nn i; GUARD. 1 it i IK u i i k II j V MTIBUSUED KOB THE DIMEWITIOX OP DEOCRlTIi rUri.US. 10 TO 1111 IS I0HITL1THB IT Till IWE1T OP Oil HOW VOL 25 HLTiENK, OK.. SA'l UKDAY. OCTOKKIl 2j?. IBM. NO. 44. The Eugene City Guard. ri'iu.isiiKii:vi:uv satikday.' 1. I.. (WMl'IlKlX, I'ubtl.ltrr Mft't Proprietor. iH"K'1'. ' ih I.vt 'i' "l'i',.vw'i ti-rrl, lN"t-ii -wi '.h "1 Ki-h'.h Su-Ms r-: I'HuK.-ii'U'.i't'UTi .. i ',r .ncl ' lk) ! M'mfi I. . l,r iB'Wilti". ' I ..'ettUiifj ' Mi-If Jiiioirn on j TIiu. tlfll.r will U thr-Hl '. tht fol 'urin ntr' . . 1 i, iwr tl.rf. month t '" ( in uw .ii nvnlht (.1 III. tiitw. I (IU l'rii.iit D'.tim Id Iix-ai cl'iino, 20 oroU ,r lio. ..rs.i.h inertl..n. A.lssrtUin- bills will Urmelf.rsdn.tisrVirlr. All lh work mart bs rAio roa i pilivist. CEO. M. MILLER ttr337 ui Ccrasllor-at-Law, and Ra il Estate Jgcnt. ECU EXE CITY, - OKKCON. OFFICE -tV1!' i'it H"tl Kuippoc J S. LUC KEY 0tQ Clacks. Eateries, Chains. Jewelry, Etc. RF.lWIlUNU I'lIOMlTLY DOXF.. V til Worn W'arraatr ."! McClaren Building, Next t. Lano Co. UfinK Eugene, - - Oregon. THi: LAKOKST STtM'K OF- University andSchool Books IX LANK COUNTY. Orders by mail filial m Uie Jay of arrival. T. O.IU.1HKU x. I'miil.nU 8.K. Kakis, JtL, ClllSf First National Saul Ot Eugene. Paid up (ash Capital S50.G00 Surplus and Pronts, $50,000 Eugene - - Oregon. A ewl Imnklni biln on r hl.lrnifc HiKht lrft on NKW VOKK, CHICACt). HAN FRANCISCO nd 1HJRI HSU, OUKliON. Kill, ol .ichuiK. W on drlru oountm Orii.iurwwiTl.ubKtto etiwk or oOTtlli cU ol diL AU eolUcti-in. utrwUd to n will r.ccit lrr.mt .tunllua. EUGENE FLOUUING MILLS Wm.Edris&Son, Every Sack of Flour Guaranteed. Auk j-our griK-irj-nmn fr Ku-ne; flour. If not what It represented the ; money w ill he refunded. j Tbe Eugene Mill have the latent Im provement, and have no u.rior In t!ie niauufaeture of nrt-lai flour. All kinds of mill feed1 to order. J. L. PAGE, I.KALKR IN GROCERIES HAV1M, A LOt .K A1 ri.yft.KTB .TN K ol !(,.. ..J r.w y urjcri. u.iitil m "w auuiu Exclusively F(r Cash, I ran offer tlie public better .ri.-s thaa any other houw : IN EUGENE. : I'roduce of ail kinds Ukeo at market , University Bookstore, COPPER j r u &EkYtym A. C. WOODCOCK, 1 Attoriic)'-:itL:tw, I OKFICK - On. h.lt lil,x-k satb of I. O. 1 "icil tt-iiu n icivwm to Collscti..? and 1'r. !.'. l.u.inr... L. W. BROWN, M. D. 1'IivmIi-I.iii Mii.l Suiui'Dii. littles ao.1 r.iU-ni-s ir xatornce, H.xir: t.i '. v ni.i 12 to 2, 0 to 9 1. tu. City Property. The value of an investment in jirop'-rty ibpcn.1" u tin- a.-tuul merit which it jHwuessf!", and the jiroetaViU if it." iii.-rcaxiiitf in value. That N why UNIVERSITY ADDITION. lrna-rty N the best Investment In F.ugene, wia-dully If you want n Umitllul l for a lu ine Ailjolnlii)? the 1'nivimily kmiuikIi and the elty limit-ii tbe l-l, MreeU-am, eily water ikkI ehrtrle vti tnlilur t it, it i" tlie ni'wt iiiiivi iiU-iit ami ili.iral.le irH Tty mi the iiiaiket. Nevi r mind the weather, I'XIVF.KSITY ADDITION, i- hich and dry and naturally wvll dniimil. VrUtt l', and in :- I. iiik. Call 011 or write to II. X. Coekerline, F.ii ne, Or. Olll.eiii I 'hiNmuii ltl- k. Farms. LINN & KAYS, FURNITURE DEALEttS, UNDERTAKERS I SM3ALMERS, Calls answered dan or gene, Willamette street. Coiiiiiioii Council. Mi t In Miecial M'Kinn at I lie cull of I III? Illil "I . I n--lll, .,i;i'i . ... Counrililii'll Mutloek, l l-li(T, I'aKeaml I I ... M. ...... I.VI.....II.- ixirriH. Couneilmaii I'liip1, Iroiu the nlri'i-1 i-iiiiihI1Ii'. rrKrtit (hut the tunr MiM-ill.-.l hi iir.fi'ifiiiii4 iw. L"JI mill rl for 1 1 if KradiiiK of Kiuhtli and Illair MreetN had exnlrvd, and tlie irradiiiK u iin nol eoinpiriiii on t'liuiT nirn'1, nit wmllii r I in; mi unfavoralilu for mieh work. Ordinandi extending the time of l..i,.r..-ii,,r llh.ip nil. I Kli'lilll uln-ftx j.iu-mmI llrt ainl pm'coimI nwlinu; rule i.ii-M iiili il, read third time and iaxed ami ordered fii'ruwxMl. Him Hurned. I'.lljr iiu.nl. X-I. m C. V. NVihhiirne'itlarj.'eliarii on the home I'l.'ur, JiimI thl xide t( Junetlon, l,u rii . 