The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 15, 1893, Image 5

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Mo.MiAY, JH.Y lu.
A. O. IVki Ison i.f ritlnihl U in I'ti.
I.. Uilytu n turned ft xi i Sulriii (),;.
Mayor Krlfiully 1 1 :n 1 1-1 . i rc
Illafkbt-rrying ti t are
these day.
l'ortinitrter II. iiny, of I
ill tow n t.ainy.
I. '. Webb, ..f Juin li.,1,,
day In Kukciic
A Vollhg lllltll tllr.l lit Nil
1 1 1 1 1 I pi
'III II, M it
r III ill.
ly i! r
ilny from umiill
l'niiiiiiiwliiiiir l'uik.-r un.l
are In tn riiiii liMliiy.
Htm. ltitiu'T lli-rinitiiii i.-rt
morning' adiK" for Him in ,'.
l' rkiu
ii tl.
(iforiff V. I'lckttl I. ft Ihir luMtniii
for a visit tti I In- Kul y f-j.n lit--.
K. ('. Tcrt made a ! M..iu k
friend mi hit wlm I yertcrtlay.
Frank Alexander returned tn hU
lininc at Salt-in yi-u-rtluy inoriiinu.
J. A. llaliu-s rt-turnti lat evening
frniii u Kliurt outing mi (lit- Mohau k.
. The I'nivcrritv of On L'Oll la lil'illl
udvertlrcd in muiiy of the state 'u-r.
Ir, It. K. llaiiiiin-l returned t.t hi.;
home at Cottage l.mvc thi afternoon
tjuitu a iniiiiU-r ofoiir i-ltl.-n -iit'j M tiu.ii, rii'liii winI ..r iail.J
Sim. lay cm tin I'uiikx nf 1 1 if McKcur.i.
Chicago Innl n tcrriMIc rti.nit la-t
evening. Four r-ii- were drowned.
Mir 1'carl Iarc liu has returned
her m-IiimiI in-iir Juiii-tiiHi to llni-li tin
tcnu. T. A. Millli.rn mnl C. W.
biirnv of Juiii'tinii City vlitt-. FiiK-iir
(' MatliH-k r.Hlc hU I'l. yt Ii- tn
llarrlliiirn vln Cnlmrj; yt-rlt-r.luy in
tun hour.
Jnhli Y. Sliillinttu liar Ui-n ti.nint
tl HMtinifitcr at Waltt-rvillf. A K""l
Mlm I-lia Slall'or.l liar Murni .l fnmi
a virit Ht tin 111)1110 nf hc-r tart iitr mi
the Mohawk.
WillHIlll-ttf llll.l llilll rlni tr have
bt'ii cli-niii-il uKiiin mnl irt-r nt a m ill
Miiw Marv McMurray, of rnrtlaml,
la vlnltintf forwveml tlaynit the ni-
ueiiev oi ,in., rr, n. ,-ruu-.
Mlrr ftarlxiru Ilyuinnof I'nrtliiml ar
rivetl on the local Ihii iiftfrnoou uinl
la viriting n lativin aii'l frn-mlr.
A note from Mtnrr. Iluiuplirey,
Allien uinl Cmiipltell, ilatftl nt Foley
Spring, my tnmt Mrlilnu i exn lli-itt.
Kitwill 1 Illr.)l i u-1 1 of F.llellrllliru,
AYarli.,, nrrive.l llilr aflt-rnnnti for a
few wii'-kt virit nt the home of hU par
ents. A. J. Iti.Mi left l'ortluiul vertenlav
for Norwnv w here hu inli inlr rin'iiiliii
. , i .. r- ... ' .i.
a year, no w in leave .-sew mm
July 1.5th.
Captain J. Knelt went to AII.hiiv on
itliHirtuiit buriut'Mi on yerter.lay morn
Iiik'i early trnlu. He will trolul.y re
turn In in it. (hilt evening.
The ttiipplU-K for the Oregon Inrarie
nryluni, nt Salem, foi the eomlin; Hix
niontlir Im-liiile nearly tlii worth of
collee nml $ln worth tif tnlnii-co.
C. ('. Matlock uinl M. Smith htartf.1
for tho upH'r McKelile yerti-rtlay
eveiiiiuf on bicycle. They earrietl
their tirhiiiK outtltM nml w ill' take an
outing of wveral ilayw nt Hint liiver.
Alloril Ilcutlc, n itinlelit III the tlelit
Utry ilcpartiuciit of the I'niverrity of
Michigan, ut Ann Arlmr, went to
I'eiiilleton thin inoniliii; after a few
iIiivh virit w It la uiotln-r nml ri:irr
in thU city.
(In uceoillit.of the heavy I
l.V the
a f ..... 1 1
fire the llrt of the week, A. F.
ton, the Sweet Home merchant, I in
i l r... .1... l ! .. l.l ....IIi..h.
Hi. Ilal.illtie nre kIvcii nt tm nn.i
I.U Mai-ta at rv.iwi.
H. D. Faille, VolneV Helneliway Uinl
.Mr. I linn...eriii.ii en i nr iiior.iiu,.-....
tin, ill i' Ir In In t he (annul., mtttlll-
tniiiH. They eXeet b gn via the mili
tary wnpiu rontl ami to enteh
trout out ol the llcrclilltter river If-
fore they return home.
Mim llerthu (iolilrinith luir n turne.l
from a vinit nt (regon City, iicounpa
llietlbyher nirter, Mm. M. Itollaek
h.iiI ilitiitrhler Amv. Mlrr Sihvlla
- ' '. . .. ...
