The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 02, 1893, Image 2

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Al alehlfull. 1) lb rlreliohl'srhrer,
kl) It lit Mm.'arrl .l luv ui-tir.
Ao.1 Uirs we i til nf ilnng lli.u wart
V Wm 1 "abliW. J 4-1 liku Ui,
Ah! 1 . 1 1 Ic n i tow li Hi aprloj
Cf ivfUl Mil rviiisniU-iui,;;
ml l.rarlli and In h 1 1 I ad cglmt
Willi riiJ.I) nul i.f luiirf n.-u.
I il in)- failirr' Iri'dr .11,
Viriitiji! i nil shot In I. if.
Ami lg him Irll uie liiil ilil I
TVi. ,( was bills, J a. I likr 111.
- J.i'ju ll. Lao.
tin Can's Chapter nf Arriilcnt.
rc.irr C'Siacc, n i ICyorold c.lirn cf
Wilmington, IX I, I jus recounts thu ini
drill ol Lis lift l. m: "I tins kliillnt; on tl.t
ciiiol r.lru n boyuud klid over u f. ncr, run
Ling n tlnke into Inu cud making a lnl
V uiuiil. (Ji:cr, it Lin n:y mother via ma!.
Iiimi.:i, knur ailip-icrof v. hut I thought
T.a w.-.tir nod iIiuiik ibrvt millions. Ii
ruvr to be utiuirj Ijt. My iimtlirr melt
rd konio Ullotv mid L'ltt'O ll to mc. nud tht
I'uctor said lLt i.nuil Hint sat id in r li e.
lour lime I came near piling drnunrd,
lu'.o bnr.klii ibiui:li ll Ice Into lli
riw r. (it. rr fallit:g (nun a into iht mill
loud, uad etc 1 (til cut of a boat Into a
' irnnr!r Killed tw irchy bring thrown
f.-ctu Lorsr. (ill Iroui a loudid learn to the
Irc.rn I'muml uud huh ( up (or ilrml
ml (ill unt of a fliui m il a leg
caught Uvwit-n tlit tokr. of oucof (lis
tt heels. Outu I mikiliit Iny.i con ml mi
on v In a tii kiiiucluoii boll inn. out. li t
ling tbv LotJy ilon ii. Tub n In hook caught
In in lli (mi fearing fcival t;.ili,
nml lull I (til out I Mnuk my lir.til o:i
tht axle. Tvucu I (i ll IJ (r.t ("mi ii May
I nml onro I (ill dun ii n Imp In u ear
lingeLoiiko on n ilc of board In-hnt- ami
tn liil n I .li. I h'ki on n Wjtheniid
Cut my ("t I. I'll), iiinl n enku i( i.r (i ll mi
tit j foul itinl Lurst iihii our ii( my link; cut
my i.ul. le u iy badly tt lib mi n, broke a
lun'Iu in in) heel, which tin not ri'iitoMil
(or two iniitiili. mill t m I on ii litin nny
nml mill ilnitv It Into my (mil.;: it
Uul iiuniul (mill wliiili plm-t of llie klinv
Binl MiKkiiu ni'ii li'iniiiil inn) ul.itU li.ul
to Im cut i'H it iiihI tlir Ixitif miii nl.
"I Iniil 11 it ii.tllii-H l(. . Ijit .ik Inn tm
litX ii f n I ill ti l, mill it lioki'iii.l I mi o( my
liilli. I Inf. o Ixiti IiIomii itiioiici nlillr
l.l.ilinK "tiinp inn' uiu luii'lv liiiiiuil lliuv
A Homily on Trtto l.n.
"I r.o'.lco tlu:t n join;; luly liia brrn
rTi.i.t : 1 1 n rri;xlic.:l tbi.t 'l.oie It I nt mi
Very i'i.'.'.nilt l i pilii, but I i wry ilnV.c: R o
. .c;i.' " laid Harry Uichan'.-n. r. i niilhnr- I
I V nil r.r.alK i f t'aa heart. r. be L il the cor- I
ndor rcmu l:iloaun:iyc:ir;:eri:f l!ic I jirln'.o
tiitttr.r! t "J.w It 1 1 ui!ifi:lly cvii'.er.t tl-r-t
I'jc ) ouii't k j irr.t.l fi r lileir.ry l.oi ora br
I'l'.iiiid ll o ni r.f.ii'lu otdy. l i.l o! I vo
liiii ily (;ot .unl Ust, b.:l t'..e i:i-it;iM
r.r.iclo i un i:y l ire n:nl cva ivcl..rJ tl '.t
a.itr.ili;:ic r.ii'.'.irn )c:;r of p..Uuil ia I
lli.:,.v(irtoi'o.r.iV.ici:tJ. rot, Loe. cv.r I
Ii ULmi'.ir 13 Inse l!:i;n a 'y..Ii' i!o;; or n
Lima I (nil laticllvo All liiln ran a
i bour Iji Ii.: i (iiv'il j f on i r, i vt r i cc' y
t ja'.irlvil liu 1.1.3 i::uipe on ,Iji on i i :l
tsl cor I l.v, 1 1 tut Wic l.:n'ili'l..:ie,
rr f.u.i by wry your:; p o;ile. ivbo ii-.iajli.o
In Urdu Ii loVel i.ia liny bit of
I :ur (.id or Iroublid iviilj a i!ijrui:tlnl
I nr.
"i rtitf he I LnnlirtoLill t'j.-.n .1 rr?
fr!uli.T. It 1 1 it ri::;;:nl plant tlu.t v. i l '
ai.-.r d more la -Kit llinn il ror reV.tion,
Core I. -.ri'.i'.u;! than u atm I car mule, nor
r.'i;:v' I.: l.i it M'cre n.'ul r.t::iliil::tc. Illm 1
a;u:L i ( tbei'iviully, raid bov.ivir rnirli il
I. ..'.) e.lj'i IrnU-atli lit ll lit cle. If thi
l.ttV rrc'ar i nr Tt n imire iict rt I'i: t
J n: t n I iny l.uirt, ut.d it 1 1 Ll.; i :inii;;!i I i
iiivi i::i nrro.v, i lie w i!l v.iilo i!iticrvi:t'y. I
Le may learn to lirnirrov t'.iat linn I
lit a l!atne lii: t v.. it on the Juil: ::it ',
r.nd I'.u.l I rrwlf lot In ; u man k'.ie hr.".Ui'y
i!i;il -i. li r lne In nt blind, cat lie pr I a
Lnv pai 'trd Litn. Ilia ryia lire pnUrra.t
tMnlly l.titt, 1 1) Mmictlniri la' c .1
fi'tnlU i'.rll;:l.t la hIiiiu Itrj i.a tbt Intirr
(.vliiiim i ( our Idol." l.L Loal Ll-Lo-i;wuicu.ii.
Bnt anrrcailer Hi Tit.
One of Ibc New Vork ibrulrr nnnn; r
wa don ti nt the aeai'jore, a id ivliilj n an
Ciriiiu iiIhiiiI the hotel pl.u:.i ran Hero n
Itien.l. Uii lunched lilin up (ora n. The
Itini.irr iH'jrvbril In kl i:iildo pacLi'l n.i I
tlnilolimik hi bell. "I'd (.'no yon on.'
Ailliimly, but I ilid'i'l brltiK my card. I
don't i-e boir I van ilu It nilboitt lhe:n."
Tlmileiullund looknl blank, h.ld.lenly tbe
l-miun-ir km!:e: "I'll tell ) mi I cm
ill) l.nti.t lnf iiIii a card I'll Jut v. nte
'I'n iH'iirrr' o.i your kbirt front, nml that
Hill ? l ju.l i:i nil n .HU Will tbaliloV
Tbo iiiuii nm nlnl, mul tb vim wu rit
ten. That eii'inn the ileailluad ahoned
Up nt tbv theater, mid the man nt the ca'.c
:iliad H hell be luokcil r.t Ilia fclnn : l
Loiov.u "All ri,;bk That- "lie
llr.iillirad pail throii;;li the Kite nud
ttnttrtl inlo lb tlieiitrr. lie bailn il) ta!.in
a liir ate'w ll hen lite i; ili'LiVi,r rill. .1 hitll
.nk. Tb niitu lonkiil nirpriMil. "V li l'
Hit niaiu-r nun r lu'l It all rl-bt " The
t'itekiTr tioil.liil. "Vr. but )o: ruut
i-uit I be paa." Uootoii HuiUik
Urn tTiiniru Turn.
ITow la It I lint women bo are awret nul
ftntlp iialnral J rrwrt to Ibr j;rviilrt i x
lircu In n nine lin y turn In. in the .il!i
cf nclitinlp mul limiie Cem! tnratiialt ?
