The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 09, 1893, Image 2

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Farmer of Ore-ron, Arraijrned
for Incest, SkipH Out.
Tlie Folxiiiu Prison I)lrfrior Take
Tlieir Urol Anion titder tun
California Parole.
About Iikk) bale of I-aim county'
)ii are yet unsold.
cc.-mlnr r at I r. v. in the hour act
for tin ' in-goit 1 -i li - sale.
Anutlirr titM lean-up han come into
Faker (ruin tin1 Monumental.
The Pendleton savings I In nk ban re
turned With increase I capital.
Some ITO.UUO HiiltUpti sheep Imve Ih-ii
hip-cd from The I Jallc in iH'i.i.
."now in nix indie deep mi the moun
tain fx. (run. l.inn comity over into
I'riiit'villn (r the fimt tiitit in nil
year could not hoi. I a public chool this
"John the Haptint," a IM-pound
Flat k mantitl ( cio, ha leen bought
tiv a Sacramento man.
J. T. Cargillaitd Alexander Mc Krnzie,
of Pendleton, have unsigned to Senator
Faley. Asset and liabilities are alioul
The shore of the Columbia along by
The Italic an tln kly lined with wornl
piled high, in anticipation uf a cold
Attorncy-tScticral Chamberlain ia aid
to le positing the case of the stale
against Faker county for the payment
ol la.-.
Tin voung man in tlie Salem hoaril
ing house Mho would rather pray than
eat. wa sent to I he asylum. Mich re
llmtions on thegteat American In. ant
ing house must la- punished.
At Foitlund the I hit. -I Mate (fraud
jury has returned an indictment against
V.. Brighton on the charge ol smuggling
71' live-lacl can of opium. Brighton
wa placed under arrest.
Joint Savin.'!-, a farmer, wan arraigned
III the circuit court at Corvallia on a
charge ol incest. Ilia 17-year-old
daughter in the victim. When con
fronted by her two aunt with their
uspic ions' nhe coiilcsse.1 the fact, and
tlminre.l the intimacy had existed for
ncvctal yearn, ."savage lied Isdore the
roiirt enlivened, i lie eviih-nce wa very
ln.iig against him.
It m Mii.ihln that Mull-in, who Man
arrest. -.1 (or opium nmuggling, I the
name Manscti Mho led little Imynal Van
couver, II. I'., into committing bur
glaries. The I my lliid.ih-t ha admitted
that the ihtmhi mIio took him into Mr.
Sharpc' Iioiim' ii a imiii ami not a I v
o( l', an tn m( .I. , tils-d. He nay he
wan afiaid to tell the truth until sure
that MiiiiM i) Man out ol the country.
I'. Nolev, ol VancollMT, II. t, ha
M ruti n to the city council Invkuii; them
(or tunl'a nake an I liinnaniU nake to
t'lifoiee the law BKitllint the aale ol
ik-niTttea to tiiinorn. He navn he l
ilnieii to ak them to ilo linn hy the (act
that Inn noil. Ill earn ohl. hua twfli
driven rrav thmiik'h aniokinif eiunrettea.
ami he nuynhe known of nevetul other
rtM'n, He navn cigarette nmokiliit ami
uiinamalile priM licen are raninnt in the
eitv n4'hiniln.
The iiitme law niAile hv the I art legin
lature of Oregon, 'ily allowa gnmne,
iilieanntn. uuail. etc.. to U aolil Hi the
market one month m the year. I'linng
linn inoiitli. which exiuranl un the l&th
in.t lenlern a . iinuilatiil a t k ol
Muinroliitii nheiinaiita ill I'ohl ntornge
Now I- mli ami tiame I'rotector MHiitire
ill iiiiiinii iice cult to prevent ile.ilera
Ironi wiling hinln from ixihl atorage.
Iletrieil the name thing hint nnriug in
rvL'ar.l to naliuou ami the tlealcr won
in the nuiireme court. They look till the
lie nuit an merely iuten.leil to make
Icen ami conln.
droiin.l baa U-n broken for the Ann
Hatbawav cottage at the .Miilwinter
ir which will le the Uritmh hea.1-
oiiartena. The nite In on the aoulh arm
ol the tairgmumln, which etteml along
the Imnlern vf Mrawtn rrv lake on me
oilth. The grouii'tn will lie laid out ill
an artinlic milliner, ami a nearly identi
cal Willi old Knglndi idean and liracticen
an HNnilile. I he t'i lielgea nave ai Ihm-ii arruiiiii'U (or, and on the
ipiuiiitly denigni'.l llower Uiln will le
plailteil ' muilgoldn, dilllmliln, ne-t Will
lauin. ladn ami lawn, and other Mow era
that Hiakcnpcare knew.
Ill the iierior i-ourt at San Fran
.imot'. A. Mmt kela and II. M. Wiailey
have i-oinnu ni'e.1 nuit agaumt the
llawaiian ( ommercial and Migart'om
pany. 1 he Milt m (or an aonuuting ul
all iiioneva and proHMty in innenioii
ol the coiHiralioii. An order in ankitl
for rentraiinug the dcicuJant Irom
tratmai ting any hui-iiienn. The plain
titln ali ai-k lor the appiiiituieiit of a
rvt-eiwrto aniline control ol the com
iany'a allairn. The ituuplaint at the
Mine time make chargea id
fraud and other irreguUntna. There l
involved almt ll.Um.tuM.
The clearance nale of ntallionn and
irl rnaiea Ironi the an Mineon nlud
ol the late eiialor I learnt timk Jilai-e re-i-eiitlv.
A great iiiiiiiUt of
were 'in attendance. The average price
wan the large-t ever realiled at nucha
nale ill t'aliloinia. 1'aloma, tlie dam ol
Arnntage. hroiight, the highent
irne. t i t, a chrntnut mare, drought
.'!. Siirnain, a hav home, hrouitht
Forty-two head drought a total
ol I4ti,7:'l, an average a little nhort ol
'i70. I he average wan'e.l dy the
aale o( one or two cnppll auimala and
an old mare or two. lo-ally well dml
inan-a aieraged almiit It".
A apii-ial front f oliii, Cal.. av the
pr -n dinvtorn, at a meeting Saturdav,
.k their tirt artioii iiii.I. r the parole
law. A rinoner under neiitence (nun
Mia-ta txmiitv for murder waa granted
a role, and John Marker will give
In tit employment and de renniblc for
dun. A 1'i't river Indian duel wan alno
an1e.. llewa at-liteim-d (or killing
a tne-lit ine tuaii w ho hl failed to cure
bla 1 the i diet ' drolher. Ihm waa the
ru-toiu of the tril. tmt the aopteo(
Mi.l.x- wante-l to put a nt..p toil and
ailnel the i hn-i to In- arr-nte and
pre ute-l. The tta-rior judge and
other. U-heving tliedmirel rml to have
been reached, reininmen the chief '
parole. The application of Calvin I'ratt.
the i!il-lrr, wa relerrol dy Gov
ernor Markhaui to the doard. Trail
waia!le.l t tore the il.m tora. Iut de
rlining to tat wher the tiKinev i and
iireh rrmg to nrif the remaining two
yearn raihcf thail (Jive it Up, liu action
W04 takes.
