The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 29, 1893, Image 2

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rraarl ).
I tvr m all lb bints thai rut
At4 BssvImI la nut nr. bant I roan,
Foe avert floasr I bl a ftsina
My frietela vara wuuu. burka, toad aW
I ina wbec thrived la loader flea
Wbal iuuiU auel. auotb a lou brulssV
Ob, I aaa vary leerae! Ihen,
Uul ILal waa ey sung -.
I inw lb ! apua lb bill
tn ber rherksruarrlaa roultt ba roans',
I kaea Iba rushes aear Ilia mill
V ber in. kerrl lay tbal weighed a aoaadl
I knew Ilia .( Iba e.ry tra
Wber lived iba poa. king, saury crew
And ail Iba aus-al and rroaa knew ma
llul Ibal aaa vary ton ego.
And pining for lha )nnf youth.
I Irani! Iba old familiar lK
On If to Irara lblM.lrmn t.ulhi
1 bate furgnltea. era forgot.
Th brra'a ilaia youngster ai m knse
Know all Iba Iblitara I Qwl lo kuowi
To think I unc aaa als aa b
Uul tbal a aa ry Umf ago.
I know II Mir In mm plain
Of abatau rr Iba fslj ilerrea.
Vet, vara not a Is be. all In rain,
I Ull jrn wbal ray wlib should bat
I'd wio lo ba a boy again.
IUi k a II b tba f rWiels I iwd to know
For I aaa. ub. ao happy Ihen
bul Ibal aaa rati !( ago.
-Kugeb 11.14.
Na waa a big, aullro looking fellow, low
ering fuurtrru Inrlira nlrov tlta meek. Id
offensive looking lull woman trotting
along hy bla aide, and lb rsaual iilsverver
would bara aald al a glano llial aba waa
bmkrn plrtlcd, Immimro wif to whom
marriage bail lo a failura, which would
bat promt I bat th opinion of tba casual
otsscrver la of littla value.
Thry entered a clothing atora and ha
asked to t shown aoma "paiita." Ila
picked ii p a iMHit lha flrt pair shown bun
and aald that ha would taka thrin, wbrn
h snatched thrtn (nun him. ttasr-d thrm
aside and aald Irlly
"Well, ton II do nothing of tbaaort, J ark
fimitbl I think I m you paying arrrn
dollara for a lr of panta. Thia-nxlral
Bra dollara la Just aa good. If Ihcy don't
look quit m wrll They're too short r
They're nothing of thaaort, and I ran let
down tba hrin if Ibrjr ara a little short
llrra. Mr Clerk, do up Him pallia "
Thru aba llsbcd an old leather wallrt up
from th drpthe of porkrt In an utiaiiav
pertsnl plae and paid for th "panta,''
tlrr whlrb aha graciously loaned tba hlg
bully hy brr abla trn caut piece, saying
aa ah did mi
"Thara'a th dim jrou aald you wanted
to get Mini lotuuxo with (jet out ami gel
It while I w all her for ymi, and don't lav
gone mora than ten iiiinutra, ruber, for
we're ttoing home on th next car Hurry
apt" Detroit Krr I'reaa.
Karly Iran Maaafarlare la f.nglaad.
Tba uialiiifiutiire of orilnaiue are in a to
bar Ijegiio In tba Kiftrenih rrutury, a
mortar Hint wna atlll In matem-a and
rn uael lor puroara of ainiiM-mriit lra
than century ago at Kmle, near Chi
sealer, la-lug claimed aa the CI rat of lb
kind rear in I In thia cuuiitry Tbla waa
buoprd gnu. ('miiiiou caal ami uorrd ara
of later ilala. Thrae, t, were fl rat mail
Id Kngland at lluited, In Hnwt, lb
fouudrr lielng una lUlph llogue, whorin
ployed a Krrni lininn, IVlrr llaml by
Dame, aa bla aiwialant, or, more properly
llialruclor. th art of gnu founding being.
It would apa-ar, a r'rriicb lurention
llaml bad aa an apprrntlra one John
JoluiMin, who kt drM-rtlNHl a having ei
eeednl bla tuaater In hta art of cmtlng
onliianre. nmkllig them rleaner and to
belter perfection." And John Johnaou
aun Thomaa la dearrllied aa having rail,
lowanl thermlof th Huteeiith ceutury
artillery dlauuilly aiproarhliig la th
beavy gunt of tba prravnl. hla "forty two
caat pierea" welghlug thre tuna apler.
Luodoo hpertalor
Haw aa Idllloa Waa Cthaaaled.
The death of Jamea Huuell lowell re
called an amimlug atory of th way In
which hracaied the uatlal f ile of literary
beglniiera-a fliiancial haw In the public
lion of hla llntl vuliima. Tbeoiat of pith
lUhlng .Mr hnwell'a book, runa tha atory
waa Ihm-u entirely by that gentleman him
elf, the edition Iwliig plain hut auhatau
Hal on of 5uu roplea. Th author frit tba
Uaual prld lu hla achievriurnt, and hoped
for almoat Immeillal fame, hut only a few
copieaof tba work were aold.
rWn after, llrewcurretl lu th pnhllah
lug houa where lha voliimra were atoreil,
ami they wer deal myeiL Aa lha publihrr
rarrlecl a full Inauraiic on lha at.a k, Mr
Lowell waa ahla to reallae th full rnah
falur of hla rent lire, and ha had, then-fore,
lb eat tf art ion of aaying lo hla friend
that lha entire edition waa eihaualed
1'all Mail liaaetta.
Th frallful Keaaaa fur Applea.
External rlnuniotaiices aouiewhat da
tenuui liue of groath. Th warm aim
bring forwanl lha Idiauoma Tba ala
nieiia. which prepai tha frrtlltilng dut.
develop rapidly umli r unuaiial warmth,
while the piaiil, hich bn the tveNual
bllity of bringing forth the fruit, Ukea Ila
own time Inthiaway tba alaniriia often
nature I he polo-ii In advance of tha ner.1
of the pl!ll When lb pl.lil la uialnra
ther kt no Jx'lleu, and brma no fertlllx
Hun and no crop Th abundant aeaaoua
ar when atameua and pUHU niatiir n
UmporaneoiMly Hut even when tna
fruit la pruivrly fertllitel the Ire haa ut
aiored up nntntloo enough lb pwt M-amo.
aud tbeu lb ground Ululrr Hie Ire la
ainml wttb fnllru miiiiatur fruit
Tboniaa Merbaa In I'hllwlelphia lalger
Had I'laea ftir Iba Hoy.
A capital atory la told of a hortband
clerk wbo wanted hla Ix.y entered in a cer
tain arliool whrr borthand waa taugnl
Knowing that the achool maater would l
able lo deeiptirr it. the father, toav lima.
Wrote lb nieaaae In ahorthan.l II oiraiit
toaar "Dear Sir-I bav d nlr.1 lo enter
xny ray lo your m bal " Wbnt be really
Hid aay waa, "Dear Sir 1 hai decided lo
Inter my U.y in your akull " Faury tb
aalouialiniriil of the pedagogu at ucb
propoaall Kxcbauga
Jim Do you mean lo aay that ibal ru
taJ father la a total aubjert of giieen Vio
tona L'barkaa II proved ll to ma Tb trarka
M bla poor te.y'a ba, k ab.iae.1 that Iba fa
tberwaea Weitatnan. and th IUi, fri
low couldn't till off hta tbirt without
bringing lo mind tb pnnu of watea.
Fituourg Uuiietin.
If a iprala la alUtht, lrop'. real of tha
foot for a fw day may tu!Brlot. Tb
wt abaolu: tb raat th btur But aa
apparently c.Ubt apratn, eauaing. beyond
tba Brat pais, ao dlaeomfort fur twrbapa
twntyfour houra, may, without pro par
ara, baooml oriy troub.aaom fur
Ul Tlaaa.
mall Brot bar Tbal young man who
ornea lav taw yoa) now aiwaja brio a aaa
buter VII. If bo iom yoa anaxlot ull
very body What do yoa do with it allf
Kmall Hrotber bit kUHlaf tb aofa an cat
IV-Oood Nwa
leelB( far rartara Wkt Naea tba La eg
eat Itaa la lb VTarbft.
