The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 24, 1893, Image 7

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-Ml -lil'-W -
J INK 21.
Illli.t llll.
II. I, I. I-1'. ""'
J.J. V.ill"ii, uttrm-
i- klpworth. nttorucy-iit-lnw.
n" ,,ieuil r that IM Hiin.ui hn tlir
l.,t I. ft I '"" of clothing In town.
n,.. r- i t undertaking nivlved dny
j I night t l-l'iii liny' Mow.
p. jj.ii" Ji-riia fr Nrru I'rurtrailo.
y I" fa"''- Kiiipilre nf
Jil'.lk"' VVnltoll.
yr I'm" iil i :t It- In imdr hihI
:,.! ma I" clothing, K" l Kd Mini
...ll'.. Ilrm- V"lir "''I "'nip 'r,"l
in" I -( Foundry where you can
III il.
l y t loan '"I Inipnued furm for
1 t. mi "I year I' n-noiuible rut of
r by ' J- Mexhiniihuu.
li' y.i i w nut ii uil of clothe or a pair
f ii i'iil il"""" U iHivi, the tailor.
ii . euir.i'itiii niiiiioiinii ami iow
en" -
llr li. W. Itiddle IIIIIV In- found At
l.i. n-id. -tut- oil Olive Mmt, between
Filth nnd "' nlnvt, one hliM'k wini
of ' I In1 Miniicola lit riot, lie lit tiro-
.r.-.l I il'l T 1 iicuim wtri r ( mi- in-ti
. . I ..II .I....I..I li. (... 1 .
lllllllll' T.
rv..f ror-t tr ! Hit'
.iif.f.i iNri-:rroii? notick.
All i. r-oii in I .line county owning
.. .i-i or Miei-ii litlli.Tiil with
nl!n r .li-n i. nn' liervliy notified tllM
kc I -iii-1' mint Iv thoroughly dlpvd,
.,,il:.' hi lo kill "inn tiii'iuv loruiw mi
n v i r- n failing to comply with
i!,,. n .liii' 111 In liulile to have IiIh
ii i .hp-d )' tlie lll.vctor at wild
i'.hmim-. la Hi- notice ami
,,,. c,i..
Ii!i I s-.i. 1. KkI
.-. K. Jl NklSfl, Sheep Ill.vctor.
Ir. M. .1 I iv It U u iroiuine nt eltl
,. ,, , i I.. I-. ( ii coiiuiy, Iowa, and
le,. n iicllvely vtignged ill the prne-
ti, ,-..f ut Hint plnee for the
i,,-t iliiilv llve cnr. While In I.n
I . . 1 1 . . i ii route lo I'liicngnhe wit aud
it.. nlv i.ik. ii with mi atliu-k of dlnr
rli.i i. Hiving wild (.'hninlvrlnln'
Cii.n-, ('iinU rii nnd limrrlio-n Itcmcdy
f ir tin- I'ii-i "-veiittH-n yenn'iind know,
irii- il r. liability le proetired a 'M cent
.il!!i-, two Ixittle of whli'll complete
ly run ! him. The excitement and
r'liiiiik'c "f water and diet Incident to
lr:iv, Imif ulii ii imHluee a diarrhiea.
Kvcrv iiik- -Iik'iKi procurw a Uittie of
Hit- l!i ini-'ly iH-fort IchvIiik home. For
ali- Lv ii-iiiirn V IK-Ijiiio.
real Hill Narsfry.
Call .ii r nddn-M T. N. S (iir, Ku
p iic, fur nil kindi of numery Mirk.
rriiin - "ii nrirolHileiu ihiiu nHl that
mil tint -proiil, ulrto on eiteh rootM.
I Imve ? mi.' I tn red I'lyiiiouth KiM-k
!.' Inr -n!i- at fl -r Hilling of 1.1 t'Kipi,
tl Ti f irlwo -illlnci. 'i'h i-Kifi nn
frimi r,i iv iiinN i 1 1 1 J m irl I fnnu Iowa
til l I'ak.ilil
I'iMiir.i, l.iine t'ounly, Dn-jjoii.
An- vmi iiiMinil'.' If not now I the
lime lo imiilc votirwlf mid fuiiiilv
Willi it IkiIiIc of i'liiunliertiiiir t'hol
cr.1, '..In- ami I liiirrlni'il Itelimly li an
lniiriiii.v from any nvrioua n-milU
(miii :in altiii k of Uiwel eoinplalnt
ilunii.' tin- -imiliier inontliH. It In
Iiu,l ii riitiu to he tui'dfd and Miould
I.-ir. uri . !il iiiki'. No other n'lne
ily ciin t ike ili iilnee or do its work.
'Si mid ci-iit tuition for ile hy
liurn .V Ik l.Hlio.
Fifiy i i'iit i U a niiiiiII diM tor hill but
Hal i- nil it will cot you lo rtire any
Miliary of rliciii'uiitlKin If you in
( iiaini.'ilaiii'i I'ttin liiilin. Try it and
vmi mil lx- HiirriMil nt Hie prompt re
infil iilt'.inU. The llr-t appllention
il.un-l the pain, fill ecu I Uittlm
f-TNili- Lv o-liiirn A IH- Ijiiio.
Tu.i hundred aenn of valley land,
lmt i luilii went of Junction and
! null - Miuth of Monroe, In Lane
"'unty. AUnit lmi uenn an- in mill
v in., ii, hi,, . whole tnict in feiiiiil
T:i, u i- u hhI, nnd tlieunelenml mi
li' ii i. lillalili- when cleared. Tlie price
i"Sfi. ternii i-ii.hv. Full pnrtieuluni
l- I'iv.-n (iii np'pllciiliou to
1'ortlnlld, Or.
l!i l.i:. A ,'! inch t'ouliuhla hi-l'-
i'irale or trade nt a pn-nt Imr
mm. In.iiin nt IhU ottliv.
Kreucli TaiiMy Waferi.
Tli..- wafeM nn for the ndlef and
cm- i,f iiitinfui and lrnifular liieiiwn,
ii l will remove all oliftmetiotiH, no
iiiaii-r whiit the eutlie. and are mire
i I -af,- every time. Miiiiiifuctured by
Kiifmni linn; Co., Sim Jow, Cal., and
I r vile l,y (Kl.urn A lH-Ijino.
To tlie Public.
T ie mi !, oiiriinl w ill M-U level lota
'f He- -an,,. ,,v uittl kind of will and
ff"i a li i!f tnu mile iienrer the town
'f Klnn in ,- thiin thiMe in Fraler 4
J "y'iel .iiliuii, fur a lot.
I xl-i li.ive the ehoicext lotn III Fra.-
l! I'.nddition to F.uifone for
cl" t-acJi. Write or cull on Hie.
A. II (iALI.AillKK,
Ku(?-ne, Of.
.j - .
.i.i .a . I'l.ATTS 1-. now pre-
Ir-I t.. .1.! dr. iiiakinif. and all
km I. ..f cwiiiK, nt the rei
den.v.if Mr. a. J. l'i. kiird
Fifth nini-t, U
"ti Va-l,iiit:ton and Jcfreron.
9dWork at Reasonable Pricet.
Tlie Loral Market.
"itic I'muil.rtu for th loral Biarkrt
,''"'' I'""'.-' only Thy rm eorrvrud
..... L "Uo4 u ccurU ms uck
' ''i. n-t.
" . . .
r.Jrm IV
- i-.
el '4
1 40
us nt
. .
!., '4
- ' I'. r
I., o
. .
F. ,
' -I ii-n, Ptr dix
I .
It .
' I.
I- -.
.. u-t. (i m
Ml-. ...
OMMF.St Kir.N r WY.V.K.
I'il) I. .14. I. J .
The ealldiilale for llilnlii.ii III the
eotix-rvatory of inmle of Hie n ...n
Mate niilM v thl. vi ur Wei- Mi--.
Carrie M. llnvey nnd' l.tla I . Mtnp.
on. The pimm ni-itnl fr uraduaiiMii
was held In Vlllnrd liall nt oVi. k
llt-t e( nlllf. The Hllllell.l- tilled I lie
nUII mi at ln ill l l v tlliit xiiki- ... tu .11)11,1. I'lu- i ruuraiii r.-
mn-. f.,r the evi-nlni; a ii a ,,.,. -:
Fh.alph..l.!e, Men. I, I
.MIm-i NllllpMUl nnd ll'iVeV.
