The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 10, 1893, Image 8

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Weilem Fr-ilr-ration of Miners
Orpinizr.1 t liutte.
Contrarl Let to IloilJ a Kailrnail
From MuJtf lo Independ
ence, California.
Th rsiin gpiwrr ol Fresno have
finally dr. itl-t to make their own sale.
The Uker if t Angele arr on a
strike. Th. y wai.t l- hour and pay
fur ovrrwork.
Four Kuaaian warship hav go'"' to
th sealing lalatid to iinj-l oWrvance
of treaty stipulation.
A nw l-n.k ruiiry i to ! built at
an I'ng". to Is- ooipird by the na
tiutial g'laH an I naval reserve.
A mov i Ising made by San I'icgo
lapiUlist lo ur a ten-year comes
:n Irom th.MiXi. an government l
eslalhah a lottery at rlimujada, Lower
Tlif Mexican government ha made a
nliUin to tin- lower California l"e
vrlopmcnt Company to tarry the mai'
laHm-rn f n- an I Macallan on bi trip.
Th Tiilam a.k Har appropriation of
llft.inO will 1 up. nd.-l th. summer
principally on dike, th main ohj.i t tar
ing to thi watrron a hat i knuwn
a lry Mi king har.
Th miner of Montana. Utah. Idaho,
Nevada, ruth I'akola and Colorado
through delegates "hull met at Hut to,
Mont., have organmd the "Western
Federation of Miners."
(almon pw.ker on th Colnmhia arr
Terr deatideut. Tit rough weather, anl dnfta.ssl render fishing
lmpsible. Th pk will ho '.UW
shorter than thalol last year.
Th Pacific Coast ftiatnalnp I'mn-
.aiiT'n teaiiicr will drop r-an 1'i-dro
roni On ir art ( call under th new
arrangement with th Southern 1 fl.
hrrvl.v thT are to ra'l at r-anta Mon
ica. A contract lia twn given hy the lass
Angel.-, Ow -r. Valley and I'tah Kail
road Company to construct a Im o rail
road Irom Mojav to Independi tie, a
distance of !' miles. The os-l will Is
aU)ut I'-M""0"'. and the work will 1
don aithin lillie months.
IYU-r h tan up, th I'tiyalliip chief.
Ikm rtHiiitly louiid in a
iriamotl th n .'rtion. It nip.l
to ha U-. ii iimrdi r.-l.
haa rt vt-al.-'l tin' hu t that ln nt k
waa dinliK-atol, ami that dmthwa nut
du to drwa liilirf. I h .1iv..r.s lud title
Ui pn rty aorth f 1 . -
Hi.-r ia r-t eii-iN-inrnt at han
I.u. II.i-ni itui'iiitf ni ty (aipl at th
auddi-n li-p. irtii if tuorv'o Mn
drw hrld, ho !r Hi pt ten .r
haa ti-l a Kk'. tit at l'ort llr..r. (or
th I'tf-ili.- t'..kt Kmlaav t Vmpanv and
th Onvim miriv'iiii'iit t ini:tnr. It
U aaid Ina auiit hit not curnvt.
Th validity of th proK-l am. n.l
lli.'lit tralmti-rriiit thn .ipital oi tin- Mjt
ol Cahlortiia to .m J'w aid l l 't to
tha d trriimiation o( th Supn'iu( ourt
Th Sa. rauifiito SiiH-nor imirt havitit
n liiMti an injiim lion to rv-trum tin-Ssr.-tarv
o( Mat from ivrtifunij Ih
poiKwil anii'tidinciit Iti llm t oui.ty
l lrrka ol th Mat, III ap l haa In-. 11
takn hr N. I. lidoiit, mIhi had inrti-lut-i
th "tut.
Jom'ph. Walloaa iMiinty, Or., now lm
a th-(rph aiil u-li'piioii r 1-1111, in. 11,
although oil rat In r a diiiiinutlv n-al,
t.minin'a to liavf Ita un I'oninvt.-d
with a hurLir alarm, hy
win. h tho' indixidiial in 1 harv of th
local Imnk ian giw notii to th oth.-r
hitain.'aa hoiiM-a ol any attmpt at rot-
)rry. Aa a nuinU'r of ahootui( Inina
ha l- n platvl tti handa that know
how to ux' them, it i aa( to aav
hank rohN-ra will mt with ratlnr
warm ryptwn if thy iait that town.
John "v hint It. a young laUriii man
o! l'' ton, t r., alio haa ala at Nun
an i-. lli-iit n iiialn'ii, om urn ao
taiii;hl anin prvprty, pMiif part iah
and kivii, a noi d irilii for ih l
Th other vii-iiii'i:, hi fMHk' haviiii;
r. hi tin" am. unit, he went to take up
th not. When it aaa han.h'.l to him.
till rrtaimmt t-wi.ii ol th inom-v
h ran aaay aa l iat aa h; h t; would
rarry him. He waa .iUow. home, an.l
there tra up th money, whit li he h.t.l under hia wiie'a pillow, II aaid
he could not ei plain the impula that
iiiH'lle.1 him to a. t aa he did.
A niittiiiii of the owners of swamp
land au'tiii the lurdcra of l'.r
klainattl ltke haaUt n hel l
the prvipoaition to remove the riltl at
the ol Ijnk rm r or tiioiuli i f
th lake in order to re. laim thoiiaauds
ol ai ft ol swamp land laifdeniitt on
klamath Ijike. it aaa cMimated that a
ulH nptton of 10 iviila a-r acre on all
land to la- hcm-rUcd would mlnpli le the
work, tin r I low.-niiii l'pM r k'au aih
Irom t.-n to foiirt.t-n in. In and render
ing thou-anda ol acre now coiere-i with
) k water dry and ta.'itah,. A com
mittee l.aa la en appointed to cousult
with every a raon iulrt-.l.
By tha a.t of the last tr. vn lafiala
tore the Wan of Cotlaj,- t.ruve, lan
county, was divel.-d into two towns. our
rrUmir.g the oi l rn e and Hi other
Nir e la.lid Kat l .!'. iirov. At
thei.-. tion win. h folloar.) th lonio r
Kemrder aa ih.aa.-r! , f,;j a mniiar
wi:ioo in the i.vatoan. llatn.jtthf
loi-ks, aa.a(n. nt m,: and other
r"orU in h.a j--nin. he rtain.
theuv and I to adapt tl.rm to
the as ol I at Cotta.- Mvr. lle.orlr
Mcllcy of I'ottarf" i.roe n-.w una for
the return ol Ui ., m-nn'.a, rt,-,
claiming that t! Tj-riy lai nif to
( otlavg linn aa !a-. -nr. and n 't to the
town of Paj-t Cott; Oruve.
