The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 26, 1893, Image 1

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NO. Si.
Xhe Euuenc City Guard.
I'liblUlirr ami Vr uprielor.
iKKH K 't'" Ktat : U -( Wll'asT-tt
vi s .i i' -ti'ini'inrn .'.
p.f n.iii
oil M'h,
Chi. Hitli.
liltr Mi l? Juioirn on
Tin bllir. will t charg! th. ful-
im iu thr mntM
'Jo. um. ro-nih
ltn.turt on jrwr. ......... a., tier, in I k'.I a.lunia
..W no
. ... H ll
IS uo
20 iwnu
lio. I Mth lmrti'n.
;Urtiaia; bill, will b ron.Ut! quart-rlr.
All job work inuat b. fill) ma o ntuvxar.
..iarwy ani CnMallr-it-Lax, and
Real Estate Agent.
llKl'K l'Uir, i.i.lL ll.itrl Kugrn.
Cl Kks. Watcni,Clir ns jewelry, E?u
y-llltVrk M'arral4.-"&1
McClaren Building,
S'.xt to Lurie Ci. HimK
Eugene, - - Oregon.
Fnirersity andSfrliool Books
frdT. lv mail filld on the lay of
T. tJ.MuM'KllKI,
S.H. Kai.v, Jb.,
( '.all il
U Haiional Bank
01 Eugene.
Paid np Ush Capital -0,000
Surplus and Profits, $50,000
Eugene - - Oregon.
A nnrnl huikln borfMM H.m. on f
.1. Urtiifc Night ilnfu o. NEW YdKK,
IjISIi, OKKtiuN.
Kill ul .icl.uu't nll oa forltn ooantriw.
tMiUrciTlubjw;t to chck or certih-
I'M. ul .Flit.
AU ailUcti.mi notnuUd to D wlU nclr
Apt lUMiiiiia.
Every Sack of Flour
Ak your groTyn,n ("T l,c"e
1"ir. If not what it U rfnvm-iitl the
nmiM-y will be n fuinU-d.
The Kujfi ne Mill have the Iatit Irn-pnivt-tii.-ntM,
ami have no u-rior In
the manufacture of flit-vlat flour.
All kinds of mill feed
to order.
UVI.J4 UR'-B A!li (iiVPtETr T-
II M tH .1.4 r.iKi onmiM uoujtil la tti.
, . j itaf:.ra:i o-.l.- r trttintbt bJ la.leX
Inclusively Iror CaIi,'Kc eLuru,!.
I can offer the public U-tU-r prici-a
"u maj oilief boue
Prtxiuf V'l klr,J avjnarlul
iS 15 OTTOM r ARTs
Atfoi'iie) -utL:tH ,
nn'in: f..;f i.i.-k nh 'f i .
"Sx-UI -tt rill m K-iv.u l.i (''lltH'ti 'D.
and IVtlut. ),iiii.-s..
L. W. BROWN, M. D.
I 'liyak-l.-iu Mini Suiiifnu.
Orti Aii.l ri'l Mi..H,.f.
7 to '. a. in.; 1.' I.. : Ui : . ni.
The Light Running
Also a Complete line of Duggies and Farm Machinery
see us before purchasing.
Th imt rutiiplt-tf rtix-U if r.iliil.T an-l Mow
t!u Willainrttf VullfV. caniril lv
Gity Property.
Tlie valiif of an invi-tm. nt in
mrrit whi.-h it ;mi."I'-.-., ami tin
Flint in why
Ih-M Iuv.tiiH iit in Kii'-'i iir, i-.Hvitil!y if
A.ljoliiliiK tin- rniviTfily khiuihU una tin- i lly lliniion tho Kut, uilh
htni t- ari, rlty wati r unl i l.vtrli- Unlit xt mllnu to It, it in
thf iiio-l n.nvi iili iit iiml' T" rly on the market.
N. v.r uiiii.l the w.iilli.r. rMVKIl.-ITY AIHHTIoX, U hlKh
ml (lrvnii.l iiatiiriillv well ilniini.1. I'ri.i- low, nn-l on . teniiK.
Call on or write t- II. .V hi rllne, Mip
Gill ft iin.siined day
gene, illiimcue street.
. rulriiioiint Ileini.
Pi!T, Aili:'.-! Is
The lent l"r the Kn-- MlhiNh-t
ralnl tnii-tin li:ii li-n 'H' l "e
ark. IlieV "III I'unuiiiie io- m"'
nit for thnv ii kf.
lUrr Itroth'-r's kni'e 'rk an
iM-atH in tlieir new l.iiil.lnii'. I heir
arrival will UMvM.nt-'l t Ii i- i -v.-iiinir
hy a iMH-ial ilaiin- in the H.T -lory nl
the hoti.
A iiii-vtiii'.r of oiii eitieiii will lu
lu I I next Moinlay i v. hIiik for tie- pur
tutv of iirniniriii' for the e..ii-tnii tion
of n oi'ti-w ulk aiol t.i.v.'e Inn Ion
cotnei lioii u it ti the lltli -tr.i t walK
in KukTiie.
