The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 16, 1893, Image 10

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    Wamiimitoji, Hijit II. -11 U credi
bly n-MrN- Hint tho administration
mnl timlorliy of congr have il
tided Id n-M-ul Ihu prohlliltory lax on
lulu hnlik, Willi some condition. Tl.e
preparation of I hi Mil Iiiui len en
trusted to ltcprtetitHv Hall, of
MIour1, nnd John lWIU Warner,
of New York. Mr. Springer, the
rliulrinnil of the committee H hanking
Mini currency In the hniie I npi!
to the rc-nf f tin- state bank Ux, but
lie will ldifcntil III the committer.
Tin-1 . 1 J I will pmhahly lake tin- form
f tho National tiovcrnmcnt rlntlii
tli minify, nunilerliig It ami holding
itwif r iti i 1 (r puniahmciit nl
coulltcl filter.
pcrton "T compnnica ilcnirlng to en
ter the hanking hueinc by stale chnr-
tcr UtV to delt With till! stutc holld
anl otl i r Mt'iiritlim nf known value to
henppiovcd by the Comptroller of the
slate ur other ilcnl agent thereof, In
luu.ii l ie same manner tbat national
UillW ure made to ii hII leilld of the
1' lilted Stnliei with the secretary of
the tr :i-urv under the national hank
syetciii. hen thi formula l com
jiliiil w ah the government w ill Ik- giv
en the authority to revoke the 10 per
ii'iit tm nml vive the bunk M-riiililini
to ii hii-inc; unit tlm government
will Use till" lu ill the payment of
ctilom ilue, iiitiTiiittlomil revenue and
other governmental dclit, tint giv
ing the currency a nationul standing
lit IllltV.
Tin r-niili-tit of 67 nutloiiul hank
III the state of MaeMtchlieclt, mint of
the prceiilciit of iiiiIIuiinI bank In
New York Ity ami the pmddcutii of
all tlm nutiniinl bank In Chicago,
with the exception of two, have 'tl
tinned for the n lnnl of the lU ier cent
tux on etate lunik ami have intimated
that w hen the tax in rcalcd lllliler
proM-r iiiilllli-atlonit they would mir
remler their charter a nntional bank
ami engage In hueinc under tho mate
There wiw it very Important confer
ence nt the treasury department rccciit
ly. In fact, it wan one of extraordi
nary sigmllcniicc. 'litem were five
ierwiiiH prevent. They included the
pireldelil of the I'liiteif Htntcw, the
retnry of the treaury, the speaker of,
the limine ot representative, .Mr. Hull
l .-..l,rl If. u.l.lttlli Vl'.rn.
"1 . it i ., 'i .. int. u .iiiiii'
er, of New York. It wiia the llrxt Ume
that a president lnut l-u In one of the
executive department for a longtime.
Nobody known, of course, what trail
plnil at thi tiiiiiinir, hut tiiat It hud
much to do W llh the propimcl re-al of
the national banking system seem to
bu pretty generally uudenitiMMl. l-.x
traorilimtry ellorlN were made to keep
the conference a profound accret. Hut
It would require an underground piut
nagu from tlie White limine to the
treiuniry depnrtuieiit to prevent the
prem-nee. of the president at the demrt-
meiit in iii iing Known.
4it . Ilslva Talk.
tllll'MlY t'UNTHK, III., S'
eruor iwueo nlmke here till afternoon.
oiN-nliiK the I'liiuiiaiKn in tho Mate fur
the ilemoeral III lilirtv. He ilevoteil
immt of hi time to tlie tnritf, m-iihiiih.
pniliiltlllon nml mute liiMt It ill ioiih. 1 lie
governor vli;oroiiilv reMdlel the
limrjpn of the n'iiibllitin t hut di'iuiMt-
rney I nwiMiuniulo for the preeiil
till the Nilver iileHtloii lie wild: "Till
iiilenlloil oiiKhl never to lie liainiN'red
by ptirtl'iiii iMilliie. It niiuiree for
prniHT rt II it I nit 'ii t the iHut men of all
iMiliileiil purl lit. The gn-at ma of
our Mnpln outxlde of Ilium' direetly
U-nelllted by exehiiiiKi' look Uhiii the
art of '73 ileinouetliiiK nilver n a mjiM
nal iintiniial eriine, ami are anxlou to
rviMC the wnuiK in nny way it ran
he dr' w Ithoul iiiiumilliiiit another.
ami wuhoiit id trliiii iit to the credit of
the country.
To Eestore
li. ir whirli
Iiiih hooome thin,
nml keep the ncalp
clonn und healthy, we
It prevents tho hair
from falling out
or turning gray.
Tho best
Jut cIomhI the uumt pniaperouii year
In It hUlory. Wide raiigu of Mud In
Thorough hint met lou. ItunlneeHiMiime
addel. Tuition free. KntrniHV fee,
(10. Hoard and lixl'lni; at n-aMinnble
rule In theelepiut new dormitory ami
InntrdliiK hall on the caiupua, where
ktudeiita will reiieive pcrminal hujht
John W. Joiinhon,
Hot Medical Springs.
a I ixlr(ull)f friimtiuiM li
Rheumatism, Skin Diseases, liver and Kid
ntj Complaints, Catarrh, Drops,
Li Grippe, Private Oiseases,
Hgue, Etc.
Hot and Cold, Steam, Electric
and Shower Baths.
- fixe sows r:h-
l'ruo l'likitviru lir HnrHeH.
All I o.U ( HI ah.nia.1. TS rir
Utu itl !Wu.., Uuila aa I .wrfcUd
huir ''Kir h .ul. U KuirH IUtha4
fpotw. M -tfimr. WlMUn xi.l rvlan
ia Ik a ftiiii.-.n i- tt friuti I im df .
rwm.''li,(aiJnra ni stua
Adirmt, A. 1. (isTHANlrK.
