EUGENE CITY' GUARD. EUOENE CITT. OREOON. OCCIDENTAL NEWS. Catiso of f tin Kxploslon on the Collier Jinn Mateo. SAM DIF.UO ASD riNKXIX ROAD. Hen in a Iirltisb ColnrabU Colliery Afire to t lie ITipnilllon of tlio iliuujemcul. Tarornx cl.tim population of 52.3JX Sn )i.-go' Fruit lixrliaiiKO baa been i'iooi,outil. .Ml tin' n.-ditor of the Taromn. Expo hImh are railed intu court Novemln r 2S A finiicliio) (or an opposition ferry at Ya.leju ha bun granted by the. fru tit . Tlio amount of augnr output of the C'hino (.uloiy (or m-.i-ou 14 1 J, 100,000 J.ollll. 'Jhocoiins.-I of Chri Evan, tbe ban dit, hato applied for a coiiliuuanco of bia imr, Foggy weather bin interfered witb mi-iuc'iii ing iu tho South. Hot weather lit minted. Tim I'.iitto (Mont.) Council refuel to rnnliriii the apHuilmciil ol negro on thr police force. Tlio relation la-tween the, Arir.onal.a xrtto hii I tho Territorial Judiciary are etrainod. Tlic rndw av ciiipluym of the Soutb are fiinliiiK it ditlictiU to liandlii tbe train)) tliitl iulcl the Ireigtit train. Tin- Vi. t iria aurvevor who linked into t ho ciuwn for tlm explosion on the rubier San Mateo declaio it ilnubtlei iirKMnulttl in Hit cxiHiiro of tho Bin generated Iroin tlio lo tlio llauioof a 1,,. III. it llllllll. I In. I Wi 1-ton ha notified tbo "oilier of ll.iui-oii. Idaho, tho new- town juat within tlio Isirdor of tliu C.rtir d'Aleiie luili:in nwiTV.ition. loloavoor ny 12 UU. Tht settlor aro projiariiig lo do l.'lld tlll'llll-l'lci'l. The. trial of Alderman IVtcr (.rahatn, tb last ol Ihe alleged Sikane lawdlera, haa tnintliatrd by tliu jury bringing in n verdld ul not guilty, lid will bung a heavy .1 image sun ugilnsi tlio city lor b.i id'UlMun Iroin the City la-uncii. Jaik Oreeii, w. wealthy rancher, ami Ti . i ii lor. a litriu li.iu l. were mar ilend a: Sa'iony Hand, alsiul I'M inilra (ntni V.,mo,iu-r, II. C. and 10,000 Inkrn hy Hie mm drier. A iii.m named inwii 1 .y ii ii n Ihuiight to liiivo Ih.i-11 tho inur-Ocri-icr. Mntonniin Edward F. Terry, who wa In ili.t juol the elrrlne rir wliii h wenl iIiii.iiMi tlio Madisou-atrvet lnlir'. it rl.a,.!-d by tliu Coroner' jury at Port I mil ith cio" in Jigence in permitting lii car tuiuii Willi inkles and exi-ca ivu sliced. (),it llvo niilcDof tbo San I'icco and rinnux loil mi' no griiiliil ninl ovrr tliuv milr ( tlio tra k lahl. I hi) woik i. unii.i! I, .rum. I riiDHliv. nearly l.imO ol h.m liHiio't iili'ii bavinii llfl ihi iui lii to fa v 1 ' uulo caili an t:il u tlio I trailml. A if it i ii of loitv or tittv Imni-o-ntiMTer. (Inn lUiiiimm nl nuri' lliinu men linn- iii(i-tiil J'ai oiii.i il.iy an. I cjiii iintli-l n ininilM-r ol rolilx-nci iioii on M.iM-itliiit toiiiilrvini'ii. whom thev in .l.i... I i.i iitiiilouu-tonn n wiitit. .l I l.i ini-ll I lllllii OUT llu.i N.irlliern I'.i cine Irnin I'lnmp', whi-ri' tlii'y oHirati'i iluiiiitf tlm W oiiiI I ulr. Ihcy are now mi Hi. ir nv lo tliu MuUiiiU-r l air at hail I iaiin.o. I ml., il anvthina i ln-inn ilno to u.ii.l ufituiL' tlio trainer Now York otf iln iim k ui Point Ihniita. Inforination i imt !'i n out n a-lily, anil alonK lint water l onl thi ic an' Irw wl" know oclly uh:it rt'4 tlm Ta.-illi- Mail nlln iul iiiohii now In tilkc. AH mi' vi-im-i ihu I mliillv. lln ii' ix no likflihoo t ol Lit i'vit Im-ihk liiillnl olf. KliDWill bavi' i.. Iu. H.I....I mil I tlo.iti'.l. I'limim will Ih Lent in itu.l Will bo lcaly for woi k nt anv lime. Tin. C.iiMilhs Tiling iv: Tlnro a pnifil.iutv, it not a iiliKiulity that the I IS, I" 0 oi Arirultunil t'olli p' fun.U nil il. 1 1 in tliu Jol hank at I he tunc ol tin' uHui.ion will l wholly limt. Il will k' k'uiciiiIn'Ii-I that shortly alter tl... l.uhL I.UF.-...I into tin. iiaiiii'oi a rn . ...r in iinl.r to niuri' tho Colh-ui' i Ibuii an iiltiii lnncnl wm ilil on tlio ti. 1 1 v hv I ii'utiT Muiili-y. Il now .i.-i.-l.ii.. tlit lln- atl.u binriil M ifri'ir uUrlv i-mir.l. ami il o. tho colliiro will lxt nithiiut anv il.iiin whati'vir to lln Iiiii U o;i ih'Hit whin tho l'uk am i.imtil. Tin' new criiiwr Olympia, on bcr (1ml trip. ciiililiflii''l her Mmlioii aa ijui-rn ol tlio L'nilfl Mali' navv. Tho lnn i. in, In n iii.niiniiii) iN-nl o( 21. ill Liii.ii. ninl im iiik'iil ahiililly nmliT 'ii knot a on a urn ol US kn.ilH, with a heavy ami a lionit heal wiml. A I lie (Hi inina only cjikvIiiI to luako '.' knuti". her ii are very hay over li. 1 1 ml. ninl think that when the ol In ml j;.ieiiiiiieiil trial in ho can U-I.n.el tin to knot, una wouii the I'liUMi linn work a Imntl ol llii.t.tHH) for t'MttililliJ tho "(".v.! to tiiiiii'iiii-iil. I l.e IMeiiipnt at'liool at Pan Knu:i ipiii. miilaiuiliJ IV U"tf chil ilii-n, wtii. ih.ioveM-1 on liro iliirni the ml o.l litim the other ilav. I ho ihil ilieii in.i'i I'll. I out in an rilerly manner when tlm .I'liini wa i:iien, an-l tbeio wa lioiinii. 'Ihe lnew:i in tin u.irirt. ninl wi etin;iliihetl iH-furr liuiclnlani w ii . I .'.'. Milii lUir.l, a (omteell . .r o' l f . i 4 1 ol tin h liool, wax arret il on l'n' i'P ( armin. I le iMiilet Hint l.e h i I hlaile.1 l!ie Hr in ll.e k1'' to m' l o.r ll.t' ii'iU woillil ' t out ol . IkmiI ill' ol a real lire. Youny I'.ni.l li.i h:il a uiania for aft linrf Uuililll (. oil lite. . AlSau l iam ii.'o in thf rao of lli T'.iitlUiri I iauk I.. WiUiii Ju.l l mow ol Ihe ii-tm t t'oiiit ha;ranti-l the nt") ion ..I the h li ii.lanl to hiij.Ii the Hi'li. tinenl 1 1 iTI i"II hnn w ilh n I In.