The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 03, 1893, Image 10

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Tim Programme Vr "lh Week At
I Us sute l iiivmiiy.
The 17th annual commencement i i-rn-l-ea
nf the university of ingoti, w III
x ,4-ll June I Mil to the. M III. hmivc.
Tli follow Ing I" l"' pnignimmc:
hl'M'AV, Ji I-
1 1 . Ml. hMi-ahiurealc mm M, IU V
T I I '..I.. I'oltllllld.
U li III III -hi v memorial
lllirl.t Lev. It. Wlstnr Mirri,
ft, p. in. (iru.luutiiiK cx.rcl-.-a in inn
ii iia, ji m; ' o
?t ii in.- Vil.ln . la-fora the litt-rar,
a...i..ii.-a. II. ut. John Ik.rnti. I'rtl:iii
h . m. It.uniou of literary ata-idiea.
Wi.i'MiAV, Ji nk -I.
Ida. hi.-tirudunllng cxcrcisea (
law a. hool.
2 p. in I'lnnling '!" in.
.1 ii. in. A In tit ii i ne-ellng.
H p. im-Addr. l Inn-1 ! universi
ty, Jimi. P. Soil l'"lii ii, I'ortlniKl.
HllllsliAV, ji nk
10S. III.-(iradllatitlg CXcrcl-. In lit
erary ili'irtinriit.
TI'iimi who pay full fare over I In
H.uIIitii Pa. Hie' linca going 'no'
eercla.-, run return in oht-ihlrd fare
,ii pntaulihg a certificate fmui tin'
i-rctary of tliu faculty.
kkaaia Smi l.amrMI.
Aiiaiiimvivi I., (in.. Muv . John
Kdwnr.U and Mm. John Lam-e have
-lMtl nnl an- now l ll.-icl In If !
Inieilcd wiim-whiri) in tin- fittni-a f
Alabama flllnU Mini IIIOIIUIUIII".
Iauice had u-poclcl tliut III" wife',
cluirn.-tcr win lint Mtlrn. Finally In
made tin- tllstiiVcrv which acltlnl If
vond iiii-tloti her guilt. Lam- took
I In- law Into liU ow n lunula und K vi
lli Wife H M'l-ft lulling, CXlructillg
from her nil aoita f promise. Then
he run Ldwurd out of the munly,
warning lilin never to hrw hi fu.c
tlii-rw again, lull Lilward returned
suddenly, mul la-furc latmv n-alird
what m going on L.lwnrdt cnvcntl
lilin with n Wim-hi-lcr. Thin I A
wards the woman lo nu k til
her tram and leave with him. This
Iiumi inol not ut nil loulh .to ilo, nl
tlmiiL-li lirr IiikIhuiiI uml children
! ecul mid chln-iitcd hcr-nnt to leave
thiilll. W Im-II kIih IihiI pnckul hi-Mrnlit
wilt mul Kdward hnekcil out or tin
house to n btiggv. An tln-y i-iit tin
mull tHik tin- l.timllin of rintliiiiit nil
the woinnii ki'tl llu- ituii miiiI-I ul
lirrrx hivt' illilil tin y H"l out ol i-liflil
ll.Uiinli limn n wifi ninl rhililrvu
alMilulrly iiulli
Uml4 llulllawi
Wasimmiton. Mi'V 'i. -Sinit1 Jan
1, fvi). n'.im I In pilil I in I Mfii rxiort-
til to r.uroiN- nut tin- i-xiiorl inovi'
iiii-iiI, In-ii-ixt of nliutitnr, wi-in to
Imvn n-o-lvi-il n frli iuiik lut. Mont of
thU Bold h'm liikrii from tint I'lilliil
hlnUn tn-ttniirv, und iinirtli-nlly
all Hint In now t'XKrt.-l i-oiik1 fnuu
the miiiiii noun-f. In llmi unuMiir
lnamirv ili-iuirtiiii-nt lum HUatiiiuiil
limiof "i,.l.i4,:;i, tln ni t lotnl koI'I In
the tnnoiirv Juiiimrv. I, IVU, liuvluu
Uvii H'.'l 'iiii.iiii''. wliili IimIiiv it l only
lii'i.lil.' 41'J. With I lir K"l'l i-UKKkti-il
for liiiiincnl Tiii-mIuv mul Vt-iliii--luy
It will Imnlxiiit ' t lit owi-t
llinirv nwhtil nimv the rcnuiniitioii of
cx-vlo Kiyillrllt.
Urvisn nrrrbatti Im ftaa Iraarli
Han Fkam im, Muv Shortly' 1 1 o'rliH-k tlilw iiniriiilik', tin
Mtitiui-r Wiltmiii-tlo VnlU-v rrlvi-l
from YiKiuiua Iwiv, hrlnnniif it I firm
tuirt y of t in-on mm-huiii. The l
itiinr tiH-ri'liitnt on liiinlliiif urn' im-t
by iMiuuiiitiv from tin' lHnl of l no I
Mini ina-ortiil to tin- I'lilmv hoti-l.
I'oHII.avh, Or., Muv 1H.-J. W. Ihi
l, i-iiriH-iili-r. o'lninilli d miiriili' In
1-jvt rortlaml lv hMlini hiniwlf
throiiL'h tin' lii-nil u tth titntol. IN
niNtiiili-iit-y In nmlkiliiil (in tlio rmi-wi of
the tivl.
will rou
no aooo to nLMU about
(cmc. CtTt. iananoa
fmoa . .
tmni, T ti auioif Ta it aia
Dr. aTUa M4Uml fV. MlkXmr. IO.
C.tvntan: I arrar Inaa aa t iinatty
WoumuIK II kiKnoili'i'Ml. ur
HQS 'k ir avufaa-a lll M ..! l l
" d.-arr'" m mmi t '
1tW VmmmIi. 4 vlalnlilh t.i I
ri,ma ka v4 aaia lia
llaaa.i4U' . aaat '
cni iht atainv; ti.a .y -- .ir...i
.f.V..l a . mm t" M v k"
anu.a CURrD"',"n'1
a kuiua. a4 w w ' ' " n4 aw u i
I. tit imnil nil m i-h. ihi "
uw1 ikrva l-lla. ai .1 I - k,! af It
nb rCj, a4 rara k 11 Ua m
lrkaa.k Tiaiaiaal likartf ka aa at? aaaia
.aa Taf aaaiM a aaaaaaa
atataf . C. Hiw .
Anrt raritc Claras Ilk.
Ilaacafa. Katmaia. ipfll tvk. UK.
Dr. Miles Nervinc,
HI cckTtia rraa Ml
tiniest, irruicu. iciTcrs rio
Tur.jJ. tzuizu, tils uxcrixss
ics4 ccixira, tica cnri uin
SOLO On A roiTt( uaianTtc.
