The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 02, 1893, Image 1

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MTlBI!SilEli t OR THEDIUEimTIOJOl .1 M'alTI. li IILrS. IMM , 8U 1' I.OSMTL...W BT Uf.n LIT OF Htl BaO'rY
VOL 25
NO. i'J.
The Kuiie til) d'uanl. sAiritiiAV
il!lllier Mild I'rojtrlt lur.
- tl V
1 i
p.r tnnu.u...
i M ili .
'hp in nit .
if vi,fi..' -aw . tr ar a r km am m av -bw
,' im
ilt Inn.
Aoontss: swi francisco, cau
" J Lift
Ull i iK
1. 4 II.1
l.oi;i i: vhaW .
Tin I.rtwr will I cliaiy. 1 at tin
l.ianwt rats:
Ita. iir thro in,, nth. f 'i '"1
I id iiar aix lO.'Utht K IK)
l in.a.iiar. m yrar I'! Ik)
Traiiiot antic in 11 column, 'JO ivnt.
,r liu t'T nh Inwii iu.
A'tvprtUiuK Mil will r r-ti Icred iniartirlr.
All oh work miwt l rm run us iiuum
Micno aai Coanralla'-at-Liw, and
lieu I Estate Aent.
Or'KIl'K - l"'t Un, niile Hotel Kilmer...
Clocks. Watcnes, Chains. Jewelry, Etc
- II urk Warranted. -a
tiK.Tt'K - (! half U.k-k kniib in. .
S.-id glim to l',!-ti..ut
anJ l'ri4t- t.ii.itir...
L. W. BROWN, M. D.
I 'li.VMlv.-i.-iii Mint MtiruiMin.
OthiY au.l ri l. hT m.r (N.t.itlii'. Il 'ur;
tn '. a. in,; I'J to o, i, in '.' 1 1. m.
E. schwaochild. Pr3?ni::r.
Full Stock ol Butterick Patterns.
AMn-u I'. (I. Hot U V.
City Property.
t i
;i i in
it T
Mil V
m K.lsny
iitil'i'iiii' t'
whiih you
p ii your
:i a 1
II .
I'UIIlT I'lolli'lT I'l''' nl
I lir lniiii i.f Hi tn kI
1 4riiuiiKioii,
n .
t ai'j -,uar!. Nor.
ll nl. I :iii, highly n H . I. .1 ( ill, n
if l.niii' itmiity ilitil tliik iiiurnliiK t
'..111 ii lik k. Ill- Hiw ikltlllK lllk mill,
at I'lirinililoli, ii-Iiiih;Ii'i, mnl ut
tin- tilt f In- il. ulli xitk n-kiilitiK w llli 1
lux wm M. V. I U l-liuw. Wlnlf rl.l-i
I ni,' in tin oniiitry tilHMit iikhiIIi
ituv mi iuvlil"iit liii'H iin tiyHlilt'lii
tin- Vrlil. l.' nwrtiiriiol ill n luui;li
i aiul tin' ulil Kviitli'itmti nii ivt.l n Imil
I McltiiiK hu ll uitli llu- kiilnkiiii iit
j cxwiir niiKkil tin-llliu-ot lilrli .1.-
, vi'l.ijkl Into a iki'Vi-n1 iw if lit Kr'l'l'i
, tnmi w iiicii lie in. ki.
lklfttk.1 Hit
th;-: UEiv tafhf bill
ht lit Wili ll( ),
ii ir
1 .'Hi
I"" '
I . ; i r. 1 y
ft il'!''.
University losblore, I
McClaren Building,
Next to I,;ilio Co. limtK
Eugene, - - Crego.i. j
Tin1 value .if :iu invtvtmciit in jir.tpvrty tt m iuN iikm the m tual
merit wiiirli it ki-.i-4, ami tin jirorixfts if it; incnafiuj; in value.
That i why
Prtk'rty In the
U-t liiv.-ktiiiftit iii to , i-ki'liil!y If you want a L-atitiftil 'laf forn Awt
A'lj 'iniii tin- t'iiicr-lly tniuinK uml the city limilkiui tlie I'-nM, w ith
ktr. t-':irk, eliv wiit r mnl . lift rii lii:litk e t inline to il, it
l he nuM enii i iiietit nml ili'-iml'lc 'rnk r!y on I lie market.
N.-v.-r mlii. I tie- w.-atlier. I'NI VKKSITY A I I 1 l luN, i- hih
rihI ilrv ami li:itur:ii; ,' well ilniiiie.l. I'ri. . low , til "ii vw- ternik.
to If) take
Th. K ii
M I ll. Il
lut..r kit. I
k nit . o kII ii
llli'illriti.. rh.
Mtl, ltMt'lllw
.l.Pi tlV
!1 t!l( I.ivef
i i 1 Ki l-
t.ev-i. Trv it.
S..1.1 l.y'.V.l
1 1. '1'ii l.i'riii IW.liT
Irvorm.t lointo.i tf.i.
fl.l.rr Mr.ll. ln.a.
1 ( ."ir i in in, ti I l it ttriril.
'"ix-ii lieu . t. H mii ( II I. Ii.
i r m. .tii'itii... I .-.ii.iit.-r it
I III llll l.k... W . Jl.
W akliliik-t.iu.
-r ntv rACK(.r-v
lit. ' aiiip In .it wrapper
MlO HAY, NOV im.
( 'nil nil or w l ite to H. N. t'.M'ki rlille, KilVklle, ( Ii. t'.'lc
( hi ixliiali Ilhkk.
Tin: i.AK'JKsr vm-. dk- (
ll.IV of!
A rainy da
The lift w.
inly four i
The liver I
i inly two i
I'h mi;.
I. arte oiiit
I. W.'dk
lll TH i II v..
I'. I'. r:i.
uinlny Hi I :
'I i.e li in
til' i tk tiii i".
Iiit t.ui
k III NoVellllHT.
ire ilayk of Novc inlie r.
Ulit ft t aUivc low water
vn nmre until Thank-
e;at ikIih nt (he ehiirehe.
