The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 20, 1893, Image 10

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    SIMMY fcCHOOL . IOT105.
I rrrl.l "
rrrr.K iBvK, May li
Tin fourth unnuul iim tin" "f the
! .aire ( .'ouiity HumUy Fi,(i Conven
tion o tied ycatcrduy, Thursday, after
n.s.n lit Collugit lirnvo In Ilia ChrW
llutl Cliuri'lt. Called to order at Si'sJ
I, y j. a, Itii.lnii ll of Juiuiioii City,
Vitv I'n sl.i. nt. Alter hrt lcvi-
lloual acrvli-eull a-Mrcw of welculue
a given ly ll v. J. C. Ttinil' lii of
Colhig.' lirivr. Till'' 'u ref.ilidl
tonu Lhalf of Hi'' convention Ly J.
II. J ! f V. I ra of Kug.-hc.
I. M. White of Cottage (irove gave
ln.rl outline of tlie work li ! ae-i-4,iii.IiIhI
I'V thi MHiVi iilliiii. The
enrollment of the lie legate Hi' " fol
lowed, pwl nt nifiit kI coiiniiilh-
Mid uiljuiiriiiiii'iit ii 'it 1 1 i vi nlng.
At oVI.-k III tin- CuiiiU-rliind
church. It v. C. II. Curtlnf I'orthiml
gave vcrv .ructlcul f t inspiring al-
,n II "'Jill' liclilll of ll' -mi'liiy
Till' convention IIM-'. at till"
morning und MitiiiiK through tin'
il:iy ami evening.
hall? Ij ianl, Ma I.'.
Lain i:y ii v lUn.i.i .-A warrant
lueil lust night for the arrest nf
A. Kill", do rvsl.ics ii'nr Franklin.
'I he i-oliiliiilit wti made li.V Wlllllilll
Al-I, and chnrg.t. him W' luri-eii.v
l.v hwlee. 1 1 i till' g--d Unit Kill li'i'i
AU T watch a -.iiril for a loan ami
s.,, It l(..n- tin- time for redciii.tloii
hud cxirisl. 1 liu iro rty I chiiin.-d
to liavr lfll Wortll . lift. II. lor
ri, nttorm-y for I lie defendant enter.!
a demurrer uml lie ami la-puly
prosecuting Attorney I'oltcr it
the llrst thing this The !-murn-r
wu iiUilin-d, nil the gtoiind
Unit the defendant hul oiily liicd
of hi Interest III the .l.-dg- and lia'l
not wihl It a hi wn rofty, ' the
ca-e wn diu)lss.
ln.i'iiK viti.i:. A coiuiniiiii.ntioii
wa hivlvnl tHlnv iy Judge Fik from
a 'ottuge (irove olllrliil Mating tlmt 1
women liiol arrlveil In tlmt town, hav
Ing ln ilriveii from her home, a I out
t ii mill from tlmt place, !y In-r hn
Imiid. lio hie I Imitally nl.iiwl Iter.
Mie u III iletitute rlrruiniitiimiK
ami ahont to eoiillm-'l. The letter
ake Hilvleo nirtiMlntr the roier Mi'-
tloll III the mutter. 'I he Jll'lne reilleil
hiakitiit Imiulrli-o eoiiii rnlnif the eir
euiiip.liiii'- of the hiihiiml. ami If he
U utile he III U hehl n-Uiill'le for
Hie rare or hi wire, ir Hot miu will lie
pri' rl,v rareil for anyway, hut If all
the ntnteiiieiita an1 correct, the liulxii
uliouhl I lior-wliliiirl ami larreil
ami feiiiheml.
rw Marar Mrake lb
llr Mriara
in.'l-KNt-TiiWN, May 1-. I he new
Cunnril tenlnhili ( lillllnilllll. t'lllillllll
HnlniM. w hich hhIIcI Inun New York
for I.lvcrool May arrlveil at Ju'cn-
town at clia k Ihl" iiiornlnir, hav
ing maile the ihiwiikk from hamlv
Hook to lint ihIow ii In fi l.iy, 17
liournaml 4- liiliiule", thn iinliki-t
KMAiie en-twiinl yet iiinle liy any
titnif r. I he in--iiiri-r" ehii-nil en
tliiiialliiillv iiimiii coining Into the
liitrhor, anil the crew of the ('miimiiia
ahowcil inilcli julilliilloii over their Mi
lrvmiiit-tit. tnr I of tirri, hi'tlii.!!,
hi aiiNthnl or mt W nkcfuhirM,
Mt'iiUi l pri mIiiii, fNifti-iuiiff nf llraiii, rauin
iiiaii(tT, Mimtt. INht. liJt. rrmaliir l
A. liain'inicM, jm ul I'iiwit In 'Hhr m,
iiil-iitlir, 4MHorf tni mil rMil
Im , luitltiulry l4Mtei, Hrm(irrhtt'
t'r liiilnlit'tMN. A iiuMtih trrAtmriit, It,
fur Ii, lv tnH f -1 -1 iittlr
w.iy j
J TUU rll.llAI(.T
WILL rou
noooooto nLMU about
ca-acHt. Otaaitia, iikuvio'ik
nMm, Titian Dim, lni l
Dr. Mil M-iml Mtkhmr. Im.