Tba only emloyee of the Canadlao Pa
dfle wbo are wit b the eiprt- Iraina all I -,e
time brlwn-ii Montreal and Vauctiurer are
Utt aleeping ear portera Thry travel
Daarlr "" milea witboiit ahrenk, and ar
on Hie riavl for nrnriy n daya Ida a
pretty hard life, lint al both enda of the
rout thHrti r hare an oxrt unity to
rt. thoiith even thru thry hordly get auf
fliirnt reruie-rittion t'"t let or thre
Dlghla the -irtrr la no likely lo gel ovrr
three or four bo.tra aleep a night, aud he
I lucky If he grta tbit He la hi own con
ductor. ami collecting tha alrrping car
tickria and arcouiiiiiia for them add con
aldrraMy to bla work
leaving Montreal al i p m , he Ii
certain lo bat a liuay tuna at Ottaaa
ahortly after uildiiUiil, ami then h haa
hla leta to Ulti k. an I ha la lucky If be
get a wink of alm-p la-fore 3 or S a. in He
take a pillow and lie down In the amok
lug room alien no iaaaeiigra are there
and rau hea nax If be can He la likely
at any moment lo la) arotiaed by bell.
auiniimiilug bun to one of th brrlha, and
tha bell laaur lo be kept buy after day
After leaving Viiinlpe4 ha haa a rxitn
paratirely may lima iutiim tha plaliia.
though h la rimM-llrl lo l up after
mldiilk'ht Ix'tb at Ib-gitia and at Calgary
At all lmHirtaiit at'itloua b ba to go to
lha telegraph olTlie with a ataieineiit of
th an oinui'xhit ion utMeupiel In hi
far, mi that the atittion a'rut ahead may
dlaioa of lartha II haa buay lime
through th tnouulaJii
A nil b loea imnrly hla entlr car
load at Vtnnig. and It II ila up thereat
one with paariigrra from tha Mint Ii. He
iea hla piaoen.-i-ra again at ILuilT, and
lurlr plai-e ar up.lie. by touriata who
going nit in. m that pieaaiir revirt.
Ila-n many nf hla paMengera get off at
(jhuiar. aud nthera cmie on, mi that nearly
all the time be haa mm h to do In lb way
of keeping hia acrouuta. beaiilea hla dullra
aa porter
At Vaurourer he laya over for two daya.
ami aa a nil he alrea In t lie car. occupy
lug It all the time) for the round trip
NVlien he return to Montreal ha baa lent
away fourteen l i) 1 In n be hita a lomrrr
real II la of! duly for five dnya, excrpt
Ibal he haa In Ink hla turn reNirtlug at
th drvt al hl.'ht lo ail th oulgolng
porter In taking c;r of lugiiga. Ilia five
daya' r-l pula him In pretty good condl
Hon for anot her two weeka' aieue.
The Hirteni aay the trip la rut her trying,
but th it there la nothing like getting uae
loathing The roui'iany pay them forty
dollura a month, and ther expert to make
at lea-t aa much more In fee All of them
are i-olnml men from the Statea. and hare
ervi-l on avime nf our lieat linea Thry
aay they Ilk the nervim (line In awhile
man la awltched off hi regular run.
which dia not ple.iae him eery well Kor
Inatance, be may reach Winnipeg, gouiit
exl with an empty cur, and he la likely lo
la aide trarkl for furl lo r order He haa
plenty of Irtaiire then, lint the feea, olilcti
form ao Inra a part of hi Income, ara mil
fortb-imiug. and he pn-f. ra more prolil
ahl ac tivity. New Yolk t-ull.
A Miftiery I'aiiUloed.
A gent Irtiiiiii of I lila clir who ha tikrn
Mime InirreM In mind mi'ling, hypiioltaiu,
telepathy and I he like, t nlcrrd hla olllie
thaolher d ir. ami ul na be wna Kitting
down thought of a friend w houi he wanted
very much to m on a matter of luiameaa
In lea than a niluiit In walked lb very
"Did you Jual arrived" aaknl th geutl
"Drot up lo the iiMr almul half niln
Ut ago," aaul the vlallor
"Mil. I M lid It lo the I'ayrhlral l(-M-arrh
MH-ieiy." Mild the gentleman, expliilullig
what hal happened.
After hi vuitor went aw ly lie liegnn
thinking It ovrr Thru he a ill h If II I jr re
called aomeihiug he hud overlooked, tin
luwelug hla olllie through aunt her room he
hail are n a gelillem.lU rradlllil a Uok nub
(lerullar bimliug It mutinied hltn of
another lik lu ainulitr binding h had
lawn reading at a iliiinu r rraorl the w-rk
liefora. Thia rrmnnle.1 bun Hint be
Ihouglit of going I uok therefor another
week of rerrr.itiiui and that reminded htm
that hla frietiil hud la-en down there, Iimi,
and ana rxiDtttn, lo go Imckwith him
Thru ha wondered how mnny aiiiiilnr m
tertea might la rniloually rpliiiin-l If the
rvllliertliiu In-IMeeii nne'a Ihoiighta roulil
OUly b rlalilliel. lb-troll r'rrw I'riiu.
Th Mlae.l Man t'olitradlela lllniaell.
Namleon waa fixd more than Ina J it
pmiHirtloii of time, and be hml a hnlut of
ticking to drcMoua ni.ide in hla off houra
luU limy bear I hla I u ml ml, I lint the im-i
man la he who moat often and freely run
tradlcU blnix If To never veer In )nU
tlielll, and never go Im k oil lourM-lf, la
not a Hull a. of gi-uiii I nkel my Uy the
other dny the plir.ine "go Uu k on
youmelf" iiirnut, ami hla anaarr givra me
jual the lllilt r.iliuli I tm-d He w.i pick
ing a row of rnapla-rrte. h: ntiawrr au
"I hair lo go lui k every lew fiet and llinl
la-rrlia I have misae-l Wbru I'lul IrlN
m I am not pl king clemi. I tell hlul to gu
bark on hiuiM-lf."
Tbal I a mar mail U mir aim mir
bluiaelf a often na umr dny. and then
a-rhaM nnili em Ii week If ton bale a
MMeilile com roll -ry, and hue Mriltru a
letter, la aure tml to m-ih) tt for twenty
four houi , gu log toiiiM-lf tune to rerun
aider ll IVrbnpa n gnxl rule lo lei all
Inter lay br for a d.iy. If Hallle. .
may bale a rlttrn one In your dad hour
Yon will In urprtedat Ira.l that you
coulil baie Mul MUne iriiiia. or proMmMl
othrr. M. IauiiiUIoI Dciuut mk
tt bera aealb'pa Ar t'oaad.
Sixty year ago the pre-a-m-e of giant
tcallup aaa kuouii in the vuiiuly of l ia
till. Me, hut it l "ii. y nil Inn Hie lut llf
leen yrara Hull tin l bnie found a market
Kverytaaly oiik'ht to Irani that ll la the
"heart" iwhuii la imt the hi-irtt of the
arallop villi h la r.itcn Tb; mi
"brart" I tbealmug ataliu (or run, ie of
tb molliiak All Hi rrt. or tli mmtie,
I tbronu away
lu all mux tiun there I a meet
tasting au i at -u,e. and proluthly In the
acallop thia I pireiil In Urge quantity
Tb Uaoal llietlnal of taking the Ma.ii'P la
by dredging It I ! u-vnl t tut there ar
undiaroien-d ta-i.aid ttieg!.tnl mm, lop
yet to lap found t'tt I he eol of Mam
There ued lo I entertained H Idea
that aiiue M-alioia aire oiiiv found
lb old French aeitli inriita, tbry aerrilu
lo arrulrnial (lantiig by I lie tlrt roio
Dial a. tint au b l i I the The l'is ten
Baluraily lalong. u tue whol North
American owt - New orkTiuiea.
