EUGENE CITY GUARD. EUGENE CITY, OREOON. OCCIDKNTAL 'KWS. Chinese nnj White Men Super M'II ly .M icn. CANS IMS .-I.STKUS ASl FISH. Slranif Complain! IT- l-iit Aiihmi? Ibc ( itl- in S.i ii Itiriiardiiio Count), California. rhitfalT, A. T.. ha ttn acnvt.-d aa (he mtr lor tlit-'J t ri( ll- -form N luml. Tlx illti tir uf I u-tottn at Victoria. B. C. ha pai I "'It III n-Aliu-f ilaiin $5o.l23. 'ruH- lor. hate ri !n"l "-mi Pi-Muir-tlino it (tit the I tii'iiii'I'i urt with Jim kt la lu'l "( tf"l I ii'it-t.-." Moi Ii ar'.ii 1 1 y i- -t-i li.anii' -t'1 in the i-u.n iik.' ut M-t'i nml li-'i ami olbcrBi-e ptoiiti.- I "ii th' f - i r it alohi tlir lowt r "I I n!iitni..i. On iron til--"!" ' l,l' IT,!""1.1'' putino of ! Ihi. year. In r im n-.irc Hi he.-povcr l.i-t )fr l'iiik' uliiiwli' I at ll -t o lit, nil oi slip Ii i ht.-r -jam. Tin n miIiiiii fim ' I "iiiso ml the loloia-lo Iv-eit after tin iilii-iw I'tltli K Inme Ii l '" I"" return, (III to Ihr rxtinue h' nt rliii'inili-p-d. Jauiri laihionan ol Idaho l ull ha brought mil "I thf ''" I 'i-t ri. I Conn KKIIirt tin" Fll-or ll.Mltlltc 111 I'm atfliO lor -,ii.i iI.imhi.'i . I hum' tl.' y ir ifii and imltiltoriiiiMi.iiMtl tlic li'pior habit. Tin I'ml d'Oir.lle nu-r i i.Miirf r.i itlly, li'iuK within "ix htt at I"-'1' iiri-iM-iil mm Hi any 1 1 im l.i-t year. t. ' mtiialiou inil toaanl i In water la-i ii; lut-hcr tlim )iar lliaiicici known In-loic lilt' oll'lt ca ( the Null I ii III ill vi -mil till lt Fc tUlllo.l'l, ll'-l' lolole Im :ti 'l in ran lii-rn.mliii'j, ate U-mir i -iinneti tl) lyO AlHttll lO lake l( IlilftlTf. Ill tilt ItVt ill (ail Tel Chill 111 i till III lllf latin my. Arraiiirmifiita have lat'ii rouipntitl (or the ruilit ol way l' ronattiirt it rum: on a cut-oil at tin' moiiili ol Hit- Vu ... riVIT, tilt) objl-1 t In-Hit to It-lll-Ve III! river dm mi loi;h watt r mi l in.tku Hit channel inoif ilut'i I. Woi Ii nil the double turn-led inonitoi SloliaillllM k till l'l ll H4t III .ll.V all--tcllllcd llHIIIlK tlt p't IHOIllll, .''HI III' tlianim havuiir l'ii l.ik n H"' " iiiK lori e mill iiK"i .'in-'l to oiln r woik ImiiI tin nitty 4il. Tin1 ( liiiiftM' nin I lull iii' H I" " I "("! rinil'.vtil t 1 1 I'.'i on tin' -ouiin i .i I'ii cilic ijiImm'I l-imi'ii I I I'ii" iin.l a AiiKtl'K '' If'iu ti I'l.i. t l mi M'i (illm lltitll I lillm.tlul.1 ,il I I " l 'l it- il iii o'miiIv l.ilfl llx' i-iiiil ol Hi' OOlltHW I I ik A lr i I'lokt II. Mil Mmi'U' Kluif, Ilm lv'ii rolori'l i low in llu .Mt Kiiint v will tonti-i Mnt kltill, I III., "Il" "'' 'I' "' "In '" Ilif ilu ol Hit' oil in'k'"i in t'"' I'M' 1 1 i.i t , '.! roill l (.t t lit - i -'.il'- "i Hi $ H, (Ml, li in juil, i -liit'iifl i"i -r jiu V. nit. i A. J. I."'", Il'l I X ,' 'II"' ollli- I, wll'l I' lliy tl to Iiim- ki I up lln t i lt in f. U Untlt-r ill i l nil t,;" ol hilixil ii. I lion o( ik'i jiuy. W. A. Nut, ri iil i -inlf ili'ult r oi Hit It III. ill.linttl Ml", l-.ililln-lli Jo-t'l'li to tlif-l lii-r lioiim to loin lor ivn hIIiv-i niimiilrrnliiiii ol Mi in", llntl iiiu lo U- )n.iit t.i r tt tlif nut oi i'm h it-m J.n lui'iity-luiir M.i", iiilttil m Mt-iiriiy. Mil i ' I'tl 'riiiiii-i' o( n-i-rit y, imt lnmlly M". I" I'll ronnil.ttl iNiini iillniiii .-Iiiw lu yi'M 'l. i-ttl linn Uiilffl ! k lli iniitrly, un.l I li.t km Imiii ilotii'. . M. rolit rot San iiii-ii, .in I)ityi ttiiiul) , ( '!., ri'lit iilnl a li-w llltlllllm MH wlll-ll ll It i MIIH kll'lrtll tlml lii Id ri-' i roi ol nm-t ii'l M'tl. 1 lit t ittp will in.iKiit ul-iiit July I, ami it m iiiiuiiifl lo If iiiti'it 1 ' " i ii-1 of uttl mi Hi ir. or hIhuI Mit. -Iitf loin in all. lint i 1 1 i iiUiut i v 1 1 1 l - " i ! 1 -an at-nt ol llu ".l mim ii. I In i-inp it doilli ii, liil lit H ctiiU a toiiii., ulin-li in tin' ruling 1'iitf. All'riit')'-Miii'rul ('li.iiii'.H-rl.iin Imi rrmli'ivl an ohiiioii ii n tin Sf-lnii Normal N lnl m't, m v. Imii lit' rav il in rvi'lt'iit tlml tlit l-:i-l.iturt' i i I not in tfinl thai tin' ii'M".n.ilMii fhoulil If riH'iiltl in tin' r" t ion ol in Iniil'l ililt, hill "illy m Hit i.i infill o( ci'iiil!-!:. tlic jinn liiift' "I liti 'IM! ami to i . aratui, aii'l ui'iu nilv in wtUfii t n( nUi'l) 'aftM a ua iiii'lit U int hi nil in tint iii'tvitiil arnun;rini-iit ol llif " li''l. A trulin iMinilit.t in I'M", iili-nt lii"ti( lln' niltli' in '" I1 riiiir.lino nMllily, ( l. Il I" a ill-m-r ol tin' Unit, aiiuilnr hi rav (uitiM, Im h iiai l in-i'li-th Uino ami iiili-iiiiift il. I o'lit rullv II atari in tin- luiir nl tin- It It -1 1 1 1 1 . 1 t . tta'luiillv n-ii 1 1 ii if nl In r i tioim oi tin' ily aii'l linaniil'ls It-riiiiiuilt in ih a'h, ffHi-rallv in (iittii Ihrvr I" live in.iiilnt. I la a httul n clan. It l aul l mil ' tl to In an tuiitaioii". Il U'-m-i .illy rat I If (mi-turfl on w loam. Tin Fn'tno Kiil'ir mn i : An I'rm il Roil V I"' roiiii'ln ol llif Calilorui.i pr that " iiillnii nl woiina art' ilt VMlai mi llif im vn'ilt of t-it'fiio t-Miiii. tv." H.l i altoi tin r an ritor. H'miin ar litil ilt-valnliiit! Hit' I n i- ti to any fllt'l t. Tl y h Uf ;iMrr.t i t ln or tlim- JMiliita mltinilf tin' n-nlai I H t'i .r. rtiKlilt I, hut limit no in jury to tlit ttiaii t roi "( tlii t-oiintt . lilt' aortn thai i ilonii; ihr ino-t n( thf rtiii'f iu lht i it'iialy Ii llif wonii ol Urn cult. Tin 'art tfim' knoan tlifoltit-r tlnv thai two n I iniiri-i-o i-anka n i l itrn ret i-lit I v an mil fl hv hrt k wlni h l..t. . Int ii irry t iftrny r.n-fl. Om t let k lor j :i NX.ioii tin' ratim i' I'-a k i f f tfxi o wa laalifl hi tin biu'l. n, I'm a iml Amrru nn I'.4ik . ami I in-nl !n r i hr. l'i IS.MJ on thr Hank ol I- ittf aa in-iit-l ; tr thr liiriiloit an-l .tn I raliriatxi lin k, i XV III n lllf I liaa M I I I nr t i..t 1 1 lo l III ir , i.t x t to lln ir fjuriraittllili-llta lor . , waa tliatxtvt rt-l. Ti e i ' . i:t t tie aw Hi. lie I r. k. I. i.l '.n t f. tlM-.l . Ia- raiattl (roui I -a an-l t V ral rx pert )' Hie "' x i Ihf i rt rr,t thf have fvt-r at en, It it ' In-Vt 1 ili.t ot'itr Can Fiam.