UmI'u, I tit .
A few -aU of thunder I hi after II. A. llriilUni of Pa i -l y I in l!u
jfeiie. Dr. J. II. It.irr n diiiied fotlir Kol.-y
(lrn will be bountiful tin fall and
w inter.
Mr. I,. H. LuUiu hu n Itirnul from
Icputy I'leik Iturr I on the ick
ll.t Ply.
H-veral liuuiiifriiiit arrived on thi
afterinMii' t rui ii.
The pile driver of the H. V. It. It.
M here over l-uudiiy.
Win. l'rKton und rmnily vi-ited ut
( 'ot tune I rove y i. rdy.
(. I. Terrell, a merchant of T ha
niu, ( nl. I In (hi eiiy.
I'rof. Wllke I now piireha-lin; hoj
for a linn in I. inn county.
( 'oiiiiiilwliiin r l'nrker und I'l ikin
are atfuln In town t'luy.
N-veriil teiiiii start. d to t'orvitlli
for )re(oli I 'net lie fn ii'iit !iliiv.
Mr. T. J. Muey of .Sil. iu s'iit Mm
day in KiiKeue vinitlmr friend.
Tom Abrauis s nt Sunday ut the
home of hi parent In thi city.
('. F. Ilurlhiirt and II. D. Norton re
turned to Junction thi moruliiir.
Hciinlor Alley left fur hi home in
Florence m this iiioiiiIiik' ataip-.
K. M. ( 'ar'iiter went to ('iilllorniu
Silurdiiy iniflit on a Im-im- trip.
la-puty Hheritt' Duv went to S.utii
K'HI lll-t llliflit on nlllrllll bll-lne.
Dr. T. W. Iliirrl and wife went to
Monmouth on the l h-uI thi iimriilin:.
.Mr. I'nink llaiiiptoii returned home
from a with lio-hcn ndutive tlii
I'pilly Sn riM' 'roller went up the thi inoriilutt on n two
wii k' hunt.
Ht-veral Imp yurd pleke.1 nearly all
day yexterduy liolw ithtiilldiliK the
y weather.
ftlicjcwi!i Htori'H reiiiained
t.if , Kl linj the town a dull
ap arniKv.
Dr. 1
K. Jllllllliiell of I 'ulliit'e lirove
udliy In IviiK-i lie, retiirnliiK
Inline If
'lekilt started mi a trip Lit
till inoriiliiK and w 111 vi-it the While
City I fun- hi return.
Two hop le u , run by t'hine-e, in
Marlon eolllity, have been Inn tied.
Intviidiiirliiu 1 suHi li ..
II. D. I'aine a iielliitr a ciediicr of
the Kii(eiie I.ihiii and sviviii) bank In
the almciiii1 of K W. O-biiru.
I'. Frank started on a viil In the
world' fair mid hi former Li-t. ru
home on thi iiinmlny'- overland.
I'liele Philip Mil I key I now livim;
with hi -m in law, J II Harris, w here
he will In. pliiiK-d lo meet all old
Mr. H. K. Iliown i-liirted this morn
liiK for vlxil w ith relative at Mm l
er, 111. Mie w ill viit the lair I fore
she return.
We have niflve.1 a complimentary
ticket to the Portland Indii-triul c X
sltioii, whieli Uyln S pi. L'7 audcliKMH
tHt. 13. Thank.
The hop men lire nearly nil at work
picking liow. Ill the Kelieral opili
lull that the mill 1 1 live not iliiiiiiiired
the hop In the lea-l.
I'or the liif.iriniili'Mi of the public we
willstate that tlie next term of tl ir-
cult court for lame count v, eonvenen
In thi city on IM. H'l, ivni.
Five ( llilianii ll will lie deHirtel
from Kan i'miiclmn in a few day to
t'hllill under the lieiiry act. The ( hl
liee ure now ni.kiiiK lor further time
to re(tter.
A drunken tramp Mole a Inn ki t,
lantern and some lamp shade vesler
day at mime place ill town. lie left
the article near the comity Jail ami
thenhcril! now ha custody of the
The ItoM'liiirir iurth-lutii Iim-hI,
duciliK thi week, will l held nt the
Hal. in fair Krounil, until "lo'chs k each
afleruiMUi, to iiecoiuuiiHlale the Port
land vinitor.
Fourt.-ii of llulihard' l illeii have
Ui'n held lo await I lie aelimi of the
Marlon nullity itrand Jury in sum of
from 'Jim to f'sm for rvlctliiK t'hina
men nt that place rcivntly.
II. P. Orillln and wife w ill probably
return from the llelkuap spring, by
private imiveynnei', toinorrow. We
are sorry to leinii llitit Mr. drlllln'
health I not Improved by the trip.
The Oregon National llauk of 1'oit
laiid hu nuiiii'l liiirliu-. It I i x
i lel that the AiiiMWi.rtli National
and the lla-t Portland National Hank
of the same city w ill probably iiniine
U'fori' the eliil of the pre-ent week.
Mr. nml Mr. P. W. tMmrn left on
(lie overland thi morning for the
world' fair. They w ill I' Joined by
Mr. tMmrn' uncle, J. W. ( ledum, of
t'orvnlli, and K. K. IMuirn, of Salem,
with their wive, who will accompany
them to Chicago.
Albany IemiMml: It I Hcaln re
pirted Hint the (I. P. main eltl.-e w ill
soon ! iuove.1 In Albany. A mo-l of
the bllelllnui I done hen', and a thi
1 the center of the two divi-aiou, a
well a the dietribiitlmr Niiiii for river
buelu.iw, it ietrnnge it Wa not done
yearn ngi.