Svim and I'nvnllnu
from Um-mi
.Mm. rleii liir I. inn.
a Siiintn op. pi .i z k . ih,,, u
AlUttn li. i, I'nuio
1. 1 Viilx-, op. II- Hall
Mii ll'ivey.
Trio, from Im I'ntvlatii
Miw .Mci'oriiack, M. I. inn
MlM a ei.
II II. I. all Krilliaiit.. Wi U r- l.l-. t
I'Alir I.
Iuo for two piano II, II, r
Mi-n ll.ivi-v and ."iini-.-n.
w .11 lo I em iii.l.i
Mlm M. I unai U.
a ( Iinptouiptu op. '.n No. Z.
ll.niii III
."-cIiiiIm ;
b ( l.n Filetlw
Mi.. .-"iii,.,ii
I'omvrto hi I ' miia.r
Mi lloiey.
'I rchintrnl pari, on m-coicI piano l v
Mini Sawyer i
Theyouim ln-li.-i were veiy;
III aplieuraliiv nnd tla.i ful in inatni. r,
wliich B.ldul llill. ll to I he hariii.niy
and e.X.vileniv nf ihe niii-ir.
The llr-1 iiuinU r w n i la a- I, .
I ion on the piiino l.y the I oi;ia,liial. ..
The motive iiniiiinir tl ninli 1 1 1.-. 1. 1 1 ,
mdectioll Win Very rllliic: lull ill the
hall. In of Ihe -oino-er Men. lei ohu,
wim (le'elni'. into won 1. ri'il rieliin
of iiiuxiciil Ihouhl.
The Sceliu and Ca:i!liiii the
.-ni, l.y Mr-. I I. t.'h. r I.iihi,
Mux indii-d ii t-iovkiiiiii! iltiirt, mid
elmrinlin; to Ihe Ih .ii. r-. i he v. .. I
Itlllllll- of till, neleet it'll I. Vcl V tlllll-
l-lllt, but W.K executed ill a llio-t alii,
le manner. 1 Uim mi t nit; t an eiiiliu-i-
iilKlic eiinire, .he niiii; a pl. :i-ni'
lad. 11. r Voice, w lll.'ll ii ll clear -H-
pnmo, never Koiiu.le.l pun ran, I lull.r.
.iIIm Movev noloi, ilillci im: Willi lv
III iharaet. r, Men-nn. lend ill n in. .-I
pica. ini manner, her maiiin-r x uiiin;
lo U ill ierfeet harmony with lier
ieetiolin. Her touch in delicate and re
fined, and liluiuly Hlmwcd the I'.iet (hat
rhe In naturally a inii-lclan.
I lie trio from Im Iravial.-i. for niaim.
orynn, ami violin win ii i;rainl m lection
and wiih Mvivnl w ith u hearty round
nfnpphiune from the niidiciice.
.Illrvl MlllllKIU llr-t lililllil .1.1. :i
dilllcult wli'i'tloli, win rendered in an
excellent maiiinr, and that .In-
too, I a liatuial inu-ieian of iiiikIi
The duo, f.,r I wo piano., oiH-uiii the
necoiiil part of the programme, had a
lilea.llii; cll.i t iiikiu tin- n. .-, Ihe
unidualc" UiiiK' rn-alle.l with n li.aily
round of upplaiix-.
I lie I h -it i 1 1 1 ii Italian miiiit iiy .MI
NI. 'oriiuk, lllll.iial llilcclor, win Well
nivived. Mi Mel 'oiiiack w a never
ill better Vi.iiv, wild mtiif ill all iilin-il-
ully pleiuiiui; manner. K -.poii.lliu t"
an eueoiv, .lie rxilii; ll blillianl wli
well nivived.
The la.t liumlicm of the nni.lti.ifci
wen well ami nril.llcall v pro-lilecil
and won .till higher terun of prai-e fr
their utiiilty nn. I i-xn-utioii.
I lie lirailuntii. lit Ihe eioie of the e-
t-rcliin nivived n profu.ioii of tlowcii,
Mime In-iuk mii.le up in . xc. ii. in un.i
U-iniliful llonil piiiiK.
Mnw Ntwvern, one ! the leacln r.,
and nccoiiiuiuit for theeveiiiui:, ne. tl-
no word, ol eoiiimeul, in In-r anuiiy m
nhinUt. in loo well know n for coin-
incut ever lo lv attempt. -.1.
I he eniwrvntorv ol inti-ic lorin. a
prominent lealiire In Ihe eoiiiiueini
inciil exerei.n-1, in It huwn by the
laive -nwiN tlial iiIwiivh nttciid the
exi-reimitof Ihii department, mid tlu-
lironiillell.e Unit It tnkcH III all tin' X
erclwtn ol the wtvk.
It ivrlalnly hhiiuld ini-lve the en-
eonniKeiuelil of the jiuiihe and what
a ttixtaneo the n-itclit. eiin irive it, il
without the exivlleiit iiiii.ic lunii-licl
through the 4iuii'lent and iiccoin
pllihed tesicluM of the con rvatory,
the excrcici would full far of
their trelieriil eXd llellii' and IiIlIiIv ell
tcrtainln cliiini. l. r.
Tin: AtiKiii;.
Id-fore the K-,etici wa. the fciil-.He of
todUV. Ihe exercl-"-. In-irail at .1
o'e!(H-k, l'aul llraltain, i'n .Id. nt ol
the iiirNirulioii of the laiir. un un I
l-.Utaxiatl Kieletlex, prcii.iinir.
Mi.. A kt'ii Me ton r. ii'i. re.1 a
vi-rw ilillleull lil-ino w.lo, and then the
nMiiker, Hon. John llirrctt, wa. In
troduml. riieomlor ill npcldnif hi" nddn-i
mil. I that lie keenly iippr.cialcl Ihe
honor ii.iifcrred iiou Inni m m-inu
H.Ktil in nun rem loe ' j...... .
Ini of the literary focietl.-t, i-.-H ciaiiy
he had reil.leU n il n o il i.
veurti in Hie Htnte nl d w.n I nt a r.-
Ivnt Krudiinte liiuii-lf of an int. rn
college. When he L it Partmoulh on
Ihe baliki of Hie I oiiiiecii.-iit ne iu-ht
dn-nnied Hint lie would in a brief i s
pnliieof time lv addn -iiu' the Mil
dent ImnIv and friend, on tl e bank, of
Willumetle, :tjl Ilillci ill-lai.l. lie
then n-fern-d in kind L inn to the r. . -ord
Ihi.i wctern lii.titutl.'U ii inakiiu;
nnd mid it eoiild lv lionclly pmud
of it n-niarkable adviunv. In the fu
ture it would lv inon- rapid tlmn in
Ihe pint. Mr. Ihirr. tt ciiiplia-i.e.l Unit
what he would ay win the n-ult of
bin own exx rieinv, eniefu! ol.-rva-lioti
and the i-o'H'lti.ioni of incontro
vertible data, lie would then-fore le-t
'Vive utteriniv to ifil.lnl faiit'i-i-'. n-.r
appnreiitly lap the v.ii-uuni of a hair
brained ii'naj;in:ition."
Coiitinuinir he .aid. "Willi a inidity
Niairnra of material for.ii uioviim tin
emimi of rommeni'. ISIIiin.' the world
with a roar that echo.-, into cm t n.,k
nnd cnuinv of our lif. : with iol.aii.-
of ivnt-up .lilicnl tin. .eirm' f-.rtli
their deitruetive Intlm ihii lit t r- -,'-! 1 1
tvrl.Nl.- with nllan of holer nnd ct.-ir-ict.r
.i.litliuiallv .l.atl.nd lv tlie
litfhtllHnf 'if defMlc.'ili.m aid d.-o-i.tion:
wi?li the wb-.e -.:l
woiiderinif w heller we are Mih,u
mint irmdtiwn niurinni:
UiltiillliiK depth of .l,ao
or rather exi.-ri.-ncii..' m pr-i -. oi -onlrie
revolution w hi-h M.all in time
brine u to ideal c.-iin- and bnppi-
new. It i. Weil that we ak Moat III
fliirlieni are there to ii.ulitcr:n t tl..-'
t,n.W-nci.i in th- ,l, ... d
rultureof man." H-re'W u-lull..-.,flhee.,llelr.
vui'.. rhe .i-i.i.. of
p.lVl,,"bo Mill d n.t at!. in nr.
the younif m-" irn l inl- dQ. t ti
lio? S, our- f w a f "-
eratioii. The youth f '
tilli-'iate t'l-
. rv
lake alvmitui.1- "f
tunitv. It i"
cannot I av-"-l
nieiit may lv tn
no rnorr fail ! o-Mie
Ihe raim n-a-.- to l
f "
foil . IIIIUIO
'What tin ti
i h the ilualioii and iii.-il. r
lint with Inn., un. I .a. our
li ... in .MIlallle Our (.Iii. atiuiiiil
-t, in- niOur iiMilioii. nnd In Hum
tli, e.,( f-e . the lendllllf IlltllleU.V. ll
i- I! m -.,M'i,- iiiii.-u, I imiiiii I wlui li
all i.'ln r. . Iiinler. When- o,nM.
m l ;.!, I. i.'t. iid -. 1 1 ..I thi n-an- In w do
I .'.ir-m- a
1 ..('Hi. - I ,
I, .-late education, but out
,.itii- li e in. ti mid women
1 I " i.i iii,
(nil-. . t.f I
I "I In :
I I l.i in, a'l ,
pi. -. Ill )r ,
I l.. -1. ip- l l.e .1 ii. In-, mi l
II- 0,ll.
