The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 05, 1893, Image 9

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Hil nin, it )
Nut lit ih ti 1i i A l HMt
llr k -l LiM if 4""'i "
A-rrv'tni Int hi fNti.wiM, Kin O
f,r ili-tl lit i folk- nr know.
niotirt it) t In-ill I Oi at. Q
"Hi. thut.
An ft.l.
1 ,iir j.
yi I IMI K
mi mi litnri mti lew
In ll u: r Uimmrm
privv ru'iil l mi rii.:ii,t whii
t.iif' l iiiitii ir tun rv uiiai
1 hrrr mn'l im ,rii " itl Nm k
r i Jill I 'mi I Mil Ni k nm .mi m iirb
- rti-rr n Kittioh t iilirr lh-fi
r i rttlt-l lulu Nit k Iimi r.
r rif i li- kflill il ill-Mill)
1 In t. W Iii-ii lir frll like kin it
IUi .! we'll tliftJiVM'-tr fl-J. I ft M(t
Thr n-it -li hf urn w hi hhmI t It M ht-vi.
lll ll Nt k aM tliftf. mi k Mli-I l.til
-Vi'n'il liki tu ii htm. i ntiicr1 fry
Trrni'Hirtt lii if i H who-m llmr: In! til;
Mmi -nil mi nil III n r n hump'
Ijio-IkI r Mi n liik'lr n f it
Mrwnci-r Ihrtl li'm lrt-lt llrk.
An Hi tif mi tlm I i mi Ihi) Hi Nh k
A If I u i-itiiinl In i if M
U Hi nil h -." I II ttrt-vin-! , (.''
-Mr. M 1- ....? in I in nut Krr t'nM
Three month more nt eight" I
forward In the Lig armchnir-the only nr
tale nf 'nit- cori.fort l it my xiriv fur
1,1.!,,. I rix'iii -in.-' '.aiked t i. 1 i I v nt the
v.-1 low n ml i. - ,., irr. on I hi Mull t -r
I. ton, I ii i v t;idy Inhle Tliry tix mil
mig'ihir mid iuly lur n iniiiiiriit 1'hrii tlii
i.iiip rhmik't Into n rvlihli mil
Hi it .liinu my rypimlN. nml mmlr t hr (linnr
h:nr In il U'kly ifinrr Tlir lUiin-aon
tltr wmII uitrr wnvrml. urmtimlly utpw in
i!:-tlht. tlicll lilrliilnl llitun lirlltrill lilol
tut I knew I w i c hiiij liltml
I iviTWorK. tlir ilrinl.Miiu inrntnl toll llml
f,-t. iiim llir lirnlli. Iimi touihwl tlir will
(t.,w. of m wiiil w ith itrni lliiu'i-m, iimi
thr wliHr Iri-t itm qmi kly u it liirtiitf mi
ti,r rr titl pmir I'lmi innutlm innn if
f.-ll' 1'lint tin- limit the kllli'l Imt
kiiiillt (irii!i-l Iimi linwl Thrrr moiitlm
tl I c.nlrrlniil nf vnini of ilurkni mill
i!iiir Kur thr tlrt timr I rr:lir. tlmt
lit lifr - f iilur I cnrl tlir tiifl,t
i. t tii'ly Hi it Iimi won fur me ilitnii'tniii
In mv c.illi-L-r rl;in. I ciironl tlir irnlr nf
ii. T irnV-ir tlmt li'i'l rnc.iiir.iL'1-.l mr to
t l.r prohu'll w;ilc.,f my p inm tint hr
i'i!U t iiil tD nif Hit-U-l (iri-K mil
I. ii:n M-lmlitr of n I ln-.iirt rr
,r. n. In oil t hr .iiinnl urn t h it hn.l I mr
ti iiu-l'"" i-;i' 4'Iiim) tiMi-hrr lowimr
i1 it I... I i nrt loll nt tlir Imr I
lim'ULt mul Ihoiiitlit, n I n'arr.l into thr
iirnv liilf lit lit. till nil thr unlit Ir iirrrr of
my l' ly winnl to cm nimlr lirhnnl my
tl rnl'I'IMK r li.ill Thi'ti thr imn
.l In mi m;iiiiyiif mrntiil torturr m flrnv
II. nt ri iwiii "M-niiil lo Irrmlilc mul I
threw mwlf tixii thr fl.Mir
mi retn u hr in troiililr. imilrwort'
Slnrtlnl hr tlir oi;:nl of a vnur, I nl.irf
Krrnl tu my trvl lti'l coiifrmitnl thr
'I kii'H kril nt Tour iloor. mul not Lcitlmt
mi iii.niT linnir In nnKliiiuin.rnl ' .My wu )r )lnt
I ilnl not rrply I wn miurml mul in
fn.etl hy t hr InlriiMoii IU-nl-. 1 Ir Mm
n iiijii whimr io-iinitil.-iiiiv I h.iil iicrr
"Ilk'hL llr llllfl irrallrlllly li'. nim.f
from me. nvuiilMl mr nir(iurlv I ihoiiuht
Hr wan tall nml rtihiit, Willi n maivr
L in I Mix lir.inl n full mul hlitrk. with
rlrh El'.. Imlii iilivr of line hrnitli mul
k'n-Mt viinlilr llr wiu ol iiiirtTliiin Hi;r
pit lift)', I kli. inhl'r llr l-n.l r.-i.lit
in M fur live tear., mul i it timr
I:, ill l.tiilt ii n liiru-' ir,utie hiiioiu Ihe
li.wrr r:i..e III n Hrttnilt of thr luwil
kii.iun n ' 1 i 1 1 1 - Ii ' Kit Mimr
c.lllr hr wil m. h-i Jl i I y iMilr.irwet
"'t.iir ei arr t ruiihlinu yon," lr M:n
tout muni, imt iiuiiritiki mv iiiiitriunt
'it iliivvn." hr anl, nml U-fore I eoiilil
.r..trl hr li nl k'eiit ly forritl me lulu my
cli.ur nml turn.. I my l.i.-r to thr lanii
I'Kht Therr mi an lntmit' ilim-r.
then he ml 'An u. um mayuivr )onr
tiilht. Imt II r.iniinl lir ilrlnynl "
A uriMt liojir ir,iiiK up w ithin mr Thr
dr.irr fir ile. tin Ilnl. mi. I thr ilmtnrfrmn
'Ihitrti II. timn" from view to u'lvr
f ' lo h inrxiriiurr from heaven In In
I, ilulni.rliH I w i wll.l Willi mul'len Juy
Ti.r wnrlil of llnht won l n-t lie iniiir. thr
h .'nr moiinlmii mi l the uol.leii L'ralti tlehla
of my home, mv mnther'a lace, mv lai..k.
ml-mul I l.n ke into a lit of lnn.-n, al
luiclil.-r na I urie-peil the d.a-tor'a!
ami canMil it
"I have no money," I .aid, rrcolln ting
nn. elf, and for a moment a tidr of Iiok awept Iwtck and obliteralnl my
ti. w lairn oy
"Hut I have, nml that la w lint hmiiftlit
me here tonight." I)r Max thr
nn!r Pack from tny hot w ith ln
c.a,. tool. I hand and pre re. I loii and
raichliiuly into my achinu ryra
A alnphler ahmik me The Herce recur
r.'iu ah.a.kK of h,. ami fear, ileagaiir nml
J'.y. wrre too tinn li for my a, rely tried
lierxm A faititne.. waa cnrpitu over my
lie.irt, hut I clutched thr arm. ol my chair
with a jrnp thai forced thr on tny
paluia lulu red rnli.'e. from which thr
hiiaal atrtnid ready to atari, ami waited for
tr.y iraiiK-e viaiti.r In pria.-e-d
"l.ike all mankind. I mu m-KUIi." he
m;, presently, w ith aiinet lauuli 'I w ill
k'.ve you the money Willi whkli to aave
Jfmif a.k'hl rriiaa but I have a ilt-mnud
to make."
'Im oil." exclaimed, prtillautly. aa be
(if coiirae. )ou are not aware of It, hut
I am a very pmir lirrrk m holar. lu f. t, I
never waa very prolh.iriit lu the laimuafra
"ii in my colleu-r data I hinr in n y
p,..e..,)u a liirek man liavripl of fifty
pi... or ao thai I pu ked up w lule travel
ii c in ihe , a, t aome ye ir. nn" I know
r.'.::.;i.k' of it. hi.iory, aavr that it w.-ia ai I
to Late la-en amoiiK the pluu.ler ohtaiiird
l' C'.iii.tahln.r in Ihr trmplr at Ik-lphoa
it la trry t i.u and I haie uetrr tru.t
"I ll out of my Intnl. Iw.mi a I I,
Iran. .at um of ii If )m will umh:
U.e ,,rk I will pay you '
'What:-1 jelled, aa I Iraueil forward
on the nl.-r of my chair and ae.tri.ued hi.
lo n- if he were not in j. .1.
'I w.ii .ve ton tru dollar, a pik'r.' h-
"l.t on i,lirtl)- "w It ll r. atr,i ! olia "
hat iu meaur"
1 n il )ou TTn,t no (x-rax n to are either
mantis n ..t or the t rau-l.itimi. and ti .it
ui. h r i, i cln.iiiii.tan.-ew wi.l y..u tnn t .e
r-m.i. i. nut ,,f y..ur ,',ue.i,iu. ur hero
a.':rr Ita coL,trti'."