Tin y liixil lint luTrurily inn-ilir or nln I
cr m I mIioiiI hi drunken (rtiuy, but n hrn
0: re Ibry Hint lo I. ilk uUiul nnipiuie (or
Ln-:i tbry l air taken a ilnltkr Iber
ii-i:i lo I? no I in t to tbv liin tn of the r
tonsil. Men would hme it nul in our
round rit li r it ll It futicuiT it banl. barp
Wonl. nnd lb matter vtould iln.p tbrrc,
LlI women keep up Ihr ft ml mul evm to
lakt p!.iurr In tb fir n bull tin Ir linnlt
Lliullr. Far Iniiii.t nud J il jailnniil
romtnml a niimnti lo n 110:1' merry, Lrt
II nelrr.ii i f I1.11 111 brr lilrriilly lorn lo
pier- I y the la-li and courj;r ( f It rfc.le-a
Cltiitim turn Lit our to brr feminine
fitriid i bo ore 1! y purr mid lb ucxl C.JJ
tCiU i'bil lelpbu Tiiura.
Ilia W 1.1,1 "tirraa."
If. na wt nr lul.l. il ia Intnirrrt to r$
Of n l uly "iln" mraultij brr kuiui I
i:t only. If I rr "iltt" lurlinlra u i.r
jarmei t wini. en aln n i l atocMit,:,
by nf tu'irviLi mhii nil iuut ;;ily to
a cliild a ilulhlni: And )rt lo ;x..ik ( f a
littl Iwy ia a ":oitu" nould end to 11. t.d
a mruMim ru;' In epilp.'il or in Arm ;l Lar
ri-n . IVrbaiw Iro.k la tbi k.len.ia -I'lubwi
lwhla -a
tint III Ca.VMp.Ma I'wlnla.
Pirn I ny I In. I tlit miiipii iwiut to tb
true north, (nr II i!i l iu4 In rerun :i . T'n liMiii.u Niit 10 Ibeiiiij
Bilk north, ti It tcb 11 pre rni traniiler
ably ui Ibr north .lr. Wlun l.lrnlen
aullimly nt lkly Iraukliu Imj Ibt
i!r limll. -i l.i rt-iille wa(oun l lo I
Tery rr.,1. ll inill aiititlu. Inar. tbt
tnnnriK pot Li a illm Imu nrar'y wulli
.-kittalbtaaU a 0wjrapicai aik
. o
Ilnna. .My b. n il vim (iin:ht in llie (ml Hi il il li t I bi n itmv I Tiien. on.- by one. reeiiiu inn ol ihp mn.ty ii r.!i n n ;
tool i.f a pukir. I un Imilly bun once j tlu-y ne.i!.nl iiro i l l or nv il o it for (null , Iht H-tli. She came mi iftly. nml I v. iJ A -''
mill nrlii'iibiriutw nnd nualn "illm bti.t nir. All Ii it n:i Il w.i lite in in who re i atooil by the rfier cnmp.niione.ay inripnlilo V .-i' ! '' ' ''
pl.uur, (ill i. n mi IS imh Ult l, en ii t nu tu I Uiii t r illel n y ilioa lliMvenl imr if ino!m:i. Tbero w.i MirnetbinalKinl I he . i L-i iry- " , j-
running and un l"i nf n lour foot (:iar 1 In the Jn'.i r till n i:ri i mi hi .( uv, il iikiI ablu Dial atrttc me ivttli horror. Sho iISyTT J : - '
r Inn thai mi rilliiiuii': Iwlcr Imw f.illiu I bim n:i the bak I t n hearty way un I kii.I: I l'iil ilooloour (partir. nit It lite flint r . y.O.!5", a, l ,SK V"-'" " '
rlnnn utiilr in the iniil. the l.n.t time bint- "Il w.i n .laru; I i;.i 1 1 J i.e. n 1 1 ii' JiM of llio cn-w plainly revealed, and tlm ll.-uro : yV A'y vtr."r .""
Injr nir U-trk luully, IIibkcuiiI time .tail- 1 !cli uiliiiitur. .n lbl Unit iiml.e tr.u ( the captain, nu elderly man. ac initiii. in v'W'Ai SI ' " ' V ''7-
ll:K tltnt of my rib. Ln the v inter of ' miiiiii I nll.iinl ileai.iul lo me! Coitip nut clon-ly tlirnuli In lilht ;lai. Suddenly (v' r tE5! , ' p. .
l-UfilloirrilM'iilcnnil b nl.l tuo i.b." ! nil I bev muue leni.i.i le!"-l). :ru.l Tie hr rounded lo. borteaid Mil nn I iliaV 1 .J? i,:2V. '. v ".MiT-t-jJ
Oa ml Hi Man Inrlilanta Tlial C
Maba tlf Hia ta-a I'lroMiil.
T 1 1 r rp n;n a mull nt tltm Viilrili ilrpot
I?. oiiirf nrtcrmaMi who im.'x n in- iioiinr
I III ..a . I I ft I ..., II ..til
Ollll'llllil l.l"f-i "."Ml inn n .--I
on lil kttt-f iiihI Hitciitivriy i'(,iniinai ik
1 lull lie t!( It (Hit to tin' ivlnilm mul
Lil I II toil iinr nf ""'I i'"t'ia'il It
ktill iiior crliiuilly. TIkmi Ii Wfiit Uiclt
to lil wnt iiii'l ill In llie in. in o i LI n"lit.
r lio luul lm o in- nniili InU iUil. tiiluir
viitti li ilf ii iln.'.i ii iitliir:
'Will, tiny :y linn- li.ia (ot to l II
f rt lln i- nil ruTylHu'y. I ill I llinill.t I
I ill iratli-J (..r n.j.iuii l cut u.yiyo
I tli."
"(nt "tiic!i. cfi itirrlpl tltrutlirr n lit
r.':u.lnil l.rl!ir lull. "Wi II. ynil nrv uol 1
IiiiicIi In lil urn-, t'uat li.ll ia nvttj null
fc-ull n in "
"Via. (..lily i-ll. Imt (.il nf It. Do-alt
fn I lil.i- ii 1 1 nniiif i;nt i I. lo )uti" I
"X-u. il ilm-n't. i!iu.i;:i I !in.ili lirvrr
li.n tn;i;iiil In lii I i.f it. I r in mv uui
11:: t it I n.ii ;ln ri n I mux r." I
''rin y mil.t li.n i i il iIi.ttofT m rrt
In I !ir in ;lil." ;. a Mii.n l i:i in. n lin tnoll
up H i- I ill. "I. nl ni'ii r ly i!.i)IiLL I
!mit. Inn v put 1 1 il it r.t iilirr. " '
'I'ntty wi ll 1-xn.ninl. i.n't lt" (jurrictl
tl:t nu hit.
ilnn'l lliin'i o. Tlir In!. ni "rrrt
not lir-. 1 1 v if) I tin- iiuiti;i( i I
miiM ti ll il v. t-iiKi r. l l l ll i( In I.I ouli.t
n.-m' Ii-ii "I'i."
"fdiinitT'cit. " n!il ti p tliirl rti -n.
ii In im !! Ii il in l.l lu.ii'l. "Wiiitl,
tio'v. I (.ill ili -l it y in II ilniii it
ivilli'iir. I'tl'n' t..Liiil!ii.l I. ill i.nynUur'
fur ii i;i"l inn'."
"If xitni'U i'y i!liln'l Inl.r 'i n fi r cnml,"
atlil il ml 'u p ilrnf .ln Imunl k-k-o-t.uli-
n-i. n In- jiiiin-l tin. f n.ii i. "tli
roMiili rli ill r lo-il.ln l initkr n lii iiij.
Tbi rv nrf pli-nty nf )ahin Mill nlivi-."
"Arr yn i (nliin nu- n ynltoof" iliin itnUil
t'jc tlilnl innn.
"I'mi only i-iklti f l i n crm-nl irny. IM
linvt- hi iii lull iiiitniijt n lliii:i.iii l.
JnM ii:if In iU nl tin- ImiU iriiiiii(;li (or in.
Wlii rvM ii i i;ii It V
('nii't ti ll." Mili'innly n-pliiil llie oirucr.
"Von mr!il lulw miirv i-nn (ill."
"Vi-. I ktimv."
"Win. I nri' )n i i:ilia toiln n ltli lt"
"I lliink I'll try mul p.i il nlf nu omt
omv U-t'Mvi( tin- iiil.i l in.ui ii III ilro.i
lo II."