The Ivl Norte Pecorl. p ii l.a!,.l at
Crea.-s'i.l iVv, t"l , rt-titiT n pnn'.r-l
tha story i ti.e fauioua in tiiaa. rr
of irttWraon the klaxath river from t'.a
6i ol U.iny-- it'll ear aTi. A siii.
arnt-er to the Keronl hvir at 1 10. 1
Bafa, lr., read the t cunlLti
torr, but n.-..i ui to n-.ti.e that it wa
aa tvent that occurred alana"! l rtT years
afr. f ancring that tte tnarr had
tat jt taken pa--, and that trier waa
danger of a gvrwral otrirra. he at one
jvrixiae-i the iievh'ah-l. No'M-eswire
jyvlnj, a puM:c nira-t.r.f 111 ra.:l. and
romiwny of oj u r. t.r or,-a.'... to
proceed at once f take the t.t Id a.-.r.t
th bloltturty Id ', ana. lVMnn.urn.-a-LMf
ttilnsircl Citrwaa tr.eo tat,
ad li rvtaauatra iauLal:suy L-
It la th pnrpoae of Keeri'tary of the
Interior Smith to plwe army offWm
in rtaivof nr Indian aifi n- y, rnvpt
tin.- alurv la" liiduut arc iu an
vain rd itate of rn iluation.
' hr.-r.-tar llrl-rt haa aiinoiini"-! that
th y ol thai Navy iH-pirtmrrit in
the future aol m to rv'. ulim r a ho
liavo held li.-.t collill.afida over thrrr
yearaand gi other othrvn an oppor
tunity. Prof. HarT.r.ifUin, chief of th weather
hiin-aii, haa . lit a letter to the l'ri
jdmt ti e ri"rt auhmltt.!
I'T Aanatalit Atlriiv. .. neral ( olio- of
i th liiiratU'at'.oii ol the rharjp a arf.iilift
llarrui.' a willful and n.; 1 .. 1-hi
1 I lUlli.'ation "t th teatiinofiT taken III
the a-o. II rl'et the rni'l' lit to
irive tu in a lu-ariiii in hi oan de.-ne.
inerl olrwyhaa r- i-ive a telegram
Imiii New York. r:at:ii that Ju.L.- I-a-
c mil ol the ( 'in uit Court ol New Voik
j ha. d. -elded that .e.tioP f) of the (nary
letcliiaion a.t, though rontittitional. n
I a'.ill inetlei liial. ! a.i there la t;o pro
1 via'oti aa to how or hyahom th or.h r
ol dcprUt'on for (lil'n".' -Inmld I I-
ut-l. Una aaid to l a nw '(tlea-
tnm not rai-l or in any aay involre-l
In the prrvioiil apal.
1 I nvtdenl i'lrvr'alid ha approv. -I the
.le..I ol tin- (h.taw and t huka4W
ll.ail.oia (or their rik'ht and till to th
I "I. ad" land in Indian Territory, for
1 mi rly iwrupn l hy the ('! veiim-a :.d
i Arapaho Indian, hut now
a ia.rtin of th ' 'klahoma Territory, l"r
ahi.'li ll.t'.'l.l ' ai'i'roprut.-. hy
, the Indian at-t.r.rit.of, vt o h i
A In at-t.roval ol rn-'M'-iit
t'lev.-latid inak. the a pmpration mi-'
' ine.liat. lv aiulahl. arid th monev w ill
! 11.1 til the .'.-fit ol tl e .
( h. taw and Chit kaaw natmna. tl... I
I llama ol th t'hen.ln-e ration haa ptili
1 liari.M a notice aaknv hida . .r thr.ale
! d 'i ,iW,iiiJ ol tain.U authoriu-. to la
i iaa.i. nndr the act ol t oti-reaa March
js, iia
M.r Ihivia, cl.ii I o( th war remrda
otli.e, haa tuat r.-tttrn-. from liettya
hfir, where hy dirrctioii of the Se. rvtary
ol War he mad an inet of the
ell.-, t llp-.n til ltt 1 llllea and ainta ol
int.-rt-pt hy th -ii"tru.'tioii ol an el, trie
rilr..l. Maa.r iMtia found that the
damage to tin- hattleiield had all lan
don, aa tl.e work ol enavatioii and
l.lliint a )r tic.illy Alut
lour mil.- o th are laid with
r.i;l, and th r-iiiaiii l. r ol the .llte
f-.r line irradintf. The gn-ateot
iniure haa ln inMict.l in on atrct.'h
of ala.ut to nnl.-a of rout-, w l.ieh run
in front ol "llliaaly Annie" and "iNath
Valley" and kirt "Ifouml fop."
Mr..r I'awa' reuta will U a-mm-I
aim-l liv a 1 hart and ket. ln-. and wiii
la r.iilin.-. to a atat.-ni'-iit id th a tua.
condiiioii ol a:rair 011 th hattleti. il.
It can aa-an-ely f farther, in vn-w of tin
(tt that the irovernnniit haa no p."p-
ertv rinlila ill th held.
Iiiif to th amiill amount of
hvllllon de-ltl-.. atailll ll'al.Ual H-r
month, ami th heavy eija-na.. of coin
a' at the I nitft Mates mint lit Car-.n
I it v. Ncv., Nvn-tary t aihsl hiw di
rectiil a U"'niofi of . .1 n .- . ; -.-rit 1 1. nt
at the mint from and alter the ltol
Jim. o. and siher hullion i l.
however, re. i ie. for paitmi and
retlnir.. tiold d. -it will he paid (or
111 coin or fine har, a preferred hy tl.e liet irna for silver daits
ill - made 111 ni.p.irted hius or in line
I ars, a diaire l. Purcliax a of sihel
t.ullioii tmd.r th ait of July 1 1, vn,
a ill lw i-ontuine.l aa heretnior. I he
mi-h ri'i.iu of coinage oa rations at ttn
mint will involve a r.lnction 111 font, hv
thirty-llveniiplov i-a. ;,-.ui t lona ill the
Ion of th employes at th l'inti-.
-tuti-a iniiita at I'liilitdelphia and Ne
(irhaiia will pnitatily loliow. Willi a
'in ii"i"i o( i-.unaje at Cariii t itv
the Ionian of ailvi r doilars ill la' di
iiritinin-. for th prewnt, aa there w 110
.h-iiiaiid for tlua cluw. of money. In.'
tioiial unciirreut niveriiiaiter and h.iil
l.el.vrs arc now la-im; fic.iui.dat New
lirleaiia, an l riviii ia.ii and rinl.idelpliia
liuiita and at the Nui 1 tancis,i an l
I'liiia le!ph:a liuiita.
cuit.vii v.xrosiTios.
Controller K. L. Is has apja.lnte.l T. Y.
J 11 )i 1 1 w ol r-raltic, Wa-h., to 1m- a na
tional hAiik eiamiticr.
The Mtip' with kolaa ar cliaived I"
a .Ur lor the pnvil.-r ol iiain tln-m on
th World lair grounds.
The I'liioii racillc ahoM at thnaha arr
repairuit; tlieoldcar in aliu li I n-si li nt
Ahraham l.i tutdn travel. -.1 in th V
I r rihil'ilion at the World l air.
Chli ak-o una divlares that the ettor
liot.s w In. li are carried on iu cuiniivtioii
a ith tha (air am i rpetrate.1 hy oiitaid
era. June I'i.l fair to la" a pnaerous
month for the fair. 1 mm the lunula r
ol so. letn-s and orranuatioiis that have
ami. .uii. il in advance their intention
of vi-itiiit Ih fair iliirini; that moiilh it
la catimatol Ih dailv atti-ndxiKC w id N
eiiormoiialy iiur. aa.ii, Ihrn ar to la
a nuinlwr ( si il day a,-!,, . d lor
sum particular ol-aerva-i.-e hy th d.f
(ercnt national. tie and s.iel.e, and
a h ol thrM- will hrmg Isre crowds.