U'tt ami Mn. Selllni; came w iili tin in
Blltl Will Virit lit the reritlelice of A.
tioilniith for wvernl (lava.
At the reunion of I'ulk eoimty pio I
Iieen at liullur on the Fourth the plil i
llltilal for the ohlert pioneer couple was i
aw-ai.hil to I). It. Few I nml wife of,
I'w iaville. J. II. Fiubn-e, Inrn in
ls47, wan jilvt-n the j.rle for lioiiif! the .
ohlert native-born con of l'olk. j
Cooa county palter reart uctlvej
work on that uinl of the lt.l.urg Al
Ctr liav rallron.l, 4no men liii? ein-
loyetl. The jteoplo of uplille city
turnwl out en mu-re one ilay rvtvnMy
toroinplete the nnul Into that place In
onler to henil otr nn liijtilictioii by one
of the pmH'rty owiiera.
Cooa Ilay Sun: Win. (irow came
tlown from the Siu-law. lart week
w here lie hut laeti liifntfi'tl riinnlnu
th.t liM-oinot vc on the irovernineiil
Jetty at that pliuv. .He rayr work ha
Itei'ii aUriH'ittleil, owlliir t' the exhau.
tion of the appropriation, but that eon
aiJerablo Knuiml wam-ovt-retl Una year
nil it will I of lintolil iH-lit tlt to the
blurlaw bar.
The ailtrr KY, Mexico, Jillv 111. - I he
Monterey amelten are ill full blart mnl
there la no "f -"""
William (iufk-vhlicliu. p lien.l inaiia-
KeroftheKnt Xatlonal cm. It. r. the
larert ri ver nan p.atit
V;ffiUl U "11 rUht am.
then. i. no ..- f-r uUrm. I be
tUnfofrilV-rirllnW III the halnlr of
Knirlaml an.l the I nit.rl Mat. -. l.:u,'-
Un.l bar -iryu'ly; that
Will UIM'lna "I -nn.-. -'xryrru
Stafn. Tlien--:aof the sh.-rniaii itct
Will ,,rn.-ti.llY leave F.ik'lau.l al'). - "
protJl t Mlv. r.'. Xf. pt for mi.-Ii a-i-t
Ln.v a-iniirbt.-nie from Japan. I n,-
lanJUoblit;-.! to buy .liver, it- Imba
mu-t ure it or Ml I. k on if. .1.1, hi. 1.
Kmrluml .-an t -yon: The Mu.-ti..n
now ari. What will th" I'n.t.'l
State, ilo for eilvr? What the rea-n-
able.upporten.of the white metal .l. -
niaml ia not fr. but a 'tat-!--
c.n.litioii , "t fr-.u. t!u. l .
tlo. M.!i. w ill la- ablet., prrl ,.-
!illlllr.i, (V
J.a- .Vlli. H
A Marl m if
ii "i
I' r ill. in ami mil
I" f 'In in an. I mil,-
i: -
i: m
y in
L'1 J I
J t .lkll.m
lllili itl.-i- '.
Jay .v li.iit'l.i-,
II K I iruM
llllli ai;o
.In in uinl
iliriu mi. I
In in uinl
Mary I'Ikitv
r .lu lu ami
J n IIil'wiii", pr.i.u un.l little
anc J I; N Hi i, ,-r 1 it-tn mnl mile,
U in lircwt r, k r the in mnl mllt-
4 Mt
4 Jl
i;l lamm, r r .li. ni .m l mil.-
A V . i r, 1 1 r iticut ami inile
l-'iuiik M.uart, .-r (Iniii mnl
I Ihlli'.ik'i'
DA I'liiiu-, ht tlii in mnl milc-
iti.'i- -J -.ii
l r .1 that Mr. 1 ty la- all. me. I
tin- mm t.f f..r tin- iiiirntli of July,
tin- ninl iiinuiint tn l furnl-li.-.t luiu
III ruppli.-a.
1 Ihll '' " I'oticr fr H'
...Hi ::
' "V
1111 ! 1 .41 K 1 11 Ok
' r.r .....I,.,.......,.
W I! lHllat.l, Wllhcra III I hi. (y
r.. ii in ii in-aiiliy car,.
A liii'liiii"iii, wilni-rrr in (y
I'M-niitlt licaiiiiy eiiM- ".
V. S.-hw iiix-liil.l, rlatl.un ry
l"r'l I ; MrClurv, i-ht n ileal ex-
it 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 it
J I'. I'avl.'ii, examining Inraiie ..
1 A I'limu " "
J (i Krll.-y, ID eonU of WiuhI
1. 1 .-. arlir'HiKli, t-xaiiilnlnj; in-
I. A Overton, two
I.llip It"' I.UI.I Co., light
II M Kaufman, work on u:o
A V IVN-ri, :nir rr
.1 :m
:i ii i '
I in
.') ID ;
i in ;
.') Ul
j i.i
Z ull
Jaiin-r 1'arvln, nauix-rr
Tl' lmin tlirinlrxtrl on in'
count of iK-lna tlt ftvtive.
Hi ainr mini: ma.l orili-rv.l nir-iicil nr
mrvi Vftl ami vicwvil.
. . - . .
(i v 'Knirt-y. lu-titv ft-
s V. Itrnw n. inrv int aU. rl.l.
lowi.l at.
' J M Stall'or.l, viewer
, J M Strut .
