The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 24, 1893, Image 5

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    " " ' ' I , ,i, ,,,,,,, Htllj ni, .r I Yo-tiTilitv the foundation of today. I "Kvcrv thing I oiln.nliil In iikiihv;! Wontnlllnl iv - not -r-( lntr Fmeroii' iliilnllloii, In, 'tl
u i . . ,
llinLaue ( on nt y luuk it r'nrml in
Hose It Door OU Arrolilit of I lit
Stringency of Hi Monrv
bailV liuanl. June .v.
LM'oMT'.IlM Wlt.t. IK 'V IX iri.l.
Tin1 ixHipli' nf I n m i i- were miii'ii
surpri! this morning to llinl n milieu
p. Med on thedmtrof theoldtiluhihfd
Lane County Hunk, announcing It
temporary stisM'Usoii. The ilrm t
couiiHnMtl of Minr. A. t i. Hovey niiil
II. C. Humphrey, Uitlt wiitlniiYu lx
Ing know n by nearly every i iiia ii of
tht comity. They liuve the sympathy
of ull lii tlirir temporary iiul.arra
inetit. We predict that hi a short time
Mil obligations will U nu t hikI the old
(lriii will again resume huiucM. 'J lit
cniiaeof thi aus'iiioii Ih 1 1 x' Hiri n i n-y
of the money market throughout the
I'lilted Slates.
'I I io tlnu U not yet prepare. I to gUv
a detailed slatcim-nt of tlu'ir luioiiii-M
to the public, but nilnliy will in u
few duya.
Tliu ili n.tH lii t lie liunk amount to
nUlUt HUI.IMI, W lllcll I It lllllc ll lcn
nmotint tliuii their yearly average.
Their assets conil of Urge amount
of llrnt-clu notcn nccure.1 hy inort
inures, vnluahle ritv and country
iroHTty, which at a low cntimuto w ill
realize at least i'ai.ouo.
We are conthlent that no di'xitor
will line a tlollur ly the auM'iiloii.
Very little excitement hum oivnNioiiul
by the fill Inn'.
Messrs. Hovey ainl lluiiilirvy furn
lh tliv lollowiug for publication":
I'.1(ii:.n:, Or., June i, lvit.
T the Pinur.
Tliu general stringency of Hi- money
marki't and tint concUcnt llnanciul
t'liilMirruNMiiiciit throughout tliu stale
caused tin Ijiiii- County Hunk to tun-
IMimrily suH'tnl biislnei. t.slay. All
t .Icpowltom will I p' paid in full.
Kveryone tuny rely on thi, ami iiouu
need "be lniinllcin", for tlic tin u will
make every etlort in llu lr U-hulf.
lloVtV, 11 I'M I'll HKY, ('".
Many predicted that a run on the
other two bun kit would result from the
HUHniitioii hIkpvc mentioned. How
ever we a iv pleased to ntuto that niii'li
linn not been the riiM.
We have ml Id at I ho Firt Nntioiiul
1 111 nk neVcnil tiiuin ilurliiK the ilnv
and learned tlmt uIhuiI the u.uiil liiini
linw hint bet II done. No IIIIUmiiiI
nuioiint hikH iNtMi W'ithilntwii from the
iiiHtltilutlon w hilt; a uutiilivr of new
wwltn have Imvii rect'ivetl.
the KiiKfiie Loan ami SnviiiK"
llunkwe found no uuuniial Imiiii-n
trniuai'tioiift.iiud lttotllcen infoniutl u
that the volume f busiiuitu traiiitaeted
during the day wait lewt than uitiml.
ltolh the alNive bmikt are in a llrtt
I'luMteoiiilitiounud have ImeiieolUi'tiiiK
III money for Roino tilliu to be pn mns
ti imt't any MtrliiK"ii'y w Imlevcr. lloth
Imukit are oUhvrutl undowiied by old
citiu'im, who have made their money
and name in lhi community and can
be relied Uxn.
Uoutf Sliortentd.
The following letter wan retvlved
from the Oretfou I'acitle olllcliilt to the
company' um'iit in thin city yester
day: dm. V. I'll aw,
lH-ttr Sir: Thin compa
ny lain made iirraiiKemeiitn with the
tujr "Ihibartu' to ply between Xew
Hirt, and Kloreinv, Acmo and S-aton,
on the Sliinhiw, nli between XewMrt,
Waldport, AImii and Luthjelix, on tint
AU-a bnv, tiiirdiier, on the I iiinii
river ami Kmpire I'ity and Marshlleld,
oil l.'tM bay. i'liii businewt in now go
liiK by the way of Astoria. Notify our
patrona to Hhin by our route. The tuif
"Itoliartii" niakiit a trip to all thene
xilnln every ten tlnvn and tMiiliectn
with our Rteuinent at VaUina.
