The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 24, 1893, Image 10

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    brral rraa-H rrlel4.
Ciiv or Mr.xim, Juno ..ail
ing banker f thl.ciiy y that tl
American peopla w III n all-
vrr m r-ult 'f their fully In
Laving propped till artificially the lirle
of that liM-Ul. N bey uulil liv
done year ir, he w U tp
turliiK and coining ilv r.
"'One B'l rtajull, however, if Amir
leaiia gelling on a allvcr laxaia," aald
tha hanker, "lll I !" they will
practically tmnioaillM tin foreign
trade of tlila hemisphere, mill tha re
unit will Iw ll aevercat Imluatrlal mnl
financial lairopa haa ever
known. All nntloii in I lit) New
World arc lnili -ii.lcnl of Kum, l.
caiiae thev cnn fta-d them-flvca, and
liny will trnde iirt f. rctillally Willi
Americana win ii Americana i'iii
to u only ailvt r money.
"The rcaiill will ln linim-naa de
velopment nf American mnnufacturea,
a rapid irmwth In I Ik- wi-alth of tli
Amcriiitii mxiIu anl the tranafcreiici
within ten vcara of Hip lliiain lal center
of the world to New York. Thla woulil
I the beginning of Hip downfall of
Kumw. Knglniid woulil la reduced
tuak vcl with Holland. Americana
could rut ilowii their Inrlir, la-cana
high rchuge on F.uroat woulil oiler
ruormotu Incidental protection to their
liiduatrli., being on mom
tary equality with tlm Initial HUUa.
would attract American capltnl and
trade ami Hi two countrica would
trow raplilly. There la general tadlef
here that tint I'liiled htalca W III come
T:kiik llAITK. Intl., June !!. Nine
hundred of the !' atinlenla of hoth
m-it-n at llm Imllaiia Slate Normal
Schiail w huare pmtcatliig agalliat the
removal of I'rof. Arnolil Tompklna
Irom the facultr met In tha aaaeinhly
room of the at luml thla afternoon (llat
after the achool lay hail cliaad ami
reaolved thi-maclx-ee Into a max meet
ing to denounce Dip action of the true
Ipmi ami 1'realdctit I'eraona In raualug
I'rof. Tomnklii' removal. Iteeolutlona
wrn ureax-iited from Hip aluik-lita'
committee of l.'i asking the truatcre to
Invi-atlirnte the allcge.1 charge of ill
lovaltv agnlnat l'nf. Tompklna and
rrillcialm Hip cuurae iniraucd of ailin
marilv removing without Kvln I'1'"
arlianiv toili fi iiil lilniM'If. I he rra-
olutloii U.lillv an- rtiil that the anrli
ty la weak In m-vituI ilaiv, anil that
li liniW rtiirinl.lng and lil a IiIkIi
rrw tin (Ii ii In I'rof. Tomiiklna. The
rcoilutliiim al ilrmaml that the law
l rhatiKiil ix i that one of the tnuteea
ahall Iw a atmli-lit. The n-aolullona
wpreaioitii hy a rlnlnjc vote, only
five atilili iita voIIiik In the m-Kallve.
Wakiiimitkm. June Hi. In
trviwiiry ilirtiiii'iit
were nimlp tmliiy n
oDIi'lul I'lialivea
fullowa: I- V.
m-vop, iiM'riiii'inli'iit of roimtructlnii
of ilihlli' I'UlldlllK, 1'orl TowiimmiiI,
Ainiiliif tin' ri-"lifiill"H" aviit In to
day, Unit of Wlllliim M. MiTPtlllh.
chli-f of lh htin ati of viigraviiiK ami
(If 11m M'iIum. Ihw. rtM umlr ilaU ul
Marrh it, tU;
H. II. Mi:i. Mhi. tli.,
I u fur. lln-uoll.
(ii:M i.i:mi;n: In arriving Imme liwl
wwk. I foiiml all wi ll ami aniloualy
whUiuk. tiur tlttli tctrl, t liclat ami onv
liulf yrara old, w ho hud waxtml away
to 'niumU. I now wi ll, l run ami
viKomti, nml wi ll ihhiiini up. n. iv.
I'.hikIi Cuni Iiiih iliimi Ha work wrll.
llolhof thiM'hlMn n Ilka 11. Your K
II. t'oiik'li Curv hai rurvd anil krid
away all hiNiixii'Mi frnin nip. HttRlve
it to pv-ry oiu', with Krtftlnpi for all,
WUIiIiik vou innTlly, wp an
Youm, "Sin. anu Miw. J. V. h'uHti.
11 jimi ur In liwl tinh ami rhrrful, anil
rvuly tx ilii rtng urh. rlrsiiM Ihr ystria
ilk it llil h ami I nn Cut. I'J lakln
I wo or ihnjHi iIimv a aa.
Haiti uixli'ia iillr iiaranl)'
M ivuU t bullfv t all Ulll(gliUL
TUU ri Lal l A I a r
WILL 1011
it oof vou D T A n
auiaaia, teiioo WtaVta, aaa aaiaMT a
0aiaai, Tma auicavt ta ia Nan
i .o l Vvv'' IK
Oat ' t Uaaaa Caavaaavaaa aa taita-
IV. ma jrarW (V, ATaAarl, ImA.
Cnmuia- I ka4 tm InmbM tt Bri
aa Tt taar aa viaaa. a.iaMi
a I ? ah t Hifrnua a4 If 14 ajaat
1 ff atai2.
iimiii a
I wunaaaul t4a aaav.
ana if aaaavaavta aa taamii a a aia
rt iml H.a . . mi slaa ajw aa
ailfi.lhar,' a4 tl vaaaiti
i araaiaBi a&air lLal tutu f mmA
e j n'W ii aaala. Wtlla ta Ilia mavu
ax I ird fj nip Cvaf . a4 Uaa
m mi" frota iTnt m I aia ata la 4a
a rJ wa t-ra avaaaa amraiaam l(tw
DK Mm- New rlnar Cvai aU the! 1. n-r fwf i iawvrtia awetkiaaitkca)
I Lava laiaa afc :UI t aavaa v-ata ItlM
a raaa 1 abubi 1 Kra4 II I aara mmm wm4
Nivt (t Li( Pi it, aa4 ihaa
pridIUiiM, i. A'aai.
oio eas oaiTivt aoAaanTit.