Ia-ceptr.1 wtll I lu ha.le, It !
lar-.l.-, i MV ,,,! (r vij r m
e'ev to rn.oti.,1,. th.,l am lilterlv Ul.:il,ir
dr-ril I.,,,,., nftrr,.i, fr
hut atiil Ir-mml niy hiirninit e;e
my hra.n w..a l.u.y A pl.ihtoin
I'-a.a awrpt coi.-ta nl : y in rev ew The
leiu-m of tnr lire. -a a.pi.aia-t t..k lrand
''''il t Inu nitrn i.e n.iiil.-a K-.r h Tira I
"a-r.J io a T,., .ji.nry p.:,ii mtnrj
Kf ta I1UH1 nil ea ,.f 'Itien-liriJ e in
' -'fi ill in) tr in,,i ....-(. a .l.i; .r
'"I tle.iiif mr mr I w a. .n a .1. j
"here i.r--..-i n..,.r. .tre'
"at oil either . I. .r Intn .ii r p.r I . -r i rlt J
" i' t .!,a, f ,r,.i n i,, re rrrt t -.1 ;.e nf
" " J nr I. a.ev the k'.v. the
e :.e ,t. .. t,.rt area. .....!. ..I.
""" aa ' ho. i-i. I I,, ... I. ,.l m,
ll Ihr .,),) r: it n '! at.ll " Aa i
" I ii.,,,! ot.i-e. t e. in tl.e
o't lleiiin.l mi a font . from
a .rii t ..rear n.r ai.loar irrini.r
l.-ii ii.
a r.
tf.e inn. .,...) .. ... i.. ...
I al-p;, a.l le. an I theo I U
aa-aii- ah-nldrrrl ID In J a. rep I
u.rtj mar uauui arrt.a that r,e fn.m
"1 ar.-l a:, u,..r.....ii 1 .ira
I .
aV-ruw i
mJ mi! Here aud ll,-r raj au. J
"lr.l lY pvb 1 ,uroeJ Uir-r ,1,,,
i mr lainn oaf
Knle. wi!hnii(,u fmr trlri , h
u. .., ,, ,., r, ,,1M,, , ,11(r ! np) t
.ri.. oi my li-K.,(ni, nu,,,,,,! ,
r""!'l Ii"! I. ft on .in r, U., ri, ,,(orr
'"' I '-'"J '-'"' liiim-t imoe.1. n.hrnr.el
I. .ii.l Hi. ., an.l l-lkr, to ,,. ,,.
ai .iii. r a. O, iiner. uhlil thr tir fjr
"" ' lui.l.rmr, fn.m
U" '' " '!". llirrii.t.,1, wkr
we.r.l n...iy n miiltitn.le ..f grt.j arm.
wave. mr a Kr-t -an.l I , t
tl.r ni.iv of tl,r.r.. t tr.,e.iin mi in
l ,w, ami MTiHf morniiirf .uniixhi mnkin,:
iii mil m.a i mi in,
A ..n ki.k-r (mm llr Mm bmiilr.) to
1 ' l'er A ru 1 1,.., ,
im h III lliliknr., f,. from th, i,,..,a,.r
wni.iiiii. Ih lnerli he.oy i, i.nlrcotrr
rain with thrrr (ura.lrl lir.i
l.all,,, l,,, lifly ,,rrl...f ,e.l V l.n ll
mi nt Tl.r h.-rt. wrrr hanl nn.i hrutlr
mil (-.irr. in,.,Mtnu. k.rral m.-e Therr
w.11 no rvirnor )niu.,. Imt knrw llml
the manii., ri.t w. ci,y f nn ohlrr
work It mi In arly lirrrk. nml thr
I'lamt har n ter.. many of Ihein olmolrte.
lor. il thr r,,inliiM,,n ( t.t my tak wmihl
not l mi r.i.y our Their wa neither
T.-f- nor mi r,-l,iiti,, The llml pnr nhrii,tly m hexamit.r, a mraiir
thil wa iih:imr It rn.lnl on Ihr hint
'aea.nhriiitly a it hml coinmrm-nl
I ilnl in .t wmir prn-loiia time roininriic
IniS my work, whn h pnitiiieil utrat fan
rn, il ion fur me The rri err lire, the curl
oil v w hirh thiin-hcof a l,t ar nwak
noil r. i.iii mrwan hut thr natural out
Kr.iMth of niy lniilioph,iiiii. fop.trrr
through yrar of Ktuilr mul nwnrrh In thr
o. I lam;uiii:e I ton, hnl the failril leave,
with cnrr.ini! Iinml. nml for a hnrf in
trrallrpH-.l from timlrr I hlitrk h,l,iw
that Iniim over mr. I for,.t thr immiM.
re war, I, nml thr il.x-toruf "Dutch ll,ittotu'
'" lo mr. for tlir moment, an though lie
linil never liren
It wan noon la-fore I knew It, Inn inter
rl Hi thr hraw houml In k, k he:, I mr to my
work, ami itiimiiiilfiil of reMinr, niiK'.uf
thrilinner l-ll I kepi on Hour after liotir
I wrotr. until thr rlmir nlMiiit my tahl waj
w hite with Ihe.howrr of leaven
I l,e iirltlinil in:,nnwr:, hail lirrii ihr
work of n Helphimi pnrir, ami wa.
.u n. to her oilier. It w.n a Irr.ttiM on
llir oruclr. Ihr function. (,f the prir.lly
onlrr. thr .rrrrta of Ihr leni,le nml the III
calitatioii a-l!a ll aiu In thrrr iarta
The llr.! fifteen pace, del, I the rythmic
liirn.ureuf a mm-iii of llnlrvnluililr la-nil y
It wa. mi nppenl to thr lil(lii-.t Intellectual
(xiwi r. of limn -a Ir.iiliiin ntntiit thnmn
out to iltaw him to n con. ulcrai ion ol Ihr
iin-M-rii ami tl.r niikuowii Tin., id the
urnviliiiu llftren pmei. emhraceil. In
pnw, a treiitie on elemental my.trriea,
tlir y of Inwanl purity Ion perfect
know leilur of thr Kiilillmr nml ihe control
liiiK fortw In nature The remain. Irr of
thr.lrank'e tome, until it liroke ahrupl ly
on thr lift pai;r. ilrtailnl llir external ami
purely leremonial rite. reiti.itr to invoke
the Hpiaarance ami control of elemental.,
Ilieir complete nuhjuijatiou. fur rvil or
for kihmI. to the rule of the ma. ter mi mt
Vra,il up. fnacinalKl iimlcrthe .wll
if thr I took, llir lea hour iiuheriliil,
ami Ihrilny ilnvl with thr ml .ii; of a
ktorin Huii; in the rn ky My r. vex
wcrr w.ilen 1 1 Ii Ihr hour, of application
lo my ta.k. The 11,1. hinin mrr the IiIimhI
kliot ml., like r itiopicftof Ir ol Ilnl I kepi
j mi, otiJy at Interval, to nhnt out
thrliuhl in, 1. 1 ihe w hile lilm .nh
eml over the pupila hail parl away
The n im iiihr.-im-r of the i-;fchteru hour
j npriil at that .tuilytalilr maihlcn. mr, even
at tin. late iluy. The mircrof cotill,clihi
' enmtioin. the iim ert.iiiity of liopr, the lie
pair lorn of a iln-a, of a life of ilarl n..,
wrrr lulleil into n .inhlrii lii p I h;.t Mire
, w it Ii it a inch! imirr more r,u kinnlh in Ih.
. p.i- ion that pretnli.l it. I wa. ih.ilne.1 to
: III) chair hy Mimr xtrmige -,er llml em
an.ited from li e hook Ti.r lamplight,
ful 1 1 Ii i! tipoli thr i.iam of my woik. took ol.
llir t-il ulweiii r ol noon, i'oi heil the
ork'iiu. of .ichl iinlil Ihehlue line, on the
p ami wnvenil iinilrr my weary n n. then entiirly. ami my nl.irinx rr. Iiaikcl
tie! ilely tiitonpaie
Ni Inn hut my linlomitahlr will mi
talm .l mr lo the rml I waacoiicioun that
the fcerrvtaof a prir.tly rai. wrre. mmr. I
rem linl ilown thr atfrw, pu.t the criimhliny
Klonea of Altica ami the mind tiiotiit
tiirnta of Macrilonia. Into the very hhailow
of r.irn.iii., nml tore the veil a.un,lr
that aliirlilnl tl.r krcirl of tlir l')tliolir.
from the miillil inlea that lna,le her haunt
their Mi-cca criilurlia U-fore Jiulea ha, I
known the Nazariue What wan moilrrn
tin o.npliy ami t hr lea. hlni;. of a
to the mn-li. that wrre w ithin my unvuf
All aollllil. of lite had la-el) ll. lulled lor
honra when I reached the Inal line. Treui
hliliii under thr pre.. ore of run. t . ma held
III i I.e. k I w rote the dual word mid threw
myi n aanle. Aa I ro.e from n y chair a
fai lit ur. aeited me. my brain reeled and I
knew no mora
The aonu of a l.lnl. the creaking of
wheel ami voicea lu the atrrel frll on my
ear with no.iifti.rd miirmiir when I re
nliicd my aeiiMK It waa broad daylight
I walkeil to tlir w itulow and threw up the
a.-1-li The warm mind, rich w ith thr per
fillnr of the alltllllili wiaala and frlda, Waa
like a haini tomy in Iiiiik hr.ilu My hliael
throida d lienely IhroiiKb my hot t enia. Kv
eryibll if .crmed I waaati aiilomii
ton in thri-i iit.-rof a painted lmidM-aN9. Kur
Ihe l.rat time in my life I ca.lnl for and
lira ilk a heavy draft of brandy I fell
aa ei-p nk'nn. but only to hntiKarrcurrrtice
of Ihr dn am torture of Ihe previoiia ulk'ht.