N'err Truly,
It. K. MuUahy,
Ueneral Supt.
At I'oRVAM.ts. lUliton county had
J lO.noiJ and Lincoln tym In Job'
batik. Two I nrviilllt C'hiliuinen nay
tliey are bmtted iih thev had all their
money In tlie bank. .Sir. Ilryton uilH
every ixxly nn receiver of the bank,
mid will call mcctlnu of creditor
next Monday when the actual fact
will lie Riven. The Timed ny: Sev
erul trlH t" the worldV fair have been
tleclaretl oil". Alumi? othent nre the
MixMcn Houxlcy and Whitakcr, the
liiilliuer, who have niKUllled their ill
telition to heliirforth tniu all huU in
mourning The Kirxt National bank
there I solid and hiiMiucwt continue
w ith it aa iikiiuI. It limt nothing in
either the failure of Hamilton, Job A
Co. or the Corvalllit Carriage and Wa
jfon Co. in neither of them owed it a
TitK (Vkax Hoi sk: eo. f. Hy
land, w ho ha ably filli-.! th xitioii
of milliliter of the (xipnliir J loltoii
Houxe, in I'ortlmid, for the nat two
vean, ban Icawtl the Ocean lloune, at
New port, on Yaiiulnii lay, for the en
Huiint nen-on, nnd " ill oen the bonne
on July lt. The(ceaii Hmi-i hxnt
eil on one f the finest' kites on the
cont, and, with the ever enurtcotl
and accommixlatliiir Mr. Hyland, an
manager, it I" wire t' have a very larne
truuaKc the coining neiuioii.
A ;mi TlMF.. The wx-lal given ly
(Jeo. A. CuKter Ciillil", No. 1, !. of ".,
to the member of the A. It. t
and their fain i lie-, and the Worn. n
Keller Cor. la-t Saturday evenliiir,
wan a uotvw.ful one, there l'iiiK al'ut
MJ prenciit and the evening wan plean
aiilly nn'tit in nocinl eonverali"ii,
gnnm and inutic. Lemonade and
cake were nervoi after w hich iiitea
n urn I xr nit;iiel .be application f"r a
charter ror a Ijelic Aid Sn-iety, atix
iilarv to the S. of Y Cump.
TheNkw Law In.i-s It. The r
wilt ntnte legl-latinv i.ed a valiifl
policy law and the public will now get
the In twllt of it. After July lt the
amount of all of iiiuntti'f
will be Incrvn d in percent, on build
In ir. and everv policy iued in Oregon
will enntain the following elitune: "All
additional premium of dollar., I
charged to cover additional hazard cre
ated by Oregon Valut-I I'oiicy Ijiw." CotMTV Morv.-lV
aCf-tmt or county moiiev in tlie 1
Co. Hank. depiKi''e. l.y Trcaur r 1U in
ner la ft l.inm. However, there will
not be a Urn of dollar a the nk i
lrfKtly tnlvtat.
nunir ninr.
I'm.; i.ur.. Jni, :i
I. T J r.U. I. i J H Smith;
cover money. Continued.
X W It Andrew v. Sulnia and II S
Itccd; to rettiver llloiiev. Continue.)
. J M Watt r v V. I and Vahtl
joiiiixiii; in recover money. Contili
lleil. I'l. Kufun Mallorv. va It J
and M..U IVngra, Springtleld Lund
Inve.ttnt lit and I.iii,rov..i....,,i I-.. I i
' " r ""I'f-"'"'! " J l
x.v.l.t,,,, rhurMoii.t, K I.yne, A
!,f,,1,r"' Ivlward, A Wheeler,
Klotcrman A Co. C 11 Htxld and
Northern Count!,, Investment (;
.. , , '"
fonvloiirc. I), fault cnterttl agnlut
15 J and Viola IVncr.i, tiet. Lvne. II 1
i: Ildwiird, tieti II Thurxlon J f
.U.yda,,d Alma Whtvle, and Ju,.
tntiit eiiteretl an prayed fur in com.,
plaint agaliKt II J and Mola I'eiiyra
for Kd.-vili.'.U, Intehft and timi at-
t.iniev ft,.
" Ir 'i. , ..... .,
-I. J 1. Inker va t.race l.nkt r; ill-
vuriv. Ik'fault. No upK'ainnce bv
defendant. lU ferretl to i: KSkinworth'.
IVcrecof divonv.
Mary J llahh vn A J
IiVcrce f divtirtv.
Knbb; di -
awarded care ami cutody or minor
children mid one third or defend, lit'
.'17. Carrie I Kollcr vn Henry K
Koller; tlivortv. IV falllt. Uefemd to
Frank Mattenoii.