A ulik'ht iiriiikl of rain rly till
Tli ovrrlninl I ruin
wna two lioiir
Albany J I nilil,
rortliiml, win In
Intv till iiioriiinir.
S. S. Train, of tin-
ihiih' n ymli-nluy.
J. I-:. I In iiuiitrli, of
thu -liy yi-olrnluy.
Thr ( arolvn linifi- iinnpaiiy u 'i.-
hiK in i VnhlliKtou.
Mm. 0nr Itiiifn-w lm nturni"!
from tin- Ulti'l hoolut Siiloiu.
A. t I. I lolili'll Willi to till' lllllll-" ut.
'miyonvilli- on tlilafi-riii'n' ll.
(. II. lorri I'lilil i trofi .iouul
ill to t'oltak'- invi- yi-li-nlay, n-
iirnliiK tlii iiioruiui.'-
! S! .,l,l. ii mini-mi on (In- ovi-r-
laud lil nlnht '"l n lurn.l to I'ort-
and on tin- i'nl UiU liiornliik'-
Jim Moon', who lui Jiwt iilurni'd
from u ti-viiir ty in i uiii'iniia,
u i liinalf U tin ir limln n lluinv.
J. V. Sliiiinali' ha n-iirn 't " l"-
oil lull III Ii. IU ttiiiau'x al-n- nnd in-
pti-d a Mil loll It It A. . I l r.
1'liin-r llk"-r, of I'l.rlland, Sun-
,.v.-, in I'.iil'.-iii' with lil imn-iil. n-
t ii nil ti on tin-oxi-rlaiid till" tiioriiinif.
fha. lladli V Hindi' it livi-ly for tin-
trout i-.t. rday. Hi' 11-ln-l In tin' .n--
Kinif mid wi-uri' I n hlrln of t.
Ii I', lli.viiud l. I.. Ilullrrlift thin
iiioriiinir for tlo ir rlalin- on tin- mt
hlil-law rlVT. Hi'.v win K
mIhiiiI ii wi-'k.
,. V. IMt i"' il lliiiu watfoimturlt-i
I.I. I.,..ri, IiiT llll I II' WIUMIII
... I..,il.. li uml llolit. M.'V-lm will
tiilol it iiili-rnali' wivkii.
f tniM iinviHi- l iiii. , .May -:
l.-.r.. mul l.ninl .-tnmll-ll xlarh-d for
the Him- rivi-r iiiini toiluy, wiii n-un-j
w ill miMi'l (or wiuii' wii-kit.
I hi' ind. fiilik'al'V I.. I - h,rl'. I,,,,H
lil...rof I In- t'ottiiL-i' Imivr
U lnti-rinti'l In nrw .n r that w ill
U- flrt 1-o.iu-d at I rniii Jum- HI.
M . II. INm lum Uvii ifmnli -I a ll
vonvfnmi l.cwlti. lto In tliei-ln-ult
ri ..r I jiki- i-ountv. Slip wax irlvi-n
tin' t uxtodv of tin- rlHl'l ii'l nniMiiiil
of thr iin'ix-rty.
Tin. mi mini nm-tliiir or thf l. inn
County rioini-r So i iy w ill h''l'l
' ... . .. . ..... .- -ri...
I tnii n V i'. J line II. i miiu i
minimi addn---. w ill l- il.-liv ri-. hy
K. v. I. I. Prlvi-r,
HuiiL. A Ili-nili-rxm liavi' rrivlvr.1
thnv iu-w l.iikf rnuii mi-1 onium
lai ti.rv. Tlii v aiMK-nr t liuvi' u
II lie uml an- Imilt with
Irfi r-
i-niv to our I'liiiiato.
Ilr llnioiii. il of fotlak'i'tirovc, KlN'Ilt
l,ii, .l.i- In'. Hi' n-ixirtu alNilIt
Mvi. onli-a of kiiow on th' truil to tin
ILiluoolit lilin.-. tim-nilioin In di-vi l
iiilliK tin. aiiiiii' iinin- m-ing
ilV i-oinlili Uo
I! llulli r hi- tlu'li.-o. A
Cu-t.-r Caiiit" Sun of Vi-li-rmi of . t
..Hi- S.lnnliv i-vrliiliir. Tin' ill"!
tloii w ax ii rlitid mil' uml Ihi-1 'amp wan
irivi-ii mii. ml ratlnif. w liii-li may l-con
i.l.-rv.l (s.ninliiiH nliirv, an tln-n' In no
l amp of ratinit in I In' Mali' AlUrt Murium. 'f North
Yimililll. wai.lriviiiiraxtttlllon hlti hii
to a i nrl. the uliillial htilillii' f rik'lit tlf
ami kli kiil. Ih.Hi hind fi t rlrikimt
Mork'nu a.iiun-ly in the rhif t
IliK him mil ol lln- .an. ii ii
no rilm win1 hrokrfi, hut it
Ins Iuiik" an- knjun-.!.
ii fran
'I'lie Weliiiine imv that railroad a
ai-nip-r nKenta an authorily for thv
.i,.i. iiH i.t Unit Portland will HI In1 with . :il. rn loimxii. ihi' va-
riiHiM tourl-tn mlinilt-a an- tnuiulattt
with applu-ntioiia for ovi-r tin-
m-vitiI Inn-, ami inn iarii-i mini
Iraiik'i-ra t-vi-r mi-ii on Ihi' rouM may h
vkvIii In a frw wii-ka.
Tin. himU r liuiui"ui I I'i. kinir m
Wht-ni'vi-r Mit timlH n an- widitr.1 in
the I-'jiM, ir.-k'"ii or Wii-hlniilon lum
li rm. il iti-t li"' onh-r. Idii-utly an or
il.-r w a i.laivd for the tiniU-m of a ni-w
ilmlur InniI at Wmt hiiN'rinr, Vn.,
wmr of the Mirk li-lnit i Ik'htV f.rl
oiik. The iiiiprov. un lit at Ihiluth for
iiniI il.H-k uml duiujM luw taken a irn-ut
many enrloadu of liimlar fnuu lhi
i-.iiwt, and tnon' w ill follow.
On-uonlaii: Mr. Ik'h llnriii-tt, who
for the (ami year ha Uvn at work in
the inotuitmiia alouir the South imp
ipia nvi-r ilevi-lopiiiK 'ne of the liiirginl
plaivr Ih l.U yi-l diiivenil In the mute,
waa i unfortunate, aoino time bki to
tram liimi-lf m ven ly. pnlu-inir a
ruptun' of thr f. nionil art. i. He haa
now eoino lo Portland to huve an -r-atioii
-rforuuil, and w ill ti" to ti.Kiil
Samaritan luwpltal. It will W m
tnry for lilm t n-tuaiu ipiii-t thirv
aluut two wtvk.
