The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, October 14, 1893, Image 9

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Don't Blame the Cook
If a baking powder U not uniform in strength,
so that the same quantity will always tin the same
work, no one can knmv !nw to use it. ami uni
formly good, light food cannot be prixluc-d with it.
All baking powder; except Royal, becauv
improperly compoundeil and made irun inferior
materials, lose their strength quickly when the can
is opened for use. At subsequent bakings there
will be noticed a falling off in strength. The food
is heavy, and the flour, eggs and butter wasted.
It i always the cas-: that the consumer suffers
in jocket. if nt in health, by accepting any sub
stitute for the. Koyal Baking Powder. The Royal
is the emlnxliment of all the excellence that it is
possible to attain in an absolutely pure powder.
It is always strictly reliable. It i; not only more
economical because t f its greate r strength, but
will retain its full leavening power, which no
other powder wil' until
w hoi
W hra nipri .Seed rrelsst.
piil you ever know the unit-tit aalnilra
tlon men have for white' If a man ta in
love with A w oman, ami baa uot yrt tnlil
lier. a whit fnak mailc of atift, pretty
malt-Hitl trill miikr lilrn tell lirr slielstli
moat ailnrnlilr woiimu on cm rib, ami fur
tl.c moment it i our ofglliuae pmloue
Illusions tliut form thr charm of life.
I)o women Ilka tliea Illusions' Vra
Yea! Tlii-y make up for the many inlarr
alilr moments of pretense, monirnta wbrn
ha liMika thr wnrhl in thr fare with mil
ititf lip" anil lirinlit wunla. Whro anion
Hi jr alie ia -riiiiiiKly tha nay rat and
III thr whilr her eyre are full of unslictl
team ovrr tliliu which slie cannot alter.
Whrn ah urow tirvil of hiiliiiu brr tnie 1
feelina, lu ootireulinit her lorraaml her
batreila lu covcriug her norrowa. errn her
When hr telle you she rralljr dora not
rare to no aomr pliu r or Kt aome particu ihinu, ami all thr timr brr whole brinx
laaehlliK to Iw uratilliil. When ahr baika
Uuk ami n-nn-U. luuka forwanl and
dn'mla When ahr ktrivra to lianihb
Ihuuulit ami trnnle inriixirT, and all the
while her iieli ia filled with mirth and
Whrn her rxUtrnce la rolorlina. which
he could alter but would not furaotue
one'a anke. In aucb nioiiiruta aa tlirxc it la
that appreeiatca Ihear little Illusion.
Which plraar brr fur thr moment and then
I Mum away, yet in uomiti leave a trace.
ro be nut autriUK lu wonla that w ill lead
to t hem. Do not keep your prrcioua word
locked aaa miwr dia-a hie coin; put them
In circulation. Ict them get worn. irr
hnpe in hnmllinu. but they will alwaya be
lire to bring happinma.
80 when you are a woman with miliug
liaiatid aad looking eyra, praiaeber! That'
what alie wiuita. hbe ia atarrlng for it
and lirr ryea are mutely begging for it
And yet abe bideait all and you ereeo
I 11 piil you will not are It.
IVaise her evrn rxcerdingly. She will
nut believe you, a-rhuia. Hut nbr likra it
and will bieaa you fur L Muic and
A alral tiuery.
llrlujra-Uid you bear that Wlugrr had
mnrrird the pnioili-nt of a cooking arbool?
tirlrfua No. Where dora be get hi
nu-aUr Truth.
Her Mama.
Why du you call your nrw cook Mia
ery'" "lli'iaiitt hr love compauy." Ufa.
In ttts Earlj Dajs
of cod liver
oil Us use
was limited
t casing - J?
those far " "
advanced in consumption,
beience soon dTscovered in
it the prevention and cure of
of cod-Iivcr oil with Hypo
phosphites of lime and soda
h is rendered the oil more
effective, easy of digestion
and pleasant to the taste.
!'r-uri tv fevrtt ' Bnl. 1 T A 'I ' nrM.
TKEATri runs.
tMlrt IfCurad with Teealabla lUmadlM
llMff1IM4UHQMIld ofMMM fltra Ml pro-
nwfwialkiiMlMhi bMDbrlrlana r ro arrt a.
nwixuaal 4la.Mr In oxi aaralleaM i.-UIMl
an OspkiM reiao4 ai M '
laia mi aurarulom eore Tea lralBI
tr b aiail If roe ortjat If1l IOr mwaaao
Mi rH na II II i.k . ai'
Uiu untoiwttl man Ui.i a4ertuBoi k aa
Hercules Gas Engine
Meat tor Pcnrar or Pwwp" PW
Tha rm ' lUtteMe Ota Xa(ta
tlawataalt II BaaaM ta Wart 4.
It IU Itaaalf frasa a Baisrra-tr.
Cswkwrwtavr ta f .
V BaarlM aOaaWrta 'lu
eaa rak a CVaaar Oeaa of Osa-aUa Uaaa
rf-1 Out or) laent ajaa
m 0 Puaa.
awa row caTauwrw
ttl ham Ut f-iM, U.
roajTLAwn. tatv
ii. r" . c. No. bir-p. r. s. c. m
-- i--wwwJ'XJ
used, and make
Karri Oil fur Voung Chi Id re a.
