o THE BANK OF SPOKANE. FwteJ Id Cluse lis Doors The . Prra ilfiit a .lillinniirr. "" IU Oiersl HeaaiN ! tif. fur two JnuUfe Women, one hi wife Sih.k.WK, June . The Itank i.fP"l Her liutne Is Musu. Kimkaiif Full ti-iuiNirarily i-Iim-J Us doors this morning. TlH-iinalonUl,,ol,KSi,K'","lry,, cuner Kerry taken uuietly. There la no run on the other hunk. The lank of Hpokane Fall waa or ganized in 1 H79, ami la the olilext bank north of Snake river. It hai always been considered the strongest bnnk III F-nstcrn Washington. The hard time of the at year or so In Spokane, It in thought, has pluocd the bank in alight fix for read v mnncv. A. M. Cannon. the president of the bank, waa an old il..... r.-.l,l,i.t of Port and. and im been lonif ideiitllled with U,.; wtlfaieof Hpokane . lie has many and dlvrrjlited Interenta in thla count ry and U reputed to be a niilllonalre. Kuacotitb II. Dennett, the cashier of the bank, and son-Ill law of Mr. Can lion, I also well known in this city, where he waa rained. The bunk ha a paid up capital of floO.Oiio and a aurplua of $1 1,000. There has been no statement of the li abilities and assets. Nkw Rr.Hroun, Muss., June 5. The triul of Lizzie llonleii, of Full river, churgctl with murdering her father, Ainlicw Jackson Rordcn, and herste- mother, Ahby Durfee Ilorden, an aged, weulthy and highly re'Cted couple, ou the morning of August 4th, 1802, begnn here till morning. The moat eminent erimliiul lawyers of the state are employed, and the trial promise to lie iiKwt Interesting and probably sen autlomil. Theevideni la purely clr- cunistnntlal. On the day In quint Ion, aa fur a I known, the only persons in the house were the old couple, Llszle ami a maid servant, Rrldgct Sullivan, who wait out Hide inoxt ol the morning washing windows. Rorden waa out In the morning, returning between 10 and 11 o'eliH-k, and it waa only a abort time nfterwnnl, after a short vli.lt to the burn, thul Lizzie culled to the scr vuut to run for a doctor aa her father hiu I been murdered. Shortly after ward Mm. Ilorden waa missed, and a aeurcli revealed her ldy In an upper room; she hud evidently been killed iwiiiie time before her husband. In (mill fuses death rcMUltrd from blows from aoiue heavy sharp iustiunient, probably an ax; but the instrument of dentil bus never Urn discovered. A certain discrepancy in Lizzie's stories and mine other suspicious clrcuin. stances led to her arrest some week af terward and ubcUent Indictment. CiiitAtio June 5. Tlie day oHncd cloudy, but toward noon the nun broke through, promising good weather fur the fair visitor. It la Denmark's Jay in the White city. Resides opening Its exhibit in the manufactures building, there wen- addresses ami a mimical programme in festival hall. The Individual exhibits uinde by tjuceti Victoria, and by Queen Mar ghcrlta of Ituly, were brought to the fair today. They have been in the safe depoHit vaults on acconnt of thclrvalue and the htavy bond of the exponltlon for their nafcly. A atiira In tlll. Nkw YoitK, June 5. Tlie Times nynllitil It l Hil.le that the entire v nnte committee on immigration, if liluli Hill in chairman, muy take a truuHMiiitliiiutul trip thU milliner. S-mitir Siiire hai urged that an ex amlnution of the Chineae Immigration liitntlon be nmde, and that at least a MilHColiilnitleclie sent to the count to niM-ertalti the condition of the Chineae In ('uliforuia, Ort gon and WuMhlngton. Siliie liielillHTa of the eommlltee favor going in a body to San Francisco and attempting to find out by personal In- ieetion what mn of cttlwns China men make. PariMad ( llr t:ir(lsa. The following is the result with ma Jorltlesof the Portland city ekctlon, yesterday: City attorney, J V Reach, democrat, pluinlity City uuditor, A N Gamlsll, repuhli-c-an, plurality