X I' llaliiliiltl. "
i X Hull. u. I. i iiaiuii an..
i A llrit-kiT, ehiiiiiumti
I J I'.rirki r, t-haiuiuiiii
C M I ', riirveyor ...
J II Millioru, viewer
Iavi. JolK-r "
V II llay.l. n " ,
J F liarrtll. I'lmiuiiiali
I Amly I'mijatle, nuiiker
IlilarrA I'l U.lllolllllli', Irrikr mill
,1'i .VI
!. III
Mat I rv
(il.t-rA l'ru.ilioiiniif, ami
Ori. n-.l bill John llowm-r, rraiul
Jurv witner-. H"t llloWtr.
("irtl. reil lull Jew.o r.yerx, ('. V.. My
err ami l.ucy Itverx, witm-mit Stale
VI. (in ell, c"illtinuel for the term.
inlcn-tl allow !:
T V. Itu II. w itnent State v Ar-
nolil ami Amlerroii JlnKl
I, F ltevere, W itlierr State va. Ar-
iioltl ami Amlerrtui 'JOO
( nlc reil iillnwetl:
I. F ( row, witners State va 1111-
imiker K4l
S W C Inn, ilirlrict nttorney.J i'4 .n
W It Walker, clerk :Hi7 V
J V. Xnlalnl, rheritl lllolilli of
37S 71
! J 1. Xolalitl, I it-ri 1 1 liiotllll oi
i June
I r"". ''" "
Iriel o .".4. tllfit tfil III OIN'll tlieCOllllt V
...... , , - in
i roinl from the rout I, line of See 17, T 17
I S. It .1 V o can line oi
the laliill
lanu oi if 1 1 1 iniii i ai m i.
I, J ILh-Im', liimh'-r...
nti.'i HI
.'11 'Z fin
L' n
.1 l-j
, .,m1.,illtl ,ri1, ft.I1(V
i ... '
In I
I .1 Mcl'liemui. nrrtwor...
(I V Kiliey, jllrtiif feet .
F.iiL'etie I.ltfhl Co., 1ilit a
J J limit r. J V bill for U',
loweil it
S F. MeClure, tlepilty eolirtalile
, j j ulnlt-r'. Iiirtiee ftrn
for l.nii, nllowf.1 nt
j yv Mnjorr, li.tirtul.le fee
; John Morun, th puty eoi.rtahle
( 'bar I iiHiili hihl, w itlierr
Win ilc V "
Filwaril (i.r.ilchihl, "
Char Kurt "
It ' Cithlw i il
A X tiinl "
Millie Calilwell "
tl M Jin kron "
J J 1 1ll t l.-r. jllrtiif fee
S I-: Mi'Clun', deputy
feer, i'Wt, nlloweil nt ..
Hill of cot, Jurtii-e
court, coittiniietl for inirtrtioii
V 11 Ailaina. linnU-r
V M Sliortri'Ie, "
4 hi
.1 in
2 hi
1 (i .
Knox v White, rpiker
J S-hneiili-r, coUK'.r rcalp
j i eet.
lakr Stewnrt "
Jolni A..lir..n, lum.-er...
I. T Mar-hlr-rLi r
in ,
.'hi .
01 ;
1, Simon, roiel plow
J C (iixrl.-t!.', viewer
K 1" Cnl.-miiii " .
Ji.m r ilkiim "
' L lunula pt, innterial 3 WI
j '; w'ork on w.aal he.l 1
j y i,vir r-uul- vi.-wtm r.Hirtel
( 'r,.,,,, ,,f .. Vitur A Smr hint
J ', . ,:,me,., bv .-ati.n of nti.l
(. t ((..r.-f, .r,- rmel 'onl. nrl opt mr nr
urvi'.v,., ,! ,
Jh lU v- rlv, .-Vaiiliu? water
r - r . i
.' . ' - j ,
. '' ..V . 1
4 i
4 in
i:i !
. ,
., M v. e, .,.
I mr fury li-t, .li-mi 1-
J J Kill. l"'"'f , ,
; .n court l.nur.- at. . ...
I I. l ain, .l.-ll. .ni .Mm. :;- '-
i,- l liari .uM A t ... bill tl--.
allow-.l at . ;. -:- '
(i.-o I) llarnaril A , lull -..-'.
allow.-l at t
IVtit...,, of It Y I .-- f. r i ; r
;r.. .li-tnet: f.ntii.u.-l to January
t- nul- l. . ,
I. ! A Fru-ll......' I..;k- j - -
:.,,k.,.at,.n o J' . K ) ' J.
IMili.-ii i.f li. C. Millett f.-reoii-tnn;-tii
ti of hrl.l.- ii.-nrr 1, t i- Luke; t nntiii-
i. . Inr l he I, riu.
II I AtWtarl, lil.'tl.. taxi-roll lot in
I'.V 1 1 a Mili'.n I.. Kutjt nf. 'xl
A II l'i-U, , n. . on tta.l.--.
im.l L: nl.-i , t It- In I '.
U 1' If hi r, .t to
! lu-.-t lie W at. r ( oin.aliy, Mitlt-r
inr May, J it t if an. I July Ii tti
I", li rkt.woitii, c.tmty iillnim-v ! l
I i. ii U I., i-ii. r. li..,riu,r lino
.'.'I II ll.lllty A Snil, Wirrl .. et y
l lirirl.m-, ..tllr-r riltpli-r Him
J t M.Vt llrt.ll, vl.- H'J.t. .'llllli
II I ik. Jlliii,'!- nil (in
I . ! Mali... k, n ut jury nmit .1 .'n
!! fi-lir. Tintiiii 17 in
I .i J ul i. .-i'.; nian'r min t eor-
l-r-.'i llll.l llil,.Wf.l Itr fnllnUr:
W II liaiiL-liiiian. J I' 2 In
J M t '.-riit luir, t-niivinlilt . . Itn.')