Tk nh Jaal ( llaab ABawrd.
Thnf Are in nhing la on of Iho
COrtualtlea uf thai rlllploi lurlll lu Milith-
ra water nut i let ar taken In riiormoua
quantities by tnvaia wbuh go out with
. wire hankrta at ti e Iniaa tilled wiib blna
I lug pu b pine For ti e purte luin w
tb rraU i mi hui n-l aa to bring II, e gun
walaiia utv iile il. ao nearly lo a level
with lb wairr. and the Mali, attract, d by
tb light, jump atanard by hundreds
Kiinellmra a big dip tlrl la uard In xiep
In lb Maly creature who h crowd In Hi
waUrUiaanl the lllunuualion. luterriew
la aabingvaai Mar.
O.I, Klgkt. j
"I tor her. but I rauuot marry her I Net ,
her ii aa her falber waa niy father' Mew anl
I hav no fa .a pn.l bul ah la
wealthy and I aia oi-C"
"Uut, my dear feiluw, by raarryiog her
yonoaly get bat k what bar lalbrr aUi.o
from youra.
"That Uuaaa I'll try U after aL"
apreaalvrereaaaale tlleadluf th final
ilaHalllM ut lha af tb l-le
Leader of lb limlda uf Walee limber
Mlled aertlte.
Fur nwiiy Mi ni llio tlitii a uu l t!i rit
t'f tlm I'rtiblx; even und. r tin) tnitl' t'
tt j uli tldo lli.i tiinei.f Yowling. Tlr ir
wnaoiio .f I lie iixat nm lent utnl inini
livo ut n hiuiia. utul it rult n ifn-nt!y
llirotnlinl in niy-ti tt. V't it ia not alto
gether WI. Anions llio lulls i. f W.ili
many tr:ini; t lira of tlio iot r-n..ii:i.
TIktu may Ui ii'i "friiiftin tit ut f .r;-ot-
leu aiii-a," Imt lln ro nrn li-i-mU ami ;
ruetoini ktnl antic mid mk in! mill r-l t -
riiitiirtti' t riwrviil iitirlnin-i-l!n 1
il.iy ,f Arthur nn I M.-rlin and T.iln"am. !
Tlirrn r proluilily not a f. w M ri who.
likn (ili-iiiliiwi-r, "can aiiinmon t;irit t
from tlm viity ilit-p," though wlirtder or '
not llicy will rotnn i yi t K Ill'it-1 iira- I
linn. Aridna f r tlm Driiida. their j '
yet ntilipiki ti. mi'l their wi-ird ni-auro
tiit ci-li'liriili-! n of oM.
Tlm death tx-i iirriil at Llantriwant t.f
Dr. William I'rire, wluiln l.l llio dt'.iti-
trtiialDil ollii e nf an lulrui l tif Vali.
IIh iu Miuirtliln inorn than I:
ol 1 ntnl lin'l.t li.ive a.M, for rmnof
old time bard w Iki tarilii-l In Knu 1I-
ward ri'iK'i. " nifk'nl an I atilinuo aa
hia n'i'aratu e. Six or aeven year ngi
it may lai r iiii-tut n il, an infant tln.t
hl Ni-n Ixirn In him in hia old n- iln ,,
ml it Ixnly wna publicly croin il'il hy
linn with Drill. liral nt'-a. For tin ho
Waa arn "tcl and brought tu trial. Hut
after a hot ronh-at in court ho waa ac
quitted, an I a ilii-rii wna rotintiiii'eil
from Ilia Ix'tu li etalili-hiir tlmoutir"
legality of Una font! nf fuui-ril. Ar-
cordiiik'ly when Ir. Vnvr hiuiM-lf ili'd
miliar rcromi'iiy waa cnart'tl witlmtit
tliouxht of int. rf. ri tu e.
Tha rep'tniiiiy Im.k l lare on Ihe aunt-
nut of a hi'h ln!l nt Cip'rhin. tho v. rv
rt w hero Iho IhhIv of 1 1 1 mf int hn.l
lni n liiirtiiil. hiitulri-'l ticli ta
wero indiifl to the frii tid ami f irnn r
patietita of r. I'riro, entitling thnin to
enter thn itu I.Hiiro and tt itiioK t'ni litirn-
iiiK. The hour lirxt m l wu main. I'ut
public I'tirin-ity ro.-o In a.) In ;li a I'ib'li
that, tu avoid In in ovi rw Iii '.iii -.1 l v a
Umli of uticlitMiT. it wan ut Ihe 1 it tine
i.'ii'tit ilr hli'd to i,'i it In ? o'i ! k in
lli iii'irniiur. So in tin uray li :lit i.f
lliati.iily li"-.r the atniiin tik -a-,-i :' it way totlie hilltop. So nioiiru
ilij; is'arli wna to Ik-mi ii. Th" i 1 '--I
frn iiilH iif I'm iln-i ancl Druid wero nl
titvd ill tlm niirirnt (-tillliis nf the
Wi Mi 'oj.i'.
Tlm I .ly i f Dr. h ire wan i I ia
the Drtiiiln al rnU a iu writ lu lid-
ami wan lin n placed iu a roiVui of t r
forated "In, l irmi. (In tlm hilltop two
tonn waKa ha I i n Imi't. four T i t
apart, t-ai ll Im iiii; ulnuit U feet I' hi,' and
4 fiid liib'h. A lunula r of in m Kir i t
ti'tidll: front otic In tin" ut In r formed a
rudo gratituj l Ium n Ihein, muiic ilia
t.inec' hImivh tlm ground, mid iimui thou
bar the ceflin waa pi. u ed, dm In id U
ing toward thn riu-t Hlul Iho fort toward
Ihe Wit.
A flerjiiuin of tlii'INt.ililiiliedeliiireli
wa. pri'M tit mid read Urn ordinary M-rv-
Ire for tlm iT'-ad in Wel-li. 1 lm v, -t-liienta
of tint t-hurrli rniitr.t-led iu.
tranely with thn ;arli wnrr.
byanuio of Iho uttetnlaiita an did tin'
word of the prayer lamk with the
trail;" rite. Siiiii'cliht i-h.iime wero
Ulil'lo in (lie aer lee. urli an Iho Innly
ilil "i-oiiMgneil o tlm ll.illlea." '
Thru iiinler nml over an. I all around
Iho riifliu waa I'lliil a (Treat lot of im. I,
'rhap a w liolo ford nf It, an 1 In tint
Wero ml V I M Veral tuns of Many
gallon of n ritltin oil were thrown uja n I
it, thoroughly naturatiu tluM'titiro pile, j
Then, Ht alnitit M o'clock, two of the
rloM-et fneiula of thn lato Druid r.ime
forward from Iho throng nml applied
torrlma lo the Wmnl, mm at rarli end nf
tho ma. In a iiioiueut it w an all a rac
ing; furuaro, and tho hill literally llare. I ,
liko a volcano.
A brink lirm-zn waa lilow in', which
fanned the lire and rarrie.l thi'llaiim a. id
miiukn far Into tlm heaven. Fi r inat.v
liulca Ihn trance hiat-iarlu wa t l. arlv
mx'ii, and til. Minimis of la-opleraiiu'tkn'k
inj; thither from nil part of (ilaiuor
gainluro. .S-v.-ii ir ei-ht lhoti.i:id of
thrin gat lu r.-. I in a run; iibotit tlm pi re.
aa clueo In it na "il !e, an 1 ln.l it
w ith ca'er intrn-t all day l.uu-.
