The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 16, 1893, Image 5

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    Fill DAY, DECEMBER 8.
A flue day f'r December.
Doctor report considerable
Only one r In the county Juil.
The wheat murket I reported steady
but low.
Jt ot Clatsop county fit to hang
A fire insurance map man a lit
town today.
The Florence school district will em
ploy another teacher.
larwiu Hriitow of Cottage Urvvv
wa in town today.
Incle Jimmy Rates baa been quite
lit uui is oruer NHiay.
Judge Medley, of Cottage Grove, wu
la cugene over iai night.
Tin A. O. I". W. anJ Woodmen
lodgce elect officer thl evening.
Work h comiueuced clearing the
lie fur the loseburg Holdler Hum.
J. H. Wait of U.stcburg, roadmaater
01 lue n. r. it it. wu lu towu loony.
Mr. V. L. Dysingcr U quite nick at
the nsldc nee of Utu, Hoveru lu tbla
Judge Klnsey ruHrU legal and mat
rimonial business as betug uuusually
J. It Wlherby, the Y. M. C. A.
aei'tvtnry of Haletu, aiiit hut night In
Mia Cells Goldsmith returned last
night from a to her sister at Oro
gon City.
The business men are getting aton-a
ami stock of good In readiness for
the holiday trade.
Mint Ella Richardson I seriously ill
with U gripi at the resldeuoe of liar
uucle, V. ItoU-rta.
Commissioner court adjourned lait
evening for the term. Very little busl
ine we transacted.
Rev. W. W. Ferrler will preach at
the Congregational church next huu
day morning and eveulng.
Frank C. Dnvry, grand lecturer of
the A. U. U. W., arrived here by thia
aiicrnooti a iraiu. lie win lecture be
fore the lodge thia evening.
By a mistake of the compositor the
aharva of the Oregon midwinter fair In
corporation were in yesterday's paper
atated at I1UU Instead of fl.
J. A. Dempscy, a Monmouth butch
er, committed suicide yesterday by
shooting himself, because he could not
pay Ida debt. A curioua man.
The Virginia legislature, In caucus,
baa nominated Ueu. F.npa Hun ton for
the U. H. Henate, for abort term, and
Tho. n. Martin for the long term.
(tov. Walte of Colorado, baa called
an extra amnion of the legislature to
convene Jan. 8, lsW, to take Into oon
ftidcrnllon certain allver legislation.
Alex Morrison and Isaac Ibaa with
their families arrived from Mluto, N.
1)., tbla afternoon for visit at the res
idence of their old neighbor, M.
Frank C. Onvey, of Forest Grove,
lecttina before the A. O. U. W. lodge
thin evening at TuiO o'clock. He I the
f riinrl iect'in-rln thia Jurisdiction and
t tt ready speaker.
The Rlagan tannery building haa
hern aold to K. R. Holleubeck and he
la tearing it down and moving It to
hi farm west of Eugene, where he
will put it up for a baru.
Owing to the temporary illnraa of
hi brother Kev. (. A. Blair preached
at the Cumberland Presbyterian revi
val taut evening. These meetings are
Increasing In lutereat and much good
la hoped for.
Thursday' Albany Democrat: Dr.
Powell ilervea waa In the city thia
noon. The doctor aald be waa about
to abtp 00 bead of tine horaea from hla
wifo'a stock farru to the Oakland mar
ket. Motorman Terry, who waa In charge
of the car Int x that recently idunged
through the open draw of the Sladlaoti
atnvt bridge, and drowned aeven per
aona, baa been Indicted by the grand
jury for manslaughter at Portland.
One of the boat built here for Mitch
ell A Itniley, to be used for logging
and lumln ringon the lower Hiualaw,
wilt lie taken from here on a wagon to
morrow. It la solidly built and of ex
tra capacity considering the length.
The present term of commimlonera
court waa a abort one. The January
term will be a long one aa liita for Jur
ors, Judge and clerka of election must
be selected, road aupervlaora' reporta
passed on, and aupervlaora appointed
for the ensuing year.
Tramp continue to go aouth on the
overland and hmketnen are kept busy
putting them off. Last night three
mle on the cow catcher from Oregon
City but were put off here. Two
failed to get iuick on the train and
were given lodging for the ulght by
N kht watch Matthew.
When a man enter a barler ahop
and begin running down aoiue other
ahop the bart-r Immediately aee
through It and expect to be aked to
trust. Once Eugene man In Port
land thinking to get a better ehave
tried it on a chop, when the barber re
marked: "We don't trust here."
