The poliou uulliucilr .iu I'ittn bnrg have declared '6f.'ainst foot ball unJtr ths pruacnt rule,, and ssr that in future no sucli brutal and degrading exhibitions will tx- rmittel there. It is also stah-d that the authorities in other i-i li- will take similar action. Thin will 1 quite a set-back to the growing H)ii!arity of thi game. We are told that the exhaustion of the bank reserve in New York was due to dem-x-ratic licy, and now we are told that the surplus of accumulation of cash in the Iwink vault! of that city is another proof j that the democrats are ruining the i country. It would be a curious ; event which would not convince a republican that democratic rule meant destruction. Farmers will heave tar ny a high for moro gravel on the road le twecn this and spring as they slow ly trudge their way to town. K very man who travels the road could well afford to spend a week every fall hauling gravel with a team to put on the road. It would 1 a big saving iu the wear and Uar of vehicles and team to say nothing about the satinfaction of riding over a good road when the weather is bad. Portland .Sunday Welcome: Ore gon wool is worth alxiut 7 cents now. Within a year it will sell at 1-1 cents. Mi fore Cleveland pucks bis grip it will very likely reach the -0 cent notch. And this be cause of the new tariff. We'll im ort wool now, that, mixed with Oregon product, will make valua ble fabrics. Valuable fabrics will sell readily at good prices. The Oregon wool grower ought to le h'x: The fact that Oregon, ap propriating only ftiO.OOO fur nu exhibit at Chicago, took so many medals, is truly surprising to a California!), says the California Fruit (! rower, bvt the fact that there was anything left from an appropriation, is a. thing that be c.n not jMn-sibly understand. The story is accepted on authority, however, as is that of Jonah and the w hale. There are a good many other things alsjut Oregon beyond the comprehension of our ncighbora on tho south, as a refill t of which they always sadly misrepresent' our stato to strangers. Tho Fruit ti rower concludes that: "Those old fashion ieople up in Oregon, with their cranky governor, are, ufler all, a happy lot and may well be envied." Excluding Alaska th United States may be said to lw non-volcanic, states Mr. Ralph S. Tarr, but it has not been so long. A chain of volcano extends from southern South America into Mexico, then there is a large break, and the interrupted chain begins again in Alaska, curves southward, and joins the chain of Jaan. The intermediate non-volcanic area has just emerged from an era of stujH'n dous activity. Future resumption of such activity is not improbable, for in tho West are volcanos so re cent as, like Mt. Shasta, to retain their conical form, and some of these perhaps are no inure dormant that was Vesuvius before tin fatal year 7'J, when it buried Pompeii and Herculaneum beneath the most terribe storm of stones and ashes ever known to man In the non of the Colorado, in the desert ' of Nevada aud Utah, and in New Mexico, exist small lava tlows tbat'00""1 h must have been erupted in very re- cent years, prolably since the w hite ; man s uucovery of the contiuenL These mviu to record the death , .1 . .i . i . wirtus oi uic country s laien vol- ; canic giants Wi " li.e eruptions nave t-laved a Part in bringing up Mores I of metals, and the richest n,i are found in the volcanic districts j of TerUary times. j AxAlmaxy Mam lM.llTEl.-S unlay s Altamy IVniorrwt: I pon Im- tnnatlin that an ludictnient had ta-vn fnuud agnlust him by the I". S, graud & J. L. Cowan went to Portlaiid ! mis uioriuniT u givcw.ims.