C.twrt it. xtvrt Vm aa npnmnntty m
I I'f. M:!a MMf-SIO NTlfl Mf
, M)tirirMl villi i.rvia kaiift.ia
I "Kll tl- HlirtM thu II "i.l a-4
ltnwmit Ihvn KhMf 'ffM
Pnwavwi4i..i M ,m,IIi IM HQ Ki.l
iMMa in a bS4mi. H
I T".( ..
ir M M V-
mui.uiMMM m m mm vr M' n
urau M(.MHr II " ai4
!! tu4 w a 1 m m M u mt
r lamnt nia m . Hll
MM llilt U4I., Uvl 1 am ttff lu mif II
ll..4u rNTlUlf CUI0 o
Oir rvtiMdr. ai.4 ! rui m. ith. Ua m
IT iMaiiLf . To ar llly la mm mt Mb la
mvii ta eaaiat mihhm
atatai. a. C l4 .
Aal ttit Il anaa Ok,
IWUnn, Katmaka. ApU tea. Iwa.
Dr. Miles Nervine,
wer raattia rraa n
U24 DCUJEai SIXtt Orid BAKX !
OkO 01 A POSlTlvC auAAANTtC.
ik Y. i. r
'(air . . I
r'oTTAoK uipivi:, Muy M.
l-' u u heHllliful ll .V ill
I. i
tai Irovc anil the roh.tloil na i
j . r .. .
very Inten-vtiriK ami irolliaiie m-m-
Ion. I he flrl er ami n-uiioii
In the iiiornlnir r ill"'" ,w
nnv of a Teueher' I - 1 1 itf ''
l.telit C'hrl-llull Life," .niellle. liy
llev, II. 1.. Hale". "How to ain the
llilereal of the oy"-a mer writ-
(i ll I'V Mi-" huliliiel oh. I. ill, u real
.y MiM Klin h-u-tlaml. "I lie
Ui IIkhI of '1'euelilliir Ihe Infiilit t'l"
wiw llieaiilijeel of a "-r hy MIm Km
ma I torrln. The eon vent Ion then toik
a rii'i-x to ii.-ii lit nil Invitniioii inun
IW. J. I'. Ilolluml to l-il the iiiililie
ehool". In the afternoon a'hlre--
were jrlveli "(n the Mimlny K liiml a
filler to the Chlin li." ' IU-V. I . II
Fletcher of t'oltiip- liroe ami " ll
the H.lviililiitr" to the litu-her or the
know lilvf of the ifi-.L'ruhhy ami u-
tuiii" of I'lhlu Inml."
I he il'lir or thn evening wiik ly
Iti V. IC. M. l!'il'l on ohe leaehera
M. lhiHUof Mmly."
The followinu olhn r en- eleclen
for the I lialliK eur:
I'renlilellt-Ik-V. II. I.. Hale", I.U-
"! .......
Vice rri-"ielll-J elllieioii, i i.i-
tiitfe ( irove.
I'rof i: II M.-Alliiter, I'm
J A l!ii-liii II, Jiim-tioi.
I retwun-r
f I.l.. Il VV- IvHf.
r.-uiie iiiiiiiiii ii- -
niliill. eliiilriiniii, I M Whiu-, "i
M .Martin, I'rof I. II McAI.I-ter, Mm
Cliira J llond.
itrlct Viiii rre-nieiit" Junction,
A llii-hiii'll; l'iig Tom, A !" Ml
milker; Kngine, lr lu Kenuaii,
I'olnir)?, Mi lora Thoiim; spring-
Id ll, Mm M r Jlnrlow; i nnweii,
II Mnrn; foliage l lrve, I .M White;
Klon iiiv, IU-v A ltolilnoii.