--'" !ai k hair lat-n Tit-liiiiil in a uiannrr. Tl.ft arf in li' atioi a t1 it tlir failure nl thf hank ol Hamilton. JoS A to at Con ail a i tun- h W'-r-e than at ..r-i antli i-ate-l. I hf firm m ' I ttuii lr ahlf outai'lf pnitt-rtT that :l t. p'..' i. ran not If rr.i.irflon ("r it art. fKtfil wrrr alfxit 1 7' ' . Aiuoi k ti e numher t on.liirior I .1 . ixennr-ix, w.m an amount rrportfl at II V"' lo ( l,iti la anyrifnt thr la. lure will t e up a lanye aiii xiM of moi.r lor a"iiir t.u e, antl will D'a'rriallT aihtt lii-int-.. in Corralha. Thr Ka'r nl Ore.-.n I, a I 14.(J in the hank. tlrittl t.'irre I " 0f in the nmatnit lion of thr nrw k"i rallnral I'ui rife I' nl'lirnrn. Iter t in tnnnit h.l lit) ttx) ai. l I.iui-oin t unti il.OUU' on depo;t, uionf i rxirnt y ciil- It a ' I lax,ta irora ia.r. FROM WaSIIISOTOJC CITY. Ai -tinft laniirominia-lonT TowrrtliM n-ii'lt-n-tl a ilti imun in whit h lia onli-r-o i iii.-lt-l on I'n irnMiiiil ol liaii'l ami ml I urn. n a I out twtnlr-i't tiiulrf an I .toin rntnra ol valuahlf tinilti r lan-lrm .hi Vaiiiiiuvrr Uii'l 'li-lrn Wali . ami ii.. In-Ill hy J. II. Mot foinirjr o( I'oit Inii l. Uf., to aliom tlie"iil wrra Irani lirnd lniiii'haUly afmr llnaJ nn?i nr n.ailc Tin l'inl, ')ni'tinir ot rrgim-cni r( lit. army ami thritr etiitinifra Ironi rivil hir. a i-iinifl to riauiifi anl ri'ort ill-oil t lit Ii ajoliilitv ( a I ""I railway nr .hub olhrr iiK'tli'i'l "f iininifl naviira al Thf I'Hllt-a Ima n.'iiiiiltf I Ita n-l-irt In thv War I Vj..irtuiiit. I'p l thr (in w-iit lliui tin th iartiiit-nt liaa rt-f n-l in f il piililir, li BU thf rort a ofltTfl hy ( 'oiiitnn ami, il l rlaniifl, niii-t In ina-lo ill (tinirr. KnoiU'li i It arnr.1 klut it, lioanvt-r. to knoa that the l.iat-railaav tifoinwition hii n-. a hla k ryr ; a'x- lln ratial. In. Ii, it f i lainifl. aoiil'l ot I'Kiu-ii'h iiioin y. 'I lit only lu'ine riniiimrii'!"l hy iht loartl in lo Im rlK rail any. It mill It- aliiio-t niioili:e (or tin- On-vn tli livatiun in i'onn lo ici-rturn Ilm ri-irt. Tin' lifpartnu'lit of StatK liaa not U-rn ii.foriui-tl ol the ri-'1il iurnH'o( III ( lii:ii'ft' ifovrrniiit-iil t' rrtalialM iiui Ihi-I'mlt-I ."l.itri. yi'lt-nt fl hv tint ri irtit inihihilion ol llif (iir. hi, iln or .iltol Ainrrnan kf nrnf in lh (ipiv im f of Amoy. Kiftl ll thrrf Inn U't-n -in Ii a iir-'hihition, it i not l-hfvt-l at thr th ..rt!iirnt that It run lit n var.h-l a a iiit-U't'in' avt"ilt-l in a .pint of retal iation, hut ralhrr aa an rnhihition ol thf i-itri'ini'ly itnt'rativn rharai lrr oi thr I him-)', ali'ff rt-.i-ttaiu-f lo m n an in notutioii a thf Uf l rn"fiit inn havr lt-n ttn-ntftlii'iifl ly kmiih ritt- .1 axiuliit-a. Morturrr, it l a fart thai a ii. rru Virt-rov ol a pnivuii f aoul.l uran-t-lv If million!. I tu in-titiHe imlit-y of ri-lnliiiti'iii. ahu ll aoiil l rathar la initi- atfl hy lln' iinprrial ifovrrniiifnl it-t-lf. Si'i-ri'liirv Ninth waa a-kt-l tin) othrr I iv ahal aoiihl hf thf irolahlit lailu-v of thf Inlrrior lriartni'iil in rrlrrrnrr to Ihf ni' ol hla ol .Nortlnrn la nlic lun. ! uiiili-r the itraiit aim ll a not I'luin-I in Ihi tuiif aMiiliii. hut vet to a hu ll thr roinpany a"Uiin- titlr. Thf Nrn tnry Ht-nifl to lo of tlif opinion luil. thf lamia hating- lat-n rarnwl, thf i-oinpany aoiiM iimlouhu-illy la f nlitlial to tin-in', ami that in thr approval of the Hit-, null thu aliitulra anil Dial tlii-v tiul'l l ot la' appnivttl if not earm-il in nun. In- nip-'l that Im cli'Milil not lake that iiirlioii into roiianli'ra'ion. Mr iiiti-inlril to follow thf law, li lualtrr t hat thf amiiptinn luilil la- of paillif mit riiiil. Il a'l'li-l: "Thrn in no I. mill I hut thf hmliliiii; of llm nu.l wu 4un.ll im n t t'li nil t. It Ima lat-n ol a-l la-iit-lil to tin- roiintry, mnl tin' minim hiui lun I llif mlvantiiiif ol m-II-n ita l.iu la, nii'l thr ttmntry hua lat-n -eitiit! ami U'-loMil. Ol roiliat, thr mnl hua lai n Iniill ami llif lumla luvr m en rarni il. I ahall I'a'k into llm l.ta n tin-MiliH-t I la-fon makiiii; approval, tint fluill m I on the law. ah ittti-r il it waa MiK.'alitl tlml 'nitr a hi'iff puK n Coiiifrt win itlixioila to (old it lh'-i- tii'l-. I In-Si . n'l.irv citi l that hi hil l lilll'll.l III! WOlll'l luivf I lollow the law ( niiKrra h.ul finit tr I .uln-r th.iu anvthniK that mav la- in intfat't. I hit pioluiiilhlira air that tin i-t will lat Hi iTovi-.l ami anvelloitr until to (orli-it llm luliil- w ill !a"h'(e.ilnl nv the It-'iuia-ratii' nflm in i-t r i i.'ii . aa il tt-ina to la- nvuitlfl that the na., rvrn I il ilil not roiuiilftr it- line in I In Hun p.flhf.1, tiiatli rvrry rlfort to tlo ati,.tml I- inti'iilioii waa amply miomii innu int ,it I thf waa rrully Iniill. tlllCAliO KXI'oslTKiN. A 111 tli miui for thf laaiplr whorarrv lilnt lit-t-l hil lat'll (il't'llfl at thf I .louinlt at I hit iio, ami all thr tiiM air ut II liilril. Hie aii(".'i''ion ihiiip fmiu Chiiiik-o iluit tin ll orM'a I air may have lo I i iil i ii in 1 tliiouuhoill lit -it yrnr in nnlt-r to t ii n I Ii thr in.iiiiiitt'ini'lil to rittnip it -rll lor Ih Mi-t i-pi-n.iliirr that havt Itlt'll IliUilf. I nr Simniali nir.ivrla an on tlirir wav to ( In. iijo hv a limit water roiilf, nnl will prolahlv not nai h tlif Wnrlil'a l air It l.irv Julv. Ilny will la olijts la ol kn ill inten at In tin aiplr wrlm rtutiun-li-r lln 'in in thf St. Ijiarrlnf or tin Ijikt-a. Aii'lilor Ai krrniaii Kil l Kntl W. 1'ivlt, Chairman o( llif Kinamtt I'tmnnilttf ol the Worl't'a Fair, have tiintnl in a utatf- ti it-it 1 n-iMt'liiii tin llnanrra of thf (air. I In total rxiM-nara for May, tln v aav. wrrr If i than (liHii.lMl, or alaiilt IH.