o o o CITY AND COUNTY. HATCH 1 AY, AUG 1ST 3. MHKVITII 1. Ilcllilcrooll, l'.'lltlt. j. J. Walton, nttorin y-ni-liiu. Iv. li. Skliorlli, nltnriH y-nt-lnw. (in inlT Hint Kil lluiiooii lino tin' ln-ot cliotcl "lock of rlothlliK ill low n. OrlT fr uwlt-rtiiklnir rvcclvcil tiny and niK'I't l ,iBv U,TV'- Dr. rrlM tor Narrou ProMriUua. Mik'V '" I""""" Curiu. Kiiiilrv of Juil(i' Vltoii. Fur f 1 1 o mill maili- t nlr mnl rvuJy iiiHltf clotliliiK. K" M Hun ou'm Money to IiNtuoii itiiiruvcl fiiriii- fur a term of yearn at a rtnonniililc mlv nf Intctvl l' K- J- McCliiiiulmn. If you want a milt of clotheonra pair of iiniilulootkii K to Iavi. the tmlor. lie Kiinrmilccit hatlnfuctloii uinl low (iricvtt. itr (I. V. IHil.lle rimy le fount! at ,io r.-1'l'ii' on Olive at no t. U-twtvii Kiflll ttli'l fixni mrto-io, hi iotk eoi of the MiiiiM-oota hotel. lie lo I'tv- jinrctl to lo mi tu-tiuu worn hi me milliner. .iiircrl.r I- Noru. Manilla l.iinlinir (wine. Tun' mm-lilnc oil. K. L. Ciiamiiiko. T. Hull will my the Inslicot m.li rliv for wool. Itain wiiitoli. (Mil Hickory wairoim. Itm-ine hiiiflfl'-" a'i'1 hix'kit. lkrlnir l.nulcro uinl iik 1 wi t. Ami every kiml of fiiriiilnir txU, at r. i. ham in. ii.-. SIIKK1 INsrWTOltS NOTICK. All -rmn in Lime county owning caoi'V oiieci or mno-i iiimnni nun other "tllocaor. tire hi-n-hy iiotitleil thttt Mti'l lio- nni"t tlioroiiu'lily lipo, UlTli'tcIlt to Kill own illocaoc loruinoii. tiv iH-rMin falling to comply with tl.i. r...iii will l' liable to have hi lieep ll,o ly the I noo-tnr at xihl iotmiii'k iXlH-lloe. Take llotitv ami ave ettoto, Ihtlcl S-pl. 1. IS-fJ. .. It. Jknkinh, Slito-p In-ioM-ior. Coal Hill NurM-ry. Call on or arlilreoit T. X. Kt-irsir, Kil Irene, for till klmU of numcry ottck. rnmeitoii nianilNileiii plum noti that will not Hpmut, aloo on 'nch nnitn. The iiecto-t of Mm. Annie M. IIchii, of MiKo-Krt, lVnnoylvanla, In the tn-atim-lit of ilinrrliu-a In her chil-ln-n will iitnloul.tctlly he of intercut to many mother. Hhemyx: "I "pent m-wnl week In Johnson, I'a., after the (ireat HckmI, on account of my IiuIhiiI lo ing mplovel then'. We iinil iteveral chil dren with tlx, two of whom took the fiiarrhn'u verv lally. I pl ""ine of ('liiiinU rliiin' Colic, Cholera and liar rlma Itemnlv from Itev. Mr. Cha nmti. It oun'il both of them. I knew of neveml other ch-m-h when' it wax niuallv tmiHwful. I think it cannot be excelled and cheerfully recuiiiiiieinl it. 'St and M wlit hot Ilea fr nle hy (KIll'KN it 1 IK I. A NO. I . I t'.iiS for Hle. I have koiiic Hanoi I'lyniouth Hm k tie for wile at M H-r Kitting of i: eggn, fl To fort wo HittiiiK. Tl"-' eggo an fnun pun- hinlo lmiHrto fnnn Iowa tnd Hakota. Johanna Daxkijn, Klmlra, Lane County, On gon. Mr. J. C Itoawell, one of the Unt known and moot nupto.-Uol citl.eim of llmwnwod, Texan, Kiitlenol with iUrrh"'u for a long time and tried mny cllllVn-nt n imoliioi without lo in fit, until I'liaiuherlnln'a Colli, Cholera, anil Diarrhoea ltemtoly wan lined; that relieved him at once. For wile hy OsiK HX A DkI.ano. Mr. Thoman Italic, editor of the timplilc, Texarkann, Arkanoai, ha found what he lu'licvin to I the lomt n-intoly In exlHtemoi for tlux. Hln ex perieniv l well worth n,inemlering. He nays: "I jmt Hummer I had a very iteven-' attack of tlux. 1 tried almoxt every known n-medv, none giving re lief. ( Iiaiiilo rliitn Colic, Cholera and Hiarrhira ICeiiiedy wan noonn iin iiilid to me. I pun-hum-d a iNittle and rccciviol almont Immioliate relief. I continued to uoe Hie medicine and win eiitlndv cunol. I take plcaxiin in nonuiiueiiiliug thin n-inioly to any per ni initt'eriiig with niich a di.oca.oe, a hi my opinion It lit the Uo4 medicine In ex'lotemv." "iand to ut Imi( licit for wtle by Oohurn i IK-Lano. FA I IMS Foil HALF. Two huudnol acnit of valley land, alut nix milm wcot of Junction and two niilen oouth of Molino, in I-ane eounty. Almut lml acren are in cull I vmi.iii, and the whole tract l femod The ni U goml, and theuncleanol poi tioti i tilluhle when cleanol. The prii itj"l; tenn eiuy. Full particulurit will he given on application to MA MACTKR A ItlHKKI.I I'ortlaud, Or. "Ho. W. KIX.