Hour after hour went by, until llnally I from my at uiicomntcr. cniiditloo 1
Jii.i a-, etrniim fell I awaitr.1 Ihr coining
of thr il.irkin-K. w n h frvrrlah luimtiriice.
for lue curae of the manuaenpt waa upon
Hioti:.! I Imt thr arcretl Wl.y mllit !
not prove tl.r w hole thin lo la a cuiiuinif
I fraud, or. If true, place myarlf In piraea
' .1 ail of a Hiwrr that would bend lo my
w i.ti the fori ea of natiirel
I could nai. I no loner (irn.pni- a
ariiii.l hik'hl Inmp and a itnitraipir earthen
w..ter lktliefrom my laine. I ru.lie.1 into
I the lnM ll waa inlen-ly dark, ami Ihe
wind w:tari.ni4 The alrrrta of t hr viiUk'e
we.e near.y ilrrte.1. and the few -ople I
nirt wrre pa.d uiirrrok'hiAe. aa I hurtled
on. iiriteu hy mi,le Impulw. And
y.-t alatve Ihrchauaof my tboutllita. I felt
II t nil t.raiii waa clear
I p.iiiw.1 on the aiiiiimit of a hill nnt.ide
tnr t.wi ami lunk The hk'h'a
Iroiu t hr 1 1 1. .i.-.- do: le.l Ihr tow hacker, mud
hl.e f ir .-.1 w iniilliea. a aim. k tl.a
hour. Ai.d the aound camr flimtin out of
tl.r rli.tancr. we,r-l and u i.,iiii To Ilia
,-.: a ti iu red l,nr iiiAii..i n. li.irm.a.
t .11 i the day w aa tw houra dead, whiia
h .-Mt up it f.ilrd into a taw ti) ai.rlrou Waa l.wt ill the V ,a,lll of the X--llltb
1 or wind lu tnr road.. -ir tree, the dark
U.-.a. t he at riif' ph.-r.c pher.O'i.elia nh-t niy
own ..;tii:-d mental cot.. l.tioD in. p. r.-d
rue w :i h a ."t of iu.rr.r f or an In.taiil
I ; ikht of,ii my ate;, and tart
fr.,r v.ifti.tird. and tiirbing my Iwt upoa
lue I -.nieit m,d l.hta and la-li la ond the
lill. I !-i'i h.rd on over ti d i.ty road
tu ii ' e. 1..-1 nar.. y !a-f.,re me.
M) l! .ht li.ue I . an ril l wi, en I at'e!
,:n ii tie w .... of a ill a-r'el .lor.e
f.un :i. in) .a r it and l.iml.riK from
w .nn, .a in a i.) I.r.ken j:.t.a in fori 1114
an et. ! ra ii e 1 nr tn-', remnarit of a a, at
t, re. ..- t had 1. riat .-'i,' rti I he a! ru t ure
over lo ...1 . t :.r t 'ore of rxnort a! ."II and
of aa. reti a..-,M' l.vl la-n hll.hetl. the pni
p.twaa now a w l.,:r tiiori'inirnl of de.ia
tloll. w hi .r 1 1 r ke. a.ard of Ihe rrumhilhlt
ork'tu waa li e p aKrouu.l of aa army of
In tie o;n apve bef.Q-he altar I
p va.1 tl.r pnl; .: iliat Hy iTr faint l.l.t
of Ihe Ii ,i. I lamp I tr I on the lar oak
II nr i , in ir w.ii, water la.en from a mo atream I l a 1 c-4a"l C'ol.f-irfn
ii. ti.r.y to lue li.atruct.oi.a lu the Orr
n.auu.r.p. wkiib I t.aj Lrj-akt w:tk a. a.
ami tan.lini witi-in the hal.i nf raolam-v
ca.l hvthe lik-M tn.i.le Ihe circlr. I pre
wre. Q tl.r i.r.leal In an To
I rv;ruirl the fti.t wonl. of the Incaiit
I n.iili.l an t.ul th. re wa. no r
N.liv M-.i.trtiii.,: my ilry ll;, I llltere
the hmiii.I i tn tirim-r , ,r
' " lri'ue th lu h.ipH-l,e. 1 l-r
flume ..I Ihe I., .I t I ii,,, , hrl.r. kl,n,,
the cl.liiinei lop. reina n. -l .urn...,,, ,.r
ii lii.i.ii.t. an I then .,ol rv. im.-. in
Iiornnl h, ,k-.,t r. ;eai.-. the w..r.., n i.l
thr II .mr n ami f. II tnrrr I. in.. I i.e
M-ii.e i f iire.ol ami lear ilcerti.l me I
.r.- I. .11, r a. t;.e w.u.U i,f , t.n. k
pr:,. e-. I,-,; fr,,,,, nil tm.uue. my u.w
lirat .irmuiy, m) rier) f o n.iy H-riui-li-ii
''""el wilt, ahiiormal v. nor, ami eirrv
.Imp of hl.KM iii,:H from my heart wa.
tiiliil w l!l Mr
Suil.leiil) therr r une thr ru.iliiu of k-ar
uieiit. an. I thr ...mi l of f,,tfali Jii.i
yomi thr circ.r A whi.prr floate.1 from
thril.oir I. .ft. ami out of thr ilarkne.. a
low.i-t ine.inly liroke from the h'li.!iv
or.-an pijie. Siiril llii.-er. .wept the kci '.
until, umler Ihr nun; c ton. h they
the mil. ic of a man h to wlunr iliapaoii.
niaiiiille. a thou. ami fo, n ih an
iiiiMt ti army marha;r.L A iliultitinle of
er liaike.1 down u,u me from the apace
beioml the oriinn.
The lamp iiui the pu.pit ilrak htirticl
with woii.lrrliil hriliiainy now. The hare
church walla h i, I ,li.i,,.r, tu Lnr war
to limn 1,- .pair, eopei wiih the elr
llirntal h,t that I ha.l ilmmour.l. lir.iy
hmlow. k-ioiiiHil tlieiiiM-l-.ra ta-).iti, the
circle. They were Hull. um , an, I the fa
cial line, of the.lraiik'el) h,l.-.l rrenlion
M-eme.1 to hleml wuh thr aurroun.liii
ethrr It wa. a iniuhty, .,i.-elr lnt.
Thr triumplialt.inr.of thr orn in crnr..
tint for nu in. taut, howrvrr, ami then
awellril forth acalli Hut there w a a lire.ik
In the womlerful harmony Ihe uiiM-en
Immla that tru. k, thr ke faltrml. at rue
Kleil vainly to catch thr lot chonl In thr
majcMic inarcii. then, in an ac.uiv of ,h.
pair, tuailr a iliw-onl, ilevili.h in it. rrrie
w ililue... ami the Mink lower ami
lower until t.rokrtily it emli-,1 lu a moan.
The wune drr, that hrlil me when I
atinal on Ihr l.-ioml the Mil ice
liyht. eie. mr now an the oryan topa-.l ,
In the ili.lam rlui ta-tai.-u tluuhie liu.-
of rlemriitaU a ili.k apiear. Knun Hie
lull color ol Koman K'hl it fa,e.l Into a
pale pink, then 11 t.a.k form, a face wan
tnoliletl in l! nmertnin lllil aa It ilrrw
near, ami then oh, (iial! I m la-yoml
thrciivlr my counterpart, my ilouhlr, my
antral cif. taiulloii with oiiltr.-l. hi-.
ar:n. ami MirniK. al;lillr.a e)ea, apa-al ;
Im; lo me fr help' j
It waa more I him my hralll cmlil etuliirr
A fearful weight waa prra.iiiK on my trm
p!-a. I helirrek inaliuv r:i fell from my I
lirrvrlca hiiu.l ami I Kro-l hllmlly fur
iipiMirl. I fell that I wan f.illlliK. .parka
of lire I I a-fore my rye. thru ali waa
The atateiiient of Ihe faithful nur-e In
Wanl Cof M. l't hrrinr'a
ratr.l by the rr.nleiit phyaici.-in, 1. ih.,t
forarvru Wia-ka I atrilKtflrtl latwrell life
ami .lent h iluriiiii an attack of hraiu fever
At the eml of that lime I awakrud to
com ion. nca lo flu, I mr ranye of my
vialon lillr.1 w ith a faint ll'ht.