- o .rni matter tliiuiit:ti the mail. .i eii.i. iiinljinel ol werr written liv iS i. kiii ul jieilio to a (rieml in San lam l-v". Ju.le Mnrroa urnic.l thr Vim! Nate Attorney am! the tai inlti-:.' hv h' tnlrfretatnn ol thr inure u ivei li 1 1' I u Ii !. lle.leel.l rJ thai a jitr-oii".! lettpr, aei-un-ly aiaUI. coutaiinx ulHeiiitv i ii. t imlirtahle den II il i-ti tlir'i;li Ihe mai lie iuteiir. ) t!ia law lo rr(e otilv to timiilol.l. tvljrtip(i, pnnlr.1 co;ir orn.miUr .nhlnatnii. N inner OUC""rti have hr.. fiat wrilten lel!er ront.nuin' oI-mciiiiv are inrtii ltti in ihr luraiiin .f Ihe ttute. ami u h car Itive Uon iii.lhl liv line an.! impris onment, l'lnini't Aliornev l.irtir an nounce that he will appeal Una caaa to t U-ir court. ' BCSI5E.H.1 BRKTITIE.1. In Japan Si3,tVS cotton tnlrxllea art twirling. Lad rear 1,375 reeeeU wera built In tlm country. A revival of Miwlnlpril rivar com merce ii eiprcteil. Vlrrlnla pro!nret annually 1,000,000 bailu la of iieanut'. Elect rlc. railroala. now ao common, are not yet ten jreara ol.l. Carnefie baa new itcel raiting that wei(lia iixty-lour tona. It roat tbo government f 2 42 .,512 lo feel tbe rcKular aimy laat year. Tbo operating eilientea of the rail- mtvla laat year ware ,1KI7,U.'0. Cane. Colonr. hontb Africa, ba XV),- OhO.ia O invnU'l in State railrovla. Tin outer leU of Cluf apeako Hat glv employment to 3H.&J0 erona. One Ijeckeener of Iteno. Nrv alnpiiol IW.OtK) poiiml of honey to st. juk. Kiirhtv million ilen t"rlet haiulker. chuUwero aol.l in llta country lat year. The (lrt ronaiininent of corn ever ent to Europe from Mexico ii ahoul to he tliippe.. Maronctte. Midi., with a popn atmn of 12 (M) people, p.iyi only (1 per l.OuO leet lor fc'.ia. The total nnmlier ot emp ore in ine aen'l.ol railway In thm roil u try Ul yrarwaa H2I.415.' Near St. liui ivrea have Wn given np lo raning willowa (or a willow- ware mannlartory. Tan mtlon mill In Slmnirbii are e- clii'ively in (Tiineo haiula ami fntiDl.-l on Cbineae capital. of all the cotton 'lin k pro-1 (luce. I in the woil l ia uia-lo within twi". ty mile of llaltimoro. The vounjl colloii-aee l-oil In.tnitrv baa ei-ore.! a yearly ol l,M),onu harrela, n 'prew-'ntuig I.Mf.l tuna ol aeeil. There are 110 women lawyer in the Vnile.1 State, ami eiiiht have earne-l the ribt to prai tice U-forn the Supii'iiio, Court. ..; . I hey lo y lhl Iwer ( alilornm, where laml I Very rheap. la aa well adapted for lemon culture aa tlio fl.OOO an acre grove of Sicily. II the aalnof their land to the f mtcd Slalea Boverinnent aomo nl tho Indian Inlaw are worth Iroin tri.tam lo tiu.Uv-J per capita, man, woman and child. A Chicago htiildimr rocn-lv ha In- creare.1 Ha capital from ft,00l,()iKI to f.Vl.tnm,0l, ilet Urea the National l. in Herald. Pmcnl aael aro tl.mai.oa'. It i eilimaUil Hint Ihe ricliiKt of civ- people I the l.niflinli, Willi f l.'.Ml ner cainU. In France tb n.iTairi' l .aid lu lie 11,102; in tho l'nil-l St ilea 1 1.0211. A flonriahliiff new Ilnllimoro eprl indu-tiy Ima lii-cn atarle I hv ex Scii.ito- Ileiirvli. IMvia Hint ol Miin " cm ViP..ln uku lo the tilver mining r. of Mexico. A.ii.ii i al to 1.00) holt am np. in a aingln freight car. mid alaml I l an requireil lor allot r'a-a pa-wngeriar. in adiliilon lo ih" N"0 re. il i re, I in tao bo el if . w heel Iril. ka. Upon a recent pnrchiie ol IH.ikxi ton if rw augar, not morn than two wn-La' iipply, the American Itelioin laimpany will net, it la wlnmuoi. a pmlllol .'UMKJ. The ten'li cenaii aiiow inni i ..niii.'n inhahiianl ol Ihe I mte.1 stale are ailpMirted hv agriculture. ll.ft'.'I.OH) hv manulacturea and 15,tl2),OiO hv i-oin-merce. ... Ono hundred year ago the l mtcl StaU-a imiai'ta a'.'gregnlel .il,li tai l; to ilav, -lil,;ld,42l. One liiliiiln-l lean ago the expnrta were valued at 2.l,l00,- 10; tailay, (Hl7.faW,0'j. There are patent for niakinj p.nper (nun iawdiit and ahavinga, liom thia- tlea and thialledown. from ahi'.U and lanlmrk. It i a"l Hint there are over 2,10 patent In tlii country cover ing tho manufacture of paper. Over 3,0 1,(100 women are earning in-.lcM-ndeut iiiiviinea in Ihia cuntrv. Thero are miiiui 2.5 0 pracii. ing nn-li- cine, lt,0iK iiiaiinin p itolliivi, preaching the bo pel, and in New York city alone 27.0HO of tin in are uplrling their hualMiida. I'l REI.Y I'F.llSDSAIi. The Emperor of Chin i tulving French and lii'Miian, and will t.ilo a rtiurae in law. Jeweler I.. IUrtentine of rottntown. Pa., ha 04 year-old watch that baa never miaaed a day. J. C. Ilonnca of Charleston, s. C. ia the only ex-Condslerate in that Stale who wear tho Iron cro ol l'riiain (or valoroit orvire in tho Franco I'm--. an war. Ir. f-amncl F. Smith, the antlmr ol "America." pfed In H.'nh hiilhdav l-t week at In home in Newton Center. Maa.,nrar Ilnton. lie ia aitive and alert, and feel tho burden ol bia ad vanced aga little. Ilv Tennyaon baa alway been a no table housekeeper. Early in hi mar ried life the late iiel laureate a.ud j.-t-Inglv that, should literature fail, hi wile could keep the family (rum uierty In ner rnlinary kill. The Maharajah f Kapnrthnta, who apent mime time in tin country in Hie latter pa't of the aninmcr, baa hi-cn re-ra-nlly a viditor to iM-rlin. Hewn the gneat of the Fnienr lor a few d.iva in the ronriM' ol the maneuver in Na.v Ixirraine. Pruf. Charle Flint Norton ol lUnard I'liiveniilv l to he Ihe Turn hull lecturer on poetry tin year at the John Hop kin I'niveraily in It illinmre. II ui ).Tt will le ' Panto." wh.e "Ihiine Comedy " he the liituiw will he given in March and April. Charlea P. tiravea i.( Helena Mont , who aaa maineil at I-rnii:t"n. Kv., the other day, la One ( Ihe wealllncal ii.l re-l men In the United Stair. He ia Pnwideut o( two mininz compini.