The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 09, 1893, Image 6

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    I leswrll I'asaalillea.
t Iturge To imriiil visited tlie couuly
'il ttitk,
The ( istst Fork got mi high Tuesday
night that It slopis-d over a Mile and
K. I,. Unity moved IiIk rnmily to tiiifhfr
Jack Fiton's wife It-It lor Kansat lnt
Ha (unlit)', t'i vllt her mother
brother. Mow long she expert toslay
we tllil not burn.
We barn tlmt Judge Miller lately
declined an Invitallou to officiate al
wnl.ling, thereby giving Judge Klnsey
of Kugciie Riiot Iter ff. They say he
gave u it runsou that there were certain
legal objections, hut we think I'. K.
Mooru In Mndylng that manuscript
mnrrittgc scrvjee of (lie Judge' and
without wlili li (ho latter oiuld do
nothing III (hat line.
The protracted IliectlllK atlll con
tinue despite the wverlty of the weath
er. Three service besides the Humlny
m IiooI mill Kpworth league were held
on fuii'lav and iiiucli Interval mani
fested, lb-v. Ingle In a very forcible
tulkcr mid clinches every statement
w it !i iiuoh-phm issagc or scripture.
Mi srs. tieorgc, Frank and Kvervtt
Miller have Just completed subslan
liul cklll' (o he used hy them 111 lra
ping along Ihe river till winter. (m1
M-lt nre in deiiiRiid and every old
ru-tv tii-ltni will he prsel Into ser
vice' this season. Kilt let thus having
ftim to sell look nut for the snide Units
who advertise for fur and send nut
thirtllng price list.
Snow nnd bllmrd are tlie rule al
iiiokI the world over, but here In Web
foot the daisies are blinlug.
iha. L. Duvis representing the ru
ml character, "Alvln Jnsllu," bad a
fuir audience at llhlnehart'a opera
h.,u Wednesday night. Hi aulMV
itieii( yi-ar of acting and ch Rtudy
ofcll'cct In the character h rvpleseitU
ha made him even more entertaining
(hull w hen on hit IumI Pacific. lit
t Mir. I aviM 1m hii actor who has dc-voU-d
ax niiii'h run-fill study In bring
ing out the lut striking comhlna
tlouof Yankee character In "Alviu
Jiwllu," iih wmic more faiuoua actors
have in lrl iifrilitc Into reality the Ideals
of Slmkcspearc, and It may be added
t lint his success l Justly meritorious.
He In tiortei by n strong com pa
it v on this tour, but' the leading lady
lleleii F. Vuiie a "l-ulil Ford," Is de
serving of oi lul mention. Kvery
body m-M nt hud a if"l UiikIi tne
biithclli1 Mi-lien iilmi Inid a K'l elh't't.
The oiuiinuy enrriea i-oimiilerable ne-
einl Mi i.vrv a iik w hich wan the
llrooklyn hridg" by moonlight.
knawlua In lawn !! Um4
bam lar Hllaaar.
t'MIAU lUl'IOH, In., Nov .10. A
unci htorin bcunii thia inoriliiiK. It la
iiiiw live Ini'heM tlo-Ji with li Indira
tiona of a li t up. ritwtH'ar wrvlee l
nlinoxt :inily.iil. A hllxutrd la aw
At h-n Molmn the find anuw of the
iH-aMHi begun fulling tliia luornlng. My
iiikiii It wan nearly a fool deep.
wla In I hlraf.
('llli'Aiin, Mov. . Hliow tM-gnii
fulling lit 10 (lilmiiorniiig and colitlil
uen without abatement.
Admiral aiani la Htmi tark.
Xkw Yobk. Nov. .1(1. Admiral
Hiintou, who wan deprived of the
-..iiiiiiuiid of the South American
iitiilroii, for Halutlng the ling of the
n-licl. Ailiulral .Mello, arrived lure oh
the xliiiuur Hnrtw lal night. He
ilrcllni-l to Kin-ilk of the Incident
whlchlitllo bin recall. ('iuvrnliig
the boliibiirdmelit of Ulo Janeiro, bu
hhIiI tlmt he had Ikvii tlimugli theclty
nevcnil time and beyond pleoa ul oor
niiv i-hipied oil here and there very
l li i it iiiiiniige wim done to me city.
I pk!4 Mlll HM.
KansamI'itv, Nov. ). The Tlmw
print u n(ntemeut by 1 . I. lU-etlcr, i
well-known Iowa reimbllcnii, on Ha
wiilluii nll'uira. lU-etler wan In Hawaii
four nuiiitlm IhmI winter. His atnte-
iin-iit enrmlHimtea lllouut'a nport. He
upholiU t'leveland and (Jreehain.
.1 MaMlbrru Uria Sllwa.
CliTIMIK (lltoVK, Nov. 2a. J. II
McUce, iimuiiger of the Aunlo Mine
al lloheiuia l in IhU cliy. He re
Nr(M (he Anniu'a new mill In full
operation mid eX-cla to keen It run
ning during the winter. Tlie ore U
(ii livcred to the mill bv lueaiia of an
i l. trumwny. The company la
fully aliN'ked w ith auppllea for a win
ter' i-auipnign-
J.m-ph lluttoudleil ywitentny from
drwy. He wn tM veara of ag and
hn a'nou living near lpokaue, NVuh.
