The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 16, 1893, Image 9

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delicacy noticed in the
finest cake, biscuit.
rolls, etc., which
expert pastry cooks
declare is unobtainable
by the use of any other
leavening agent
Tli lrray l Wluler Mirli In fuult,
'i'lif nvrr.i , liiliiiliil.nit (if the Stiitea"
In I" I'utiaiU iii tlio winter lime
j;v;. I luve no (l.mlit, to seethe
,;r.! and IioNkIi- town-d with .now
ih. mill tulH.--.itin. (In may I mi r-,r:-"l
to li.irn there la but one
ri-ally tolMiL'an slide in (.'utu.U.
that is at M"iitrral. while now
r ure nuiiits'tvl now hr tm where
(uriia-rly they were coiiuled by him-
dr.. It. It I sHll'ile f IKllllfll to under
l.u:l what ha drought ubollt tliil
chain: in what i unially afcrpted h
the tyjiu al ('.iiiudiun winti-r 'irt.
A few year nk'o. win 11 toUK'nnin
nl f now hhi iiixrh'urishti! i.urvly (or the
p.;:t sjiort furnished, the tirft-iiiul
iinjir,!uri'. nided hy the hotel jiroprii'tor,
cm,. 1 ived the idea nf tMHuninK Montreal
and iiiciih ii'.ally I'linchmc thetiinelvre
hy holding winter carnival, the main
njiiM of which wero Imnie hy Mon
tr, ul nii r. li:.iit For a time they drew
lark'i ly. ami C'un.i'la waa literally alive
with t.noWkh.Mniin.1 tolx.atM, hut anon
tin y alle.l. ami the last nint h advertised
"1 ariiivul' v. a highly uninteresting; from
a datura Jioiiit of View. llarHTt
II. Art uf Working la Gold.
The Koiuan copied the lirrtk ami
f'trufu'iin piiilMiuiht' work, though they
also often used the ornament theliiM'lve.
taken fiMin the am-ieut tomha. Much of
the art of the nucleiits in working gold
waa lust until tarty in the present cen
tury, when Sinor Castellani found aome
of the KtrilM'ull method .till tiring PU1-
t lnyi.l hy in a village in a
reinoto corner of tho Apennines. Lon
dull Time.
Knllitra iu Aslrouiiutera.
It wan 11 happy thought to enlist th
ix a captain 111 the M-rviie of arience.
While ir oht loll, reason, the Rohd laud
i better for the iiccurute olxw-rvatiout
there rutin p I cause to how that here
after lare addition to iistrotioiniail' may In- made hy the master
of vessel :apH-ium to I ill tho path of
eclipse. Youth' l'onianioii.
lti lirst Wunirn on Ilia ataa.
It i now nM-ertained l yotnl doubt
that wiiiii.-ii lir-t ti;"iired ujm.u the
ta- la-tweeu Nov. ml sr. It), atld
January, ICiil On Jan. !i I'cpy. that
inveterale playgoer. I' ll u that he law
"The lu .''n llmli." ,-it Iniiirf well
dune, mid lu re tl;el.r-t time that I ever
kiw wi.iii.n c.ime upon the itaue."
(.'omliill Ma.'aziue
A Verm. .tit c.iiirt h.m jtit that
auian who hurt liiiu-.-If while hiiutniK
mi Sunday caiuinl recover on an accident
p hcy which he held, because he was
viol.ititiK the law of the Ute in hu'itii)
011 that ihiv.
I had been troubled five months
with Dyspepsia. I bad a fullness
after eating, and a heavy load in the
pit of my stomach. Sometimes a
deathly sickness would overtake
me. I was working for Thomas
McIIcnry.Druggist, Allegheny City,
Pa., in whose employ I bad been for
seven years. I used August Flower
for two weeks. I was relieved of all
trouble. I can now eat things I
dared not touch before. I have
gained twenty pounds since my re
covery. J. D.'Cox.Allegbeny, ra
In the
T H-ll nmMl M 11 KTH it imiJ w
; - -1 . A w.l. u ,.i j ,!-r m tin lirip-,tljn. Iw
- l.M ill L M 1 Jl-; m 1 rvli -.1 Mil""'
t'.rt.iiu.i 1 . ,-Ti4ilUiUtte'd. U
1 rt-. A. i r. I K. IKV. .
Brooklyn Hotel
i:i-2l2 Bosk St., tu Frindui.
-t II KI t.- MnM.eiMl.KY. and . .-! ll
la "u Fr:., uro.
E:i8 Comforts! Cuisine Uoezcelled!
K r.--M-nW ! ih t t i.4m in4M of
ni n-.rn -r k. I" ! in ruBt flur
to 1. Itw oui.b W ui4 from hvUri.
IK. u.iu.a
t.nhoi. kia
Im't t'll '4 -1
Pkkll fCilTt
aAi"fc" tul
bmt ftl
wmt t('jraa K-lc
I. P. S. V. 5a. . 3. U. So. b
No acid
except that
from the
prapc is used
in the Royal
Halting Powder.
The Royal
imparts that
peculiar sweet
ness, flavor and
II Vi N.. Mam.
