The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 16, 1893, Image 1

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4 I
iimBListrn m the Biwrm:Tior iEiorRTir m.rriES.M th m n mimmw bt thzxmeit of ur brdw
VOL 25
NO. 51.
The Euzcne City (iuartl.
ru BLirii i Kit i: v Kit v s ait i: i v.
PaMlalirr n I lrvpr!rii.
IrTH'K :.!!' ' "IW.! -
TK.t 4 ur' -t.'il IC ;:;!! V.
Psf MUtniN -' ,M
IMS MuHli.' 1
I bra aunt1 1 .
A'lvrt'ni'tJ 11 ltd .ll'r A'in'i
Tim 1rrtiMf will ts chary! t'i" f.l
toarinf rli
I in iiart thro nvtfita" f 11
( tur sii aiuoth il nil
IHiaiunu 7T ' -'
Trnistit B tic in local o.l linn, ill rent
pr llu. It Mch lnrtt n.
Ailvrtuin bill will t rn Url .irt.-rlv.
All tub mark mult I rto rao ti nr.i.
A.tion.07 aai CnasDllr-at-Lix, and .
teffi Estate .lent.
ElTUKXEl'irV. - ouk;i.v. j
OK'K'E -lnUlr, l.pMtt Hotel Kilrfrur. ;
Clocks. Watches, Chains. Jewelry, Etc.
til W.rk Warr.nlt4.-mi
McClaren Building,
Next to Lane Ci. MniiK
Eugene, - - Oregon.
Orders by mail filled on the d;iy i f
T. O.HimiiK,
K. Ii. Kill, J
First National Bank
Ot Eugene.
Paid up Casb Capital 0.000
Surplus and Profits, $30,000
Eugene - - Oregon.
A f.nrl Ui.kiiu' bu!ue ! " ' ,'.
khl.urni. MM " -NK" '
t'HK'AOii. SAN KKAXClSfitw,! 1-i 'u.
Kill ol' l'l " o.untr:.
Dp-lur'iT.lul.-t I" clk Trtm
cat of ilcpiait.
AU Btni.uJ tou. will "
rpt atlmiliHL
Of Muin. !. uu Iff 1U l
Mrb Si. 1".M:
8. B. MKI. MrO. Co.,
Dufur, On-ijiir..
Gkxtlemkx: On nrrivimr lumie lnt
;', I found all well nl aini..u-ly
wltin. Our little (firl. ellit n.l om
hlf yeroliI, who had wbv
to SN pounda. U ii"W well, ntronir ati.l
vlironmii, nd well fle.he.1 up. r1. .
Cough Cure Iim done lt work well.
Roth or th children hk '. :,u,r s;
R. Cough Cure ha urel and kept
away all hoaiKtiew from me. "i-'ive
It to every one, with irnetlnr for all.
WUhlng vou proKperity. we are
Youra, IR. and Mw. J. K t"Kt'-
IfTMwI.hlo Ml frh n.l i-hrf,.l. ..,.1
wiTh ih. Hwlioh "1 l ITrr Curr. l twin,
two or iht
.old ondrf a pwitiT rirn t.-r
Ml mu prr U.ll.e tit il lr ! !
HiTlNiJ A 1.AR-.I ASP " ;- -
of uul .ud rar urwrif ''
Uwt awsu
Exclusively For Ca-li,
I ran oflVr the public ta-tter ft-'"
than any other hou-
r. T. . C
University and Srliool Books
Hrnlu.. of all kiU'U taken at market
j. x. Aims,
C;Wrtt.irf sbJsi') .' ' V
rwinn Jut."! '''' .'". '. .
4 k::'--" 1 ZJ
iieru a-Cocaar IV. w-- '
lft!5I, . . - OKI- I
s or w ri - e-
i rnr:: im- i. f i. :.. -k "t:th ' r. o.
.-:..,,.; M' -v.i ii ki.u i' L'".i.sti'-u.
Il I IV si- I i.t.'u .
L. W. BROWN, M. D.
l-i.vKu-i.-... .,...1 yi - Y' -
ill..-. .u. rin-i. . i.iit ( t Il"iir;
r t.. '.. m.; I J I..:'. 1. t..'.! .. m.
City Property.
The v.ilu.' .if an investment in prop rly 1. ; - i 1. 1 - tin actual
merit wl.ii'h it j -h -, and the in-i. of it. in- r--.t-iii in value.
That why
Pin-rty i tne
l't invitiiieiit in Kut'i lie, --lrlI v If you Miint n I iiiitiful plai e for n home
Ailjoiiiiiii; the t'nivervlty isroiind mid the eity liinitoii the !'jit, itli
tievt-ear, city at r and i-li-etrie HkIiN extriidiiiK to it, It ii
the ltiot i-oiivi'iiii tit and ileimhle proH r!y on the innrkrt.
Nc v. r mind the ueath. r, CMYKIiSlTV ADDITION, i- hlk-li
and dry an I iiatunilly v. II drained. Irli low, mid on ea-y teriiH.
Call on or write to II. N. ( kerlin. , Ku ne, Or. Olllce In Chi l-inaii Itlix k.
Ctfll.t (tnstt'trol (a; or
2't'iit', M 'illmnrllr .street.
Notiiv of New Nurej.
I .-i.iit i: i. Or, Dee. , 1-v;. !
N. l i' '- I- hcrrliV i veil that the up
proVi 'I l!i:' of iirveyof the follow,
nil.' li:ui" d tonhip have l.i-ll ri'-i-ejv.
d al ttii- ol!',ee lo-wlt: All of T
l'i S It W; all of T l' S It M W; all
of (In- 1 1 r. ' .fore iin'irvi ved nrlion of
HIS I! ! W, and all of ihe hi-n of.,re
iirr-iir v- . d porti'.:i of T 11 S It l' W.