I', Or.. Nov. The
Ktnii.l Jury of l.liu-oiii couuty at Tolo
d.i ycKienluy afternoon, found an In-iliciuii-ulH
ni;iilnt M. l. Iavia, opli
1 it Job nml II. I J. Job for larceny of
public liimU. 1uvi waa maiiagrr of
the Ya.piiiiu City brunch of the revnt
ly uK-u.lel lunik of Hamilton, Job
A Co., nix I nt the time of the aunpen
hi. hi 1 1 li'.i it of Lincoln county fund
wa In iIcmmU at the brauch bank.
Failure lo return the deMit on de-ii-.nnl
I the ground for the Indict
ment. Vfcrwa lioMiolalra mm4 Hlllre.
S Fh anci-oi, Nov. 30. The In
ipupt on the InIv of Newton Y. Hall,
the )oung liigllihmaii who waa
picked Up uucol.aciou on the alrect
jiili-ril:v altcrnooii and died Monday
iiioimng in the city prison, waa eon-i-liiilcd
jenterday evening. The Jury
found n venlict that deevwm-d
came to hi- death through being
thro u dowiiftair by FUlwIn A. till-le-ple
and the neglect of the crtlcer al
the n-cciving tiiwpltAl.
Itilf i.uanl, !. L
Thk Kivm. The river Velniily
c-ntiiiu.-il to rle until nild-nlght,
when it r-ai-hel nearly seveoteen feel.
Ycatenlny it ft II nearly four feet, Ixil in
the evening it romiiienoMl rklallig
atfalu and now it I alHMJt 17 feel lid
five Inches alsive low w aU-r mark aod
I on a stand. Tlne familiar with
river state that the rause for the arcond
raise wa Ihe warm lempriature of the
weather but flight. No damage was
done bv the water to seak of. A dis
patch from hal-tu says Uie river la 2
leo-l aUive low water mark at that
place and on the rise.
01 U Til tNKM.UI.M..
lalun Servlres'-M. K. r. hiiiiier
'Ike Xilltu Hull.
lullf liuar-l. 1"- I
The ililoll Kervlces eteid.iy Illotn.
lug were held at the M. I., church
ixunmeiiclng at b: i u clnck. I he
chun-li was llllel with plc who Ml
it their duty to olcrv the ihty. I he
prale w-rvhe as short but t.n- '!"
well selected. Ihe m-Miiou wm de
livered by Itev. W. H. (iilU it nnd ow
ing lo Its pM-iiliar ailspii-liic-" to the
occasion we puhhxli the follow mg
His text waa taken from t!..- t!i
I'nalm, tielng the following word-,
"Thou crowiiesl the yi:i- with thy
gisKlliea-." "Mils -ului ni-
MMel on the occasion of nil
harvest hut al a lime of great -iliti"iil
oilivulsloii. The year bud ! u hill "!
danger and tttixlely. i-iru. tn n m l
.ll-llMir thn-tttelie.. A tholl-;il..i . ii
might huve blipslled. lilt ! the
year's end a n-tro- t :i lb it it ui.
all liod's provident-".
"A our nation l.iy d. n I: li 'u
merit, locks its schoo;r'in, !'- 't
btlliieia l:oiies, hii'lic H u--l-.v !
Usluy, lltav this I'hn-ik-gi lltg U-h"!-
day more than f-r H ciij
lulllioll oi ?ople. roriin r ycu"t in
deei were lull of blt-silig but lhl . .-.r.
more any i-iore, hj "-n
crowne.1 w it Is i io-l's g-lii. .
the very Uginuiiig of diwn.-ry in t:-
new world the huicl ol i r- !! no-1 .'i
be tnns-l In pn paring. pr.t -.ui.- .m l
is-rfi-ctliig our great n public riont
Oriental tlms-nw-.v Ihrougli .ur. .n
monarchy down to tin- titeorutie s in-(a-racy
liod's providence und plan
easily trncctl. The futln-rlitt.Nl of lel
hail long la-en known i-ui ioi i.nui
this giiveriiiiieiit was given did t'n
iiniversal brollierhiMNl of iii:ni tl:i n
upon the nice.
"This year our gunn-M huve ov i -flowed
until the murki-I of the il.l
are locked. Never Is-fme wu tln-n- -i
much svlieat or corn or coittni. ur
fnilt lias mutle the w.-rld'tt iiioulli
water. Milk nml lioin-y huve come lo
our door. TI.e horn of ph iiiy hu i t n
euiptleil Uh. ui. In sUcl abn .-litiic.-.
.No plnguu lias iiiigiiieii our iiuim.ii
while oilier nations have been irk
with ptttlili iii-t. No war
til our lilulii while other couiitri
have Is-en rent by tyruiiuy and bl' I.
We have bail caluiiittici it I" tin- '-nt
w lieu was there n year In which 11. ic
wu not Mime cnlainity, h.iiii- l"- in
the country's hnrvet. The nn'loii l.u-
sutli-red llliunclttl liltlc hut when w.ii
there so much money In tin- i-miulr.
as now. The nation needed thcucoiirg-
lug. It hrotiuhl It iiihiii it-, if but alt. r
all It w ill be a hlcs-tiiti.'.