New York hoi over 300 laljor organl
tationa. The govermneiit conlroln t-wina tele
phone. The highent railroad bridge In the fiar
ahil viluct in rrame.
Nearly VO dilh rent tun hinci have
been invenUil for Imring n k.
The crop of cotton -e. of the South
will bring .kl,(H),(i"K) (Inn year.
A ritiarter o( a million of commercial
traveler are abroad in the land.
The ppwenn of earlmiiiing wiail i get
ting eiHt iul attention in tiermany.
There are now thirteen co-operative
ipiarrieR in the New Kiigland State.
There are I'.ll government buildingn
under way, which will Mint :K2 .'.7:l.
Colh- wan brought into Kriirlaml in
lMI. Ill 16 the crop wan 71K,lJ torin.
The mwl extennive mine are thone ol
Saxony. The gallerien are ll'-'l mi lea
In tiermany nearly 13.0.niK) people
are ionurel by ccunpulnory State innur
ame. In making a nhoe 1D) ntep are taken,
and only ei rtn at rat It ntep are em
ployed. Alcohol ha never leen reduced to the
nolid ntate, but Uiolnen VIM'ld at very
low teiunTature.
There are eighty-live women ill (ireat
r.ntaiu -iigiig-l in the la'cupatioit of
chimney we ping.
The largent creamery in the world in
naid to lie at St. Albaun, Vt. Capacity,
'Si (KM) jM.iiii.ln .hilly.
The nteamera la-tween Kiirope ami
North America carrv on an average alnnr
70, fl pannenger a month.
The Carnegie Steel Company ha rut
the price on nteel rail, and arking f'-'4
to J.ri a ton inntead of '."..
More than $!. K.IMX in invented in
rliihhoiiM'H and dtirk-nhooting fai ilitie
along the ChenaH-uke Lay.
The agricultural capital of Kuroe Iih
doubled nllice 1 m 10 ; that of the I'mted
state ban incrt-aned nulold.
I' re violin to HMD nail weie made hy
hand. It rol 1I.IMI.IMI to perfect a lltu-
chine that came into uw that year.
A New York hotel in naid to line a ma
chine that wanhe and drie I, (MM dinhe
an hour. Two iM-rnoim attend to it.
In Augunt, 1HH2. l70,h:w,h:iI cigarette
were mauufactureil in thin coiintrv. The
ligure lor Augunt, are 3M.M!,HI.
The average auiitliil pnnliiction of the
preciotl metuln ill the world from 17(1
tolKNtlwan: (.old, 11'.i,',i7.I"0; nilver,
The coinage of gold in the I'liiludel
phia iniiil during October wan greater
than (or any other month min i' the mint
wa entablmhed.
The Caniidiann Innight hint year K.'ll,
0 Hi ton of noft coal uiin.-l in the l iiil.-l
"tttti-n, and thevnold 111 the I'niledNaten
Ion mi'nel in Canada.
At a Raima City packiiig-lmu-e a few
day ago in eleven bourn II.HIH cattle
were klllil and preparol for the I mm I
market, an average ol iilniiit live a min
ute. The new Kat river bridge, an project
ed, in to lake nu or nevett vearn to com
plete. The npitnw ill In- I,(i7(l fii't I the
total Iftigth from anchor to anchor :i,'.'"0
The Itank of Venice conducted itadeal
ttig lor (mNI yearn with niich honor that
in all that time no bontile crtticiniii or
I'ondi'iiiuatioit ol it inelhinln ha liet'ii
W. Waldorf Anlor han aln.ul I'.l.Um.lMNl
lnvente.1 ill b'nlMOgieiit hotelnoii l lltli
avenue. Htn bill (or furniture wan nouie
thiinr over II.OKi.iiimi, ami it all came
from (. ran. I Kapnln, Mich.
No one coitntrv ol r.tiroM i.nnluiv no
much wim.I an tlie Tinted Maten iloe
but the combiue.1 pr.nluct ion ol the Ku
roH-ail coillitrien in aln.iit two and one
half timen an much an our pnnliiction.
S-latintic jitnt inuet by the geological
nurvey nhow that the total Coal output
of the t tilled Statea ilitring lant v. nr
Man 1711 intii, INHI ton, value.1 al the mine
at '.M7.rnl,'tM More than hall, or W,
(HNI.inni toun, wan mined in I'l lllinv Ivnlllil.
Auntralia, New ealaml, Ta-matiia
and the inlamln pnnluce neatly tMi.e a
iitucli wmil an tlie t unci Male mien
then come Argentina, with 7H,(MM,i(i
mum. In moiv than we t.nnluce. The
I Intel State come (.until ill the lint of
wool producer.
Captain Magmm Andernon, who built
and bn.ught the Viking nhiti over, will
nettle dow n a a n-nnlent ol 1 1 1 if coiintrv.
He in to live in Wanliington.
A bunt of Mayor llarrinon bv a m ulp
tot namel Itram'ioliui wa receiving it
lant ton. hen w hell he w an annaniinatcd.
It I of life ie, han (he chin raied, the
client thrown out and the head nlightly
Iwiit an if linteinng.
Mr. Merrier in a letter'. in
the Montreal rut no il.vhircn tliat In an
nexattoii view exii-t aolelv in the mind
ol Canadian f oimervalive patH'm, and
he annertn on hi word ol honor that he
in opoMd to the annexation of Cauada
to the I Intel Maten.
Senator l ialliuger of New Hampshire
ha the banleet ami nnn.tliet h. a.l lit
the Senate. It I Nrfei t III it oiithuen,
full, even and avmiticti teal. A phrem.l-
ivift would U- delighte.1 with it aa an
example ol a well-leveloKsl cranium.
Irn. (irvamle, Sta.ll and Van ll.n llcii,
the three tiermati ttaveler who went on
all exploring expedition to tireeiiland a
ear ami a hall ago. retitnie.1 liome lt
mouth, l'hev went under the aifpicen
ol the tiermaii g.iverniueiit. and re-
turiit'd witli a large colU-clion ol npect
iiienn. The mult of the exploration
will prol-ably la puhihe..
Senator Morgan' old tlinl teacher
v that the Alalma " Ainda-nador "
Went to na hool lor but one year. Ilin
la. k of education, however, did Hot pre
vent him from ntu.hing law at an early
age ami lecoming a niiicennful practi
tioner. Hi hterarr aiiuirementn, (or
Inch he ban a reputation, were game. I
dy reading in late year.
