The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 10, 1893, Image 10

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A a lot-reailDir Uitfr Krom Tbel'rn
of I'upnlar ornonuh.
Pallf i.uanl. Jun V
ElUTtm ilAKI: It ,,,ir
p.aaj fortune to tourney from r.nllan.l,
Oregon, t Nalivllle,'Teine-ta', '"
If plana arr earrlisl .). we -lia.l r. 'iru
by war of tbe world a fair. maba.
i nver. Nilt Uke it v. mil ) -'-. by
tbe Oregon Hit art l.m., t-i l"rt land.
V liave llioiiitlil many f 'ir rt:id
era would read wi'li Hilcn-t aoine J'r
liey ).ttlliifa, raa'lal!v so, l a f'
of il.t-mmaV I thinking "f g"g "
the world fair.
We went by Hie I'liion Parif!." pmle.
The arr. l" all t oiuM la- di-ired.
In many la.-ea tin rv la no hi"t, rvin
in Idaho, leavlmr I'orthtnd I "''
Thuradav evening, we reaehed ( 'hit-airo
tlie following Monday at II - a. m.
Thia U liitl l t r lime tlmii "ur ra
tht-ra made n- the flam In the
day of prairie at Inanit to and i U-aiua.
One treta .pule variety of fii
erv aud weather, In traveling from tin'
Willamette. l tin" funda-rlaii'l-ruin
In Oregon aunMiie In Idaho ami
I'Uh im In Wyoming-vlnd and
rain In Nebraska aunahiiie ami ind
In Chtwr perfx-t umiiirr w .-at tier
In Kentucky Blltl Telinc-aee. Aa to
aaiiery vim have the intwrnitL-eiit
arntvr of tli t'ltiiiilU, the an,-., hru-h
flat, along the Hnake, Ihe w H-rd hint!
of rho canyon, the brown J.litina 'f
Wvotulng and Nebraska, the green of Iowa and llllnoia. with
splendid fanu Iiuitvvhm nta, Ihe ark-
like talun- ami many niao-moa i
Llue-trraaa Keuttiekv. ami Teiint
Our tint itojective jaunt waa Frank
fort, Kentucky, ll-re we were wcl
routed bv our oll eolli-ire friend W. ".
Taylor, known by many Ijiih- miii!v
prok. II la lor of a Urirv rluir. li.
rry Mifli'r -iwn"l, rvrry lrr
Itrvrttl a Ir. 1 aylor. Ilia rup of hap.
piiMM baa hal lnfr.-.'lrfit a-l'U-l to
It, In Hi aha of tfirl lby an.l
al'l-l t't In aalarr.
NaaiivllW waa oiir n-xt to.
vi wrrt niat tit fully nit. Ttiin-l
tv rrlatlvraivf ymir M.-r
liorna. TliPieti ttirir kimlm-
aaw many of tlie lnt rtliif frstun-a of
that aouttirrn rltv, Ita lixtituMona tf
Waniliiif. of lit. li tli-rr arr arvrtitn-n.
Id (Ttiirltn', iMUtiful, that It imi-t
b luiury to ! In Nalivi.W, with
Ita palatial ami lii-torl.' lioiu-. an.l Ha
atairlv chur-li. Naturr a..l-l Ixr
lorvlirat rlianua if gm-u gni. t-nJ r
Warns fragrant rtoa-rra, vh-ar
Kvntle lrv. ami tlw aonir f thooa
amta of l.irl. If w ih t.i I
rharnil an J rlwrwl " to Na-tivllk-
with a U-tt-r of lntnlu. tion from Mr.
li. K. l.rna t.i Mr. W. IL foni. liua.
Yoa will amil at th o.lofv.1 ivoiilr
dm ntotuvnt ami vmir h.-art will thrl
In vmithy with thun the nrlL
IWaUiy ttwir cin.llthn la full of pnth.w.
You handy know whuli nwla ym
pathr. th w hltm or the l.lai ka. It l
Trry vlilt-nt that people mil.
away do not appna-lato the tiitrL-at'i.-a
of the tM-gro proliU-m. S h.xla ami
rliup-liiw are (luilitf mu.'li to aolve the
nrot.lctii, but the irrvat tiwk atill mn
fronta the Allied. -an ia-.ple.
c. m. n.
rilll.AI't l.rui A. June 1 I ii arti.r.l
idi with a rlreuUr lauel ly Sn'reta
ry Carltale, I'nltrtl Mtatra f.Miimlaion
vr Ixticl wnrntnta fur the
amwtofalx t'hliMKu lultorvr. Tl
warranta were aua. uiilrthe n.'t
of t'oiiirrrwi ot Auiruat 'I, In" J. ami tnt
Ull.ler lh (n-arv at t. The law of lv:!
frtlU t'hltiff to tw In thia t-oiiiitry
who are not revUtrr-.! ami pnivilel
With vitin.-at.a. Itut four of the war
ranla were .no I ami the commlwinn
rr con Hum-. I the hittrliiit until another
laU'. 1ee K.-e, a laiiiolrymHii, an.l
Ynuiiit Wiiiit aixl Ia-c Youmr, iiaiiia,
were itlven a preliminary li.ttrui) ami
taMiml over lu K"U for a furtlur li. ur
Iok Krl.lay.
rortlainl, June 5: It ia
atate1 iiton (fil authority that lln.
T. J. Illa'k liaa lafii a'v.ltlt-l
tor of cilatoina, vliv Jnimw 1. tnn tlrel,
and F. A. Ixvan. 1'nlte.l Mnt- Mst
ahal. Vita IKJia llarin, alMi tln-.l.
WW l
ILL rou
aaa-ACMt. luiini. Irvaaiaa
ia a. vmaai ,
a.aiaaa. .ia Wuicaif ita ra
. JTUae JfaaHaa-l da, JTaaaa-, f aaL
Paaa eaa: p- W -an I tr-a .ai e
kaan m Wm4 ftm -aai.T La -a kw.iae
. M fta ataaiaatraa at k-h ba4 m ei e
t-a m af a-l a araso ku wa ta mi
a-taaa law a aaia taac-a uaal
aiuea a4. I aa a I -n aa
Mil I
i .uf Mm mmmr law. I aa a taa a a
14 aaul I kMt an War a4 I raa r
mm mimmt mO m9 mm mmmm lm mmm lm
.. I aaiaja aai. laaurw -wi a. .-4
anaaara ar m i aea,-. I mm
ao-a a. 4 al aer a-a a mm w ai mtt mf
lr-iaa a4 rnaa W Wfw f rna
t lad la aiaa I .an K,rm
1 1 M m a r aaa WlMa. I aa aaava af
aaa-lmaav lan MafMuaiualUMhaa
w .n4 J ata at da . r4 "
t4f aJk iaA 1 aa a-aa k-tra.
ot rorT?vl aajaaaMTtr-
m ca iur pus, so ku 21 cti
Monday, jink v j
KU N.l la III the lily..