-a in Montana, and i aid to la' a ini,li.niainv He marriisl a well-known adored woman ol lkinginu. IJoccn Natalie o( Servia, intea,l o' mnatautly la-wailing her wo-a a dinner Iv, haa ilrt-ide-l that there i aometliiiit, lell in hie. and the mhrr evening Ap peared rli gaotlv di--il at a l.all given at Mentone in her honor hy Mi Mdlor an A met nan. Mine. Adrlita Patti re.-enilv told a re porter lor an Engli-H l'prr tliat people nave a -erfe t in una for aiking her alopt Iheir children. Mie I cona'antli reee.vinc o(Ter ol bahlra linndrvd, he honld av, in the cnire ol the "car Her laat one wa a pair of twin. In view ol the ami'ixl mrieac ol vi itora l Fgv pt an ia.rtnl addlii.m ha hern a)nle tin --a"n to Hie nu "I r ..' 1rl-cl" hott la in Cairo. The lilie.rrl Palace Hotel l inten.l-l to anrpa-a m aie and aplcndnr its well-known tua! hephrarr and the Continental. ypaael landed a party near Kio de Janeiro in onler to oMa n a 'ip plv ol and (or In.' v-toning tli dei Iva The men appmache! an old l'railiai government i,lir ma.-ainr, which gnr.le.l( a dela.-hmetil of Prri lei.' Peiioto'a rddiera. The latter, aern g a nun. her o( aeatnen d.ting. 'irvd they belonged to the rrll war lnp and. acting under or.!cr, hlcw np tl.. powder magaain an! killed and wound d awrweal cat li DriUab tailor. EASTERN MELANGE. American rrotcfllve AssocU tion Iucrca&iu?. THE filLlLLPOX IS ISMAXA. TSe Scn.lrr of ft Cballenee to Flgbf a Duel Senlrnrrd to tlir IVu llcutltry la Alabam. Tlio New Yor tij'.epbono girli bave lern vairinatnl. Cliieagfi pripfe to acttlo ribt down to now. A aixlli brid.-f I to Iks built acroia tin Ohio river at ( 'in. innati. Tlio Slate t.-vx lew for lilinoin baaWn'. It call for 2,.VVHI. Tbo Salvation Army baa openeil a ten lay' campaign at (talvi-atoii. pengna lever in a lin'd form baa made ita appearance at Mierman, Tex. Tho Viking eltip bi atnrted on iti trip from Chicago lo New Oilcan. I .old 'iiart, RuM ini H t a ton, lia la-en atruck in Northern Miiincota. (-tebee i U-ini raviahe.1 by virulent typhoid (ever caueil hy had drainage. Tho Indiana Supreme Court baa knocked out the alau acrivn ordinaiu e. Tho tlnvrwava of Central Park, New York, aro lo l I glitod by lamp. . Tl.o mallnox etiidi'tnicmntintie with out abatiiiucut III tlio liitecti-d i-)iolil III Indiana. Tl.o preo-nt fa-1 in New York i aid to l-e tlio aiDwennx ol dinner invitation iu ih vine. Arranivinent are leing malo to win ter an iiniiieiico niiiiilKT ol Texa catlle in M I'aiaiippi. World Fair alork bolder prohahly will ri-eive a livi icn-l oi io per ran o their ilivitllielit. The American Protective Aa-intion ii rvNirlfd to Ik) growing rapidly in .Northern Indiana. A eevrct nnl.T known M the Penion- eia I'lol.i live .) mi io:i ia oeni ir guiii.xl iu llliuoi loan. ( laiina under the Miaamtrl dieiai ft.u k law thieateii p . Hon ol tho aur- pin in the Stale 'licaniry. A largo iiiiii'Iht ol nlver dollara not Hindu hv the govi'i mn.-iit have hcvu put in . I nil I itinii in Weal Virginia. A roinpiuy ha Im-cii lunin.l at West Piaina. Mo . with ainple capital to do-ii-lop Ihe onyr. of Itouglit county. II iiniltou i "till working, lor the hU-ratioii ol Mia. M ivhri. k. iiiipnone! in Enl.tiid (hi Hii.-onin her hii-han 1. An Alalmin. jury haa conii.-tel the eii,ti-r.ii a i 'halh'Uge to lihl a dm-l. lie a ill liav.' two i ma iu lln- k-u i ti nt i try. A fi inper c. ii-im n( iheStato ol Mm-in-o it fhowa in Jilil.' la-t there were H,;W p.-tueia, ngnim-l 4.sti.l the ptevion U'lir. Captain Anderaon i deaimn ol pro utitiiirf tho Viking alnp to thi govern nienl. il to bu kept p. rii.uin nlly at the capital. IniiHinnx angar I heinj marketed rapidlv, and the remit I con-iih'iahle reln l nlri aly in tin) tiuaticial aililaliott in that M i linn. Km en no olliccra havo decided that N'oilli Carolina lilillera munt pay lax on tlnvf gillnna d whisky lor every huiliel ol com ucd. iMiiing the lUliiug vear jut rliaed nt (, Maia , llilv-acioii tlalieiineii Iim.. Ih i'ii lint, ninl ten vcm N, valued attiH.t11.'. bnvo Ih-i'U wrecked. Iioirrnnr la'wrlliiig pI Kaiifaa b.1 ap ilntcl Mr. I va Him kman a ineinla r ol the Inpekii I'.ili.v v otiinu-nion. vice a Pupulint ineinlaT whom he removed. Tlm nuinlx-rol paid admi-ion to the Chun I. inn fair during the I'll da v that it wa o'ii to Ihe pnnhc w a 21,-177,2 1 H, U ing an nvera.'o ol ll'J.OI per day. Senator Miernian'a real etatebo.Iing nt War-liiiiglon aro rated on th:a yeni 'i" tax li-t nl im.lH. Ho ia iiUnit the hcavn-i-t individual taxpayer ul tho cap ital. Il ia underalool that the United State Siiptenii' touit wnl he a-ked lo order the natiltaltnlioii ol a Chinaman, with a view ol tenting ihe auli Cliiiieie legis lation. Ilroi.klyn oMirial intend elalililiing a a.ptad i( iHilne to prnti-. t liom the .dinger ol the tnilh v car. A niinlnr a.iia l docs duly on liroadivay, New York. Corneiiii Vanderbilt paid U"1.0OO for the old Seventh liegiinent cl.lhlioue In onler to pull II .low n and make a lloaer garden mi tlaito for hit new Fifth-ae-line manaion. The Preanlent baa appointed Colonel t.eorge It. Uugglra to lw Adjutant lien ernl of I lie aimv w ith the rank ol lire.., to aiici-evl lu-neral W ill iam. r-t i nil. Ahout "' ,IXX) photogrivjdi were do atniiivl a", tho I'oai.ilh.e I'epartinent in Wa-lnt'.t"n on the 2lli uituno. Thev r. ,n tliu a -i nni'ilation in Ihe il.