The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 10, 1893, Image 4

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Eugene City Guard.
JINE 10.
Tli I'rincM EuUlia mill rt-turn
t lfr rval kirvlml woi'lrii( kiixl'of f..l the American
fj'tllf'.ioiil. are.
Tl work in iruirn t the 1'arinc
ourt rc a unit in f-ivor of the en
f.rn ni- i.t of the ffeary la. The
t' are rmt want'-d.
M.K!i.!y i mt m ih satitirl
it!i ...ninj. ln broken up with
one l rui as guvtrnor of Ohio, hut
will run (r another.
The naiiiv "safety ticycl." en-u.i
to I a iiiiM.oibt r frtin the Dff
r aeouuts of atviJt-rita haj
lulling t!e ri hr fe.iuentlr.
The pran.v anl alliani commit
tTi 'iiit-l to eiamine the coun
ty h a Ur;-r j! on their
hat) I than they at first eijt-J.
The Saline bank liate re
f-'.im-J. The aHt were fr above
the lubi'.itie but a hort time was
ri--iu;ril to ohuin thercaly money.
Ki-w banks can stanl a general run,
but the conti'lenit; of d-t:itor in
their ability to jy and n-eionsi-bilitv
makes them k1M.
The linii( r jrivert on May 23 by
Pr.-sil.nt anl Mrs. (.'levels id to
Infanta Kuhilia m rni'Ie an ocva
i..n of niui h dignity. The White
IIaue cotiiw rvalorie were fairly de
j ltt-l to furni-ii rare flower for
the decoration of the table and
aiartni' nt where the dinner took
place. The large Utedining-rojm
wax uet an. I it never lookel i-o
brilliant or o tastefully arranged
The alem lUniocrat ay that
the governor of Oregon i generally
cuilM-l to U- a verv i-airly ail
ullkial, but a little investigation of
the warrant allowed howi that
coilhidering the time he devote to
the hUte, he dH- fair I v well, am
in-t men of ordinarv meant could
well atr..rd to take the job. The
governor' salary in llA), and we
U lieve that under a proiier con
i-truction of the constitution that is
all he i entitled to draw, but he
ri-ceive. in addition to thi, .VX)
us rii)ii insj-cctor, I2o0 aj a mem
ber of the domestic animal com in is
ion, and alout as truste of
the reform school and asylum
making a total cotnjiensatioii of
about A the governor uU
in but two davs ami a half at the
capitol each week, or only 130 days
in the year, hi .Miue nsation
amounts to over 111) T day, which
strikes us as a rather plutocratic
alary for a jiouItft.
The Portland Pi-patcli hays: It
is a l.ii t that there are many men
with faiuihe out of employment in
thy. city, hut how to get work is a
problem dillk'Uit to solve. I'hina
men and Jajiaiie are rmplovitl on
puhlio and private works. It will
le conotltil that a imtsoi) or cor-
oration has " right to employ
whom he or it please. It is,
therefor necessary to make public
sentiment in favor of the white
and the. American citizens, without
reporting to force, if it can be
avoided' When it u remembered
that the republican otliccholdcrand
those in authority are in a paying
job to let the I hlliese and J a pa new'
laborer- Into the I mted Mate, un
der the guise of merchant, know
ing full well that titer are intlict
ing an injury on the country and
Mvplc in doing o; when people
help retain men in ofJioe who are
m -111!!, unjust and inimical to the
interest of the common people.
there w ill continue to be a wail of
hard time and a err for bread.
When the time come for the un
emploved to lie a menace to the will be too late to remedy
the evil or prevent catastrophe.
The IVrtlan I Ttl gram refer to
the olility of bank in that city in
terms that arv applicable to nearly
all Oregon lank. It ay: There
is a tabulated statement in the UM
liumU-r of the l'acihe Hanker and
Investor which how the differ
ence in the liedrock cn lition of
the Portland ttankt and thote at
Tacoma and .N-attlo. It waa ex
f!aiue.l by the director of the Ti
coma bank which rwntly filel
that the fill ure was due mainly to
the prv-ing demand of KasUrn
irn-p.n tt nil. An t lut tame ele
ment itai enVred into nearly all of
the rtx-ent lai.k failure. They
have Ut n owi'ig larce u:n in the
Kast n jnUl note, and
Uieir inab.lity t- m-t th-e reli
count i wht carrieil thtn down.
