The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 10, 1893, Image 3

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r i mr at
W 0
.Where the best' food is required, the
Royal Baking Powder only can be used.
I have found the Royal flaking Powder superior
tO all Others. C. Cfrju, tttt Ck.f, Deimt'i, .v. 1'.
Milk Osiillseal bjr l.leelrlrlty.
professor Tulornel, an Italian i-hcml-l
conclude that Ibe oaone produced by rice
ricdichnr;rea in t litxnU-r Mono rtnt:ii
ca milk by ntidiglnit It.ati'l rrurniii
Jit-tic acid. Mr Trend well, of the Wee
leyei university. In discussing this, alalia
tuuttbe acliun I not a merenxhlution, but
It la airtly produced by tha iirowth of Uic
ten, which la very ra:ll In hot. sultry
weat-'ier New Vork Trlruraui.
tied riyeii.t.
H troubled with red eyelid clve tha m a
b it Imtn Just Iwfura KoitiK to lard, laving
thrill with tha hand. In Ilia inorniiit
always Kite the eye another nond bath
liiis. rubuinji itrntly from the outer corner
inward Hi ik"1 Many people cnrlrly
pi. over the eye while washihtf the luce,
b it t lit-r doerve and need great care.
Herald of Health.
Ilia Dcuoa.
"Carl, It l not very ktood of you to any
bad things of your friend behind lila bark."
' Yc, but, f.nhrr, w hcu I any tbein to bla
tue he beat inc."-Flirscinle Mutter
IK Vr l.oiiK IS
Wrlntrr't Inrtlon
ery, nu will And
thai the di'Nnllion
ill a ftiriMin It a
w uiai
la what
are hMikina
Thla week e
Iter vnii a genuine
liarKaln ami a verv
IIIIIIVIIW a. waa po- per yru
lor Linunnmi .
In I
v: ii
fiilar rolon In rherki, Hrli- and .laut. '
me. ti win r...i niKiui j c n
it a.i lo lliatl. Mt von ee you are kiiiiiik a
1 irrale ol iilnghaiti delivered at yuur iNial cerva lr yard.
'rn.l . I for the leal Mhlrt on earth, ard re-
-in- ii i.y mad. Ulna Uled, yuualll alwayi
ill,- t he III. 1 UY oM.
A . B.Stcinbacli & Co.,
Flrat and Morrlaan. fottland. Or.
fa- ! arit-al and rhrapeil clolhlrif bouae In
I!., i ai-llli- .Surlhaelt.
IIK-T KK-l'iN".
l.eitera amaered
i, mmm
ni atorrliaa
Pari la Wat, Or.
"What is August Flower for ?"
As easily answered as asked. It is
for Dyspepsia. It is a special rem
edy for the Stomach and Liver.
Nothing more than this. We believe
August Flower cures Dyspepsia.
We know it will. We have reasons
for knowing it To-day it has an
honored place in every town and
country store, possesses one of the
largest manufacturing plants in the
country, and sells everywhere. The
reason is simple. It docs one thing,
audioes it right Itcujesdyspepsiat
Prph'Us tormanenUr eared In U loBilaya. t
ru La trru4 at boon foe tha aama prlia ana uv
-rwaeaa(eeaWltb tho who pn-fer lo enej
k nteewl.leuntntrttacara Ue Of irtawl wirf
eMryeirrnaaof coraint-.railruarf far and baa
I . if a ;U lo eura. If yoa navw ukea "e
'r-r, Inloa MMak, and anil haw a--xw and
runa. llajesaMl'al'-aieavlnmoaiin.awww'l hrawa,
t-lal, aaiawaM lra a.aHa. I teeraon any
l1 of 11,1 .jct. Ilalr Of I elr fi''l"J
. It la ilia ajrwallltl BMIOB POUMin
' ' rat meiea locum. Via ao:KHl Iha nvM
M:3al aaaa and ehatJIeaicwIhaawld lr
a raiaeaaaarara, Thiadiaeahaaiati
fcaatral ISa aklll sC I1a law-1 eeU nr kral
'aa. a-o.oao ea-ltal tr hlnd O-ir ann-mli-
-aa: maraatea. A kal nl-r r"f '"TT1 '"
- -i on aVma Mla. llHMKOa--.
'"I tllai T" r'" '
" r
i prf)LT
oa tal l" '--a
f r , , I H-l-''.
1 rn.ii.i ,r OlliUUi
v, n . T C-i r TO
onw D.Bo-SiliSHLCn)t,
UU 1 " 1 i! r- r " Pi"" 2
w . - a-i-- T
Oil CO aa ian'-i!ea. I r.V trri--i
rl L.L. 0 naiJ. i.-.tujJ,In-ll
tamaatlm and lnai
waa haia aaw raaata ar Aata
ava, aaoaiid aa nao eCwralia'
Coaaampiirak. It aa aaiewal
U Ii II baa irt ie;-ir-
WmA liaam t4 wuaa
it la u baaa aoaara rr a.
. UllllllU
Ha ! portly, but rerr erert.
And alwa)-ln wiiiiph hat rilT
Artltlc- and quite t-irvuimtxtt.
When It mtnra In a iirMi'iu nf drwa;
A Invvr nf a hit aiid nf i In-
And a lutle iliiMd to ! car,
Trl I iH bun. tieerUirUa
Tlienid iNu-Ualnr or Ibe way.
For I know when bn lif- I dlweri
There I lr of Ibe ifi !) i ama,
KorhllUreo ariiund bitn Milli-i t.
Ilia boma romitijc tnuhll) to bnaa;
And In ran him nuMiti I mitl,-
llv'a a triilo tui until tu he i;ry.
In aiilteiif ht nn-IuI Bu-ia
Tha old bai bi lur nvi r ILu way.