"When we colildcrnur plieli !ili liul.
uiipuiitli-llitl clrcuiiiKtntii-cs uiidi-oml.-tiolis
we are t hunk fill that we h:iw
been preserved through nil. 'I'lir-.u'i
the very sorrows of the j-t-ar (io. Inn
maulfttsted hi gistdnctw. bus d.-t pi iii.
our love ami sottcned our Imirtt. Yc-.,
through our burn, from our loittly
thoughts, out of our broken hturli-, we
sing thalikitglviug for nil the t--ills of
the (lyliitf year ror i hhi i goisi. HI-A I. (Ill lit II.
The nienils-ni of the Fp'.Miipul
t-hurcli met at 10 o'cltM-k and bt-ld ll.c
regulur ThaukHgiving crvicc of that
society w lili lt ci.n-l-l l of itu nppi.iiri
ate M-rmnii by I'r. I.ovci Idgc nnd an
eujovahle song service. The cliunii
was Itniiilstiinely decorated en the In
terior with How cm. The donutiuiii
for the (IinmI Suuiurilaii lb-pit:il wt r.
khundaut. W. H. C.
The ladlea of Ihe iCelie' t'orpi prt -itnred
k iMiuntlfiil tliiiner in the llitr-
ri blta-k. next lo A. . I t ti r-t t(in
and servisl over -1J H-rsout. The ta-
1 1 ,
blcs were siireutl with a ureal variety of
gtsnl things and the Indies w ere alert
to see that each person Wits Well m-i vi iI
and satisfied.
The cors nlwi m-rvetl upN i' fur the
ball given lnl night, fitiliug over
couple. Hail 11 not Ihvii for Ihe m i I
dent in breaking the hint" gla- ni
iluw the venture wnuld h;te in-t n unite
k success llnaucially, hut tbuint ion
have tieen coiuitig steadily in uln.ii
w ill assist grcully In nuikini: t ti c
loss. The Indie are pmlu-c in t!nir
thanks lo thoe,-. who huve
been so lih.-ml atltl to the .lll'lle u.-ie r-
ally for their luilroiingc
( A l llol.ic s i : it v i ( i:-t.
A large crowd of comiutiiiicum-. par
tielpntnl In the atliiunte loleinni itimi
of tlie ThaukHgiving of our U l". l
(Mlinlrv nt the Cntholic church -1i r
day. Nlost IU-v. Archhirhop J i . - tl.
llveretl k very btuutifiil Nt iiiion. lie
crlcbruletl his nutt nt o'clis k u. in.
Immetlintelv itfti-r the putr, Kcv.
lUck, snltl (he m-coiiiI iiiiim.
o'cltH-k Very l!ev. A.lclheliu,
Mt. Angel, snug the high iinim.
choir wim large nnd the inc,ing
At !
; lor of
There was a merry crowd of tl.tiin i.
at the ball given l.t-l night and t:y
enjoyed themselves until two Ii.-,ii-
after luiilnlght. The inu-le win fur-nlaln-d
bv (lie F.ilgclie orcheftra, n
siMtlng of clnrionct, iolin, pinuo an-l
cornet. The plavcrs wi re I'rof. 11.11.
Yerington. Mr. l ink, MiM.te ll.ut
and T. I'. Whet Icr. and tln-y received
many compliments for th.-ir ee. I!, nt
music. The incinU-rs ol t'o. (' -.-r t i n
ly Mtiretl a social mjcccs 'ii thi bull
although no grciit amount w.-t tleured
tlnanciully ,
Tt'KKKV AMI C'lltiW. A e
was prepared lu A I. inn's
drug store window by (he cut. rpri-mg
Itroprietor for ThauktgU lug day. J.
t. Ferrve, the taxidermist, nmunlnl a
i turkey gobbler and a ctow whit h
were suggestively nrrangtil together.
iTheluraey was represented in n race.
w ith feathers ruftlnl ami prmdlv inaiii-
laming a ts-Iligen-ut ptwition while the
. crow is on the defensive, sum ling bis
A great many wcrv atua. t
wiudow by ttte aimit.iig
ed to t he
k it (Iusnl Ih-c t
HlltiKKN Fni.IMs tie tl.
glues at lite electric light station wuv
disabled last night but the city was
without lights but a few lliinutt t. The
large engine was soon rlxcd and man-agi-l
lo kteit the lights burning until
morning. I loth are Is-uig n-pmn-d to
day ami the plant wlU Is- running i.s
usual tonight.
IV. him Hh.iKIN.- Thurs-hty's A'll.niy
Herald: The tssilll bol.tiug the l.v's
of Ihe Harrishurg lumls-r Co. hmke
and allow ni alsmt ttso worth of l-ir
to escape ts-fnre II w a aguln ms-uiyiI.
I ill DAY, I 1.(1. Ml-1. K I.
Wild illli k It pollnl
Mr.. II. Tjlllifli-ee
iilc plentiful.
U ill wllli l:i
li. v. I. 1 1. DrlMT
riti.rn.d home
tlil-. ufl. rii'H.n.
Allot ui-y I'.. O roller n tumid from
.-.-tl. nt yt-'lt r.luy.