-ad-l. t ter olTneaince 1174. A nut liaa la-en instituted at Ma limn, Wi., wlinh iniolvea I in! emur Peck. Attorney - icnernl O'l'onnor and other Mate otliivr III an attempt to gel at the Slain in the Treasury. The MinneiMita I-gi-lature bna pae. an or linainv .l.c-laring kiIiooui puhli. iiui-iin.t-a and making own era nl liuil.l ing n-lititl lor p i i.iiii and their (re .pirliler v'Uili.v ul a uiia-lemeinor. The Supreme Cmirt of the Umt.1 Slaha lui directed Ihe court of Utah to pro.its in .xiiiloiiniiy with the ai t ol Ihe laat l'n.-n-a in iliKia ng ol Ihe c ihealil Mormon Churv'i pron-rtv. Mr. Cvru Field, who lilt New York m i.-tv a iii'iolh ur nt tifiie In onler to .eii a niilnn.ry ah.i. I now coiiiril.iit nig to the neaipipe.a I Iter on "- Worn an a Sphcrf ill lViMiiiv-a," aigne.1 f-u-li M. A. Field- AnMidinc t etn"ate laed upvn the let .'ilia attainal.le Ihe twenty-iitu. Ia-irng' r railroad line that enl.r Chi- agocariii-! to that citv 3 i'.Vi.lO) per iia .lifing thr cxoilinuaiivv ( the World' Fair. The Philadelphia Prea g inUi a lorn: rim-ure ol one o'. the In. k ol the Pi miavlvam mi. dealer. They liny .! He- larmer It the Uer gilloti meaa ii r, and eel I to lln-ir ruatoiiit-ra Iv the wine ii.vl.on miiare. At the r!oe of the Columbian Fair Cl.nago pajfr are recogniiu g the ii- tence ol "hat they call the World. ("a;r grip, !.e avinptom are a aluht fi. king i-O'tgh. itntri. t i.ii at the bae ol the noee and a general languor. There were aol.l rr.-rn-lv IX' a. e o' 'he old Wetwter liDtni'.ca.I at Maraii- d. in hiding the old ot-erv atorr on ITk M in. The deel show fiat , i,rl VV e'-at r pur. hat-l part idth--.n.rty in 1W. The lkfton wo-nan !, l is ln;lil the Un l eovetel it on utiiuiit ol it In. toxical as-a-ati.;. w LmJi aim isiie lo prtrra-J. FROM WASHI50T0S CITY. Ratiflcat'oniof tbo extradition treaty between tho tinted tjlate aivl Sweden and Norway bava been exchange. It a 'II go Inlot-UVtl in thiny day. Tha Senate Commiltrea will bava lit tle to do during lh rect-aa. Tha Cum mitleooii Agri. ulturo will compleU il invealigatiou of Ilia call- telalmg lo the ileproaion in gricilllurl pr.elurta and anhunt it n poil aa early a r.i hie alter tho la-gnming ol Ihe regular caaion, Tho Com mi I tee on Pa. ilh-llail-war i Investigating the L'niou Pa. Itic railroad receiverhti. The Indian Cotnmisroner ba receivrd a telegram from Captain IUM. Indian agent alColville, Wa.h.. who ha made an invea'.igalion of the alleged trouhlea at llarriaoii, Idaho. He raia there I no danger id a eunllict la-tw-en the white iii-n and Indian. The In han. ho a err, mo I skmg an exoih I nit pii. e lor their Lnlereat in tho land moil which Ihe town ol Harmon ll liaatcd. The Treasury Department ba bid an actual working balance ol Hot to ( 2,1'" 1,000. 11 tins laiOtin- cxhau.tVd. the .lepait'iiiiit w.ll hae I" unit the i urn ntolilig.itioni (nin the gold n ai-rve. I'lii' Treasury odl. nla, hoaever, hoe (or Iw-tter liinea, and i-sM-ct that a further loa w ill lo Hoii-d. It i iinl.ctil that tho IKIIiago of gold iH'lween no and January 1 will am mill to 21,00 J.uOJ. I 'iiriim It inn ftp U1.t nf the internal I revenue bureau i amending tlie Tn-aa-ury li-paitineiit-a n-gnlaliona lor the registration of Chinainen in wrordan.-e ilh the receril m l ol Congr( a ettend ing the time ol six month. Tho department ha an bal ance of C2 '.t!, hich can Ireutili'til in putting the new I. g.ilation into oht lion. Il i. gi'lieially lllideiatood tho Chinese will r'-gl-r, mil alter aix ii ih all ChincM' unable to prodif" ivi till, ate will bo auiiimarily deported. There are rumor that Voorhec will introduce a free-coinagn silver hill at the 0ieniiig ol the ii gular aes.ion. Vo ir I, ii-s declined to talk aistitt th matter, but il i cnutei out he ha always li-n a ailvir man. and that he du larid dur ing the ih-h.ite on the '0;x nl hill that he wu. no le.a a liiend n( silver than al wavs. At liny r.i'e it i thoroitghlv nti-.l.-i-too-l tho silver iiietioii wa not shelved hv Ihe paa-age ol tho n-JH-al bill, tin theeontraiv, the ailv.'r men iy the light Inii only In-gun. When Cuti.'re-a a-M-tiible tht-y ae to kn p il wi ll lo the trout in iiinnn-lion with every great is. ue la-twee I the p.utie (mill the l.uitf tothereH-al ol the Fileral eh-c-t on law. Everv sta.'.'.d the tariirdta-cil-.ioil will la' plin.-tiiate'l by er Uncut .(lien.- by tho s.Ker men tending to l:-ove I lint it a .h-inoiieli iliou id ail ter nn, I not the Mi K iil. v larilf which . allied ihe liniiiii iiil I, pie.a on. In. 1. nl. it ia Hit ! silver men shall ( itriii tioiii-t. a did . acl n tlni I'.irnclhtes in Pailiauieiit, till silver pl(VRr j , ,,,. r,,( ,.r;, h,mm. nt M i shall receive a hcaiing. j h ha oT.t.-, a pri..- o! tl.OJJ uiaika Altlnawh Congres. amonded Ibeticnry a. t so a to alio Chiii. v-i' sit iii mill I Hunin i to le put on a war footing mote in whii Ii to n gnd. r, it a Ij nimnl I The C ir order Ihe (o-in ition o( llitii-n without nuking mi appiopiianoil to row brigade Ihu-ine.e.i.i;g thestreligtll nn .ml lln- piovi.i ina of the in t. I he (I, ami, an ol ll,..Coi.;t,.;ltee on Appo.- priallon. i,,ei i.u . t n( the Tnii-iirv I lenirlineni a nrru 01 money to carry nut Hie law, ami 11 1 thai, il Ihe tligency dollcioiicy lull hud p.i.e.l, a clauso appropriating enough money at least to la'gin opera tion would have been inserted in tho I. ill. As il i-, icgi-irntinn under I lie ad will not la-gin until the Mppropnuiion ia male. Mi-.inwhile tliu Tieasttrv lcpart ineiit mi l 11 111 U i' nil 111 luepunitiona. and so s.1,1,1 n ihe mouev is availnlile it w ill lie pri-pnied to nigU il oltieora so Hint ii-v rut i.f.lll me worn III once. 1 oe I.ur.