A. H. McClur leturneJ from halem
thla aflrnaiii.
A i-attle train aaael IbhJUgh from
tliPtoUlh laat UlKlit.
Win. Ih ld'a otllre III I'ortlaliJ 9m
haa lawn cdwO by attachment.
Court a.lJHinii-d at 2 o'rloi k thla af-U-rnuon
until Monday morning.
The ovvrlaml train from Han Fran,
clam ramp tlinxinh In Iwoapitlolia thla
Miaw-i Mntfifla ami Npttle Whitney
Muni! home from WrwtHjrt Una
Mlaa Klla Knit of Drain la vlaltliifr
at the rpaldptire of lr. W. Kuiikrndull
In thla illy.
T. (I. Slia-r liaa rvlurutii from au
ritvmlvU viait to hla old home at Hlo
nVlil, KliKlaud.
II. I- Mltrhrll U-n on the ovprland
laat nlvlit for a vlait to hi foniier home
at l'hiUilildila, I'a.
Chaa. llollt iilat k ami Anlii r KU
ivturniil thla afternoon fiom altrniluiK
the Itruwiiavllle ploulo.
(ieo. M. Millar ami II. A. Ibtrr re-
turnpil fnm tlwlr trip to Kan Fraiiclacw
on thla afU'rniMiii'a local.
V. II. Whilmy, travelliiK fnlRld
aifent for the H. 1. coinny, made
thla oftUw a call thla mornlii((.
F. J. I 'much, who haa brrnou a vlait
near Oakimiil, -d llirouitn una
moruiiiK on hla rvlurn to I'ortlaml.
Mix Lillian Ithlmhart went to
Monmouth on thla inoriilnK Ua-al to
attend coiuinetieeiiielit at the Normal
Mlaa Klla ami Maud Illrw. li ofHakm
are vlaitiiiK In thla city, the former at
therpaldcurpofCliaa Iiuer and the
latter at H. II. Frtemlly'a.
Fnl Teiniileton and a youmtir
brother and aiaU-r iiiih up rnm iiai-
r thla afternoon to viait their father,
who hail hla lcir tirokeu recently.
Mr. K. t onaer. llaiinali iiavia aim
W. I'. Flaher and w ife went to Tur
ner on the lia-al thla moruiiiK to at
tend a metiiiK of the Chrlatlau church
I'n.l. Mark ltalk-v. 1. I.. went to
Fotvat (trove thla moruluir and from
there will K" to Moiimoutli to attend
the coinmelioriiielit Pien-laea of both
Heveral atmleiita went home on the
local thla mornlntr. having flnUhwl
the yrara work at the Htale I nlveralty.
Mlaa Amy I'owell to Aalorla,
Hmiih to Turner, VA llryaon to C'or-
vallla and John i'liiea lo I'ortlaml.
Jeawp Cohen will not K to I laker
City at preaent, aa atatvtl yeatenlav.
hut luatead will k-o Fjwt where he will
aiM'iid alxKit two inontha. Jllaauo
ceanor In H. II. Friend ly'aatore, Mr. r
M. (laU'ly of Hnn r ranciaoi, liaa al
n-ady arrlveil.
A family recently from the caat, lo.
rateil near Ielnon, I. Inn county, and
rented a few acre for IJO a year. 1'hev
dint liilicteell hUNhelaoflMilaloea whli'll
had Imiil left In the Brouud by the
fonner tenant, and aold them for tit.
Who aaya thla la not a good country
for immlgranta.
CorvalllaTlmea: W. T. I'w t.caahler
of the Flral .National liank, while out
IhiKK.V riding for the gMMl of hla health
on Sunday had the mlnfortune to get
hla carriage overt urneil. He waa aoine
wl at ahaken up and haa hla akin
acratched a little. He It atill able to
deal In gold and allvrr at the aameold
Hon. Owirge T. Myera, irealpnt of
the Oregon World a lair couimlaHiaoll,
left Thuratlny evening for Chicago,
where he w ill vllt the fair for hit I'M
vale rdiitcatioii, and will alao I uveal I-
gate the condition of the Oregon
xhllilt. He la aMiiipanled liy .Mrm.
Mvera. Mra. II. F. Hteveot and MlaaK
r. .Mir.
There never waa but one lnk failure
In China. That liaitcncd alxiul
year ago. Immediately after the fail
ure the bcada of all the omt lale were
cut oil and thrown Into the corner
with the real of the aaacta. Till prompt
action on the I rt of the gnrernmeiit
rtwtorpil conlldencv In the banking
buainiwa. and put A nuletuaon further
bank fttliurve. The plan might prove
tlvctive In America.
Jauict llrackett, a mere hoy, waa ar
reatPl at rrlnevlllc, chargiil with
atpalinaT a liorae from Frank Foreater.
The evidence howel that Fortwter
ami the boy had traded liortea, and
the former, having concluded that he
had the worat of tlie tatrgaln, look the
liorae he had received from the Uy to
llrai'kett'a home and traded back w ith
out the hoy' conaent. Young llrack
ett III turn took the liorae back to For
rater 'a tdaiv. ami without hla coiiaciit.
got the one he had tradiil for, leaving
the one he had traded to Forrater.
Forester then had the Uy arretted for
larceny. After luwrlng the evidence.
Judge Huinner diachargetl the defend
aut ami aamwMNl the ctta of the tiriMe-
cutlon, amounting to f l'4, to Forester.
hall? i.uaM. J una ta.