I-!. M. r.-irH'iiter hu. n-turntil from
bis trip lo I'ulifornl.i.
Hereitft. r (he city nmrshal --f AHuiiy
will ret ive -l'i y nr.
Mrs. rt I'ratl relumed from
I'n-swt 11 tlil- inoruing.
O. ('. I.e.-, t. pr.--.-nt In.; !ie l'..rtl.tlld
ln- :.!. li. I- in lui.-. lie.
iil.s I'.r.ct n and w ife w. nt to Foil
lulu I nil tlii- HMi nilii;' ia-:.l.
There nre ini-ii and on- woin-in
In the s-iit'. i t i:try at hul.-ni.
Ail., rt W.i!',..-r !m If. n :;(--i :tt.-l a
; li).n
r- -t
.in i ;
I tin- govt r i. r.
n and i!y n finn-d
.-'i. ii t!,i iin-rninu".
Mi- I.
,i K. Mini ii went to IVM
a r!,;i,j l. r a -hort vi-it.
r l.iy J .tit. ies.. it h.-el clinre
I 1 - al going .low tl to-
I '.
of I'
-I l,
. I!
,.f. i ,
t II
' lie.
' I. Vi
M. 'i iinu,
ill ,
- f .
. 1.
it -I
I live ,
north '
'i t 1 .
-.- n
-r t
r i..-w .
-I I
'.ei !.'
r t ;
M 1
a. -;
tiro-'e !
J .
.e A
tor. a iiiurdcn-r, I
M n h:.1 .-.-.l .,t ti
i.l' N.-l list m n
Ut I t.
r. - nt.
, , .
.1. I i. I low and w ife, of
' il , arr-vi-l in i'-- v. st. rd.iv,
Ilia: lilil,'
mi I v.ll r. -I iiu in Ku'
f.r .1 le.V
I : -.
I 1 1 i (i i tin- month of S-ptt inls-r Hie
On l'oii I'at-iiic tail nnd slcniiii-r system
laek.-d s J, :;;i.i t of paying oM-m(iu- ex
In-ii -es.
Mi-. I!. II.- (iiiiiit-, of Hurri-burg, I
who Inn In. -ii vi-itirg for a Ii u- dn s
nt the ro-ide ol J. W. In-rr;,-, re-
tcna d liouie this ini-ruliig.
i 1
Mr. and Mi
TnMik-gl in-.
I.tdv's p..r.-nl
th.-ir honii- It
t. Illicit Thoiiin-oti Kpt-nt
al the rc-ldeliii of the
In ihis city, returning In
?-al. in thi.' morning.
li- I 'arr.!' I'l ieinllv entertained the
' int ml. r- of tin- t-.'iii'iri'l.istiif (he Statu :
I 'niversity i.t In r In. me lust even-
lug. Airex-ep!ioii:.:!y llii-time is re-1
1 rt i'ite.l. ' I
l'n -i.ii ii' ( l.:t man, of the State
I ' ni t-i -it y, went to I'oitlaiid ou the
lo-al this in. iiiihur. He will ileliver
the lir-t l.-ctur ac-.iir- Is-fore the
' In.-ii Iiik.1 ..f tlmt city (hu-evening.
SheiiU'Mai-i", the mnili-l sherill' of j
( 'nhiuihia cninty, Oregon, has llown.
I e Is o er : h"i i-!ii. it in his ill-founts
w iiii lie- ci-inty. it s.vii.s ii
imik. . ii.i.ltllei. i.e.-what n malt ki-
iiiei an-. It ti ns not make him hoit.-tt.
Thursday's Oregouiiiii: imrge I'm-1- I
shaw wilI U- luninl nt Kugeiie tliis
altii in sin. As il w as the s.vue of bis;
(.-i.nt and activity, there is j
no ition-lilting plan- for his reiiiaiusj
to re-i than in the count v upon which,
i. .. . i . ii....
Hiring nit mriy vt-ni . oi rc-iucniv
w iihiii it, he bus hhctl uu lioiiorable
it HOW it.
I't-ndlt ton Iler.tld: A. R Hiuusllill
Mallm-k I t a. 'I of the Milton plnu ol
lii rowing money fituu bank presi
dents In- threw up Ills situation n.s pres.
hi. lit of t li- I'eiiilietoll Savings bank
! 1 1 I rt lire. I tn tin- shatl.-s ol irivnte lift
i.-uii-s oi privntc inc.
denting is gettiui;
11111 "'' I"
elililelv (.HI
i-M ll in; for otic of Ills
" i
H .lifllll 1 1 1,..
The ili-aliier
I I.H.L. I, ft hel. vester '
il;-y 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; mi h.-r n turn trip,
tn.'k no freight from thi- point
loinled IU'i tout of wheal at Mt
t iir.hoi.-e tlow u the fiver. If she
leiiiail'i-d hi :e until cvi-liing she c
... i
... ,
, !
hnve procun d no Ions of fr.-iirlit lu re.
It i escte. -lie u ill If here nijuiti
the lirt of next We. k.
l'iiui- lib- News: A lie Davis, who it
a leal cta'. owner in thi- count v. and
u lm i well kiiiiw ii iuhI favorably re-mi-mls-red
by many l.aiiccouutv boys,
i-ited I'rin. -villi- ihiswti-k. It w"as
ii a r con I pl. a--1 1 1- ! im . I Inui in n -lib-
slant ial tnai.iit r.