Officer C. ). Wiilte lott lately rrtl put
CO the Tweuty ii:ii tr.-et U at, which
iucludea riiyailup aM-niie. lille In a
fearleM oflic. r. and the u'.li.-r nik'ht, a he
waa uiakliu hl U-at I'uyallnp ave
nue in a d.-ep i-liail- cIiih- to t lie i.U i.f a
buildim;, he .hM-rie 1 the f..rm of what
he mpi wl tu In a holm taking a muxize.
Of ciitiw that would never do. with a
preliminary whirl of h. chili, a little
eolith, and a jM-rceprihle li.-u'iiteiiiiiif of
hit utalure he appr.iach. d tlie holm.
"('.line; out o' tiiat ueow, will
bo?" he exclaimed.
The hobo m.itci in it 111 mil aa a
"D've hear nn? I co-mi alang
oueto' that, will 00? Vi won't, eh? Wull,
I'll how y.-x."
With that White crahhed the nuppoMHl
hoUi lV the hack of the neck. There
wananli. rt. preliuiuiarvKrowl, therlank
iiitf of a chain, and then the fur fairly
flew. It wan the -t hhtck War of the
Union cluh aal.Miu that W lute had awak
rned. For aUmt twenty-five minute
there ww a little the liveliest M-rappitiK
match there or therealiiit that hwever
been known In police circle, and when
White got out of reach of the cut. he wan
tniniu brand new mackiiit.wh, a Ave
dollar hat. the uleevin of hm uniform and
hia breath, ami he waa plun ntnm-rotu
woiimU and w-ratcheit, bniiM-a and black
pot. And to cap the climax, the young
brum txl guard over htuhuiidcufT, hit
gun and hia club. Taoma Newt.
:g)itlN nlaluvt l'Mrthl.
The corespondent of the I.ndon
Time at Alexandria, F-K'ypt. Ktate that
three cl.Hual rtatuin, ten feet hi'h, of
row trrainte, have jmt b-en found at
Alxiukir a few feet llow the aurfaee.
The di.covery wa made from indica
tion furnished to the government ' a
liK-al inviti'ator, Diiiiiium I'.u-lia. The
first two n prew-nt in one group lUimiw
II and yu.-. 11 Heiitinara watinl on the
ciine thrniie. Thin i uuiijue among
Ejfvptian htatuiK.
The third ttutue represent Itamewt
taudin upright in military attire,
acepter in hut hand and a crown upou
hi head, li'itli l-ar hleniglypluo in
M-rilitioiiK. and t'tii have In-vii throwu
fnun their .e.b-tal face dowiiwani.
Their tite i on the ancient Cape Zephyr-
in 111 . near the remain of the temple of
Venu and Amiinw. Ilelica of the early
Chrmtiaua have Ix-en found iu the aame
A Mpp Ulkrr'a I'rMrful l.r.
Jainef S. Claqiie, a tock raiwr of
(iretdeV. Colo., walked into the police ta
tioii at lliiriiiiu'tini. la., ri-c.-ntly, liMt.-.
routlcM and generally 1. up, and
tol J a remarkable M..rv. II.' nald he had
left hi home to viMt frien.U in Oalva.
111., and had taken a id.-epcr at IVnver.
The hint thing he remeiulx-ra waa retir
ing to hi coach. When he awoke he
wo lying in Die ditch at the of the
track not far from Iturliiigtoii, badly
liruiM-1 and half froz-n. Ho walked to
the police ptatioh from there. Hi theory
wa that he had jiiuicd from the tram it wa running full
rpeed. An iuvetiga!ion by railroad
untliontie proves the truth of the man'
aiMwrtion. He in now iu the h.pital
quite ill from hi t-rnhle exposure.
Cor. St. Loin Kepuhlic.
Th. ar In I'liln l..ih..
Wh.-n the eni-ror of K 111 a pue.l
privately through IVrlm the oiiier night
he wa attired in plain cloth.-, and it
w.i the firt time that he had ever ap--are.l
iu public thu arrayed. The em
pen r tow. nng figure wa not displayed
to advantage iu a m unit of brown
tweed, eecilly when contrasted with
the splendid Ku 1.111 uniform in which
I'nnce Fre-l.-nck Leopold ppere.l, and
hi majesty wa the only personage in
plain riot he. The empiTor, who stopped
for nearly an hour at the Stettin line
station, dined on sandwiches, which he
washed down with several bowl of t-a,
which wa made on the sjiot by hi own
arrvaot. with hit own caravan tea.
London World.
ItiM.k la IImssI.
It apj"ar from the organ of the Itn
ian Ass.s'iation of!U-r and I'ub
lihertht the numls-r of work pule
lished in that country Ut year wa
4.:iVi and that the total numls-r of copies
t..ld wa not far abort of l.'.ooo.i!
Translation from for-ign language
rounted for only 5f -r rent. Of these
a little more than one-third were from
the French. t)f one w..rk by Zola
rnfMe were ill. Next rme tials.nau
D.Ul let, Hugo, Julea Verne, Mollere,
FUiils-rt. Duma. An edition of "l'ra
dise Ls.t" a..ld iS'to and one of "Ham
let" 10,11)0. London New.
Tha rirsl Tbanksflslaf .