Thr value f sweet nil uswl lu ruliliinu i
Dot Ki'tirnillr Hiini-laiiil. Winn alittlr
rhilil hii t'ikiu rolil ami aa-cma rest Ira
fmm thr effect, not him; la more aoothiiui
than wcel oil rulilasl into the akin, la-fnre
a warm fire, with a tft-ntle prrMiire of thr
baml. Tha oil slioul.l I nililasl on thr
sole of the fwt. ilown thr Ixu k anil neck
anil arouml thr hls, ami the liltlr our
liould hr carefully atiirlilrt! from any ilmft
while tbia ta ilotir. Such a ruMuii( ill
take thr place of Itie daily liath at a time
whm thr rhihl i ulTcriiitf from rolil, anil
it la not ailriwthle to cxkb it anjr more
lli.n la 11 in 1.1 nr
I If the littlr our baa a croup jr couuti ami
ahowa ina if hoarrnr, a thli k flannel
aturatnl witn wrct oil ami sprinkle!
with camphor, ami lienteil aa hot aa thr
chilil ran Ivnr It, nlmuM Iw lui.l over the
cheat, hlph cliounh to ritrnil amunilthr
ihroaL It alniuM lie cnvrml w ith another
flamirl ora layer of eotlun luittiin to re
tain thr brat. The healed flitiuirl should
I chanKrt! for nimthrr aa aoonia It cuul.
HjT tbia mrtbul the rolil of a liltlr rbilit
mar often Iw limkrn up anil the mmt aeri
oua disease avertnl.
The lunir ami hrrnlhinit tuliea of a little
balijr are prctiliarty ilrlirntr, ami any rhilil
during Infancy la very liable to contract
triinua disravsra of thr lung from very
lifc'ht raiiM. Thr littlr our i also runil
by rrrjr aiuiplr retneiliea, ami tbia layer of
hot oil acta aa powerfully aa a miKtanl
plaater on grown up ierann. A rhilil
that baa been auffrriiiK aeriiHivIr with a
eoM one tiny, after careful treatment of
thia anet will often wnkr up thr ilay after
with hat'lly a iiprion of illnraa. Therr
la no better la at ivr than awoet oil fur a
young chilil. New York Tribune.
IntrllertMal Woniea.
It la often aitid t lint ktuilr digut worn
en with dumeatic lalmra. i'hia la an rrrur.
If anything divrrta u from our daily du
lira it ia not otudy. but frivolity. Mimla
that are Incapable of lining tbemwlvia on
aarriona ulijiit are nut thr lieller lilted
on that areount to keep the huiiarhuld rx
penre within ImuniN or to govern their
children Women a hoe iulellrrtiial nur
tureonii of playa and novel are not
bkely to air their apartmenta better than
thuae who n-ad hitry and philoMiphy
Kmiurntly the arbolHrly wumnn kuowa
how to handle a bmnin In tler than the one
who kmm. tii'tblng of x ienre or liter
ture. Whenever an Inten-Mlng tolamr
prevent" one from performing a hnurholl
duty, thr fiiull ilim not lie In the Irgill
mate deoire for cultivation, nut la
the love of enjoyment, whit h bna i la rout
in ai-inhnew, however elevated Iw Ita ot
MoreoviT, while the diligent ham! are
huaicd with hun ble taka the mind di-
not cea to nm. U it not better that It
hould move in a lufly uphere, in thr do
main of letter and ii nrr, than lie oivu
plrd with auch wreteheil ubjecta aa dan
dal and goaaipt Thor who have the high
rat claim on ua ahould be glad to have ua
do little Independent thinking. We are
drawn cler to thoae who onllnarily orru
py our thoughu If wrran remoreourarlvra
from them at certain momenta. It la one
of the privilege eepecially rewerrrd for
women that wbaterrr they do for them
arlrra con f era a benefit on other. Sadie
E Martin In Irrigation Age.
ChlMrea aad Iweel.
Anieriran children are probably allowed
greater liirnae in rating iwreta than ia ao
conlodtbejuvrnilraof anytKhrr civllued
nation. Kven habitually wiae gnardiana
of youtb often aerm to lalior under an Im
prraaioo that ao long aa a deaaert. a rake or
a candy la amiple. It can do no barm, al
though eaten lu large quaiititiea and when
parent l ignorant or Indifferent, the lib
erty a child baa to work out bia own digre
live drat ruction la aomrllnira fairly appal
I renirmlirr well a mall ruallc.aged ten.
who once horrified me by bia rrrklr-uieae
In tbia particular. I caught him rating
candy before breakfaatand vrntured a mild
Slio. that aiu"t nothing." be replied
cheerfully. "look berr!" oa-olng bia
mouth wide todiaplay two row. of decayed
plug of teeth "Ma. "be ay they wmr
that way from ratin candy I nrnat al
way lake ome to bed with me. an when I
wake up In the night I rat il " Notao
hour later bia grandmoOier lmonel to
me Tommy to of appetite "Hrwouldu't
rat a mite of breakfast," br aatd. "Hut I
guraa I'll Jut lake bun up wme niolae
cuikiea. lie ia real f'd of them, and he'll
rat them when be duen't erem to have ap
Detite for aovthm elar. except catxly "
The Trowble Wltk a Col.
I jot an awful coM." rejilicl Colonel
"Hav yon"
"Ye. I bare, I hav polishe-l my
bronchial talar with Conliu'a Couauir.jr
tion Congbme."
No. but har yoo"
-Yes! Course I have. Pee had g
(fTeaae rubta-l all over bit tlifsat ami
cheat, ami I"
but. 1 ay bold on. hT yuu"
"I tell you there'i Duthina I haTen't
tnrJ. Itii hot bath, drank a pint
r.f boihn Q- ro. .na-1 and ruble.l tny
hi Je almoat off with Muataug ln..uiect,
"Now. lutea! riav yon"
"Ye. I Ut. Tried tlietn all. tut
they're no rod. wtr. Uat Light I"
"Thafi ail right, but har you"
-Hav I what."
"Har yoo t:m to o over to F.ynn
asd hav ororthicg'"
-Why th deur didn't yoa ta. trr.t
at tha atar.r r;ondd ll co'mmI
-r w.U rom." Lai.
Trooch rnrtaln. m,l.w Bvallhl balbat
the rrnim.