Mia Jean Morgnii formerly of thi
rlty ha wcurcd the cvivllciil" Mk.itinu
of teleKiiipli iiTalor at the llolel IS l
Coroiinilo, III Callforuiii, the luro-l
report hotel In the world. Iler si-i. r
Mla Kvelyn i exvl.l home from
San Frnucixii on n viit in a day or
Albany Herald. Hon. IL A. Irvine
and wife, and brother. Mr. It. F. Ir
vine, will tar'. on Monday f. .r Kitn
lirlliir on the Middle I ork of Hie II-
laiuelte for the hen. tit of Mr. Irvine'
health. He wa much improved by
b) to Mr. Ilerry'a pla.v on the
North Saiiliaiu.
Mr. K. II. Shm klell arnv.d home
on thi nfterni'u' .nl from an ex
tended x lit to the K.tet. She vNiliil
t liieao', St. I. and evral other
eaetern .'III.--. her lnt etnp
-lli at Kaiien City where
he the World Interna
tional S. S. convention. Her el-t.r.
.Mie M. P. Wiael,'lllpalli.'d her
Sunday W Iii.iii.-: Sam I.. Siiiiimui In town fn.iu Aeioriaoii llnir
Inv, I.Mikliitf -Ii. k a a w hislle, f.i hn I
tine a a riddle, and hi k. t Jo it
Inn; w ith tbf "yllow lv" of ciu-
IIH nv. Sam ha litt t.'.d with the
eiiak original. r for many month
o t know him any inor -and - one ,
wimiMii t know Jnuii. lie U Jut a
lii.-r n anvtaeiy tun ie.
Portlnin"l l'i-l. li: TIm-ii. iiium-r
of Dr. I C. Nrw.-aetle In the ti.-ecf
lr. 1. M. 1 h airnieet him f..r.i-
A... u ... .,.,. ...I I .. ... I
tin im.niii.g. Ho. i the end of a j
long caiiiiiik-ii of trouble U two it the I
tmu irti.-. in whl. li Nrwcviu- flrt i
g.4 Jud.-iiK-nt leu..! In,i.f.d:,i.
agn for .iBi.d.r, ainl the uit tint
..uo-heil a. a c,.t. r r.e. I,
trouble (Ci-w out of Uieinre rivalry. '
Only one week until Oregon'
li rnlin uiiivcr-ily reuiiie it do
Me work fur tl.e in w year.
Time are ulri.i-l.v e.i.-iii' up in
Line, (ininty. Mmiey i much
lie ire )! iit.lul tli. m it w.i" a inmilli
If coiiirre. lo nut hurry up
the eiiili) will liitxe tl.e liliiilicial
i(tietinll anlveil l f're till! Hicrmari
law in r' aii'l. t'oiifileniT i Ik
ini? rjiiilly refire I.
Tlie pulilic cIiimjN in tlii city
are uK'.iiu in ruimiiiL' oriler after the mnniiier vacation. Ku.'eiicia
pr ill I of her ih'IhmI tetu, it Ix
IDlf lit the I !-; 1 of the irH---"iun in
I ri-,' hi.
Full plowililj lia already Ixi'li
ciiniineiice.1 by the live fanner of
Line county. Tl.e rain will en-
III. le till III bl Complete thi ir fnw i 1 K
of rraiii tlii aeaon n fire the reg
ular winUr rain bepn.
1 lie .'iiiiiual ri Hirt of the i. A. II.
have Ixi ii loiiipli'tiil ami printcil.
That of inliu'.aiit L'eiu rnl hliuw tl
iiieiiil rxliin in ifm-l ftumlini; f
".'7, 'S2'i, a net ! in ineinlH rnliip
of tin; a-t year tf'2'". Durinj?
tlie pact y hr tin-re were TiKtJileath
in the onli r, larger tlutti any pre
vious year.
(.'lal.op county court lia orilere.l
that .1 levy of twelve Iliill'i oil the
ilollar I' m ule f.,r enmity purH.-e
nli'l one ni. nne-lialf UlilU oil the
dollar fir mail tax, ami live mill
on the tlollar fir kcIum.I tax. In
the matter of the 1 ) i ii(U l) t tax
roll of IS'Ji', thn time wan extcnuVil
to Sejiteinlx r, ISU.'I.
1 ho llilhorn I'cmocral nay
tliat while in 1'ortl.iiiil laht week,
"wc were in one of the hi'le riaiiii
of u 'liaviii) inacliiin',' uually
known as a loan broker' ollice,
nml it pariv, wanting to Ixirrnw
came in ami nkeil the term
lor money. 'Five per cent broker
age ami 10 h r cent per month,
was the a iih wir. The mrurity
oil. Tul fir the Inau wa valued at
:iKH. 'o bUi leariieil of n man
wh i ln.rrowe.1 fl(H) ami pail 12
tier cent I r m uith on name
one year."
I Jit; In-h hniiii' rule hill liai
Ixi-n ilefeali'il ill the limine of
l.onU bv a vote of 410 tn 41. Thin
vu exiH-ctdl by all thinker. A
hull-"' coinjioiiiil of men who till
wii'l Uxly on aii'iiunt of lieing lnirn
Hlinb could not Im' exrtei In !
ollierwine. Ilnwever, it I only a
iicHtiiin of time when the Knulii-h-iiii
ii of learning nml brain will
rif up en mane nnl h iiiuhIi this)
uiireire?eiitativf patheriii( of nu n
nho have no natural rights to rule.
( ila l-Uiiie i Ktill the Krumlot man
in nil of (ircat l.ritian.