The npp'rnVi d map- ll!.'H:od Will In
tiled III Ihi" ollln-oil the llh day of
Jaiinarv, l"''l, and oil and after the,
aid ;itli day of January. Ix I, e will
In-pn pan d 'o reei-lve iilini" and en-
Irles i:i a!l of the iiIbivi- im-iiti I ur-
Vev. J'OIN II. Mil re.
A. M. Cl.AW lolll, lle'l-Ier.
I!, eeiver.
Chanbcrla ji's E70 and E';:n
Ae rr i n c f'r Clironir Soro lives
T. ::rr. ..;;t K'.c m;!. Head, Old
(i.f,,;,',. s, rn, J'mr Sun t, jA'eiun,
1 r.orie .Seratfhe, tn Nipplei
nnd S'ile-. It U coo'.ii and Mxithirj;.
Hi:: .'.rr.N f :!( t Ii ive hei-n cured hy
it nfti r a' 1 ot'..: r tr. at Lad failed.
2; i 1.:- -: UiX.
r. t 1 1 i" i ' .
Kaiiiiionnt l;rin.
Dei". I J. j
The la elaiin -ev-nl ulj i ts, i
hut nearlv u!l n-porled iiiiproeiuif.
II. A. I'.irr, fon inaii al the knife
work", h i" I" II oil the iek h-t foreV- ,
eral ilay. I.ul i lew alile to attend to
There ! MXiie talk of l.uildmi; a
strain trn-t mill at thi phwe. A k'eii
!li -nan ol hirye niilSinir ep riein-e aiel
ciiiiMderniiic Hit.-rpri-e has otfen d to,
l'e .t. k in tli" riiterpn.
elinr. li -iahle I- Ml!'"! f"r next
Wediii-daV. Ikf. 11. "I the hull for,
tl,,. ,;,r.-of ni-iii a fund f.r ri-
T'il iXI li" Adlli'"oll. in, l l llll.'
!m eh. I" 11
A hr.-- 'Ie.-:t of .'on- ha- -
'oiind in the -.'ilh par of Kairtie.-nit .
that I- I" le k' d to 'V alual'. ' f r
-tr s t iv in. It i V. rv ha'd tej: ,re,
vi t I ri.i- - rv ea-ily fi'm a -iMe!;
i, it i. (i.o-iiO.t'i: ill It.-u in'"
.r..tli -'."liar l.h--k.. I.v the u-- "f a
.,,,,, "ni-le ' a'el ! -T me har In-
. J.-I V. ' t t'oli, pi.!v.T.l.
-i i-t im-:-' ';"
.rf.,j:.u !.."!. It' r.-rrv ui.l '-
I..-I :- d the :..:.e t!.'.M'v!.:;. ! -t- ,
.... -..j 1. J. It. ,.r: ri.-M. w I
1... ... I .1 , :e,n I .:v I '"
i .-t. r-l.i
, 'of hi- 1-
I - l-O.s,
I" ' I
II ".e I. '
r. I. rf le I". ' "I'-.-'IC-' ' f i
I . .;i.:.-f. a-"'t f -r F
..... ,r- I , . 1 w i- V -
- i
. m t i 1 1 1 : i . A --,.
r'. :..'. -
. i- r i I
,- - - " 1 "
. . .' . I !.." I-
v. v I
I t
T. r la-t
e- an-
school ,-itpi.i fs.
' iatiom:i;y.
"xu- -Wv mm.,:. a..s.
1rU stock ot Butterick Patterns.
I l!r... ! 1. r..
Fruit Lands
iii'jtit. Ofiio.ite Unlet En-
Vaililine Merll.
I . . I V 1 l"l. I ' e .J.
l-'i.r realMii the play pre- ntnl at
lihillehait'-, o., I.l holl-e I l-i lllllt
(Hie of t'.ie trollu-e-l "o i IV ilnillllls
Willi 11 moral that m ev-r pn-eiited
In thl" eily. It Is a pi iy, however,
licit either of inappn eia-
turn or aetiial uver ioii In Ihe plainer
pirtrayal of truth, is not 1 1 1 1 . . r-1 " I
Mini 1 1 om il hy sin Ii an audieiiee a
li.teii, , io it la-t lli.'ht. As to the ae.
tors innrlv lol aiv iliinir to iidinit
that t he eoinpioiy was a htroin; one
and the work wi ll iloiu-.
Miss Merit is an Dalian hy hirthand
received flolll Ill T parents II lllll"lll d
e, I. ,11 1 -x 1 lid time l- llli,' L'lVell to
the stu Iv of iniisic, painting and art
L'eiienilly. As she iti'W to wonianliissl
In- lse:iini' amhiti'iis for the si aire and
reivivrd her laiiier tnuiuiiL' 111 the
ei.H, of Mhiior Du-s-. Mie cveiitualiy
ro-,- until sle- llnally tittained the mi
timi of the elder Mil illl's lemllllu' sllp
sirt w hieh she held for til-is- s :i"Ol.
pla inn throiitrh l'th I '.'.irosati and
Anii 1 h im tours. 1.8-t year she phiMsl
"I ron I-rou" w ilh her own eoni 1111V
throughout the ratern part ol llil
couiitry. I hi" aoii slie is pre ntlnif
"J'he.-tory .faKi-s''ln addit ion ami
next year will aps-ar In " 'amille"
and other equally troinr pr'sluetiotis.