-iHi l-t-r il.iv. wlutti thf total rtvriiila Wi rt- l7.1l.iXni, tlif ri-ilinn la-nii oprn lull tt ntVMM n tl.iva. I hit fXH'iiaea arc U'ltii nthi.i-il l.nui lv rvrry iliiy, w Inlt thf avera' tUilv rrifniira (:om ailmia aioim mvl txillw liiuia am ixmatautly in rreaaiiiit. Cai'linal liihlama in nyanl to tin pro-p.i-Ht rloaint of llif Worlil'a Kair htm .lav la ouott-l aa aaviiiu: " Wr la-lirvf tlif I oi'l'a tlav to la lint null-a tlav ol n-t iin.l n -lii;ioiia oliM'rvant-f , hut a tlay on w hii-li iiimaviit nvre.itinn la allow aMf. If a viail In thf fair iMini-a w ithiu lhat limit. Ihr oik'iiiiik of thf (air tr priviilr nimartit rf. rraiiun Snii.lny aft ri litaina i atinot la rtUl-nlrrttl a th art ra- Imii ol the tlay. Having m rforimsl thr rrhtfiout tlulii-a rf in i it I ol thrill in Ihr mot inni:, our t'atholir peoplt am thru hit' to pa-a thf ilay in alii Ii m n-alioti a Nvoinra Jiiiiilav. 1 Iota' aiul ollu r rv.i imiii Ira l llif to la'lirvt (lie lair ahoillil l-t tut-ii NniiUr aflrrinatii, ami niort ril wi I n-aiill Innu Suiiilay cltwiiin than ..olll ."-.Ill.l.tV t't-lllli. Milt i-inttttti nioiify la now lloaini! into tin- trt a-ury of thf rxHiititin aa a rt i't of thf iairly iiirn'iwttl altrn.laii-. i- ol vi-itum. Ntitiiitt wrltttinra Hit i-ti.i riKt nio'f than Trfa-urx r, wlttr loiti.tii iiiu-f Mav 1 liaa not lat-n an nil mhlf tinr . The rxpttaitimi haa Nt-ii -hurl nl nionry to lnuiilalf ita oh- lii'iiliont to ixnitrm tor ami rmiiluvra. , , l( ,,,t ,iit ol Ihf wtaaln irl hv anv n.tiin.. lUi.k ami iximuu-nial failur m that n-Mii an. I the 'int ky (tt-hiik , ,,.,,. n,k..-ltiiik th whn h m iu-1 mi I i. Ut, ha v it inia ,t,f (,,r the rvHtrili'n roraratiou to U.rtow anv l'i;e ailtn ol inoin-v, all i Ihr ;rt-. t.n-a hair Milt k Inanhll'i lothr (ty a loll '" I a loU'" "ii y, liavitii tMiilelrin-e in a itiv ami p-ruiaiif nl cli.iriire III Hit-i- Miiia-r "I pii l Ihr li, tl"' tn.trk ha-lrn paaf al thf Kate t v. ral litnea. atnl la a-it-ptf I aa an in .1.. ation of an rra ol pa'ritv an I a u. i. ti( i-a-h Ui pav off all tntt- Uii iiiiK hill. There ia a .tati-lirK "lrr a! thr liiian.e ttrtirt nirnl lor Ati-htor I. ki-rinxii to hol l a I lout I rr ( ir in niri I it on April nu. I Mar tMii'ia. I work in liia i.ihiT until (line ia inntirv to arr mi the tiraaiirx for thr (aiiinentof it It iiitan that onlr Marrli (nil hate leen pai l on tontrart work, lnt thr rin p.iiiett't t:n ir.iuon r.atr t-rn ait pr0p'..v. Itirrt u murli tlixxxitriit amoiii! tor workitirn on ihr pav m l , I he (a.r on a.xt,uiit ol theorl. r jnl n ii -1 hv tl.r tlirtt-tor ol worka rttliitiiiK ill ( m-e to an n.-lit htnr laxaia an 1 r klii li Mir' pav. Ihrr have lat n working n n an! fur rievrn hour' tv There ia tn.k of atrikli'K. hut ailt'li a atrf ii l.kt to rra nit in thr atrilt-ra W nt P"t n an in.Utiiite TatsUoa taxa.t ub mil t . V i - EASTERN MELANGE. (Mir ImjMiMs From China Over top Oar Eijiurt. VOt KSI.NU AMO.Mi THE CYIIKS. I holrra Kalar Havuf Araotif tb II "If in low, Snath IialioU tiid Ntbriulik. Thfrf arf In l'i nnylanl over fl,0i mrin'a-raof thf Colin o( Veteran. Virginia I'opiihfta an inakmif pn( raliona for mi in 'nr rainl'ttiifn tlua lull. Tat-ntv-lhrrf Jliiit tliatilleriea wrn raul.-U in .Voi l!i I'arolma wta k beforr laot. I!i -i.i-iit of J-aVi (iforvf) am verr anxioiia to Imvf a Ur-li liatt lifry loratel Ihtn. An eltftrii railway, feveraf limi'lnvl null a in infill, I to bo huiJl in Ini rirta'e . Thr at-ntiiiipnt airainat hti!-fl'litini i apn-H'IniK to iiraily ail Iho Male ol Mixii-o. Kli.ttU in the Tonihiulaaj ami Saxa puila ruera havf iiijiiml the Mnuuaaippi rottoll rropa. in I'ii kotm rounty, Ala., 'Iivuit-i aa whiu apa, iniinli-rttl a wit uraa airaiunt Ihein, F ive thniiaainl laaiiije In ami aromnl ll"a-, Alk., were It ! I homt Iraa ami ilea liliitt hv ihr na-r nt torna-lo. A iMt-uhar i harnrtf riatic of Waliinil- loti a ih nth ra'f I thf exrrt'ivo mortal- ity amoni iiilaiita ami i hiMrrti. Tin lu-t Irttrr written liT (tenty- Waxhinittoii haa retviitlv lat-n oM at aiirtioii in rliilailrlpliia lor I -". Vfti'rn iiu'Ii arr pav iiiiti-onimiiaiotia of nn-l (ii nu ll tKiaeiiter t't K l thf iinitiiraiit trull. t: Ironi Nt tork. Kortv-two foreiitn imliotia art now repn-M-nlitl al tho Worl l'a Cohiiuhian hxxiilitii hy .".i nprefinamta. Tin Coniirt lirut l'iii-lalurf liaa n a-altt the alattilt n-ptirniit ilniukanla lo tell Whrrv the V ladllil tlit-lf ll'Uor. The alu-rilfa of K:ina-i ipi:n' to niaki n livfht (or tin on aalea o( piopertv nit oir hy the luat uviflamrr K Ijilair Comiu.aaifllifr 1'iflc of New York ha lie I the roiinliy. It in aai'l hi lt an-l pum-hiiiriit lor hurli ng hia ollitv rrronU. In tin l.i-t t moiitha fully oiif liull ol Ihi) xoiliitf ho.'a ill Noithern Iowa outli liakou ami Nrhraaka have tlntl ol t holt-rn. I'lD-.tTli'i r I'lKiliraa over the IVliliayl- Mima I iri.-H ia now no heavy that the lompany ilit liiit-t to furnii'li ram lor (ut llli a or l-Xi-ill-lolia. i hf iin r. h.inta lailorn of Texan Iiim l'irnii-il n M.ilr 'ir.-iimrulliili lo llitlit roui n i!i..ii of iiriita 1 1 itiii alnoail who takt oi'h rt in Hint Male. 