It cox I IS or 20 renin a bllnhi 1
In hlnp wheat Iron) the racita
euabt to Kurojie. With a canal
iicroiH tlie lthuiu of Central
AineriiM it ttouM font 5 cent a
hindnl. Thi uieaiiM a pavini.' of
from f;:,(KH,IX.X) or I.OOO.WH) to
Califiirnia wheat iutcrit alone. It
nn ans a ureal aiMitinii to the cx
irt traile of Wa."iiiiiKtnu nii'l Ore
Hon. Thi'Mi fai t ami li(;urc. will
continue to render the canal a live
isuc, notwitlistaiuliii the misfor
tune which ha overtaken the Nica
rajru t project.
The grouml Umiii which the
hilver men in tlie nenatc ure will
ing to comprniiiiM' are mo.-t liln ral
ami fair. The clauno in VtKirheert
Kulmtitiittf for the uncoiiilitionel re
eal bill which ihvhircil in favor of
a .bimetallic policy amountisl to no
more than a Mump ietvli. Tho
iroHMlion of the silver men i to
eiiil their aiil to the pa-Hai;.. of the
bill, proviilinu tlie ilcclaration of
the bimetallic xlu'V containiil in
the bill were embiMlieil in the form
of a biiiilin act anil thu have
tmiiie force ii law. Thi would Ik'
uii act worthy the pa.-ae of o
iliguitiiil a Uhly a the I'nitcil
State cnatii and wouM Itrinc
nliout a hixnly ili-poriti(ii of the
nutter in concre.
S-akinn "f tho inrrea.e of rate
on the S. P. the Salem Journal say:
There wa no hfyoiving maile to the
ioiiiuiiion or to tlie people U forc
aRim; thi raise ami it i clearly in
violation of the law of l!S.'i which
m nlc the existiii)! rate just nml
proper. The Oregon Pa.-ilio will
not Man. 1 it. It will uk a full
hearing In lore the cniuinisioii.
The Hsple will not taml it. The
railroail company maile it fatal
mistake to ask any advance in rate
when all farm product are low
and bustles i T;e
Oregon railroad rommi-Moii acted
hastily in letting the rate go into
ll'i't ithout comp iling a hear-
The Ml. lloreb Alliance hive!
pasvd a scrii of resolutvnni pr- j
iding for tlie prvventioti of the .h
monetiiation of silver, VI r j
capita of circulation, that bank ire
a ft.i.lllikT IIXTialiee, that the C '.111- I
try i full of paii'rs. that silver l j
m ini tue.l in a parity of it. tn I, national bank U ulsii-!i.i
and lin ir eiirrency distroveil, that
the .vermin nt i-oie t.i ill 1,1 Hi. I,, i
tnl.f pT money 1 1 ! I".n;-d at
j r ii nt. and that ") r ipita
U' f. ri x i r, that in case!
coiigrif at II pr.nt se-iun fail!
it M'.ns Li c-miply ni1.-t.ititi.illv
H ith ti.e re.ilulioll, a coin-J
m;tti' if saltty U' to.
nuii. ft d' not l'- than 1 1 1 r from,
rai h 'uu"' u u1' t,l;l's'
piVf rtltnent and t!i-t the
of thi
. mi ni-t rati n and e-uun - l 1
f ,ro, , r,..j . ,,,.1 cum tin. gov l 5.-"l. M'l-t of the wh.-at from
. z i .It i . I . r . i . I
' TlHVvnX z to -a, I ,Miui:tt.'.tl.. 1.. re 1 sl.ipiI to I.a-t loitutid
rejT.-eenta'.i v.uf thi Jiple. 1 and that rate 1 -."0 j r ton.
Orrfua Knit.
The f .lh.wiiig i from t'oleinan V. or! I, of si. I.iiui", M't., tin.'
the hading agrieultnral .ar ofjut,
tlit Mississippi n I .Mi-oiiri valley n.,t,,i,l.r Khuore t.e.k out w-vernl
countriis: w of mIiihmi frmu the I Hill
"The On goi. !' t the world' ,"
fair have oh.,v.if ,1, fruUsellen, ft",
on the etr.vt crying "t ID re h k n.uiy fi)r ,,.
your nice California apple ar,! j)M einill,M,M( f day. I
pIlllllH,' t tc, over every lot of their . , i-harge of the engine on the tug
own state fruit, a-ked them hat ' ..l i.rt. M..rt Ldli having reeigiml.
.i. i l.i ih.i Tl ll.ri Tl.-.t.uin.r Flinor.' arrived froinA-
nan! 'tl
ii V so
Id I -tier.' Thi is UII i
exrienee cotnmiu eiiougu nun,
with ,
Missouri fruit, m hu ll i mild umh r
i-nri.... iitl.. but those Or. ' in-
inn were not a little urpri-il i.iei
disgusted. It wa ii novelty to
them und tiny wire indignant. In
truth, that state display of iruit
at the world's fair i- a -urpri-e to
visitor from abroad. There it no
sUte in the l iiioii ith it climate
Slid Soil adapted to greater Varieties
Mid so capable of developing them
to the hiu'hist perfection. Iler ex
hibit at the world's fair are doing
more to adverti-e the many excel
leiicie of that gn at young state to
all the world tlcn all the etcrt
ever made I fore. The visitor
can M e by nn arrangement made in
a novel ' und attractive plan n
weatht r-crop bulletin of the state of
Oregon a it is telegraphed from
the P. f?. utrriiultural department
weekly nml Hiftel cnnsiiicuoii-ly
on an inimcnse bl.icklsiard. At it
glance the condition of crops und of
tho weather can be su n Shi
tiient of fruit, vegetable nn I grain
from Oregon arrive almost daily.
In that grand state a epirit of en
terprise iri manifested by the ?o-
pl .intr dillerent irotn what char
uctcriznl thoso who first settled
ulong her ocean coast and wo may
not Hay nny longer,
"'(io where roll the Oregon
"'And lieurs no sound save it own
"'Yet the dead are there'
For indeed tin-re i not a more
live puiplo anywhere, judging by
the exhibit! ai.d the effort of her
world's fair commissioner. And
when we consider her splendid cli
mate, her wondrotiri advantage
nnd varieties we are awe struck at
that gloriou future la-fore lu-r i-o-pic."