Mr. Mulvuiiy ami family from I5.-M-
tmi county liave arrive. I n
)U-V. IfctVI.' ri-l-letioe. I hey Wlllfe-
iiiiiiii i. rinum niiv nne un- ymw.
ineiiil- r of t!it- family atu-m! tin- "i
Cbaniberliin's Eye and Skin
Acerta.n ri:' for Chronic oieEyr
Teller, fc.ilt K.ieiiiU. bc:i..l lleu.l, Ull
t'Lrouic S-rr., F-ur Sre, bnu,
lub. Prairie S-cratciie. 8r Xi''U-
an.lIMe.. It ii cooling an-l ootl..
U.lre.U..fc.W. L:.rc -en cured ly ,
MiKHII t.. At the r.-i.!. f.reof Win.
!mith in h-iknie. On-troti, Airu-t
l.3. t.v I!, v. I' It Ilurn. :t. Mr. J L.
T!iomp-"i an l M t t'a liiif. ail of
Huip-tie. I ir.-ifii. I ;. v In" the t--t
Wl..h. - .if numer.Mi- fru-li.U ill Iji
E iVvAL'BlD. Prc:r.e:cr.
sciKNii. srrl'r.I !.
Full Stock ot Butterick Patterns. r. ii. ii. in
PLANO Binders,
i.rts liniffrv.
Call and
r n-pairs in
Wilier d' Fcier.
jr.Tly .I- ih ilIs ujhiii tin- nutual
j.pcii hi u. ni'-n .nm m niv.
Pri'inTty U the
you wi.nt it U iiullful .lwi- for a lionie
- ne, i ir.
Ofthv in Chrixiiian Hlm k.
Fruit Lands
night. Opposite Hotel Eu-
Letter LlKt.
Aut-iu 17.
r.arneH. It
linker, O
Itrown, Myron
liilehaiiau, A H
lli-hler. LU.-hI
1 : 1 1 1 1 . . T I . J K
Itotith, Mi II i
MriL'ir. A "
),l.ll Mr.r.
laviiiiiri, i.
(ion-, Mr l.lla
llotiu'li, i: 1. ii- ii, John
JohiiMili, Mi X
I Mini ni:, Mri V
. rin. II.-, A I. I
llu'L-kln-, Mr.
Mellk'er, It ir(fl-
Mven. Mr-'t
Mi-. iriut-, 't
W MemtieM, S M
Xe mull. Mn M
.New limn, Win
O-lH.rne. Alex Ii
l'i..h, Mm All. rt
."paiiMin'. Mr L Southwielc, K II
."terlliu. Mr . J
Trine, J T ' Tu-k-r, Carrie
Weinlle, Ml- K White, N
WiKMll.urrv. Mi Mnv
Yen x. X ll Wk, Mr- A lick
A rhmrtr- .( i.i. f'.t .lit I- on
j . tl. r v.H r.,...i rft.i.i.g i.,r rf:v.ri w.i
K-.n lt"M Ml Cot t- (irove
Lea. lei: Ihf follow Inir r-on. were
ni iii.- r on Kri.liiv'p tatfi. f..r llo
ln ii.ia: l'r f. J N--.w-.-k.
AlthoiiM-aml W. I. of I'. rtlaml.
Mr. Mur.!iV of ( ulifornia aiol Mr.
j.le ! K. li e Inii Apphirate,
L. M. hii pie mi l W. V. Mar leii of
of '..u
up to Jloln mm lir-t T the we k t
pn-'t f -r K"M ifiif-.
l-..t o.rl. Aucu.t 1..
M' K ?ol I'.--herifT Xolati'l thi.
aft. rie-ii -M ! "'y .har.-n of tnrk
III the M. K' liie Wa'.ll Il'l Olliia
liy f'-r t'i f'-r the whole hit
to '. X. M. I." all for li'i. The
.!. k -1-r j r t.. l..-..r.'.- Miilt'-an. We
Uli'h r-li'i that the .!. k t pal'l Up
at thrtV- of tl'si .r .hare. j
r-AITlUUY, AFlllST lw.
inly out vacaut dwelling in Cottage
Oakland, Oregon,
llM Vol. si water
! Kive oleiiui winhI wtw. H-nitliif in
The Willamette l'nutiyU-ry linvta in
Xe next wirk.
! Itev. I. I. Oriver went to HuU-y
tin inoriiiuir.
I'n. Hawthorne returne.1 from Ya
itlina hay I:it liiht.
Mr. I.l.i N, lu of l'ortlaii.l I.
lux n laliv.n in Kii ne.
Con-iileruhh- eatarrhal f-vr la n jH.rt
i hI at Jum-tioii City.
I The eomlui-iorn on the train miv that
travel inen iullin now.
Walker Hom. an now in Oregon
I ny w ild uieir I.IK le n.