... i I... . i... ...... I...
.... ....
n to mi.- ins home in our 'opportunity was given there were forty
nii l-t. ami -anil -cti.t it vote in Cnk t mt. re,,uets for praver. I'mler the
ci .inty ut the iitM June cl. i i ion. : snnic ttuidillons before the great rvvi-
l hi-f.ini r.i! i f the late (ienrcc I'.el-1 val la-t winter Ihirtv-live riiUotts
-It iw i .-i-tirii d . sterility ufti-ruisiii - w ere made. The talk looking to a re
frniu lln- r.-M.lciii-c of (ieii. W. Kiu-ey 1 vicnl in this church Is l-ooinlng geri
to the Matoiiic ,-. in tery, nnd wm eriil among Imth converltsl ami uncoil-laiv-ly
attended l-y hit many old verted ople, uml many hearts ate
friends, notwithstanding tin- iuclciii- look in-; with earnest expectation to It
i nt t at In r. I he M-rvict-s w re con- ouiing. v.
ducted by K. v. Mr. Kichanl-oii nild
were of -i'v. ry iinpr.-tsive nature. A Ib xlval at Cottage (irtiVC
g'.. man i. t cmie nun tne itcopie
lu mm hit I
SeVinl fi
tf the late A. (i.
t the llnlliinin llmi-e
.! . i- 1 1 . ii 1 1 ill i in- i. 'i i iihiii ni' s-
lien-la-tsptiutf -f pn.-.iino.ii:,. have
t-,ii,.i I,. m, -,. !.,...' ,..,o,..i,.
1 1 .. i .. .. . ... i i ia.;- of his si-lcl, Ml l.nlin Iav is
on Novemls-r .mth, nt 7 o'clock p. in.
at In r lioiiie mi (b-orgln. This act of
ii-u: ti v i-it touching murk of theni-
pr. i.tlimi w '.i. !i i-t. it f..r Ihe kind-1
in tn tn a bu-! her who died lu
ii tar aw . iv hul l. v.,
l i.-t gniiian
l'.csid. lit t
!,,,,, i
in Faster
ii 't, e,: wnrkiug t.p the In -
tin .'.ttcunneisitv. 1'robn -
t- n -Is (.f t!
bly tlmt is a-.other of hit tiiMir'ntioi ,
a'.-i g with tile lecture system. It is
a imm one. F t-lern college nnd slide
uuivi rs'ty pn-.i.enis make such tours
fnspn ntly, mid tln-y are of value In
inativ v ttvs. It. -nli-s gathering slu-
di nt
be eoiiiet more lii loiich w ith tlie
if the -tale, and his V I -1 1 never
Ial.- to Icitv. mi educational iinprt tn
on the tow u
I ii. 'j i.uril, l'.- I.
Ol I'll l i:- ri.ivrni. Helmet Itslge,
No. Knu-hlt of l'ylhiat, elected of
I'.iiit lutt in .-hi. at , for the en
suing vear: ll. nrvJ. I .tv, I'. I'.; I itsi.
W. Ki'n-vy. V. I'.;" F. Ti Whttoomh,
I'.; A. F. K.nim-s, K. of li. and S.;
j.-.. Kn it. M. of A.; J. I'M-aveliue, M.
. f i:.; H irrv Wt l.Ur. M.ofF.; W. I..
IVUno, M. of W.
r :r t.-.-sr I. is i
Kirrrii.-i isiii agreeing r leave
ru. ne a-..' fnrev. r r. iii iIti aw v,
J.-s-ie I. s.-!C). he wayward grl w a . slstul eX-Millmter Stevens' reply to hi
di- -lutgi I l -t.jii t'.ic city jail I'liurs- j cliarg,- until be had read the whole
day t w ini! .'. nnd d. ;vrt.i on ihe communication, of which only a syo
i 1 1". 1 1 1 1 I . t tram for A-iil.ii d. A gtssl j oi wa published by the local pa
i riddance. s-r.
opiaiu Siunkrrs.
Imilj Uuanl. Iee.
Two Individuals, giving tin lr iiaim-e
u Jimmy Fennell, an Albany tlu horu
guiiibler, and F:d Abbey of NewKirt,
arrU tsI In Flugt-ne last Monday inorn-
ing and tlmt night coinmeuceu irt
iuerttlng a errtaln ( bliik boue, located
i on the alley wiuth of Ninth street, Ue
Mtl to be an opium Joint. I'ollce
luan Matthew concluded that the In
dividuals were Indulging In the nar
cotic ami Wednesday morning, be
tween the hours of 12 mikI lo clock
Iieputy fherlir t'mner, whom lie had
en I In I to assist ti i ill, went to the above
house to make an Investlgatlo.i. They
found (he door securely locked but In a
short time it was opened by the China
1 mull In charge of the house, and the
: two w bite men were found, but not In
j the act of smoking opium, although
' from their apsnrnce and aurrouud
1 lugs It looked as If they had been In
dulging. On opium outfit was found,
the lamp still burning and the pit
w as warm, w hich they captured. I he
men were arrested ami taken to the
city Jail. I Inch of the low down sj
in. "nt of the human race attempted lo
brils- the oncers by otlering litem
from rJn to (.to each, saying that they
would nlso "skip" ou the first train.