There aii-nm to ! aoiih' inlappn-hi li
ion aa to wlu-lt the annual n union of
theOnvoll I'lolin-ra will tnke piaiv.
Sune )iar atfo the aH-latlon votnl.
at the iik'ini.lloli of I iovi-rnor Sti
iihi'ii K. t hadw lik, that the I'.thof
June In- forever know n a Tioiuvr day,
lhat Ii Iiik the ilale in the yar IMo
when the tn-aty with tinat Itritain
rilling the Imiiiilury of Dniron wa
igncl at Yahliigtii Thia y.-ar that
dntr w ill eome on T'hurlay. r'rom
illtl. relit rt of the lale the an-n--lary,
Mr. Hiintu, Uulviiil that Iher
w ill U- a larp r atti-mlaiuv than uual.
rivnlf al M alar.
Yl'M., Arir., May T,. The t'olonnlo
river l.ilay na.htil the twenty-live
fii-l and four lin lua mark, w hu h la
overt hive fn-t the average at
thia date for flrte-n yeara pant. All
the ii u ii try along the New and far
ter rlviM lirnny t the Umndary line
! l-i!!i overtl.iwrvt. llnili rlvi-ra are
out of their lnk.
Ilaaat. la ttatl.
Mom I r. Ala . My -A Jell, raort
x l' tiini nl train pul'nl out ef New
Orl.ntK la-t luwlit. erow.U appi-an-il al
eiery tnel iitiii r till the inrji.ration
Itmita weie ivtiHMl. At every latloil
.Mw.l. amnU.-l. ll i! ray haiml
..l.lnr- la.l.i-and. Ml.lnn. with How -
en, t nitf prominent f.aluna. At
I'aaiu oir, I htv old lioliir. the ll.i.kl
and . lit I. .tin were carpi tn( with rho
.k. ii ln.n. Among the tloral efti-r-
MUi here wu. a w n ul 1 1 of i ) pn- fiom
Mr. M t.ui li, lire. Morgan, of Mi I
l.'l. I.rougtit nil the wn flolil her'
pnailit Itollar, I oluii, ( al. I
. . ! than to help au.i.';orate the indils-
1imVh. - Tl'ti"'er , ,ruI '"otiou of th. Southern
i.raiii U-t jiar -u i. t.l of ike rniir-, liecro. The exa riun ut ha liiiwU.
J, r irf M J.aiphiue lUruai.v. 'fThe blacks couldn't endiire tlie
l'n. id. nee H- 1 . l- l-i.v a tnv n.iiil . f ,. . i I ,. . ,
for tin- tirl It
. Ill I W.i Irara.
I l.i.
iiM fiiliiC he n' M1 III Ju li-e Hurt'.-
urt un in. i. -ii (or a iw- trial ii.r.jciuu.
riHin al 11m- new IrkJ l.-r J-Mie ,'). and
flr.t tl Iml at in '. JuJe Ma-.Hi, '
i. ....i -....I ....- .-.i,
court', ll I. r.o( i the -n.ii.1 ian lalx .lh negro l.ilnr, but the
trial will rii r t- i attemi t t lilod In t! e .ttue manner
j as did that at Jli.U,n( The
.irn m m.o iniM-ivi i. j agvut of the CunLru .-.ii.ii.y .ic
I j turtu f aHi n.laii.v al the w.-cM'a i ,;.,f,. tl.jt t'.e .i:ue ri-snll n '. i !
fiirvr-lirUiy ra ii..t .l tiiipk-te.l. I r.'i..-. ,....
hut ll.e i l.i. f of the l.tiraii of li-.u-i.ii.
from n turn- in, i-liin.itia tlie at
Irti.laiiee al IW.r i.
lU-tU-r ruada mean U-IUt price,
lean lnr , let n-iMiir on TtaRonn,
aii'l le-n prof.mity m I'rt of
The tilv wotil-l I rn-l
with ullic apprnbalioii by forbi'l-
Jing the uho ol Iiims mrit-i aprum
iT, cxft.t lor w:ii-hllig lluwaik
and w inilown.
In unite of the lac-l thai tlaro are
a inillinii jajmiioiii r alnady on the
roIlH, new inion are nun ix-iog
(rrantnl ut the rale of from 100 to
370 a lav.
Tlirtwrlltirtli aiitiunl reunion of
tin- (lr'ioii pioneer ai.wK.-iuliuii in l
n l at rortutnl in Junt' amiar-
.A O .
raiip-nieiita an; li'ing tiiiiau lor a
pli ai-atit iini'titi,;.
A r vi-ril i-anvam of tla' txl con
i 1.. ,l.n
,'rri.i nlinwH a near majorny in ii";
lion-- of from I') lo o) tn-i) Mlver
Colll.le. 1 lie neiiaU' in cvril more
ftron'ly oominitt.-l to tliat cource.
IfKuk'i-tm ititeinN to ci lihrate
t!ie Kourili of July ll I time to
comiiK-iie' making arrani-meun-.
We have not yet heard of any other
town in tin; munly talk of w-lebrat-
Itoi-eliuru lUview: The extrava-
t . . . .i i . i ..i
Italiee ol Hie MM ireiMaiure nun ui
re.nlv had the i llect of raicltig "tale
taxi -h two ill 1 1 M on the dollar. I lie
next li-uinlature flionld hecointKj.-nl
of rejiri-n iitatUT-iof the m-o1i
Tim lumlM-r i nh reft of Oregon
are ilrr.tliu.-d to (froW W lUiliH-llre
tirotHirlioiin. - The mountain are
covered Villi til. eit titula r utld ul-
K-adv Ka-lern coniunn ri are reach
i ii if nut in thin direction for their
The "rtaterinaii out of a jol,"
John J. luk'all, indulgeii in thin
ul iar lok'ic: "It nt true that
t'liinaineii do not aniiiiiiilateaiid la
conn American citizenn; hut
neither do mulcf, "team engines
und rlictric motor."
A band of inini-ter feels callM
Uiin to pay t'hina a vinit. The
church may locu pome of it timber
by thin ill limisl cxctirfion. Why
not come to I'ortland or ?an Fran
ciaco and take note on the relig
ion convictions of Chinamen?
The pkicn of the Willamette val
ley are natural hired fprinklcrn in
k i-..ii, but we have everal month
In fore ua that they w ill be oil' duty,
l'lm .lu-t during the nummer will
Ih- very disagreeable unle roa-r
mean are taken to keep it wet
ill, u n.
The din i tor of the nrnt ha pre
pared a table r-howing the amount
of gold and nilver held by
the Kurieau bank, and the
I'nitc I State treasury and the na
tional lianW. The gold aggregate
1," lil.'J'.VJ."., of which the I'llited
Stat.- treaurv und national banks
hold :n:,3.!,,ooo.