I he lady has e;reut ilrnmatie jsiwi rand
jks.-.1s a wonderful ainoiint of uia:.'-
In an Interview she ms tne.1 di-.--.
toss ak vrrv i;eni-rioly of her audi
enivs. lUaliil.if that even w itli the
ls-.t actors : he ol-rvcr us. siirht o
the part in the roii aetiiif, her am
hition t attain that liaturallii .s that
w i I n lilt in the appreciation of the
m ti"l purl. Ileum younif, uin l.i ( i.,u
alid s. nsihle It is icttaiii that a fraud
u. is -s w nits her future. rr rally
... 1 1 1 -atnni v a an ln n ni-.hle prepara
tion. M,e -s nks J.tili-'i i:;ioiit tic
ne.sllt Will' lithe llin-t I I'lioli s f. ,rei l'II
actors wen unal le to overcome. On
her lieXt l-it to tle coa t should she
plaV lit doll 'le the pre- s -he would llo
iloiil.t ! in ich l M. r :tj,re. lat-d he re.
II .! ii I im uiiiik.'- wl.o t r li tin-part
of Mauri'" ." la-t ni.'ht. I- an a.-:..t
..r" ,V of I -jsei il Ii),' !,
( oiuilj ; -In u ri' i'-w J"'. r
.:iV I, ..v. : T I'' Mi"' r "Not
01, '. ..ii.'l.' r "( : '. than K
i.ii i,. r. " ol - I. I i in I c"d ru-. d iti
t,e I e! f r l h:i- Is. Used
r w ..I i.- n ".-1 n I v. rie.r if
;i I..,' ! r . i lair's t -:. l I :.. ' n'
-n t ," i . r.o p.'.-e o
Ii. .. -vie ! "io ' 1 '" - I- r
u ti'i !,. it :!. v. t . I .- v lit .js- ila and a I I "' r ' t'.tl.- ' ' 's I
f.i:. I '
Dl.-l'.M -
t. T-- I I .-. ' '
. i. ' V ..( . - 1-
,u 1. s r -.'
,r--t. W. !:
"' I''"i
.'. I . N .
i ...:. i. - V urt..-
, 1 t . ". I it the
I lt 'lV
.- .. .'...:-l.e
.V.I..!. I-- II
tl.e ii : i f ' n.j
S i i i m .i !
!.:v r K'
f M t','
all 1 Kiliicv
tne l!iiii t
whii-li y o u
1.1:1 'Mi y iar
f.nth fir ;i
c u r o . A
mild l.ixi
t:v, .1 II 1
ct.ihl. act
ing d;tct!y
0:1 tl.o I..V' r
and Kid
ney.. Trv.t.
Sold hy'a'.l
Pr i r ; Jt :ti I.i'i'tid.orin Tow icr
to i o t.iketi dry or m.i'lo into.i t. .i.
Til. Kmc IJr Mr.llrlnrs.
' I Ituie II. I , iiur tlililens .u-r Ittfll
' iter NH'I n toll". I'II,'M,I.I SMI II Is tie
I "U ot .ill I r ni,..tirln'S, I eon .tile r II a
11 . ih iiie . in : 111 Hm',1 - .,. W. J a-
fe-'S, l.loilll, W lllllltol.
iri ruv I'Ack uk k
tli tit '& -iiMMifi) to r-il um r.i-si
t olhxe 1. M. C. A. lecture.
p.,:riiuril, m-e. II.
The I., ture at the Mute I'lilvemity
i-senlay 11ft. rinsin hy K. I.. Muni.
lhoii(;h not h re, y nttcudeil, was ail
ahle riiero'tic fll'ort, and plaiulv
-how id what a (trauil, clevatiim work
was heim; iicsiuiplisliisl through the
llorts of 1 he eol!ei,v asso'lntloli of the
. M. C. A. The nioM iiH lit Is Isiaim
niir ilii ideilly 11 students' movement,
and "hows . fi liernl telidclicy of the
nielli 1 1'lul oili i hannoiiie and
mi k in - no athy w itli the I hri-tiaii
orll. In fa' t, the two are Joining
liands, as Is I low 11 fnun the fact that
the ollcire . M. l A. Ill Its emu
lulled fonts t- iiilnHliicim; the llihle
or i tin-i ntr It to Is' IntriHluis d into the
' iirrleul i of ninny of the lending col
li 1'i s In our I im!.
Another l u t shouillir the eelll nil
dlift of the hlk'he-t Intellectual minds
was hmuirht forth from the following
'ults. hioiieht lorth from rari liil in-M-liiratlon:
( if the v u nt; men in our laud ahoiit
one in ten are Christians; of our stu
dent" nt hiii I one-half are Christians,
w lule of our colli vc thinklni; proft sors
1 vi n ill rvny elyht nre Chrislimi.
Many I houehts were hrouht forth
nritlnif the youn,? issipln to Kreatcr
hriilnin 1 I!, ru, nnd the remarks as a
w hole wi re 1 ill of ihs'p thotiirht and
eiithusirisiii. M11. ic was fiimi-hcd hv
a 1 ii 1 1 1 . 1 1 ol the choir of the
I'm I'Vtei 1:1:1 church.
I lie lilver.
1 loiar l, lr- tl.
tii 11. M. Miller, 111 inlupallieil hv I'..
J. .M. Claiiahnn and ami went dow n
the river in u rowlsuit yeslerday.
I hi V stalle.l troln here his, ut !l o'cI.n k
and at llarrisl.urif at I o'clock.
I!, "iirdini; I he rliatii;!' In the river n -
H,it. . l y I ,e ciiptalti of the II mi; I
alsiiit Ihris' miles Is'low here they .
late that s ihl r'mrt I a mistake. I
I tut' I ar.i' In"' mid si-vi ral smallel onin j
hnve ttilleii imn the st renin al Hint
(H'int hut tliev are of the opinion that j
all Ihe ohstriii tlolis llllu'ht Is- removed
hy tin' itiiL'Isuit In half a day audi
w ilh tlii-one rxivptioll the river Is
clear to llai'rishiirK. ;
A II a vittsitw Tuir. Alex Ihtvis, j
one day hist wivk erna-ed thn Ciwadii )
mountains via the McKciiie route.