UTS. City surveyor, T M Hurlburt, repub lican, plurality, !". SuMTilitrndclit of streets, H I) (Ira doll, repiiblh-an, plurality "13. Councilman, sixth ward, Joseph Ttrwllliger, n pul.llean. Couneihiian, seventh wanl, TC Ma lone republican. Councilman, eleventh ward, John Mock, iK-mocrat. Tbf rr I - Oil Mrl lilfsi". New Yokk, June 5. The Sjnih princess and suite left this morning for llileago. The arty was escorted from the hotel to the ferry by a battal ion i.t the signal corps. Mayor Oilroy and the rvreption cominittee. A spe cial steamer con vcyed theni to Jemey Oty, wliere they t'X a sieelal train on the Pennsylvania roa.L o nines illghbindrrs Url Away Willi Japs Wife. Kallt Uiunl. Junt Nilelii Journal: Hnlcin was the m.h-ii of rlrt-fIaMt kidnapping aflulr Kiinduy. Two Chi new highbinders committed the crime at 2 p. lit. Mur akami, young Jupanti', went to the ; Chinese restaurant to get some meals I Twollilncsr had a team lack of 'tel..! 111.. . t .. 1... u .-in n.ill Bfl lit W US gtlllt1 tliry rushed Into the buck tbsir, pulled Mssn, or Mm. Muruknml, nut f her l-l, wrnpicd her In a blanket, bundled Iht into a top carriage and lied with hit. ijou seen oi llicin 1 1 icy were crossing tin big In I1k for I'olk county oil a dead gallop. .viuruKiuui say lie im isyii ii-r. a yeur. Hi' brought the women over from ! Japan two mouth Mgo, and they eauie " .-aiem a lew nays ago. I ne women cannot talk at all. These Japs ran not make Ihenna-lvcM undentoMl, except through an interpreter. I'aier were made nut todny for the arnut of the unknown vlllulim. Their purMwc U unitoublcdly to M'lt the womaii into slavery, or worse, in Hun FranvlMii. She will lie disguised as a hoy and if they can hind her there they will get a thousand dollars for her at least. Hut the Sulem sillce nre on their truck and the result will be awuitcd with keen Interest. Murakami was in Kugvne this morn ing looking very crest-fulleii us no clue haslieen found as yet. He has not slept since the nll'uir hapiciied. ftsw lark Draistrsli, At.liANV, N. Y., June . It can be stated ujmiii authority, whi-.-h if staled would not be disputed, thut the Cleve land Ivmocrata have rvMilved to run a srparute IH-Miocratlc atute ticket this coming full. They will seek admission to the IwiuiH'ratlc slate convention, which will be controlled by Hill, Mur phy, Sheehnn and (iov. Flower, but form already that their delegates will is refused admisMion, and aeconlingly, they are making plans, as stated, to hold a state convention of their own, and nominate a Mate ticket rnnix-d of dlll'crvnt men than thore who will In nominated by the Jllll-Murphy-Shcchnu-Flowcr convention. All the state nfllccr except tho governor and lieiiteiisnt-governor, are elected this full, also the Judge of the -court of ap peals. t:iar W'llhlba Patltr, Mkiu kd, Cal., June 5. IU v. A. IU lU-ains, pastor of thu M. 11 Church South, lias elos-d with Miss Iou1m ituckcr, his organist, w ho is 17 years of age. licauis left town with the young lady yesterday afternism, and the run aways are now supposed to Is- In Ouk land, for which point It I known Iteam bought tickets. Miss Itueker's father lias obtained warrants for the arrest of the couple. Her mother, who has IsM-n suffering from a slight men tal derangement, has now become vl olently Insane. Iteauis, who came here only lust September leaves a wife and five children. There is considera ble talk aud offers to tar and feather him on liU return. Oalar I Ills Uratb. TkkxtuX, ". J., June 6. Charles Y. Richmond, an aeronaut, inude a foot ascension today anil lmt his life, Richmond rose gracefully, sailing In a southeasterly direction. When lie cut loose from the balloon it was noticed by the ss-etKtrs that the Miruchut falleil to work properly, and they were horrified to