And I fee! my nrmle I mrrert.
When I limk al him lowly ami ffiiaaa
Tliat whrn be takei tune tu rrflrrt.
He mliwa the truu l.''in- .;
Tor the liu k of a home a ill di ireaa.
And hu bo) bil .t Iju they aay,
I fani'y that Un-atim uiutl oi;n-M
Tha old ba bi'lor over the any.
Wbatl marrlnl thli morril'i. no lev.
For who alinll Kliib' t'uplil kuiusa)?
Well, well, he It In nr ditrva
Tbauld liai-brlor over Itie way.
-Crural MrlialTry In Arkituu Traveler.
Bending "4'iiy" 4 beitply.
It U now poatihle, a tinwl x-oplo know,
to aenil an ontltiHry li tter by train w hen
one wiabra to make a rom;rotnlMt between
dlapaU'hlntf a leleijrnin utid forwardmu a
letter by tha tmiiiil Incntia. 1 lie mime ad
TantaK baa lieeti enjoyel br newipapera.
, ..,. 1. n,lii.rnl f,,r l.l.r
- '
yeara. Old Jotirualinta cell rt'iurmlier the
lima when -trlrirriitibltiu naa an exnetiMve
' and ao Ulirert I'll that mo-t of the nrna
whli'b pMtarefl III the Iomlnn preu wna
received lir trnlti. In tboae laya aubedl
tors bad only tn wait for the Inat train, ar
riving aoon after niiiliiit.'lil, and tin y knew
what they linl to deal will). Now all that
la changed The 1indon n- at lb
preaent tune rceelvea marly nil Ita provln
elnl ncwi I.) leleurnph and a K'h1 ileal of
'copy" arnvi-a In the ainnil bmiraof lb
I'rorinrlul nrwapapera, however, lilu anil
little, at 111 make (treat iiof the railway
yaU'iu for the lraiitni'-iiin of nwa Al
nioat every expreiw wlm li Maria ironi Ixin
don latween miihlny and rvriiing rarrnn a
numlierof pm-kagea from the nrwa nueit
Clea conluininu' ri'irla of tuarketa, trniU.
fitock exrliaiii- infnriiuilloli, and an forth
Many of Ihk rvimrta are ini niiiplela.
I'art of a trial will, for example, ha ant
by Strain atartlng long la-fore it la over,
aud the retDalnder by tidegraph. The
parcela alao i-otilain litlli- ttit nit-tiona for
the subeditor or Ibe prinu-ra nblrh can
Dot ba dl.ipatclied orerwlro at the prena
meaang rate of i) wonla for one "hilling
Bometitnea leading nrtirlea aud pnragrapha
of "London I-llera" are wtit In the mine
way. London Tit-llila
Tba Very Wor.l Hmell.
An odor haa liei-n found an frightful that
tba dlaroverern have lui-n nlihui'd loalmn
doo Ita preparation. MM 1 '. ui Minn and
Fromm, In exierimentiiu nt r reiimrg, lu
UrixKati, upon the orgiiino aulpliur denva
Uvea, cauaed hydni-n aulpbidr to act
npon acetone, mid olitaitn d lieei'li a tritbio
acetone aniall iiiaiitltiea f a d finite com
pound nonvolatile and rryalalline, C'l.'i
1LSS4. Attheaame timu tin-re l found
rery rolntile Ixxlj", bavins aucb a borrl
bla odor that eth) Itnerrnitaii. etyU-ni-mer
eaptan and lb otlu r volatile aulpliur rom
pounila are perfumea roiiipan-d w un il.
The diacovep-ra have not len nb'e tn
obtain tbia cninMiiind it) a pure etale, but
they do not dnitlil tlial il la iiionn-iilphur
rttcd acetlne I'i lid M. Aatbi-y were one
day dlatilliualli pnlin-t of the n-nctton
of 100 grama of ai-rimie with bydna-bloric
add and hydrogen aulplinle. w lib a very
perfect arrangement (or ila t-nudriiaatloii.
ml avoiding a aenaible ! of the pnnlut ta
of the reaction, the nt moaphere of the
whole aurmuniling diatrn t of the tit y wa
contaminated within a radituof iWiw
Every effort to obtain tbi aulwtaiire In a
pure alal rale. Mich a lemjH-at of protea
tationa and cotiiplaitita ngnlual tlie laUira
tory that tb exia-nir.cntrra were oldigrd
to diacontinue their rv-aearchra.-I'liartna
oral leal F-ra.
Celllaf Caoghl In a LI a.
A qneatlon which the eti(iiell booka
ihould arttle la the proper lauavior on I
log caught in a lie. Tbia would lulrreal
persnnaof both arxea. It la Iheruatoiii ol
one woman to play a brave .hand on aucb
"I've found out that lie you told annul
in." aald an Irale train tu ber one day
"Have you HeMl'.y'" abe promptly an
awered. "Which oner"
Tbia la aure to tgi r. but It taken nerve
to do It Another peniu a man tb.a
time ba1 an aciuintnce rb in uui
blm one day like a cyclone. "Ix.k bere
jon raacal, you," beaboute.1. "you've liern
lying alaiiit mel"
"Then thank ywr lucky atara, man.
that I haven't tuld lb truth about you.'
nawrreil the other coolly New York
Evening Sun.
rrofaaaor rauraaa'l Alaelmlnddeea.
profeaanr Kmenaon, while at Ijika For
eat, waa actually known to iro ! wn to t' e
deput to take I l.e train for ( int . a-.d
fort;! to gel on Uanl Wl en I ' ame to
thla city to d. iiv. r a lecture at the Art :n
atitute. Mr Frriich. of li e iL-titut, n et
blm at to train. "Why, F.o er-..n." aai -1
Mr. French, aa be looked at t.' e prof- a
tor'a Bar a, "you'ie (r.t two ci.ilara r.u '
profeaaor F.nieron a b m-l wen up to ii.a
throaL -so 1 have." aa, I te. and;r
pluaeolUrw.a .,-n. aly .t-.we-l aa ay Ir.t t,e
profeaaor pocket. -Oilen.-o llra.d
Complete an!! t f.rrn.l lW tlUH
are now m-l f'-r aremen wear. A ti-
mabrnal ia ladratruct .n a:.d a U-l c.r
docmrof tel a. wed.t!.. wearer la J ro
Uctlln tb.mi Ut of Cm Of eour-.
air for breaifcii-g n.-iat P-4 t.Wb
taba lo eoir aoch way aa ,t U eoppi.ed to
tb ttSver we be la otUr wataw.