The i-onvelil loll cliil II" lulira liil
evening after a aiieeewifiil ami Inteti-t-
Ing mi-mkIoii. lU'ixirt" rmiii -w in me
77 iuIiiioIii l in weil Ml leocher" em-
nlove.1. 11V.I aeliolar. With 1'W ll'l'll
lliil'i" to the church. I If I lie 77 whool"
In the dimity, IT I are I'liion, 4 ilciioin
luatloiial. AUHt llfly ili l gHtiK were lirew lil
uml all went lnot loiital'I.V eliter-
lalned hv the eaecllelit p.iile nf I ol
tam liro've. fertiiiiily. at tlii" i-a"'il
oft'ie ver -fewer f"t are loveln-r
lliiiil till" plaee neatleil a lig the
gniu hill. fhrllUii llmlciivor dcle
gntea la-gan to arrive Krldny evening,
ami the wieietV W ill hold ilKM-mloli"
tiMiny anil tomorrow.
Hirlngflild Note.
McoM-nger, May 1-.
K. Miiinlc, mir n ul ctiite iigcnl, baa
tnnl. il hi ruiicli cant of the nioiir.lulii"
fur a furiii nenr Molina'. lie iii ivcl
w ith hi Ininlly to the new fiirm Weil
Kn-d lllcli, tlie aawyernt the Lane
l.iimlM-r lii-iigiie null", hii" ai-cepteil a
ImmIIIoii a Miwycr III the linilit" I'll""
mill, w hen' lie went on the Weilnewliiy
lllght nvcrltiml. JHillir Wheeler tukca
ehurge of the aaw'ii the l It. I. mill
The Lane l.uuiU r league ban coir
Iracted to fiiriil"li the boiilheril rucllli
.Vmntiea il. liver..! at the "wilcli In
Hlirlngllelil. The mill "liliied ix eur
loailN ol III IIiImT to illllen-lil Hilut" Uml
Hiirliik'llel.l I,HlgeNo. 70. I. (. . F.,
i" one of the inixl entcrri"ing iMlg-
in thl imrt of the eotinlry. The !
will alteml Hie gniiul lodge, which
meet at l-aigeiie. May 17, a l.Hlge,
tilling the Imii.l along with them, hav
Inn liln-.l the ImiV" for that event.
Il I "afc to nv Hint horlnglielil will
la- well n-pn-m'-ulcil on I hut occieiioti.
Kruit (ironeri AHMN-lalloti.
Aiiawcriiig n call for a meeting to or
ganize a fruit gniwera noelcty j 1 1 1 1
a iiiiiiiU r of lnten-i.ted fruit gniwem
were pn-M'iit at the court hoiie Sulur
After a.loptlng a coii-liluIi.ui uml
hv lawn the following olllivr were
clecte for the ellHiiilig term.
I'n-Kidcilt, J. (I.McVellHon.
Niretary, I). W. ftmliilge.
Executive eouilliittec, H. F. Kcrii".
Itev. 1. K liveriilge and '"t
After wime iliwiiwioii It whh ilceiiliil
to have an exhilillion of our fruit at
each meeting of the wa-iety, to "how
"Irangim and our own -.ilv what we
The flrt n-gular inectiug of the soci
ety will I liel.l at a plmv to l' an-iioumi-d
hv (he pre-w, on the llrt Sil
unlay In June.
thi motion adjourned.
l ailaaa'i aia..
I'aiiim, May II. Mr V harlea l!um ll
nuiime.l hi" argument which waa
largely devoted to the technical fea
tures of the eont niveay. Mr flinrlc
argnetl at great l.ln;ili thai It wa
liiMMiil.e that there could lie roT
ty rl:hl in the IU hrlug wa, ami he
Miixirtcd liia contention with iiola
tioua from Aiucricaii Jurist", and in
particular from I'Mfmnor '..UI..'
writing on International law. Hr
flinrlc dwelt on the far reaching ef
fect ii Mii Interuatloiiat right that
would eiiue from conferring the iw
er claimed hy Amciican coiihiiI In he
hall of the I'nlhil Mate" to ele for
eign vc"cla In time of ece. Mr
fliarlc cliilincd that limit Itritain
n-prewiiled, In tlii controversy, the
right of natiuna.
Wamiimiihn, May II. The tireal
delit ha ap"iillted J. Ilnlllptoil lloge,
of Virginia, iniiiiiI to Aiiioy, fhina.
Vice Kdwnrd IU.II."., of l'lnla.leliila.
fhartc" II. Martin, of lllinoi, wa up
"iiiilcl examiner in the mineral ill
Vlaioli of the general laud ofti.v, Vi.v
f liarle T. Yialer, n-"igm-d. Amln-w
Itoiiglaaa, of iiiiIii, examiner of
f hlp wa linlian land In .Miuiicotn,
Ice tll Staple", nulgtied.
rrlra Irani l rail".