'A. Teat p tnrlie.1 fn.iu Motiaak thia
ttiornlni!. j
Pr..f. I. V. H. 11. i. I went to haU-m
thia lliornill),'.
1- P--I I'avta r tUMie.1 Imlm to I'liioll
thia 111. Tiling.
Im.i. T. M ill Weill to .-alelil oil tbia
III. Tin n i( a l.xnl.
Ik puty Illitll went to ii.v l, ia iiu.riiiinf.
.m.,r M l'lier-m rt iairtathat p-jll
H, urv la illif tel III if l aliaa.
A marrin.e li.vnm' haa laa n laailtal In
. Jama I'. Ileita rt and Mlaa Mura
. 1 ornw ail.
Jul i. .-a l-i.lnDn r p-tunie.1 home thia
afieru.aiti from a veral moiitha tay
In I'oitUin.l.
Ira Mavfleld, a hiotht r of Mra. Daii'l
Tt-t, dit-l at rortlaiiil .waturlay of
Frank Aleiaii l. r, an employe of the
atote priiitini oill.v, la viaitllii; rla-ti.-a
in thia eit v.
Mr. an t Mr-. J. F- F.bU rt left on
the haul thia iiioriiinir f'r t'hieaKo to
v i-i l the wnrld'a fair.
County t'l. rk Walker iu.-.l a inar
riak,. lna-ne thia MH.riiliiK t l. K
Itnltiti and Frtle May Irury.
I ioverimr I'eiitioyer haa many Invl
littloiia to .1. liver F.Kirlti of July ora
In. in hut liua il.i lilied all mi fur.
M.ara. Minpaoii and IxUKhiuilUr,
ri'pnvntuiK the I'lauo roinpaliy, went
to JetTeroll on the bawl (hla m..riilll.
Mr- J. F-. N-laiid and ehild re
ttirm l liome from a atay of aeeral
month at -an Jiw, California, on the
l.awl thia tuoriiiiiK.
M a 11. lie I.yone, who ha la-en at
teii'llliK publie a. h.a.1 l4re returned to
her liome in the eteni wrt of the
oxiiily yta.ter.lay.
V. I'.. Itrow ti returned Satunlay
niicht fr.nn a viit to Chii'aijro and thi
world'a fair. Me liaa bia-n alwnt aer
eral an ka and rearta a K'd tlim-a.
The ante of Pal eatate of I'liititl
.tat.- KtiikuiK Co. of li. nala uml. r
att.v hliH iit w.ia male at fnleiu for
fvMto Win. ll.-n;.-rof Falrtl.ld.
Ii. v. Illair drainai t:i thank the pnl
Hi' for the hearty wel.-oliie eitelide.1
Iiiiii on hia return and the favor with
hl. h thev pavive Ihe iMliihiK aaaelii
bly. H. C. llmiipiirey and Ivpuly Coun
tv( lerk llurr urii't up the M.Keiuie
thia niornti) to rxamiiie
titula r land. We opine that the tPHlt
loail not f.-ar.
Mi-mai l.u.'ile and Harriet Fjivea and
lb rlart Thoniaon arrive. 1 liotna thia
all. rti.aiii ipiiii ( alilornla, where tliey
have laa-n atli'mling aelnail at the
Manf.-rd unlvi-r-ity.
I., ti. A.lairand wife will leave next
Sunday iiiifht, June II, for the eaat for
a two im.uth'a viait. iMirniK the al
. mv of Mr. Adair. T. V. Cornell w ill
la' the aetlliK Bi lit.
.-nl. in J.Hirnal, June I'n.f. Car-
aou, of the -tnte iimverailv, who waa
the KUi-t of Mra. IL H. Ik-ail iluriiiK
the oratori.-al conteat, went on to her
home at 1'ortlainl tlay.
F C. Smith p'turtual fpiiu r-an Fran-l-.ii
tlila aft. rii.a.ti. He waa a. Torn
pauliil bv Mra. Smith who attemliil
the inmiiifm'ement rxep-iaiw at the
Inland Stanfopl, Jr., untveraity.
Mi Nettie Whitney nivoiiipanlt'il
little Arleiie Train to AIImiiiv yeater
ilav. I rolii lliere Mlaa Whltllev will
Ki to We-tMirt on the lower Columbia
and vlalt her alati-r, MttUKte, for aeVeral
1 1 ia unlaw lut to 11 tolni, I'U'nri,
or rlciireiti-a to anT minor uii.b r the
aK of eik'htu II Veara, aud aliv aui'll
minor fond inoklni' ia liable to a Hue.
The law ia a k'.a-l one and ahould lap
The Fir-t Chri-tian iliurvh of thia
ity rlia-ted di leimt to to the State
Convention of Chri-tiali eliun liea to
la' held at Tti'lnraa f.ill.iwa: Mra. W.
I'. Fi-her. Mra. Il.-ttie Cnwi;ill, Miea
Ali.v llemeiiwav and Ijiura llurni-tt,
Mr-. Ikvl.ran.l j. 11. Welder.
Yeati-Play w aa a irl day at the
CumlaTlaiid I'reabv terian iliurvh. A
laiv' audieme CPa-tiil the paator on
hia p'turu from the eaat and Ihe ehoir
had pfeared ajan'tal IliU-ic W hu ll waa
i'vllent. The iai.tor pn-ai'hta from
Tun. 11 1'., IioI.Iiiik the attention of the
entire audieiiev from the ta iitnuliiif. I n
the eveniiiK l'ie exep-lara by (he ihll-dn-il
were inmiiiendable, and t;Pwt
ereilll ia iIik the ehlldn n ami tlio-e
w ho had them ill traiiumr. The mu
ate waaaaaa-lal fiwture ol the aervlixai.
The addnara ct lv. Itolinier and
I'n.f. Ml." were p-atly appniialol by
all w hi were pp-ariiib
wtlrr Mraplleai.
