AHSKIIil-Y " VI I. W.TIM;. Plait Mituillt-l, hut V lnilr rMi-iu-in 1 li'J . pally O'laril, ' r -" Al.olh.T meeting I coli-ider the Jtxt i.f building nil a .-Ilihl.V hall wu licM III tie I lid National I 1 1 K par lors r-ii iinlny evening. 'I'lii iimting u ax called in niM'-r by Mayor Frit ndly, l: v. . . 1 1 t r. Mrilnry. A niiiiinl Ifiii Hi'' W " man's lU li' f 'r r . r r . I and -nl'-lulttcd ll' plan "f a I n 1-1 1 itr 'l -:.Mi"-l 1V F. T. W lnleomb, thet -Iiin .! 'I nl of which I" H y III'1 plan- '" sixit.. by tlix lill III. 1 .- tat.-.! th.t t lit y would prowl" th. purchase price of the l"t mi'' ""ly asked the itienx to 1 j I r i 1 1 In-' - i.f th" building l in y -r-ml- -I li ax-t-t In making :i 'aiiwi I'-r Hi" -ulw-r'i-l iii. Ihe W. II- 1 1 1 ! -1 In mii'iil'ille In liny iiriiiiigeunTil ''' which the hull Would l- I. Hilt ow liri k ct.-n-". Ill'- ''i'-ii"ii i.f (..Hid ing over brick stores w itliin II r-- limits r 11 single l"ry ut-Jl wax 1 1 -.u-- ' I by tin- nm lint,'. J. C. liisslalf H polled tl.:it thcoiigi iihI r..limttt.l' had lm filtthiT r ! I tn make A lli'illnll ' adopt"! to f fill.. llliaiT l-illlxilllTall'lll tli' IT"I" '-I- 11 f the W. li. C. f..r tiiK- w.ik lit the i-Xiiriilioii of w hieh tun'' tli' V given Ull linxWt T. 'l lii' IIU ' IIIU adjourned tn .'alill.laV . ......... . v.... . ..1 - .. . I.. L .-It-Ill..,, ...... til i A.I.M W- II I.I. ri.AN". Tin- plana submitted show a ImiM-i lug Willi 11 ground plan '' by U let i w Mil a -'l-ftxtt ceiling, ll"- f'""1 !''; tall. .11 has a wide I1tr.1i , Is wa il supplied u ilh wind wx uii'l li n r iiiouut.il I . v towers on tin- f.riiii-. The entry i-1'J fn l w id" and "" one aide Is a rcvpt mil rn nil "I l" -I foil mi the other 11 kit' li n -H I'V - I" I with a I'antry. !- meeting r""in 1 tin by T 1 f'tt w ilh i nrriilar mw l raised w nli around tin' onl-id.- lm inn 11 par.ilt of lev. I Mm, in ll"' middle :J fn l il Iwin I'.v "i'i I' l l, t" I"' h "' 'I with rluilr that It may ! H""l f r wM'iaU anil ilam ini; arl i . Tin- (.IriL'i1 l thr full wi'lth "t '.In- 1'iiil'lini; aii'l frt-t ili . It l prnvi'li 'l il li iIh'Imt cary ttijr. r t rt y ami tnil'l riNlllia. A KulliTV illl II till if' wallllK raiarity ait'l !'(' xtnirrai-i M !i"vii in tin- ilatit. H m I Km 11 ir 1 1 niii-lfi-. . .U N I It V. I". J Met laliahaii tn .1 W Kwim, I. J. V1 iien-.; i (on. J W r.viin to i: J M. t 'lalial.iili, lo iii-r.; tl'i. Filwar.l F J11.U111- to J K I 'utn 1 1 11, 17 ai-r.-'t; rlT'ii. Mary I. Meiilii-t In J li atii.li il, II. In a. r. ; '.l". Male "f lit U"li I" .la T l.olli-, I' I ai-rett; ?'.ii. S. II. Cakill t" llerlx rt l aklll, ) in- teret Iii iiroM-rtv; I - H. H. I'ukill hi Jane I'. II 11. 1 -l X I'M fil l: tl l'. J.i-eph Nit-t lo S. II. 1 :l 1 i 1 11 :t 1 1 t . I" iii re III t It , r I e; t-tnn. O. .V- ". It. K. to J"-t I'll Nut. I" nerex In t l-.it, r 1 e; ;nn. t hat. ('. il'.li ..111I1 In i:. J. M. 1 I 1 11.1 han, liiV aeif in I I'i , r - ; ? I I t.lM . I 'nl v in llaniui t" ll F.akin, .''' !' et hv l.l.l.t feel lllure.V No. I 1 1 ; ?I7JV 'falvln llaiin.-i to S. II. Fakin, -'''' ! :af.i-l;l7Jl. j Si ll. I. o I II K la l.l Mi.- rell'llelnll I!, tl.: Wheat I'lirehutei-i in I't-mlli--1 ton have lui-li a.lvi-o-.l that ou law' to the Inen-a-M' in Ihe i-ihle 1 tipply in ' Imlia ami Itu ula, a fiiilln r li"i' "I ' from one In three eeliU l-t .rol.al.l.-. ; The toi I'H-al ri.-e for No. I : In at 1 iiow ill cent-. Ihiyer-i are taknn; w heal eaulioii-ly, pit ft ri inn tn wait, liml "I'laill wilne lit. -a ol how the inal kel I- going lx lore I hey' Make furl her ! iun-ha-.x of any niagiiituile. While 1 there ix a hox fill I. In I that eXelltilally h ih iiiaml ill lx- eit al.-.l ami our pro- j llllet III) longer go lieggillf, there teelllx lo ve 110 Ilk. lih.H.. t.f any Imin.tliale I t hnlige taking p'a.f. j IMH'.- ll"- llliiliy hi. ll.l- of John r.lakely lx- paii'i.-l to learn that he illeil nl ' lii lioiiie m Mnl'llf Fork pn-i-illt't Sllllilay. I le hiel Ixi-ll Mlll'elilig Iroiii i-onxiiMipli"ii I" 1 over a .M ar ami for the pa-l two Inoiilh lia.i I'tx li i-oiilliieil tn lux U-tl. Mr. Itlaki lywa alx.lll l.'i Vi alx of age. llei-iillie Inlhl-i-olllltrV lilHUII I -'i-, ll l-t hxalllig Hear h. venial.