil to
sreep III, but there are ad Irageilie itm
linually takliitf place In tie vat lion e
hnlil w hlch only hnw that Ihe ;eiill. i..
rberked Kiialih k'irl 1 no nt router t oral
ly than lor Aliierunn .ter, who ba. more
.'rreilotii, but powlbly no greater t lupin
lion. Much ba la-en aald and written about
tilled ladle aoilU Into trade, ami reient
article Iu the KnglUh ptea declare thai
Ihe daughter of piolea.oi,al men or now
rnteiiiitf wet end eatahli.huienta and
taking their place behind Ihe counter and
III the workn.'Ui. Ail thi tell a kad
lory to th'ave w ho read U'twii'ii the linen.
W hile w admire Ihrpluik and energy of
a woman who pill pnde la hind In r and
work bravely to earn her living, one ran
Dot but rem. mla-r that the riitrauce of
titltil liilUlin raand ilr. ..maker ba ruiunl
many a re.M lalile khopkn per w hoae mil
ratUtiik aetonnt would not pay fort hear
tl.tic algn and riH-n.ive litiuig of brr
Doble roin'tilor. Ami a to Ihe daugh
ken of proleaaional men gnin behind the
Counter, w bat 1 to become of them when
the "upward prc.ure" bunl all liiindi'
I That prraaiire I Incnaaiug with every
claaathat lewvra the laml m hia.l li'l
help tboae W ho eem lloomeil lo l caught
bewrru the upa r and net her milUtoiiea,
We, aa American, In u.i rejoice Ihat
Hi. gland 1 lat la-roming a tleiina-rm y.
Nevertbelea. Ihoae of U who know the
feudal ) atetii only through p i to and ro
' n.anra, who bale never aulTeitd from Ihe
. tyranny from the aurvltal of the
Idea that th aoirrelgn own the lord, the
lord owna the knight. Hie knight the
Kjuir. and o on down lo Ih beggar, may
be one little lgli over in lva ol
tin v airy, but ,la-r aerond Ihougbt niakr
rejolmt hat la limiiiiirig "Amer
IcanlMd," Hat the right of the Individual
r more and more nii' Hut while
j w lmk al Ihr rapidly diMolving vtrw of
bldrn lltnra would it not ! wrll lo bear In
1 mind that well devrlo ayatem a well
a human taring have In them aome g'rm
of l'l worth reaeuuig'
We ar ribbing up the old andiniii and
poll.hing th wortu eaten furniture of our ItfiaiiM Hoy hav a beauty no
modem wirfk ran attain, hurely, then,
U would be no ilegra'httlf'li to ua lo adopt
' tb gentle ro'irtear to ard thoae who aerve
' ua Villi as th Kl.gll.ll !." gill receive
Ui thl day from evui il.iiur
Hurely II would be no ronfe i"ii of Infen
orlly for n.e ihopgirl -we lag pardon, the
aalraiady - Ui learn thai iitt.e.a and avoid
ar.n of dply ar th diitai.a of g -l
taat and g'l eriMj even though Itn-J
tlaiioe lo be th ruire of an nnplojer
iiraly it would t-t well f .r ernplojer to
fl aome r.;.nlhlii:y for the af'erbour
la tk lif of Heir"j rvimedo.
"May their trilw Ir.ereaae ' on liih aid. a of
th Atlantic Nrw York Tin,..
j llama al XX rk.
TT- " Iu Pan' rlaleatbat
b one day i.i.r'l I i . tie rk ii-r i) iin4
axel ih' of fie a al.t, "la Uio:. leur
at hon.e '
"Hr I In bia atudy, n.onieur. U'fiaietir
can go in."
At that ri ot-.' Lt I heard a l""d hnntof
lau h'r from th inner apartment, no I
aaei I wo'1,'1 a.t t.ll nion.ieur Vtait'Jl
were g- rfie. LJ
"Jl'.b.ii'ir l a la i.i!or-be I work
lt,g," repnevl tne arrvanl. "M Iluoiaaof
tell lai.h l.k that al hi wora."