Kt'NAWAV An ii'KNT. A runaway
atvldent occurred near Irving Weduca-
dav afternoon hut luckily no one waa
hurt. Ir. I'alne waa vlalling a uatlput
having left hla liorae lied In front of
the bouae. ami hla little daughter, l-e-oue
aeatpl lu the buggy. In rubbing
hla bead the home hail lnnamed lit
bridle ami It dnpel olf, and he atart-
ed on the run uow n the mad. lie ran
but a few hundreil yartla until he uu
dertook to mil through the feucr, Thla
threw blm to the ground and upact the
ougg.v. I liorae waa caught ta-ture
he vviuld arlae, and no duiuage waa
done aave the breaking of the (hafta.
tall7 liuanl, June IT.
waa driving a lively home dow n Wil
lamette atreet thla fort-mam, ataiut II
o'clock, when he bad a runaway.
The borne ran mm th to F.ighlh
ttnat where It turned rant
to Oak, then north on that atreet
to near .rvctith where the animal
turned around, over-turned and got
latilly iiilxcil up with the ougcy.
VtUT waa thrown out and reol vnl a
cut over the eve. tine of the horae'
feet w aa hurt and (he hug?' b'p badly
ataal be fatal I all
Sav Kkimio, June M. Ad vice
hae la-rii rvc'ivni from Washington
aiinoiim-ing that Nrcn-tary tirealiam
w III at once hiatal main tlie payment
In full lv the Mricmn goveriiment of
rliti.iiiti deiiiaiide.1 aa indemmty by
Mra. Janet M. Iloldw in, w iilow of I-
iiu .Medial lialiiwin, an Ainrricaii
lit i it I it IT enitllMt T of thia city, w ho waa
allied by Mrticail ntl-m in the alate
of Ihiraiigo alaMil all ycam ago.
A Htaall el Ike Tataatire llarrar.
WIIM.H, June A. Oneif the
axlib-a ariM la to the Ford'a theatre
diwirr la lb i-aih of Mra. William
ti. V l.ilr. When Hie oral runiiar of
U iliaaat.r aprrad f hrtajtftl the atieeta.
Mm. W hltp lrarl that the la-tial:in of
Ma lia.1 o.ia(-il and kilUilevery taaty
In It. !! r mii a a rtupltynl lliere,
and alte la-lM'tnl that lie was kliUal.
Mie ran toward tlx prtaatoti otTlw until
lie Ml uuoorna-ioiia lo im patnnmL
."he nprrr j'ke aflrf fulling and died
The weAtlicr clerk h liAbit of
tending ria nigllU ui i?undiji.
The railroAiU am lieginnin) to
cut rate to the worM't fair.
It ii MtimAte.! that as a general
thing a popular commercial traveN
ing man take CO per cent of hit
trAde witli linn when i, chAnget
from one Iioum to another.
It waa a BTAcpful Act for the
Auicricaiii in Pari todecorAte the
frve of lfayrtUs the other day.
le waa not one of ua, but he wai
with ui when we needed him.
When we hAve a cheap and Uble
currency the element of uncertainty
will be largely eliminated irom
buninens And proejierity will again
How through the channel or indus
The leading bunm-ai men of Sil
ver Citv, New Mexico, have tub
acriljed'l 17,000 to le in de
fraying the exjienaca of the South
west ailvi-r convention, whicn con
vener in that city on July 4 and o.
A Miasouri girl wavol her hand
at a itrangcr and in three duya
they were married. I wo uay
later the young wife waived a flat-
iron at her husband, And the next
evening he came home waving a
divorce. What are the wild wavee
The length to which lads late
American iieople is beyond conjec
ture. An haatcrn iiaiar, ipeaking
. ' M a
of a funeral, aavi the deceased was
attired in a "light blue summer
silk, ornamented, trimmed in deli
cate cream colored lace."
Chicago is indignant. It has
discovered that the statue of Jus
tice is bow-legged. From Ihe way
the courts are being run In that
town and many other parts of the
land, it might well be knock-kneed
and niireon-toed.
Tho KoiMibiirg tajers protested
against the sending of laptain V
(J. Sherman, the man who institut
ed the injunction suit against the
soldiers' home, to Koseburg to mill'
ter in the new militia company
churning it to be a direct insult.
Tho Ilorden trial is still in pro
gress, and developments are being
made daily. As a sensational mur
der trial this eclipaes anything that
has happened in the country for
many years, and it is difficult to
form a conjecture of what the ver
dict of the jury will be.
President Jim Hill, of the (Jreut
Northern, is something of a philos
oiilicr as well as a railroad man
In his speech at the St. Paul ban-
nuet he undertook to lay down
some political maxims for the
guidance of the country. Chiefly
he insiM that commercial affairs
be let alone, and that congress
should not tinker with matters that
are alone subject to natural laws
The principle is in a measure cor
rect, and the application would lie
all right if congress hadn't already
been tinkering with these interests.
North China Herald: In con
nection with the employment of
garlic as an antidote it will be in
the recollection of readers of the
home pArs that during the out
break of cholera in Kurojie last sea
son it was observed by sanitary in-
sHjctors, medical men and others
that in rows of distinctly ill-drained
unhealthy cotluges.the occupants of
dwellings having strings or onions
hanging from the ceilings enjoyed
comparative immunity from an at
tack, and again, that in districts
where onions and garlic entered
freely into consumption as food,
fatal attacks were uncommon.
Koseburg Review: The Oregon
ian, with utter disregard for facts,
continues its senseless howls over
Col. John Lana' apHiutment
to a federal odice, claiming that
Col. I.ane went from Oregon, a
Northern state, to light against the
union, the editor takes occasion to
vent his spleen in some abusive
paragraphs. The truth is, as Har
vey Scott well knows, that Col.
I.ane is a Virginian, and never be
came a citixen of Oregon until live
years after the war was over. The
editor of the Oregonian is one o( a
large number of cowards who lacked
the courage to enlist in the war and
at this late day Attempts to Atone
for it by making sundry long and
patriotic howls.
Senator Msnderson, president
pro tern of the last senate, said the
other day that lie did not Ix-ncve
the financial situation to be nearly
so bad as it looked. "We are," he
said, "more frightened than hurt;
that is. there is not foundation for
as much alarm as is felt" Strok
ing of the proetwts of ret-?ling the
Sherman law, lie said: The Mu r
nun law cannot be repealed bv the
next coiigre unless it is sulietitul-
ed by free coinage of silver in some
form. They may put more silver
in the dollar, but free coinage will
be insisted upon aa a condition to
the rea-al of tlie Sherman law."