see Richmond di-seend with llght.'iilng nipldity. innking re volutions in the air us he came down. Several women fainted, and every Issly in the great throng was sickened by the spectacle. Richmond landed in a muddy little stream. K lie was alive w hen he touched the surface he was drowned. tlnaarlal vwa. SAXUt'fKY, Ohio, June 5. The Sav Iiil'S lnk here was ut In the hands of a reccivci this morning. ClllcACio, June .. On board of trade wheat worked oir more than a cent touching the lowest figure n-uched In this market in miny years. There are large receipts lu the northwest, Hut cables, Increase on oc.-an pange, and fears of further failures are the princi pal cause. Mll.wAt'KKK, June 5. A seusntion was erest.-d this afterixsm by Judge Walker instructing the grund jury to investigate the failures of the I'liiiikin- ton Rank, and IjipjsMi A Co. Tkt naairrry I ssilsf mrlh. Sax Francis1", June .V Orders are exps"ted from the navy depart ment In Washington for tlie coast de fense monitor Monterey to make a trip along the coast. A letter rvcejvrd by naval ofllcer in this city states that the authorities had Intended iu the event of tlie Monterey proving a sili-ersa, which she did on the trial trio, of sending her to visit all the ports along the wsmt. from J-an Incgo to I'ngel sound. Tfete Salraa Jlrilaa Sai.F.M, June 5. The ilirectors of the Oregon Rrwling and Siesl AsMM-ia- tion, of Salem, held a meeting tonight preparatory to the coming race meet ing of July 4, S and k The association pmvid-s for the payment of purses to tbeamot of I4O00. ' The San Francisco Examiner comet to us this morning with a mammoth edition of l'JO pages. aasBBBBBBBaBBawBasaBaSBBaBasss duly two i.cwspa'K'ra ure pub li"liil in Pouglas county aHlioiiKli more are expected soon. Ijiii county lias plenty, in fact Ustuuny for the territory. Nine ns r are jiviblishcil in this county. f I I'rof. Love's I'topian city in NU ajj ir i county, New York, is to have' '.'00, Ht.) inhabitants pleilge.1 to so-; hriety, industry and gisxl onler. J No liad Hii;ile arc to eriiiittel t stay in the community. ;.v. Flower, of New York, tells puMic oih.vrs iipplyin for in-i-ri-a-eiT comMiis:itiun that they couM by resignation allow their pl.i.i-s So la til l.-.l liy jktsoiis wholly ujK'icnt to serve the community at the rates (Wet by law. It U likely that taxpayers are of pretty t:m h the same opinion at tiov. Flower. There has never been a limu lie ii good citizens willing to ncccpi appointments to ollicc were inure numerous than now. While bank failures arc common in thu Fast, caused by runs and inability to realize immediately on assets, it is a matter of congratula tion that the banks of Kugctic arc conducted by men who have lived herealmo-tu life tinicand have built up enviable reputation for integ rity and good business tnaiiago incnt. They have the confidence of dcjHitor?, and are not liable to be cramsil by n sudden demand for the money they hold on depos it. The balloon sc.-imjh has ojicned nnd ncwspajicr readers may look for items of the death of thisorlhat professor" giving an exhibition of aeronautic. A crank in Huffalo. New York, showed 20,000 jicople what a fool he was, the other-day, by jumping off tho roof of a house with an ordinary umbrella strutched over hitn. Tho next moment his skull was crushed and his hack, arms and legs were broken. The nan leaves a wife and four chil dren. Tho New York World comment ing ou the shipment of gold to Eurojie Bays: For what are we laying out this gold? Obviously the movement means that Kurojiean capitalists have been sending home American securities in volume, w'thdrawiug their money from in vestment here, aud leaving us to tlint extent to carry our own load. This movement is in part account ed for by tho heavy invceUMenta