Mr. K. It. Praut. e,-ntarv of the
Ohio Humane orirtv, Iwiuw of inter
nal troudle in that orgamation han re-nigm-l
her t nut i. wi and ntarti-d (or l'lnl
atelphia. Sir. I 'rant w ill go into train
ing lor a dcarotiate in the IVnti-vK am
lieaaiinate I raining N f)-l an. I ISa.oii-
'Home. Her eXIniiM . it In nai.l.
are U-nig .lelraved by Itmhop lucent.
Ir. M. I Nanli, who wan tieneral
I i rant phvmciaii dm log hi tour ar u i.l
the wot Id. now live m ,.tn Franciwo.
a here he in devoti ug ImiiM-K to making
auatoiuiial iat of the human Innlr.
He ban Ml lini"he.l the largest ca t ol
the hiimTi heart ev. r nia-le (or the Mid
winter r iitin in an r rancmeo. It
n thirty-rive tune the actual i(e of the
human organ.
1'rof. Cuming, M. P., to whom Mr.
la.lMotie ha olTeml a y, i
one ol the timet eminent of Iri-h phini
ian. He ho alrrw Ir declined the l.-.rr
honor of kniglithonl. He m an I 1-i.t
Catholic and a National. -t in t.liti.-.
au.t .rcti.iHt at llellaM. w her he i a
prof, .nor in the tnern' College.
II -
laughter I marritM to a auu ol
ICUarii Uuaw.ll.
Criminal Proceedings to Be In-
hi it ii ted Against ('(ililan.
Ilrrarh of Frnmlne Suit Aalunl
Kunnell Saije lllnliilnned
OlLer New.
Cleveland. ')., ha a wi.l
npread e.i-
ileiiuc ol liitlilenxa.
It in naid that tioveriior
Itoie of
low a w ill run lor emigre.
The fire wate for the month of Oo
tol'r ia plae.l at over f.l.IiUO.UM.
The t.reai'h of promine nuit agaiunt
KilnM'll Sage ha la-en dmmied.
Aln-ady Ohio in lienpeaking the next
It ipiibln an oolivenlioti lor Ciucinuati.
Ji.nenville, a thriving iiliurb of llirin
iiigliaiu. Ala., ha la'ii nearly destroyed
hy lire.
The lurgent majority given to a Repub
lican candidate ill l'c niinylvania wan
Tlieix- i great activity among the
Mexican revolutioniita along the Ifio
The Hot-ton aupretnu court Imn de
cided that an attachment by telephone
in not legal.
It i naid the Mm-ouri ntate treamiry
holdn $:iiJ,(iij(l for dintributioti among
utiknow it heirn.
Tarn! revision in likely to meet organ
ized oppH.itioii in the hoiine from the
iuterentn involved.
IMphtheria i epidemic in Mahoning
town, l-awrence county, 1'a., and the
m may clow.
I'ittHlnirg bank have cancelled the
;is7,(li) loan certificate they tinned
luring the niiuimer.
Some fine niH'cnnen of ilale grown
at Corpu Chnnti have been nent to the
South leiin exlilliit.
The old noldier are living olf. For
the limt tune in III) year the lint of m'I
niotiera n I loan a ihireaw.
In a r-'eiit laveiiworth iiiarriiige the
united uircH of unnim and bri.le were
U17 year, ami cried.
Arretted in Troy for nhoplifting,
Motiiau of SO Man riogtii'd a the no
ton. mn ".Mother Hubliard."
Conn liu Yanderbilt denie the rumor
thai hi family now ownn a maiority i
the nhM k of the' Keadilig railroad.
It hu Ui'll ntlgge-ttil ill St. bun
that the liitine ( the ntreetn la cut III
-tone ami placed at the ntn-ct corner
Ccci'iver have l'en apniut-l lor the
I. aft I i imi --ee l.aml I oinpanv ol liar
ritniin. I ne liabthtien are f l.outi.nuil.
"S.iup, S.ap ami Salvation" in tin
com 1' motto in the nn.iun o( the Haiti
in ire Fri-v Sunday Itreakla-t Aawa'tii
tion. Street hilmrer at Sheln.ygan, Win.
nlruck cl ht ore like that ol Lake Ml'
iM'rior a lew thiv ugo, uti I the to n i-
In a let ter Senator Sherman of Oln.
declare that he I opned to any in
ctea-e w huiwn'M-r ( internal revenue
Mm. Adam Itrighl. ol I'i.iua, O
iln.Mied dead on U'lhg ililormed thill
her I had In-ell huucoel out ol
The W.-tcrii linen have all announcd
their intention of paying commi-nioiin
on round-trip bimiiiei-s from California
The l r ami line mplovcd of Hurlev
Win., have Invll given lll.lMHI H.uudn of
U-cl, pmbablv bv I'lnl .Armour, ol
The M inuenota nupn'ine court ban de
cided that the nale of hulterilie in that
ntate in illegal mile the article la-col
ored pink.
The health of llonton nchool childn-u
ha improved iiiniieiix'ly nni.e thre.
year ago, w hen a nimple nyntem ol phy
n ill culture wan introduced.
A Meth.Mlint preacher at Springtield,
O.. advert ! that he will preach a m-r
moil ngainnt gamliliug, illu-lrat nig m it h
a pack of car. In the mcthmln of nhatpcrn.
Mm. Victoria Kelling i nerving 15
diivn in tin" hoiine of inrns tion at Mil
waukee, Win., la-cailne nhe could not
pav a line for keeping an unlicenned
The claim in made by the Itrazilian
ninn-tir at Wa-lnngton that Admiral
Mellu in ill ntraighteli.l comlitionn, hav
ing cxhauxted ull hi ecutiiary re
The refu-al of the nenate to colillrm
the noiniiiation ol Mr. Hornblowcr (or
aM'iale iuntn-eol the niii.reuie court in
attributi-l inainlv to the opiHinition of
Judge l iehl.
The railma.U are taking a hand in the
Chicago mayoralty content, with a view
i iletcatiiii! anvoue favoring the track
elevation acheme advocated by I remler
gant or i.t her.
tieneral Fithilgh la-' want to le
I'nit.'.l state nenator (mm irgmia.
Menni. Ihuiiel and llunton, preneut in-
cumln'iitn, ilenire to ntav there, there
I promine of a lively content.
An investigation into municipal attain
at Toledo, '.. allow the chief depart
ment have N-eti in the halm of account
tin; i't-t a titer naw tit. I here wan no
clnvk or head to the linan. lal nvntviu.
The general anwinbly o( the Knight
ol LaUir held another ntormy m'ioii
at I'liiladelpbia the other dav, and the
he nan-cl more than otl.v la-lweeti tlie and atiti-adunnintration
A voitng man who gave hi name a
harlen Fuller, and who naul he w a a
traveling Saleman lor Whittn r, Fuller
In, of an r rancineo, lia neen vic
timizing men bant of M. U.ui on
In.gll clut k.