-SKY, ACCTIOXF.KK Wlien you want your goodn, hni--hoi furniture oi land wild at auction, rail on t o. v. Kinoey, the plomoT and moot mimoxful auctioneer In IJine county. He will attend to all aaleo oil a nuMinahle commiooion. Sutler. For the MtUfuetioti of any who may have a wnmg Impnowion In the matter e wUh I,, Btate that we have no In tereot whatever In the liven- and fio-d Utile on Olive ntntt, operated by H. M. Itan. ' Haxuk A Hkxi'KHxin. The Loeal Market. Th toKnvinc quou:l't7j for tbe 11 Darkrl of rta .ncv only tury r evmru4 ".. n.1 win tM fuul u sccuntu u iucIi '"("Him b na: TaraiT IT-lm imf.j oT-rvr bn.h,,, Ml .. 'L. -p,rluutk -Pfr Tt "lrt"-r,rf l .. . . a-tVf .. W4L c.t n. t-r-rB) A VI 1 i I 1 mi, m l 4 !'. ' w 10 !.', ' i i ' 4 it) : 4 IX ' '. i i' ' ". I,?" '-"4 o,'l-ef Ki l-lr,M . . ' rvt .i i.ITrc. f m r '"-la. t m ro-pwu.. jbi ;;. i,"'"-r a, ... S IM Uk I f I VKIN!I)AY. Al lil ST :. Tin' thrcolicro b.iw ulrctilv .tnrt.ol up, Mr W. hri-li:ui . danLonui.lv 111. Itiuikin i lr, I,-. In ('rlliiud n-porUol pilet tixlay. Tin- Miim-im- eoiitt until .oo-i.t. '.Hi. adlniiriii'il l-V.i.L I-...I.I..... ..t f ,n.t, eaiiie up ' I h 1 1 1 (I III lla I.. J. Ill ko r,tun:i. frmu Iiraiii th. iiinriiing. trip to Mro. C. W. I'alU lt h:i leturiKol to tier home at !') llmul. Will Mi.ty m, of Itutte, Montana I en- vioiting hi. in.. th, t. Aloiut one third the u.uul erow ! n-Mirto at Yaiiiin:t luiv. in Ilicyi li.to wi n-out o!i the htrvt fi iiv .M -ti-rday i-vi-uliig. Attorney tieoru-e II. l-.rii. went In to t uttagt' I irove tin. nf'i ricli. Mio I ;tta I. h ,. I. vii elivti-d a learlii r HI llie V mNiliiii n pulillc m'Ih.. J. M. HoHI h't. 'n-it'lied" 111. Hmiinii In the l'ortlaiid eii.toin hini-o. Mi r. Iti.o', Wilk.u-iii and I'.lai h- n,1t lied fi"iii the liiollliluilio to. lay. Mi- IL.ttie Itu.hi i ll hao retlinii d hoiiie from a vi-il lotlie l-it and Cali fornia. I'.lilnll l'.!:i!t:iin, of I .nke colli, ty li lt oil a MMt to the Uml'l'. lair' thio llli T II 1 1 1 LT. M. W. r.il-n.iw, of I'urminctoii, Wu-li., turiw'l on thl. nfli rinn'ii'. pa. M'lii r Irani. The Mclvcllle ail I Florellee iI.il.-i o Went out tin. ii. ormiu u ilh lull luad. of uoM'iig ! .. W. (i. (iil-trap, of the Spliliirlli ld Mi'wii.'i r, went to li irii-huii; on Ihi. 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 ' I'm. u. The Kii k.iji'Hi. Inc. e village j 1. 1 imrtii of t'n Willaiui Id .tnet. .Mix An.'ie I'atti . located their I :iy I'l" k, on arrivetl hlue oil the In ill llil- altrnnM.ii with I'lii inli at Corvallio. Iroiii a vi.it II. C. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 -v went to Sal. in mi Ihio nioriuiin'o IihiiI Irani. He will n turn Imiuu tin. evi ning. Fiii.'1'iie ISoud hao nooivehol outlle- iciitly (o allow him to n-iiime hi iki.1 tioii in Wood.' trocerv olon-. J. M. .MrColllllll, eilitor of the tier valo Mar, ha. h en et.-eii liriln ilial of llie piiune .i in ml iii ihal lm n. Mr. and Mro. S. F.. lirown went to ClatMip lo'aeh, m ar A-torin yioti nlay innriiiiii:, lor a two ivk' outing. I'wo Alhanv cirl. wen oto-li the other Welling in it t hilia holl.e in that town iln .il in Chin. co.tuinc. lii v. Triiiil iill, of ChalanooL'a. Telin.. lo In the cily. lieu ill priarh tit the Firot 1'n-obvti-riiiii cluireli next Sun- dav. J. It. liarrio liud ull'c w ilt leave to night for the ooilu otiriugo liKiitnl near Ahliillil. Tiiev w;ll Ik- ahoeiit aloiut u mouth. I lev. Ilnliirt Mrl.eall nturncd to hi. home at (ir.mt'o I'aoiou la-t niu'lit'o overland iiceoiiipauied by hio little daughter. The (irillln Hardunn- Coiiiianv hao fliii-hi il iiiiiviiil' to ii. new oiiarti-ro. The new pi-iMiiiv. arecoiuiiHHiiouo nud (Mliveiiieiit. Mro. II. II. Hm k hao eone to WihhI- laud, t ill., w lu re ohe into lo-eii eiiL'apil to take a H-itinii in a whiod i . that city. Mr. Ituck will join In r In a few wioko. The tin riiiiniic ti r In I'.u-ti rii Oregon now n-gi-tero fiom mi to Ijn di-gn-04 In theoliade. How would an Inhabi tant of the Willamette Vullev likcitilch a climate. Mro. Anna Howell, of Oakland, Ciil., io i vih cii .1 hen- tomorrow morning, to attend the funeral of her mother, Mm. i ieorgc llclnhaw. Mark llaili-v, Jr.. n iimfi r in ti e W u.-lllllL'toll Mute CliiveroilV, hao iiiih. Il.luil a lii rmaii text book, w hich in oMikeii of very highly by uducatoro. Imliar. nt (intil an- ollering tNinleo at Iioiii -.'i to fT. The noble nd man lo thio waoou literally a "iir In dian," the IiIl'Ii water pn'Vcliling the uoiial run of haliiion. J. 11. McClung und iaiuilv n-turiied thio nfti rmxHi from a vi.it to the world'o fair ill Chicago. They n -irt having had a vt ry lim- trip, excepting of eolir-', the hot Weitlher. Thn-e iiiiiiiiirr.int tc:.iiio from Iji.t em Orci-nii pa.