I'e Uelit to .-ill. Ill thi
Fruit Lands'
Order.-i lv
III til tilled nit tie
1, li.ilr.M . I. -1, II. Kain. .I".,
) r. .I'lrM, ' wi'll.
fir;i Uml Bank
Ot Eugene.
raid up Usl) Capital 2(MH)0
Surplus and rronts, 650.0(10
Eugene - - Oregon.
A rfn. rl lt;kiiw l.tnin il". n ra"i.
aMk ternia. fi'lit .Irafi. on NKW YuliK,
T.M), UltKiitiN.
Hill, of McriMH.-. iM on f..rrl,n oiritri.-..
WHita rocpirl .ulijwt tu clink or eerti!..
cate of (lMit,
All rollvetii'iia ctrutl to ut will ni
lr Dipt atteaUoo,
on, of link
I'ilellii ll'k
1 1 1 tr .
l -.'in I'l. lilting
lk in. lit .
of YViHkll.tiru, k" iil lul
le :i)'ii!ii.
it.- U :u!llill ill e .itlm
r.i.o olliee.
I l nekill I i .1, I n 1 to
Itll r- ll'k til kk.
IV : 1 1 1 ) Millie ehonl.
linn riialik-ivii..;.
I, W :ili., I .' lull r, ii .i..
(ii 11 1 the K ii t.
e(ii.-..ii Ini-t iiietiiiN
itk tin rikif ure li;i('.y
in. I f.uiiilv nluiiii'l to
All nnv tlii- tin ir ii 1 1 1 tf .
Illl'l w lie Weill I" llli in
mini: to vl-il f. r a few
Cutis (tnsivi'iTtl (t(tij or iiiht.
2'enc, II 'illumrtte street.
(Opposite Hotel u-
( kiai.ic au.l Kan. j oroernr. Uoirihl lu ll
Im.1 uiaracu
Kxclusivclv Tor Ca.Ii,
I inn nll'. r the ul'lie U-tter iiri.k
II an any other lioiike
I'ally fnunl. Nor.
Si it, i . The family of Itev. S.
J. liklli-, r. -i.iilltf oil the miller of Wi.t
I julith aiul Mrik Ik hail Mime
l'i elotliitn.' Ii.iiik'itii! out of il.kini litkt
Suuil.'iy infill to air after hnviiitf Iwcmi
iii iI mi a lk . w here a little ehil.l wa
iek Willi the ilira.-lei. The next
tnoriiilik,' they hiei lki li ktolen. If the
parly w Im tik.h tlnui ii-nik"i having
the ilix ll-k' tin- ri'Vl n tl'l k'elllli tllllll
thilik he klioiilil U' tliaiikful einillirli
to return the .rok rty whn h ik worth
marly A hl rl rewanl will alko
Ik. paiil if the return ik iim.le. At any
rati- the theft ill ki-rv" ik a wiimiim
to tho-k' III t lo hill 'It of lellVi II If clot lli-k
liailfini; oilt-i'le the lioiik. over lilKht.
of nil kimlk taken at market
Cha.nVrl.iia'a Eyo and Sicin
A r i;.i n fT ChronieSoie Eyek
Teller, Uiii'iini, Scald Head, Old
Chronic Son", Kivcr Sores, Kt,-.4'Hia,
Itch. !'rmr Scralelies, Sore Nipplei
nml rile-. It in coo'.iiitf and aoothing.
IlumlreiU of caM't b.ive l' n curtd by
it aft. rail olhT treatment had failed.
2i wr ltx.
For aa'.r I y ilIhitii '. Ik-Ian".
Oai. oiiarvl or.
I'l. VIE lit.Ak IllinKl v.-While at
work tliik inoriiiiiK ileaiiiiiK
out the r- m mi in the llarrnt
l.l.kk f"r the NV. K. '. dinner,
lleiirv Ki-x inrer hmke the plate g lank
in the -ul h window. 1 1 apk-ar that
he wak ll-ili"; w ale Weichl l lllilikM
ell a IkUird tliat wan Hailed to the thk.r
when it kllpk- from hik hand and
ktnn k tlii- win. low wit i tliealiove rv-
kUlt. I I.e Kl:k k l.liU I ra ke.l MlkMJt
one f'.it I
(Ev il .rli-t.'
Of U.J M inr.. I -w. w: ' '.. i- .l-U -I
Marco J.'. '. - ' :
f. R Mm. Mm. Co., i ir
'i:TI.KMi s: l Hi r! :m..' I in" l -t
"eek, I toiili'l all w.-ll .ire I a. o H-iy
wmtinjt. ir ht'le cirl. H;l ; .ii I
half year. oi l. w ho da I wit-l. i .' ..
to .'ik HI k. j. .iW W1I. klp llk' v I
ViC'ih.Uk, h,. Well i!.- l-'l up. II.
'ui:li Cure l.u d ilk w-rk wi II.
It"th of the'lrvn it. Your-.
II. Cuuirh 'iiri' hk ' i.i .l .:!.. I k pt
wy kI ,ik,rn fr."-i no' mi11'
It ti every ll,., Wl'!i t Hi. - tor ail.
Wuliitiit y.. j .p ri: v, w.- ,..
Your., Mk. am Mit.-. J. K r'Ki..
Iffknw'.i.t. f-r f-.i .i -,.-'.: I
-1) l"f ih -:i.f ...r.. - r n
'lh th llrU. r. ar.-l i - r i 'irr. I y f
.! inVfi .m i'., r i.'. '.
k f t-n. ' T ... .r .i.'a.
the I I. lie.
'i. Th.
' al'' H.'. nil
ard from the Ik.ttom of
lieriii. it will not ! a t.'lnl
p!a?o ik nn I to hae rl
ilimai;" : i Ii"
Kiiiclitk of I'ytlilUH SiicIiiI.
li.ilr iiti.M, Nor :
Helmet l.ixlo,., KliiKht of I') think,
of thik eity nave a reception, ut their
r.H.iii- in the I. . (). h. Temple, lat
Saturday evening Inn lartre numU'rof
IllVllikl K' I lien' were prcM-nt
over Jim friendk mid meiuU'rn of the
order and the rinpllou nimiiiitti'
made ample proMloli for an elijoyuhle
A khort proKraiulne wh rendered,
the adi I n".k of welcome and nnnouue
iiient Ik iiiif made hy Knik'ht A. K.