-lilt o coll, i;e u fil!lle- i-
of I'. lllllll.'U.I- II)., II III.
lull. .i, un.i tli.e to ii.iii.
I I- II. . :.l ,1.1
III. II :il, l.. I I
j .1. In. Tali... n
lily to divi-lop .lunlv
moiiicii; to ii.iniicnii I
k' i.j. n. i.-.; lo oil., ih,
nt ol liial. riali-ln; toevolv.
i-ri.w in.; .
j l' ... I I
!.l. li an- .
i lo III in. n
in. lit. to l-ndirc Ihe elm-Mi. n li ly into cl:i.
r leadi r-iiiii and to mi
"itliilie i ..liliiii.tif the I'utiin.
ll., .Noitl l. -II. an uupar.illi led ol
...lilliit v .r t. -lnik' the lui ii.iin-ol
lb.- u- lui, ii ... ll i hitiiii nd w ith
I. v pr. jii.l . nnd 1 1 1 1 1 .'. I Willi tin
lui n ol :i l ew ::.!!. i an, i a new im-
Mr. Han ll ynie n ino-t cmiv liu-ini:
ai "iin. it in favor i f the practical ad
Mining. , o a .ii. lei;i edilcal ion, ll-lliu
-tal i-i I,-., i lu-i nil ion. ami hi.torv to
pl,. e III. all lll.'ll I . He .lio will llll
in. nt ill moral tone, d. pnvatcd
the coiel, it.iiiiti, li of n w hole cIiim ol
-In. I. lit. I. aii- a f. w toiiiilm ii. In!
I I r . . I ll il a hulu r menial
-I , n t. ii I . iiit hand in hand Willi
pill -i, ill I 'I hue. Hnl v one mini in
luaiiy lull, lied- . t 11, "e not
. . ii more .Ihii I r o ut, and yet mil
,.f I'l l I.' in nli. , li. , I in A,., Ion'. I n.
i')i lo.-,lia of Ann ricaii lliouraphy, ol
pi.,. -rioii- l u-lii. ... and nil i iilliiu...
i oci' ; i, jvr ecu! are coIIckc cmd
ii ii.--.
I be -.. . L, r dwelt Upon (he Hindi.
tioli.i ftln -iicei .. of ei.l. ;ci till III-
le. Ill the Noll !iw ii. Tlie I'liiver
.ily of I M'. t on would hale lil Mu
ll, nl-, num. mui Luildiiii,'. and lau.
,i,l ,i in. ii . in li yean. I.o.k at Hi.
a, hi, en i, i I. of m .nil I. r in.t it ul ion. in
Ih,-ci c-t HI the la.t I.i Veal..
Hi. ll lli..- uiiiie omi .tu.lehl. were
hot opiul to the u v now. The
t r. i-l.i , li e laciilty nil. i tlie .111,1. ill.
-Iioiild I,-; i,,r iiioin y nnd kn p lu-lin.-.
Il i.vaid and Vale ale i;nat
I. L'ai. and that ii how they "et
th.-ir million.. Sun ly t tri'itou'i uniM-r-ity
can follow their eliunplc. The
l:ile -lioul a I -o tv liberal, a. have
Ui ii t alifoi nia, I'olorn.lo, .Miuticw.ta
and llliiioi-.
The in. a.-urc of Ui fllllir call lv ill-er.iii-d
by li .trolii: oivaliialion nl
Norllltti.t li.lli'ip. priiidellti to devi l
up a -I. in, lard of conn- mid a.lmi..ioli.
I helc -Iioiild III". I lv llM'ly (1llll1'tllio
lit Willi the colleen nf Drepill, Win-
inutoii, .i. ho and liiiti-h I ohimbi.-i.
I. . I them hold eoliii'tltive .1, hale.,
.me man .r em Ii .tale. W ith thii can
f.i an iiiiniiiil athletic tournament,
tniiii:; men love hoiicl -m, nil. I
-. 1 1 1 1 tr !:i. li. . a.liuire them the more fur
it. I i,c ii 1 1 ire .r. .. ii iiii instrument
ofpu-L-r. and hhoiild Im- elieolllau'.-d
in eVeiy way po.-ible. It N the puli
of the i-iud, nt Ihi.Iv. Filially, the ml
It -i; coiir-e p-Im .iill li- made in broad
an. I pra.-lieal a. M..ible. Narrow.
minded and theoretical lll.'ll llll. I Ihelll-
-. IVel ,l-l ill Hi.' 11 llil'lMMll of life.
They iiiii-l have tniiuih lo make
th. iii -tiotiK' f"r nn ro iicy. Add to
nil tin -c coin litioin in. nil. un il, proj. r
e.Uiimeiit, o,N huildinir., able faeiil
li. -, nnd lui ;e lull. I. and we .hall have
Ihe chit I eh lllellt of ileo ...
"Hut i- le.t Ihe Norlliwiit worthy of
nil tlii-ell'... iV Will not mlli'ite ui-ful-
II. .. till. I here til.' lli'Velopll t of it.
me i.-.i'. '.' hir home, my friend, i
indeed (he it,-! my .x t' of ihe uui
v. l-e; it i. ' if p.!.- toward, which (lie
n.i'dle in ti. pan of man' pm
i:r. ilhout a ipiiver; it l.the
i leal I-:(( n for the llniil hulling (a
lioii of Hie orn of civiliallon; II l
the .eel loll .11 W l.i.'ll eventually hlllill
the ( ran.l. -l triiiiuph of mtiu' i
p'lilil. -nil.: the milleliium, II
in -, w ill fun I here Hie new
it ever
ear. I. II
of Udell."
At Ihe cl. -o of Mr. Harr. tl'i nddrn.
Hie I.UL'c III lielliv that tilled Villard
hall, and who had d with
iailu-1 iclciitioii 10 in. remark,
fleeted Ii in wiiii rounui Ol II j
1'lllll-c, .1 ow
! m:.p I
jl ..r
in tl.e appnvialiou; ... I over Hit. lund like limn
. i.d.ln-i had In n re-; ' reohwel.- w ith million of Mraii.l.,
w illi w hi.'h hi.
i. i.-d. We reret thai n lack of pwv
eiml.l.- II. to eve only ll fVllnp-ii.
Mr. I'iirre't' d. livery i ea.y nnd
ora-i lul, H id h.'ld. the nttelitiou of
hi- iiumtor-.
A i- "I on the piano by Mia.
!-awyei, oi the miii rval ry of iiiiiic,
clo..'. tlie i crcii.
1 i',v i, ... J, Jim.' -'I.