4J. Alex Nail Jr, vn W S Campln ll,
N I. Ixf, W I. HuuMon, Sanih M
Hountoii, A M Ice and Surah Caui
Ik'II; to nttivrr money. Noimuit.
i".. W F (jilMrap v Lillian (ill
ntrap; dlvonv. I fault. Iwi'ree of di
vorce grnntetl.
64. KoU rt I tal fun r, ItoU rt llnxlle,
Foniian ami Alexander (iuthrle, v It
It and Lucy Haven, A V IVttm, J M
Heiidrickn and J l Mutlm k; rorecltw
u iv. D.n-riv.
T.'l. In the matter of the alignment
of H 1 Lincoln; urnigutuciit. Con
tinued for the term.
TD. J I) Matlock vn T F and Orl. nn
Cox; to recover money. Continued.
M. (ieo A Ilickn, A A and Surah
M Meek vn F M rotter; cpiity. K-
fault. Judgment for plaintiff.
72. Slate o! Oregon vn I. Fllmaker;
roiiimittincut for htr.viiy. (iruudjury
n'tiirue.1 Indict incut for lure, ny by
Imilee. Arraigned nnd hnik tiny to
plead. l'lead lint guilty Thur-day
morning, nnd cae net for trial Satur
day. Kenibmittcd to the grand Jury
and Indictment returned corrected. Ar
raigned nnd plcnd not guilty to amend
ed Itidietiiient. Jury culled to try cue
Wedliewlay liiuriiitig, June Jl. l'cr
Instruction of Judge Fullcrton, the
jury found a verdict of not guilty, and
defendant w an (Uncharged.
07. State of Oregon vn Ihllienil
S-ott; oommittiiient. (irand Jury re
turned an indictment for attempt to
obtain iiioliev under (nine prelelixen.
rrrnignctl, plead not guilty and de
murrer to indictment argued ami aub-
Judge Fullcrton, Witlnemlay morn-
lug delivered an opinion niixtaiiiiug the
demurrer, and defendant Scott wna
ordered dincharged fmui riixtiMly.
14. State of Oregon vn John (irvcti.
Indictuieiit by grand Jury forannault
with a dangeroun weflon. Arraigned
and tix'k day to plead. Trial com
menced Tuesday, tho follow lug Jury
being drawn: It 1 Inuinii, W K K. l
ley, L'rexley Comegyn, ( W Welder, It
F Towcm, J A Walker, 8 It Fijicr, K
8 Andem, C A McMahon, M L Wll
mot, Win Stew art and J M Slnflbrl.
The enne went to the Jury Tuetlay
nfternoon at 1 o'clock, and after being
out nil night came In Wclutwlay with
a verdict of nimple nmaiilt. S llleluv
will he paxMcd Satunlay morning nt U
.Senator MauforU Dead.
Mkmi I'akk, Cal., June 21. Sena
tor Stanford, of California, thin morn
ing at l:2t) o'clock, died from ajxiplexy.
Ho wan Ixirn in Albany county N. Y.,
March U, 124. At the time or bin
death he wan one of the Itnding liif-ni-
,ber- of the S. I". K. It. Hin nucccwMir
will probably Inj a Ivmocrut, an the
l. glxlutiire in controlled by that party.
Card of Thank.
KniroK Ft tiENK (il'AKb: I denlre
to return grateful tbauki to the 4otor, ,
member and friend of the McthodM j
Kputcoiiul cliun-h, of Kugeiie, for their ,
gift of two chandelier and 72 caili, to
aid In completing Hh iinoiiihel
church in Uleiiaila, Ijine county, n
gon. Alo '.V) on ieronal account. ;
H. Mov, ra-tor,
To Study Aerial Navigation.
(leo. M. Miller ban divided to ib-voie
bin entire time to "Hying ma bin."
and other mean r navigating tin-air.
He In making arrangement to npeml
the coming winter in France w here
the government cneoursirc thl en
clal n-ienc' by ofleritig llln-ral reward
slid where every Ineaiin i atrordel r
experimeiiUiI work.
j Lt The (irifl'.ii Hardware Co.
ha 1-hw!(3 he ton r'iii "f the iMd
l.llow buildiiiK lor a ril t.r five
j-rar. .id will move from II piwnt
ijunrte, a amn an chanirv .-ari '
made in th other building. Work
men r i'tn;airel tr'inrtbeiiini the
joi-t of the and pr-iriiiir to
put on a ae.tuid storv. It i thoui-ht a
removal will I madr by the middle of
at Scio
I w.i at A lit all v
One Kuril
M"iid:i' Albany IMihmiuI: Thi
inoriiiiig the I. inn Counlj bank f4lli-.l
to "ih'ii . ,Hir at the iimkiI hour of II
" ' " aniiniii.diiitt ly known
nn thing uii. the matter. I Hiring
Hie nueii, hi the following llolliv tip
in-antl on the Iront il.H.r:
"ii account of the -Irlnin ncv of the
, , .... fci ... i . . 1
'""' 'rk.t t hi U.nk lierel.y filo-
I"'"'1, l'.viutnt. Ity otd-ror director-.