Ititiinek In the ulkM'tiiv of V. I,.
Ik I. alio, hiiliik Hi r kn ill in n hr. The
Wehkilne eollkl-teil of H few remark,
toui'liinif Umiii the ohjik t and aim. of
the order and . thw fralernal Kpirit
w hieh proinpted thlk mh Iii! "atliermif.
I'ollowiiitf an overt urv n'tidenkl l.y
I.lnk'k orehe.tra KiiIkIiI C. K. Im m in
made one of hl.ehiiraeteriktiekkkk'hek,
khort and ph lililiiorikl. The orehin
tm remlertkl a wkkunl nelii'tloii, and
Mikk Itlanehe (ktralKht kanir a wipnino
kolo, Kreik. Mandolin Chili fiiriiiflnd
oine of It. ipular miiklo and after the
excrcick were over koine datielnx Wltk
illdul;ik, lUfrfkhinelltk were kerved
iii an adjoining moiii and all partook
w ith a rellkli. Tlie k'unkla il. pnrte.l ut
the eik. of the eelillnr Well pleiiMnl
and hopiiitf that thik K. of I', w.-ial
W ak hut tin Ik'Kllinllio; of a wriek.
A fKVKS 1'iil'Mi I'oTATo. Kvery
thing Ke"W. to lierfection in I.ane
(kiuiitv. A i well known khe lino tit
keii Ho' flrM prvuinini at the world k
furk held at Chleiiiio, I'arik, I'hllielel
i.hln and .New (Irl. nn. mi iier w hifit.
Sow khe elainik the lurirt Ikitato. W.
I . Wli.k l. r of 1'1' u-aiit Hill precinct
exhlhitikt in thik eit v Saturday -iln-
Iih -. veil . m iid. 1 1 any
heic . an l at thik rec- I
li il i-lle
iniiiK on
I Alhni.y thik
the nlti iliooti
li:. ' I it- orii;
, to Unit wel
I Tk..ll l l-
, .,r I w..
i.l tl.e -lllll
lay iiiIm
rt Mill,
t in I. ii
Mi- Appl
r.'i ii I.
W III. !( V
- lCilH l,l .
1 .. I in,
., have v;i
1 lie Kll ;,
I l.alk r I
lid Mill
ill. I the n -i.
r. J. -M.ii.
t le ir hnilie n
r. ii. r..ti
i-tcr.Lty ii
Attorui y i
lll'.nillio;, ret
T. V. I'.,
lirand lunate;
of l.alxir.
M.S. Wul:
for iiorthwi.
iiioriiniK'k o
Mikk IN II ;
the local Ve
the iiormal k
The Siuidi
ntritiii iimler
iviver. 1th
It I. now t
U iiearinir hi
ly ii khort tii
.Mikk Mir 1 1 iron ii, of Sheddk, I.lnu
county, ik vi. iiinir for a few day. with
her aunt, Mi . I 'A Howe.
Mm. T. W Mielton arrived home
yckterday af' tiiooii fpiiu a plva.uiit
vikit with r. i itivc ut ( hleiiK'o.
A lliarriai; lieensw Una iwiel late
Saturday h; Clerk Wulker to IC
1. KoiiK aim liiniiin I,. Itohliikoii.
It 1. now .tuted that the tirl!l on
kiivnr will Im iiwi-re liiktcnd orralnkl.
The ixiiinly nil U taken oil plrc, H. I'. Wat .ii and O. I'. Ma-on, of
Siiiulny Met ury fume, knt la.1 iiIkIiI
in the I'orth ml Jail, U lii uuahle to
Kive holidk.
The river now at kimhI U.atiiiK
taire ami at .1 the On if i mi I'ncllle iMi
not wml a , :.t to KtiKeiie. W hat i.
the mailer-.'
Mr. .Kim
Vl-llllllf ut C
wiek in thik
thl. Iliorillll;
W. H. Cm
home In I'm
Irew. wa- ii
Ih nl on hik
T. I.
of the pn-kciit month
Aiucrh'K w lieu is year
inarrlcil nonie tlnie durinif the Tear
Iklllnljtke coiiiit.r, Indiaiia. Ihe
family cnkMk the p'lnin In KVI nrnv.
Iiiif In thikktnte durlnif ScptcinlkT and
kcltl.kl on (met of land 4 in I leu wint
of Kiii'i (.. Thi w rtk their home until
lxMiwheii they w'ld the farm and
moved to thik city w here Mm. lleUlmw
die. I on the Hud of Ailifllkl laet. KikIiI
ehildn'ii wen-Ikirn to IIiciii of w hom
tlve kiirvlve, vU: M. W. and J. K.
IteUhaw, of l-'urmli'ifton, Wikh.,
I'ralik llelkhaw of Alhlua, thlk atnte,
Mm. tl. V. Kliikcy, of thi cit v, and
Mr. John (I. Howell, of Onklauil, Cal.
Muriiii; the hikt ".'i yennt of hi life
Mr. llelkhaw wua an elithiiktuktlc
wheat itniwer and ifained colikldernlile
ci'lchrlty. He was for years theolfli lal
correkkiiidelit forllri'ifoii to the list ton
al department of UKrlctiltuie and alwi
held wvernl nkilikitlc olllelal ImmI
tlou w ith the hlale aKrlciiltural my.
At one time he hud crow linf on hi
farm, wiwt of thin fit v, 117 ililterelit
arietie of wheat. li dl-play of
w from (Intfoii won first medal
and diploma from the four Krcatciil In
ternal i.'iial exawitlon of rikvnt yearn,
I'arik, Ci iiteiiuial at I'hihidelphia, New
Orlealik nml the Chicago fnir lilkt
i I d. I h -Idea two llllklul mid thir
l.k ii iliploiim., award from ktale fuim,
he had nil uikl thn- iiie.lnl and four
diplouiHk . n 1 1 1 world
e.iiikid.iiil le mont y.