Up mlvnunl lo t tic n Imlnir. Imii jlit n
tli l,i I (urn l.'vi lifty iinln ilun n tin- roul
mi.lllielii l.i l in i:i pullnl In (he bill mid
' i
liimleclmii-e il.ei lialiilitliliiiiu. TueiitT
IHiiple nere ii .itrlmi f mi l i .u li ilirir n Inn b mul oi 'in'. 1 bieye. 'I'be oiviier nl
tbe lull iiHillr I.iIkI I Ik il.'ine mid
tli ki t nu I calmly it ilow ti an I iim iiii ii
liewip iiktiui I ! : ri In r.' 1 1. Il ir ti-n:uc
time U'fim I lie i rmul tu nliliil lo the (art
A lloraa C. llr.iir In eit VrU
On '.be front pi itfor u nl a II. u ulivny en
Caa i ' Ki-eii mi i.ili n-.lin laiiety ol
1; n li- ilu .i ii In biiul xni.te ol I nt.i ,'i r, Inr In
klalue, v. an b ut bien I li the mute fur l.iai
).i:rv (il l bun In I ilk. I kiiuii i.i.e llr.i.i l
ii ay ilnvi-r b) .It e. ho u a ihuniiiu.iiuti
V. I .il in i. t. lie Ii a miu:ii iililiiill i.f
the (.I'liou .Mar.i Tajdi y i f r.iinaiiriJ. No
aui t nf tveal li r nn.l i n inn In Ion of Iran I
c in r.if!le In limp r nr iiu ll bi ib I ; ;lii(i:l
r.i.v n( dry Iniuior. lie it;i;H-:tr I i
ever ilttii r nud ri.niluitiir n.t lliv hue. A
they I nil he l h ule.l b) Cieai u.lU a mule
Hit I it rott.'1.! mid r!ti t ry .lutat inn i.f tuie
(i.rl Lm a t.i.' :..i')' b l'mi nl oilriv
tin- cniv lima Inn t i l in t lo bim or
v a- . u baud r.t l.i in f toil t i.-i ln..:.i Inu
Inu f. r i n . ) Inr v.i 1. 1 o( iiionlli Ilu bun
I':, tulltiil r. d (a-.v j.lir.'. 1 1 it ll rood u.-.till
Ii ll ra ctn in .I be lint urlH-l by t lie inml n
atiu ite 1 1 t:i !. ilni i r that inr blnci.iil lb
tr.u k v. it!i i t ;.-.
"HU, )e." "tid l p tn rip hup il iy. "I
knnir 'ei i 'I'm n ii l Imi.I IiimiIio
i!me l:i;;e nu llil line IiiiiiJ" 'Ibin
I've Li en ill ii tit:; c :r i vi r a.ncp. No.v I'l l
takia t L'i'.i:. o:i n ts1',1 It'onte. lune 'rr
ili a lit lie, litll'l i lit in.: I ll iii:ii. but I II
lure. Illillo. u!.l maal l.o.i ' ;uil,i - hai
Iy bii:i:l :r"
Tite nili.r i:i;;n I i!.enli:tlf turn on l.i
br.i'.r. mi. I t lilt a I i;iin ..vui r by.
"Ivnoii 'el l? Well, I .IliillM .i;f lul
very Initi n( l!il, Jim (an boll (A I
nl.l. nml Hurl) n;i llniv or )uil ivnn't
i;rt lin iIiiiiiit I lie tbtii!. lie' ilriiluxlil
L.HiKiii lily 'I li..t fi lluiv'n nt nil I tiiicr.
I I l.e'n Ine iulT the lute ll i!i .:i n I inu-v
llevii o i it in ivity city in the corn
try. 1 bry iilmi) iiinir b.'.r'.. bira No
.laie bl.e old Ni tv Voik. Si-'"
And t bit I t i in. mi t nt ; nn I c'.i.if
r ii mid tn i -1 1 1 1 mid b 1 1 in t o nu I
krejilitK il kIi. li IiniI.iiiiI In I he ri III i.l.d
Lfl a Miuii.l in i ii 1 1 l.i ii Miiiud Imly nud u
rreul I.U In. til Ibio'.iblun uudir ink New
V or llei'iiid. i
A tUI 1I.0 In Hm Te! rim.
A mini iiitiiiiiT I'liiirihnf July i-Hilrrit
Orr.iiini nil I. .111:: I -.laud. A llinn .litd.l ixtn.i
krt I Louie iitr!) 11:1 l!n liinriuu ; nl llie
I .i: t li 11 I.r '. 1 ( liri iior!.. v. b:r!i v. it.' 10 1
il'ii::l'iil in I ii'i'ii n.n ; fur the p'.e ivirvi (
l.e rhiirii 11 lie l!n 11 iu nl lo t.i.rn, mul
ala r mi 11 111 i.l I'.ie ull.iv b. r.ime l.n tbli d
lrt the Lille ( oaiiuld pl.t) 1 1 la .11 d i ijniid by tbe ro.krl nud i'l.;t
el uinl l.reu hei-l.
Aiioniin;iy I e aent a ti'lejr.'.m to hi
v ile 11 liu ll 11 .1 l.ili 1 p:. led by the o'
In llil iv i) : "i'.it Lieivn: Iu lue ..r
dill liiiue and Line i.l miir."
Tbe (i irt.itr'ird iiniiiiir k.iw lUiun n(
Inadlint Ir.'.n'., .n le iirnn mid I. .ill)'
iiU uUiul, mid iii iiluiliii that bu
Until hud ilmiiu ml II1..I the I n imrl
routaitiril di lurn le fcbe l.rto call) c.u 1 iiil
I In lit into i: :n.. n I nn. , I. II l.rr
la Hie 1.1 1 1 11" I !.): 1 t.'.ill)' ilia ,'s. 11 tb
(11 ;htr.nd r.i.l.Ir.u Ir.l "t uluv."
Mic i.iriMii it l.i r l.i:iUi.iil'a o.T..t In .1
(earful i t .te 1 ( t :.rili 11:1 lit, n bn II 11. : u.l
I ni' 1. l.'vi by l.i r lUluliti.l-to:.: latent .11. .1
mill ir ..i in -lit In r n a' bid Ik: li.rr.a
kki nr 11 It . 1 1'.'t:l t.iin ; h i. I b i;i;i iiiil.
hho tuld l.i. n n( tin' til. 1.. ill, a ,d I r
l.iit'bid lau; bid I. nt ; and hi. id. 1.11:1 he,
Ibi) n y.'li 1. r .il.u::r I til t be l ad ml
brr to "i'ul li e in tui;anl.n
Lo:te ait. I Irair a nae."
Thrro i.iu row l.nii.:, 1: tbe aun :aT, In
tbat ( t-r.ily I.:..', tl i LtlUri-ot va.
i i 1 1. i'n v.
Tin t'uii 11 cf I'i Crttlnrr.
TV bear a ( i .1 ilu I ji:l l utv i f Hie lat
t.r I'.-.t (( tbe (ittl :j. t'l 1 U.:; a few
nonli 11 Ihui I the ! ti- .1 I la c. i.tnry 1.1 y
lit I e 1.I1 r.i iki r ll I :. id or i.niti loomtil.
ll t u ti e Liji'.i) (. r .'....: ;i i.n.l m;h.i
1! lit It a. 'ibiv lure 1 .!'.. t I.. i.f a ibri
ni'ii ,'.: r. I o-i ilt., r f.rii.e uia'it.tutle to
Iu.) 1...1I 1 :t.n ibl) t'l ly 1 ..I .nin tl. 1 It
I'i ..rn 1 ly a a. I I.... u in. r 1 11. 1 11 r. v far t 'it
tliit l.n l.i it. .1 1 u. . e . .1 l .i ; .a. 1.1
luinpi 1 1. 1 1 1 ...I Lie : in Q .ad ..t tl..- tlie
ttri ' a nib , .:;';': J tu t at. d I pud
i'oiiii te l. iccl ttjiTi'rtiiilolbra. Cli I
tr.l.n A I.. Ijr my irate.1 fieri Ix) 1 !n 1
I y i'.it "i'n Ini " t I' n.ij l. e
lou(;a'..ra p:, 1..! nl "illojjv U..d.r,"
aoi.ii n Lrrv n U.Tx tr Cj irt la. al.r 11 .1
C iiila. i- turi U lh plarnn i.- (r 1: 1
Cm Im -I i'r! tjiiwtt biuftrr t lie h . far'ti
a' Cr i.t ti' l.t:.'in of tt. J.:mr' a:rvrt 11:1
l.l l-i y uuinocrid abo tl i.r 4i !rt 11 J
end IliU Ul.11t.atd at.:ui tUe I'.i T.tlil lii.t. ii. Ll.i;..lirU.ii m d bl "i!;i(i:
'lilituul lirutnliltf aMl ila . N' '1 1 n ?
ife Cut rtea lac Uinli ol lln.'l iu L
1-ui.l kot na I.t a uuiirrvil faro.-. Ir,
nd lot atrrrl t.uu k.u j lt Luf gJ I
!- ti a iitr " .
q'j Time Cailors Gone, but
W f
Their Lcscr.ds RcmcLi.
sncnniL sinrs in all sias.
Tia t Ibj Datrnman anil Ontrlintaa of
Ilia llmlMia I'lrar anil tlnrilrr Cuum
ttjny lji nil Tli CoimI lgtud
TU llauhi? of liU!iliman Apnr.
I! i-rjr milrr knon tlir Mnry nf t'io I"ly
f li IX I.ulc tnan; Imw ilj V.unli,
ImII!(I by ti rm ulnlo ntli'iiiptin to
im ji l.rr tli (.'.iiip ( f Cecil l!nip, tiiorv lip
dilM iral.n it "i:i kjnto of Ciml r.i il i'o
Him If La milnl to lII itiri.ily;" Loir I.
u .d Li t:l.olly rn iv nru H II U:ilirnlx)i.l
III llioc M nml Lowilirr i:iifortui.c fll
on imjr ti ;' crvir ivLo uc In ;lioilr
cufL II i Imt n tyicnf mat y micli to
lir. 1 lu-ro me l imilar !;; iio! oil muiif
count, uinl tlii one I on ' y mi nt iiotnl iuf
C.HIM- It iv. i tli Hrkt tu Lw lUplojcii iu r
niaucra of I lie
Ttrn rn.WT'r.j simp.