and losses of foreign capitalists in the Argentine Republic, in Aus tralia and in the Panama fraud. These have undoubtedly caused tli withdrawal of very large sums from investment here for use elsewhere, and much of the money is irre trievably lost, while most of the. re mainder is too deeply involve! in difficulty to be disentangled There is no present proejicct of its return to us. Portland Dispatch: A number of unemployed men met, yesterday afternism, at the plaza and passed resolutions to Is) presented to the city council demanding work. Their claim is that they are all res idents of the city aud unaLlo to find employment. Their appeal is entitl'-d to respectful consideration and, if )tihlc, aclion should be taken by the council on the lines intimated. There is no greater menace to the security of home and projs-rty and the good order of so ciety than a largo number of uneov ployed men. The best of men will steal before they will starve or eee their children 'suffering day after day for the nv eyries of life. Jt is prudent economy on the jmrt of city to provide work for the idle, willing hands within its borders. Poverty produces crime and crime is far more expensive to a city than Uxea for public improvement, which furnish the means for sub verting the crime. On the other hand all labor judiciously applied produr-es wealth and adds to the ealth-attracting powers of a city. There should be an effort made to furnish labor to the unemployed in our city. ROMAN'S : A ). A CAUTION CtnCULAR SUCD BY CHICAGO WOMEN'S SOCICTICS AH Watb ay V . ...i.Uu V railing. I'ar l'nlmalr I'rnslljr tarlrtr Wl.il lu ia Wllh llrll skirt. Lllararr Waaira aa.l llalaml. The following circular has Uen a. nt out frotn Clilcogo: We, the tnetuls-rs of tho unlet i.-s i f Cliicago luten-st.sl in the w. lfure i f Women, and N ing in a pitioti to know ths dangers here threatening young, in experienced or thoughtless gills, give this warning to mothers and guardians of such voting persona who may visit Cldrago during tho World's fair. Care should be taken lest the young visitor be expnai-d toevil inlliiriices. Tlie worst aa well as tho best of man and womankind will bo in Chicago during tbe next six months. Unfortunately it Is true that ths worst are often more active than the lst. We urge njn parrot the following suggestions: If pisible, accompany yourdanghturs on their visit to tho World a fair, but nnder no consideration permit them to leave home without the escort and su pervision of a trustworthy pcrmai of ma ture age and ei;icrii tic. If yon have no relatives or frien.U with whom yon can stay wlu'o in the city, or if you are unable to put up at a Orst class hotel, he i art ful in your s. lec tion of a Ismrding house. lWnreof tho "nice, tpiiet resort for ladim" rivom nieode.1 bys'ino ihishing stranger. If yon are without aeiinaintaiitt in Clii cago, address the Women and Chihlr'ti's Protective agency, ris.m tc.,,;, Opera House building, Chicago. Thit agency wdl refer you to some perron who h resprctuhle rooms to rent. If yt u shout I arrive iu thu city after businiss hour alone and friendluss, it would le wim to ask inforuisiion from the janitr ss iu tho ladies' waiting room at any d -p..! and to remain ui.der her proteetio i .luring the remniniu hours f the uigl.t. Mako no hasty a4'tnaintane hi. 