W K Hit bltll, Ullhfrr
J A, " ... Ml
Fn .1 I'aik. r, " ml
S l M. lillilt- " ) IMI
C A l'a ir " I tJI
Jakt- It'trL'. r " I mi
lntr I'rtirlx . .. J mi
KU rl Millt r " J Til
John Homi ' t
I'. rl Maltn. Hr " i4i
A II Cliil-mi l.aulliiif -Ji.'t
I I I 'mini n-t-e, ulln. rr 1 7n
I, N Cmit-.v, txitiiiiniiii; Fall
wi-. k l.i itluf J :i im
Jaiin-r I'arl.t r, i-'iliUMirriniiiT .... 1 1 .Ml
i III! I'i rkiiir .... ;,t ,'i
Ailj.mria .1 until July 1'7,
Coiiui il nit t in iiiiiilar M-wioti 1 it-1
evt iiiiii:. I'rt-rt lit, Mit or Fik-inlly,
4 'ouiit-iimt n I'litfi', lr.rrir, Flrhi-r, Mul-l-K-k
ami I'rt rton. l'Mli reatl
ami HiroVel.
The lltiniii-e ir.iiiiiiitliv n-vortt-l fa-
vm.tlily on a iniiiiU-r ol lull-, hit ii
wt-r allow t-it ami m.l.-r.-.l pan!.
Mr, l', fmui lite rlnt-t eoininit-
. i.. i ,t... . t , i ...
i or f in oillllti lliti i tin- I'.ir,;,. ii, ,-
1 no orihltalii e Krantiiti; the Un coil Ti lt--
4n 1 plioin- ami Tflt'Kni.h Cont.niiy tin
3 lit ' rlht to eoiirtriift ami nitilniaiii it t 1
phone mnl teleurtipli rytelil within
the eily liiuilr ot Ftii-i iie. The onli
i liamt' va reail uinl unif inlcil. The
i ... i .... ... . i
ruler Were riiricliilel, the or.lillMlHV
till reiel three tillltn mnl )lifil.
u. The cntiiniiitti watf tlin-etetl t itlal
Ijilti 1 1 la the untile of Itlalr Klreet from
4 .'i Fihlh tnt t to city limilr; ortlt-r miI
4 ,'l ' Joel to Ihe tliivctloii of the city nttor-
4 -li ; ' '.
-il Mr l'Mk'e fioin tint eiiiinitt t n the
- ' i uinl miter ifMitle,l 1 1 , 1 r it 1 1 1 on turner of
-"'I Kuril hi . I IVnil htieitH mnl tin' II Irli
I" j Uuka plat .si i.h tlitictt-.l III lualtor nf
1- prittklliiif rtreelM eoitilintttr. rr iiuiii.-inl-
I H I .rl plijtllellt to t'rolnT .V lllllir of jf'J'lH
II fin i iiionlh ilurinu attrinkhiu "oii lvui-
- JO llllit; Jllli- ImI. ltt'ColuUlfll.lHtinll
Jill! Ak'itM-uit-nt in.itlu itu wwter e.ininiiiiy
1 to pay for water uw-l on F.levcuth nt'et-t
dmim-ticc incut week iiih'ea.t of S-l'i a
i cuiitiHi-te.l. Action HpproTiil.
I Mr l'aK further reHir!i.l that e!i'tiie
i iKht cnnipaujr ileelilied to reuew the oltl
olitriift fur two it-nil. Tin' coiiitiiltttr
hi nut lioriz l to ooulr.ict ir!i the
Liuht Cmipiuiy for tim-u )iara at t a
:noi:tli for t-a.-li lilit.
The application F. ll.'llii.aii f.r it
liivnae to make new-r eoituietioiia waa
A H'ttUoii for mi i i.lif iu h aewer on
lVnrl ititt t, (roin Mum ww.r north to
Heeoinl itr.t, wim ren I it'nl rt frrrn I
Ihe lit ultli roiumiltte.
1 lie llrinj Moie he. nan nf llnll.-ul)
ft .Ilium nr.letel llitlirferri .1 t i lr. 1'..
Mt-Kt iiney.
lu lite unttter of k-riititintf Mm. Mi
Frttni.-r the prt-vilch-i of ttreli-lunii hit r la . I
wire ur.uiiiil her r.-inhuieti lot, two or
more ft tt iliai.ii! of lit r line, the council
ilt-ciiiiftl lu, h iviurf ti. jiiiinhctton.
A wnrrMnt for 81. Ill oftb'retl tlrnw j
iu favor nf T. J. ('Iiealuni for (hi nai.l t-n
, propeity i,K.ei.e.l to by mi.t..ko.
On m-.ti'iii of .Mr. .lijtl.M-k Hi" ci
aurveier wni tkiei'tirl to wtitlillhh tlie
Hunt i.n.l Yit lmin f I'liHrin-ltoii rlt'l,
! con foi uuiirf to Hie hue run in l-vl ha
; nearly mi iM.HHible. Hurvry to lw ui.ih-r
I the Hiipems-oli of tl.e rlrtr-l eoinni.ttii-.