-, al'lerwnitl I'einoMii'.' In hl plii.voil (he .Mi'l'lle folk .iJ uiile Irom laigelie. John lllakely WM-oiie of lin.l'x mil lelllell, holle-l nil. I .triiightl'oiwar.l, title tn hix lii. n.1- ami linn-If. A wife, two tlailiflili r- ainl a ton mirv ive him. A li'Mili MlMNtl l'li'll-1 II IV. A. I'. I In vis. fiiiHi iiili-n.l. lit of the I't.'heniia liold Mill A .Mining I'l.nip.tiiy. Ml for l.os Aiigelex li'oui Collage lir-'ve (salurday lo i.a-x the wltil. r. The imiipaiiy had a pio-jM-roii- year ami the mine ix in i.sxl -hnst for the re ainiipl loll of milling in Hie -pi Mig. ll has only made a 71 day-' Mill Willi a amiill .'i xlamp mill and ha- axcraged over H70 Ja-r day. The e..lu.aliy w ill do a large am'.. lint of dew I. 'pun nt work thlx w inler, ax it Ix now nsx.ire.1 tf the gn at wealth of Itx pr.'ja-rty. PKHU.I s, ( , N'tv. J I. -The lip tiou of a l.art f.s'tt-'l worn in dress, hlntk with In r Imig hair haiigiint I- lliglltlv S.VII oil till' htldgf ,t ire d III ....s.- i' ow r tin- sii- llrusli erti-k. Iii- Ixii. v.-r- In x-riiatural inniiti l it - ii-M-ar 1 1 in- with thr reiiiarkanle niy-ttry w hi. h nit rltil the neighborhood e ir- ago. Ull r.-tideiita reiin ml-r tin- i t il. ii enl er.-at.il ow-r ll." in-tt ri.tu- tli-..p- ar muv of Julia Fi. hf I. a gitl wh" " . In J'l ' -. ax a . ! ! i ii -' .- Ill the faiini v I slie'Manus, a f.-run r in. reliant "f Imukliisvilie. I'ne wintry nulit. when the allow w .is s.eial in. lie-tl.a-J., the young gitl I'l l.- the l.iiully g.xsl night ami n lir. d t.t In r r.'ii I he next in.triiiiig ht 'o -li- - and hat Were lound in the r -'tn In! the g r: littd disnpix tin .1 nx ...ii:.'.e!i l :i. il the earth had il!.i i.i htr up. I ' gi-lit s. , h ! i.'ie-l t i tin i any In.-.- O tier, and lii'l a -iug.e tra. k ...u! l ! fnillitl ill the snow i.ri.i.nl I lit- I i - f. From that day t" t In- tn. t r.nv "I I r baa laa-ll f.mn.l. Ihe -::; ! Hi. nix I -lli-ve that 11 It the -pi'.! .-f the g::I hilil .111. lera al. It I lie -j- t Illi i1;.' tn r-t uni il In r U-lv i-1 ii I n V i. -ay t lie old gra. it .1 in t:.e i nn' has gi w-ll Up "In- ol Its ,1 a I. I:,. ...n;. thing wax -.i n u null. I . t .f ti n - I v reliable -r-oiis al-ail n y.nix g i ami ei.jttsl mm-li tlk it the una. FI.i:H KUOil KANSAS. . (. II 'I'. trru-ej ol r u.li-ilf ini'iil Hint Jrrjiirv. An-ti-i in tiiirt'in. .. . 1 v. i .Sit ii.l.v i.i.iniim' Mai-lnl F-.-l- 1 111.I an. -li 'M i. Unit .ilit -l hy .-In nil' K. in. "f 1 iiii'll.iii'l. .-In riiian ii.iiiilv, K ina, tn ani-r the rlnirifi- .,f . ml-u 101M an I 1-ijnry. li nt arrivi.l In 1. I ii.n, tn.. a nilr-rl. ;.'l I lie MI,.tl;. , 1 1 "I I , ul.'il:i .i m.i.miii :i.-Hr- Illg Jming Hi'"''. turiie.l over to h. nil .N..lai.. an. I .lar.t I'i Jail for ife k. ' J in.'. -i.iin tli" 111 rival of -n. rill K iii, 'i" I'll Kan-.11 fNttiir- l.iyuith a r--1 . 1 -i 1 . II" I' i- )...(.. I Vl Til.ll. I'I I.MJ'.I." uln.tit I I.m .1 .y. I . ! 1 i If . I i . 1 ! I ' I .-l!..' ! over 1 -. ul. in. iii u lilt li II I- t.taliel i . . 1 liimu-r f 1 rm ail over the ftH!.-. 1 1.. v. -.:. rv an i I Iii -.- 1. 1 in -. aiel I !n- e .111: 1. -in T 11 . "li a . rot f 1 hat I ut 1 III. inrllt, lill'l th it tin a. I' -I I- tiiatlei'.tlv What - in-1'' i r I . : 1 1 1 ..ul in the - I II' 11 w li'ii III I- I In' In- I. it ilir. . l"li a in.: in. II ill. I I'i:. I III" mail U- .irar. I 1 1 1 ri tti" li I i.i- 1 ait. . iil mi re I- .-. Mainly la!.e to I'.u It :i neaii 1 1 11 t hele- irii "I. A t iin.inal M.niM rr. .' . it 1 .11- avaint It"- in I. !. .'.. !. I'. l-' il il. Mr-. I.. I: h.-r .'ll. W. II -. i-,i.. Ivi. - .11 A'.!. any vi . : .1 .in. 1 i..ii jt. .la,-. "l;'ll lie . I II I'..,. .11. i.iiniii .l fi.iiu .l" 11 the v.i I : y la I evening. 1 1. . Hy !i' lill' I 'roii. -r I. 'm il. -.1 I In. in.- li en I'mllaii'l la-l - n 1 iir Mi-, ll I. I.ii,t..iiaml.liil.lrtii viiitl','li''w" ,,l"," uir liner .r" In ( r. - .1. il I i.i-all' rii""ii 011 a niiort ln-llng. M-ii. ! J. It. Camiltll Inw iuivhal -If Hr f. I: ll'.'