Nl w oHK. Mav I'.'. -The Mm'a
St. lHli "vlal a : I lie Hew con
ul p nerul at Au-lri i. Max JikI.I,
lilniiiitl Viti T'liiv Ji.-I a he wa
lml to li :e f. r In- t st Vieinia
tv notice lie hi.1rii u. . I l-v
L ...I.- I I "-.. f..m ..... .... il...
ale ofa h. ii--. Jii.l.l wit. angry j di r it certain tu-4 only t at our
ai.l If In. I hold f Fral-y Ii.- "would i prol'igate ex n.liture fo' ; nions
t-t I.U inimli". NTtii-.. Knd.v liwill U' met, but th. re u iij l at !
I.a.l lu.W ol to .lie Inn. ,in. ! ,- ,,, .J
ha.l -vfralnol Iron, .loin u I onl.r l
rnil.arrn t.lm Kril.y i nl- a J. w
and a wi ll kii.. ii mtor In the in. r
eliatil" rx. Iiuiine. I Ir ul Jii.l.l ina-U-M:.oiii
il.v iniUNb-tlou nf.rrx-l t..
ami now n lu-e t.i y Lint wo a r
It III ltllllllll..u.
al.. . .... W. i
i- r n o. lv I I I nr llirr I
: III Hie eaan of li.Vv f. Un.nrv.
eliark.i-.l ltd nauiill I.. till ..1... W
;j kv. a. . t .1 Un. rvi-niiig, I l"k. It am If ,o more ea-i.V
uin I l.tiU(.v.l tb..n auv aU tax. anil
, - 41 . . I ' .1 . ua. li l e lr gut ITT 11
..-ojlt w il Ii a .lea.llv amun ii.l ... I
for aiiitlal ."I i-niuuil ,,f li.un, i
Tlx-oii i J trial a ill l-h. 1. 1 In Junir. I
Oregon fruit will ba jiromim-tit
fi ature at the worlii'i fair.
i The IV-iflc Coast lUN are in
favor of Uing C'hineiMj itnniigra-
tloll. I
a!en) ami Sacratnt-nto may be
found in the atne Ixmt on the Ute
capitol fjueotion. It ilo a not pay
to be hoggirll.
The fruit jrrowcr of In county
liave or:inizel. In utii jh there
atrenirtli. A market for their pro
ilui'ta w ill 1 more readily found.
Mr. 11. 15. I.u-c, the UUe food
coiiiiiiissioner, haa cau.-d thearrivt
. t . I f ... ! l,.,t.''l''o-, "li'"l"'
Ol liuillinri ui iuii Miw u
la nd, on a charge of wiling, adul
terated milk.
Michigan raie l.j.CXX) ton of
in Pl rmiiit a year, but the crop of
ainall bya with atotnocli achea la
big enough to furnialt a market lor
all of it.
In the United .tatea there are
. . a iti t
over liny fiiior Ana iiuiiiinht-r
aa iation. Nourly all of thcueare
united in the National editorial a-
H'Kiation, which will hold ita mnlli
ntiiial iMrijn in Chicago next
Deacon White, having dropped
all the china he bad gathered ou
. ' i. i i
lire .ncw lorn ooapi, can now go
li.u k to Chicago and retrieve. Then
he can miiiare up with hi New
York creditor, ami write them,
he w rote hia Chicago creditor when
he paid them up, that ' Ood baa
go)i to me."
The action of Major Ilandbury
in hi tiding the auag boat to this
part of the river will receive the
hearty commendation of the public
generally in this part of the utatc
A few week work will place the
river no that one snag boat can
keen the river clear from here to
Salem the year round. Tho cmirta
of the Kugi-tie board of trade and
Mayor Kriendlv in tin matter
hhould alikt lie appreciated.
An editorial brother in Wincon
hi ii, alter many yean of exrience,
haa urn veil at thin sage conclusion:
"Hie longer we run a newpaier
and write ubout people ami event
the more wo realize how utterly
imi!oiible it i to tcratcli every
man on the ait where bo itche
the inot," and according to the
llcppuer (iazeite, " in a while
it- u good idea to give him a twit
w here be don't itch, which usually
caueg due nppnt'iation of email,
dci-ent favors.
The fact that the Kcd IIuuho of
Sacramento b in guuo out of buxi
neh under a cloud, and that the
failure i directly attributable to
topping the eystcin of advertiing
i i i i .? . ill: i. I . t.
which nan urai eiaoii!uei mai
houhc, nhould prove a solemn warn
ing to all who attempt to reach the
public without adopting tho broad
highway which lead to the moid
intimate uciiuaintance with all
clahM the weekly press of the
rural district. The intelligent,
continuous iidvertiHcr, who kirp
hi bu.-iiRts fairlv before tho iieople
at nil timcH, it tho man who uc-ci-cd
in bun'.nce nowadays.