It i in thi re-pec t that Portland
ha the advantage over all other
Pacif.c cvMt-t town. The money in
the bank U 1 r:g here. Our bank
have iij f..rvig:i cr-i;u.r worth
speaking of. Under the table of
rediscount printed in the current
number of the lUnker an 1 Investor
it ii n-en that S-attle carri tUrJ,
C'.: ?., Tacoma t22fii:.f.2, while
Portland, with a larger tanking
caj-iUl tlian Seattle and Tacoma
put ti thet, how up with only
iW.MJ of rediscount. In other
words, 1'ortiau I i lnkin it own
lliuue;, """" o iso'ilis
ar Uanairf! on r-atrrn money,
which it liilile to be called Lome at
anv time. Hence tlieir i no tii
Lie dancer, no matter how hard the
time mar p t, A tli i'.-rtist .1
, , i i .
Lar.ka bes;..mingfmbarr.tsse.l.
are on a o!iJ lounvLitija. i
The Albany chief of jolice pro
ovt to t nfun th munaijial law
of that city prohibiting the running
of birvrle on any of the idewalk.
A celebration of the Fourth will
bring in the people of th. surround
ing country. Kven if t!.er- is little
ro!it, it I U-tU-r g t the -ip!e
,ere than to allow them to go el-
A Udy who has ju-t return.-J
from Chieag'i i authority f-r the
itaU'liielit that Moiilana' i-ilur
itatue, modeled aftt r A la Hehan,
the actm-s. ha the f.nv- an 1 head
of some oth r female.
To have U-sn e v.-rnor of L;.
and not to have failed in b-sim--
eem a bli-sful Coli.llti-Hl U-olid
human attainment. Mr. r''-: r
will have a luf li-t of -.vmpa-thier
who ja----l In-fore K l m from
the xecutive eliair t-i bankruptcy.
We ofu II hear it relnarki-l, and
j rhaj'S curr'Ctly, tJo, that "Viving
advii-e regar'lin ra 1 work i very
fine, but amounts to no'.hiiu'." le
thal a true as may, we mu-t re
mark that our rad will never U
improvol very much until there is
more draining and grading and
less summer-fallow in j. Oln-erva-tion
while traveling iualldirevlioii
teaches this.
West Virginia ha a two heub-j
woman who ha two entirely difler
nit voio. .'he ta'k bass on one
tide and tenor on the other. An
exchange remark that ''she would
m a terror a a mother-in-law.'
Hut at a wife che would In.- worse,
.-"he Could ke-j her husband close
to her With her J-rsuasive, n.ith
ing voice and give him hail Colum
bia with the other, at the Mine
The merchants of San Fraic-is.-o
are anxiou to evure the trade of
the Willamette. Portland is our
natural trailing oint, but there yet
remain a goodly amount of luo-s-backism
and old fogyism in that
city among the business men. Mic
has the advantage of cometing
line of railroads,
but that lo- Hot for
Ie-py business men whoexject
the profits of a decade ago on rales.
Trade will go to the cheajx rt joint.
llellrr Item.
June ii.
One ol the eouuty crailent lias t.-eti
doing rxivUeht utiiithii our thor
oughfare. Hut It lake all the liorw
111 the tivitfhliorhooil to pull it.
Unite a K'xxllv IiiiiiiI r of Is-ople nt the Pleasant Hill picnic aixl n-
xrt It an umjualilleii un,-. An ex
calletit pnnfrnni was rrn.lervl eoiisiat
liiif of U,ih hmul mxl vinl mu-ic
ile-!ilnt ions aul orations. Theft-was
tlie usual (inola of ilrunks in at t-nl
aim', a fiu-l to I regret li. It is a fit
that Boiue is-oplw nv no riini-t for
their inoraU or Hum of any one el
It. I.. William ! nni.he.1 hankliiK
his lof, mxl niiirttsl to huif-ue in con
junct Ion with a ilrixe fp'in Fall ( ns k
The ItullislK'e fnnu wns mill on last
Satunlay, at nuhllc auction. Ilalvor
Wlirrler was the !ieei-ful h.Mr.
f-ssi was the priiv pnlil, Is ini: the Horn
lual prliv of K s r ncre.
Mn. Ilol.lrlil', of Viunhill eountv,
Is visiting her 4n, Ihm llolrite, of
thi pln.
Marrlisl, at the resilience of tin
tulde's mother, Austin (iiirtm to Mm
lira W'ismIs, nil of tliii plmv, Justiiv K.
It. I'arker oiuclnlllig. our coll
umtulalliuis anil We i;ot hi eiifHr.
Mr. and Mm. win. Willmim re-
turmsl from 1'ortl.itol last sturil-iv
They rv ol.lloil to hve their little
Im- rye reinovisl, as It wainisil'le
to sve it.
Ilon't fotyi-l the lnte, June IT, for
the crninl picnic at this i.laiv. Com,
evcrvlssty ainl hrintf your UkI girl If
you liav pt one, anil If yti haven I
bring some one elr's. lion'l fuil to
come aa a uminl time Is iiectt,.