Portland Telegram: The com
mencement or graduation exercies
that are now U-ing held in Oregon
indicate a high standard of scholar
ship And an advanced degree of in-
struction that shows how educa
tional facilities can be develop! in
this far Vet. It would hardly lie
. i . g
an enp-ralinn to say uai u an
oWrving man of literary spirit
were visiting a nuatvlUnus num
ber of closing exercise in Mas-a-
chusetU or New York ami could I
unevnaviouly transferred to Ore
iron And witness like exercise in
our college academic And schools,
he would hardly h.. aware of tlie
change A he listened to the es-sra,
the Anwew to jtn-tions. And in
vestigated the courses of study pursued.
The biisineas of the circuit court
is being pu-hfd cxpeditM'taly.
The Wrrkt v ii Ai'H i- out t-.l.iy
with full news of I.ane county h:i-penlngi
Mr. Kvana c..ayed to I' a jMiin-
nun And a d.-nidn. Ihe renin
is that he in in a f.-loni i t II minus
The Sal.m Iiid. ia n lent claims
that the state jH-iiitentiary is run
on the principle of divi-iou and i-
The street car service in Kup'-1 ''
has been improved by furiii-l.ii'g
.a - t I ...
the mule pro II T wim "ran in "
Do not forget t'' t l.a- j
plentv of moiature this year of ti c i
world s fair. liminiiiiii crop-
be the nsuU. ,
Indications ii tit to a larger at
tendance than ever this year at the j
commencement exTci-e ! me
Oregon slab- university
Army olhYcrs arc to iiave charge
of Indian ng'-nci-s as vacancies '
CUr. Thev sill I' oriiaint lital,
civilians ls-ing hiritl to do the
Tho ax with which (iladstone
did his chopping will U- exliil.ile-1
at Chicago. Washington
hatchet should lie addnl to the col
lection. It doe not apar probable tliut
the Sherman silver bill can U- re
iealel Unless something eiplallv
favorable or free coinage cull In
grantcil. The trial in the McWhirtcr mur
der case in California, which id
tracted such attention,
is now being held in the courts of
Fresno county.
Free silver coinage would hot
only restore silver to its former
value, but it would add o"i per cent
to the present prices of wheat and
other farm products.
The CJiAitn has a set of tin
Chambers' cncycliedias that were
offered as a premium. They are
exactly what they were represented
to be by the publishers.
The most senseless part of' tlie
game law is that which makes it u
penalty for any one to have deer or
elk hides in their joscsioii. It
drives the buckskin tanning iiclu--try
from the state, and w hile it al
lows the game to be killed at cer
tain seas ins, renders it criminal to
preserve the hides. It says in ef
fect that they should Ih- left to r.-t.
From what a former 1'. S. consul
at Canton says, the cause ot' Un
christian religion will not miller
material injury by the absence of
American missionaries in I'liini.
One of them, who was engaged
there for forty years, w hen asked to
say how many real converts he
made, frankly said, "Five!" The
missionaries number nmrc than
half the Americans in the Flowery
England docs nt hs-s not di sin
free coinage of silver. She buys
cheap silver of America and tra-h s
it for the wheat and cotton of India.
If the United States had free eiii
age, with the yellow and white
metals on a parity, F.ugland would
not he enabled to obtain silver at a
discount to pay her dcja-ndciu-ii s
for products that come in coniK-ti-tion
with those of our country.
Wo produce the greater part of the
silver of the world, yet allow Wall
street manipulators to debase it at
the expense of the common k-iiii-.
A change will come.
"lMvior," the house in the mi'
urbs of the national capital uliich
President Cleveland has leased for
his summer home, has an interest
ing history. (icinrnl WinticM
Scott selected the place as the site
for the soldiers home, but it w.i-i
not secured, as l.o agreement could
lie arrived at with the owner.
Francis Scott Key, author of the
"Star Spangled Hanncr," ssnt
many years of his early life at
"IWlvoir," and Presidents Van
Ituren, Tyler und Kuchanan each
spent several seasons there, llaroii
(ierault, the (icrman miuistirat
Washington alsiut the time of tin
Mexican war, also made "V I voir''
his summer residence.
It is said "a sort of financial fa
tality seems to overhang the guU-r-natorial
otlice in Ohio." In u
lengthy review of the ca
reers of Ohio governors the Colum
bus Journal tells us that Tltuii:i
I.. Young.w hosiuvecdi-d Kutherford
H. Haves, died ill comparative i-ov-
ertv in Cincinnati a lew year ail-r
his retirement. A small
t ottsge rovr Items.
!!,.. -I... eh r. June K. '
M.-aAiimt nj.-i.y h- ""!
ai. k f -r aoine lime mnl vtlll have thla
."-uliinl.iv f -r Miow.ii ii p """ ' .
mulnaliu d.iys for tin- ni r
m.vtlMi: willi-.n.iiieiiiv Ihum-
.1 .v. Jinn- :.'-'. mar llnr-lv
Mil-. l ulli V. le a.
an. I .1. lntuiil. of I'm;
purl ni the ert le- a.
Mr.. I hm ISiuiiibituyli prea nt
,u.l -Hi a line i.y,
June i'., ii i-l In r many lie
idea- -I ! I ' -r lh'l "'"'
i. !ii ; iiii-ely.
l. II. l'l.rin i.n r I- ml In. it lare
IW.l . ..It l-ll.l.llll.' HI " ,r "r ""
( ..lliiL-i- irofi- In. ti l. :ili I eolilelliplitlea
.illn-r iinpi... im nl-In the
in- .r I'll. in-.
u I'. Al.-iu.a met ultti . lit -nil imi
d ul a few ilaya n,'.i. He wita holding
it hore, whleii w.ia pl.tyili.'. Mid while
in li e in t of v. r-.)..iii,- tin i..;h- iiroinid
it ilnnl tree, the 11 1 ! - IiiijiT "I III rlk'ht
I. ami :ia i uuu'iil, mi I a rtloi ot it
lii-tiiiillv cut o!t. Il caii-. il iplite a
.am; il m.iii:. l-ut N id ilaiigeioua.