1 l:i-t nlittit. AlMiiit IiuhIi i N of crain, i lnn-, neventl net if liariiew, and a larin- amount of hay were dvtrnyiil. I will aKKretPil from H"i I'1 The tlr wan di- rovi nil at mldultrht hut had Ralmil nucli luadway that nolliinu could be mi ved. It in llx'd to lie of inwli diary origin. Xo InHurauec. Xo SlIIKT ('AMKtJrH K. IVndletou K. o.: No Slilrt. Indian chief of the Walla Wallii-. w hile up In the Yukl ina i-ounlrv, li-nrniKl that a warrant bad L-cii ifwiied for hl arivt. Tho charjp wiw rape on a .iter of Ixiw.klu who al llvin on the I'matilla rccr vallon. Xo Shirt Immiiliiitcly cam to I'l iidlc'on, nrrlvliiK ycterday, and employed Col. William I'nrwui" to d f. iid him. He then went la-fore 1 S. ConiMil-nioiier liean and entered Imil for t-'fti to ap-nr and an.wer the m--uatioii on Oi-toln-r IT. No Shirt C'.uim. he w ill nily In- cleared Mid prmiii-K mime Vlevelojillii-nt which will i -an-- a hik'h -natioii amoiiK the Indiiiu Hirli ty people of the rtw rve. Chaniberliin's Eye and Skin Ointment A certain ce.i for Clronlc Soro Eye. Tetter, Salt Iineuin. Scald Head, Old Chronic Soret, Fever Sorn, Eczema, It. b. I'rairie Scratches, bora ipplu landl'iles. IticooliDi: and aoothinj:. Hua.lre.Ut-f c;wc. haTo lo cured bf ' it afi.-r ail othi-r trcatmett bad failod. 2' ciali ljr box. Dim - In Portland. inn, Oct. SI, I.,t Mr W. W. K"-. The funerul lak.i Kla'-e in that city tomorrow. Mr., li-pcy formerly livi-.! in l-jigrw with her hu-tnd and her inariy friend. ill ine-l to hear of her d-llll-e. Portland 1'a. itb- Fanner: There arv Uiyer. going thMugh the country b enoif- drie.l prute . at 7i and cent, tierpounl w hich --. in. to Indicate that ,..,.1. w o'icl 1 a Mr pn. f-.r a lli-t r: r; I. I.- w hen the Um'' '' Bet f . r- ly-ttl-l Atirtnt. ther-la money Hi the l.u.ine-. for the grower, tut tliere I. nmrv at l'. RIVETED GUARANTEED. ADDRESS: SAN FRANCISCO, CAU niiiiit' . I III! E. sCHWARZSu'niLD. rr:;r::::r. ! SCHOOL Sl'ITI.l lis, 1 STA 1 loNF.UY, j WAI.I, J'AI'F.lt. AUTISTS' M AT I ill I A I.. "v Full Stock ot Buttsrick Patterns. a Mr. r. i' !:. Acreage. Fruit Lands night, Uvt'osife Hotel Eu- J unci Ion CII) lteliix. Tillir-., li t. ill. Mr. r.lla 1! 11 ii: in arrived here from Mhi i ie.it a tlii- will; and uiilket-p Iiol-m- for her fathi r Mr. White. T.'ie iii:iiieni.le hall allorded a ijreat ilenl of iimu-M-meiil fur l he nn rry inaol.ery. livery tiling p-i--l oil' very pliiu h tit I y. T. M. Itoy.l aci-ompjinli-il hy hl ter arrived here from I :ill:n 'I liiirlay niul w ill make thi their home. Mr. Iloyd I the junior niemhrr of Jloyd I In'. K. K. Jlernh-1-oll. ef F.liyelie, I. II ln-cii appoiiited ih.lrirl il. pniv of the K. I. order lor thii di-tnet. The n Kiintiiieiit Iibu'oiI mil- mid hijrhly Kitififaetory to tin-K. I'. I "lu-e of thin eily. We lliellliolii d liu-l we-k that W. II. Hal .T had huilt a walk from hin leva tor h the iimiu track. Well, hi royal nil"-, lti,dm:i"ler Wait ordered the walk tnkeii up al ofn-e. Mr. Hnln-r n-M-alil to Maniifi-r KimIiIiT h.V wire mill Wait'K order wm eniiiitermaiidi'd. Mr. HiiU-r lunched la-t. Real Iilale 'I rau-ler. l.llitVK. Herlx-rlC. MmiiL' l t lar-im- K. Plutti., lot Iluddli-ton' addition; J. 1. Clifhin-to K A Iriu and Frank 1"--. lot I, W.m k :;, rhhla-'t addition; HiIii:m i:. lieu. M. Miih rtoMey. r K.!.lut 1, hloek I, oriiriiuil low u; 1 1'". 411IM nv. H. A. I'm" i li- ll'ilh i.l k. S ucn-of the I'. I . Hla.r i t:.i'."!i land claim; I-.''"1. John C. I.artin . ,'.... 1 I. 1-niU r, Piuacn-n In Ip I". H ' u ': Ax Oh:."N Cli'il-.- ' rv illi-"l inn-.: Horn, eluht pit-one e ,r ai'-i. twKc plk'H M-Vl II Inol. til- I. U" !" I leVen pli' to the Mini' w hit- I I. Mia w. the ptoo eltvof - II' tiki.-. Aft. r f" lnnf them on 4'. n i.t le .t .1 t ! k theelt'ht pi" Were lliarht t'"l -M"ll'l 'V and hroiik-ht ! . i!!i : l-.ia-h on haii'l. I m-iily-ti.re. i' and the oritfinnl t"'k. wl".. can i.v th-.l c-" ever fail in ' 11 ,! '' ill "l'-l.'t p:. .' Tmk Winm.u- - 1 la on. .1. . t- u whleli won the N-n !. ' I 'ai-l-tn: trophy was from 1 . 