The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 01, 1893, Image 3

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    f o - i r -- .-..'.
Nothing can be substituted for
the Roya! Baking Powflcr
and give as good results.
Xo other leavening agent will make such
light, sweet, delicious, wholesome food.
If some grocers urge another baking pow
der upon you, it is because of the greater
profitupon it. This of itself is evidence of the
superiority of the Royal:1 To give greater
profit the other must he a lower cost powder,
and to cost less it must be made with cheaper
and inferior materials, and thus, though selling
for the same, give less value to the consumer.
To insure the finest cake, the most whole
some food, be sure that no substitute for
Royal Baking Powder is accepted by you.
)Irn'a I mlrrnrar In t4i.;.l;.t.i.
A n fc;i-"iii.t f I'limyi t ui t;
Miner f! ! . v, li'.r'.i r. t ft It.
l ha-" lii ell ilr :nd f.i,i:,;u,:.. 1i:
ili'st . In: reef I::ivr It tnvAf in
t ., iiitiTiniztum nf y'.'.t w'vrx tliu wiml,
r.: ;-r in Into r U" il fur tlie riilure,'
:n; m if ii-rn t!i uliitu wocli'ii i-itiiir.d.
Tin I.iniitv i t tlir--e pn Is h.n je ri.iiKf d
t!e iii-cht-diirt t r. 'nin l.itu-li if the
prmniil t.i!:i-u frnm it l.y tlie
n.irv K'.iilaiity whioli i:ija!iia nun l.iir
f i j " '1 i f late year..
h.w l! ilies-.-r, nr rnt'rr tirnlrosser,
I it quite al--itid'iii4. tho linen ovlit-
irt in f.irnr .f eitlier fi d it fl.iiititd,
at tin- prrnTit moment, pvi:i; the pn-f-fri
iii to Mit li n I li.ivr nm.ied iJn.vr.
In iiinIiTwriir tin-re m nut mm li iu.n:
tiri'iil iu that ruttern mid f..lmr j.ra
Trty ijnict. Liitli'MlU Is Ih-iii' uliiiwn.
Icai:. tliTP nre k few liera
ti l.iiy it, ltr.;lii-!iiiieti piiiK in mil. U
in ire fur hirlit (.-riiy "natural wml."
Tli LiirIisIi Bt-ru nf making draw
r in mmirttiial iii".re f-lilxirnle t(:nn
our. in-iMimcli n tiiry pi in f,,r a unrt
ofnl" initial nprnrtiti' r-ti -.t Ij.-i :i I or
"Ml." a it U railed, liiittonin with m
many h ftuht Imttona in frnnt. anj
lin ing thnmh rvi-Irt Imlen Im-Imii I.
I l'.-i nf a ti'lit iiMnminal Uiti'l ie
ci'in. like aj mm, m-Ii' tin I twniiy
ctii-r rm'in!tiii, fr:n i:ir,-;atnr Imt
mm io xwvii'im Iti'inruiiu ouli'tii'H
linns a pinl tilia honi(. with tlnnn ntul
It f;ilily be'oiiif t!i n,'o fur hit
wvathcr wear. Liiii'..m Cr Clnturr
anJ rurr.itlirr.
1 lir Kunti t i'iMiir l.i Hiri-lrli II. U irr.
ir .trr.i-lh. !
. i.ury ! lull.
Tlir ."jiml T' iim an I Tilrrapli
(' jIi ..nn v lia v.ilr l in ioim Ixiniln in id.
j amo iiit if j:"t0 in n rml irvio
j ilir. ii.-liiril tlir Sia ,.. II, ir lino Ihr.iu.'li
! Hi- ."4-I Ji :n u i Vl jr Ima )ul lirt-n nun
1 pli If l i l..r u.l'. inu mill I n rr. In',
'In n I in. r a: ale rjlet ill far a
'li '11. I in rr i" i u Miiithi'in ilu ii .
tiiiihin If. in ,-mii I. iln III i-i.ti in ,-nn IU,'. luklnK in I. Al KIM , Ntn Il.iyn
Hil l ul. Ill- lliruiliK .-iiutlnTIl luftlK. Al
i r nt ii en nri" ..rkliK mi t l.c- )tn !
i Imrn ili.lail ami -an II li.i, ol.i. I
) ill nr liiliK lii lotrrril IV n I .inui-ai il
, t-l. K'rI' irr. lime tlii- cuiiiii-rl in i-
ii U'l- Ih lci'ii ilirii tan hiiii hun 'iiin
iinaiia inn talk lo Ui Ancli-i a 'Hi lx-
' )iiinl.
j lli Xnrtlii-n line gov ui far aa Vina.
. takil n In J laliii'liiii Hint tin irnu: ii.
itmiiail .Nor iiini I jiiiiirina l.y liram-li
Inira. lU tMirii V naaa ami All liny, Of.,
Ilifir i a tap lu lir i:.i r.-,l.
I In- 'i i i iri'a in WailiiiiK'un rnvrr a
la-tir ana Iiitii Mi.oii.uu mi m tlr
jllrr.iil liiililcr, Kliprc lliry iiiaK h.hi'iiH'
lima hiiIi I in' Drt'ito'i I i'lfilinne Com
rail) 'a ;n l. kii ( li'iiu-nl llif- laid"
j 1 1 nr o mi iii ii iii. alum lii-lwirn l''ni
The 1 "ml si "Hiiir will i f i i.ii...Ih.I, n4 t h i.
Iiiv ril,i'-t mill Ih- a iifiwurk ul iak
nig irr.
rccreant thoughts.
r aa a rapl'ra bi M. arhm rra.
frarlti !:a r.ifnirr im.
o dn oil IImumM. U. ar nMk to thaw
I'tr law a acain In rr.
t'tn a ih tii,.. m b.rn
III all II. al ma lr n ,lrr
Tlr ntii iii, 1..4 i,ih mil. irt
In ii.niri ut I,., I,,.,
Tin) W Ii lliw l.irma ihal torat,
1 lift lifti r rvi. ..a. In rrmi.