Mr. Ktha Titus hns a leavr of al
etieo from hrr IVpt s-lioi'l on ac
count of sickllis. 11 r sinter Is teach
ing In her ! lie.
From private h.IvLts we learn that
t'licla 1 1 1 1 1 v llouar-il. mii olil.luii ni-
letit of this I'lS'T. is ilangenxisly 111 at
III Home ln-ar rellilleton, l r.
vt. l. Alaguirv eiisvts to run a
tuti her waoii during the suiniiii r at-a-
Klol l.AK.
End of the (iervaU Hank.
The oftlcers of the tn-rvais Isrnk. one
of the tnk owned I v the I'nittsl
Mt Hanking t i. that also os-ritsl
al Junction, haa Istii c.i ui with
large hm to cnslitora. ne woman
Shrewd elliHltfli to C l h, r moiier
out of the defunct lu-titutloll. I 'he
hkiviu Indi wtidi nt mi:
1 het wi re Brvrral crrlit,.r of the
(rrrvus hank In the eountv t-U-rk of
fitv this morning w ho f, It -,.rv. The
attachments auist theih funct li.k
were ovr f I ', w InU t'i amount ee-
alltisl from the sale u lew tli.Mi
.nt. Anion tti nt u Mr. lHi-
rrtte, w hoa claim was ichel. tut
was only louche,!, as h n-.-rivr,l Uit
1 10. Mi no way out, as tlir
rrvditor were ald in full in t.rl r -f
attactiiuetit, m h ijuh tly w etit around
Itrnais yrvii-nUT and lxn:!it up a f.
of the pr f. rn-d iainis. OnreUitn .'
a Is o l fl.1V e,t hrrte. sin!.' Mie ff
T rot lsi and ll.tis It went. TIh-ln-rval
ss.)r wisild haxe dne
! have ti 1 j li..ii.-l to ttieosmty eU rk
and aifc-vriaiiir-l how matters .t.--! ;
M ra. 1 Kirett s s-ti;l ion w as a ps !
one and Iter in tli.l pettiiu- i
rlaiui was shivwd I
, " " .
I 'l I Jl.Uol -1 -1!. . fr .in t!. 1
Sairtu lii.l. i-t. U i.l un.l. r tl.l,-a. f ,
'I'Dies-raitT X.K.-. 1 r an- r..ri 1. 1 I
I Ul.ju.t and Itli- sut (.mii.U'.f.r,. "I
Kugvu. l. tns t, ,-ut a !arv f.--1
ur tn SaU-tu durn.g r o-iil. t ut
tliey did U.-t carry it Uin-ui. I ;,
tli Is.ys slet g.'l 1 Us- a'J .lay
and lu ll.r fvrlni,.', tw.l off a l s-
t.-rvsl inritatioti card l,.r
' ai aslriiis!. n
TllS ItlVM.-T!- rr-l fiv. ,ia .k'
this e H th W liUii., W Trt !..s 4
fs- and 4 ln.-li.-s a'' .. as'.r
luara. 1 t-st. r. n. IIm ,Uv I rr l-
l . . ...... . ! . 1
i im sim s iiiriit-, a ! fc-'tt rais-
... .snu Wrmt,MT ,M
siinuy rrr.ied t.Uy.
J.'hiiiiy Mewart ha rrturne-l from
( ilasa etit to order any sir.
trawla-rrir are lssmlug plentiful
In the market.
The I'-r work sh!ss! a ear Ud of
ice to t 'U rjf t.slay.
A W sn.well is In town visiting rel
ative and ol I friends.
luv. I. I. IMver rcturnel lnnne
from Portland this afternoon.
TheNxitheni Pacific rotiductora w ill
gite a picnic at Mlvertoil Juue s.
s-nrn door and window.
F. L. t'llAHHI KK
I -ti I y Muntr H. J. Iay went l
.sitl. ui ott the overland this iiioruing.
Mr. M. Wallis went thi morning
on a vi-it to her .laughter at Portland.
!. Malsl .-traighl rvturned home
th.s af! rii's.u fnm a visit at Portland.
Mr. Hi. ks, of tin- tlriu of t atUrrlui A
Hi. ks, ri turiM-l f.oui Dmln yrienla.v
aft rn.s n.
It is r i.rte. that hop l,uyera are of-
fi ring I-viits a p.und In the lowr
part of the valley.
The aiats in the waiting rtn at
the il. t are rt-ivlng a frvsh vmt of
paint tslay.
lit.i. I'. I'nnr Imw ha the r-guiur
lri ..n Pacific through ticket to r-an
r ran. lii on sn.e at his onice.
I l wrts iiiew jr-ssl but a
rl of the hankru't ta k only a
few i. F. l ( IIAMIIKIIH.