Newspaper met) eoinetlmea bare like
Not AH.tiors rn a f ale. A fart
that la aald to ttand la the way of an
organliation of the O. F. bondholder
for the purriia- of the road I that the
first thrs miles of the road from Ye
ulna city eastward pa over lands
U loiigin to Wlllla.n it. Hoaj leased
to the O. ?. for a peiM of ninety-nine
yeaia. If the road ahould fail to be
ojrated for als consecutive mouths
thia l-ar vrovlit becoiii null and void
ud Hoag would le nvarter of the Bit
uatiuu. Tb r.avl uuiS t other coutrot
cue Id not rracii Wp water ex4 by
building over tlw blila to Newport, a
piece of rtavl of extremely wtly con
struction. It U claimed that lur thia
reason, the Hoggs and Hoejr don't
tiive a cent wlietner the road l aidd.
perau-d or tied up, and therefore of
fer neither plan nor the encourage
ment of anybody else plan for reor
ganization. Chaxk or Time. -A rumor U out
arnong t ue drummer that the over
land traina will change time about
Janeiarv 1. and that the nortbrbound
w ill pM Eugene after that date at & JO
a. m. and the ou to-bound at 7 JO p. tu.
A loo that the local will be iuale
through train beginning about Febru
ary 1. Of course thl l only a rumor,
but tli people of Eugene hope it may
prove a Uct.
I'F.xif.k rrrH.
A. ('. Jrnalairs an J J.
V. Ma ford
I'uldlr I
I Iallr4 On fur a
i .Slut-nirui.
ikv. 7.
Hy a clnilii of clrcuiiisUnce our' '' "'i .veai. nn old cllieii
items have been miscarried during Uie """"''urg, dietl at Hint place yester
past two week. However we are al-1 '
ay "lt." Joha Mill has rvuiove.1 to liidc.'ii-
W. It. 1'ark. r went inlUl.m Wel- ','"'-' irtl a racket .lore,
luwlsy and lmul-d Imd of imultrv to I The Eugene band ciixvt to iriw a
I market.
C. M. Haiuiltoii was to Eu
gene ."umluy to attend bis famliy, all
of them being ill witli I lie litetv.les'.
Mr. rN-riveiirr i making an addition
to hi residence in llie foi III of a liew
Again we've gone and done it. It
seeing that If any out is sick It is not
unjust In ordinary case to give the
coiuiilaiut. and if we ahiMild hucis-u to
1st troubleil with IsdU or -arluiicle
try tottaud It patiently a lid oll Job,
and not vent our displeasure on a sir
iiowbikt vriepsiiiiieiii.
Frank Dunlen, of Camp Creek, is J.. hiiiMHi tin Isvii aptsilntol n
viaitlng relative In the valley this j celver of the Portland East hide IU1I
week. I way Co. This Is the line Hint runs In-
Home ald it would. Other knew it , to Oregon City,
would not. A for u we did not pro- In the Jii kiii county circuit
fn to know, but lieverthel.-s we have ty court protocdltigs we notice the fo.
our mail mute changed and ate huppy
acttinlingly. lt'a all right. J
On but Sunday night a a young
limn was returning from a visit to his
fair one and waa engaged In planning
hi future haiiiiincsM. be became so In-!
toxicated wltU the lair pmtcct there-1
of that be unconsciously n-lned hi
horse over a high lunik by the road.
Ide. Itesult a ladly broken buggy
and a crestfallen young man. lirace
up lUwooe and try it aguiu.
J. M. Farker fulled to make hi
ou'.hem Oregon trip last week on ac
count of high water, but sturti d last
Monday. He w ill be absent about a
A lady uiailcarrler is something new
for our country, but nevertheless lb
Hirllcy U carrvlug the mail Is-tween
Itexter and (ioslien, and strikes the
nd aa early and late a any of tliem.
What are the alliance and grange
committee about anyway. Wc are In
formed that Commissioner I'erkius, A.
C Jennings and J. M. Watford say
that they do not really Is-llcve Judge
Flsk and Commissioner l'arker guilty
a charged In their coinnlalnl,
I. e.: conspiracy with Sheriir Nolaiid
for the puriMMe of defrnuding Ijtne
county, t entleiiicn, If such is your
opinion, ny so. An ojieii expresaiou
is gissi for the soul.
l-sllf UusM, Dec. .
A Gaxo or Thami, The .iuth
bound freight train yestenlay after
noon waa in imsmvsIoii of a gang of
trampa estimated at ISO. The unwil
ling train crew made a virtue of ne
cessity, and look their . presence a a
matter of course. When the train
nachd Eugene, about four o'clock,
they commenced scrambling from the
car saying they were hungry and
must have fissl. Marshal I'jiMtuud,
who wa on band to n-celvu tliem,
found the leader and told them to get
the men aboard again and be would
get food. The men nls-yrd the com
maud of the leader like disciplined
troop and the marshal and thnv of
the lenders CHine dow n town to get a
aupply of food, the train men promis
ing to wait ten minute. While pur
chasing a supply of bread and bologna
the train pulled out with Ita unwel
come load and Eugene wa
aaved several dollar. The thn-e
men were locked up until the
overland train came along when
they were put alsiard and went
south to Join their command. They
Informed the marshal that one of their
number wa killed at Oregon City by
falling between the car.