Att i f 1 1. 11., nli ilmi 1, wrr
If ii. :ii'iv.i nn 11,, lir-.!.
-Ulitaal . Ilv la Artan. Tiaraiar
THE STl)Ni:i!l!LKLl
rrltnlnlil TiM.ltiplrka.
Tlie liitit tiKithiji k liMik pnvi'-
lr like Uill pii Ln. I'tit arc ma lo of
.iii'iln (if iflliildi'l sliHri'i'inil nt otio
pinl und llii'ti rnlliil iiji into a rylin-Ji-r.
Ilotol kii j.i is liuve their ml
vcrtisiitni'iitH jirintul mi tlicm Lcforo
t'.ii'y uro rolltxl iuto iuilU. New
Virk Sun.
It limn nut N1-111 iixmi'.iIo to rinpliasiz
tiio atnitily the imMirtaiic. wlmb 111
iltvj aiuuiiMn. l.i n ntHvwiiy. nf lrn'iii(
the laxly of Miinrnf ila.-le .riMluita
Ly jiliyatial rn-n i ii- daily
riiiitiriiilii'ra liaT liriin In na
tt )ra Imtti-ry j laiil. hitli oiTato a
rnl'V iiilurl iiitanfl.-Mi'iit lllil la tli hihI tin- i'..iit on lljrir heal I h
Liu M-n viry U'ln final
M-.Mi U.NK
ilollar for
liiiit Shirt
liiiiili'. 1'd-I
prraii on
all onlrm.
I AliiiK-T Cl.otlllSil STOKK IS
Tl.a ( miglil I hi. llUinnml.
This ia. tlm way tlir l.itint lixli pti.ry !
to!i In ri' 1! iiii;: Jii jih 4. I'rvy ami
William l--rrav wiri-lrniit 1111111 up in
.Mutiny roniity in Saturday. Wlnlr
fi.rciii ; In-, way ll:i'jii,'li a thick rlniitp
of .iiln nvi rii;iti'i!: tliij atrratn I5.T
raw Raw 11 p, vt-, tn.ut ilart out
frmii a In. 1 ii i.f tho rrii'k ami ili
rrtly I i i;. at!i liim. Wurl.inx liin way
to 11 rlinl.-.l in, oil a fi-w f 11 1 hIkivo, the
linxiuili nn,'!i r rat lly with nucli
i.:ll tliat 111 a fi w n i-uii N I10 ranjfhtatiil
mfi !y h.n.l-l ii riK-cUi.-.l l,. aniy about
tfti ini-liri 111 Ii :ii!i. II- ina.lo it iMTimil
l-ITiirt. I i:t ruiililit i.oiiiiirtMrinit thi-ro.
Wi ll, tin- li in riiii 11 riiiiliiiiicl on tlii-lr
way until tin .rfjMitt I : a . 1 rmlcl ami thrv
atej tlii-uiM Jvi-.h tn i li aii tliotr liih, of
whirh, ,f I'imrM', tiiry hail a linn Int. On
o i.iin orii'nr t!ic trout tlm li-!i Was
f niti'l to ciiiit.'iin 11 iliamnii'l aluit atinl.
Tin rnux' I lini .iw i.i Im k fur liia din-
tlinilil, win'11 it Wan In In lli!iti',
i'iii-li rt ll.i-h' ilto tiio 1.!n rtnair minj
now ninii!ia:o 1111 nii'l ihi-ii III it In puna.
iii thnmli t!io l.rui-li iliainnn'l hail
IxN-n furof.! finm In fhirt front; (!
trout lie l .nl ti ilart in fi'nlit of liim Mva'.li.wnl tho i.-wi l. 11111I Ihr-u li
liml anci-n-'ii il iu rajitui 111 tlii
To a n pi'iti r who iniiilriH of Mr.
Pi-rcaw cci.ri riiin tiio trutlifnlnwa of
the Rtnry, tiii I ittor iiii-lari. it to In a
fat in oviry (articular. Laaton (I'a.)
l ull) Vtara a Itwlm
F. F. Lnhh. lTi'.:.rrcf D. R. Lanlnrr,
roaiilin; i.t I i"i-o l.ii.o. in tlia Ailiroii
dark. I i ri.Tti-l f.i live but a liort
tunc !! 1:j In 1 :i a InintiT am trap
tier fur ovi r fnriv jrara mi l now baa
.'OKI LAND, OKl:GONTV --rii' n athouKh L Ji.l m.t Ko
' T there fur li-il;!i tin 1 w.-. not aware of
any ( niliHiiiti()n to pulmonary trou
ble. Mr. Lubb wa.a ambition a a musi
cian, but bot bia licarin. ajioUii.K hit fiiluro. aii'l i i l.:j (livii'inint
luriit li- wi-iil forty mili'ii into tho wood,
built I. .111 n rabiu by Timco lake and
t.Kik up the life f a hunti r ami tratiprr.
II wan tin ro tw-iity tie year before
Mr. 1-ar.jin r knew v here bo waa. Since
that lime Mr. Larlnor liaa viitoil blm,
anil lie wan licr k vi nil yean np ami
rnl UKiiillm. 1.1..I wua here
receiulv. Hi rwline life
waa rrinnnerative aiul bis fur wore aolJ
at the M'ttleiui'iita
Uurun the nijrrma of n!T.iir nt the
lake, which Irm now Ucmie a .illar
n-vjrt. Mr. L'b!i bun ni omli.rtable
licmo. nti'l when ). II. waa at the
lake be furineil a very . u-.uit acquaint
ance bun. New Uritain (Conn.)
Cur. rtrat aiifl M.irrlann Nlrela.
My acquaintance ivitli Roachee's
dra in Syrun wai made about four- ;I"t
teen Vfirt arr. T mi.irrti.l ft I , aalll tin,re
whirU resttltoJ in a hoarseness and
C'Jh which dibbled ne from Cll
jsiR my pulpit for a number of Sab
baths. After trjing a physician,
ithout obtaining relief I saw the
ivcrtinent of your remedy and
obtained a bottle. I received quick
nd permanent help. I never best
ate t j tell my experience. Rev. V.