IWtitirilHl Is mr draaro
Tmi In I tie calm ilrwam ilartraasaslaas,
la UTltftlr. kte'W red if lit thing
That sra unthinkaliko. It arenia.
licr inu hiu in it hum and glean.
And in the unknown hm mere ruttf
t'alem un i Silem r. of string
f inr than aunli Ju as-un m isaiua.
Ii I nuM sec her. I stn sure
That I would lltnl her eje
Llk tlul louc. and her cbct-a made
( r
With thrilling tciifle note, and pur
Id r li(-a a barp lum-a and gold aihg
Of lo'a wotett iti her hair.
Edward Liuw Wtnl in New York Sun.
"1 wonder whatever for a reward, now.
la OITrrnl for that a' nt lit ll.r r.i-l." a.d
J uk Moore the;rr 1 1 i pi rn I ui
Claim the hintuiity of the t) U h..ivl
I'lntiaikir ai-iiliiiietil wn not n!UllY i'-a-pt
loua (.'otiieia l i I'i n i'ea were Hutu a
brrey welcome, LnoiXMipie.! with ltn r
llnciit ItKiuiriea. Nitnna were lint aknl
Oor bilorMa dmlred.
"Thi J'rre aklu' of a a!ran- r'i name l
onpolite aa a l.i)' an' hat Ha reka tiic,"
anul ArinirotiK. who ana the (.'hoi.-rlW'M
' of L'liiiKtluir and an anlhoritv on in ittrra
of rtiiii'li. "H a IikiiIi in' a ('"'ti'i'
rur'oiia over the brnnd on a iii.iii' I m "
"Tlint'a vi r," a-nt.- Hill TntU
"I known a I'.iny In Ivirl who ker;n i
term' 'muiul a kin' of aatMtiu-rr a ii.iiiik,
an' he Kent hut onjxiimiar the in in wijMa
blm over tha heivl Willi ln nix alit-r.
I You I iet be w.ia mmhty iliple.i!H al'oui it "
' No, l iniialwr I nought w;m lilneetiil an 1
unl' Iilcloii. Tlioe liiinnir werei i r
i fully rei-elviil and approved of or lynrheil,
t aiionliii to their after unfol ImniL Jura
Moore himaelf waa of a icrniTom, health
ful turn, and orllninly would lu vrr bate
1 held the thought w hu h aiara In l.'.n in
terroitnloy toiulnti xi Slo eastern re
1 war'la. l b trulli la. Ilia at raiuer evcltiil
. uplrion. No one could teil bow or why
but there waa thnt in bia very altno-phi-rit
which would make a dog growl Did
Mont knew nothing iilamt him.
I "He takea the alae In Tucaon." tail
j thnt worthy peraon aa he rvmon-d bla n .se
from a whiaky glaa for the purpoae of
fuller converae. "Au' no one ktmwa noth
In' alaiut him A he don't do nut Inn
cumin' over but Ivan back an' eua the
world In general an' Arizona in pertlc'ler.
which., while ll'a all right for n p.iatline.
after all don't advance no facta, you can
an) I ahora fnlla abort of twin' fully lu
funned of thla yere man inyelf "
"Well, I don't anyhow like him none,"
aald Hnv.-wood.Jlm reflectively "Of courao,
be aiu't earned no word fmm me either
way, an' whal I a iya neeiln't go to hla Inaa,
but I ahorely takea a notion a.' ii' blm. J-at
the aame."
Thia apiieared to represent the Cinnalmr
feeling. Still It la prulmMe Hint ("innaliir
would bave thought and aald no further
were It not for aubacfiurnt hnppviilhga at
tbe O. K. botcL
Cinnalmr waa at Ita vcper drink when
the rapid rrKirta of a piatol coming from
tbe botel aforesaid nrouaed that mild in
terrat which Cinnabar bad grown to be
tow on auch phenomena.
"I wotidi-r whoever gets It now?" aald
Dill Tiill aa lie replaced bia drained lilaaa
on tbe Gold Mine bar.
Curioalty, however, waa anon tnnde eay
when word came over from Ilia O. K. hotel
that It waa almply Texaa Thomaon. and
that no one had tiled.
"Ilea Jeet ahootln' up the dlnln' room
eonie, on account of the atrnngrr," aaid the
courier who bore the newa, "un' ain't
nienuln' nuthln' whatever."
Tho trouble came thua: The O K. hotel
waa tn conduct of a w Me and man
agemrnt, aud Ita apiril waa amply ahown
to Ila motto, "There'a Niilhin' Tiki Kkli
for Cllinnbar." Hut urvert lu-lena Ita menu
waa iiudi-r ibe grinding control of clrciim
atnncea. Jlt following thie Ji-uiid tiny
which marked the advent of the freightim
from Turaon the O. K table d'hote l-cine
fenat of rlchnraa.