-d tliroiiuh Fiiu'i-ne Ihio uioiiiing imrlhwi.ril iHitind. liny n port liim o iiiii t in that occtimi of the otnte, lllul i-ropo n nr. I r. Filuard I la ili y Mill h,ii Ko in China, miilcr the 1 1 r i t M ii of a iiii- iiiimrv Micli tv. II.- hao Ixi-n in i,.liiiiuti'il for the I'ii-t two yciiro ao a phy-iciau mi an liuliuu ri'ori alion. All'. my I Miiocnit: County Clerk I'ayue und father, M. 1'ayiie, J. 11. Wvitttaiul I.. C. Ma--hall will liotve tlno wio-k for tin- Metoleo, n-turning by way of the Mi Kciiie mute and the hot opringo of Ijtne county. F.rnio.1 Catteriin, formerly tif Snlem, attempted filicide in -cattle Monday, Imh-iiiix- a girl named Myrtle, with whom Iii-1on i from Salriu and who o now in a h"U-e of ilHallie, n fll-il to Mipimrt hiiti uuv longer. A mortgaire hao loo n plino d on n-c ord In the clerk'o ollli-e ngain-t the Coiiimcrclal lunik pn'-rty in Cottatre irove for t:1i, In f.ivor of Kdward CtMikiiigham, cn-hler of the Commer cial National Hank of I'urtlaiiil. I.loliell Stat'Lf of Portland, aooll lll law of J. A. Mmit.'ht, hao loo-n up- (minted a - ciiil examiner of national wtnko, by the tn-a-ury department. He hao uiready lo-n piwi-d in eh urge of the failiol liimk at the Italic. IliM-liurg ICeview, July .'II: Judge lliiidle, who Vi.lteil llie ooiitheru part of the county ye-terlay, reporto a big lire ill the inlivnll liinnr ( uiironvllle. The big wind otonil of la-t w inter lev eled neVerill M-eliollo of tllllloT Itlld lloW It io all ttlire and the niad lo 1 n 1 1 ..--!-hie. One iliite large bridge hao Loo-n biirncil nut. J'i iclli t"ii K. O: S.rne m i- eoun ro arrived in IVndli ton .-utunlay, r ooven-il wugoii, from Ijhic iniiiity, liHVllik' er d the C'twadeo by the old imlltarv nad. They Wen- di-utl-fl.ol with itll the region 'travt-roed until they n-aclicd Cmatill.i counly and de-crilo-the inuntry after leaving the inoui.tain ao ilri.il uii and du-lv. In j the iarty w-erv Mr. and Mr. NVioitt.-n i and Mi r. H.tlmin-. Fnirliouoe and ! Ikiwero. All wiil probably ln-ale. J Charley Ji.hiiiu bad ipiite an x- f-ieln-e pieiiicllig l;il Milnliy. He md a en-of cmnioi of the t .ma. ti . and to n l.eve the Mine a ornnll ih of j morphine a.liini.i-t nil by one ol the party. H-- -liiel to r.m- i-iou.ni at nolo-, ami fur a t.nw it wao fin-l he would die. However, by i walking him t. wlily all iiiw-ht. he fully J ro,ven-l. The niHt'r eauo.1 a gv-ui deal of exci!. fn- iit aliimig iln- pany. ( Iran I al I rt brat. F"kit tiiioVK. J.,!y H.-T -lty the to. nt r: f-if mti-tru. ' H. g the new e.. Uge tiMil.g a The i.iii'rvt ... l I - If.. I 1 .1. L. IWll.:;!'!!-! .! I". IC'ell i oF Kriiiie f-r t 'm.oio. Med. loolf ouanl, Au(utl J. Another lcoos ted piniior woman o l.uiie count v h pawed away. Mro. Cnndiov I'oi.lmw, wife of lunt. lit I- haw, dhol at their hoiiiv iii Kugeiie Itiso morning til . o clock of perltonl ti after all illllcoa of alut ix week. Mro. lU Uhaw waoUirti in Franklin r.'iinty, I ndiaiia, January U', 1 ". and at tin-linn-of her ilenlh aa 07 vroro I liiniitho and 1 dayo of aire. Willi bt-r pan-n: ohu mnveil to Ijtke conn ly in llie ouiue olale, wliere h t marrliol to her lumtmiid la "-X In oU .he united with the llaptiot church of w hich ohe wu a i-oimi.tcut ineiiiber until di-itth. Mr. ami Mm. lU l.hiiw cnMo the nlaiu in lV:t, arriving in Scptcuilo-r and M-tthol on a tlact ol land lour mile weat of Fll- gi-uc w hu ll w hi their home until lv! w hen they oold the farm ami moviol to Lul'cIic F.lght chlldn-n were born t tin in of whom live urvive, viz: M. W. andJ. F.. lU l.hawof Faniiliigtoti, Wmli., Frank IteUhaw of Alhiua, Mr, ti. W. Kin-cy of Fiiceue, an I Mro. John (i. Howell, of Onktaml, t'al. They w ill till lo- pn-M-nt at th -funeral. The fun -nil ocrvlcvn w ill take plar i at lu r late n-oiileiicc, i-orner 1'eiilh and Mill oino-to, Fri-lav nflrriiooii at J o'clio k, llev. J. ( . Kichardatm con ilucllng the ocrvli-tii. The burial cen liinlilc. ill the Maontiic i-ellietery w her the iiilcriiteiit w ill take phut-"will b under the au-plio-o of J. W. (iearv ot, W. K. C., nf w hu h the ihwaocif wao i iin'iiiUr. Her all nidi hu.hitiid, oniio and daiighlero have the yinpiitliy of llie -i 1 1 1 i m xi 1 1 in their lo reavcuicnt. ImporUiit Notice. Fl i.i.m:, July IM s;i3. 