The in-wly apiHiintcd fooJ
in-H-ctor, II. 11. l.uce, intend
Ui do hi duty and certain
dealer in milk and groceries
in I'ortland are U'Mt that
they have little comfort in life If
pure milk could I made the rule
the iiewia r would be large los-
er nt ineir numorou coiunin
What could take place with the
funny man if the milkman was
The badge which the world's
fair directory prepared for the
iiiemlaT) of the National Pre.s as-iK-iation
are rare and cwtly and
well worthy of preservation. Thf
budge for men coiiits of a Colum
bian souvenir coin caicd in a gold
rim and a bronze medal of exquisite
workmanship and design finished
with antique copja-r, each medal
suandid by a satin ribbon and
placed one over the other. The
woman's badge is similar only that
the Columbian souvenir coin i
suMilutcd for a medal in alum
inum with a relief of the Lake Front
statue of Columbus.
Occasionally we lii id a man who,
in stopping his subscription, thinks
it mve-s.iry to apologue and try to
explain w hy he can't take it any
longer, savs the Milton Kagle.
(inn rally there is a deal of
deception almut these explanation
and then it i not necessary, any
way. If you want to stop your
pajH-r, pay up and order it discon
tinued without any if or and's.
It i none of the publisher's busi
ness w hy you stop, and ten to one
he won't Ulieve your story any
way. The man after our heirt
topjal his paper the other day.
He s lid he didn't want the d d
shu t any K nger. Now. that's bus
itic-; there is no deception about
that an 1 we believe he told li e
! "' ... ,
j I he t atlibru iron iMluianr of, l a., hrxucht ir, nUmt
7.)liigri" from the Soulh alv.-:t
two months ag t to try the
la. lit of training thi tn t. l.i'.-r in
th-' works, the real pur..e U ing
to ! ui- a certain amount of
! hig!n r-K',l white laUr rather
i . e -
j O.n-Jlnltt
ilm-jinitte U rhich theV wrrt sub-
jtvtcd. Oii mM they ilisap
eared and cow !s A tovre
riuiaui. ol lorg ago tucl .tfie
uy tri.Nl to re puce
.l.i.-e-l as w.kiuen in t!.e great ir.-u
and steel null.
The beneliti to be derivnl by a
K-rfect system of sprinkling was
detnonstr it'll bv the trial of the
new sprinkler yesterday. The
stre- t Was sprinkled even and ef
John b-lvard, tl r great traveler,
ays that among all nations won, en
adorn tin in-. Iv.- m ire than men,
but wherever found they are the
same kind, civil, humane and ten
der being, inclined to cheerful,
timorous and modest.
The new jail Will Hot be Js-rf't
until a secure iron fniee im-los.-s a.
At pn-M-nt tlm jailer must watch
prisotn-rs while temporarily pia i
in tne corridor. s.'iort iron h in-.s
on each side protecting the win
dows from tin- approach ol anyone
from the outside 'vould elh-ct the
Seventy-live citi.-a were repre
sented I ist week ;ft the convention
of chlel? of Mili. e ill Ciiicag j. A
c.omniitti- will frame bills lor law
regarding vagrants, professional
malefactor and suspicious charac
ter, und an effort made to have
these laws uniform throughout the
United States.
Senator Tiller, envious, nodouht,
of the fame IngalU has as
a lecturer, i alsiut to mount the
platform for a series of sixteen
bouts. The title of his effort U ex
pressed in Hfty-cvcn words and
embraces ull the topic in the Kan
sas platforms since tlie tune of old
Os.-uwutamic Brown.
The Marion county court recent
ly ordered that a Isiunty of 10
cent ai h Ire given for gopher.;
for digger tmuirrcl., cent apiece
. . r ..." I .1 I
in lots ol 1-, -i eciii in ion oi -i,
ami " cents in lot of I1) or over,
for all scalps taken uft.-r April 1.
l.v.U. both ear to lie on scalp w lu-n
tircse-ntcd to the county clerk for
, -
The resolution of tin- Ma..achu
setts mutual lire insurance union
to have all farm pro rly in west
ern Massachusetts examined at
least once in three years "on ac
count of the frojuetit changes in
title and occuancy, of deteriora
tion and need of repair" tell a
story almost as full of meaning a
the state's abandoned farm cata
logue. The widow's dower wa enlarged
hy the last legislature, so that now
she takes one-half the land her
husband was H.sessed of, instead
of one-third. Kvery legislature lor
many sessions h i gradually en
larged women's civil rights, until
she is in some res peel in a better
Ktsitiou than her husband. She
only lacks the right lo vote and
hold ollice generally to U- tin .re la-vor.-d
than her liege lord, says an
Lane county has two road scrap
ers for public ue, and in their o-e,
as in everything el-e, the road sii-j-ervisor
should know when they
have got enough of a good thins;.
They should not. except in particu
lar instance, grade more road than
tin V can gravel. Takr a j.iei-e of
road complete it whether it U( a
short or long stretch. if the nat
ural crust of the earth Is torn Up
and the gra.le left un grave led the
road will U' a veritable ijuagtnire
next winter. lo not bite oil' more
than vou can chew.
' The Milton Kugle says that the
jorosje -tive fruit for this .year on a
-acre strawls rry patch near that
city was sold the other day for
TIKI. StrawU-rrie grow to perfec
tion here but too many of our j-o-ple
are talking hard times, and
have no lei-iirc to supply the mar
kets. While a large amount of
these U rrie are grown in the vi
cinity of Kugcne. the supply i not
iNpial to the demand, and even if it
was, I'ortland and the Sound cities
furnish a market that may U- .1.
cndcd on now and in the future.
Captain Hell, of stump sneaking
fame, it i reported, ha written a
very elaUuate and logical 'treati-e,
published in book form, selling
forth the necessity of pushing the
Nicaragua!! canal project forward
to coinph tioti. The bSsis of his ar
gument i the virtue there is in ac
tive commerce on the seas. II
would have the United States furn
ish the lOVXXUsM iicccs-ar.. ii'
its construction and shows how
allowing American vessel t
through free and taxiin: only
eign ships a reasonable t . i I
whole debt. IIKilUling in
culd U liquidated in tw. :
The Northwest Fanner
of the lcnetit of under
. i .1
avs: rirnap nowi.i;
found m 're U-in tii-ial r.
drainage than t!.oe to U
the farm U-longiiik' to F-'
..f Chemaw . Mr. H. at ... n y
i.-r. in timothy nhich i a l; i
l ie tiii'-l want to Ihi :i.