-aii I, .11 assiir ince that an elfort w ill I I,,, ma.l to got the hlil through 111 the arlv .lav ..( tho sossi.)!!, s,i that the woikol r.-gistralioti wid not lc licigdo 't ried. Ii i mi. Ih it n'l Chinese nor ill tho co intry ni'prox nnai ing l'0.0t. ciin la1 n gistoicd iu sixty dais, ii th.-v l.rouiptly take .idvautago of the opior t.ilnty. The r'norf of I,. Iiwrie Ilell, th ecoii. A'sistnut Po-tmasior-l ion- ill. show that tho total expenditure (or m i l lr.insa.r' wia f 1 1 5.'7 0.'7. and of Hit am, ninl (5,75s SIS n on .nv unit ol atar ionic nnd U25.72ti.tW5 on account '( railway route. Ihe re Hrt shona that then' nr.- now in oera lion: Star mule is so.;, ni l. ago 2-V'.-SV.i; inilroad roiitca 2 52".'. mde.igo i'i. '.52; tnesseiiger route 7.2.'5. mihage 2 1.O0J. The inoroa.10 in tlio t.ntii Imt ol route during the veai-wa 'is.l and in the length ot route i.2ll iiidis. Tho increti'o i;i tho annual tale ol expendi ture wa U2.202,2ii5. Ihtring the Inst linal vear lint raiwav po-onn.-e cars went Mihjooted to 4l3 train accident, ... ... .. i ...i. ...... i. i ... I,... ,. !.(.. ,., ...r,..n. inlnrv. Ten clrrka w ere k i lied. ltd seriously injured and 1I5 aiightly in j inil. Commenting upon the (acta, Mr. I'.ellaaya: " 1 he depaitment 1 permit- led to care for the inj hut no au - thoriro-l n licl un lor Ihe exi.-ting stat- t:t. c.i!i to the people le't ;;o,mn puhlidiora for 2),l)0 for ot ts liind bv the gallant fellow who go hnmou publication, down to death whilst eioiiiing their I . . . , ... . . , duties. Tho dav .h ath ri,t.-ra the car One of the law of King Ix. bengn'a. the pnvof the clerk .vaws. nnd at the ' now fighting the Il. iti.l. in South A(nca. 1 1'tv time help ia ino-t needed the heart-. mot her.-.n-law 11 av not enter hn.ken ( iiiiiIv Ian a fa. often an ol- ,,,,lr "''"I ' ' ''. "! should ihey j.ito( cluiilv. Vaiion. nieilosl bays. '"t tiu the Mreol they mii.t avert their la-en aiis-gest. 'l w hereby rein I colli I le (' extc11d.1l without material obligation j Italy i in (lnanrial atmita, yet the from the govei nient, and I trust the vas. ex a-nditnrea w hich have put her pn-sent Congies can Ise prrvailed upon into this condition must U common!. 10 adopt some "no .( til" inasil plana. She h l-st-n notillnl bv (iermany that If such a men-ine n( n il. f were pill into 'he mint keep up her m.litary and naval rnVcl. It woill I pro-iiolt' the irrvice. and the dim t U'lielit that would la) induced hy it would la' great." Soeretarv l.rrbarn ba re.-eive.l a dis patch (mm Un 1 tul "late Mi nisi, r H ik.-r, who wa on Isiurd the steamer C.s'a Hi. a at Amap.ila w hen fi.e-1 on by the I lon lur 1 nulho' in.- Ii au-e ll.e cap- 'a n id the ifv r. ( to su trend, r a rc'llgo-' In. in I li.n no sr m ,.ii-n.-.'r. Tlr il -'i,t, h lullv nni'irrin -hep... r.'.oia o( lb.- .01 t',e United Slates (big. While the ship . 111 the not I Am.ipi'a the , 1 1 1 .. r 1 1 . ' le. uan.le l the siinend. r ol Pohi an. p, 111II.1. w 10 wa re.-i-i.tlv iii.vns in tl.s '.-vo'il.i narv moirineiit a.'unit th ll 'ii lurjs yoirrnm. nt. The. an'. n de-.-'imii. Alter the bip had nimnl In r 1 Iraran.-e .M-r and wine .he w a. .t,g port St X or n-i.-ll .hot ai re flrc-l t ttrillg ll.T I t. .Mllil-ter r w ia on tiMir I at tlie tune. Whether the , a.-ie Inni d,r-i tlv al In r or in ir,t,t i. not stal. Tin matt, r w ,,i-- at a Cal met iii.eii g. C.' n Is., ihia.tlii rniuiiiii,l 01 ti e ('"t I: , .a tin- same w Un l.r!..r.d l;r. 'il -id a. w ho w as k ill.-1 .11 !r ship s v t 1. -a ago I r li e 1 .il .Vn a an an-l,otin.-. It ha Isfn eti,; shl lint a pc'iti. nl n iigti' w,o 1 a pa'nf-r. as U,i'ii!ia wa. rann-W t Liksn Irotn it,e h:p on w hi, he ia. Ti e . ni-e p.. rn-t of ttie Urutiil C'a'r M.m-ief nn 1 1 1 I rise I in I'i'S rf 11 n ! .-t.nsi I. r. .' to make ant I 'fcrncr i t )h d plo.n a' i;t.-i ,.l the cae. No' m il l 1 'earne-l i w h it a a sri t M r, .'rr t'aker .'i 'ill step a"-.-"'ts--' ti I, taken in ll.e matter. T''e Un I"! s-latea feam-l.'p .l!ian,v a.'e! rhe ot'.rr dar fn n S.I-1 , to K .: x in id IV he-her t'" mo-rni'-t r-c--,jrl t.r the inc.aer.t waa oot Calaal at U da- I prtia.U FOREIGN FLAS1IE3. Mdtabelfi In Africa Botchcred by Enffliah SoldifM. FIXAXCIAL STATE OF SALYADOtt Drillah Silor niotrn Up by the El iluion of ft Powder ilC liue iu Uracil. The polica bave chaie.1 tbo principal i.irung club in Pan. Ihe new Au-tiiaii Cabinet will be nnslerate y cuiiaerv alive. Paris. an women ri le bi.ncli-a fo!lowel by grooms, also on w heel. Traveler in Italy aro oriotil an novnl by the soarcav ot mull coin. Of H7 in. tnU-r d the Sw i Natintial Council the S.. uli.t el.i tul lull one. Thecslore Tilton ba pilhlisln-.! a laaik in Pan dedicated to tho American col our. Fmpornr William doubt the anfetv ol allowing Italy to P-dmo her standing army. A new find of mumm i reported from Alexandiia. They are in Ihe orig inal w rappei. Madrid lougli aasatiltn! Un Civil Governor aa he via taking a walk, and gale him a n-vero la-ning. The lindoti losiitiil a.iya lea-tippling i pro In. ii.g in lbl'am le.ult not h-. aeriou tl.a.l al.vhulir dunks. The suit agatn-t Explorer Stanley for commission on American lecture wa at-tlled out of co.trl at londm. For ohtniiiing photograpiia and draw ing of li.