IL Hagjerty, Martinsville, N.J.
)Wv Blood?-
Taie Nmma In llie aalilfifloa) kj.
Alnnit I 11 lock one iiiorn.iiiC recently
a beautiful ;-'t.vle waa jTiaenteii in
the m nii'.ve-t. rn ikv. Tne mnon waa
aliout .'0 ib-.-i. aUn j tlie lionz'in. atel 1 II no ue t j ijeny 11. tue ami la mora
I the a:r w ! unroll .r'e 1 witii mMaiure
Tliere waa ence (n a time ao
Mtlote thai aavaiita Ii 1 r. 1 1 y ilare ajMli of
It a joair lntle Mime!. reaker who waa
rnil'l.iye. n'ii the liu'!ia
lie workel n..ii tltf liinw.nya. while
It w aa ..!.i !ii;lit. ; t l.r tune ilium,. ;
antia. 11n.h r the rum the atiow or the
un Ho a alwa half Jea.1 with
fattjnte. thn inartera ,,.., (nun liuti
PT. and waa tint at ail rimieulrj Willi
Ina faie
)i. bw I woiil.l tti-ink beavrn."
Mid he. "if I uiiil.l one ilay be but rich
eiiniiJli tit tUt it tl:e ii.ile iiii.riim
thn.ii.'li ami eat mi l ilnnk 111 v fill Ii ia
aid til. re ejil . le. I,le.a.-, t,y (,,r
tune, trim thin live In w nn.l omiifnrt
Str-tche.l iiin thuli mata U-f.ire u:y
iliMir. my back coverc.l with milt Vel
ineiita nf ailk. I wniil l make a mt.i to
lie bniken every ipiartet of an limir by a
HTVItor who ahoiil.l leoall lo I
had lintliiiu toil,) an. I that I ixiul.l al.-.-p
wniiotit roumrae.
An niip-l h.ivmi heard thoee wordi
and iiiilis--Thy prayer be crauted.
(ir man." a.n.1 be.
And aiiiLletily the RtonelireakiT. en-
reloj-d in aniiiTituuiu Tei.tinoiit.a of nlk,
fomul blinaelf atn lclioil I) h ta a., me thick
111 it a. tiefure the iliaT of a
Jwellinjr Ho waa uo Imip-r liunry or
thirsty, iiolonp-r tin-d. an. I all Una np--ar-.
to him aa artvablo aa it w.ia aur
Ho tate iluriiiR a half hour nnknown
liaiiiuei. whi n tho mika lo thanceil to
.im. I ho iiiik.iilo' I hat waa 110 ainall
matter 110! The uilkail.i la the eiiiia rnr
of Japan and the oinp'-ror of Japan w.:a
at that tune. aUive all. the 11, t uwer
fill of tho eniieriir of tho urienL
l'rei-e.le.1 by courier tho mikado win
traveling for pleaaiiro. eiirniiu.l-.l by
cavalier all ilit-orated and lieilizi iied,
like the jjrainl Turk of Turkey, followed
by fainima warriora, ea. nrtil by iimi
Claim, aociitiipatiiisl by women tne 111. .
beautiful in tile world, who iloze.1 in
their ailver uowdalia (a'n hej uhiii white
The mikado repoei njmn eiderdown
In a pal.iiniiin of lino pi 1. 1 atudileil with
pnvioiia atonea. Ilia irmie uunirler bad
the uniarallele.l liouorof,'
bia head a proat tinkling par.w-l all
innoil with little U-ll.t
The enriched Mono breaker followed
with au rnvioua eye tho imjierial cor
"I haven't galiiod much." he Mi l to
himself. "I am not much happier for
the few paltry plcanuri I am rnaliled to
pve inyavlf. Uh. that I were the mi
kado! 1 would travel in praud Mate,
lollinif In a pihleii pal.niiiiin blaxmj;
with pnviona atoiiea. atlemled by my
prime uiiuialer holiliu a ureal ulittcr
11:,' pnranol over 1110, while my Mrnliil
mini-tcr ah. ml. 1 cool my l.u-e witii 11 fan
u.a.le of pe:u-i k'a fe.uhera . Ahl that I
Cuuld be the luikailo!
" Vour wuli ia paute.1," nai l the anp-1.
And liiimediately he aaw himself
tretcheil 111 the palamiiliD of fine pil.l.
tarreil with precluna atonea, and aur
nmndoil by tia iiiiiiihtera, Ina warrior.
Ina women ami lua alare. who auld to
til 111 in Japanese-
"Mikailo. tin hi art Miperhir to the aim
thou art eternal thou art Invincible
All that the apmt of man can conceive
thou caust rxii'iite. Justice itielf isaiih
ordinate to thy will, and Uo.1, trembling
wait thy ciiiiiw Is."
And the atoliobreaker Raid to himself.
"Ah! happy day! now her are ieoplf
who know my value."
The aim, which had been rery fierce
for aonie ilay. had arcliii the country
The route waa dusty and hi itt
fatigued the eyea of the iiewmud ml
Addroaxin bi minister who carried
the tinkling iar.iwil. do and:
"Make kuonn to the aim that he
trouble 1110 His laiiilliantli displease
Die. hay lo bun that the praml eniieiiir
of Japan linu lo retire.'
The prime minister con li. Iel to a
ch.imlierhuii tho honor of carr) 111 the
tinkling par.isol ami went a .v.iy
He retiirneil presently with the p;eat
eat wiiiateruat ion written 111 In face
(Jreat einsnir! hovereip;i of the
ftud and of maul It I past cuiiiprrln ii
mil. The ami pretemla not to hear and
oontlum-alo aliiueon I he road."
Lei li I in la- punished.'
Certainly! Hi insolence merit It
bnt how ahull I p-t al hliu to adililiiuler
the puiiishineiil.'