He left the ot her side of the mountains '
earlv in the moriiinif, 011 snow slesul
and traveled all iluy and the follow Im;
nlelit Is fore rrachliiK han- kmiiikI on
this side of the ralilfe of lliountallls.
Ihe trip w as n haardoits one as In
as nil (ilni't- nnd this was hi llr( ex
l tii iii-i-on i-tiow sins -. Luckily It
lid not storm on tin. summit of the
luoiii.laitis thai particular nlulit. Mr.
D.ivm liiforii u that the snow ex
tends alsiiit Id mile and on the sum
mit it was alsiut live fort deep. The
now oiiiue nis-s alsiut flft's u mll'-s
en-tofthe i. K' liie watfon hrldi', at
.1- rissfir.
Co.tMIII.N I'liaTAOK Hta Mra.
Now that the world' fair I over th I
demand for ,staire tumpanf the Co- ;
It 1 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 -.-ri -n Is fiilllm; uir and st
mtistrrs nn- s-iidiiif risui-sts for the
old MTii-s. I'ostmasU-ra have Iss-n ad
vis..!, liowiver, hy the department,
that tssiide "nist take the I oluiiiliiali i
ri'" wh'-l I
until they 1
for the oldi
until the le
r tliey like llieui or not, ;
. all u-ed up, and order
ary oiii-s will not ! Illled ;
i one are exhausted. The i
printin if ' lie ( olumhiaii s. ri'-s has
Is .-n di-sin iiiue. and it is expected
that the n le of Hie old wrie will
Is- ri -uiii -d alsiut the ls iln nln of the
new year.
I'i J U nr.l. liw. II.
Til. I. AsillMi. The I'-inkalth'
tda.e of J... Myer i still wahim
h i lly aid t ic liistains-that the rivi i
. iiiin l mi.-t cut Is fore It r. ai he ihe
m .io r e.,1.1 m d .Is. vt- the null dam l
! - than I rty f.-t. It i" f.-tiernllv
'.1 ! tl it this narrow strip of I. m l
w i:l l. wn-1.,-.! away Is fore tin- end of
t la w s k. I In 11 the wut r js.wrr w ill
I-- 'I una.'. 1 to -U' h all ext. lit that It
w ;!1 le of 11 1 until a h-mf limns or
S..U,.- i ll., r .luproV' iii' til i put In to
le.l I tin- w ..:.-r. Ihe ;i.-,',rie'ht
'.', V 1111 I the iiiniiiihu torii-s of Imv
A M. 'i h r-. 1 and Mid.'l. y wi.l U-
..ti 1 - I il t'i ii".- st. niii ii r temp's.
1 rafiiy at I- te u this happens.
int I.'ir. I'. F. Inii.n iouk'-s
- w- .i'V "f the - , , ,,,,,,,., ,,. t,t t.slay's I.I AIII..
'-'"- ! M '' I'.-il i' ! ii 1 1 it thai irentl.-niax'.
I :.;.. il j ;,;..,,,( , '!. ctuhlishment.
f .1.'.. rl. tre ..- , '
'..I .' I'- -"'! 1-S..I -. .rl. Is I.'
Pi;-. i i: "ot ii. k .
i.r't, - ltd I toll, for tJs-V! y iiWIN-'l
'ill ?.-!. ' i- Id. W as s..,, nt s!,er
1 I ae- ' ... aft.-ril'S. II lit I o . .s-k.
1 ..I- 't" " '- -l III l-V I'ie JII'W-
'-.' '-r. Will)' J. F"X, fif the
i - li:nl i;i"d roll-
..s! f
1 1 i;at i"it" , Vrilay
I t 'it si tow w :i 1 -ltd.- 0:1 I he Co
I'll'L,' h'll- ' I. - I...U 111114, tie irt of
te ,-.,11
I In' ".il. ill I ,1 h - .1 1 lit at, 11 .'liners
t hat hi 11 r t! w ol i. pp.. 1 1 the pi in
c !. ol 1 ! p .piil.-: p 11 i v .
."siliie I i .. f I lull 1 ).'o. i.,ei .,.:,l
vi 11 Ii a i 1 li 1 ,1' 11 a! -.ili k'tH Id la-t
Wilk. I ,'CV w ill l!-e it ,l live III mid
t r ip and h u t owu tl.e ri ci
l i e I Ip lir . i ml Clllh Kave ll
lit -I ilaio c .' ,1 r l'i iAi'Iiiii; 111 Con
i t's hall. A pli i-.'i t tune was had,
al-'iit Iw nl v ,oii Ii - Is mv present.
The . I'. will put in a lilht watch
for cv i i v -ix mill s 1 f road o er the Ms.
ki M iis tl is w inter in order to iMiard
iu.:iln-l I'niiL'er Iroui lid.s and alu
1 1 III di pti 'daliolis hv the hmdi of lio.
Iss llow p:l-"lll llilollrh.
Klamath l al s rvprrv: V. O.
f-ti ain 1 nd Mrs. C. K. I'l'iiura, uncle
and aunt of O A. Stearns, an- visitnn
the llllllrr's fallillv sevni miles solltli
11I' t.t o I'lie 1 !il.irs iri, frittn .'ueeli.
and w ill s 11I the w inter in Klamath
CI." T It
Coin. Iius, 11 wealthy
count v eal'llall-t, ha
made all assi'iiiiielit for the Is in til of
his 1 n .lit. ,s, Mr I'oiuellus wns (he
n puhlicati candidate for governor
iitaliist .- Ulster I'ciinoycr the llit
let 111.