I wna totally hliml Thn lliiurra of my
left haml ha, I ali Ihtii amMilnli. at the
exoinl JiiiiiI, thr reult of a wvere liurn.
the ho.pital n-iple aanl When I Krcw
tron rnoiik'h Or Wr) mail, the rraulriit
phy.lcinii, rr ml i ir Una note
I followed an, I rra. -Iietl you Jii.t In lime. I
rcureil ta.lh orik-lnal ami tiaii.lallim. II) the
II mr )ou are ai.le to r. n.l Ihia if ).iu ever ilo
lahaillaiuu the raiihr. Ihe nnuiry ta .ut
J..-I lo )..ur ot.l, r In Ilia tatiik at M . Vour
left hull, I Ml parti) ouUlilr the lit. In.
Imi. .Mm.
tiw.rh'e X McCain In I'utalnirn llullrtin
Itilaklll Ilia I'.nglnrrr.
Very few a-.,plr are aware that John
Ku. km, In addition to hi. brilliant ln. rurv
work, baa on one im t. mi, in, nt lea.t, pla)ei
with remarkabir auct-c.a thr part of a
j hydraulic riik'inrer Thr liih.ibit.iiiia of
Kilkim.'. a littlr viila.v lu Suaarx. not far
from llriHhtiiu, had for a limit timr ureal
dilliculty In ohtniuiiii; an al.-iiiutr auppljr
of ilrmkliu water A hilly K-itheriUK
Kniiind w aa near, but nature arrmed to have
' intended Ihr water for other local it lea.
I All aorta of exa-.ielila wrre adoptrd lo
arrt-t ibe moiiiitain atrrama, but our after
another proved a (allure. It tiapiM-iird
that Mr Itu.kln ocraaiotially rl.itnl th
diatrict, and the idea occurred toaouif laaly
llial he mik'lit la- able lo naai.l the villnitrra
lu llirlr dilliculty Ihe reijueat waa a
atralik'c one, hut Ku.klii) la-yau lo think
w hat co ild l dour, mid In the end devlanl
a a, heme w hich haa Kiven KiikltiK aamiicli
water aa it ran ever bop to cotiaiime. I
Manche.ter Courier
Ilia C onrrpllon ul lha Almighty,
A certain Maine three )ear old waa
Kreatl) imprraw-d w ith hie mother a teach
lliK-a coiirerninu loel a majraty, mid MiuHht
lo know mole rr--ir,liin, Una ureal la-in
"Ika-a he l.aik Ilk fuvver, maf"
"(III, UO. LiUraa not."
"Well, who doe he lH.k likel"
"Uh, not like ah) laaly you ever aw "
A lew dayi alterwrnl Ih n.o.t borrfhU
liM.klnit old tramp that tratela came
aluiichititf Into the dooryanl lha liiti
chap not a Minim at the vaitruil over lh
w indow aill. and after a comprrhi nute
Klauce ran (ur thr kiUhen. acn aiinn
"Ma, here your O.xll Here a your
The wnlklni; terror certainly didn't look
like anyibiUK that bad cotu
iulo lb old'e ciprrirno.
Lcwutoo Jnuru-iL
Tha Iraiilng uf Trlralhy.
Pi-w ai,,lf wotilil 1. apt to umler
tanj what you mi-niit if yon talked to
thcra about "t h kithy." New acn-nn-a
pnii up to rapidly tiowjnlaya that it in
hanl work to ka-p tnu k of the in w
wor.U coined for th.-tn. Telepathy ia n--lat.-d
in ineaniiia to 1. 1. k'faphy. in that
it ia a at-rt of mental ti l.-k'rai hv. nr fi 1-
in ir at a ilia'.aiii't'. 1 imr il. rit e.1 from tho
Uni k. tath.-. f.-hnic ami telr. at a ilia-1
Ut.ce. It ia nnly a n. w ami more i. .,- ;
... ....
tific name, liow.-ver. f.-r what we nun-
Bioiily aja-ak of aa tiiitnl n-a.lmi;. thotiB-li
not all miml n-nditik; ia telejaiiby.
; Kn har I II i,n. M-ri-tary of tho So
ciety f-T 1'Mcl.ii aI li.-enri Ii, ih f'.i.ia ti
li Jwlhy tin thr ability i f nt..- imiul to itn-j-n-M
or Ir- iu,.rm-4"l by aiioiin-r iniml
Otherwle than tiirotik'll tht r.a-..:.ial
clihtn la..f m Iim-, and cit-a a. .tin- n uiark-abb-
ii,-!.i'u -a of miml nadim; ati-l
thoiik'ht tr:i:.a!. r. tier int. .!i-at. I I y tlio
iia i.ty. Tu-a-', h" ( "l.tirui tl.e
coin !;i-i.,ii !i..t t'l'.ttk'ht tr.irif.-rem r i, a
r-aiiiy. Nc-T York Odi.u.en ial Adtcr
tia. r.
Greek aae.
VTe Inirn t..t tlir no---f .K-rat art
Cot lire-', but s'ich na uri-'n
n-u!! a--:"r-1 ti ml; n i..-ut.l
ly. aa ;n l -n.i.f-il croup i f a a!; r
jlayiii il.i-r w::h a i. ti.j-ii on a br ,
mirror. t!.. y k-ivr w'yn ai. .!',-r k.n I i f
6-ear. Ti.- 1. at if the, 1.4 In t III t!.
Tar.-ira t-rri co!!a ar- ( ail a.Te--at,;
or b ra of t. o I. t n- f- it.
Tin- r..iti-ae ar t.Tit tt.w Or k t n 1
ai mu. ti at d in th'-.r cwi. l.;l
the tra-l.t: ,n ' f l!.-ir art j rcf-m-l tl.e
enveti!, .tiiil -Ta .'.t now. In the Kin. e
way the km 1 of I: .main who hal tiieir
,rtMita done n c-ar. ar. 1 jt' Uit were
juat the a- rt of etn-retir, C"" Tll.
jo; le ihi bv K-jinan tvav "'every -wher.
l.k William tJTuuf an I
Lluk of WvoUi.totv;x;usii sociKTY.
Am I r.moioiral atelli.Ml ,.l I'm i, ha. lug
llfxth.. ft.,. a I tiirolrlt an. I ...i lahle
) l IIM ll.alllg Mir I all at It .!,,
a l'...ilar rllrr.
An r.n;!i-'i Whiii.iii. ri etit'.v m.irrt.'-l
l... i N-tv l.ittt.r wuli a , m aiiloir!.. i. Irt tii an in. i, .!in4 i i
ri'in t.t fi tin- w,i nf a 1,', t ut nn
I. a'k lelldnu aiH lrly Tue .t.t. lu rl,r
II. ia Itdotili-I Ima la.-n tl I 111 .11 1,-., rl ..ill
t.oi iiauf lltul.iii.l mi I 111 tu .nt ,,f ,. r n tmiiil citi. . f. r tnotv tii.m
liaif a fi-ntury. In f.n t. th. ro i athi. i
ety in .a li-t t. i:n!.in,. t In, h i l.iliil.
to have had it iii on Initial iw.- for nn-rc
tliiill ik) trara Tln re I. r. n,.
avatctii rx.n t!ylikt It. Ii,., , r. In tlna
mrt of Ilni world.
Tin- tmai It clijii t of tlna t .ti in ia t.
anppiy laa,k In wolii.-n w li.i Lati'iuuplc
tttno for r :iditii; mi, I nn- i-iik'. r l.i lin-j
tiui'f with nil tlmt ia int. n .tuik in tlx
ir.-lli. inlolia ru-ll ol coin. in. rali.-oii.
lit. Tit lire A II 1 11 11 Willi Ctlll l lllialerilll'
illcotlli. l illltli t ufliir.l In k.i i lila wifu
Ilppllcl Wltll llewf laaika iitnl llui.iin, ,
aa tliry i-otno nut. Tin- cliiiia-i in w
novel, if it ta wnrtli unvtliin-, w ill 1
eiirr to i-nri nitii .micnia. In mm. i aa, .
out of ten tlio tiint .ru' t in. .ro lik. Iv t
Im f I. hi. Tu la. mrt', nlnio.t ev.-rt tlutu;
tiowadava tiltiiimtclv ilrtlta into tin
..k..... .. i... i ... i. . . . .
iueM f-.iuii.i, itm ii laintcr llir laa.a
lm it-aac.! to la- frt-nli III tin' lunula nf
Ills public ntl.l anile liavi) n.i.vsl t
tu Ik alauit it
W ntiii'ii Im lit in tli country an. I
In tlm atibnrl.a li.ivc uinri' timn for rr.i.l
I ilk' tlutu wo ti in citi.-a. nml
fewer iniMtia of p-ttuiic ant tbitik' k'""!
to rt'rtil. Tin- tiini' tt orti volutin in the
l.H-nl circnl iiuik' library luivo laa-n tln ir
faiinliiir (run. la from cluldli.x.l. If tli
htnduiml milwrib. a to u circulatiti
i.i . . , .
iiiirary in town mi l pritima-n to hriti it
new laaik In, nut ttuli l-.iiii fvcry nik'lit,
be ia likely l.i row tveary . am nml ( r
P't all Hlautt It. An th. u tv In n an iii
tellik'i'llt tlolliilli ri'ilda a h.nh1 hovel alio
like to talk to aoiiii laalv ula.t.t It. II. r
: htikbaml lui.ii t tunc In nml. ami llir nr
' qiiaiiitaiici-a aln-viaila liat o tu vcr cti n
llr-iir.l nf it.