1 f t !a- I ' : nei.t O. X. 1; 'in.- - i -I" " of a ""ii l'-I ' u i,,,;m'" . m.i.le I.V the ri!',.- t. .'a f'olu lb citv. lii' -h'-or. d I... tr I -hv (he u.ditid la! coi,.,t ..r t... I- I 'lr III the manual f urin won by iiH-iiil.-r of compuiiy I. I .r-t r.m.ii till. tale. MKI'.:. -I" lii-v ' gon. al the r.-i-i-W- ' I '!'- ' .1. ry- iiinii. x i-.: 1 ... 1' 1 .- D' v- ,A l'.:.i..' Mr. I'- ' I- ': ' '' I M" l.llllli M. I' .!...( .. - .1 - '"'' On-gon. 1 t-e o i' ' ' "U gratuUt.oin P the h.ipi y c.,ui.e. WIMliU I'Ott KU'K. 1'r. iiikIi (liarc-a With Having Kti.f.l r. U. I". Wyatt. Mt llrO")llWlle. . nlf 1. 11.nl, ii-l I'.iou ii..- ha" a tfriiuitic ".-iiki'Ioii and tl e "-ii'.e of that niially ipilet tou 11 are etir.iueil and tlireatell "iltil inary Vi'Iicohhv if the ol-j.vl of their an, r i .it r -ti-il. From Information' a'. Ii.m.l ui' Inirii the follow inn pnrtic tilal: 1 o.ielir. J D. Sntioi;le I chnrmil ' . ith havlr.i; committeil I heolllraireoll" . ititceoi ra'.-upon Ain. m. r. wyait, 111 tli .t 1 1 1 , la-t 11 title iiml. 1 t he tlurdiv 111 iroiu. itiltueinv of i hhiro- I.. nn, .-piini:le having k i . n the miiih miller the pM't"ue of rformliiK a -intical operation. The lady claim, that hc wii- only partially under the iiilliieiic- of the aliie"thetti-i.d w a auniciil the lientou" erinie lx-liii( com null,. I hut wan unal le to prrnnl it. She at mux- informed frletnl. ami they went into the tvuntrv al.nit four mile. ditant and Mimmoiietl Her huohaiid, w ho wi.ikitut on hi. farm. lie arnii d hiuiM'lf with achotiin and liu lueiliat.'ly went ill M arch !' the doctor, hut that ' Individual In-fore the arrival ut the maddened hu.hatid had MU kid lu U luni:iiiu" Into hi. Inik-y ami left fur I hi ell v. Siiii'Kle arrived hen-at al. out 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon and al'er pliicln hi team In the livery -tahle o i:itersl and eiiirtcd a n.uu 111 the llotl't.iaii llotiH-. Wyatt liiiuu- h. il. lv left Hniwn.vlllw In puroult of tin- man who had mi criminally wri'iifd him, arriviui; here alwiut il o'eliM-k the ame afterniMiii, and went to the hotel at oiliv to M-alch for the doctor, w ho i anlit a Klliiipncof Wxatt and ,1. ."impel from the hotel. Since that hour no traiv ha. 1 .111 found of the Individ ud, althoucli Sheritr Xo laml and ili initlin have l.i-u urchln for him. 1 1' the mail Wyatt had llel .mI jiiilu.- ut and informed the ahcr ill' lietiirc pr ivcdlUK to the hotel the wilvdiH-'or would have Im-ii ea.ily captured. Mr. Wyatt left for hi. home till, innrnli, hut the nllU'erM here will continue (he iirch. l,artU-.aiiuainl-ed in I'.rowi. -villi- Inform u that Mr. Wyatt h i l en an Invalid for a unm ix r ol year" mid U-ar. an exeellciil rep utatiiiu lor utile and chaxlity, and l r. .vifd h all. Mr. Wyatt wam culity on a'ii te (Ivcn by the ilia-tor ..r ?'', and had every conlldence In hi" pmhitv. SNHio(fl had l.i-n a n-l-,1, ut of Hiou uxvlllu for only a few mouth". Ialh df Uev. U. J. TraU. I j (lu.nl, a t. 21. Many wet aadly Biirprim-d late Sat urday evcni.nl (o learn the new of Kcv.'ti. J. '1 tvi.' HUddcll death. Al Hh.i.kIi hi" t covery from the lute ae. cnleiit to hi" ankle has never run ipiite -niiMithlv It v a. (.Tin rally undcrHliMal that he wa. i lowly Improving. The injury wiw a dUjolnted ankle and eilnNiund fracture of one of the In me nt the ioiul. Amputation of tho font wii" at llit coiu-ldervil but a council of Min-coii" decided it to make an endeavor to x.-ive the liiiih. The ulfort 11it11n11t. lv failid and huturihiy even iiiK at ':l' o'clock the reverend litlu luaii dlii I of heart failure HUH-rlliduixtl hv IiIinhI ki-oi. 'liould Jcil'.