The Its kholdiTs of the Spritixlleld
t 's-ra I loiis.' la.inptinv met in that
city last Friday and rlrctr.l 11 h mrd of
.liiit tols for the eiisiiini; year. The
liii inlsTs aie M. I,. iltiiot. It. II.
Health', I !. Maude, J. II. I lllliisatiil" It.
A. Washhiiriie.
AlUmy Herald: Mr. It C. Miller,
of l'haiioii, r.ii'ive.1 a ti leuraiii ".
terday atilioiiiiciui; the dentil of hi
son .Miuiuel Miller, III Montana. The
detvascil was a former resident of I. Inn
county mul had ui.inv fil.-n.l-. He
was .'half hroth. r of lloii. M. A. Mil
ler, of 1 hancii.
A few llnke of snow fell iii Portland
City council in. i'Is (hi evening in
na;ular m Ion.
The taritt' hill will (Mine up ill con
;rcsi next Monday.
There are said to I' 1 17,il tini in
ploye.l s'..pti In Chicepi. T'ini much
world's fair.
I null's miiistn-lscoiicliideil their en
eacellielit here f-atlirday evellliuf when
tln-y played to a very ian;o aiidleiun.
A 1111111111:1' linns.' was issiiisl (hi
nitcriiooti hv Count v Clerk Walker to
M. M. Male and Mary 1 1. Caiupls II.
The sin rill'of Jii-i phll Illlly shot,
prohahlv fatally, T. J. Chapmaii, near
(odd IliK, yesterday, while re-l"liiiB
James I. lam, Fmtiiill Itarhns' nnd
Jim. Wern.-tt, w Idle hniitum ducks in
a hoal wne eapsii-d and dmw tied t-ain-day,
near S allle.
I'. II. Tliiimpsiiii was nrn-sli-d last
r-atiirday at tiraiit I'a-s, havlm; Iss-n
Indicted' hv the late I'.' S. uralid Jury
al I'oitlatid on achari-i' of furnl-hliiK
Iraildnlelit ii-rtillcati- for 1 1 1 I k' U 1 1
( lillialnell Into the I lilted Mat. -s, also
for siiiii -rlim; opium. He pas-'.!
throiik'h I. 'u;' in- yesterday iimriiliiir
on his way to Portland in cu-tisly of a
deputy I , S. marshal.
I lurence New.
The West, Ike. 1.
It is r.liinateil that alsiut lift cell
f.-cl of water can Is- found on the Hit
slaw har at the el.i-c of this flesh wat
er acnUriUK.
Ti e M'hisil controversy alsiut em
pl.y i ni: '- W. Smith and Willie
Martin to teach the Anne N'his.l, ha
Ut ii d.s'ide.l ill favor of the latter.
The Shislaw river Is full Iii It hank
nud the water i-oiillnually llow out to
sen, the tide having no othvr etli et
than that of raising the water alsiut
-even miles Inlmid.
The hl-ih tide of nine lis't and four
inches, w hieh i-ame nil Friday hist,
accoiiipanied with a strom; wind, did
eonsiderulile ilnliiaL'e Io the hank of
the liver alsive Oi ar Funke' hard
ware store.
On one acre of eroiniil, on the llcr
rnik'toii farm, II. Oaten rai-cd pro
ilin Is w hieh liet'i d him t l.l-l, an he
states. I hi. w ill five (s-ople all lull
mat ion of I lie rich soil in the Kr,'t
Siuslaw vallny.
The rains have done the work of
nil-lui; the Mii-law river ami it trihu
t aril's. II mU w atrra have hroiiirht all
the loi; from the ups-r river and lle
s r ami lower sii.-ains have Iss-n
lloiiteil to the hay, and the work of -euriiiK
them has Iss-n folti on for aeV
eral days. Tl e Mitchell. Ititilev Issill)
was os'ius and packed with l"tfs, yet
tl,i--s-motist. r of the foi'-sl i-oiitinue
to pome mid the w line of the. Issiiu wits
imrtiallv c.m"I and lilhsl. The Hau
ls rt Iss'im wu al-o tilled hut these did
not hold the loirs, and liny eame
dow u the river and the work of eltl
II commenced. How milll V of these
wen- tli-d un alsive Flon-ii'" we do not
know, hut It Is certain 'Jt were lauded
near this tow n nnd a many more
weiil In drift and out of ilritt to (he
lower part of the river or to the
I - . : r Is. i:
Tin: Di'.nr sri m r. We imti-d
this iii r ; i i ut' a htU" truck load nf the
pr'slnct . of t he 1 iu' ue ntiiiiiuf nud
Pnckli. i ompatiy Irini' delivered to
I tii'-u. i'n rymeii. Ii s.s-m that a
lift at r'S'llt.iif" of th" pnv-k of this
company sho ild Is u-. d ru'ht hen- III
l.aii'-county, an I we are eladto"e
our hu-ini"- Ii. I piircha-iliif lhi-
-sss. Tl.v "r" mii'li Islterlhan
tler-e put Up ill nhforiilll, ill f I' t "lie
ciii is'titaiii Ii' ar1 ,y as mm h fruit or
v. l" t i! ' s a, t wo of I he importi l pri-
'lu.-'s. O ,r citij us .h'siM u-k for ami
, . ,'i.hIs nnd tin n hv ln-ln huild
up this i'i,..r'anl iiisIituiioii. nn
way to huild up I sal lii'iiiufa'tori'-s Is
to h -iy 'he pfisl-n ts of the ".-ime. The
l l'-a "t i ' rliistmiflv tnlkiin; of Ihe lie.