On N. . Ir'.' the weary waretw-.l
pilgrim on lsrd the brave little May
flower can.'ht their first glimie of ttie
New Ki .-iAiel c.t. A year later (iov
rrni-r lira lford issned the first Thanas
giving pr-s iamation, tlm instituting a
festival which. aft-r ling confined f..r
more than J Jera In New CnglaQd, at
length Wame national in iu ctirartr.
and 1 Dow ol-nre.l on the last Thurs
day of each Novemls-r throngboiit the
length and btltn of our land. Kirk
ilanro la Harper'a Voucg I'
Great aa it the tnaea of lvV at pre
eet la the "treasure houa" of th (
ercmtit. it i l-lng steh!y increase.) by
the punhas- of M. '.' avlJitlt.aJ
ounrea every year, or at the rate of seven
tuba f r avery laiLg Uj of li J ear.
s tr ths m'rr n so4
TUs vssa uf te-firk tsai lm (S s
Tasf tarm 10 toad fn.ia tuber I.au4
Tu cA ailbla 11 U ilb a. I Uay.
Tbsf an J itua hut sna.4 ass
TU. bi..u. II. Um,
NkUtflit tl'sr ibr trt ful tuirn-r I
Tba from th Bilrmr cnxinc brk.
If fttit .tit ft inorv rhrtniii mvri;
Xtr womlrrful th fi-Aitirry trnf,
TU Man aiil mrrai4 Irit iliMttu.
Ant jrrt thrjr nrrrr, tirrrr know
ll It thrrtiwlvM mi I'trttjrw. thrrr;
Tli'V l"it eantv. titTatnil
Tht tl u I tir) (to mrw mi fair.
iVmr. t.rrifjr thimr.! I'll nuhrr
A liitir, jtifti m iitl), pmtn,
Anl know ju.i t,i rril am.
I.trti wtib a cidtM fou rg of Ja.
I'll rath.-r im1 ttnit'rUi)l.
Tt.n ( an fmr mn i ltn a Ihrr,
it h rv- rtiiion 111 ttif worltl.
Allr Wrliuutoo Holliu tu I'uuburg Hal
- cloud. d smoke puffed from the big cigar.
Tall? Ye, verv. She .too.1 a hea.1 ' , F.tta owi,e,l one thing Strang, ly out of the average man. k with her other p. -ions. It
Slight? No. That i Vs. isvtical a ' go d watch, attach... to an
w..r.t.ila. inanv wav to the M """"'- t;hin. from win, I, tin. little tale. wh,e lean. lo or tlr,;...ld foreign l.s.A.i.g cl.arin.
a.-rawnv figure 1, Hiked fr alt the world " line workman. . ip. .she w.o. v.-ry fond
like a aerie.. f badly connected angle. "f ' " her mother
and wli.M st.s.pmg shouldera and nar- and wore it always, till at l.i-t it Ms uie.!
n.w cheat were clad in a faded black 1"'",t " ,,r.n"-,,,1
j ai-U-t without It one day, I exclaime.1 inline-
Tin.' garment, with it rusty .urface ,,u,,,1'' 1 '"'-" -
and pulle.1 seam, suited well the sad , "' , . , , .
looking woman wh.-e dr,.arv life Slie waited a mumeut before replying
cvne one little bit of color, which 1 shall an'1 X lowly. "I haf lend It to,nU..
H.r face corr.,H.nded well with the' M'' then told uie that Augu-te v. a
rest of her apisarance. for It wa. faded ""' '-. " """. o Ainer
and worn, and .urrouu.h.l by a fringe of ' w,,u "",",,.v ' K t fl,r ll,e
traighl, dnstv brwn hair, pulled tight-1 ,nl'-
ly Uck from the sallow, weary face. After the diM.s-arance of the watch
whose one redeeming feature waa the Auguste came ca frenently, and a
ev.-darkgrav. andoh, sosad! time went 011 .ld .m oftener
'She had that expression of wistful . w"'- There wa no more
waiting sometime s.--.. in the Hm of a '". " :t,i ," '-""' '" 1""k ,""r'' '
faithful dug who haa lost hi master, and ,,f , M- L,tl,' ''' I'" hI'l'-v ll,,t
.in ever to wait, always patiently, and
to walch ever -xjactantly for the belove.1
She wa a Norwegian, named F.tta,
and lived in our family a rook for near
ly a year.
Week, passed by and early autumn,
which had brought her to us, she.) leafy
tear, and dcarted suddenly, leaving
11 all unprepared for winter', advent,
which announced Itself in a cold, dismal
Up to thi time Ktta had never re
ceived a letter or any communication
from the outside world. She never left
the house, and scorned the idea of an
afternoon out. However, on this drizzly
day, there wa a urprise, a great sur
prise, for Ktta waa discovered holding
an en letter tightly grasped in one
hand. Hut when she found herself re
garded, it wa hastily thrust into a
voluminous piK-.kvt in her skirt.
Now thi. pocket waa a marvel in it
Self, aa it could hold myriad of thing.
Why, one day I saw her produi-e a pil
low case, a workUn, scissor and a bras
thimble at one fell swoop; at another
time but 1 am wandering far away
from the letter and Ita t-oiiM-qiielift-s.
The mysterious epistle waa Been aev
eral time again, and these glimpse
bowed it to In. worn and rumpled with
much reading. No doubt it would have
tavii read and reread out of existence
had not another, fresh and clean, re
placed the first.
Thi. I took from the postman, and so
had a chain to see the uneven, char
aeterlce writing, the Christiania post
mark and Norwegian .tamp. It wa
followed a week later by another, then
anot her.