I h,-aniii al ri union of Ihe l.auri an
mid Kulavaii nvifli. . nl Vlllnrd hall
w a. well at, eli, I. d L hludeiiti, liliilinil
an. I friend-. H. I.. Il- pkin., pnii
d. iit ol the l.!iur.nn., pn-.ide.l. An ov
i rtine by the or. he.tia Win followed
,y Hie !ii,li-1 of Welcome bv Mil
liuni It' iitie, pn-.idenl of (lie Ku-
fein ra
Mie .poke or the origin an. I
li-'orv of I hen' n-uniolii of
i.. l.i. h llii. is I he 1'ith. In nil ca.yiiiid
lini.i lul malilii r .he reeoiilited the
eh. .IIU''. i" the llialiher of co!liilctill
iheiii until the nn-wul lime. .Me
-,,oke of III- wolK .lone
I.V 1 he n(M'ii-tii-
tie in- Ivc. iiurini; ine pn-i year, inni
in an amti- u way told of the i.-lntioli
exi-tnik' each other. It iiiu.l
have limine apparalit to liialiv of lii-r
h. an t that the I nivt r-ily of (in-Koii
i. liioilldil.u tl"' character of lit leat
one w oinaii who w ill ill the near future
iniiiinaiid n prominent ni.toii aiuonK
the I a. link' women of the N'orthwiit.
iic-id.i the eiiarmiiiK InalilK-r in
w hi.'h -he told of the .in .i-. nnd pro
L.r. -. of tl.e "H i. tic, "lie li-plnnl a
i.-e.iliiir iicirnetie power over bt-r hear
. r w In n -lie louehlliuly "poke of the
death durinu (be pa.t Vein of of
the iiiu-l active and r.tti-m.d l.nil
n nn-, tb" I ate riiftoii ll. Men ii. Af
l.r in. nlioiiiirf tii- advaiui in.iit of the
-talular l ol I he n.ll. i"-.aT. the lie
ll.i lor. in an appropriale nun lu. ion
-lie hade ail a n.r.lial wi ldUlie.
K-.-p r K. Kul-li -I' !iv. n-'f an oration
., i i,.. .lie- f V.-l. r l .y." The
follow ri.' extract" will outline the
r. in I I.i- H" ne-. " l iiiie ii inr "ii
or. I. 1. - il l' e.trrd.i.V. today nnd to
ri,.! I .-.: !i ijiiiii l and -nt h i iiliar
J ,.,eh in. a-iin le-. The I'.vinity
1 -. , -'. r l.. .' I- ' iof I 111 ueTV; todnv
,.i- ie. o.iard.aii an." I by mini. ; (o-
II, of-' I' Id" I'' the ill"" I'"' of Iio-.
I .k i i.i"' 1'n.kward and forward the
rt , nv.-rw helllu-l With II, f
ht l.lei llll -t' TV of the theme. I-.
I V II . ,.W II
nip .
-I .1
. ike
ll,.' human henrt I
hoi.- tlicdenn-t (.-!-
h.T II t'llie let 11
i.i- mid iioe "f h"pe
i ,n. d " ll-l v. li.-. ..I
l!.e id.-n of i IJ.-ri. II" .',
.. and altboii.'ii th
, in -i pi' tur. d In toe I-i
n .Ir-tiin. tin- p'o-t i- a
m I.i 'i iioihin -iii roh i.
,:::i no fan. y cmi oven
11. .
I w !
. ( liot, of He- 1 tu
.. (,f IIIMW-Ll,,
aM a l'
, i ,. i.i. oi iiini -i.iii; -V
- that the lllillel -llo
. II. at 1 h :
. 'i I .. if ! Hlel ill' I' 1-1 1
: , - .u l r. .-in of I le
' !..,.., i .,;-..rt..niry lor tie
of their loriou tn auri.
. : i.u
, I "i
t i.-.t
. ;-ti'.:i-
Vi-.ti-r.ln the foun.liil loll of lml.iv.
Ill the u.'lii I llii! ill of ll.l Hew ll.l
l. t ii .im -in nil thai hi.ik.i f..r
l. iiuly, no I ilit v and iiiilolduu nt in nrl,
etc invalid phil.wophv: and, ir illi. rinif
llla.lll II. Ill - lil'eullllllale.l 1 1TI. Ili-i-i
ol litii.i nr. I. I li. all, who l..i. hu
luaiiitv, w I Ihe nullu m of il.nial
pn.em." n
1 In' 1 .mil ill Milaltetlc, ell. il mi; of
M.i.n. .1. : . t lure. ( rank Ma'.h
i ., U' Ji., and II I.. K..I.
Mini;, 'l.ii.niit !wltllv Iv.wn ll.i
Mn-ani," a' r which Mi II. uri.-Ua
tweii, of tl l ".utnxiiin., n. ilnl l i im i
. ii --.,. I -l. y Mali." riieea.y and
icrti.i-fiil ..trini; he iiiiiii.lniiie 1
ll.n.uul mil Ihe niltal. lTe iiinni-lak-nhle
i-M.leii " of Ihe lniiblx 111. mil
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 if ill he rhetorical .1. pal tliielit
ot Hu. in.;, mi. .ii.
Ihe Klv Man. I. 'Im lui wa. on
tl.e prounii un. for two iiiiiiiI r. nnd
nfl r each ! I einvn1 M a n .iniii,c. to
..wiiiitlli I ihe bean n iippneuled
Hie iiiuio.
IM the or. tiou of ( an y F. Martin,
on " I lie I I nv I'robleiu ( onlioiiliiii;
American -1 ale-nieli," Ihe tboiii'l.t
n. nv lv 1.-I. ! lied from the n,K' ( .
"rour hu i.lnd Mill- ni;o, when (he
ii, -w. crier if ! ;unv lienilde.l (he .In-eoM-ry
of it lew limllliellt, (bey lull.
tin aui. d i-f Ihe iinH, riant pint il w .i.
d. .tilled to play in the Inline hi.loiy
ol the Woi I .. They did ll' I ku.ov lhat
w it 1 1 1 li I'." i in. I hi Min-a of oluiii-I-
.. tin. lai .1 w ith. ml a kinil, win to
U- I by ti.olii.l Ir. iii a. I na
Hon., hyn n uf e cry ern d, 1. iii nini;
III rl , i .pi ilily and broth, rly all. c
tloll in il. are utlli.-plule. I'lu v did
hot know t nit tlii- We-lelli Moll. I Wa
lo I.- in up d l.y ll llilt'lity Hal loll. '
"I he u.m. l the pli-M'lil .liitiiliiell
i lo pre-. !,.' tlii- li ill.. n. Ill the pi.-l
- Iiallo I., I ke Hit li, have had ll:. ir
biith, life dealli. A.-yrin, I't-nia,
Fny pi, (ire. iv nu. I li 'iuc . a.'h In liiru
r. a", lie. I Hi. .eiiith of th.-ir nial. rial
.pl.-iidor and . n-li..l. (hir nation
Intl. I hot I.- allowed to drift lo I he
illlii' fate. The duty of Mat. -.melt itn
w all h the l.ali i,., ,,.- ol pohlie and
pr.n rve oiii mitioiial pn .Hue lliroui;li
e i ry chatii'c, to cai ry out the plan of
Wa-hiuloli lo ciil ae the pl iucildi . of
our eon-l.liilioii w hu h an a.-en, luring
in time.
" 1 he tenure and .c-ion of land,
the reeulali ,ii of lalur and capital nnd
the eoinaue of nioncv an1 tlie thnv
iircnte.i iiow confronting
AtuiTicaii -lale-iii. ii, and i.p.u th. ir
liiti-fael.iry .olutioii largely iliM-ml
Ihe -rH luily of our tialiomil ttn-iil-lie.
"The millloll-lii re laud ou her W ho
are I vinniin; to ilini-nite Aiuericnn
cpiality .Iioiild I- The
rilit ol fon i'ii y udii-iilii lo own liiri;.'
I r.i.l. of laud .Iioiild Iv ahni;nltil.
I .un.i unmb.i r nnd .N-culntor w ill
have to Iv I uni-licl n. iiimnion illu
hler. ( iiNl did lio I Illlike the mil lo I'
nil Inslriitiii 'it of L-anu ler.; He inn. li
lt to pn.duc f.l; to Ih' ulill.e.l for hu
iiiiuiily; to i.iiirl.h nnd briii forth the
bread of III'.'
"A Mi-otif ipi.-tion i capital veru
" I'hc pn- and iH iioilieid literutun
of the tune '. II lit , I w ith .liculoii uf
the labor ,r hlein, but a vet no dim-l
mid Imiii.-d ite M.lutioii ha loi'il "iv-
ell. Aii'llln ilateil lalH.r III the lorill ol
llxe.l mid rciiliitliii; cnpilnl I Ihe
innnNirv i .'iieinii.niry of pn"n--n
and civilia hi. ( in-a( eiilernrli' n
ipiin1 iiiiKvi iiil.-.l enpilnl. Tlie build
iiiK of null', el-. o'iiini canal., otah-li-lilhi;
tel. apli, lei. phone mid el.i'
Inc line; I . liiiiiiourntiou and o . ra
ti. in of la. ii ie, mill mid mainline
lorin and a I the eiiahliiiu and pnxluc
live lunetio of hiiiv, deM-lid oil iiill
ci ci lital.