Mai.':asa!'K I OrricK. Fri
day' I'ortluiid Telegram: C. K. Iock
wood wa Indicted tin afternoon,
charged with aiding and assisting and
acting aa attorney In the prosecution
of a claim against the I nited Htate,
while acting a amistant United Htate
attorney for Oregon. He wa anvsted
by Deputy United Htate Marshal
(Uilemaii and relcael under fiuuo
The On gonlan haa this to auy alut
Mr. LockwtKsl' Indictment: C. E.
Lockwood I Indicted for having pros
ecuted a claim against the government
white he held tike office of assistant
('lilted Htate attorney In thl city.
On Deo. 14, 1WJ, Lockwood I
to have represented hlnncir a I. i..
Alcork, and pushed the latter' claim
f.r compensation a the original in
former In a case wherein hoy five-tael
can of pn'pared opium bad been cU.'d
ty the government, tie is neni in
tlOM bond.
Quite Sknatiobi al. Mis Ilonnle
Riley, of Portland, wlio I known by
many people lu Eugene, and 1 now
sailing California under the namejof
Counleea d Heuriot, ha len creating
quite aensatlon In California. Olie
claim that he wa engaged to Isj
married to John Bradbury, a young
LoaAngele. Cal., capitalist, and the
other day he went to Oakland, f al.,
and married another woman, therefore
he la very mad. Hhe say iie baa
any quantity of loving letter from her
recreant lover, aun wm oe mm ior
breach of promise. The California pa
per are printing column about the
Boat fom L'wr.H Willamktte.
Oregon City Enterprise: "A new
trainer 1 on the way in Portland at
Honne Nelson' yard which Is La
lug built for Captain I U. Jonea,
wner of tiie Maria and Manaaiilllo to
run on the Willamette. It will
s ltu feet long with 'Jb beam and
is modeled mtitu draw m little water
a isissihle ao aa to run the entire
yer." Mr. Jone i building this tt
we I'arn, especially for the Eugene
ImiIj Oos4. lc.
BhXAK W ATtaV -l. N. Ifc'Uey I
busilr engaged at tb Eugeue bridge
driving pie to n-pla. the breakwuU-r
itb"t wa. Udiylii ure.l by the recent ,
! 'r
Mr Itu.k fonnerly of Eug.-ne and
Junction, diel at the n-sl.Un. of bl i
j it Mr. l-.i.-. itrr Cottaire 1
'7." .Vi.'h ....r. ii,. I.,wi-U.
I JJ lfi. He wa about 77
j Jia.
i MATCKDAY, iFfc !
A lurge iiiiinls-r of farmer in town
Jutliv Kln y bearing
dramatic eiitertniinent in the inar fu-
I. W. Ishain, of HurrUbiirg, was
married to Miss l.lrie lUnl-ler, of
Oram l'ass, Dec. 1.
Ex Siicriir T. C. Watts. anjubllcau,
has been apoliitisl sheiiir of t'oliiinlila
county, vice .M.tssie, wli.i kl'sl
The Ninihts have liontinuti d eity
ticket at Asl.Uinl. tieneral K. I.. Ai-
plegntc is Hie nominee for urvevor
; Mr. Murry Vmi;hii hn sol.l his slnw
i shop iu U'lstuou to Jos. Klein, of Al-1
; tony, and contemplates g li'g to Tex-1
lowing entry: "Auinnda I. no key vs.
Win. N. l.uckcy; ill von."
On account of the lu.llctiu.'iit of
lrebleiit Miirkle, of the Oregon N.
tional bank. Hint Institution has been
placed In the baud of a government
examiner and closed,
The fn delivery systems in towi.s
of the class of lto-cburg Is a failure, so
the department decides, and the f 10,
necessary to make It general
will not be appropriated.
Ueo. M. Miller and M. Hvarverud.
the board of trade committee, and
Drew (Irlrtln exiect to go down the
river toiuoi row to examine the alleged
obstruction In the liver channel.
The Portland Telegram says the offi
cer of the defunct Linn County Na
tional ilank of Albairy were Indicted
by the I'. H. grand u'ry on a charge of
violating the national banking law.
The w hereabouts of HherilT Massif,
of Columbia ctiuuty, w ho dlsnpis-nnM
from Ht. Helena about two weeks ago,
a defaulter to the county for a large
amount of money, ha Iwen located in
Milton, IS. C.
The sun rise now at 7:30 o'cl.x'k and
sctsalVl.V The day are only nine
and a half hour long w hile the nights
strctth out to fourteen ami one-half
bourn. In a little while the day
will Is-gln to grow longer.