The Aurora, Miurl, Advertlaa-r
aa-aka thua of a fuirltlve from Ju-tl.v,
w h w aa appn l en. lid at Salem a few
lllolitha ailua-:
"C. It. Carter, who waa aeiitemvd lo
la luiiii.T.1 at Mount Vernon fr the
munlel of liola rt CPa k. tl, hrva la-eu
L'lvi-n another p-i'ite and atloweil at
liwat thlrtr more daya to lire in order
to have Ida eaae Inv.-atlpiti-l more
thon.iichly, aa ttovemor stone on
TuiaMlay altt-rn.ain, 1-aue.l a atay of fx
la'Ution until June Thia ia the
third p-i ite icratiti-l In the Carter w-e.
HavhiK laa-n innvloti-d upon purely
I'in-um-taiitial evl.lenoe, there la niurfi
ilo'.ibt in the mimla of many people aa
lo Ma iriult.
lit Hwwaraa !.
IViRTt.AM, June I. The at.-aiii. T
I-tnula waa P'ti-axal fpMii iiuarautiue
tialay. (Vat4ii luai-e ortK lala are now
mak'inc preparationa forexaminllin Ihe
rtitb at.-a of her five hundred pawn
pn. Uttrr Llt.
vanai laa.
Hi. har.1 John
Camptall II
Hill Mra FJualatli
W i1mii tien
l-.ker ar
j Ituttolph A II
t.illa-rt lr J
' Holt li W V
lute Mra I. 1.
I l-Sa-Tft- ef t.a Knl i- S. tKa-ta aa wk I
i blur I I-a ..Ml l-r-.,, rtt..tLf Hr N-lUraat.!'
i j a.i.-f-.,-t i
-ut-. I a a, ain'M W Ju .4
Mar.b Z . Is v
: lva. V
. 1'. Ml... la.. .. .
I Kifur. 'Tvif.v.
I ! M I I t : I 'n inn 1 : ( h.ii e U-t
a . I I -H..I a'l Will and
' :. s.r I. trie p:rl. t :fl,t and iik-l-i.'
r .M. a i.o l ad !d aaay
I i -a j.-jr :.. ia r.ow air. 11 and
a:. I . o f!ehl ujv IV.
.--. t .rv .. J.,: t wwkwill.
!"! of t! . ! i'. lrao It. jr s.
IVI.ajf'i let I a r-.ira-l and k. 4
it it a.l t a..-r- fr O rtie. Saijur
il l.nitrr rr, wnri s-tu.f, mil,
! :r t aJ a-r;r. we mjm
r, !a al Via J. V. K..fcK
1' ..av- law f-a mr4 ft 'H'. a-4
" . i- s f f. a-a r ' t?- .,
a 1 I. t.f 11, Vy 14 .
I -. v , . m
N4 - ' a - r a.u
at v)ia -a a-i - Vf a.. 44(-ata
The I Ire..'. il. ij li lio'll 1 t.i-'
orial i-. giiiis:i v ti.-xt ti e "'
plov.-.! workinim-ii of I'or'.l in-l
....... I I from tie ritv. o if.
tlicri- ti f It ,'-) iior'T.f.i.Hii' n ! .l.-tritta ami l.v t!.- it . i-.rlion-lirrr,
want. I ly tin1 'r .in -m. ' n,. i:t ra-ivl 1 !. 1 1 -
whito UU.r coaM witlelrnw ntin-: J,..! Ki-fc i- rsi-l aujar
lv fr.mi llo' I'onti-t. ' Xt.,,r. ..r ;. : r r.. la
I'orlLn.lTil- zraiii: W In n I'r I iv"..ry i- i l.-i.-t '
i-llllt CleVl l.ltl.l I'.llla ...ll.'f' I"-
jr. -thi r In.' will i! i!l I t.e r a
laaly of lliell a liai 'Hty " I li '!!
f.iv 'r fr.v aiUer. i'ii. re i m' n- altl ill tl.e "lil. I tl!lii-
t!i4t! tlie worl l. 11.
of .1 Inill' talii.' at.m-l 1 r I i a Iv in.
Koaeliur).' 1'l.iiii 1- jii r: 1 1. re
are i ft nld-titin- iii'Ttj !-!. ! I-
inn ra in l,o- Lur w l.
tl.ll.k tin- c-iilii::.' of the- Ci- b iv
ri!r a. I wo Ml ! an a-1 van a- ii
tin- I'M'- of i'i'' 1 it. 'I t!.' -y
liold mortal.' a. a:. I t!,at t!..' .t:i-
f r l
era t-.iul I il oil a 01
t.r.iia rty an 1 r.ii-e tl,.- inott.' i.'.-.
tlii-r. Iy t.'i'in int'Ti-t mil ."t
tin; out of tlie i hi. !i. a .f the
iiiom v Kh l. r. Mien fore t!. v ur.-
. . .. t 1
o j j -1 l t.i'" ionium 01 i:m" ro ei
Utltll they eali Jonve.-e utid ft
-,... ion ct tl.e latel, aiel are
tlirowinjr all tlie fUUi ! ti.-.v
in the way of raifinjr tlie mb-My.
Tliia ia tlie tuaiu r 1-1:1 wliv rub
aorij.tioti roiue it) flowly.
An rlitorial corn'aja.n.l. uih in
the Dakota lluroiii'.e, who ha Utn
takini? in the Worl l'.- fair at Clil -
caro, ay: "?afar:ay twin
through the horticultural buielnv
conUinint; the exhibit of fruits
from many lan.U att-1 tu any eiinu .
Ill natural fruit-, the atate of lire exo lis all o'.i. r-, iu '1'iality.
California of omrae taki the leal
in uantity, many oouttti in Cal
ifornia liavini a larger li.- !.ty than
Otne whole tat l'.ut the ltlriou
fruits of Op'iT'ill .ire tl.e delight of
all tiaitor. Wafhinton state, in
my juiliiiiu nt, rtanl next to tn"
(ion in fruit txhihit-. The plant
(lepartiiHMit h.illh' ileacrij.tion;
tlowers, .ilm tra-a from far away
lan.U an.l l U-yoii.) tl.ef.-.i in
cndlesi nuinU r and nauiel. variv
Ir. T. le Witt Taiiiiar-e h.u Riv
en final notice to hi hoar.l if
trutw that ur.lea tlie lloatinj
debt of ltA,tHl, whi. h ha li.
turlaal the iK'.nv of th llr.a.klyn
tala rnaele ever si mi' it eonijih
lion, U- wi-.l out ut om-e he will
read hi reriirnation from tl.e pul-
pit. Ir. Talinap" tol.l tl. :n he
was tireil of the strain of linaticial
worry jut u'n him by the ,h.
tresainjr condition of church allair-.
ami if a way were md f cm. I out of
it ut once lie must cea-e to la' their
pastor. It is said that the tala rn.icle
iia not pai.l him one ci-nt of salary
in two year, and, l-i.h this,
owe him marly JH.'Xki, which
be has alvaiui'd at various
time to lllia-t the lleill.ltl 1 of CP-d"
itir who refiiM-l to wait.