1 will forfeit one huudnol dollar I 1 fail to do no 1 lunv in the follow Iti:: card: J. O. WAIT". I. al. rl:i Watchc, Clia-ka, Jewelry. I w ill for a .Imrt lime only Hell an L'ood. in toy .lock, at actual llrot ci. an I a un-i.l many articlco (hat I liaxc had HI olio k for oome time will lo- Mild al a wu nil -e. In addition I will ol Oilolor II, lo'it, diotrihutu twelve I ill I li 1 - ll on-oeiito to ilireliitm-nt i. giNol., ow iicrohip to U- ilieided by the inlen--te. partieont t lint time. Coiiditiono of (!ila!etti'c caoli dow n. ocoiiioiio taken uulioot g(MU arc bought at tegular n tall prii-e. strayed ur Stolen. One bay man- 'i Vearo old, one little while o ek ill fon-bend, only w hite it on animal, on moth built and in L-miil tleoh. Al-ioiie li;ht grav mure, 7 year, old, w ith olil one inch foiig in right ear, brandiol I'. S. on led hipand II with bar under it over the other li t teio. Have Uo-n inlo-ing frmii my plait- oince Tueoday niht, July Z. Anyone fiiriilohiug inlnrnmllon lo gardllig the w herenlH.uto tif lluoo' Imr-o-o will U- viiitahly rewanhol. Adiln'o nil information to Wm. S. Mu.i.m. Creowell, Lane County, Or. Iilr iiuinl, Augiim i Wathh I'owkk Imi-uovkk. The water mwer of the Fugene mllla ha. loo-n gn-ntly improved by blunting out no-k near the head of the nice to an in-cn-a-o d depth of fourteen iiichin t Iiiih giving coii.idenibly luon- water. With Rome extra Hcrnpiug of gravel from the head of the nuv the Water power w ill he plaivd in llrot-clu eoiullllon. I'ailjr (,unl, Auxuil Z. Col. I. AH ItoNK MlliiKKN. Juo. Mc ('lain, of Camp Cno-k mclnct, fell from a load of hav yeotenlay afleniiHiii and ouolainiol a fmcturu of the imliar Imiiic Jr. Kuykeiidiill of thin cily wan called and noluced the fnictun-, but ao Mr. Melaii io an elderly gentleman, the accident w ill lie a ooiin-e of annoy. mux- for ooiue time. Ihi1T (iiianl, Aufuil 2. Oit ' Hkai. Alf Walker ami Johnny .Mew art, who went cat of the mouulaliiH on the rickanl-htt-wan drive of rattle, have niurniil home They n-xirt having had much tmuhlc witli the nit tie, ami that they wen till out head of cattle when they left. A piirt of the driver are gnthcr lug up Hie .trayo. llnMm 'ili:l. Fuot Cottage Ornve, i'llelav, Mihol to inouc l'),U0) IkiiiiU I" lo- u-. il foi building w ater work, eleo trie lik'lito. etc. The volu waa Villi favor and 1 1 ngaiuol, four of the latter vole Mug cttot by ladie. It I a pro-gn-oi ivc, live town, nud proiKo- to pu.li ahetid liotw ithntaudiiig the itik timeo, PallT Outrl, AuKiltt X lU.rt HMiK. A. J. I'iekard n-turnel fmm Faot. ru On goil laot evening, lb io of the opinion that nearly all the cut tle loot on lliu drive will lo- recovered He Mtyo the McKeli.ie mute la much pn-ferable to drive cattle acriout the niouiitaln., to the Sitntiam mute, thu road and li'd Imth loing better. hilf i.uani. Aul1 Fioii.it r Tka mo. Several tcHino ai riv.il hen- from Corvalllo thin iiiorulug w ith fn-ight for our meniiHula thai came over the On uou 1'iu illf line from San Fraiicioioi. Our inerchaiita pro pooi io not only otay with that line, nut a lo with our teaumter, lilr i.uar-1, Auyiit i. Wati.k Ti knch In. The mill race hai Uo-n thoroughly n paln-d for thu .iiiiinier M itMin and water waa turned into tin- raoc laot evening. The tlour ing uiill io now running again, and hen-after the I. In trie Light Co., w ill ii the water Miwer to turn their ilyiiamoo. Tmk CoMMiwiAi. Hank. The Coiiiniereial llunk of Cottaire (inive, through Ito caohier, Mr. Hubbard, 1 oettliiig with deixioiloni by turning over to lie in k'o-ol negotiable note. It i. not likely that the lotnk will reaume n -alii. Kami Mam.i.kh. A letter noo-ive.1 by John li. .-t-iu.il fn.m hlnoon Jaun-o at Aiitelo., W aoo county, olatt that he had th- tin.-, ro of one of hio liulid liielly inahglnl by lo-ing caught In a bah r a few day oim-e. lm:;t i.'iri, Am'nl I. A t.l. ii.i.T. A diofwhii novived tlii aft. riioon Hay that everything la iiin-t iu the financial einie of Port land, and that the confidence of the ..ple ha loo-n fully no-ton-d. Karl' Clover lUoit, the new blofol puntier, ive fr.-hiie-a and licarne to the loiuiplexioii and rurea r.ntio tinli. 'St lento, r-ita and II. Mtibl by Ir. K. It. Mi Kenney, City I'hto ptork Ib.KO'J- F'.R .