.l i.i:. I xw!-.- have re- iin of the Judkinii U.ltom u li.rt turn.'l II iii'i-'.ni- 1. ..11 their i:.-t l'"l""vonlH.vi' town. 1 lie laml will H 1 1 ,,, : lx' tlalite. ill Iioii. .1. .'. I -..fih- MK.11ie iiv.T A furioii. toriii aw.-i.t the t-oiint ..f -! .. k far:.., iilMVr.l Uv tin- aleri'.'i"n'i I F.llKlainl Satlir.liiy HII'l Mill. (IV. A ,H., I,,,,,. I lllllliher of veMi'la wro it with proh- Mi-- l.lla I.i i-, lm i- l:l u ilh IV- I lever at Non.lLuril, It relN.Me.il 1 . 1 . Jnll 1 V I 1 1 1 lit 11V t tl l W.-liar.i lie,' .1. I., .mm ha. t nt.. " ' ' " "' 1 "" " '. " t't -hi. HI, t 'al., In I' 'alter. I ' i hi K .1 - .i, I1.1i -priii -, l li night t- x i-it ie! lie Mill let '.ll'll -' m ii.r of I he Kit mm .1 ..1 1.. . ,,, ,.- " .. .. . .-. tit .11 1 . I Iii' ; '1 m hiiif hi Jainifirv. C..l:a ". t ,1 .v.- I., a l. r: IW. J. I. I l"IIaml ill. el hi- regular hll-ille '.'1 tup I t I . 1 .-' in- - 1 1 1 1 I iv, -ami it I- re pi .1 1 . . I ii u hi -ehtthii- in that eily ix -1.. 11 In el'i al.-. I I; ei'lll-e, we eau liot v. .111 ll f .1 I lie 1 1 nl ll of Ihat .lute in' lit I. nl it -lie i- 1111 apt -.'h.'lai we pre-mi' -V- li..- ha l aiiip'e- tune. M..". Mail: l l Fugt-iie, I- x i-ilim; 1-. I W.il. t'lt, of f..r a eoiiplf "f t. 1 11 li hi- w :l. '- par. 11I-, Mr. ami . . 1 Ml-. Weaver, hix win- hallig heell h. re I .1 -. ral we. harlie i-11 it- port 1 r i iI. r an. I -..h.i:..r f.'l' the l.llgelie t . 1 I; 11 ami i- one of the lie-1 klliiMM I...V - In he pli.r.'-sion one of lh..-e I'eilow - that ell 1 .lll'l help Lilt like Hy 11- hal. I a - .11 may, a hu-t!er ami a g.m. new -i i 1 r man. Ihlll Irl.i-x tile I ruck 1 ..'. : I. V..v ." In. al 1 aim A- Ihe ll .-, I.lll l.l I .Tl.. .. .11 ll II 11.111 I t I I w as li-eovere.l a. in-- the 1 ra.-k ah ml oiii-aml one-half mil. - nlx.ve llarri-l.urg, n. ar liileriiie.ltatu Hiint. In n- the long tre-'le Ix gins. Mrs. (iisirgit W. Simolia, a alxter of Hi.- mil ha l Ixi 11 taken Win. Mayer, of till city, lle.l In I'ort froiii a I'lle almig-i I.- tie- track. I he I111.I NoviinU-r 17. Mr. Mayer left here ir on u a- -(..pp. .1 N l.. ie ihe .inl was ' this morning for 1'ortliiml," ami from re.iehe.l. No 1 1 i. tn ihe guilty party, that city he will H.-eoinjany the re hut it i- -uppo-'l In have Ixt-n t he niullis .if his late la'love.1 xixtel to their work of lr:.ni.- ' ohl home at K.N'liellt-, Illinois, for III- - - U ruieiil. Mr. Mayr -xa-.'ta to la. ale To I.i v in l!i ..i :.-lt iipia-aiH. Viit hImhiI one niontli. Ihat Ihe I lii.'ii r.ieilh- inleli.lx to lake, a han. I in I. -at nu' o l the lip r W il-laiiiet'.-. Tli.- hue liifoiinid their ag.-nl in Iju-. ne. Mr. M.-t 'lauahan, Unit l...il- will inn I iaigetie ax mxu. a- Ihe wal.-r r. ai In - a -il.lahle -t.'ie, ami have p i .al. .1 a tr. ii:lit -eheihlle that make- a i .tli-i l. r ihle redllet ion llli.it r those paid lit Ut -t lit. I'.n') i.-mr-l. N. 1 .V I . S. .1. i:..!:-.. J. W. ti.twdy ofCot tag.' I iiove, .1. M. !al!'"ld of Mohaw k, ( . II. M ill le w - of i '-hen, ami Thus, Mii'lli y of I'll a-at.t Hill, went to I'ort - land oil t In- I."- il iii- morning to at tend th.- I'. S. district court as Jumrs. I I'x - l.ua'.l, N..V -t. I'im ii. I 'l.a. II. i. lit v wax nrrested i hy Mar-hal 1 la-llaml tot lay for allow '. Ing in i in t- to fiv.im ut his al. sin. He pl.a.l guilty mi l wa- tlii.il .H and -t- w l.i.ii aill.ialite.l In j s. I!.. ;v- In I in,, Or. gnu, Nov. 17, . Is'. ;, n tl..- v. if.- of I . !.. MitMgr.'iss, a d ingli't r. ...... ll.n.h'. liaial.ranu. Ni.w VmtK. Nov. I'll Ir. JoM th H. "inii r, .i.imiiix-i.int r of lii.migra tioli, ha- . all-, d In Is' .I'l.iJ'll.sl stitne M rv int. I. -I.ng -laiixin-s m n-i iii-i-i io iiiiu.ii-i.i' ion f'-r : Si.- in. .nth of ivt.iix r. I he I-. tat nii'nl- r i f iiniiii-raiils laud ed al 1 i.i- 1-laii-l tl ii rm c th" liiouth wa- IVI'.-'. Iii" iniini-r of Imnii- grants ho eoiil'l li.'t lead was li;; n.ul l not w I lie 17-7: lh.e w ho had ,,v, r .;,i m ii,... v. L'- 'i. 'I'i 'tal aoi.tutit i f im nit y bit'i;,' hi. :,:'.s.i. Iiu.idgran!" 