Klectric railroad aloi; country
road are sure to ! a reality ere
lohtf. A bvly of K. 111.-. is fariiK-rs
are said to 1' d 'v lopinji a plan for
builditui su.-h a ro.t-1 "il mil.
lonif. It is to U' a coija r.itive i n
terprise, an.l will U-ud for both
paa-eiior and freight service. The
la.-achui tts railroad coinniission
er state that, while ti e original
iilca of the electric railroad wa for
passenger servi.i' only, it is already
demandim; riirht to carry fr. i.'ht
and increase its sjaa-l. The ti.uc
will nunc when the sl it. m;;t
divide whetlu r the fna- u-e ..f h:j!i
Way shall x' conceded to eht'tric
railway. In Conmvticut don- of
aclieir.e are on for eot.tiectins
towns and cout.try illai.M- witli
electric litu. The op..-ition
ioines chiclly from stiatn railroad,
a it i thought the l.v.U hii
would incn":is' cotnja tition an !
bringdown rate. We c 111 think
of nothing that would la- more
helpful for country iieiejik.r!, ..!
than juick and sure rail seri.e U-twia-n
farm and market.
Considerable attention hi laeti
given to the Knlisli jrrow .juc
t'on duritii the year by the 1'. S.
d. prtrtaient of agriculture, divi-ioti
of ornithology, and it is evident
that thi bird will continue to ! a
jH'st in most sections of the country
utiles it increa-e is checked bv in
telligi-nt action in the .l.ihr.-hi
sUte. S'veral state h ive 1. i"i-
lattvl against it im lT.vtiiall v, their j
failure la'ing due largely lo ignor- i
siuv of the true habits of the bird ' ,,f t lit- J
magnitude and gravity of the evil. ,
Michigan and Ohio have watcd
tnanv t!iouand of dollars in Ktun-
I tic nominally f r head of Kne
; lish svirrow. but actually in larg"
j jart for the bead id harmless and
I hetieticial binl. Illinoi rsvt.tlr
eti.ictol a jirpa law g'.Vir.g Nv;tl-
- . , , ,
ti-s lor Leads u,ir:i g t:' winvr
month-, h'it th
o eau r
- lit at
! in only a si
; the numU-r of
g'.t d
' .11, d "it a
( d.-J-
' sjrrow .!-.. r ..r ; it. r wi.i f r t
its If on the a".'.i i.t , n of i . rv ag
ri ult.iral JL in t'..- u ii n. a-i
I it would Uwlhe b.r: ,.f w, not lit Ut Ky a:
the -. ir.e t t is- : i n,.
to sa' ire r. i.t : .,t i
U'iiUty lns are .. r-.- ".
run i:
'.: -:i
' rt!.. i
.-r; .!,
i ;-i-
I. . t. e la'-t ; r
I a ar lo be thr
ti-u; i. ea.-'i '.-
btar 1 or C'f.. - - :
i einj ! y trt.n- i--.
r : ard y . -.r g
; a.-i" -r '.d r.i V.
' .t i l We'.: t r. a". 1 ,
t..,t t t-u lr.- r ti
I va!uble b'r
1 rr.-i.l. iitt'.Vvi i.u. l Holf-tltiry :
I if r.-a - a o ;. t'- I-"'
a'., in Journal.
Y.1111AI !..! o..lud
Thi" !orio.i
i-m ItoW shoa a t
la.-. Ve.". til.';.
la rate climate
.it ion of 1 'rv-.-t
of a t tu-r-
' b r U ti r o.i.'l.ti n ihaii r.
1 11. ii.' b .un 1. 1. r; I :'',,r
'. i'ia" e.'iiia-' vrv ..i. rf -;Nr
in iy ta'ue it to the t.
it c-in-.i-l iiito l-.'il-01.
for ev rv I 1 t
u.. 1-
! r
j ar l i.!.-ih--.
j Tl.e Atlanta iVoJt.ta-.iolJ has
i thi- uiu.jue way of the ntu
' atioti: "FaruiVr w!u p-t ,-l cent
in y .l i f.,r a doll ir - .rth uf cot
! ton or wheat cannot exjavttole
j hapj.y atij cotitei.t. 1 all the time."
The buinc- -tr-ata of hu-ne
are U-itli Jevl-I.tlv at-nsiii.ej. e
hive a-aiiran.a- tl.e Council
will provide f r t:i-t portion of
WillaiLdle Uta.ali Sevi lith
an l the ileia t. 'ur vi-itor ilo not
j ti-ol a ti'i-t ball..
' Tl.e rejoicing of tl.e -even Kan
I tx town over the rainstorm ttiey
I I"'"''"
I thev had !T.ljct"l by a
I 'r'":l1
lichsri;e of cannon and
s.u.iil arm wi.l U" datlll When
1 aril that tl.e rv.-t of the state also
slan.l in tl.e do n:-'ur. They
iinirht have -av.d their j-nr.b r. for
there i no -r s'f that thur tth-rU
eoiuja i.e.1 the heavens to oja-n.
Ju I'e I..V"inl? of New York Joes
not like the lieary law, an 1 so he
iji.ietly aiiiiu'a uch provision of it
aa the'Chitie-e call to his attention
11 ohiioxioua to thetiiaelve. I he
jll'licial H ilary for which the jrer.tli
uian iMiiM-tit to adniiniati-r the
statute i- not, it i U'lievtal, p.ii.1
by the six Cotu j 'allies, but a spirit
of jrratiful appreciation miiiht will
in-pire theui to augtneiit it a little.
I'.x-Si-crctury of the Treasury
Foster l.a Uivme bankrupt in
Ohio, (ioveriior McKinley not loiiji
since "went up the Hume" in the
name way. These men were recent
ly Terv hii;li authority in matters
of national ll nance, but if they
could not sba r their own j.rivate
bti-ii.s clear of timineiai rak
they have proven thelilselvt-it ri-ky
i,il.,ts for .1 nation to employ. Pol
j ,1 don't always cast the most
worthv to the toi.!