The crniii l turning out ev. u much
U-tter than waa ex-e el.
S. S. Speiitvr ami wife have rvtunie.l
to tlieir home at I'ortlaiul.
I'. C. Xolati I of Cnnwell lu ten. U g.
liii; to thu worhl'i fulr next week.
Mm. (I. M. Miller eipeet to leave on
a to San KranoiiH'o In a few (lay.
Miwrx. I. Inn, Yonin, lwavenut nn.l
ll.illeiiUvk aro expti-u-tl lumie thi. uf-
J. W. Hull and family will leave for
their home in l'nrtlaiul tomorrow
A. Hunt an l wife are eiieetml honm
from Hie Kal nlmut the middle of
next wi-ek.
Mr. I . Itil veil and ml, Coke, will
r turn home irmu the MrKi-ule limine
thi- evening.
Two M'himiii-r I.wIm of lumla-r left
H.iremv thi- Week hound for Sail
ihui I. Int. in hu4 I iiim-. I the I Hi nil
uareliou- at the deMit and will (.tore
hop In it.
The ( In-gou Nehool fur (leaf mute,
will reoteu for the next regular term
,N pleinher 13, IM.
W. ti. Ola-nnuer, who eomplliil the
l'.uceiie dim-lory, Iium gono to Han
KnuielM-o to n-niile.
Orvillo Simmon., known aa the
farmer.' allhiuiv-L'rniiire eouimittev ex-
l. rt, iangitin in hugi-ue.
Chinook aiilmon aro already l.-lng
ctUKht In the river. They
are wild to be extraordinarily line,
I r. CuKpor Hharplen left llila muni
ln for hi. home in Heattle, Wauli, af
ter a pleiutant vlait to n-latlvea here.
I'.t Text, (lUAKit coiiiHilor, went
to I'ortlaiul thi. mornliiK In an.wer to
a .uminoni that hi little baby I. quite
The receipt, at tlm H. 1'. depot dur
iii( the Htiminer .how only a .light m-ereaM-
from the juoit two or three
A muiiU-r of Kugi-ne ieople left thi.
uinmiiig for the river, where
they Intend eampii g uul until Monday
K. W. CIiiiunw', fiirmerly editor of
the Cot !(.' (inive I-ader, haa retunieil
to (iniiili 1'a. from an extended vllt
to Canada and the Kat.
Item, are very aearce around the
inurt hnuw and city hail thee dava.
Ilnnl time. m-iii even to curb the ilia
IMwition of the law breaker.
The find huleof ho mentioned In
yi-Kterday'. iwue were rained hy K. M.
Smith on the lieu. M. Miller farm, In
stead of by Win, M. Miller, ai waa
C. V. Iimler, wlftt and child of
I'orthuid l.-ut hint night In Kugeuv.
Mr. 1uiiler I. one of the iiroinlne i,t
Kid Fellow, i f Oregon.
II. C. Humphrey and Councilman
Kixher returiieil from Klorenue yester
day afternoon. They rexrt having
hail a very t-njoyablu
I'ay an you go, and In the run of
mouth you will buy leaa. even though
you may have the necewiary in
yiur hh'Ki-i ai an tune., tooiiomy u
the watcliwora Uow.
l-herldail H ini IUtv-. the caahier
of the Micrldan bank, 1 a dniinmer,
with lu-adiiuurtera In Kainta. City.
The devil only know, where Ituldrlge
in, or w ill Iw luU-r on.
Il-m-burg Ibivlew: The tiaranher-
uiiliu for the ihwehurg militia uouiia
ny haa not yet been reoeiveiL The ib
lay 1. growing very tlreaome and the
l.iy. are likely to put In a largo .1ed
klek ' anon. I lie other com nan i-a
were .upplied aeveral day. ago.
l(omhurg lievlew: Xegotlntlolm are
l.-ing . rfii-ted for the tale of It-hurg
liool Ixm.l., ami we umlenitauil that
an offer wbieli baa been niaile to take
the bond, at ur, with eight -r cent.
Inten-vt will lie acoepteil, and that the
niH-i-mary artic le, are now lieing drawn
( 'oudut-tor ( haa. WIImiu, of Portland,
un. in town tixlay, having come down
from Cnnwell where he ha. been
ing relative, and friend.. He will
leave for the Foley hot .pring. tirnor
row to Hpeiid a couple of wei-kn. He U
looking splendidly, uoii.iderlng the at
vere ufii hu ha lieen auhjeeteit to.
A.hland It-ronl: (h-n. K. h. A pi. le
gato went down to (irauta Pawi laxt
evening to remain awhile. Hut A.h
land will Ik- the Minl from whence the
general will commence hi. camiaign
in the great hattle of Annageildl.
HurveyoMJem-ml Ilyam ha. been ln
tille.1 by the eommiwiiiiirr of thu gen
eral land ofll.v that the .urveya niaile
by la-puty Hurveyor liuchanan, In
j tow n.hip 4 north, rang K west, In
I olumliia n.uiity have liM-n approved
ami after ) day.' notiee w ill I ojien
. to tiler.