"(inly a e ntury imu iiilviiii. iinrcivH-l.-it
inn Im-o i to eliiinor for wifter
in. win of In mini i ii. ( npilal, ii..le.
by Invelitiv KeuiiH, luut phi.iil the
"iron hone' and "imi iiii irn-vhoiiinl"
nt inaii' ill- kimiI. Tim waul of iii. k
ii.iiiiiiuiiiea ion iiiiiiuiaiiii me in
v.-uti'-e ilu of uch null n
Franklin, '. lone and Fuiaou lo new
iuveiiliou ml it niiiired larm- nuiu
oi 'money In put up ami o-iiite the
millioni of , ,.pH-r w Im which I.Hlay
traven.' ev. ry part of the civilie.l
cart 1 1 uatht iiiii in nt un-al eitin mid
.. Mllerilii,' H lowicuec nroaiieaxi amoiiu
I'n. I. ie fon-lk'U aiiiirclii.l from
wtliiik' loot Columhu' on. nd wnl;
eihieate ur 'in n w illing an. I linlu-lrl
on. wiik't-i a. tier nil. I the lalnir-i iipltiil
piaeiuiii' in which F.urov i lloiind. r
im; w ill I- avoided. F.lueate tlie la
Ihiiit that hu (liny I' nble to mi' nud
lipplti'late ie reW'nltl of cnpital; edil
enle the Ci pitalUt Unit he may Iv M'hen.ti of opprewloii and lyr
ahliy ; ulue .le our w lioht i. pie Hint
they may l wiIIIiik to nckliow liile
the iMiwi-r t f cnpilnl for ood (oward
"Another problem I to I. n.ju-te.
hy our lal. .un n. A BUllleielii y of rir-
ii hit i n i; medium iiiuh! I, furiii.licd.
We niu-t hi vc iii.mey. 'Money hiih-wen-th
till thiiiK;''il i the ohj.i'l of
al i a mil vent I devotion of our land,
the mat. rial (! of our lime.
"Twciily venm nun lat Feliruary.lhe
llnali. ial el' iue of the (nun try wa. " r
i t rated iitfaiu.t our provnui
All act w hi.'h MhiN'ked the puhli.' nui
K'ieiuv uud nroiiwil the rik'bt. ou. lu
.lictinlioii of the palriol ami mhcrv
iitoi of our nalioiml welfare; nu n' t in
w hine w nk follownl w Idiipn ad dii
n.ier. nnd It rrilie evil; a . Ii iik.
w how.-null' win panic, bnukriiptcy,
pnraly.1. of liu.iiiem, lni;iinliou of en
l.riiri'i in I Intliiite r
w a deiuoii. lied.
"Here our -Int. --lilt ll IimI hi"hl of the
aneieiil lulnhnark w bit ll had tl
for 4'"i v i.r, ituidiiiK pmt;rem and
ei llialion. hete our l id-lntor cut
l,.m' from I ne know ii m.Miriiiir built
by Jeir.Toi, and llamiltoii nnd drifted
out Into ti e unknow n urn of rerklt-w
ex rnneiit - tin y r.itricti.l the eoln
nk'e of "ilvei.
"Nine year I Ton- (h
( li ri -t i:i ii e a, the I.ydium tnined il
i it money. Mint tmitiiiutil to I, a
in fill fillic Ion of . I illJitlou until the
k".. (mi. pi in y un. I.roiik'lit lo a f u
in Hie I'lilt d i-latti in lii.'l. Tlie iie
of the mi ailed "lU.T prol.lelll I a
.illlple n .'
eire illation
if.. Id dollar
.ih.-r doll,
eliltllt, un
ln.v bold '
III'. miiiImim. tlnre nr.-in
il I hri-tt ml. un four billion
aijd ti.nrly four billion
. 'I l.e -U'.ld-hllk'' bll'l
io'.I the jfold Ihe lnrr
,:ni. . lul-.r. r and .pii
livrr. lake (may the
netie it, nitrict ll and
ilvcr, il
t'.e . Mine ,1ml. lv worth rlht
0.1, on d .ar. the ';oll-l.ui;i' are
ti,i, m nllliv, the plut rni are
hil.vli. i. leiil. In luiT Ihe 'I, illi. .11-
iini "f i ir. mw lhi and In lT i,
ui-i-iO by be w.Hllen am! tnillioii-
n.n of .' in ri, . tby work.-d the
. Iihiiii- llil ili'li the (i.liirr.m of th
I niti-d Mi, .1. America, the lender of
. . illMioi had I.i ll elitrapl d.
"-ilMT I j. l-en the -. pit-' money
:. 'id ill r -r (i.ntiliiie to (told I
; -l mom , but lh re U not enough of
ll III tnet .ll.lll I the proT plan f.-r
.. ir initio.! i.cnn.itiy i amoriiir f,.r
a doiihU- . l.,jrd. Ml.d I ramv La
j rtetieally t.o,h-. it. All ii.min. r
i al undo will eiriitualiy find it
leu -ry. . . . .
"I'vi-ry thliiK I. lu in. Mi. y:
nail!' I.m. million toil f..r ll, ii.iiiui.hI
lllt an' l ir. . I nnd priluni to
wi'tiic ll; nil iudti.lry i workliiit f.-r It.
11 the Kotrrmnenl put im mirlctloii
on it I. ut 1. 1 nit the nnd i I r
w hi. h I pnn-nttil Iv mini .1 in iimll
uiii of I'kchitiip.. Ilu u will coin
nu r.i-. iudii.try and InL.r Iv eueour
nk'.il nud 'n.i', pn rity nnd hnppl-ii.-.
pn'vnil in our laud. '
" I lie prok'n- of our nation during
the ii nt ury ha. In n ph. itoliieiuil.
It hni no parallel ill hl-toiy. Ill
wit lui- We hne n-alied Ihe n-TI loll
of, ( o. riil.'ii. and Kepi, r; lu
art we nn-tn iiik low nrd Ihe I'arian
lliarl.l. , I he llvlhi; w all o Ihe V lll
can, (he omtory of I eni,-lheiii nud
( l.i ro; lu Invention we liu e iiui-ii i ih-,1
Ihe ilmini of I iinl nnd liulleii
Imrjr, lA.illnl Ihe vl.ioii of lui
Ion or Wilt and .vli,.. the
ei'taliou of Frniikliu or More.
'Trf ( the k'il woi k K on. Let our
t nti -im ti i im oi i iikci' ni-lpriN'ity, bin,
up our uicr. bant uinrine, remove the
ol-laeli w hi, li r.-lnrd our cotuuicltv
w ith Ihe hat ion. ol the earth, nun our
ilvt r a we do our k'ol.l, nud adopt our
ow n (.l. y.
"The inler-ti. -n.leii.v and Inter ri
lalioln of lal..r and cnpital w ill Ii' p., Ihe kin-hip of wvnllh and wmk
nitii rvnl, Ihe e.tiiiitiemeiil U-lwn li
tfold and ilv. r nverted nnd n united in
oil.- happy fnilelllity -, all the elelllelll
. our mil ioiiiiI treiii!tli will coiiihiue
to -oil. lily and . i lu ile (he tiaiideur
all I liloiy of II I. Inik'bly leplll lie."
"Illi e of Ihe N liihl." ani l.y n l l
.lit ipuirlctte, cli.i-liliK of Miwi
May, Mellu, I'. . lie uud IU ut tin lk.rn.,
fi II.. wed tin onillon. I h. ir n ..ii'
lo the i ll. -on- cli.ll the literary pro
k'riini'iie for tlie i-M liiiik'. 'I he pionn
uade and n iinioii pr.. r win tli. il in
ilulk'.d, until ii late hour. Tlie oich.i.
Ira' wa crv K'"'-
run toll! .i.
Hie gradual lilt; cxen ii of the law
department wen- held ill hi ' ln'k.
I In na are itriidiiiite In tlii il. pait-
in. nl Hie pni ul lenr. ( f th. n n'-n-i'iilalion
of lx win pnciit ul Ihe Hut tlmv of llici- n-pnu'ii-
tniivn ihlivenil oration. John I..