U u;g in the bottom I V is
know n a lake l. ihi-ii ws ;;itll
Ira.nid n'viri-1 itli .ter...irge
p-'rtioii of .he yi jr. j'i 1 i not
covered with wat. r, k . 1 th water
level so near to'- s..rt i c t'. it was
.il:n.t worthl. -- a lucing
a'th.uu i it i- - a' a rich
as any in u..- i' i'- N trongr
example can one ,-h of the
Co.nI ethvt of 'V.inv thaw L-i
I .' t tl is ni w i. . of tine
timothy. Riii"k un .y is prof
imii jlrn iv.r cm., rage live
tor. 'l tio Jf y icaty raise
live tons -s vJ t ninety
i rv. a he la'.n vf .vi'ai, he wi'.I
. thnll f '.iX '..X'ovi l Aii 1
ah lie the jio ant , uu!t j.ay for
!...!! s'.ou. pay
lam for ti e liit'4 money he ha
put into ti'c Jrai :.
i k- I In- I
I.' of
t- I. .. .. I.. r.l mill 'l '
r.i.a .: . f
I. rial.. I .-iilliv.oi'' .!-"'!o"-I'uli.-u.v.
Krom I in-'
l;. ll..r,-.l lo
..- r...
it III --
eiauv- aiitii. o" s i.
IU i.iforiiiaine at H '""'".'O
..f ,-vi-tiintf It I- sa.e l.
(hat lln- pill. lie had l""
l.-r.-te.l; hill It Ii prol...Ur li
l.i-ply in
,:il I. i' "
...l:-!.ii l"
ll.ix. l,ri lll iXlieli.l -III 1
- - - , .
r i. rforni-
ry n-sult from un
Ihat Hie whole I rlorinaine
MJe.iwaal!.-1.d ly the fr'-l1""1
M.ih.iii-ami the very i-vnl. nt "J"
m. f I ne siiilaio.- More ii.n-
inn i.t fun eoul.l not w.-ll I- . l
into two short In.iin. Ami K n
would not ! i !.-v lo llml iitiv wln-re
lu.lilw- ll..,re eV.lili-llelV loVl l Vollll.'
eitl- lilllll Well- pH 1 -III" ll
a .1. !iL-ht-1
1,. -wu t
iiw lJl
el iiii in mi- .-iT.irilay loght
v... .-- chirm d harm.'iiii.'.i
a . . .
euoi'i s i aiel rai. e.i .ii ..-
ill 111 oo.
I Veile srri- !i' roli. ii.i
led hut mul - i .r: i.-! 1 r-
l nrr hik'
w.ili ;.r
n.k. d an
milk nail in..!, r In-r urin al mii. of the dairy
uml carried
In r p rt so naliinilly and with "Ui-i
h M'.et simphrity thai "in- unite forgot
I lint she was aeling a pall. II" r voni-
hear I lor 4 he lirt lime III I lll'i.c in
..lo parti wai a 'llpri-c to man) oi
In-r Ii lend-. Although known In I-
KM.., .,r of a fair shar.- o i.H-al ahihiy
it iioiilv re.eiiily ami under the al-l.
iii-lrm t'lon of Mr, l.ulu Saw -n hum
thut she haa ili-veoi ueh lure rl. ar-iii-i
mid stn-ngth of tone, mnl such
exilu-ile iiii' of ex.-eiilioii. siena
l)..niui 1.U.IV Angela i.h.k.-ii a mi
em Hvpatia 'in her richly wnught
(, und she, !., sang W illi
liri.l l-illg awcelllraa Utld MiWer. M.V
ra Ihnw II in the mili.lle hut .esthetic
I June inlerpnted that ihlll.ult
alnl'lrvlng ehnnieter Willi I he eu-e of
u pnili'-ssioiial mid lent a eeitalu iligui
ty to the part she was gn'tcaiiue
without li-iiig ridieuloiia and gave niv of otln-r Intelligent compre
hension of the mrt. T he solm Were
(uirti ularlv g.Mil.
Tln n-sii l'rieiiilly made a lovely La
dy S iphirmnl l.iuly i:il:i by
lidil I HolllllllU WU liol lew. lovely
iii li. r liinitifiil lin-lau gown. Hut
then- win not one muoinrtliem all who
w In. wu- in.t nil Ihi und uion-. Spu.-e
for hi l fui-thrr rtiuuit-nilloll
J..I n M. -('lure ie I'.unthorne.-oul.l hot
Imvi lu-n siiri.a-'l nnd att-ined to
have ilotili.-d the character when he
nut ell III li-incur commie. ir--r
Yililewai never -" eliaruiingly bur
leiiH-.l U-fore. In verv truth thcr,
ii.iii..,.-i..,.." ........ ....... "7
lie ol high u'l" than a casual steti
tor would at lirl sight siiptose.
Ik ,1 .lohu-oii was a niot plrtureaw
l rou I -a. lour nnd earrinl h' part gn'
fullv nnd well, uml mg w ith won'
r..t ' ..l........ II.. i I -.
mi ii. iiii.,-. ..... . - - -
I, roll, lit liown tlie lu.tlse w
ever he came on. In
.ng "The H.nvv lirag.i.11,
1 ..fl..r r.iioi.l i.f f.l.l.h.lls.1
I toll Ms : I he Kuke, and Arth',1'-
Kinlay ili Ihe Major were '
an. I in the trio. M il. II t!n-s- lh '
rem had turned :iclh. In
turu.-d :i.lh.tic, til w,n.
spl. Ii.lld to Ii hold ill their
it ami
velv. 1 ntnl la.v. ,, .
i i .. ,.i...r... ..r iir..,...i.. wall that
could Ik- .lesiii .1. and the)'
I, ii... in their mititiri-
.1 so
one fell Ihe litliei of the a ""'
ae-tl.eii.- voiing maid, us 111 1 "
ll.eln in the la-t 'it lie.
T.. Mm. Lulu awyer-,", u",,r
lug energy mid palicm- ,lu,' ,,u'
emlit for 'ihe succe of u isrform
muv. Willi ii.nimcliihr "hehua
ih-volnl time mul lals.r tmining
and l:itru.-ti. f this."""!.' vokvt,
t. arl.inirand dim tllu-"'" " ''"'
f.,IK ,o..l .s.nw iei.tlim a Mitlhle to
Ihli'rinl. Ill t.t,ev."1"-eH.liiellllie
ago, I he manager tlV1, "o "me
Unii,' lor "sueei elr mutu
ally r.-olv.. uim "I"'"! a '"tl
ui'l.. to their IH'. ,"''c bm Inn
ivaxli-s v ami rt-tllv eligagiil In
for il production lien'.
aw vi-mlum"' tlK' aiii'inpaiii-
in. nl. in li. r u.iu 'le milliner, mul lo
her Im lv n inl. rit"islimce i due a
f or .hnri. ol rnllor the Hllccca of
t Ii. . i.-ni ii.-.