-AI.F- Twi4j)J Wof ho r-- for ale cheap. Apply to Ttnr. Awbr.y ' t d'-pol. Kugt-ne. l'ih. In thi ity, Monday, July "1. lo the w ife of I ntttv I nil, a V ouijd Tin ksiay An.rsrs. l'licaoat i and gnxix reoirtetl cant. The, In lii-e an-otill rapidly dlnijv arlng. Cotnlde able agricultural luaehinery I -l tig aold now. Watchc .clock and Jew clery at lurd time' priie, at H. X. CnnnV The gn erv Hlon- an now uppllel with all k ml of freoh ".cgvtablc. Hay n-l. iliug In mall iUntlln- at K to 7 - ton according lo iuahty. Kno-n tutor and window. F. L. Cm vmiii ilo A new tn no. f UMiig put nn ti,. buru A IV ano'a drug utore. K cream freeer at F. I.. (II A Mill lla. Call and get prhoot U fon- you make your pun liim-, at H. N. Cntin'a. A vt-ndei-ofaiutlelooliaro u knive lo holding au aiidieiiiv on F.lghth utreet thio Afternoon. A line ll ie of lad n-o and p nlo chain., Jttot fnun the factory, way down in priiv at H. N. Crnlu'a. The Klci..ooi Imliauo wen- on llie olno-lo in c.iiiiiic thl morning dis tributing .ngraiiimi'. Small pritltii, ipilck oah-o, and new gioolo every few tiny, i what iiuike ('rain'. ! n- oo attmctive. Jaiiu 1, i r, v im llvi-o near Irving, luu iilri nil- thn-oluol 4,'KiO bu.hii of ottl. The yield w ao only fair. A large MiH-k of Llgin and Walthaui waU-hin Ju.t noo-ived; will U- wild lit noluetol price, at II. N. Crnlu'.. Iluoliii iimuud the court hnii-o- ex-tn-uicly ipiiet, and therefore iteino are very acanf around the temple of Juo liiv. A lino Ibit of C liver Wan-, all new pattern-, ry vh ap, at linn AiK X. Chain's. The lVll lletou Pally Iribunc iodead. Thio lo a h ml m aui lor newpaor ao well a the luaiiy lineo of other bu.l lie. The gold n-ot-rve In the C. S. Inno- ury hrut no v n-acht-d rlii,7Ul,.i7il. A mo.! i-iitMiiragiug oign of gio time eoiuiiig. The who conic priio- of Italian prune will U hIh it I'J n n t III I'ortlilllil, Fn-neh pn nc III io iiIh, if iin-dictioii nfwholi-Ki. mean I- niicd iioui. Ir. W. I uyketidiill ha n-moved hio olllce to P no over the oflW in the Chiiou. in blio'k w here he may lo found by li -i patroiiH In thu futun-. Shlloh' iin, the gnat cough and cmup cun- t for Nile by u. ria-ket i.e ctmtait twcnty-llvc dooi-o, only S cento. I'h dn-n love It. City Dkih Stor The (ir Rli otalF formed a very lileajtaul i iiiualiituiuoi witli K. I. Cniwfonl, i iUnd tMlitor of the H. F. Call, who ii 'coiuimnifd the nieniianta excumloit. X. A. Fi tor of (tt-rvaia who waa ar- rtotUol at Ji nctlon City nsvntly on the rhurgu of i iloappmprlaling fund, haa loo-u aentei o-d to 'St day III the Ma rion count' jail. John A iderton llni.heil oiiravlnir hi hop vai d on the McKen.le hatur- tlay. lie vn (piaaola chip and w hale oil ooap. ,li pnMo.-ta for a large t-np an ex vlleiit. Cnptiilll Swto-ney, V. H. A., Man Dh- g, t al., mv: "Slilloii a I alarm lU-iiiedy la the llrot medicine I have ever found that would ever do meany KmmI." Price oil (0-nla. Sold by i itv uitru M1lK (I. Nettle liiut Mild III cigar Mont to J. L. Thoii.oin, the Ninth otno-t bar ber. Thoniwii will move hi barlo-r hop to ll e noun and run thu two bUxllH co together. Mr, Nettle will mnvu uii II u McKelilo to hio tiiuU-r claim. Peiulletoii I'jiHt Ongniilaii: ''I do-" Hutr n-gn la that he n-tiirmol fnun lehmau riiTing, hliuoj he I now loaer 'l.'h. Some unknown Intnider entered hi noin luot night and appmiiriiiti-d Ihi amoui t fmm hio panuiliHiiiH. Hi watch and chum were overlooked. In Ito otniiiling advertiolug advcrtiit- Ing acluolule the Weiiatchto Advance mivh: "Nollllcatloii that ndvertl.ing matter I to la illwulit lulled nui-l be made at tlimollKv. Alleged curhotoiie announceinent don'l go." Fvery lie WHiHiiicr man know the giool hard m-iihc ol th a notice. In the ntftlu for the whin that waa the principal factor In the m-iiojiIIoii Iii The Ihilltot, Friday afternioin, July iM, the ami. un: n-aliu.