,s.l!V "f f.i'-'i.fl. s III ."llillllltilty,
slid th. n pur. ha-l i r ini'rte.l fruit
nnd vi i-. '..11. s t l..i.'!ier pri'-is, to My
the I, -t, is I'V Usllnf i, '-'. J"l ri'-t
1, 11 s u an V, I 'll
'Hy In dp the ina-
Am. ii. tho- r--r!.-d I.. td in
portls id fr iii'i.'.-haif Wl.itn.-v
I..!!..; .!. on I- c.n,,at. ri of .,t
Plum. I In i'. i.' f .l opinion i that
M!ir i li in !
lli re is iiothmj u it.
notKitHK Titvni: Mi riiMi.
u in her of rrj liiiiui taut
Urea Artel I p.m.
Ct ol M, IV '. I I
IS ri r-1 In, I in regular -i,.ti,
I- tit llkllis hi :l e . J p,
lr. -i
1.: -
le..r.. t is ketlllle, Mill. r.
" ari rud, I lit-. Mi.lcl
I hapluiiu.
1. li.uU.r,
l."v iiij, r,
le. ted and
Mr. to-.,
on r.-oluti
II 11 in
I I i t
I Vanl'viic
liw; nad,
M. Mill. I of the
lis ..kiiu' coi:;:r
.' hill., I
" to III II,
an approp nation for the iuipiov.-ui. lit
of the rni rtr un Hart i-huii; to I'u
utiic, pn si iit. , (he still.- which vas
i. ad and alter .!:' ti-i"n .,, a,, ,;, ,
On in, .ti, .ti, the i ha. i npisiiiit. I
Messrs ( is kcrline and arv. i ud,
. otlllllilti-e to ,,-i-t 1 1 1 a colopli te "tat:.
Ileal n sirt mi o the liv. r,
and show Im; (lie in ,-,-wily for hum.-
di ate imprnvciiieiit.
I III liiol ion, ii isuiilultlceot thi.v ,., ,.
sistmi; nf Mi-sum. Darker, l.cvliici-r
ami ."svarveniil wrn1 ap.iut. d to draft
rcsolui inns mi (he w.uil, fruit and hum
hsr Inleirst an. I si-nd the :iiue to nir
I " V" '
ntativ"s in coinrress.
Mllh-r n-portcl (he (rip of
In isiiiimitt.s- down the river nnd .
slated Ihst Ju( Is low the mouth of1
the McKetiie they found one or two
halm lrss lyiiiix in the river with the'
tops .low ii .in ato. He I li'Ulktl't the
(r.s- isiiiI.I easily ! removed eit h r hy I
L'iaiil Niwdcr r hy the iroveriuncnl ;
siiai; tsmt. He stated that ihe current j
of the M. Ki lile isimllii; In I lu re s.,
much stronger than thai of the Wil
lamette cause a lanrc amount of drift
to iicciiiuiilate at that s.lnt nnd this
(oelher W illi Ihe I.niw sand and (.'rav
el, sis. u form n tuir mid ohsiruct uav
Illation. Thl eoiild Ih easily reine-iln-s
and the chimin I . leaned out mid
n paln d hy the Kovcrnineut -naiilsml.
On liiotloti Ihe N'crclarv wa lu
strucled to correspond wilh Major I'osl
k'ovcrinncnt i'Iikiiust, siiii-or to
Ma lor llaiulhiiry, statini; (he facts
and askiiiK thai ( he ftioloxit Cnrvalhs
he s, lit up the river to clear out Ihe
ciiannel ami ilo Much othci work as
uilk'ht lie found nreessary for the Is'li-
lit of IlllVitil l.ili.
Mr. Win. I'.dris called the attention
of Ihe Is mrd to the damrer luruat'tm;
(he eily hy rtiwm of the cuttini; away
hv therevnt hlfh water of Ihe hanks
of the river at u sint opN.ili the
state unlverslly. Over L'ou fis-t In
cin;tli has already Isi-u washed out
nnd (he current is still cuttlmr Into the
lianks. A sudden rl- of the river
would isunpletel y os-ll (lis hrrach, i li
st rov forever the water iMiwer and en
danuer the city, lie said that for the
pasl two day lie had Is-cii at work
w ilh a itmitf of men Irvine to fill no
ilptap Ihe luink ul that spot hut fell
that the rillen iiit;ht to take active
incasun- at niui Io reMiir the damace
and make such Imprnvemeiit a
mlxhl Is-foiin.l exH-dicnt mid iici-m-sary
to turn the fori f of Ihe curn n'.
away from that s.lut and throw It In
to a more ihr.-ct channel down the
Mr. lalrls' remark were wisiiulisl hy
n liuuils-r of i;enl I. in.-ii w ho had ex
amined the hrenk nud they tircd the
inss-ssily of liiiiiiediate action U-fore
niml her rise In the river mule n pairs
and Improveineiits luishle.
On motion a n.iniuitt.s' of live isui
sistliiK of Messrs. I drl", llaliu-s, Cuih
mali, la'Vlne. r and Darker were aji.
p.l'itisl hy the chiur to ismfer w ith
the city council, is.iiiity ciurt and nil
other partle llllelfstisf revardilii; the
condition of the river at that point and
the iics-.llv lor Immediate work, and
In lake such other action a they mluht
dis'iu hcivsmiry. The i-omuiltt.s. wa
also i'insiwerei to call n mas iiu-cl-lui;
to I' held In the rourt house at
7:al to morrow, Tuesday evening, Ikf.
The Isiard then proiss-.l.-d In the
election of oflher and Ihe follow Inn
were ehnsi'ii fur the eiisiilin; year:
I'resldelil, F. M. Wilkin: Vl.'o presi
dent, M. DevliiKcr; ns'urdim;ia'ri'iary,
H. It. William, inrri ssiiidlnif cn
lary. II. N. Cia'kerllne; trciikitrrr, W.