Dallas Itcmlicr: IU-v. Alts-rt llib
lusoii of Flon-mv, I.hii ciHinty, ha
been employed bv the Cnwhylcriaii
and ha moved hU family to the manse
at Zcua. He will preach here next
Huudny at S and at McCoy.
Halem Journal: "City Murshol Min
to get live per cent commission on all
stn-et assessment he collects, Is-sidca
hi salary and constable fees, which
amounts to liciwccu three and four
thousuiid dollar a year tin-so bard
tlnn-s." No wonder "that city 1 lu
debt fOm.imn.
Ashlnrd Ilcconl: Ashland ! Is lng with quarter dollars, the
Southern Puclflu pay car on it last
trip having paid its handsome pay
roll In this city In that kind of coin.
Wonder if the company took ttmt
method of showing the townsM-oplo
wiiere their money come frmi.
Thl. from the Astoria Iludgi t will
ls interesting n-ading for some of our
cltlens: Lots lu some oftheaddl-
llons to Astoria that sold two or thn-e
f-enrs ago from .V) to wouldn't
ring $10 bslay If they were put up at
auction. The man who would buy
them at that price would get badly
Iteiinmentntlve Hermann has tsi-n
caught for by cashing a check for
Frank M. llurllson, a young man who
presented a letter tnuu W. 11. Jamle
soii, of ItiMH'burg. The letter wa a
forgery and the check isigu. Her
mann bad shown the man much kind
ness before ou the strength of the rec
ommendation of hi friend Jamieann.
At Pendleton recently man named
Jack Klmtwll bad an exrlence which
he will not soon forget. While lean
ing against a lsil on which there 1 a
pulley for raising ami lowering arc
lights, be unconsciously placed hi
baud uisiii the small wire rnw above
the pulley. He acreamed with pain
and could not let go. HI companion
finally lulled hlm I.kmc, after lie had
sutlervd extreme agony. A physician
w a summoned and Kimball revived
after several hours. HI hand and
arm were severely burned, and the
hock to hi system came near proving
fatal. Would It not be a good idea to
keep arc light pulley out of reach?
The Iebanon Advance, a populist pa
per, get otr the following very un
likely story: "We have a g'ssf Joke
on W. IL iiilyeu, of Albany, promi
nent lawyer ami a leading democrat
of thl county. While lu I-lnon
on day recently be wa In Milt Mil
ler', where pnlltica la generally the
theme. Mr. Itilyeu did not have
much toaav, but assured the 'kicker'
that the democratic wrty waa 'all
right,' that levelatid wa 'all right,'
and requested (b-o. Rice U real the
platform. Mr. Itlce, who I popu
list. Instead of reading the deni.s ratic
platform, read the republican d.-c La ra
tion. Mr. Iiilyeu frequently InU-r-rupted
the reading by saying, 'ttiat'
right,' 'that' gKsJ doctrine,' but
when the end waa rear bed and lie
wa told that it wa the republican
platform that he bad Is-rn approving,
lie hadn't another word to aay.
A (hIi CltANfiK. The time of the
mull route ts-tween (hsibeii and flex-t-r
has Imii changed ft that It kvo
Is-xtrr in the morning returning In
the afU ncMiii. lWfore the change wa
maie irinil mutter bad to lay over at
d'sthen one day a the overland train
ds riot deliver mail at that tat!ti
and before It waa returned on the local
lu the morning the mail carrier had
' .
- --b.-b
PIIII.AI M.HII1A. I '--Mitel--1
I" regird lo his coming fight with
i .'.tW. t orttttaIkaisHitspr1iit-
lug. but MI bet VJ that be will do
the flr.t sprinting, and another -Vio
ttiat III ttie first rtenu
'.town. Wl t the final r-ult will I I
t-amiotaay. Iut I'll I -I Mi Kre the i
nrt kuo. kdown." '
) 1 rsllMSsa f Arramellrr.
I'oitll.AMi, llf. 7. Judge lU-lllngcr
bus thrown a cannon 111 Into Hie
siiiugilcr' ramtt hy announcing in
open tMiirt Ihut be Is coiiviini be
cm .llnihe ruling made In the Dun
bur trial I lint conviction could not lie
hail on the evldcuco ot aitompllce
without corrolsirallvc testimony. The
court said:
"In that case I rubnl tlmt there
uould Is no conviction without the
testimony of other than accomplUv.
1 did tills without Investigation. I
have since investigated it, sud 1 find
the testimony of an accomplice is iul11
dent eviileiuv for the Jury to convict
if lin y Is licve the tcoliuioiiy I true.
1 liinke tills statelliellt How ' mi that
c.'iiiiscl will not Is taken by surprise.
I am satlslled I made a mistake In (hut
ruling, and I hasten U correct it at the
enrliest pimlble moment."