I'linuif leo'iit yiiir I m ha madem v
i i.i I fiit nl. ut ion to tin- Ir a itn on a
ri. ilt il rt I I" . le w hieli were n .el Willi
7",ir I nun h lull ii -.I. A a cit i.cii nu. I neli'li-
t ItrpiiSlNllon mi It. Iprni ll .
V.kiiii, r.i, Nov. L'T The new
, delink lalie I nil It I ill i jjiu li mil. Il
pro l-ii.iik (ulllll cvi'iy i x ( lalinii of
(ho-, who pre. II. ted it Would he ll
nirilMiro n( radical ted. nil. luiiiatiy
rek'lk it Ik ii klllpn-e l i II I.i delllif
i cralk, uk it ik uiipit.fileiited iii many
I lif.IV Iklllllk. 'tin Ire,. 1 1 t im ..f lll-.r,.l
pe, .ulllclelit the lun-l lud-
He came to iutloii uf the principle of n- ipn ily Ik
old and was thvlklve and emphtille. I liUk the hill.
il adilitloii to larill reloruik, w ill, if
tru In Nottlnitliaif.. ,
l.iiK'land, and wan Ts yenm old the I ltd leal sdv.k ale- of relorm, and the n pud
r lie w a hlif hly ri-k i'd and hi
rcuvi'd l.l.itivik will In vivo the ear-
j i; -t - lop 1 1 l.y of thU iiiiiiniuiiity.
Tile will lie lirulio-lit Ik rv for
; i ' iiiieii'. and Ik exp. i -liil to arrive on
inoiiovt ntli riiikiii Irani. Ihe
i il v i, al;e p' e e lr m the re.-l-
n f (..o. V. KIiimv, I 'liierof
. nth nii'i Mill kiriki,, Thuiikhiv uf-
i il. h hi ui .'.:m n'cl.H 1., to the .M'Lkotuc ry. The put he Ik ixkp.ctfiillv
. '. it. I to oil. nd.
if i'.i I li.lale 1 laiL-fcr.
hi ny nu reMoiieu u
woikuinn of the Knlhlk
- uml M. (. W arner left
I iliil on ye-lcrday
lumley went to lirain nn
erduy and will attend
iiool then'.
Mercury ha npikunil
.he inaiiaifctiiciit of a rv
a ill .t ut pa r now.
leirrnpliid that l'nk. Mi
end, uml caiinol live on-
I hk"
thai' nil u. r,. nt leotility
I a. I a l.ulliU T of I -1.1'
i.:!, d miii ii. I-.
o. lll- ... I
a. e.; ,. I ;
tli- 'I :r
n ml . -
; i: i n. 1 1
' who iili
tl.e -To
he . d 111
.-ai.ou Hi.
ha Mi ch
m i! hero
- i:i:l v
il. r i.i: ...
ai d tl.e
ik n,.lei.
J '.li.r :. . i
; inn : -'.r
. Me--
:.n .i.i-'
-, In o
y .-ter!
I.ii.i.liiii' In
II i'el.ll.-
. i . .in.. '..
II v
j M
' to
Nr vv I
kli .l
1. I'
1 ri
1 1
. Ii
in i
w i
I k
:i eiiiir.
,:i.k- tl
: 'li le! !
ri.i i. if
v f-irr..'
( Jo. ,,
. a I."-!
k on tin--f
ie otli I
!.l rn k a
r hi- hniiio in
Mr. Hi, lei,, i, -
-ill'k' 1,1- liT-
1 .,- .! piri r-.
.,rk.-l iin-
i.i. I -ii I'',
loiil'liinf r.o
t..i- n !.!-.
I il.
Mr. I
I I.
I I 1 '
or. jpm Anns,
A "kill
ikt-t w.
A.J. I..
Hill, if-.
1-'rn ii'l.y . w .ir. I
II . I
r tl.e
I.i:.., ..r -
! c 1:1' -t
' v rv ii,;.
! ill
I'l --I
I f
i I v
i w
. p.
i tl.
I". 1
t '.
Mill Ik- mil
1'ie 1,1 A It I
W Ml.!
((li t-. .li
to pay
are in.
I'l '- 1 1 i .1 I
.'. : i . r
ke .ill .il.l
- ..-!ol Will.!.' I.
I.- II, kl I.e tl.Hik
ili I- k.,pplik. Wi
ii. lii-'ry niid
'.t 'll
I.f ll.i
tllill .1.1 I
,i i e .1'. I.
toll. HI'
1 1. ..I
pi.-e paid
Mr- J.kl
M .- Mai,-,
ii. r ii n.i.'.
ii '
; - Ir -ui.-. I
- :i M-11
ii, of Inifur, w ho 1 1 im la.n
n-kidenoe of K. l mi
ll), return. . I to her home
r I on the .h k ll-t at hi
iand and Conductor An
hiirir.' of the U., hurif
.ii thik ufii rnikiii.
i w a at Wilhiir.IioiiiflHs
lay, mid t.ureha d tl.e
Imp rop (nr K. Mi.-ker
e 7.1 twiii--, kud II, u
u ri
ft !
in .
' I
l lit.
an I her
r l'..rtl.ind
.' their -l'.
are ill
- uli-l.
ol H :fe, v,
li.'ikt f.,r
liiroiih I
i k i--fil i
in- nmr
if hud a v .
.vo In r
..line li
I nl N I in .
Nolaiid, kheriir,
to Win
Wilkoii, Jo ncre in t 17 r 4 w mnl lot
1,1.1k I'.i, Mulllifun's ilonatioiiitCi.'JI.leJ.
Y II and James llnllmmi to T (i
lleii'lin kk, hind ami lots In Hell
drickk' uddition; KKm.
N C Conrad to A lloiul A. hon, 41.711
acre In I 17 r 4 w ; HJ iO.
John A Kdmtiiidkon to Johauneti
Kin-kt r., A acres In t 17 a r 4 w; tlim.