Th New York rva.m in the woman's
t-lllidlllll has la-en tlimall oa ll. It is
laautilutly liiri,i,,,il, li-.i.r ai.l and h.u
a lihrary of JV.ivl volume. r ver tiling
111 It I the work of women. In. 1. lent 1.1
l!i opening aa th unveiling ol the
marhle rtr,nl Lust of lUri el r..-1-. lur
SUae. Th Frviicli atvtioii of tl.e
woman's hiuLling w as alao oh ihiI. It
i very la-aut.lul and allra. live in everv
way, representing a tinalern fnii.Ii
salon. The furiuahincs are thel.neat,
mort coatly and artistic ohtauiahle 111
Tha are trouh!coin dav for John 1 hat. hr ol Nw 01 k. Chairman
ol the Paet-iitive Coinmilt on Awanlr
ol the Nat n.nal Commisaion. I'roteata
;il:t th on iu.l-e s. rn ol aa rd-
mi the pnre iimlala and d'plomaa eon
t.nue t. laa mn.-l hr th I'mvtor
(..neral. Th American eh. tutors m
th leanufa. turra hui. -I.r.g l.avea ii.'-l
their piole-t to ..( llic li.mgti coin
iii:aai..ners. a a pre I s!i p. u is
undrat.l. to withdrawing tlnir di-
plavs ..r rtamtna'ion forawacta. While
Hi pnwrnt tiunda-r id th - wlm have pr't-si,.l is ma.l 111 ti:npart
s.n w th the total Mitn'a r of .S.'.iVvl 1 -I
,1-itor, the t in c; ;i-iti..ii to
the norj-coM peiitu piaa 0: th com-
nwaa oli 1 gr.. irg. The Ai.n-r:. an pro- I
t. -t is at prv-i I mnri.i-l to t
iiian".fa.Turt I '-'i..di:: j w I., r I ' wien
eiliit :ra. raaid.w oili.-r ljr.-e l.:.rn!
inanufa. t jr ra, id : To The a t- j
la-rt siairru. m al- 1.-. i -. 1.. what af:ri
tie Cent.-ni.ial I i.a. Ti Vat Com-
m-aai .nrr w .ll pro'a' lr l thr !at to
t r pro!ra! ..n ta-:-.a.( of th rthih t.-r '
w!. n l!i.-y tv-.i-arnt. They want rti -rr ' .-n to p j-i : i:rnt on th
Hur t ol thnr rihihit an I have a
F'ahal sisrfn -d awards. It ia n't:
like that t.' e Na!i-al I orr.Ui.aai n. ia '
the fa.- of the t in-f-Ta!..ri n i tl
work of the liiiui.'.ii on Aajr!. w. I
eri.t rtak to i:-art tt. plan al.-pte-l : may !a , .-'.t t..i aii .i.a i-, I--,
and of tii i.; o..i ta
hriMt.t into l.n after a (j.t .1 . '
. n ol f aaan'a aw Uv Aaa. ;taa '
Internal Revenue Collections
for Past Ten Months.
An Underground River, Strongly Im
pregnated With Iron. Found
in North Carolina.
Ciiu-innatl Jadiiated a Daw city hall
laat week.
Th ir dealer of Btoi.hava fonnnl
an i' e trut.
rii la-li Iphia ha granted 2,191 lirenaea
lor the coiniiiir year.
A. I tin ml iiherarii if to hara charga of
th Hr.aik.yn navy yard.
There i a hay amine in Main, owinj
to th lorn: and mid winter.
The Manhattan Cluh htnl ling at Nw
York haa la-.-n aold for 74'',i.
A ('h:.'- woman haa g-ot a d rorra In
M umnU. with Ml aliumny.
A taaietr haa lieetl fornie-l at Nw
Y"rk to la friend Indian! and hoineaeek
era. I irareri.)a-riin the principal Omaha
1 jirincip
I tha -p
. I . a
n.etery nave en i
le of that
to n.
Pennsylvania ha ja-nt lUI.fW in the kimr and prvavrvatioo of Gattytburg
l-aill. tn ld.
A vi.-. rous f-ht against tha Intrusion
( eh . . ra w ill la- hy th Nsw York
health au'.li..rnies.
Th ahiakv tnt is in a state of dit
s..l.ition. severnl ditiller having given
li.c, ne of withdrawal.
Th Uifialature of th Woolen Nut-nn-i:
Mat r fua. a to allow electnc ra.l to rarry fn-igtit.
liovernor llovg of Teia haa rommnt
rd tl.e si-ntene of a convicted negro
rapn-t to life imprisonment.
The Kilty-tl.ird C.mi:res contain
tii. i iy-i.-M ii iieprcacntativc and Sna
tors lrn in foreign muntriet,
Ti rini 'ai ans have a fund rd
1 . to eaiicrl th mortgaita on kirhy
Miutti's homertead at .ewane.
Th ly.-ialatur not having ma-le an
.. pr... rl.u ion. IMawaiu will har no
M.ite unlit. a during the ensuing.
A d.a-iamn liaiide dow n in the Kansas
City Court of Appeai holds that ihar
:i.g on Minday is not a neccswly.
Ir. Tiilmage aniiieinv-e.1 to liis ronirre
ati.ui Mm I iv that the deht of the i ah
em. I.- had lan rlarai, wherriipon ha
a 1 hi-, nil.
(ioM-rnor Tillman of South Carolina
.v t. -tit-. the 111 w Inpior law in the Sil
pn in t ourt of the Mat before putting
it 111 on ration.
Ih t'oiiiiii.-ri ial Club ol St. Taul a
prove a tt.i-1 mark ol that city which
howa a alar coiitnitie-l within line rep-n-
-nt 1 im the geographii al boundaric of
Yalu.thl concession for agricultural,
miniiiat and industrial colonies. Krarite.1
liv Mevicoto Amt-ricans. hai ta-. n for
(1 itial hy a faiiurv to make th mveaarr
.'aih dcal-lt.
Two Imndntl fit t of land on Michigan
au-iin.', Chic.Vi.-o, sold the other day lor
Mn.oni, or ti .Vsi pr Iront dt. '.Mr.
I'rimley, who aught it, ha a for
tune in chew mg gum.
An uiid.-rv:roiinl rir. stmnsly im
pn gnnted with iruii. was found recently
in ur I l.arlotte, N. t . It ia report.! that
the i-treuiii. w .'11. 11 is lortv-nve lei-t tn-low
the aii'l.ii r, is 70O leet w id and s:t fi-et
It is ai'parent from n-art r.fival at
Vl'-anv from th interior of Nw Y'ork
ar.ite that plant li- e are almost as ahnn
I mt on the IoIih,- as thrv were In ls-W.
I he aitu.tti Hi I eapivially d.s-Ulet lllg to
Imp growers.
II. in Ir.-.U of student of the Illinois
State Normal I'liiversity are depositor
of mniil sums 111 N hun-man Hank at
Normal. 111., whnh fan l.-ai last week, and
many ol the students are now penniless
teinratily at I. asi.