The New York World, in proi-e-cuting
ita vigorous warfare on
triiht cites the Steel Fork and lloe
Maker' I'nion or "Fork and Hue
Trut," a one that might lie prop
erly pna-eeiltil ugainst, and say it
has Utii in existence many years.
In l'i'.K) it wa incororatetl in New
York under the name of the Cen
tral Steel (lood Company. The
World say: "It sell shovel at
10 a dozen hero und $S..'iO a doen
abroad; cheaper grade shovel at
ft'i in Texas and jut nc rocs
the line in Mexico; spiuie at t'J.'JO
u doen here and f T.Stl abroad."
An exchange says: Heaven help
the man who imagines be can
dodge enemies by trying to please
cvcrylxxlv. If an individual ever
suoeccdoi we should lio glad of it
not that one should U going
through the world trying to find
licanis to bump his oor head
against, disputing every man's
opinion, lighting, elbowing and
crowding all who ditlVr with him.
That again is another extreme.
Other Miple have u right to their
opinions, so lu've you. lon't fall
into the error of suptHwing that
they will rcsiH-ct you more f..r
turning your coat every day to
match the colors. It costs the va
cillating ten times the trouble to
wind and sl.ullle and twist that it
does bom st, manly indciendcuci
to stand it ground.
Sjrakingof an income tax on large
ro rtie the St. Ixiuis Kcpublio
savs: It is plainly evident that
Svrctary Carlisle can count on the
nearly o'id "iijijairl of bis party
in congre?. in favor (f a measure
that w ill put into the tn-asury all
the gold that any financier or capi-
t i!it can desire Li M-e there. An
income tax of 10 mt cent, or even
. per cent, on all ahnoruial in
come, pdvable in g d.l, won. I n-n-
' r""V "
g.i.i i- pay me u.i v.iiue oi silver or t,jve taken s.hv, an i every 1. 1
ii on silver bullion tion un I-1 ibe. t hich ba a'.:g!.t
1 ing t it. iu the treasury. The tif intcnsl in i , , ;i pr-'gr. to
prt t'mt a :,; vine tax cmtiot show i repr. sent. lb to. The
( eollivtiil is id! -. Il i coll'tid cilizei.s aini .Mrj-orau. u of Chi.'v)
without dimcuM! in (.real li i!a;n, ,
and wa coll--, ted with uo great :
I .1
tilt v iu thi country at the .
time It
'i tl.r r.-.b ral st.itnt.
: ! I
1 th
b.iblv b in .re i"l ti- c-d
I1 'let
.an Uxes ou -ror.l
now are.
LaM Sunday, Xhv New York
World iued a aj r in honor of
ita Until Aiinivt-ri-ary containing,
one huinlrnl gi of luaiur. 'Ilaa
baa never been eiule in the bin-
'Airy of iie ,,n-r in the country,
t .fill klwi(aa1 lti:it fi viif.intiL- enter-
prim that pa r i and what a
magnitude it ha attaim-l in ten
How-burg. Keview: The tate
mvnt made by (.'otin-miiaii Her
maun that wheat la wurtli live
cent more r buihel in tho vicin
ity of Albany than it wa U-f-ire
tho building f the railroad to Ya-
. .- . i. ...;m i.
ti i
. , ( ,.vtrv
bushel of wheat to the firmer d
Douglas county to have the Ii"
burg ii Coos Hav railroad coinplet-
Collector of Internal Kevcnue
Weidlcr Atated Thur-lay that lUCH)
Chinamen registered up to date in
bis district, comprising tiregmi ami
nbingtou. rourtc- iiiou-ann
refusel to comiilv with the lab.
There has been inin h increase mice
the photographing clause in the
regulations was susj"-nlei. I nc
collector ia uwaiiing uiftructioiis
from Washington la fore be taaes
any ateis to dejirt those unregis
teriil. The greed cxhibite.l by Salem
muy result in u relocation of the
cupitol. Kugclie was once robla-il
of the capital nile by Salem sharp
ers, and would as-ist in helping to
plucu it at another int. l'rt
luiid is central and has all tie- ad
vantages to recommend it for a cap
ital city. It ha decent hotels
whose landlord do not rob the
public. In Salem dirty ld and
inferior board ure charged for at
woi Id's fair rates. The victim is
sized up und bis collateral goes in
to the hutcl man's ockit. Move
tho capital.