An or.liiiauoe anii'iiihiiif (.-ellnii 'Jl of
irilliinr Xn. '.C.l, pun til tlin tl rat ami
neoiitl renilltiK. Kuie e'lrpeiith-tl r-a.l
I thirtl time piiMwrl ainl nppn v. I by t'.o
ill Major.
in. v. ruiMitaai'i iifi tii.
lie I'rrarhn In llraekln.
X:w YolCK, Julv '.-- Ill the llaltmll
- ;-( place Itaptlrt chilli h, Itnxiklyn, royal
-j,, Uflfotne wa. i xlcllilctl t'Hlay to the
n Jinj lU'V. Thniiiar Spuri;eon, mil of the late
I "Hi Cliari.n Spurutrtii, the faiimiH Iui'l iit
1 50 prfiichi-r. The Itev. 'I lu.mar spur
I nil K''U. w ho, like hir father, in a Itai.l i-t
4 jjil I cl.-riryiuall, baa la-ell pn-arhlll ill S.'W
j .eahiml for I'l yt-arr nml li now on hi.
!vijW'liy hnllic to Folulnli to take lllr
I -, father', pulpit III tlie l.omloll TaU-r-
mi ' lliicle oil .New ilitfttm Crtwway, where
I ho will prvni-h for the next y.-Mr. 'I he
i.-. I I'lace church, where he
l'r. ael.,l t.Hlay, ''''"' ' r ."'V
lair null If it. n tor tiiitiii 'i"i"i' "
ro ninny year., nlthom;h it I. only
iiImiiiI on. -'tl fill the tnhcrmiflf 'e "i.e.
It wa. Illlirl by the lark'.-rt niltlleiiee
that ha. ever eniwtle.l liiride it.liM.r,
w bile liiin. In ilr of tlimpioiitfi ,j-r-Mtit.
falli 'l p K"hl iitllliittaitee.
The I lev. A. C. IHxoll, partor of the
chiiri h, mmle the o iiIuk prnyer, after
whl. lt he llitrn.lll.'.rl the virllor. Mr.
Spuruiriii tb-. not p-n 'iu lle III. father
ill the leant. lie la Ull'ler luetliuili
height, but ir well proHrtioIietl. He
liiu. I. nun hair, kimlly brow n eve.
ami a rpara.-, taw ny murlan he. Ilia
feature, up- rharr-r In nml. I tl.uti hi.
fiilli.r'a, with arlihtly a'piiline iir'.
Ilia f..n lii il.l la blll itll'l llitellecttuil
nml In- wnira hla luilr bru-lie.1 well
back, lb- wop-n run of black bnaol
floth, the fHt la iltK the Prukatinll
I'rinee All.-rt, a liirn-ilow n irnlar,
black IhiW ami tie i.n I la.arl rli.r -.
Titer.' ia llolbillK of the I Jlfli-lilnall III
iii the apa nrinn-i- of Mr. Spurireon.
II.- haikr III. lie llkv tl..' t.Vplehl Allll ll
lltll iip-n.-her. Hi. l.-llv.-rv I. . nav ami
i-otitiiiuetl nt- ful ami bia votv ami rinjf
ini;. lb' t.nk bia text from Mattln-w
"To l-tptle la to "lln. I am Hot
lirliHiitt I of the b-rtii. I I.. V .m. tifiu-a
.nil nn- a ilipia-r. l ilt I am willm to
la- inllnl, m that ev.-iy'.rly can
know ju-t bet th" o..ti: im at -a ill
"liaplie n'-" In' .'i'l- I" to a! -
un'e iu-t n toe "Her ' I rt-a bla
l lotil. .it.t i tin t'lV f rl.oilhl
ta i'
I I'l l!..- r;..'l "I orl. !'
:.!, i - . 1 . I'!, the H
T..e ritt del i." ! t'o- I ay
A 'lliiiih rilirmne.
I'm . -i.l. i, t CltMlaml ir the author
.f an. .tin r linn ly .iifl : t ri t it io ut-U-r.iin
i-. In 1 1.- t'ntirre of :l li tter
t.) Kit-liar.! Cr..kt r, of the Tammany
HK-ietV, on tin- ii.-iaiiin if itn eele-
Ir.itin.i te UTt'i
1 ii.i'N'iiili'iit'i-, l.c ...liil:
" I'liir i tit.- ,.iv vthii-h all Irue
Alinriiaur niil.t
often a" it ti Tiir.
hi i t lt hrale ui
Tln-re liil.- never
, . . .
lu'.'ll It llllli1 III., II i.l'l li I r V 1 1. I'll
rlliilll.l lie liiore rolti Tl
i;..i'. tin v .'.tuiiut
Miliiv ili-lenaie
I 11
ilutit r ami olili'.iti.iiK of t ilii u
rhi, imr in i'l'. t to eiillivitte
viilua't ami m . inli ret in
jiulilit1 all'.tirr. If who now
ee!i lira'.e tin- i.ti iivi taiiry cf Aimri--uii I't ii-lriK-e clioulil (juartl
an.iilt the htniejle for lltl
eariieil Wealth uliU'h rtillf.1 0.t riol
;iii; if tin y exact from public wr tin- i.trii-terl accountability
in tlic K-rfoni.iiui nf publictlutie;
f they hoi.! I i-t to American i.lcaii
that work f.r honor uinl economy
iii a virtue; if they iunist that there
olioultl lie huiierty itml clean limns
in jtoliticK, ami if they refuo to en'i' exK-ilieiilit that entlanger
the faiimlati.iii nf ti rouiitl national thore w lui f.llmv u will
joyoiirly celt-lirate tin- tlay i-ellturiei
to collie.
i Salt tti StiiU .-in.iii: Weure afraid
. r.iiiL'er Hermann, conrcrHinan
fr.uu CiHia county, in hi htradillc
t.f the silver tjti.'htion, will U in
i the jMtrition of the new circuit judge
' Alio tried to I'lcilrO both juirtiii to
(the LiwFuil by rendering hi do
U'irioii mi nn to C(itiiiroiinre tho ntnt
' tcr, w ith a view to n laining the
1 1'rit :nl.rii) of Hut ho in
curred the lasting enmity of both.