A imiiiher of workmen who wre drill
in an well at Cetiterville, Ia.
t.i Hi a sii'. terrain an cavity at a depth
ol neariv ti iit that wa completely
tilliil with live hat of th common gray
ivi. an.l ol ettraoMinary sit.
Tln Mehhants' and Marufa.turera'
hh iation of Cincinnati ha estah-
ii.n-l two luii. is a working tun. I, lor
the purpose ol lruii;iiig inrnl.i'iti to
th city, and a promotion fund, for the
entertainment of thrtn while there.
For the tirat ten month of th present
f.t al year Mllvtin (nun internal ret
I'lnie sonrves awrv g.vtul 1.:J,'.l 'l. an
iiicrea-a m i-r Hi iiirr.-ap.indiiig pi-rio-l of
1 it vcarol rn.t'.i. .isi. 1 11 receipts for
Vnrd were UTl.lS J lest than In April,
l'on-i.-n naval commanders drral to
runt ah rv leave to their sailo-w hen
they come to America. The four itritish
alnps have lost l' men in Nw Y'ork.
I. a. rtcr from ft). Mat ol the other ship
.I th foreign s-juadron are also n
arted. Krel. rn k Walter, a ler. cnn.ler. waa
found .h a I in Ins home in Philadelphia
recently. 1 1 is nelfc'hlair telieve. he w a
i.r, and his demeutol wile sai 1 thr
liis I no money; hut th poll.- dismvenad
M.est in ca-h. Umds and mortgage in
a trunk in tliool.l mail t workshop.
1'on-at tin's in Michigan are doing tin
meii" d.nn.ig. rtigoan l Itrvant have
la-. ii neariv wijvsl nut. and ijuantitiea of
liiina rdc:rove. and many nulla ttirnl.
It Iv.llat Ivay aa.pi t un.-l their hous
h l I r:!ecta, and were Ion-sal to right
their wav out through a utf a-ating brat
and smoke.
In the ca of a d . hargcl U itr car
rier at Wa-h-ngton, I. C.. the Circuit
J-.i !g has mini that an employ of the
government ApiHuutnl under arid suhje.1
to Civ . i wri li laws 1 ann-it ta? il.
fr -rn the s,tm.t w ithout tuat and iiTE-
. nt caua. and that the curta have a
ng'it to paas Bi th sutftcir.ry of the
l;.-a..lnt'.-n we-e al..p'r. at tha gen
eral on l ol th r!(ormd Pr1 vtrian
Church in at New Y'ork that nn
i.-in ti f-n.l hereafter tnveate-t in
! at,, k w hi. h i an t-.nn.-.t-rarv work on
"nt-, lav. su. h as railroad and mart
v:,ra. aid t; at ai n riher o( the
church ri r-a-iT.-.l t v t'. n a
t .r pat-onag Irorn the World
Ka.r if it were opinial on Sunday. Th
Unary a. t waa a.sw eond. mr.l.
v.verrior If vg of Trta h Tt.wl
di '-gar-ratititv t il! pasail pr th
Ivialaiure. lieaais that in th f.rat
p a. I ongn-as waa g-:il;y o( usurpation
I power in paasir.j th UicntT a.-t, an 1
'! al 1 1 .-ca-i t mor.ey tna iu. hi sonrce
Taa w.i J ls an a. rr to th rta.
Farther, pm
th Mat wouij detava herd
"iitnt her anl appear
Ta t r ( '.. ration as a ti i-r.iat.-l k-.
lu-g t.-i l.i g 00 to th brvaat oi th FcJ
ra: t iTrrnuienl. ; :. a-"t td ti.:t
I - kil
y. K-oaty !, k t-i-i. ar f-r-
rrnsaLt true a.
Atavut 3tfl.(X),is) bushel of -at ar
ne.l.i to tupply th wanu of coi.aanurt
In tin rountry.
Th he rrop of th fn.t.! Stat. it
re p. r till Ut la? 11 p-r ctnt greater than
any previou one.
The value of tn.pical an I senl-tmpical
fruits grown undr the Amen.avn flag i
n.-rly iJ,').(i.
A rabinet-maklna' irn:us has )':tt J
viil an art.c I of furni! ire which com
bine a U--1 and an org ima,
(.n-at Ilntain. suppa.-l to r a fr-tra-l
country, t p.i,i."nJO of her
r. venu.-a frmu tain on import.
Tli minbimsl U-ngth ol the world'
telegraph line is Ka.isi tn.n-s, r." !
Utiug the use of 2.2''."" mile of wire.
Ihiring the roinpli. !'-l - s ol
nianufa. luring tam tii. y are roiinte-l
eieven tinw in or h-r to g isrd against
The profit from the m muhv'tir and
al of chwine iruin rnal I'll man to
buy IVaj.mj pnija-rty in Chuago the
other day.
Japan it ao crowded that land rnough
cannot be atrorli-l fir rads. On mh
man who owns eight acre 11 Iikel on
as a monopolist.
More than on-half of all th oil ol
p. pwrmiiit, sp-arniint ari l tansy used
in tlie world is sai l to l pnalU't'U and
d:stil!d in Michigan.
Tli climate and gras of Montana ar
said to mak the l st ol mutton, and
th wool clip of th Stat now run close
to 12.0i),taJ poun l a yr.
Whil the vain of o ir in.vnn!.irtur-l
pr.slucttn iHaJwaa a.i;pi.ii.mO. th
total value ol our agricultural product
in that year waa only abjut .1a),iaj,
O11O. Thi muntrr ri-.rt.. l'1.fr5.i" yardi
of cotton g.fs to 11 -aid during tlieeigbt
month to March 1, an increaa o over
V rr rent over the same period a year
ago, a deal lor
Hi,.") tout of Nome ;Mn h.) ona, to t
dehvcrtal th; sea in. The pri.-e wa
M-HS. The a:iie ore old for f 5' lat
a. aon.
Ilailw.iy traveling Is cliap.-st in Hun
irarv. It is (i-ait,;. t- go from Hilda-
I'.-'th to, a distance of V
miles, fur ll.tsi. la-ing at the rate of thrie
in! .- lor a cent.
II m. Hulileld Pna tor of Vermont.
lat.- Sev-retarv of War. and a numla-r of
other wea.lhv gentlemen will erra't at
Knoxrill. Tenn., the marble
111 1 '. in th world.
A French medical journal ay that
there it on .!.. tor 111 every mliao-
itanl of i.ermanv. one to ''t in
Frani-e, on to l.ii in kngtand and on
tola.) in th I lilted Male.
Two Ian alsmt 13 year of ag are
running a .Uirr in South Atchison, kan
fher startnl two v.-ar ago with one cow
and' a milk rn. Now ther have four or
live cows and a hors and wagon.
A vn In at has been fonnl in New
Y'ork with 4.i'.nJ capital to construct
an ilii-tnc Im Irom Niagara rails to
lil-anv for th transmission of the N
agara Ktllt ehvtrio jiower l cttiei of the
Cardinal Vaughn has ordered a pravrr
for rain in-crtid into a.l inasaea ivie
hrnti'-l in Kngliviid until rain (alls. Then
a Te IS'iiru ia to l aimg without wailing
for another nthcial notice.