Tha uiavic traierr of th la. a draar form
Groliiu aad arir.l uta urrouaillb glmta,
W illi li vivid fain ) lulu rotor aartn.
Ilrra nti lit aai. a aliarli and clrar infl;e
W'lui b luolttritlarot ifrtiw iaiQ to lira.
Aud, a I ilte. It aerl ri-a M-em In inl.a
And Waiti no me aa if ll.- kur I kurw.
Krutti rltUrr itjr, in liuiiiurr h-t.t I lrae
Tha brarvu!) ilraivrr roiind lb lial.oard fai'e.
It la itia ili ar rtii.,1 a bo tiaa left nit hea
To ilreani id her a itti tuauv a lottrr tear.
It mar be tri. krrt of tlia niviU iui n.
tut atrn i'U eonvvraa ia a prec' iua Uin.
J. VV . x k aru In Nv w i urk W or Id.
Out of the wiuduw of the old wmalrn
bridge, wlnaw bne, tunnel threw a dark
bar acroae the moonlit nioiinlalu atreain.
man and at.Hl ikiug into tbe
pine clail amphitheater of the cliff, w hi. h
lay InatilliioM h the x II of a ev
trmla-r night. The hollow of the
bridge, with It on iinula-nm aharp
ai riNi the tl- r. rontrntiit w it h the awful
pleinliTuf the grnuite gorge, buttrri
and pliiiiai led in every riaing lirr. undi-r
thaflomlof gh.xtly liuht, and If the unit
object of the couple ill ruining here wa lu
are the ier, they were amply reiMid.
From tlo ir com i ion aim-e liny left the
hiKYl, whii li now lay U'lund Ibriii n
by a fringe of the forvt. it would have
tn-. ll illlll. lilt to wty tint Ihla w.ta 11.4 tin ir
only object. The am.ill talk of aiiiiiiiut-
nm-ealup, friendship and even love i with
in certain limit, and among people habitu
ated to each other'e ronvriitioii. praiii
rally ln.litinguihahle. t'roiueiitly it i
dlllli ult to dn iile why the drgni-a hould
lie of mil. h iiHieiieni to Ihr partu-a.
It waa in tin cam knowhsl.-e of the
world and I be goml telii. r of rieririu-e
that kept Mr. IIii-.miiii and Arthur Kin
nainl on p-rfetly unrutHi-. term with
rarhnthrr. Thr coin let Ion that he bad
long agu forgiven hrr. gmtifying aa it 011. r
had tiecn. w ita now of ain h long atamling
that it h.'ul laiume cuiifiiM-l with hrr
e.vrllrr and li--a int ilinhle runvii lion that
he ultimately would forgive hrr. Thin
aertire ill .ition, thr lut for w tin h
the dying Kve l-q ucnt lint to all brr wx,
Mr. Iliigoinn could withiait thr allghtiM
reflection umiii her wi...h.l acivpt once
more the cuinpi-itiiniinhip of a man who
lolrralixl life aa roinfurtahly aa Arthur
Kinnainl. The Imminence of the ilnn.u
U ric wbii h abe knew to Iw threatening
him waa 11. to be read fnmi bi figure.
Ill atep waa alert, hia check were hroiucd,
hi taaliw were ratKHial, and what more
could be dci re?
She puaheil Uu k brr dark hair under Ha
aomrwhat youthful rap, and, leaning her
rlhuw on the bilge, ga.rd without M-ak
lug at tbe haunted dellle. Kluiiaird garo
a little laugh U'lund her. "Margaret." be
mi. I. "iii my word, it m-ciu a if we
were hoy and girl again."
"Why, particularly?" aheaakrxl, wil bout
turning hrr head.
"Oh, all Ihi auinmer," he replied. Hie
did not ak hi 111 to ! more explicit. "It
la certainly an Ideal place," ahr aaid, with
a half aigh. "Vet It I fiaillah to nay that
the beaiilira of nature rrature one'a youth.
One may f.-el young again, but one ta nut
really any the b-a diapaaanuiate. "
"I am not aure of that," aaid Kin
nainL "I should like to argue the point
with you if It could be argued."
"You men are all alike." aaid Mr.
Hugonin, with an Imoiiaiatent ahmg of her
lioulilrr. "You give up to logic what waa
meant for conversation."
Kinnaird stroknllu mustache thought
fully for a moment. "And ao you think
Itir dispassionate " be oliservnl.
' You''' sun) Mm. Ilugouin, turning with
a di-llghtfiil laugh. "Why, Arthur, there
isn't a aentimeut or a conviction to who
aopKrt aia-iely could order you to con
tribute'" "If You mi an Hint," hr aaid, alow ly, "It
la quite a I feared."
"Aa you feared?"
"You Mill la-lirve me nibble of aa much
mistaken self control aa I one waa Aim,
hr abbsl calmly, "I dmi't wiaulrr."
Though there was no hittrmraa apar
ent in bis tone, Mrs. Hugonin waa alert led.
"Iteally, this la unlike you, Arthur," alie
aaid gravely, but yet with a acnae of
amusement. "You ttilnnt with your
past? Yoll provoked Willi your rerollro
tlous? Indeed, I have mistaken you. "
lie laughisl, but gently. "Come," hr
aaid, "you have mi right to I ironical.
Though 1 oik e let you go. It waa laiaus I
thought you w isbed to l released."
"1 l.n my word, Arthur," aaid Mr. Ilu
gonin. "I did mt know ymi wrra arrluiia
or I hould not have taken thia aa a Juke."
"I am entirely wriiaia."
"Iteally?" aaid Mr. Hugonin, and ahr
poke with eoine Irritation. "I thought
all bail la-en forgotten and forgiven year
ago." Then she drew herself up proudly.
"Can il la- that after all this lime ymi have
conceived the childish whim of forcing me
to a to an aMilugy?"
"No banllT that."