New York advice ntate that Charlen
Coghiati will 1- arrente.1 tor lugauiv a
an he "t h't in New York, and
that criminal pnx-eeding gnmingout
of the allege.! marriage woiiM alno tie
nnight agaiunt Kuhne licvcri.lge.
The general grievance coinmitt.-e of
the lehigh Valley n. empl.oe cUun
ovcrtun' were mwle to t hairman v il-
kiim of the I high ailev ntr;kem bv al-
, gel d.'.tvlive". Who olleml to bun
ri.lgi and blow up n.und-hou-e
ITu-v win- onlen'"! out ih the lioiie.
Wilkitm claim thene men wrreenim-
anen of the rd and figured in part (
a plan to entrap the ntriker into cr Q
nal a. t.
Kev. Ib-nry Kav. a Meth.l t millin
er of St. Joavph. Mo , In- me limane on
a.T-..unt ot an injury it mouth ago.
nnd die.1 in an aylum one tr l-t
k. Km father, an !.! and aea.thv
retired merchant of that city, gnevs
ver In .n, and when the new ol hm
death won drought d dim be fti.ark.--l
that be eoul-l not ntand the blow . an I
li.f an hour alter of a dn.krn heart
Kithi-r and n were burie.1 in the nrnt
The i'uyalhipcouuuinnion ha rertel
to the comiiimniouer of Indian aifair
for liintructioii. The cotnininnion will
leave liiime-'iately for Seattle, Wanh.,
where it ia to la-gill It worK.
Acct.rdillg to the decinion by the
preme court the great lake arw high
nean, I hi itii'imoii w an maoe in a nun
under an act of congre. for the iiunmh-
i pi
meut ol oir. n.h m oil tin
dray and lirown dmnente.1.
Carlinle ho order-l the reieane ol
the ICtinman ronvict arr.ntl at San
r rancimu, ami no notilie-1 the Kun.un
miinnter here. The convict found
were nlitical prmoiiem, ami according
to our la ' could not lie dctaiml.
The innuu of ntandard nilver dollarn
(rom the mint of the ircamry oiln e lor
the week enrle.1 NoveluU'r IH wan
iio0; lor the corn-'pomling la-no-l lat
year, i.S.7i4. The nlupment of frai--tlolial
nilver coum Irom the lnt to the
iHib iimt., aggregaten '7.r.40-.
An-mtaiit eretary ol the Interior
Sim han rendered a derii-ion holding
Ihxtnurplil lan-ln in the Slen-hoiie or
Wind ruer n-wrvatioii, in Wyoming,
can lai leaned lor grazing purponen, and
that the leawn nhoiild Ih- made lor live
veara or tluee vearn at a minimum. All
informal bid' already received will be
The apniintmeiit of Jeremiah J.
Crowley an uM'rvming npirial agent of
the tr.-a.-ury department, vice A. K.
Tingle, reniuml, to take elhi t I "ecein
ler l'i, will lie oflici illy ainmum-ed Irom
the treasury department dur
ing the coining week. Mr. Crowley in
at prenent a treasury nptviul g nt in
charge ol the lllilmin divinioli, with
hea l.plartem at Chicago.
t Ulii lain of the peimion bureau are un
tlnually reticent regardnfg the announce
melit that the bureau ha unearthed at
Itullalo, N. Y., a whole-ale in heme lor
defrauding the ollice. The publication
at thin time they fear will hinder them
in bringing the guilty eroiin to jimtic .
The l'.el announce the name of the
-r-on who ha la-ell ) arryuig on thin
nchi'Hie to m W. It. mil Moore, who wan
formerly necial examiner o( the hil-n-aii
in Washington. It in In-licv.-l
$ 1 .Vl.m mi hua already la' n paid fraudu
lent chiiniant wh.we were engi
neered by Attorney Moore.
Secretary (irenhaui ban reifive.! a
complaint from Clunene Mininter Yang
Yil that within the pant 10 dayna China
man living in a niimll town in We-tern
North Can. Una ban In-eii chawd to the
muiintainn (or no other knoan rea"in
except bin nationality, and that he wan
In heved to have Irom einure.
All ill vent igat loll i In'ihg made ol the
lact of the cane by the Flitted Stat.'n
dmtrict attorney for the wentern dl-trict
of North Carolina. If the fact are an
nlaled, reparation will probably have to
In- made I iy the Fluted Htaten. Ilivent
dinpatche-' In.m North Camlina ntate
that the Chinaman Man Indicvcd to Ih-in-ane
ami wan wandering in the win!,
ami that hi annailant had Ih-cii ar
rest ml.
Atl..rncv-( ieiierul I 'Iney ban apinled
Kdward Walker, ol Chicago, a spec al
attorney to reprewnt the Fluted Maten
III the cane of the nuit agaiimt the coin-lui-nioiu-r
id Vew Ninth Walen to the
World'n fair. Among the exlubitn of
New Ninth Walen were a lot of gold
nuggetn. Thine Mere attach. -d bv a
traveling circun company Mhich had
rm-eiitly In-eii in Australia and alleged
that through the defective quarantine
arrangement of that country the circun
company Ini'l lo-t many valuable horses.
They sought to recover on the lulggetn
ol tiie New South Wale exhibit. All ol the law here dinclo-en
the hu t that a foreign goveri lit can
not l- sued in a Fluted Mate court
without its c.iim.-iit. I veil if tin point
were Hot conclusive, the government of
New South Walen in the circumstances
in a guest of the fluted States and en
tilled to immunity, even if the allega
tions, so (ar nimiil.statitialml, were true.
The ca-e will probably lie ilismi-ed if
Commissioner ol lvhrcn
has m.iusl the follow ing iinirtant onler,
snuplifving the practice of the buideti
in the adjudication of claim- under the
l.u is act ol Juliet. v.: "I'ensioii
certlllcate i-si.s under the neiiind net'
t ion of the a. I of .lune '.'7, Is1.!, m ill no
longer nMi-ifv particularly the disabili
ties. In such certiliciiten, where the
maximum rating of 1- per inonth in
alloMml the certilicate Mill state it in (or
null. iht v to earn nttpn.rt by manual
lal-.r. Where less than the maximum
rating in allowed the certificate will
state it in (or partial inability to earn a
living by manual lalmr. Whenever, in
the . a-e of a cnsiii grunted under the
naid nmtion at less than the maximum
rating and a higher rating i niibse
itn'ht!y nought, the application (or such
higher rating shall In- conni.lered and
treated an a claim for an increase, and
not as a claim (or a new disability, ami
the in. rcii-e, if allowed. Mill commence
(mm the date o( medical examination
showing an increase of disabilitv."