M Alum t ii.Icii-I, a prominent
t, iici.i-r in tin- -i Ii.h.U In liicoiuit
i. i.t I . t i r M-.ii-, iiincil
row s. III
I. 1 1. Iirivt-r
lie, will take
d her
llda ill I
. getting
gin -i
Ill tin- city !-t-
lu n main iluriin; vm-aliou,
,.f In r si-h r. Mr-. Frank Whi-ln-
ain-ut vacatinu l.i-t year in
V I I .
.rnia. llaMiig l..rnn-iiy iniiyoi
m Iiih.I 111 this e.t.v. Ml-" I ndt-rwtMMl
Im. many Irieinl- wlm will mildly wet
eniiii' In r reliiin, mid wish her un eu-Joyiil-li-
V aarl U rrl krd.
I'r. T'i Nsi mi, W'n-li., June l"i.
The haliiiK l.rk S it Cadger, 1'iipt. t".
I'. Foley, "I miii I'laini-.-o, u. nt k
id May' Xt, oil it III. I ll II leiltff .'I luilea
weal nl Knk i-lalnl on the const of
Ala-ka. 1 he vea-t I and eargi. w hich
ii.ii-i.i. .1 of tram oil nml whiile oil
Vitiiied at til.1"' was It I-'lal im. The
ert-W barelv eaella-d from the sinking
VI --el III time to alive their Uvea. The
oil), . ra and part of tin- crew unived
from Mtktt Im- morning on the sti niii
t r I "i ly ol ' Toa ku. I'uiliculnrs of the
ili-a-li r me idated l.y t 'liptain Foley,
us ll.llnWa:
".lain, a M. Km- sealuall, died MaV 20
W hell in- Wi le la.-iilllied I'.l llllles from
In i, . I. I wore sliii in shore to land to
hiiry tin- eorpai-, and was ulaiut to drop
an anchor in a plait- where the chart
indicated nls. nl I't falli'.m-. when the
Imik -truck it lii'l-li ii ris k mid sinushetl
the keel. The eel ll-Ud to imrt and
raiii'liv till. .1. 1 had hunllv time to
l-w. r the U.iils and take the crew nml
crp-e alioard w In n she -auk ix-m-nth
the waves. Allcr some llollhle 111
lii ii-1 i hit I made u trading -t, the
.Noillierii .iiii in an t I'lnnn rcial Co.,
on Utiik Islainl, when- the crew re
mained iinlil lakeii to Mlka on the
sieaiinr ( ri-iei.l fitv. Twt-nlv of the
clew stranded at Ml Ml w ill elideitvor
,i i i.iiic a..ui I, i.n (I. e liet Ala-katl
Ilialmp hi-)-, llmi aluiirralr,
.1 U-iiN, Tellll., June Is. -Alsilll 4,
ism i-.i le Kit l lii n d ii mil r the Hew .Sun
Join .' lain i inn I.- today to hear the
a, iiil-ii i.leiiinal I'.l. ealaliri ale M-rmoll
of Ihe Meiiipliis I 'niifert lnv Ft male
.cli.iiiars . I-V tin- eliHiin ut III-hop Jo-
sepl 1 1. K y of tin- Mi ilioili.i l-lpiat-o.
pal cliiiicli, .11 1 1 1 . Hi. theme wuit
"Tl.eJeW." lleshoMtd l-V slatlslica
Ilia: the II. brew a held ti.daV oln-lnilf
ot tin- eoiellal'le Ueallli ol Ihe world
1 In ' Wi le In- s.ii.l simniMI of Ji-ta
ll t 1 1 1 1 . wen- without a laud llie
coll! I call tln ir ow ii. Tlirv have, he
a.Hei. iii putt .1 fi' the M,..!tic
t in h am I Me a mild l.iriu of deists
ami dulling toward alliei-ni. They
are t nient ing i lit 1 1 i liil.lreii tiller
lll.lll "Ih. r anp!e. IJ...I has it cri itt
puri'oa.- in the Jewish raiv iiiiiI the
liii-li.ui world -i,. ii, 1,1 unlit- in trying
in t ,,i,eri i in in. .. tin- i.i.iiop w as
ill the III ia 1 1 of hi- powerful "ITIIIOII he
w as -uddeiily overi onic with ilnli-po.i-lioii
and the trial heat, ami had to
lllaii'lltllltle sa al.llli; In fort- InaklllU
tin- a'i, cation of the senium. Thoutrh
siillei im; iiciili Iv from what came mar
l ii.L' a ainiatrokc, he I- In id r mid w ill
reeo i r.
I lie Jirtt hirler -litrdar I rial.
I'nisNii. lal., Jin,,, pi. Judge
II. ill, I..' cUllroolll Was crowileil (hla
llioi liilli; l.y ai.ple IIIIMnlla to liiarllle
oaiiing of the MeVVhirti-r murder
cum-, tin- jury having n ohlaincl
yeaiirilay. I'ln- greater part of the
III. 'l llll i; ,-.. jon w aa iN CIIpieil l.y As-
si.liuit ii.rict Attorney WnUr't
oa mug -l.ili ii i-i t to tin-" jury. lie
-aid the pi, iM culii.ii t XN-ctiit to prove
Unit 1 l-:it Ii Witastvii iii company with
I'iiII, v in a sal. mhi on tin- i eliing ln-lor.-
tin- lioiiiieide with ii sack, pre-
alllu,, to eolitaill the l,ll,gi ,im found
in M. lurlt i s y.ud t Im- next morn
ing, ll,- al-i cKcla tu prove that
llcnlll Was .,-vii to Inive in Ins mmm-k.
aloii a pi-t,, similar lo the one found
III Mc l.iiti l 's Mild. At 11 it. in. the
J.irv, the i-oiitt, tin. defendant ami
couil-t I nil Isit ll sides Wtllt to t Ileal vile
of the lioiiiiciile for t he piirpnse f giv
ing iiil nn o'H.itumty to famili:in.e
tin m-hi with it iliagriim of the
premiaia iniriHliiii d by the pro-ecu-lloll.