-ii w, i, uie U. Kttiar-d. The Oregonian say. four Itidirtmeiit were found and not maue until arrest were c.a-U, three for smuggling and one for em- bexilcmtnt. : A GOOD DEED REWARDED.' j iA Lady KtEimbtrtd lie Jim Who , lVf j lltf Lllf. His OaMffclsr Sto.ouo i',.,,.',.,,, ii i, it u..... three year. . Mr. Itu-ell Hill, of New Orleans, hut well known In Ken tucky, wan in Philadelphia and while walking along Market street. In that I city, saw an old lady reel aa If about to full at Ninth street. Mr. Hill ran for- ' Utahf Mllil f'fallL'lif thaw alniwm at ii. I t..k her to a store, w here sh. wa. placid In a carriage and subsequently take.i " er nome. rnmi ner plain unn ainl unaffected way Mr. Hill supposed the lady was In moderate circum stance. Hu heard from the lady eev rrnl time, aud she persuaded liini to let her adopt his motherless little daughter, Maude, w ho la a niece of the I..-. ir xi ..t t .. late General John H. Morgan, of Lex Ington, Ky. Imagine the surprise of Mr. Hill, while Iu Philadelphia hut week, to Karn that the lady had left hi little daughter U V "10. The Rood hearted lady who never forgot her protretor waa Mr. C. M. Xhallcnaat. Mr. Hill i a nephew of the late A. I'. Hill, w ho wa a well-known officer In the Con federacy. Mr. Itilsaell Hill la quite well know n In Kentucky, where he has relative who will be pleased to learn of the good l n tune of lila little daugh ter. Maicnt Its grrs. ItlllMI.NflllAM, Ala., Dee. II. Fell! Drew, a half-breed, claiming to be an Indian chief and the bead of a jiowcr ful tribe In Indiuii territory, has just buncoed the negrta-a of ItirmltiKhain out of aeveral thouaand dollars and kled. He apearel here about a week aro. Ilia ft rut move waa to make liltnm-lf solid with the negro preachers, and they aiiuouncil that he would lecture at eertaln churches on the sub Jcct of colonizing the iiegmea. In his lecturva he aaid his Indian tribe had held a big pow-wow, aud as the reault neiit 111 in to Alal-ama to Induce the down-trodden and opprvaaed blacks to go to the territory and become part of hl tribe. He aald the hind were the riehevt in the world and gold could be had in plenty. He was going to run an excursion train from llirmiiigham to the territory, and the only coot would le t r 1 1 road fare which he said would have to be paid In advance. He ' promlm-d to iiie-l the emigrant at the deMit on a certain night. Many tie gnwa nold their furniture to get money to give to him. After collecting thou ntid of dollar thU tiiilirn Mim ii hla tent and stole quietly away. The ! authorities are looking for him, and If , the negroes w ho were buncoed could ! lay hand on him It would not be' healthy for him. j SH.W.IA, Mo., Dec. 11. I III ted I MarMhal Dave Adams, arrived here this forenoon from Muscogee, I. T., with four prlsoueni sentenced to con nnemeiit in the Columbus, U., peiil telitlar)'. Marahal Adams had Ave prlMiiiers when he started, but one of them, John Jennings, convicted of In troducing liquor Into the Territory, made a bold aud auccviwful break for 1 IlUrty near llockvllle, south of this 1 I city. Jennings, securely ahaekled, waa permitted to go to a cloaet and w hile the train waa running at the rate of. 'to miles an hour be jumped head Aral through the window and eM-njied. The train waa atopped and IVputy It Lindsay waa left behind to hunt for the prisoner. Jennlna' shackles were found this afternoon a mile from the railroad, and the aeareh for him was given up. Marshal Adams left with his remaining prison ers for the East to-night. Dm Moi, Io., Dec, 11. After IliahV ffiif-ilithai tt mMi rr I r i ilLirimw 1 Kdward Long baa located the heir to ' . tmparative tables show how acre, of laud In Lyous county, j "nally the aw permitting deduo worth liO,0OX 111 name Is Arthur 1 J 10" of indebtedness has failed to (1. Wheeler, and he was found In I Scattle, Wash. In is:, when Whevler w as 7 years old, an uncle, Frederick P, Ca-jJattleofNew York,ded him theof 0!' 