Odtage (.rove leader: IU-v. C It.
' Fletcher ni t with a very lnful a-l-;
dent hut Monday, hy getting on a
I dor., which be uppom-d In I gentle.
The hore had never liM-n rode, and
immediately l.van to hmk. Mr.
I I-! leh. r Junipe. to the ground, and a.
'a p-i-ult u lining cane. fi' a prainel
'' ih"lep.
John. IL Atwood, poufld'-litlal clerk
and cliM-f likkir for Jamtj Kaznui,
the million. ire traiult inaiffiate,
.'idd'-nly and Ul-tly fl Portland
alx.utjulyl wilh'MJt giving hi. rm
1 plover any notice or informing hi
family t ti U-nd. If bl. iritetltioll Hi.
a.--oufit. ar thought U le cnkerl. A
woman utkr than hi. wife U ttviuglit
to he the n i.
Makkih. In Flin, Oregon,
August li ls-JJ. Qlhe rea,elicc of the
hri,e . mother, fTiliiaui 1L llernhardt
and I.iw-lla Owen.
mi: ii k om:s
A Lll lf T!io.e I. muted Tim lier'ii
terllllcale at I he .a-,t
1 Miniliintl hi.
Ml. rilllelld. llt Meetl II 1111.11,;.
aitMiit. lime, I.-.I ( u..ik
of ev.lnlli in. I It.- i.-.i M i- ..r ,.ll .1..
I i-i'-- ri'i.-
calil. mail. lor teiu In r ii 1 1 ilii-nl. ul
ine ni-i inain riv I'Xallillial Ion. Hut
of ixty-lic upplieanl- onlv tliirlx lu.i
lll1'de. III p.llliL' III
I Ml- III.1 i
alllllllltioll. The (i.ll.iw im; are Hie
inline, of the t r 1 1 1 1 1 : i . .in, :
Firt I ira.le I v a W i ntworth, Lin
llie Wytlc, .Nellie Whltliev, Minnie
II. iin n a , J,-i, I M.,',. .ni in,, r,
Kate Fairiiigtoii.
Snilld grade flail Smj the. I li:i.
Itialiliiim, A. L. toll. I iii'.l, l iiliiiie
WnllN, Fliun ( In!... n, Win. ;r.-.k-,
Fllllll l. SHMir, l.lllll I ' ., l ain.
line Illume, Kalle M er-, Yula Hus
ton, Ccllu Itollmaii. j. II. Iiull; r
tru.le I laru issl, J. ( I.
Kiligslcv, P. . Ia i
Third k-rade irpbn Wynne, Ilium he
Taylor, Ltvvn skagg-, .lam.s lional.l
"ii, Ira Ik i.'W, t 'arol J..hii-.iii, J. I ul
lerteli, Clyde Mahoii.
CAl'T. AX ll.vU.NK !(I!S ".
He I. tllrged to llaie
Money I nder rul-e Preten-e..
AlUiny a llciald: Th.
i iipitiiu an Ai-tinc IhiIw 1 1 1
again, U iug m .-ii-. , i,
money under faU- pret.-iis.-s.
iii iron
. ne ;.n
captain and iiiioth.-r iudi i.hial of hi
str!H have Is.-n osrat ing in ll..i--City,
Idiiho, a-iiiaek .lis tors, pn-teml
ing to llilr.sliiiv mii i-lliina . nr.', hut
the troill.le conn a from a side i.s i:i
lion. i-.ti lln te ariHi .l In AI
I -liny HU old geiitlemaii w ho i-ave his
lianieas .Newton A. ( lark. He had a
letter of liitr.Nlii, ii, hi limn 'apt. Van
Alstiue iiddn-sM il to C. 11. IUii kliurl.
lie also priMliie. d a oluinlii.,us I. a-s-from
the captain to twenty n.-n-s of
ground nenr this city, on which he had
paid r'rl mid hud aiimil to pay a like
.urn at the cud of the year. It tran-.pln-.
that the captaili has no laud in
thi. or .'rluirs any other counly, and
had given the gentleman al.a-elo
laud ow hy hi. wife, fi.-in whoiu
he I. separated. Captniu N'ltn Al-tlne
ha. made all e,.ll, nt nt it it for the
.-uiteiitlury, and the sooner he arrlv.-s
at III. lleslituitioll the heller oil' the
wol Id Will I.-.
First Hale af luiri nr IMi-t.
l-slljr l,u.rl, Ani.KI I-..
It I. proUil.le that Lane coiiiilycan
take enslit for the tlr-t hale of' Imps
Jilekcd in On g, ,ii for the m-u-oii of vu,
I hey wen-grow n by Mr. Win. Miller
on hi. hop yard four 11111.-. I low town
and Were purrliii-. loday by Hi...
Mci-kcr agency for 'i t n-tits a hiiiiii.
The extra prl.-c was paid on u.-eoiint of
it l.-illg the lirsl bale ill the market.