Mel imu iliivurml on the ennvr of
Miralvnii, the Fiem-li heni, ontlor and
lal.iiiiaii. John I'. KnvaiiiiilKh
of "Flooiicmv n nu Attribute lo I.e.
k'al I'roiiilneiuv." Waller H. I h.
paid a lining tributii lo "John Itriht,
the I rich. I of Amerii'H."
'I he inu-lenl pnrl of the excrciin
wn thin' iuiiiiUt a follow:
March from "Ml.l.uiuiner Nielli'
lin-am Mend. li-h. ii
Mi.ii Mi-4'oriiuck ninl linwyera nnd
Mm. I. Inn.
I. i. lie.' rhoru, "On, (inlhiiit ('oniiin-
III !" lUl'klT
Trio, ori;aii, violin, piano-mlti-lcd.
Mime Mct'oriui. k uud fuwycr
Mr. I. inn.
The pniyer nud benediction wen by
Ih'V 1 1. F.." llVlTldp'.
1'nii. lent Johnaou imienliil the di
ploma, lu lihnlf of the facullv ami
Tilt: Ahl'IIIM
To Ihe eln. wa .1. Ilvenil Iiy Attor-
iiev I.. II. kln worth, of Mil city, ninl
Innteriiillv wnaiut follow:
"Vol'Ni liKXll.KMKN: Vmi Imve
n-aehul (he, I of olio of the
honored and noble .n.lcluii of (he
elvili.til world, nnd you are nlut to
enter ii I m hi a cam rof ui-fiilnc, iHiwer
and lullueliii., or ilii a cam r of I. Ile
um, lailure an. I in.ik'iilil.Hiuv. ii
now In hiMivn vou lo n-diliv Ihe limi
ne of I he law, w hi.'h you have lu a
di'Knv nia.ten-d, ami which entitln
you lo a diplom.-t at the luiud of tin.
Iionoiabl.' laeiilty, to (i.niiwi nnd nnic
Ileal ruin uud nppllcntlou. Your
miiiHil-dayi in the law uru not ended
but only iiiinineniiiil."
CoutiuililiK, the vnkcr udiulltillK
the value nl oratory a an
incut of an advivutu, went further nud
wild: "The lawyer n well a tlie el leu I
will alwny Hild a critical kuowlnlip.
nl llm Inw vnlly nion) lniiortnnl thnii
the wravinir logether of U auliful wii
tenii nnd hlnh noun.llnif phrai ."
Auriii them that iinii-aiiiiK loll
wiih iieeinnry to the nipiln-in. nl of nu
lionon d iilioii in (he profmoioli, he
iilwi uracil ll h in them thu value of no
bricty, to be hoiint and alwny faith
ful, never lotMlk'tiKU ill n Clinic l'lli'Vet
lo lv lllijil.t. "Never line your knowl
edge of (he law to oppniM orwr.niK
any nuiu, I' he hoinit or tlinhonul,
rleli or HH.r, hluh or low. Kn-ii rime
lo the mltltlle ol llio highway of npilly
nud ritthl. Maintain your Inleyrlly
and honor ut all haJir.l.
Never n-fllno the .llll nf the opprcivteil
Mir if their eiiuae be lilit, iiimply l
eaii' fin uru not forllieouiliiK. Never
maki. a cute; let llie facli at'liially exl(
nud you apply the law In IIiim facta.
Iiy u Htrict oIimtviiiuv to honor nnd In-li-k'nty
you may for a lime l deprived
of hi and emolument, but I awtiire
you t lint Integrity and inou.lry him lla
n-ward, and oiin men, you mut not
hnrlM.r for out) moment an bleu of nnv
(hiiiK but a lrlcl olmervumv of rlniil
practiii on tlio rlulit linn. While I
am mlnnl tu ay Hint the lentil profew
"loii Im alwny lunl ita full pmporlloii
of (i.rrupt men, yet It In one of Ihe
pi. hi. I. it thoiiKhl of thu lawyer looli
Hcrve tlie noble dti'd of a vn.l niimU-r
of il meinlir. Vour enllinir, your
life-work I a prof.iwioii not a trnde.
I at no net of your lower the Inudard
or dlk'lilty of tlie profeion, hut rather
.trive lo elevate It, ami mnke Ihe prue-li.i-of
law uiont liouornhlo on ncmuul
of your haviiiu t ni;k"-'l in it.
t- urn llm oft n-iM-ated jut and in
inuntloii ak'iiiu.t liitei(rlty uud IiIkIi
nud noble aiiim of Ihe bur. IHvorce
..lit nn-the bane of law p met It. I to
urniid euoiiKh, luriru lieurte.1 enough
and patrloti.-1 iioiikIi lo m how few
illvorce kiiiU you enu npvar In, and
Iheruby 111.1110 a l ncfa. tor to Ihe hu
man race."
Thru after n-tnnrklliK further on the
n-.pon.ll.ilit in tif (he pnifewtionnl limn
in (he aduiliiiMration and umlntenumv
of the Inw, he uld In cloning:
"Ni, jr. nilemeu, it I your oleiiin
duty to Iv II villi exuliiphi to tin- M hole
world, and chalTeiure Ihe nii't and
admiration of mankind every when, for
the Itnu and iiiuliileiiniiiv of
the Inw nud k''" 'I order. It" the .lite
k" iitleinan t-vrrw here ami under all Never make a iiinlle-
nud bur-h crill. l.m nyain.t your pro
fn-ioiinl hn ihnn. in n.n. lu.l.ui, l
wvt.iime you to Ihe Imr of Or. foil, and
wUli vou i.Hl-vd In your elem n pn-f.-.b-ii."
Till AITKKfmiN
Theclu-i iiio thrlit in U iii di.tica TolliKbt Hun. I. Soli i ohell lie
liv.-r (he n ldnia befon- the I ' I , i v.-r-1 (
and tomorrow promptly n I'l o'c. k
Hie itradiialliiir en r ii ill tl.e literary
d i;tn,riit will lmu.
It J iur,. Into :l.
At .1 o'i'b k yxterday aflernooii the
detllenlloll of the rla llioliuln. lit "
eurrnl. J. ( . Miller, vtt-o-prt.idefit of
the clam, pniidnl. 'I he cl n III,
iiiinrNMil by F. II. Inler, H n-ail
by K. K. Ku,ll. the mithor Man In
fi. -( with throat tnxihld. Mr.
I K il h n.-ltnl w rny and t it, . live.
I Mr. I juer uhility aa a p t 1 Mell
known In the uiiivcnuty and the puli
i li" will ll.i reiiieiul.T hi admirahle
etr.irl I tlie n union of the ..-!-
i in lnt yi-ar.
I We nvn I lint .p.n v t.- not . r
; mil lu lo pi.hll-l. in,, re full v I Iii
Worlhv i ll'.ni, but iV.dttnliui.l Hint II
' w III I, printed lu full in the click'.'
I pnp-r. In li'iiuliful rlivine he n vl.'w
j the bi-tory of Ihe "llt hl oie lien
recliln ila- in. ii i ' i ii.- 1 1 , dwell
up. ii the i la, hi-tory and pr.i'tivu
I fuiiin-and the cl mi'k' v-re, limi ted
I to 111. el l. -male., w 1-ln- I h.'lll ' ll:i'.-
lie-, mid mini'".," uii i coii.-ludc.;
I'n yel our un - vii!.ini .i.n-n I,
lb foil- III- I Ulh'tllltf Wind- i, lite;
And weeiik'n ' In woildly lri!e,
I, ti.lurn le o Ml of HU'.d yiie.
Hay liiippiun evcrnion1 Iv thine.
Siiuvb toy t-v. ry moinciit 'tend,
Till nl lhat -In. lime, ii.uiiin; cud
When a l he .(hi we tft'y fade
Into the lli.'l.t troin nut Hie .hade
When on Hint Knunl oiuineii.i-
int nl day;
I noil in, ul. il thine, we pa. nwny
And take our I iil, I .: .. i;riv,
And hear thu I i nild 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 I ill 11 ( 1'
lull llnl., II nd of c art I. ly ilav.
May "well done" Iv our" lilk'lint
I 'la.mutti, faicweU. I'eaiv Ii' Willi
And Fortune
Fit'iu cl:i-lc
Ih.. uuh,
i-it your pathway
bulla of learulut;,
Into hie . bu.v mart V HI l'o.
nil lu oiir h. tirt. tbi ti lio U;
The memory of old I.