'l,u cars, tiirls should accept no i-ivit.tinn from a stranger to visit tlieateis or con certs and should especially In'WH re . if late suppers in so called restaiiruu s, whitii are often wine rooms. The newsuiMra will U- full "f silver tlMimeutsof "light work ami go si wages fur young girls." Agents a -e guing through the country districts .vith the same suggestions. Accept no t Ter until after thorongh investigation id the un tare of the work and of tin clii ras ter of ths Hnous advertisiu;. Theals.vu wasaigutsl by the following: Tlie Women and Children's I rolectivo agoncy, Chicago Relief and Ai! s.h iety. Cliicago Woman's club, Illinois Woman's alliance, Home of tho rriendless. Dea coness' borne, S division Chicago Chris tian Eudenvor nuiou. King's Daughters, Ceutrul W. C. T. U.. I'.pworth league, Working Woman's boms, Anchorngn mission, Children's Aid s-s i. ty, A.lelphia soiioty. AM Work bjr Wuiura. To those who have twtid no particular attention to the work that women are doing in the applied arts, the exhibition of their work lately saeii at the American art galleries must have beeu a pleasure and a surprise. K ,wo idea of its scojm is to be had by noticing the groups in which the work U catalogued, one group consisting of appli.-d and decorative painting, one of staintsl felass and glass mosaics and a third of modeling and plastic ornament. (J roup 4 shows si-cl-mens of designing ftud construction of furniture, wood carving mid ornament ed. Inlaid and gild.il wotsls; group 3, or namented leather, pats r and other wall hangings, ami group 0, modern textiles, needle wrought tajssitries and designs for car wis. Modern eiiibroiileries. eccl.siiustical embroideries of d. -signs for gold and sil ver work and for thu engraviug aud earring of prci-iona and semiprecious stones are included in other groups. Con dderahle space is also devoted to liottery por plains and cut and engraved glass. A smaller group shows whut women have done In designing or working in wrought iron, brass and copper. One of the most Interesting tb-iartuieuts is filled with the book covers, bindings and Illus trations done by women. Modern hand made laces are also a part of the exhib it. Much of this work has bw n accept ed by manufacturers who have a reputa tion for bringing ont in their various lines many of tho choietAt and nitrnt ar- tbitio things in the market. A glance at the exhibits shows nothing more charming fur pillows, lssikcasv curtains and other hangings than the "shadow silks" of the Associate 1 Artists, with their soft, changeable lights. New York Post. A JmwUh Wadding la LmmIvb. There is always autnethiiig very effect ive about a Jewish wed. ling, aud noth iag could have tsn pn-ttier than the wndding of Mrs. RisrhotTsheim's liits.e, MJm Hose Uoldsruidt, with Duron Kou igswater, which took plure at the Re form synagogue in lierkelry street. There was nothing spot-tally remarkable al-cmt the wedding dress, wlikh was tnnimed with chiffon and had a conrt train carriotl by a tiny maiden of 4 in a quaint Dutch ositumH, but the loiiiiu t was ounipcrsil almost entire! orange Lloaauuis, whkh are particularly luxu riant this year, with clusters of tiuy green and yellow orangi-e which gave a pretty touch of color to the purity of the bri'bd a'.'ire. Tho bri'ltsinai.U' ca tanes of widte silk were vry charm ing, though they were i!rasd with the lace fichu w'.iieb still pervades ws-bhnj gsnuent. 1tiy were thoroughly Kw In style. Tlinsi tiuy frill ornamented tbe skirt, aud tlie sleeves w -re tight Marly to tL" shoulder, wh. ro they were absorbed in' hrj'h pnfTi. Very JTet;;.- !;:o tasran straw were trimuwsl w:'..i pink v in t and r and look's! hks.'m inetrnatjon cf miuiu' r, and pink l f il ia a shower ot-t tlie frtttt of thtnr gowns. Tim brei-grs.tu'e gift to eac h was a brc b of Uiatuoo 1 aai ruby cttrlncd Learla snrui'i:td u.ur.,r i.. u l ! 'ptli ll !'. r I. " i t. llh.l.J , V I . Ii V I . I.ir ,! int. i. l. .Mi i,..i..;i.i i ! -.',. I Vci V h.oi. Uiiiii' In .. ; . .v:ic ua,ei . tlu i Willi y ilow slid iruiiiind v itii i '. I Lk ', wlulo uiU'tlu r iiiiHing figure .n tin bridegroom's iimtlu r, ILinuc K. n lgs rater, In dark lUn N.tiu.-I..'ii! u Co.. linl ib li'liu Tel.-gl.iph. Viaatra I air I'l.iluiaMrr. 