,,. linn .uy of June. U i.-n.,, ill
In-paid dollar for dollar, w ill. a lare
he aiuoiiiit of nM-ln i larue, in ing
TrT t'W " . iUlUnul
form., Ihui.I and pnirtv aniouutiiiit
to approximately ;iVt,ii. The linbil-:
Hi'" are alxnil HTo.imi iluc !, xiiini j
"'"'Ut tJi ,' due ulher Iwiik.
". tZ ,
Linn ctuint v lia.l f.ll.oii in the Imnk.
"lint y tnn.iircr Wallace wan tniug
l"'"beti by the Mate, and dually went
, t nleni and willed with It, giving a
' ,'t-,'k f,,r -N-u". "f "'"
Ks.uoti of l.iuu'. Uurv of the tax.-.
' I'I'i wa ilinhoiiohnl, and it i probt.lile
i matter .me, tliough the
iS! , T ?l"V"'Z "
. ori:tiiilr.e tlie bank. U hnr bv
wue of the tock holder. Aiunng the
iiuiniile htot'kholdert are A. l!uh willi
r.,in,i s. iM,M m, iiium.
L": " rz
lion will In.' Mil to In- all riithl, the I'lMik it Would n projH'r fur hilll tti
ttH-k In liig V. 11. (ioltia 'dihctn-a the financial mliev of the
r1-1 ;V' ('J',f,,r'., nri' ""'" ""'ia.liiiiiii-trution. No; the lew he
nt.M'Klloliler of thin ell V. . .i . i . .i i .
The bank l...,'tor Wa. I. legraph.,1. M.v? ul x l'"tici'lar time the Ih I
On hi arrival a retvlvt r will ! n- ter It will bo Tor a certain Ohio
xlnted ami the hank pliuv.1 under hi j linancicr.
cuitnil. lVi.itor w III !. iwid inr-1
tvlitii(;en an fil u necuritie are mid.
The Hunk of tlregoii clomtl itn tlitort
thin iiimiii, mid placed out the nik'H,
" by order of thetlinvtorn." The
awtn are nuid to exife.1 the liabilitlcn,
and lcxwitorx will prolmlily be mid in
full on realization on m-curititi.
Tlie lA'tmiiou and Sclo httnkn, each
coliiurte. w ith the Linn County bank,
cloM'd their tliMir thin foreli.Mtii. The
Fin.1 National and Cuxlck A Co. of Al
bany nre running along nn well an
letter newn In that the bank at Sclo
tint not cloM. itn il.Nint but kept oix'ii
till II o'clock, Hiying nil ileiiiaudn. The
otlleert are conlldeut tiny can meet
any run.
Hrlter Itciim.
June III.
Minn Kiln l'rtxlon of Kugeiie vinited
at the rx.i.lentv of Mr. Huiinakcr thin
Alec (irilllu of Col.urg inntoppilig on
Mr. Wilkin' farm teiuling to bin cut
tle. We know It in iiinmual to nienk of
the departed exctpt w ith n'Verelitv,
but lj cnretul, brother, ami don't
"poll the whole hunluc," next time.
"Wouldn't you like to make another
f.' Unlay." "Yenjunt htcp out." "(Jll,
no, It lathe other fellow." Ha! ha!
Horn, to the w ife of L. II. lw at
Portland a 10) th girl. Mother and
child doing well.
(Juitc a number of our citizen were
mimiuoiicd an wltn.wn lieforo the
grand Jury In the Jordan cam) lit
Mr. Helen la llrlnglo of Spriuglleld
who ban bt.'ii vUitlug friend ami rel
ative at thin place during the pant
week returned to her home Sunday.
Mr. Stayton, head anwyer in Hy
laud A Co' mill, make rrcUeiit trip
to IoWell lately, pre-lliiiably to -oli-nult
Mr. II. almut mill mattei.
Mm. Ilecky Kcelicy llitendn eliwllig
her ncliool at the Vcatch chooIhoiie
with u picnic and eiitcrtaininciit next
Quite a liuiiil r of perntin are in-
teiidiug to go to Kltnon'n xpriiign In
a I kii t a week.
A Fourth of July celebration In ar
ranged at I'nlty nnd a prograiumu of
exerci.- I Inring nrninged therefor.
The long talked of, much hoped for
and ever to be proud of, picnic hint
Saturday wa a brilliant alluir and an
entire nilccem noclally and financially.
ThiLt Valley and I'leaMiit Hill
Ilaii'U fiirniHhttt cxtvllcnt miixlc nnal
m did the glee club and choir. To
enumerate the attraction would take
more "pace than we claim but ultlea
it to ny that tliey came from the four
quarter and nil rrxrt a gala time.