Ill his next decirion he had Icariietl
ii 1. rami, and ho Hiruretl the friend
rliip of oni) Ma by rendering a flat
footed decirion in their favor,
'linger hits Urn in his time u inort
artful ami graceful Muddler. I'.ut
the ttilver ijUcrtion is a hard one to
succcrrfully htra.Mle. It in really
a painful ttNH'taeli to witnesa any
one trying to utru.ldlu it. lie i
likely to la- split clear up the back.
SHkane Hcview. Fur year the
height of Mount Tacoma, or Kai-
nicr, has lr-cn H-t down ut 11,41 1
fft. The authority for thi itifnr-
iiiatioii Hems to lie unknown. The
figures were eauily rememlN're.1 uud
rttuk iu. the public mind. Now,
however, Fred (i. I'luiuiiier, n civil
engineer of Taeotna, comes forward
with a htiitcmeiit that the moun
tain is l.'i.OtX) fit -t high, and the
lofliol jx'iik in the United Stab-.
Mr. riummer recently made ix
tiieasureiueiits, end they ranged
from ll.JMK) to :,,UM fe-t. That
La-ing the care, Tucoiiut Hliould take
prompt htcpit to have the addition
al height on h.T picture of
the mountain at the world'a fair.
Rom-burg Ki.vievr: Tim popula
tion of Oregon must be at leant
.'1,0(K),(J()() judging from tho crowds
attending the numerous edehra
tioim throughout the elate on the,
Fourth. According to the local pa-
rs it was a email atl'air thatfailcl
to bring together oCXJO pinplc.
Tlie mayor of a K auras tnn in
a ill biite the ntlu r lilgl.t enforced
his views by taking nil his wooden
leg and ptiutnling an uh-tin.tto and
oliKtruclive aldt rinau with it. .Va
a "t-tump" apeaker the mayor waj
thougtit to have the -rt of it. ..
ill all kilidm" we would silgg.-st
to those who :ire devoting tho time
lietwtfii ilrinka to advising ron
gre what it i-houM do that
grers is not comjoturd of idiots.
The curvature nf the earth is only j
seven inches to the mil... So that!
it d a.t.'t helo very much in a Li-
cyci race. lhere l-r. t m uel,
"col-tiiif?" it!, r to U-got out of
rr. 'i'ictn i. levi iaicj
lit' M-Nl-e to
c.)tr-sr jll U-a jKiwerful factor
in determining whether the t itra
... .
w-rioii will go in to general l.-jN-la
..on, or coiiaTine it.-lf to the. lintnce
- j i - -1 1 : i .
1 1 1 -p
intot.r irfiiaol.
I'll 1 1. v I'l.t.i-ii l a, July A. A re"-iv-
.-r lot-lr-ii a ;-inl.l for ti North-
ti t. rn I:ir 1 ar-1 'nmiianv, an III!
noir -.,riait..ii, willi o!!ba-a here,
-labia, id, oil.; other (rf.liirations,
lh III ml M,l,l.
A I'.Klit iv.i'ti' U nu':.'ul Ih.iti v j. l- n
cork at tnl,t e.tnii. t l inn. ivr,
utx-ral Ii tlt u of elir tiie l.ini u:t,l x,
irHntuitUy ar they arriii;.'.!. F-.r
oiiiintniit tint uromi'U auJ t-utraii. . l
lli. hutl.lin.-i lit in t .4 t. tli.' numU-rof
! I..VV) arv .luetil at IntenaU of fmmi'.i
t . .........a .. 1 1. a . I .All,
tn ij iti, rt.ri'i ! mi- . in.-
iiiiiim r.-ary "l.tartrrn Ntrt f the p-oun-l .. -lnr..'i
taliee bt lwvu ointt nf tlin art' in-cn-a-rrj
to 1'.' ffft. Anmii I the iii.nti
riifrittni to I lit. tiiini-iiuil hiiililiiim flint-
' (era of lumf arc llneel. The aro
"U'loyeil K'f eiterior tlUiiniaatioii are
i lurportetl on oniaini-iital ttoxtH tli'-iinifi
I .
i to receive one, two or tlirte lamj-a mnl
where Mpe-limt. have ami ti.riiiin
I I,..a,.l.L..A.t Ii i,l.,nMil UtLIU-M'
'... ....;. .-i .
ini loetrj W1WI1II l-uinrru litnti-liir
that afont a richly tltivrative etTeet. A
problem of JitfenMit eh traeter win pn
wntl when the queatlon of aula hk'lit- 1
log with arc Iaiu eiuiie tin owiiiK to '
the varied nature of t ! rhihit, the
charwter of the im-'.nu:-. , li e lift .U of
howcaoee and piMiinilty of np.rl.