Il wa true T h li..vt lil waa
aliaie, or ra. h. r in ri.;.ar.y wuh oo of k.
tiara.-. ra. ilr wa .u p. jr rci.l-a.
Ituw Nn, llmlgv riunie.1 Inla Ihe I'vul at
liar Harbor.
j tieorne Vantlerbill, Ihe I .iiitikre.t tn of
the late W. II , lit what lore writer rail a 1
' Hiichant for r.-tly an hll.rlure and lux
tirou ac.i'ti'p-iiiiU'cM. t la tpnie nat
ural that he .hoiild. f "r he wa of an Im
pr..ioliahle and elit hu.: il ir au'e w hen hi
fat In r wa hiu Id llii tl e fanioii Yluii rbllt on 1 fih nviiuie. Nt w York, and
alxutt that p. mil inu-t have lived In an at
IliK.phi re of plan ai d t-livatloii lie I
Ion 1. 1 1 ti u a vrrv i".tlv rhatiau near A. he
Xi'le. V I' , ai d every little while a ara
graph ti' th'" round of the pre an
r on m .in: hi int. nt am of build mil a rot ly
t hate HI or 1 ilia or iieta.-e m-.r here !
lie Li a cottage at Mar llarl.T, n.-ar
w dli h be a w nniiiinj p . thai ratne
In ir I It'l! the 1-o.tlie.t llni'4 thl lav
youmt man i v. r platiued, for it niarly n.l
ti till In l ie
And that it did not ro.l bun hi 1 fe i
due I i the In iirrioiiiie of
Mr, l lor Itideltiw ivmle. Mr. Vaudtr
'4LJ I '
ii:. noiu wiii'iow iKiixir,
bill aav Ihat In r and heroic action
aavnl bim. I H brr tin hire that Mr, klk'
could not v int and only plunked to th I
rescue larniiM-ahe wa Iu a nerv.iu fright
and did hot know what rl-e to do. Kven
thi vennou, however, lb- not attplit Mm.
I.iIk'i' of the charge of herol.ili. for If ah
wa In a nervoii fl ight II wa In ,iue aha
thought .he mu a man drowning la-fore
Iu r rye, and In r action wa Ju.t what H
hoiild have lai n if .he could w im.
Tbe how of It all wa lhui Mr. Yander
bilt wa giving a awiminlng uvrtT III hi
lad, which I aimply an arlillcial and
M parntetl from lhi-etl by a wall, an aa
lo retain Ihe water long enough In permit
the tin lo warm It ulllcleiitly to make it
wiuimahle. The iian water at liar
llarlair I iiiially tiaieoldfiT aw lmming.
Heme the h.i. Among Mr. Vamli rlul(
giletwere Mr. Ik.lge and aevrral other
jroiiug Imlle w hoae iiainea often gmre the
'iety column of Ihe New York paa r,
and two nephew of the hiatt, Willie Moan
and Joiitig l.lliotl V. Mirpanl, 15 anil 14
Jear old re.i liely. T he K were the
only one of the iany w ho knew much
about aw Immllig
Mr. Yamlrrbill could awlin a little,
though, and therein lay bla danger. After
even laaly ele bad g"t wet and 1 1 ml of
rplaeliiug ahout be iarted In lo entertain
liironiumy by diving Into the deep end of
hi pool, whrre there ! Ill feet ot water, ami
fetching up al the .hallow end. T he trick
t not a very ilifticull one, atul (ieorgcram
up with a .tulle of triumph lament h Id lit
tle black tnii.tache after every effort exvpt
the la.t. Then be .laid down no long Ihat
verylaaly got frightened, and when he did
come up II wa with the touching apa-al.
"l or liil ake, anve me. aoinela.lyl ' after
which he kui k again.
Then It waa thai Mr )ilge plunged III.
Though aha could not aw Im, hr mmmgctl
to tl ilrowuuig l'r.eua, am! ba
threw hi. arm alanit her. Thl Imperiled
the life of hi fair recuer, for it dragged
heralMj la-neath th water, aeeliia" which
the two bo) t'"'k a hand In Ihe retelling
bj.inca ami ultimately managed to drag
preserved and pre- rver aafely aahnre.