"1 aiu the epial of the goda la It Out
Aannreilly. prrat uililado the eijual,
to aay tho least."
lou told me Imt a tnoiuent sinretbnt
nothing waa uupinsible to tue V011
havo I111I to llie you liavediMibeyei me
or you have badiy eiei uted Utf older
I pve yon live 1111111U1- 111 which to put
out the urn. or ton iu w hich to com 111 it
ban kan (io!
The pnme mimater went away, bat
did not return.
The iui penal atonebreaker waa purple
with rafc-e
Upon my word! T:n I a Cne m
tion thiaof eiii rur.wiien one n ohhed
to aiihmit to the f.iiiiiliantie. tue ca
price, the brutal it lea of a iiioviu. planet
f irfi a-n Qaiiowera. '1 he tmrafornied inni.' i took pleaiire in pounrjj
r 1. 11 .'in.l t'sil 1 it n the earth In a f ihti n
' -ruble t :at tiee fell ilnwn, hndinj
1 i.iii.I Hi w liich to fasten tlieir Mot
I'' 'c r l is a') 1 at 10 rule i f aeveral huiin
. u:is liaiue river, rver Isvume
t. rr.-i. r s..,s merpal into un, another
ai d lit 111 iiln tn leis,iit trre every-
In re
A r s k meanwhile, del I up hi bead
111 I n- .. rm In lai-eof all bo remained
iinp.1 ive t'poli hi fl 11 k i.f granite
t, il.i-ln .1. llin rll : (! froth
:- watcrssiut bn-akili al In feet,
an I the ihuiidi r m. ule I1.111 laii;h each
tune tiuu It lit khil III aid ,
'I miii at my wit en. ST aai.l the
cl u l Tin n't l-ni'ti my power
,. i,...' in,., nil I I envy him "
Sod the at.p I, "Tike bia place, and
li t u s.-e if you will al U a itiatird." transformed cloud nt length felt
nt li'is-rvii.ll, liliifesnible, Un niider tlie biiiiniij lanneo of
t:..' sun and under the fury of the thun
i!'-r. ho lielieved hiliiM'lf ULisler of the
W.Tl I
I'. it lo. at In fivt little aoft I ainnier
ni drew In atlentinn. lie leaned ovet
an I aiwn sor rreatnre, coveroil with
ra,'s-thin and palon be himself had
lt-n 111 liiiionf blayrirtest miM-ry
w!i., m:ii a mallet 111 In hand, chipped
Hi.' cr u.ite into iiive to rejxur the
iieihliiiii4 roadway.
"Wii it Is this? cried the euperh rock
a - r wretth. miserable nmoiiK lhf
lun't in, w-ral'le, inutilalo me and I can
riM .1. lend mt !( I am profoundly tin
1 I I am rediuisj to rutrjiun til
atato of Una creature."
"Take bi place." aaid the angel auiil
I li'
, And the natial'le peraonaK lierame
1 thai winch bo waa liefore a poor little
break-r of Mone.
A in the past he worked upon the
nuil w hile there waa liht all the time
111 all ea,ui, under the raio. the auow
: or the aim
j lie waa alway half dead from hnn
Rer. and three ipiiirter dead from fa
tittle-nil i.f hu ll ch.l nut hinder bill)
from Is lti ifii tly coliteiited with Inr
lot.-'l d frnm the Kn-iich of Kr
nest L Kpine I y Laura Lyon White fot
bhurt btoriea
tike Oaaa Ik Ma4 Laer
The man win in ohr.-e of the
departiiicut iu ,,1 t nie prmcipr.1 rvti.!
bouse or.-r en a'reet b xt bom 1
in in l,iv, 111. M:. In, n, ui.til hri l..ia
at the ell 1 i.f l.i lingers and 01 the :;n.f
hi tongue 1 very l. , t in ci uue. timi tuta
that delicate ( il rl I'. r lii-tat.c.i, I t
aata. wnal iv. ry women wanta I 1 know
Crrt. ol i-oiire. i i ,t a ii. .man living l'i
the city of Mi Mi o has 1: eiuiet ta'uaVe
Coliei tioti of I i.-e 111 I 1 country, the
aame U 111 s.,n ,i ' . w,,.:, f,,,,
ol the Vamlirbilt L.tmly coiiaider them
Worth fsKi.nil
The o.oituiu rare l.vea
from ldn'iuin. OtTinai y and Austria
The former, i f rare I ns (nun every cele
brated m.i .er and i f fr.i ;ini.ii mice
owned by every royal f.i -inly 11 U ir.ijie
The Asti.r f -.11:11 it., t.i.ur to
tie worth $'.i.isKI Mrs. A. T S'.ew.irt
estimate.) her at $.'0.1.0 .1 Mr Vice
President M irt.Mi f.uisi er her w,.rt!i
lliki.loo Mrs August lU'litioiii. Mr
M ir-nidll I! ! -rt nu I Mr ei Secre
tary Whitm-v have tn:!y 1111 I r.necil
lection 111 .,,e In there urn no
rery lar.-e ( o!!c,-ti,.ns. l.ut uuuy are very
rare, t'bicii,jo I nUme
(oMri.rrai t
rt.i many are rtirh mereia 1
.'re 1 ,i,N,ili.a .tiM-.a 1 l,r r. . I
I III! Il II. . tl I S.l In-
..I. !
I I OS. 1 'III .1, ,.,,d,
, -.. ........ i,..t rnl.sil.ea tl.a i, -e"a
j 1 ' ' ' loil . ri. I.. rti.. 1. ) Ilia 1,1 I iV BC
j'' i"'i i l.s I ssi i,.t ,1. , w ,iti 11,. r.,,,,1, llj fj
j ' ' ' ' - a .1 in. a, . i.iiumv .,f 11,,, !
j . i:,r . " -. I. , 11 il,, ,., r i,i,., ,. II,. ,i, li. 1 , . Tk
'' ' li. .!. . I !!,., 11 n Itir II ! JJa
1 . .1,. s,..i.. 1 1. ! 1 1, ,1 , 1 , , 1- -, -i,, ,, , ...