Th daughter of tli it-lebrated Field
Marahal Manleutrel. who was r.luc. to
taiverty thimgli the prmligality of her
ipitliera. 1 a otitauieil til roil gli ttie Mil
ureas of (ii-riiiaiiT a pension ol rt,is.i
Iord M itiksw.-U has u. c.-.-l.-.l in get
ting tl.e approval of the l'.ritiah Moils.
if Iord for a i-Murti that is to set forth
whutea h Tier draw s from the govern
ment 111 the wav o( aa.ary, pciiamn pay
or other a.l . am-.
An impiirv directed t- tweiitv-iiin
-rinill cities from Ma i.e to T 11., liavm
tbi'ir rlcc'ru-street lamp pnivide-l and
inaintainiat by prua' corjairation
ahows that the avevge annual rout per
amp to ttic cities i 1 lisi in.
William I). 1 .arna..;i ()( llridgrton, N".
.1., is making a f.irtune fiipplving the
in-vrket with a tirii piality of gravel lor
canary birds. II own a Piece ol Itnd
111 .;em county, Imiii which th grave
ia procured, and he shipt It to Philadel
phi by the boutl'M 1.
Mis Eleanor Calhoun, grumlniec ol
John C. Calhoun, 11 making some ttir a
an actrvat in 1 ana.
Mr. Humphrey Ward is writing a new
novel, a companion work to I'avnl
.iriev" and " K.ila-rt Plainer."
Th lat Will am II. Aator't p.-nion.a,l
i state inlireat ltrilain ha.i lat'n returncl
wiili an official valuation of H.llAl.lHH).
Mr. I'ulitier dinol twenty-live of his
stnir the day of his return from Kurope.
Only on around the tahle had ta-en with
him when he t.a.k the World ten years
Th moT!iint to raia a fund with
which to purchaa n-aidcnce in Wash
ington f.r Mgr. Satolli has ao
larthat the Mon:g:iorv 1 I. ..king aound
for a tn table it
I oj Iik.l to write in bed, and would
davt ther in uniet i-omrtoaition.
henev 1 r an idea ia-iiirn-1 to
mittcr at what time of .Uv or night, he
always wrote it down at 011,-e.
Pr. P. II. Keiche of Wavv-lv. M l., has
a bronr medal which was struck byCon-gr-a
to.-oiiimem.m'e :!,v aiorous charge
ol t'ol .r.el John 1" Igir II iwanl Januarv
. 17S!. at the battle of Cow pens.
Pr. I'onan IV 1. th roveli-t. b-.'.m
Id as an eye sp.v;l t, but hi gn-a'
uti-ifas a a at.irv-ti-.i.-r ha indnce-i h
at-artd.-nment of the former pr...-aj.i,vri
it. is'viewaa ra.rn in r. linturg'a in I-vV
t..g.r." wh-.rn Kicharvl llanimj
Pav h ma.1 fa:ti :t in hi story. 1.
al l to have Io n in a null, an.l
la-twe-n V'l-s f.e oli..-r day the
Philadelphia Pr.- otlnv in an-h of
la tter empi -v ;i nt. was vnorant
that he hi U-- n made a hero of li. ti T.
Iter era! Wai, Ma-.pton.Com'i, -s orcr
.f kai. -.. 1)v.w on an orE.-ul tn-spea-tion
tour id the ub-id;r.ii pa.-ific
ra Inwvls. c
:1! tnv.-l in a car p'--)
' that he can sp.p ,,-T .
II- pu.n 1 nt :n the
I ;;t liaa r-or-'
p. of which h ha laa, n
at h'.S d'apoa-,:.
wi'.i. -n.--a.
'at of health.
1 re from t' g
an. titn fra v.-ar or m..r.
M-s. Fer.w k the onlv worr.a.i il. a fellow of th I rg-
I. -h S.a:, tr .( J and a kaler
wra.-r oi : I,. Ion Im News,
was for sev,T. iava tS..g'j tof Mrs"
F-a- k Ir- f , srtr yvrfg Jr, -.j ;,,.
g-!.i;.al :n la-j ,ti, rumor lr.m ti,e
U .t:-en M. -; Co.lctre ol London.
' ut dr.fT.-l a.-jmaliara d.irmg her
I ;-.:- . ( a mrtnta-r of the Lon
don fel.a..! Taaarl.
The Ma., a -a -oh of P.!...wnpggr is tr
l onol iit h-xir inlailon. II is n
tsr.eptal raCrsrat. w(jo la trareir-i
froni lr.d.a Uv Fr.-j'.an-l to attend th
o;-r:r.g ot t.'.r l:-..r-r-ai Ir.stitrjr and to
II. t... a iorg 1 ;.. ruiie.1 dew.r ol rat. r -
r.l (..'11 l.f to ih UUfa-B ar..l .. I
1 - 's ti rn i: u r.e.1 y.Kir.g
H- , ' "
.a tl en f .it. r.e.1 T.Kl r. r i
1 -j. i.o is wr.a.Jrnrvt on of m .
lecn.wm of tr u: ts pj r of Inta.
ka-g (aartt I VX.aJ la tMk
) o
An Englishman Pays $5.o
for a Single Kiss.
Th New Italian Cabinet - Loula
Koaauth Advlae Ilia Parti
aant in Hungary.
. t. .11 r..' I
ng ooi ten ai uuu. t-n '
continue to ill-trvat non-unioiii"i.
Th Australian failure are not likely
to have wid.pread etlwt in Knglan I.
Intluetiia in a virulent form has ap
peared in the iirand I'uchy of iUden.
Surveys an U-ing ma.1 fr thre nw
raiinsvl in the Transvaal, couth Africa.
Among th cause of the Italian Cab
inet ens s wat th misj ol the Caa
deposit by the Ministers.
The Oar prop.- to inlonir Pilasria
by the peasant who were impoverished
bir the famine an J cholera.
In Per:a when a railaay train kill a
man th nativ pud up the track for
mil. and ta.ycott th train.
The volcano Handaisan in Japan ha
become active, and wideaprjl disaster
ha la-n cauml by it eruption.
Iti s k.issuth has hit parti
sans in Hungary to support the Week
i rl Cahinet ami it lila ral jajlu y.
Ther ar now but four province in
China chaiisi. Shensi. kansu and Hu
nan that are without the elia tric wire.
At th Winning of thi year thre
wer f.'rsAOisi.OO 111 gold and liM.40',-
0 in silver in the vault of the Hank ol
There are five bills before the French
Cluimla-r whoe obj.-ct it to check or
prevent the immigration of foreigner
into the country.
Th Itraiilian vessel of war Almirante
Harro-a ha 1-cen totally wrecked near
Ka (. barer, a port ol the oast ol Mid
dle Fgypt, in theiiuil of StK'X.
Seventeen Perlin banker have tigne.1
an apjieal loraneha tion fund with which
to promote the choice of Liberal Candi
da!. aupporting the government.
CardiT is gung to srvend 7,010.V" to
imppive hr dia k and hartwr. build new
railway connection and generally bid
for th American passenger tratlic.
In l-'. th imperial poatotUce of Rut
sia lS'.i M'l.OiiO letters. 2!.ftK.(sJ
it car ls.'re'l Package
and I'd. 742.s.W sample of nierchandiae.