The tM KipiMitiuii.
St. Louis Ill-public: San Fran
cisco i to have ait international
exposition in 1V.).". While it will
not pretend to comtietition with
Chicago in point of size or variety
of exhibit! or set up a Midway
I'l. usance representative of the
ii vol let f.inhions of all nations, it
will Ik.' an exhibition of the art
nnd scienco ol which thi country
will have no occasion to Ik-nshanu-d.
As representing particularly the
progress mid nilvancemcnt of the
Pacilic t'onst within b -s than half
a century simi the first develop
ment, the San Francisco exhibition
may well claim attention. That
part of the l.'nited State lying Im
twecn the Uocky Mountain and
the Pacilic Ocean i b play a great
part in the world' history of the
next century.
Peniis) Ivuiila Manufacturer.
Being asked uUiut tarill' revision
tieorge A. Maelx-th, the glass man
ufacturer, said: "I am willing to
go before the Way and Mean
Committee of Congress) nnd show
where the tariff is a detriment to
the glass business.
Thomas It. Atterbury, the table
glas manufacturer, said: "An
drew Carnegie din not care a
farthing whether the McKinley
taritl'or free trade i in vogue."
David 1!. Oliver, the iron manu
facturer, said: "Congress pledged
to change the tarill, and should do
o iuickly so that lalr nnd capi
tal and laler can get sett lid."
Hast Oregonian: On Dark can
yon, near Starkey prairie, sheep
herder report, a battle for life oc
curred a few day ago Ix twtrn an
Indian woman and a hungry U-ar.
The nuaw waengagtil in picking
hucklelsTnc ami left her papp.nise,
in n shady place among the bushes !
while she went almut her task. A
l ar found the child and started toj
carry it away, doubth-s cmeidcr-j
ing that luck had thrown to it lot
a very
ti nier morsel. Hie brave
squaw hastenul to
li... ,!..f...w.. ..f
her ollspring. and nttaeke.1 the
least w ith a knife. A tierce light
follownl, resulting in the nr wo
man's death from the claw nnd
til th of lu r viciom f'. The child
had already been kilhil.
Mr. lVrl'cr, the populist senator1
from Katisa ha introAluotil a bill !
. .. i . . i
crmting the department of educa-
tion under the up rviMon ot the
s.vretarv of tnluoation, who, within
thru years after the p.i.age of the
act shall cause to be cmstructcl a
co.'.ege of acietitltic learning in
which sliall N- taught all classic
and professional stU'lie. arts, etc.,
t ! known a tlie eientifio uni
v. of the ll"l. White ami lilne
Cros. The lull appropriates
f lil,te,ikHI to eon-trwl the iN.llcge
an 1 eight millions m .re i ppr.
pri.itc.1 to create al eii.Iowilleiit to
le' known a the s lentitic college
Ii) an editorial of tester lay' is
sue a tviogr.plii.'.il trror us
sav that the S. 1'. K. U. eharpts
jt tn or. wheat earriol to
Portland, wh -n it slmviM have rvad
Ploreiir Item.
Wel, S pt. II.
Tanner Welmllieil liollie l.y
, . . , (r.,, u Saturday
l.iria the llret of the w.i k w ith a large
euppy of till for the I lot Hill tniuicry.
j( t Suhlj.,v rt. rii.m the tug
; ,w,.. t. W.M r .M ,ry (ijiu rt to
e.-u. .-he had on l-nrd ale.ut ninety
lliiui and li-et of I mil r
t rum ie.ii luaiket.
fur the Sun
I uliurg Item.
S-pt. ii. U r II, ls'il.
Tl enw 1 1 1 1 : 1 of J. C. (iieelule ha
laid .die tin wii k but will reeuiue oil
Mm day fur a steady run.
W-ii. S1, Win. Itognit, O. K. (iiM
ule, J. Hart, John VuiiDuyii, and
lithe viiled Kugeiie ilay.
Oi r elevator I kept buy from day
ligl t until dark unending to tlie
win- d.
II i Klllr mid oh. a p lured.
SaV Fha.m Mil, Spl. K Clletolll
hoii e ollln-r had u lively battle with
opili it-eiiaiggli-r ut the Ihikluud mole
earl,' thi morning. One eiiiuggler
wa en pt li red and another prohtihly
kill. -1 , und f-Vaio worth of opium
eel., d. The opium wa U-illg lowered
fine the eteaiuer kuiniilii- Into a email
In when lusM'iiir Cueey nnd
Spr. gile, w ho were hiding Hear by, tie
luai lied the surrender of the lin-n III
the out. There wa no n-ply, nnd the
ine ictnr fln-d two shot fmm their
it-vi her. Henry Ih-ndrleksoii, n
Imih lllllll, Slirrelldereil, hut the oilier
mil' . n inelnlsT of the Itomulil' en w,
J ai ii ii overlsmrd, and, n nothing
elite - line btl'll e.1'11 of llllll, II I I. Iin U
he' aedrowuiil. The Itouiiilu wa
froi i Naiiuimii.
Ii.mii XXIIIar I III. .
I INIHIN, S'pt. H. Iji.Iv HelirV
Sir 'ret Inform the A-eociatcd Pn-w
Ihu Frnnii' Wlllard. the great leni-
r :nv ap'i-tle w Im h:i l-vii in Fug
tlllli ei.Uie molltlie, le etill ill. She i
coii H'llcd lo abandon all work for the
(' STIM K To Hul-K The Salem
Jou mil w rite up n visit to the state
pen entiarv, w here luo-t of the in
itial are having an easy time so far
a v ork gi-. They are rcuirvil to
mar -It an hour alleriiieiu nnd evening.
otlurwitdo nothing but read nnd
loin ge. Sa'iikiug of ('apt. W. W.