Tin uiiiiouticvinciil fell with a dull
thud. Finally Attorney (lienson re-
'""vercd sumclently to lniiin- if be bad
J"lTttKMl tlie court correctly. The
culr( leprated the annoiiiiiviiieiit and
i. iu'mni eioeiuiv Having iiemrii
ailglit. .Mr. .Mi-tiiliU eeemisl to think
there iniht have Isvii some eli of Hie
tongue ali.l so had It n is-u
iigue ami so nai u rvlx-uii I again.
Judge Thaver made a few n'litle In
quiries. Judge Htoll and Willi llolse
would either of them have sustained
the ruling made In the Duulwrcasc,
and lu fact alsiut the only attorneys
who did not apM-nr to dlsagicv w llh
the court were Mewrs. Murphy, (iearlu,
Duratid and Hchuabcl, n'pnwutiug
the goveriimelit.
kv: mohk Mrrt'HM:ii.
The United Htate grand jury to
tiiriitsl seven Indictment thl morn
ing one against six persons forniug
gling opium; one each against three
Mrmuis for tMUiiterfeltlng Unlteil
Mute silver dollar, aud one each
against thice person cbarginl with per
At luTO thl afUrniMui the feileral
grand Jury n'turncd four more Indict-
incuts against live liartlee, four of
w Iioiii are charged with Bending oIk
tHviie matter through the mall. One
Indictment I against O. 1. Mason and
Itcn 1'. Watson, for mailing In the
xMtouico at Portland the Holiday Mer
cury of N'ptcmUT 23. The indict
ment contains tlinw count.
The Drat count I for an article un
der the headline "Over the Tencupa
I'ortlnnd Indulge in a Few Exclu
sive High Life Weddings That Mys
terious Clubhouse Home Thing
that (lirl Ought not to Know llefoni
Entering the Married Htate."
The second count la for an article
under the headline, "Talk of the
Town." The fourth count I for an
article under the head lin.;, "Fame aud
Fortune A Portland Youth and a
Wealthy Widow Married at Vancou
ver." The Indictment act forth that these
ai tides are "so lewd, olsnvnc, lascivi
ous and Indecent that name will bo of
fensive to thl court and the public;
and improjier to be placed ou the rvc
orl of this court." The wltucssct ex
amined were C. K. H. Wood, Thomaa
i. Hand and W. T. Halore.
W. A. Round waa Indicted on
threw count for sending olsweiie
inatler through the mulls, oi.e of
which wa mailed lo each of three la
dle hi Hie Mmloffioe at Portland.
Tliem letters were Intended to extort
money from the parties addressed and
ale the one for w hich Rounds i now
serving a sentence of three month In
the ciu n ty Jail, he having pleaded
guilty to blackmail in the state court.
Jofiu I'., llols-rt wa for
sending olsioi'lie metier through the
mall. Thl Is for an article which aii-
H-annt In the Harney Time of June
7, Ih'J.'I, and was mailed In tho post-
otllce at Harney, Harney county, Or.
The other Indictment I against
Fish Hawk, an Indian, charged with
liuvlng willfully, fraudulently, felo
iibHisly and wrongfully emisr.r.hnl,
stolen and away m borne of the
value ol to, of w hliii he wa lllee. All
live of the trtic Indicted are uuder
bond or lu Jail.
tiik t :nrLoti .
Vtlihawt r awrller.
Ciik aoii, Iec. T.-Thedlstiifwamong
the unemployed Is so great that every
ulght U00 llnd liHlgiiig ou the cold
floor lu the i-orridor of the city halL
These are only m few of the great num
ber w ho have no place to sleep. Five
bundretl ileep lu tlie chairs in the l'a
cl flo tiardcii Mission. From IKK) to
l-yaj find lodging on the Mono floor In
the cell lu the sdlce atatioua. last
night It wa announced that eight
churche will be thrown s-n to lur
nlsli liMlging for lhoe wlio have no
other. The men will be given a cup of
cofies and Mil In the morning. Thia
action wa forced uimiu Christian peo
ple by the fact that for the last month
the unemployed and unsheltered thou
sand have been crowding around engine-room
In building and other
place where there waa heat and bel
ter, lagging for a place where they
might be protected from the oolil.
Harry Monroe, auperlnleLdent ol the
l'aclllo (iarden Mission, brought these
facta to the attention of the church
with the nwult above slated.
tiewaval l.lllf fcslal.
Mai k Ciii'XK, I'a., Dee. 7. The
will of the late (Jelieral Lilly, who
waa a congressman at large, waa
admitted to probate here yesterday.