Snnm hour alter dark that ev.-nui- :
ll o flaiuea ll:'. ille.l down, mid them w .,n '
only a dull glow frotn llin roal. Then
with long lino! they ilra'i,'ed Iho rollin (
frotn the furuaro, when it wa iliroV
cnil that It had Ihi ii literally luiruM
throtlli iu many I'lai i-, and w lu n I lie
ltd wan iinrovrred Iher.s eptarlo .i nle
eoltitrly i lnpty W Itlnml llir fauit- t lr.u i'
within of tiie mtuim. Tlu r.'lV.n w.-.a
lll'iM-"Hlellllv roUVrVeil on a In. r. fol
IllWdl liy uu lllllln iimi crou d. Mini lie
poniti d oil t!m com ll ill tho divea-utl n
ntildi'liri', w hern a feivdaia .ri'Vloiia!y
l. had hreutlusl hi liiat. N't-w York
Two Wealthy t.lrl Wlib a Taa.
Two girl Mt aw hile ago in opt.. it
tugr' ln. ut the tlualrr lo whom
ntiiiml wi.iltli tl.u word iucutiii li able
Would mIiih t liierally apply, l.thucre
faintly n t'y, of the ntylr lliat i l.o
IiitclytitiHwiii.out pro r i!rea;ng. tne.
the i:iot il.r'.'.id i)e cf M i'i I. w re
jvilti blue. The reu!twa auuply I'at.
The other gul t a brunette au.l w.k
iln-eeeil in a brown ailk iwl-.u-h t the
ligliin-t and nnit rharai ti t',, wear the
luitid of in. in can ileii-e. i . j t in com
bination!, and bad a w i-p . f illumon tn -I
lia'Utly around lu r tuvk. New Vork l. t
A Hlanrh I rlra.l.
OM (ient (pn.i-.-ipg health of the li.n.;
py pair at the welding brvukfat-An I
aa for the bride ;naiiu, 1 can pak wit.i
till more coi.tidetire of bun. for I w.k
preaent at hi rhr.t.-iiiug, I waa pn-ent
al Uio bun.jiii t pifu iu honor nf lo
foiinn; of n,e. I am pre, nt here to!.iy,
and, lonl willing, I'll ba pn-n-tit at In
fuuerah (S. i:vitum. I Vk M
A l ir.l lhaaihl la harsh.
A little wiMorn lv b- than 8 ye
olJ waa talon to chunh for th. l.r t
tiuio. lie g:m-d aln-ut w it!i much 1L'.. r- '
rat and finally a. J in a tlrar tut awe
ttnick vnhT. "Mamma, wter'i Owl.'" :
Now Y'virk Tnhutie. ,
l ata I ar Tea. bera,
' TV you love your Inu luirJ"
"I (tippiM I hat tn."
"Why ao. Tommy?"
"lUvatli-J the l'.iblo aar W tnt luT
or enrtnii-." Now Y'ork TcleTaxa.
Iter Harden. Are Maay.aad tier rteaaare
Ar 1 11.
Tl.r) women w In, live in citirf run form
no t-ti'nnto i.f the work dotimlay after
day by th farim r w if on lha frontier.
Thernaee norometii. lit lailtnlrl". taker
i or ti.r- w ln re !ie "til 1 buy the
ready mado art:I ahe i coiu ll-l I"
innkafor In rvlf. It ia tnn'eaiiii work
with l-T from early mini until Ion,
after Hie hour hae crown ma:i at
tWlit Mie ;.-l.l D.e f.r. f'T l-n-akfaet.
Nowheri. lill:i ltl mi roinpletely lord
and tna-ter on the firm. mthiT
wa a farmer wife mid liitM the fin';
hi Wife Kh.lil do the a.U!ie. While tha
ketth. I In.iJiiirf il."lll niiikmi.'.
and ra nretn.t rare w iiero a fanner'a
wifo li. lira n untie i. or 10 cowa
twira!ay. The ii. ilk ut rarrr-l into
the ii liar in k'reat heavy palN that
would try a in iti anl !m re
turn to the w..r of fetrini: lireakf.u-t.
)tintia; the .r ir -of ti e im al nhe can
not it back and eat a l r-t, a many
hi. 1 ut i kept jumping np nnd down
waiting rn I he nr n f ilk and children.
It i often a (U'ti. ii to trnnerJ wlm
visit on th fr.ntii-rif d' ever (fcU a
liance to ,.at at nil Then the children
, i
, am In l "flirted off tu m iuku. aim
j thon'h tlierr-lit. f tin ir education fall
' I i tlm father it l thn mother w ho ihx-
j extru work that tln-v may pi, nnd who
pull them out of l d ami tarta them j
. off in lime every uwniin.:
I The milk i to I" !raitiel and put'
j away, crm lfa . al l'd. butter i'hurtiel,
and the ili-hea and . hainln r Work atlll
wait. Dinner an I i:pl r nnd aftenioon
I work take up In r day. Then in their
: Itini lhroii,'hoiit the week there are
I wifhini;, ironing. Inkin,' every otlnr
Jay, arruliliiii. awii'i u:g. M-w in and
Hielidiiig. Ia harvit tune he will have
aa many n 1 1 to rook f. r aud d. it nil
i n lone. It aeldoni that a farmer f"'l
that he ran alo rd to hiro help in the
j kitchen. Mm ha tho vegetable uarlcu
j to mi lo. To brighten the drean:iea of
I her life he ha-telu-o tothi'M-ldotn opened"
! front denir a ia-d of I a'.f tarved hnik'ing
l!ower old fanhiotied roxromli, four
o'rhn k. era- pink mid a few other
; cheerful haikitig I hint that will Ihrivi
miller iieirhi t. Slie make everythini!
th..l In-r family wear except hat mid
: ehne. She han no tune to think of rent
or aclf.
It in in ni"t ran her lot lo welcome a
i new bal y every other year, mid tho only
' t'.lne win ll help in employed to lifi-i-t In r
in for ii I' IiihI nf two or thnu v !e
whi n the In If ntratui r arrive. The
birth nf tl.e l.aliien are alnmt all that
wry the inotioioiiy of Inr life. Orra
ionally deat !i rail and take from In r
t;r 1 a I. tile life and leave in it
pl u e an ii..: 1 pain in In r heart, Sliei
old and tired out at '.'.
When In r daughter reach the ago at
wl.ii li I hey e.n.l 1 ii it her. the dreary
pro-p i t of a fiotitii r life appalin thrm.
nnd tin v m. k em loyment in tow n.
Nothing i'i In r limiso i of late improvo
nietit 11. r waslilaiard i of the kind lo r
mother i.ard. and In r churn in it heavy. I
rlutmy build -how that it In long to the
annul date lui roieineiit ntalki all o i r
tho (arm and leave no trace in thekttrh
en II-r lea-urea lire few. Thoaati-
f.irtioti thai he i doing her la-nt Mn-tii i reward lu-r. She in a hero-j
inn lii a calico iln-n. wrinkled and atmip ,
ahouldend a ivotuali with a burden ,
who lu-ver roinpl.iuia. I.atu lit night, j
when all th" no ml r) nf tlm family are
III Ix 'l. a light K ill lime out Hi roen the
I ratrie fr-.m the family living room. It
i by ti n light the fanner' w ife in doing
lur iiietulitig mid aev. nig. ami it will
nhmooiit long uftrr tho occaMonal travel
Hint way ban t j - 1 . nnd no ono but
the ntm w ho blow it nut know nt what
hour tlm patient burden In-arer'a lalmra
ceamv liltiiiiore II. L
llrylng Urea era traliiM
A ani'ial 111 l. Inn.' ha Inn n devised fur
elTin tuig the ilryiug of brewers uTauiln
vanillin at u hnv temp, rattui'. "llrew
era" graum" are imw largi ly I'lni'Iovml
for fimlingrownand hurn', Imt the high
nutritive value of thten-nt grain known
by that name in imt gem-rally known.
Tho ileaaicatml prmllli t of thn lli-W priK'
ean hit proved to U-of a highly aatia
fai tnry chararter. la iug fno from the
nn-uliar bitter lato aonfteti mismii-,1
by bri'Wem' gr.iitm and -how ing on anal
yin a very huh jn-rrrtiiagu of proteidn
and fat proiluriiig material.