In the final allotment of lain; (in
itmud nnmlien) I. SOU were anoiirmrl to ,
the Manufacturre builJinir, SOU to the i
Agricultural bml.llnn an.l annex, SV) ,
to the Traniportatlon bnihltnit; projr r; I
Horticultural ImiUMnir. Jinn- ami
Minlnu, SOO; the KUhenea, 50. an.) the
llllnola bnil.linit 87. Them are all mo-
pilot! with enrrent by the rttoitiin
company from the nwit plant, aa are
also aome t.V) aro lamp reqiiiretl in Ma
chinery halL Chicago Time
Aa A(4 IIm lfur falaaibiia tim
Ever ainc tlia daya of tho flrat a t-
tiers In th like county Uit kwt.rU t.f
IVDUitylvanla pino tptj know a aa the
"Ureat linn ba4 been luinluturk In
Omm townakip becamw of ita nrvul
hni(ht, tha tre towering far alov all
tho other trees in tha iue fonwt that
then coverrtd the nka county inoun-
taina. Ia th clearinu away of tha puis
timber, which waa ths main purpoM of
wootlmnen fur 60 years anil more, this
lordly tna waa left atan.lmg, ami
years affo It Warns tha aula rullu in all
that reglim of tba gTeat pnniltiva forent
of )inea, and ainca then haa been famona
throuKhout northern renimylvania as
tha "Umt plus."
The nativi had always regarded tha
ancient tres with fc-reat veneration, but
recently the Una ou wincn lliiooa paas-
ed iuto the hands of alien owner, and
one day luat week they had It rut tlown.
The tree waa found to be 8TJ feet lu
hel(ht, and Uie lufallihle record of the
riiiKa of Ita atem allowed ita aite to be
40J yean, so that it waa reaitxtublo
tree 03 years old when Coluiulma discov
ered America. It waa perfectly sound
from bntt to tip and will cut f.'.nw
worth of lumlaT. I'ike County Dis
patch. ,
EiasTalkma al Taala.
It ia announced fpiui Tuula that exca
vationa are now being made in the
fainons two beaded hill niantioned by
Yiivil, which hill is situated ala.ul eiKht
miles from Tuuia. Many Intermting re
mains have already been unearthed, and
it la confidently hoped that better will
A temple of Baal Katuru, which haa
been aluioat entirely laid bare, la attract
ing irtlcnlarly the attention of the
French archa'ologiits because of its pe
culiarly intorestitig statues and baa-re-llefa.
Ths building is situated at an ele
vation of over 1,000 feet, and this ia an
other proof that the Carthaffiutaa
practiced their religious ceremonies on
On all ths statues of the gods to which
the temple Is dedicated ths names Ilual
and Saturn are found together, which
would aeem to Indicate that to flatter
their Roman conquerors the CartUaKin-
lana liad added to the nameoftheirchief
god that of the highest Uoman deity.
Chambers' Journal.
Tk Par af VUabeaMoWre.
If present pay Is lnadia-uate fur lulu
liters. It is absurd for embaaaatlors, and
yet congress la not likely to Lacreaae ail
ant. It haa aanctioued a title author
Ixed by tits coiutltution, but ia unwilling
to pay fur what tli title calls. For aov
-ml years tha fact baa been recognized
that only lien men, or at leant men who
had something beyond their pay, could
afford to accept ths London, Psrls or
fieri in mission, Mr.' Lowell ami Mr.
Itiel being eiception. Tie raising
of the grade to an eiubaaMf lorship luakiai
the obstacl.s to poor uieu ail the greater.
An iuipta-uiiioiu eiubaaaailor would ba
ridicnloiu, and as ths lucn-aaed rank ia
practically of no benefit to ths country
tlie sooner we return to the old rank tlie
bettor. The country will b better rep
resented by self respecting minister
than by on embassador who is the object
of universal commiseration because his
meager salary compels dim to live iu
lodgtnga. Uarper'a iVeekly.
A K raaklae taatlu la.
T1wa KattrVnrlr vnnlkl arlinlarl w Liva
on earl havs received another shock. H.-re
Is bU lordship of LVaven, who, though I
attnded by a valet skilled In all a body
.tsarvanf. iceompU.hmenU. yet shaves'
blmaoit. Tit faut cam out through
wound reired In the act of atropng.
Now may th. barbsr. who have bin at
1 . 11. .i.. .1.- .1 ..1
our golden youth look out If one who
keeps a man profess to manipulate ths
"T . 1 , 7T , , T
; tonsorlal sid? To sUvs at home may be
il:td to a fsahlon among
. . L. .. ...... ....l.tla.l.H.1.
i maaai WHO ra . III. toe. viw . -.-
oped a fancy for pink laaomcl shirt
and the other taa.uluritles of s certain
u,, I, .hit. .-.'I u. r.utliion
are made. New York Evening Hun
. " . " " . .
WeeJtkf f.ila Tif l a I'lale aa.a.
, Bdeuts of UihUlerry. N. V.. are
tirl of tlsat eu;,!m .mua title ami l:i-
tend having tl nua- ibunid. Tie
name Is derived from tha fa t tlmt J.-r-
tniab Dohh. a !-. ! i a r-
man and lit-! ut V. 'il'.v: ii.t. in-ur I'
southern b:-1 J t.. v ..U,.. . a t-l I lv L
meatrr itn..i.!r Limr lo i4 i!m.-rf
revolution by f i rv iacaiouaJ travi-b
I , across th lln.Iann.
llca.lii.- ir ft t,rv4l latlaitry.