Sail iil. r, wot from Alhuny for life, it
savs: Captain Siiuuder I iiking re-
mutuality well. Attired in light cob
on1 troutr and a blue sack,
itli hair parted nnd putted faultlessly
inrrirl, lie preeelileil a verv llcnt III
iir nice for a liietlme prisoner. Hi
ii-ll : U model of lleallli-es, nciiilllUlo-
dill. . I with ehelv.-M, and tlie wall an
nliii ist hidden with photograph of
rcia" ivc ami rrlemi. luaud urouml
thi n il he sM'inl nioet of hi time,
nun li of w hli li i iN'eupied In rending.
siiii'idcr I nlwnv verv -iilliye of a
viiior' pn-cini', thoin;h, unlike uiot
pri"lter, he never ullow hi eve to
cab h the eye of ail olwrvel until ill
tnl Kill by n guard. Helta while.
away six year of hi senteiuv and ha
not i.baudoniil nil hoi, of sometime
n ga ning hi fn-dom. When n-knl
r. g.' rding hi ho- he n plied, ' I'liere
is li 't a pri-oiu r lien- but rciiliic the
trut i of the word 'Hii' spring eter
nal in the human breast," and lie
hoii yet to eoiue day bask lllifctlere.1
in I. tivcn' bright sunlight.
A Faii.i iik. Marriage not on the
-.oi: n- are nearly ulwnv a failure.
I hi New tell ol lliiui her cut: It i
ret .tul that Mr, la- Porter, in
.Mi- l.ily llclle t am, or Monroe pre
cinct, ha iriine to Hart unknown.
leaxing her husband U liind, who i
uid to ! nllilixt dietraeted over her
iilisemv. Thi i the niuple that ran
awt v fmm home not long since and
wer ' luarrieil ut Allmuv, u lin-tise le-
itlg refused them here. It I UimmI
tliai tlie young woman ha gone to
."sail, wliere her father 1 ut
pre -lit. Allot her caw of mteplaccd
con ideiuv, by w hich iniirrliige I sure
to prove n failure. Mr. Porter ha
heei i gone nilur Inel Saturday, we
lcar i.
V i i.i. Kktiiu:. Dr. J. II. Itarr and
t . . Mulford, who pun-hiieed the
Fol y hot springs aleiut two year ugo
ami who have lei n running the rew.rt
-iiii Unit time, on luvoiint of the
tlm leial depression of the pust yi-nr,
lint concluded to n't ln mid let the
imi . rty revert to it former owner,
Pel r Itimey. The gentlemen inform
u t nit they have lot nearly Ho.nim In
the r Inveeiiu.'iit. They have luade
hoe s of friend since their arrival in
Ian county who will l ptiiited to
leu i I that they have inucluile.1 to take
till- step, a they are lllet-clae gentle
me mid pmmpt in nil their hiieinis
alt'n re. Iloth the gi'litleineli will lo
cat. mi the coaet.
P.: I'MHAnni.-Corvalli iaettt:
.vtr .Mllieliu held over n large quant!
laeiy. ar wluat in the ware
nt MiUiM.' Ijinding, but he de
I to unload to some extent U'fore
'cneon'a enp came. He therefore
cd of Tinm bilehele to Mr. Fiw her.
Corvalli llouring mil;, at .Vi
ill the wan houw1 near Monroe,
tllindny of last Week he o. to
Frniieietii part le u'm ton nt Ul
J r bushel delivered ill Sail Fran
The grain I carrie.1 from Mon-
l I:
Jltl.llllg to thi Clt V bV sl.-ulllleiHl.
jlhel. v to it d.-et illation by ruil und
j iKi-na steamer via YieUlna.
i-.iiTie;.M.s,.,,t t.
At!u '"' '- P- Cuetleniaii. of
on and, w liile at hi hop farm on the
m.-i-..,,, ''V f'u.
.n, tbl morning ul.ut in ..'. l.e k,
had 'nh tsm.-e in ,t right arm, niut
u' xhv l-iw., n the wri-t and elt-w
.'1 '.ftl
the t y w Im I .truck hie arm. imelue-
ing '.lie n-eiilt. He w hrought
here -hortly n't.-r 11. sin and ir. I'alne
ttt enrin. Mr. diet l.iimn U .li
known her.-, nei.iing in iiupue f,,r B;
a nu nle-r of y are.
I'm'.'. .. : tl, sj.i i
I. KU'.r. I'kim.s se.uie prune w r i
l. lt 1 t tin uth.v t.ehiv w In. h are i-itur-1
inoii.. Hi. v w. re p, k.e fr.un n tr.-
011 I ,e n-e..-n.v pn.-rty of F. M. !
1. i.itie. 1 ,r li,rk-.-et m.-a.urva Tj hv 1
i-iii.- in i in uiiifcn-n.-r and i i on 11. -.-e. Iitevareof tl
ll.n mr;:iii tari.-lv
Tl 1 hi. Tivk. Tl
nn. -I at the n form .
O N- I. of Portland,
tun. lor tin- l-.v.
e h'tli ..y re-,
'li.e. e Matthew
i' l the third
ho 1 hk. !v to le-
O'lle l!lor..llk I, v n.-i'l.(..e to thr
,-of, l.
I ottn ." n.k'. an-
OLItaar; .
Mr. Cvnthla A. t r-'iier 1I1.1I In
portlulld at the toeel Siilliarilnil
tal Sa pt. I, ugfl 1T tear, 0 liioulli
a lid 11 ilu. She wiw the W ife ot lien.
F. Croiier', tbev having mnnied Aug.
"1. I Hl.