Mr. Ik.lge i a tbtiiithter of John lllge
Inw, who waa I nllcd Mat. mlhl.ter to
I'rnure III Ix.VT, and a alaler of I'oiiltiiejr
lligrlow, eilltor of Outing, hh 1 alaiul U
year obi,
Th I'renrh MlnUler la alan.
M. I'avie, French u.inl.ler toSlatn, whoa
name ba rueiilly la-en i prominriit In
! tbe pre dlHit. be, ha hail coiieitlernhl
X-rlriiee In A .la, though he baa only held
liUpti-M iil poiiioti luteth lagliinllig of
laal year. Ill full name I Ailgu.te Jean
Marie I'nvie, ami li wa bom iu Ulnau,
Kranre, May Ul, 147. II went out to th
Krrtich inlony of I 'la hlii Chili aa a volun
teer In lb marine Infantry and liked th
country o well Ihat be left lb military
and entered Ihe telegraphic arrvice.
I Iu b wa given charge of lb eon
t ruction of a telegraph llu fnun llattam
laiiig to Itaiii'kok, a projet t full of diflkul-
tie la'auae of I ha
I lltiheall hflllneaaof
' tbe region trav
ersed and the rav
1 age of cholera
among the nat iv .
Ill ui ii-..! ul
compli.liiuetil of
1 tbawork attrw Uil
th aiteiitiou of
, the giiVerniiieiit
j I'arla, and li
aplntel V
! ronaul at I.ual
i Pralaxug, an!
lvnn w aa decorate.)
With Ih roaett of fATIg.
anofTlier Iu the legion of Honor. Ilia pub
llah.! aeroiiut of bla travel In Touuln
and Can: holla t.rolwhly bad no lilt I har
in gaining hint thl much coveted dlatluo-
, lion.
Intb following year ba waa planed at
Ih brail uf th couimiaaion char .id with
lb exploration of lb cuunlry about th
Mr Kong th comiuiaaion whiav comlu
Ion were Ih real raue uf all lb trouhla
bet warn 1 ranee and Nam. 1 lira b waa
mail ron.ul general ami mlr.l.ler reaidetit,
and bla aulawipienl hi.tory la pretty wall
l known loall lb wor.d.
A Trala ml l:lalar ar.
From an elevator point of riewr the
new Manotuc tempi building iu Oucagt
will l the ui'Mt imteirtaut lo theworl.L
It will hav twenty-four car built In a
circular hiiit having a 8VJ foot ne
Thera will ln exprm elevator, wayand
freight train. The fir.t will go to the
top B ir without atopplng, while th
ther will t"p either at every flmrr, or
at th f,fth. tenih. hft'i-tith and o on
Tliey will not run at full n-l, pr
ably 1. ti pavxM iigera do not Ilk the
aenaation uf (!) lug- Chicago Journal uf
A a..!!-! Ulaaer kerilra.
I'roK.hly the iiio-t uiagiiifli ent com
pltmeiiLary pre-iit ever receive.1 by
Lurupran I the emperor of
Anatna'a tilver welding gift to Ibacur.
It cn-utiataof a dllill' rervn e of aolid all
ver, auperbly wrought an I thav-., ea. h
pie. bearing aa imperval eagle, Th
aervtca a f.a" twenty four prraoixa, and
Ueer ar jitex a. London Truth.
Cwttwa a4 Oil Genera rira.
Tb recent balnea by fire la th cargo
of h:p carrying ba hown Dial
ootbm e.l oil, w ben held In lb outtun am
Uv ouUi'U uf the bale, rapidly ogidiac
ai4 geteeralaw VUHimum euCbboalkJaV
le V y J
Hew a llllaal aaj llmlrld J.a irrer rntwtv
Her Ha and Mghl.