On llio IIihIviii river tbrrj I n -"ml
nf a fiect nil butt, m inrird by Cn'tiboul
Von iJam, nl.o. ndrr' till nud
liiul.t ( i:o F::tun!av, annre that bo ii'imld
row bnnio ell botiyt it tun!; bim n montli
of Siiik1.ii . lie i cv-r leavltc 1 bo:n,
Lc I In aril rt nl;:bt i!e i r.-.trly plyin:; hi
car, ivlnrli be I coudei.ine X to uj t '. tbt
day of J:iilnu iiL
M I. . ) I
ma r in n .-ew ia nmni wuaier. n
mail (if ITiiit inteliiriire, Ki! tills ai d
lil nil Im Lev I- thl (;reii muiio ttnry:
"Wc were ofT ll.e miaitli of the Anta-on.
Tt 1 1 li lo uli, il. a in. bad l.illi -1 nhi:iilu 1
bad tlir ttiidwitcb. n tbail calm pri'Vuiliu,
win il it I ire. miliar., r a:e I idii.i canto r .v-
t:iril. 1 lin man ul tit 1 bit I b id it
nil nml nu iirni I y iliail itilli trrmr.
"Iu tlir iieM unlrli I nth 11 hah by aoris
mran lirol.u iwlrift nid inri' lo't Tie
ktno.1 1 a tbe const . (urtlio v. hale ha I Ml 1
ilrlily left 11 .mid bad ;ut nin ly to wo' k
nub 11 ") barril (el Im 11 Iu 11 one nf I 0
initcli, nt 11 o rbick nt iu.;lit. reMirinl a
b: -liii rh'M' ulieam 1 f 11 . A b fnirl".
M .11 a il. uil calm, nml tlio nam a
rit::clnl in prmeiuv nf the enlne cr.-iv. r-'!-tain
(tic I mini. 'I he 1 r; iv Here panic "t. 1 '.
rn, but ll.eiryif "I lure (.he blow ' the
Itrxt muni In :; n rvrd lo rally tbe Imu'i
kpltit. uinl 11 bout n.n lun 1 re.1. Will, I
bale r-tovt the bunt mid 1. 1II11I luo men.
Tlu.t I lul l llie l ntly visitor i',1
rt:;iiln T hair full. nvi d it'a kimrne. Tuo
bnata pulliil In I'liiMiit, tin) cantuiii Lad
In . '1 In y l. ai'.i' ( i-l 1.11.I .'.i re 1 .111 o f mul
b tie liei i r liii li hi nr. I nf inre. ll y
Job lo lirittjj t lis ul. I honker home, bin l.n 1
the iHc.'er up;K-:irid a-.-mii tbrri liouid
lune U-etl luitie 1 1 ft lo till the l:ile."
In IT.VJ uiliitre-.Ninlni'.rilyncriirriil Jmt
nil I'.Iih I. lib. ltd. Klio.le lii.uul. 'I he U.ilt'l
imI l'olatue ma iinrl.iil. Wu-rkir
luuilr Mini I v ilk 1 ( In r, tn niin::liii tlu-ir
laliit I )' Mltili;: I. iv lo ti e kpliutiiiil i.ttd bull. A iie ill iftcd Milliard till
the hb I Lie I be furiii n( n (rltiiile n kei 11
mul. I I.iu 11. line, h fi tlu'io lo M ris'a by I'. 0
n'..ei-M. ,'-o intirli 1 1 p.tindil trulli. II l
iiiuii) nil "nld kill" lull till )d i MKliiul
1 oil-in- l int many m irinrr Imve alncj
1 .mi Ibc rohilini'. ti itb batteml hull nml
I 'a, In i.ii. mul on luriliik I l.e 11 rail Ii of
1 1. ul Imilly miitilneil iiiiii iiii e,rinni; brr
Liii i' mul eulllti viilniv (or brlp Dmui
lo ImiIi.i oil er 111) i ruii vtusi I tin nf:m
4111 1 IT h'arry I link. 1 lie inaile knjuaU if
di-lns in d I it 11 pilot, but 1111 Ihi.iI mill. I
ever reitctl lief, J III my ul I aearnen le-tify.
111. I Ilu- ktr.:ii;;i.l ktuty I that of llie
II ink it Lii !t 1I11II111 1 11 1 he rca-t nf Kerry
mul na (uUI'.d lo lie l.uleti tt ith pi Id mid
kilter, tlio r.rluil kilk mid o. ii iital l.icr.
tie.illll b vond tlio mint yn; eoii ilriami
uf Ilia Uiny nv.ti'ix llnl ttluti they
Itul'iltil i.l nml, 111 11 ilrml iiilin, 11 kitdtlin
klorin 11a o' uinl Mrit the tt ivrl. Mmm, mul
ruiy tinikir tin iliuttiml llie nam
Itnrk iipH.irtil ill ntbrr pl.ii'riuli the In h
rn.tst ratiiiin; a like tii.'y, mid It I',
lititdy Im lii ' i.l 10 ('.ay that lite k'.iip
itn 1 nt nf earth, I tit n phantom of Tuti.t
Nik'i;, lliu laud of ) 1.11 lb ul it itrllial Lppi
"I Ii-1 I'rlil.-yl rn rttluiky i!ny lau
pt mil inn Ly 110 11:1. :t. (tin bind to Ib at a,
but .'linn lake il In 11 ttiux.' Innti th 111
I luNli.i 11, 111 tl.ty tin ill l'.It:ti.inv
li e iiotiil nltrinpl uiir Hindi- lo ihitmy
lbikitK'i ititioa nuly tii-ii,lbeinil it nml
ia ti til i uii u.U iid by a nloia. Touetiion
cpi'rtrri Tti row rurtrvra
ktrnte the 'illarynf the prrjttilict n New
I'.iiubiinl Ll; mi tier laid Ibr kill nf a new
kl.1,1 eg a Kl i.I.iy, I.iu ui hid 1 er nu it I'm! iT
n:-ii pul n n-nii r nn Ih-.iuI by 1 1 e name 1 f
1'itihy. M-v lift I rit in n I'tiilur ni d
piiihly mav Imie bnn l..t on 11 1', !
lor in.ll.lii' li t U-e'i biuid nf the lerl 1
(10m that ! iv to tin. I
Sue ii la Ike ni)wilotti I: f.uriirc of the
ae.t, I
Tl' 1 af. knll, ilrea.t. r:c rnal 1 crp, I
that eten will iiliicitrd men it bine !
are l.irily ..ifcnl 1111 I 1, (UTitrutn-v-li
i.riiitiil It It. lard Nil-ill iitl.rr l
Litetl iu r li-r n.n.p r. imui (.ti ml aonip
aiiprraltt :iu. lietiaib il .1 Ium-noiIihc to the
lnl. i. n maal nf I.l f 1 p and Kiianlptl it
)i liinly. It I ttvll kni.itn tl...t Na;i..!r. :i
lV-ilip :rt na vnt tMirlitn.i. t'-r
it I f n b v. n .ii'iii:iiy an a : :t' utw (.nul
H." pl !. I rani ti nt a N le l.nd rttu !
nlior iiTl.l Unt tl. cine 1....1 In n pat to
(le.itb. "1 i-i- lt br tic enf l.'li-l.o. '
Naj-nlion t- niue'i c uc.iicJ mIicii le
lil:lt:i: lit pure nf rev lie L.'.i.' :
uroti If n an rn. 11 b. boHnfi.'i ,
rn- it X Italy tn I'r .::rc ti 1 rr t.i I? Ii.iM.ri'.
Nnthii --i cwul.l i. ui.rt liu to U'lit'trlLl .
cinti.-.t). .t!y 1 n-n:: nuitt nctiri.i
ci It n:r," I M il. ".ill l I rit
k.;t..r,.l tbet n i cr!Tii:.t I loit-" IlI
ptr, Minn i.l c Un n!y rnviil Ini.
1 ..tit-i t in tl ...lot on arareli. n .14 rrintite
cltrtiit:t c Ur otrr ii) Jrnt. Mil it ti-
liu illy t-t c 1. ii'i if Ihr liHX.o Lai
I ulti. 11 L.t.nt U do null tbaust-cf
lb m nl. nr. )rl iiarly all and
cry Lnuiru U iiti t bry bat . Vi Lis- i
nr a plant I or
Ui, atar I mil mar II.
u wr ut ouvm J , Ii Lurlix. "tW
' 11 r 1 -
- 'ft ' "v- - C
a . 'r-tU ;j . . a, -
liar -1ocp1r.s IL moon," win and tm
prtnou nuilirr t aurt to follow. It U
prorrd. Loirrncr. lliut a full loooo baa
I ti-i.iinxy tocliar tlx k y cf littclouilaor.
a aiior aay, to t.oti laim up.
Tbo ruinlioi i u aibjpct of many an
prralitinii botli on i..nU auil a. Tb r.iu
tlial provvitt coucvruln tbt raJubow U
nrll knoKui
rl'.liw al n'.'M. ullnr'i d M.'ht;
l.olnlow In lb'ii. uLtri lak wanting.