-riou TravU wa born Auuu-t 1. Is41. Ill father wan a liirnuT r-"ii!lnn m ar I'ii kxkill, m tow n on the lludxoii a little aU.ve New York Citv. tiould waa the younircHt of twelve children and IiIh father died w hen he wax hut a luerii Ixiy. When Ii yuirx of 11e he entered tl.e atate normal n-Iio-.I at Alhany, and at the 11eof.l t-lilinli-il a. a volunteer III Company I , 4 It la X. Y. Infantry. I hii wai on AuiniHi , 1'.. in company formed apart of the renown- cil annv in the J'nloinao. ll wa w hile living the life of A aoldier that he Ixvalue converted. Thl. wa hmuuht alHi.it by w-riiioti that he chamvd to hear pn-ai lieil from the text, " I hi" year thou ahalt die." Alter retiiruiiiK from the war In I "w lie entered Malillltoll College, lo eated at a New tork tow a W illi the Mime name from which lie afterward graduated w ith tho hlhe"t honor of hi. clikNi. Ho then atleml.il tho theol ogical m-ni i mtry at llainllton, from w hicli iuntitutioii ho alw (raluated. 1 le wa. iu.lallcd a tianlor of the Kind Haptl-t church of llartwlck, N. Y. -nine time In liTU. The degree of I'll. D. wa. coiifi-rn-d utxili I1I111 by tho Chiiiigo l'niver.ity lu lw. On N-p-leinl.-r 17, IK7J ho waa married to Mi", lilla I 'ord, who .urvlvc him. I- Ive chililn-n alMi am living, theoldct a Mm ag-d I'.' years and tho youngest 7 year, ol age. lai-i-uM-it w a for aomn time .tor of tlie Hapti.t church In thi city but at the time of hi death waa the regular paotor of a churcli at (.'oim Hay. lie had liniliy .'iiend. hero won by hi kind and 1 prrteutiuu manner and general hoi '-ty of purMM. In hi iiiunly I e ... a kind liUHbaud and lather and ul way a full of K'.xl humor and plcaxiti t joke, lio au a ineml.-r ofM-veral tiatern.l order, the (onmI I . -ii, 1. !i.r, .' ; uuili., Odd Kellow and (.. A. U The f.inerhi i-rvic- were held at the M. I., ehur. i thi. afternoon under the dini-tiou n . ic- Maoiiiio and O. A. IL 1 orgaui.atli prele hed I Tim a-rmoii wa Dr. Meliilurtr, deceai."! the ri"iue.t aome il.v liaving mil' 110 that, in uc the Injury re.ultel ill hi d ath, m.i h arrangement, aliouhl I., n.a l-. 1 ie Interment look plac . K. ocuutcry. ill the I O. "N t a iru. Hill. The grate .late . M . exiii retun I loll in tt In county. 1.1 iH.r. uii'l 11. I'lad h 11 promptly 1 iiry in the fiwi of the .ion H .niictt, (hi. after . I "not a true bill." Mr. long L" 11 a n-.id- nt of thi. ,.y -le.-me.l by hi. neigh ..ny frl ml", mud we are , e thai he lias Ixen ao 1 1 fully exonerated. l a 1 i.i 1 x Xi.w Yohk. Mi H. 1 1, i ar! lnl undr dale of ( vtnlxf 1 4. thai .he ha. a." pled a (xwition In .Sew York City f'-r tte winter of l-4 eon.,!!, nt; v le-r n-turn to F.uene will 1 lmln. d. II M rkiui. In Ijiiic rHjiity iregon, o. t. .. l-j', hv luv. W. W. Sharp, Ixjvid A. l.ttA. sod lieulati V. Mere, all of l.ah .-ounty, rgou. Mamiiiii In Line cnjiity, Ore- al-i"m linit d. hb.r imtiel Davidu on .on 0. t..lrl l"'l, by W. II. Yaten, the .ulh l-xind overlaid and ci.lle.t , .,' I 1 f i..l Almira J. d I'Jl m ac.-ordaii.-e with lli.trucllou liarnum, all of Laue c..'H;', Oreg-n. ( liKl.liON'S F.IH CA I IOML i:lllltlT. 1 lilnwltiir Tribute to the Showing Made by I lie Mate at Chirac". The Oregon lidileatioiial chihit, wiy. the American School ll.mrd Jour nal. I. In maiiv rivloi t uuliiiie. The exhihlt pn-w iil. a very neat and la-ti- till aiX'Hriiiiiv aim contain, a itr.nl examine ami reMirt on tlie oiiieiai nv varletv of . -IiimiI work of all crude.. ,' ord. of Ijuii- inunt v a. kept hy thr Two unlver"ilie, the .late linn i-r"il v at liueiie and the Willamette lem an- n-pn-M-nted. at Sa- The I'orl land hiith whool 1. well rep resented. It UHv-t.of the IliiiKt hiillil 111 In the country, and with the ex- , iiillon of that at Dulutli, the nn t ex- 1 "l. n.lve. Pertlatid ha. had a linx-t remnrfcahle trrowtli ami now claim, a ipulat ion of nearly 1iii.iii. It ha. a M-liool Nipulatloii of aUmt Jt'.ioi, nnd eniplov . more than leiichem. It. annual cipcti-e fur the upMirt of the m-ll.ail rviichc. nlmiil .Um.Uiil, while 1 ix hoid proerty I. valueil at mnrly . ii.'v". IVrtlaud M-hiMil. exhibit a flue dniwlngaud " ninanhlp a any In die country. Much .late work of low cr grade I photographed and .how. an cxivllciu-e and uniformity w hich uggct. .pcclal training lu that line. In addition to Portland all part, of the .late an well n-prcM-utcd at thl. exhibit. Special cart- m-ciii. to have l.vn taken w Ith the work from ItiMc burg, Salem, Alhany, A.hland, Alba 11 v, Iiidc.