The nuiuagjr-;l tni'v for
the l,lireelIUVlll.f.l IlV llll' pill
li.. ,.i iheir .iH ami the tn usiiry of
the eharilahle li t V ill whw U lllllf
thrv lalnrrtl colisiileruhly eliri. lied
in eoiiiiiuen .... ,
It i ij(lil-rtliil.It that under the
-in., liianaii. nl w ill It' priilllivil ut
no Tar distadule iiiuitheriiuully en-
l. running ra.
I.nM nTAM K Tr i.Kl'IIONK.
ProsUffK l't It Will he
lo Ktlgell.'.
VI n-llt a tell phone line extellil
. ' .. i i ... i n r.. ll.
Irolil 'iiaiui I., .iioani, ii'iiuiini;
iI.h lit I the nnlroad and having, on
i.icll at the principal low lis along
Ihe I
li and oii-ntiil by the On-
fttn ilepbone A Telegraph Co., of
poMt. M.tars. Thatcher and Iaw
rei t nreseiiling the inuipiiuv were
jn if ne yesterday linking over the
al.tkl'il. and Ihe pro-tn-l nn- fair
t t e line will Iv extruded to Ku
1 1 1 Ihe Hear fill lire.
Ill extension ol Ihi line would It' a
,i aiN-uellt tothiitown. For a small
hi i on vernation could ! curried on
wit. niiv imrtv, in Cortland, for In
siflM-. mul htisiiifs t nili-ai.ti-.l that
wa: I It- t"i cotlv by telegraphic
In., mis. 1'm-sI.Iis. it would U-Ur more
nistnetory and extditioiis with li-a
emiiit-a for milak. . It li lo iw iioini
t eoinpiiny w ill iKiieluiie to extend
j. Ir line to tin nla.-e.
riu' nmteof the line lo Kug. ne would
by the way of I l.aii..u ami ltn.w ns-
nil.-, t w hi. I, latter pla.i-d the line I
(now li-iugiiiistriiete.l. Tlieeityit.ini-
il w ill If asked to traiil a Imuehis.'
for a telephone rr in in Kug.-ne, and
if tilts ii grouted, Ihe company pn
hmi to put in the latitl impnive-
inrii'. Aihniiv, :ili ui and rorllnu.l
have tclrphone s. rv in-, mid ill oiw Lu
IP'iie irlllii ll. a hllslllesi mail ikuI.I
it ll, hit ofll.i' and ii.uv. me w ith hi
ii.rr sHnnleuti in iIkm tow lis.
tarrlgn llarai t ang rrtian
is n i . i r. . . , i i ., .iav . . iiidi
in t ii.ligniss w ill eoiiluiii 1'T rilirii
of forvlg-i Lirtti. In land i- In the lead
! w ilh eight laliev. I ami.U II, t 'u k-
nii. tirahain. and Ky.m of New York, ;
M.1. anil i f Illinois, Wind.t-k of Mi. h
i lean :.. of I'iiiihv K ania.
I'anola I n. xt wit!i tl vr I uv .r of
Jm I, ilia. M-M. Hall of Michigan. M-
rliicv i.l Minn.".'!. of New
I lamps' 1 1 iv and l.n. of I tliio. I i.-r- .
iiiahv b i f'.ur- K..-r f Mini.eaot.i,
Itirt of Mi-.uri mid llarwig
' ,..,1 Iti i. kii.-r of is.sii,-iu. Kiiglaiid
' Jm .I'i.e !':i-.i f H'-rida, lrisp of
i (....rt.i O I J....I. f v. Nor
i w ay ,a iwo - It. . u .-f Min. -. !:!
. llau-n 'f Wi-.viisin. N'.-w Itmut-,
w it k ha- w -si tii.-.i of Kanta. arid
!ti pi.t ntn of M .. I.ig-jn. Austria ba
two-....l;er .f l!.n...i and 1 1 1 tier
, ... V bfiska. Mo: land h.i II. tulemoii
ol ) W a.
Ii.aibottaaa kjalrra.
i lltvi.i li .. M.iy 'j-.-lt i ..ffljallv
aim. uii.i-d that on.- death from cliol
j i ra ui urn-d In re la-t svitunliv.
I . . I ,U 1 U.I M
"" -vp-mtvy. MAVirT7 ! K-utwml
J .ih.iH. Fiin hof CleaWull An
W II t.lV-
Coiiiiiii inner Janii-a l ark
... li tuluv.
. . .. M...II..V el,,e iloU ,l1UII Col-
i.iioi .,1. j
I ,r,.e I his morning
- - ... ...
Ilr J. M. Ill aa a. return.
o i orvniii
.... ii... I.k :.l t li la nn mil
vi..r.. .....I uirarrivin
on tin- l' nl tins morn
iml son, ot Jef-
Mr-. I'r. v itiiciim
fee-oil. went to l'n"i
I thin iift.Tliooli
to visit n lativin.
win I -sue. I bv
i-..,o,iv- Clerk Wa
T Ve-ter.lav niter-
'. J. w.
4'oy iiii. I l. A
it .... I,
Mr-, ll..... I- .v '-i tl.iaom.-,- will!
i . ,i.l 1.11.1 wlll.hllle twosliow-
L;;"...v ir., ;.;.- i.kir.-.,...r.r. .......
I- ii t r ,Ahe rilem Journal came
( 'olo-
iMvliou Sill of ele-
,in.t li.ti. A. Cutler
ll. I . f Uivg
r.n.-. ninl
I amp th:
V. I 'V
,,, a ' I r i lug into low u
, , : ..
Il.-ra !" wiieii un wiikoo
1 "i . imiiim In tueli ii maimer
! ....( hi. linger and ll I
:,. n uraK . ,. .
tln.ugMI.el 'J'"'-
'il.eil!. ss. 5 ie wounded linger,
.11..I.I lewliger. May
y: A
l"" u.. .. ...' : nrre lion vnr.l
r.'!'.1" .""..oi..,. r. v.v.le.l the fact
thai Mr. S !'"". " -i,l, ",li'1 "r1
for u goo"''"
this M-ason. 1 he
gornl iiuulitioii and lib
glnlliul 1
M-iiM.n I bark ward the
iiiouuo . ik.-,i..
Vines loooe.oiii... ...y.
.. n- Inuar-l, lin-ltillg of ta-Vell
arret set-'1 thlpring. I In Hue con
ditiou. earts fnuu other fields an
en.i.unr's Junction Note.
Time, May ITT.
Waihl.urue left Tuiiday for
folfi W'tishingioii, to look niter hi
liual Intentilt In thut section.