Mm. (ieorgie Young of Oakland who
has Us-n visiting at the rnldeuv of
.V M. Applegatc returned home this
s-hlloh' Curv, the gn-at cough and
eroiJi cure I for sale by Us. Pocket
I,- contain tweiity-tlve d.ises, only 25
is-nt. ( I.ildn ii love It.
City Dki o Store.
The cattle sathered III this and ad-
loing counties arv herded at the iHivi
.wucli on the McKvurie, where tin y
an ts-ing hraudisl. It I i
they will I started over the moun
tain tomorrow.
t aptaln Sws ney, t S. A., Snn
fo, t'al., aay: 'hiloh'a Catarrh
ni.-ly is tlie llr-l uiisliclne I have
ever found that would ever do me any
gos." Pri.v 'iO ivnt. i by
City Dkio mkj.
II. re Is how the Salem Journal re
fer to town farms: Hon. '". W.
lirav, U illamette university and mine
of the other agriculturists, w ho culti
vate lands worth live thousand dollars
an acre and upward are cutting their
hay cro.
t retwell I'jelouef.
Attend the entertainment at the M.
F.. church Friday evening. The pro
gramme consist of vocal and instru
mental music, fan drill, etc., and being
under the auspii-r of the Loyal Tein--rniiw
Mr. and Mrs. It. F. Kecney of (i.h
en attended the dance at Cloverdale
.-iiturday evening. We hope they may
grace many more of our social "hoj''
with their prvM'iice.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith of Chrlstman,
jM-iit a few day with relatvc in thi
vicinity the t week.
(inr, the u of Frank
Jackson, nut with an accident that
might have proved more ev-re last
.-aturday morning. He, In coinpanv
with several other U of his age,
sintt.-d for the picnic at PL aiit Hill
They were all tiding horsehack, and, ai
tiny n a. lied t loterdale, he wa no
ti.vd to fall from hi horse. All of his
ciu'miiloiis, except one rode on. Sev
eral vehicles drove up and the uncon
scious hid was removed to the home of
11. V. lligham close by. Ir. S-ar-
hroiigh w as calhsl and protiouinxsl It a
la. case of alodiolisni. One of the
Ihijs afterward aaid that young Jack
sou had drank a pint of li.Ur just i
short time before. He rallied from hi
tiisr and proeiishsl to the picnic not
much the worse for wear.
Last ,-atur.lay aftermsui as J. J
Faton ami Ida Nan ware returning
from the Pleaanlit Hill picnic, the hug
gy turned over throwing the occupant
to the ground, bruising Mis Ni
alsiut the load and shoulder and in-
jiirinu Mr. Faton Iwdly. No lsun
were hroki li hut It 1 feared that he I
hurt Internally, making It a very -tul-l-n
ca- to deal with. The tuikrgv
w as smashed up cotisiderahly. and if
the liorM lia.l Hot Isvn gvntle tlie acel
dent would have rxwulttsl fatally, per-
naw lo doiii.
As K. O. Carson was returning from
Fiigene in coiutiy with Will Itrv-wer,
last Sunday evening, he engagetl In
conversation with 11. C. Howard, a
near niglilsr, with whom trouble had
existed for some time. Howard com
lneucvl cursing Cataon, wherviimti
Carson went Into the iture where
lbwarl was. The latter anuol him-
If a ilh ns ks and couimeiicel firing
tin in at the former, two large rock
striking Carson. One tru k him on
the rignt check, the other in the back
of the head. Howard Juniil on to
Carsou thca and pn.sxsl.-d in true ti-
tic style to cotivimw Carson that be
w a wrong, lie lliflicted several seven-
cashes on Carson's face and head.
priuiuat!y w ith a rock held in the
hand while hi antagonist lay upon
the ground. Tlie tnmtde 1 likely only
U-a'UU, a ls.;h side have their war
p. .i t on. and we may h-k for a r i;u
lr vmdetta.
The 111 and upr at CloVerdaU-.
Sat intsy evvtilng, wa al! that coul l
he a-ked for by the Heist elite. The
svel.lngwas whllislavay plewalit!y
ilh dtn ni,-and a t'hghtful sui ts r
srvrs. Tn tr-onc nuti:l rs
-Id. and tl r.n .,.. .y.
"'a' loer.lale rtir ar d.vnt luig
it Just "sligtitiy off la ti;!ry," or lias
ij. xer atteti.Jajl tin re. Mrwn IL
-h !,nuiti and Krrk Winu iin-. en
djcte.1 thrdtirv , i tlicir Uia"r g n-tlriiM-n'y
i..itirK-r. and ruu. li pnnw i
d tti-ui f-f 1 siir, tlirniiig
Mr-. Miller Itns. furri.shed the mu-
M.or. i l'.s,i an 1 I.oisrr wrtit to
r:.sant H.:i to pl f..r t!e Mattl.esi
l'.r'. daio-r. Tlyisrt a !