The brits-s were spurned by the nlUovm
nml the smokers were locked up In the
inui cells. They were taken U-fore the
recorder Wednesday afternoon, and
thfVhtisid trial, K. H. Sklpworth Bp-
- eariiig for the city ami L. llilyeu for
I lie .l.-ft li litntt. The evltleltce w as all
. .lays. , In by tio'cl-s-k last night, and the at
torneys mad'.' their argument this
the lo- . morning.
loil.u'o Isirris, ater coiitidcring
tne ruse, iiiih-h-. n uue usiu rciiiicti
' i.C -il nml tints nml till and iststs UIHill
.,;,... v .i.t t . i
..oi-j. ..viuici oi .in? iisni.T HI...IIH
any iimm-v they will tsuirxl the amount
out w ith tlie city. The city marshal
should coiiis-l these dcgruiletl sjieci
iit. us of manhood to work on the
streets. They could U prolltnbly em
ploved ill cleuiiing oir the muddy crtHW
u alks alsiut tow It.
ralrmonnt Nutes.
Mr. ( hapmaii lost a valunhle
Jettcruay, ny sit liness.
Mr. lllat-k Is building an extrusive
u lilllloii to lilt itwt-lliug on riilei-nui
si rvci.
A geiilliMiinu wns here (his week
li nking up a location for a grist mill.
I'ho llurr llros. knife factory la n-t-
ting orders for all the work they enn
iln. They contemplate employing nil-
tlitiouul nnlids smiii.
Fnirinouiit literary MK-ietv is
imain hnliling regulur sessions with u
giswl ntteinlalice. Muliy from Kllgene
mid Spiingtlcld are regular pnrtlcl-
I,. I,. Scliell, formerly of this place
,t lloW living lu Ffiidlebtn, writea he
will soon return with hi family and
is-cupy bis cottage on F.a-t Flftecutli
ti. M. Miller I prepnring Ihe ground
for ,inll,i,IR i,,, ijni Ann cherry
tr, i,0 south part of Fairuiount.
I lo will also plant several hunilred
elicit-, apple tns-a In the same vicinity,
'1 lit jr N III Test It.
Corvallis Times: As suggested In
.i i... i.. . . . i. a, .
iiicse (.siuiiiiiin tnsi wn-ii, im-ikoii conn
ty Hnple who have proiterty In I.l
county nre suffering (nhulutloii.
have pal 'I the taxes on their property
to the sheriir of llentoii county, on
1 w hose asseHsment roll the property waa
! listed and bold his receipt. Mean-
tune, the sherill of I.lriclon county has tl.A Ki.iAtlW .1.1 .... iH ail.t.h
-.--i-...j .
i-e it to be soltl at tax aals l)etvml?r
'" t im iimut-i laiiic up ir un viuii
i.. .i... . . ... ....... ...i... .
to toe i.n-m-in teriti oi ma i-in-ua court
r... i i.... i.. t .i.. i ..... ....
'.'.'. """"' 'J ' '"r.u o. ,st-
tltion for an injunction presented by
...... ii. it-.ii-
Attorneys John lirvnn anil Wallis
Nash, representing William M. Hong.
A preliminary injunction restraining
the sheriir from silling the pros-rty
I was gtantcd, nml will Is? arguetl tt tho
-ki-iu1 ti-rui in (his city lX-eunlier 2'
I A llfvlrsl Spirit.
Illjr (iusnl, H.-r 1.
, Ijist night nt the Methodist church
, there wns n very Interesting prayer
lueeting. A large IluiuU-r wtre pres
ent ttntl itiuiiv urint.t Stt.Sll. UPS.
... ' . . I ....
man,. i.siKing to a revival. When an
Dallr liiisr.1. Iw. I.
A card was retn-lved by one of
pastor tins morning slating that
- .... i ..... , . . ,
' P , ' ,aK" t trove Is assuming
urge pros.rtion. It says, "Alinr full
lut night from end to end; many more
under, .lisp conviction and work
spreading. Many of the voting meu of
i the town have U-eu converted."
1 1
' I'1 ouant, bur. I.
1 UK i-roRM. Tho mx-nt heavy
rani siorm wa not unexi.i-ctetl dv
. ,;"7' ',H P"t ny confl.len. l In the
il rl',,t,m to"ur. Missouri
vcaiitcr propnet, a prune! in me
Ot Ann a few day ago. In hi fore
iast Foster suid storm wav.-s would
crts the continent from NovcmK-r
to -""(h and iNth to Iect mtier 2d.
the next will reach the i'acillc Cist
ntsiut 1 VtvmU-r .'Id and will he of very
considerable energy. He say It w ifl
cross the western mountaiii's by the
close of the fourth. A Cold wa've of
more than average force will follow
Hit disturbance. The preceding
storm wave will ensjs the western
mount-nut about the J.I Filter say
so, and it remains to be seen whether
or not tie mnde a false proplnvy.