I Tlie litrrury Kn-lish hoiiiiiii fntiml In r-M-lf
in tin. plik-bt. nielli' int, ri -tr.l In r
aclf ill f,, ruling it t luli Mlinlar In tlir otic
lie U.'lolik'o.l to lit licr I Jllll lioliii'.
I Tlio ul. -ii la it mnpli' i, nr. I'nrty or M
i pcrtotia in ii town or;itiizi n laaik m-.
t'ty. That it tlin iiuiiii' tiaiiully (.'tveti to
t In-Ill III r.iml.llld. It luia Ina-ti foliinl
advlMl lo tn liatr ut li-a.t -10 tin tula ra,
anil not t.i luiM' inoro tli.iu M. Tlio
; UiK-liratiT K-ty l:;tw mill, r. , ,i t,j,
mlo ilrapitc jaiwcrlul .ri-iiri t.i m
crriom ita iiii'iiIa-rliii. .pplu .itiia for
liii-tiil-rliip hit krjd wattiiiK aix jmra.
Rml ai'tni'titiii-a nn. r.'. for iiiliiii-i.,n. A
Ka irtr Nik 'J Inut tiutur.illy lai n formed,
but tlio l.rotlk'i- rrluallia w lib tlir ,oiiia-r
! aorirty. lilt ll Itiia-t.a every tt ia-k. Winter
ml auiiiim-r in tin-(lid Hull Imt. I. tinuln
fuuintia III tin- "I'l. kwnk l',iaTH." Tlio
Ka icty bin-, ii r.aiin. i li.-rrful nml com
(ort.ililr. w liii Ii ia I.ii i- I ut ita ili---iil
one nik'lit I'iii li tvii k. Tim I.iikII. rl ul
' iotva tint tin inU r. to k. ci n;;i' cup
Uiur.l iu tlio in wlni Ii tu at.uu
i lira., laaika urn III rluU'k'" id a lui re
tnry. Tin e.ition in Miiiplv nu lioimr iiy
our, but tin- tn.-lnla ni iimuiIIv inukr llu
ai-.-r. lary tvlui Attrmla to biiMii.-na a vrry
Riilntuuttiil l liri.tinna pr.-M-nt -a pn. ..
of ailur or M,iii nrticlo of liouwliol-l
. fitniiturt- a-rlm.a. Tim luiTiila-ra ilrtrr-
i mine by ballot u Imt laa.ka aball U' pur
clnuirxl, but It .Irvolvra lllaill till' hli-ri
tary to buy th. in. llu ia aii'aM. to k' t
lUiacnunt pric. a from piibli.lii ra. Tliia ia
liuiuiik'i'.l willioiit difliiullv. mul tlio
ititiliKiii-ra k'riirnilly Iimi it for thnr own
intrrcBt to ri'iiii'inla rtlioaifrrtiiry alamt
C1iristiu:ia tlllir. Tlio fralllt ia that l.i
prot-ri)ii atK-ii-tit-a tlio aMt',i.u ia
aoiik'bt nftrr. It ia worth while I lo
tole Minn- little- tiiiui to it. new la a, la
ahall Imi bollidit taLra l.l.w-ii niir.. a-r.i-l.
it . ' .- .
luuiiiii. ii i w riny or llioro lliemia-m iimi
it eiaaln-iit to jitiri liaao aollir new- bH,k
or ai-rica of book a iwnnal la-u-i-ni ballot-
ItitC m'i'tiiik'a aucli
for intaticr, at
. titanley'a latrat rii-nr.I of Iim trnti-la nr
a new Toluinr) of a h. pillar i-m yi loja-iliav-the
Ma-rrtary iiuiht k'1 1 it fortin in
when they pri m-lit a niiin-at in wriliiiK.
lint tho tncinlx rn keep tln-ti.-. Ivea mi
Well poaled that laaika of this kind an
unually vot.-d for in advam-o.
All the inoni-y Mibu rila d 1 nl ilcvot
el to bii) in. In-w laaika ami imiuziiira.
lu every mm i. ty lln-ro are a few iiu-in-bera
who prefer to rra.l ami even n-riwl
Dickrna That krriiy. Scott ami utiiuer
una other tan, lard wrilera. Thew antt
of tllrao aa,plr limat laa and arr providi-d
foi to a n-iiM .iinldr extent. I'j. Ii iiu m
brr may draw thnu laa.ka nt i-nr timr.
but it ia not allow ed to ki-epuny laa.k for
im. re than 1 1 daya. If it ia laa.k w Inch
U iu ilrmaml. tbo tiino ia limited to one
tvery two year the b- Ioiiki"
to the Ma 1. 1 V arr n,rt'a by tin, . a re
lax y into lota of e.iul taliir ami ure
"ilrswu" by thr dill. -n-nt iiicnila ra in a
lot t fry Kt'-rv tni-mla-r prrai-nt b.i thn
nlit to dr. iv inn' litiuila-r. In Una way
tho ftiplHiard" of tliHMN-iely i. kept fn
I. a I w.eel and tho individual
U"'"'t" '! to build up aolM
''''" " K.v"r?-
vrntuallv .-!. hi. Iliotiey ba, k III bia.ka
A. u, ,,' .. . r,,.,,,,, . -,..., v
tin kind -rliui-n the ia-t i nt. rn-n
would I th.. I.. li-.i-r M-t.-iv. V,n h
nn-inlx-r pat - a ahillm nt lln! l..'l,.n uml
ni; tii a tn.-k .In. .. If he n ta la bind
ui hia d in-. In-1 tun -I tiir-a ja iu .- f,,r .o Ii
wrt-k. If In- ii.'jl" la it for limn' than a
Uiulitll, hia tuuiu- ia -lr-paa. Tina baa
ran-ly in tin- li.alii-.t.r avai
ety. altlioiik'ti tlm r ii-a are rt. -idly
Thr tn..ii. y i.,.ii-rt.. in Una way
bat l. II fo'lli-1 all.,'. - to run t.'l'- n ty
ami keep tlm ineuiiar alm-nat of i.i-w
The w.a- kly m.a-tnik' aro lar.'ely ijn.
TOt-t.1 Vl lli'-l-.i' t! 1 W -i .r tbr.a of III
lirw.a-t lea.k nr-'y taken lip. Tl.e
Utik la iin.!iv i i .-n . r-1! filial, t lioiih the
an-n tary la npp.,-. to lyiril-r m.ii.
control of ti.t in a -ir, an I k".-p aa
m-tiiU r-. fr-.iu t r it otirr. Naar
rmle aaa aa !,--!..
ry t ...r f f.r
I:iy . .,!..', .
Ler M.l.l.' la kl.d l . I..4U l, a. iu Ii It txat 11"
' f,.r
'..i t.,
Itiaii.laiu thr Mi-i.v ari-1 ol,i (
e(a) ..!e tin- .'... i.
Crj l.oli t' III, I a -
t4 nad ia w f,
lu the f.rem-i r i.
n. If it i hen it ia then
.i.i ', f..rri,r w ho laal-le
.rn.ait lai.! of ta lii'
l aiii'-i.g the liallor.t m
the K ii It ura win f of the Wor.d. et ahr ri
jr. la fit., ..jii on heparny. while I. '.
fn. -a
itra-me.! an tf.f .. l.t fP I he lail,. 4
t.'iti i.f Lrrh.i'inn I r-.i,c ii
army ( n;-n-ar ,f I.
I r-.i,c luaiiiialna an
"-iiae oi f . 4l.'- a..,r
larta ber .!.-.. a wi!t '). l.r
L'llllrd Mla ei; ..' ") hit pi..e
Ik a. h-jola, l,.. t armf aoJ bat y i.r.
ouiy i.omi
Uwruf llir II at.!.. I ...l.., ai I r.. an.
pr. lal, .1 l I I,. I I,. i
It ta .1. 1.1 1
l if t;.t.
.1 111.411 nil tl I lll.ill t'
-a I 111 1. I ll
i- iti;.' ( t'u
'i l- r in.i'it- l.i
..: in ir.n. it
.' piiM:,-.
..Ill ll-li a ttl.ll
t.i-!.. 1,-hkT and
na r.' ' but tin'
I. .a work V'-l
t1.'' atllltll- 14
Irani tt I.,,
I. n in ;iii. T
t!..' romli:., ll. i: .;.
tie c. lit!. l
t. r tt 1... 1-
-J- l!.:ii, .
alt . .11 a nt 1 l
t le 1.
1 1
.- .i:. r
r it i.
;--.i tr'. ;. i-.
I i r .ii .
I r.itr i l u".
t I ,. K ml. t
' ! I- it ll .11. i a
tin' i j ;
1,11,1 .f
t.ri in in ll.
in ti r n
I:! i ii. .1. , in. Lu.. a a purv ta
lii.i.!.' tit. f.r 1 !i- niiitu.r. No. ii.. hi r
In at I -f ll r l:r. man p-tttn n pur.r, but
llir r.- . r-l. .how th at ho luia . rfortm.l
ita inaiiv ,1, . . f till,. r na th,. i iik-in.-. r.