. I ..-.I I. s4'.- am '. all . .11 . . i 1 ,., .i.'i . .1
'I '- 1 I I i...i. l.r .... , I.., a,.-
' ' 0 I. 'I I.. -I -. 11 . . sit re-
' "'"'' I ' 1 S . ' I '.. ,' . I I a ! I ,, ,,,.,.
I ' I ' ' '11' I I. I ,1 ..... . l f. .11, I,
I " ' " ' 1 - I ! 1. - I ..I l.i I
k 'I 1 I , .. ...I II, Sll.ll,,
' IM 1. 1.l. ...111 c. ii.. II, in r, n,, 1 , y w
air i ! 1. r 11 it... 1 11 in, ,1 , . 1 , A. IV
iV.-.. 1,. 1, 1 1 ii... 1 .1 , 1 , ,. i f,, 1 1, ,.
' l'i" V ' " II'HS ll.l tn.l 111.1' l
I aim 111 ahi run c rxro.
Meter in Thalr t.isa.
When ton hear 11 m 1:1 ay. "1111 jri'lnj
to the city." toil may kn.nv that he live
here III t h. 11 he a that he
ll.l been "down to I l,e bay," ) ml call hot
oil Ilia rural residence. When be call It
San Pram-isco" ho i a rIh!n tn tter
from f.ireU'n larta, 11 -e. I to ,ii, h poly-yllabli-a
a S-riii-ipai.1111 and rondl
rhorry Hut when ).u hear,, teinH
rary chap, with a tell. or rr i and
plaid overroal. talk alsjut " Triaoo," you
are safe in .4:itin,' In nativity and life
loiii; rraidetico in H.WI011 The San Pran
riacan buns. If never mention the nam
of hi town if In. can avoi.l iu '
Tlie Truublrai.nie Mplder.
Many yciint an, when the writer mied
the level with an em;iiieoriiiK party
there were freipient ilitUouIlii-s with the
m-truineut. I'luved line like arc ol
circle would np;-.4iriii rapt.) m-pieiic
acro-a the li.-ld of vision, which would
be nearly ivlipse.) nt time. Theae diffl
cullii4 would arie at irregular and uep
orally liuoiitemeiit lutervala. The In
atriiiuent was can fully etamiued with
out revealing any cause.
The writer, distrustful of hi own eye
aiis'ht. visiieil nn eminent oculist, reoeir
uiit a.uiie vauo advice and payin-r a
roali-lic fii. It wa afterward din-ov
en d thai a minute spider had enacoticod
himself 111 the cover of the oyeglaa of
the lolewope of the level. Cor. Eugi
Dee ring
t ail a MimmuMs
A Maine man Iu attendance at catnr
meeting ami in the altitude of prayei
wa greatly annoyed by what aeeinod an
rs-ci.illy i-tTsisteiit mianinito. First II
p-Ti lu'd hi-. ri In neck, and hi Impulsa
waa lo fetch it a w hack, but a aenae ol
decorum restiaiued him and he geutly
!iv.h1'.. it with bi baud. Next lit
felt a In kling aemtalion on one of bi
eai. and up went the other hand. Il
w.i imt Inn.! la-fore the nt wa again
fooling around the back of lua neck
Tin time the annoyance wa too muc
for tit in. mid. with hi eye atill cliaws:
he made a grab for It What lie canghl
waa a feather from the hat of a youiif;
woman who wa devoutly kiieelu.g Lo
bind linu. New lork Sua.
-i tii t-t tic or tun i nisr-MT nit
J. V.. Kiilliva'l. Secrola'y uf the Aniali ur
Mhlrlic I'niiiii, President uf llie Pa-oiim
A 1 1 1 1 lr flub and A I lil.lic K,l tor of IV
")sn.t 7, net, rilea :
" Kor yera I have been actively inn
noted itli alhletir aporia. I slata Iniiinl
it to my a itaiitiu'O to ue A 1.1 1 01 a a I'n
mil" I'lAmiM lnle in Inciuiia-, as I In)
'piickly remove aoieni-sa and si . line.. ; n.i
sum altai uh anv kind ol psins ll.r
result nl slmlil O' I I-. I alnts us.. I .i 1.
iim a a aiili Urn-Hi l.,l resulis I lime no
need thai m,..l nllil. lea id the irsent .1,0
ilsa iinlhuiK cl-e lull Ai imca'a l'i iitu.,1'
We llllr v eio iu one. i dea an.1 ail ree
la a viihoiil wn 1 ur .1. u-nlioii friitn bual
11. aa Ne inre. imi ir s.aii a.i s-nu .11,
s I.. I i;i,n rl l'r liiiwrtvid a
Uas'if, S..S UarK-l ains-l. sau riaai laiw.
I i .hr II,.
lit .1, 1.. i.,..r I . f
.l. i. l-'.r. s.i i.i.i 11.,,) i ,
I iltasvis a, 11 Ma .
1 Hi
11. in li I
Tlireo Ontj-s which all
workin-jir.en know give
tli.t r.ost trouble i.i their
ha'-Jsiraln work nre:
S)r.iln.s, l'.ruiacs and
Tlircc suprcne r.fllic.
t i :i-s, which r.!I thewothl
knott4, .lilii t mnnkinJ the
t::-t w:l!i Aclios and
ru.;.-.:'o: Rhcumatl"!,
Ncttn!,;:.! zrA I.un.bjrjo.
to t!o r.rc rln j ly these
l!uy it.
f el T
1 .si.l
1 I' r In, i. I Is .i. r i.
... 1 . 11 Ilir 1,1,1, - I't.iiiai.,
i'" k.isrrs liie si.ifr I'.illsh po .lull uo ataali
"l'i t'h.-.irr earrv iff Ih- h
. la.T ' "I ii,hw .... a. h l, tie.
rul. In rttair al the ttiuul tall. 4
1 ul ilir
v liri-l 111. a
rirrlrlellf la llwnllalr.