-udcniv, Dallii", Jackwui vllle, l-baiiou, liugelie, McMlnuvilli-. Mill-Uni, Metlford, The lhille. and I nloii. An uuu"Ual feature of thecx hlhlt isiu.i.t. of wniie thriv M-ore game bird, of the .late of Ongon pn panil and l.-aiillfully luounteil by (he mIiiniI.. Tho native groum-, plica- ant, prairie chicken, niiih-, et-., but thai w hich attract, (he uuwl atten tion I the beautiful Mongolian phca. aiit, which wa Intnxhlcid hi On-gon xoine ji-am ago by Judge tl. X. m liny, w ho at that lime n-prewntcd our country III tlie Orient, lie .cut huiiic a dorn pair, of t lnn bird, and now they are the mo.t l.-auliful game bird, of the .tale. The exhibit I. under the direction and .u.Tvl.oii of Hon. K. H. Mt-KI-rny, .lute NU.-rluteudelil of whool. for Oregon, who I. alto world' fair coin mi.'.iouer for Oregon. I'nifi-wor Me I '.hoy I. nhlv aw-l"til hv Su.'riu(cnd enl . W. I'ratt, of the city of I'orllaud w ho I 11U1 .11 -riiit.'iiiU-ii t of the eilu catioiuil exhibit, and by l'nifi-or II. J. Hawthorne, of the .tale univerity, who I N-crctary of tho educational coiiimlttiv. Mm toa' .Vi-rrjr Maker. lh1ll7Uu.nl, (rt JU Wa.h Norton and hi. "Merry Mak er." wen- not greeted by a large houe huil night, although a part of the en tertainment wa. very creditable. The xlnglng wa. fair but tho main part of the i.rformanco wa. given by Mr. Norton hluiM'If. Ilel. a gi""l banjo player and hi. ImiM-rmiiialiou wrre pleuMtltly reivlVed. One (if the newt lulcre.tinn fcatun- w a the trunk trick and the nu..-iinIou act at the clow wa cleverly done. Thi. company w ill play here again oil next Monday and Tuiwlav even ing, at the nominal price of 10 cent. for adinimion. Iige, 'J) cent. Card of 1 hauk. We deeim to expn-.. our heartfelt thank, to the man v frleml. who wi kluillv a..iliil u during the lllueM and death of our Moved father. Their kind act and sympathy will ever he grali fully rcmciiii.-n-u. I.fxi'KH, Daikv, Hkhiikkt ami Ham- UIK OlIlil N. A HKitiora I'hakuk. iutavu Hickethlcr of I'ortiand, formerly of Kilgene, revlvi-a gn-at deal of free adverti.ing. Wedm-wlay'a On-gonlan ha thl: Charlea Hauil.i wa plai-4-il under arn-.t yesti-rday aftenuNin 011 a charge of attempting lo criminally ax .huII Mr. Ou.tHV Hickethlcr, who lives at ad Ka.t MorrliMiii street. The complaint wa sworn to hy tlu.tav Jlicketliler. JCiimlNi ha. i.-eu woraing at the marhlo work for Mr. Hickelhier until there wa. due, a claimed by the former, the sum of 1-4, w hich Hick ethlcr did not ay. Suit wa com menced to recover thl by IUiiiImi l- fore Ju.tli-e Itiillix k. Tho day follow Imr the tiling of the iaN-r. In the civil action, Mr. Illckethier had a warrant l.ucd for Kami.) a arrest. (Mil? liu&nl, Oct. 21. HKii-i't:i). One, Hank Tnmlro, a muii alxiut linv veara 01 age. who came here al.iut a month ago and was employ."! ill J. W. White's second haml stun-, H it siiiiiicniy ia.t niguv. Il sleiit in the store and hail the en- tire eonlldeiiee of hi employer. Mr. White stale that a watcli, a revolver, thru-suit, of clothe., some fisitwear and cigars are inimina; l-aldea at.iut II III Uiouev, w hich wa lu the ca.li drawer. Tlie amount of the stolen prois-rty Is worth at leant ' or V'l- It I. thought tho thief left on one of laid night', trains, lie claimed to hall from Wisconsin. A warrant ha Lt-n sworn out for hi. arn-t and it I. prol able that ho will l? apprehelied. TllK ltl Sti;:K.h INTuot lll.K. Ore gon City Courier: Tho two colowutl Durham cattle that arrived here a few month, ago and are now at the 1'nrt l.nil Kxoo.lt ion. are in trouble Linn- ; their reputi"! owner., tho Walker Hro. all the way from Mixxouri, havo he-ii I living l.