The Salem Journal sticakiug f
the employment of Chinese on rail
road work says: No newspaN-r,
public man or any authority what
soever can deny the projMisition
that a public eoronition owing it
existence to the governnient and in
tho service of this government
should not be manned in any part
of its service by alien labor. These
coolie should lie displaced oil the
railroad companies pay rolls and
white men get their place or at
least naturalized American citizens
whose ballots uphold American in
stitutions and whose earnings up
port Aiuencun homes.
The general laws of Oregon as
sert that no jioint recti ved u ma
jority of the votes for the state cap
ital in lMrJ. It ha la-en proven
lieyoml u doubt that Kugene had a
majority of tho vote hut was
cuehered out of the prize. The
State Republican said: "The Sa
lem cliipie was not satisfied with
that decision so thev tKik the Is'll
Uxiks und kept them out till after
the time when the vote should have
been counted, thus dwarfing the
natural result of the clcctiu'i and
substituting their will ft r the will
of tl e ieople, and establishing the
precedent of refusing tc submit to
the decision of the ballot Uix."
Corvalli Times: The biennial
session of the legislature of lSo
paiil out for clerk hire a trille more
than loOOO. The duties ticrforuicd
by the clerks of that session were
as voluminous and arduous as
those of any subsequent legislative
session, and the work was thor
oughly, ofticiently and faithfully
X'rfornied. The recently adjourned
legislature, however, paid out for
the same service the sum of $-(!.-rj6.ll).
That is to say, they delib
erately und unblushingly squan
dered threw away or misappropri
ated Jl.UOO of the very money
that taxpayers have jut paid over
the counters in taxes to tle sheriff
of this state. The transaction can
not lie called roblx-ry, yet the result
is the same as if robl ry had Ixt-n
committed. The memU-r cannot
U called robl kts, but they have
done exactly the same thing with
the Htiple's money ns the thief tlmt
has gained entrance to the state
treasury vaults by night and stolen
'J 1,(110. They are not emU'zzlcrs,
because the law gives them jxiwer
to commit this ion They
cannot lie sent to the penitentiary,
but t'ley can be tried at the bar ot
pub'.,-opinion, found guilty, ami
sent, utii to the shades of the ob
scurity they so richly deserve.
Tie- country is scarcely yet
awsr. of the stUMidoune"s of the
undertaking which culminated in
the oiM-ning of the fair. The great
fair has already cost ubout IJOim,
(XX). For twenty one months its
creation lias employed a whole
armv ,.f laborers, mason, plumb
ers,! .rx-nters, blacksmiths, builder-,
i ngiiiicr, architect, nrti-ts,
ibv. r.itors enough to build a city
A?.d to wnp!e it. There Are marly
seven iuin Iri-il acres in the ground
and 'in re are nearly four bniidn-d
buil . iig theri-, some of tlieni va-t
pa 1. 1 . sll.-ll u no eillH-ror ever
dri-a'i.el of building, and i lie hi.-b
mv. i-more than thirty acr---fluid.
M .... ,1. ... ,)..., , t,:,.
' "--
h ive ii.i;tr;hit.-l f 11. til U"" ' "i:t
right and 1. nt live million more
make int. rpnse a
i worthy f lit greuti.i-s
I of our t. ii..- and iMutv
t e
; tiniated that the total . i-t' y
eluding that of the exhibit..:-,
i rxceed one hundred f.iiili-'ii
J.iim N hnei-ler i-ited lli.rri-l.iirg ,
IteV. W
iley returned to Salem tld"
W. It. Itohrer i s n.lliig n few day
at Cicwe:l.
Mr. II. C. T.-t I" .piilc si.k with
maluriul f. ver.
Frank l'or!er came up from Shuld.
thU itrteru.a.u.
It. l l. It. Iteid eiime iii from l'"M
l.ilnl thi nil. ru.M.ii.
r..iniiii inner TerUiii" hii- l-i in
town ai V. ral illiV- this Wtt-k.
Mr-. J. M. loirri-m w.-nt to Junc
tion thi" morning for a lni t visit.
A I. rot her of Jim- Kllidge nc, -oUipall-
led hnn on In return to ( in g.m.
. W. Miirtill - t up n fine granite
liiolnlllielit tisluV for die lluliu laiiilly.
M.. l!.w llliaiii". ol Cottage
liruve, frieinl III till" eii n
day. K en-tt 1'utter-oii was down fn in
Mohawk t"lny for a short vl-it at
I'. A. Sin II, of ."ijileiii. came up thi
uftei ii.Hiii on u vi-u with ln hroth.r
Jerry Horn la preparing to mahe
.III.' lllleriiul llllploll-lliellt to III"
hurl r -hop.
M. A.I" will join a party
Hi ("cattle Hli'l Visit the w ..rld's fair U-
fnn- Iit Murn.