I Wame interested, for I felt I waaou
the track of a real, live romance.
The pale, tired face seemed to grow
brighter in those day., and for the first
tune Ktta made frequent trip to the
city, returning laden with bundle of
every size and description. All her spare
timewa now employed in sewing, ('alios-
and print were made and laid
aeide. F.r iiw reason or other Ktta
was replenishing her clean but scant and
soliieah.-it dilapidated wardrobe.
Another link in the chain! thought I,
and began to imagine the arrival of a
stalwart Norwegian lover left in Nor
way two year lasfore, when she had
come to try her fortune in America.
Letter came more frequently, ami
Ktta grew correii'liiigly brighter and
cheerier she even seemed to try to hold
herself more erectly, for often the Is-nt
boulder, were suddenly straightened a
he went alxmt her work. Her voice,
formerly to tin-d and lio lei, took on a
more cheerful tone.
Not the lct remarkable of Ktta't
aculiaritii- waa her manner of shak
ing; .lowly and lispiugly came the
broken Etigliidi, which waa at first ao
hard to understand. Such a sad mix
tore of her mother tongue and thi new,
strange language, such verbal combina
tion and misplaced plural, were never
hearj before.
Alsjut thi time I mentioned my ro
mantic notion, to wj mother, but .he
ouly laughed, being: entirely unable to
connect Ktta' aad appearance with a
lover, Norwegian or of any other land.
She called me a romancer, but I .till felt
tnre 1 waa right
S.ner than I expected came thechauce
to vindicate myself, for the neit day a
I sat idly by the window, watching the
utsera by, my attention waa attracted
by a queer little figure way down the
.treet, which came on toward the house
at rattling atce, ga ly .winging a huge
cane and puffing vigorously at a mam
moth cigar. At a distance it waa im
jssssible to tell whether he waa boy or
man, uch a comical, little figure he waa,
dre-d in a siiuff colored .uit, with a
rose in hi. buttonhole and the tiniest
derby imaginable tilted over one ear.
ing laughingly at him. I wa just
telling my im-ther to hs.k at that ala-urd
little creature, when what waa our tar
pro to n-e Ktta, the ataid. the quiet,
dash wildly acr. the lawn, rush down
to the gate, and throwing her anna
atsmtthe little fell..', lie. k ki mm
6rt on one t heek and then on the other.
T1i man. after a f-w qmet but ear
nest .'rugglea, managed to free him-!f
from her long, thin arm. and bs.ked np
into her face. o high b.m. with
pl-nre nrcly, but without a trace of
l.verkke ardor.
On rlisw iiisjs--tiori it pr.vel to 1
m it a f Jtil.y. riy. th.ldifh fay e that It
was itn- t,.e to .aik at It witie-ut
laughing. Ktta aeeu.e.1 t find it so. f'-r.
smiimg happily, soe ess orte. h;m '' k
to the honae. her long ann linkel in hi.
.1. .rt e, aim-et lifting hi in from the
r.i:nd at Mery ttep. and press-nUy we
l.ear 1 im Wr monotoua of tW-ir voice
I In li kttchea below.
I Not the least quevr thing about thit
ijtieereat of queer tucn wa a Jrellow
h.s.-k of hir, pU.tere.1 down in care
I fully arrange! call.a all ar.tmd hit
chubby face. 1 mpjsis it never oc.-urrcd
1 to him that the back of hit hea l wa
ever aeen, f.T there the hair
t.r.itflt , , ,n,lv ,tnt.
Sshi Ktta, and blushing and
j llntitatlllg, said, "My cousin llaf eotlie.1
! from Christian."
That waa all, but my tlm.ry wa
I proved, and I made ue of that tuueworn
and aggravating phras-, "What did I
tell you':''
Days came and went, and to did the
little Norwegian, but nothing wa said
of an approaching marriage, l'.invln
nircd in nsm us. and F.tta sewed stead
ily on. F-ach attenns.n Auguste (we
leanie.1 his uamel appi-anil, apvirently
propidled by the regular motion of the
big cane. Snuehiiw he always mvuiI
like a pnveof m 14-hiuery, for his appear
ance never changed alwa) the sinitT
colonel suit, the little hat and the but
tonhole iK.u.pi.'t; and he seemed t go
and come incchatiicallv, envelnis-l 111 a
U'X-l irom ner lace, ami ine graye
than la-fore.
A tune came when week Mssel with
out a sign of the little Norwegian, but
one day a letter arrived for Ktta in the
same c risiked writing. Some time later
in the day, going into the kitchen, I
found Ktta leaning oil the table, the let
ter crumpled in her clinched hand, and
her face burn-d iu her arm.
I touched her gently on the .boulder,
but got no other r- hc than the low,
titled soli which sllixik the ss.r, thill
Isaly from head to foot. At last ahe
raised ln r sorrow stricken face, and lift
ing her eye to mine said .lowly, with
her lisping accent, "I haf to go vay; I
haf sorrow, great sorrow."
She would tell but little of her tory.
She waa to have 111arr1.1l her cousin iu a
few week' time, but he had tired other,
and that day a letter had come from
him, first Wgging her to forgive him
and then telling her that he had aold her
treasured watch, and by the time .hn
got that letter would have sailed ou a
vessel bound for Norway.
"Shall yon, too, go home?" I said.