On a warm afi.-nn.iii In July th writet
alknl up llowtiing ureet lo tt him uf
Miaa Molli l aii' hrr. w nit ly known a a
no "t reu,i k tl'ie Invalid, III whom many
phv -Irian h ive taken Ititere!, aoiti hav
ii'lXrven Ji'iirm v i-l fnm Jlng'and lo ew
her. II 'th wtmlwire w ule fau and
the.h. h h .,f way up The Invalid waa
rei lining propjad wuh pilhm. In that
tx-,1 where .l,e hi lain t.,-1 for V7
jnn II I wrll known Ihat her ele
are aighth'. bill iie wa rmbroidering
with colore I .ilk. k altered over the our
; let, I bough III perfei t order, were paper
f nemle. package i f .ilk, m rnplk, let
ler neat It tii.l In pnul and main ol'ier
o I. j.i l In. In i' ie of the activity of Mi
Katn her hr i n ami flngent. Itv tug ald
her work w it n a pb-n.-iul amlleof wenonia,
li e extendi d bar band, who li, b) the way,
ate eicetiluigl) pti ti y.
Moll.e ri.'tn, l.i r pnm, I ta.lefully
: tleeorat'il wuh tii'inr louchitig ai'tiveiiir of
j blighter d iv w h. n pun had not lai'on a
j lou.taiit gii-., and when loving hrart
i Imped that Ihe gifl.d girl bid a. lloiT path
i liefore brr M t I ro-ln, Mnllie a d-
ViMtil nilllt. ofli 11 Ihe ho; Ihat
ah would outlive In r long tillering, dear
ly love.! rhatYc, but .he wa uini'iur.l
lirt to Ihe g:, ,t iiukt'o.v a 1. voud. Kith
flllfllelnl ilo whit In in t heir w er ti)
cotui'U it, iii ."in.' ill ,. i. e f r ut h ti ir
repltalile .h., hi.,! .!- 1 an. lu-r baa a
grateful a wa ll a. a luave hrart. H it in
talking with Inr i .ae forget liiat h I
ntlrriug llv in ; a ki i n . ne of buieur,
he love fnti ami tin. bant lo forget alu
when friend .ire I v In r .I'll-.
Her many t, t.i -dogs cal, niirrel,
binl. nitre, etc. - have !i-ti a eonaolatinu
through many wrury hour. Hv on wiu
ilnw aland an uipiariutii roulaiulng gold
fl.h. In rontuvtinii with thl th writer
beanl the follow lug alory from it owner'
lip: "lluce I had a polllwotj In tier
among th (1h. After It developed Into a
fng I ina.Ua pel of It, am! II learned 10
know my voir. I iied lo have Iheaipiart
tint brought lawide Ihe bed an thai the pol
llwivg could e.iaily jump out of It down up
on the coverlet, and h did It every time
and ram hopping lo my band when I
aerate hed the lietb lot Ilea and calle.1 It. I
Would Jnt put II her and rub Ita Hill lilt
of a head with on finger, and It would
never move. On day that polliwog waa
gun oould not Iw found any where and
Uldu'l I in I mi th poor llltl thing!
"A few day later I t.k up aom work
that had been laid ald for a fw daja. i.
waa a white windrn (bawl that I a a knit
ting and which I kept In a low banket on
thl aid of my lied. Well, what do you
Ihlnkr W hen I I.Hik up that ahawl, I he in
walh polli"g H drier! and ahrunk up
o Ihat he aUmt Ilk a spider, kit
had laen nothing but wind aud water any
way, and le waa rhangrd Into added up
mummy. I uppnalb poor lull tiling
had J imped out of the mpianutn lo l' k
form and boppe.1 along th rtoor under
Ihe be.1 till li ram lo that w hit wotd,
which h probably l.k to Ini I h covarlet,
hi fnet got entangled In It, and ba bad to
lay there and dry up."
W hen a.ktnl If .he ever Invited him to
dry up, Mollie aaul h certainly bad not.
Atone time a family of flying aipilrrela
kept hercomiaiiy and aiuilrtl her during
many kleeplrwa night. Mie aald, "1 have
owned ami ht en many pel a that III yard
at the bark of thi boiie I a pet cemetery,
for they have nil la-eti burin! there."
Turning aiiibleii y to Ihe writer, Moll la,
with rloet! ejelnl., remarke.1, " What a
cullr hn'h you have. Ilk an opru fan
lurtietl iiniide i'iiwii."