Electriciiy 11 going to play a Tory I in
portaut part in the future of ib-ntiitry
Now tlie fully titupioil practitioner bio
an electric motor In a corner mid with II
In online I run. Then we use little
electric llllt ill collllei'tion With III
mouth mirror, and at night we uae
with a red. clor Electricity la also tiaeil
an a galvaiio cautery to burn out dead
ll-viie and illM ltsril Uiue instead of rut
ting Un 111 away Tin render iho work
alinosl painless, and you can are la a
very iinisiitaiit adjunct. Interview in
Mi 1 1 -nli Ipbia Kocord.
II l.leil Abnul l.liiri.l.
(Sail II million Boiuetvhere tell thil
atory atsiut a friend of Mr. Lincoln who
in the hist I'ouveutlon that 11 oninate.)
Mr Lincoln for the presidencr, had both
worked an I aiken with great effect fur
Mr Lincoln Afterward, in thanking
bun fur In enthusiasm, Mr. Lincoln
aaid to hliu. "Iim, I am afraid, colonel
that when you ajaika for me you prevail
cated just a littles.
Trevaricale l. Mr. Llnrolnr aaid the
other, prevaricated? Why. I lied Ilk
the deviir-Now Vork Hveuiug Sua
1 Would like to be the
r cut cn ny I-
id trr
I hi ! a r-ialir-iant Veailr
' l'.3 l:n -5. and teajcridinn-l k
-. i-i:;h hi-f l44" .- tf
f i . r ' I -1 'licin.5l.iJ f..wJ
t ' ij Li are r-.-A. WlLLt. I I '.IV.
... so
f li'Ela'a'a'ssaCuESZBHBCaa
I wtlt-miS'eet f m, chl!'.0't wt'h e '
e-i-,. r-ui,, f jnttrr. aed ihr) Iv.tUe cl
UT-Jt-. CureltcaiirllD-osenllr.
fci.-i VralX a M..
r-r W ea ni.j avtn tM--sss'J
Ika i bJ-u llc co-auiut--1.-
that a h i'i'i. itii an appirent diameter
of i-i-h:y f' t, was f'.n:id. I.i oine
(.irtsti.i.i waaratti-r itidi- tinrt, but
on ti.e I. u.'d of ti.e m ci. ai mi
In.. t''.v..r 1 tl.e aoir.b. the 1.1 ot
(.!:. t gra oi.ily increa-e I in bnli ar.-y
nut. I ti.. re w.s a je-rfect i.-nr-i i4 t
crsiti. The phenomenon coi.tii.ii' I f,
a. v r .1 niitinte and tin 11 fade I a
An 1 - rv-r t!. ui.-iit that th lt de I
liatu n 1 f it K-'iil 1 te "t;.''n dog." a. j
rev-nnhle-l t : fiomele win' J la J
il-.i-el m.i.'i '-..i'i l-y tne a:i:;.ij h-r a 1
the n:n. wi'h t! ei" a that he a
k.-,s ai-nully fo-r J' Wail:B-t,
1'i-t. '
n'aafr r.l lla lk f llralea.
T' tniiM-l AraU .f n.-yi't. w '
art-til 1 1 Ji is-- JasT braa! and
. l':ivo ru -d : arinr.. are eft
powerful than I
: iun.
"Voo are the ann," aaid the ant
; And the l.ttle atonet.reaker lo
th Ligh b- item, all radiant, n.l Raut
Inr lie Uei Iileasur IU a. -', Ida
A Japaneaa t aa uf Hie llallot.
SufTrae in Japan haa Ix-en put to
novel use A village wiu harraasr.1 be a
midnight robber whom no one could de
tect. i an ing-iiioti i'lhahitaiit propoeed
llutt eai li t i.i.iger ahould write the nam
of tlie 11. .111 be Mispected on ailipof pa
per and put it 111 a ballot bo I On th
Totea being ta!:n there Were fifteen for
ol.e luau mii I the rest were blauk. The
roober "as mi natoiiirbed at th proceed
inga that be actually confessed bit Ida),
tity. Iruh '1 ii'ie.
lot r.ver
11 1 tb
A lu-w H.lrresl huaRavar,
Kir lloU it L-i.l t. lls an amusing aner
dote l.ii.-ir.In.g il Word. "Tlw
a'liiflower Iun. a tu her g'sl w hen he M4l
tlie s.u,,e iH,a tliat ahe turned wheu Ir
roaw." All eapl.T'T. lie aaid. intent x,
proving the trniuvr other wis of Ihwlb
ory . t..,k M.l a ai.i.llowi r esi Ut tne an
tic r-nloii 1.10I 1 i.ii.ti.l It there lu the
Colirseol tin,.- ti,e p.,il.tcalliellpalld UoW
nsj ignroin-ly - jiii I. bnwevvr. at th
e-ueiu 1.1 11 ti.e muu Lever art In the art4
ya 1 nt4 ( in le. an 11, e j.r uniiowor. true u
j I ia iiainre. loiiiwe. tb pne of Uie
1 Ilia, fljn ting II to at night III
! the or ,.i.,ii y 1 1,1, l.i.t a t lieauu did nui
,h 1
ael at ;;. t:,e rstrained llas-If roillel
I : at 1 roUL'l ui.t.l it t l.ti-l Itaown hasadofl
nr- hnf af i aiaifii tla
V1 MkM4 w. l a tv4 l4 -a- i-
la I
I -X1SI t an a aaasl. i 1
B. T Esaojc-a em r 14
eitr.i r-
m.ii ti.e irrn'idi-t li'ii-l m
b.-a.l i.i- h very a.t.-t ; :
i.:.-al i f Ji .. l l"t;f.-i-i tu an Ar
borx-e dealer, who
' triai kirw ao'Juig. .t , ' i a.n.