'Ihf Ma-till'a ('miiii-aion on ilihwav luiprttieinetit lni'ln that half tin-low li ol Ihf Mate t aunol alloM impnivt- t In I r roailn. uita lor llVl.miO a.Minat the varioii' l.r;im lu-a ol ihr Mnmlaril O.I I ompanv h.ivt- .row ii out of the hi) llmal ami lin Ml Oil rnrli l.l-t ailuiiner. I hoiiw'h thf entire rot loll rnitnil thr founlrv waa i:mler 7,txi,x h.ilia lut n ar Ihr t-iitrrpnaini New York l otion r xt I. uie fil'l tl halrn. Shi riii in hat juat inttveil into hit l.l-W I 1 UMI llllllae. M III ll ol till' i naloi'a wealth hat lat'ii in.l'le l v 111 vi't.tinent ill W 'a-liiuKttill rt ill r-l.tlr. II xirta ol Im ii l-tulfa frxnii tin I lilli-l Malta the liaal lime Imintli have h iw n a lo-n of m at ly I litl.latl.iaM in i i i 1 1 1 -ii : i vx ill) tlif irit itliii( year, Aft tir.lin to the Alhiiny l aw Journal noiin ii are rli.'i'i'i" aa tlrnvatea IUi If thf law pio i.linu for Ihf hohlin of - mi-t it ut i. tmil it'iivriition in that Matt Tlif ("i il -rrviit ('.uninia-ioii hut Ivrn rallitl i:on' whrthi-r the ro-t iiia.trr o iii rul i nn rriuove a rlrrk in tin i la-Mlit tl wrviiv for iii-iilair.lination The rii'tr r.tra on Itroalwnv, Nrw ft'ork, Bt'ifur lo la' a un-ul niM-a, t.ik tlilt in, ll ia aaiil, nearly three timea aa iiiili h inoiii v aa the horar ram thry ilia plantl. lln re ia mourniiiK mininit (hf vpie Itsiiu-e of Ihr tl. ut It in lllimiia ol Mr lliirn-m, ho l.a l Ift-ti i hon n to aiit t tt il Mra. . iiiltitJ aa ljuivii of thf Ko- niuny (oik. Mr. Jew rll, (lie lutrat of the Kanaaa raitimakrra. w hoai' tirat attrinptarhaurttl to la- itiuit iilent with n-iiiarkahlf rain lalla, liiiila that he raiiliol pl.iv ihf trick a attiui'l iitui'. I!rv. Mr. M. Vnnrv of Tarrvtown, N Y., Ihinka IlMXti,!-"!) of tin (Ntiiilit of tin tMiiiitrv will tlif ol i-holira Iflorf fall il the Win M a Fair alioul.1 ho ki- ttt n Min.l.n n. I t ailnii i aititali-tn in I'a-'rrn ritir half I rn ttiiiltrmn with a vnw of f. ii ini ii : a ttimpany lo r-lahhali rltttnt 1 1 nt-- on ar-f aralf in a nuuilt-r ol ritien Final mi. I S rat. lln' Nr link tivf lumla, otirf n- k'arilitl ut Ihr w I. Vttleat aa)t aa well aa thf tin -t tltiitt-lv ptipiilitlttt, haa lat'ii iMinleiniiril, ami will If miner tt-.l into a Ui.iKiiil'ient park. Anion; the Went I'ttilit frnt'i'iaten arr Filwartl Tailor ol hlalio. Flank (. Mr kiinia.if t'al.ftrnia, ill nam li. Stm-I it iir. Jr., of I'al.loriii.i, ami Yrrtntn K Hart of Voiuin-. e latiiirht ol I lima la-l vrar mrr li-.-, t hu tlv ( a ami raw ri k, to the vx'.uri.f lit m r U I.M, tux'. nil, while I'luim la.Mk.-lit "lily S uxi.mni ol Kiaala, rbif III iMttttii "loth all'l krlta-riif, Ironi u. A loft for iiomiiu; p'v-etin I to Tie lit titl up in thf I'u I.! io j-.lct-r huiMitiir at I'liii.i Irlphia, ami for the lintt Mine tin air-line intfn jer aerviivwill lat-oino an t titl'lii-lifl ft-atiire of a lir-plHt pant, Thr Ital ana of 'f York rity, who now nunilt-r alatut pxinO, have nrit r let apt anl aa a p"arr in p.lili.-, an. I only a auiall pr.i-iiti.ui of them t.avt rit n takt n thr to pra-urr arr ol natiira ira:ioti. There were 10.1 1." niarria.f in Kan aa la-t vear. A notable (ait I that 'I Tit.' of lliette wrl-l:n;. more than hxli ol all. were of tulotsl ttp!r, thoit-h the teirrtt- o( the Mate nil'n'n-r only "inr VI mi in a total population "f a!nit I.!W.xaa. John J. Mi F'ar'aiie, the forrnrr Trti h nt of the Aiiieru-an Lllf Inaurantt I't'ti.) ary of i'lxla-lr I'hia. who wrerkfl hia an. I thrn u.a. flax I luar- upe to loail. Lam rt iu.'MnI, .e.l,-.i I itv !.l la-rn t n : t In it 1 lo lour Team ,n Hie (fnitriiliary. Thr Ku-tan itranl Ihike wai an mu.h mpit Matl by what be uf ol the won briul work i-f I'limi"' ab p tart in I'tiila-h Iph-.a. where iX ixO "in bat .ir nhi'n. rru.t n an-l turn I. ant fleam- f .ipa arr t"W a. ttui.T nn.trr war, thai hiik i'l llir Ku. in natal otS.rr rx prtt to fee an onlrr fiirn th I'ramp by the C'tax for Uuniaa btu attip. Pl'BELY PF.R.S05AL. Qtirrn Mar-gTirnta of Itatron tlie of- i r... .1 . . rMfirttl t-aion oi lo r '"' ' . among other tiiirk' over Sl.iw iWti Irttrr. Governor lvt "f Trial ha. !rl.vrrr. aiiother.l. li ti. al lre. to nu ,P'I'" llaeeui. to lirll'V an'l liotuiiyoown m the Mrsitan lamhT now. The rnteriainu.riit to the Puk ol Veraua ro-t New Vork f.(..ii. it u That l' ' finl'I'Mii the worl over there alien U.ry fvffr W luni aa III! llltflil.r-a. rVnatoraml Mr.. Ifawl. y of tonn- l- n ut havr rum up tnnr .rr,--l tnr. to Km-am Una aiiu.iiiT Vl-H rriaiiw. of Mra. Haw It r, ul I wi'l remain at their eottniff in VVoi.Iiii i.t, New Haven oun- W ..... . v.. Or. Julia v .t-ir-'irn m i"iit"i. in in rh irve of a hu-t au in thr Keiitm kv Ulr M.ahral Na -irtr. ami will uriirer the pnhhf tin- var at thf ttiit-l-1 . . . i. . . M i u' , IIKol that laIV 111 IMI.MIieoil in Mitlirme." .... I.-.I..... i;...r... W ( h.l la a fittilllf UP thr 1'hil.i.lelphi.x la with a bairl ol iraiintl (iiMina to art aa mraaeiiirrm ami ami ra ol "ropv irom u.aiain n i'oit- er. It in rjlaflfl llial nil' m-iua am lau a Rrrat fill i i--. Tlmlhikeof it un hr-tmi-l. ia amoinr the In au'-"t aulft-rem in Kiik-laml hv the rttent hank niiteiiaion . .i. : ....... ill Auatraha. Ai inf i"iae ia m nit wealthy m-iti.lir will not Itr emUrraa-M-.l hv the mialortillie. (iovernor 1 n--- I of Maat htlnelln haa nvltt tril lor h'a priiate att reiary nor-ut-,e.t hninuel l;.,a ii.Jr. l harlea Warren, a llarvar.l irratluaU of lv:. who, thoiii'li only W veam ol aire, liaa hown ' it a'nlitv aa a tainpaiirn oryaiilMT. arren in an imli'ta-nili ut in (Hiiitirn. Stjiiir of tin wealthy Amt-riran wotm-n ' t : ft I who are now l-omioiirra nave in nniui a nroiert lo emlow in h rta-ttlitr a rot ill lh Viitons Ho-pital in inniiory ol loiinir Ahrahaui, whoe tlt-ath, follow i nit a painful illnena, orriirntl tinr mrf liia father' n-aiilriii'f in Ignition. Iinl liolt-rta' arrvirea iii In lia are to he itiiiiunluornttal hy an fpiretrian -lutue on the Mai h n at Cali-iit'a. Ai re. I v tatwten lll.mtl ami jCt.mtl haa been anh-t rila-tl by (he native rrinrea an. M-roiial frietula, ami it ia thought Ilia I the luml will rearli a urgi' amoiiui. I'mbahly tlieoMent i'.lutrioiia piahint in the wo'il'l i Mmf. Clara Srhiimann, who ia known ahroatl a " the ipiren ( plavrra." hhf liaa la-en la-lorr (hf iul lir in nrlr lit lol'K at the liihtlially allot-tt-.l lili-tiiiu-, havitiK ma. If her ilehut in la-ipair tlint' arorv jrar an. I Ave ' at tin aire "f ""S. Kt-v. J a'l Swart. I. P., paator of St. lainea' Lutheran