'hecouoties shall have been laud a a gift It was ,k i i.- swamp land at tiled up aince'lt i. found I s . a t ti .i..... LI.. I ' ..P.mril vnlin w,w.. ,. i dled ...d he bw-wme a wanderer. IW-' t tives tried to find him but were un-" ' .uc.fuL The Und. In the mean-1 ueeeful. The laud, In the mean titli kk u atil.l fur 1.1m mil iLntHim. . -" '"v t-ervd by tbetax deU, held by Ifcnlel - ; . ,IU,WB'W' -,w orx. but w heeler, ' who is .1 years old, will have a hand- redemption. : t s.n. w.i. a.......... , Walla Walla, Dec At a meeting of the directors of the Walla U Saving Unk this eveulug It was derid - il to go Into liiiuldatioa and the doora will not be t-ued Monday morning. Applications will be made Mimivi - r. i ne paia up eapiuu l Ilirt.nai. Preaideut Llmltn atatea that all drpUoni w ill be paid In full The emlrntsment 1 due to the gro-Q end stringency in the ruouty market, and the low irlcof wheat. O I If the state and federal grand uric at Portland keep up their ' work the re will be few citizens of j the metropolis not under Indict- juug- iiiingcr proposes 10 iry 11,0 wbiua and Chinese indicted lor i i . it if . . smuggling into this coun try in a baU'h. It will he a mixed uti crowd. i lie new jiroow comci is lion in- j ,bl int morning iky due east and about twentr drums above the horizon at 5 a. tn. in the cou stelialion Coma llerenices. Out of tho horrible jumble o( Ha waiian affairs comes one clear note intelligible to the feminine soul. Liliuokalani has sent to San Fran cisco for a coronation robs. The gold bugs who were going to llood this country with gold after the repeal of the purchase clause of the Sherman act cannot be found. They are wanted to explain why gold, instead of being luijiortvd, is ! ? ,,..,., ejiorieu. The reported change in the run ning time of the California over land trains would bo a welcome l Eugens. At present trains arrive at very unseasonable noun. It is almost eoual to staying up all night to catch either train. Search lights in action may not be all that is claimed for them When the rebel warships ran the blockade of the forts at Kio Ja neiro a broadside or two so euvel oped the ships in smoke that th search lights could not penetrate it. A tariff reform bill will be passed by this congress. While it may not be all that could be de sired the tariff for revenue policy will be adhered to 111 the main. Large reductions will be made in the McKinley prohibitory law. It is not olten that white men and Chinamen are leagued together but in the oiMirations of the Port land smuggling ring no attention was paid to nationalities. The white men did the initial work and Chinamen secured the opium and their fellow countrymen. With good roads the farmer could keep the source of supply generally even, preventing those fluctuations in the quantity on hand which retailers aro so prompt to make tho excuse for an advance of price. Without them, however, hi nllowa lil.inv nt ina i.wvl tirrv. ducta to rot in hi cellar or .lore house while city customers must pay higher and walk further for the reduced quantity they re ceive. I?razl1 is tl11 'P in 11,8 thro08 of 0 revolution. One peculiarity boul tlie fc!out" American con ,luts fhat il is BO ,,arJ to u11 which is the government and wnicu is me reoeis. 