Kugeiie got a Presbyterian u
semhly for 1 '.!, and anotl er
branch of the church will cvime to
Albany to hold its general nut ting.
The Presbyterian are good folid
jaaijile, notwithstanding some ot
them la lieve in original sin. infant
datnna'.ion and jirede-tination.
They w il! view Willam
ette valley and some of tlu-uj will
remain, or at lea-t induce their
jaMpl.' to take up a re-id-lice auiotig
Nibraska c iwi-.js to the number
of olJ J.rojai-e to make a ran? from
a H.iut in Nebraska t- the world's
fair, using but ttvo hor- for the
7tM milt ili.-tanci". tii-orge P.
Ang. 11 of Piostoii oil', r a reward of
l.l'M to the a-rson who doe the
most toward pr vei.titig thi exhi
bition of wlio'..-ale cruelty, by
w hich tnanv jas.r animal will lie
ridden to death. The notion that
a horse can Iv starved or driven to
death lavail-e the owiur i willing
to ri-k l tie dollar tin re i
earca.- i-i most barbarous. Sune
Uly mu-t sja-ak for the ilumb
brutes, who c.innt jvak for them
selves. The Inter Ccean say- of the j res
i tit high rates m liiit.i.u. d by the
railrivel f r world's fair visitor
that they have g- t to c :i,e down to
cIiimji fare, and the s mn-r they do
it the more money they will have
when the reason i ov r. The fact
of the case siviu to la- that the rail
roads intend to s.vurc a many jm
eiiger to the fair at a near full
rati a they cau and after that i
done reiltiiv the rate a point or two
and s.vure auotl . r lot. I'hey may
ultiiuati ly get the fare down to a
reasonable figure by thi if
th.-v do not g t to fighting ani-mg
the;u Ive 111 M !.
h cae the trav
e 1- tu-lit.s 1.
e!il;g l.ubi;
It i n jaTt- I that William L.
W il-o!i !ia ts n Itvtol ch airmail
..f the ways ali i 'nana CMIllittee
of tlie n- t With the j. ii.
ili!ee - ; ti-u of t'arlile, sirs the
Albany IVii.o. rat, Wil- n i the
la-', js 1 ti.ati on the taritl .ju.-s-iioti
in the Puiteil SUU-s. He ha
g r.e into every detail in .pest of
thorough !:.:'.. rmati.m and is there
1 TC jav;.
rn; t
y w are 1
!..s j . r : v a
'Vial'v fitted f..r thi m t
! irmony with t!i .- ..f
iprewil at the Chi-
'ii m l a rati!, d bv
'. tl.e lis last Nov. m
.. i. h a a b.ll is t
. a Li-i of a tar :I f r
ly it i i.e v try that
e l- U- i;.-: 1 w ;','i
. t
I. r I :.
: r i . . -1 i
r. t. :...e
t'i -e ; ,
th.a gra ;,t
.(i.ity a:. .l ;; ive
e !gv of f., j, ,J x.
1 la" I !afd it
a thor.':h
t..-. I'M
tl.C !.. tie!
f tl.e i. a at. 1 lo, at. a
w ,t'i II . aid of S---r---'"
j i I the N it.-.rial f.r
i I.i ag ic. many if wh.e
ta'V t
i:T P..f
t ive in ;.. t'.e tan:!
1 ' t i lv, there
. '. d u, -a n v a!
to t'e .
' .. I r .;u -d '.1
. . .l i
, a '
v have ..i.-rV !;U:t
...c.-.l!v di nur.ded.
' V
rimui. J' Nr
J .l T. mpt. "ii ! ft f t ' " ,,M
kawl tbia morning.
Mr.. I". A. r-'tid f In in I -tt i fr
relative, iii Kug lie.
J. IL Id-am n turn.-l to Albany n
Una moriung'a l.a-al.
II. V. Il .ld. n retiirtud irni ntlo
rru I in-won tin mormng.
Mr. C. si. Frank hiurnul from a
i. it lot'onailia tbia altern.aiu.
Chaa. Wllkitiaoll W lit to .-alelll oil
tbe o rland train Una morning.
Mr and Mra. Kn.a ti Clemnn ami to
Ivm- t-urg on tin- la-al thia :ift rii.xii.
IMmard Kilfeather of rtlni'd i-lii-re
to bid on Hie unlver-ity dormlto
oil t
J. Mi l:imili:ill Ml lit bl K.-burg
e l.a-nl tliia i t. ril.-.ll f'-r a sliott
..aa triji.
Watell la kej.t oil tl.e Colum
bia Titer to prevent tlie eulelniK
lltllau lully.
C. 1 n.t. r wua at .-priliiiiie.d -
t. nlaV toobtuill aoll.e Vll a of tlie .ule
lie a. at tliut .laX'.
Tb." ttdditioliul uen-uite J.lttlltial In
Ii.. ill Vakiiiui eountv. Wa-li., tbia
J.-ar will Hot fall ia-low 1 V a iu rea.
li.-al ajiru.l' I'iga are ai-lllll fur frl 111
tbe I'Utrel aolind laiiilitrv. I '1st year
tliev l"aa Clan t-1 a tl.oUaiind.
I'lan-ii.-e Vetuienf Portland, a it-rnd-lint-
of the ataie university, la Vi-ll lli
old Irieli. la ill tbia city for a few diiya.
I'r if. I- C. Curaoll Weill to Salem
tlo- morning to I" pre nt at tlie inter-
poll, k'lnte oratorieal la.litest, which
tak -a il:uv tialay.
Peter Santiji, a Puyalliiji Indian w ho
waa drow ned rtNvtitly, waa blirlal In
the exja-iiaive eiiaki-t ever iisial In
the -tate of Wuslillik'toll.
Frank (iullirie who Ima lai n on the
alek list for s. nie time pa-t, hit an fur
reiaiVfred aa to realime Ilia laniitiotl a
iaindU'tir oil Ihe It. burg l.H-al.
The teatiiimiiy III the llubb illvor.v
lilt la la-Ill if tukell till Wiak la fon- I..
K. kiiwiirtli, n fen.-. The jilaiiitiU't
aide of Ihe case waM enllcllKleil yeater
day. leirtleld, Wa-li., fanners eXKa t to
liarvi-at l,l aiplirrel antljia the irea
ent molitll. If thi-y do not, their
train barviait will lw iniMirtioliutely
Carey F. Martin, of Ihe elnaa of 'I'.l,
haa laa-n ehoaeii leading orator at the
reunion of tbe university aia-lellea ill
i.iiiiieti.vlii nt week. K. K. Kubli
Will follow.