Ni-.-ii Mneed. of Waltervllle, Usual
ly get. Into market lin.1, but la. k. a
few day. thi. tune, as he did Hot colli
mence 'picking until this morning.
The hop. In till, hale an- of splendid
iiall(y, heavy, and full of dust to the
end., l.-ing .ti.-rior to any piekiil last
year. They will l .hlp. d by ex-in-wt
dlnvl to luulon, ami ilou'btles.
will Interest limloti buyer, in our Imp
- as-
I T Took. Just oiitsiile the world',
fulr ground, noine l.v. wcru wiling
California i genuine, not Oregoi.
gniwn) .-:icIicm, .'ars, upricot. and
cherric. and the little fellows were
loudly crying their wan- "
California fruit T' " 'alifornhi la-ach-
!" Calilonilu i.-nrs!" The On-goii-
Ian. aj,proii,-lie (In, liy, i xiuniniil
llielr fruit, and assured llieiii It wa.
grown In On gnu. The l..y. said It
might I.) from Oregon fur all they
knew Ihey said it was from Califor
nia for that made ll sell U tter. Then
the w ise men from Oregon dug dow n
in their Jean, mid brought up some
.hilling two-bit w hirfi tliev
gave to the l.iy. with the umlei.tuinl
lug that they were to shout "Oregon
fruit," "Oregon i.-ar.," etc, during
the remainder of that day. Tha boy.
tried their Iiiiil". on the new iiroisusi-
tlon and the result, were astonishing.
Pi-ople who had visited the fair and
wvli Oregon . Is.-rli-s. hurl i, nit ural
display o.-nis their eye.. "What,"
saldthev, 'Orgou fi'uit! Well, we
must trv Milne of it -it looked so Isnu-
tlful at the fair." And they did try it.
.-si many wild out their sb. k. mid hud
to n-tiirn to head.iiiitrter. again ami
again for more, and up to last ac
count, the Mclfsumc Isiy. w.-ie crying,
Itlght thi. way for Oregon isni.."
Km. i. IUi i ivi ii. Portland T. lo-
gram: Havnl P. Ihniuiaou a n-sigua-
lion a. fi.s ner baa not a,-- pl-d.
Whether it will I.-or not dei.-mli) uioii
the event, of tin- next few day.. Air.
TlioiiiiMiii did le t hau l Iii a written
n-siglittlloll In Jiiil.-,- Steam., but It l
known that he stand he wa. ready to
reaign ill eav the court Wl.he, lo ae
.niit a .ucci-ss.r. Ills further under
.tl that the present r.n-iver is ai-ccpt-ahle
lo Judge . -teams, and that he will
not cohsM.r his re-iuiiutiou uiil.-s
there I. iii bis mind uliiimlaiit reason
for ll. step, in that direction mii.l
muni it I h ,ii t In thi
far no pilars or
formal w it y, und so
a tltions have las n
fll- I In the circuit
i-olirl or ball, I. -, I to
the Judg-.
Plto-I'l III I V T Fo.liW. This is
from I!.,- Sal. in I ml. a mh iit : The
....... i ..... ... ... . .. i
f. . " . . 7. . . ; 1 , "
' ' . 7" . , ,' , i.
, . i .i . m ""ii will Is- hidden from view. Thi.
the channels f trade that we will s.-e ,, ' ' .. ' ' ' ' "'"
themi.t pr.-l-r....s tin... that have!."'1 .V0- 'r1'1,, 'I'l"? 11 7
b..,, -.n for I.,.--. 1 he l,. king up of ; r"r '"'-"'l the abU-rilion of light.
money Is ,s of Hi' 1 1 1 -v that capital
1st. will try to nini.r by active lim-t
lll.-lits. Ill view ).f till, outl.a.k It !
deenhsllv la t er f,T tln-w hoeaii bold
their w to do sj f. ,r higher prio.
It-ttcr lime. ar- sur ly coming In M",r
of anything t.'ml ruiisn-.. can l. Tin.
wa the rxs ru in.- of ll,,- w ho w. nl
thniugh the panic of 'T I, and it w ill la
th. t of th"".- w ho go th rough the panic
of 'M.
i Camp MutiN'i A enmp in.stiiigl
I. In prMr. at I n.niM.iinl, i-.iii.lin ie. i Vmiij ... Anna l.
by the I- r. M- th-sh-ia. I he in-, i.i.k-s Xr. ItiuiKiju. Wm. Ilager, aged
w ill continue uiilil . pt. ml. r al. All 'S er, w bile operating a arlfbluder
are cordially liint.-l to alt. nd. mi hi. falh. r'. f.rm f.nur luih west of
( r.--well Wsnei-lity aft.-ni.u, waa
It! rK Kivi.h Minis -A htt.r fmiii ! unf.tuuate einMiirh lo run Into a yel
Ibe I'.liie Kiv. r mil,., iiif'.rius us that 1 low J. k.-t m-t, aud aie of the bora
a ri Ii .irike has is ri m. k-;u the Im- I - ki. k.. bun ..pian-lv on the n.av
ratigo .haft. Il.ework l- now la ing bn-aking itl n. Scarbrnugti
Q.he.1 on thi. claitfi ! w.s calU-t 3td Wfssd the wound.