1 1 - n l.t-riirniy had fill. '..'I. from Ir. lai. I. fj.::j.': fmui llu-sl i, -Jo.sll. l:.! . S '.so i; S in;, ll, f ;'. ';'.!: Au-Mi... 17.n.-.. mi lipati. !:- I'i .f-i..-i il. I".': ki.li-l. -'I-: ii. is,, p.m. ..a.. ;,s, , ,,t!!. Its. I," is .11 pit t.'l'. Ain -iig I! " 'i 'I'. i. n i x ire . ar'.is'- I a . tor, 11 t It tgy m.-ii, "i enrav--rs. ,t liwyi!. -1 tiiu-ui.-itix, U sfiilji t..ts, .1 j.'iy -,. l itis -in I :. I I.-aeht-rx. Ana a. g l.'i' -k ll I. d H. n- .'h. .Tig I tin ra. 1 I ' tl. ; s, s. ,s (.,rn , r n, r. l...i.x, Jl'i d.-i'ss in.,. ; -, 1 1 i iii .rii:. i -, si ..ir- lis, ft g-.rdt !!. jt-Wt it Is, J holt I k 1 H. Hill ..''.." 1 lie 1 1 tl lit I XT of iii. I. .ig'. ml- M ir.ii I wax-. Oflhi-sf 7J w . re . :'. r.n t l .l - ;. r-, 1 .- -:i i.i ami .1 t auj- rs Nun.lx r j-!at- - I i'i t!av I.--j'i tal. ll'i. N uiiix r of .1. I nu I hi. tits Z. s-.t 1 1 t i - . ui N"l.i'i I 1. 1. ! I I,,- i .'. i.-t .li ll.-- o.-.i.-'.'.e ".' lb Hi . :, j . A N- I n l t t I. a i .ol ii. r, Mr. V.-ii.iy 1 1, in. i.w ay. ul. . will ion- t.lllle til" l.'sli-s B- h.Tl t"f IIV. o MONDAY, NOV 31. I 1 n r t ioliH ut tin' rlitili !' si-lir'lay. t C I.. I it 11 1 lil I, of I'mtliili'l, una ill town vi r Siinilny. w. JIutMiiril, lh hop l.tiycr, csinv i' "li lh' ln. ul t'Hlay. K. . Toller retuni'-'l lioint? on the Ineul thin nflernnoii. Wimly lnnt nlclil ilii miinv nf ,. w ,,( m ru(. tin-1' Kill thia iimruuiK. Mi-t Mry I'otU-r inn.e up oil tin' ! '""I from Irving t.Mlay. I. I'. N'ol iml ohiiih .low 11 from l'n--will on the loeul thi innmlng. Major l"oret rvtunieil vi-i.trr.lay from an ln-eetioii nf UmU r laii.l. il.ii. Krit.wllki.il wifciniil Mi-tAli'v Tut lie, of McKt-iuiu Uri.lv. are in I 'm- h,M A iimrriHi;" lk-ciirv w n tinlay t" I. T. Ilinmil nii'l .MaiTk'lv " 'rl ley. K. II. FrU'tnlly loml.tl i-ar of wotl , mnl twit rant of lio4 tiMlay for hi 111. nt. Tin nortli-houii'l overlalnl trni:i I i I not arrive here thh morning until li l' o'.'l.M'k. I. L. ( nliipls 11 went to I'" rtl 111. 1 "II thi-i moriiiiiK' overlalnl. II" Mill .iohahly return tonl'it. lion. ('ha.-.. It. Wilkiuwin n-iit H1111 iliiy nt hi home In tliltelty, returning, to l'ortlitnl thin iiiorniiig. ' The lUIIetor, the university lour j mil, wan iiif'l again Satiinlay. It l : full of liit.n-llng unlvi-rilty iu-wk. int-t. .s.-r. tarv Cooli.lue In worklnif Java I ami evening at .-al.-lii, getting I lie i.r.lliiiliiiirv uuik tlnne for Hie viuall .atioll hoartl. Sanip-oll Moimell left :itlinl:iy iiiyhl on the ov. rlan.l for Itok'ue rivr, ul.l y Lin 1 uvea. Mll'erillieil.l.'llV IW.WIH.U1 lit " -inn. 1 oil 1 iiii'h'inv in rmtiiiiiit. tut' nn.n l-jiKteni tin-goii1 Th.' enntli, l'hc I'liii'liilulc nre 1'eiulli- . .... t. .. . a. - 1.. 1.. on ... ...a.a-a .M-...er, Maker City ami I' 11 Ion. A man with lila throat cut ami ileat wiw f)illll(, UVM tm lu,rrII aeh.Mil ut ih. 10 vexterihiv liiornillir. He ix Allt - t.ex-. In U- I.. I. Jollea, formerly Jlilii lorof .he imriiml aehtxil at Moniiioulh. He hntl tl.l.lOon l.ix ja-r.... The btxly wax wiirm when foun.l. A-hlaml Tiilinga: C. A. Wnw, for - mi rly a partner In Cortlray' theatre, ix lii'Axhlai.il with hix mother fo,r Iteii. llt of the latter lu-altli. They lm.. Imx.o lnim 11 iiuiiitli nml Mm. W. 1, very inueli linjiMve.1 while ('. A. la ... tii,,'.. hx fat hx a Ix-ar. ; " - Hicriir Noliin.l and family left for San Juts', California, 011 the overlalnl .i.,i.i Mr. V.ilu.i.l ...it'.-r severely from asthma, ami ax she lln.ls e..m.letenli.f in the climate of that , .... ..,r....... ........... ....... No and will return in aland ten days. . . . . . Ihe I 11I011 rail lie 111 a circular lan- , 1 ly ls-ue.1 .juotosarate of tl is-r luo,k,"" wax :J.-1 knot-. I.ut he iMiuinlx on apple III ear lots from Toll- steainetl 7j km!-"I a run at a late that laml, Willamette vallev points ami ayeraggeil "1 n I k;i-'!