C Waahhlirne to HiMea Stout, W)
acn-s in i p in rt, l( 7 W; v.
Alexander W Wat tern to Jnlinathan
1. 1 '.k.n, html In Tp 17 H, It 1 W; IIhjii.
Martha A I'ont to Wllwni l Conn. 40
lien- In I n 17 H, It I W; l.
t stow in it j-jiioi), acres;
T A Milliorn to N I) Hurt), lot .1. 4,
undo. hliM'k a. ashhurne s addltlou:
.Not Ire ! the I'ublle.
fter nlkiut I'lifhl years ofsU-ady
work for A. I), ilyland, lie aettled
with me and I null the ranch without
any trouhle. Mr. Ilyland Is a fine
man to work for, and w hi'ver told
that Mr. Ilyland turned me olf is a
liar and I can prove it.
II. I.. Cahtkh.
"Nkvaiia." Kniest lips, the live
ly exchiife editor of ths i P-fnnlan Is
rekMjiihl for thl: "Alhauy ama
teur are relieamniK the frontier dra
ma, "Nevada" with which they had
Mich a Ntruirifle five years aifo. Kit
ifi lie did doiiielhlliif w 1th It alkiut the
kuine time and an inlerestlnir fact I
that John Oltihhurn, the I'ortlnnd
lawyer, whiMe name has Ih-ii In the
iiapem a unttl deal (he put week, waa
oriKltially cat for the title rule. Iur
iiiK the ppiirpkM of the ri'henral lie
luuile way or the Hon. S. W. ( oiiilnn,
-nn' iin iiilk'r of the leifilatura and
liowr prOkkk'titiliK attorney of the kec-
'lid juilleiul iliatrict. Mr. Condon Is a
("kf actor, and once luuile a ffn-al hit
I law k-l,aw.
v K.
1,1 e.
'I J, IliM.ituli' the rciidjUkluielit of
tn-ntic w ltd Ikouth Ami ticnn nnin
trim, which enjov practical ortheorvl
leal rik lpnk'ity w llh the I nitcd Slnte.
The Ik.uiily on kiivnr, lnl. n. of l- iiiif
P pealcil at uiuv, w III l rel nled I'V
di-y Kruliiatimik and will lint p-a. l
the full cllix'l till niter the cloo of (he
prix nt century. IU ninniii Mar. h I
next, the follow iiiu' article- urc added
to the free liat:
Itaoiu, ham, Ui f, million, kirk,
meat ol all Klml-, pn-paPil or pn
Kcnc.i, inn oiiierwiku ppivi.ieit inr
haryla, hiiiilinit Iwiun made In w hole
or part of Iktle or I'liupico lllr, luaiiil
la, final or. linn, nliiifle ply, tin a-iirinn
not iimrv than i-m hit to n iiniiid; iiinl not kintal, le for millinery,
liird akin prepared for ppw rvutiou;
mile ll run, ik .in., cur ciil, biliiiuluoii
and shale and alack or cut; Hike, ni
tar; color or dye not kikvlally pnivi.l
nl for; oxide ol colmlt, mpjk r on-, old
enpik r, clipping from new copik-r, all
ikilnikMlliiiii i.f w hich .i.l'ik-r U I In
chief coiiikuiriit of value, i if uliik an.)
tiiack cop'r, ai il mpi r n inent, onp
ik-r platm, I'ark, lii).-iil-, pic mnl other
loriu; copk'ra, ii.ilon 1 1. ; l uni i.m. N,
ilu-l or, Jcwt lk mil in tlic iiinnn-
factllli'i'f watelie. nr elm kk; yolks o
TK of liird-, li-h and In-,.!; cm le
down, fieali Hah, liudickil fu -,
foirk al-o hmIhh ; lekui.llnial. I iron ore,
I mir nu. null. mil. lion, dn .-i of lu i u
pyrlli-k, -ulpluir or pyiite In nut u ul
Mute; lord, h uii.ii juici ; unci n d
rude nut. illie i. in,, -nil- uml u i
w rought liietiii, ni It. -r and im In y
earthk, ko'iuiii ami -icniiii i .11 llu, in i
U ruin I ll n 1 1 m r r.iillii, cILhiki d i-I,
paiiitiiie uml al.i'i.nry, plow, d
Iimi h.rrnMk, h.iivikii i-, n .ik
drill-, limwci, hi, i .' raki-, cultivate. ,
1 1 1 r-r-l 1 1 1 1 ; iiii.c.lii' , ii' i-iiik, pi, ,
hlai k f.n mui.liif nn i.'k h.iik, iuii -hilvcr,
k.ut, nilk in I liirCier advam -.1
III liiai.inacliir. lh.,11 cud In.' or 1011 n
IIIIJ, k.i.i., nihi l A l-n pr ivided f. r,
kUlphllle of -oil 1 1.1 kult I'lik,' or llillii .e
cuke, ku.ihu; c acid, ti.llo v and w -il
n-iue, kUnw, hlir.-tniie Ikiiind I
millsloiies, fn ckfone, ifiunile, sainl
Htone, liuicktoii.i and olhi r liiiihlliiif nr
liioliuiiiriital kt iile, cxm-pl tuiirtile 1111-
ilrekki d, all wcMiiitf appan-l aiul nth- l
IkTMiuul flii'tkoli idol, Illy iH'Inirentnli
li-hul under n-itulatiotis lo I mi
likhcd I'V the tieiiMirv, limlk-r, hsvi 11
Biidauwcd, and wharf timUr,
k.iunn-,1 or kldcd tlml r, miwi.iI l-mril-plank,
dealk, othel lumher, lath, pal-
Inok, nhluolm, itliive, liialliilmiluo.l
WimmL prnv idiil the naine duties a now
exlkl khull nlitulu Iii all rakes In w hich
ail exMirt duty 1 laid 011 any article lu
llie above schedule; chair cane or
retkls, wi!, namely oilur, 111111111
vltie, laiui'Wikid, elkiny, hox, Kmna
dilla, inaliiiifiiuy, roaewmMl, ruttan
wikkl, all forms of cahlnet wimnU, In
the li'K, miikIi or hewn, iiiuuufucturcd
liamlsxi and rattan, munufiuturiil
hrier-riMit nr hrlerwikkl, rils and
sticks of patrldtrc hulrwikkl, plmenlo,
orallife, myrtle or other WimmIs III the
phikIi; ull wimiI of kliii'p, hair of camel,
(foal, alpsca mnl other like animal;
wool and hair on skin, noil, yarn,
waste, curd waete, hurr wuetu, run and
lloffs, IncludliiK all watu or ran coin
poMkl wholly or In part of wiad.