W. Haliu-i.
On motion adjourned.
M. C. Van Tysk,
rns-relnry I'm Tern.
Another Pioneer lady Drul.
I'l oiM. se. li
Mrs. Mary lluyea died at her home In
F.ui;cnc Ihl iimrnliiv. The lady ha
Iss n In f.s-hle In-nlth for anme time
past resulting old nu". She waa
well known In thl i-ounty where she
ha residi-d for the last 4u years. Her
hiislwnd, Henry Mayes, iiis nn the
th of Fehruary, I and sini-o that
I line ihsvascd had II veil with her will
It. It. mid diiui;h(er Amunda Hayes In
thl city.
Mary Id-ad waa Isirn In Teum
March i.'u, Ixl'l, nnd was mnrrliil In, to lUnry Have. Af
terward the tiHlple movial o Holt
.M..., Is. flMM...irl II. .
" J."" - -"'. J
inove.l tn OreKon, ero-llif tlio plain i "Y r ii"iu i.-nsiui. ........ io
in JVC. They avttlel In Lane entity Uvea '".v.
where ihe father and mother re-! J- - Drewer I j.lantlnir iveral
shlisl until death, six fhildniisur. ,acrMuf.ruii.'aa.lJ..lnnit.hen.
vlve them, U: Mm. Mairifle Shell. v, There i-s ui to la- ipille a call for
of Centralla, Vah.. Mis Amanda 'hop roota hy partle Inlendliitt: to en
Hnve of Fiic-eiie John Have-. rei.t. s K'nre In hop culture. J. II. Keemy ot
1 in Denton munty, (ieorir. ll.iv.-, P.rit-
! I-h Columhla, J. It. Hay.-. IfarrKt-urj
aiid II. It. Ilaye nf ihiscity.
Tlw fiiueri.1 w III take I. nie tomorn.W
aftermsiii at " o'chs-k from the family
r..l.l..,.is. I., the I I I I I 1- rv.
One hy nne Oret'oti's dis ply rv-s't.-d
I.loms-r men ami women nf the ,Vi an
eavituf u ami when another ile.ii'le
jtfiA-4-s miirii ly one will he left to re.
is.iliil the Vfirie.l rx-riem-.ssuf pnuus r
life III the Willamette i alley.
Itel IMate Transfer.
I .'1X1 RV.
Arthur M Thnrmaii ta Wnrr. n
V . I . 1. . t - m . I.. . I - S w .,'j.l
."I'liOts. I'.J S . ' " , I, .,,-, - w, ,
Jam. A lt )-hii. II to Willinm M-
Council, tin ns int I'.ir lw;l.
JuMs' 1-iAt. A lrtt.-r fr.un Cnv
tain F. It. Jour, of Pi rllatld. toaelti
en of thl pl.f-e state that he has Ms
liiht draft lt well iindvr way and
w ill Is' ready to run Ly the l-t i f 1 te
rnary. That l.e will run here as I uuf
a Ihe stak-it of bl.r w id w hit h
ir think will Is) nearly ad season.
He also want to knosr whit i-r.e.
eri- I Is-iiij; made toward liol lmt;
warehoiis.-. It is said this Is-it w ill
l the liit.ti si ilmft of any
mi the rlv-
The t..!al t jxalde pr"s rty in I.iuu
nonty lniven at ",'i'J,X"'i.
ITIDAY, DI'.C. 12.
K"' He.
1 -111 Io
I', i.-. : . .
J.I, w
'it. t".l II t,
.-, of I l.,r:i-l uri;, I In Ku--'nitli
- . nt la-t nii;ht ill
f W.
r Station wa
II ilia i
s at .i i ii
.in. i : . fi .in Harris-
hlll t!.
1 1. ".
I .r-.. ,
al" iioiv t -1 1 iti the
.ton i . unit i .
I '. C. P,.iiiL'hiii'iii, of
v a- in low il today.
l'a louse,
Cottao of Ihe Portland snillK'Klr
col I 111 ii m. . a.' al II I l.i- lic't Illlli;.
II. W. Holdcll Weill to IUs,hurt
this alt, tl . mil uu n hu-ll.l-M trip.
s. II Ftn i.illy and l.isi. T. Hull Ivft
for Portland on this mnruliijt loeal.
I t ink M ittlu ws 1. ft fnr hi horn,
at McMiiiuvillc this inorulm to Tislt
a h w days.
A iiiarria.i' h.a n-o win Issued thl
inoiiiilU hv the county clerk to X. II.
Ma: tin uiid 1 1. la .N. as.
W. J. Polly and A. St nun; of Sa-
I. in, and hi aw st.s kluddels ill the
Mt;.- ( i,. u Sliiniii: Co., 'iit last
Ih. ht 111 I '.lli;' lie.
Mi A una M"hr of Corvalli, who
has Urn v i-iliiii; for several day nt
the r. -i'h in e ..f A. K. PattcrHon, rv
(unit d home this iicrniiii;.
S-nator W. F. Matl'sl:, nf I'cli.lle
toii, aid r a slioit visit with n Intive In
llui-eue, left for Port land on thl morn-nn-
local train. II Is takinn great
iul'-rc-t in the mid w inter fair.
M. ichaiits have Is-rii wonderiiii;
w hy there me so many ipinrter In clr
. 'illation. 'I he Smth. Til I'aiilh' I said
to have unloaded an Immense ipinlitt
ly of tin ni rifcntly In paying their
I,. X. Honey has Is-cll cl.-t Ud a tncin
li r nf the isiiiucil from tlm third ward
tu till the vin micv tiiusi-d hy the nnli;
nation nf A. II. V his dir. Mr. linney
ha had exs'iieliv III thl line hereto
hue ami ina.le an excellent oltlcial.