-d waa Ili..'i0. Nunii K-roon Ini llniol to aan-aaiii attachml a card to the whip w hich n-ad: "The llrot thing that ever beat the I lev. o. I). Taylor." Stricken lillud. A ot rally i-iim-, and one that I ex citing mm i attention among phyl clnn In Id tho, U thu n-iru-l bv the 1-wlotoii ,'rlbuni-: (leorgn I). Finn, who live hi the rimrock north of tiiwn, wao .not Hat unlay atrlckt-n Jor- fectly bliii i. He Hlattn that liiat Sat urduv m 'ruing lo-twio-n 8 and l o'clio k, ht went out to mow aoiue hay for ul rn i, and after mowing aome little lime ih felt a warm aeuoatloii acniHM the il'lilt of Ida bank and aoon he had a v miting i-ll. He then re turned to he houe atoiut auudowu. He went t Uo and waa noon a.olto-p After alio -lug aome two hour he woke up a I thought lie would get up and light t c candle. Ha found the matchea a i rtruek one, but could not anythl g, ho lie returned to the M and la I there alone fnun Satur day nigl until Monday evening, When a 111. I that Uel to Work for Mill made hi i .M-arance." t hiracoPrlew. 'J double al it fly paT , .... !r 2 bliM-ki g. ol inatchea .ttc 3 n. patier mnl w alnut Sc ldoi.g'oo orange 'Jc I doz. lary bright lemoua .VjC 3 lone ax grcaoe e-Ual to any 'SjC I dot. can lea, 14 ox 'J 1 large l Carter'a Ink Jf 1 l mixed candy 10c I ut. hot l otxl blue lOr AX IllI.LV. N'KW M UT MARKfT. Thurototi A M-oihtr litre tablihol a meat mark et In the '1 itua block on Ninth atnwt In Hun city a id wLh to make the an-nounio-m.fi to the farmer having anything in buy or awll In their line that thev 4111 receive ourtou treat ment and .ta goroi prl'f the cm tnilling market aftonla. ! them call. City Markkt. Hop M.rkTiv Sinn .. Thr will laciiKln( of the Iw.p Kr"rr" of; I jiiic coti; ly tt tlii court tioune, on MitunUy. Autruot li, lo.'.".. I'.uoln- of lti.to.rt lino, will to .r ne befor tli into tiinf. A full kltrmlaiKW It iltirot Uy onli-r f tli rr.ileot. j Seiuatiunal. i P.'.f onr I, A it t I Twit llltlc rllllill.il, Willf., lilllVe I .hem fii yi-o'-rd.tj ill t iiiom' bnal alonit t liuui llcre" i it inv.t. rv t inu--llng. They got oir the train and lol l b .tutnl. ro that their father wtto t.t ! Ilieet them either lit the .le"t or 1 Hotel Fugt-ne. A be did tint put in an npo nr iinv thei bil.lreii turiinl over lo Mnrohal I'ji.tlaii.'aA One . a girl, U ur 7 year of ult, ami the other a loiy oinc hat ymiiiiter lin y olated that their in.-tln'r, who live, in Hail, v, Idiihii, went to tint bank then- aiid dnw money and ued part of It In buy tln lr II. ki lo to Ihio plaei-. I In Wen plaiool under the can- of a iiiou win.' waa tit aiiiuiipnii v theiii. Ih-fon- ur-j rivlug at I'aol I'oitland (he luon I. It J them, taking the money, and the HtMtL.ll M.ri.iil m! tl.,.1 ..li... ....I I ..... . i -. ......... . ........ alootrd the right train tnr thi. platv and tin- con.ln. t.T care.) tor theiii until they arrived hen-. I he mandinl waited till evening for lln fatherto turn up nud Hun Untied thelll over lo the ci'UlitV judge. I .. il ly Micritti 'roller Ma. .Iclallc. I lo i are I for thelll, nud w hell he ortv tin III it currvd In him thai Hie l: i rl aii-.t. r.-.l the diwripttou of I. W. Miller o child j w ho w it .tolcii from her Iwtiif lu- tri Siiiuuiervillc III I. ll li III Oii l-i'II al-.Lt ii yi-nr aco. -tir. .Miller li.nn.ily re i l.il In thl. CiMinty and b n Hi'ii il fllclldo here. He win. iiiiiiniliabiv telegraphed by the nlllclalo .i imiiic and identify bio child. It I. luu. I to tell w hel her ohe lo-the .aim- or lnl. but ohe w III lo- can d tor by the county nuthorilii-o until Mr. Mill, r ainvc'. nud If ohe lo in. I the ..t l; 1 r I . cminii liicatli.il w ill lo- lit her tin . tin r nl Halley. I lie liill.hvll give Cnuioii a thtir name hen-. TlIK Olil-liw 1Im,i . - o-alcin Journal: Thai io a ihin-lii tul .talc ol altain. in lhi county, w il li all f o-j.ono briilkte oil llo baiido and hm-o-o lallnii; throiiL'h every day and iiottilug don. to make the bridge afc All ludivii mil guilty of ncglto I on -i lir. e a .i ale w ould have a leio iv cr :i'oiti . d ur a ioimuiio.mil tmild iii.'iin- mio hi. oainly. Ao polk county w.iivco -ill ow m roli ip In the big I'liL'. , Marion .ln.iililao.iiiiicointi.il an I tlx il up. I 'nil f loiat.1, Atlk''i. -loiKMI intiv WollK. The bliek lay er on llie lli'W dormitorv at t'u- Slate Cnivcroity are lax ing oil' until the IliM of next wto'k. Itrick work i coni I. I tol niuly for the third otniy jol-l-, w hich w ill In-laid thio wi-ek mid it i. eXo-cted by that time the brick will lo-on the umuud to eompliie tin-otruclun-. Tho earo-nti-r work will lo. putliol along and It loproluble Hint the bllildiliK w ill lot lllii.lnol III gioi.1 lime for not the coming term ltlJtltiMi. Wciliieoday' Albany iVintN-rat: "Itev. (i. W. Hill pn-o-ntnl thiawto-k bio formal n-oignatiou