There are no puldlc Isxi'irMt. Hi es
tate, valued at, is divided
among 13 niece and nephews. Gener
al Lilly waa a widower aud left no
It.pakllraa Blesrlag taaBBlllet
Wamiiixotom, Iec 7. Hherman,
a chairman of the senate republican
caucus, ha apminted Allison, Hale,
Ablrl.ii, Culloiu, Dlph, Man.lron,
Washburn, Wuay and Dubois aa an ad
vlwiry rtrinmittee, which Is the same
as the deiiKM-rutln steering committee.
It i understood tht the republican
Intend lo make an aggrraslvu light In
the senate.
Itrss4 lair ! Ire
IMoy, D. 7. The Prince of
Wale waa nominated grand maater of
tbw Kngisli Freemason by tit grand
lodge bslay.
tla rials afcaal kssi.
W'AMlnmT", Iee. Ia-mis;-ratie
metitls-rs of the way and in is cum
Inlltee f the bouse have chaui"nl tb
tin .lale schtnlule of the tariff toll from
'an a-lvsl.rt-em lo a sw ftc duty
t h rale at I 1-4 eeliU -r .und or I
tnt lower than Ue pre i.l tarifl.
Vote of Ihaals.
At the meeting of the Eugene Ixxlge
I. O, II. T., on the evening of Ivccin
Is r ith, the follow lug resolution Wa
uiiiinimously adopUnl.
Wiii.kkah: IUv. Mr. Itlair gave In
U'.inlf of owr lislge a temNrauce dis
course at the church Huudnv evening,
IVvciiiUt 3, IV".!, and Wlicn-as, bis
dlM-ourse w aa of a high grade not only
gh ing courage to each in. tnts r, but
aim giving to tlims iHitsldc a favorable
liii'iression aud luvltntlou to uoiueout
an unite with us. Aud W heniis, the
ch nr t.N.k such pnlns and Interest up
on our art Uilh In the many cUv
ti 'is and the very appropririle fltnesa
of ho selivlioii t t.o wcasiuii; tliero-
KlMH.vr.P, That thl bulge extend
a I .-arty vote of thanks Isiili to Mr.
Ill dr aiid the chulr for their most val
ua le nerv Ice at thelrchurch hist even
Ill g.
Hubmltted In Faith, Hope aud Char
ity. Hr'.iiiiKiir Uohihis, Sec
Turnrr' Comedy Conipaaf.
Iltf UusM, tVe. L
Dick Turner, the cornelian, seem al
wav able to draw a good house here,
an 1 last night waa no exception. Hi
company is a Is-tler one than be a
siired with on Ills last visit. They
give an evening of merriment well
worth the price of admission. They
will play again at Rhtnebart' opera
bouse tonight and tomorrow ulght.
DsllrUusnt, bee. . Hoffman visit!
Junction today.
Mr. W. O. Espcy, of Portland, I
Vlsitlug relatives III till city.
W. H. A brain returned from Port
laud ou thl afternoon' local.
Mr. L. N. Rouey baa nnmvered from
a protracted lllnesa with la grlp.
Deputy Hherltr H. J. Day went to
Portland thl morning ou official busi
ness. Frank Davey. state lecturer A. O.
U. W., returntnl to bl home at Forest
Urove this niortiing.
Mine Etta Itevls I nnxiverlng from a
evere attack of typhoid fever. Hhe hi
at her home In llarrUburg.
Mr. A. L. Honey, of thwhen. who
ha been visiting relatives In thia city,
n-tunirl borne till afternoon.
Hon. A. C. WoodctH'k returned to
Kaltm thia morning to attend the aes
loll of the Hoard of FUallialtou.
Henry Matthew, of Goshen, arrived
home Irom Portland thia afternoon the
V. H. grand Jury having finished ita
Mr. Kehoe, of Nes City, Kansas,
arrived on the local thl aftermmn ami
I visiting at the residence of W. K
M Hill.
Ilrownavlllo Time: F. T. Whit
comb, of Eugene, la doing the plaster
Itiif In the aouth Itrownsvllle school
George Forrester and wife expect to
leave for Halt Itake City, Utah, the
first of the week, where they will
M'riiiaiietitly reside.
Friday's Albany Democrat: Dr.
J hn Gray, of Eugene, airlved in Al
bany thia n.Min from a trip to the Hlu
sluw ami is the guest of hi lister, Mr.
J. F. Miller.
J. M. Parker, of Dexter, returned on
the overland this morning from a trip
to southern Oregon. He nqNirt as
much mud and lain at Ashland a In
II. - Willamette valley.
Itev. J. E. n'turncd to bis
limiie at Halem this morning and Rev.
E. K. Thompson of Wuodhurn will ar
rlvo here this afternoon to assist with
the revival work at the Cuiulierlaud
Pieshyterian chun h.
Ilun. M. Wilkin of Col hi rg. we are
prilled to state, i a little worse than
w hen he received the stroke of paraly
sis, a fuw days ago. HI ieech la mi
Uidly aflccted that hi attciidnlite can
Hot understand him. The geutleman
1 7(1 year of age.