Tho bent of order characterized the
event, the much talked of buttled gixxl
failing to nhow up.
IlKol I.AU.
I Who I lit?! Oregon Ian: Jamea
! Harkin, a young man 23 yarn ut age
and who liven at Kugeiie, dropjxxl In
, to nee the night ill the ni)'trosli Sun
; day and Innocently fell into the hand
of the Philistine), or a they are now;
I called, "grnfter." He met two young ;
' men almut hi ow n age, and to nay
that be had a gsl time would hardly
expretw It; Harklnn pa.viiur ror it all
Ijirlv y.tcrdav i.oriui-g I larkin wan
taken to hi nxxii n Fiont and Yam-
hi t tre-t ill a condition Ixirdcrlng on
delirium tp-iiieii. Hi newly found
friend d.-crted him and when be
awoke from hi stnr he found that
.-o waa gone. The matter wa rw
xirtal to tlie autiiorniea, otii no trnor
,,f (ie rt-llowa ban lrii found.
j '.nT 1. J tu t).
Misili, the isip'llar clerk at The Fair
irr-xirv, w aa t. ich nil a urprie at din-
li-r lal ev.-iuiiif. Alx.ul ad"'en frienda
and relative l.ivl a inhl.-l at th In-
vital ion of Mr M''ii and a vrry
ll'H-iiit inl titoe waa had kfU-r
Sir. Mnon hal reeovere.! fry ,j ur-
prise. When they lft or ll. ir Ie luea
it waa w ah man r ihe f"f the re-
turn nt hi birth-lay anniversaries. I
New Ytk rovlcl f.-r it
H'iiitt titiiirr i xclu-ivelv for vnit n.
of whom tlit rc M convict-.
1'rtv.i.l. nt l lcviland will i-.Nin
Like lii? Miiniiii r v .it .i t i.ii . l!umor
Iuih it ln I it;i 1 1 It i not of the
' l''
1 icoigc S. Mi-iir.iw, priiilctit of
tlic traveling nn u'r. u.-Piioiation li.m
uiiviiit; nil ll p ii.-rov I.IHOI1. 11.11
. , . ..MHH, ..,.. : i ...
,rimrM" I! . . " ," U 1
' ten yoitm. ith ;;tH),tKH) .Irutiiiu. rn
, ill the l lilt.-il Mat. thin illdliatci.
.oimthing to tl,c r.tilromln and
W'lulc 1 1 ie gold Lug org.iii urc
talking of tin- b.'i-cftit i-ilver ilollar,
the farmer. arc mcilit..'.iM on tl.c
I'li't that tlicv nil their ami
ru.luce inr tin J.l-tt iil gold it'll
nr. .lucticc Field of the nuprini''
i court tleiii. n that he intend to re
tire, lie cav that while lie lias
conic nipl.itd retirement, it will not
!vur an l..g an ho lun the ntnngtl,
! "P urUuotiH
I iintHicl llHll liilll.
ScnaU)r Sherman told a Vali
"'uu .rniHMi..i.i that i.c.ii,i't
Tliiit coiiiiiicncemcnt week of the
t. ite university, a u-iial, attract
general interest and ' well attend
ed. The excrci'a are iutcrcftiug
and Villurd hull in lilhtl with eur
iiet men, nml the youth beauty
uml grace of the feminine cx in nil
the glory of witching and becoming
cost u Illcg.
Tho great trouble in rcninrt of
reforming the jieiinioii ollicc is that
hoiiet and patriotic Holdicrn urc
unwilling to believe that uny man
who fought for the union can he
niich a rancnl nit lluuiii win. Hut
they will know the truth hnn, uml
then there will be inuniu in the
cump of tlie Uruml Army.
Oregon nml Washington are now
furnishing the big tinilM-rn for al
most all iniMrtant eiitcrprincit in
the Kastcrn staten, including onlcrn
from even the shore of tlie great
lake, the former homo of that arti
cle. The whole world cannot show
thecitialof the tiiulnr growing
almut 1'tigct Bound and in many
district in thin state.
According to n law enacted hy
the hint legislature it i unlawful to
shoot Uniii or from the public
highway. Another law not so ap
parently uncle, in that persona
driving utock along a public high
way, leaving ciicli road obstructed
with stones, earth or other debrin,
leaving Hume to remain for twenty
four hours, i.i guilty of a misde
meanor, whose least punishment in
Tho last legislature of the state
of Washington passed a law milk
ing it unlaw ful for any htsiii or
n rson or -r-ni to buy, sell r
giveaway or inanufucture cigar
ettes, or cigarctto pan r, nnd pro
vided punishmetil for tin violation
thereof. It took etlcct June 8. The
officer, are making an effort to rig
idly en fore- the law, and tho tobac
co ilculer have Ih.-cii liotilietl.