-ruian forta to Frenchmen will la? tried at L-iic for high treaa-m. Knier William ba smt In portrait to Chancellor von Cnprivi. with a letter eipres-ing unal.ale-l conlidi me ill hnn. There i a wid. sprea I feeling in Eng land that the called battle in Afma with Ihe Matak'li-a were savjjn butch-orn-a. The Pup ia said to have change.! no in aiUN-arance latelv. Ilo i- much lsiw(i down, and si-in more liervou. King llumlio't of Italv. who wa Ihniwn from his horse a lew .lavs ngo, is one ol the U-at tiler .lining Eiliupctti iiionar. h. The New Coinage .oontioti hn o'g.inied with iiin-ideia'.lei-videlico nf atrength (or the p irje ul d.i .inalu ing l.ngli.h coinage. jft ,, ii,.t,iti,x' of Ihe Piinee Ilegnnt ul the nrmv hv l.XI.OlO iiii-n. .. . uw.UI n 1 ,, , ,f UtW,U.r of l(.r : , , ... . i. liu-hand, was the liiat woman to Iv rxe- cule.1 in that city nm-e IS Id. The ol.l eslnbli-hed ch.nitv in I in. Ion, Corsiriilioti. ia llnam iallv in a depressed iitmlition. ntnl appeal are la-iug made oil ita In-half. Cholera haa again orokon out in the Ch irleroi di.tticl of II Ignilll, w here llit.l cast-a have occurred within a month, with A fatality of 31 per cent. The llraili ill l'glti i'l at Iin-bm doea 1 not la-h-ve Ih" storv Hi it lln) insurgent vessel . puhliiM .auk a gov or nt lrai.sort, cau-ing the lot of over 1.0J.) lives. It i stnleil that the lluisinn govern ment hn .tim e In! the Fri-m-h company the right t-i o-t ihli-h teh-ph niic e iniinil 111. nil-ill Is In ion nil the largo I'11-sinii tow na. Chnrgc nf b'tit.i'ity to private aol.liera 1 have can-ed theoti'lnoringol l.ioutemiut . hrng-Miller of the l.i.-ht v u ntil Kegi mcnt ol Infantry, (tatioiii-d at Iusel- doil, lie) many. , Til stokhollor iu'erest".! iu the from Aero to l,iinacu nre tnak-, ing propli.t lo alsiut the time w lion it wnl be txtnilili' to g front Iitidon to India in c ght days. Mnni.-ipyl reit.iurnnta bave lavn ea- taMi-hnl in main- lioimnn citie na a mean, for minimian 1 l. ir .imr and to re- 1 lieve tho worthv Msirn( the mii-a-ity ol a.v.-pting dssl given in clnrity I Ir. Knot, tho ti;at- nl Ireland, recently .loci ned Pri- i said to have re.-eurd archi. pis, opal pnimotion through an ' t rn.r. tlio see liav lu, ; anol'.cr I r. Knoy. b-.i 11 intended (or Prnoe P..a-n.irck i not roi-otering ao ' rapidly aa was hned. Ho haa sol I the r.uivr ght of hi memoira to n firm of H'l-ngth. A.ti'sil aTaira a!:not approvbing r.a-n mii'inrat present exiai among Ihe pK-Ka-t 'Ireland) coii-tahitlarr, owing, it is ll. go I. to the recent eTirta to mar t alire Hi" 0 men ol which the city lorf cji sis'a. l 1 xri Vi. hi- a d i-a nit fa I lo keep count of b.-r im iieniu piivg.-nv, nd the f nt Cin-u'ar reminds iia reader that t'.e infant son o( Prin-e-a Ferdinand ol Poiiinaina i her Maj tv'a aoveiit.-rntli g' at gr:illd lid. I. The Pans I innihit Comnvnv intend alo.ri Iv to Ioii.g into ntt a inmilter of. . j . t . -. , air Uinii.iiii'. fur the Irani- 1 1 is Ino'lve Isiwer ha rod 1. 1 - .. ...rd in Par,, for tho pur- ,-,,.( ,rel lisinnotnin. ' ' , It I- a, I that I in. an hive lecome , tirs-l ..( t'.e Fur. I low. r II. at th.-y re- gard it .. a nightmare, and it 1. pro.s-e! ,r " " ' "'" ' i-i n ii.inr f ... , to-in . 011 v In. h I'la,.ir " ni ght la- er.rtnl Palace do! ll.e fir.r. ial condition of Sa'vador is l- .t.i.r. aU'ining. The tr.n hive r..t l-n pud lor six week, civil em (dole, have not ri-ceiiisl any money for 1'irer m-inih. and a. tea.-hera have la-en -ir.pai I lor sit mo-itht. Ml. ilea e M.-ndelatilin, w ho hold a rr.e-l.'al d.p'.orna Intni a Par uniier-itv, and who ria'.l.sli..l hrrsril at Cairo. a rr-een-Iv rHi djh.ii lo attend thr ni'.tiirr A ihe Khrhte She ha since l-rn apisiint.d ,l,s t..r at the palace. O. J. Simon., F. R S.. ajv t'tnt rinee I e l-gan o'svruiioi.i in lyin 'on in 1S5S l.e ha . ii'y o-re registered ti e r n';i of ( a-r mit. it U-s t' an an ircii each a-fl then it 1 wa in winier an.i at tua cx.U ol two tz I eeptaonauiy wat ycaua. jVOKTLA.ND MAEKXT. WatT Valley. W6c; WaJl Wall. M.oAc pr cental. or, wool. BtDta. HoraVJ. nominally at lO Jlflc per there being none ill tho market ; new crop, 1 if 17c for choice; lull nor. c and upwanl. Wool Prici-a nominal. Ililiiw I'ry electe.l prune. 8c; green, aalte.1. 00 finund and over, 3'tc; under rt.)pound.2 .l.V; aheep a-lu. anearlliig. IOkIV; uieilmm. 20'3V; long w.a.l, 3i) nair; tallow, good lo choice., 3 JJ'yC per pound. rtora, rxxo. rrc. Fu)ra-Stan.lard,i2.Vl; Iayton,2 00; Walla Walla, -116; grahaiu, 2.oo; u perrine. i2.2A per Isarrel. 1)aT New while, 3.1 M per bushel ; new grav. ;Ui:W.-; rolle.1. in lg, .25 wH.M; barrela, o.75"i 7 tW : naaea, 13.7V MlllaiTirra llran, I00U; alioru,; gniund barley, f22il; chop nd. llH r Ion; whole fin I. laat ley, 7 c percental; middling. 12.1 a 2H "-r ton; chicken wheat. 1 . 15 per -elllal. j,r nssl, 110 412 per ton. uuar raoini a. Jirrrxa Oregon lancy creamery, 30 -:!L".e: (aucv dairy. 25. (27'ai'; lair lo gtaal, 20."22 tc; cuiiiinoli, 1ii.i20c ja-r isillll.l. CiiKKsa On-g"". 10JI2'.c; tnlifoi uia, i:l,tl4c; poling Ameru-a. I5.ilia-; wi.s, in p, 3) a32c; douiesiic, IS. (4 20c per .illd. Knns Oiegiui, 3c JH-r dozen; East ern, 27V. . . . , poi'i.TMV Nominal: onicKena, mixeo, t2lOa.l.50; dinks, t.0lu4.00; g.i-.'. i7.50 .i 5) per down: turkey, live, J2--r iillid ; diesscl, IV. vaiiariNi aa ami ray ti. Vxiimatioi Cahl-age, li r Kund; polali), Wirgmi, 7.V it-r a a ; lie n mlla, I 4C w-r siUlld; toinutoea, ;I5 4tK-i r Isji ; gs-vn corn, I V (wrdown; awit-l s.taloi s, I '4 1.1 l'st ivr Hiind; Or egon celi iv. 35 ufo-. KaciTa-M. ily li'in ftl.00 'id 50 per laix: Cahlornia new crop. 5.00 a...i"H) lei (six; lainamui, M.50''3.00K-r bunch; orange, 3 50 wrlx ; On-goii H-achea, u'luTiK- i r Isix; lall l.tlller peals, HO 4 lav ier laix ; griiica, 5uu'.jc. a-r Ism; New Yoik loin ords, ;5.