1 1 tlie.
tYi UM.
Low price for Wool.
A local dealer, ss aking to all 1 -al
Orvniall rrsrter : "All over the
cnuutrv there 1 a depn-in In w.siL
AcoK-dilig to my i-U a there is a eon
crrtisj a tia amotiK the larger manu
facturen.. s-ulalor and Kuimis.ion
uwit-haiit to en.wd pnss ow n l the
lowest Jsss-lhle Js.llll to pl thi'lll on
a fn-v li. I iu-:ii thst by taking
adalitnve of llie tinalicial depfrsaioll
they toallis t prii-ee so
that they can buy domestic wis. I as
cheaply or ehesj. r than thy isuld
foreign w.s.U. duty fr.'-, so that !f they
are c.tii llr-l ,rn-after to couiia-le
with fr-e w. 1 they ill sutr. r no,
which must m Uirne by the grower.
In my o.iuion the :tniitloti would la
much Isfter if would have
free wool now. nfi.r attain had
besiliie settled,
ai tUlllir U-tl p'i-
through the umi.tlu
InetitloiKsl than tlie
were on a fn-e !!-.
nrii-ssi that are I !- 1
lor cleulllllg u.-.l.
prns- have
I down lower
I ml-- I have
Hid ! if W is I
ir-lin to the
1 K l at r.-sent
,i hiI cannot
bring more than i t" t- n cents.
There are al prvsriit no offer and no
Krsolutlotis of siini'aiLy.
The following re -In l ions were adopt
ed bv the I.ilill Co. II J -I he Council,
P. of II., at the l;i-t ui.stilig, held at
Cburg, June 3, I:'-';:
WlU.KKAs, The illtelligetiev ll
n-actns thi tsMiii. il, t!iat llro. J. li.
Powell, ex presi.lelit of thi council. Is
lying pntrate, at hi h"ine near Cot
tige bnivs, I.ane iniint v, therefole I
lU-solvetl: That the symthy of
this council 1 exteiidisl to' Itro. Powell
In hi atlli. tH'ii.
IUMiie!: That a s.p- of th-e reso
lution be ir-ad on the journal of thi
council, and that a Is- sent to Pro.
Powell, and to the AHaiuy ami Kugelie
(s-r for publi.-ation.
S ervtary.
I.inn Co. Iiusines Council, P. of II.
a h rait IreePest.
We have Is-ell shown a U-etle or
U.rer tiiat is o-rnting In all orchard
in the northwest part of hw n on (
pie, cherry and a-ar tne. It Is a slim
hliii k WIM.-.-I bug one-half to thn-e-luaiiers
of an im h long ami attack
the liliil of the tree bv boring In un
der the buds starting firom the Upper
ide apn'iitlv to obtain the liutrt
luelit llitelideil for the bud. Small
twig were shown u Is. red almost
completely otl so they broke. If nu
merous they would Is- a dniigcn.u foe
to our fruit-grow lug interest.
We el) reused the ss'iinen sent US
to I'n.f. Washbiirne, entomologist of
the stale agricultural s.llege rsk
Ing him to name their sis-cie and r-c-ommeml
a rennsly for their ravag1.
Suliscrilie for tbe Celebration.
Dsi;j .url. June
The Fourth of Julv coiniiiitt.e was
out this Iiioruing and rec ive.l i-ntri-bullous
to the ninouut of (.';. They
did Hot visit all the town, howev
er. They will press-ed on the canvas
ttiis evi uiug ami tomorrow morning.
The subscription are !- than usual.
If the clluell- de-ire to kis the
money here and bring the lu re
fnuu the i-ouutry and other plan- to
spend their money they lllll-t colithl
lite to the eXpcliM-. If there is no cel
ebration here the tow u tuuht as well
Is- buried so far as the Fourth of July
l iMUivrne.1.
I sallStscf Helarel.
SimKank. June 7.- Imlicatioti to-
dav are that the flnalu ial storm has
I t. All banks o i-l on time this
morning, aii'l aniiuiiri that they
were prewired for nil i-oiiu r.
There i- no crow d at anv of the luk.
It Is 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 1- to obtain -iHlelllellts ,.f
the liabilitie utid HeM of the four
sii-ia-uded banks. Hank Pxamiiier
Wil-.n is here, and Us.kk.s ts.-rs are at
work preparing informal ion, hut for
the pres-nl, ottiis-r n fu-- to give out
anv ngurvs. .u ;iv. however, that
assi-ts lire largely in Mvv- of linbili
ti-s. M.-n-hants and others are oflcr
ing to take (vrtitb-ates of dcinnit and
check on any of the Ml'lid.-d lnk
llly OusmI. JiCir s.