Slowly and sadly came the answer,
"No," and I felt that with the utterance
of that little word she gave up all hope,
aud renounced forever all thought of
the happiness she had beeu picturing for
herself the last few month, a ahe aat
sewing steadily, only pausing now and
then, with a little Hush in her pale
check, to softly steal a hand into her
jsa-ket aud touch the letter, she alway.
carri.-d there.
Next morning Ktta could not lw found.
In corner of her room stood a lilllo
hair trunk lala-led with a Norwegian
addr.-s and filled with the garment ao
recently finished. It wa curled up and
sent to Christiana; it may have reached
ita destination or it may not, it fate 1
aa uncertain a Ktta' own. The .r
woman, tired, disappointed and h"--less,
had that night, taking
with her little else than her sad, aad
I often picture her with her .bsiping
houlder and pallid, tear face,
every vestige of love aud h gone out,
wandering away into the night and gaz
ing np at the stars, no aereite and far
away, a. she murmurs, "Forsaken, for
aaken." F. L. C. iu Ibatton Herald.
Msa Make Their Ilia rU
A man make hi own f.n-t. Just re
member how natty and mall your feet
were when you went courting Amelia or
Clara, and how splay they are now in
your easy slipper a you sit la-fore Mr.
Amelia or Mr. Clara at the breakfast
table, surrounded by little Tommy, little
Amelia and the rest of the young br.ssl.
You don't care a fig how what niiintsTe.1
sh.aat yon wear, aa long a your corn,
don't trouble you. Oni-a-qucntly yon go
lopping through life in sh.- made Umu
a No. V "common sense", and are
ready to see the tins-maker and go hiui
one la-lter if you feel little pressure
anywhere. Well, some men were born
In the condition of mind which tune
and doiii'Tli' ity have brought to yon,
and tuck men have big r.-ct all their
Uvea.- Kate IVld'a Washington.
Istslllgeal MlaaUeary RtTurt.
The Iter. Ir. Storm, the president of
the American board of commissioner, fur
foreign mission., haa g'sl reason for
fejicitating himself 011 the result of hit
conciliatory policy. The lud ' receipt,
for thi. year have been i'JO,lr.M, against
rV"i.37j the previoti. twelve inontha
To manage tuco-asf ully a hoard which
haa iu. h interest under ita charge a
thi one, aomething more ia needed
than a determination to crush out all in
telligent dissent, and keep the vast ma
chine in operation along line not at all
adapted to im n-ase the support of foreign
miaaiona, tveu among thiaw inclined in
their favor. The l-v. lr. Storr. with
to broad oull'sik, haa railed a halt to
thiase element w hich were reducing the
annual coiitrihutioii fur that object
liaiton Transcript.
fiwast risMaf la I'klladslpkla.
liy the grading of Hidge avenue f .r
the purjssw) of paving, a deep depression
tltniling taru sijiiar.-a haa been made
below hour' lane, Manayunk, and dur
ing a heavy rain recently a miniature
lake waa formed. It wa promptly
christened Lake Sundstroia, afur the
d 1st net urvr jor. The water haa no
outlet except .lramage through tie toil.
A cltiien viva) proje-rty 1. damage-1 by
the charge of grade began Mailing from
the bank a Just aa a loaded tlreet car
cam along he pullol (lt tnakrel,
tnurb to U.a ainuaemefit of the tsvaten-
fsra. and aoocee.le.1 10 bia attempt to
ndicnle tha trfQjt iurvey 1'hiia.lal
j phla rUwfd.
Iks kslluts' Irlaad. w
Mr Samuel r.iui.''.l ttill k.wp. to hit
houic 111 Park i-.ue. an I u far f rm we!!,
but he has sumVictitly vovensl himself
to be able t j Mnte a letter claiming one
result .r rather the want i f rt-sult of
the roit-iit storm tu legislation. Hu
tli.-reev.r Ih-.-m reiuemU ri-d. he asks,
gale of i.iM. !ilies, Violence and
duration which was hot the cause of
very, very unirli greater Iws of life than
that recorded of tii gale which haa re
cently p.iw.l naj?
A year uud eight iiioiiths ago, when he
wa fervently urging the government to
aait III i.oing the load line bill, it wa
shown tb it the deplorable los of life at
eafiom oveili..vlitig waa entirely pre
ventable, mid that the passing of the
bill would limiinliat. lv chirk it. while,
when t...- net was steadily and uniformly
adiiiini: red. this bead of loss would
iliM-! lie point triumpliantly to
the nvi-nt gale for ciitirmation. Liver
nsd iKng.) Mercury.
ArrsaicHl t n.lrr m 4"r liaknle I .aw.
Iatc Milliner, a rancher from the
vicinity of Fort Mead, ha Iki'H arrested
iu IV.hIwinsI, S. !., on the charge of
off. ring la-, f for sale w ithout exhibiting
the hide, .111 act prohibited by a law, at the instance of cattlemen, by
the l ut legislature, aud intended to pre
vent the ..f stolen cattle. Mr. Mil
liner states that the ls,.f offered for sale
was hi prtqa rty. and that he ha tha
bide at bis ranch, and will produce it to
prove that be has not commuted a crim
inal act. This Is the first arrest made
under the law, and it i-casi. med consid
erable surprise, a the avuliar provision,
of the law were not generally known.