IbiuIUI Vtaturn.
I'..fl K. Kail., Julie I V - I'opuli.t
woin, u la id it state convention here to
organize it woman -u.Tr.ige it-aiN'iiition.
and got Into it row. Mr. I an Harding
wni i. d to l-e pr. at, lent. The women
tried to pack the coi.xmlioii ulnl t -It-el
Mr-. Anna I'i.-g.. Thla nugi-nd the
frieinia nf Mr.. .ea-e. Mia. iigg' mor
tal ,-, w ho wiin i.i Mra. Itarding.
I'he w ile nf e ( 'oiigrt .-mall t Ilia lea. I
the iMggaea. tin In.-tir-t ballot Mrs
1 1 ... .. . i . i i ..
io.i. ii--i, .-ni iii,-h- waa nil flec
tion Vol. s had Ist ll cast fur .Mr.
i la ami she w.-ia naked to willulraw.
j She r- !u id. 1 1 en Mr-. M;.r ling ami
her ! i. ii ii . it:. ,!n , h, M an iinhg-
H it: il I, it, ting and In.. a g,Ns , ry.
I I 'lie fUitt m tl.i II ei.n ti i .Mr. It'la
i,n . ,! l l . I. .i...,- ... : ...
the pr.H-esls of a s-tty tsilitical ap-, ., ,,. ,i, ,,t .,..,- i.lli,1
pointtnent, ws all that sawd l.iui .
l.l I'rabiibli Sutritai lilaaiMI.
-1 II a. . . t . X . June IV-It i.p,a,.
I e l I. rr ii, .,i , i,t I , v. ,,.
g 'Verilor. ; ,1. ..... .1 ,..,. ... r ... m. ,..".
was lunkrupt i.ta tt nn ,,t 1 ! la-lum. r.l -i.nt n;..i., 1 1....
was r jimsl ! r a 'ediy a-k, I t
iluriiig hi. , "I'l " '' " wi.i i
Iliaaiatlal J. J. aawtili 'lot
V. a.i.laa.ia.-a.l lr aia
, ,,ni, ttlataaa al ttrlaia-a.
Theatory printed la-low relatea to
Mm. lU-vlrr or farter and Mr. V. J. J
Smith, snydt-r or Kle.1.1, or w hatevt-r
hla name really U. They were ehitl.l-la-rmitld
and tairtt-r nt the Hotel l.u
gene, w here tht-y were married. Mnitli
la III Jail at Santa fni lal. The Sen
tinel ol thut city irlve the following
account of the talk Mr, t arter InMlct
etl on Smith in the court room la-f.rc
tlie preliminary examination la gnu:
Pule with Indignation she turned on
Snvtli-r and aald: "Vou are a iilct e
vou are. to dnvlve ar lonely tne.
You told Hie Hint you hurled your wife
hi Sprlliglleld Why did yotl ilis-ive
inc.' Voil m-olllldrel I lioln- they'll give
you live vcara. Where a your line h
hrarv: Where's all Hint money you
aaid'yoii hud'.' I hoe that you 11 ml
in prison, you old villain, and stay
there till the rats cut you up. II"
liiiinv more ivea bnve you got, you
irol, you old fniud'.' I wish tlii-ywere
hele'liow. I allpM.s you've got doz
ens of 'elil all oxer the eouiitrv. Heat
ell bltata the lliell. Fill glad I kept IllV
ranch, or you'd go that, hsi.
Xku call yourself a 'hrisllan! A niiv
old t'liriailan vou nrv! You'll tto w h re
i.ntvl.ig won't do rou any gisl.
Ha I. -a i fiillofsiicli t'hrlsllaua as ynu
an-. Why didn't you I. II n.e Ihe
truih'.' Why didn t you, yo.i old hai,
,lch men na vou ought to la- hut g.
It wouldn't la- crime, for such men
na vou to ls killed. You've got a N.-w
Yorker after vou now. I told xnll
w hat I'd do if vou ever deceived nn
ninl don't vou forget, you double-dyed
villain. I vegot revoliitioiiHry bhasi
In mi v veins, and il'a nrouaed now."
Mlhough the riNHii was tlllitl Willi
tm-li thev let her tlo till the talking,
while, Suvtli-r winced Im-iii-hiIi the
toiigiie-lashlmr she administered in
Was he vt-tv siinailh when he
courted vou'." iiuerictl n N-ntinel re-
.i o . t...
"lucre wua innie slinan hit, sue
I'liitl as slie smileti on I ne reiHiner.
He's as smiMitli na they uinke tlieln.
1 Miring the l.rellinluary exiimimitioii
the tirlsoiit-r asked her: "Were ymi
.. . rt , ,
ever t Vorcetl irolll Itt-Vlt-r. llll'
ipiitlon nroused her indignation and
she n ulled:
"I tlltlll l have to la.-. I le was another
lust like vou. I found out he had iinoth
IT W lie living null I at-lil IIIIII to lilt-
a llitelitlary, w here I HI going to send
you, vou old villain." Snvder nsked
no further tiuestloiia.
Among his elli-eta many phods
graphs of females, w itli xvhi, in in- cor
resiMimled, were found la-sldcs nine
sumples of hair sent biui by women
and the following It tier:
"J. W. Ciiintii Is, I'ortlaml, (In-gon
ilnted Iks-. IMC:. Knelosed please
llln I one dollar for Ihe nddn-as of live
ladies, none to la- under thirty -live
years of age mid from that tipwnids to
sixty live ll they an- lieiilthy. ir tlie
following inimU rs of vourlnst Jitnuit-
ry uiontlily Imlitat are not nln inly en
gaircil, send o. SI'.i, .Mil and ,t--i, tint
the nddn-ssof vour Febriiitry monthly
tallies. Aim. ,.i nml I.i. II tlieae
liutnls-rs or any of them, nre engngi-d' nddrews. I am
w idower witli no iin iinihraint well
to do, nml wnntagiMiil w ife witli souit
nn mis. If siieeea-ful xv ill pity vmi
in. in, June -, . (
Itt lliellt ll.ta I., n , , J' '''
II of thv tt.lllt o V ,:
a-til of Umrle, ,,. i'.. . .
other di fell. Im, t.. (,,,,, , V '''I
eulillii tioll willi . i.