"I am ready to make it," ah went on
"But If I do"
Kinnaird moved to the window heaide
hrr and laid a hand on her arm. "You are
mm b mistaken," he aaid. In the undia
turhed voice which so provoked "You
must indeed think that I am taking leave
of my year. I never hail mm Ii vanity, 1
think, but what I had when I wa younger
I never made a pet of. I k over there at
the rock, and w bat do you are?"
"Iba-ka -ami moonlight. Hut, Ar
"The na ka make me nwollret," be went
on. unheeding, "that one day whrn you
were about aevriileen you and I climbed
Ione mountain tetbrr. And when we
reachrd the ravine ymi insisted ou going
first, and I let you. Now I did that las
cause I reflected that If you fell I could
cat h you."
"Yon are, that waa my first mistake I
bould have gone II rat and made you cling
to my-pardon me coat tails."
"Very likely." aaid Mr. Hugonin, ball
Laughing. "Hut I can't think It dura ua
any good to talk it over now."
"After that," aald Kllinainl. puraulng
hia auhjrct, "I acted eotisisiently on the
him nitMaken tbeory And when It came
to tbe fjucalmn of giving you up I though
alwaya of you lirt. That waa why I gave
you ilp-whlrh you naturally conaidrre.1 a
weakness. "
It did not ex ape Mr. Hugonin that a
dormant wrakneof berown waa reviving
nmlrrthe .ntiiiue. atresai.f tbiaalamnl
ronvrrsntion-a weakm-aa for arntimnit.
Hut It waa clirs kr.1 by her vnallon with
brr fnrml fur breaking their tacit unilrr
tailiug-and by ibe fe.ung. i o.n
I ten.ptuous pity that tole merheraabe
len.ptuous pity
Wrre he a man, she thought, she would
rjevrr caifesa at forty tothe Iiin.pete0)
of twenty five. That Klnriaird did so. but
alwled brr again. AIo she refleited.
he ha.1 Cad a l.rla- he yesterday, ami
tberefia It waa i. rt I n ky tb.a converse
aoo ba-l n la-en ai ,rir. yesterday, or he
wiaild have la-en mu. b luore provoked
than she w. f .
shall Ii "! yo." he aald In a half
misrhlevou t'O.e "li" M-I won t la
angry Yon will perhajr aliuit that If
there is anything rankling It la aa writ for
you to al.use n.e au-1 bar it over, even af
ter all these yar. whoa ointuariea you
bav written "
"My dear, ray darling," b said, hia
etrotig band clasping her ao quickly that.
Involuntarily brr arm etmggled Lk
l.ird a win to wrert Itself away. "It la wall
bird wing to wrert Itself away. "It la wall
f, m to tell the wrmaa I erer loved
W'.at I lor. Lr atiU anal do not m to let
t-r go again
"Antur "
"Margarrt. I love you more than ever "
"It I initaa-ible'''
"I love you."
"You ranuot. ranuot tat In earnest," he
tammervsl "Why, you hav never told
"Xever tint I now." he laughed, "t
Iramed aomrtluug whrn I you the first
time my damn:"
"Thia," aaid Mr. Ilugouin. artlallr re
cov.nng hrrself. "la folly, Arthur. And II
la moat unfair "
t'lifair." be aaid, "to want you for my
wife? No, you mrau unfair to take you off
your guard. I will not quibble with your
words," be aaid. ainiliiig. "Mar Ibe hour
and the mtu suggeat to all that they
wtlL May they bring you lv k to it wa
twenty that you were whrn It all hap-
ne.1. Margaret, when ymi were twrniy
ix. I wrnt away from the city of all my
hojiea, but before I turned my Isack It I
did aa many refugee had done la-fore me
1 aealed up my treasures and bid them,
and my tore ia where I left it. That l
why I want you to marry me. All that I
ha looked forward to Idling you-when
you were twenty-all that I had to any 10
you. the secret hoard that I bail Isen pit
lug up for our married life. Is Intact, and
now I want vou to share 11 with me." He
paused a moment and thrn went on: "My
dear,! have simply hail to wait, that ia
all. Hut, plena heaven, we will begin
1'isar Mr. Hugonin a breath came and
went, an uuw ailing messenger of passion -or.
It might l of artit Intent. "1'crhap I
waa In the wring," she aaid. "Hut why
did in! you think more of yourself?"
"I am thinking of myself now, aald
Kiruialnt. r. a Mrs. Hugonin hung dla
trartrd and in doubt, thr rlilT brf.sre them
rang faint and sibylline with an echo. It
waa the town rl.a k of the Tillage sinking
over beyond the tree; Ihry rould not hear
it, but sent from ledge tolrvlg In the si ill
night air list nick ailvrry and remote on
the granite facade. Aa it a. m ruled they
both started, brat It rlfln ilggeatn.n. she
at Ha material reminder.
-I ic-l gracloua!" alie exclaimed, "It 1 1 1
It I." aaid Kinnaird.
"And we must pisutirely go tsack to the
hotel atonoa. We are a acamlul. Arthur-
ami you know It, fur I saw you atart, tu
Hie la-gan to amile. "Do you ae nothing
lu t he augury ?" abe asked.
"The augury?"
"We are two old foola." abraaid. "Think
of my boy In bia bed. Arthur. "Think of
my thirty ycafwbe quiet. If you pleas.
1 choose to be thirty for formality'e sake.
It ia only th night and tbe nuaMilignt
W hen 11 oVI.s k strike w recollect that
we ought to be n-siaa tably al home. It I
only an n ho. Ah. my dear old friend, we
have hail our past and It ia over. Your
haa la-en unhappy and 1 am ob. ao very
eorryl Hill yuu are conlrnted now ami,
what la more, you are kind and strong -It
la la tter aa il Is. Take nie back to lb
hotel and we shall beware of echor to
"I thought yuu aaid you hail grown old,"
aaid Kinnaird. "II la only youtn Uial re
fuse the echo.