The advantage rlaiim-d for tho vac
uum drying prorr are: Tho luwot
working exjn n-n-a w ;tli greatent ca;iar
it y, rapid drying at lowct lrtiiMT.i-
tliro and COIlneilletit e(( lletlt ipiality
of ihe ilriml grain; no material
or nutritive prop, rtn-n, n the grain ar-
not pniued U f. re drying; a clean nml
iiuple prin-i-. nnd Ihe avoid. nice of
anr iii tin- drying rm.inaor vicinity.
New York Trii grata.
llreeilliina nf tt llil lllnla.
Falcon, h.iw l: the largest avica
can coiupn- tin ir fe,it!ierati.l look very
l.ui. if tin y tl.iiik it im e.ary toilooo.
j A to the ouN. thi y ran hump up into
any pk,ltloii tin i ti.ii.k in. -t amliil.le. It
la iim Ics to lia-k for ll'i-M'M'lf pn-M-rviiij
trait in any of ti n family kept in ruo-
logical colli i'ti n. f-r tho bird nre f.i
ari'Untomed t i . e large liutllU-ra i-f Jn-o-ple
panning and n Mantling in
front nf tin-in. that tin v treat the whole
matter with -er(ett itnhlTereuce. Tiny
know that ut a certain lime their fmnl
will U' brought thrm. and that tin y are
othcrwt-e rfit tly afe. Tin n the rap
ton in a wild Mate have a fi.-oin on
their pi; image like the I loom on a bunrli
t f grain , w ith h 1 in -I i fttnaecu w in u
In ruptitt'.y - Corniull M.u,a'-no-
I ii'.kln I'ur tlaar.
A iar:y of fanm r in Y.le once m t
out iu M arch t f a War w hich bad in-cajn-d
fr. m atr.tieluig ni-aiagirie ui. 1
roaiind tl.i ir l.iu.! with coiuudi rai In
di tniut tit to t'n ir live !.k. In the
Coure of th. ;r iiiet one of ti.e farmer.
oIim mug a I r. w n annual of cotiaidi r
ahle ;.-e 1 ing a; ;..m-iitlv anh p under a
tn-c. ill.. h...-gi , lot gull at It with f.ital
I Hivt. The vn ".mi of hia leal, howeii r.
tunuvl nut t-i U- at oiiiiuon 1, t.k y. The
In ar wa lilt i mat. ly tra ael LvbJk 0
, Tit IV. t
j lit. I a,l ala a trial.
: Pretty Pefl.-t r-l'ap'ain. tl.d tho at.ip
1 Daily luaa tacnty knots every hour laal
Ol.lit f
I be t'ai'lain Yr. mit
i I And bal do you do with so many
Tue Captain o,;nifTly Tos in ovrr
P I. Oh. how queerl I thoii,tt tb
aalhira had to unii tbrro dur.Lg tb day
Winter forctnt cfjomatoaw ! vary prnflt.
able, rapecia. y near larg dt's A high
Umr-eratTira, r oty of uo'.:jai and g-rnt
car la tt growtug ar a.l tbal la raqa.rad
to erodact rrood ru,'-a
Diphtheria covivunicteo IN MANY
Th rar rr..plla uf lb T.rrlbl
Malaily hy Momenlary loalarl with Im
feeled IVraona ar aurniuaillnga- Tipa
tii i from I'el Anlnala.
Tnerxiremec ,ni;uiou-nrof diphtheria
(arte. I kll"fl A lle.lliellt a e X 1 aillre to a
nun I an-Tt-riLg from It. even In the mil'lot
form, or in a room Infected by pitielit
r ni'.i.tha previouaiy. or to onjm ta
I,,;.., !,. . i,y ia ing in the naiiii mcupie.1 by
tuepii ut. or to g irmetit or object lu
f.cted I" la-mg wrn or bandied by him
Millie n . haa III lllllllla-rleaa lllatrtlieea
comniuiii. ili-l tliedian The diphtheria
Viril nine.ea mi telilinni!)' to llifecte.1
pcraoiia or o j.n ta thai tin y often coiiimu
Una ilij.iil..ria at a ditaliie from the
Miurorof tue u.f.-cti an I hen there la
lei aui;ciou of danger Tliuaachnd witli
f d phii eria. M-en by me In ronaulta
lion, apparently contracted Ihe dieae by
euihraciiig a play male, w ho waa in Ihe
tn-et for Ihe lirt tun after an attack of
the initially
A French journal haa called at
trbtloll to the fact realdellt plllalclana
and nurw-n in ilipnthern ward, wtioae
peraoii and clothing t-eome fully Infected
by tbeibpl.liirritic germa.are very liable to
Coinmiitiu ale Hie tli-j-ae, mile they con
slant.)' employ pntinii lonnry meaaure.
1 liu the aha I of n nuro M-nt tot lie boue
of a fr.i-ud iiitnxluced diphtheria into the
Many chi'nln-u have diphtheria o mild
ly thai they do not complain of In-um i . k,
have Mime apn lite and are not roiilim-d to
their home Hence, diphtiieria I often
contracted from theae tnild ciwe lu public
conveyance nnd iu places of public reort IM K MonU.
In the outd'Hir department at llellevue I
have iifteii .ern luidreu with diphtheria
anting among other children waiting tln-ir
turn f ir treatment. The children 1 1 la
Ullid diphtheria, taking their llieai ngll
lar.y, Hiu-igh witli nmr api' ite, nnd bar
ing no lilt if fever that it I not noticed, are
often M-nt by their iuiun-t ting parent to
the public and priva'e action!, and there
comuiiinicata iliphtherm, fniiu-iitly of a
mui.gmiiit nnd latal form, to their clann
mate. 1 have la-en able to trai t- attack
of diphtheria not only to the public and
private week day m-IuhiI. but uUo to the
rMitnhiy m hooia, an I i ;Hti uly lo the uu
smti M'hool draigiu-d for lenrmi-ut hull
ll I nmr known that evi ral ntiluial.
even tlme that are p. t in the numery, are
liable tu In iiliacki-il by iliplitheria. In
dtn-d, tin ha been proved, a we have
M-en, lu the lalmratorien, fur b.n termlo
gi-t invent igniiii 1 ne nature of diphtheria
luive in ii n ui lM-rl.-n instance coiniiiiiui
cat.-tl the genuine tlinease to iiuunaia by in
iKiilatiii.- ihein w ith culture of the Kiel
Ixn l!liT liaeiilll.
If I very Iiuportaut that patent should
know that ml k, the rouiuion final of the
numery. I a culture medium of .In- dipli
theritii.- verm The nn-t ilic li.icliilln fall
lug Into the tiiiIk in lininlliii nt the f ilm
bouae or elnenliere ltow and tiiuitiplit-a
lu it. Mr. l' a letcniiary niir'-.'ii of
Auntr.ilia. u i . i -1 . 1 in the Au.t r liian
Veterinary Journal, I'eliruary. I.', the
hwtory of mi epi-leiiiir i.f tlipht ht-ria thai
wan I r.u e.l lo tne ue of miik frotuailia
eaatnl cow
The Uui'loii .Miil Tune and (i.ij-tte
for January, l7K. ntate that Mr. W. 11.
I'owi-r, a health iimprctor. Invest igati-tl nil
out bre ak of diplu I. el in nml ohtauied sulli
dent in.lence, in In o;.iiinu. thai It waa
caused hy the use uf milk that cotil.iincd
the diphtheritic germs Tin- com thai
furniniieil the milk had what ti.e ii i. i
ry Kiirgeou di-atgnate gargi-l or ii'.'eitiniis
ll wen. lent fr nil t he nlmve observation
and fact lliat the iitiuot p. uu nlnuild In
taken lo obtain mi.k di (,.r ll.e
numery from a healthy Miiirce, and to pre
Vent it ailieipient in'ectn a. He may
iiImi iintu ipnte our remark on the pn veil
Hon of diphthrr.a by Muting that muk ile
aigneil for the numery ii, nil. I upaiiyn le
ulijetti-d to tl e pr..niii. .ntioii of hint
near tne bulling point, w hi, h detrois ai!
pathogenic g.-rn.. I inv.irialily ilim t
that It In- te.-tui, d 111 or over Inii.ilii: wiiti r
two hour na
u a pniliie after ila re
Klein hi 111. , !, I vperlllli-lit hon iug the
Identity of fe,,ne ami hiiinaii ilipht inn i.
though dipht hern in pn-.-ntn aoine
aimtoiiucal character dilli rent from tlme
lu man, and Ihe f... liming i.h..-r .it i,,i, a
pcar to show that it t nometiiue rommii
bleated by thia -t of the nuraery to the
children tint fondle it:
The Mi-d.i il Pre and Circular. June t.