8 unirn limit upon ft morning ralnliow n
Inilicalii p of mora rain nr or abort. Urn J
Mill; a nilit l of (oniiiitf fair urutbrr.
Tim or tint li (un lialniT plruwu.t
r. catUir in ntly. but Willi d bad wratt'rr
In a ten day. Winti tua nnrn colur ii
promiiiiitt, run mid cnol nrallirrlll (ol
I nr. but n mil . t.d i nn u ill orcnr after a
rainlioiv in nli'i'li rid prvdoiniinttia. A
raiub.ivr in tin) n r i,T.illi the nrxt day
nill TV ii n n 1 1 tli dmtaiii-,
tin ra.i l rv inp.i:i. (air himIIht; n hrn nur
t band, bad nrair.i-r. I'or Mini of tbt
b lii ( i lien-1 ;,, I ri'.i:i. Jf coiiro an
m-iiiiU r.t i ii Imir lio.v a clear ky in ll'c
v.cvt, v. ii.lo a lauriiiu rambow Itidicult
tlie o;i;h .. tp.
A (.;. lit cf bird probably prrTenteil
Coiiuiibii (nun i l ni( tbl colttilieiit.
fur n In ii liu vim I'rmiini an-lom Mart In
Alnn.o I'liiiui .i ruadid bim to follow a
fuatof .irni: toivird tlio MjutlirL It
' v. ,i. ;;imm! lurk lo (o!lmr In tbt wakt of a
j duck of ulietiriineil iiKin a Tyn(r
(( liikcuti-ry a v. idilireod aiiperHitimi
omoii't Suitiili n aii.rn of I bat day and
Imt fi.r Id t-buiia (f cniirwi ( nlunibn
noil Id lime airutk tlit count of Florida.
: That would probably bave fiveu the pn
flit L'lillnl Mull :i Hun an I'atbolic S;mii
I'll Ki;iiil.;t.n:i of a rn.Wtaiit
I'.iil.kli out', n ( irtuni'lanrr of iiiinii'iiiiir
lil.l.t li:ixir:.inci'. "Ni-vir." lluin
Lnlilt. " bad Ilia (lllit of binl mora lin
) " r. t co ii iiienie."
!'ati (.il Ir.iiily nliicli lio lieen i
often "e:.i'i.iiied." but liliil n iiulbiticnf
n myniety, llie emu ictinn and banuuiKof
.Iiiibipin in SKiiier and tnoMamen on
tbe I' li. lid Ml.tia bri:; Snnier, tins ofTlier
I i rmiini nd iipgxnni lo liuve tjiven miitb
i. i lo r oil nli-ur l alatemeiit by tbe
t.'.ilur.! il ittratnl wbat may be
C .l!nl llie wij -prat It ion about pirarynblib
for iiiauyiear Mtivnl to p rvade every
Vifcu l .:ilmy in tbe Went Indie. Alui'nt
liiiuriably tbe mm Xn-ffxn to talk nbout pi
t..ti -i 1 1 mkiii i: I In y n ii( In il tlioe wilier
nn.l i.uoii U-i; in lo u i-ct Mime of their d l
lou.if Itileulinr to unit iny; beticethn-e
i.inorrrt nn n into l nn;:i'l.
'i be ibaulni:i hbi;t oil Sandy Honk, nhorc
r .'. :: d to. a 1 1 In rally lielievnl by m a
I ii n In have b -! niii'i.f llioip on wbitli Iht
l i. ti bud mul niiirili nil tbe of
('.ui. An nhl pili t ttho mw tbt vr-el
aud b. !; id Mini oil a bout Mijai ' Tbey re-
TTiniK was s Bias of i.ivn aim ur in n.
1'iiitrd that pul! 113 tb.'y nould tbr diitnnpp
11:1 Itet iT I. iM'iie.l. and Hot a M'U nf l.fe
tia il.-r Tin lile on I he tri:rei ' ibrli. The
Umt i; up the i.nk lndi".iairiindtiiniril
lark, tilini tie kbip npN-iireil lo haven
Lnr.e. hut mi. k-iiiin birktvarl. That
tiaietui:!i Ii r 1 1 e l.oj In the y:m I. Tory
.nt I .u k 1. i.tjililly 1 poi.'.il.le, but nil
l.i.;l:t bins that Mrane craft, without
creak nf I. luck nr f..tin( r invai. matietiti r
nl 1 rui'.iid 1:1 nml only ilisaiirariil at the
flu-li i f llie c.iiuin lliuiuiua'.ed tba
ruilLTii bo; 10:1."
Tree. I t'y lloumlft,
CnlriiH'l Pint Anntriii", a wealthy
r.iiK'li'nan, mid l.eiv Mitrhill, n (jroivr of
r.lUv.oith, K.i- . h id 11 'i.':r;i ilnpulu le
rrutly. Tlir eoloui I lii-liiiised tbe lu ittrr
(mm Liimlud ini:i i.t ll vta over, but
Mucin It I nixie 1 iiputi tt nud finally tr
iune I 10 mi k kiimimiry vi'iii'.iure. Arm
ln; I i::t,l(, be unit by 11 roundabout route
10 At niitmti' ram It, lib nit krt en In. hi
f .nin r.lliuiiitli. and 1 ilbil (or lb roionel
tu c'lttte to tbe il or, luteiidinlo abool linn
otl Kint.
Ih.t tlipctiloni'l' lit 1 li-il.iu titi-r. atrnlln
r.mittid llie 1.1 lo i f the bun.luij to ki-i ut
the tt.l ir, 1.1:1 buk nud inforuinl brr
( atln-r I but a Ulan tvilUu iiii waatvuilin
(or bim.
So put iion Li irttnr.l, rolotiel Arm
kti'iui'j (Otiinl l.n 1 iiriiiy (nun one n( the
It iiulnit , mid Mitchell tta (urreil to tils
iiiuiint mid Liyilint 11 hiuunninl revolvern.
When tta time ami In borv Ini
niti'.y. he v. n Informed tbut if bei.iml (ur
bii It.'e be ttiutld bate to run (or il. The
I . 1 1 1 1 1 1 nu 1 be 1 .nub ttere linn tuniiil
Inu-..' ait 1 ..i t up 1 bim, nud with only h ill
11 munitt ilarl Mucbell llnl (nr hi life
t.iu.ud lb timber 11 quarter uf a mile di
The ilni ot ertunk bim Jut a lie reacliiil
tin I. i .l lice, 11 .mill x)i. 1:1101 e. but be
I. them nlT nml it un himel( out o(
tin-. iv 1. ( their :i.i.pini Jan. C'oluiu I
.rtn-tio:!:; linn nle to tl.o ,.'t mul In
(.iriuiil Mi r 'u l I thai he me iltllo Lira h 111
pi 11 un r llieru nl hi plr.ii.ire, mid ralliui;
ult I. . If tit !' al the othera 011 yuard
ou r bun. madii uttempt to dr
trend tl u rln the nijhl, but the hound
r.tllinl tatli tin e null tu li (my that he
it. i u'.nl to climb b.u'k. In the mumiirj
the it.itibiu ( i'. ',;i tiere n In 1 id, tbe n it
if the puk Ikih- put oti duty in t Iu ir
ktr.i l. I'it Inn iiu'nt mid lint Mitrbill
Lii 11 In t lint m r iinitiv, llnl dar 111 u to kit- p
let be (.11 moid Im lib rt (or mid ti r
luml bybttnir mid ttui-t. Ur ttinre
ilun d to kin 1,1:: the ib it 1 1 urn I up b mm
11:1. 1 l.i rill 1. ; I 11 nl. tin the t l.i 1 il day the
ii.., tteie 1. 1. lnl oh', 1. lid be Itaa art ul lil
ir')'- .
A Mngiilitr Crliiptr.
A in :ttlar tury cmiica from Htt-wia
of it jutii: man. I.n.m 11 iu Hit "Dyttij
I'niphi't." tvli. 1 fur ncveral ninntlia nt
li.ia illnl. to all iip'.tt':iiii in. every Sat
urday nu I rctnnml to life every Mnn
day. Tim tmiii. by ii.iine Tnnndli,
iv ,1 lorn at i'llli. in tlit t'lttu .iM'.a, mid
hn l'ti 1 vdtt. I. leu Min e early child- I
ti.l. At tlir lirt of thino ainsulur i
p!ieii.uiieii:i in lkly wa pri'p.iri'd fur
lui.i il iv it it Ii tv.ii tu hue taken pl.ut
mi .Muti. I iy. on wliii li day lit rrtnme.1
tn Mr tie ilet birr that lit really duel
die. ami l i.l li-e.l to limk upun tbt
! '! ..f t he riH-i r.lin tinsel and M-m on
11 j i-i- tlie n-tiiira cf lit ne'ntuiiit
n't. r. with thrltktuf their evil IcctU
:in I lli.inli:.. Tlirac lie tells to tlioat of
t!:eir 'q'tratnr who vtut tniu. auj. tt '
l tirti r tiia:;i- n imt.ikp.