Aud he took her In bia emit and klased
brr.-l'hilailclpbia Timra,
Keeping Wars K.roaoaileally
In hia ineiinlra, Julr Slimai relate how
he anrned bi college expenaea, which by
the aid of a achnlanhip were reduced to
about flftr dollar.
1 never bail any pocket money, but I do remnnber om regrrttliul It. Kven
th itidiaia-naable fifty dollara wer not
to get.
Happily for me, it waa customary for
npN-r claa atudenta to tutisr beslnnrra.
giving a daily Iraann for three franca a
mouth. I bail ciasaea from half paatto
S In tb morning, and from 6 to T In tbe
evening. Kverr evening In th winter I
went to my claaa, lantern In band, but
poorly protected against, th rain by m
calico shirt.
After all I did not earn enough to pay
my entire del to my landlady. Mie waa a
kiud hearted woman and urged m not to
think of It. but I waa terribly unhappy
about IL
At commencement I took all tb Aral
pnzea, and th committee maile in a pres
ent of forty dollara, ao that I suddenly
found myself rich. I paid my debt, bought
a cloth coat and a pair of Ins and allowed
myself tb luxury of new text booke In
plac of my ragged aecondhand one.
1 do not count thia yrars at Valine
among tb bard our of my life, though
certainly w atudenta wrr not too com
fortable. In th achoolrtaan brnche ran
along th walla; there wer no desk a, and
we wrote on our knee.
There waa no fire. Hornet I me our fin
ger wrr so cold that w could not hold
our pen Occasionally th teacher struck
three blowa on bia desk. Then w Jumped
up, ahotiled at tb tup of our voice, arlxed
each other by tbe hand and danced In a
ring around a post. At the end of a quar
ter of an hour threat taps on lb dealt re
called ua to onr work. It waa ao caoml
ral ami, I brlievw, a healthful way of keep
lug warm.
Nleep la klrkae.
Concerning sleep. In ennnixlloo with
aickneaa, there la a good deal of heresy re
garding the matter among othrrwbat well
ifisrmed people. "Don't Irl her alerp to
long!" "lie aure to wake blin when II la
time to give tbe meiliciuex It will be a great
ileal better for bim nut to alrep Ua balig al
one time!" How often w have beard tbra
worda, or worde to that rffrtt, wbrn. In
fact, in nine raam out of ten and very
likely In ninety nine out of a hundred, thry
were tbe exact opptsvlt of tbe truth, tirn
lie, reatful alrep la better tliao any mnll
cine; and how often, even bow aluiiwl In
variably, dor th "change fur the IsHter,"
for which aniioua frlainU ar waiting ao
prayerfully, com during sleep making
11 first manifestation when th patient
awakes with brightened eye, stnsnger
voice, a faint ting of returning health
mantling the feature In plac of tb wan
hue of threatening death!
In the of ham-bo I'anxa, we may
well aay. "Illraeccl las tbe man who Invent
ed aleep!" Ther ar, of course, rrttnal
altuatliHia In which a troubled. Imtarrferl
alrep, may pruprrly lav bmken to adminis
ter inrdii lur; but. In tbra later daya, pby
man emit generally give tb rautl'Mi
that, In rase of n-si In I aleep, tbe patient la
nut to la awakened for the administering
of nierllclne - ! Huoaekeepliig,
Caters ( aaerkleaa.
Sapphire hav of 1st yean beroioa
faahionabl gem. Tb bin of tb
tapphir is very seldom pure or ireavl
over the whole subatanr of th sLotie.
rV.uirttuie It ia mixed with bia k, which
give It an inky appearance, sometime
with red. which, although imperceptible
by daylight, yet by artificial light give
It an amethystine appearance. Two
sapphire which by daylight may apjar
of the aam ho often differ extremely
In color at night If th stone b held
In an ordinary pair of f"-ep an inch
beneath th nrfavc of Tery clear water,
tb jrts of tb atone colored and on
colored will be diatmrtly apparent. This
remark applie to all other grins. On
cinnatl Enquirer.
Ta rrtf af frialasf lasfasia
"Ood will keep op hi end of th row
If yoo giT him a rhanre." That was
the lanraag need by MialeraU Craig
to his aerraon. which had direct rf"f-
or to th rootrorersiee before th gen
aaawrnbly. Aa It appear to pruit
j th aentamr recjaire an i".Usrj bot.
w bh,r tb. wor(j -row" rhyme with
(jj'how" or "hoe" become aa important
tBT-""r1 -gs-l-'satM kvUl
a All Ik Tear Hawaii.
Pplrn.lid aa the Mtsntia of the Jnn
ones are, we want rate all summer long,
hence hare to l.s'k tot ho teas, China.
llotirbotK and similar or.. to give them
to tl. and tiler Wo:lt dlsa.Hilllt II.
SllllltlliT rws, iih i .ill thrill, bl. sun
from first t last, giving ua their small
rr, though t smiri, Mower until
fni zmg we.Ubi r nunc. When the cool
night of fail come, th. v iiu.kc a glorious
display of flowers, allowing of tha cut
ting of many a Uni.iiet. Tbe well-
known llerniitsa, Uniu r,niii.a, M il-
t!iaiMn ami Annppin.t are tneiuls'r of
this class, i M In r K""il re.ri i-iiiiitive
are At railuie, Inward Vsf,Ms, .uu.e
iMlrr. IVuigrre. t'liruline M irtni sse, ll.v
mer. liloiro do Mine, da Vatry,
Snivetiir d'tm Ann. Maim Pudier an.)
Siinbrictil. TIi.m" ur nil liardv in tin
latitinlo vs it II but littlo iritivti.m, nn. I
in many places with tin protection at all.