Tlie lUrrl-bur; Water IHtih.
H.-irrihurg Courier: F.. K. Finnev
. r. pr,-l.. nt f 1 1. pnnv . ar
n. , AlUiny for contempt
of i .nirt ami w.- piaiiil iin.h r .ii
U.II.I-. to ap.-:ir at the 111 it tertllof
.-..urt. The . hatg.-. alleg,-.! I. that the
i: i .,
""ii mi i..i . liking w lieu mi in-
i h,.nui.. .... i.i... i.- i.-
oil hilll. I-.. I-..
Ii...; .... ... . i .
niiiiiii I'o'niiT, i m r. I p-
ineveis iHin.l.mai,.
At the siime tune J. 1, Kelly, the
eoiitiaet..r, has n notice w ith the
tlliiTs (,f I In-1 imiiv, to the i lliit
1 1 nit he has com pled .1 hi. work exivi
Mi.. .Meiiii.-iihall pn-M-nts hiui from
d g ami nks nr a llnal M-(tleineiil
w illnn ten .1 ts. The coiitniet price
of the ditch Is 4:i::.; Mr. Kelly a.-
know btlgi-. (he r.-e,-pt .,f P"i,-ji;.:,i Rn.
now- claima n balainv due him of
f IP't.i.'.
Ill answer the Water Power I'.i l.s. n iiotiivwilh Mr. K. llv ami each
of his In. n. . in. n, tu,t . fr r ,,
ahaudoi ed the work nhd that the lat
ter will U held rvs.mnsihl,. for the
completion of thcsiiuie. The compa
ny allege, that no iMirtlnii of (he work.
so to sj. ak ha. I. vn done according to
the i-oiilraet. The contract .llpulnh-.
, 1 1, ..i i in-unco snail lie m I. -el wl.le at
j the Is, II., m a, I ,'UI fivt at thu ton. The
niu.vr or tliciMiiipany state that in
some the dit. h . onlv I
17 feet
ink. are
in sonic n
j nearly n-r.mliculiir.
( It now Ms-ins n. though cxi.-n.lve
1: . i . ..
.win n 1 1 . are i. i.iro ine coiuuuiv.
i iicu- u a cause lor all this trouble,
inniv i. to niame for all thi
iiiniftvssury exs ii-.-.
Jllli i thill ( lljr Ileum.
! Tlnn-s, Aug. I'.I.
'!, ... . ...
i nrce i icviiior. nn in Irlin to
ccive grain. A large iiiliul.-r of sacks
have Isi-n M-iit out and wheat will
soon roll In by the thousand.
The liniils r U I. ing nivlveil tl
ii k for a new rcsideinv for F.. Iloyd.
It will l. built on the loLwot of Will.
Sherman . rcsidemv. The building
Willi., iweiitviiiur bil Miiare with
a kitchen llxl'l. W. 1). Mu I key, ol
gnavry faine, ha. the contract and
coluuieliii-. o.-nillou. WeilliisHlay.
I.. K. Mi. has wcun-d a .mI(Ioii at
"mm ru a. car insi.-ctor and re
pairer for the H. P. Co. He .inrtcd
I hiir.lay to go to work and .aid that
nothing could ever Indili-e him lo
iiLiam throw up a wilarl,-d railnwdjoh.
He will move hi. family shortly We
dislike very much lo mv thi. family
leave and lio.. they w 111 find ll plcaa
anl in their new home.
( hu.. Mel-'arland ba. t.-cii n-lieveil
of hi. Mstlon nt the il,-sit. The com
pany Is attempt ing to run the road
w illi as l.-w im n u. is-ihU) and are
cutting down CX a Uses on all .Ides.
Mr. Mel arltiiid I. the t.s.1 t-mploye
the company ha. ever had at till,
place be Is ug.s.1 clticii, a gentleman
on an imviisIoii. and we ar aorry lo
note thai he w ill proluilily leave town.
Klorritre Item..
The We.1, August sh.
Itorn, to J,. and Lucy MorrU, by
proxy, a ll miuii.I l.iy.
Mnt. Jamea Falrwealher left, for her
old homo In iViinsylviuila on the
steamer Monday.
On the flM Sunday In Hciiteml.-r
there w ill l. a meeting at Hurd'a ball,
Hon-uiv, I.Kikiug to the organization
of a t'nilarlau w.-lcty.
J. (. I trow ii haa returned from hit
trip to Southern On-iron ami Northern
Ciiliforuia. lie slut.-, that Florence I
g,s enough for hi. .-riiianeiit home.
I he 1'n-shvterlaii Issird of nublli-a.
tion ha. m iiI a library for the Hah
Imlli M-ln.d at the Pn-sli) terhiii church
al Florcniv.