no paobirof the Itaptl.l church of thio city. A iiiuiiiiitce wao iipMiiutcd to aifurr1 a oueeowir. Ao hi r. ti.li.n' .tatcl Itev. Hill will then leave for China II a mlofloiiary." Mr. Hill io wi ll know n In l.uitciio having noided hen' in hio boy IiimmI .lay" anil i. a graduate nf the Htiito unlverolty. Pu mp I iiiAls. -H-vernl ilayoiiice John Holhiliil, nil the M.om- ranch, cut and thnoditol H ncnot of onto for harvtoit iioi, eXM-tii'.g alonit I jbu.lui o-r acre on a.onunt of the grain loing llilii and full of wioil. Mr. Hollan.l waa Hiirprlot-d when :ui buolui l r acre wen thnodied tint. The main lo Ing well lllleil account for the yield. Farmer all over tint cuiinlry n mrl grain better lUlnl than U-unl. Hhiloir Vilnll.er I w hat you mo d for IyN-mla, torpid liver, yellow okln or kidney Tmublc. It I guanin (tool to give you oiitl.factii.il. liliv 7" (vnt. Sold by Dr. F. I). McKeiiuey, City Intro Stork. p. e. Binor First Senii-A Prices cut through stock on the way. All wool Challies 50 cts. a yard; worth 75. Ribbons at less than Cost. All Wool Storm Serge 45 cts.; worth 75. Ladies Silk Waists at 50 cts. on tho $1. j 100 Parasols 50 cts. each; worth $1. l Straw Hats at 50 cts on the $1. !; Gents Underwear 50 cts. a suit; worth $1. ij Neckties worth 50 cts. will be sold for 25. ;i Clothing 25 per cent, off former prices. Mens shirts sold everywhere for 50 cts. we will j sell you for 25. j Everything will be sold in this proportion. i COME IN EARLY FOR THESE GOODS GAM HOT LAST AT THESE PRICES. c"No tickets will o nn: si h:ni ii mum iht Hu-iui'o Mailt t li-iu.ij It )' Imiiic. I Al't .. i-ll A .,... A e nuinU r tl the p iltv dllViil .l III. Q llllitlii' ! . Ol.l- -l Itutte III Miiitini I'a U, yii'erda n' e i lionti and i veiil. k", wl..ie the on I l:i t a n w w lili li Weill, I in l oiiiy ' I u.ii lit thciu w H li 1 1 ii- I ..L-i.i!h nt ' i tn me iii r Valley I nd Irilmtai -bill uUl ll:i.... (belli W llll (In- I to. l lieo nl iiuliiie a. uiiluMi I i i tin i .lu-l rouiiilmg .lim ry . A inc. -ting ha I lo.n i .i.led at the loMird n I tiade r o.ino ..r o o ii.k In illcu. the bil.liii in the lnti I.-.I ot w In. li Ihi. trip l lo iiiL' tak. n I'.'.. I ul-i U" I ol In I ll-tinl . ttr -I ...nn excellent III1I.I'' at the clilial.ei bi tin- r.o.un iir- i.iii. to the in. . i in;. An. r t lie I. it.. to lim an in .1 in 1 ul ;i i. . Ii-o. illative .1. I. L-alinu nl In . I In. i- haul. an. I iueli.lo.-r. .1 llie l....il. tl,. Hi.-. Un -io i all. d I . 1 1" i .i.iu -ii ... i -1 :l I" .nil 1 II I. Irt of W K 'll III -lie i. lr I'. I-!. l..o.ini- hi a I ivi. hiai .., deliver d in hi. nul l' lI...ii...; -i .-, he .ml c nl the I. in III. I.. I. I t.i n criie I .un the ii lull. -no now b. iii- f'.rill.ll I N-l II t be b ll-lll. o 1 1 ti -II nl ill li nieio an I the lli.iu.i lie .il lev, all I bade tin in a lir'-t i olil .1 M . . conic. I C I. .p.lllM- II U -half "I I I IU liaiit-i- .1 un I. il..l t- w a Ii.ai.- b VI t. rt L. ti t.l, ot Hi.. Ill lit i I II I biio.k, M. mil A M.-t-m, Ml.. I. -il.-hardwi le in. 1. Ii ml. .1 that . il l . I ;' gl'lltlelllllll Hke I'.o illlltly ol tin' Il"--pilalltt ;n'. 'iil-. t'n I aity .line tli il .illival ill I he i lt ill in illi pin-.' I"l the pli i-allt a . :11:111c ' nt in r lltllc eily ilii I II. I.a.ituul Mil IniiinhiiL;-. Hi i-aidllig trad. In- o nd in- -t ao a oiifi'd t lial II wa. tho put'l-M nf the .'111. :al- nl the On o I I'a. lib- railmad lo .land by tin- - ..pie of tin- li nn et te x ..I.. and i. It.. I I .i)...i .nn.: fni a l.nr . .'in . I ii i 'ii biinoii .iMi-ii.-li.at... I., I, cl'iiliii - 'i i I l .ii. i o, .r I he i.-,ii. -a I 1 1 .. i-' .-I I'll. I -in 'I . .-. I. I il . th. : -. ol..- in In- I.'.. I--l.'ii that . l-i .1 II o I,. I'.i . I .1 I III- .-I' V I lie; . e l.-' -i ll.l Vi ler ii t.-w l "..I : . ' I". I nl tl.i t.l .i ' dllb M ill I ia. I tin- 'i .i lie : HI f the 111., I. ..ill . i . ; 1 1., t in on. n .ii t ni. , lie Ni.d o un vi luu ,' tl.e I'l.lii'.. part that it w . . a I-. lin in. iii i.lv ill (.ellll lHl l;l tb. tellll'ill that tlietlailc iNi i. . , to no pat icu r nun lo I. Our e... i nn. ii .- i- "'ii In In.' oiiiotitiiiii ol t ho w ot Id mi. I :f .-in liniici-Mii prl.o ..r.- I he l'.iir-l ..ml in liTiiii'illHte tiali.i oil. ill-. ti io I n mil l.