Musnachusetti', in tho Itordtu
'rial, followtsl the provision of the
new law fr empaneling a jury.
Ill-tend of an extended wrangle lc
ttveen tho attorney in the selection
of a jury, the presiding judge eon
ilucU tho examination of juror, al
lowing tho parties in tho 'ane sim
ply to many jiereinjitory chal
lenge. The Working of the new
law in the Itordcn case, imw on at
New ISodforl, ha lsi n highly sat
in factory.
Juiirtion Item.
Tluie. June 17.
Win Cummin ia tpiite low atra'ii. I
lr. Paine (r Kugeiie w a down Tue-
tlay to lilui. !
Frank, who linn U-eli lib-I
flit atU'iiding tint world fair and
visiting other enntern rltien for tbej
pant nix week, reluriit d home Satur-;
tlay evening.
J. If. Helkuap, who hun U-en at-'
teudlng theoloKH-al eolli-Ke at Kvann-1
ton, Illliiol, ha returned and in now'
tuii ping with hi wife' (mreiitn, Mr. ,
and Mr. J. 11. Akem. ,
('. M. (oilier, wHjnty ii,Vcyor, coin
liien.itl entalilinhlinr the irradu oil the1
tre-t orderel irnwle.1 Tuiwlav. When
the work I liiimtied Junction will
have an good MreeU as an plaeo. ;
O. M. Jackson returuetl Tin "lay
from a tour of insMctlon of the s.und
country. He aaya luiueMi up there i
at a taudatlll, and the only money
they ma- In that colaMt country I
lumla-r Tb (ipl of th Willam
ette valley have no Idea what bard
time are. Com Mr-l with t lint coun
try he aay money Iw-re I pletitv and
timt-a gal. He In liiorr than
iimnl of the f.w-t that there la no conn.
try the t-.piul of the great Willamette
ISl.fK Hi vkii M (f.-t. A letter from
S. C. Smith at Itloe itivi-r under dale
June 17, my that nilner ean now,
work on their claima and that tl trail
is now open to the top of UvU iiiii. I
PromltiPMl iiitivt. W rltrr la l'rllrl'nl
In lb W arlil I nlr I'rnn ongrM.
Wiinini will tain a proiniiii nt rt
j III tlio gt In itl pn-r t oiiTi'- of tho
i World' fair in the aU'htoruitii ef the
' Dew Art building.
Tlii conKn-x i to lx coiiixMil ef the
actual iienpar workr. Ixith men
.and women. At lir-t two oiire.
were denilit'd. one for In. II nud another
1 ror women, but llif executive committee
: iliK'idfd that pre. women or the country
(invited to take any rt in tlie (.in-
ral pr-M O'Dirreiu. winch tliey should
iteire. It wan divided alo that women
lt the pretui conduct one evening nennion
trth general ci'iign-M., and hi addition
io nun one w oiimn v nmico io aourene
the ctitigren at each fVeiiing mwIoii.
Four morning k-moii wilt con-(lucli-.l
exclusively by women for the
ilinruwion or hi r and topic peculiar
ly pertinent to the prio'tical side of the
lirwwpcr work ef women. Kumrron
upiT Will bo read and tliM-unacd, the
ongent not to exceed !X minute, and at
each emigre there will 1 a-hlntw
rrom aix to eight of the w omen present.
Thce paper will lie by brier
iIIm-uimIou from the flr.
Among the tpcakcr luvite.1 to take
part in thee dim'tiMtioiia are Lady Hen
ry Nuiiernet, Margnret Samrate. Mr.
Lllxit 1'utiiMiii ll.-uton, Kathahiio Con
way, Mr. Kmily Crawford. Florence
Fen wh k Miller. Mim r.llznlx lh R Jor
tlan, Kntu Fit M. Lily Hniiiilt.m French,
Mine. Several!. Mine. Adiune F.. Sheri
dan Fry, FHzji Art hard Conner, Marion
Harlaml, Ktherwin Wetlierell. Mm. Cro
ly (JenniH June), Lndy Jerwy, Mis
Carolina Pen. 1. lion. F.Ua PealtiK, Lilian
Whiting, Klizalx-th Ill-land Wei more,
Adelo Cretleii. Mm. Wimlleld (lblni
Pattcrnoii), Nancy Hewtton llaukn. Mine
Emily Prigt;n tOlivin), Mary P. Niuiuio,
Mr. Eva Kellogg ninl Mr. Nicholson,
tn atlditiun there will l by
Mr. PotU-r Palmer and Mr. I iiu
Mr, Ly.lon W. Hatee of Cliicago la
rliaimian of the coinuiitteo on entertain
ment, and entertainment ha btn-n at
cnre.1 for the women on the programme
during the pre congrcwi, the leading
women or the city having tendered their
honnee during that week. Among these
are Mr. John C. Csmley, Mm. J. Nev in
Hyde and other. Tlio l.n-al iiiemN'r of
the National IVenn league have heartily
promoted and assisted in bringing about
thl promising progriiuiuie, and on one
ereiiiug will give a grand reception to
vlaitiug uewapaper women at their head
quarter in tho Auditorium hotel, at
which Mr. Potter Palmer and Mr.