There 1 no doubt of Milliner '.inii.K'em-e,
but the itrr.-st will serve to spread a
knowledge of the strange law. Milliner
wa released under b1l bond. Cor.
Omaha World Herald.
A I' Wulk.
"t 'art. ul has writt.-u a story that'll
mski. your hair cm I," said Man soti.
ttet It for I'le, for gisHlness' sake!"
said Mrs. M. "It'll save me from burn
ing my linger off with the tonga,"
llars-rs I'.arar.
IIAXIKIIOI I'HKI'aH TIONH.' I'liKni I'l AsTta i. cnitosel
of purely vegetable ingmlientt, and i. ab
solutely harmless. It assist, nature In her elTorta to heal aud InviKerate, and I in
part strength to the whole system.
Vanv itreitaratioii. contain .Ining rhem and mineral .uhslaucea, which 100-
duir an injurious etlec.l not only uimiii ihs
km. hut uMin ins whole system, although
at Unit tber .eein very Is-nehi lal on atv
roiiul of their powerful action aatl teuipo-
rarv rtlerl iiam tlis liria-e.
When i.urchasniK a ulaater du not only
ask for Alu . a'., hut make .ure that you
gel It. ...
iaMaKTH I'll.!. are purely vrgeiani.
Tesrhrr - He walked with a Ininnrrln .alt
Whsl ili-ea that mraiir ll.. -1 hal oi.ant
be aalke.1 as II lie aaa . arirln a lau.
t's Kii.airlltie Htnvt I'ollih; DO dutt, no tmall
Tar (liana far breakfast.
a-IfP It-nlf 4 V If Jill WORKS.
ami I. tirr.1, will niei a
is-s-nil tM-lp In lb-tsT
I lenss Kav.a-ite I'r
M-Tn.ii,m fprfartlv
haruilea In any rtiU
thai i.f Ilie female sva-
tem. 1 1 pn all Us
natural liuu-iuMia, anu up, strengthena,
rrsrulatra. alwl rursa.
Kor women apirrb-
tiiK na.lltietlient, ntira
u.g motltart, and every
weak, run-down, dali-
eala w.iman, It la an In
Tlmsrallli. miiiaa-tiiiaT
tnntfl that' paruliarly aoaplea 10
Hut It'a mora than that, ton. It', the only
moimnrrerf f.s- all tha flin.-tl.maJ
diaiuristnrea, painiui uusanieaa, ...........
weaknmaa of wnmlilMl. In " femaia
ersniplainu" of every kind. wri.sllcaJ paina,
tataxing .town astisallona, internal tnflaiiiina
tl.m. and kindrwl ailment. If it ever fall,
to benefit car eura, you have your money
r4.iietblng alaa that pay. tha osaksr better,
may U ofTea-ed aa ' just as I'sri." l'srhaae
It as fur aisn, but tt cwat ba, U W-
Baking Poj tfer
Purity dnd
Lcoveninjil Pcm'cr
'fa Intruders our fowder. we bar tfa
tanblMwd todlatrtbuiaaaifsig tba f.iaenne
en a Dnrnts-r i.r cash fMI.M To
Oarssrsunorrlabr-Murnlnt Balhslaefaai
MniBrtrrniaratseatf b..ra June I,
las, wa l I rt-s a aash tirtMof t lUO. a4
talha stl lart-sil, nn,af.mi ftlkef laiase
raala rrwa fl to f It t N J aa IL
or-tf Tour Ml'MMII
kolJIK Tea waol
tha tT, that', lb mill
kir.4 wa deal la. Tkac
fill IHS
iulllho. m
tn4 Toor fHr lot im
kVT kllU.KsH
I.SKa to -UttK A
HIT lira run
foanxaau, oa.
. . . . mm tssr.mi, wTt.aa kaaaa r assa
Vftlt fuii.araiuwua
( irl-ir-st,l
nnm et.ttvsAa.o.rii( mnrr,
, wSt a a.a a.esssif rts sstria sa-ess.
swl aan.ta ua.s. a.fs ivij wa.asTsesssa
. fom CHikoaiN tccthiho
rsaaia fcr ail WaasrtMa. t aai . sill a,
Wil l ra-i'.ilUZZ
i Id VM latM mH Rr-la,
Of ihitlM-4 which ll it lit 's.1 with It
la-st rvtiilu, ll.siisitsr si.imaca in iters. un
lit air.1i. -ins. iHimprsbsntirs o. it m-onv, hs
0.1 iisri. 11.1.0I uii. ui.i.r siiei.r.M. in in
1. OS el a universal v.B.-a for Isslllt 111
lot rlsiui. .Isllt arr.WNle.1 in ll.s rotiitiilit el
tlir.lailv rrM to ll.r .r. i n.r.lleltis
lar li.lsrlur I.. It s. !-. in.-. b l.i a fliouMiot
Ht.uiK di.utir. ttir In S'lvan.-r ! lis
a Irs., r ill 1 1 . sl.4 llis .r.M-. I. .. ..llmr
..I i.rur itiisllll.. hste In-ii ltalnll'S-l-l li
Ihs r. trna..iit el their anrthlrst irs
Hill tlis 'ie It Ilea , Is-. SUMP tlisy
hats v.-rine. lbs Is. t li lbs m.wl trto.s l-u,
tba'. Ibr Millers iba . oiii.s ..1 a rrsl
is-in.-01 . sM-s el msisrlal ami liver liiril-r.