At the HtaU I'nTTf rally.
IsUlj UusM. Im .
The public rhetorical exercises,
which occur once every five week of
the enhool year at the Htate University,
were held yesterday afternoon In Vil
la rd hall. About the usual numU-r of
visitor were pnwent and a long list of
oration and recitation were delivered
and eanaya read.
National HecreUry Huut of the Col
lege Y. M. C. A. wa present and de
livered a abort aud pleasing eddrca.
Among the musical selections rendered
were several masterly pieces by an
Italian harpist.
Hecretary Hunt met with the Y. M.
C. A. thl afternoon and will also de
liver an address before the association
and their frlenda at Vlllard hall to
morrow afternoon at S o'clock. Thoae
Interested In thia united Christian
work should not fall to attend.
11 If OuaM, Imc .
A. O. U. W. KMKTioif, Etc. The
Eugene lodg), A. O. U. W., elected
otllinr last ulght for the ensuing year
a follow: li. F. ixirrl, M. W.j Jus.
Myers, Foreman; It. L. Wllloughby,
M. O.; li. J. Hawthorne. Recorder; F.
W. Osburn, Financier. J. C Church,
lUmelver; i. H. McMurray, Guide;
(baa. Da via, J. (J.; V. McKarland, O.
G. After the election of officers Frank
Ivvey, the eloquent grand lecturer,
made a few appropriate remark. It
laexpectol that the gentleman, eonte
time during January, will deliver a
public lecture. A nice luucheon waa
served during the evening.
ImIIt Osaet, bra. .
OrrirKKH Ki.tTicn. Eugene Camp
No. 115, Woodmen of the World, last
evening, elected the following officer
f r the ensuing term: W. V. I lender-s-.n,
consul: M. H. liarker, ailvisor lieu
I'liant; A. T. Coekerllne, banker; E.
O. Potter, clerk; J. M. William, es
c irt; James Honlg, watehmao;R. Gar
rison, sentry; D. A. Paine, manager;
I 'is. I'ain and Kuvkendall, physi
cians, lus'allatiuu, the first Friday 1,
January, InVt.
A iestlf Allslr.
Wasiiixoto. Im. 8. Tli flrl
and only claim presented by the Chll
I hi government to tl e Chilian elsJuis
n mi mission was filed today. Thl U
the n-iehrattni lUU ca. The Houth
, Mvariiliip Cum? sviy, bav
r gofit'vs at 'ai:"l. Is the c'alm
n.t, and wants for daiiiares
l .r lb si-Uure and detention of the
luta by L'niUl f; talcs auihorttios.
lsr lieirlsrals.
Pumi.ami, Or., Ike. a.-In the
United Males district court t.nlay -JJ
of Hie 21 pt.rsnns nrn--tin Wmluesdsy
ell Hie char;: if siiiugk,-llng t hlucw
Into this country wero anaigucd, and
twenty of them eliti re a plea of not
guilty. 1 1 Id in and Jiu kllng tileaded
guilty. The trial of a I the defendants,
etivpt liunt'itr, was si t for Is-iv-uls-r
1 1.', liuiiir Having ! u nun Icti-d of
; smuggling opium w 111 h.te a seiratc
Judge Molt, In Is-half of J.iim -.
l-otun, asked Hint the w hitc and ( hi
ni'si have separate IrluU, and l!ulu
Mallory, n ir-- iinug the Chinese wa
e-iuully anxious to lutve bis elietiis
tried at a dill, rent time. J n.l. It. !u.
g.-r, however, thouglit as all had Istu
indicted together, t!i. y should In- tried
at Hie siiuie time.
The grand Jury bd;t ninnicd an
other indli tmeiit nguiut Thomas Joi
dun, ex captain of cii-loms lupccl.n-,
and ll. rts rt Adams, formerly engine, r
of the steamer Wllunngton, for smug
gling opium. Mtijorjohii Wilton, of
Victoria, win also Indicted ou ten ad
ditional .munis.
The grand Jurv also lmlii "No
Shirt," chief of tlie Walla Walla In
dians, on the charge of criminal assault
upon one .Vile, a wealthy Indian
widow of the Umatilla nwt vat Ion.
"No Hhlrt" claim that It Is a con
spiracy to compel hlm to marry the
Tlie grand Jury today Indicted Gcorgu
It. Markle, president of the Oregon Na
tional Isxuk; D. F. Hherman, cashier,
and Penumbra Kelly, sln-ntr of the
county, for failure to nay Into tho
county treasury alsuil f Ut of couii.
ty fund. Kelly bad tlie money ou de
posit In the Oregon National w hen It
failed last July. The luk only le
malum! closed one mouth but the sher
iir could not draw out the money im
mediately for fear of chsdng the bank,
again. The "Committee of l(i" took
the matter In hand and the Indict
ments are the nwult of their work.