Itetween adjusting the account of the
North American Commercial Compauv
with the tn'asiiry department, and the
claims of the treasury department for
i.jxi'.'.i-iu against the North American
('online n'lul Company, the native of the islands in the An tic ocean stand a
g.s chance of nturving thin winter. The
North American Couitnen ial Compnny'n
account to the extent of IHH iniMi
for coal nuppllcn to the I'mted States
revenue cutter, and KV.oTO for supplies
iiirtunhml the native are held up. The
commercial inmpanv in iMTioimiv con-
idering the advmabilitv of withholding
further sttpplie to the native unless
the account alreadv pres.-ntml are
pa-ss. The whole matter, a previously
Mated, han Uvn referred to the at tor-nev-geiieral
(or consideration, and it
II probably hud it way into the
courtn. In the mcantiuie much noli. i-
tude in (clt (or the (ate of the natives,
who entirely de'nd upon the nup. ben
furnished hy the North American t om
mercial Company (or nulwislance.
flu' new regulati ui for insiiuiu'e of
certilicate ol reni.lelice to I hiliene,
under the nn. visions of the amendatory
a. t rmentlv pass,s bv iMiigress, have
en stihinittcd to Ss retary Carlisle by
t omiinssioncr of Internal Iteveiitie
Miller. According to their provision a
Chinaman liiu-t nwear he ban never
coiiimitte.1 a (clonv in the Fluted States
and tin (act must te testitiml to by
white w I'liesnen. A photograph of the
applicant inimt W attachmlto theatli
davit, and two other hkcnee must !
tratiinitt.s to the m.ll.vtorof internal i
revenue and the tn-asitrv department.
o!!.t torn of internal revenue and their
h i. n. -s a'e in-trti. ted that all i la-n.
..I skilled and utiskil . .1 manual lals.rers.
in- lii-ling Chin. -. etuplovi-.! in mining,
ti-hmg. hiicktering. laimdrving and
iwsl lliiig. shall I class-tiisl a la'-.r. rs.
V in-nx.n to ls exempte.1 In.m the oi-r.
tionn of thin law mii-t ) Tngag.-I in j
buying and wiluig menhand -e at a
i x-l p. -e of l.u. nes. w Inch b.-;:i-st
mmt l cou-bicte.1 in hi name, and
ho, during the tune le claim to In-1
engaged as a men I. a:.:. d. n-t engage
n the performance of manual la'n.r ex- j
ept nu. h I neerry in the coliduct j
if hi bn-im an mifli menhant. The;
lragsph in the old rt-gulatioiisrienipt-
ng M.s.iin fn.m the oj-erat ion of the
aw are f.wnersr part own.-rsol
.e evtatnishuienv u (trivkeu
IMoodv Views of Louise Michel,
the Female Anarchist.
linl Ciiarle HereafnrJ Make
Derlaratlnu Cotirf rulnir the
llrHlnlt ivy-Etc.
Itritish (ittiana inviu- Chinamen.
England i aid to have over 1,000,000
Fkase No. SSI uiake 150,000 more
Kiissian oldiiT.
Ihcycling i even more general in F.u-ron-
than America.
I-oiim Km-niith, the Hungarian atri..t,
in again seriounly ill.
M.nnly and Sankey are mn.n to ojh.ii
another revival in Lomloii.
The election in Spain have renulled
IU favor of the .Monarchist.
Since I ii. kens' death one firm ha old
m;l,ini copie o( "Pickwick rH'rn.
Two French j.n kej were killed dur
ing a recent race un the Antetiil track.
Henry Ijilnnichere denounce the war
in Mata'Mcland a "wholesale murder."
The Neitste Nachrichteti in Herlin will
iM-come a liinuiarckian organ un Jaiut
urv 1.
It in denied that admiral Mello ban
pn laiuiml in favor ol I'rince I'cdrou
l.iniH-ror ol l'.rail.
KiugOM-arof Sweden ha decorated
Mine. M.-lha, theuH ra singer. Willi the
gold medal lor art and science.
Italy can ls.rmw from the (ierninnn
all the money needed to keep her army
up to the I nple Alliance ntamliinl.
In the house of common the employ
em' liability bill ban passed the third
rea ling without ilivinioii ol the house.
O. K. Tyler, Uuidon' new Ird
Mayor, wan an errand ly in the great
ti,i. r-iiiakiiix house of illiam V cna
Oakley Hall, in Fssex, a pncrtvof
isnt.i. resui g.nnl order, value.1 40 year
ago at il'H.Onti, ha In-eii bid utf for
Two of the three charge against Cor
nelius Her have !ccn canceled. The
remaining one w ill not nullice to secure
bin extradition.
The I'leiiarv Commit ti on organiza
tion of the Fan World' Fair of I'.mo
ban contirmisl the nub-committee' se
lection of the site.
The I'im-esaii Conference of Truroeon
cluden that great liariu ha Int-n done
to the cause of purity by the reception
uf .ola in l-on,loii.
Two hundred and liftv laniple killml
HO un nig. 4M woiimlml and f'.'.rxHI.UHl
lo-s, in the latent estimate of the dinanter
at Sautandcr, Spain.
One hundred and thirtv-loiir live arc
known to have In-en lost in the gales
along the English coast last week. It in
thought the iniinU-r will reach 100.
The .iiiestioti whether a female claim
iug to la a "lady" Ma liln-lml by being
cull.. I a woman Man il.-ci.leil l.v a
llntish judge and jurv in the negative.
Enrols un diplomatist comi.l.-r the
tM-ace of Eiiroia. Mill hImbv U in dan
g.-r no long an the plans of England in
reganl to the coast ol Alrica are not
know n.
Jame I .onion Itennett in now crtlin
ing on the Mmliterranean in bin vai lit
the Noiirmnhal. The t.ranl I'uke
Alexin Mas hi gtient at luncheon a few
days ago.
According to an otli. ial rcn.rt just is
siicl in 1'arin no less than l' mi
cniU-n have l-en discovered oil Imo
bank not.-s, Mhich had oulv Is en in use
for live years.
The It.-rlin iiirrenpondeiit of the I.n
Ion ewn learns that the wars new
vacht, which in to la niuned the Stand
ard, in to cost '.'50,000, and in to la I'm
mhed in 1-h:i.".
1' Klebn, of Carlsruhe, mIio
has minhlicd advantagmiusly l'n.(esnor
Kin-ir tuU'rcitlin lor consumption, nay
that he ha di-covcrcd tt Hire cure (or
diphtheria. He ha In-en ntlccessftll in
1:1 distinct case.
The telegraph oH-ratorn and messenger struck at home, owing to the t.ov
ernmeiit'n decinion to amalgamate the
(mstal ami telegraph department. It
in expected that the strike Mill extend
thmiighout Italy.
The scarcity of business at the Krnpj
Workn at r.ssen wan never no great an
now. Han. in at the (unions gun-works
an U-uig dinmissed in all department
and there nccinn to Is- no pn-it ol
any revival ol l.usuicss.