"Yea, il wa given limn by a friend who
brought il from llgjpl. It represent Mailt,
mother of l.i, with uuUprend wing. Hut
tell m more of your 'ia."
"lib, I hav hul o many. On waa a
three cornered no, I nienn a three legged
itiotiaM. The H.,r little thing. Whru any
on ak you how many leg a niiaiai baa,
you had latter leply that II depend upou
bow many II ha bt. Well, the hero Iu
q Heal Ion wa nillitiaoii trotUT. Whether
loat III lu.hle warlareor inaii'ininoii iuoiiim
trap 1 never ascertained. Troia pie.1
very . a la hie ami grew o liitimat with
my canary bin! Ihat th two became faat
frleiida. The iiioumv would fmpiently run
up th whit curtain to th oage, and Jul
a aoon aa he came w it It i ti reach 1 tit oauary
would lakeaee.1 In bl beak and hurry to
fil Ih cripple. Al night th Inoti got
right Into th cage, and Ih two friend
tlepl ld by aide I her out he pen U. How
Tnn pietl maiiagi! to bold hlmvlfoo
with eae and roiufort I uior tbaa I oaa
nkla I'nwrfer nnd Una .llun.
Una of the imtnt liiterenting and lngii
lar featurr-a di'Vclo-ail by th new Uavy
g th matter of eiploaivcw.
The im t linirt.Aiit advance maila la
tht general line In Ihui waa th procur
ing of Rlllokolea powder. Thl waa
ileveoHi by profenaur Monro), of the
Naval Torpedo alation, and ha ur)aaa
l Ilia aoiui'What dubloti iprt'tatioiia
of tt It ha Im-n uccef ully uaed In
th impler anil lighter gun ami alao In
the complit atcl 4 Inch rapid Ilr guna.
With charge of only one half the weight
of the old (Kiwiler. It hiu tired projectile
nearly Sou frt aec-niid footer than th
hot of Ih old Niwder Iravelnd. On
beanty of it t th ract that it la not In
Jureil by water.
(inn cotton I to ln extetinlvely nej
on the new rew. Th high itiiirUuica
of thi material ami Ih certainty that
th limited facililic for Ita production
would Ik aotirce of eiiiWrraaaumnt la
can of war, led th naval department
laat year tu oiler an order for tW.OUO
pound of gun cotton to th Duponla, ot
Wilmington, Ik-I., manufacturer of
naval eiphmlvea, on th condition of th
(Ulilinhment of complet plant for th
manufacture of gun cnlton In large
nntltie. D. D. llidwell la New York
A Mill I hlld' laaaea
tWnanl J. H hmlti, wealthy farmet
of AU-liiaon cotmly, Kan., went to tier
many Iat November to Vlait hi old
home, and wa arreul for denerting the
German army thirty yeare before. The
matter waa jila. e.1 ia tin bamla of tbe
United Ktate uiiniiter In Uenuany, but
all effort tnaecur rk-huitti' releaae ap
peared fruitli-a. rV hmlti eleven-year
old daughter, however, wrote letter to
the eui'M'ror of (lertuany from ber home
In tliia country, aetting forth iu a cluld-
llk manner th fa- tain thecaae andaak-
lug for her father releane on bia birth'
, ! day, which came on the 4thof Laal mouth.
1 be letter reaclieo, in empenir on tue
ICth, ami he wa ao touched that he la-
uad pardon for S huuti. who I now on
bu way home. Cor. New 1 oft World.
Ilaatelag Kill! Hie al ftvealy-elaa.
Jainea Met arty, of (lakill townahlp.
an of Die ui't nnitie clutracter of
iaffnrwm county, ami perhape of the
diel 1'n.lay, ag".l tevetity nine
Ui death waa cattanl by over-
beating bimeif dancing In the open gar.
fur old aa be waa McCarty could aliU
krp atrp to a tun in Very lively f ann
um. II would often play the vkilm and
dance to the tu uic for half an hour at a
time, grwatiy to the amuaement of the
onlooker. Kur year hi occnpatioo. haa
been banting. L'p to the time of bia laat
Uluew be waa remarkably active.
pvuxun tawDvy Hpint,
A geathy i. ki hill thing.
v ilk "'ir hand un tl ihr la gwt
Bill II Ian the iriMim i ail uf Die tlng
Of tho'ia-atlr w.-nl or a eetiel ding
Thai .'U lna.1 aa tvair ago.