11 me nation is so unlortunato as to possess a navv, the vessels are sure to take sides "against the government." Those semi-civilized cole down there are only subduing the wilder ness for a race of aensible citizens who can settle their internal dis putes without cutting each other's throats every few weeks. The Oregonian is aware that the coal mining of the United States is, in the main, done by a class of for eign laborers compared with whom tho Chinamen are upright Chi Li lian gentlemen, scholars and philanthropists. Yet that paper hypocritically bewails the great wrong that would be done the la boring men by admitting coal free of duty. The coal miners of Penn sylvania, according to tho best au thorities, are little better than cat tle, and their millionaire owners, whom alone protection of coal bene fits, treat them worse than brutes. Protection of American labor, for sooth! "" 10 "mount 01 vaxa- 1-"? n the ' State, says the ; Corvallis Times, When the rolls T 1 " wf" Posoit ue snown mat, in spite of the fact that a larKe n"nt of proirty has been il."WT5nj llflLT. lUB WiAi VXX&UIC property of the state has been di "V"'' rather th"n i00""!- -i't. i . i i i- - ,c ' "rsu?,rni VJ vx-at for the repeal ol ti e law- was mat it would increase me total ..l.w.n .n.t t. . .ndin .I.H.r. diminish ih f '"" " . levy. It has failed to ,..-'". A -',.Z ,,' " , ; 'nd The 1 !- j.,, rflW.t no smaller than usual. The rtsult will le moet disastrous to those, and there are manv of them, who have Utt, assess! not onlr on what thev own but upun what they owed, I and when they are roiu-Ilcd to wu u i w llw Cuunur in taxed-;.,." l. - cting time and par, as they will . have to io many cas-s, double tb; mount of Uxes they ought to pay, the true luwardncs-s of this un- rduees of this un- rill com to lhen. 1 ru'leoiis law will come to iheui. Cottage tirove Iiewt. j Tiu-a, Ihx: V. lU va. E. Glttlns. J. V. T.u)pli tu , aud J. 1 Taylor, in eonneclioii with, rariieal elirlnilun people, have in-n do- I lug a wondertul ana iihi auetva-iui work at the M. H church in thia city for aeveral wreka. At a regular convention of Juretitas lodge, No. n, K. of I'., the following nmcriB W-rs elecU-d: A. O. Ymger, V, V.; J. H. Medley, V. C; W. P. Uxk woial, P.; J. K. llam tt, M. of W.; 11. I.ureh, M. of K.; A. I). Llueolu, M. of K; J. A. Jk iia.-, K of K. and H. H. etrie, !.; Oeo. Wall, tru.tee. T. A. Marna left for his home at t White HaJmon. Waali.. Tucadav. lie will rvturn In a abort time to thiaeltv. aceoiu pooled by his family and hi brotlierln-law and rainliv. .-ir. .-iurn ha purchaaed SOacnv of laud from J. 11. McFarland on the edge of town and will g Into the fruit tree nursery b'lui- Ilea. This a splendid location iir t!i;d buinea. A.W.Millard and Ira Millard, Jr., of New London. Vicouiu. have left! for their homes. They and 11. V. lirigga, aeoonipauiuJ with their fain lllea, expect to return to this city In February. Theae gentlemen were here to Invest largely in timber land and took a good look over the timber laud districts or Oregon. I ney aay that the timber eaat of Cottage Urove is not only aiiierior to auy that they have seen since they came to the cont but la far more valuable than auy tim ber they have ever seen. Prebat Matters. Uuardianahlp of A. J. Keeiiey; II. r. Kueuey, guardian, files annual state- mant. Aboroved. .........ii' u M. inr 1 w itmil Latate of . H. McCIure, J. . lwnu and A. C. Jennings, executors, flits semi-annual statement. Approved. nearly H) feet t prc rve tiieir waier Estate of M.ans D. lUldwlo; Mrs. Kiwer. The next lew days will deter Suran A. Baldwin apHnted admlnla- mine the gu.-atin. tratrix, with bonds of fiOO; sureties, H. It. Williams and I). D. Paine. Value of eatate, IJW. Will of Wru. McConuvlI admitted to probate; Mrs. Maria McCounell ap pointed administratrix, without bonds. The will bequeaths to each of his sons and daughters the sum of to, and all the realdus to his wife, Maria McCou- nelL Katate of W. K. Jolnes; 11. J. Jollies appointed admlniatrator with bond of (1400, sureties, J. II. McClung and T. D. Mnton. C. W. Young, M. II. liar- low Jr. and K. Terpcnlng appointed ap- prainers. Probable value of eatute, I'1.j0. Moke Ixjunctiox Siits. Salem Stateaiuan: The pajK'rs have already been drawn and will prolwbly be nerved in a few day seeking to enjoin the location of the proMod