Houston reeeivnl hi iiiiuinit-
-i... iKistnmsti-r of Jiiin tion l ily
yiiinlny w it Ii lintruetiout to take
rg- as sh in u convenient. The
..uge w ill I made June 1, und until
i . . i i.. ,i...
j.T urniiigeineiiii inn it- io.i.h- i..r
.iv will n inaiii ill It prwiit liaii--ll.
Iii.- I. in Juuetiou Mom lay ut ll:JOu.
i.. ( hiirl.-i W. Love, aged 67 yi-ar. .'
nouilis un, i iiav. i ne iie.i iis-.i
. . . . . . . i
1,11 lu-n III HMir li. llllll orsee,ni
il.. .. lil, ,. ...... ...Ii...,ii,.i. ..I ...
and hi ileal Ii win not uiicxrlc.
He was un old time re-i.l. nt mid high
ly cstii-meil ii a iieighlH.r and clti. n
He leu Vea u wife olid six children.
The Ihttolllce depart meiil ha grant
ed aerviee from Juuetiou I Ity hy vvny
of I ioldson, lllaehley uml I ini-nlenf lo
lh inlw.Mil, u ilislinitv ol 41 mile. I lit
erviti-w ill la-wieklv, leaving June
lion Mondavi nt ti a. m. uml arrive ut
lk-iidwtHHl ut '. n. in. I'miio-al-. for
carrying the mail will retvivnl by
I he iiittuiiistcr ut until June
111 be litatil t'l iliiers.
Wasiiixhto.v, May L'T Secre
tary Jlerlirt has (lin-eted that
two of Ihe thru' lUoo gunbouts, nu
thoried by tiuigrcsii to If iiurttnietit
of a iiiiiH.itc ivif. This iiieaii that
the Iniin.H nl the vt-stel und part ol
the structure iilnve the water line In hut Ihe hull will If cov
enil with w.Hi.1 I'liinkilig. This Win.
planking will, in turn, If sheathe.
with conii r and thut the vcsm-I will tie
euublnl lo make long eruisea ill tropi
cal w uteri wit hoot eoing through the
eXM-iisive pnsisi of d 'ckilig ninl
- . m
Pension Order U.-pi-ale.l.
Wa-.iiim.tox, I). May L".'.
Si-n-tnry Smith Iiiih jii-l luide
a decision n i'u!ing Kaiun't and l'.us
ey'M order ri.tistruiug disnhility not of
N rvice origin so in to limit it to ilisu
bilitiet pn-veiiling Ihe applicant from
earning hi stipjairt by manual lulnr.
It ii Ii Ih-vc.l tint wiU n ilii.i' the i n
ion payment hy from H",loo,issMo
ill 1,11,1 in i aiintiul'ly.
Utter 1,11.
Alsbr.t.k, J T
llarcu. Ur Ii A
llluuehard, Juo
llluuih, 11 K
Hlllrl, V K
Ktrrta, Mr. A.U
Karl.iw. Mi Klta
li.sllrjr, .Ian ('
lUuns. II It
llaiii.imlit, Krni
II..I.I V. li-nry
Krr., li K
I..Milts,iirr..a, K K
M.r.l .!t, In.k
M..rri, Mim liria-a
.M.-t' k. K. t.l
McAltoh-r. I'.l I' A
Sliakrll..r l. If
.Nliiith. Mr. .1 in
V.i.rr.i-r, A i:
Ainitlialc, .Mn
llliu khiirn, (i M
llovle, Millie
Iturg, Mm li M
Ciirintris, J W
K.-.iii, Trn.tuu
IVrrrn, J
liarr. n, .I. .In
1 1 n r.. .I A
llni.l.ry. MnT
Hiratrl. I'liM
.I' liDu.n, K
Knuw ft y
Mryrr, Mr. Ai.
.M iu hell. I.u I
M..r. Win
M.t'rivaT, MnJu
lil. hur.U 'll, ll.t
M.akm, Mn k
Slirrw.Msl, Mr
Smith. Mm Lilly
W iiharns I k.w
W.II. f A
Itmii hrt S ,i
Wrmei,T Mrs K
A crmrr.. nf oltc .-.-nl will ,i,l.. i., , ru-h
l.-iu-r if 1 1 .-1 1 ..ut.,. miting letirrt will
I'l.-aiM y w in-, i ilirrli-.l.
MINSIK W AslllU'KNK, I'. ti.
ki-aj tataie IraasprM.
Alil lb ni. iiw.y and wife lo Minnie
Ainlt-io-r. 17.-nl Ittr.'t w; stiju.
J.. pnine M. fc.v , ul lo L. C.
lirseti 7 4 lu ncr.1 1 17 r ! ; jllo.
Sidney Horn and ife lo I i. M. M il
!i r Inn. I -tnox-.'-J.". fn-t I I r w ; tl'sl
Ueo. V. Mcl'heler tnjallict M. llovd
P.i ui rt. t ! r 1 e: Mtn.
. A f. It. U. ., to l lnu,. L. IIi.Ik
crt, to uen-t t bi r w ; sji.
l l llol.-riiit al to AlU-rt l:..h
erta 4u aer.-. I.'., s r i w ; l'i
s It nl.
.lit -The follow illK I
I am. . i pupil in m h.i. I di-tri.i N... 47
have had .ei rtui. i.l .lining!
the l.i. mill of : lk-.ii- Mul, llm.k- !
Hill, Murini 11.11. I. race Hill, l.,,,,,,, !
llellil.lre, h.iia A- kills, 11 Old A ikli.s :
and Miv.v ,.sli, !!,,- ,,,,, ,,i, ,
lit . llllll. g I,...:,;!, v., re M
I Hill.
I l..rll
II. mi :.
nn I ..
d Lid. aid Hill.
W. W. lVi iv
T aelu-r.
Iiltt .mi,
1 I II I
II.h... M-.v ,.
. -("Ike ..f'eold pla.P
" 11'- ill. A tin. ml
r il-..- U .1 i.f tm- Ainer
V. Ii. ii gran ! w .'.! ink
m.irkaili ii
ha- 1 1 1 , net
a run u ..i
i.nn nn r.
111 iiii .:oi j i. ,, i ii.uriy J. .
Uli. vnl sh.-iiitin- lid is '.,i .int. J,,.
milling . I. limit ii,i. ns ly , xciinl
on r t he ri .
.;-i'iv K um k
-mixii List. s. Mv
I'r ti war t l. I S not 'int. ,,d .IllV otle l-all tn-apaaa on bit pn
vairn-s.rv. 1 hi. w, id he I van the
. ie, - lot, of a w in- f. ii.v annuel N. h-i-i
'- Pirk. ini-linhi.g .hke Lit... Ihe
f. n. -v w iii I.- K mil. a ..i.L., 'j
uhdwill li- ,.f 14 ,an.,r
winv It w ill itt .