- .in hour. -lie ; xtations 011 ttie I niou rati lie 111 Mat no this ern (in gun nml eiu-tern Wiuhlngtoii to the Missouri river, .M1shIssI)i river, ' Clileago ami eoiiimou jsiint ami to all ... ... . world a new lorm of entertainment, the onion Httelutilc. Six voting hull. -s stand In a row, and one hitea a eliunk ...at ,f tt. ..i.l.ii.. lit. .11 f It. . mi!.. ll lx turned over to tlie young men for in- ss-etioi. The one w Im guess.-, who hit the onion kiane the other the In- .!..- If he fail, to gu.-. he la only ,,. low.-tl to kii-a the girl ho hit th" on- Ion. Thua again i the hH' of n-waril overshinlowetl hy the fear of punish- i incut ; Tbal.llf-a Talh. I'til'KKA, Ka.( Nov. 'Jt). Suiator I I... I . - I.. 1 1 ... . jomi .Munm, wiii BrnviNi i.tuiie iruiu U'ii.I 1 1 turf .in Mum lil in. In V t ll nuruPil In i s Mrs. Ieas.-' rs;vnt otlthreak: "I do - i not Is'lleve she knew what she was : atsiut w hen she said what she did '" "' llU.V- ' "I"' ! ... .1 . ... . ..l.l. . . inw imjiuiae oi me iiiomeui, wiiuoin tiui'ii thought nx to hat they are -nylll'T. While I .1.1 lint say what curse should la? pursueti in the state next year yet I la-li.vc fusion w ill not n, t),f,w i,vrr." I!, garding the di-ni.s-mlie defeat in , llie reivnt clectlona Senator Martin nai.l: The deiu.K-ratic party may !. a little olT this year, but yam will liml it right in line n.-xt year again. The ai'ile are naturally dissatisfied with the Tx-vtit condition of atlairs, and naturally blaine tli-t party In aiw er. Sv how foolish It is. I'p to No ' vemtxT we had not J.t-s-ed aaiugle hill, and .ituld tint then-fire l.l tlie least have haiige-1 the mlii-y of the gov ernment .ar can-ail tlie hard time. The ni.iiiu:'ai-turer in the ea-t have .! . . I -.iiie i.f their nulls n a threat agtiin-t our i-.ijsi tarttr legislation, when as a iu.iMi r of fact, tlie iiniulry is not suf f. i ing from ft ar of tnv trade. Then tin it-are a grent many disnp'iiit.tl .---.i Uing .I. ni, H-rats In our .nun try w ho imusiii aome dix.itliteiit iil our party rnttka." lata taaprrar'a Mlliaapiraar. Ill Kl.l v, Nov. Is i.Tiii,iaiI..i tr-x t',..t the . uis ri.r In an ad li xs to the r r-n'a y. -tt-r.lar naitl : ''I want I ..r sii.m aoldara l.. any tlie I.-r I' r-y. r S.lditTx are n.'t t i have a 11 ol ll.i ir ow u. You tiiu-t lia-hul one il!: one law, ami that I my la ." A LUCKY BARBER. .11 nit li' ir i l M re Than lie Hatril lilt I. I'lll, I.Mr. MiAlt". M". Nov. 1 Woril : tt-iv. .J h. r.- t.Mlay 1 hat W. N' K'.h eri, a i.aiU r of lin liiil, u -mall Inu 11 nine mill " fi"in la O', ha l fnl.' n lii-ir tn 11 fort'llie in I.a Vewa-, N. M , left him I'V one John I- iimH. h"in .U-rt .ivi .1 fn-iii ill.. hiiik' I'i the .iiii.-aiii"ii riMT 11 yi ar-nc ". lioli-r't. father, N. M. K"l ri-. :..' h' thU el! . a- -" " ' '.v iel'l'l"' ret-n-wlilaliv an I -'alt -I t 1 ' i'l'"it a Irue. Th.. 11. Inm. l-lial'.r 1' I'- ''. i-lat.- ha li' ll.i- I ll .Ifitt to..! ;'"',' erty ni.".Tei::il in.' :'ii o i no'l m vhuI tlu'iil-iin.l il.illal-t in i-!i :w '.r him th. re. lielinett : a w.a'.ll.y loan uheli r. -ue.l hv II..I-nii'l In- "rt!' n-l the latter ha, fol hi- .Math at the tiim' ol hi- ri-elle. hilt U.iU-iK M ill .1 tn take lieellt. K.ilal I o j-tkilljI.V I 't'l I'1"1 that if In- lia.l im hi ir at tin- tini" of hi. il.-iith li ul.l L ave l.iin lii I'Mp- erly. It. nil' !t r. 4l"l that he wolllil ."-o aiel ha- 'l I" w',r I- rH JimiS II. Ill I .! Mil it l.l'. r., Nov. 1 Mai -Th. Itlg eiu'iir -lia tl r.it: i-.tntaliiiinr .'l.'iln .iln of 1111 nvi r.iL'-! ii'th "f -.-venty-live fli t i li"W n.tio'iii'l on - .iitli pit In-lile ol the I :r ami mar where the Kmily ent a.h"re. The enmlition of the r.ift i erilit -a I ami it i- i-j-etei it will v a I. .tal I"--. 'I I.f t' in elnl If ,lt(.lllkill, , - . r.lfl ua, i,.;,. towe.l out ll.l- lie tilling I'.V the III ' I.iherty ami Ih.n.-i r. Tin- mil ttx.lt a tthti r lilel Im f.-re the tilir ""ill. I get t' ftniiu on the Inn -he a-ta-t on tin -ai.tU. fai't'iiii i:.tlH-rt of th- tuj Italig.-r i- -liil h'.l.lin fi-i on to the rait ami hi-t'"li'lili"ii l"im-'l't l eon iih rnl N ri!.'li. aiel I.i- 1 llt'M- to sivt- tin- raft 111:1 v it-nit iiiii.'itutiali ly I t I hini- If lill'l the en-v. 1 III. -IKANMIt I! I I. M Aii-111 n t.i', N v. I '. A.lvi.-- . .....! 