Chlinh, lieltyahlirj, who haa "il wnlrly araltt-ntl inrmla'ra in In rr.nirni.'ation, thinka nothing of loimt hi ten mile "ii a hiryrlf in pn-it-tiliutr Ina paal.irul ilutu-a, thoiltrfi lie in Til yraia oi.l. lit) ban tline ami in tlif niiiu-trv al-o. Cx-St t-reinry ami Mra. J. V. Foatrr, when the lit hriiin Sea arbitration nro-itttlii-t im; liniabfl. will turn tlieir farra I i the i-Htart lora vrnrol liavel . h l r 1 1 1 1 in-li tiuif thry w ill make a tour of the woiM. It iit mil yet thrt-'l whetlu-rtir not tlievwtll In hv tin ir voiinirft ilauirhler an-l lierlma. liiiml, wlm Hirutnpaninl thrtn nhrmi'l ami air ut jin-enl with Ihein al l'arin. P.ISINF.SS IIKKVITIF-S. Til-re nre .Vi2,72il telephonen. A M'lf-oM-riititK bicyrlf I antioiinnal. Tl,.. I..ltl.. Ol.lllkt tV llf OlL'Illll.l 1 lllf " 'OO'K- Wa.hitKtoti, P. C, ban unilfrprtmml I trolley. i Our 1M'2 wheat cmpwan Ml),' W.000 hll-hi-la. An Piiirli-hmiinrlaim toown a $1,000,- Nil yai ht. The F nrl of IU'lli-v hni the hirireat life itiaiiraiiri ;ii,(xkl laHI. I! iat on the Nrw Vork ranali arc to l pttiM-llei hy rlrrtrirlty. Over l.itx) atiatn-hip an (ravriti(t the four -rreat ocean route. The Ainrrii-an F lint ll ittle Company i the latrat projit tr-l tru.-t. The telepiioni- line of Sweden are to In Ikitiftjht by the iiovrrnilif nt. (ittirvia raikf in, ire watermeloni than an.V othrr Slate 111 the Cliloll. At lea-t I720.iXxi.uoO worth of Rritiah pnia-rty i on the ara. The rx-veniie from the New York docks ia more than f-V'OO.ta'O a year. It i aai'l to ci'-l (ia).ix0 to gvt out one mituln-r of .S-ribner'a Mak'aziue. The F.nilikh ttip!e itin-iinu annually ovrr live Hiumla ot tea per capita. At an avrrairt- price of Hecnta nr head an acre of cahki.-e w ill n-lurn (2lXl. The Jolianinburi5 iroM mine pro iliiced, durilK 1 '.'.', l.'i.'.'v..'l otiticea of trol'l. The tlrnt American fin inaurmce coin panv bt-iian buainri-a al Philadelphia in 1 714. Mi-xiiti lrvii-a an incouir tat on public ami private clrrkii ami aalarutl em- (iloven, Mmnrnai, haa .1 f 2V1,o X) co-operative foul iMiiipany, win. li l.irtilahe fuel at itit. It in eatimatfl that Hiitte. Mont., will pnalu.-e i:iO,lXXi,(XXI jaiiiiul of copper tin year. Then- i a chef ileruiine in Pari now aanl to la able to cta.k an fg in .V0 dif ferent aty Ira. A Mate inn "f Ijllavr waa or Kauirrd wtt-k In'forx.' laal by the laltor iinioii in Iowa. In Pruaaia inromr alaive $UXl are taxfl. O.-ilv one peraon in furty-thnt' hat ovrr (7.V) itnuinf. Ovrr 2'.lxi women in thin cimntry are entailed in the .Ittxiration of difft-n'tit kiii.l. of i liina and pottery. "A Itaral (rtin " ha Int'n detineil in Kt-ntutky a one that ia "pii-H,-ht. horat tvht and bu!l-ttnIK." Mi-atiilii inientivrnea haa devim-d "the toti l in. I l yeloiie la-Ilar and inilk hniikr." I'.a. Uirr and fairly. It ia rat. mated that mt Ita than Sk t0,lXi a rt - ,,( ,1, t-rt .ind in the We( an rapat-lr of la UK nxltvinf I by irrijra-li.-n. Manx-of the workirjt women of New York ci:v, eat lallv thiK rinployf I bv "awt att ra," rw eive Irna than 2 a wet k an w i.-i-. A nrn'r patrntfl Ctintrihution Ss worka on t' r principle of the cah nari trr. and in In-aV the amount of thetn- trihuti'in. Ni-nr'.v riery li;t of the Uvf. mutton a-i l poultry n-ati in F"loritl tMtiie from t.'ir V irth. F vrn tih am ahiptat from the North and Writ in prrat nuar.titie. Since the Nrw York Fschaiife fir Wom.-n'i Work wan orvaniml by Mra. I'li.tite. arvrnty-foiir rxchatife in Iht I'tntfl Mate a -. 1 one in Fiunpe ban- tat-n tr-:alti-hr. In F'ei'and birrc'r a-r turned out In l.S.iln) work "rn are i-mplt'xr-l in the bimrra. In France, where the wathine rirt ap-tr.xrr-l. lti u-r waa limited thxUKh ( rr ju iice; pntplr li-iKhrtl at tt. Now tLrre u aa anuy of K-0,vxx) w hrt.uiaa. I FOREIGN FLASHES. Militant Sofiftlitm on tli In crease In Austria. O TK1MMED A COKN WITH A BAZUR Inn liooth Iult ib Salvaflnn o Army In Iinlla-Kiulcratlon From Old IrrlauJ. Tnrtr I. -ii utiarantincl vmrrl front Father Ifvarinth it to rrt'trn lo the Caiholif fo',.. Trt al.letit Carmit' lira'.tli ii very f.t- blt. He littaln real. Timir tnt titlLiinr of a worl.l'i fair in Iii'loii iii lS.iS or 1 .. The anti-Semitic fart inn in licrmany i broken into three att-Coli. Frame rlaima (o have (he bipifeat aii'l Ijio-t laiwerflll C'lll vet inventfl, 'n-iirli itmrtaure trr.mtinir ibfreei of iliion e at the lute of ii,""" a year, Tl...r.. i. a ilt-iLe of null Inilief at Klatluo. lloheiuia, an-l it I aprrivlmir, The CiirowiH will attemi thf autlimn niamuura of the Ail-tro-lliint.Mriiin armv. There arr five .Vlmiral in (he Uriti-h navy, rat h of whom it more than U" yeara ohl. I'utfti Yirtoria hat jut kniirhttal half iloen Kniiili initor anl raiel an other to the Ht-r;u-. Tin luteal new fnilil Calriitta nnmia lakahly (annta to an nppruai Tung iriam ill the nirretu V qtleatioll. The i -love Ins it (In priiiripal aotineof Zaii'ih-ir rei.-niir. It brink!! in more than I'ai.OtM rut- a year. Piiinva Wiil.l.'tiuir of IVninark hn l-en itiiitiiifl lo her hotiae mure "she uae-l a razor on thr royal rorn. Herman irtivrrtmn lit w ill Mippnn any aifitutioii in favor of the aevrrunre of Ai-aai-e-lirruiiie froin Itrrinaiiv. Hie late Otiko of Siitherl.tml ia tajxi-I to halt) innety-oiie wil'. la-fore hf mt-urttl out that w.x entirely nitmlar htry. Carrier iiiireon are uwl nt all the Pari tn.ttihir ami rtliminir tnu k toaeiul 1 mi. iniiiinii nun iniiiiini. . thercatilta of rarra to the city la ttiiig renort. At the 1-ari.miiK of Ihi vear there wrn i;4.i.lM..lxx. , Kl,l an.r - r.t.W. - It... ,n a.lver in the vault, of the Hank of . V r ittii'.. The nt-ent frrat fl'aal in the Trail t 7. i n .i i 1.....1. ..I vaai nuve int-ii m hihi-i in 'nii""- feier, whn h have rarnrtl olf liutnlrttlaof virdmt. An-onlinir to thf roinptitntitin o? a Paria rorn-iaimlenl the utaiullIK artnlra of Kun.'