Ai 'inii otiier wlin vikttcii him w a '
netv-n-r ie;irtcr, 11 Im went wt'.h tlit j
atuite.l 1 1 i t i -.- i.f ri,nr. a (rami (
Pul lie i'i-iiiv fmni T...irrl'.l ru.ui 1
wttli a win'? fair, tli l.iiiuit!) to lilt
Itien.l " lake int away: I hutt livej j
nu iionr n '.Leila) cf jadeuicut." 1'ub
liv lit tin. nt.
A W-lrulifle Tarl.
A ll -T tked n:i uatruuomrr if tbo
taofl w.i Ii'.'ial.'tnl." he replnil. "Itno of oat
noon in wi'.'ch t'a-rt U aSvrayt a baa
n.l ti woiaaa." I
"tVhii h t. thai." I
"Tbt bote j ajx" Jtrn a
anL 1
DIacle Eart and a Pretty School
ma'am's Game of Poker.
Tba Oact rnmou Hoantala Outlaw of
t allfnrala nod Ntaila la a Jnlt Old
Uaa otr Ill.CbUalry and Poatrj U
rd Ilia Term.
lilack Twirl ride the mountain mad no
raort, lie M-itrd bl term nt San (Jurntin
A nd iitore to Hit thereafter 03 Uonrt l.fe.
t'o far oa known bt Lot kept Li ontb. but
a l.e Ucrtltnsohl and pMircution fur hi
early ofTenMH I burred be no lunger deule
many of the robberie Iniputtil to him.
l!el:id l.ltle nluiatloti, but powMil a
riieernbim for vrrifyiuB nml often left
little venun in mail aackt be had robbed.
Uutt ruu t lit a:
I'm rorry I p-nt my Unit
111) .pins up this 1:1a. I.
1 dnin't lni'l ni.iriry rnou;h
To buy a rural (cr a quuiL
A diiticb of liettrr fortunt rradi a f d
Iowa: Purti bauls at ihlt are very rare:
Tl ey toon would u.ake n i a ml
He hi d n i!nli of cltiv.-.lry, too, and one
Hoy Iu llluitriitlun (f it lito'd iu the St.
Ixiui Glubr Drnuicrat u follow:
The coach fur Nevnd.i w:i about S.1 mil'-
nort beast of Sacraineato, and thecuuid by
Iht driver tin iluiiiiK in the beat of the
aim. Iit'iilo the rnacli were aet cn paarn
Brra, anionst whom wnji a younj womun
bound for Nevada to te.ich achnol. Sho waa
pond IrHikliiit nml I'lurky. She had Invii a
teacher four yi ara in the uilidnadiitrirta of
tba writ, nml idie waa thomtii.'h!y DC
ipinitttril rtitU tbe etiktoni (if the rnutth
rleiiii'tit In tbe midit (if ttblch alii' lived.
Tbe other pnavtiKcra were biuini men
and kprculntor.
Tbe enorli wa palming a htice rocky mule
when the nooe of a lasno fell over the
Riiard and he wua jrrkrtl to tbt ground. At
tbe nnte lintnnt u voire from tb rnrkt or
dered tbe driver to ktnp the borne and bold
up bla hands The driver olteynl without
n proteil. The p.ikrt!Rert attirli tluir
broil t lire nub tbe roacli door Jim In tltnr
to receive nn invitation from tbe vu.rc
anions llterocka lo attp down nnd line up
with their lunula over their bend. Th or
der wii promptly nlM-ynl. When Ibry were
tn line, Ill.irk Hart, Imldinj; n revtlvi r In
cut hand mul the Innoln tin-other, k'.eppid
out from unions the boulder and came
liuwn to it her tbt coach ktood.
.-..-- '--
A LtuAitKAni.R rur.nn camr.
Tlio eunril wa IkhiiuI nml the p.-j.rnijrr
relieved nf all their lulit valualil.- iu scat re
ly more tin e Ibaii ll take to tell It. Then
Hart ( liatidknmrly to lite Indy for
putting brr to ko luurli iitrnnrrliience. She
tmilin' rejoined:
"Don't worry yourself. Hart It waa no i'iili ni e nt r.ll."
"You Know inr'" aid Hart Inquiringly.
"I've braid t un ilr.triUi ko often thai I
feel pretty f i ll luquuinlcd tt ilb you," re
plied the m u brr.
T bo bihv. ay man nppcarrj to feel
tend. "1 1. dilute )uur ; unk," be kind.
"J!oit iimueii faint iibi n tiny aeu nu-."
"I never nan' a man yet t hat I'd faint for,"
replied tbe ttomun, to lliu horror of her fel
low paneiiiT, who were nfraid be would
uiiK r Hart mid drive him tokotneilt-ip -rale
end. A kccond or luolaterthey tierenrlc!.
en dumb with niniuemritl tvlien alio
"Ibirt. I'll lift Jo 1 that 1 can beat you one
deal nt ktud pi. l.rr. If I don't, ymi may
kla me. If I do, yott titiul let tbi . cuacti
nml it paneiirp n:i with tbeir pniper
ty wit bout furt brr trouble. Will you do it V
The proportion atasi-red I'art forn-i In
ttant, but lit ncot rnil hiniM-lf, and l.iuh
111 IX heartily kuul: "Waal, mi a. you Unt
any woniuu I ever came nrrnat lirforr. I
never kl n woman linlcia nbe'a willla, but
If you want to take them rliunret I'M pl.iy
you, but I recknn you'ro glviu me tbe best
of tbo bargain."
Tbt tioin.ui intimnted that be wa re.V.Ir
anxiou to play fi.r thire ktukr. and prrp
lirationt lien- inutlo for the Kutur. ll w-t
agreed thai the drtvrrahoilld ibul the rani,
ami Ikirt Imiitt-d tbnt tbe half du.rii
arnifera kbotihl a'.aud up iu a row iO pacrt
away, no that be inthl detect miy ottrmpt
1'. trenrliery. The teacher aeated bcnelfnti
a niailiottcli tbnt Hart drap'd out fur
that puriHue, mid ivtlh Ins rifle rcatinjj
arrona hi lap be aeltled Limatlf on on
klire a abort Untance from her.
The curda were drall Iu the regulation
tile fur ktud K)krr,itud Ilart'eyrKloitid
ti lth rxultultoii it lieu the cnnl itai
thrown lo bim, (are up a tbe rule it
"You'll lone the Kiia," Le kaul, "for brre't
anotbrr five." lie tumid uptbe lint caul,
which wu iilm n five, and kLoittil aoulber.
"Tli rrt Ilu-:'' Lo kboutcd in delight.
"You did well, ktr," kald tbt tilchor,
"but I've ut another nrven tiol here, and
I believe that tbn! nf thine nrv better than
your Uvea." She turned up t lie "mil" card,
and sure enough it wu u art rn ot. She
had t;ol two aeiena nnmu; tbt "open" or
face up card.
riarl nu Mt back fur nn luatnnt. but be bad been fairly belpui leucbrr
to lirr (eel kii.1: "tu iit lettitu, I t loi a
niibty bi ktakr. L'ume up bi rr, one nt
a lune, nnd p t it bat belong to you out ul
tlint but."
The krni;rr joyfully olirynl theontrr.
Ikin retain. d their linarin. Iu a few mo
nirntalbe pikM'tiri wire in tlirnviih and
rre K'oiiu np tin- trn 1 tt itb a ila-li
TVben the ktoiy of the chuo!traclitr't
p'.nik nil tnbl at Neinihi City, thei.ti en
T-elitnl brr ttith 11 hauiliuiiie uldttntch,
and tturrxpni etini.iiiy rii ber n check
forfl.'"i. The brave ttimiiiu kti.l Li,- Iu
a prtt ntu tuttn, tt bere ht bo
emu the wife uf a prominent Un jcr.
Tli r-imniellng Age r 1 rltlrlim.
Vhcn Trnnynon put forth Li youthf il
Tohime i f "i'ocmi. Chief.? Lyric-.l," ls.).
It hod to run tbe cf n'kiad of crit
Iciktn r.ow Larptly extinct. The 1 r-ltion-eii
cf tbo u:..-mi;c cri.'t ore kii.l too nfloa
t.lrpta tn the art of jflvui;; pain. ud enrr,
t tit red aid ail uncbaritablecra wear til
Blank of a leal for KoJ l.trraturc. Cat t'j
bwhiri.t article i no longer ia vcr-a T-t
reviewer mr.y be ua.'a.r ; e cii.nuv eCea
it,;T..vit. mran. b-t Le doca cot ar
dm-irtly nowaday call Lis TK-tm to . ur
ratd.ot and !.-.:e taol ht Lu aa aJJl
LciC a m! -a bran.
S icb l.ttlo rm'x.vr. art; wert qr.!!a e
re-'.e ia tbe da; tc( tLe"U:vkwod ;."
fid - early yea of rraarr'a." Tl
f Ife.". atxxilo. w.tli wlU'lj 03,1
Lockbart acd .V(-ln3 rourxd out
on acotkary cr 'tVt:;, ttcir cpro&r.out
eontcmpl, tbe names that ttry coiled Lin.
tb b!ackyuarti:yer:tUrttl:t tbey
to him. tbe peror,i.l:;irt of tfccir at'vX
toeat are tt--.t to repatable rrv.ct
caa cow aTori And yet Camtoprui
North waa rot aa unkindly can, tbou-.i
ht loeel, a CxHylt a J cif L;, la "gut
A tory af llrol.t Thai Ot(hl tt Da
Mad lllstarl.