Joeepli M.s'h.ill in l'ltt-ilnirg lhspati 11
ihi roe t si Mitii tr aTKrxi.Tii
W ben ae tei .'lln l Ihsl ll.r Xomach U Ihr
ffran.t laUirslorv In alih h fisl Is lrsli,l.irnir.l
mln ll.r s.vrellt.nt a liu h lntlilli vigor to ll.r
vslrtn slier entrrtna sn.l rl.rt.'hll.a Ihr l.l.sst.
Ihst It is ill tnt the loiiiuaiu h-a.l .! sir, (..ilh.
II ! ..-it!l n. kei-p llil lnii.rtatil iiIl tl.
nsclilitr lit l slid U tiauore II la s. II II)
a lien II tss-utiii tlisrllve Oils llosirllrt
snunacn Hlio-rs .s-a in.l rltis-ia illv. e ns'ii
sli.y. rriiuUtliiii Mini rvlhforriitt ilui sit.n. pro
no. nut due acllxn ol the l.trr all. I l-.w.-ls
slrrl.alh slot .llli-tluli-el ll.r llfivit .li-li.l III
en-si irrsatire ii.n ttioixiitli a iirslloit nirrr
1 tie in-rviiie toiilr more nig Ii I v eiis.tnel l.f
Ihr iit.slieal Iralrrnlti Itinn Ilo- llillrrs l'lisl
nans also sltoualv rolnmrii.l II lor rl.llls ali.1
trier. Thruinatuni, knliu-r aii.1 In.ili.i-,
sick brala-ha ami aanl ot a-ts.llle ami aiiHrr
lass a wlncLaslul tare tlitiis a dai .
The in s ii a ho a si nut on lark the HUM be
fore treis like he had la-en eu a a ild (issn-i-baar
the itevl liiorniiiii.
Cf all tbe practiral men of whom Anirr
ica ia Juitly proud no one hold a higher
place than the late t'yrut W. Field. Ilu
Kin bowa Ibal hr baa inherited tbe shrewd
coiiunoMsenae of the man who laid the At
lantic Cable. He write:
a Kt KirtT huh r.Ttt,i
Niw Yoaa, May a, s.m. (
Several time thia winter I bav utlerecl
from severe ool.U on nil lung. Kaw h time
I have applieil Alloa Vi 1'oaui a I'lasiuss,
and III rvery iiisiauc 1 have Iws-n quickly
relieved hv aniilviiie one acroaa mv chest
and one on my law k. My friend thr.iuch
my advu-e have tried the eiperimeiil and
also lounil It inisjl uocesilul. I lea l mat I
can res-ommend them Inoat highly to any
one who may e tit to try Iheni.
t'lai W. Km l, J.
HasanaiTU'a 1'ILU ar the larat mrdluiiie
Have yoll ever nutlred thai Milue llsyt )i
sraia to walk up bill all da) T
lly ha-al a.illraliiins. as Ittey ranuot reach the
diseased s.rlloll ol ll.v ear. literals only una
way lo rare ilralnrss, ami Ihst Is l.y niuiilm
tlonsl rrnieitlaa. Iksatness Is rile.l l.y all III
llatned eiili.lltliill nl the aiuroiis lllilnx ! Ihr
rllstai-hlall lilla- VI hen this tills? Is lltllsiniit
lull have a riiml.llug soumt or lmar(eel hear
Mil, all.l when II Is elitlrel) rl.isrd ileatlleaa Is
Ilia resalt, an.t llulesa the InllaniiiiatliMi ran las
laden mil ami Ih.s tuts restored la its normal
-on. Iltl. mi, 1. carina will l ilestrovnl liurver
nine rasea nut ol leu are rause.1 l.v calarih
shirk, ia nulliins Inn an liittaaiad laitiiiiiiiu ut
the liiliroiic stirtares
VlewlllKli una lliimtrrd Ih.llara lur any
case of ilealiiesa realised by ralarrhl that ranilul
he cured I.) Hall's ( alarrh l ure hs-na i..r eir
cular.. lire. r. J. t MkNK.Y a ..
1..I.-I,., il.
Hold by dimilili; 75 rents.
I'M Eiiamellne Hlnvt Polish; no dual, noararll.
Tat Oiaast far break faat.
While in the War
I wat lakaii III with plnal illu-esr and rhriima
Jaia. I went hoinr and at e-mAiicd to ray bed
uual.le lo trip ni)srl
. r tl months. Iss tori
falleil to give me amn'arr relief
AUrr ( Anil. I as
able to Ki t up Busll)
ami tlarlrd lo wmk al
thr luai lillllal s Ira te. I
a,,!.. I aill ai d arum
Htul..ii ma hlulsl .
Mr. tV heeler. V lard rne lu tale Hrssl I
iarsarllla. I a buttle aud rould uuttkly
ouU a ohangs for lbs better. I ouuUuued.aud
titer taking seven bnttles I was well and hire
nut lues l-r a tmuhl.d wllh nir old nun
plaint " J A. Wniria. I 'XO liaila.o
street. Baltimore, Md. Cat Only MOOD 8
Hood's Pill cure all II v. r 1 1 Is . Il 1 1 oianeaa,
laundlea. Iriititetl..n, sick In 'Isrt.s. VV
" I tm ready to testify under oitb
that if it bad not been for August
Flower I should bave died before
this. Iiicht yean ago I was taken
tick, and suffered as no one but
a dyspeptic can. I employed three
of our best doctors and received
no benefit. They told rne that I bad
heart, kidney, and liver trouble.
Hverything- I ate distressed me so
that I bad to throw it up. August
Flower cured me. There is no med
icine equal to it." Lobemzo V.
SUMrtK, Appleton, Maine
When in 1'ortlaml las aure to take in
the ifreateet novelty at the Klaltlotl.