1 henewstMiiie front Wliiot;'i'U th.it the pnsiideut has proitmlgntisl an order Uu t "women who received priMidenti.d Ipi ointment under fontn r admini! ra tio .a are to Is? placed on tin' di-xpgiliMed list With IliaM'llltlHI ef-oRiceholders." Th menus in elT.vt simply that tlie wo uen who have Iss-n s -polntisl pimt- ms ters iiinlt r furui'T a.lunni-t rations ' wti not 1st si'is'intisl again, fur very f.-w WiMiicn ludissl have tss-u aps.intisl to any other position thnn tlial of stmns- ter It limy be added that it would ls well ,lf the president would tii.w ui.'pt the further ruin of a's.iutmg women a portiuast. r In every case where ho can do coiisisteiitlr w itb tho public inter est They have but a small share of odl cial places at the lst and should receive all the consideration that ran ls extend il to tlielil ill the small field of employ mt it that is open to them. The services of men are n ipiired iu the larger mtof Dc. s undoiibteilly, but women inn and do till the minor oftiiva mn h as Di.shi in Ulfst tif the towns nnd villages v. hi.lly to tlie satisfaction of the public aud of the ptwtvl'ii.' destrtlueiit. No limit h. uld Is nps'intsl smtmaster vtli. n u wouiau can U found todischarge the du ties of that Mtion. Wear.tsurotli.it thin plan would 1st approve.1 by the (so ph' generally, and we venture to express the hope that it will commend itself to the apTiivsl of the pr.-idelit. Cliarl. toll News nnd Courier. Ths IVasllJ if N.ilorlrljr, I'.ugraved titM.it heavy i n'.im pap. r lu silver Very pretty lli.mi llradley Mar tin wielding invitations must have been. "lifferent from yuurs.'" Now, .llly and truly, what of it Would ymi 1st willing tu change J lace With Mi f.lr tin if you had to p-ty the ptice? , Which is, among other tilings, to do exactly what is convention. illy proper from one da) ' end to auoth.-r. To l.vo with the eye of thu public which never takes seriously ss.pln whoso claim for pr cnleiice is uiero aristocracy i'onttn ua!ly upon you. And to have, oh, horrors! the tho the lingerie of your fiance talk. si of by tin. column iu a daily pu-r, an I ths whole town laughing bevauso of it. Vottld you not vastly prefer to wtsl a mil il who il.ssui't wear any? No; I ih.u't exnctly inenn that, either. Rut what 1 am trying to say Is, Isn't it nicer to Is) in love with a man who isn't of enough inrsirtanco to huvo thisH) of hi clot Ins wb.ch don't show hung up ou a line iu the HeW"pusTs? And so long as you uro not definitely Inf nnisl to tlie contrary, you will pre fer to believe thut since your young man Is i ot of the earth, earthy, he does not cli he himself in raiment such as mere mi i wear. Now, won't yon? Orace E. Dr w in New York lYess. IVhal la I lu With lull Skirls. 1 hero is no doubt that the alisorbing toj 10 of feminine interest just now is the qu ation of what is to Imi done with last sui imer's Ml skirts. Tho fact is Is coi ting palpable, puinftilly so, to the wo nen who walk up aud down street and avenue eying each other critically, thut the INTO skirt is not a success a far as tlie average homemade oue is con cerned, aud tlie majority are not mil lioi jiiresw-s and do mako onr skirts at hoi 10. Tim pictures are beautiful in the faiion Issjks, but aa usual the itlttal is far too high, and in this case too wide to be realised. Must of the skirt areinado wi'hout gores around the waiat, and in coi. sequence catch np awkwardly in fn nt, which ia agonising unless one's footwear la perfect. No one who has Itaudsoiue dresses, worn maybe twice last summer, Is going to discard them for this monstrosity. For such there is a way out of the dim culty, a simple lifting of the bell skirt. A triangular piece is cutoff from the be k width of the bell skirt, und then It is gathered Into tbe waistband. Ily lining the bottom with a piece of hair cloth ouly five inches wide the desired stl'.fness Is given, ami you have a skirt im!te enough In the style to last during tbe present fashion, which is evanes cei.t. Washington Post. Lltsrarjr H'umsa anl Husbands. Some idiot, having nothing else to do, baa recently wept over women with al legsd brains because they can't get hus band. Tbiswt alleged bruins interfere. Mm won't have them for wives at any pri.