Tug Itolmrl. returned from Astoria
Thunebiy, l.arlng tweiity-llvc ll.bcr
nu n and nlmiit the Mime liumla-r of
( hliiain.'ii to do service for Meyer A
Kyle during the llnbing M-awin.
Hon. Ocorgc Fisher and Clay Hum
phrey, I. ith of Fugi-hc, Lin
s. niliiig a few day. w ith the ir friend,
h.-n.. They bs.k a l.sik at the Cai.',
went nil .North Fork, visited (ilcnada,
rowed (.ail. hither and thither on the
Uy, and withal, w-eineil to enjoy their
short outing. We let them go away
Thursday, exacting a promise that
they would aguin come to Florence.
Fell From (irare.
IU-v. II. Sudlier, of Hulley, Idaho, In
attendance U.m Hie M. tli.slist ivuifer-vu.x-
In action thi. wwk, at linker
City, got drunk and went on a tear,
visiting a bagnio during the night.
The next day Methodist brother, gut
together and promptly tired hini out
of the i-.ii! r. n-inx- and thechurch. IU-v.
II. Sadller'a action has rauxed much
comuieiil and .urprlsc, a. It waa not
known that he im addicted to audi
An I-Vi.ii-sk.-Au annular ecliMe of
tin- mm w ill occur Oi-iols-r , litct. The
palh. of the annual. I. -Ing In the Pad
lie isi-an, and running through Lima
and Peru, ll w 111 ap.-ar a. a partial
,-i-liiw. I., ll... u.-lb... I...I, V..t.
., ,.VsL...Vi. V..7.V:. i . ..7i ' .V. . at io n a. in., ami will con-
tiinie till IJ:V,, at meridian. To irel
a g.aal view out- should priM-tire a clear
pi'iv oi eomiiiou glas. and .moke It
ov.-r a kcro-ne lamp, through which
you may ,k at old brother Sol as hi.
hwe I. I. iug bl,! by ai.u-r Luna. Aland
''"' -'- ' ".V. re.1 bv the U....II,
.or oii.-il.lrd the entire aurfiu-e of the
Ill', II AMI IlHV. The whr.ilier
Mary OilU-rt, which got imt of the
-haniiel lust ili.ide of the lr at the
mouth of the SiuUw river last week,
mid went on the noutli .pit, I. now
h.k'li and dry ami l-eon, the hlgliet
ti'l.-.. she i. not Injunsl In tbeU-a.1.
.-he will m pl.i.s in the water again
by her ow im r. a. a.n a. the iieceiMry
.(.li.uee. ran be irfilalneil. Not a vr
s. I has ever l.-ru lt at that lairt.
1'IKK AT l.0Mli:..
X iNflllng Hiiiiv .tad
Centeiit. I)e-
l.:.r l.uanl, Auj.ul
Yeterday afteruisill, .U.ilt Sit'eli.-k
a nsiidelnv at (i.-hell, forinerlv o win-. I
hvj. W. Matd.-k, but rts-ntiv i,iir. 111 Mr Kniill, I.. t.d
i . i nie ir.iiu
nei.s'iivo Move ,is-nii, wan i,-tr.iv.
jed with inm of It. content..
The house wa. iMi-upiisI bv C F
I Klchiiiond. w llo n lu.rl i..., ,r 1. 1.
i household ettivt.. Mr m.,iii. I...I i.i., I g.KNls .tiinsl In one of I he
Mollis, and w Ith the exception of .
ergsiii, they weredelmyis. Mr. Kl. h
uioud wa. iutendliig In vacate the
hou-In a few u... The hss. will
reacli to f wiihmit any In.
A. 1 Itoney'. genend Inerrhaiiilisi.
tore I. .ituatcd alsiut i f.. t ent of
the burnt building and cscn.-d de
struction by n-ns.,ii f a favorable
The gnu In the vicinity cnught fln
nnd a of men wen bu.v until a
late hour in the 'putting It
A Cilirrr Cure.
A patient In a Xew Yorkcanc'r h,w
pilal waa accidentally Ima ulat.-.! with
vlru. of ery.l.-la. aeveral
A. the disease progressed It Wa. po
liced that the witl.-nt's calnvrou. con
dlllon linproxid. I'hl. fuel ugg,s.t.s.
lo llr. W llllaui T. Hull theadvlsnhilny
of liiiH-ulating other .illctit. w ith tlm
polann of cr) -.ia-laa. Aix-ordinglv m':
eral i-am-a were act aarl, aud e"x-r.
uietita were l.-guii and carried out by
lr. W. II. under (he direction
of Hr. Hull. The liiiH-ulatloii. were
made not only on llciiU .iill'erlug
w ith carcinoma, (commonly known a.
cancer), but al.o on other, w ho went
tillering from sarcoma, which I. a
much n ion- malignant form ol tumor
than the ordinary eain-er. The rcult
In Mb case, were very sti. factory.