After the freighterg bail departed In re
turn, and aa day went by, the richueaa
dwindled. It waa on the day which Mr
rowfully miirkwl the frelghti-ra aa lieing
haenl aotne three week that the airnui-r
Ignnl the dogeared account book, which
erred aa a regiater and claiined the nt
teutlon of tbe U. K. hotel aa Ita gtici.1. mid
the table bnd pitied to la-ana and colli e
Cinnabar could l deiirndeil on never lo
complain. Il realized the exigent-lea of
tnule conditions and fully exonerated tbe
O. K. hotel fmm any attempt to put It
to death by starving Not so the at ranker
lie knew nothing of the freighter to I tic
on and waa a hungereil.
"1 don't like brana, and I don't want any
coffee," aald the atratiger, with a ieiiilaiit
nnp, aa the viand drw ril-gd were plareil
In hi reach by Widow Hngga "You can
bring me a jeeMeak and egga, aud a cup
of ten, with toaat."
"Henna an' coffee," aald tbe Widow
Drlgg. reganling the trnngrr with a cold
and atony rye, "la tbe la-t two chicken on
the roiwt, an' you rata 'em or leta 'cm
lone, Jeat aa you all pleae " The widow
then made a majestic exil from the room
In digulled dlamia-al of the w hole mailer
Thereupon tbe at ranger railed.
"Whatever Is the matter with you all
anyhowr" asked Texa Thomaon, al.ln-va
Ing the petulant stranger In a wronged
ami Injured tone. "What Ton allalryiu'
to pull on trouble with them tbar frijolr.
forf Frijolea Is mighty succulent fisxl an
your stomach I a heap too ladylike when
It gets to layiu' back Ila years that awuy a'
"Hut I don't like beans." aaid tbe atrau
"Oh. yon like 'em well enough. " re
aponded Thomson coulideiilly. "You jM
thluka you don't like m. What you all
aims at in your proud an' sperited way la
to aorter lay lvk ecortifo! of the grub
yere, an' put it all over I innabar. You
jest seize on these yere f rijoiea aa a mere
"Who are you?" asked tbe stranger In a
mixture of wrath aud uneasiness.
"Who be If" rejicated Thomson, In tones
of ecu!!. "Who be It Partner, you Irno
inilialea me. I'm Ihe man who killid
Hronco Mclrre. that' who I ba An' aay.
at ranker, I'll Juat cotilide in you. 'caue
thar aaometblng atx.ut you that drora me
If you don't crawl outal-lr lliem la-ana,"
and here Mr. Thomaon'a tones grew low and
Ciuudrnlial, "tin yere pertic lar niiuut
we ail la exchanging' our view in, I'll
ahorely leave you on la,th sides of lb
atreet,' Her Mr Thomaon slowly drew
bia large, Impreaaire an shooter and lay
log It bealde bia plate contemplated the
horror atnckeo atrsnger with griU inter
The bitter at one, but relm taut, y. pro
eeded with but conauniption of tbe die
I tasteful vegetabla. To t.. comfort and aa
I alatame tbe anient Mr Thomson also
' canard to be purveye-1 an aiiuwslice of
I whisky.
j "An' tt lr tin tip too." aald Mr
I Tbonisfn.
TbJ waa received ty 'r atrariffer aol
tafT-d ,'i I- - and r ro at . after
Mr. Ibun.aou lirel b.apiatol a few tnr.a
.bpjugti the Ihiii l.arl wa.ia of the rem
ua a vatie and desulvirr manner endgame
away, leaving tbe strai ner lo rt.e.l."se oq
tbe eiiiia-rsnt character of fc.a enrertaln
"On. I waan t a:m;n' to bit tim none,"
aa:d Texas Tbon.aon. aa Arn-stmrg re
boxed jr".'!y wt.n they met a mo
Oient U'.rr !:( -d M ne aa.K.n. "I
was Jt r int.ia' a l.'.ti I axer l!m.
ar.d se-er lm.- away w;:b my g'io a an
evidence of f A fas:n "
"Ob! tfc b.aaer waa all riatLt." aaid Arm
trocg critical. y. "Tt J yere atrar-s
l4,aat to potua' s dog as' of cotiree soce
Ihlnff' gnt to la iTorie w trie creal't of fs
alr. Hut wlagii It wttia when yoo don't
(et cal'exl on to make gil, yvu ihore'.y
pusbter atop tbar Tlii yr ahootm'
'rv-nd the illnin' nm was fr'.volo is an'
nnoyin' to other tt.eo a arts thar ta'irly
Mini' au' who alii t in IL It d at'irlni"
to 'cm. What do )ou lUiia. yuat-sef.
"Tt. it 's w hatever," said K Jim,
aa be rilUeil a dei k and ana;iad it tn the
ileal l-ix "It sorter take II rill laMirlera'
m.iola olTen Un ir w iltli-s that away, au' la
! Uid for the ili,;ratlon "
"Wbia ver la thla yere strange female"
I Interrupted Hill Tutt. who et.d Kakiug
I friitn Hie disir
I It waa growing dnak bow. and a slight,
g Itrange hgure in akitts i-ould la )ml seen
as it entered the ottlce of tbe hotel serosa
! tlie a
Soine ahe Mexican, over from tTiilili,"
' aaid Armstrong t'hilill was that Krton
of l iunaluir in w bich Ibe Mniuu meat
did cohort i.'aie. and Arniatrotig s ready ex
1 p',.n, alio!! nrllinl the IlkelV one
I 'lliyo t know," said lbseM o.n Jim aa
be s it al bia f.iro table cnreaing a stack if
him, "do o-l know 1 don t del all rghl
alunt tin yere la-an eater of Thomaon a
I anil sopisratltloiia, but Id shortly l.kt
to know whaleierlbis yrreliortiicrii cornea
! a-canlenn' Into camp for, anyhow "
"Hon jeat tistaa notion agin Inn." said
T"tt. "aame aa you a a whi.a back.