Clinrle Il.'iinotin will receive with the
Over 1,5(10 Invitation have been In
sued to t hi) event. During the week
Mr. Hennotin will give a tea, and Mr.
Potter Palmer a reception at the close or
tho congnnn. St. Lohia (iluhe-Demo-crat
Trarlna- lt.l Taprr I'lnarar.
A novel lad that U just now Intertmt
ing a nmnlter or young la.lie of leisure
in town i that or tearing roldtsl p-r
Into tho aluiMi or flower and curioti
and fanciful design. It reoulrcna strong
tliumh and fonilngertodollHi trick wheu
any largo number of thickueaeof paper
are nned, but for making flower or
imple conntrnction no remarkable de
gree or strength la necenaary.
Many Indie first learn the intricaciee
or folding tho paper iu a avriea of fold
and use a pair of acissor iu cutting out
tho variou deelgn. Afl.T the different
method of folding liavo la-en iniuttenxl
and the deaigna fashioned In gotsl ahape
by mean of the acisaor the pupil ran
produce aa aittutfactory rwiult by tear
ing the lper and enjoy the pleasure of
making a flower, a vino, delicate luce
work, doaigti wall and plac.iiti and
counties denign ft enriou and artistic
interest without the nse or any tool what
ever. For tearing porpow what i known
aa the French tisane paper pnxluce the
beat rtmulta. It texture I Ann enough
to give a gotsl edgo for a flower and U of
nfllclent Isxly U retain a natural ap
pearance. New York Newa
Itrvaalag far I ha World' Fair Trip.
Moat young women who are tfotng to
the World' fair are Inclined Ui make
their preparation on aomewliat the
aame acale that they would if they were
going to a rashionuhle watering place.
It la a gala occasion, and they want to
dreaa accordingly.
Tlmt thi I a aerton mistake many of
them will find when it 1 too late to rem
edy it In moat Instance, after a day
ipeiit in tho ground will be little
time or atrength left fornxial gayetitw
and lima occasion rr elulmrate coat lim
ing. The ideal ontfit ror the tummer ia
a dark colored dreaa or anf t serge or cam
el' hair. A moat appropriate material
la ailk homeapun. Thi 1 one of the
moat desirable of new Ores rubric. It
ia alnvilntely rdele, extremely light,
exceptlunully durable and also cool and
bttcoming. Made with a tuodifll ls-11
akirt, a not very tight fitting waiat and
loose, comfortable kleeve, it ia jilnt
what i wanted for an everyday hard
aervtce ontfit. New York Ledger.
Mrs. Claralaad'a thlras lavllallaav
The official Invitation to the dedication
and opening rcr monii or the Woman'
building at the World' fair, issued by
the nationnl lxrd i f buly uiauager to
Mr. Clevelaiet, ia eniraveil on a bur
nt shod silver plat. Thi) I fati r.e.l In
side tit a white kid raae, in Him shape or
a portfolio, about in. lies by S. Tlie
portfolio la bound around the wlge with
a narrow band of rt-pouane silver. A
cipher monogram or the 1L L. M., with
the legend, "World Oilumblan Ex
Ixmitlon, Msy 1. 1s'j3," on a ribbon run
ning through-It, Is pUced on the out
si' In. This monotrnun aud alwi Mr.
Cleveland's cipher are cut out or silver
and heavily engraved. The .rifulio is
inclosed lu alx-i of whit silk lined with
satin. It U la-autfu!ly eiecotcl and is
a charming souvenir. Baltimore Sun.
Sarah Bernhardt U soon to start rontnl
the worlj second time on a six months'
tour, playinc tu th buuth Aaerlin
i" i.. it. al
l-i , i...
Ni n.lpi.l.i !! I- I. -at . I'
st'CUAol of l In po ll)' all.' Wonl .
deny it. if not mi a. . ii. d . Ii" v . . 1 1 . 1 I.
an mad u a wet hen It the lady rid.
It look like it. She ilni not ee iiiii
Uxly i'1m in the world t Hi. ye, she t
rich What in sj l.nlr doim;'' U-t n
ISc.) her go Into the store I'ld alie
tcpeu the pu tty boy who opened the
door for her? Not unite, but the boy
had to hustle to ecaie. Why doe the
haldhcaded man Ixhin.l the counter
have such hard work to ixk pleaaunt?
Mnt (xvplii Hud it hard tol.iok pleasant
anyway. Kx- he enjoy pulling down
all the gisl in the store, a the rich,
pretty I.uly requests? He should. She
will prvlwhly buy lurgo amounts of the
good. Dut no. .See. She in leaving
the store without buying anything.