Peter llaurotl, w ho liua la-ell stoje
pilig III tbia viclliitV for several
moiitha, left thi morning for Ida home
at I.i-la.n, N. I. He ejai-ta to return
licrv a-ii an.l l.a-ute.
A partV ol twelve liew-liaiar men
from dermaii v, Au-tria, lluiiv'i'rv ami
llot.emia, w ill visit l'ortlan.l in a few
wia k. The rty i now traveling
over the I lllb-d Mali-a.
Here ia an estimate from abroad, ."
Ifin Journal: Id v. I. 1. Iiiim r, one of
the bik-ifi-t and braiiu.-t j.reiw-hera in
the I lilte.1 Mntea, lellVeli-.l a loyal
Memorial "lav aildnns at Ktlgelie.
r-pringfleld M.-a-t-iigi-r: "(iuiu"
Mcrheraoii raiae. hia new barn last
Frldtv. When completed it Will la'
one of th' lari.f-1 and la-t stnietun-a of
it kind in thia jwrt of the county
Mi-st-a F.mriia and Mae Itorri-, Inn
M. luiiir. Iaiir lUtittie, Carrie
Friend v, Iorn Saitt, I.innia Holt aud
Mr. r. 11. Kola-rta went lo ralem oil
the Laid tin liioriiing tn attend the
omtorienl oiif-t.
C W. Keene. Fred Mulk. v, I.. T.
Harris. K. K. Kubli, K. M. rnd.-r
u.H-l, I. M. (ili ii. II. I.. Hoi klna and
K. II. I.atier went to .-aU-m on tin
overland thia moriiiiik'. '"!'. . I'. ( .
ral. Ho! 'rail Ho! uregoiieiiai 'rili
'rail Hi.."
Mrs. H. A. riia-rdltd MavS"'. at tin
home of her ilaui'hlf r, Mra. K. W.
I 'ititrdoii, at Albany. Two sons, K. It.
and (itairiw I . riper, are voung m-w
p.i-r m.-ii, well known in ihe state of
a-hnik'toii. ihe former la iiovr em
ployed on tlie Tacitle Itural 1'resa ut
an Franciaiai.
rrtlaud TiU-k'nuii, June 1: Ala.ut
a fortnight airo .Morgan Holt, a Smtli-
eni r.i. itlc braki-man residing on the
ha-t lde bad one of hi- l,i;a broken
ami the other badlv at Juno-
lioe City. The a.i'idelit lavtirred
w bile he w aa attempting (. iug lilm-at-lf
on a moving train. He wu r-
lnoe.l to the (i.atd Mlllmritnll llikj.ita)
in tl ia city where he -ut!. red two am
jMltatlolia alaive the klna'. That a'-
eut.. d alHit 1J day no', and now lie
a t Me to gel alanil the h..-pitl on
cnili b. -a.
V..iiiirox, June 1. (in Ihe re
convening of the I'n-abvti.rian general
a-.mhly the ni.Hlemtor alinoiimail
the liamea of the la.iiimlttiaa to formu
late the lliimitea e ajireaaiug Ihe aeliae
of the aaaembly a to the vote taken
ujk.u Ihe apa-al from the New York
prt-l ytt ry in Ihe Hrlgg. ,.v.
Vhoinaa A lloyt, of I'ti lht.U-1 j.liitt, waa
made I'bairmitu.
Tl e laimmittias to IK HrigirV n
teli.v i- umleratiaal to have iigna'd to
recommend hia au-a-ii-ion. I'hey w ill
rcrt on the oa iung of the aft. fii.ain
evion. Iliaanid ltrigga, rifu-ea to
make anv O'liiproiui-a'.
I he a- adopt.-.! the n-- rta of
me .a.mimilie on t'llla and ov ert un-a
real'.lniiing the ili livi raluv of the aa-ai-n.bly
of lvj on the Inspiration of the
Tlie la.mniittiv oil thiadogieal a. iu
liar.. a i.ii-aeiite.1 a reis.rt on the I'moii
-.-miliary, of w hieli Hrigg wa one i f
tlie faculty, ill-avow iug all n-N.uili-l.
ity for ita leaebinga, and d.a-linitig o
rtaa ive any further re.rts fnun it un
til it ia brought into harmony with the
The general aata-iubly thia altern.a.n
adoptial the rejaTt of the committee
u.;a-ndiii' I'n.f.--..r Itngga fmin the
ministry of the l'le-byii
A IIi ntik Kil l iii: Sj.ringfield
Mi---engvr. June i: (m- Waahnurne
made a iu-iiieiat trip a far -.'Uth a
Von.-aila. I'mlay , t lununit Wtsliu-a-day.
bile at ( om-l.a k be leariiiil
that two l.ya Went bunting lier that
pia.e Tu. lay and kii.ed a a il.a-r and
-lartrd home witii it taking tune ala.ut
carry the game. In making Ihe u A' the gun larr'.al l y on- of the
lv t w aa 1. i.ta. .ii hargv.1 atr.k
llig hi-iamuilil.. j.i.t attive the It I":
ai.a! ao ahaiteniig the limb n..,t the
U'v died W. lii ay iii.tri.i'ig. Ti;.'
liain.-a of tl.e tirti.. ix;!d hot
lean t.i.
I'1I I F.IIhI S. Harlow di.i at the
fa.ii... v rt-id. ti."e. n.wr Co.nrg, M tr .'in.
Ik-. t-t-l waa t-.rn at iturn-. H irii. v
caiirTy, lai-a-uil-r .a. lai. TbefuiHr-
al w ut Iit-M in fie ( inula rland In-I v -
!t i chuPi-h. l-l .-Inlav.
KM lalaw rallttra.
Niwia.KT. It. I. . June 1. Tl.e two
brar. !Ha of the It-virtatunp faiUal to
agrta'. The aetiafe l..ta a.!-Kjni.-. until
Jain.ary. The rrtia l ill l.- that the
r nl .late ofil.vra aid h..ld our till
uext rlvU.D. q
Cul With Knife.
Tlie Juik ( but l illli-a baa I ttv follow
ing la.ii.vriiing the tbe Pyera alabbing
lUih. r seriout:ibbing afiray oe-eurn-l
ill thi. elly laid halurduy luoril
i, ... l.a.M lint n. w ho I rather of
the liolal
efa oil hi
hia.l, Wolkial for L. r-
riineh near Franklin.