I tli .it a all '
"So, tt ain't no notion neither," per
giati-d Jim, alill fiiml.ling the
j al iuk of blue. "Il git sorter wemladown
on me thar's goin' lo t some que.-r play
! niaile 'round n-re."
"lo yoii n,l know," aald Ja. k Moore,
i who bad la-en leudiiiB his ear lu ulrtn-w,
"thai a the way It h!M me li e minule I
ai-e Una yrrr atrniiger Thal'sxhi I make
! that talk nta. it n-ivanla It strikes me
aomeliow lie s la-iu' trailed fcr something "
"I don't know what you all feel's
' couiin'," sni I 1 cxiie Thomson sourly," but
I you can gamble he eats lliem la-ans three
times a tl iy w ulle be slay I see to thai
"I was playln" pokrr In the Full Hlown
Itoaa Inat uigbt an' 1 see J.u k on eiglila
out three time," continued HisaewtKal.
gllll aaai.tmg hla mtiaing with Ibesofl
clatter of the chips aa he aorleil them I
tween bia eN-rieiiiad Ihuniu ami fore
finger. 'Thai a ibe band the denil uiau
beld an' la allcr a wartuu'."
Tbe morning dawned on a ripple of rl
cilrmriil ut Hie O K. b itt-l. Tbe stranger
lay white and dead. Hy bis aide. Wllh at.
arm ai roaa hla f.ue, w is Ihe larsttlt if ill life
abamloiied lly of a woman. It waa the
tranger lu the duak of the night la-fore
Her hair was jet, and her dark skin. In the
pallor of death, took the hue of cream
T he stranger bad met ileal h by lb altlrtlo.
ami tbe slender blade which wended bim,
thin ns p.ia-r, kern as biting fmst, had
then la-en sheathed ill tbe dark beauty's
torrid heart.
"This yere I murder, " said Armstrong
thoughtfully, na he g.ucd at tbe pair, "au'
the final aa I'innnbar see. We baa bad
k 11 1 1 n m here la-fore, but no murders, which
la ditTcrrul a w bole lot."
"I ahore Iiohs whar he now la the grub
bents briinan point," said Texas Thomson
Dau quiii in SL 1ihs Itepublia
Irl.b Moas.
Among Ibo many iiM-ful thing which
absolute priintioti has la-en the mentia ol
making known to the world la carrageen
or Irish nmaa. Tbcviilucaof tbiaseawerd.
How so largely oed na a basis for muni
agitious drinks and cough rmulsioiis, were
for many yeara known only lu the very
ponre-t of the or liilialutanla of tbe Iriah
ewtcoaat, who were driven to Ila Use by thr
pang of hunger.
finding that whrn ladled It produced a
thick, nourishing and uot uiipalatablr
Jelly, they for a long Inn used It aa food
before becoming gradually aware of Ita
beiiellcial ellecis III disease of thethronl
and lung. Alter a lime tbl discovery
led lo Ita uifd.ciuul uae lu other and rlchei
Hoilcd with mi'.k.or even wllh water
ml can-fully strained, Il forms tno-i
nutritioua and aoolhnig diet for Invalnli
eaia-rially for I hoar who suffer from chronic
diarrhea or olht-r complaiula w bit h nre al
tendeil with great Irritability of Ibe mil
cons membrane lining stomach and Inies
tinea. The Jeiiy may l sweetened or flav
oreil in varum ways, fruit Juices, eilher
canned or in a natural stair, and coffee or
Chocolate, prepared na for Ihe table, belnj:
preferable lo any of ibe llnvorlng extracts,
both for taate and heiilthfiilueaa. For III
Valid Ills alwaja ll In use Ih least
amount of sugar which will make It paia
table. Harper's Haxar.
Nlghl Italna.
The skeptic Condon-si venture the r
mark that If th world hail really been
created for the lienelit of mall the weather
Clerk ought lo have it r ranged matter III a
way to let rain and storm come olf in
night lime ami reserve the daylight hour
for soul cheering sunshine A close ap
proacb to that ideal la. however, actually
found on tbe table lamia of Peru, when
the sun I hardly ever veiled by clouds,
and where vegrlallon I iirvertlieleaa kepi
alive by heavy uigbt ilew Aa much a a
three gallou pailful of water baa beer
wrung from a poncho, or small Spauial
aiiawl, dragrtl reia-atetlly across the dew
drenched grass of a balfac-e tiiratlov
llreeies from thesnow coiernl Sierras hnp
til mitigate the beat of summer, and Ihe
glelia of the cloudless foothill region
abound wit h springs. Philadelphia Times
Capital rulil.limenl Among lews.
Decapiintinn wn performi-'l by tbe Jew
after the fashion of the surrounding tia
tioiia It waa considered the m ail humili
ating, the must Ignominious and degrad
Ing death that any man could suffer. It
was Ihe fs-nulty In casea of assaijuuatlon
and deliberate murder. It was Incurred
by those who willfully ami wantonly slew
a man w lib a stone or wllh an Implement
of stone or iron. It waa likewise Ibe pun
tabineiit meteil out to all larrsona who re
uled in a town tha Inhabitant of which
bad allowed themselves lo 19 seduced to
Idolatry and paganism. American Note
and Queries.
l:iliitelt la Ibe reentry.
"Tbey bave different etlnuelte In lb
Country than tbey do bere," said a man
from out of town.. "In Java, Wyoming
county, ibe young men when they come
out of ciitir h keep their lists off uutll
their sw m nt arts come out. I a-aw a young
fellow stand ban-beaded In tbe bot aun for
fully flie in. n il -a. I rciueted him tdon
bla bt, be would he aunatruck,
but il waa no uo. He slut k It out, and
aa rewarded Dually by the appearance of
Li coveted angel " UulTalo Ku((Uirrr.