. mi. if llu. trim 1. at., tlir tr.i. k .-r
k'.a-a in!,, .in, tl-. r tr im, tbr tinman Im
fi tt i r i lniiu . to i i nja. than uny iiian
on Ihr train, i i i pt pi rl:a.a thr mail
rlrrk, al.ut up u rat iu a ciko.
Win u th.- i n man t. at work, nml that
ia in ally nil ihr timr tili. n tin- wh.vla
an- tiirtiiiik'. In- .tan, la ati.ip,-.! ot.-r,
ai.ot. Im ; in tl r fi,- ,,f rakllik' ihr i'n.ila
III Ihr linla-x ll. ii I ii .1,1 la nle
trtli t.-.l. iiti-1 In-1 -i ti ti, t , i' thr ilatipT
that mat I .ladling tipmi bun. Thr rat
tle nml . f tin tuai him ry tuny drown
tlll'etlk'lll-'.'. 'a W .11 lllllk' ca 11 - in raah - lilt"
t. ml. r 1'iti. I. .in t.. tin- hi id. ami ho
ill. a a Imrril'lr ih.ith. Maudlin; ill thr
narrow kMtuwuy 1" tnik- iilit- nl, a aiid.ii n
lun li nr., tin. I a i urte unit throw him off.
In-tall. . a bat o lain kiiottn when tho
ci'ttplitik' U-twii-n thr i-iikiiii' mul tin
tank iirti.l. mul tin-tin man ilroptail la-
twiitt tin in to la- kT um I t.ipnvra. Th
nn-nrda thow that lin-rr liriincti tluitl en
Hiii.a ra nn- kilY.I in w rit 1 a.
Ala ut tl- ' oiilv timi- lh liretni n haa
little I, i-tirc ia w lu ll tho tram ia ruiiuitii;
dow n ktado. Th.-n "r-ho l khtit vll,
Irani la Kit ,-,1. mi, I tl. ktiikht of tin-
hnVt'l i litul.a tip t.i it i u-lnoll M at ntl.l
tnkin hr. . it Iniik- -11. I'.ul I'teti llu n
l.lir cyr in nlli ad, In liulid nn tbo la 11
cord and tin-oth.-r cir on the
I. inn kaiikr. w hnv lit t lo Mack ball, la,
tlm-luatiiu back mul forth, k'mik-o hi
lala-r ua Well na tin. M. am. '1 In n-ia
Mlriii-t' in "fro. 1 1 in;" ii u i-liuui that la not
tin, I, ratiaal by nun Imt IU tin biiKiniaa.
There ia ii wiiy t.i throw in Ihr coal ami
to empty tin' allot. -1 ami chaw tin' fur-
tiaco il.a.r ut tho annul tllnr. It nallint
Ii no mil that trlla liotr niimr
"iHiaii'lianU" urn lui.lial to m-iiiI the
hall, la on tho Kaiik'i' l tin' proper (ik'tin-
i! ft hainllin to k.a p tbo ,l,a k of the
rub il,, iimi a oth.-r little
Ihitik-a that ki to lu ikr a akillful liro
mau-ono tlmt avi-a iniHii-v for thr com
I'.'itiy by liii-bamluik' tho foal.
Ill the i.l.l ilut a tho Im man nti "wih-1
burn, ia" I. ,i,l a tini.-nf it ami o r
t uiilv i-.irm -1 tin mail innm-y Im n
ci-ivi-il f.-r l.ia m n n . a. but In- b nl it aim
cur.' lotiipiri.l wuh tho iiiiiti in lliu
ovcruUa nn. I j ti tu mt who "riokia up'
tine of tlm liiiu'O "Uiok'llla" or "Impa" of
Um pri-M nt day. TIicm. i-iik-iiu a haul
fn-iiihta mul n.t up i ua if it Were
irn-UM'il uia r. Tho I'm man la at work
coijlinumii v, mul iiiu, ut tho imlv tiuii'
ho liua to t. -t i. w In u hia tiuiu "tuki-a a
anliui;" to 1. 1 u iimro iiriatia ratio Im-imh-I)
grr truill ,ii-k.- Ituliamipolia ZWwa.
Th Trlrpliaiii Ifty Iran Agn.
Tho lirat te phono tiint waa ever umI
waa imt l, i, nor waa it u acii ntif.e
Iti.trtlliieiit ill liny . nao nf tlir I. -rill.
lit t lit than ,'. yearn iik'"thoitn
J .li.yia- of it lark'.) lininufiu lory la-k'uili
iin ir i.-i.aiiri' imura ny kiti 'iivinir. Kilrt
lark'r mid amall went up daily, ami the
tnfowai to mi. w ho coiil, p't tlioLir
K' at. Thn tw llir whii ll lu Id thrill wal
tlu thread aiuui ami twiatnl bv tlm ladn-t
of tho village, tint, ilav to tlm tail of the
lark'rat kilo wna nlt.u hi-d a kitten M-wia
iu a ruiivua b.ik', w nli a m-ttini; over the
luniitli to Kivu it nir. When tlm kito wa
at ita Kn-atoat bright '.imi f.a t nr mora
tlm mi-w in.; riml.l be ili-tinclly heard
by tlioao lioldiiiK tin-atrin,-. To tin-clear-liia
of tlio' waa iittrihutial
tho hrarinn nf tlm kitt.-u'a vnu r. Tliia ia
the lirat lU'i'nlllit W r r.-uirmla-r nf la ak
tntf aloii a linn. Sln-fllrM Trl. (,'riiph.
How lo Take a llalU.
It la lint liuiiMial to bear Coiuplaintl
that the Turki-h bath li.ta induced run
aidi rublu ilepn Minn, or t-ven exlintiatinn,
laatnik' a-rhnp M-vcral ilava, but the
rniiM'i-f tliia ta that proja-r pna-autioni
liavo not lat-n taken by thn batlli-r. The
hatha mint ! to the "In-lik'th of
thu l-atii-nt. Tho bather ahmild not atnv
t,Ki lout; in tlm Imt i liiiiiila-r, ami the
braciim priM iam, 1 In- upplu d only a
few m-coinla with water not very cohl.
Twenty ininiit. it 1 .nn i tioiiuh for moat
la raotia to rnmiin ill thu hot i hainla-r,
ami a aafo rub- ia to l. avo at tlio fir. I
vmptoiu nf faiiilin-tt or fatigue. hi -
Ijlaliatuite'a rrroralluna.
Peroration are Mr. (jla.Utoiin'aatroni;.
rat l-oltit. Ho may t ohftiao hia uudinice
with flk'nr.-t, oi. rwli. lin them w ith
Wnrdt, but when tho tllnrcouifa f ir liiin
to round off lna ajaaa h, ami wbi-ti hia
nice, dropping lu voltiinf, takia mi the
magnetic: thrill that hat ln-lja-d to make
ita owm r a powt-r iu Kni;hiul, thru tin-
aiidliTicn lu'-utally ri-a-a to Inn t tin or
ator, to th i.iitk'oinx thrill fouir buck
an it hoiiii; uu.wir-f eiiiolmii, n'ul tho
(,-rrul maati-r of word. iila dow n au.i 1 a
atoritl of applaiiM'. ht. Jalnn I iazcttr.
her Amrtli) Ar I whmiI.
The ilmn i of tlm h tnn-niie l.aain of
Mitiaa, liiifl" by l.tik'fellow'a
pi-in ' Ktani line," furniali many fine
im. tit of tlm atiifthy.t. Afn-r the
fnatta of w nit. r bat e broin u ami kcuIi.1
tho f.n of I :i bliifTa, then la ti e Immt
favoral.l" Imi" to litint but only f,,r tin'
aim !h) at. l.ut f-r otlar luim rala. am Ii
aa rhah '-'I'itiV, n-'at", luala, lute, i alette,
aiioh Itie, n; ant.-, i.atrolite, et
th. rln Ii..- '. l.i ia at tha f,
clilTt. Mim-r.ila.
of the
C lialier Tot llrri.llaw.
,d.raT lan j.oiia!y What del your pay?
Sum t On! -i l g ao M&J I waa
n.'rai 1 to pty and li-i. n. II
fcrtly t rr.M-i r.i'-. iu iu..l aj.;
Liill. N. w T Week!.
S Healthful laai.
Th bealthi. -I i--t in the world la a.,, d
to b '.be aitr of thr little 1 rem b hallo t
1..1111..I A'lin.-i.e, a tow u of 4o Inl. .1.
of whom are i,er Jearai.f ae and J
are over P" I here an- nigra.,- in the l-
taj ta-Uicterj , and il looke how a if U.e
people Uiu.1 l.-p .rt fh.a U4W n IU iwrtUp to
lie part ILia If.
Taf-'r -Wlk.l it (L tn. g of arlf
lioy-It't w eu l t-a h r ip-u tna l and
f. elt hie giving a b-.y a black mark an i
iotxu't. ovJ Nwa
VII V iilKV i.iVKI) um.