- per ba-kot; Italian prunes, 75ci; 1. 00 -r latx; ap ples, llal.Uin, King. H.V,rl."0 per lax; Waxen, "5 a Wc ; craul-erriee, (H.OO a 8.50 K-r barrel. Trt.x oaocxa:i Corrux I osta Una, 2- ; Iiio, 22c; Slva.lor, 2.s.-; Moiha. 20',ii2v; Ar b.n kle's, Columbia and I.1011, lOU-jsjuud cax-a, 2'.MH- er pound. IIonxV Cl.oicecoml'. IHc pT pound; new Oiegoii, 10,i20c: rxtnul, U uiliH. Dkikii Faiira I -111 pack, Pi-tito pi tines, H a us-; ailver, I0al2c; Italian, ll u UK ; I. ei mail, 8 .1 UK-; plums, li a ltd-; evaiaualvd apple. 8 a I He ; evas.iie Hpnciit. I5 Itk-; peachea, 10a12'.jC; i i-ars, 7iat 1 1- M-r Niund. SiLt Liverjaad, 21. 115 5J; 100a, ilii.iai: 5os. (10.50: st.a k. H..raJ uU.50. lUisa Small whiles, 3 u3'4c; pinks, J'r; bavo. 3l3'4c; butur, 4c; lima. M .0 iwr isii Mill. I Ide a Islnnd, !..) .In. (X); Japan, nono in mat ki t ; New Urleana, t5.50.u0.25 jn-r iviilal. SVKt-e Fasl.-rn. In liarri-l, 40iHVm'; in ball-liarrt-la, 42"57c; in casra, 35,J SlV- iter gallon ; 12.25 iw-rkeg; l alilonna, , ., . n....... tf-iiull. .1.75 nor ' ' ' " '1 sun i-I. 4Vc: (.olden C.5c; extra . ft s . .. 1 ... ,rJim C. 5'4c;.-oi.l Honor. A. 5 ; dry gran- ulute.1. 5(.c: 1 nlf. crushed and ihiw ! ileml. tlc -r anin.l; l4c per Kiund tliwiniuton all grade lor prompt casli; maple migar, 15'tlnc er iiind. CANMKU OOO 1)1. Com (iooiKt Table Iruita, aaaortel, ll.75.u2.0U; -a.-liea, l.s5.2.lJ; Hart- I let t I wars, f 1.75 st'J.lXJ; pliima, f 1.3. V! l.fai; straw lM-iriea, t-'.i .'.-l ; riu-riiea, 12.252.40; bin. kla-rnea, I.K5 2.tai; iiispla-rrii-, 12.40; pineapplm, $2.25 f 2.10; aiiricota, ll.lA. Put Irinta, assorted, 1.2ll; pi ai hoa, (1.25; pliima, 1.11 .1 1.20; lilm klaTriea, 1.25. 1.40 er down. l ie nulla, gallon, asaorini, 3.15r3.50; peachea, 3.50i.r4.ll; apri- iiita, 3.50,1(4.11; pi a, 2.75. i(3. 11-. black herric, H. 25. if 4.50; loimit.a-a.l 10. M a in Coriu-I la-rl, la, fl.40; 2s, ' 2. '0; chippl. 2.HA; liiticli tongno. la, 13.5 l; Hh 75; devileal bam, 1.50.. Ii HT down. Fnu Sardim-a, '4. 75.-ft2.25; V. U2.15 d4.50; lolsstera, i:M .r3.50; aal- ,.,, ,,nt w tho aai-iua "i that - inon, tin 1-lb talla, l.25al.50; Data, .. , (ntiiiuo next year! . a- a a.w tm ..a e.a. I 1 I At (.1 l..o;s-liai, r:.a;,,m; ,',-oarrei, 1-HovialoNa. EiNTxax Smokkii Mxira I.van I llama, mrdiilin, I4,..ial5l;c iht isnind ; I breakfast hut -on. I.H ( l'.l'.c : abort clear anl.-a, loalilc; dry rait aide. 13 (14o; a 1...1 .,,..,.. 1 .;m ini.... iu.. ihiiiii.i ; :-"l"" " 1 pure, in tin. 13 V I5r, au aid aAOOtso. I Burlaa, 8-onnctt, 40-incli. net cash, 6c; burlap, 10', -ounce, 40-uiih, net i-aah, ti ..c; hurlapa, ll'-i-ouniit. 45-inch, 7,c; hurlapa, Iti-onnce, 00-inch, lie; burlap, lOtitince. 70-inch, 14i-; wheat j Isaga, Calcutta, 22x30. sat. 8-; 2-huahel oal lga. 7'tr; No. 1 wlectcil atii.nd band bag, 7c; Calcutta Imp cloth, 21 oiince, 10.'. LI VI SD DRlaagO MX AT. Bxxr Prime at.-era. 2.50n(2.75; fair lo g.s.l steers, f2.UO ii2.50; gissl tochoico rows. fl.MI' drvastil U-ef, 3.50,.i H-r 100 jsnind. Ml'rroM l lion-o mutton,; dressAil, 4 00 5.50; laml. (2.00k2.50;, fil.H0 ; live weight. 12.00 2.50. Him Choice heavy, t6.00ni5.50; in diiim, M5il.n5.00; light and feodera, 4.51M5.00: dreasnl, K.OO. VtAL H.OOifll.OO. MIHCEIXASKOlJa. Tts I. C. charoisal, 14x20, prime qtial itv, 8.50 aW.OO int lux ; fur t-naim-a, 2 extra n-r ln; I. '. coke plalea, 14x20, prime .piahty, f 7.50 d S.t) er Isjx ; terue plate, 1. C, prime .piality, fil. 50,7. l. N viLa llaae i notation-. Iron, 12.25; j ateel, 2.:15; wire, 2.50 er keg. stxxl rer puiitiil, IIC-iC I.tAU Per (ajiind. 4V; ,Hr. A'-jC. N AV.ii.SroaKs Oakum. f 4.50 a 6.00 ter bnlr; resin, t.S.i Afi.t! n-r 4S0 pound; tar, t.M-kholui, 11; Carolina. '. wt lir . rel ; pit.-h, ii mt hirrol ; turieiitiue, 05c per gauon in ear lot, fant liar. 2Ve rmt ao itar -g'.e per pound: pig-iron. 23 ,25 per ton. ! 1- 1. . ., . . - .... I , ' , " " : ' " " ' 0 n , ' i"'r '-.ol bench to nil who are 1 1 n :.igo I in auv lo-anch oi the otvupa- tion. If a wi ent farmer stop. goun. I w t,,-n.t and 010. l.i. m. a ....I I-...I ... .'...rting a Imb-r relieves 11,0 wheat iimrket list so inn, h. Iat lis eicnrago everv 11 w and practical k .... paitnre Iroin the standard branchet r we wish to engage in tbeiii prr- ir.allv or not. Tha Tara et Hal XT a tar. Fpei'-in- of Lot water, it ia wonderfal bow many rood pnnoet it aerrea. A corrrsa cf linen wrorj cct cf Lot toll an I r-aterend crrdeJ to tho cheat, cot ered rntely and cloac'r xriib Cancel to prevor.t tbo tak:ni- cf cold, will eaaepaia and do nwsy wit'4 tho imtation t bkh ! culaiinsic 1 j freiaent conghin;;. Dot ' water at tha Lici cf tho seek and bo hind tli earj yrr.l cr.r tliat nervcrui wearir.caa tnd hyiterta which OTfrcomo one after a bard iby'o work. Hot water taJ.en tntrmaily brfcro meal ia an aid ' itioa. Philaulalphia Tunaa. FARM AND GABDEnT LftjinsOnt ami Pnttins In Tile Drains Xow in Order. ABOUT 8IiJ.ECTl.Mi sr.F.H ciiuj A Good Time to Acquire tbe Theory of Agriculture Ulinri,1; ,le Wiuter-Farm Nut,..,. Haul out mntittie a it , . a... I M..r....l .1 .... ..... ... . 