I'r. O. Ilil.lerbrand. of ("M-tting.-ii,
reports 111 the Mmlicill Km-ord the case
ol a Is.v of It who, since the age of 1"
yearn, had had IM tolMt) teethol various
nize reutovml. A year and a halt later
17 more were removed, with evidences
of other coming.
The eldest on of Count d'Eit, Prince
I'm in i, who wan naid to have U-eii pro
claimed Enicroro( Hrazil bv Admiral
ue .viciio, nan ntarimi lor M. .azaire, a
neaH.rt near Nanten, when-, it i stated,
he will mam start for Frazil, ac.-om-patiied
by a suite of 'S) rsonn.
A dispatch fntrit Algier nav the
Is.lne raided a numU-rof house in the
-.uni'an .piartcr, and seized a large
niuiiN r of anan hist pamphlet and
,1. sum. -tit which reveal an extensive
muispiracy, including a plot to blow up
the French law court ami the new, where native ca-e are heard.
Several load.-d Ismib and .piantities of
explosive were seized in the village of
Hussein, Ivi, n.-ar Algiers.
Ionl Charle Itcrvsford, formerly
Junior U.rd of the l'.ruish Admiraltv-.
declaie the navy of t.n'at Itntain must
U' one-third ntnutger than any combin
ing of the tlevts of her two --l,i- rtie-mi.-
France and l;u--ia. llriMusf
the e llditure of t"J,lkl,ika.l f,,r the
mumtriiction t.( six ironclad of the
II, nal N.vereign clans. - lttle-hiw ol
the Hartleitr clas, 10 cruiser ol the
Flake cla and 50 vessel ol the
Mav.s k clan.
In an interview I.iiie Mi. hel, the fe
male Enuich anan-hmt, ,.s-iar.-l that
the throw ing o( ts.uil in the l.vceum
Iheat. r. Itanvlona. sprang frotit the
bi.ssl of l'ailan, the man who attempted
to a. amate n. ij .1 Martinet Com
po. stie a-l lml : I be increasing pov
rrtv, and severe means of repression,
warranted more terrible mean o( de
fense. The Eun.pran international
agreement (or the nuppn-ssion o( an-an-hmiii
i worthr only of derision. Ex
plosi nn form the Ivst and moot clement
inea m ol extending the propaganda,
tnarchy hi the Fnitml Mate in tlour
mlu m. Fstt'tl have not lvn reivtitlv
Ulttiere, Uvau- the evil have not
I t.rmlv ns.t.-l. The executions
in Chicago innvrrtJ thousand to an-a-'h
s.i, " M,r a i dm iansl that the
anin to-tn w.-re not mnnn-tnl with the
a tempt to blow up Un NrS.g monu
ment iu Mouuvas.
WiiiiT - Valley. t'J',(..'.i5c; Walla
Walla, ttflac per ceiiUl.
Hora. woou amu hiu.0
HoraV.', nominally at lOinlOc per
injiuid, there U'lng none in the market ;
new crop, '.:.. 10.10',.c (or Mrtcily
thoi.v, ami nominally at He for medium.
Winn. I'rtcei iioiuiual.
I In. Iry iwlectml prime, lie; (riven,
nalttsl, 110 pound and over. 3'c; under
) pound, .:tc; he. p lt, yearling.
IO1.1I.V; medium, ItM-Tie; long wm.l,
;i .itV; tallow, good to choice, 3ii3'Bc
per pound.
IJKttr Top nicer, .'..c per hiiiii.1; fair
to g'nnl nteer, l'c; No. 1 cow, "Je:
(air town, I' .c; dntae.1 la-ef, .505.00
ti-r loo s.iiii.Is.
Ml-TT oM bent nhtvp, F-.(K); choice
mutton, f.l7.V.i2.0O; lamU. 2.00..i.tfi.
Hook Choice heavy, .'.00'ii5.f0; me
dium, t4. 1 5.00; light and feeder,
ft..'i0..r.,.itl; ilress.s,
VAL Fl.OO.iI.'l.lnJ.
ruuK, rttu, etc.
FutfR Fort land, iS.Wj Salem, Ci.W,
Ca-cadia, Vi.W, I'ayton, :,.!nJ; Walla
Walla, 1.I5: (.rahai'n, '.'.5o; iiipertitie,
i'i.'iS Mr barrel.
Ovr New white, r,4'f.Kic r bushel;
new grav, X .ilUc; mllml, in bag, 'I. lift
(.itl.oO; barrels, l.75.a 7.1H: case, a.7S.
Mu.ij.nrr llrun, fl'iOO; nhort,
IH.00; gn.und barley, tlftoO; chop
(es, 15 tier ton; whole dvl. barley, 7'c
lr cental; middling. I'.'-'IjW r ton;
chicken wheat, $1. 10m 1.15 percental.
Jl a v OiksI, fltiidl p'r ton.
DAIkV l-Kollt'CK.
IU'ttih Oregon fancy creamery, :10c;
fancv dairv. aiialT'.e; (air to !, 1M"
'ii't'c; i-oi'iimoii, 15 .i I7'..c jnar pound.
CllkKnK Oregon, lOialS'fC; Culifor
lita, Fti'ilte; Young America, l.'ealtH';
Swiss, imported, 30iX.V; domestic, 1(4
taJOc per pound.
Kuo Oregon, 30c per dozen; F.ant
ern, .,.'f,-'7l1,c.
I'ol l.rav Nominal; chicken, mixml,
fLVlHl .t;l.50; thick, $:.&0ia4..VI; gm-se,
I'.i.oo Hr dozen ; turkey, live, 14c K-r
pound ; drcsncd, Itl-u 17c
VKOICrABI.X and mciT.
VictittTAHUka Cabbage, 1; wr ntnid;
njtatM, Oregon, 75c mt ck ; onion,
11.50 wr nack; nwivt n.tatian, l,4iil'1,c
a-r Mitind; Oregon celery, :!5i.i50c.
Fai'ira Sicily lemon, tSr-00"'V50 m-i
Imx; Califoinia new crop, .00.i 4.-VI
la-r Imx; banana, 1.5(I. 11.00 ht hunch;
Floiida orange, H-o0 cr Ijx; Cali
fornia, 15.00 u. 5.50; graH', fxl"!c
a-r Imx; New York Com-ordn, 15c per
liasket : applen, green, !Hc ht Imx ; ret I,
I.Oti.d I. Mi; craiiln-rnen, I'.i.OO jter bar
r'l ; ersimuioiin, $1.50 a'r Imx.
CorrifK Costa Rica, Fio, 22c;
Salvador, 2:lc; .Mta-ha, Sti'tinl'V; Ar
buckle'n, Columhia and l.iou, 1U0-pound
ca-e, ".5.:Uf T nllll.l.