-e. For proof of this assumption this Idiot names various literary women who sre unmarriisl. The conclusion arrived at is that these women are single because tie y have had nochance to 1st other wise. As a matter of fart there aro few women In 'his country who cannot marry early and often if they wish. Tho proportion of unmarriisl literary women ia mi larger tin n unmarri.sl any other kind of woman. Men marry und women marry when actuated by love, not la-rause thooppo- rit-t s-x has or has not a gigantic Intel-e-t, but because of personality. When lit' rary women sre attra.-tivo in jaTstn or manner, or ssics the indescnliable je ne aais i'ioi, which often g-s fart)n r then beauty, they draw the opposite sex, and vice versa, (icorge Hand and (ieorge K! it an 1 Mrs. Druwuing had no beauty v!.ttvcr, but they aps-al's to rerlaia in. u very decidedly. The old fashioned id. i of the ha b!-l died iviiiid time sl.1. Tl ssrribbliug idi'd Itabiluran. K.ite T; Id's Washington. prlnj Xadlt-lars tar Ysssg Haan. . '.li;" and I went into a down town it i:rwiit to Iuih h tho other day. We ha . broiled lo' -t. r nnd French fried f t. s- and then lta-1 W. !-h ran bit. Tlien M lssai l, "Oh, I i.l;i.o-t forgot!" and h tiilnd a I "tt l.t of 1 p-. n out t f L. r o. l-l an 1 1 V three L'.'.ia )i'!lowtal U . .,t h.-r t.i-ste.n. I u-.t l!r.!i i-ji rilay, tu she tn 'I 1.1 1 .... i. i 1 . i : I.t h'.i.l W44 !'.: , i ; : i t. I., i I l: ' I saw I . 1 i' ; ' I ; . .'. iioin.i.. ic, and iiies.n l: ' . !'. 1 i t..!,:n.; . t.it.M and .ttoilist. if . !i l.itlm. i inn ti.vsis lii.-lli me at tin. tii.ie i ( lln je.ir " Don.thy 1'nv.d it .li ting herself (she Weighs loj poitti l t w it!i lirr M'alskiu coat on) an I taking tli. hot it. r treatment one .mart if I ilin ; I.ako Michigan Ouldw i'.li t w ry uu u!. Ilverjissly cuts prunes, till i.i.u is r.niiu.l.sl of that aw ful i.uu. and drmViiig hot water l ilery common fa.l. f.ulphnr nnd mo luws itrn hi Ill y re'oiiiiiiend.s, und one , Isuirdiiig ri li.s l 1 r I told mo slut was taking blue mass! Now didn't you think , we wit were advanced and civilized to dose ours. Ives in tliii iti.lisi-riminate I manner? Hut perhaps wn sliall all he riioiigh puntlisl and t l.iriln .1 by thesn prtKi-sses t.) escnst the cholera if It cornea. Chicago News-Record. A llrrarh ot C.wa.1 llrasdlug. During tho juist w inter a lady, open ing a Hew, largo and ban lst.tno houst, Usuivl invitations for a lull. Out of nearly Uul seceptaiictsi, failed to ap pear, and yet they had all Us u j.rovidod for in the t nt. rlaiiiiiieiit. Another lady gave a smaller party, and out of I V) r suns who aivepttsl 7 j did not go. Then aguin, win u Invitations had Iss-n issued for privatu theatricals or reading and d. tinite ntisu its had lsvn rtspitsttetl by reason of th.' seats, the acceptances were not at all eoiisid. nsl, nnd thtt hostess wns prevetitisl from asking other friends the invitations Is ing linuttsl liecause she could not Isiieve that t hairs by dot- lens would l empty. Min bs.k theac j reptance, as any true woman would have done, iu g.ss faith. There muy In reasons why some fow ' persons ut the List moment are prevent ed from attending a party, but not iu thu iiumls'is uls.vo given. When such things tloiN'Clir, a Well bred sToU will end his or her uis.logy, whitii of course is coin tis.us ami admissible. Rut to ac cept an iuvitalioii not meaning to at tend, aud for the absurd reason, aa ha bevn given, that it is more, silite to as cept than to refuse, is the height of ill breeding, iui's'htciie and discourtesy. 