1. fi,,i.. th.. I.Il. raft "t. ....... . ..... , hiel, went iigrouml x.-hnlay are to I tnthe ir.i t that t :i.tiiin Koix ttx of 1 the lug lillgt r Wa- ii.ii.Jk 11. 'I tn ellt 1 ll,,. hnw-er u ilh u hieli he wax l."!iling !(,,(:. r.,r, , t. , a.tain will . , , ''"k-' ' "" r "I 1:1 "" ! The raft lit- ou Hie !)"i!!i i.e of the ' Jetty of w hi. !i aU.ut i f" ! haa Ixi-n ; torn awav. At liie a lie- en. I of the ' rnfl ul.t-ut i!t nr.- out uml al-uit .1 nt the fnrw ar.l 1 ml. A liiiuih. r of chains are l.nt-e at U l h t iuU. 1 n.... .1.1 ( y,-us Nv. x.''i. ..uihis t.. . , , . , .. . . . , ., , ,, : 'lay fairly won the tul 1'i..nof t!i. ' ocaii. .-he -t. i.ni. -l fmiu Ciija Ann 1 1 c,,pe iVi-jM.i 'trial trip with ; til,. 1 lllletl Male- l.-..'1'l "I 111- -. II. .11 1 ' on Ixiar.l. Her i.v. ra 'i- .-i.. e I for ss A Sill, ll neat Initio- t.f sl'.n,"iin, I o I Iiii.ii.' Ill linlr. Cohvai.I.is, N"V. I''. Tin- ifi-i:l..l eliallge ill the 'late of Ihe sale of th. tliegoii 1'ji. illi- i w itlm.it foundation. The sale w ill off ir 1'ii.lay, letnulx-r I'i, at I o'l lot k p. in. 'I'lir lrrilir 1. roomt-U. I'liul'I.VM', Nov. 1-. I!, p. Watson 1 and . I'. .Ma.i, ul.li-lii I- of the Sunday M. r. ury, u . i . ..i ;.-! . I t.'tiighl on f, eliai of -. Ilin r "h .:.. ,r, j-,,. ,. I ' . ne niatierjto - a:.-. I all ihe " "' th" n.-.v-j, 1 in ih.-hau.lx of the new -U.y s, l".:'u. r with the f,,mis of t!ie r;,.. r. Wa and Ma , , ( , . ( , , , , ''"'"""1 ''la I mi l are uml. r Ix.n.l- Ja-nding a ilt -cislou "f l!ieira.x a! to the sti.n me court. Klllrd b aU l.a g ( Ing . Taiuma, Nov. I'. Jain.-s King, aged "o, a re-itl. i t of S-tutli lieinl, was foil n v . ll.i- iiioruing with hit It i- siijijai-eil he wa- !.;( ,riishi-' aalidhaggi-tl. II" w a- a s.iii-iii-law of Fc'liug, nuirilered in irloth .seat tie several lie in t lis :".' It is' j(Vlllr,. he wa- l-.t ot.t - f the wav I his mother's iii iid-ri for f.-ar might tell something. Healing Ibrougli I'ri.i.i. MoM"tTII, III., I'll. -UeV. J. Mew art, ail r ang. h-t of snue not. who waa recently ii-jh-ii.i.',i from th. Monmouth jr.si.yttrv f r pn aching the iha trme of .livin,- h. nling. .i,n- trary to the 'tine!p!. - t.f tin- ehiiivh, umi w ho sui.si'.(u. nt.y iipj- aini his cast- to the synod of I.iim.ix, -s mm actively engaged IU J.muiulgal ing tins.' satiie d.n-trin. - Uf g-.- l.;-.:e audi.-iui s here .-toil l ight. Hi isai-lti l.y 1U.-V. Mr. W.iria-r, an . vung. list ft. m Chicago, w Im .;-iiii,s gnat tutnw in healing the sivk. K.-v. Mr. .Mi-Wart llliiltitain- thai the . ! i:n h h..- ...u very w ning in su-js ii.lmg him, ami prep.ss.-i to tea. !i l.i-lx !i.f i:i -j.i ta t all opsilion. Cn-wili d l.. u-s gi.it the evangelist night'v, an, I all. r the U.ual evaiig-Ust. c-'rv i'i - t...-:.:!h. t.-l are rai!.il li-.n to ti-iiie l .tuar i nsl have pray t-rx i.i!'. rut fir them. A im fta-ia ch.irg.il s,i r. s have sought rtln f from nt!. ru g iln.-iua ll.i- means, ami many unx an .i.uuied. The pra.-titx ol tin-il x l rine t ratt iiiin h itiw-ussioii, nml I'i" rvviv.,1 is tn,t m nviti 'ial j i' !y . i . r !. CJ) 1 1 re. U'l; - I :!..- i'e f 17. .1 Clover at Coi.uig, s-.ii.uay. N". 1 i, a t! mgh t.r, wel.-hl I" i ..ii I-. Wi lifM.t j licr'lf acain. An ii-i'inii-'iiii? rfonr'l liu n Hi. 1 , .v tli'- i l hi r t. olumtnii. !,,. ...-ill ovirliiiil t!"' wiftift ,,. . ,n i.i rliinii' f Atlnntio. Hie M . rel of ll.T I'lll ll'illl' lliil HJi.-'ll In . in Ik r tri'lo wrew nnl en nine. 1 t Ii uiI'Tk "f Kansa-i .a- ...pi,ll .." fi tting even with Mr. l.m, I xi;.!i-it Htiiuii aienkT, for what -lit! h:l- naitl illxiut tlu'lil by .1. in .m-ltiig i'f (;"V. b-welling tlmt -I,.- lie reiinivitl iVftn tJi" prrfidfiicy .( th.- .t.i'e Iwurtl I'l'iliarity. I-v- !Iinu' i' tr.vin t unit- Kaw. It i xai.l tnmi'v in in Rffat do mamlin 1'ort Liiitl. For fliort loans .'. t ." i-r wnt 11 month in aiJ, an I f -r l..nr' 1 i-iu iit 10 t cent tin- lt.rrtier gla.lly pay a bonu ..I" frmii '! t. ." h.t et'i.t. Notwith--l iti'litij: tlii'Mj fiiortnous exaction, tin- .1, ui iii'l fT money f.ir f itceHl tli.-ava.l.il'lf dUiilv. Although n lvi.