-e Im-t jear iin-t an B.-;n-i;ate of!. The P.rili-h Anti-Slaverx- Sm-ietr re - .w... 1 1 ... ii,.. irn.h. iii Mu'riiin atill llotiri-hea, voting j-irla brinKUK from H:U)to2l. ' A nuinln-r of F'nmjH'fin workmen have lat-n ilriveii Irom ( alaail, Afitlianialan. rim Ameer ha.1 them i-ntxtrtitl out of the ixiutitry in mifrty. V.-..lii.lioiia hair Ittn conrlililfl la-- tween F' ami China, bv which the former ia lo have iiurea.-itl privilrura of with Thil I. ir-,, . .. i.. lliel.inprf.a rntierira nil n-rriuiv , I ., . , , . ... i, i foil in If I in Ih-ruii a hoine for Lnirliah . i ; . i , t-ovemeaaea, wiinii i oia-n in .-line ririiu " I K iVerlleaat a Wi-I The Miniater of the Coloiiie haa in- tr.alui-i-1 in the Spaniali Curie a bill proinl iiir for the ittir-aniatioti of the K'.vt rntneiit of Cuba. The euu-.-rntioii Itom Ireland diirim; l-r.'2 ahowttl the atnallr-t volume, with four exifpt lotia, Hitu-t. l.val. The Cnitt-d Intra (tot ;il .,") N-r ivnt A falal duel in llriar!a ha reilltei in thirteen uioiitha' imprikotiment (or the aurviviiK priiiiipal ami four month for each of the four attuml. Vnler Sir tic raid Portal'a manaire meiit aniltiir i tHt otninvr nuilf civil ietl, and the annitary nrraiKemeliti are lKfotiiiiii rapidly improved. It ia n-Htrtitl, but Itardlv cntlititl, that more lluin $5o,ltti,(tm' ha lat-n rai-t-l in France to pay (or reatimiiK work on (he Piimitmt canal. In F"r nice the authorities thrrntrn to totally prolal'it fortuue-trlliiK and to pntatviite rvrry (a-i-Min eiKairitl in any way in (on'trlliiK the future. It i Mahal that (he rate of taxation i nt) 1 1 1 l: 1 1 in Kuarua that one-half the in come of the I'ltiplc I tiaetl up ill p.-iyiiK the tleliiaml of the irovrrntnclit. A Jietition i in rin-ulation in the prov-iiu-e of Corunna, Spain, leekiiK a pro ttt toi ate f nun Fnciaud. Spain i aclid injf tn to nilpjnea the ili-atrcr'tion. The Hitltan'n entliti-ia-m ha lat-n firel by the Hi-count ol the ucce of Chicairo'i Flxiawitioii, and i tryiitu to pt itji a world's fair in Conatatiiinnple. The Pope baa aeut hia thank to Car dinal (tihlatii for a diaroiire n-cently ileliventl bv the Canlinal in favor of rt- atoration of the trmairal power of the l'o'. MM. Ilaihut and Il'on.lin, ronvictrtl of iMrruption in comitftion with the Panauia i anal lollerv, will eacape bv a tht-iaion ol the Court of Ciiaratiou on Ap peal. Slim Lucy Iltaitli, the yottnirrat datih-tt-r of tirnrtiil IkaUh, Ira.l the Salvation Army aiuoiK the women of India. She tlnwa and live iu all rvect like the nativt-a. Fjnpentr William denic the intention attril'iilr-l to him of diaaolvinit thr Keii ht.K a attMtid time if the newly i-ht-titl l-aly phould prove unfavorable (o the army bill. Militant S-ciaJiatn i on the increa-e in Au-lri. The rxample of thr lleltan atriker ha male a ib-ep impn-taion there, and the fnt-ir.rranc Hiitiiurtit it (jmwtiK day by tlay. Mime esten.ixe esperimenln have re cently Iwn made in connection with the Herman army, the ohjeet ol whn h haa ttt-n to prxtvide cortinuou eUvtncal illuininatton at n'irht (nm bal'oon. The tlownfall of the S.x.-aa ictivcrri mrnt in Nicar.itfua ia thoiuht to have behind it an inlritrue of foreign intereatt lutatilr (o the continuance of Atnernan txintnil in the Nicarajnan ht(i canal. Tb.e entire niaV (kipu'ation of Savi!!e at-m to have (joiie mad over thr beautr of ijtiern Amelia of I'. rtiKal, who haa S-en called thither by the t non illnm ol her crandmollier, the Iiucher of Mon: penairr. The Bculptor. AlSrt r.nice Joy, ha xailed from lainln on hi way to I hi-i-aro to exhibit a coIowmiI ttatue of Mr. (t.a.Utotir. and al a but ( tt,e lr. TJ: of Saiiahnry, whnh ha Ifrn f I hab it od in the Floyal my. Hrrr Ton ltni er of Ilatubnt. brlirT mu In wifr'i rrctixrry fnm a dargerx-u lilnr-a f be ilnr to thr ak.l.fal trraimrnt of lr. Miilie rn. a wotnan phyfician. has (riven I.Vtp.CXX) to lonnd a woman' hospiial ia hr booor ut lial caty. PORTLAND MARKET. WittiT Nominal. Qnote : Valley, l.U",'-jl.l; Walla Walla,"t per cx-ulai. ru-i a, rirD. tc. q rLoca-Man.lanl.M--W; Walu Walla, 13.40; Kmhain, "("rune, f.-- per larn-l. , . , q Oara-White. IW- pef hti-liel: RiW, 4k.': p.lle.1, in balra,ii.'i'i ?0.50; Urrx-ia. .i.rdli.ill.T.S; re, ..l.i'. II r Heat, 15?17 per Ion; roinmon, 'miu-titm - r.ran, I1M50: tliorla. i- . nti.l barlev. ril i'.'l: rliop fit-l, 1S tar toll', Whole, lee-i, mn'-i,"" i.h.V l-r rental; lul'I'llmir. I'-l-ilP; i r Ion; brew uk harlev. i' ' '."V ("r 1 . i. a : t .... u i....t 11 I 7L. tier ifiital. tl'lltai , inn aen - im -i t . i IMIBV fkolin K, P.rTrrn--Ore.'on fanry ( reainr-rr. .."x... (an. v . Lirv. 17'. : lair to IP a. I, IS I'a : romnion, 1JV (H-rjaiunJ; 1 al.loriiia, :'.' " pr fill. 1 iitrx-Ore..-hi. 11-' F.aniern Twina, 1h-: Yoihk Aineilrall, CaJ iforuia llata, Mr a r .iuii.l. Ktiiia Ontroii, II " IV per ilorrn. IVn iTKr liii krh. oi.l. ,4.itj; bnnl era lurj-r.'. 1 4.f; ainnll, C.'.IHJ .1 2 ,Vi; ilu- ka. obi, 14 ft" nO.(i; younu, ;t IXi .iti.ttl; irerae, I'.l.tHI t-r iloen ; lur krya, hie, 12 ,r ; .Irrantl, l.V r jnnin.l. x-K.icr im ra aid rm ir. VaiirT.ini.icB CahUtfe, I'.-mlV P",r i nml: laitattn. I..Vlal.,a lorlianiel t i,,ii.- ii ui'. mi for liiitliuika; nr ,'.i 2 '.r a r aaiml; new Culilornia on ion, I 'I'.'r f raiuinl; Bapuink'n-. tl-'"" per Ik-x; imliahe-.. Hi. 12 ..c inr ilon; Kreen Otivoti oii.olia. Ilk- H-r iloj-n ; ri.nUirh. :i n:l'..r ner ai,.ii'l ; riirilinla'ra, iV iter ioiei;"OnollCili-Uliiln'rt. l.tJ ial.25 a-r tlon; IIHK It-ulia, 14r ter omul; Oie.'oii 'iia, 4 i4'vr r aitiml. KkLirn Mi llv Irinona, ).'i..Vi u ti.UX Iter lii : California new i-mii. 4.lJ i.'i.tti ner lais : banana, l .' -l "J I"'-' hnnrli ; oraiK'-. aetallilitra, vrl. la.