W'AHiilNiimx, Nov. J7. The new
tariff hill Juki completed puts WimhI,
iimi, lumher, suit and Inm ore on the
fn- lint and alo ruliuis the tarilf on
Ikiiintr liy deirree. As a rule the tar-
Ill ha hm-n made lowi-nt Umii the
chea r (fikkUof niktiMtry ue. No
duty hlK'ier than 4i -i cent, has lieuii
left 011 inanufai tunil wimiI. A ifraduul
piluctioii 1 to I.- made on the woolen
schedule so that at the end of five years
the lilKhcst duty w III I m and an av
erage of nearly ,V)mr ivut. Material
reduction have hceii made on the ml
toll schedule, Inm ore I placed oil the
frt lint and the luetal schedule I
larifvly cul. The steel rail is redinul
more than M ri iit, luiol r, sk'rleiil
tural luiiilemeiit and suit are placed
on the free lint.
I(y the ppnikloiik of the new tarilT
hill, meiikup' vrk Into etl.i t, uule
otherwike ordered, on the flrnt of
March, I 14.
1 he duty on al.i li.ilic rfumery at
two dollar ier ifniloll, i J r ceut
11111; l,lm klinf JO - r ii-iituiii; jflyi r
inc. crii'le, one ivnt r hiUii., i ill. d
!) 1 lit. per iiund; ink (.nwiler, pn .t
em Ink, .11 r iuturn; a.iniHik . x-
lif-of orouill Iii per
i. ve ai 1111.1U ,1,. j i.t at Jd h r
i irlc frmii ; : i n nt 1.1 jm p r
whnh lkul-il I'J 1. nt.; Ln-.-wl-
urc 111 id.' fr o i - pt wl.i 11 llli-
l fl'CII (lie I-.. HI, tile- wlilill
-lit ll dill .. nil nl.r III."
pr.11.1c!-, iii w hi, ,1 . a-., i ; t 1 r (cut,
ln--i i'oetul,i-, Iruii. civ and like
: f.kkl, uMax.-il; kai( in hulk frc. Tar
! Itl'oii apiritk are ;it il.nilili- tin- in-
Icriinl ...,ue rale oil -pirit. !-iHiu
j kliifht r dlictmlik niii'le oil ktill Wine
and ni di li.juoi-k. Puty on -p.irklin
I me 1 r.-dii 11I, duty nu chaiupairiie
lkii'ifut ut 7 kr il. ni nuaitk.
1 ll.ii.p mid l!ax tin', dn.k linen,
, hemp, tlax II. II j ii'iilk n-.-i-in,.y.
i Itiirlapk, i-nltoii and iiiniti lj,'i;liii(
; 1 1 r cent, hut wlu-u liii.rte, fur
.cowrinu article to l 1, fice.
Ciiik ik j.i to k r ii'iit. In the .ilk
m hitlule the n liict,.iii ik Ii- than In
till cotton or In the w adeii. Silo
leather fnmi l i to 1 k-r cent,
le ather tl.ivek nre rated nt -cllli ilu
tie rmiifinif from J.'i to I" - r n nt. In
-iindiick, huttem' plu-h I on the fn
li-t, ilutiisoti pin ion Moiies In, n il-. d
uinl art fuv.
suifar fniiu 4 to I cent imt imiuiiiI. ai
pn iv Ides mr extermination of th
ii ijr i.'.af-l. Nnr :-.
nh JJi.-N. H. I.ytle wa fined
iel. r Iirrl, tin moriiiiiir,
'- 1 ir - liin li.pior to a minor,
,-, "ff-ll M t,l.-i .,1 IfllillV It Ik
. I.. Mr I 1 1 .. 1.. .ll.i.. 1 1, mi I,, i tract of mi, I Ui, 1
-1 1
1 at I
. ii,
ik, e i.J
.. pill,
, y. .f
r-' !'-ri
Mil .I.i
.l the .
-t .-lie In
1 ,1-liickk, K ,d that th" liijuor
il from a ' luji'i, jry ni
hmikt . ur city olllii-rs
lud that In n-ifii-r im-miin.r
nl !
nd '
: a-U'. T.
p ir i.a-.-l di.rnu
. r, 1- ,.f 1 1 A. M
A M. M-.l,..ii. M. J I kn-'wii h. 1
,r.k- I"'- 1. ut of . II
.u-e: ,11 s.l I lif.-- rr
frnm 1-
I nt.
d w I,.
11. 1
in .
.I '
' 11 '.
1,1 :
w I..
- .1 i.-u. I k
1,-. i I 1.1I 1
1.1-1 I V. I
ll the.' I'i
II. k tilinfl
in. Th.
a - '.1 an l,',ur mnl war
1 he Hi Vt i.ii II
I tl.e f till, if lip .-Ai-r
1..1.' " lit!' 11. an 1- wi :.
r. I,, f.'riin r ly ri-id .1
p ir- lit-. Mr ai.d Mr.
Id P .
to p.; .tiiI- j- r (--ui, !.
t 1.
i -u-i
orri. tk
a.! ar 4 I
1. 1 .
fc-r, l. .M a,.
.l. t,
a.,-1 n-t
111 "pnmriii
I-'-., at 7 p.
II. i'. l-'i.f
ail nf I jini-
- A ' the M
id. r'i.-..ii.
ri. . IU-v.
a nl I 11. 11. t
1.1 1.: . 1 ri j
py tuiii
I.- h;.- tiie l.-t
Ckt .o! Hhc:r nuiiiiUliin.
par- naf",
. fi,t.-r J7,
II i aid. r.