aoldierx' home at Itoacburg, and the branch in sane asylum In Eastern Oregon. They were placed In the hands of James Mc Cain, district attorney on Thursday af ternoon and on Friday the bond In the caae was being made out. The com plaint waa blank up to Friday even ing, but it wa the purpime to inwrl the name of a rather prominent tSulem mau aa the complainant. Thce few minor details arranged, the matter I ready to go In-fore the court, provid ing the parties taking the Inltlatl ve l not change their minds. Hills ISTKOprcED. Coiigrwwinan Hermann has Introduced a bill iu con gress providing for the continuing ol improvements at the mouth of the Si- uslaw rlvei and appropriating the sum of 1100,010 therefor. Also for Improv- lug general navigation of the Wlllam- ette river between Portland and F.u gene, removing the bars at Itoea laland ... ., . , and Clackamas rapid, below Oregon City; scraping the bars, proUetinp bauka and avoiding the breaks at In dependence, Salem, Albany, Corvallis. Harrisburg and Eugene and Interme diate point. $100,000 is aked. Gladys Miller Again. Union Scout: I. XV. Miller, of SunimervUle. whose daughter, little Gladys Miller, dlaappeared fiom his bnme nearly two years ago, has been called to Ohio. where a child reaembling his long-loat daughter has been detained by the au thorities pending Mr. Miller's arrival. Tlie child Is In poanewloii of a tmnd ol gypsies who can glee no satisfactory Ki.lan.tlon of h..r t.r.-...v. ltK them. A photograph taken there and forwarded here has been Identified as little Gladys, not only by Mr. but many neighbors aa well. Miller, SKXLKTOJC Fol'XD. A skeleton, supposed to be the bones of an Indian w hose soul has long since been rev eling In the happy hunting grouuds, waa rouuu on job aiycrs place near the State University last Saturday. Th changing of the rlrer channel caused by the last storm had washed the Unk away until the skelton wat revealed soms dlsUnce beneath the sunaoe. inesauuanu oilier iK.rtion were saved in good condition and pre- SSBted to Prof. Thomas Coudou. A CoRKaXTlo.x. Sunday's Orgii- Ian: Ths report of the IndictmeDt against C E. Lockwood, publisheil in yeaUrday's Oregonian, was incorrei-L Mr. Lockwood was Lot Indict foi perjury, nor for representing hlmsell as T. C. Alcock as was stated, but foi aiding aud aaalstiog and acting as at trney In ths precutlon of a claim agalnattheroverninentwhlW Lehel.l ths p.itlon of assistant United eS:ai . 7 uregi.n. A the lioll.taya draw ut-an-r to u- the thoroughly live busineaa mau u printer's Ink pleunfully in telling tL 'nimth lsmlmlKi.nii.ri.. printer's Ink pleunfully in telling tL peopl. tbs bwrgmln h i ollernif. A Krinarkalde lleoerjf. Ail-any H.-iald: KraU r Walliuv, a other of T. I.. Will luce of this city, OMitly S-:el a l' e of hop Inlid of te old on lliu ftalitiaiu illoni arvell miles eat uf AlUauy. he land grew hop a w all that lie included to purrhai a small tract la ,at vicinity, and found what he nought would suit him loan adjoin ,g pietv, but after diligent avarch ould find no owiivr. He la-gmi mrehing the rt-eoriU and found that ' w a government laud, and contain 1 4- acr-a of the richest land hi the i alilimil lottom. He loaf 110 time in -olng to Oregon Uiy and tiled a home- ' ieal iixu 11. 