:'. I'.fAiON the pTniAHCH3 at-
'lit id. a ,-rr tt.or i.bmly Ilnl n
I U.-.9 H i, .'' I l.r I ir. i.l I tVaal
..I lite Ii.m l.., ' .., tiuit.i,a ,iH ,
( i.e .1 a I. .,l 111. I II..).
I ' in a ; . . . nl ,iii. I an a, l olllll of
a U . .1 ,r. i , i in, in. for' t )i ira old, w ho
I iied l.. la- all ri.'imp.r of alow Intel
I., i o .in . l -i-iu. -nt. I i i. H-r.. ui, Ku
.1 llirne.. ..I I'larkalnirk'. haa la-en re
k i ... I In, in iiifni, y aa an niila-cile. toil
lna .letvloplni lit ,.,, kol II alow It , all. I
llow Ir etluhlt. thr n;il It ude uf a aclua.l
la.y uf f.nirleeli ami la-trala thr lot of
Hid) Trot, av.r Mum., w ho ia miicli In
1,-re.le.l III li e r;i.r, Mil thai llariie III
la-lilt! n.a...M-a a till III I till, and If ll
I I'll. I.Miif eli-.ilk-h for ll to reach Ita full lie
Wh-plllfllt, w,l la. I apahle of fc'lral thlllka
" Unit." r. Ill irke.1 a phtalclail lo Ihe re
porter, "la iiiifi tly iii line with a Iheory
that I hate limn held, and hv nirant of
whl, h I r. . .on , Ir the loiiuevity of Ih
patrianha who eti.le-l larfor III fliaal
w illi Ihr lelictll of tear of Ibiaat who ruab
Ihroiiifh life iu Ihi-M- da).
Id Ml ll tl. I tlMI-l IV
"laa.k al Ihr llil-.u al retainl of Ih flrat
men of thr rare of which wr havr any
kllowl.alk-r at all Adam lived to la-Pal
tear, old, S in, in-.'. Kmia. vii. 1'ainaii, Uld.
Mahalei-I. a-.i'i. .laml, la..' Kn.ah, th
l.rikhtrat in in of that eaaTi.ouly retnaliir.1
nu Iheearlli :i.'i ji-iira llr waa amy lite
)e.irao. w lien Mel hmwlah, w ho w aa prut,
ahly hit llr.t tairn, aaw the llnht. II mar
rird )ouiik! for Unit time, aa, by olirriluH
Ihrni-oM in Ihr nrat chapter of tirtieai.
you will M-rthnl ni.atl of the wit rlarha.ini
Mot marry until they were In th nlneti-a.
That ran la Infernal, not fnmi thalnfor
mai mu liivru at to the weddliiK, but from
the rhroulclr of lha Inrth of the fl rat aim
You are, the world wna tounx. and oiltal-le
the la-nut na of tialiir the nil ml bail unto
In In (iar. iiain I'aatoral people ar tin,
and tlieae. the Ural of paatorala, wer Willi
out ib.iil.l the alow -at It la the rultlvatnl
iniml that a.-ea the ta-autiful lu nature.
"What I mean to any la. the reawiit the
patrian ha a. hlrtnl auch lirrat Irtiutb of
)eara la la-a auae it waa neceaaary for tbrlr
development. At twenty yrara old tliry
were no la-ller llitrllertually than bablea
III nrma. al forty they were Ilk thll Weal
Yiruinla w miller, like chiNillMiya of four
ti-ru yrara okl Kat her Iraa mature, I I III
ak'iti. more like kinilrruarlen laiy of
(mil or live. Mrthuarlah. who lltetl to
Ih ak- of (' je.-tra, waa pn.liahly th
low eat of theaeold lelluwa."
"Your theory I aouirwliat fanciful,"
Uk'i:ete.l th reporter.
"Not at all, not at all," aald th doctor
warmly. "Th human machine only wear
out aa It It UM-d. It took Methuaclah, a ho
waa doubt leaa Huaunl of even a la-ttrr
couatilutioti tUau llir other pal rlan ha w ho
llteil lardir the fliMal. a little limner o
wear out than the othera. llrallia ne'er
wor an) lly mil In Una Uaya. Hier
Were no aleepleaa tillila leading alii( thr
hlu'liway In iiervoiia rxliailatioti or lunacy
Thet are many uownila)a who wear cut
mentally and ph)aically at forty. That
would apaar a very rapid Waal of lif to
lb low k"li:i patrian ha
"It would not I, much mora rapid, mm
paratliely, than th w Inimical Idea uf
brief and rapid etiateni) emit rye.1 lu the
'Kphenierala,' a akrtch In a aaactacillar
play ctaibitnl here a few year airo. where
a loy waa lairn, thnitlijli th ata.-e
of yotilh, iiiaiihiMel ami old ae, and ibnl
all wiihin twenty four hour, Kxtateuce
la not compilaeil in mere leiik'th of year,
but lu eH-iit-iicr. In an Aral, Ian lule a
iiiiiii liumeraea Ida bead In a tub of water
It I under water but a moment, l. than
a liiiuiite, ).t lu thai time Ida Inllid travela
io a coutiiry, where lie utea mi en
yrara, la married, ral.ea a tannly and nr-
quln- a fortune a loiiiier life, ao fnraa
r(H-rieuc le concerned, than that of Me
thiikel.ih, of whom lb record la Hint 'all
the daya of Mrthuarlah were uln fauudred
and alxiy iilu yenra, and lie died.'
"When tb ra. lieuati to think
aiinie.1 tb diH-tor, "llielr year la-nan Ui
horten. Abrabain ilteal at th early age
ol 'a liunilteil, tliieeM.-oraiid fifteen yenra.
Human III inuat bat heeu greatly abort
rne.1 hy thai eioch, for lb colniiient I
made that 'Abraham gave up lb k-luatt
and iliml In a Hood old ag. an old man auil
full of year,' and he waa bill nior than
una II (lb aaolil aa Wbeu the
Jewiali far waa at tb helghl of Ita Intel
lectunllty Solomou give th apaiaj of bu
man life aa threearor ami ten, anil that la
what It la today. 1.1 f Inaiiraiir tahlra
git figure allowing that th exiiectnucy
ol yeaia la continually gniwltig urrater
Thia may lai ao, but auch alail.tlca i an not
tat alaailutely rellnl uiain. Th hurrying
aitivnie or the lireaent day, which uu
doubtlly will lay multiplied In tb yrara
income a rulur now uraral baud will
(urtlirr abort n I if. Tb Ihnibblnu brain
aud pulalntf heart will b lurlied to aucb
energy aa to wear out th marhlii ol
whli h they ar a part, ami when It la worn
out there la no way of repairing It."
lint Una forty jrar old Imr uu In W eal
Virginia?" la-gau lb reiairu-r.
If lilt iniml de'rlop with no more ra
pldity In the yeara to com than ll baa In
tb paat fori y he will achieve a length of
yeara that will l alima.1 up lo the nut
lining ataudnr I Iin lil hi Ufa luto
pernal or atagra Not Into acven age aa
bbakrH-ar haa ilone, hut Into llr. At
forty year h baa rear heal thccloaa of th
tint atage of hit rxialeure, that of tb hoy
01 thirteen or fourteen, JuH ready to ater
out of ehorte luU) tmuaera. ll haa laktu
forty yeara lo ilrvrlop iuMithia. Hire time
aa long aa la ordinarily re.pi I re. lo make
tbla develoMineiit. Tb ueil auige, tb age
uf twriity right, would, logically, require
three lliuea forty yrara, that la I'JU year.
th next period, to bar Ih (xprrleuo uf
lb man uf forty-two yrara, would rruulr
auolher I JO year: then each of tb two
next ariodt eiioulil Im given IJU yeara lo
bring hnu up lo an equivalent In exiatenc
Willi our three a or and ten. I ruak out
thai lna life rxpactmu-y la CJ) )ara. Thla
la only nu approximate aliuial, of course
ll might lar that Una expectancy would b
Hier.le by a bundled year or ao. It la a
eery Ititrn-atiug raar, ami I am aorry that
cannot remain on rarlb a few hundred
year lo lake bote upon it. Such a aub
Je't will la, of great interrai lo Iht reader
of medical liieri.ture an or aeveu ceiiluriea
b no." India napol la Journal.
Jl a I. Mil aaaatrallllua.
Aa they bad lb furiiltur fop
removal a lookii g ki -aa. laackeil by a cbair
whii b aomelerly withdrew, frll aud waa
broken. It waa 10 o'clock at night, but lb
grai-dim.thrr aald that ah would but
alrrp, and - ah and ber daughter In law
aud ber vrandxni t,k three cart U fultna
ferry and in th of tb river
dniKne - l the fragment uf Ih looking glaaa
nc an liu;arn'ilriK rTow Ktar York
Kvergrrru oak a la-gin to apiattr at about
l.-'axj ferl, aeteral hundred frfl higher thiifi
the of M.ailil lifayrtt lu tb
W bit iiio.iiit.i.i... ami ar found up lo Ih
limit of the la.ntiuuoua fureal, which laat
about l'.l"l (ra t.
A prrMXi w ho haa totally bail tb ro of
beanng In on ear ranuot baat tb diree
tloo of a M.uiid. even wbm th ceotaa of
tliaturbauc la iiolt near bun.