-'rU u 4.00; aix ; ni atraw In i rit , lnl UK jM'i auul: pinrapple-. Ii't.tki mt Joen ; .-h.-rriet. ItX i.l l.ftO a-r laS I L-iairrlfr- net. II till'gC a'r (aiiinil; ajirii-oln, fl.'.'j a-r laix. BT.ii'i.a iiiiim .:;:lh. Pmr.n F'hi it Petite (iriinen. 1 1" 1 ; tiilvrt, ll iHr; Italian. HI - IV; tier man, 1 1 l-f. plinn.. M J li-; evaiairulitl applr. lOuIlr; eiaatratfl aprirola, 15 (. 1 7 1 ... i-; ptaihra, 12 1 14r; aar, 7jt lie H-r ailllltl. Ilovxv Choice itimh, lit (rer pollinl; new On H"il, lli j 2lK-; ritrin t. ll a Ilk. r.itr l.ivera.l, mja. 15.0t); 60a, llft.SO; ha k, IO." 11.K1. I oKfua I o-ta lina, .-v; uio, ..... . : 'alva-lor. 21 ',c; M.a ha, ,' .ilk-; Jav-a. L't'.iulUK-: Arhiiiklr n ami l.mii, I"0 "'"'" "--. -0.""" v" 1 1''"" ? m.' to,,. I,nn f4 -V v ,:";;T,'l"".1a,r;::, V :, JVa A ' ' .ftft.iit.tiii-,t,t","t..... 1 . ' . . ' IlK.iNn Mnall white, 3'..r; pllika. '' I' "" " i ... i........ II butler, 4c; lima, 4c .H,m, , ' . I ("vnii l.uatrrn, in narrela, 4(; . : liiiH-biirrrla. 42n,r7c: ill caaea. oo X hiv er irallon ; 12. 23 n-r ken; California, ;,, barn-la. 20 i40c Pt-r Kill loll 1 11.75 nr ki'. m;iih .rt prut-: 1. .1 ',r ; I tol.len 1, iSV: ,!tra fi''': "-"nfiftione ra' A, ti'.r: ilrv L'latiulatttl, ti,c; rulf. ' crualutl ami a(.lerit, 7'4c ik-t j i4c -r jnimitl iliaeount mi all irri iminpt caali ; inttpiu ulnar, 13 i pomul; .1... fur irrii'lea for iltic wr i inititiil ossrn oiHin. CitM.n (imuw Table fruit, anrtel, I fl.73 'i 2.1X1; peai lira, l.K.r, n 2. 10 ; Hart- h tt ear. tT.73 n 2-iti; plum, l.:i7's"f l-f': Mrawla-rru-. 2.2'i .i2.4-'; eliernes, I; hla. kta rru-a, M .i-" ' 2.K : ninilaTnt-t. 12.4": ninriiiitilea. I2.2S ( ' . .. ., . t- t , 2.H0; aprii-titt, 1 1. 13 a 2.00. l ie friiiln, - , S ii . . i - ,i n-,. ,i aottfl. 1.2ii; tu-m hen, ll..)-, I'l Ulna, , , , iMl , - . . .,.- t t.i - II N .it -11- . .ii IL-rn... I J.i.ll 1 hri-r 1 . t i .', i r.i. ...... i, ..I .,;. lot-ll Pie, flint", jrallona, a-aortttl, ,,,, ; a 4.(' : plum, $2.75 nJ.OO; ' hhit-kU-rriea, H .23 4 NUira Connti tf, la, $1.30; 2a, ! $2.40; rhipprd, I2. V(': lunch ' lonirue, 1. tl; 2a, $ii,73; drviied haul, , $1.75 ''(2.13 ta-r iloen. t Mir iinen, '.a, f f J.J.i; '.., $2.15 4.,Vi; lobi-trra. I'J.IUI .' 11.30 ; aul inon. tin 1-lh tall. Il.ia .i$l..Vl; (lata, $1.75; 2-lhn, $2.25 n2.50; S-lmrrel, $5.50. 1-IKiV lain. a. S-4UKKI) Mr.IT AND I.IRO Hlllll, larve, lTntlV ier Jaiuml; ham, tne dnim, lii'4 ui 17 ',c ; bretikfat luuon, I'l ( IH'.ji'; ahort clear aidr. 14 a 13c; ilrv alt iiih-a, l;i'..'ii H'.jc; lurd, ttiiiiamn.l, in t in-, 12 '12 ..c iht laiutnl; pun-, in tin, 15 a Ita-; On-iton lard, 11 't't 12.- LIVC AND I'KKaaKU MX IT. Ilrsr Prime tttm, $:t.H6.f4.00; choice tit-r, ;1.30 .i 11.75; fair to irtd attt-ra, $;(.iHi,.i;l..rni; paal to clmiii ixiw, (:1.00 a ;I..VI; common to mciliiiiii cown, $2.50 j-i.75; la-ef, (li.lXI n 7.00. Mi rioN I hoiie mutton, :t.0t -i 3.2.1; fair to irtaai, $4.itl i4. VI; tlreatt, f S.lKJ ; hlilllat, 2.t'i-2..Vl; ilrn.a.t,(7."0; nhear IiiK. Hull1!!-, live weiirht. llooi. Choice heavv, (ii.50iH1.75; mo ilium, UX); hirht and fie.lera, $0.00 0.5O; i!nn.a.t. $K.lW. 'AL $4.00 Jli.OO. Horn, wool and litlina. Hoi-n 10..1 17'c pt-r itoiind, arcoid!tK to n mil 1 1 v. Winn. rinpina valley, 14 '1.V; fall clip, Ul'iltt ; Willamr'tte valley, UU 14t artvnlini; to quality; F'aaterii Ore Ron, Hn 14c jx-r pound, acconliiK to condition. Unix Pry hide, fclected prime, ft'iHc; creeti, felectikl, over ,V (luiind, 4c; under 5.5 pound., 3c; sheep pelt, abort wool, "JO'irak-; medium, ikVaNtk; lonit, !XV rf$1.25; ahearliitir. 10 u2iK; tal low, -food lo choice, 31 5o per pound. BAUl AND IMIUINO. ntirlajt, 8-otini-e, 4t)-inrh, net caah, tV; burlap, lO'j-ounce, 40-inch, net cath, 7c; burlap, 12-oiitu--, 4.1-inch, 7lvc; burlat. 15-oiitite, lai-imh, 12ltc; burlap, 2o-otiniv, 7il-inrh, 14c; wheat hat. Calcutta, 23x.')i, sjmt, ic; I-buahel oat l-air. 7c. MIM'KlXINEOra. Tin I. C. charcoal, 14x20, prime qoal ity, .S.5o y.ui tr ls; for .-naen, $2 rstra (nr lau; I. C. eke (ilaten, 14x2" prime ipiahty, $7.ft) iS.ttOpcr lais ; ternr plate, I. C., (.rune iiiahty, (li .Vl a ".(tl. N iiiji P.aae qtiotatioiin: Imn, $2.25 attt-l. $2.35; wire, $2.75 -r kt-it. Iron llur, 2'4c per (,und; piir-iron, $i! 23 (t r (on. ""TriL Per pound, lOVr. I. kid Per poiiml, 4',i"; lxr, ',. Natal SToat-n Hi'kuiii, $4.5o,5.00 per Ule; n-in, M KO a 5.00 per 4-ti pound; tar. St.akholtn, 13.lxi; Caro lina, f.:0O (trr Urn-I : pitch, $ti.00 per Imrrel; turjn-iitiiie, 65c (ier falloo. in car iola. Recent itatwtic fhow ths etimated pnTtnlation of th worl 1 to U l.4ST,6oO. C0. aa lncr-ae of t) per cent, io tet year. Europe U tint mt thlckUy artilr-l. bavir.g a fa-pnlatioo ef kN).200.. X or 101 p-rxoni to th aqnar mile. North Amatii A hi .s..ouo. or four tem to tbe fiare n:i. aa increa of JO per ont ia the pat o ia th weaihrr will oflea can cLaasrreabls pou npon th com piixioa in ti antcmrr. Ths rrmr-dy roay oftea bw found U ataspU eoohug FAHM AXD GAUDEX Clover Hay Worm ratislrj, lireat Amount of UiU SATIS0 05 TIIE FA UK NF.