-yond their iiii-hii.. Ilmmon., ; an old soldier from Ariii.a, want the VH he Mtnk In "deiii nil tecr, and Mr. Molt. lt of thi. city, and others have pluntcd money in them. H.llr ou.r.l, O-t Jl. Sikamiu Toyoicr.nw. A ili-pabh from orvalll. .ays the Oregon Pacific learner I hn Si-ter. b ft that town thi. afternoon at 2 n'ch. k for Mugeiie, I w ith tho YUina and other fn-lghL : i"h 1. cxi"-ted bi arrive here some ' tuiw tomorrow aftern.x.n. O 1 Hai Ii t TKMI KN K. John Micln ll. ediUirof Hp- Dalh-. T. M.. a married man ha. tlnx, and evidently .peaks ' ftoin sxix-rience: "The Kilgene Ol'AMIi 1 . . . n. . u . I. To. I-.- ' iica-i. niarriA. in" iit. ,fi.,,j . fyiuieline-. they are the reverw. li.J nu.nl. Ix-l II. j Ah-oxM'Imi Ii.irrK. 1x.t night la ixjtv Sheriin rmii-r overhaulol ao j trow I'ortiand official. t l.AlKlTO HK A I tHtti Kit V. "F.ipert" Slmwotm I. Arruel of He. lute a Had Mail. ft 1. 11.nl, - I. .1. It w ill I. n tiietnU ri d liv every n ad of (hi. luii.-r thai Orvllle H. II Mm- moii. a few month, .imv a hin d to : pnm-nt count V olllcial", hv (he alll niu--irr!iii(;e eommitlei-. He worked j for ipnte a titiii-, hut hi. n-Hirt t never given out to (lie public, hill In due iiiiiix- of line- a utl w a. coin liieliivd again.! Micritl' J. Ii. Xolaud. Miinu.n. a lew wi-ek. ago h it hen- for I'ortiand, and It i. rumored that alxiut two Week. .11 Hi' he left that pl:nv 011 11 Inml.-r vcm-I Uniud fr China. H.-- Ion- leaving lien- he clalmiil to have a note for ti n given by the alliance grange committiv lor work done lu "ex.-rtlng," and attempted tocll the wine to Mr II. C. Humphrey and other., but failed. However, he w,i more sue.v-w.tul In I'ortiand. The llr.1 of the week the Kirt Xatiotial Hank of this city nvclvcd fnun a I'ortiand ll nn a note again! thai committee for collection ol w hich the following I. a copy: tl.n. I.I (ii:ni:, Or., Aug. 7, vi:i. Augii.l .'mill alter date, without gmec, we or either of us pnuiilc to pay to the onler of o. It. II. ."-iininoiM, one hundntl and llfty-w-vcu dollar, for al ue n-ci lvisl wltti'inten-t after matiiil ty at rite of It) .-r o-nt .-r aumim un til Jiald; principle and liitcn-M payable in ('. S. gold coin, and In cat- .nil or action I. iu.lllutcd to collect thl. noh-, or any Mirtloii then-of, we or either of u. promise tu pav all ilollar., ax at tor ucy s t.-.- in sal, I sun or action. t. At. M.IIIKW AM1 U, II. C. I'KKKIMH. The nolo l clidorHedoii the ha -k a. follows: "V. II. Siiaugli, A. C. Jen- iilng., J. M. Slallord ami O. II. II. Simmons." I'he bank today liotldml tho gentle men to come 1 11 and M-ttle and they have nearly all called and pmiiouni-v it a forgery, claiming they never gave hlui any note w lialev.-r. Ih.-y aav they gave him a .hi" bill for a .mall amount to In- paid when he rendered some Bililltlolial m-rvlii-s, Whleli lie never .-rforuied. He 1. a nephew of Mr. r. m. .Mgli.wamlcr, ami 1. xai.t lo havo come here highly recommend ed. ToNiythe leaxt, It mviiis he wa hardly (he iro.r .-r.ou lo"exi.-rt" the work of olllivr. who have si.-nt all or nearly all of their live In l.ane count v, when g.x.1 ac.-oiliilant. of e.- labll.h.tl character, were to la- eaxlly obtained here. The making public of thl. matter I. cau.iiiK coii.iitc ruble talk on IhcNtnvt. bxlay. The Hand Courrrt. lull 7 (lu.nl, (N-U 31. The Kugeuo Hand waa well patron ized at their concert laxt evening. The band IiIiivihI live M-leedou in (he hall l.-side several on (ho oillxlde. Their liiu.ic gave evidence of much care in n-hcuraal and proved the l.-ncllt of ef llclcnt iiiNlructiou. There iimUhly never was a time when i-iugc no had a a l.-tt.-r baud than now and It I. grati fying to all cnniccrncd to m.i their ef fort appreciated a they rccmcd to I. laxt night. To thea.l.laiuv rendered by home uiii.i.-al talent uutxl.lo the hand Is largely due the pleaxiiru of laxt even ing's entertainment for it allorded a variety whleli ecllpsi.l tho tedious ine p-t which u.ually attend, band con cert and uiailo the w hole evening one of continual enjoyment. Tim vix-al wilns by Mix. lllanche Straight and Mix Stella DorrL. and alxo by little Mix Oracle Holilcn, tho ipiartelti iing by Ml.".