-es uro meagiT it ajijx-ari that a tetiiK--t in a tfajml has In-en rai-e 1 over the Hawaiian 1 inliMglio. The letter of IWl.lettt Clevelainl t rr.xiilut lloloof the pr-ivi-ional gnverniiient indicates no intention of coating the .jiieen hv for.'f. It i jtrob'ihle that the i-!.uu1x will be left to chajat their mvii eourse, although the UnitcJ St.it.-n will t-xeroiinj care that no other power obtain a f'othold. lVii-lleton K. O.: Tb altm tatif in in say "iroteetion is Vic t'.ry's 1 laughter." That Htrikcn 11.4 Uing a little far fetehttl. Protec tion omen nearer being the off- j.riiig of xellihiu'!s and greed, in fai t a Ih traval of virtue and right .. ma livin for train and power. It i4 (.imply a modern form of jHrncy and will eventually hrin orrow iixiti the nation. I'nteetion i na tional pro-titution, hgalize.1 by law, undo ixipular by ichemerand manipulator!. It aid tho few to live luxuriously at the exjience cf the many, like the I.ouiana lot tt rv, whii li e. mfer a fortune of .f 1 ,( W M mi one man while robbing j, -,,1)1)1) ..U.er men of f2 each. If this is whit the Statesman i p!eats to have known n Victory' .la'ighter, itl pity old Vie., forhe is .;-'r it'td. The women and the clergymen of San Francisco are lalwring to purify the press, nud th other Sunday night n.-arly every minis-t- r in S.m Francisco took for bii text the prn-. In tho course of his remarks Kev. M. J. Ferguson very truly said: "The questions suggested for discussion are so many and various that it i difficult to make a selection for one short lecture. They arc tutch as these: The degree of n newspaper resjKin sihility to the public, its place as a factor in our modern life, ua a ve hicle of information and communi cation, a a conservator of moral, as a restraint r of crime, and a a 1 1 . i- . . means of bringing togetlicr distant " . . . . . (H.pulations ami unifying them in to t ne anple, etc. tlivt r Wendell II. 1tin s puts bread ami the news papers in the same category. Peo ple might live without neaapa- ! ir, but out modern life would be I'V 1 j j, iuia)saible without them. It would he ungracious to criticize them :.t .... - a l . - . . i wiwioui aeMiow usiing ineir ui-1 i. rect s.-rvict t society, ( 1 ) in de tecting and exiting crime, even when the (silice f.ul, (2) in restrain ,ng crime. It is fear of exposure, .. .t the f.-ar cf punishment that prevents many a wrong-doer from taking the nsg of committing a crilll". The Jiatx-r likewise do & great tl.-al ol lHneVoellt work in dirvt gifts and in assisting benev lent enterprises by free advertis ing. They promote public under takings and give information that i- indispensable to business." I li- I aa at lb Haai.aa aMtlcla. W'asiiin.,thn, Nov. 111. Serioua .iiii-stinnx ..f international law have ari-. li in the roMt of the Ituiiaa Con vi.t. under arrest at San Francisco, ami .--.x-retury Carlisle has tunietl over the entire matter to the state dtpart - """,' I im.k ii.in.ai. W'asiiimi.tiiN, Nov. 1. (ieneral J I'h It. IV,.. adjutant-gwieral .rf Hie . .- ,.. , . . N istunaii, Natiotial duard, w bo liaa lai-ll a.-Us, etl ux the atlc.xs.sor to A- itatit ."s.s-r.-tarv of War Hiant i law - ver n-i l.i.g at"j..ne.ville, Wi. He I.i . . , .' , r. porte.1 to j.m. iuarke-1 eleeutive al-ility. A SENSATION. An lnjunctinii In IVuai tin- lav- Dll'Ill Ul CliUIII Fits. ll la tllrrllMg .Hurh ttl.i.i.s,,. i .. . u.. . ... mt fftl v AliliTinim iltirr uiiil Al l. rn s IMirAI'l... 111., ..uv, 'l .. v. I Astteri. r prewlitiM by three of I liuiiip iigu's atrong.nl legal liriua, haw- a-i . . t,,. etiurt to enjoin the city from rilng any f.tM to Ktlorn. y-x f.,r ,, i, i',,u. l'ollcvuinn Thoi.iaa ilogau, h ,., Indicted by the grand jury on a .-Large of falae Imprisonment. ' Ho.-m J, on the night for.-.-, ami It ua. -h..un on the trial that In-i ke l In -i..;, ,, window and what he raw 1 1 inj,., , him to arrest a young gentlt inan :,n. lady who were kec'ing coniniiv -m. who afterward -erv marrit 'I T'j. young laaijile were luixtlnl tn , i-v prlaoli, where thev were.i.tiih . n . ,r nigtit. The oitleer fai!.. t - r ngainxt them and they wt i- I: .:,i, ,i. When the graii.l Jury met tin- a;!.! -wa ealle.1 to ita attention, mi l lli..nU wiu promptly Indicted. The than, ligll City Council then laeiiliie ..i tervsted ill Hoguu's la haif t'.i-i! a I. .