1 hi- mini m wunii r- ; iai t -"'. It mvtut remarkable that the laud 1 1011 Id have lain vacant long, ea"e- ally a It l bt tweeu and adjoining wo of Hie oldeot farm iu Linu county ' e Il. fnrm 0.1 it.e we-t hav- ' ""leu U'" m i Mr. Wallace ha built a house upon it and eonoider hiuiiH-lf luekv In ob taining a tine Utile farm free of cost. Mill Wattling. I'allj Guard, Pre a. The land ow ned by Joseph Myers near the mill dam still continue to Atit-U budly, riotw itliotaudlng the river U only at a inedium btuge. Yeatenlav it wa cut otfat leait a iliHtance of tn teen fiit, and the bunk la ing nearly puremiKlit I still crumbling away every hour. It now aeema quite prob- able that it w ill until lliu waxer ho.,ve the dam Is tai.atl, aa it only has to eat away ulut M-veuty-tlve feet to thu damage the water iKiwer wiiel by Minars. hdrls 4 Hon badly. . f. , . . . r cV,Ul.4.itlie gentlemen to build a flume Krai Kitste IXLNTKV. Htate of Oregon to Ida L Davidson, PW acres In t l-"s, r H w; fli. tL'OKNK. J W (ircuii to K C Smith, lot 0, block 3J, F A IPs addition, aud lots 1 md 2, bla k U), F 4 It's part of Flor- ence; fT". K. Oeo. M. Miller to Sara Kichmond and Eflle May Forgy, lot 1, block -; :250. A Nkw Fimh Hatch KRY.(eorge !Iot!'inaii A Co. have been aw arded tlie contract for erecting a state HMi hatch ry on Kiion hn ereek, in Ijiiie county, or which tJs wa uppnipria'ed by :he la.t lt k'illure. Tlie MX bid for 'he work were peiiel Wednewlay at he olllii of Male ( iame and Fili Prx' wtor MctSuire, and were as lollows: I. J. lluttertleld, rl-Vi; t haplllllll Jt ;avi, HV.;; John tullmrt, tWS; teorge llolt'inau A Co., J1.")T"; II. C. durtiil, H'.'-l; lieorge O. Know lea, 17To. llolt'inau A Comptiny's bid .vas the lowest. The work will le 'oiiiuicticetl at otiiv and llnNlieil in kiuple time to have the hatchery In ration next hiu-on. Dikh. Z. W. Hhields, a fanner, who lioit been collllneil to his l-d ullllost a year with coniiumptloii, died Satur day at Cottage drove. The tervlcea were held by IU-v. J. H. tliarp at the Chrixtiuu church at 11 o'clock Sunday. The reinains wele then tukeli to the Shield cemetery Mid luid to rest. Mr. Shields wa about 40 years of age, and well liked by all w ho knew him and leave a wife and live children. . ,. ... v.CorvHlli.Tl,,.. r:-., Waggoner, Dr. Lee, N. 11. Avery, Tliomua Samuebt and about thirty other who haarded 110 each on the exiieriiueut of boring forgiutonthe fur'IU jlin Wyail weal of tow n more than a year ago and got no gas, are "penitent mid plucked." The last court gave the gtu digger a Judgment agaluat them aud thi week they are called Uihiii to aqtiurc up fur their ex Tience. To IiKM'iVE THE TlMIIKR. As Will be aeeu by the proceedings of the (.'ommiaMoucra' court. C'ouuty Judge Fi.-k ho been ailthoriel to aell the timber Jut eaut of the Eugene bridge, the sume to be removed, tjulu a nuiuU r are of the opinion that such action w ill Um llt the bridge, while other are of u;-t the oppooite way ot thinkim?. Makhikd. In Portland, Oregon, UwinlaT 1. 11.1, by Jutice of the l'ea.-c McIK vltt. Mi Mala-I C. Fuller nf Kugciie, Oreg to Mr. E. Wald toufcl. of San Francisco. Cal. Skattle, Ik-c. 0. The rirat Na tional lnk of Port Angeles, is ta re open on Monday, uuder instructions from Ihe eiinpt roller of the currency; ramitors on opening aud Ave per cent nve per cent 1 to be paUl to the rte- every miriy uav lliervarter. la u'iuraip. lnsEi Idaho, Dec 9.-Informatla was filed today agaiu.t county om- nilwioiieni Wm. Jauman, II. J. Wll- terding W1d J. A. K.l, charging them witb the eollection of ilk-gal fees and king f, dUmial from office. Hat ihr Traaap Bt kli.ito.v. Io., la-c. 7. At Eau Ulaire, WU.,a negro tramp crawUd In- to cr of lumU-r bound for this ciLy nJ ,ay Jo u on u'l u( tl" l'11- le asleep and the lumber being wet, 'ellwl up, crushing him agaiu-t the roof of the car. W hen the car arrived o'""rp ,,la.T 'he tlead body was touud. '" Ie Oregon "Bprirf" 1,Ir1 nU hve l'vn l'H -'u .'ederate bills f..r -,itl simi n, and have su.xwl.d In vicll.iiixing sn people. As the Coiife-lrrae bil's are ueiiuiue I h re U uo law thai will remi-h the party w ho la gui.ty of )ats- Q., them. o remi-h the prtr w Uo la aruhtv of tats- t . . i Per.ia.i. O.lly liljt.. ,, Kola NcUU In the eity t,. IV. Prof. Ib id wn in Ainv A. C. Woodcock Astolla. .V.