-. Mae and Stella Dorri., Mala-I land Hlanclio Stnilght and the iilunoaolo by Ml. Mao Hull" were eocli eucontf until a resiNiiiMj wa forthiM lining. T hn-e Instrumental pieces, a bAnJn solo by Kluier Itolx-rtx, a svlectioti by the Krels .Mauiloiin 1 lun ami a unw. ipiartetto by the Oil. trap urtitiier, wen also well n-oeiviti. .111. .oik lluir acted aa piano accompanist. nilrouni. ixu. ji. Slim l.l) 11 K Imi'IUivkii. Harrlsburg Courier! While In this city iuwmlay Captain Hatch lnform.-.l us that the river wa in iM-tter con.iiiioii mr ixmi ing than It ha been for many years. Ho waa unable to .lata Nmlllv.-ly Ju.t what the work oil (lie river la-lw.vli here and liugetie would he. The .mall amount of money now 011 baud fur tho Imnmvement of the Uix-r riv er will not allow the building of g'l wind dam w hich are badly n.""l."l. It I. i.rolahli that Mr. Hutch will re commend driving piling at the mouth of the varliMi sloughs, which would catch the drlftwixxl and other debris ItiattinK down the river. I hi. wouhl he effective but whether or not thl. plan is carried out, rest with Major II an bury to say. DlKli. At Sixikane Fall, Wa.li., Oi'lober !, Itu.l, alter ail III in-". "I thn-e day. Charl.-s l-eiitoli, ag-l y-ar.. The do-cased had many friend, lu F.ugcne, who will I .In. ked to l.-arn of hi. sudden .l. ath. lie craduah"! fnuu the normal ile- liartiiient of the On gon State I'niver- Nity In Ivrt. Mr. l-enloit was one ot the ri.lliff young lawyer 01 ine ran. city, ami wa a partner ami a nroim-r J. H Fenton, formerly of hugem-. ItlXH.tKII AMI) Ki.wt;i. lUv. ". M. Hill ha. re.lgn.il a general m!- siouary for tho Hapllxt chun-li of Ore gon, and will S..MI leuve Portland to accept tlie .tot.te of the Telitli-ave. ehur. h of (HikUnd, Cal. Mr. Hill 1. a irr..ii.teof th.Mate I'lilvePUtV and I hvl In Kiim-iiM for a numlx-rof year. 1 " ' l.lliU.i.-4. wt A So:am Hoat Ht it.i'ixi A crew of .lx men are at work clearly the way for a steam boat lauding and a warehouse at Fair mount. A. nii a. the ncrtiKry pn-ration are com pletnl coiLtru.-tloii of a river steamer ill begin so say dame rumor. M AKHII.Ii. At the Hotel F.ug He, F.ugrtie, Oreg.HI, (a-tober H, l"'t, by llcv. J. F. D.y. Mr. Marlon Calloway and Mi Mala-I Close, all of Lane county, Oregon. M akhiiii In Junction I It v, ore gon OctolN-r li. 1.-..1. by J.J. IluM.-r, J. I'.. Mr. David Mruuie and Mix QMary li. Xall. l'ertiiliul. t i.' iiil, "i t I. , of I'ortiand, ii M. cue. Wllili. III Mil- 1:. r. ( aidw. 1 II, "i J ui 1, lion, was in tow II tixl.iv. J. M. Shelley i. ititing in Kllgi-no and iohaw k. K. II. Shncklett n turned from Al.a thi a't. 1 iii. 11. Ii. O. Poll, r alt, 11. led the liar A mo. elation al I'oillaiid. J. W. Ka" Inn returned home Inmi a pleiiNint nit (o Portland. Ilobt. M. ay r turned homo fnuu I'oitland on la-t tiltfhl'. train. W. ( he. hin- Weill I. Drain laxt nlht for a brief vl-it w ith friend.. A---..r Mcl'hi r-on and w ife went to Portland tnU morning to vi.it a few day . Mr. and Mn. T A. (ioldcii of Cnh hay are viilllng ut the residence of Dr. C. li. I o. Hli 11. ."-In till' N.. Ian. I i" now- able to be iilxnil the stn-el., having nearly recov ered from hi- ill 11. i-i. Mr. and Mm. O. W. .M ill. r arrived home (hi. aiterun from an extended vi-it at Ihiyton, Waxli. Ml.. Celia Walker arrivnl on the lie -al thl" afterii.Kiii, f.,r a vl-it with her i-ter, Mn. i rj-1 1 leiwlaiid. I ncle Jack K11 ti.-v n turnul to tho a.yluiu at Salcui lhi morning aecnin- iiiinl l.y In. mhi II. h. Kii-iuy. .Mm. Frank Houd, of Irving, who ha. Li-n Visiting relative, here for a few day., returned home this morn ing. Mr. lb. -tier, of the Salem Journal, gave the (ir AHI a pl.-iixaiil call thl aflcruiKiu. He I. vlxitiug with Mr. 1). !'. I.lntoii. Mn. D. M. Iliiniaker, who ha l.vti vlxitiug her dauhler, Mr.. Win. l'nw I1111, went l.l (imhell oil this after iknui'n ll.'lll. T. W. Tillman, of Siirluglleld, baa wild hi. butcher huxiucx lo Mr. Mor row, ol ( 'raw fordxville. Mr. Tillman ha. left for Shelhyvlllc, lelill. T. O. Slipi.