A kUaof gre.1 1 ng I awret and rare,
After Hi loll ol Ih dart
Put II iiniit h I h fiimMl of lb ear
Aiel In. un Ik fi-rrliand yua Me ca.4
la Ik year thai hav How a away.
T1 a llltl thing taaay. Vwa ar kind,
I an )"!. uiy tiear," aarb amlit:
But II eiei a ttirt.l ikrutigto lit kawrt, I
for l"V U lender, a lav la bll ad,
A t liilib ranged kelgbt.
V .tan . ti liUiee lot lno'irinn,
W tan, tril do aul give.
It nniiwti'i "ri. k.iil In kleaa.
Bui n il"l l. gruilgnir, la. and Uwav
1 nl tie blliar eaO kanl lo ll a.
-Jalk Hmmnft.
tieneral It. V. Ilnller Tll What W.aa
aa IM.I aa the xtarrh d la taaaw.
No higher tnhiit tu woman a a wife
and ni.Hh. r ba ever len paid thao 1 ao
conlr.1 lo Mr llenj.iuiin K. Ilutlerhy ber
biKluind In In memoir Writing of bla
career iluring th civil war, he say:
My wilt, with a devotion nuite un paral
lel. .1. git in herupirt by arotnpany
lug me, at my r.i rue. I wiah. In every t xp
iliiiou In Ihe war tat th reln-llion, and
m.tile me a Inane wbrrerer I waa Hallooed
In roitiiuant!
Mi Joined ma al Annapolla ami accom
panied me to Kortrean Monroe when I waa
a.-u-iinl there Iu May. 11. Mi went
with me on th riprtliiiiai to Ship ilnd
for the attack Uam Nrw llrlenn. wherein
I waa rxpiwril lo Hi great, peril of my
life, and only when my hlp waa hourly
r 1,1.1 ted to go to pie. -en and when I Im
portunately appealed to hr gt. en
that our children tnual not be bereft of
I. .th panuita did h lean ma lo aerk
aafety on Uatnl a gunlaatL
Sh ufTi rr.l great privation ami hard
hlw ihi Ih aintof hlp 11 and whilw
were awaiting th attack on Nw Orlean,
atul waa on Ih Qnt veaael RHitnlnlng
lnv that went up the river after thur
render of Kort Jj. kon and Hu Philip.
Mie went naluu with ni awl Iclgej at
theht. (Tiarlea hotel on th night aftar 1
t.aik ponaenaion of tlia city of ,N'w Drleana.
When In Poll I waa aaigue. to Ih Cora
mand of th Iepn,rtmeul of Virginia and
North Carolina ah anronipaiiind ra again
to Kortreaa MiKiroa. la IwM h went with
m lo th field, and wa prenenl wltb tu
during moat of Ih campaign of IwH.
Thualbailan advantag over niiwt of
my brother nmimantling general la th
department ami in lb Arid, la baring aa
Blvler, faithful and true, clear bended,,
ron'ientluu mh! conservative, whin cod
rliilon could alway b trutet la th
mere military movementa, although aha
took full not, ah never Interfered by
auggeniion, for In regard lo them I relied
a pun lb oplnltma of my valued, aecouv
pliahei! and efficient alalT officer.
lo other matter all that h agreed lo
waa right and fin' th beat, and If I her la
anything In my adinlnUirwtion of afTalra
that may Iw qiieallone.1, It la that In which
I followed ihe larul of my own opinion.
lU'tiimlug bom with me, after I retired
to civil and political life, Mr, duller re
mained lb ui giaa! advlacr, eduraling
and guiding her children daring their
young Uvea with aucb akill and ucora
that nellheg of them vr did aa act which
canned m aerimi anrrow or gar ma tba
leant all I lei y on their la-half.