-1 uuiauiiau m I rimnaaa. I a, cat a aog I
tVl ta ao arniatotiietl In traniiiii,, tnadaiir I
milk rouu that oo Sunday b ftaiauo go- j
Ihg lb rwuoal alun. .
riparUi.r nt a l.ruilemaa TTh Waa
Trying I., flag a ll.,. ki M..ianlla h.rp.
Ill thr puraint of -4)111, Mllllaln tlierp
li e lllllller. to lat an. i r-u-lul. inuat bar a
fl.ll llle-a for Ihe 1,1 um! illia, a alir font
g,l w in I ami a O-d w in. h iu, height will
turn Tl.c r. ini.,-. .. w nn i-aii.-me and
urn.. . rr in, -, ii ih. ..,,1,, r or later, aa th
Inn, l. r i; uu. t. r . n -. rr ir, hnu Willi
amp.r ruiirna .-.-oi.-l .ii.-a. howrtrr, th
ll in-1 1.-.-!.-. w ,1 lr,;,;i, ii. nml I he fol. owing
t i.r w i.i ..-ne aa an example W wer
w. ii up -ii ti e i I'l'a.iia, and nlni,..t any
liu'ir or I nc ,1 .) h. p coiiid laa a.-ii with
the ki i.-a
I nerrwer iw , tine run, a in parllciilar
h it nr could are ,i t a mdr and a I. i,f
from e.iiiii .h . ii i mu u,r a,.,a- of a r.aky
a.inl or piom i .i, t) ti, ,t pitied nit from
a atinr ..f I he r tue
Wuh due rare and not nnktiig a wiiitid
I mn.le a m. .t an. ie.-.fu! ai.i.a Peering
ou r the ird.-r I i.i r n-a my he id
em. ugh lo la- . ire nu k' one w o. t ill there,
Tliey were there, .lire i-luni -ll.
enty lite )ar.l...f me. .. niy
of dancer, when ail of a .'nlile.i li.ey
prang lo their feel nod il.i.hcd away (mm
below me aalluni.-h a devil.
I Una Ii t.i 1 1 y. hut -d rourar miwal, and,
tliriuug. tried lo run ha k In brad them
oil, wondering what had atarted Ihein.
at I knew I h id no nole Int lew
rcomla had the liu.rl ill. at lou of aeelng my
would la- t u t una laiilud-llg a. ,.fu t hr liar
row'e Ih ,t M-p.iral.-d thi-in from tu
ut ii ii II. meter. I llioiiklit w.thaat-
lafm-t imi that nt lea.t one would meet lit
drat h from my companion lu hid-ug, hut,
aln.t nlihongli the r.imt alum.! kti.fkrd
til nt down, hia c in rnlke mi.-l lire
Itegmning my .h,-a, I Mam ) -ine.1 niy
rompaliioii an I then dnioten-.l Ihe curl
oil. adventure I ne! la-eii m i le Ih, au!
(eii of. ll rem that w hen I had rrachrd
a point wrll .low ii on the promontory I
miiat have il i at ti r lr, I a cougar winch wat
evidently there for Ibe acme purpo.
waa, and w hich had atealt Inly followed lu
aa I pnaataled Inward Ihe ahei-p Uld
Wiaaty diaicrila-. tt a. higlily atuii ng-l
leaking down after the rain., ami th
pant her am-iiking .low ii iijaiu me Arrhl
bald Kogrr iu N rilmer'a
The aintlrnl nf lluntaii Nature.
That human nature tt human nut ure
aud w ill pmiiahly continue lo la- to the
end of the world wat again rated
at an up low o club the other iidermviu
Tbre getitliauen were anting iu the
innklng nauii of the rluli Th auhj.-, i m
baud waa a geiieial dl.ruaa,iu aa lo luiw
little there la In life which la new nml at
to the tendency of the human miml to run
In ml
"Watch m for half nn hour ami I wtll It," anl.l on of Ihe party
With that the a-akcr took from hi
pocket a allver dollar and laid ll on th
labia. Soon he beard a inemla-r of the
club approaching, and takluu U.e cm iii
bla baud be la-g hi lo apm It m ihe mr Aa
Ibe laat ctniier entered thr rami the ntnu
who waa proving bla argument allowed
Ida nun to fall to the lha.r m-ar the lert of
th iiewciniier. w ho at once ata-d mul
picked It up, a iung "Hallmi! Money fly
ing thniiikh the mrl Thal'a fortunate, (op
I herded a dollar."
Then Ihe apnl.-r had til. fly. and bla air
waa very M-ri. in. aa hr ..i d "I'll git you
another dollar If you w i.b. bin that com la
a HM'krt pit. rand liadaie It th a-ime aa
that of mvnrth, all."
The tlctlin ttilhdrawa Ihe coin from bit
pocket and -et that th d it thereon la
lit'V ami pnxnplly ay mi.
Nniiaeuae. purr, the apnler. "I bat e car-
fle.1 Ibe coin for many y. ar and il I dated
ltd, the year I waa lairn."
I)o you think I am Laud" la-raLia th
fly. "I tell )oii the dale la IMLV"
I will la-t you lb cigar for the party
pl.t toileculu lb thing," aaya 111 aliulclit
uf human natura, "and th man who ta
right iw) "
"Ikuie," aaya th unau.plclou fly.
"Very well, you r right," aald theapliler,
"It lalKA 8upHawyouor.U-r." York
Tb Itaaall f
On of tha moat noticeable reaulta of a
alight attack of paralyaia la th tendency
to aulnlitul Ih wrung' wonl or even cn
lenc fur that which ia Intruded, nulla uu
coiiarloiialy on th part of th aarakrr,
whocauuol couiprrhrml why ba ia nut un-
deral.aal. To a palienl who felt very
much illM-ourageil becauaa b aaked to
bat th wiudow ihiil when h meant lo
aay ' retch me aoin water," Dr. A .
wbo ia a noted aiwriailal III auch trouble.
ralalxl th following Incident-
A pnuiniiriit niau In Ikaitun wbo bail a
light ibock. but who apparently bad quit
recxjrrre.1 wl.hed aoin nulla, anil went
Into a banlwar abop to purrhaa them.
I waul a duxeo or ao of arrbangvla,' ha
alii lo theaoiiiewhat myalllleil clerk. 'W
do Out keep them, air,' waa lb reapon.
That la raid.' aald Mr. II, aud b weul
Into another ahop aud aaked again for
archangel. Again th mlling clt-rk lolj
bliu that they did not bav Iheui. Quit
re led at hia failure to procure ucb imp!
Ihluga aa mall uaila, b tried lb third
tlm with Ilka reaiilt, and filially gav ll
np In deapalr.
'I never aaw anyiblDg Ilk lhtupldlty
of that abopkrrtirr b declared to bla
If at diuncr. 'I went Iulo tbre ba ad-
war ahop after archangle anil could Dot
get them.' 'After what!' exclaimed bla
wlf. and It waa nut uotll ah explained
ber aatuiiiabmeut thai ba realixed what a
tntalak b bail mad." Nw York Tnb
nna rtl Mra al It Tbra
One a Cabforulan alwara a Califnrnlan.
Tb old timer wbo go away to foreign
parta generally return. A .Haa KrancUcoao
wbo baa been aiippoaetl lo b making rnnla
of money lu l,U'lon got back laat week lo
Kearney at reel, and bad lo auuanl lo tb
Banal Inlarmgaiioua
"Didut Ilk It on tb other aid, nf
h, yea, liked It flu.
"tlegaiiL, grau.L BiagulflctMitl Ood'a
owo counlry."
"I wonder wby b didn't aton over tbr
If It la an flna.' remarke.1 on of th crowd
after th returned exll bad lefL
"IU explained that very aaiufactorilr. I
"Ilow'a thatf"
"Why. be atateil It wa heaven, and
lhat'e Um blgb altourtber for the averaga
taan Kranciaco rounder " haa r'raucieco
Chronic I.
Ia aaal AITeellaaa.
ll baa oflnu laaen m'aite.1 aa a vexed
queattoo wby all men of griiiut or greal
neaaa ar ao fond of duga Tb rrawo la
not far to Mark. Tbo woo ar great or
eminent lu any way dud tb world full"
of paraailea, towllea, bar, fawucra, bypo
rritea. th incorrupllbi candor, loyalty
Sid honor of th dog ar lo aucb Ilk waur
a barren plar to th thiraty traveler.
Th aympalhy of your dog la uufaillog
and uuolawuaiva. If you ar aad. ao la bar
and II )ou ar merry, dom la ao wil.lug to
leap aud laugh with you aa be
lor your .log juu are never poor, for
your dog you ar never old. whether
you ar In a palm op a cottage be
aot rare, and fall you a low aa you may
you ar but prot hleoc aud lna idol ali.k.
Ouida lu Nortb American linear.
Tber la at ill hop for an enter)rtaiii
Jminvaii.! io Afru-a, for ven lb Zulu had
tor two yeara or more a Journal in tbeur
own vemacubtr.
-w primitive lliiaaiane pi af
' character ttv drawl 5.
Tb primitive Kuaaiana pi.
a cert , tlcai
'jo 1
which la lo bva loct, Ivtaar al lb gat)
of bawrto.