Mr. Cnmer leavea her imn-nt, four
deter, one brother, and her liuebuud,
and many friend to mourn ln-r d.-nih.
She wii a great ullen r for some time
and in a crilieal (oiiditioii for the pat
three year. Ib-r hiiebaiid did
all III hi 'Wer to relieve her elltter
Ing iiiiil n-iore her to health, employ
ing the le sl of ph-li lime ut lil com
llintid. Mrs. Croinr wa u guiial, light
hearted woman, a g'l w If.-, alt'cc
lioiiale, kind, oledl-'iit, und a true
frli ltd, und w ill I- greatly liiieM-d from
her home and circle of Iriend. To
i itA we commend the sad, U-rciiVed
liu-liaiid, w ith sorrowing friend and
Pllll.-nil eerviiiK wele colullli tul
by ICev. A. iliiiir from her
late reeideimi tit the coimty
grouiid. It I dillleiilt for ii
to live ill tin world w tlliolit eoiiic one
to w houi we can o'ii our heart, and
(null. le our eccrci of sorrow, nnd
on iM'i'iisioiie like thi where I Hie
friend we can le-tlcr eoiilidtf to than
tiod, the meet faithful, the lined con
stunt, nnd the most worthy of our con
lldelliv. And now to the end, 11 111 let. -d
ci'inpaiiioii we humbly liuplon- him in
moment of interior aiiguieh, when
the ex -111 e.l-111 elirollded ill Utter ohliv-
I to tlie will of hie.Makir. Ict
pnitie, injiirlee, eorrow nml liumilia
tiolle Im- a Welcome U Wi-re tln-v lothy
dear iiilllpalilon, w ho luil-s-nalttly
th" pain of d.iilh. We, tii, u
near nnd dear relative, il.i'ply
III nil your iiltlietiou; it i with sorrow
that we chronicle the demise of one eo
young, o I uutifiil, uud full of vitality
even the day U-fon lur death. It
would Im- hard to llml or in imagina
tion picture 11 more guilelee
or angelic creature n she wa.
Hut ! what n sweet conso
lation to think she 1 In heaven, in the
land where the tlower never lade and
where the dark cloud of eorrow will
iiev.r throw it shadow airoe Iter path
for all eternity.
Ib r death wa not In the least sur
prising, lor ill-, aee had fur w.liietiuie
In-cii milking liiioad iiu her frail
and delicate coltetitiitluli, until it did
it iii-liliuii- work. Anna' life wa
one of iu:inlfi-t simplicity, 11 it t-timu-die
and loving ile. a friend to nil who
knew her, l.alay li.- u the bride of
deulh, leaving only tlie Iran- of virtue
ho dn'ply implanted t here. Sbi-p on,
kind and gentle heart. Tliut (del for
w hom thou diidt eo paiieiti ly sii'lcr
all the ills nml iilllictloii of this earth
Im.iIi iHidily and mentally, lor ninny
long mid weary luouthe, ha wt-liiiuiol
t!ii- into Hi elerual und gloriou
home. S'ldoiu do we think of the
wonderful Hiwer wrought by tbeOm
niMteiit Hand of the Almighty until
tlie shadow fall aen our pathway,
hiding fmm our eye the face of loved
one w tins endearing smile wen the
etllilight of our very existence. 11 it
wen-. At laet, when w e take one more
look ut parting, standing guing for
the laet tune Upon the le-antll'ill casket
w hieh enclose such marvelous like
licnuty, we then think tin-re I some
thing in nature rule-. I in nil iniiiei iiii',
which se uks to our heart we shall
11111I auaili.
"We did lint sec the bright-winged
Who dure thn- joyously atvny,
We heard not when Ihcy 'softly
'Angel dean si, 110 longer stay.'
"Now farewell dear Anna, we w ill
Si' thy loving form again.
Hut mar lie tlmu will sw.i t ly huver,
Till we meet ill HellVeli'e renllll."
A Fiiikmi.
A Ihiuu'liter.
W.eM.i-,., S lit. !', .'1 p. in.- P.aby
Ituth has a siet. r. Sir, liniver Cleve
land preeelileil her liege lord, the pres
ident, with U leiuilcillg girl baby at 1'
o'clock thi afternoon. All doing
Ol Dr Muinc, !.., writ un.irr Uu l
.March .a, ls'i;i;
8. II. MKI). Mill. Co.,
I iiilur, iii'gof.
Oknti.kmkx: On urritiug lu.iiie last
Week, 1 found all w. ll mid :.n.ioiisly
waiting. Our little gill, eight nnd one
half year old, w ho had wasted away
to :ii Hiutid, i new well, strung and
Vigololle, and Well llcehed Up. S. It.
Coiiuli Cure hu dune it work well.
Iloth of thechlldn n like It. Your S.
It. Cough Cure hu cund and kept
away all lionr-u.-ss from me. So give
it to every one, wllh gril ling for nil.
t leiting vuu pneN-rity, we an
Your, Mk. ami Mks. J. F. Foitn.
II jmi lti m (vt fr.--h :.. rhrcrf'il, nil l..r lh.- si.fliig wurli, rlt-eli tin- in
lh Ihr llia.let-hr eu.l t o. r I 1111 , I jr tiln
Se.l.t iinl.-r tMMltlv' H'le'ent.-.-
) r. uu lef Isilll. 0) ., ilniiwt.'.e.
Davi Henderson,
Kllgellr (Iregoo.
Purity and
Lemoning Power
I IntsaigN ft tv)1. ht 4
l-.tt4 t Wnwil.. eTi.-4 rh -iU---
nll-r of C-li J-iul T
iu r.rr.qbiwurein eiaerret
lef ..Ifsnn.rlHfuf lf "3 I
IHT m ceee fr.f vf .tel. mr I
t I ' lt larv-. i nibrtbfia
llnetll-( cieil
a.t.ral fr.e.