Mr-. V. f jikiii a ie I chililn n r thi morning flout a short visit
ttt t'ottnge (irove.
The interior of the oiil.-c nt the
Hot. I llolliiiiiu Is l ing n puinte.1 ami
otherwise n iiovate.l.
J. I. liesher iiiine up from Sal a
llli' nil the lin'lil .-I. T'laV lllli ril'S'll
uinj will return next Tile-lav.
A gam.-of hase hall wa pliiy. d ul
l!a-university thi urterii.Niii In-twiiii
a town nine ami the university nine.
The lit. Mil. If kl.ow ledge ohlign
tiolis to I lev. II. I.. Mate for reM.rt of
the Minday scho.4 convention nt Cot
tage I i rove.
W. W. Haines A: S.u ure making
some improvement and doing wmie
additional huil.ling nt their tannery In
the . ust. tii part of the city.
Judge l ull, rlnll cxart to hold the
llrt term of i-iurt for the new enmity
of next .t k, la giiinliig Mon
day. The county scat is lit Toledo.
The county clerk ha ntvived sevcr
ul copies of the w-ssimi law nf '1..I
III. Il he i hll-V "emlilig out I.nIuV to
the ju-tiivs of the ieu.x' throughout the
Ill thi weck'a letter to the S. F. Kx-
nuilm-r Itill N ve siN-ak of Kugene it
the pla.t- whi n-there I 14l,ii iicrc of
goal fariiiliig laud for sale w ithin the
city limit.
I'.cuity Judge Flsk reecivi-il a coin-
mimical ion thi morning from the
ollleial at Salem that the state reform
school wa again ready to receive re
froctory youth.
Ihirri-hurg Courier: M. V. Cunter
und J. ('. Sahill have Ut-li eleetttl dele
gut. hv Coveiiunt I .nd if c of Harris-
I. ure, toutteml the.liraml KiMlge I. O.
. 1., uhiill meet ill Kugene, Mav
IT. A large iiumla-r of lirother from
this place will attend.
Hirrishiirg Courier: Mr. T. M
Wv.itt, whose iiinideii name wa Nan
nie McCartney, wa examined on u
ehiiiL'e of Insanity Monday hy 111
IHivis ami Kcllev uml wa taken to
111.- i- 111 in. She wit married (o T
W. Wyult, May Is, ivi-j, Hn.l (he new
l liiurric.1 eoliple Weill lo Mm 1Hci;o,
( ul., to reside. Mr. vatt whs tukeii
hack to her mot her' liollie Hear tlii
el'y only a few wi-k tifterwaril, ult.-i
a severe illness. Sili.f her return she
ha lat li eoiistalitlv sick.
The smig t m id t I Hi- rittivcd order to
remove the slilig frolll the ehainiel of
the Willamette la-twieu llarrishurg
mid Kin.'eti.-, und left here lust Monday
morning to la-cm work. The -i.uin.'r
MesM'iiger, w Inch I reirti-d to have
entered into all atruiigeinei t to run in
connection with the Klwood, pa-M-d
up this in. .riling ell route' lo Kugene.
Itco iver Hiidley state that asMiii us
theehaimel i siilllcielitly clean-.! of
SIUH.-S hi itimpaiiy w ill run a Ismt reg
ularly to the latter Miiut, un. I from in
formation oill.-cted frolll the lieui lit
er of the river be ex-ct an unusual
ly long Uniting season.
The run of sturgeon down the Co.
lum'iia this seaoin l-tw'.t'li l'.ui;le ('lilt
ami Mavgcr'a i uiipre.ttleiile.1. One
llslinig is tit caught l".' sturgitm In llieir
nil in one drift. The huliit nf the
stiirg.s.ii un- very -culuir. They can
hot U found two year in iiccesioii in
the mine groom!" When the m IiimiI
of sturgeon conie in the riv. rto spaw n,
thev uiia nr to I, very gregarious In
their instinct and ln..e nl.ini; in u
ImhIv. Tliey svk out nil the dtrp hole"
and migrate iiIhhiI at pleuuri-. A
llshing ground muy ! entirely d.-s rt
ed the next w-iisoii. Caviare i Worth
1 ivnt uml the meat J cent r
.iiud. At thi pri.v then' I more
motley ti-hiug for sturgi-ou the year
roiin I than any eill-i.t ti-r cun ho'a- to
nali.'e, so Kiiy liy Cathl.-iluet liiiettc.