Fl SIM Kl'. The sen io class at the
Oregon state university for the vear
ls'.'.t finished Its studies' todnv. 'The
examination were nnt cnslitable.
The r-st of their time until comiiienoc
tnetit will ! employ. 1 with the finish
ing prcratioiis for their oratorical ef
forts. la.iy J'.lc s.
IIkah Ci t. While N,-, Kirwin wa
riding to town yesterday fnun near
Crcswill he utally fell fnuu the
wagon. Hi bend struck on a stone,
rutting a considerable gash. Ir. Kuy
kemlnll dr-sts the wound.
1 all Ou.r I. )-.Ttt .
Inrimraii:ii. Im-orisiratinn arti-
clis have ls-n tiled of the Siuslaw
Tunls-r A lUs. miiig 'oinvuiiy, of Ku
gene, with il. lAf Mitchell, I t
lu-tiedict and V. C. lUil. v a Inor
srator. The i-apitul Is lisi,
I'ai; '-uaM. J:a ?.
IVimw Fn.fl. I.ucian A. Ward and
F.glvrt Wiloughbv. ex.s-utor of the
estate of Ocorge li. Ward, have filed
their Isimls for .io,i with the eou un
coil rt.
ti: um. j it
. .-t it !.. tie Ii.hsI Telli
ill last
stH'ial ill the I M l K, Hows' old hal
evening was a il,s-i,, sinsisi-as. The
IxHisewa crowd,-.!. g music was
furnihe. and al! had a pleaant time.
I1:: i...rt. Juu
P. KN.-K. H. Inghaiii. "Ax r.iilT."
the gnsrr, is the proud s..r of a
peund girl trslay. Mother and Ctilhl
are re(rted dooig nivlr.
ssj -sale.
iv .k. maple and l!m
Iii'iuire at the (.il'AKU
(n I arr-- of all
d-s;.' o snj-- f n".-.i.
a. Dmi al-u
!t . j ri.portioa AdJ
-: l l:h Irna
l.i-fc.t'ini osnw, fpva
tw- a t a.i Wir Tbr I
t"il in fesf-ctini Ih
sU - m 6. in i-iirirc it
Y..J rj Tmt it aoj
rw- it it y aU a-t la
I. -v.. sn-fa It I .sews
t . M-sl-si iisvnr
I' - r aaJ uspur t4.l
v. - .is r-MlitKia(
Us. ma uit.Uo it
l- tw
. A a r I
... " .' : .
" --ia.s. : t.r.4 of I., ..I. HtH.'
.s--as.iul I.
a. a. I f,.r sa . ,
thr-:r!l I'- 1.L..I i ,t. t I Ir'IiJ - t - V - T I
i -i a. um rs ih aia- r r-r-1 v i - . r . K
-J-rlran. si rm.-. h rt w. aa4 I f r L. . 1 , V,! -V ' tiT. I
n S-ii .4 U luio Ibal ; VT" . - Til TJ
li.,1 , ..i . ... vi S"n-r;n,m: r.t:...klini' m
z v . . ""' lkA' "Mrn wn. r.!'
AaJ it s if
..o iw' trs as ;
o bal h i.nsl t it 1 fi U
I ar cvr, ties i-ur saoavr l'l
rj l.'L 1
I '111 P..
To siigg.-t your gettlug a .Ullllner
.-..rwt, but it none too ..n to suggest
w here to get the right ...rt w hen rely
to buv. "TI1K JAt K-4I.N I.. K
WAI-T" ami -THK J. f. ' 'Al K
CoItKT" are Just now the ln-l
fashionable shape lu summer s- t-;
y-u'il tlud both styW" t the
The "ALHtloHT" siiuiiiier corset
1 a- near a skeleton a one i-aii I
made at . "The J. C. t . ' ' 'ure
corset, made of Nottingham N- t.
The genuine Ja ksoli Cors.-t-Vais!s: s.,
cents. Mis-e Jakson vbisi
Haker Wafts, f-r elill.lrn, 4
Ir. Halls if r-s ts, TV.
The "American Lady." No. 672.
Long Wait, $1.07.
S -hilling' "Model Form" i-orM't, 11.07,
J1..M, tlM. The "Ida" corset, iTc.
The "C. II. llousa" con-et, 4Tc.
atiTNo Trouble to Show Goods.