The liietipl..ii on the uiouiiln. lit
Wa. men ly 'hi. ul lv.i.;." i did
lealory orntioii wa delivered by Law
r. ll.e 1'. Il.irii. I'hl Kelltlelllllll i a
ilu. -ill iiii. I miii;nelli' t-nkt r nud In
n uiiiik welo expniml III nu eaiiic.l,
fiiliui; i m 1 1 1 nr.
lie icl l.l.d to Ihe hu t that il bin al
wnl. i Ihecu.toiii loeni t a inonu
iii. ul of nuie kind w lieu it w n w
i lo p.-i-M-rve Ihe luemory of mime
achievci lent, and thai monument
nl wa. l ave the itnii puri.w. Thl
cla-M. hn i l.. lt.l a bamillio iiiliiuin
from the ii.'ii; I il H.ri 1 1 u h, lhi i.erl.ik
ini; Hu n nhua uial. r. Then followed
a c .m il' .laleincnl n k'ar.hnu the orl
i;iii uud Iii. lory of the n k:
"It hu Iim hIiiiv Ihe l-villll!lUf of
ui.Ni.-ru k'ti'lok'l.-nl hi. lory, and will
.laud until 'nilhuir yenm .hull n iuv lo
hvukititf of Ihe clll.liiicy of the
tfniuinn mi'ivnl at On-Kon'ntilnte mil
venily, the inker n-iniirkul: "The
uieiiili r. of the Aliinnil can be found
in every department of thought and, and tliev have phuvd the
liin.lnr.l hlk'h " Tti Ihe i'Iiim he nnbl:
" i he few y.iir of nilh k'e life have, lo
a k'n'iil extent, determined our futun.
I'IioukIi weaever our iiinuii'tioii with
tlii tiuivcnily a iu.h ul, yci like the
iiuiny w lio have eiitenil II wide ami
ovn Mirtnt, nud left npllpml for the
bill I lei of life, we K" with the knn
w l-lui of lli.e w ho Imve for ao Tolin
heli pn pan u lo work out for our
lelvc our highlit dfilliii.i. We K'
w ith the feelinir Hint whatever wa iniiy
achieve, I hut M ill Iv of kik lo ua, or
In ItM'lf of p""!, w ill Iv Inrk'i ly Ihe re
ult of Inlliieiuii here ahetl nnmud u.
We pn w ltli Ihe conviction lhat how.
ever iliviTKent the path of our futun',
In whatever clime we may dwell, we
cull one nnd all point Willi pride lo llil
il un a eniiilimu homo f.n u all."
The niiniial l.inlneii inti'lllitf of Ihe
Alumni iMviiricd nl 1 o'cltvk yulenlny
iif(eruiMn. III.' iialii.i of the twelve
liieiulir oft.'; w.'neunillnl. The idea
lion of for the eii.iiliii; year n
Niilteil u follow.: Fit tcher I. inn, 'IH),
pnii.letil; Willi. A. lair, 'HI, Ut viiv
i.reil.lenl; Atbi W.Mirplti. 'v 2d vice
I'niltleiil; I'lulilni M.ircli, 'hi, tii
lary nnd ln'iiurer; W. I. VaMter, 'nl,
ontlor, with Wnllaiv Mount, 'Ml, alter
mite; Ak'un M. (ini ne, '11, imvI wiih
i;. II. Uuer, 'HI, nllemaie; F. A. lluf
fer, 'Nl, hi.lorlaii.
A ii.mmlltiii w a npMiiiile. tn draft
nKilutloii of w.nxiw In Iv forwarded
lo Ihe family of Ihe Into Jude iK-atly.
The exenimn lnt ivenlnir wen-
opened w ith a ladle' oilnrtelte aiiiiby
llr. I. Inn, .lll.i 'i l ii-lle nud llenettu
Ihirri nnd i;ilnl lli Hawycr. Iter.
II. I,. Hate olleinl prayer. I'niltleiil
Johnnii then Intriiliuiil Hon. 1.
Soil Cohen, whodellvund Ihe addnna
Ivfore the unlvenily.
After Nliitlnir the npprechilioii lie fell
for Ivlnx niu.iinl to deliver thu nd
tlnm up hi thl otin. Ion t ho nH-hker
.tilled bin Iheliie na tlio "l'mctlcablllty
of higher ediienllon amoiiK ImalurMi
men, fnrincr ami lali.rliiK l-Iiihm-."
I he Innik'lnatlon ha Imi'u lta pn'Va
lelit thnt the hulnen mnil, thu farmer,
the miller uud lluwa of other vnentli ll,
not prorly of the educational cIubmh.
IiiiiI I.mi llillell lo attend to to til In W
time for higher thought, the aoov of
which 1 eiilnrk'til hy hiheriilui'aliou.
Illk-her uliieiitlon luiint ntiimarily ele
vate meicnlillle life.
The aliiinliUK ami character of our
.lale .l. li.l iiimiii the educational at"
tiiliiiii. nl of all chiMKi. The world'a
fair (hi year I a living I'Vldenivof the
prok-ni., grow th and iiiBnllu.leof our
tiiuntry. "Our imiiilry i-an lie Indo.
Iii.l.iit of the mill, fiietoriea ami
other in iiiufiieturliiK lii.titulione of all
other tiniiilri.i. Tlie inont inarvelou
ndvniin have Invlt liiade durillir the
hut few iln ii.l.i." 'I I ie advaiui-d and
lilM-ral ediicatlon of our iniwve 1 the
hroad f.iundiiiiou for every branch of
The fill. 'lent diM'lpllne of (ha lilgber
hiHtitutioim of lewrtiliiff plann thoaa
not wi trained al a irn-al dmadvalitaKe.
Hnklii(of the oft n'nUil n-uiark
thai Ihe aveiiuii lo u.nt are full, he
ex. that Ihent wen the name op.
Mirtuiilllii, aye, new ami even Rn-nler
o,Hirtunltlii now tlinu ever there hail
lvu for Ihe atudout lo ue education aa
a lever to move Ihe world. 11 aim
ike of womau'ti advancement.
"Woiiinu and eluirieity lliuth ou lo
i l h. r." In iiiiiclu.ion'be urired that
tl e IiIkIut cbi.-ation uf the farmer, the
merchant, tliw mechanic, the miner,
tlmiUk'h the Iviiclll of higher educa-
iion ni l a more iirofouml imtrioll.m.
ami the iv of tliought growa larp-r
ami I a no r.
Al (he cloee Ml Frnimn Carwin, of
Portland, late from New Vork, where
he baa Ixi'ii tudyliir 1111110, aiii(a
I auliful eonlriillo olo and n-x.ii.ti
to an eumre Willi aiiothiT. hhe luiaa
vol.v of wti luii ami vnl-
ume whl. i abe Hunt excellently imu-
mini. I.
Till MollMMI
The n'Kii!ar graduatiiu cxercix- of
the literary tl'-i a.-lmi ul l-vnn. 1 here
are tMclvv in the (la, ao Hint two aca
.ion Mel miii-arv.
Mate Huivriiitctnlrtil II. MeKlroy,
Pr Id. til John illow, of Ih'- lnle0il
cultural etilliife, nnd lU-v. Ileiurt
Johiimi were i n hy the faculty tn
art a ludk'ti. I lot exen lm were
oned with Mokowki'
daiui' on two plii"- l.y .llna-a Mini
aon, .i(.- oriiaeu, ii w. ami !wyem.
I'raver w aa oil. red by U v. V. M. Ilili.
After the pruyt-r a tpiartetta aiig to
fore th" tint oradoli, whhh Man by
Mi.a Flon-n.v May Ik.rri oti "The
I'Li.v of (he h' lar In Ann r lean f.'li 11
I ii a eraivful, el.xi'lent tiiatiner Ihe
a.nki r tatet her ilnt ami drew her Iii.ion. I lie American rlvilica
ti.ui 'n,l unupie and Individual
among Ihe nation." The vholar, tuk-
lu.' Fmeniou'a d. Ilukloli, In, 'tho
Ihinkiiut man of lil.torv.' "Ancit-nt
day retanlnl rallu-r than advanced
i'H llliallon." The i-holnr' lulluenro
wa Ivtter ill inedievlul tlin. through
audi aeholnni ai l.ulher." "Mutlii
modern tiny pnk'nn mi l aihaiui'
ineiit are every w h.-n- trnn nble to tlio
liitbieiiiv of them holar. In America
we tin. I the erent achievement nf Uim
lender, in nil lhat I elevnlniK In the
lllllloii; (he Written llill-lltutloll. Ill
the vpnriitlon f chlin h fn.lll Mate.