Die.lll I lie lli.. .
tol le mil ., rill, ,.
on Ihe liiuoii i.ii
"f I.,
' r o r.,. ,M, -( t ,
w.lirtv Willed ape-. '.
which liulicatie ai'v ,.
inelil of -ultli 1, nt !., , ,'
ult. On.- mi,,, , , , M.
attention to .. ,; .
slight priiuii-.' 1,1 j. '
should prove t nn-, 1 , .
(iormall le ltn,vHr. , j , ,
a iiinipronii-.-. ;. ..
Illl la II In , . ,
with a ug.-. .;,., ... ,
Would le- li: ,,,,, .'
oil tlie pint u tl,, 1,' .,
'iil for.i e ei,.,i; 1, v , '''
(iimpniiiiix- w 1,1, i, 1 , '
11111 j't. I . .1111. -II, . ,
for tin- w hi!.- 1,,, . ,. 1
he le e r- .i.'.l v ;
Ihe W'll.ll.ire I;.. t , .
gel her W ltd t!., 1 ,
li-ll I'll.' ..f t,,. , .
the echnl. , , 1 .
vi ly 1 I i..:,., , .
many 1 ii . 11111.1 , ,
imiliriu 1 1..- 1, 1,. , . ,
il... .1.., .
.... ....... ,,, . . ,, , . ,,
the i. ' ! r 1 1.,. , .
wi:!...iii 1 ,
said, li. I I I! t,..,.. , ,
nild w '.. 11 a (,,
Upon tit.-, ,11, .;,,, , 1 ,
It i- al-o gi. 11 ,,i ..
and 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 . . v nr.- ,
Cet of ColllM..ll,... I
had nu nn ii-uo. ,. , , ,
f.-r ae r.-M rf .-. 1 . l i t t .-. ,
lied lt-.-..f eiU. r. 1 1,
Would sllp..iM
Faulkner did I., t
eeliatoi-e 1 1 1 : t ji, i,. , .
he woi.M ut.- j,,r I,,,,, ,
he eh. .ill. I I'n ,t 1 1 1., ,
ailieudllieiit to 1 ,, j. ,
t iding for thi- -,,
silver ilollale e r II,.
ver iii circulation vj, ,
mm, and for tl,,- r. t :
of deiiuiiiiua' ion- 1, : ,
'til leaders r . 1 1 . n!. 1 ,.
promise, I. hi in. . , .
of lllslillig tl .- 1; 1 , '
ion. The ;. r u. , ,
11L any : uii.- g. 1
ii'iiipn 11, i-- on 1 : . : ,
1 1 1 1 .j .. - ... 1 1 . 1 ; , 1 j , ,
way of,eoii,,r.iii,i-. ; 1 .
illiti.-tiliv foimuia'!!-'.
llH, i,.-, ! 1
re-al ! Ill", ftl. ; , ...
little .1 Hil.t a .- .n-.! . ., .
reM'lllllig toe J.,.-'! 1. ,
lime I. I 11. i d tii . i .
Ihe si. il. n 1-- -. .
table to 1 1 ;: ., : . ,
We-tero -iiv. r 1, . ...
le- H'j i t -11. li 1 ' :
On Ihe oth..r hand :, ,.
volt ing e,'.vr t . ,1 u,
ed by the w.-t. 111 s. I,.,:
eali-fy the eoitil.. in .;. 1
acil'tlipllllied dv .-.-;. 1'
Illl l-'ie of -laic I.-iii , ,
hardly prul.aMi' tin
would : 1 -tit I., a ' in;
lllg Colli s.j..s 1, a I-
tion. Th. ir po- nt
any po-sidnity of .1 .
the mere -n .,
Iii Id to an avalai.i !.
and otilv furtlier 11. 1
t I
1 . 1 .. lii-.i- ):
Journal sat l'i.:. ( . II. 1 :
the new iv elect. . pn 1. 1 ! ..: V of t Iregoli, I. i Ii
from Vie.i.iiin, Im- ,- o
naleli elating tl .-it I :-
lloUsclluld g.eel-, I,; Il U.
11 warden!-.- In M ,! . I.
d. -troVed l.y li'e 1 I a .! .
wen- only p:i!':i' , I:-.
M-riolle o-s -l:.l II I . .t I'.'
a inaiiy Ihines . -. -n,..!
Sl Al'I'Kul'l.l Ml' V
following in tl.e .!'!'.
priMii- Ihu;-: "Mo.. -I .1
that tlie Mini of .; ;
the eUlH l'ilit. in I. :it I' I. .
from Janet imi I'i:. ' I-
I.alie 1 .unity, the -Mi . I"
payable win h t '.. no I .
'.i i
1 1
farm, lying in I I' . 1'
mill -i of 1 .11. . . .
ill' -ai.. ilii- alo in. ii.
j.",!i.':.:;ii. it wa- 1 '
1; i:..
. r tl.
; ly
lll'tlt eliiht.M-.
tl. I :
Boot & Shoe Store
A. HUNT, Prep.
Will I,.rr.lf'r. 1-1 . ' 1 '"'- ' '
t .1 .... o : . ...I 1 1 1 1 1 r
I.UUII-S .Misses . in .
It II ' '' '
Slippers, tfhi:: ari
Al 1 i'. " ' "'
Mi. l.i.-. 1 4 1 ' ' '
my --iss-i .! ..- I.
my (oiid's a:.;: i '-
And -.noil.l'-l r. I r 1 '
l ..I t ..r tl f ! -' ' ' ' '
article cm le- e't r ..
lVaclical (.itm
1,1 :
c: !.
FMiin: Tn-klr
ii itiin: s"
lU i-iru.. ! i ' " "
Gjns Lo.t e L At" -