maker f hlaataes. far laa aaal, I sv
A departure in obtaining ettra draft
fur furnvea on atejM.ji'p wltbont tb
ne i.f blower or dedcea jjaa beeo
rarrec-ful.'y on the Scot of th
Ua; lire Ti.. Tee haa beea
f irriisii-. ai'.h iiinle.t.i. k IM fes-t high
above ti e t.-ri. Toe Iim reaaej draft
e-Mt'ent to a water frescr of
tau-ee-tourih of an IdcIl The vaaaaJ a
rpt U tmiatswa knoia, Sw York
lltr-:4 ttSMii n k 1 1 it a: m
Hr lis-al lU'llrsllnin, as llirr ealiimt r. aeh III.
llM-a. .1 s.ilh.i ,'l nu. i-ar. Il.i ir I.
a) loi-ure ilealn., at,i! llial is l. 11111.11111
It.. lis! leiiii-.lirv t,' .a la i sii..-.l 1.1 all 111
llainr.l eoli.lillon i.i thr III llnl'K i. II. 1
.-II. la, loan Oils IV hen I lo. Iu Is- r 1 0 Mi Its Il.i .1
lull a rii in till nn .,iin,,l nr iini r 1. . I hi .r
liK. ai.. -a In 11 II 1. riniri-iy i I.....J .t.nlnr.. I
tin- re.iiil, a lei ilie 1 11 11 a 111 ma 1 1.'. 1 an Is
'ski n 1, nl ll.l. I11U- t,'.,.ii.t n, i' 1 t..s.
.I'tntili lii' m ill l-t. ,l, 1 .1 l..r v-r
'Ol.e 1 a.i-. nut nl ten an- 1 a. or. I lo islarrh
shli'li 1. Ii in l.nt an li.llsnii.l 11,1., I111..U ni
In- niiii.iii. .nil, ,-.
Me iil ' ni e lliin.lrr.t t..ilai. ,.r am
'- el 'leal ne. (' I.t 1 a 1 an 1. 1 1 1, a I 1 aiihoi
r .mii. .1 I.) , si.. 11 11 t .1 ... ,,, 1 .,r
iillari, Iree. t.J tlllr.Mt .tin,
lnlr.1,. 11
ni! I.jr ilromlHi, t.-i arnla.
It l llie rlren. rlna n lin reallrs In Ih - West
l.ranlial maniii r it I. lu I. ale a laifi
. lr. Ir ul a.liiori-ra.
Tut lira-art for lireat f.t.
" tnn.h d !' an wi h Irf! inmatotr rV i
natma In mr lift l'i tVoo llm km-e. Ai
h ii!t i f . .tilt !-! r
ntnuliif : J Ion it"
' it I In a ti iri! '
io4nlli..u. 1 11 about (
nn nilii tor h'ilri
r 1 il a f.llHe l
la Ea, I all I'm linm rti
fells' n at pal 11.
Colli I n I atac l on id
I. e ali i aa cM'ed 1
Mr. Ilaurr. . u tiin a cr iu a.
irmilit half r it l.n sii:ie ol llmsPi Ha !).
.111. an t ao.1 , al i r 1 bTn taklu; tt the 1
anpprd Hselirtiig ami lirate-l lip. I
l . f mjr eaile n. ll I rill ll ' lail lk aa r!
I.evtr. All mv (ilrli'ls kli.iW liuw i tutel I
lulter and I am a thaiiklul lo
Hood's Sarsaparillo
or my peileit enn " nsi' IV. llatiaa
W. Pain a etn-ol, I'rrdi-rick, M l.
Hood'a Pllla'tte'i k 11. : .tn-i...
fix roixra,
out of many,
whoie l odor
l'lciee IVllet
nre better than
Other pill :
1. They're the
in l leal, and
t tiet to take
little, 1 11 g a r
coated rrauulet
that every child take readily.
J. Thev're peiieeilr ca-r In their
anion no criping, no diaturbanre.
3. Their cfterK tail. There! nn
reaction afterward. 1 her rrgul.ila or
cleant th ayatrm, accordiug to iio
of doae.
4. They're) the rheapet. for they're
ffuaranlrtd to give tali. I action, or your
money Ii returned. You pay only for
the gond you get.
6. I'ut up In plan are alway freih.
8. They curr Ciitnllpatlon, liulice.
tlon. Illlloii Attacks hick or lllllon
Headache, and ad iterangemeuU of tb
liver, itoiuach and bowel.
o d::; iwss&
i W tirrrn.-V .
a rr.i iMii.tM-
Vlt, ra1tlir Jrw.
irf nl ih I'-artn-a
Nttflliwnt ka-t
Uirm et.-i, nl nil
lUtM.Kri on liatM.
I iimmu m in.
rt fBurv lUtla-rvt
Ik4iir ti nnivr.
S75 nn t .fl oo":1?;;?lr,r,,h,,
VIU.UW ll. r Jinisaos A Co, in. Mm.Mi, Va
f. .Z .1 A- bSaU Vat vasaaaa.,jBBatl
W anl-t iha Umi l,a,fea lra
I ...I.IIII..I..I1 Krei;:i ailoiM-.
issii r..r .ir.-ii .a.
'. II. I llklKI A ( It..
Ml li tu 1 1 sea I'liicaiei, III.
i III Tf J k! I kTi fj l St j ( ft '
K-aUtlr. IX! braal tMt(Mir aMV,titlf, Wm
h.BMi. e i khli Mil ftna taaat l t'h J"t kan) , .U
rir. if pntMin lo J J. fcVA.SlkCjaJsw
l , m rruHiteq. cltl.mjjv ir, 4 k.
Sooth no
,',f'--1; V,-".1 r4'i-. k'tralaaksMllr. I
hlas Habit aresi In 10
itsva. s.. j,, nil ruresi.
! r I eMI ati. kkiMa.O-t.
"Almost as
Palatable as Milk"
This is a fact with rcjj.ird
to .Scott's KmuUion of Cod
Liver Oil. 'I he difference
between the oil, in its plain
slate, i ; very apparent. In
Scott's Emulsion
you detect no fish-oil taste.