Tail feathers plucked from th feriwah.
a rare and beautiful Indian bird, form
tin! plume worn on State occasion by
th Prince of Wale. It i id to bo
worth S,'-0.
M. de tilers, Russia's Ci. O. M., though
mentally vigopms, cannot support th
weight of his tasly, an.l ha to lie w held
aKiut in a chair. Hit weakness it ail in
hi lower 111111.
kaiaer Wilhelm ha laen isuing or
ders with regard to the clothing to be
worn bv oflicers. in which he says: " I
hereby forbid every extravagance in the
matter of dress."
B n Jeans has boon a passenger con
ductor on th Ureat Weatern railway ol
Kngland lor t ft v years, hat traveled in
that tunc't.-J-'i.' mil.-e, and ha never
met with an an idetit.
The llngliah Home Secretary lias or
deriil a serie d iri'iuine with the view
of pp'tivting the interest of people en
gaged in unhealthy occupations, such a
ar carried on in chemical works, pot
teries and quarries.
A new scheme i lading tried in Aus
tralia w ith cal rrault for the extermi
nation of rabbits. Cartridges generating
poisonous gas are put in the burrows,
tli holes cloa.a, and the rahhtt are
killed by the poison in the smoke.
The mute from F'.ngland to India is
strew n with treasure, owing to the many
hipping disaster. An industrious stat
istician reckon, that fullv XHl,fl,lsjO
worth of gold and icwrl he at th hot
torn of the soa on that frequented way.
Some T.oiiO tnomla'rs of the British
volunteer font have crvcl continuous
It and efficiently for priil of from
twentrto thirtv-thrce vear, and it n
pn-ijaMnvI to la-stow a medal or badge on
llietu for long service and good conduct.
Baron Nathaniel d Rothschild, who
ha just mal a gift of hi tine chateau
ami vaiud at ovr ..ik.iw,
at Kciclieiiau in the Mvrtan Alpt lor a
consumptive' hospital, it the senior
tnemlvr of the Vienna branch of the
llotl.s, hild family.
The White Star line haa given an order
to london ship builder for the construc
tion ot a steamer ( lect long, which
will heat anvihing afloat. Thetlothic.
t.iXiO tons, another new vessel lor the
ame line, will )e launched at London
atsmt th end of June.
The tfloh. a brig of .133 tons' register,
was recently in th liverp-kil dork nn
loa ling a cargo. She wat built in
and ha lat-n in constant servire. lor
fifty-seven years, but a survey showed
her to la? sea worthy and apparently gaal
lor manv more vovagct.
Th Pope'i will ha been made for
manv years. The d.icument 11 in Ijitin.
and la-gins with an humble confession of
human weakness and appeal to the
mrrtts of our I-ord and ail the saints.
In it laoNUI distinctly disclaims all
per nal inclination in the matter of th
choice of his succeaeor.
liiolitti has agree! to reconstruct the
Italian Cabinet, with tiig'.iarvlo at Mm-
t.-r of r inane; (.anonico at Justice:
virimaldi. Treasnrr; Bnn. Fon-ign Af-
lairs; Pe'.lotn, War: Revchia. Iarine;
lva. Commerce; Martini. Public la-
strnction; t.enala. I u'dic vvorks; Fin-rrra-hiaru
Aprile, Poatt and Telcgrapht.
An Fnglish gentleman paid IS,(X1 for
single kia in Vienna la-l week. The
Maiehiotu-M Pallaviccmi was one of the
ni-at N-aut.tul tsaithtendert at a charity
fa.r. and the F.rglirtiman offered to give
the sum named for one kis. It waa ac
cepted and the k:sdclivcnlonthespot.
It it a sa-rums natter in Armenia
shonl-1 a maiden attain her scm nt.t nth
y. ar with n pnpa.-t ol marriage, for
when the festival of M. Srrgius come
nun 1 she is oh! 'gd to last three days
nd fat anil f-sh without quenching her
thirst, nnles some kind twain promts.-
to tak hr.
Paron Stumtn Ha'.berg ha!l,txor 10.
iXW men employ.l tn his inn work on
Li Khine. and give thrra th kindliest
care. He will nt permit on of hit
workmen to marry without hit consent,
forrtampl. bevaus.., as h say, "the
wo-ild o.'wo make fools of Iheiuselre '
1.' he dt.
Kaiser Wilhelm i now tai l to ra a
ri deal of titu wan aSut llr- j
l:n in .titfiiia. ft It rerajrl.! to hara'
.-vr.a. l-mti -h .V nn.Ha.iJ lk
a ""a -a - ' - - -I--- "'a .
. ttr ava-a-sr V in f Vial n I nf II..1.M 1
p.i ilr and to bar d.s. uaaad th condi
ikvd of th Hrbrswt with a great nuab
f U. workup alt at ti rave. I
raoocci, racir,
WinaT-Quol: Valley, I.S); Walla
Fuit a-Staiidarl. 1-1.40 ; Wa'-la alia.
3. 0: graham, superriiie, i-
pa-r barrel. , , , . .
Oara i'lioi.. M J-VV jr bushel ; fair,
V; n-l. in Ugs, W .SSI.W; barrel,
fi..V fi.$; ra.-s, 3.7S.
Hat IWst, lUjiertonj common, 1U
Mii.LTT-r-nran. ltW; iliort.
22.t: ground lri. y, l- cnop
(red, fit wr ton ; whole feel, barley, en
itV tH-r rental; middlings. p.3?W;
rr t-ii; brewing Isarler. isl f'.i-V wr
it ntal ; chicken wheat. 11.17's percental.
I'.i nrK Hn-g-m fancy creamery, l-'t
,rf '.": fancy ilairy, 1 7' t '!; fair to
g.aa, 15 ilri.-; roinmon, l-",cier pound;
California, ' --r r.
C ii r Oregon. 11 4 IV; Eastern
Twin, li'w; Voting Amarican, l'V; Cal
ifornia Hats, 14c Ja r pound.
Hooa JrV"n. I V per doten.
P..eiTiiy-4. hiikens. old. I.Vf-IS.M:
broiler, larg. :i.ii..i.Vi; small, W.M
. 4.1'; duck, I7.IXI K..V); gees.'. HMHJ
tw-r doren; turkey, live, 17-jj 18c ;
dreaed. pi n jic IH-r lallind.
t..rrini.a Cahbag. le. per
pound; onion, 3'J3laic -r pound; s
iaPs. 1M) lor liarnet i'liili; -.oO lor
llnrbanks: new. ic w-r pound; new
California onions, 3c er rwrnnd; Orvgon
cauliflower, l.2 pr dozen, I.S.tXI per
crate; cilery, wrawv K'r ilown; arti
chokes, 3-V er dott-n, 2.mi per Isn;
Onvnn hothouse lettuce, iV'tix-; aspar
ag'ta, lll.'x' tH-r lot ; ra-liahi'. 10 U"3c
ia-r dozen ; green vregon onions, i- -i
dozen; rhuliarb, 3'.4c per po,.iid:
given iraa. ll.'.kJ )r box; spina, li, 3',c
per pound ; riiciiinlierw, fl.isj t l.fsi per
dozen : itnng la-ans, ISc jier pound; (.al
iform garlic, f A:
Faiir Meily lemons, H."io..'0 pr
lox; California new rrop,
per Ian; bananas, 1. AO U.(J er bunch ;
oranges, seedling, 12 2.75 a-r x : na
vels, fl.(X',4lC'sJ; apples, 2n:2.2o jn-r
Isjx; straw iK-rnes. 11. 75 per !x: pine
apples, ii.00 p.-r doz-n ; cherries, 11.2. t
1..VI per lajx: Baldwin apples, I'LOOJ
0.1W ht barrel.
stvpli oaocxaii.