Msluna Heller Than r sssnelpslUa.
TUe day la-fore tbe anniversary of emao
ctpatlou a furmer uiiioaileii a ioadof water
melon at Joht.aon'a store to bave tbem
tared for unt i tne following day. An old
daiky ste,i Into ll.e store late In Ibe
eteiiing si. 'I 'I looking at tbe flue mel
f.M F J l.tiLU akel hi m if be ws. go
ing to bale l ! or : .in eon emaiicipi.t ion l:y
1 doti'l care rtitiih 'bout 'iiianeipali'n,
boas," be sa .', "o .1 I would like to bave
Hie o' dem ti, I) una awfui Well."i.-l
klMiTO(iex I Free Pre.
Hawse's llalha rrllpasal.
Some of ti e wealthy men of New York
tar apiLt i-T. ... fortune In fitfit g up
li.eir pr.v-c i .i i ti r e ma. Mr M iri iai.,i
a to li e owner nf the band
eon.- on tu li e tn't m; ... ft baa U-u
tteavr.beij a. i.m'; i-ly inig"i.'.i.rt TLe
bl n taX is '.,.:t 1 win on! Sar-w et,ic Jew
a l.r-vugLt (.- m s,-a n 1 b ar glra of ibe
tint ar cuaioiie-1 w.ta poliai,-d tuelal.
Above laabrrrei area. Tbe water flow
tbrougu lia iLuruaU ol earvs4 tko-iiLiias.-
ietllaj at (-satyr.
Harforke (revd.BuTba Weekly Wei
ewroei Asreoud Advent .at out pro van
evocluaii-vl.vhyti.ii P.I ie list Ibe world
will come to an rod on the S-'J ef bn
Mra. Ilayforke '.dr;'pln her knltllng)
Land sakcal T .in ' be use o' me
Oulshm' lb .lo kiii.1 M iv tie it won't
veo be coll i.iue Iky, lk In
Tbe Fanner' Aim mac an' w what the
weal ber Is golu' tu be
Iky (after a moment) -li t gun' to be
aa,slrate, mollivr, liu lor ita au' fair.
Mr. ilaiforke-Uaat tbe aluiauae atop
on tbe knit
Iky N, it g" ria'bt on Ij lb eud o'
the I ear.
Mrs Ilayforke -II .n't it sar aujlbing
abmit Ih' world isiiiiiii' tJ au u If
Iky Not a word
Mr. Ilavforke irraumltig ber ktiiULttgl
TTie Mible la wrong. lioixl News.
1 llnllng I'asslna.
Tliey were tea iiln,J Hi swell little New
Turk girl to ceiu'
1 nine linnilie I an 1 llioeia s-icn, iina-a- j
bnndnsl and timely elghl. three buinlrea
and niueti ume. four hundre.1," id lUe
loot bar.
Ami th child followed correctly
"Four hundred and one," contiuiisd lb
mot her.
Uo on." aa th tnolher, "you were
doing tery nb ely "
"Nil, maim I. aba and with Ulgully. I
esn't gn beyond I he X) "
And Iher sliaaiin k W.tablngtou Star
Anew aytiiut'l pinintiou fur gun
Iter In i Jir l place on men of war in
action I In l-e n.lo t.-, by (lie navy de-
juirtinetit a wire r e.tliitik; made of tn
tertuinitig ipirila kaldy flexible
and slroiig It niu'inlili-s kiiiiicw bat tbe
old fasluoned cli.tin armor o' the Cm
aaders lime, and curiums of tin ma
terial will be used in prolei t gunner
behind ahtelda from liainetit of i
liloJing shells
A lit'll' K lit I'allf.MT.
rarrnl looking for a school in which to
place their hoys are advised to put I hem In
lioitt s Oak limve ecliiad. 1 be maaler, Hr.
Ira IT lit. is aril known aa an educator
The school la limited to tilt V I'i'I'di, and alleiition is gum lo racb one. The
liaation near .Mill. use In Sail Maieo ruuii
ly , t el., is charming.
T.ln, ., knl. Ike Vlanim., Ih ears la fullv
riiiulid to rank w lib lbs wonders ol th world.
or iMiiimr to atiii.ktk.
Janus Itoliinaon, llie athletic trainer al
I'r licetoti t'ollegr, I'rilicrlon, N. J., say:
" 1 have found it lint erallve to I ave sure
and guiiple renndies on band in rase ol
tula, bruise, strain, sprains, colds, rheu
matism, etc. Hbortly alter entering upon
my profesaioti I ilocoverrd sucli a remniy
in Ai.iciHK'a 1'. a na PiasTxaa. I I re. I
ol lie plastera, bill loiilul them loo basil
ml irrnaliiig. Al Him k's I'oh..i pi otia
give alinost inalanlaneoiis re irf. ami tbeit
.Iretigthruing Niaer la remarkatile. lu
cases of wiak back put two plasters on tin
small of tbe hack, ai d III a short lime you
a ill lie capable ! iiiite set err eieni". In
'spri't ' ami 'dialaure' races and Jumping
the liius.itg or teiulons In tbe legs and Irrl
soini-iiiiiea wenk il. Tbia ran llnane'ily
lie n Ill-veil by culling tbe plaalerin narrow
slrtpa, ro aa lo give dee uioiioii, and apply
ing on muscle! atlei'trd.
Macor llsrrlinn, Ibe )ta)sh of Chli ago, will
make hla old Irieiid, the llsjsh ul Johoie, leel
pcrlfi tly al hume.