( r.s.sUli PrrvenUon letter TLd t r,rt . DfliJJmln'r m Well tll ii,fr Mattm-A Mitiurf. rf-xntit ii.n i at (xi.ll..a al . ,i r , "!,n "'" hi in.. iiiuk . i.i-ii oini r inaPrra t Ti avoni iiiaiioruinK in mature i. ... i... i i ... ':tir the verv yoiinh rail. T'.iiu,,,,,,:!.'' n anlt Dr. haliiitin, chief of t. HJ Annual Imliiatry, Ivjuiitti,, ,lt ,.1 . culture, ntatr: 01 AT1' 'Ihr follow inif mixture ,a. ! ceaafllllv ll-fl in r-x t-n( ink- ). trn?. of horn iin calven ,n n..n.,,, . cotnltirle.1 bv (lie Imn-ail. H. i (.rrparfl by taking hftv pin. f (ir atala. twenty-live putt. i,( ki-nti, oil anil twenty-live pntt. of water. . i-intll-ioii i tna-leol the keriH,.,e. ,,,", i u.l.t 1.1 lll-alillt. Mtt.l Bil l tin! i then ilnvuiliitl III W.l-rr. -j mixture auoiii'i men tae phui-. ,,, t j,. th w itli a ant ill ruhta-r cork. In app;,. i IK I he followitiK ilint-tiun. l,.,i, oharrvitl ; Firt, the calf .,;, tl, ( over thn-e week ohl. fmin live .itfntT . ...Ilk, ilayn Ih-iiiu llif (irir a'e. A Imrn ,,i aometimen Iw kilhtl on ialve tlut t even four lo is wit-k ol., but it ivr.x la- ih prluli il UM in with rertaintv. S. oinllv, w iih a pair ol t liiuia jjair aruuml the ftiihrvo horn ., M to rxi-e-e a aiait almilt the ain-of am, lri . While an aamatanl hoi. It tl I v ,r.,t, two or three ilmt.a of tl,. .. turr ni-ui the horn iin.l will, tin-, j Ihf ruhln r cork mh il in tlioroit-!ily0Vrf the hare Bt. Apply the lln,. I tir-t t one horn mnl then thr other until ,,,(, horn hn Un Kone over thret- or .iV tune. The rui'hinir nhoiiM la-iMtituIUnj until thf riu-lii hua a-i'tun-l an-l r. inovrtl ihi! hair ami piirlui-f -.kin tnm. tliatelv arotiml the horn. 'Ihu.l, iir aho'.li he taken that the lltml .Ut rM ir-ail ovrr too larire a ntirfare atnl run low n the aiile of the fare. To hour Micceantho mixdire inuat be r in-fuliy nml thoroti;hly applifl. If ti-.l rir-It-naly, the embryo horn mav not otilr not 'be killetl. but tin- fan- ot the ca'f may 1 ilir-liirnretl by allowini; (he f.j (o ajin ail or nin don n over ilu akin. CUIVEU-ll i'y wnn-4. The clover-hav worm ( A-oi;i nnulii) it catlaitK a grvnl ainoiint of lo- in rlover hayatarkn the (in-nent prniir, nn. it tnr la- arrvire to uianv farmri who r-o rlovt-r, or who have it mixttl with timo thy, to rail their attrntion to (hi (ant, no they may ailupt niirh in.-.i- i r. n-mir ntlure it nutnln'm for the roimtiii ytar. Probably the linr-t im (M.rtntit th:ii.'Uil ilmie now in to overhaul all ni l iI im-t hay nml where it ia no wrbla-l ami full of worm n to be unfit for fia to bum il no a to deatniy the larva- anil pit--. Ihia will prevent their laauiti- aa inottit in nuiumrr toilrixwit tvira (or the nest ' t ... . L....t. ... .t f ...... a i .. hay imp. Such of the infeati "1 hay aa n not too lull of welan mav ! fitl to atixk, but it would be Baler in (W. luitr ilto-hite out tho worm a much at jr.ihle ai.d deairoy thou by ImrninK with the chirT and wi'blntl hay. There i pniUihly no riak in htt I inn ihf worm to aha-k, but the weblntl buy in (irettv Hire to laf re jeclitl by them, ami if the worm e-cipl in inniKer, they have an opportumlrio triiti-fortii and pnnlmt moth later in the aea-ton. Cieiir out old havuioxx. t-i t .. . . i i ,.i i i . . Tin, ln.ti.iiit uf ntm-k .lion .1 Im ef Am. I incd. The adult in a purple and piMiB moth, and tlejioaitn ita tw on theci'ivrr hay. Thev hatch into atnall lirnwn wortnn, which Int'otne full .'roi) in few week. They then pin ailkrn tv ctnin, within which they cluiiini- to tli pupa ftate, and Boon after iiner,-o u adult tuotlin. BAVIXtl OM Tll riBM. It (av to limk after the ama'.l avirja on the farm, and atill more iba-a it piv to limk after the larye one. I'l l anvgf our dairymen ever iinure out )iirt ho much fertility they were rarryiiK and luttiiiit when'llu-y tnk their ni l. to the creamery? Did thev ever i-tiinate the value an a foinl of the fie-h fkim milk that in in the creamery ami n -t made u-e of? If (hey did, many uf tht-m have moat certainly found a verv lr.f um of money loat 'to thetn whitli hw In-tter la-en 'aavetl. The cornt t i!.. w hen yon have enough cows to iiinkr il worth while, in to tret a cream ft-paratnr on the farm, do your fkiminuii thrre and carrv only the Belaratitl rn-atu to the creamery. No lettcr ma. lune ' ever Urn made for thin home aUntitniiK than the Sharpie Kuaaian aeparator. It i low-priced und far fl u 1 1 l r and nav eaailv oM-ratetI than any other at -(.j-atuf, and the (Imt coat can lie aaved in a aon'a work. Thin machine ia iiltiiol imartar.t to the real, (iro;n aaive farmrr na the milk pail itself. rr.KhlMl Tl'RNirs TO ". All kind of turnip are objection-'- to cow, a (hey will gnr their a" tlavor to milk unlenn fed with r,'j'" pnt autioiia and onlvat the time "I iiiiik Hilt. The fpecial flavor ol all k'" ol tnnii tli'inn l on n. volatile in lln-tn which fftx-s lin-ctly;o the tniik andirivf it an tinpleanant Uate. Tlua i" '"',r if time in eiven for it to U- eva-ran-J ihMiieh the akin in the (a-r-poatinn. btil, a In-et ami nianirel ai 'pi'1 ' from thin objection, they are prefca.' to any other for fettlinit ixiw . The Ion, n-l and the vellow (rloln niantfel r1' cellent. hut the aunar N-et have mo' nutriment in them, havina 12 t" i rent of snirar. TheT do not vit-M niurh aa the larjrt r maniri In. aa l,"" ! biiahel pi-r acre i a irl ir. mantreln two or thn-e litni a nniiB often grown on gonl aoil. rniizs w.iaT lino- 11 there be no waate proiin l on farm. It is not only wipmiitabl". '' drpn-ciat.- the value "of the otter Un-i-l"nnllv mot waate ilai-e ran la- rU"1" vati-l." Patrhe ol willow and awn:P aah can be (rmblied gut. With "i",r plow and a -nal team the ama l left after erutibm-r will e turned i:pr j bill... I L- . k..L .11 Inrl ' tii.-'t. rtrt-i iw . nu ri-."...- ream .n,l tl,. tiMtt .ill be era-li'-a l. Plow cloe U the fence; four feet anoimli to leave between it and ti.ei'f'M onlea it in aloncalde a pjiature '"' t-:n" UK " bn-ach " tx k. There leave " ht t. Plow and plant all hut at-nt I' feet of the turn row. - limbing rililra Uimbina uirtie ar tbe faahirn cf tl ttour at Ur Harbor, in the Whit k 'r taint, cp In the Adirondack, and. fact, evrrywhrr where ruoontairJ tobefonnL Tle boatm Irad f ' wt nth a ahrphrrj crook in hand -i "J ifownr-l in ahort ikirtrd k;l-! drp ota brtifht CannrL In tarn the and ip-ntleiiieo follow her. an-i 'f roira in the mountain path tj walk four ahn-aat Jolly torm. " ' a? i-onnndniiu brijuil tbe way w i top. whrre a look at old Soi n -trn-thrn an arf.-ung break.'! aoar Ih taaer taaa. After breaait, tta U mrao4 do wm ward-