......... i. lime uj.i ami in a
pute over a illeim iit, a row laeurred.
Itv.M l.a.k him by the eollur to lend
him out w li. nl ina-n .truck him. It
waa a rough ami tumble light during
wlin h t-P-u stru. k It) m Willi akulfe,
the bUde lit. ril.g the lower left lung.
Hi era did not know ut Ihe Hill lie had
l.'uietil. l!eeX-r.emt'd wiuie min
but llioilk'ht U wu- the realllt of a
blow. I'ea.v wua re-tona and a ael
ll un lit waa rem hil. alter which Hy-er-
iii.-ki'd Ui ii chair mid told liilii to
g.-l out, but did not strike him. Aa lie
li lt the iba.r lilcfs lllled llllll with
the t-a" of Ida Ix.'.t. (ian ttalked oil
llow u the traek.
J'.lela' wound la.lltlllliial to JHtltl llllll
and nib r un t vaminalion found .bat
lie bad la-en t ill. IT. laa? waaselil for
and lotind Ihe tut of a serious nature,
but la !a-,li led that be will riajtiVer. '
After the aeruiinea of the wound
Wua illtaAl-red lillber atarUal III 'UT
.Ult of I ira II. llob ItoatHTIIlUII C-
lunal Iiiiii la-low lanieiinter and
l.r..m."ht him to town. He Waa LaKind
over III tin-aillii of sjl lo a.aar-lor
trial the lollowing Monday.
On the day -el l-.r trial Hyein waa
li..t able lo l.-lifv, and tbe hi-aring
waa ait fr trial the following, Moll
tin Ihe day a. t for trial, Hyera was
not uble to ii-Ufy mid the hearing was
ael for Tliiir-liiv at winch time liiatea-
tlnioiiv waa taken w hile lie remained
In la-d.
The ease waa lip-ei'Utial by r- O.
Potter and II. I). Norton n-preaeiited
the delelidalit. The evideliiv sublnit-
ted lit the trial Waa ill keeping W illi
the facta nlaive reeited, and alter the
law vela bad exchanged the Usual
amount of nl.ii-.', waa laiund
ov.-r toiipja-ur la-fore the grand Jury iu
il.-luult ol hlch h' h im taken to i.u
g. lie and pla.i d in Jail.
Ori4,'.iii Kdlinr Iu Wulilug-ton.
The Wiuthingtoii, l. C, Poat.of May
'.'7, say: A ariy of .roinliieiit
eilitora of the -late of ( Iregoii are
-tipping at the Itiga. Mr. ltolavrt
John-oil, of the Corvullis Times; (ieo.
Muall, llakirCity 1 holy iVuuvrat; C
C. Iioiightv, Ihilliia (Mi-erver; 1. L. ll, Ihtily (iuard, Kugelie, Or.;
J. It. lleagle, nh-goii Mist; A. Null tier,
Portland iipatcii, ami J. A. Waddell,
I'ortlaiid. ll.e party I nut Ju-t (nine
fpiin Cbii-ago, where they attelidial the
fair and the National editorial innven-
lion. C'.ma-rniiig the former Mr.
Caniila.ll -aid:
"1 would advi-e ja-.ple Hot to go be
fore tl.e lt of J'.ilv. The exhibit are
not iu plan' t-Xivpt ill two or three
building-, and won't la,- for a mouth
yet. Ihe stori.-. of extortion and
'- nulling are mt true. Our party had
lir-! elu a.-foiiiiuialatioii at the moat
ren-oiiable pri.-t-, and that waa the ex-la-ru-mv
of every man 1 talked with.
Hi. le ia no induct int-iit for the hotel
to over charge, l-i'aii-e many of them,
..if lo . ... ll. n ,w-ili..n
l"" "I' 'i. ... . J..--. .......
iiuve tew gin-la, mid high tantis would
eau-a' them to go el-t-w here.
"The tali tor. n re treated with the
utmo-t liia-mlitv and all left lug. sal
humor. Th.-v did not put them-elvea
on r-.aird aa to the Millday o a iling
i.ule, t-ut ol nil the Iiiiii. there 1
.lou t think a -ingle knight of the iiuill
iiioiigm ii rigiii to siiui ihe galea."
JllUfiloli .Notes.
Tiiin-s, June 3.
I lr.iii.lin.-i I..-e 1. iiuj. roving and l
able Walk around out of
The Arlington hotel oH iie.l lu ilonra
to the publie Monday iiioriiinjj with
N. illmore ill ehurgi'.
The government -nag lamt Is work
ing oil the river e:i-t of here.
Henry Iiii-lui.-ll ia exiavtfil home
from the World'a fair next Wivk
Frank M.a.n head w ill j
turn until a week la'er.
eft Wetlmwtlar
Mr. C. F. Ilurlbtirt 1
for saala spring, for the hem-lit of her
health. J-lie waa ana.mnieil by her
mother, Mr. Ihivi-, of Kugene.
The rite of bnpti-m waa a.lnilnla-'
ten d to live ealiilldatea at the Chnat- 1
iaii cliun-h Mlliday evening.
I). Simmons, who had his ankle
crushed -ei t ml w aa ka ago, ia able to l
out w ' it It the aid of erutche.
C. P. lion-ton ba.k charge of the
poMi'Mia. Thur-day iiionimg. Miaa
Minnie Hoii-toii i sworn in aa.lejv
uty and will have ehargx- of all'alra.
There w ill ! a iMtinty alliance pic
nii' at Thur-toii on the 4th of July.
We have a large ire. notion to attend
stt w-e e.-tntnjov a Mi-oiirl dinner with
our friend 1. V. and family.
Mr. Veiit'il lUiVi-kv, who live neir
Franklin on the I'.utlt-r farm, auieldetl
Thurad.'iy by taking niibolic acid. She
bad taan ill a.r dealt Ii for an me time
.:i-l and was severely alllictetl with
hliaal a.ia,., then-alllt of Coming In
la.ntaet with oak. She leavea a
husbund and live ehlldn u. Addition
al particular we have not learned at
the time of going to pn-aa.
Mo-it Atta.'hmeyts.
I' i.ur.i. June i
Mtachiiieuta mi the Myrtle Creek
Mining ( 'nijianv are .'till iaauing
teu, lily, e-ter.lav attoriii-v 1 Itil
yi u, in la half of A. K. W'taitl, oun
iiieinv.1 an t for K'.M for auj.plie, Rn.l the same attorney la-gnn auit for
CbiirUa bite for work, for r4. To
day A. C. WMaooik -..mineii.a-. nuit
for H"..."ii lor lala.r and risher
Walkiua. sHn f-,r aiipplir. The
amount of ufoe Iiiiii nu now iaaueal
f a ta up to Jlvv..;:i, and Ihe end ia not
Every Sack of Floru
A.v""r forPi:uirene
ihliS- If n,4 wlt it i.n the
tnoli. y w ill be rWnded.