The oplnloii la freely expressed by
many that the committee baa takeu
the wrong course to gut the money tlie
quickest way.
Meals Valr I awes.
Cohvai.I.ii, IVc- H. The county
court this morning served formal no
tice ou the assignee of tlie Job bank not
lo d t sbu me t he 1 1 ,0OU of 1 le n ton ecu li t y
funds on deMMlt at tlie time of the
bank'a suspension. It holds that the
dcNit was a tnist fund that la at ill
In the asMlgneca hand and cannot ls
treated like other deposlte. It will
probably I hoard at tho special nes
sloii on tho aith, and may Interfere
with the dividend that waa expected
to have been declared bIhmiI Junuary
la Ike Haass.
WAIIIN(ITON, Iec. N. Ill the
bouse, Kllgore, of Texas, called up the
bill lo admit I tali to atalehisMl and
the republican began t llllbusler.
The morning hour explnnl without ac
tion on the bill and the house went
Into committee of the whole on the
bankruptcy bill.
liland moved to strike out the enact
ing clause, thus attempting to defeat
the bill, and after an exciting debate
the motion prevailed. the baukruplcy
hill was killed stood: IU ayes, ill
u. sw. Adjourned until Monday.
Thjslr new HsaSr I wStr Araas.
WASIIIMtiTOM, lh. ".Minister
Thiirsttin, Is'foro leaving Honolulu,
told soiim friend of the provisional
government that a plan of action hud
Ins'II agreed upon by the government out. Tho pro
visional government hut Hon men un
der arm nadv to nnqsiiiil at a slgnnl
of the laill. Thl fon will tint tie k r
lulltod to fim ou the United H!ut
marines it landml; neither will tho
provisional govtinuicnt lay dow n I, a
arm and leave tlie government build
ing upon the nqucsl of Minister Willie
even after tho marine have lauded.
The provisional government will n
uialii mi 11 1 It iiiiuiiU-ri are arrl d
aud taken out. It will n-aist any In
terf. rence by any other than an armed
font of the United Htate with I'a
military force at command. It will
not allow the upMirter of tho quccu
to enter tlie palace or disturb the a.w.
that I the programme as outlined by
Thurston to his friend hero Is fore do
rtlng for Honolulu. It I also sml
tively amerUnl that Thurston 1 going
to Honolulu, whatever may have Wu
aald rr gaoling hi visit to I aud
Han Francisco to lsk after Hawaiian
all'ulr In thus cltliw.
U. R, a: H. Bbarhlrs.
IloHTON. Dec 8. Ill response to a
call, the aliarelioldera of the Oregon
Railway A Navigation Company are
gathering here for the purp of do
iiiaiidiug a better npresuuiiun lu the
aflaira of the Uulon Facillo.
OrriCKK Ei.wtki) The director
of the eoldier home have elecUnl the
following officers: President, J. W.
Mullen, of Roaeburg: yloe-president,
James liyron, of Ollala; secretary, H.
H. i raln, of Albany; treasurer, Charles
Nickall, of Jacksonville: ootnuiaudaiit.
Wallaiw llaldwlii, of Albany; medical
director, II. F. Mradley, of lUss-l.urg;
Biiperlntendetil of oonslructlon, 11. E.
ilapperaett, of RrswlHirg; matron, Mr.
Hadie Walklna, of Roaeburg. The
commandant will .receive $iJMayr
aud the secretary and treasur.r tJM a
year each.
HAVHTnitO. P. WlLIt HKI.Itt-Ye
tb rd will ls sold on the I'jth of D
crmber," aald lUnrlver Hadlry to a
Corvalli Times rriiorter this morning,
aud "unless aome didder run It Dp t
youd reason, tha bondholders' com in 1 1
tee will Is the pun haser. While 1 wm
in New York Mr. Jllalr aald to me,
'we must either put Up more money,
or lose w bat we hav P already luvrsU
ed." Mr. Hadley say there Is a warm
feeling existing between the bondhold
er ooiuuilttrw and the certitl.-aU
beldere) and also derm it very pnilsv
blethat llieHoulherii Paclfln will be a
bidder at the sale. Hecite ths fact
that the H. P. bad puniiased the nar
row gauge II in-, not kum th.-y
needed thrill, but to get I In 111 out of
the wav, and said that the pun base ol
tlie tl. 1'. would not lims reasonable.
TlieOn-gon Press Association will
visit the loi.lwiiiter fair at ban Fran
eli. The dale agreed iiM.n is Febru
ary .'.t h, and so appll.'atioiia have si
revlv Isen retelve.1. ihe Wasbi.g
toll i'n-a Assiati.ui will vi.t the luir
with their Oregon brother.