I hei nn- pn.lucl of hi
work In the pnl; Hut lie live IihIhv,
nud hi influence i every w hete r. i. ,
tnroiik-ii tha pre., the Lnr, (ho pulp!'.
I he liolnr'a duly hi In rio aUive (he
world -alvve hltuai If-lo au k lo Inti
.nt Hu. Mill of (hni, thu xiunv of nl
know 1. .K-e "
I he ubjii'l of the next omtioll, h.V
laiunuiv T. Harrl, wa ".Mould Ar
bitration 'I'ako llie 1'latv nf W'ar.",
War baa Iveti oiui of the ni-t.t of elv
ih.nti..ii, but Ken-on I the only nf.
gunrtl in the alf.iir of iiieii. And e
i lallr I thi. latter true In our iii.mI
eru eh lliatiou. War 1 a world wldo
caliinilty. If Ju.tice enu only Iv ae-cun-d
by war, then for weaker iintion
there I no Ju.tiiv. ArbilinHon I n-i-Miuable
and prncli'iibli'. Martial mi -
pint will iiol mnke (he ijovt inincnt . f
a i-oiinlry vruianent. America fiivmi
arbltniti.ui. llm form i f
the world will mil thegniit prol
leiiii of life.
" I'lie I'lntv of th vhour III Ami r!
enu Clviliialion," l.y (hni lea Jr..
llelldinill, followed. Ill (ho or
igin of Anierl.aii In.liiuti.'ii the
M'holnr wa one of Ihe foreint.! iik'en'.
The mrly atlalr of our government
prodiMil a atule of thliik'i III w hich
k'reater ncliulimhip wn i'ni-.rv. Tlio
dt-maiul wim mil; wit hit the Ikilam
liou of Iii.le'inleini' and our own na
tional cnn.tltlltloll. I.ll. rtie elijovnl
under the latter all mult of Aim rii-itii
m holnnhlp. The gn at pln.n have al
way li-ii iMvupinl ty uieii of hik'h In
telligence. N'tioliintliip In literary i.ur
int baa elevated and ulueatnl all
chime, and the acholnr ha built
AuiiTicnli i-ivilintiou. The life of a
iiatloli, aa an Imlivldiinl, I n pcrv(unl
bnltle ngniiiNt ihiiiy. lU-lliiuiit iih.ii
the neholnr for pnicrvntiou to Ida
lUfon tlie next onilion a liiiiileal
wlcctlon wan n-mlen-d ou Ilu piano bv
.Mia Kawyera, '-fi her.o lu it inlnor,1'
by Chimin.
Ilnn.l.l I.. Hopkln' aubjivt Man
"The l'urltnn t'lmrneter." 'I he orntioii
dlfuMi the l'urltnn ehnrncter a It
ha Intliieiitiil our American lii.titu
tlon. It trmm the mim'it nud inoul.l
Ing iuthlenee of that ehnrncter Umiii
Ihe government, the ndigiou ami ulu
callonnl lifo of the eoiiulry fnuu Id
earlieat hi. lory, Ivglnnlng with tlio
iinilnct of Ilia Slnyllower, and follow
ing ilown thmugli the Ini-lnraliou of
liideiM'tidelice and Ihe eoii.titutlon of
the I'nltiil Hlnlea. The iimcluMon
waa a hovful view of Ihe 'rnianeiice
of our government ami our American
luatitulluua Ui-aue of that name Puri
tan aptrit w hich at III pervade them.
Knapnr K. Kubli had for Ilia
aill.Jivl of hi oration, "The I 'lace of
the l-1'hnlnr In American rlvillatlon."
"Inlelllgi'iiee In all ngm linn li-u the
citadel of lllvrty." "S-holimlilp hna
exalted iiiaiikiiid to broader lifo ninl
higher vlewa. Made atnUimeu who
laid the founilatlon atone of our na
tional liiMltulloii. When ilanger
apN'nml Intelligence burnt the
hound of confinement and pnxhitvd
the Iteelaratlon of lndevmleiice anil
our own national ronntituiion. What
would tv the horrible nnult rould we
Itnniili fnuu the paat the lliflilencea of
acltohmhlp. it hna apvani In all
the prohlein of American lilalnrv,
hi all brnnehin of menial activity. Tin
American aeholar mint Iv ablo to
inii'l Willi ealuilieaa tlie gn-ntiit etmr-
Ill the liiterlui before the next ora
tion, Mian Fraueea Carwiu fuvoml the
audit-nee with a Ivaullftil contralto att
Mr. l-l H. Lauer had for Ida auhlivl.
"The i'urilan Charn. tcr." He lint
lireaviitiil the dlnninl weue uf tlie ltltli
irii t ury and the awakening of the hu
man mliiil. Iiringlng out tlio gnat re
former of Hint age, prominent anion r
whom waa the I'urlUu. He deduced
Ihe irooltloii thul la the 1'uritau
clinrncter were "thoao clement that
overturned fnuu their tauea the pllluri
of iratlitlon, on tluwa princlplea tha;
llllluenoed thu development of modem
government." "Ti e -necullona tlio
I'urltan autlerad while lighting for
fnvd mi of conaeiemv;" "Tim prlncl
Idea Inculcattil by hi noble ehuraclrr
lave been ecluvdmiiny timea In Amen
lean hlntory." IVrwi'Utlou nuld not
eradlcnto that which waa nutted an
deeply in the aoula of thl aelf exiled
voi.le tint fmiioin or thought ami
cotiM'iemw." riymouth Ibn-k under
Ilea our whole enutiueiit, and, aa we
lMik at the atvnea enm-ttil ai-nwa Ihe
Atlantie. wo can but be thankful lhat
wa dwell In a land devoted to the
came of lllvrty, where ita Ntcn-d irk
la guanlnl by a temide whoae ilome la
theatherial vault of bcuvt-n, whone
walla are the illimitable apace ami
w ho foundu tloll la the I'urltan char
acter." The laat oration la-fore adjournment
wa by ( anv F. Martin on, "Miould
Arbitration 'Take the I'lace of W ar-."'.
The pointa biought out were that "an
hit ration la practicable;" m it inn the
'Alabama l-lalliia,' and 70 other uuea
tloiia during the laat centiiiy.
"Mora than l.ractli-uhle, it ia hu
inaue;" war la liorible, ihilmya as.
pie and liatiolia. "More than humane
art, Illation la the Chrl.tiaii iiicUi.nI of
a.ljullng International dlnVullhu."
The oilier Ave oratloua were deliver
til In the afternoon. The Judge
awanlnl the Failing prize nf tlVi to
I'nrey Martin. The lUi kmnn prize of
thW waa awanletl to Thoinna M. l(ol
erta. t omplete detail w 111 be given in
next wrek'i laaua.
Vllui!( IkllStl Wtl.l- Wedllea
dny'a l'ortland Telegram: Charlea K.
I- it-Id retvlvetl a telegram laat evening
fnuu Charlea Wilaou, tlie well-known
Soul hern I'aclflo eomluctor, dated at
New York. Mr. W ilaoti any lhat he
auhmlUed to an ovratloii for the n
inoval of a 4-)ouiiil axcreaeent grow th
on hi right leg, w hich hna lavn in-i-n-aaing
in la and annoying him for
year, II i doing very well, tut can
not alata when he w ill laj able to turn
hi fu'-e wettwanl again.
(Iiaili I'HKEfl rROHAUI.E. A n.
longed dnaith of over l'W daya dura
tion ba prevailed lu Kngland, Fran.
ami t o-nnany, and even if raltt conn
anon, vaat damage will have lndoin
to the cnifiaof thoe conn trie. A
niult I price may la exx:ted for
tha wheal, h and cattle of our
fanner ami pnxlncxT, and cone
(pieiilly an eaak-r money market. Tlii
make a cheerful outlook for the finan
cial outlook next falL
For Sale.
2TW a n- of good land with llvli t
prlngv. It la ?l fruit land and h a
4J bearing tree. Fair Impmvenwiu s
Ijiy A mile aoulhwe.1 of Kuo n
Inquire on premlae of Tlio Jen kin '.
i, the tk?