As it is a help to diges
tion there is r.o after cttcd
exccfl fcod effect. Keep in
mind that Scott's Emulsion
.-. a
n inc I -est promoter ol llesn
and strength known to
r.,.,. t i , .... t p.. f A" tlrs-r-oata
If YOf .fwK IN
Wltl-alff U t tU
mtr, toil will rii1
tl t ir. flt-nniuoi.
nl a 77.1. l
Sow that U
Toil rt i'M'h 1 1-
inr llm wm-h
lifrVr toll friiilt
la.rKtln -an it trf
(i-tl-lr ir: g
Inr (.ini-hM-mi
n p.t'i!r mtnn In rl k. ini- at 1 i..(t
7 it. !- i-J- t ul fMi r-.iui 3 n n A
tr ar'l to ttiall. n imi - .ij sr- ! f 'i.jr
trmi- ut 'iiiKham t-lirrrJ at juuf (aai
lr Mcenurr )arU.
OLDS & KING, PorHand, Or.
Ik i.,an.l sT;"a'.l a
iii.m.s ibrffk.As.. C te4 J N
" - sij tat art fa l
Uuowutailiaraj. . s V
. e.--4Vn.-
i in inrtr ornn t , ,i..n,.nx r'.i-a
In l Ull o Let l.i.L Courhs, Cro p. Bat
l l.rnal, 1 l..aiarnesa, V houpinf Coiii.h and
Asthm. . r Consumption it Tu- itii rttul:
haa cutrd l trill t 1 na T " If
taken iu Iirni-s ri'l.l ejr lniri;lt i n a
anlee I t n Intnn lu. k ir 1 !--. n o
MIIL01I l EI.I.AHOnrM 1'LAkll.H 'Is-.
j iiite i. ut .iiui i .i t I his -e-nueitr lartiarrtiw
tnsltoturejuu. J'rkx'.iJit. Jnvtor (nsa,
rar-scNo or the -mi
t nl rli r nn It itriMfr. ami "ni
(lit, III la'af-l' uf -"111111 it-, at' . ' )
ltrrt tti id i.ti.-MHiifr I'lil.lUltr'l itiiMiihlv,
ntt wnl tvj lit a;i) allrit uu itutliii.
Set the GenuinelllKrflNr
rrt 4 MM. tt iii.l.srcr .asM, f.nlaad. Or.
on. Mur.'rono's TANSY
I he n llaMo rVtrmle ll -iiiailim (V
I'l l, .in rk. . I ..I lr- svf A
r wiiiuiluea an.l ilia l4 -s &
in.trt-iii.r t i:i;- -q -sy
lenlul IbO
rtAV :
ft'ifi-v aunt anil
rellaliln. henl l n
paid mi risellit of t.rlrai
! I Is-r Un. fur L4.
Urar.iam ., iun -mm, m-ulr.Wa
Tho QiMM-lfln A Mis. I.
fS... . urMMii fsul. all - .J ai i
fcna-rt s4i4 .lr.4. a.) asallr ol th.. tan,
i ,.lli. I' alrt. lursi, h hsl--c a.i In-l-rt.
.1 i me-lr- liirs amsa e-rarriaa-sf
UA-.ular-n.rsfw lh.lil..,.U
rnrs. M-aa. in..aai
I3H rruut aireet
It. Nai n. I'..riiai'tt. I'r.
f'CTT?';-) k-urw f t r-r'-wr
ll aarira:ii.L-i, oa-v lnU . It ,h
Utirtl W.r rv Tl . I 'l'i I. I lil lHl1,
Tii i n itpii ii to
n. ro usuo 5 (le crnY.
fl i ay" 4'nwiif -ni faint 44t,
J jTO I n JfllV itrnrm-t
A m fl ' Juur nnler fur Ih
II I I ll ,Jm HOI. I KM ai.a
nnlrr our Hl'MMkH
In H I Kill. Yun aatil
I ha a aT ; trial's Ihr only
kiml a dral la. Than
t ricea Unit will aatuiiiah lou. Only the beet
Oak-Tamir.1 leather timal, ami all work guar
antiMsl. Si'iiil I'tr line IlliislrBltsf'iliH,,i- ....
1110 I'niiiii Avenue (Kant Siili-), I'lirtlaiol, Or.
$150 for a BICYCLE.
IaT" Our rtmloiner had our just a ir.s.l. and he lamirlit it fur f VS TlliV
IIAI.K Ihu nrii In I liatl DaiJ. IF VOL! W1MT A nirvri ? ena
300, l) it .lire, t ul tl.a ' - ' w"
11 Ml H vi
UkALkk I.N-
Bicycles, Itiil.l.ail riiH an .a
l-OMTlAMt. TslllHI. aiLCal.
a-atj 'i-af fF ( ,mt Lti , aa mmm
am 7ir aart a 11 . f . r ita t MV -
H 4i T ria - " a a
til aaal! a. f feea, J, ( B)M'
F. 5. U, 5o. 4$-. r. . U. 5tx 575
VL Moore's Revealed Rcmoriv.
CJ(' tf a-enu liar.-m. I.n'i.r. 10 -1 ran sutle lib lilaeilf thai br UM us. I
""' - "I Kli kl"'KIi u. kii.iu.l .a irnrrnt nn sa n 4 rM al, ,sa.ui J'ia'.-al isit erarssi utimlr ul I. FIJI a M A I DMT k HfV
H A I i iM uu tha iksi U' ' I i i d (si .IU bia no Y u--s I . r-aittiisla,
MH4. M. V. HlkkLa.
"I ll UT Tut ll Hill flOIHT.
A Flood Coming!
8a Say Old Timer.
I want to fl"l il.e rutin ley ajih
Have just ias-eire.1 200 Sa flit let, arliith
1 ill M-ll at $40 dimsMiiit nr iali. Writ
lor lUruMi l.i,i, or call at my lor,
32G Washington 8trcct.
Imun and Calal"Viie Trre.
Fred T. Merrill,
Cat ''A itTr-fia'aB-aS O-aVaa-a-W
C. s