We poaltliely curs riidurn. pile and all rer
al d Isesaiai at ilhoul pain ordeleuUon fmm bust
les ho cure, no sy. Aisi all rVtenie dla
sane. A.l lleaa for nam I'll "l fr. horterBeld
'isaey, si Harlot aireet nsii Praurlsru,
" What Is your Isvotne alt le of fre esesie"
.aid on d-srtiiieiii clerk lo another. "Civil
aervic rules," mi the reply.
A rough, cold or sore throat rriiuirc liu
ine-list- atteulioti. as negleil result In
some ireuialile lung diaesae or r.hroiiii
throsl I ntti I -Ie. "firi.nn'i hiimthtal liuchrs'
will iiivariauly give rrln-f.
' Msve von a good etaik " " Mlie'i very gi d
gis to ehtiri h lour tlinet a week, eh tan'i
talk, tliuiiKh."
IILirMlll lASiMir Hat t'I'Hstll
Ut loesl siillrstltitii, s lin y cannot resrh Ihe
iliaewscd isiiuoii nl iheear. I here II only one
way lot-lire d allien, and tlial la l.v eoustltil
llolisl retneille. Isi-allnaa la caused tiy li In
ilsmed colidilioti ol ihe mill a lining id the
euatai hlnll lul-e tt hen Ibis lilla- gela Inflamed
you have s rtiltililli'g Miitlid or Imta-rlecl hear
lug. slid w hen II la eniltelv eheed dcsflieaa I-
the reailit, slid unle-i Ihe Intlsnimslloll 4 sli l
laken mil ami lliii lute re.loii-il lo In normal
coiidllion, beailng will lav desiriied forever.
nine esses mil ol leu are caused to esisrrb.
which la nothing but au inflamed condition 01
the inueotia alufacea.
Vta will give tine Hundred Dollar for any
rase nf deafness (i auaed Ii) ralarili) that I annol
lie cured by Hall I'slarrli I'ure send for cir
culars, Iree. K J I HhNkV A ( il,
Toledo, O,
S.W "old bydrugilili; Tamils.
"so Insiasllne aviea fnllah' nadwst rss awie
Profoundly Grateful
Tor Help Dorlvod From
Hood's SarsaparlMa .
! era jimfrmnd'y Irat rmul Willi ti mdl'al
Wll -eaof liiaal ftai s.url a. I was Ihreal-
aaseat srllb eaaverr, a id d sar-eeal.1 erupt jn
on my tssca and other ii'sei. 1 isesoeer waasp
ta-arlng on nay bp. f'roirleul ally I olitaiuaal a
Lotticisf ll'd Hsrsar-s' I a, aid by I is lime II
was enna, Ihe laid aynit-roraa n arly all dla-)iiaar-l.
J have uatii lour boUUe, and 1 le
Lssv II ba
Savwd M From Pramatur Oaath.
I era bow a moat 71 year of aa, and I work
like a tiger. And I haa that Hood a Hanav
faril.s ha bad rneeb to te with my i m and
airanrin " htv. u. U, Fowaa, &- iiMaunt
ul. CblOMO. Ilk
ood'e Pill) a u.s I--I ati''Ubot
sis al aigasi kat, cure mn inn, va).
- lf Ktawt .VwlL ajl M 4 4iVaM
tataj ar4l 4 , 4V maiiaaa 4 b .M-f
arr ,. f ' f 4 --tfavej ' t lUtU4 mm
iatTk f4aa --,I,TIb lsaTleaa.
rat aw.taibr-warm turn A .if '-
K. P. V. V. Xo. iiaV-fc. F. X. C. Vo. 1
Mow mnv resdtaw there are 'Jg!i asepr
teorv wiihoi.t ufioaitirg disease a ft- u
I la. I 1 1 h nal.lrg nmlUi' a Ilk Sail h ai.ils
tlie afford rit oaiy stihsne tt-e d gtiliv i4
tha lornirr, lui erv-s to riiii-hsii' lha I -Ii of
aaiti.oilig ba.l-wsy w.asiiiii-a stieu iborin.gti
na are A u arkid llntsee ollli.a
I. il. rrt,-.t.on tLe one l.iol. l lloaieller
a'i ma, h II It let III I alea ol ( h 11.. Slid fvl rr and
I'Uioi.i let nteM, al.-l oil llv oilier I ol-llia')
Irti i.l ia ma.a-liri I ill. 1 1 - II) ll.r II I
let. ma:ai In -. a till III el ell i' a ft- and ol I to
tllot luai is liallt II l e are oli lei, . ) , ,) lien d
SI--I lo.e I lie I r I Il.l-li I t,e .1 .lent Ho I ale
lan li , Il ei rl, ,!' t I.y the ,.o i,at) re-
toll Ii ' ,. tin do I lie, a.lli-oiatl II eir .1 In 1. 1 oil-1
tlial loiiUi .1 loll a hi la- II. I: at, , 1 1 f - a 11 all. Il
tneai.. ilo!l. tl.s . ol 1 1 , ,el ten,
i'llli.totie... knlnet coin , ami. I l,e ,i malt m .
Iietiona-o .. alnl ill lilllll 111 ll.e tllll.T Ihe)
sir i lilnl s l, II tlisii) ten, idles lall
lie io I l.oi tell tier I wntilil la Itiete trial tit '
Sh i ral.) 7 SI I ,-il her )iu Svtilil t lliet
Tkt litiutt for brrakfaat.
rtnnsler' tin e-w Mined rHrlller Is
Ihe leat rrmi-l) lor i lea tiling y our stem.
uljic) truly cu
Uk. island
f l(tj-r IHstiJu
Uo oout a doea.