IVne the hnldhfitded man stviu tired?
He seem tired. Ho has half a day'
work before him to put the good back
where he found them.
See the lady. I she having Iota of
fuu? It la to be boed so. Nobody else
in, IXnta sho work other si ore in the
same way? She work a large number
or other store In just the same way.
Hoc she buy anything?
Not a solitary thing.
What i she doing?
Shu i shopping.
Is the lady chopping? She in shopping
Do many ladle shop? They all shop
I there no cure lor the habit? No. -Detroit
MoaaarlBf arhol rhlldrra'a Trail..
We are nothing Iu lloaton if not ongl
nal, and tho latent eccentricity of genius
which haa come to the notice of th pul
lio la that or tho connection or the b-Wh
with idiocy. At a recent mcvliug or the
school committee an order was Intro
duced which gives to Dr. Walter Chan
ning permission to take in wax the
impression or the teeth or the school
children, after obtaining the written
permission of their rents and gnar
diana. It Would seem that It would
havo been simpler to let the matter rest
npon the parents and not bring it Into
tlie school at all, but that would not
have been iiflicientty public, it ia to he
supposed. The publio might then have
lived and died in ignorance or the fact
that Dr. dimming haa made hi pro
found discovery, and of course that v
sibility had to l guarded against
The details of tho theory are uot matte
publio aa yet. hut the Information la
vouchsafed that the back of the rrout
teeth is the most significant portion or
the mouth. The unhappy school chil
dren or the present day have to be meas
ured and weighed and molded and test
ed and to be treated in so many way to
rnrnisii stutistica that one wonders thai
they hare any vitality left to take then
through their other ordeat In the way
or cramming for examinationa. lloaton
Cor. Chicago Tribune,
Ths Wills r Twa llravs WuMtta.
Nothing reveals the characters of io
ple more than the gift and bequests
they make. Could anything, for Instance,
butter exhibit the generosity or a certain
Frenchwoman than the following be
quest which sho is said to have made?
When bleeding her a surgeon bad used
his lancet so clumsily that he cot an ar-,
tery Instead of a vein. On her death-'
bod she, with charming humanity and
irouy, made a will bequeathing the op
erator a life annuity on condition "that
he never blod any one agniu so long as
he lived."
Another story Is told of a Polish prin
ces who lost her hfu In the same way
In her will, made tn extremis, there
waa Ui following clause! "Convinced
of the Injury that tny nnfurtuuaU ao
ddent will occasion to th unhappy
inrgeon who I th cans or my death, I
bequeath to him a life annuity or SUO
ducats, secured by my estate, and for
give his mistake from my heart I
wish this tuny Indemnify hhn for th
discredit which my sorrowful catas
trophe will bring upon him." Chicago
Vary AaaaasmoUallag.
There Is a newxpainr dealer under an
np town elevated station who la going to
get on In his busmen He accommo
date hi customers. Ilia latest agree
able act la to purchase a yard and mora
of tickets lor th elevated railroad and
have them ready to hand with bi paper
to regular customer or chance patron
bonnd ror down town. Th horrying
pedestrian who doenn't boy paper la
also accommodated by thi thoughtful
dealer In new.
Any on who lis stood at a ticket
window fumbling fur a nickel in a vest
pocket or nngetatabl pocket In back
d rape-rise, conscious that a crowd la Ins-
hind him Impatient to get on th traiu
that la Just speeding away from bim.
will appreciate the effort of th observ
ing newsdealer to make life lea bother
some ror bis fellow men on the highway
which la the elevated way. New York
OomI ! llaallBg la Mala Thl Taw.
Deer are now pleutier In our settle
ment than they have been fur a long
time at this season or the year. Deer
can't be any otherwise than plenty this
coming season, aa I can't remember
when there ever wa aa many deer in
Main aa there will la thin coming sea-
Son, although iu some particular locali
se deer are not as plenty as they bar
been some other year. This is dne to
being too linn h hunted snd-aving deer
in the wood to die after being wounded.
In the Nil a u hi region both game and
fish are particularly pl.-nty this year.
Cor. Portland (Me ) Press
riar.rl rub. q
In recent liuiea a cotvi lent hie amount
of labor ha la-eu l"ot,-l to th luJy
of electric li he and ome ctirioiia and
valuable Inform-i'ioii h tn U-eii ohtniiml
Th structure of all elntiic H-hea is
pretty well km wn al the nature of
th electric or.:";. mm I I he . -rerau-l
duraUon of tlie In k t ;n . i . .mg lew
th animals have ln end" el witn
rocb organ aud powns v.-tv little is
known. tlrctivty
au.fto ll.lfi I ir "Mi.,..ri
S-.i thu la ly 1 . he a