We ball hake luartiita and cake every
afternoon ami evening on our pretty
Jewel tiaa htove. Kverylsslv rordiall)
invitesl to have a biscuit with us and ft
the wonderful merits of taoldcn Weal
(taking Powder provr.1 by actual work.
tM ma twssatt m Kit
M. tamkt im rws Cr fl(r
(atMSr-ta II M MMl
Ifc Ilhtfa tv4ipiw
4 Cev U M .V4 b4 let IgMk.
U wi wweaar r.
perlias,oiie of pr.
I'ien-e' I'lrakaiit
IVIti-U but toll
rnn'l leel It alter
It's taken. And
lit it tloel toii
more rss limn
any of II e Imge.
o I d f a h In n el
pill. wltli their
piping ami vio
lence. These tin T
rrlleta. the smallest anil easiest to take.
bring yoi help that laif. t'otintlpallon.
Inillgestion, Hillou Attack, Nek or
Itlliou llea.lacbe, and all derange-
liiruta of llvrr. tomch, and bowel,
ar M-rnianeully cutcl.
A (K)t'KK offer of f .10 cah
U Hindu by the proprietor of
lr. Sairr ( atarrh Iteniedv.
for any case of I atarrli. no
matter bow ba.l or of bow
Ionic 'tan. Ilnjr, which tln-y ran.
not cure.
UK-la, M
fl Aisar IkvttaC
Twit (1rxT rormi ( i i.a uioiuin.r cu.s
where ail oihera la.L Ceuhs, Croup, tora
Throat, tloaraenaaa. Whooping GougA and
Asthma tisr Consumptiea It baa no rtvail
haa cured thoussnJa, and will eras Ton if
takeout WoM oy lrorgist on S guars
Sntrss. '. lam llack or ( hesl na
nave ton i aiaii ii i i hi remeilT la soaraiw
ted to vur yuu, lrlon,Wct, iiOevtor f re.
THt3 Best
In tho
Ta (.il iiktM. Hi HKfcH la wrrjttr4 Wt"
prW. "ill area rtrta.ifs, lu Um KarelMurm. 1M
ur lltUMv l. Pi I' kLM tt a-rtrKliirajtft.n.i
niitra ilaf rtti.ra mM a, wf4 (MliatkatM. U-n tl a rasatl if Hi "Itafi Hraml ' It m4 m M. lltuMrt
,lrl ( .te - trr. A. J H'wI K, frmU, Urn,
pioon poison
(fphttla vnnatirnilr rMrwl im I- loUiUy. Vhi
Wn M In-ai nt ml IN r mmA th
aanewaTMMr(silrlilli lb-- m Ihi ptvtrt Ut oa
t,rj at ill rsiitia.- lortir wm ir n iuiw mrj
ml ymf ritwtiert i( ouilitat. mttn-a-l f r mi l4
tulle, it mm fall lo rtllf. 11 tin havti tk'H twra.
(ttrr, I.mII1 ( as. ait.Wmi hmf nh ar4
(-lnv atrawiaa tarlts in m-mih, liitfvl'irMii
' fMH rl IWsia, I I an?
i.,rl .f II. Iswilf. Itralr a Ijrhram r.IM
til, II It IM is.illltl HIAMI PKWl
thai ajt.airMr-liriim W a.,HMtui mm
baltattal. f aarl .iM raaHrttg hl rM
m rmmm n.. tttra i iii .ii.aia naa ai-af
ks.ama.el IK aklll nt tha. lrMltllinl
flnaiak .ltH.4M rapMal IV hltr t if ajtMs..t.s
lltanal anit-tauU. A ImInI mrn ntan-iiai
B...l..-ati. t A1n-m 4 4HI(W Ml HrV t.,
ImttA l 4U3 i MMsMl 'k mm&m, A t.Ui IU.
,,, js)asss,assssaia
m iaaitf of ttit
Trn yran tpawnl In
rpialiaax. lu tHhittriif
t-IMli.aM, kMlf ihu
taJUH.WsU BsttVHiaU,
A OantJ Uim lr
A Utnrj im llMlf
iDTalnat.U In tM
VHiiM-lvsltl. anl In th f
Amk jrunr hook flier tombow It for on.
tNtMiwahitxt toy
ii r wrtRUM ro,ria.iti.Ma.r
( jrtal fnr fraa fnBvm iitliitg tfsiwUMi
pler-ss. IlitaawralaWaM. UMtMtwattslV atr.
ar-Man a,a IsaiW Mtvartiala fkf asxsfwaeal arfttaSxa.
111 4l'lllHTIU:tlHMII.
kvrrvihlna In ilia slsive Una. I isitimi-s, H Irs,
hrsr.ts, I'rota-riirs, ina-ra ami I'lsv Mis. ki, nr..
Inriiishrfl si rresilv rf-4lneel rsies ami In satsv.
rli.r iiialllv ty ttiaiiMesI, larsrst, tsasl renowneil
it. I therefore ns'v rvll.iMa TValrlwi Araaplfe
oa tkf VKiifr riswl t'orrrsisin.lriira si,
ll. lKsl. i.oi isrrma a Co., M. B an. I no o rairall
Usa-I, slso rao Market slreel, Han franrlseo. W
ilpl'lv ml rxiuri aa IKt IWI, Mi Wlael w r
t-cll.illr laler.
KH, Ua.llli( Jaw.
lar nl ta t-ariae
Kurthwaat. kata
large Oa-k ol all
SkTKlT aot'lKi V
HAlsika on baud.
Heal giaslB al low-
a l It ura. Haulss
Baad lo oraer.
It -rlsl branl nl Hiirnlni Oil, which ee
msnuisi lure tiressiy tor rawii.i ver..