The tMiirt tun de, " ' ,'
day iiuiisliing (. ' '" '
i . t . . . " - ii-.
gliniini i nut ne
ciiven-d the oil. n- a ,.i
the lllilii-tlueiita on w I,,
w t-re Irltsl xxere irr. l-atapieuat-
of tl, ,,.,.,
at once liu ruled fi.,; , ,
le ljt- pa, X llll I. I,,,,,
losplll.sllll'einL' , 1 1 .
am, waa iitiiiruieii I,, w , ,
was Iiai ill t, ,,.,m. . h, -4 ,
lowing xven- th. Iv
Hand de la ... I,,. , , ' -k.
ins I'niitalo-. lino , ( ,
III ll' I. I't I 1 1 n it .'. t 1
lllellinl to Ihe
' '' I
'"- 'I, ,
' ' I i.i
M I..;!
'r;i.. (
i'. tl,. .
l-'l.le ,,
. -.,
is, ,
ai v.,
I ;
1 tl On I I.i It . :
V I- XI. I.x. Jin,.- -.
intt rind ln-j .i .i rln. . .
niiiiiied 1. 1,, i il, . .,,
olij. ct ft lapping 1 . 1 1 :
ol 1,1, set, 1,1,1 il, i j . ,
r im oa r:iti.,ii.
Will Ii Fvilli. ...
w it. eri d mi him i ....
Ill' fur the tinird, i i, i 1 1
tt-iward Mm rill' ....
wnrrniits on him. . , r t i
llllf l lalllia t l.i- 1,, , ,, j '
i.. i l i.i... i . i u
iioiii iiiiii. i a i,ai i, - t
t.- i . i . , -
r ll-aip la ie j; j. ,
F.vnns. hilt 11,11 g, .,, ,
I A nils la iinprnt n,g i
Wlla lllllplltltted Vi -ti ill ,i v
III ag s I. .
r.lXV W ill U- ill- 1 Illi, ; 1 '.,
r . -
'!'!. a.
l t'w
I' 'lr.
it Tt,, i.rm,tr-
At It.XMI Mo. t al.. .i'.i .. i, t,
dell Ami of l oU '
the ili-c rii-t Ion i-i v . n ,.i 1 1 .. " " c
i...,, -..I 1 1... i . .
.one .i.-e
killed M. --.-tiger M ,i !
might la- Sharp, w ho
years in pri-.n for i,,l hi
Inge, he liiivine ..en I
loxey xtiis iiu-s -ng, r i
thai time, in,, I kiil, ,
put. Sharp then .hot
-i- i . ... ,
I iixt-y, nun ai ut sin
in.l.t l:J
.'II, I In,,.
I'1- 'In- Cg4
I .'. ly t,u
II III,- .t4 t
1 ....
'I"l lU
II, g II.Jliv I
I ...... I... I . . , "
III i. i lie i ,,,ii lllliong I., . ..,.-
I tin in iiii u In:,-1... i ,i i., .' .
I... ll,.. r.....l.l.l.. II '
... .... ,o- n:T,r.i.
t-iiptiired It llll sellt I 'I J'l i-,,i.
"nys i iiere nit- 1,111 two met, t
large, who would U- i u
none loiiax sj-m, lllnl . iu, ,
think it xviim Sharp I.,, f.,,,,Mi jk
xey out i.i rcxciip-.
Arptillll.U ll I lie -r,.u,,
W.XSIIIM.IllN, Jllln- I .-Iik- ia
i .. . i . . , . ,. I
iieiii una iiintii- nn- I- i x n.g tjivti
ineiils: titn. W. s-ii,,. rim, .-
t'n olina, ili puly Ihiid im.htr.r
ircasiiry; J. ii. i;. i i-, rnnv.rrf
pilldle inolii x a, l.a t .tan, le, r. : K-4.
nnl linger, l o-tinn-l- r i.i
i Irt rlui.4 I tu- I al.
IIINii TiiN, .lllll 1 i -Ti.r I
i iKinr roi nr.
I'allv lillard. Junr I'1.
Court colixeiieil again ut pi o'c:
this morning.
I Mi muii Scott was nrr.iigiied on tin
indictment returned bv the grand j.iiy
nml plead not guiliy. The eounsi 1 lor
tilt-ilt-feliae, (it-o. It. l..ri-l,tid A. .
I iallagln r t hell l llti red ll ii, lull t rt r lo
the Indictment and the lime of the
court was taken up the Imlalnv of the
forenoon with tin- aigiiimnt.
la-niy FlluiaktT wna nrraignul and
pleml not guilty to the eorn-eti-tl in
liit unit I und his trial xt as set for to
morrow'. 1,7. Sla'e of On i.n vs Iiiii.-:iii
Suit; i-oiiiliiitltneiit. titan, 1 jury re
Juriied nn indict im lit for i.ttemjt to
obtain money under 'nla,. prcteiisiai.
Arrraigunl, jdeud not guilty nml de
murrer to indictment iirgued mid miI
mitteil, TJ. State of Oregon vs I, Fl'mnkcr;
couiuiiitiiieiit for larceny, tiimnl jury
n-luriied liiilietineiit for lure ny by
Utilee. Arraigned nml limU day In
pleml. I'll ad not guilty Tliiiradny
morning, uml eaae n t for trial S.-ttuf-day.
Ki-ul. milted to li e grand jury
mid liiilietineiit n tiirinsl isirrectisl. Ar
ralgiied mid pleml not guilty
ed Indictment.