The Pogeiie Mil', davrtbe Lateat llu-I'MM-llti-tlta.
aii.lQ ve no aujarrior In
Ihe trsir.i:'.., I;;re of C..--I . 1 rt.-,.
' o:
All kind3 of mill feed
to order.
A CTilld liaa Itotb
utl ta a.-
I'M Off,
Friday's AlUny Ikm.-r-,. .
frelghl train arrlveil at Tang. .;.?
after 11 oVIk tialav. s,'!f'""
dreu were playing antund t
among otliera .Vvear-uld J..,i!v v"8
etuiib, aoli ttf . W. Nt w.i.1,,1, ' ii r"
the tralu bad a-ed the hne f.4.
waa found on the tiaek with I., l
and an ami WJ, and In a living - f
Hum. The H. 1'. agi i.t. Mr! iiLa"' '-
nietllately cwine to Albaiivi.iit. p
burg Ua-al, and returmai with lir v""
Ion, the I. I. aurgiam f,,r ttl ,,,' "
it was mn inougiii !-n, ,, r,,,,.. ,
to live according to ihe Ii,t,- n.,J;
Juat Imw the aivldent liania-iu-i -
not known, as no one M1-IUl, ,,, Hv "
unli-aa it waa out- or two ,i,n,li ,.i...'
dreu, to young to explain h ...
thought that the boy Irud in lumno.
the train Juat as it atarte.1, ,r lr J, !r
have la-en crawling under a cur
loliiariung I lie alaive tm o'
i ii..h.i.i - -. . '
oailt jteiaivi itata; l.llit r Wu.
l . . I t -.,.1 il... 1 ,
ii""."""" "- i..t.'r nun.- uIiilh.
Utnl alaive the kma-aand the right nn
at the ahoulder. It , , , ,
that the boy will re,a.ver. N ,iln
whatever la attaehi-.! to the iU(.
charge of the train."
"The accident ahould aeive a a Ut.
rlble ItatMiii ttt Jiarenta w ho are in tig
habit of allow ing their il i,, i,4.
arouml the railroad traek, un.l i . uJ
tbe ii ra. Here ia a bright, iiirlvdna.lAl
little boy brought luune to ,i.' im.ti
with both li-ga and an arm i-ru-h.-l i.rT
ami all fmtu letting ehildr. ii dav in
In sued dangvroiia l.---. '1 ni
only true at Tangent, but the aan
thing ia done at Albany, aud aa lout. u
It la iwrmltted the he wmaTs will Ur
calleil on to chronicle Ju-t sm-li WJ
event aa the above."
An iHaiiiHilaa.
Nkw Yokk, June 2. The Id-r.
Charlea Aifuataa llrlgir n fnmi
Waahiligton last night. When .k,-d
If lie had heard of the action nf u,,
rreabvterlan general a t-iiililv in hia
cam.., lie rt illed: "Ye, 1 l.arne.1 of
the aeutence against me ulttiotigh I
lett Waahlnglon early in tbeamnia.n.
But I deem It best not to talk un lli
matter at jireaent."
"I jrou atlll oecui.y the Kdward
Ilobiliaoii chair of liibiical thiailugy ia
the aemlnary?"
"Mont certainly I do. I tin re any.
thing In tbe tenn of the niilnanwi.t
of the chair r rule of the aeniimrv,
which retjulnaj that thi imfesnbip
must tw held by a minister of the I'rvt
bytetian church? Not at all."
"Ha the declslonof the getifrali.
aembly In auapending you fnmi l
nilniatry made any ebituge with your
relation with the I'liion aeiiiiiiarrT'
"None whatever." Itepli.-.! 1 lie .I.e.
tor. "The general tiaa nK
eolit ribute.1 a dollar to I'nioii st-mlnv
ry. The aeinlnary is aupjairte.1 aluut
wholly by New "York im-reliant u.4
It waa learned from other- timtiietol
with l lllon aelliiliary thiseveliiiigthxt
Prof. Urigg. would go right on just u
though nothing had hapa-iu-., ami I.t
will I austalned in hia action by tbt
boar. I of dlreetora ami uiemla-ra f th
faculty of the Institute.
i-U..a:ii OtlJ t' U 3'rU
1 llti kfat t -,n " I'' ;i!.::.'.'i'U(i
v. rrr a! n!li.- ri, Co:;;-, 'icr. U
Ihroat, Kc.TfifM, '.V .ttv, .r.-- ' o-'l 1
Ath:r hi-r C r t no t.T4
tin ev'd z-, .. : i. . , .
Uufu aU Ai l-y f .-ii'
ru. I t a I-ih-j ii. ' r ' .'
I V.W ,?JE
Ueii to tun jrou. Vi. . ."Ji. -a. 1..' iu' taav
City nruj siorav . . tuitt.. ewri.
Boot & Shoe Store
A. HUNT. Prop.
Will htntafUr karp a cmpUU tt--k J
Ladle' Mhwea' aud Children' SHUts
Spjcs, Vhita aid Eick S-iii
And ia fact Terythiin la tf a V-al
siboa liaa, to a hu h 1 UiUo.i t" -I" '"
my amwi-ial attnU..D.
Aod rnarantetai aa rrrtaarBtAl. ac.l ai'!
ha a..IJ f. tha liamt pricea tl at a ."I
ank-la caa ba afl.arviiai A. HI J
Sportsman's Eporium.
Practical Guiimitls
Dta.le.-a in
Fivuiin Tirklr ni Jiltnil.
Mewl a a; Maralnea anal ."aeeale1
All Klaala l or Hale I
lU!ru.,- H..a ia th t'ttnt at)-.' '
Guns Loaned L Ammurit'on f irri-ftf
S'..a it ttrra'
If vou want Croccrie
cr ,rj:ery. call on
.-,. n.w. ir- .i'-ij
I IL V. Ili:stlfl '-a'
I -w .. i..i-uiLi . itr - '!
; 1 -1 1-or. S" r t"' '
I I ITJ rirrr4 a t f -
I " I jwaJ AD- I"1
a i . . . . .
a switara - .- r".7.M
I a a . m? a