Racket Store-
S.Kice b hri.T giteii that J. C. Jraolngs
bat !-so duly intl aliiiDutraUr of lli
ssUU of JaiM W. Ilail-'is. ds-r.!. Ail
wrs hatisg rUims wsiiwt th sslsta ar
rrqonlel to prwat t. sun to th a-luisi-trtr
at JuartK O Cite, or U lisn. B. lAfri,
tu-u City, with tL nso-ssary icliri
vilhia sit lO'-olU fr-m tli tint publicjUoo
if this Dotlc.
1'sie.J, April 10, Kt
J. 0. JtIN.
Gut. Il IV):, AJaiioistrator.
Attj for th F-.ut.
Eojfoe Loan and Savings
S::::2cr to it; Em;:; m:iil Int.
Incorporated with a Capital of $60,
000, with $30,000 Paid IU
IVfsisiita rwv.Tii it.,-rt t rhrrt IntrrMt
a;i1 on timr ilfj-ueit. ftod Uh nivle uD
ftr'Trsl t-curay.
!Hti rT J CHt Rt II.
U IUlMT b r I UK
I achi&r K. W.i-M.lKS
The Kur-ne In nl Tintr Ptr.k will con
4 irt riiii .'mrarrt il nJ "Mititir hue. lit-,
J-IT rlarr.l alU-niion It cai-rai to thr mr
m fetur- of a It not tit yu nik.
tut w hat iu MVr. thl ro y-m t,h In a l
f.rr, itttitutl th-rr r mmiij rriotn of mm
b-i. I : i . c . hirh. i( ut.tlr:u4 in nif ttik
or ,ti-l. will tr ttrnt in tie t f nntnrf.
It 'iirTit ull lo in tmll tut thy
rn tat (t tn aTirift tmuk m lr to brnif
n rt-ttirtit Hrltrttt.K ttit tli lim ha
Mn;f (r the iurtflti1 o(rrilinn f t. iHirinr
HaitKinthi romititjuity, tuUrit your jt
rouiv iu ihti mattrr.
We lead in quality &
prices. Goldsmiths
When you want your gmsl, hou-c-
lioi.i rurtuture laml o. at auction.
cull on lieo. W. Kilisry, tlie piolns-r
an. I most suce-s-srul Bin tionc-r in Ijine
count v. He will attend to all niK-s on
a r.-asoiial'lc commission.
For a square deal, go
to Goldsmith s.
aj 4 Miaou,
: ii:ai.ek in :
mo i
At U.. old E. R. LUCKEVftCOstaad,
Eugene, Oregon.
IB. G.
N't t.fa an4 New Pru la Furriia sad
tVBMsUe Marbl aad Ortall. MuDumruts,
Hiss4skor oJ Cravstrrr work ot
a'J kinds (or ltO.
j a lilasMtu strprt. a?r Frat. Ber. Ecrra. Or.
Anything in the Gro
cery lineGoldsmith's.
1N. T-i rri.rrn
kuovn ha. on
ri.ul ti nrt I
firm that varrmnt nurrT iis"i firt c .m a d
tru W Mtkk ALL Tilt aK.
lr momh u th ncbt maa m y 'rra.y,
otaunc aa I I.. 1 AlO.
11. man.
a S
'. W
f., i pitjt,i f ... ! r "'a
il . a-(l.-Ua ?- . , l-ssa.
TI ! MNPtCK a J.'M.
C 7 lft !s- I ovb.. On-foa
me tan
Made! V ! Never
r -
? ri- fi
rs n a
ft ---- CO
o c;s,a
- rn : ,:
en ' - 7
Ktr.-i . ) -. I-si;-. tl. Turrst irasl.4 hemlrsls Ol4a!t,atlr. a:, a (:: i.uttf
Iniiiie- Suiuli is-'!. I'ritont Me licit iuk. mikI H,Uo
l ,t !.. :. o.; .iirt- a. Twll..-r ilh tli l..i:li.g -iisit-.
that (or;n .Mi'DiciNi:,"
fun-- In ii i. i.t roti.uiiit iion, I'.rom hltl. )lo;.rs.-n.-, Tlitiat ani.i
1 Tlir.t and Lumr M--a "
Mi KIXXKY'! IMrKuVKUC ATAliUII t'l'KE will ., t,tlv re,i,t,
anv form of Saul Catarrli.
" J. II. 1'II.K I'HK Mi ta-t kiKiwu rvinisJ f.,r Illin.l, IlL-Miii v
'j! lt.'rlliil.KKA t t'Iir., f r riii.lera, IUwlitery, Iiarr!...a, ."-uujf
CoinpUiiit. Ilillion- folic. t'lio.-rn Morl.u., Ktc
X " V . . . .,,,.- I.I.iiIU I. ...... ...11.