I4i. stntt that Dr. Imh rence report I no
cuu-s under Inn tare in which diphtheria
eein to have Inn-li conunlllilc tied l.y rata
III Ihe lit.t ca.e. that of n bttle girl, arm-
fill lniiiuy shonedthat ahe had imt Un-n
exjHmcd Iii iint patient with diphtheria.
' nit hough tola dlr:tat W Ila prevailing tt It ll
in a mile t f Ihe patient's m e, l.iu
I that she Innl ntimcd a sick rat some .l o
previously. The tat tiled nin after, and a
MTolliI cat la-r une sick and Mil. kliieil.
I Further iiuiuiry diM-lmed the fact I lint a
nelgliln.ring farmer had 1 t Kt-vi-nti-eu cat
and anothir f. inner liftten tata from a
thnuit tlitemr due of the farmer
tated that he had examined the throats of
Mime of Ihe cat nnd found tin in covered
wit b a white uietiihrane.
(llH-rv.itiniia llo tht (he feithereil
triln are e.peci.iKr liable to diphtheria
On the inland of .-kiatho. off the north
taMern cm-t of (ireece, no diphtheria l.n.l
occiirretl during at li-iint thirty eiim pre
vioimly to l. inconliiig to Dr. Ibid, th
medical prai t it inner of tne Inland.
In ll a iloieti turkey were lu:rodu-e I
fmm ."".iloiiici Two of the-ii wt-resnkat
the time and died smu afterwanl ',.
othem Ik-c one ntTertetl mioii afterward, and
f the w hole iiuminr M-veii tlie.1. three re
rovrn-il nnd tno mre sick at tbe tune of
Hi luipi.ry. Th, -e two bn I d.ilicult
breatliui,-. of Hi. gintuL uf the
bet k and a paeudu membrane extending to
IheUrnix . further evidence that the
d:wae waa diphtheria, one of Hieturke)
Hint survived Ltd para, . la of ihe frn-t.
Tb turkeys were in a g .rden upon the
north aide of the loan, and tne prevailing
win. la u;.-'!i the i-lm I are (ra th, n.irtn.
When th ... kiie. w.i.invirrlnj among
the turkey an epidemic of d.pii'.m-ru !.
g in iu tne boiiM-s iu proximity totnesjir
ileu and .prv.d thn. ign tne town. It
la.te.1 Hie iimtiTh. and if Ii Individual
attat se. by d.pti'her: i in a p ipii,ati.,n of Hurty six died. tin, t me diph
theri l b is lnn-li e! ii,. . ,he. on i,r . .n,,!
and fre.,uei,t rpid- in . a of it have m-curretl ,
Dr. J lau Mm; u la j ho.nL i
C ulur la li.ia.
If an
r.etrtric curn-M , paasj thniunh
fci. uti, u i f meta In salt. u Mlt Jr.
CtilllJHnad Btl tll.y lsileaait
tin a p. .ur .i i.ii iy iirringvd for
e pur
("aa. Ill treat 1 1 g s.
it. ,ii of a go , I sj,;t
cbiorid of gold t
r examine, the hrsi da
p-a.t of the in. t..
. , . . -
I w i.l a,e ar of a Is-auU
iui aim nitol u, -.n ale po.a color. Al tb
U.injsil It change, to a deep, ril b
purpla The purple tun turna to a tu
l-TO Color, a L.ih liarsens rri-ej t.b!y aa
U pns-es. g -rs on, chm.g ng to
taw nieia...c l.lrr of Laroiafcad
Nw Vt-rk Ib-e- rler
Aa ar.k;,rain is a atretrMng or tear
log of th ligsmenta of the J.iint, cauae-1 t
a u-1.!en fi w,tght of th roy
tarirg nrJxperts.,T a;,.,.. to L, ,,
a.nta. aa if by . a-r,, jn m, lh
ftsot U turcivj toward, aad bene It la th
tjlUrtuU IiiuaeLU that aiiff;
a cut-yea trick.
.. a. tar a liana ( lerh aad I
It.alltr Helping a awlndler.
A queer story la lold of a I Jvrril Unk
o,-r who rc-rivv a private letter from
bit 'tend, a memia-r of a luidon banking
fir,iV It Is said that one of liieiretnploj,
the Min of their highly esteemed ca.luer-
a man who problt y II eif-bad gone
away with aen-ral thou. in. I pound of ae
enr,ii.-a If ihe son limild Inj arn-sted ami
placed 111 the pnon sd nk lb old mall
would never llfl hi head again 1 n firm
wan. then-fore, res-ilvrd to do all that lay
In It miMer it aged and Talur
s..r.n,i I mm Ihe nii-ery and shame w huh
Wniild certain. V overlas bun if hia Mill
am liH.-.illie kliotl 11
The writer thought that In all pmhibil
liv the muhil man woiil I ca.lwith In se
eurilles ill the l.lVcriHHil bunk. mi. I on ll,
ireiigthof his ciiiiri turn Willi the Iui
.1 ... i...,.k in- in in -..t lite them. If so.
Ihe l.iuloti banner wanted '.he lan-rj-nil
banker to m i-' Hie pr..riy and keep
tt lit I I I. a titJirt from Ihe lm 1"U bmker
again, to lecture the young mall soundly
buv Inn, a l,i kit lo N w ..rk and give
bun"' U h hit ll t" ln-giil the Wor
s.'.iin Tne .'inb n lunker w a g"ing t"
Pans for a fortnight, so that the laverjnn.
Linker ilidu't m-e.l lo write t i bun mn
the atf ur until that time, lie al. waiit.ii
IheM-cret kept from every lly. a far a
ionih!c. Imtli for the sake of Ihe Ivm-loii
I... a the ioiiiik mm father and Ihe
voiitii man hiuiM-lf
The l.iverp.nil banker, knowing thai
nianv a Voiing nun had t -ne wrong who
.m l I, .lie l-ell saved III the PHUn-r IIIO
incut, decided to comply w-ilh In friend
Sun after a nice, frank looking young
man of the name referred lo w a. uhen
In to him. and. saving that he iloired to
travel, exiilaiin-d in a rohtraiiicd and Her
runs maiitier that be hid some eeurit it
mi which he would li-e to He
Mild he ilidu't iindimiaml buitiea, an
la-rhnii wa going atikwardly to work
but Ihe shin for New Vork wa tosailtliat
day ai d be wa lu a hurry
In n-ply the l,ivcr;o.d Iniiikt-r haul
bini the letter he had iu-t remin-il, A a he
rend ll l.i lire it beiiv.-d with emotion
tear came into hi iy. and be tluaily
lmrt into a 111 of wct-jung Ho mailt'
fud coii fe. oil. and the b inker. after point
lug out I lie hi uioiiaiu-n of In crime, of
fereil to do w hat the letter reouented. The
young man ki d ti.e banker' hand in
token of hi gratitude, said that he had
In-en f.Hilinli mid wicked, and would gladly
go to another cam! ry and redeem hinii-lf
The banker Ilieti give him the tl,i,
Innight him a flmt cla steamer In kit am:
gave him u tluitn-r ut the restaiiraiil. Uul
nothing he could do or say i-eme I to raie
Ihe young man's spirit lie wasos.i
and bnikeii ilotvn that the banker really
lulled bun Aahebnlehim go-nl iy Iroiii
Ihe hiti side, the hard old mini could Imt
restrain hi tenia n he thought of Ihe
Veiling and repentant sinner he had saveti
f nun a life of rriuie.