IT la a frurai-T ii ii sii tom.
n i a ii ilu riiia t ear.
ir ia or im roust yt'Al.iTT
we i uaraniee II lo ha the Miniirar riswiau
Ssi' or 11 1 I MISATISU oil. lor 1U
Set tha Eennioe!
eft A Mat WMl.aBT.AsBt.rrtlaa4.0r.
asa.aaaa sk- D I-' .( foH l I A K K" Of
I II l a iMliim.rr fltia stavo aiot sel
rrirri'.ui imi.r....i h.
I I I law mm lrs i.l nan II is the larva or
irrrli . ska. W . aisks Hi Is otVr si ft t eats Ut
rtmt oat iversliak al.. Inlrislure our rMMls
sire . ana rawness, tel. arnit I
ll s.ra ratsi.rua. Ilia beat rir list rtiliil hnl.
Ire I) ais II.
rsj'l ksveas a is. m
Vnii BXASblMae'aWiai;blJOil'U
I s Tit l n srose a ti
a.r on. totA kit nil x l rot,
111 I ai. i iaur se
aoria isaora r.aij s affwial
ft Ta a .1 i- in nV firaa.'
PI I C as-a-i. la,lsnlarinii'ikk.
sT.t . ask. . . U II PI aTaissML
wl 6 II - m aaV.
Moore's Revealed Remedy.
Affesu. Oasan, Jannary la I eaa ete wtta plaasar thai Wu al
XKK.MX S kkVAALKU kKHiiif T huaiauid waa r.ief. irma aa a d eass at
tUt' sIATiaal aadBV vsansal7erdeaUrsvlrl IfLAM II ATOaT killij.
HATUAt BsrtU tm sWavl twsud fsadldaJJ saasM T.aiia an r-s-uwa.
U na . f . tT a
WU Sf lOCal D7Jirt.
Guns for Everybody.
J i-I rei'.'lvnt l ull line ol
Parker, Smith, ReminKton, Ithlca,
Lefever, U. M. C , Etc.
j The m.isl .-..iTir-lrlr s.s k In the Northwest.
j s,.t), , ri.1 in stsuips l.-r II: psgt. Ill.iiiralesl
i sls.oililr.
! IIS rirsl nireel, hlkTUMI, OH.
In rittnr fttr M ri hlltlrm wj Mil? rmm
xly I f ha, I'jI t a-td tajp nnt mvrup I
U til Mwffte.Mii ilA-1.f M II waa lf fr satfs.
K w nif ir-amtfHllilreq lka Ir t-inBOni-r,tw
hii-a ia lralT rti-r-l W r rtaaal
(. - avtyhr lraa fcwwtl (Hi tnta
lA.astUMlwlt(lW Tkmm sAlviai M
Regulator of theLiyerand Kidneys
-a untune roa-
Scrofuli, Rheumatism,
Salt Rheum, Keur.lgii
And 111 Other Blood md S.Ib Diseases.
II la laisltlv rare lor all those painful, dall-
rale rs.m.lallila su.l n.ln.lli alr.1 lo.alilrs anil
weesiiease eomawn ajiung our wives, Mullier
an.1 ilana hlera.
Therlfiet la Immaitlata amt lasttre. Two nr
three iliaa-a nl lia. I'saiKk'a Kkasi v taken ilally
hreai Ik hliaal rssil, the liver anil klihieys aet
Iva, ami will entirely cra.ll. ste Imia the (irrav
all trai-ea nl K n.liila, hall Klirum, or any uiaer
lorra til i.iimhi ii is rase.
ho aia.Hr i nv mi lnlrislueet ia Ihla muiitrr
baa aiei with urn salr, nor ilvt-n ra
unlvrrsal salUlaeilnn abriittsr used aa Ihsl ol
lis l a Ksakur.
1 his remeslv hss lassn asnl In tha kmnltala
lliroiKh.nit the nl. I anrlil lor the la.i.i)r
nv tears as a s-rine lur tae sli.TS illsrasea.
ami II haa aiol will cure Shan all other Hxallesi
remetllrs fall.
Netiil lor ssmihlrl nf laailmoulals from thnsaa
whu have been cures) liv Its use. Iirnailsls sell
II al II tupi-r tartUa. Trj II and be convinced,
fur sale by
0 and II 'rent St., San FranelMa.
niad.ler. frtnarr and Uvrr In
i, Droiwy
ti ravel aad lliatretea ar cured hy
Cure Brlihl's Dbteaae, tUlenllnrt or Roa-res
ten i ion of I rlne, t-aiu la tha Mack, Lolas or
run Inleairatranre. Isrmas til
UsUlllr, Isiaaie Waaknaa auil tac
Ciiraa hlll'.oaneas llaadarha, Jaondlr. Soar
Sloasaeb, liioapsia, Cuuailpallo aud ftlM.
At TS AT saj'K n the Klssava, liver
aad Wewela, raurln Ihrai la baalthy e
lion, and i Ml Wahau all oilier tueilicliis
(all. Hundrasla have bean saved who hav basal
fives us le die bj Irieuds sad ikylctna,
Brooklyn IW
sasai a. e.-rrsaeUrs
201 212 Bost !L Su Fraaclsci.
Thtt favnrll hotel hi anrler th wieaeeaeieet
of t HAKI.ka MiiS llrOMKHr.and W aa .ss If
not the bsai f amilji aad fctusuiea ataa Uolat
la eaa frauclaoa.
Boifii ComfortsI Cuisins Ucezcellcdl
riasl-rlaaa rrrle aad the klf heal staadard rat
raaaarlbllllr luaraakaad. Osf asaai rasaa a)
arssaasrsl ue srsrwa sal rtaart rksard sud
rwira ear Jar, II A, l . tl 7 and Uavrd
and roots aar weak, 7 ui ii, ainsl ruoau In
lo II. fra ousvea Is aad Irvu koiss).
r-vX eT-r-'J" "tl
j v Mir v v
mrs. winsiows nwj:a
oa CMicDtm tiithimo
f as sU Sy ail Oraa.hia " 1 mi ktlllr