Ileroitm Ilk that ditpluyed by tbt CM
caw flrtmen at tb recetit burulna of tht
cold atorak't warvhoutt la tbt World' fair
CrouniU deaervea to lit made Littorie, Ont
cannot nud of it without a thrill of mlo
pled :nn nud sorrow, and it almoat
reroncilra a innn to diatb to know that
turn can face the Una of terrors so bravely.
Tbcro l 1:0 tired to recount tht
of the fire. Tht tint inu Knows them.
Hut tht heroic rnnilttit cf tbe firemen
thould be rmhiilnud among tht precious
t uuorliaof thefc'rni ratlonaof men. It la
tbut ileeril,id !u tbt t hicao Herald by
sn rjritilniM.:
A acore nr more of mn had clnmbeml
lip the wiinlitnr Mnirsef the tower to tb
tup l!ronr. where IV feet nb hp the earth
the yellow I'.aiiu- wi re curling about the
cupolx Suddenly tbt (lrt lmrt thmuub
the ti bite kidea of the totter midway its, Tht triicbirou uluuieut hod eat-
en Its it ay down the wootb-n idin Iwtween
the I nm chimney and the staff exterior
until the ine'i on llie Iwlrony were cut off.
A shout froiiithtnsiembliil thouaands tuld
t bnn of their dancer. They had lirrn
watchiiu the flames abort them ami di
covered thot U loir only tt bra It waa too
Chief Murphy hlmwlf had letl his men on
their perilous climb to the balcony, nnd
when the lire broke out below lie ordered
themtokavt theniwlvea. They could not
go dawn a they bud cotnt up, fur the In
terior nf the toner was a roaring crater.
Tht heavy ladder coti hi not be drawn to
the roof in lime 10 aave them. Tbry rukbrtl
to the kotith tide of the balmiiy and swarm
ed down tbe line of ho. Five men slipin-d
down tbe kinoklnK tube, ami then It fnvt
Tbe cnlmne of dripair settled on tlit
mm still lu the balcony. To remain where
tbry wrrr 1111 ant cremation; to Jump nnaiit
to be (Lulled to piecra. Over, under nml nil
about Ibrm kttred tbe hellish fire. Nut a
mnn lot bis bead. None shrunk back.
None cried out. When every vestige of
hope tin pone, one by one llicy dropinl
throit;;h tbr m.i of flume tbnt surrounded
them to the roof below. Sixteen men
J urn nil from the Ltiriiin. liulcouy, ami as
tbe lat one sprang out the tower, coin
pli ti'ly rnteloped in flnmr, tot tr nil nud
fell with nrraih.
Hut the horror did not end here, Thrrt
minute after tbe full of the tourr tbr en
tire roof waa ablaze. One bund nil mm
were on It. Tbe only vtny of rucnpe tta
down n single laddi r ul llie north end of
the building The denl nf hrmiiin, nf self
aarrilire nnd courage perfurnml in the few
miiiutr Ibul il took In ch ar I he roof u ill
never nil be tuld. The nlili Unlinl 1111:1
rtikhrd to Kate thrir hrlph- frllotvattho
lay about with cruelly bniken budie. the
rrulluf llie lenp from the tower. Every
one who wa Hot buried in the burning
debris, whs loivercd lo the ground by ron
or in ktroiiu nrtns. Tbeu the blutirnl
heroes sought the norlh ladder. About
them surged the lire. ITatni'srtirliil nroiind
tin ir Ir'k, klabbrd at thrir fares and
off their tniiklache nnd ejihriuv. Hut
here, n In the loner, there wx no outcry,
no ktruggle fur pri'rcilrnre, no coivanlire.
Tbry tix.k I heir turn, nt d nnc man ttho
wore n while helmet lepprd kick and m
tiomil fur n fireman logo before bim. Then
the man tilth Iht it bite I, churl kto.ipnl
doitn mid M-i.liiig the limo that il.lnlul
(turn tiir nlc nf ti e ruif went whi.i.iiig
doit u it li tigtb mid landed a lightly as a nu l.i fn t. lie w.i Lire M.irmnl Mur
pby, mul from that moini nt be was n
miukid 1:11111 i:t theeyrnf the tbntii'id
w bo emit llnl ulxiut tbe burning bilildl :tg.
Next the croud kiw the mail with a white
lu'lmet climbing n l.ulder on tbo cut Hide
of the building. Then a fireman kprntrrnp
the ladder Aiintbrrniul nmithrrfullowrd,
until (utir wi re i;iing hand over hand after
the man tt ith the white In Inn t.
Thuit bite hi Inu t ui-ii.eiiml orer the
edge uf the roof nlmigti ilh two black ones.
TViun they rmpj cand, their wenrers were
strugliiig beneath n limp burden. It wa
tbe body of Captain l'il.'pirtrick "in the
arm of Firt Mandial Murphy, Captain
Kennetly mid Fireman Hans
They MoimI a Irionf heroes outlined aijainit
a background of fire.
rrrtentlril Deaf Men.
Il the count ;ic of Europe in which tht
ntiliiur" cor.ur. linn cxuii many tnrki
re (ikc rted lo by roiivripts la tbo rfTort to j
ekcapo-ervic. Ofti n men have Ucn Lnot n
lo 111 ti 1 ' let t- ilienii-rlve, n by ratlin:; o:7 a
(nrcfingrr. ia 11 ilir to r.ndir tbrin unfit I.T
C:e in n ice. IVctruiltd Inr.l li.ty to arc ii
rxpoicl ly the sari-rona without rvnl dif
ficult)', but prrtemlid dcunicka aomelimea the cxatnincr.i.
A counter trirk on the pnrt of the ofnciTS
was for soma time if.'i elite aguimt thit
f-nud. Tbo rrcnntiti;; ofi'icer, aficr a c n-i.-ripl
had i n tended to It ilmf. nniarke 1
la an ordinary tnt-.c of voice. "You are tin
I l fur the t rt ire; you free." In mnny
rises tbt recruit kbuivcd Ly evident signs
(f mtiifactiun that ht lnal heard the ro-
He was then rrrr.lhd. told Hint lit had
I11 n drtcrtcd ia Lit fraud and scut to tut
Afttr a time, howrvcr, the concr!pts bt
cimotoo Ttaiylo be caught in tbistni.i.
'i bry Lul Lund nf the trick end wert on
the look' nut (nr tbi remark, cud when il
was uttered they made no i-hrnof intelli
nriicr. Lately tbe I'rcncb ofl.cers Lave la-
ten:etl a nrtv "trap," tbo success cf w hich
Na carious iilu-tr..tim of tbo ingraimd
couriey. or at hat llie asumplion of i
co.irtiky, on the part of Frenchmen of all i
classes. J
After tbe "Vo:i arc frro" has failed to ex
cite any si-n (f u;.uirstanii.n ; In tho le
cruil's (are. tbt command to "go'' li
shouted at Lin. He starts out of the room,
tbe door of which I held open by mrcban rarar.a. As Lt paaatt tbroujh il tht
oiV.crr tays:
"Yea might nt Irani the door!" j
This Lttie tinjtiki imprachmcLt of tht !
n.atj's pc!itcKs Is kxid ia U cones out of
Uof prctcrdij dra'ces to result iaaquirk
tarmng of the maa Lc.-uL He is thin
called l-ck ni J tuld t S1.1t Le balrn foutd
Ll for the kti ,ce. New York World.
tonilnn llrblgrs and Their Co!.
Trom evidence taken In-fur the commit
tee ou the n.rtropulitun bridge It awij
that Smibwarli bnlte. nub ll ap eirl .Jt.iu) Ik-fur the opro
uij o( lb nri lndon bnd.t In ISII lb
income of tbt briie wa. a much y i7.
1W auou.xily Waterloo bndi ei-t. wnS
il a:.;, i:c-..M . 4.I Old Ikitv
trra brnlge but'.n Lover I'O years, lu
ortjinal cokt rn: iW to be known.
Cld loitney bnd,e. Alt tn ITcT). er-t
about aJ'.teu. tbecjipt'ai eoni.tma of 30
aburra of il.uil each lUmmerml'.h
brr. built In k-J4. cmt Vi.itil Kw
brcge I a private nttr. and It ce4 la not .
ktitriL llwa Inubt by. person somt
yrars ago for D.Trn. subject to an annuity
of a:ionaLfcor;jL
I'.icbuiond lxulfcT waa ballt la ITT 4 at
tost of ljj.'XB KiBittoo brid j wa buDt
about CO yean a,t aaj ts4 -J a
dot) TU-k J
't D.-lt. II.,. r. Th
Tb.l I. Wrlh I ,M, !
niviucrrakinm.-ik nf lmul,.r
prmon nf any pn teiei.m, to c'iU,,
at le.kt ml m orer mnke it vr '"':'t
thai the lighter part of ,., r,. J ""f
Iv . f.,r , fir,u.'t I
irmit many iieru.lir.i!. ,.lv, ..' '" A
win: hii.pir.Mo dot l.i. e,rv ' "'
cn.wdnl pulilieof di-lra t , , ?u ov"'
It niut lie cMifiwil tbnt tl.,.,- (,'," ?' ' 1
I unit inn adii.irnhly-u.i; . '
riiouuh to take ttvouf il...n. ttr ri
-,.,,i ,i 1 ruir, llie 1,.. 1 .