-t.nLy. ''"'lay i, C. C. Cherry of Tacoma, V.h u In Eugene. ' " Its?. John Paraona ieturn.j , u- to saiviu mi tuorulug. Marion IWk wiut to Murluu on the ltaal thi luoriilng. '"Utttjr O. W. Wright, an Albany was In Eugene yesterday. sttoruft. Deputy Hheritt Day rvtun, too on last night'a overland train, Wm. Mayer and wife are -xset4 home from the East ill a uort iiiJie. Sam Veatch Is now ruimlug ua tbt freight betwtvn Junction f,ty U(j Ituaeburg. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Miller arrM home from a visit In Llun county afteruoou. Dr. J. C. Gray returned from ft. eui Saturday night He caiu, tU Yapulua I lay. Cyrus Watklns is confined to bU room with sickness. H thinhg U U taking the measlm. O. W. Davis, of Saletii. el. rk of tb board of m'Ikmi! lnnd eoiiitiiis-lriotra, sjent Sunday In this city. Ilev. W. A. Ferrier, o( SeauU preached at the Congregational clmrch yesterday reluming home thi, Ing. Mia Grace Foster of Medfurd vbs has been visiting friemla in this city for the past week, returned bom SSJ. urday night. Prosecuting Attorney Comkai. turned home from llowliurg yeterdij morning, where he had been itlo,. lug circuit court. D. W. Coolidge, secretary of tliUI lioard of equalization, sieiit iuodar with his laniily In Eueue, Murulnj to Salein this muriiiug. Itev. Hetzler prencheil at tbs Fin Presbyterian church yeMcrlay in tin Interest of the American HIMr Shirty and left for Albany this lunrtiii.g Athena Press: Dr. G. W. Kingjr formcd a delicate aurglcul opt-ratli'S on G. Chester Osburn In relieving a rt of the soft palate from the la.k part J the mouth near the throat. Ontxirn k sutrering from phaaryngili aud tb doi'tor found It necessary to prrf.irm the opt'iatlou to relieve him. The receivers of the Union Iici tic, after cutting down the alrii of clerks, (letitioiuHl t l.e cujr'. to have their own pay raised to f 1x0 a month each. The court would not ttaud the raise. We are over two thousand irtil- from Hawaii and can have no a! iuate information as to the u ef allairs jn-nding there. Kcrrj aro colored as oiny suit the iarpx of the provisional g.ivcn.airat of royalists. Chicago is reaping the af:irn.:li of the world's fair. Tl.ot.MnJj who were drawn there while ttieex hibition was in jngre.-s are left nni!e?s and dctitute nr.J murt depend on charity for UA iti lodging. The grippe or influenza tbt m complishtNl such fatal w-rk i years ago is again epidmie throughout the country. It n the faculty of making or.e fel UJ all over, "it will not j-ribHily b so severe as formerly fr cji drmi" run their cour.-e und !o- vimlcn-j with age. The mistake of elm tin ble men to ofTuM- !,vat;-e tl.rr irt mipular is exi mpli:i l intbeci of Sheriir M.issie, of ColumM countv. The reports tar ol hi that he "was a very kind hearteJ man and often relieved the WJ of his friends with th cidi monev." His office now t.o vs v uvii va -l aw , - - country, even abandoning hi-"'1 and fivs children, tlihoth M "intentionallv dishont-' l some casc-s there is not m diffcrem-o between the kiuvesw the fool, ami this them. one t7 . i i l - the mc word of the hour, and this rLo'J'J be followed in nitimil, j-oJn.j and municipal atUir. W')L these times ..f financul dfj-rsijo taxw to bear the ordinary i r"f of government are 'f'14'' burdensome, without the buia i :.. :.....-i i.v ,.h:1js t"f uC OViiig) IIUIW' i - , neceeaary improvement.-, few years money may la business better, and tt.eii ' te ;anappropru:e u.i.e i. r ' peuditures; b'Ji ai tul guard C-'iUol " -lays wLub xu .v i. ' den of taxpayers. A U-.U-r from j " ney i-oun'y, 'ays io-- leg an Utu.usl n i"; that section tlii ,.. i !' 1 1 , i -i rn and Ui -k I ' amount U hay men are w ell pr p I u I' l'T Giaiu of all k.n-l pouu 1. p-itabs-a 1 c 'ard bay t 2's - ' 6 pouu 1. i-itat.-a 1 c'it r j ... ,... n V) i t-n o o o