(1.. I Nat..'. 1 ; I Ij oo
jet I0.U1V J', p. .1 r.l.liV?
lVittUk- U utall I it t toirit.
"IUli in a oo. i . .t
tlon't jToii.''
"Tle ii tli'-r- aiv j-rt-tty kuu.1 titnea for
boot til t. ki, areu't tiny. Johnny':"
"lntrlt.l!ii? S ), jfrvercit )r aiirna
aliiutrl 'fore tin r:"
"litt it .loin' fur a nit keir
"N.. If I reiufiuler riuht'y. 1 gnmr
ally ha.l tn ay a diine."
"Tlien wtiat'a tlx irnno' aikin uia any
dnnt f.Kl jnitlns 'loiit tfnnj tnnuaJ"
Chioatfti Tnbune.
k I wttg aii.
Th Ylritor IVkhi the baby cry all
nU'ht? You bak tire.1.
Tlw 1'ptnil Youiiu Mnt!t"r-h. denr,
no. Why, h alept fnnu b o'clork nnltl
10 only the liij.-ht Ir-fore lut. Urooklvn
Sul attrt.
Ueiieral Wrinlit. whila In Nw York
on a rec-nt trip, put up at big llnavl
way hotel, w l.ere lin y hail onaof thoa
door boys at the entrance to thadlnlaf
room with a ini-rnory tlmt la pheunmenaL
When (Inter al Wright went In todintirr
upon hla arrival, tha laty took hi hat
and put It in the rack alnnx with a eon
p!o of liuntln-il others, uiauy of thutn
acotuinirlv eiactlr lika It. Alamt thrsa-
; quarter of an hour biter tha Kenaral
itmllo.1 out a:i l ark' .1 f r KU liat. In-
(toad of pi. liu mvi r the etitirs lot la
tho r k, aath u.-n.-ral mora half
tlx t"! ho would, llm boy aele-tl tba
rrueral a hat a thniiuh by intuition and
baitJo.1 It to him.
"How did you know that waa my hat!"
asked Uenerul Wright, Itia curiosity
"I didn't know 'twaa your list, boas,"
said tho boy, "but I knowed hit waa ths
hat yon Kitnine." Memphis Appeal
tie i'ttafpaaart.
TliecMhlerof thelrttik waaaummoned
before the preaM.-nt and lioard of di
rectors. Tim with a severs
look, aald:
"We have dircovered that you have
been taking from time to time lare
enma from tha fund of the bank."
Tho K'tilty man Hoyfce down, railing
on his kn -ra, he a. : I:
"(Julitlt-lii.-li, I t -tiiifeaa. 1 have been
savitifc np to i;o to the World's fair."
New Y'ork 1'rera.
Well Tralitatt.
Dunker You aay yon Jumped on the
oowcatelM-r nf ti e a;.rnarhing engine
and thin mi v ' yoiiraelf Where ihd you
acqniro am it nitilityf
Hill 1 haven't been courting a girl
who wear crinoline fir nothing.
Cotliier an.l ruini.her.
lMtllr llatrl.
"I hate arriul atortc In magajdnea,"
aid she.
"WhyT he asked.
"IWatiiM," alter eplitrl, "yon can never
tell bow liter are coiiur to turn out Mil
you've rea.1 'em luroiuth," Harper's
Not Ike Oalr Oa.
Ho Dearest, for all months now,
three time week, I liuvo called upon
yon. Is not tho great love I have begin
ning at but to dawn upon yon?
Hhe Yes, and that I not the only
thing tlmt is be ginning to dawn sttluiv.
VThra II I Knk
Jimmy You know aouivthhuj about
grammar, dou't yunT
Tommy Yep.
Jimmy Well, is John a proper name?
Tommy It ain't a proper nam fur ft
firL Indianapolis Journal. ,
lie to Oa.
Husband Why did yon disc bar gs the
Yonng Ilonanwifo I told her to malts
a few aweetbreo'ls, and she hadn't tks
least Idea how to do tt.-a, K. A 0o.1l
Hew sa4 Fratk.
'IIow old are yon, my littl maaf
asked a gentleman of a tot who was lass
than four years of age.
"I'm not old," was the Indignant rs
P'T- 'Tm almwt new."-8parka.
, i. .v
J":" T ?eU to
, ITT , .7.
! f P'7-. iL nrr
"f " but c.arett-8oB-c
Haatr af Bla a.
Aduuttieg tbiit ajoung man and kit
bw,t frl are "couiiruy." what oomU-
frrwJ .kbt.rl'-Mehdeo Repab-
. . i i
1 n llrl.l.'a .r.ww.
.. .ii.." .., .. ..
Hr l !. IVr a ',' .f.
Kr ). -1 ... : I r ti i I rt.
A ftl. a tiiiu-. a gnat.
Oil. I In ' l.
a rejlla.
. no A.
. I.
11. .'
. .r. . a.
... . .4... It Li.
. .. r.
. .- ', - .1 kj.
- .. . ir
I ..-i eial
1 I. B
"i .
- Urn I
.... ut. .
I nut I .
a it..
. it. ,u..u;s Unk
- - r . -
rtlver nmfltal
. r.;, aa far b.-nr-l fmui.
llyllH. I
l Pliliour to the 1
littttl stst.-r. -i' '-
0 at rivnr- that wouin u in.- jr -a. v v- . .-