At tin- end of the fortnight, w lu ll heanp
ihim-iI the liti'lou limker would hate g
hack from Pan. Ine l.iverpmil banki r
w rote to bun in gr. ut gb-e of In. iiti i nn in
carry ing out hi w i-lu-. and of the coiur
youth who had i t ni i for lu-n m-i lies .lh
the banki r s ble-Miig
lie got the loi, oiting n-ply fr. in Lui.lon
" uu mtjnt In mad Our caluer never
had a Mm. No -c urn u s ure lniilug IVr
bap you b ite la-ti ...."
It wa true lie had. Ine letter wn
forged The w-t tint le were w ort hn lie
had thrown aiiav td.'OU, a pi-.ige to t-iv
Vork. a gi m m I iluuu-r and u good deal of ud
vice upon an ui.-eiinui sw iiidn-r. lloMou
Kvery D'.hi-r ."-.itiirilay
C'teNiiliue in Sliaving.
Nut wit ht. -nut ing I hit I he ubji-rt ha re
cent!)' given r:e to some . 1 1 i-h .-i, In th
(Lilly pre, lln re cm le no reasonable
tlollbt a to t he can -at ion ol par lc avco
si, and the freii'ieiil r.-(M . n-, i lit x of Imr
In-r or ll propag a: ion We ti ill iml
deny thai the dtnciiM may tH-c.-c-imi.iliy
nnse from act i-lental contact other than
that of liif-eted oiip and brii'ti. It cloe
connect lull With lhce, holVevi-r, I ii dinned
by thet-vid'-n. col iii.iiiiiii.iii and tn-riitcut
Mtpieni-e of en tit
Me nee-l int upon the tenacity
with much it elm.- In the bairof the hue
nor w ill w e i-miiii i ne t he met hod il-.1 In
tliederniMi !ogit for it itoiructioii. Saul
tary clean. uu-' i here ln-:ter '.ban nnv
remedy We arc ndvied to have our
selien. to moid the cheap lo. r I r. lo iim
pre. aiitioh ith bruhe and lie like
I'erhap the inh lee lirl given would prove
the ln-t, but Ihe pi i ife.n.oiiul o;n r.ltor I ti
tunny person iii..w ii.ible
ThetrueM Mladoin (or one a self in ami,
a cane is clearly to u-e ilue care lu select in
a iiarm-r. iv h.itett r he not, he li,ii-t tn
clean and careful It aliould not In f. r
gotten that I here are possible aafegunrda
well within the n-ucli of thl cla of
tradesmen which a customer may fair!)
exact lor hi own security a part of the
rommoii law of shaving These include
the ue of nrf,-ctlv fresh water and soup
or pn-ierabiy lnntig t ream, n n. limiting
of exclusive use. a ch in brush and a clean
razor (or ea. h person shaved
iv e siioiiiu ni.- mlvise. a a further hut
nut siin-itluou pn-iautioii. thai uistru
ineui liner aiung la- i,pn-i in some
con Venn tu antisepti, solution Such hum,
ores us mine n-.pure but little tune to
carry them out Tin y nr.- needful luonh i
io uisri. in, n, unit) from contagion, and
the pton-t mil hud thein worth a small
addition lo the harts r a fee -Umdiiti I jin
Haeel anil sour Aiilea.
t i , , , ,
.isi soon- snou.u la- suet I and Mini
our I a pu..e The malic nnd which
gives ll the s..iir taste m-ciiis to In in n'n nt
the same proportion in the unr:e a In ihr
ni apple, the dillt-niue lu swt-etnrsa
seelin to arise from the change of fecuient
or starchy nuitter Into sugar a the rin-n
Ing pn.-. pr.nmil. li,lt though th
chi-mint can tell ua tl.e exact elements
thai go to make s igar. be cannot make
sugar fur n No power but that of inr
living plant can do it. mid we are niMi:ut
ly III the ilars aa to Low the plant feta It
I'uib!y the climate ha Mime Influence
on the siting , t;d poarr, fr the Ithinls
Island (irrcmng apple, a sour apple iu tne
Atinlitlc atntes, is a apple on Ihe
IVicil.c and tnes.uiieapple!il often have
a part of Ihe same fruit s ,n t on .-tie side
and sour on the other These nt are
generally to s.,iur ne in the
p-ist baling sj i.t a bran, h through a bud
then Pitting the s,n,t app.e ba.f to the hall
ui ih M.iir ap; .e bun. and gra.'tu
t hi
spin-en grail 1 his i
ll ii il 111
.mi... i n .eriholig,.'. .1M, , ,.lV,
il. rertiy go-.,. ,,d r.-; . at.-d the i ;-riiiie-ii
have hoi , .,.1, ,, nsi. t Mc-haa
lu I'in..ulr,ph..i Wilgrr
,irry lis n.ks.
't g ng l.i a clergi n-.nn wna
A parn-t In-,
genera, iy i..
i n of ti,,. r, .on when llir
lami.y asseni
I I t piai. r. f.,r !.-..r hr
in-l.t Use ,t ,-., L, ,., to j .in irreve
n ni.y ii, ihe test titsra Due exeiiibg. le w
ever, b
p-vs.1,,, hi;,,nli,l to In- lin
'"' ' w v.: ). forg..; ten, l'..r
Mui,e tone
he li.a.tiUuie I a tin-,,r..iis a.
.euie. at irugtn. n..t,.. f "A,..
out h nn.e (.'i.r.-r. la vs !,.,--
On 1 1. ,s l, i... ... - ... ,
.... ,ii,ri u.iinYi.-. to remove I
him. and h id g-I . far , the .I.n.r w .th
L.m ,.eu , b.M, prrh..;-. tt. at
ci-uuii.Tir-i Liii.-,f and had ls-it. r
Th ca.,.-,! out, "s,,rrr I p,,kr "
overpower.l.g elT.ct oil 'the Co 111 Halt
mr is ni jre eis.
ariLd.-.ew V -,
y lting.ue.1 than dr
A-lt en isr.
In 1 l
-s... ii-, ii n,n-a ar ami. nn,mAa
mm ii,n-a
"rrrncy, reminding n t.f in In.n mouef
ur Ui :u.rtins Vt.i. . .. i. .
--- s-'i.u, ur-s ana
ur, and if also African
'0,000 t
la Mil. Wer. C..,.. ri(u
at rillf-n.. .na ''
W " M.
Vlel.r Mail. II.. Tenth w. ( f
My mind wanders b.i, t
.'ll H !
as i - a, i i s , m, ) ,-
Iieforetiie mnor.t) i, ti,i-r,t M
t.on of race
were I., ..,,. ;
Ibal w is ,i 1 1. ,i
la seii-iit,,,,,.. .