1W .ii Transcript. Ths Nrwr Nuuvsnlr alas. Jlio iII.ihhj aiiuveiiir quarter dollars which coiignsis nuthoriz.sl to lie minted for thu lioard of lady managers of the World's fair have Just lsi-n buttled. Those souvenir emus am of s-uliar in terest f..r m-v tal reuMuis. The act of congress authorUiiig their issue only provl.hs for thu minting of fio.issi, or 40,0110 tilartcrs; hence tliey will be ex treiii. lv rare. They ara rertuiu to colu mn ml the attention of women the world over, siuco they are the l.nt rts-oguitlou by uny government of tlio ptstition that woiiiuii are iatainiii; in art, industrial and BM'lal movements. Ths coin itself is a work of art. One of the HHt iul feiiture of the now coin is that it is the I'.ri'l issued by this government to War t'.io portrait of a woman. Other coins Is'itr tint (Itsldess of Liberty i.nd similar i h id tlgures, but this Is tho first H.rlrait of a real woman. The coin Is Intended bythe list i.inul gov ernment to coiniiif morale two important events the aid given by (Jucon Isabella to Columbus, which enabled him to make the voyage of discovery to America, and the first ssvlnl provision matle by the Uultetl Htutte government for the ade quate participation of women In an en terprise of worldwide importance. Ex change, Mrs. Irtrslaad's Schawl , Mrs. Cleveland waa not noted for be ing a brilliant scholar while at school or college Hhe was an indolent, fun lov ing girl and was not a "gtssiy goody" or a "holy terror." Her first French com ptsiltlou was a biographical account of EugneneKue, very badly written as far aa peuuiaushlp giwa aud crouched in th humblest of French words. She called herself Frank In th.ste days aud waa very fond of dancing and having her "plctur bs.k." tihe was a real, little, simple American girl without any ex traordinary talents, Prolwbly that waa why she was so isipuhtr with the people of a democratic land. Hhu had no ultra aristocratic training or manners or preju dices. 1 1 remains to be seen w bether aft er ber sisial experience of eight years she will be as much of a favorite a ever, Advertiser. l.lotM Far uaamr VYsar. The shop aro alreaily making a dis play of the serviceable castor or so called washing gloves with good sized buttons at the wrist. These gloves are not only a good purchase for seaside and country wear, but they are most desirable for general uses. The leather Is soft and pliable, and sponged every now and then with a little warm water in which a bit cf Castile Soup bus been dissolved thif can be kept in gotsl wearing order for a much longer time than glove of un dressed kid. Miss Viola Roseboro, wtuste stories have g lim-d her many admirers, baa left her southern home and taken up Iter alsxle In New York city. Mis Rose boro ha tho distinction of having hail 12 stories accepted by Tho Century in a single year. Fran Cosima Wagner is recovering well from the sir ku i f npop'.i xy she re ceive. 1 ii.iiio three week ago. She was still very feeble at but reports, but she has a splendid constitution, and tlie doc tor l s.k for a complete recovery. Pi t dogs am being clytd soustoLar nioiiuit with tlu color of th ladies' bon loir. Tin y are t'.r.-sM 1 in tullor niadj . loih. s. The fashionable coloring for a .ij,.'.l whitii joo-!J i two ahadt s of Vio M. A ) o..r-g women t 1. ; honest bool La I. n t r tabli t y t pnvmmcnt la t!:-) i !y of Hoi ,.!vao. r ior l!ie pnrie f t...:iiii. r.i i'Ui r.lt for servtc t' ' All.' ri alt ii h ; '..t lie eolopalty. . v. - V I. I V. . I 3 b .n;rs. wlt'i ... t !.m- (ti i v. i.h a soft fi.d 'rije.trtml'lt .1 1 o 'N