For liHNvulatlug purMssi-. a pure
cull lire of the .trvptocci.-u. waa limit.
Of the case, of carcinoma alaait 'St i.-r
rut. were n-.irtc cured, while In Hie
sanvmalnua ca tlm reaulu were
even l. ttt-r, allowing aa many a. forty
i.-r it-iii. oi iiiom eXM-rillieulei Uhi
i in
have I .-con io well aud free
afl.-r the
attack of ery.l.-laa.
A Man Meeting Nnccrated.
Kl. (ll'AHli: The IU-v. Dr. Hush-
liell of CliataiuMura, Teiin.. I. at nre.
enl In our city haiklng over the Held
for the luteinicd in.i t ing of the C. P.
chun-h wuiie time next year. I ran
aayofllr. ItiiNlinell that hn I. a most
worthy Kciiile man and a devout work
er Ii. the cause In w hlcli he I. t-ugagiil.
mill have learned of him durlmr
year of aisiuaiutauco In Kan Jom, Cal
ifornia. I i.-HiM-ak for him a warm re-
njitloii on the wrt of our .i.plu and
a lu-arty i-o-oM-ration that the amenis
oiy iiiav meet liere at the apMilutct
lime. I would augge.t that our clll
u na meet lu mas. mu ting earl r next
week to consider thi. ImiMirtaiit mat
ter. i:very one should attend lr.
llu.hliell'a nreachlmr next Snmlair
morning and hear one nf hi. able acr
noiia. Yoiira, Ac..
K C.Hviitii.
Dal la. Tranacrlut aaya there la war
among the native at (fraud Hondo
not exactly among the native but mi
the domain minlicd them bv Cm-lu
Sainuel. There la in the of the
ag-ncya white " hiMiliimrin," who
mil long ago, waa brought on fnim the
I'jwt, On the nwrvatioii I. a young
brave, w ho would lie taken for a w hite
man, though Indian IiIikhI course
through hi velua. A deep Irleudshlp
spnmg up bet wi. ii the M-hi.dma'ani
and the young brave, aud thi. friend
ship ilce.-hed Into love. They were lo
nave been married last w.i-k; the
house waa furnished Into which they
were to aet He down Into baiinv. doin.-s-
tln life. Hut "There', many a alln
'twlxt the c-uii and the lln." A brhht-
eyiil, KMy-cbi.-ktil maid of the foreat
apiMwra uimiii the acene, and Friday,
with the brave that waa lo marry the
w hite woman, came to Italia, where
the nuptial knot waa tied. In coin.-
quetice the a-hiMiHiarm wa. Interview
ing Ju.tlco r Icld. at Sherlilan. Satur
day, and aweaiing vengeance on her
Hi-ntiKM Dkatii. Corvallla Tltnea:
Aaa Alexander airlvetl In town from
a aeveral day' camping trip on the
Headwater i, r the I.ui klamute, ten
mile alajv the Hoaklna .ietoftlce and
bring, new of a Hidden death that
occurred while the arty wa. en
cam).! there. The uufortunato inaa
wajuhn l.lnderman from near Iw
l.ville, Polk Co. Thuixl.y afU-mi.iii.
I.ludermari, Aaa and a number of oth
er, went laack Into the hill, a couple of
nine ui cut a bee tree, reluming late
In the evening. About midnight Lln-
lertnan beeaine violently III. aud con
tinued In L-rilblo iln until acv
eno'cliM'k the following evening when
lieilleil. lie waa an estimable young
man about thirty yean of age, aud waa
married laat Christina, day.
Okkiiox City Htvlf. The Oregon
City urchin .port. In the Willamette
in cheap ami plctunnipie bulbing atilt.
The .mall hoy l.v. a Hour aack from
hi ma, cut a hole at each corner of
the elowsl end for bl leg., cut two
other hole near the top for hi arm.,
slip In Id nude body leg llrst and
tie the crop of the aack around hi
own crop. Ihu.. with an Iuiierial
null branil mi III back, he dive Into
the water the people of Portland drink.
liallrUuaM, AuruilK
ItoKiai Fkaitiri.I). Mr. K. K.
Mtil. ahy, Hup't. of the Oregou Pacltlo
railnad, waa boarding the niornliig
south bound overland at Allmny ou
hi way to San Francisco Wt-ducwlny
night, when he fractured aome of the
bom of Ida left hand by getting a
udden wreucli. He teli-gruphed
altead aud Mr. Paine boarded the train
wheo It arrived at Figene, and
dreaaed the Injured baud.
Horn CovraAiTKit. Hanlshurg
CiKirler: "More than &0,tM pound of
the new crop of Imp have b..-n con
tractetl here thi week by Mr. Xci, of
Kugvne, and Wm. Fat.-r, the Allny
brewer. Among those w ho .old are A.
(iant. J. C. Tlbbita, J,t. llartholomew.
and Menem Alford. The prl.v agre"l
upon I 14 n-n3- rVven lit. w u. ad
vanced for picking. "