I'm xt Stkn.mikaimikr. C'orvalli
Times: The .ind Judlcinl tllttrm
I .as a court stenographer. t. O. Wil
kin was aps'lnted by Judge Fuliertott
at the nivut term of court lu this
.nin, ita., is.-c. i. hi-tniiiinii.
' sioiier lUtmnt declined tislav to ulk
liotdira Itemti.
Nov. SO.
Lucky man, eat a turkey!
IUllier high w ater yesterday.
Tlie arty at Muthewa llroe. tonight
w ill lie a Uinta.
J,. fimlth had a valuable horse
killed by a train one night last week.
Home partlca were down from above
Codage (Irove this wwk to engage hop
rooti from J. II. Keeney.
Some of u attended a moat r,l'"u
pr(y at Mark Kelley'a near I reswell
la-t Thuraday night. To aay we hint a
good time Is ratlug It mildly.
One night thl week we were called
to the door of our domicile and valua
Ion waa linimrted to us by
afrieudfroiu Trent. We anxiously
await an opportunity or recipna-BiuiK
the favor, but not in the same Hue, lo
Is sure no hoj for that.
1 In the hanoenlllgti
of this place will please excuse the
1 ... . . . l'l,n f.1.1
shortneseollliiswcea sn-stti. mo...
Is we were called out one night recent
ly to defend our poultry Interests, aluce
which prudence dictate our remaining
at home for our presence with our
neighbor is far less enjoyed than man
ifest. Horn. Nov. 7, 1S03, to Mr. and Mrs.
W. I. Keeney, a son.
Mr. J. M. l!erkhlre returned to
(itflhen Sunday from C'oMago tlrove.
Mrs. L.tlav, formerly of Creswell,
but now residing with her huslmnd
and family at Cocur d'Alene City,
Montana, Is visiting friend near here.
Three appllcntlons for the mail con
tract U-lwcvn (twlien nml Dexter were
tiiade bv js-rson in (his lis-nllty. Of
co true each of them issun')of getting
A lsririrr llangrd.
AUTOIIIA, Iee. i. j.inu liriicr, ni"
in irtlerer or icior rtiieuiiiun, wu
lii- iigtHj promptly at noon today. He
read In u llrm voice a confession ac
knowledging the Justice of hi son
te.ioe. Just before the trap fell, a large uum
U rof sherli! from diiTcrvnt parts of
th - staU- and about 6oo Invited citizen
fn m the city ami county were ad
m tted within the enclosure ami saw
the hanging, which went off all
Ho ascended the stcw of the gal Iowa
ui aided and was given a few minute
time in which to nay a few word to
the BiMH tfttors. In linn tones he said:
"1 acknowledge my guilt of the crime
for which I am about to sutler death,
th Justice of the sentence and the tin
pnrliality of the Judge and Jury. I
hi.vo to thank Sheriff Smith and hi
dt put list for their kindness. I forgive
everybody. I hope that I may myself
he forgiven, and that all will pray for
Toward the t-ud of hi remarks the
Caper which he held trembled slightly,
ut bcvmid thi no sign of faintnc
w as visible until Sheriff Smith began
to pinion him. lielore this operation
wa completed ho had to be supported.
The strait were arranged with remark
able celerity and dexterity ami the
rosj adjusted in a few seconds. No
t ii no w as lost, and a the sheriff com
pleted the adjustment he lifted III
hand and the trap fell. lU-ltcr's neck
wa disolcated and life was pro
nounced extinct lu 6! minute. The
body was not cut down until 10 min
utes after the drop.
Cottage Grove Items.
Liadcr, IX-c. 2.
Miss Maggie Carey went to Eugene
Sunday to attend the public school in
that city.
Jakle Lurch arid Ralph Whipple
who are attending the state university
at rugene, came home Wcdueday to
six-ml Thaukagivlug.
David Harris, of Coast Fork, wa
thrown from hi horso butt Sunday af
ternoon, dislocating one of hi should
ers. Ono of our physician was called
out, and soou the trouble waa relieved.
tjulte a number of young people
from F:ugene, Creawell and Comstock
attended the mastjuerade ball given at
this place Thursday evening. A gtKd
tl ne was reported by all present and
tho U-st of order prevailed.
After a few day illness at his resl
ih nee In this city, Jacob Hatterly,
died November 27, lsirj, aged about i
yiars. He leave a son, lust heard of
at deer park, W ashington. The funer
al service w ere conducted by Itev. K.
(littins at the M. F church on Wed
ncstlay. Salkm, Or., Doc 1. K. I.. McOee,
a laborer, was found In a drunken stu
per about 2 o'clock this morning In
the rear of William Anderson's saloon.
Ho was not taken in hy the police Im
mediately, but a short time luter they
w at to arrest him and he was dead.
T..lody waa removed to the uuder
U ker's, and this afternoon the coron
er s intiuest commenced, w hich is not
vt finished. An autopsy of the body
show that the liquor that wa taken
by the deceased caused paralysi of the
In art.
An analysis of the conu ut of the
si miaclr and bladder is also being
made. It I supposed that the de
(vased Indulged In too free drinking of
evg-nog during the early portion of
la -t night. Two others are u,uit sick,
c-a wed by the same. McCJee leave a
w ife and six small children.