I to liu. I one who .InT. r fr
hkt in tmie mi l m,. , ,..',
'iht iitiiid itbirli nonli tiin,,, .',' "x
prracrilml by Mr. Amine Lin, '
larve on one kclninl by jr u ' 1
and, MMilily, 1 Ire l erva. I"
There i one romfitit-t,.lt ,
erne rr.ul of co..le.,H,rary lit.'r.itare ?
In- he l.iia to re I. V.-ry fc. of r , ,
Hiiple have inure th., , '
year, mid w hen the ..u-ii, ri.u,.r '!
up a freh li-.k ur nrtulet.y,, f,.'1;'
author it will not take bun l.,:, , ". ' "
the lit uf the 111 utrr mi I ,T Hlla., J
nniiiinl new Hr.i nud whlih an- u,r,
one wiirnml over. Tlu imp , ,
pronrh toihe writer-he I m , f,ir1
to liuve a whole Idea 11 year-tmul It:,
n(ubl! ll only .Imn, t .
miuikof rurn nt liieriilure 1, v. n fn t
U loo intirli. It i like tin-lad nf ai",'!,',
' ill riirni, nm ll.-tv.f.
can throiiuh it ut a trriiUii..r,
o( peril.
I Hiicon'aclawifluitiunof loiks Intnttn
which are to lie ttitnl. th.e w ,i. I,
lie awiillownl nud thoirtvbi, , are 10 1.
chewnl and digi-Mrd, (i trii.-r tbi.
I when he mailt it. except timt lu ii,e , li
of niikltTii medical x li nre we nu:il, rJ1
out that llii.hllechuv.iif thing lo Iv.ajj.
lowed and nut digiilnl. The hint. uf ,.
peikin are too humming. ,,
the ligure I In-tter tvithoui it if t i,luijt
appliiil to the need ot 11 inilrni.
With Link, n tilth wine uinl rirrm
and mnny other thing, wedn m-ll ii.
the new (or It pninuse 11 11. 1 .iv.illuw 14
old for it stimulaiit and nutiitu, la; lf
If nnold l'k Ii worth n-ailin nt t
I ik worth reading well. Hut it .tkr Lit.of
Coimigt' to re.ul un old U!; in iln-.,:.,r
when it I ill "licit b.ul Lult to i.;lk 41,
ll nftrr It I rt'iul.
i IVrhup the happli'kt re:u!-r I the 05,
w ho n-nil new honk u 11 buiuu mi ii
pellil for lii plrUMirr llpnu lb.Hel,,C4
liuvt I wen new (ur years Willi tin-frmliui
of eternal youth.
It implies 11 very marked le.lent for.l.S.
milU if one would hat e any timr kft fg
tbut sort of literature ithiih 1. p .
eminently llne.n nivanl, but tlii. nr
ntllt of Irintre i uol imtMrMilde eii-u n
these day, it lieu the ) early i::t.iliiii-. f
the publiiher lire ..rntiilahle v.,ljr..m
1 lie entire Lick of the fatuity (ur n-oila ;
light literalurr lightly it 11 iiii:i.liiit.t
Willi h tliec;ul might Inn e inu iitol U
tnuie ulilnrate mortal ul htrtary lair. It
w hat could be tvurr than In U'i'uhkI
(nrever to the pei Uuil reading ut j,y
tuilmf Kate Field' Wii-hiiigluu.
Thret Fiitnr lll.lni Sluln drape.
lu tbe counc of an li'trrvnur C.inlinil
M iniiin ;. ii khurt time I furr Li iK.itli. r
fcnsl lo hi Ikiyhoul day a. f.ll.irt
"Well, if ynil want me to talk 11 iivnw I
will say thai ll i 4 l.iti; tr iy i.a k U r
mmli 'i fur I nm el ;hty thr.-e. lnl I vit
IHT clnhlliKi l ut Tulte. i.lg.'. A b.; :.t
C'mmhe bank, ChriiluiiluT W.iil.iTuni,
Lite biihnp uf l.inruln. 1. I (".1 irk- U'j
worth, biihui i.f St. Anlr. w irrnr my
pi lyfrlhiiv. I frankly admit I tv.u 1.7
"The tno Wadnvorth an I I MnTiieJ
the wicke itileiitin:i uf ; llirrs.rr.
Tbr dinir n i iilway kept hnkel. n!
there wa I1.1t lung (ur II bat to e.jt
through Ibc roof. There ttat s
pi rty thai day, but tin re were 110 T-?'
This i proSably the only rae in rw-rl
whrre lltn-r futtire bi.liop wrrectuhtrf
Infrrliy. Wen-we piiiii-.tinl N.i.wi'.!
dikcrert. We gat e o.ii-elie tip auj ti
forgiveu."- Strand M.ig.uiae.
fibt l:iy C'linii.e.
The late Colonel It irnal y tell" n l4
when it Turcoman Is-lle i. I l? Mtlrl n
lil'e the whole trilie lu-n. oTt.tnl
yotlil' l.vly iH-in-J nllowed tlir elioice of
liorun, gallop ntv.iy froai her i i'tn.-
nvold tluneshriliilikesai. I .t ..Uitliw
hrrarlf in the way of theolijn t uflnra.!.
lion. The nioineiit Iip i can ,'lit kb J
come the wife of her captor, wiia.t.r
pening with further ceremony. Uktl U f
lo hi tent.
The bride rare I nlo nn entibliiirl "
torn among the Kalmuck, an I tlir I!
are audi excellent honciTomi tl lb it. t
are told, ll would I lniH.ible to cat
out airuinxt her will.-lain ioti Sun-lari
Augur In Tea.
rU-nl tea luver lake their tea unwirv1
and unrrc'iiimil. 1'riv Indeed ii'i'i i"-1
are such vand.ili a to lake tar I l; f
"trimming," though ninny -till hnh:" "
the sivreteiiiu part. A a ko'iimhit n
mantle young man put ll, "l'-''t ' '
poetry of lea drinking I the f.iK'tv'L"'
moment w hen the pretty woman. iU
her dainty tea t;uivn. p iui. e'!P ,n
hand nnd lung daintily ixil oterilt."
the other, nml Linking in into to-"
with n nnnl engaging epr.i
mtira softly. 'One or two luntpif
Vork Times.
rinenr.t of riullnimi V. Ire.
There nre fine woven wire
dclli, some of which are made wJ
many us .' me.-li.- to t he wi'tun- if
Tne more delirate lakke of win- I
plicntian lu kciititiiic ir.klmmrtt.. ' . ;
are t In- that it i .limcult M-H '
measured, but the l.nk h.w ,H,n'4fl
Blls'ietl. and plat inu til tvrv bai '
Uil-T.UMnf .111 in h en I to mil li-"
Onenuiuc New.
Tht M.H.a Uaa N W' t",1"""!-
Superintendent of aylutn -I; (
In in.iuity say llirre are t !";"' t j
tht belief that the moon nuVct' l"' ( r,
of tho lnalie. iiutivith-t'i"""'-' 1 M
lunacy was. .pplnd to audi c:'m '.
of the sttppond lunar infltirn'e. U '
however, that in many imt-.n 1- '
tient hnve b id U 'e 1 U
VitUburg Commercial ti.v.i
Teleeruplil ri5''-
c. . .. t I i.t:::: w.n- '
ine irni 1 wi -
Hllgland Inr public leli-T 'i' ':
I lTI.IUi niih-. and the turn ;
,f 1 :.-:-
ment I I3.THV In l.onduti m
Crat Hr.Hin f,;,'iii.iHW'""';' n, T
ceived In IO". Spnxb ba .
Miued with perfect clenrir-.. i - J j
between limbm nl far.
J'.l m,le-V V " T.'!.-"L:t-
rrriiier in .(..'" pe.. 1 1 are to'V ma-.e P-1".';;,
l.n tLr griiutiir. ' ..'il-
fi.b that .wiiii. the f."1'''"' u'.',jr
tTil totllM n I the Pl.ikt I '" ,:'.. .
Hon of Hie id. '-'r( d ":',lie','r!V ;.,:,--l!lt!e
gla- - l. '7. " ' J' r .
Tut, marl. m...lrl.y U- I ' , .:rT.
prettier iiimnnr
. - . . ..... vlaiim"!.1 1
It has been noted that tlir...
Ing tLt . an mntb cai is u -
nlut. tbe o.fucrory r.errr to ,.
that on retiinitr..' to .U -" ..
reals and buu-u U.r.." k-" .
. .1 ..1 otlara, 4 pri-o--I
A vlcatl.m .!. ti,,,, 0f
miinut lie win. Ily kin- , '""T
t.-iwin that ni.i.1,. ii, , (. "' l "t
be mipn-mrly ele.ii,t. : r;
kunie all. r.t. 111 e mil., fur tin. 1 ... ,
I tiie If ,.u r.-.i I ., 1 ' '' ,
I. 1 .. ' " l-l-l