Honkv Choice comh, ISc wr nund;
new Oregon, lt.i20i", extract, lli.i ItV.
Ihiki racir lv.t.t pack, Petite
prunes, M ,i ltK-; nilver, lO .ill'c; Italian,
tt.tlnc; tiermun, H i 10c; plum, tl-,(10c;
eva.rutml apple, H"il(V; evitn.ratml
apricots. IV i Its-; peaches, IOhiIU'c;
pear. 7'.' 1 lc ht j. ti ii. I.
Si.t l.ivernnl, IMOh, 15.50; (kn,
IHi.mi; 50n, ii.50; nt. k, ..r0 .t.50.
HkAN Small white. :tot3'4r ; pinks,
aV'; bayoa, :ii.i3'4c; l.utter, 4c; lima,
.I'jC -r numl.
Kicit Inland, K. 75m H.OO; Japan, none
iu market ; New Orleans, f..5tl,aii.:5 ht
SvKfP Eastern, in barrel, 40,ii55c;
iu half-barrel, 4L''.t57c; in casen, 35. t
twc per gallon ; C.M'5 mt keg; California,
in barn-la, LUmlOc a-r gallon; 1.75 per
Si tiAK 1, 4'c; (ioldenC, 4',.c; extra
C, 4 ',c; con lect niiiera' A,6'Bc; drvgran
tilatml, S'c; cilia, crushed and mw
tiered, i;i.c H'r nuiid; c ar n,und
discount on all grade (or prompt cash;
maple ngar, 15.! PW' er inmnd.
Cvnnkii i.Hins Table fruit, assorted,
H.'.00; peache. $I.N5..i2.00;
lett j-eiir, $1.75.. i '.'.00; plum, 1.37'vi't
I. 50; straw In-rrien, f'J.-J."i,,i 2.45 ; eherrie,
F-,.-,5,.tl'.4tl; blackln-rne, l.H.5i 2.mi;
anpla-rrie. l!.40; pineapple, $2.25 .
2. so; apricot, tl.(5. Pie fruit,
assortml, M.2U; m-b hen, (1.25; plums,
1.00 'i 1.20; black UTrien, l.2'im 1.40 per
dozen. Pie fruits, gallon, assorted,
Cl.15.ii 3.50; 'ache. .i.5tl.rf4.oo; apri
cot, (3.50,. 1 4.00; plum, f,2.7.V" 3.00 ;
hlai kU'rrien, I4.2V.i4.50; toniut.K'S.ll.IO.
Mkat Corne.1 U-el, In, (1.40; 2.
(2.10; chipMs, (2.35; lunch tongue, U,
f.t.50; 2s, (l.75; devile.1 ham, (1.50.e
2.75 ar dozen.
Finn ar.line, 'a, 75cti'(2.25; ,,
(2.15i4.50; l..lntern, (2.30n3.50; nal
iuou, tin l-lb tall, 11.25. .i 1.50; flat,
1.75;2-lbs, (2.25 .2.50; .'.-barrel, (5.50.
Eastikn Swoiixu Mnvr axd Laan
Ham, mtiliuin, l.'1'...i.t 1 lc per poiind;
ham, large, 1.1, 1 14c; ham, picnic,
ll'...ml2c; breakfast bacon, EmtlOc;
nhort clear ni.len, 12, .1 13c; tlrr salt tide,
1 but 1 1 K,t ; lard, coinsjund, in tin, 10, ,t
lie per sitiii.l; pure, in tin. 12itT4c:
pig' (tvt.HOn, (5.50; pig' feet, 4on, (3.00.
Itttrlap. 8-ouiuv, 40-incIi, net rash,
tic; burlap, 10',-oiince, 40-iuch, net
canh, 0.c; burlaM, 11 ' -011 nee, 45-inch,
7'fc; burlap, 10-ouiuv, tio-inch, lie;
burlap, I it-ounce, Ttbinch, 14c; wheat
hags, Calcutta, 22x3ri,, He; 2-bunhel
oat lg. 7,,c; No. 1 -lm t.-l m-coml-haml
bag, 7c; Calcutta hop cloth, 24
ounce, Inc.
Tim I. C. charcoal, 14x20, prime qiul
ity, (S.50'.(U.IJ Iter liog ; (or cronne, (2
extra er Inn; I. C. ctike platen, 14x20,
prime iiiality, (7.50.tH.oO per Imx ; teme
plate, 1. C, prune quality, (i.50iii 7.1x1.
N Alia Case quotation': lntii, (2.25;
teel, (2.35; wire, (2.50 per keg.
Stibl Per pound, 10tc. Per pound, 4'c; lar, B'jC
N a v al s roKts ( lakiiin, (4.5o.a 5.00 per
bale; resin, (4.l .r5.n0 n-r 4"l numl;
tar, Stm-kholui, (13; Carolina, (:per bar
rel ; pitch, Pi ftvr barrel ; tur'iitiue, t5c
per gallon in ear lot.
Io Far, 2e per pound; pig-iron,
(23 -125 per ton.
I'al.-r.'W-ki, jut More nittilur down
at the piano, hold Inn linger
minute 111 warm water, presumably to
render them more flexible.
It i aunoiincml that the president
will not mat, any further iinis.rtaiit ap
pointment until nillgres meet.
.1. l.otwell.a well-to-do 'anneron the
A'.'tiatch.e, in IMittiiof in a mill (..r
.'ruid.i g corintii-al.
I'ark.d la il.a Ir. f, Wlatar
i List Saturday .M i -ter Calvin B
Cruker capt .rml a twelve pound turtle
The reptile was dicovervJ under the Ice
that hod form d over a p.n. near tin
home on K klatid ttr.vt. and u taken
alive and kicking' after a breaking and
mtenng of hi let home. - IWliam
iMam.) TranncntiL
Tlie Algerian know w hat real plarn
.. , !-. ,n UUe aisinci 01
that country alone over Vl.oUO gallon of
the egg .,f the l-rt ww tfatherrd vsa
burned loot j-eatr.
Farmer's I'tmsitlrration,
Ion t Iteifla W ith Too Many Brr
Keep TboruairlibretU nUy
About the Turkey.
Start out with g.nnl nt.a k.
Fndeavor to have your k, uni,
you.""'' t,V,,r-V,1,i" it am ,J;
An extra dollar or two f.,r ,
brcetluig bird I money well ,,.,,, ' "
K'" nuppiy ot .lu.t
i.r .lrr
. ..101 .11.. line gtitvei are worth
many uoiiarn 10 a
ing the w inter.
. .1
Hiiiltrv I.r.-.- 1,-r ,j
One of the Inst r.,., fr .
in.i.ltry.hou.. .m, also . ,.rx,X
dmHlorizer. 1 ,ir-nlackm luilK
lime in also gntd, "
I Hi not neglect the wattr font-1
Keep them tilled w ith fre,,, '
water. I,, rainy weittlier keep th,',
drainml no that 1 upm,. wat, r m' T 1
where the fowls may drink It.