Mtl.WAl'KliK, Dec. I. Frederick Ab
ts tt, of thi city, reveiveil a message
fr 'iu l harles L. Colby, of New York,
yt sterday. dinvtiug him to send ll0
to Ihe sutlerlug miner of Ironwood
and lleMcmer in hi name.
Washinjtox, IJc. 1. Tlie deiHrt
niont of cute ha applie.1 to Houdura
for the extradition of Menage, the
Minneapolieinls-i:Jer, and to Guate
mala for information on th case.
rirrsm mi. Deo. l.-Everythlug Is
(ptiet at the Snowdcn and Uastonvillo
lulne. They did l ot start up a ex
pected, but preparation are being
U4W v Ba,-auua;
Nrw York, Dec 1. The Krie IUil
way fomjiany today defaulted on the
Interest on lis second mortgage bond.
It paid the Interest on the funded 6 Per
The All-any Democrat tell of the
follow ing damage by the high water
in that city: "The Union I'aeiflc
harf wa destroyed and the O. P.
wharf upheaved, Uics Unig about the
only damage."
Our trci-U are in good condition
considering the amount of rain that
has fallen. In fact Kagene hat the
bent improved highways of anv
city in Oregon.
Knox county, 111., is probably
the divorce center of the United
.States. In the last five years the
number of divorces have averaged
one to every seven marriages.
Tho holiday aeaBon will soon he
here. Now in the time for dealers
in goods suitable for present. to
make their announcements in the
Gi ard, the best ad vertitiing med
ium in Lane county.
Ex.: Newspaper men who te'.l
the fanner how to make a ucce.t
of his buttiness arc like the fartnor
who tells the newnpajterman how to
run his pajier, and yet there uro
cotneof both in Oregon.
The late George Iklsliaw
much to build up Oregon,
Lane county in particular.
lo.s of such a citizen is always
bv the community, and state
general. His memory will
vered by all.
The Oregonian ii not eo jubilant
over tho smuggling cates ns it was
a few months siiicc. It now looks
very much n if the only man
that would cscati the penitentiary
would be Richard lloe, who han
not been arrested. Wc suppose he
in a partner of John Uoe.
A locomotive is lieing construct
ed in England to run 100 miles an
hour. It is 2,000 horcc power and
the driving wheel are twelve feet
in diameter. Tho three cylindoH
are forty, twenty-eight and eigh
teen incites in diameter, with a thir
ty inch stroke. The boiler pre--bure
is 200 pounds.
Thanksgiving wns more gem-rally
observed than ever before in Eu
gene. The ladies of the Itelicf
Corps distributed considerable food
and clothing to tho needy of tho
city. This organization U com
posed of a band of good, trim and
noble women who werk for tho
good of tho whole community with
out pay. They are deserving and
should bo heliied in their charita
bio work by every citizen.
There is a bill jiending in con
gress providing for tlie i.siue of jos
tal fractional currency, in denomi
nations of 5, 10, 25 and 50 cents.
This is intended to furnish the pub
lic with a convenient form of mon
ey for transmission through tho
mails. It is to displace the postal
notes, which are to lw withdrawn
from sale on January 1, lS'J I. This
fractional postal currency will be
furnished at its face value and
and without formality now neces
sary to get a postal note. There are
branches of business involving small
transactions which would be sensi
bly aided by such a currency for
enclosure in letters.
Some time ago a large tract of
swamp lands along the Illinois riv
er, near l'eoria, was recovered by
a dyke and drainage, and prove 1
to bo very fertile, tho soil for a
considerable depth being a solid
mass of decayed vegetablo mould.
It has been selling at 1100 an acre.
The summer has been very dry
there and this mould has become
as dry as tinder. Some time agi
it took tire from burning weeds on
one of tho farms, and it is said tin)
whole tract seems likely to burn up.
All ellbrts to extinguish the fire has
been in vain. It smoulders and
spreads beneath tho surface, ap
Iearirig only in epoU, and reducing
tho soil to a depth of several feet
to a bed of ashes. Some two hun
dred acres hayo already been
burned out, and still the fire con
tinues. Nothing but a trcmendouJ
fall of rain can save the laud.
Corvallis Times: The dema
gogue has seized tho oppoatunity,
and because tho president has sign.
lied a spossible intention of restor
ing Liliuokalani to the Hawaiian
throne is raving about the "smould
ering fires of patriotism." They
have jumped into the middle road
with a "me-and-Decky-killed-thc-bear"
air and are howling about pa
triotism as though they bad so"10
of it. The proprietor of the New
York Herald is one of them, and
he is so filled with the fires of Amer
ican patriotism that he spends Li-
entire time in I'aris, France. A
to this boasted patriotism in what
particular bosoms is it supioed t-i
burn? It is represented by the
railway magnates of this great
country, who hold the land in bon
dage worse than surfdom? Is it
in the breast of the sugar trust yr
the whisky combine, or rather is :t
represented by the New York bank
ers, who hold sixty million dollars
storej in their vaults while thou
sands beg for bread.
A daughter of William Caldwdl,
who liv,- in the YVynoochee valley.
Vkh., I 7 months old and weigh -3
pound. She weighed 15 pounds l
Our sewt-r Joe txct-lk-ut
It waa money well in vetted.