A letter from Ol.. I an,,
lit I 'hiriigo, Mn -J, wa-
.11 . I I ...
I . K" .Vllltt-,.." ,
...Imv ll.u ..... . . . -I'
I" "'"J ..iw-hh. .1 111 3jr ,
I oruaini griiiiemuii, r, I
Ml . I
the evening. Tlmr-lm
i. w ill start f..r V, ... .
York fity, Washington i-" , -S
tilliore, 1 '1 1 1 III. 1. Ipl.i.i,
i in.-iiiumi. in. ii u,- M iij
here inn I M-tnl Iw.i .1..
" '
n.iiAvkiiii.lO,r..i1,.l u,
lamlllei are In n- hut . ...... . '
M't t y Ju,lki.r;'
IH ,
.-siitiirdav was oiiii.
"oi,,,,,,,! ,
looks n il w.iiild l
'I he fair will n.. U
III L'.isl
Hl.l.-l i.-imii- Jill, I, .Miit.v are v. ry iiniunp!, i,..'
a iisiiiiy
. . , . i ...... r. . i..!.. i ..
.f V,
IllTelofore travel .
frolll the Melillie M;,.-. , ,,,;,,( j'.
ii iii.oin in- rii.-r roii. I ,
pr.Iik'lleld prrrmel, hel i
roini.i un, in nin nn. ,
lliilea ol (jXlrn travel. t,r'
been oi ini iliia.-lly a.-r. .. i!.,,
Ulireting Ihr two in ,i:, t,...,i
Thur-Ioii rorn--H.ii.leiit , ...
the improvt uii-iil, av-: i i ,
I roml l.-inlllig lion, ti,,. i,
It. Snut.l.t to lln- il.iii,,, ii,- r,,,,!
Wiltilllll Mllilh'a W ill la- ..,,,.,,
ready for linvel nft, r oiie ii,ri.
work. Tins l a v-t-rv iu.i-.r!:,i , !
nnd bus Iti-n innl.-.l for a .ii, i,.
When oiH-n.t the iriiveliii.. i.iii,.,,., .'
thank I hur-lon for it.
Mabbing ArTray at Jniu-ti..n.
Il!l l.llI., M; .:.
Deiiutv SlicrllM'rniii rl.r I,,
liiuuitl John I irit ii up iron, Juryr,,
this itftt-rniMin mul plan d I, mi n, ...
county J ui I. lb' is charge I linrlet I-.. p,r, g
Junction. It S.t-11,1 I he Hi., lint, rt
ill un ulter.-iition there this iinriiii..
a rcMnunilit kept by l:yei. lidri,.
attempting 1. 1 put (.r.-e, i out rtit fc.
him w ilh a chair and I ir-eii r.-l!i:
i.v uniw ing a Kinie mni -liii.i.ii,.. . ..
The cut i un ugly . ii.-. mint
lu the region of the l.nur Ufi
Jlyer's rt nivery Is iloiil.tlul.
m9 .
I -at I j- innnl. Mm
Till. Si-i(i.Kl.:ii. I r r A l.
had their Hew slm-l -plllikl. r tut .g
trial yeterday nft. rii.Hiii m, i,
nu. ruing. Hue h ip up mi l li nt
em I lie hiriil. It .In ...
ccllciit work and our eitiei.s, aulti.
city council should ri-sH ii alnl lin,
arrangements for its ii-. duriiif iu
summer. I he n.ntnict, if . uj,;
should provide for sprinkling t.. i
ileMit. The manner in wlii.-li tnii
en uml eitieiis me .luli'l n ttVv
way to mul from the ill nt is ili-pr-fiil,' not in keeping uiih tin- o
erw l-e progressive eliiuaet. r 4 m
tow ti.
Kl.H.AVr Sol VKMIt. - I lie rk4
'H.lalthe slate iiiiivemily an- In, t
pn-pan-d nn elegant s..ui. mr it a
gallery of the Wlllh-r l'l.o!;
it ilicllltlet iiImiiiI Iwo i. II (..,'.. t
which it" inhine the s.i n.s i.f tM'
Intent-! Ihi yenr. Mil v a '. !
ing golten out in Iiii- is only jnn;
illll lit. but il liiakes ol f tlir t.
souvenir fi..u hi alma iiiat.-rtl.ii'ji
graduate can cairy away.
(i.s.i TlMK.-t'ass. M.i!l..k ul
Harry IIol.l. n rod.- Ikuii I lnu.-nr is
bnnv Sunday forenoon in live '.a
on Iheir safety bicycle. I'ln-ili-at
Walnut ii miles, miiknik' il.- '
si-il over nine miles an Imur.
(.rrihaill an the l.rar) I aa.
W.v.siiiNui'.iN, May li. Sit-w
I in sham uuthori.e nu empliatlr k
nl of the statcin. nl that lln-t l.-t
lllillisler hut Untitled Ihe il. icftm.
of stale that Ihe I hiln-.- g...-n.M
would n-laliate if Ihe lieary .i.t s
elifor.vd. (in-sham .Li-Iiih -I ll '
nii-iit interview litw.n liini"l'it
Ihe ( 'binese minister, not a ii-rd
tiiiiatiou of u llii'e.-.t was nul il'-l
the interview. Itoing a-k.-. if
slept had la-ell tnkcll low arl tl
foru-uielit of I lie law. ( ileli:iill r
that it was in the hands nf t!i- a.
lary of the tn-asiirv, nnd a- far "
knew- nothing had lu-n .loin-.
"Boot & Shoe Store
A. HUNT. Prop.
Will h.rraft-r li-p a ...ui ''' vk '
Lailies' Mltses' and Cliiltlieu s SK' ES
lirrros utio rs.
Kippers, and Ilack Saiii
USE KID r.l!Oh.
Ami in fai t vvrrrtliinir In ll ' !'
Sh.w line, to ahiili 1 iiit.-u-i ! ' "
rjiT casn-ial attvnti.'ii.
-MI tiOOHS AkK H11
As.l (ranaaatrl a. rriirrariil-"!. '
la a .1.1 li tk h'm
nrr tl i
UaM.irdL A. IU-",
D ulrni iu
(il'NS. IMKLf-
FnhiBt Tjfklr anj Ijifrulk
MrwiDK narhlnea mnl Needle1
All Kindt rr '
li'l-siriti.- .l.-n it. tli nrjl-' -ti
nui "i.
! Gurj IcTirei Si Arrmuniixr
If vo j want roccrie
or roguery, c"?'1 0 u
wi -MS
ct ..oi !'-".
li. ll m 1- . ' ' J
T. . I- ' ' ' ' '
. l I '
I.1-r4 JLmrr-:-- '
I'ai.i-a.- .r ' ' TJ
uTts-ic--- '
C l',1Mr . -I