Trtri Cagtr Cornu 1 1 hi prviuiniy imn
whi-rw all ollser tad. Caugh, Croup, tor
tkrosl, Itosrsen, Whooping Ceugb and
Asthma, for Consumption It lias no tftul:
has cured thousands, so l wl'l u na Tt 0 If
taken in limn, ro!d oy lniKglt on a guar,
anlee. Ktsr laimv lw. li or ri"",
JgtZSZtisZy n E M E D Y,
naensoiii aiau-ih I hi remnlr I riwran.
teed to our you. I'rtoa.fsJcta. JnJts.-tor f rtsa.
Ii EVCCt. Ul
striingo os it may srem, Ismusci)
ircuii n ol tliat Whirl. Is
m-vcr cxaiily tltKr'klcil .A Tlie
greatest (act in connccliun Willi
Scoffs EnsuEsicn
ipprnrt rt this point it hnrj-
JiaUd f,i and tho most
wcakt'iifl tliyrpslion is quickly
'.trcukji Ueiii'il by it.
i.' only posiillc lulb
in Consumption is the
arrt of waste and re
naval if nno, healthy
tissi e. S( fltl's Fmulsio'i
.lis tfi;e wonders in Con
sum tit u just t, is way.
rv-ean-il Is a--ii H IWee. F V. liir-r-sa.
Sir fin In . flfl ' monibly
M fl Mil wortmiior
(ircni itir
Co, ItK HMUhD, V.
elU.UU U. r. Joiissoa A
-. . a 'aJ,. -Sl
"S,.- Vj-'MTa li -w. '
Vf tT.ian.tii
av -ii-iiaw ti
LUa17cidR $150 for a BICYCLE,
i.W Our nislomi-r bad one Jnt aa ifo.l. and Im Imuidil It fur LESS THAN
HA IK ll.e .ri.i- his lii.-ml hail ...ll. IF YOU WANT A BICYCLE FOR
f GO, ''it)' it dirvrt ol ilia
e-iiiil-l IMll.t.AUa elHI H. 9
Tiloorc's Revealed Remedy.
a.-- Atosi. Ha . Jsnusr. lu I Gat slate Wlta rieaaitre lost or in uae na
?T MnikK'- "rlVr.Al.MI HK'SKl'V ati buaiatnd w isiiesed rosa .n 'd ra at
It Mr I k AT.eM aud -t loiingewl Ian cared einlielyol IN rLA at M A I tKY rlHkU
stAllnM wsssai thtaijeel usaiiur i isMiid asd did blai bo (ntat V nr g'stltuika,
una. tt. v. nlituu
6JZB U tim or
dlnart. pill.
Think oTali tt
rrcajljlai And di
tajrtavnoe that ft
ram yo.
Wouldn't yoa
wwk-uins) WstDe
thing eailar to
taka, and eagiarr
In IU way. If
at tbe samaslina
It did you more
erv.1 f Tbst U the rase wilh Ir. Plarre'a
1 leaaant T.-ll-'a TTiev'r th smallest U
us. tb mil ll In sM-tiin, lait toe mia
th-inaigti an I nschin in rswnlt. Tbey
follow nature s inxh.ll, and tlsey give bla
that liisfi I'oitatii-atiim, Indigeatsou, lliltou
Atta. ka. Hi, k and lliilou Ilea. la--naa. and all
deratuementiof tlie bver,bm h n. laiwsla
axe promptly rulievgal an 1 perntaurnlly cured.
" If w can't mre your Calarrh. nn mstUr
bow I at. I your rawif of Imw b-oit etanding,
wa ll i-av via in cash That la what
Is promisel bv I'i priM'ri'b of Dr. Pare't
Catarrh IVawu't it prove, betler
than any wonli miH, that Ibis is a ranted
UlU rare Catarrh I Ut taaly 50 oatitav.
Iirvniitfi-i'-f rf r'- rhtMrn hit bIt
flfti'v'i if , t i' ' t r 1 Otp o'lion i H
I III III -.Hlmll, t t .- t f I it w t rf ' vv
I in t r-vt-l h ' ' l ' i, ll-tnri Onirtn if mi
Si l II -l"ii ra-, . r i.'i t ih
lata II ' ' I ' as -lh--. I a tv- 11 aWJ atsMtats.
' lav BO akawti tllej tV. T . 4 I l.a M.m4
Roda. Paela. Llnaa, Hooka. Loadora
Etc, ol tho rlnait Quality.
03 Flrat 8t Portland, Or.
g aw" Hend lor C ta'ngtie.
Hercules Gas Engine
Mas) for Powef or Pumpinsj Puigona.
Tb ITsssp m ItellsM Oaa gaiae
ea Ut ataaaew
trr as lateral aast
Favtlmplklly It DaaUthe World.
It all Ileal f from a Itawarvwlr,
He tat ba rotor la) got wf e
Mo ttatlarlea or Elawrirl IpsvrsW
tt raae wtU a Oatrat O rarks of Oaaalla tbaai aay
lUss kiallts.
aawa ma cavsaoeea
Ui lum Ktrt, lu Fotaca, U.
-iMfl.asilt. I'MKiliia).
MRS. WINSLOW'S sos0rmupno
rr MiU kf at) I a. ff si.iaV eClSaTtaMlll.
M'hln llabll I need la 10
to au naia.
a a. S.. ,. Sill euesstl-
i. r Nt Nf. tsssaoa.Usss,
Get tho Genuine!
I r H A NM lMi.ICV .A l'rlBM4. Or.
1'aAl.tH IK-
I'ltllTI Al. TAt Oa). LKM.
A Flood Coming!
to Say Old Tlmora.
I want to flond the country wilh good
Hare ttial ra-rirnl 200 St fetlri, which
I will m il at 940 Jim-ihihI for raah. Writa
for Bargain Lift, or call at iut tture,
326 Washington Street.
Lrsront anil I'aialiajtira rrra.
Fred T. Merrill,
nttr ta, lee f i recite Cm1