1 I.i- l.a(
I.. . of k.l
Inn. -At t!o-tl..-
M K. l..e n
ea.-t .-( I . li-,
!-';, f . i npp. .
l-.ut 1 1 y u-. I
if .n.k.. wl..
pTlk-e'.r.ri . Sfe
!d !i it. iii. nn
. r. m-.iit Ilv. imir-
l.diV, NnVellllk r j.,
Al try Mad, sl'!-.!
11 father HI.. I llcther
are d i and
u'.-i nv low with
:y in '
- 1 1 : I ..-.
Ill t I
. r.-. .-.
hkt p':i
1 ..... V.
all el .
y f.r !
:il ..'i.l
fr. ,t! .1 .1
.. r . I.
, ut- i,t
in ai.-l
.'. i,
-ui. id. 1
IV Iv c
1. -V,e,.
. ry
. p' 'el
-rt La 1. I
I k!,.
I.r a 1
t'.e j...
K I '
; in
'i n. 1
n ' ,y 1 iifi.rit.l in
-n.iiil'l I...
-. h klule a
.d rp-.i to lk-ii.
nil l-l...-
111 III
the I
..It '
I, I
e.ll,l -'
' o'c',1
ll.i I,
a ! -
n I.
.- In ,
i v -in, .-.
., Mr. v.
W.-.' V
v.-r. ll
1 I nf U.
i d ei.n.'r .
1. 1 . t!..
r .f I Niriii'.iii.i i- n.i,;..
r.' .iiii a t k n iii
t- nf l.n.ldil. a l-kil
'mr a ur lo.rt li iu
nt. rpri-e w.o. Id .iir
'. .11 a. 11. I' .,r I . p
1 1:1 hen thi y find It
.iin-k. V hy 1., -I ii M,
A Ink,; .
: M
.' I M'lilill..
liliel,., H j..i
lo hi- I
t Io.imi a-
, - Ok. 1 W .Ik
li mi 111 (llu-- n illioo. oiinilll 1 ..iiia.llll'if liik 11 111
not to niter hi ! fr ,'',,t i f " "i'hia, iimi opl nil
pp pan i lor . I, ink. i.rf, MX Mu.lar- J.r
Ill I ho cfin,(2il
,f ai: 0 1 . w. r Ir
ii-t, I I.i- iim-t mi.
o hi 1 I The mil '
j p ilie . , lro.,1 1 1,l't.,n. I 'a , 'all-'li. 'Ih-i'-iit;
Nov. r,,l. r I",, nt rullind I ) ci-l, ta 1
:...M In .hie of r.-dii.i .1 10 I i -1,1
."itii.1, ai. I M - '""-I' I'tr y,
lid., wii-f,.rri,. r- du-il f ui'-l to .
H til II' ('III lllll.
Urife i--s r- .1 it- 1
froiu !o '.s 1 . in -
kllvi led 'n ill.
ulc, ore ik fi.-e
ik r 11 i.t to .J
lifr-ul lit inU.
The Kuifi'im I in nien'k Kxempt As-
koclutioll, plliokd the fi.lluw ihtf pkiilu
tlnlik la-t i-M lilli', hy ull tllialllllloll.
S. A. O'drn dud on the I7th day
of Ik toU'r, Ivi.'t, at hi homo In Ku
Keiie, ( In -(on; and,
WiiUO.Ak, He wasoue of the flmt
tln incii of liuifeuo and wa-one of the
charter incinlk ik nf ihlk oiifniiiutloii
ami nlie of It linn. id and mokt fuith
ful frieiul; then fore I. It l, l-t, 't hat In the dentil of
our comrade, S. A. Oiieii, wu havs
lokt one of our nii-t true and faithful
mcmlk'm and one who was always
ready and w lllluif to aid our cnu-k'. an
eai ni-kt and faithful llp inan, an hou
nd unit true mini;
Jud, I hi oroiiiiiiitluu Px'rt't the
hath of Its ikitiTllicd and rvvvrvd
.'UI, That thi or'unliit ion, the I'.x
nipt I in iiicii of Ku..i'iie City, hen-hv
tender their heartfelt yuik(lhv and
111111I0I1 11111 to the family, the chlldn ii
of the (hi ned;
41 ll , "I'cn.v (O In s-hik;"
',tl , That a ennv of th.n' p-miIii-
II. 1111 I. -plead lip-in mir muuitc and
a ropy liirnl-hid tin- laiiilly ami that
the i.i, nn la' prlute I in our cilv'm.
I. . r.n.YKl ,
II. J. Day,
A. Hi nt.
lltllT (. Nov .
I'. I'. Ciikllemiiii, of l'lirtland. is lu
the 1 i: v.
I'M!. Collier went t I'lirllaiid tlili
moriiiiio; in kN'iid a f. w day.
Ik-rut v CI' rk SI erwikxl llurr tnad,i
Juiictioii City n himf Vint likhiy.
Aim ill lUrulicl.n, nf I'ortland, at
oils 1 i ion lu hu.nn k here, U In liu
ifene. It. 1'eplof, of tiate Cm k, HJk'I't Lirt
niifht III l.iiirciie. llo I a hale and
hearty, apparently, a ever.
Miciiil J. I-!. Nnlniiil P turnul fpim
Sun Jim', Cal., on thi iiioniiiiif' over
land train. Hosavsw hrii he left that
city hi wife was ulivudy fnv from the
Mm. J. S. I.uckey, w ho hu Uvti scr
lously III for several day with pneu
monia, I reported Improving tiulay.
Mr. I.uckey is around aumn after an
attack of la grippe.
(lllllhK MI..ITII ITIO.