HLWlliU I'HilJl.x nr.Mioin (it iii-uiiii mm,
mnll.-lli'S rr .-it 0. t IPTsril r--rls
-...i......... Vutin.j.i III rrle
Irfrl..r u lo
Vt Is i'.IU.s l"f r..ininin.liii I 'livielnn nn i.riiirv 1 're ri.ii na
ir c'.l tu Hi Ht.-T. A stiara ol j.mi ttr..i.N( 1. suiicilnl.
Yt rintoii'.- Ninth r?tM I'rujt Sftore, Khint-liart'-j Ulutk.
KfUEXE, Ok eg ox.
The Light Running PLANO Bindsrs,
Also a Complete line of Buggies and Farm Machinery- Call and
see us before purchasing.
The most cnmplfh' stock uf I'indiT ami Mowt r niair in
tln Willamette
l ll l l J v I
NAIl.S. WIUK. .AIMKN Tnol.s.
kukks. i:akk ;i:ni:i:al .iii:i.i
iiahhwahk.saws. axks. ih 1'k.
.STOVKS. UAN(ii:s a.m. !KNKI5A1. TIN
WAKK. l'l'Ml'S a x i l'lPE. WATKIJ
CI.O.-KTS. Ktc. rLl'Mr-INd. UiMiFINC.
Wall Paper from 20c.
to 1.25 per Roll.
This space is reserved for
Gents : FurnishinG : Goods.
Canton Plow, anj Cultivators, Advance Thresher Go's.
Engines and Threshers,
HcCcraick Eriin vi Erssi Kzriestirg Machine, j,
With the fa. iliii.T. a( I v tho ollet ami larvn-t -(aUi-liniet.t f in
kitiil in the worM.
Also the 1!1T lilXDIXti TWINE at the LoWFT 1'HH 1.
S.' tlit in at the Kiip-tie Hard are Co., (a,l Killow IluiMink'-
Eugene Stables,
Olivv tnit, Uti u a:..l ith.
First-Class Rigs.
Horses boarded by the
Day, Week or Month.
RiW aUl U rr-Hrsd t tk C.j,tT Cs.rt
4 La I'.-uttT. at rmlw - Knk
" Jaa T'.h. ( kiu o usts
t-ur t. jm tr-'m l.t. l-vx
tsl. ti. is. Ia.U k.... .
ax-lioal ttra.iav aa'l tcnim, ai .atir !
rar ait crniatt Iwr. .J t s-itT U
staevnt rrh. I, .s-l. lit M Trtir4 uaUi ,
Jua l.-.ti: n.Kl pril rr -t mi a.l i
ail Ifcis. K. IjrXKrr rtt.-ulan r!l at ta '
olli.n mi A. IL Ir is. t'.iaty Jtklt-.
, ' s. r
'.' rrri
ly .-r mj W-sl Irs Sr. al.-l sn-tu.r.Lt -. i,,..,
inrir rn.. w-j eu isr iu.u...i.
Chain - Drive Mowm m
Mnc. un CAniaiuun
In Hit JLnsI CuiUir.:. (jitr KL:nr
liart's Cn;:erv.
Valley, carried hy
Loiidimiller it' IVlff.
.ion woi:k.
1 1
Day cV Henderson, Undertakers vi
Embaimers. Cor Wi!. anj 7th its
notice r.K rt riLU Aii"N.
I'niTrt. 'T.tiT tr.-1 ;
k isrs ... or . Ai-rii
s rr h.s,'., , - n th.1 la
-a n..r.w,....t.. "i Z'l'SZ 4
j... Si.:.. ...I.,-- :'.r.
-i,...u...i .-..; ft.....
. ba Un :s ' " ' , ,;, , ',
:- m.m ,!-- I - Vl . .u
- -I ' .' ' . ". .'.-. .'. ! t
i.-.s.f . thai ' '
; ri'-ts- TS.'I-
r .r i .. i .ir !.-r .f -' '
pii-t.s. sr-. t r.:.'- -t-I-
,j-;r . I 'ir
,.. v .1 .sl.-l
K-r'-i-. i .rrt.-ti..u !!'- s '-,,B 1
-?.'- .
I' - s y.-.
V.-i. 1 n t . " "." , .
N. ...n ai.-l -"':t-t Iv---- "'
4S..I.1 ... ISM ' r: ' .' , , r r .f.r t
Il..,s-.'J,.HISJ ,....1f '
in '-. ,sj .- 1-' ' -
"J""'" j,.s II ,H..Kr'--'-
J. 37. y TfTLS,
ir:rjji:Uf ui S:rr r..:::
l-ol-rtlor.. n-s.1. J Ia fT:u; i'V.'
Itiniavri Jr. J - I''-' '
-.1 H. a.lw Ur.iil i r
77rt. S ocrf -M ' L
I10EE. t'kE",
IT.. ..J
I Willi IP.