- lutlon wa prvse utiil and ad p'. . i . aevure couiiell to defend Ho.-m II t. gan wa ton tl. I guilly as eliarg. d m t:... iuilictmetit ami llm-.l. The action of the city . oii:.. .l w ,a much tliseusMsl and erilii'i-tl. I.ut it waa generally xupHt.'d that tl,. re th. matter would end, hut several ii,! ,, i,. tlal citizen hccaiuo Interest. .1 m the attempt to aeeun. an ltijuiie!i..ii, in,. the result wa the court grant. I a I. in norarv Inhinetion which will hi- in effect until a time can la1 tivd iin... for hearing arguments on tl e ui..ti... U make the Injunction nnan. nt The eas la nttracting luii.-h n'l.ti tlou. Pardaard by ll.r lrriil.iii. Wahiiinoton, 1. C, N..V. .ii. I'i' prealJent t.slay pardonetl Clar.-nce I. Harris, formerly cashier of tin- Naiio al Hank of Iuhu.pie, la., c..i, i. t. .1 .f falsifying n-jairt to the .iii..jiir..ilr, who plfa.led guilly, und m-iiI. ih . pcn.ld. The jH'lition nlas.l i:.ii the alleged trust placed hy ll .rri-in the word of the president of tin- l ink. The president takisj occasion tn s .y: "If Judge aud district attorn think Mjrxoi.x iudiet.-l ought mt punished, the indictments l-ltj' abandoned by them instead of Ii. ag ing alaail a conviction ami in n. 'li ately following it with a rt'j'i-l l'-r panlon." Takna .laaiu' l-. Masox City, la., Nov. jo.-ll. K. Wright, chairman of the stale prt'M lilt ion eoinniittec, take a ghximy i.vr of the future auca-sa of prohil.iti .i. in Iowa. In hl Charli t ity Ad v. .-ate be t.alay says: "The piohih.ti'tit law will la r.aale.l at tin- l'-i""'- of the incoming legislature a sun- fate. It consummation I- it.ewi.il and Irretrlevahle. Jack-.ui ill w this reeal In hi lii"sage ami jt.t iiic.il htMvs-a will decrtv its p:i!-age." Oregon IVrn Associati u. All nieiuber of the r-g 1" " -v aociatloll who desire to at!- id ll'' midw inter fair at San Fr-.m. t' rv.juesle.1 to Inform the umln- gi I t once no that arrangement- cu ' made for their aerotnmixla! "ii mi'l transjiortatioii. State wlni '.-r yu will Ikj aixiinijuiiilcd hy any ' State jmx'ra are niU.-!. ! ! 'I')' thi nothv In order that all m '. u '" fornie.1. Addn-sa: V.. I.. K. Wit nr. Ch'm. F.x. Com. ' v' Portia!!.!, i rt'g-i'. Comiiiiite" Met t;n.r The county central coinuii:'' "' l!"' ! siple' party w ill inn-t at I -' , l'"" Saturday, lVcciiils-r In, ( I " ., poae of mote thorollgii . o:.'.ii..l.i I'.,- tlie party throughout the . uuty VjkcU precinct Ucntiilol t" l,,u' Ut and we lioja? each jin tin' t will '' ri'jaea'ntetl. W. II. Sl'At - li. County Chairman. Tk Olfaapla la ",, u.u I-,. ...... m. V.,v II! I'.V .i.Nl' nariaon b'tw.s.'n the niiiii. r.i-tit- atroying ship Columbia, hunt Cramp of I'lilla.leljihia, ami t' u. I I...M..I. n..l,.l,.l,..il l.V tilt l-y tt'' .'.T'll--I tlffl W ork or thi city, it is .-..nt '"-.' ......... tl... ll.u I.....I lli.tlt'l!l"U I- ' l"td f he eastern coini ru i KICp; IiihuI nflhe eustern .ittl'i ril. 1 !' ' "" dicfeil. while the Olymi In the list of sptaxlv crui-t r- . ' onl of l.2i knots. Her . ill " trip next week will undmil l"! that iihe U dt-servlng of all l!i 1 that can la given. Tt llMr fut Murtlrr. Sax Fm.vi imii. N "V. Hanaon and Ht-rinuii.'-p ui. -the barkeiitine li.-p r. a-'io ' ' . the niunl.-r of one of the "ei -; Veaael, are under -itit'tfi' ,. ..... . the date of exts-utioti i- Il v- I ' r day of next we k. Alt!."''- 11 '. and Snarf are linauarr -f w .... -:.il Vl' ati.rn. v ix .lein j f..r I ., - 1 ring "to die t!i y w .i:u ' ' j jlf.Vj.'tlot'.'' . .i.... -,i i.. . .,- ... j j. tm-nr. i.ntH"' I U'.mh. N-i". hi - : - ' .- a n.nsi-i.iry iii F. canlliiala w ill U- en-.: I : ,"'",";- tU', .'WZ i blah.ui I", la id I. i- 1 '' " ,,,,. l,ius t . i a- . ' Idea, 1a lug ill all "I ;' : uita let are "" "' 1 " " J"" ", bishop lrvUud. " I ' Xa.e ' .. ..ar,lllu :,l ' ' at the next coti-i-tory. o