I. m qar.llwit Uknli.r Thtf
..iii 1 .wpi, 11 11. w
W'AHiiiMiriiN, No". J7. The tn-a-
11 ry department I somew hat concerned
over the ppMa-ct of Chinese P-ifiktra.
lion iiinlcr the new law paMM umii
the eve of an adjournment 1 f the extra
aesnlon and under w hich the depHrt
llielit has Jilkt Issued rvKtllatluns. The
.uplHMllloil I that the 1 hlinwe will
comply with the law, hut 110 one can
ay definitely until the exik-rlmeiit 1
triinl. IMllclal themselvra are as
much In the durk as any one. If they
should again p-fiiac, the slluatioii
would Iw awkward. It I suld the In
telligent Chinamen generally did not
ohjik't to reglktratioii and really liaikut
u jMiii it as a mean, or wronal pp'lec
tlon; hut ths hulk of them would lie
controlled hy their employers now aa
'CI 1.. ..... .. - . u L
1111 111.-1 .111- .1,1 11,, Mi line, 1...
kindly to having their photographs
takeii for the purpose, hut them I no
reason to kiipk.n! that thl ohjectioti
will long stand In the way of eoinpll-
ams with the law, if the Sit Coin
panics and their attorney bo not ob
hi.i n ri..Ais
lis Will Hrr.sti Bials
1'oKtl.AMi, Nov. J7. N'athaui Ilium
was lu the Lulled State
district court this morning 011 charges
of mu'gliiig thn-e hundred ihiuihI. of
opium. He plead guilty mid sentence
w a pwrveii. 11 1 iiiat 1:111111
will also plead guilty to all the other
indictment ngalii-l him, and Iknutio
a W illie- for Ihe goveiumeut lu the
trial of other defendant.
lli i 4 aftfTiiiNiii W. II. J.n kliiiif, l.
I'll t -k hi, 'I honii. O rg, It. (iarlliroim
and I.. C. oni'lii ) 1 n' red plea of guil
ty. Ihe . iiti-ii -e is sii.pendiil In
cacti a-u.
.I to .
...1 hn
, r ,-nll 1
I" I"
,1.1 ,,ru .
1 orvillia Iiu7"tte
; 1 l- ii .ii,i,iiit-
i"M The
1 ii mar I
lut'.r of the e.iateofhi
mi nt ly di.-d at Allny.
.1.-1 hi- l-ill'l III the .11111 of
111 li ,l-i iiii-Mri,.r. l
,iiite wm.ihy.
ii tit k
I oil
11. I'U' I
Mind, I tii
.-d whip
H id. . ira'
.ndow g,
:; plati-v,
.tie f,kit 11
. t.i I acl.
, pig Hull P' !ll el fl.'fli
.-'.-1 r i - a Ipiiii 1 ;
'liaa IkMthlul (rlinluala.
Tin: llAl.l.tx. N'..v. 17. In llie cii-
i' I mil . -'i.rt lisiuy, Jjil')
1 j (.a -eiiienii! 011 the two )o(lthf'ol
' 1 . -rni 1 1 ii. Alla-rt V 1.1'titine and Che
r I t. r t . I.-. Y il.-litiiio, w ho pleaded I'Uii--
! to t rt. tiling a lii'i from a farmer at
lygii valley, nu acinuni 11
hi. t I-, I.t veal wit M-iit to ti e
refnn 1 h.k'.l for i-'i 'ii a tiini) a. the
aul.ii ritie -houl.l M-e fit to p'taiu li int.
Colo : nd iUmI guilty to two Indi' t
nu for Inrct ny. 1)11 the tlipt hewn
fcolit,i, 1 .1 lo one your III the penit.'ti
tlnrv, and oil the m.1-.. 11. 1 to pay a line
of Ji.
P dm 1
ni. hi in- A.l.unv I 11,,
Miwr it 4 1 j. - Ali-any I h irii-rst :
Ihe t . I', are if l.llig ikir citiiK 11 rate
i.twmi 1'i.rllniiif and thl. city that
k-iit in 1,11 t.In : '
eeiil.t !i-ak-r i-rad. I , k
highi r t 1 4 1; t.ihl.- ruilery
i,rr an.l t.l 1 .1.1. t. fru1
fn-: ha lor. I kr ik-iit, pig leifl I (r c" wortii of Uiu.'liin.ry. Th'-y Imd
c-iit: k.lvi-r al -r.-k p-.i. r, d to the I JiiM lk-u putting new foundiitioiis un-fri-r
hl: uiiinTiiiu!i4i tiip.t hi'iit-'r fn: ! ih-r it. hut hal not tlmpwighly hnt'i-d
I to to
I ctitli-rv i
V.. I cp
; ni, k. l
T.uiw.n l.viu nil: Kay. Al!i.y
Ik niK-rat: 1-ost Suiiduy liiifht AU'-ii
I'ai h-r ranuery at Toledo w blow n
Into the Vs'iiuni lv, wl'h l.i,t
iiiaiiufa.-turirl J.i i- r.k-nt duty,
M Alilll I
Nov. jj. ly
Hie kaiiir J, ik-r, ui.. an lo t eiiki tr-1 1. Initial! a
to le-iivr. j of Lane con
kii -r
rr a-tom-hiiiirlv low. W here ther have redim-d one half and IkMint v la to ue
U-eil j lug jo .i-lit a huh'lpij lion- " . a. -I ooe-.-1h'.li each r, I. taring
- I ii 1. urn no. nt . 1 r i'i in, y nr. 1. Jj 1 it nt by tin piute. , raw nut tied; tntitiin wrap-m U-sf 1 1
, 1 y l 1 ,. i'ulin, J. I'.. I ' - ' - ; and tl ' pei ,uiid; i-mam rnluml
'I Mi'.'si" 11. Jlart.ey, all j M.iwlek ami grip are ahpiad In tlie fpmi t To per i-iud and J' r ivnt
,ty, (ip-gnu. land. advalorem, to t i (-r Hind atid J3 r
It. The emmery ha imt U-u ill tk r
atloti thik seaaon. ljuite a lud stortu
wa pp-vail'ng at the llui". The ma
chim ry w ill tie l lly ilaiii.c,""! on s,1
tnuiit of the .alt water. A 1 it!..i,d
man ow ns a third Inteput ill tho cannery.