-.i.illi.nil iirrvi.ii. rlir.oi.sil.-. .I..I..A. b sml
l.lhrt Uetltile Tint II .has ll .l.s- llli.r.i.l.ll
It . Mint ti.sllot .r tho II 1 sliil
r.siuiti.viui !) b.iu ..I r-s)s-i-istls l
imki ka a wotntertul memi.rv
llllnls II. .a .1,. ton km. Jlnki lis .Ilea
11 rx-clU-iil pn lure l a .lullar the .'lli. r .Isy
WriifTrr s ll.llnlre.1 Is.llsrs rvatnt lor a.i?
rase ul catarrh thai 1 annul Is I. Mall
aiarrh l ure. I J 1 III Sr.Y hi,
Ti.ii-I.., .
We. the tin.le rsla-tir-l. have tti.-wii K J ctis
net l,.r lbs Usi eti.-rt. tears, an.l Is-lleVS him
srf.s- lv bi.m.ral'ls III all t.iislt.e,
ml niialn-lsllt 1.. t'arrv inn ai.y ii.iiaoniit
nia.le lit I urn 10 in W r.-l A 1 III A.
w Iihi.-mIs lriikists, .1.
WW I'IS... klSNAS A M HlllS.
W b'iUsaie irnuts, Inlr.1.., O.
ItalTsCalarrh 1 ilfs is tsieu lut. riiallt , s4-iiii
.tires-lit UHin the lilissl an.l imin.MS si. Osisj
Iheit.lelti. l.-.tllll. minis Mill I ru-e, ..V
euls il Isittl... sulil li) all drnna-lsli.
" A lew ) rart mr
health failed Br. Alt. I
tiiurh srriiaai.iti I
tm lli-e.1 to take ll.ssl a
rarusrllla. and am
miirh Impftorst. t'n.r
an all run down run
dillnii I b.r been rt.
birrit lo rent h.-ailll
Kofmerljr I welfhrd IV
..ii.ila. rn.T 17. ll.ssl'. hrsssrllla has been
I areal is llt'UI o iue t.s.'s..a .
'ul.. 11 a. Wis. N. II. He turn to (rt lliton' a.
Hood'a PHI tine alt IJrrr lilt, ff.
l (USST IkstikO
Uua oautadti
Tnrt itaatT rotton 1 1 ue iirunnnijr c-st
where all othee-l lalL Ceiirbt, Crsup,
Tkrwat, Hoars. nasa, Vh,i, Cewfb and
Asthma, Cantunti'tiaa II baa no rlttU
haa atoad, aisl will ct'Ka Too if
Uksn lo tiro, rfosl of I mi lata on a uar.
an ts. a lame thick sr ttteat, use
eriiass. r w s latmw is.- ssr s -
mutr u emeu I,
iiiritiiuisuiiiiii I hit rstneor it itm
teed Wcurejou. lrtae,Wvta. iuHor
krerTihlni III tha slsne Una. r.sitiimea. W las.
Itear.l., I'r)artir. "-ra ami I'lay Hisiki, ale.,
Iiiriilshr.1 al (rsslllr rt'.lia-el rales an.l In iass
rb.r qilalllt l. lbs oldest, larfrst, tas.1 minwne.l
ami therefore sals reOnklt Tktnlntnl "apsl.
Itn 0 la stei rtmaf I 'i.riaais.nilsl.ra so-IK-Iie.1.
ooiiwrtiB A ) ., , J. anil am Karrell
Insrl, alao ail Markrl .Irerl, Kan Krani lM-o. l
.iilt nil rsiO'i wa lr (bosl, Iu el.ara ra-l-rllull;
Saddles, Collars,
W.lpi iDd Leattter. WHOLESALE.
Mirirfa pr 1 ft no. iooo fl.oB. Uft.: Klt-nt
Mt)l fs (W--w t(vtl- r htt1rivprfil tiw.
nuii. fUni J f-."i, fmm.
I'lo lUMirw. 1. i u fi. m la-am rmM fat,
fiftttl, fwtWiRI Willi ft ral-firls-r Mil H 1 1 IMS
fiit.r I lia "Jim CiirlioH" 1 mtl H (. prd1
fl.UU MH hfi-ftM nll.n, II ft "hRHMTl. Mli." Hli
tlr-i Hofta Mikiiheiw IliiR, mir.
rOD DtP VIMICC l thi Mm antiialMl tn4
rUA Dili I ALUbd ft tumk r tuufj rar
ha vrtlM to
M .Nt r At TI KftKil, l Market IUnI,
Frftlftra, l'ftlllWai4.
Iari4r,af.fllr M atna ahiMran, aif aalr aaaj
a4r ''f figh, C illt a-4 p waa arraf M
la t'a aaTwiiii i-v-Haf aa it waa ln f ra .
How m r armAmU4rm-i laaa Uf. na"a nnnm
Wl4i slraArff tjrswtres4 a4 m t-t "
Ue. 4t.t fwrrwawra fc-tla
tM aa aisa.iAia tx it. tW tUHkiM aaaa
Hercules Gas Enninb
rwr lattsllrltv It ReaU Ike Wwrltt.
It all llaaU rrM sUaertalr,
Hm arawrwtwr te get efwnler.