David M.uiiotc of Portland ha at
la-t Iss'ii sued hy wife No. 1 of that
city for n illvnnv. Mr. Mmiastc ha
Iss ii man ii . I to w ife Nn. 1!, for alsiut
Xlvuirs. Als.ut f"."i,ii worth of
pioH-rty is and the trial 1
exs-rtc. to is an Int. reslliii; one. .ir.
Molia-tcs well known III r.UL'CIIO
and I .ane count v.
I'ri-siilelit Jordan of Stanford univer
sity says; "l-is.thall Is action. It la
Ki-liiiine. 1 1 inak.-s ilis of charae.
1. r. It Is an aiitldoto to the Inalndica
of ihl. ttntitl-in and slmlsm w hich
lire - lid to H 111 li t I he end of a cctlturv.
I'ihiIUiII Is not a 'ladylike' Kami'. It
I nut a pa-tline for nin riiism tiit. It
Is n manly trauie, and so huii; a It I
mniilv It is the Is -l nntldotu to It ow n
The isilli-ife Y. M. C. A. cntiventlon
will Is' held at A 1 1 .rv 1 1 y January 6, U
and Tlh. Mr. Hunt of the luteruati.cj
al iiitumltlis' will Is' nt the university
son ie time tin wis-k In the Interest of
the convention. Willamette will wild
a it's id delegation to the convention
this year n Usual. Stutisoumi. I'll
I." ne w III l well n pn-i' Tin,
AlUiny Iteinis'iiit says: "ArrnnKis
meiils are Ih iiik made In Alhany toeif
tertaitl the lall Voiiiii-men to Is' prist
f lit mid our l ltla-li should res)llt
Ills-rally. u Iti'til.
Di?. VI, Ih'KX
Mr. nnd Mr. C. A. Smith vlsltcrl
relatives ul Crcswell Sunday.
(jnlle a iiumts r nf hor-.- ore dyltiR
In Ihl Ma tlou. Anion;; Hiumi that
"sllia'lllliU'd to the llu-Vilnhli(' during
Ihe lasl wi k wa Mis N.-lllo Hamil
ton' II nn rid i n i; horse, "Colonel.'' Our
Vhorsv wlisr" i not Sllfllclelll to Justi
fy nn ultempt ut iininiiiK the cause.
Mr. Hciiiy Matthew relurueil last
Saturday evciiliu; from a thno week'
o)oiirii In Portland where ho waa
culled to do L S. Jury duty.
A mimls'r of pi'rsoii alaiut the (le
jM't Sunday evcnlmr w itnisu-iil very
sudden death. "Old ltl;," our worthy
Postmaster' valuahle enillne, who haa
fur several year past liiiliciUsl hy hia
m'tioim Unit it waa hi duty to atop all
trains, iimlertook to pa- In front of
the south Uiuud freight when ''presto
veto i-haliie," the Niild aiiiinal'a rear
iinotomy M'Verel eniitiis'iloii with hia
other part and the Unman with the
hot water In so nn the I'sal next tnorn
init wa a dlsni'siliited man. The aeo
lion for iiiaii, V. W., with an
eye ever alert Io the Interest nf th.
coiiipany refuwsl to appraise the dK
on the k rou ml that he waa ktllttl with
in the eit v limit.
It I sm'd we have hnd a coaeof Uleaa
le In our ml l-t.
Mis Jennie Taylor flnishitl a three
month term of school here last week
and entered on another of two month
lat Monday.
II. W. Matthew and family Were
. ,,, , I,:., ....I,,.,..
i thi pla.f 1 Ks llliiit .piltr a inunter.
The navlit hlch water did sinidera-
'" """'' " '"" " "'
"" "'. "v.e..
I Mr. J
I llt la-t
A. Iturnettof linviileaf waa
wo k an-kiiii; to purcha-o a
l pair nf mulct).
Il, v. Alexander Dennett of Phllis
niBtli i-iit lust 1 hurxhty iilijht with
n Intivei al Ihl pht" w hile on hi way
to l irypi to condiK-t n-rvlivn la the
int. n si of the radical C. It. church.
I lur Iri.Tids ma v know of aevrrai
It.-ms ovrilis-kcd Ihl wis k, hut a wa
luiMt a. tuallv worked one-half day
i merv or I' .tori n if the 'tvt fortnight
' We are exctisuhle.
Ti .w to k-.' Ixsi i ri'i k. The annual
: state tiai.-hers' asMH'iation, Polleifn aawx
elation nd department of ils-rlliten-'I'
ll.t- Will Is' held III Portland Ik-C LH,
"7 and IX The foilow lm; Ijttie county
p. ople nr. nil the pntrramme: Lecturv,
; "State l-du.-ntiou," I'n-sl.h nt C. It.
, I 'hnniiiaii; "l-p'ii-ihl ity of Teach
ers,' Prof. D. V. x. I-. ), I; pen. ral di.
cu hoi, "The Nat ire ami I j dative
I I ii i port mice of liitellit-tiinl ami Moral
'Culture," l'n silent C. 11, Chapman;
pa;s-r, "The State llitcli Kh.s.l; It
ihstorv and 1 unction, ' I'rnlcnt t".
H. Ch ipinari; ilii-us-ioii Uil Pv 1'imI.
; John .-trauh; ".t-deit ,-h lns.l lvlsla
'lion,' j-rPllt.-ll.h tit J. tl. Steven
' sou; "Tl, ltt!t :ti: J'roMi -in," Pre a
diiilC. 11. Chapman.
i f '..-..t 1