-r I back from tho statu of W.ixhlugtou vliting here for a few lay after w hlcli be Intend, going to xiutheru Oregon and California. Mi.. Oi?lehv. of Cot tam drove, who 1 1 in Ixeti vi.il fiig here, returu.il homo (hi. iillcru. mhi. Mki littn- Joluiatoii acinmpaulcd her for a short vi-iU X. Winter ha n-turued fnuu the I'ortiand linxpttul where he submitted to an nil-ration for the removal of a cami r lu hi. shoulder. Ho i tiow "tcailily impmvlng. M.ilfotd Mail: Mix May Sunder n-turn.il Tu.-xday evening (nun an ex tended vl.it to Sail Fraud-en. She w ill vl.lt for a few day. with her sis ter., the Mextlilines (iold-tolle, nlld then n-turu to her homo al liugetie. Mure t'artlraiara. Junction (.'it v Times: The fine largO liarn of t'. V. Waxhbiirue wa do .lmv.il by lire l.-tweeu l.'alid I o'cli.-k Friday morning. When the tire wa llixt ili-MiiVcml (he whole builulng wa lu llaiiic. and in a verv .hurt, time wa totally dmlroyed. Tho lox 1. ipiilo heavy and I he more deplorable Ixi-aiixo live hcail of horm. w.-rv burned and one so severely that 11 had to I.- shot. F.lght head were n-miied. Ik-tweetl Jmi and iliMI huihclx of grain, farm liupli incut", harn.iM, hay and a large amount of winiI, the clip of I'iU head, went up lu (he suioko. The lire alarm soiiudul hut tl e barn Inirned so rapidly that liltlo could lx avnl. Mr. Waxhburne' buggy team wa. saved and tho girl.' buggy and a.lde from (he elgh( head of horaea all wax I. wt. Xo iii.oniiice on either latrn or (-.intent. I he lira wim iindoulite.1- ly the work of an Incendiary but by whom and for what object l a pro found mystery. ill IK A Oi'CI-.AII.lS. ColtllRO (novo Ij-.i.Ii-i: Dr. 0". Wall -r-fn1111.1l a very xkilnol ..i.-talioii In llils cil v 011 a four in. 111 1 lit old hahy of Mr. and Mm. I! H. Owen, who live alxiut foiii tceu uiil.-s ea-l. Dr. Ik 1'. Ham inell a.llllilll.leitil (ho auiexlhellC Tho baby wa born virtually wilhiait any up.r lip. Tho gum and (niiic na.i grow n utiuer the 111 X"-, milking iputu m-rlou. dl.il-un-meiil. The part, under the ihmi were n-iu-w.il and an entire upj.-r lip made. The oin ration wn ouilo suo- (wful, and after remaining here a week, tho uiollier n-lurueu nuino witu tho baby. Ii.lljiiu.rd, IK-1. a. IT. H. S.i Ad Ho AT. The gnveniment .nag lx.it Corvalll arrlvdl here Sutur lay alu-rnixiti and remained until 1111 morning, when .he went to the ri Ilia alxiut one mile U-low town w here she will s.-ml a day or two yanking out a mi 111 1 -r of snug, lu the river chanutd. ll w HI yet take seven or eight days to entirely clean out the river channel be tween Icro and Harri.buru fnuu thc-a oh.( ructions. Captuln Hatch aava with a lll.ral appreprlutlon from the government that the river could Lxj inado navlg-itile to till point all me year. It I. the duty 01 every ciuien to urge on our wlial.irs ami cougn-mmeii the iim-x.it. V of linprovliig thi Water way al once. liallf (iii.nl. o-t a. Sikam I'ii.h Dhivkk. A 3i) hora power pile driving engine and a HMind pile driving haiiimci arrived- on fMturdav nortti i.miiui ireignt. I h.-y tx.ng lo r.aili-v A. Mitchell and will I.) taken to Mu.law, where they w ill t.icmtilnved. It will lxj a t.MlL'fl Joti to hunt tho ulxivo over the road in their prtsent cou.lltlou to the Head or 111-. Ma Kin I lu lu I'iiIoii, Oregon, (Mo- l.-r 11, I ''... I, by I lev. Anderxoii, Mr. Marion F. Ihivi. and Mi Cora M. Complou. Mr. lhtvi. i well knowa in llil. city being a graduate of the Slate I'uiverxitv. At prexeut he bona of the nil ton of1 the I'mou lb-publican. We t.-u-l. r coiigratulnliou. Makhii lu In Ijine couuty, On gnu (K-tnlx-r, ls i l, at the niiiieii-ef the brhle'a psreuts, by lU-v. (. A. l'.l nr, W. J. llolman and Nettie Hrox, ail of I jiiio ounty, On gnu. I'.l.T loi.M, IK-V J I.AltoK Ai-Ct.tj. Thn-e a fine IWU- dower app flower apple, k ever grew, may bcvil In Hcud.r.iti .inn s .how w InUoW. The lar-it of tho thiw Wt-!. M price.