Hh mad my bom and family aa happy
aa w could he. Mi took ber plac In o
rtety when at Washington, and malnLnlned
It with such grara, dignity ami bwelineaa
of rhann-U'r lhal noon ever aald ao uo
kind or a diaragliig wonl of ber.
lilrl la LUkaa.
Ml lUlchrllf r, daughter of th Ameri
can mltii.ler to I'ortiiaal, ay that lb
Id.laui girl, are l-eautlfiil and attractive,
but ar very chawly guanleil. never ap
pearing unattended In Ihe it reel and rarely
la ing aren on fiart. Carriage driving of
decomu kind I a favorite ainuaeineot,
but lb girl who follow tb tjuevn'e ex
ample, aud aitear on horwrlaxrk, I re
gard eil aa very advanced In her Ideaa. The
girl play a llltl leuiil In ati miner, dance
ami play canl for amuarnirnt In wlnlar.
They ar rarely Invitetl to formal dinner
aa their parent ar. but appear at tb
Th chirr ttrllghl of then Uellcateiy urea
and carefully gunnlrd maiden I th great
bull tight nl I intra, which a moat uncoo-
ventlonal Amrriran girl, who rarriea bar
own latchkey and travel alone la th
nlt'helan, drmorratlo afreet car, would
ararerly hav th nrrv lo wilnena, much
lea lo eujoy, th borrihl pctacla
fat What Tan Like.
It I eoond rule for all of u, any an
eminent doctor, that with reapert to ftaat
our liken and dl.llkr are Ih k4 gold aa
to what la giaal fur ua, ami it l aafe lat
upon th plan that whatever we reliaa will
pruv on tk averng bannleaa and whole
iHii. ami whatever p nature dlaguat will
prova, aa a general thing, tndtgealihla,
Nothing can be mor wrung, for Itiataoce,
than to make children eat tat. for example,
when they don't want It, A beallby child
likea fat and eata aa mm b of It aa b can.
If b ahow algn of diagtiat at fat, thai
prove him to b of a billou tenitveranvent
and be ought never to I forced lo eat tt
agalnat bl wllL A g'l many of u have
dlaimlered digestion In after life (Imply b
can wa were awnpelled to eat rich for!
lo xhildhoud which w felt Inalbactivaly
wa unauiuhl to ua,
Klng ailvee Hrlght,
Te waah ailverwan never ua auap In the
water, aa It dull lb luaier, giving tbe
outokle more tbe appearance of pewter
than ailver. When It want cleaning rub
It with a pier of oft lalbr and preinat
chalk, tb laiuar mad Into a kind of paate
with pure water, aa Impure water might
eocilaiQ grtk l ae ailver If It la to be kept
bright do Bot lie It up la bag and at It
away le tarvWh. I'a It all tb time and
It will May bright and gaining. -tvprtng-Aald
HlnU en Brwad Making.
Wbu poulng the bread In tb oven It
abould be hot euough to bold tb band la
aa4 oount twenty rather quick. Car
moat be lakaa with the fir, to keep tb
boa steady, allowing It to gradually die
away toward the laat of the baking, and
Ik la la tb beat tint to Met In your roll, a
mor mode rat Br I mrraaary fur thank,
Nw York Journal,
Maid M Olive.
After a bottle or krg of eliyee baa be
opened th mold will aoon form. A little
bonenwllah or a few nanturtium placed
tnerela will prevent tbialo a cert. a g
laot. Tbbetur way la to bay there t
email bottlaa, o that th bottle may be
Dead before they have a chance to aaokl
Tbe tor, penal Rtuaian nkaae prohibit
ing the eiportatkia of wheat from Ka
tut ba throws aVotKl men out of em
ployroent la ami near ! and haa
j dnveo a urge aruouui of anippiug in
the Ulatk
Nathan Seattle, a Tacoraa liigh-nclwad
nunil lanMilar among the Pnyallun In
dian and a faawubl u.Tieir ol Peter
Mannp among tbetn. wa arraigned in
Ihe Tarvmia Polieei Court mi-miy on a
rliartO-f ta-ing drunk. At Hrt he aan!
he ha-l an epileptic fit. but finally ad
m.ttel being tlrnnk. Tlfa- who eoU
i bim whisky may be pnanvuteJ,