Ibal would irrowii,,,, , ",',a
a would Mil Hie i nner. e 1(,P 'JJ'
giving it a. , re .., i.i'VT,"
'Ihe rare ana at ten mm,,, ,,, ,""" for a pnr-., ' "
horse thai measiite.1 si n,i. . .. . lt
ler I'rince. driieii hi 1 1 r "'"(,
- - 7 ... ,., r ll
ruir, and tl.e p.uer ll. r.i i,,,,
renowned (iimrge ;;,-, r I
r'tll H.j
Un.k Ihare on Ihe old ( ,..,. . , ,:'"t
the fall of K-sl 1 t tn r,,,,,.,,, . ;;r-"
guile iliiin.ily Tin- , ,,,, "'
Ihe Mtinospbere 1. .,r. r., ' '"
Within Ihe gn. nnd nnd in t, x,!'"'
ua knoll surronmlihg ,.rr
fully hi..J -r.o,,. ah,,
and near to seethe eiei.t tn.thal till
held III liiely iinti.-ip.,,,,,,, , ,,,,,
Among the throng that p u,,...,
and overlloived Ihe InauM,.,. ,,
M.I I '-'Illl.t.
of national prouuni-h, e, i t j
repine. solid m, h of lm. .,... ,
pure nnd simpie. ,u., ,.. , n 0l'
' - li,Ml ''" Alnl a',,.,, ' '
you s.v I.., lav lu Me mm t ,,,, , '
lrvae. in swallow t.,i r. .,,, H lh '
rxpaliseof shut teiMim, ai ,,, '
could III an eniergein y Is- H, ( "J
cover That wa the n.iyf dr.... ..
is si, nnd Ihe wide t,,.-, au,Ul '
would ap;-nr ludicroii m,.t ""'
tllK Hi;r two mii i r,
The race was railed iiImmu Jo'cha-k Tha
track wa In rxrelli in or n r. and ti,r (j,,.
apiieared IU sup-rh cuein.'.,,,, iri'i,,,
we say l.ow. to Hie iiiimi'e Hero 'lu
favorite, ami rim lo ;.-, , ,lk, ,, (J1
probalily o Hie amount of fin.itru ,,,
IUI. In those day ton. id r in. r ii,,,, y
The judge railed Ihe ilrilers up to It
stand ii ml slated the ronditi,,,,, ,,f ltr
and c iutioiii d I hem in n,,,, i, in, MrM
III n II lie r sometllliea pra- tnel How i Liya r
girding liny vini.uion of and' tut
thry were given Hie Mart, t he p.ier tin:
the -ti e iiii-I leading round the hr.t turn!
In my mind'seye I can e tin-r eras i,(i).
ly a though It were but )e-ti nuy instead
of lii'iirl) loriy )ear ago
On I be backlritih tliepin r j.t (,
the troll, r nnd h t him come ai,.i,g. it
being appan-iit at Ibis early tju
."ipii-er did not intend to go unr (i.;,t
Hiram would make him. nt tin- Mii.f ti,,,
keeping the latter oil tue o.t.. l, ,, ttt
way round, llu-n-by m iking lm,, m ,
greater ilist. nice lu Ine ree 1 ;t lr,
side by side mil ll they rea. ln-, (i.r ,,jf
I uril. W hen 1 1 1 r:l III piili-.! m U hit ij II,-,
and w.nltnl uiilil he re.u m--l air.-catit -
oil Hie In 'III. s' n-trll. hlir l,i-i ., Ihe i.l.t. i-J
Ihe tivo rami- to Ihe .t an, I mill l
of t heir sulkies ii rlo-e log. : lu-r aa it u
lis.siljc to git Hieiii withiiut toiirt.-..
The llrt mile wa dune lu J It
(lu the M-ciiul mile II ir on, srr tg
through Spici-r a laclic. lagm tu cruel
mm. The p ice of Iml Ii h'ir-i-s u.,w lan ir.
accelerated, and it wn evid. nt H.rii
iiiteiided lo fon-e Ins adv. lo a hmi
down, In-lienng pn-sutii.ibly .,ct hia Icrs)
nould prove Ine ln-tter slayer ;..,
kepi the ptier well In hand. and tuii.d M
go any fa.ler thim be wo alMiniirly rora
nlle. lo The Inittt-r g uti ft-.l irta-i. ol
on the lower turn, mid ag iui made hri-t
up the home! retch, the pair tmiiing titi
aland bend and head The time for u
mile w as 'i '.Vt
On Ihe third mile VVoialrull .tirneUtr4
same lactic a In ihe bin pre. ii..,t.
only pi.ttmg on a little uior.- stcitn, bl 1
Collln-iltnl the pacer to ad I ni.ttirn. rl
pressure, aud nay they am.isl
tne upju-r turn and down the luu .!rr;.i
ala killing puce The) t amr to ttr iUS
on even term III the third lin e. Ihna
exclaiming ton friend asH.ey -passed, "I '
g "t him, sure Time, '.' isJ I j
Ihe fourth and liltli miles were r;: .1
pn ;-ly the same manner, laith li.n
coming to Hie w ire like a team The una
for tin-fourth inde wa ..," ami tw&::.
IT On the sixth miie Ihetrnlli-r IwiM
the favorite, liny amoiiiit of nn.iirT is.;.
olfcnnl on hltll, w itluuil taker lit baa
the nile on the lirl turn, in ,ii
Splccr'n eliort to lon e ihe p urr In ri'r'-J
himself, nnd the latter lagan to
symptom of ditrea lie str igg ed hri's
!y, however, bin the Irott.-r tcaiiol ll
gap at el cry stride. At I he bail tn a- M
hewa lifty yard lu front. m'.n utM
htrat abatement of hi -ed. hat .
Ihe lower turn Hiram let him up. ;.ii t.u
ll more nnnler itely up the t.tuu.-strrtca.
coming 1. 1 tne line In . . bun..
foriueil tne six miles III l.'i V. ,. an airrii
of less than g 4U b.r the si uinc
When the pacer rcariifd the land it J
evident he had i uougli. and be .- st.i;-;.
at the wire. A more exciting rai. "
cs it 1. 1. ted, I have lu-ver se. li
The trotter nan then sooicl t"
ga t. a it w a loiln mm
to his sn ed any longer, aud hr was .K
and Jogged the next three u i... kw, U
avi fn-.sii aa possible (or the i-t-t ni. '.tJ
nwu-r having a wager t l t '"1 Ibal
would make the tenth mile m i"" '
thn-e miiiiites. The tune of the st-o-ij"
mile w na 5 t"i. the eight IH'. I ami M
0:ll. but l.e wa lei out on roliiu-g ,J"
wire and atarinl to decide Hie t.ig -r. 'i"'
lug oil al nu atolilbilig rate "I .ir-
which he kepi up throughoul inr
Hrforming Ihe diiance in . Jt-lu sr
at feat ever known.
How man) Imrse ar there ID t" a- .
t.sll.1- ll,Ml enll Irol all nil,e ,r
si I teen minute, )og along inr.-e in.'-
. I -r
ther and then w md up by doing
SJ Who are the) f-Jad"" J-'
Vork Sun
Heading ( bararl.r by Ih N"-
You can alum!
lei! a person r--
ter from tneim ai-un.
fesaor Opi-uhemi "Ail
great uosea. The (iree
no protulnrraiice. but Is
great sense ol a-sth. iu . .
irs.u '
il ini ti
,. a i..t-
st r i.
nf i
.- I.
chararter and no p " "f con i
"Ijirge uostro slio i.'Ht'-'
I -co;
of frariesa J.nitloU breath'
freely All the fiercer nn. inf
lated iiosinln The dr.s.,,;tig n -
strionic talent. II Hie " "
it d. holes a trag.c pi'ler. n . I
nostril ihe capnciiv i uin.s"! .
.it. ' '
r -,b-
U-rpret.ition ol cune-ly
W here th uose i Ho
nt t: ' "
ahuws g.-iierosi!). wi.i.e a n
at the bridge argues aitiii-: '
It la tl,t;lte. the petal '(
i .1 i -i,-
, rtf
' ,:e
r ' '"-''
1 id '
person la iiiijiii-it; va A lr
argue a disposition to line
ahead of the nrIl. na it wer
lo scent "'It th.ngs. -U'OI
Vork World
Natural llri.nie'
Xeckiare) ami brace!. 1
n '
M.UI.HS.X s.n-ls Atlt el -.
, ! r V ' '
b.-id in U'litbui in I-'-, ui t i.t
court there wa a very 1 1'-'"
namen-al nn-le'-f "
Tb M: hard m ia of .; mi
atsuii the ..f a .
nuuute (lilch-m w.-.en ( e.
like bead by tl.e nat
around th ue. k of 11 -vil.
The Rre. n see !. .
ara worn by j-antal g r. -the
ear. In Tahiti H
crown and Deik.acea wi
1 1
r.'.-i 'r
I -
ir a 1 1 t
,i. --
red -J
of .0JX1U cdorat.ssiaius.