IIoniy t'hoice comb. ISc per pound;
new Oregon, Irtnis.'; extract, 11 tltV.
Svlt Liverpool, hu, 15.U0; 60s,
IIS..VI; stock, llO.isj i 11.00.
I'aiau Fki'it Petit prune), 11 312c;
silver, Il 14e; Italian, 1.1 a l.V; tier
man, ll12c; plum. 8il2c; apple, tJ
llc; evasrUal apriiiibi, 1S(17'C;
peaches, M-ars, er
Corral Costa Rica. 22 ; Rio, 22c;
Salvador, 21 e; M a ha, 2i)'.n3Hc; Java,
24', J.itK-; ' Arbiiekle' ana Lion, loo
jaiuiid caaes, 24 HS-loOi' par pound; Co
lumbia, same. 24 SS-U'V-.
Kick laUnd. 14.75 i(S.OO;Japan,t4.75;
New Orleans, t4.5t) wr cwntal.
llavN Small whites, S't; pink.
3',c; Inyo, 3',c; butter, 4c; lima, 4c
a-r (MMind.
Svurr Kastern. In barn-Is, 40'rSSc;
in hall-barn-ls, 42 "57c; in cases, 115 4
nv M-r gaihm ; 12.25 p. r keg; California,
in barrels, 20;t40c r gallon; tl-75 per
kg. .
Mo va Net prices : I, S'c ; Golden C,
511c; extra S',c; M.iguolia A,5'4c;
graiiulatnl, 6lgc; rulie, cruaheil and
powdertal, 8c; confectioners' A, l'4c
per pound; maple sugar, 15JltJc per
Cvf'irD (iiois Table fruits, assorted,
1.75x2.00; peaihe. tl.s5t2.10; Bart
litt peart, 1 1.75 a 2.00; f.luins, tl-37', a
1..V); straals-rriea, t2.25 .2.4S; cherries,
12.2-ii2.40; bla.kU-rrie. tl.Mrf2.00:
raipN-rries, t2.); pineapples, $2.25 t
:.sji; apriints, tl ' '2.00. Pio fruit,
assort.-., 11.20; la-aches, tl.2S; plums.
tl.'' 1.20; blm kU-rrie. tl.2."i 1 1.40 p,-r
do7cn. Pio Irtiits, gallon, a.ortia.
td.lo U3..V); peachin, td.50-i4.ts- apri
mis, f;l.'; j4.i: plums, 2.75 ;3.00;
bla. kls-rnes, t4.2o HM.
MxAns Cornell Ui-f, 1, tl-.V1; 2,
f2.40; rhiptal, t2-V .t4.t'; bin. li
tongue, Is, 4 ; 2s, t'-75; dcvilc.1 ham,
tl-75 .it2.7S per dozen.
Ftsii vanliiies, i4, 7V"?$2.25; '4s,
t2.15J4.SO; lolters, t2. J.Vm; sal
mon, tin 1-lb tails, tl.25 iil.50; flats,
tl-75; 2-ll, t2.2S.2..V; 1f-barrel, t5.50.
Bxr Prime stivrs. t3.S"it 4.2-5;
choiit ters), t3.75iit4.00; fair to good
steers, td.lX) ot3.50; goo.1 to choice rows,
t-1.15 -(3.75; coiiimon to medium cows,
t2-Vlnl'.7S; dresaiaj laf. tO.OO .1 7.tX).
Mittosj hoi.-e mutton, t4-2o f 4..V;
fair to goisi. td tXl 4.S0;, pU"'
lamU, 42.00 J 2.1 W; dit'ss.1, t7.lXl S.IR;
shearlings, 3 ali'aC, live weight.
liooa i'lioiiv heavv, trt.60 i.75; me
dium, fi.OU; light aiid fitalert, fUVi
ti.50; lrvail. ts.OO.
Val t4.lS)cirt.i.iO.
SaOKXn Milt A!D LvD Hams,
large, l7,ilSi- per pound; hams, me-
.liuiu, IU'4.1( 4c; breakfast, H
H'.c; short clear sides, 14 n 15c; drv
salt side. 13. a 14',c; lanl, coiuHitin.I,
in tins, 12rfl2'tC Hr pound; pur, in
tins, 15 Itlv-; Oregon lanl, lli'.c.
Nail Base quotations: Iron, t2.25;
steel, t2-35; wire, t2.75 per keg.
Io Bar, 2'aC per jound; pig-iron.
f-J it 25 per ton.
Stil Per tHJttnd, lO'.c.
Tin I. C. charcoal, Mx'-M, prime qual
ity, fv.50,.ii.00 rn-r tsjx ; for crosses, t2
extra jn-r U; I. (. coke platit, 14x20.
prime quality, t7.50.iiH.O0 per lx : terne
plate, I. C, prime quality, Jrt.fiO 7.tlil.
I.r vi Per pound, 4c; liar, 6e.
N aval SroKia Oakum, t4-5i'i5.(i
per Ule; resin, f4.S0 5.00 per 4S0
pounds: tar, Stockholm, f 13.00; Caro
lina, tU.OU per Isarnd : pitch, t 00 pel
Iwrrvl; turt-ntino. 6V tx-r eallon. in
car Iota.
Shot tl-1 per sack.
HoantaiioKa tS per keg.
Hort, WOOL AMD UlOt.
llora 10.4170 tn-r pound, accord inn
to quality.
Wool t'ninotia valler. ISSlrV-: fall
clip, 13ilSc; WiUamctte vallev, ISa
Us-, acconling to quality: Pastern Ore
gon. 10 416c per pound. avordini u
Hmta Prr hides, select-! nrim
r? -tSc; rnarn. ehvtl. over &5
4.-.; under 55 pounds. 3c: sheer, nolta
short wool. 30i.W; tne.liutn. rtoisOr-
long. fsV gtl.2-5; sharlin. to ivr- 1.1.
low, good to choice, 3Sc er pound.
vot AMD ivootto.
Burlaw. 8-onnce. 4i-in. h nt r.h
fic; burlap. loi.-oun.t 4i-inch. nt
cash. 7c; burlap. 12-otinr5 45-in.h,
7Se; burlaps. IS-ounce, n-inch, 12',c:
burlajvs. 'jn-ounce, 7rt-im h, 14c; wheat
bag. Calmtta. 23x0.1, spot, v,o;
2-buhel oat hag, 7c.