Ho not destroy eg,., tl.att It.v, WB
desertml by the hen. or in case,, 1 '
the incubator lamp ban g.u,,. , ,,
they have In-come nlt.v (,; 1
hatch a penvntageof strong . l,',!
Jton't U-gin w ill, t.m many ,r
Schrt the one thitt la-st suit- v,lr , '
n.uiidingn mid stick to it. ;v llir. j
nele. tion yon can then l.uil I 11,, , ,,ri'
that will la- natisf.1, torv to v..iir-e! lr.i
patrons. ' ''
Although a damp rooming j,',,. j,
als.ii, uiatioii, fowl pr.-fer a w.-t
free Irom vermin to a drv one that 1. ,n.
festml with them. Tins i,,av t-x,,4n
why noitit t.ile' t hicken-'i,r. lrr L
nmst on tree.
It may In taken an a v. rv g .l r,.,
that nhort-legge.l w ;ll futt.-n' u,rr r '
idly than fow In well up ..n their i.n. "
Thin 1 iiiiportiint to the broil. r mii-r
whose object it in to get ni.v, pliiiii,a,l
a s.sill an possible.
Keep ihonuighhrml fowlnoiilv. There
are enough bn-eds and emnigli ,,rM-
sluipcs and color for any urj With
a mixed Mock one cannot lav !.. n inr
net ol leeding rules or gl.-an ativ rr,r it
ililormiitioii from Inn statistics.' In other
words, he never known Mhcre lit- ii.
Alway keep shell and grit
your low I, and for contine.1 hints ,iri
or refime bay, cut ill-. lit one-thirl .if n
inch in length, should In- fiirni.,
them. IUsl.le the luuch-n.vle.1 nef
else ol. t.iinml by scratching in itfornn-li
ami grain, they will cat a large p.rt.un
of it.
The turkey i an imlu-trioim (.irn.-.-r,
and pick up the greater of
(mid; therelore the diller.'iuv in tlm
weight of a large and nmiill h r l it in
iuiinirtiitit mutter, bringing the 1, t-.J
cost of production down to a low mm
! when large mid small weights ,ie com
pared. There is one advantage of 1i!.m;
chicks during winter in Californi.
'it is dee. loin (rom vermin, w Iucli
' not incr.-a-e m ariy no rapidly an .1 ;r .- g
late spring and ntimmer weather. T:.
I is where the incubator prove-uffMl
' value to the poultry raiser, as it u tint
j to impossible to get a satisfactory mpj.v
of setting hens la-lore l ehnurT r.A
often later.
l ook Al l I K Till: M im in:.
It in not necessary lor exis-rimcri!!.
station to tell us that uinnure If-,:
continually eXHne. to rain and run
must lose their essential elements. 11 1
that, too, very rapidly. We see very ultra
streams of .lark, bun k li,Ui.l i-n U
(nun fertilizer heaps, and erliap res
iling tlow 11 some slope into nnl..r linti,
' where the crop are not liable to rnrnr
much la-tietit from th.-m. Why rr
these leak permitted and how r.-niel."!
are the questions. The first in lunl t.i
answer, but the second in ol 110 very d.f
' ticitlt aolulion. Mix uianure lilnrzJ r
, w ith ahsorU'iitn, ami k.-ep uii-l.r cou-r.
1 Many olil-fashionml barnn contain M
! cellar for ftorage t.f manure; and. f
that mutter, there aro very potent ohee
I lion to putting iiiaiiuif right under
st.s k. so that ntisonou gases will con
tinually arise to U'foiil the :r al'
W hv ilot build a cheap " Icaii-to"
agaiusi me oarii to cover me ..."
which in cant out'.' Thin may If '''
very rough and iiiexiviinneiuid prv.'iel
otll'v w till a rtK.f (niden w oil id If Istt.r .
The idea, of course, in to prevent the
ter (nun cave ami nkv (nun len:ig
through the inunure and reinoi in
lst ami most available H.rtioii-. I-l
the stin k well with ntraw and is"'e
rut Kiiltifieiit to retain all the li-iti'l-nay
a w riter in Practical Farmer. I-'
pla-ter is excellent to tix theaiiiiii"i"
that gas which in no easily I.M : and f
ashen, :i they come perfe. tly dry frt'ai
the ntove or furnace, are gmnl for v
same pnrK)se. It in well known Ii-
the ground U-neath a inantire pile
con.e naturatml with fertility: " ;
wise to remove thin noil to a depth of
to ten inche. cart it away and rep-
with a quantitvof new, dry soil. wli. a
in turn should ulso le drawl t t.
1 .... - :... I ..- i.l, ,ar III.' m-
7' . . ";.. 1.. !,..k-i
KT til rlttlllK Mlilli H '
- ..1. -..1.. I f.,ilv ti . M;
I II 11 1 l V U"rl'lt. i 'P I
;.n comiii.-n iariertilizers when much
our ow n inantire goes to waste.
w ri.iiiso nu: "
American 1 .ar.leiui.g s.i s : It f c'm'
... a.,.i .iti.e 1-1
IIIOII lllllt.I J UI11UII -Ul -
nioitaln who w se-'i- "I vati""
either in or out of d.s.r. wh. 11
1 ,.r n, , 1. to water it
r t:.
d.atelv after sowing, rroin
trials I have found the ai-ve p . ' 'r u
lw a M-riou mi-take. If the -.11 or
post in w Inch the seed art- ;"'"
at th.. till... of noWlllg. do Il.'t W.I''
tiie soil l-Momes -till and f"""'
1 T
on the surfaiv. which I'tri. i.c
! fr.,,. tin. I. ..... lt,nttj!i. Alt
,-xtn n.r
the setsl in anvn.itl.eX' ept a"
.U bsii a .l.n' or !'
' . . 1 1 1 ,, 1
r it'
watering, until tlie -011 o' " "
well. Then water gently '"
prtnkler ntllliciently to mo -t
m.sleratelr throiigt-o'ii.
l:. until the silo '
. .,f -Inr'
again. h not do u a
give a little sprinkling ev.-ry !
onlv makes the case worse.
a R' rn n--r f
Tlie jury on one i a tn II ' ' '
'lpn-me judi. i.l c"irt .l:-.i.'"s
week, and Judge Vir.-irt mipr"""! 1
ip;.rtutiitv to give them in "I:n' '
ajtir that cul l n..t agree m "
which he Mid he w- i'-.I I otter i.-w-T
ha wrinhml to measure tb-tn
Aft-e (,-oldin 1 t hern a little tr, 3
aid that mther'..-!:tsn Jeamr.
held court in Vor cnt..v or...
. 1 i ... rv-,rte-l
tttcwa. Tin t " u' '
LcwialoB JotiTUswi.