Ar t'miAi.o. Visitors ut the
World's fair from I'liget-e on Salunl iv
were l M. Horn, J. O. Watts and
wife, 1 1. J. Condon, and Misaea lal tlie
und Clura Condon.
Maiiiuih. Iii this city, Siilunliiv,
June 17, by Ueo. W. Kint-y, J. J., M'r.
J. I:, linker and Miss I'dniii-hr llt-miiig.
frxttu abstilutc want in l.i.-dt-i'liii!ii
years. Kuliard .vi. I., si. up, xcrv
wraithv when he Ins Mine g ivern-.r.
htsitl. lieorgf llo.ld! V
bv MH-uritv itbligatioiis
term, liovcrnor Csnii'la !! ran uti-
on finincial refs and was totally
wr-ktsi during his canv i-- .i.'iii,-:
Mi Kinlt-v. lie wa govt rn -r at tin
time and w s.a cmdi late f,.r re-
election. imvcrnor .'icvnuev s .t..
turn came next, ui-fortum s la-I is-ur
, ilav.
I- t,
' of tl
tiir. Iiat
' me:, -.. r
! l-.t.
I. urn, -r i.a- it ih it
"a -I. i ( Mi ll t h'.. .
1 1 I th" ..t. J.,.-g.. ;
' a' 1. -! !a it . ; . f
I nliexisi. The
oi' ll l. I- mud,- to.
Judge J. I
Un- II. nil at--
' . li r mi iv
, ::-!. r, q
lllte l.iW 1 ,
i,i.s 1 otic
l l ll lit -auaj.
llld lilt- I
and ia n .
i- t u
rn,. I .-
r I..I a.
ing a matter ol wry .cent hit.iry.
The only esoeption sin r the cl.-se
of K. It. Hayes' term I W Ut-n ti..v
ertior Kor.tkrr, who ri'.iri-l nui !i
lamrer than when he a-su md ti,e
othce, but waa not ins-. vent. The
failure of es-tttiveriiiT F -sti r ti e
other tliV Citrnplctnl the li-:. A:. I
yet men will run fir g.ivt rr , r in
Ohio which shows that the ltu k-
ere are not a suja rtitions ivj
.ar las-ii
' ,,-t
tat- la-rore tlie
I'ltta. -iiprtiiit-
oiu of the la-.t
FL0UKL(j m.U
Every Sack of Floru
A-k your grist rx man fi r lu
ll our. If not what it I. npn nn.l (he
inotiey w ill la refillulisl.
The Kugtiie Milla have 1 1, e lab -t Im
pniXt inelita, kinl li.-.Ve l.u .lr.or in
the maiuifiielure of lit.! , 1.,.. i'..,ur.
All kinds cf mill feed
to order.
siiva; "In order tu i
w liich has lat-u eon !
Ill split-ot XX o K iili'lwnMv, !
Clt'X'elaiiii iaipiiiiU "n-,. nii.-is
iugsysti'iii, it iliieiiu: In- ii,..,!-',,'!i
a-r tiny, litli very -imj le.
. ICrtwIliilori .-l.u.urr.
Vii-roi:i.x, I!. C, ..''me I, i
lanplt-s ol Japan fmi'i V,..,
brings news the I 1 in.-' k' -'.is
luelil's llist in t of It t.i.iati- ii ;.', J
the I bill d Slab - i'Vi r I he l--i j m
ia t In- i, ion i I i ,i i;-i im ! v 4
A-III'M. llll ktlo.' He, on -il i.i.
ollieial di I lull - thi.t il li e net .
rieil out other Ulnl in.lch In n
retaliatory u t a.-un a w ill i. ;...m.
trrral-il Inr Hiuilrr.
SAX l'lt.X M Im o, June 1', - I .
liit- xx ere liolilii d llii- li ' nn .' '
dentil lii.l evt-iiiiig. ir. n. i.,i ''
of Mra. Jn in- ;l. line, a "it.if
woman. Mr.. Ib leii buile,
for mi. I the t'ls lalion, xta uiiu.
ly plni id ti ut I. r arn -t. i" t
tile aged , won, mi
Naked colict'l II lilg Ml'-. I'.ul '. .l--'
Mint she hint in ter a It-r. !iv
llllt kc h;.s I.i i ii cliali'l .lli I"-'''-
Boot & Shoe Ston
Will l,.pfur I .-1' ." : ''
I.udies' Jlissi-sJ, gtnl I Lo'Vi-n'oi
pI TTi'V IK ' Is.
Slrtars, V.1:itc -
riN".: !x!! i s.
And ill fact rtrru; .' - il ' - r-"'
Sin a. Una. to wl 1. 1, I if.-1. ! I
D.T ial all- fit' li.
-MY' t-ODl'S All!'. III1 tli'
And gnsnint. I a.' r- - r ' ' ;
la a..ld lr tl.f I. a.-1 tu" '' - '
art! la ran ! ai' i .i !. A. I'1-
Sportsinnn's 1-lporiK!
i pa.:.e.
J'l.hlllJ Tmklr ,3i'
i:ii lc-n
M-wImk Mnrl.ln "' "f"U
All Ktntia r M-"'
i.ui.i.f.:! Q.I l .w t.f, in the O'untrv. I
e-ni :
I f
i'.. : i :
U. I
y. i.
ii..-. ,
li rs. Vi'.l, r. ,
O la- U.HUKll.
i xet'titixr
N.'ill.'i :.l I: 1. li hcnii
i"ii I n n- to eli-ct a sf
i an I,, ial . nr.- in thr
li- Xi..., J'll
lltl.a- II
:.' I- Ilia.
-1 x i .-I, g-i ..ui.iii m:, ti. , r Mi. d.
H- my 1 1. i k.-. .,f I.I !.!,,. ; ix. i,t. i, ky; and J.iu.
' ''. '! I'. n .n ! .lulu. I lie cum.
1 'I' m 1' I la r I If Ii t Ii.-m.I. liar-
' .-ftartx inter,.! .,).!. W llU
I i - i
j Guns ! c.i e.' L Air.rpur.-
- I '-' i c
or o v-itr..
aa." aw M aV lafl 4m
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