1 ' i. ...... rr. 1...7 llt-lil., i) it pile and lire-lang. '" kt A large nuniititv .,( the I ,(). t. ililcnl Iii this coin. try Ii p.ii;,., liiticli rhililiing and woikit g. Clean up ruhhi.ialMutll.f1,r!n ol rails. Iinil.s o liv,.., , ,,, (l eti-., will asm If on en, I w lt;, , ' r-i', .j. In building ti tntsirarv 1, . , . the fl air at h-a-t 11 i.s.t u!,,tl. i,,,..,, " o rata and nine 1 iii,oi ,lr ,. ,,,., J' Pati-li up the crack, IM ,1,,. ,1,,. ' Iii.ii.i-, cow ba n, sim p . ' wind iiiedetiiini-ntal to k-r.u. Oct the potat.M-. iu i. ;.tr (r "' na the in a ne.ulv ,,.r BlM, ( ' night will injure them. tlm .', storing p ace is well venti sued. When the machinery i.,-, i iitl.,, in the crop ii i-,-,i,, ,, , cilli lullv cleiin, gre:i.. hnght m, t,. ' dura and pill uay in a di v p """ In si-hiting corn I. me. I,',, ,j the VHIIellca will crii-a-d-il l rr ;,t . , disinherit. Select seed Hun, .-..n', baa grown It.n.i other tannm. 4 Till) U'st lnelho.1 ol keeping. ,, wli.-ie one his mi r. t,.,t ,,.,lr ( lo hiii v 011 diy gioiiud ('ou r ,n, (, hi t ol rnilh d sir that all ,,., l( 4 fads 011 the pit can get o rea.lilv. Living out and putting i ',llaiIl ia lion- in i r ler whole tin- gm 1. ,K I.. r I...-. ..ft , I ,- " , "" main lih.i : eiirvi-yi-l and the Hie lei. ,., , i,,,,.,,,,.. irrmg. Iiiiprrle. Hy laid dta im , u.,. lea-. Huring the winter, when there ii it o vriy Hindi that one can in tM.,if ol pr.n l nl work, l a g.s I tmK. , .pine the Ihi-oivi.f ngiii iilnne. l it (i-oiii laaika ninl from l.iini ,,..r. and have il at o:lr ling, r.' en Is.mmIuI yon can lenly It by pi a, lice in .mm u you yet into the held in it .pin g. Sune of o ir Irielnls of tho pn-.i ,j'i A mi. hike when I hey lake Hie ...;u., that go-si loads air ol IiiiimI.,h,t u.. r to the faimiTs, mid Hint in . ..n-,-.,, the u hole t xpi-uw nf hinlding .in. I na n. ti-nauce should bo Isirne l,v 11, cm. iilrr are o( value to tlm riiiuo 1 miiiiut.. Olid the -XK'iiso should U- -Land t,v i.i Tho business (if iiinnnfactiii ing .'ir, m 1 . . . ... . 1 . . Mini inn noes int. ceen 111 n.11 parativ. lv I. vv n. nln n s. Miuv ii I a lai-u 1 nrnul on 11 ha- pioveu a p'n:it.n. I industry, and has lucrca-ed ll.e v.i.iir ut ' Innu Inmls ih-votrd lo gmw ing tin-1 1 ., The coiiiliinntioii of iijii. turn ami mniiilt.icliiiiiig ia ti-u.iuv tat ( factory to all imiiiim nod ! , Tl.orougl, tdhwo will ,,i.,:ly u 1 Hi' iii r wi Miwiiiiir in 111.1 i mure ..,. ..,,...,., Illllllt ,,-N, , tho so I. Hut Ihe initiiial inl.-ii-in it Unit una rxlinu-ia tlio soil M 11 rapidlv, ski 1 1 iHt , il coutililloil nui ,i:. i to he, Ihe man. no iinnd ni lo withhold, however g.atl the li,,,t will iniiko big crop light along. Some men seem lo piido tl.cinsr'r tlon tho la.-t that lli.-y an- Ha,:.j larmei , nnd know nothing hIhhii i.- cultllie rci id that u hit 11 tln v m.i Irarned bv hnrd knocks. I. lt t'.i a luirdlv n imii II cro-1 it to Hi. 111 a .t ' seem to think, la-cau-.' the wry l-l laniier in these latter dav a mis w ho coinhiuo theory with p a, tier. W beat bu goue I,. 'irlvliV oral uiiHiililiia. 'Ihia u'L'l o H.jti I bettor pi ices, nnd will it it i,ta ' long enough. Anyway, it le mg tt"1 ileal ol money into Iho crmtr.' avl H'" will belli lo make tune !. i nanic la over at any int.-. and hvi ' , , uie ,,H.t. ai'i'i-Krhrri. riourit. The P. actual lainu-r sav: a.k ti hill oiialit 11 s do ll e-c H I u 1.,, r ,,. ... 1 ,, ,,,.., 1, 1 1,-1 IHY t. m.i.U tlii-111 e'.' Aro ilu-v 11 il . . . 1 1 ..I...I , Ol greai eneigy. w ..i.-attas.- ... . null who alwiita keep nnrni-l "i "a 111111' Are tlu-y not men nl nn iiiill'i1'1' ing determination, who liainpe il""j d.rti. iiltiea. and who over pas '"i"jr uud iipwaid.' Ate hn.-.l "J roller'.' Ikt tin y Hot mid nn d tlm (Nl Ilu-v not love their lalnng- ' -"' acpiaintnl with a niruur. "'"! right 1 ear ago lanight 11 latin. 1 1? Im-l nothing lo la-gin Willi bill elicrgv. liuf ader and ability, and t.t-.l.iy br i-aln..'t out ol debt. Ilia money is nil m1 from bia farm pnslitcts. nnd he '"n sell corn, oal and liny . rnn li'' take oir mill Ii plant food ; but H"' I' I.Mj.1 i alwnva letiiining by iiipn" 'j'1 Hilling. He (olio g. net nl larniui.. I.l it ia intensive farming, lb inon' than ho ran do well. And t's-1 bore ia where ao luaiiv f inner, in-- mistake. Tlu-y undertake . mneiv I liiticli. Agool iarmer once never plowed more ground han '"J """ iiiuip.rtelv cover Willi manure. I''1' ag.atdplan. I can imagine tl..t ti"' l.,n...r .,. 11.11 asflll. Hv plol'll" more than w hat can l n.inl- I .....I r.ii I. lint I' ii to l-.l-i. -.... inr... .... low more than what mil If ll.o'ni. . An .l.lo wiitor on ajnc unit wrote aoiue time ago that p'" hg '''" prol gv lertilinng and "'kIi-.v , ' ,;., will bung pro bgvre-iilt. No. " '" 'J to me that anv lariner woo n.. ahlv laml can obtain n"'""" g-1hl results bv Using tho l-e-t ii.piou fertiliing and bv lli..r.m ...... All II, .1 is 11.11 1," I l 1. " I,,.;!' ..I. 1 ti'l in i-i-. constant p'a:ndngaii 1 1 n-h. T.i'-l'" - '' with a gnat many farmrr. 1- ""' t.s. Mum. b.n Hey -a-crtip that i slightly a'-ote the " -f or somewhat letter than Ha'" ' , neighlsii they thmk they nr.- f y r....o.h. Una should l"'t should strive each imr to "IT work o( the vear (a (or.-. Hi" t la-dire thein-t Iv. a b".'' ''" ..... . ... tl, nitenn "-t '" ..t I 1 1 inri. f.i nc ,. "" lapurn the d.-sire id i, '" ' , ; llitv. That desire hm"d ' ' ' 'I 1. ...p t.r,."-.-slve U , 1 : it. fort 1 1 l.slgmrnt in anv I""-',1" ' ' ..J mind. Increaaing Hit- fcr:i..ty la the aim. A Matter of ?mill I5.1T-I take tfa. :rr uri 1 t 11 if f .... i 1. -ir it j iw - fx (or a ni Ik tooth. v-T Lurt but nil ni,mt- "You've got-.rr pmn:t gv have II pul.rd." "You liou'.In't br so nr-' hart. Now sii t.p In re I '-' " ' 1 - -tr.u.1 f l 1:1 k.irt. cr I . j rt t la.-.: 1 Tm afraid I cm W-? i wbrn it come cut." ;u a sr.. -YealtwHlt- A1." rrrr licked U wait.n " kaavr eoa aoll4."r3-rood That won t mailer j