Xt Hallwrtwa ar BletHrle aasark
II raa wlta a llfsi-r (lrw n Uaarstla tbaa aa
usf s.nlaa.
a.aa ra UTiiisri vw
M Imm tint, tu Imam, CM.
Mi.ll. V. Iwlsk
Xsr M atltWI
s ix jr n
Matta for Power or Pumifm rnrea
Tba Hi i 1 twltaMs laa fmlif
ua taw MafMI.
11 1 Out pa r straw t aa)
pWJ Ol -.
.1 - . 8
Moore's Revealed Remedy.
Atwteu. naaane, Jaanart M I eaa saa wlih glatanro Iba kr ( aa. aa
Mraial klVaaUtU a.aliiT mi aa.awd was pa.ll 'r an aid rasa f
BMtl MATIsM aadair Iwail bnf etuwd anUralfWl IrLAJiATOKT KrilC.
MAlUui eaaa U aaat Awaaatt aaa a U4 kirn mm rM -!- rxac?.
at ma a. f . Tt.i a.
tOLB Bf tocb BBcaaa
Printing; Material and Machinery
tot m ( prt-rv ftn l mmi idfiitafwal
trrai. mi
Palmer & ReyType Foundry,
Cor. Front tod Aider Streets,
Write toe pel at autt lama teiore barlut alaa.
- A -
Regulator of the Liverand Kidneys
-A sIKflrlC fOR-
Scrofula, Rheumatism,
Salt Rheum, Htanlgii
kwi All Other Blood iod Skli Diseases.
II It ft fHfll.vft cur for ll lho Minfiil, dll
rat enmpUiiita and rsiitnihrll IrtiaNr mu4
raknsMr rumnuii iftuitR our Wlvw. inuUitr
ml iUMifhtr.
ThcrrflWt U lram-lUtt and Ift-lf. Two or
thr ttaws of I'M. rfti't Krmiit latiaa Ui)jr
krt Ilia (iIihnI inmiI, tha It Tar and klduava ar
Ira, aiit will rntlrvlT aral,raia tnm tba r-li-aa
all traia nf Hrruftila, hall Khrum. of aoy ulkvr
-rm ( IImn diwrtua.
No a.t-.tiriiie arar liitm1urad m th la anunlrv
baa mat with urh rralv aal. nor ilvan -urn
Utuvtrraul tatUlM'tlon ahritarar Uav4 aa that ol
Thli rrinaalv baa l-aait ae1 In lha hnapllala
IhroUMhoul lhaoM orld lor tha mt taant?
bra jrura aa a (n-inr lor iba aim a dlt-aaaaaa,
and It baa and a III curat, ban ail olbar tocailaal
ramadla (all.
atid lor eainjhlet ol laatlmonlaU from Ihoaa
bu hava U-aii rurad lla ua. lraf ma aall
It at l ut p-r bottla. Try ll and ba rHirlttaa4.
Tut aala l7
O and ll rront It- San franolaoo.
Hladilrr. I'rlntry end Urer Mimat. DroMT
Orarel ud Ulabalra ara eurtd bj
rat HrlKht'1 Plsease, Ralenllnn Of Nmh
tluo ul I'rlue, faiu la Ua Back, Uslaa er
rnret Inlemnaranra. Narroat Dl
liabllllx, sinaJe naeknaa aud Hi
Curs llllla.ii.nett, Head, he, Jaandlrw our
sl.iuiarb, l).srsla, Cuti.llialluB aud file.
AI M T tr on lha ttldaraa, I war
and Nawrlt. r- l4rtiia; tba in lo a aaallhr aa
tlon.and 4 I Nl.-iabvii all athar Brshrlti-a
(all. llutidrNta hara laan avd tM bara baa a
f u an U lo da by Iriautla aad irbyairiaua.
ftOI.U HV All lH i.t.lT
Best ia the World ! fl 11 T A 0 T
Set thi Genuias! ! frliir
Sold ET-rywhcrt ! U 1 1 1-1 1 U I-
rBARat WIMIUII JimI, rerUaast. Or.
aa or Taruara
ftrabUta fariaanawOf awtwd hi U w1fi. f -a
ba in-. at a-aiua iha mmm arr aa4 Ua
mm iaaratt-t'1 "h tbaaaa afcu yrwirt to aaaa
bra aa vnl aaanirwa Mmm or rf a-l saaay
ftfd aay niwaol awnaft. raiifta4 lai-a an m
Iwiia, if wa Ian lo awm. If ru arw mkn aaas
tarri Ma4a. a-l Mill h-ra a4
t.f, M ar-aa ValbiN Rih, al lwaal,
laaaaa,sl aar ailwraal -j-4. 1 t-a-a. Mf
Mit ul lira bvar. Hair wr t wa-w iHilitwa
mu H ta ibia . iilila UlAMiW roi.4
Itoai wa ffaM-rwatarw t4rt.f tha a.'lrh) ua a-"-
Waaiaaua taat and ba.laf arwtrid
mmmm at MiMi tara TU.atfaaa haa a waaa
hwftlwd Ha oft Ml mt a-aftaaataaft waiyaftn
a !. aaii,waw aail aaia a-r anwiai.
Ittanatl awaraAlara. A aatllt arawf. r'nttwa fa
MK)taiNHt A-Wivm ttMrk HLMI UI n..
Paraees mm,