Caps ! Ti
Mik, aa irrrreaMbl loot al a Dublin
boul. acaounml to a rsat rsk-vnUy raturMd
from a trip, - W"r bad a BXHgbtj big rJ.
dint Is tha kamaa a
sUsg la tb
"lt waa to, Id -lent, aor, aal a ratry mxym
sir. coa, t-a Wary, ar. TWtrwusar roat
Tha tmuarrv U k, TThat kind tt trn
tn srouid cut thatf
That what iHiaaU ttav ." rarllad
5t-ka "rd nnsr has Ih-mjht U if I hadat I
rssvi li wita tf nara t la ttx pa par.
"Ar you aura , nat trouatraur
TaiU. Iben. tai4 kUa, KTatcBlaf kit
k aairr n waav tor. It
The Traffic In Oleomargarine
Continues to Grow.
A rrmnnent Paature an Eentii
Toward Succctaful Stock-
Crowing Etc.
Tin milk pail are the 1a t.
Milk the rows with dry hand.
Arrange for plenty of pure water.
Never change milker when it cm u
Bran will balance (.alder 1-Tt,.f t
cornmenl as a milk ration. '
There i a clone relation l t,Vn pnr,
water and line, g's.l-kocping d.urv t'n.i
uets. ' '
Wh-n rH-liH ting
for a heartv eater.
a uairv row 1...1,
Mm liiu-tiat if .)ie
milk well.
V italuig out the (xKireat is tl. , h, .
eat wav of improving thu r-.r .
dairy herd.
The flesh which indicate fair thrift
alo shows gissl hia ling rapacity, iltL
which no row is worth inu. h. '
Commence this spring to improve vonr
stork by selling o!T th comii,r, hr'U
and buying a few thoroughbred.
Kn p the lamb in clean luarters, nd
give them clean food from rl.-an tn.'i !
Then they will kp healthy and thr've'
but otherwise not. '
The sheep should not 1 ant 1,, m4r.
ket unless tiiflicieiilly lut. H.r ((0
not bring paying prnVs, an l h, jp to
depress tho prim of other p....)!,,
tiraa not d-rive their no'
cloao to the snrfiu-e. Por reann 1
top dressing ol ffmsl maniir mi. il..
tiinolhr Held will be quickly prol.n-tu.
of good results.
Cuter to the taste of your rutotir.
If tln-y want sweet -cream butter, fur
nish it put up in the m .-t r r(... .i
attr.u live manner, and it thoul I U- 4.
ami uatai at once.
We cannot do much toward contndling
the prices of agricultural products. i oIi.
so piently wc should use everv e.r.rt to
economic pnlin-tion, at tlicret.r w
mav add to the profit.
1! irley straw 1 a slin-k fec- l Umt i not
siitficii-iitly known and valued m tl(
Hast, although umvI extenaivi-lv in Cali
fornia. It is an excellent dep. n, !.,-.
(or the w inter feeding of ahecp.
Make up your mind this year that vonr
corn folder is a valuable crop, and that
you will take a g.sal car ol 11 a- of tl
grain. In this way you can iimm- corn
growing pay better than it h.i in the
A soil well prepared prior to planting,
sound seial, clean and level i ultur
Ihc-e are th things that bring g.i pi
tato crops. Where all these are ol..-rvi-d
and ttie bug kept off there it nut
often a serious (ml 11 re.
The ewes should now have some suc
culent final regularly. If you have nei
ther roots nor good ensi.age, hmn will
l the licst siilistittite. Hay and grain
aloti are apt to produce -.tivenif,
ahirh is t-m-ially to ! avoided.
The expenses Attending iijain market
ing farm pnalin-ts often m-rnnt-ly .liimn-1-I1
the prolits. (iood mads and g..l
team would helo to this, and
often farmer rould work to a I
vantage in hauling and snipping tlnir
Karmera everywhere just now sre anx
ious to grow more hogs. We all know
what ill result of this will la-. A few
wis men are giving instead rem-wed rf
forts tow anl producing g.a ln ep and
cattle. They nre working in tin- right
din ction.
Keep well in mind the fact that by in
creasing the yield ht a.-re you le-s-n
the co-t of production. Yon do not havt
to double the crop to double the profit,
a i th caa where you double th
amount of the land in order to acum
plisli the same tvsuit.
A permanent pasture is an css. ntiil
toward successful stock-growing. Tli
cannot lie s.-curel by any liapharard
tnethml, but is the result only of detinit
car and foresight. A rough field cov
rrval with wecal and thistle d.s not
constitute a good pa.ture.
It is a waste of time and money to fcr
tilie heavily or to cultivate thoroughly
land whoa' first and greatest nerd u
diainage. Apply your tun an I m '
to ri'inedy that', aiid it will bring the
Ix-st return. The intensive cultivation
may then follow to advantage.
The traffic in oleomargarine continue
to grow iu spite of all legal effort tocur
tail it. Ii dairymen would mak ail their
butter so that it was superior to the la-at
oleo, the latter Would soon he driven
from the market. S much psr b'ltter
inrrva-s the demand for the substitute.
a axnioi'a evil.
There is a serious and growing evil in
ibis country, says John i iouM in 1'rac
tlcal Farmer, that ia charged to the dairy
men, ami vet is as distinct from dan y n g
and to la? liiit-l as I. tile ujain them
the butteriue business and that is t'1'
making of tilled chi--e. A hllnl Ii.-t
is nothing more or less than a i
made with pure skim milk, and in p -v
ol the natural butter fat suliatitutn-g
(or them some kind ol neutral ml. ai d
bear the same relation toa prime i
a but ferine doe to pure row flutter.
huttennc is one-fourth gool butter ai.i
three-fourth animal fals. Th efh- t i
the same in either case, for la.t.'i a"
thrust upon the market as genuine, .-ni
the profits of the sale depends larg-'.y
upon bow nerfn-t this di-ci nTi m i a:i '
carneil out. While the dairvmeii UP
in arm aUitit fraud butter, little '1
alont fiihal chir ssimeihing in :
ay not a whit lat-hunt th other in i'-
damaging npon the ! of c
dairy tirodurr. Tliere is a work ol re
form f.r the fanners to tak u;- tn nvM
to this, and whil one mav pli a 1 for fa-t-ter
cows, rh.-ap.-r and tiner pni i.'
ao long as dairymen will sell in.
these lilie.l-chi-t'a ronn rns or j-' -i 1:1
what they call a la tter return in r.. ''V
for their milk the time will s-a-n cne
when d. -at.r w ill overtake thi-'-
fiael buMiii-ss, and then by tl.e i.a-"-
logtcof events the n ac-.i..:i rr,u-t l-
and the path of horn-sty taken.
Th lad.ea' i
foa ltigj r
..;! over i-y
-va.l cmtc-.I rf !! I
: l.gja nie'iil"":'- i
1 : ta.wagi r D.ici.s
Mrih..fai ic-K .-.I ilw tan-h...Dss rl
bury Wi-rwtiaalun.ia.lJo erafir'
berB laauaal by UX BuCMtJ prcuUl.rf
M tknura
Il la Im that tb clr ntnpvn;rn '-
trt od cf Ui prrwt anlbortaojulrtaio'
what mlpbt alruM rarciit aaraarial rvurv
sy toward bra.ka.
Coin ar cUaard. arcord!nt tsi tfcr atai
a rsvrn. a ' r-eoet" "CDOln.-uUiaat.
wy tlkvav