-, S.'lll I'i.'IIU .oil I . lire In ci 1 llll I. I i r of c.iiiiiil.ir.. Wcb.lt r .Inn. V ice Tin. I. -lit ol tin- S. F. I 'ban. lo r ol I 'mill. i ro ami III. m loToflhe win !'- . lie tr m i v lirill of .loiuo A ( o., 1. 1 that t II i , -ul that hi oevenil llltcrxicuo it 1 1 , 1 Mill. mm bl.i- lieoo nialioiio w It Ii Mr. I!. V. Iladliv, How noi'ivcr of the I inri.li I'acillc, he bad Ui-otue coin nut d Unit Mr. ll nl-h-y wao au hounrable, kiiaiiiillorwurd iiiiiii. I'htit be had .lnl.-i II th.i un I chiiulo of Ihio city would liiit'l him aiiywht-nt Hear half way hn would o that they Went given every io.ll.lc advantage and iiut even now eoiitein plating un evil union which would n ach our city. San Fn-uciotMnnceeu-Joyed ii hlinic of the trii. In in thio ten i- tory, but ilurin; tin- nipni tievelo nielli of lo'lillal i.nd Hoiilheiu Cnlilnr llill lltnl the lin r n-llig ll ;i. of the ni l lilt' ichaiito of III it city, thio Inn I.- lin I gradually hlippe-l away. Now u gi d hare of the w bolcoale Ini-lio o lo fall ing under t he c-in- of yniiin-er men, lllul theoe, lo ilig more in lively nllve to the Intercolo and ln-utilto of Hie tra.le nf thu soil. Hi, am einleavoi iiii;, nud will contiiiiic oo doinir, ,y fair coino' litlon lo n italn it. Trim. Hirtatioii io I he itnat ipieoiion and the On-gou I'acillc lo a mutual friend. Hmi. S. M. Vo ran of Ihi city and Andrew Cnrrluan. of (he Iiiiuhaui, Carrigau A llayiicti Co., wln.le.alc hiirdwnrde deiilcro, of San I'rami.co, mid Clearance iiiil closes Saliiriljj i'iWIK' the middle to make room for large AREoCASH PRICES.T! be given during this sale. Respectfully, F. E. DUNN. ' 1 V . J - at -.iiii-li ngtli In tho aame . h erwtil.ii lr. loimU, imllug ! n 'i.ni.i-r nf the uni ting, noti t j -itoro und oilier pn'-eiit that I l .11 h id lavll iiiu-le for very i I n'lal n-o -plum, w hlcli would .' liuii.-biirt .lain inif iarlora o ely aft. r thu iii.e of (ho busl n .-ling. In fi.rei I. inif, however, iiio-o.ary tocivit t In- ioitor a iirnin, whi.ii hn very ( ll'ce ii u-trat.-. by one of bio ever ' in w hi. h hmiiLiit iloit n the 1'iIi'm In ally w. ii. I. d tin ir way lo the n in ll.e ... lal eh tin lit ol I-il- l' b.t-l o- inbl.ll nn I a very injn.f ab!.. ilatio. t ii-Med. I he indole Wiw n n. I. i. d by tin- Cornet bnnd, and itl.-ul inidiiiL-ht a liin.ii m wrveil nt I he II . i: 1 1 , hi 1 1. .ii... bv the ll-oir.l (f I r.iio i i.iiiiiiit t. v. 1 lie vliilor ex ptv .1 th. in; , . I(, biuhty lilenoeil w iih toe n .u't. of the hipitalile en .1. ii r ol ...ir i it i . ti-. and ,ate. Ihev i. " ! I e.nrv th.- nn n.nrv of thl iit I I 'li i for I:. . : . v il . .11 l' day. ii i i i a . 1 1. n ..I Mr. Murtny, the lll l I it I l , :o . Kill thio llloril- liu- I ir I I uihi '..ii.. at thu c.i.t.-rn I. i n. nn. ot lln'ttr. U 'll Pn-'illc, where th. i w ill ml l no in in li-luug, and enjoy .1 c! un l.ii,e imiu-lit. I hey wen- i..'o.in. ihi.-d .y I.. C. Silillh, cb ni ii, in nt i he I'. .r. . f Trade enter- t a. ii 1 1 l ,it. u.ii. ii i. ' , .tnd I.I. .1 uiliii r, U.ii d lime li ii i o. Ili'Ui.d trip Iii k. to to (he Foley or Kidnap oi ilo, M.K.Iile l'.rlilgo .m l I'.lne i ii. r inn., i at ri iluo d price on it. cunt of the liuaii.i.il ot ringciicy. li. kei for nniii.l dip to llr-t tl.n un hlioin .1 ci... v., f i, a'i.1 I'. lin- Kivt-r nine., i. I A'-ur-ioii rateo from all principal H.iit. .oi S. P. Ci, i In Ore- U'UI. I'. A N.,o 11 IM. I I. -ON. Wiii Hi -i mi litviitti. Ir. K. I. Nl l. nn. y .11 le.iirnc 1 1 praethv .-li a .Iniiii' i i lb - city and vicinity In . 1 1 hi. i. ..I.'. I. may U found al t ne l ity 1 inn; i r w In n' lin w ill lot I. . - .1 to in. . t :i i . v mid all of bio l in i. r patron-.. 1 rum lio.v until A I- n-i I i, he w ill V i v.-.i. . iiliuliono ai d i-.li,- pn-oeriplioi o l.i-e nf charge. I'llr '.I I, Annuo X I-..C Piuiii.AMt. I'm-. Mat I. o-k nn. I I In i v I lolieii hit thio morning al 4 ..'.1 .1 k. mi llnir t. n v.''.., for Portland. They . .i t to ri b- to r-aleiu Inlay and op. ml the ulglil III thai ciV. Tii' KlckaoNt Indian ho,v I lin-nieii-.', (-.piiil to iii.-.t any tiavellng en ten. 1. 1. in. 'i.t y.-t It lo fitv. I.i mi l It Toll luiiili. r for .ale. liH'k A Co. Sai.k All kiml of Apply toJ. I). Mitt- To Eestore hair which Ii;h liocoine thin, and keop tho unilp flcnn am! healthy, we HAIR VIGOR It jircvonto: tho hair from falling out or turning gray. Tho beat Dressing AVE