Then- I nothing like going awav
fnun low n to trade. Thi' next thing
we eXt t to hear i that some of the
saw mills of (in-goii und Washington
have scut to the desert of Calil'oriiia
ami Ari.oiin for saw lou. The follow
ing Information is taken, from a Port
land i-xeliiiuge: "Major llamlluiry
lunt it-turned from the granite .iiurri. -where
Mel. I hiy A Co.. colli ru tors
for tin' lia k Itt the Cii-cadisi, w ill oh.
tain the granite for their work. The
iiiiMe me nt Kavim.ii.l.
Fnn (s.iinty, Cnlifornia. hImmii ai
mil.- from S.ui Frniieiseo. 'J'h ie i-nu '
Iuin clisi' anioinit of irranite in sihi,
ami uinehiiiery is I ing put in .r. p:,r
atory to oiiurrv ing K in larue uiiai.ti.
ties. J. C. ls , i.ue of the
W ho h . Is-ell III the .llUTil-s fur ...le
time, returned In tinxnii witii Major
llaielimry." j
A- i!atid Tidinj": I:ive H.rii, the!
Well know n men h.iut rain li. r and n- !
teln. f II.. rnl. r..k wa in A-hland ,
bun I l.i-l Friday. Mr. Horn la lav.
Ili.r. will U-some exteiisiv.. t-Xiloru-i
tioi. ind pn.t ting ..f the fatuoii j
Liu.- i. :i. w hi. Il marks the course of u ,
gn a! mi. ieiit rh. r or .m an current i
thai .wept n!ol g the coast nt one pert- '
i ..t .Mil, micril fi.rinati.n, when the
sik...ii iiiouiitaiii- w. n-mi island. It
ext. :..! Inln the K -ciie rix. r e
an I s '..und ii. ar A-hiuinl. Ihe Line '
grai 1 has tss n f.iiiiid I .-rv rich in k-..l
in I iMn'iua mid s..iiie ii. h .'r. :k- ..f
Ii will prolMi'.ly l .. iii. in ti c val
ley when the .rivi,ir ilni'lv f. t
afl. r il in a . I. ntitV inann. r. lie . .
ul . a-t of IVur ens k Hill, in a linle
A-'ti ind. ami I" iteri"i .y thi
r.s k f. rmation of r gts.!,.!.
s,.- a. t. tl i.l mi
iim. Muy IV -Tl- r,..Vi,,, H
l A. Knill-a-. the l.a.t and sli.a .
cl .nit l,r, ken into i.-t.-r I ix aft. r
l. siii w In!,' tin- familv t awxv.
K-.s.i !, h and iiIh r vhi.,- 1'.. t'.r
aiiHHiiit ij were taken. No -lnr t
Ihe l urgUr.
TKKr,AS4 U',
The la-l leglalutlin- p"sl a very
stringeiil huiilllig law . I he follow lug
I. the text:
u act to prevent In spacing U"n
any ei:e.r d pn inl---" or land imt III"
,,uii, l. with a gun, Q-tol,
or oth. r llreuriii, mi l to prevent riHN.l
Ing iiis-ii or froii. t!ie pul.lle highway.
lie It enacted I'V l!ie legislative U
m nf Ihe state of (In goli:
M t'l'.ll I. It "hall la- unlawful for
any r-'ii, other than uu oflleer, oji
lawful I'UsIni-" I ing united with
gun, pistol or other lln iirm, to go or
tn-pii" . em I"'-'! premlae or
land- willii.ut the colli lit ol the own
er or is--. -- r
SclioiiJ II shall I' unlawful for
nv to .'. ii.n or from the
i. nl. lie highways.
S-cti.niX l- unlawful for
any M r.ri, U Ing nrined with a gun
i.r'otmr llnurui, to cause, la rmii or
.i.;-r iiiiv .loir nccoiiilialiying such
i. rsoii, to go or enter U"Ui bii eu
el.wsl pn-mi-m Without the eolimllt of
ti w ncr or si then-of; pnivid-
thut thi- -cclioii shall not apply t
il...- in pur-uit of d.i-r or varuiint.
M-lion 4 provides t hut the ollcn.l. r
II -- hiic.l not ii-s inaii ti i in
j ii l if
than t Mcttoli giv.-a
of the piiii' Juris.liclloil ill
such, KKrnitr.
Kr the v.ifk ending i'liesday, May
Ivi.i. It. S. 1'iigiic, l."-al lon-cnsi
olilcial, Wealher t.Uli all.
win:i(N oiiiioox.
W eallier-Saturdav the lith, wu the
llr-t -prilig day of the s. as.111, the telii-leratun-
r."-'to from "o to KI ilegni-,
mid ll. e sky wa clear; the other day
fthe w.t-k wen- generally cioii.i ;
rain 1.11 In-Miicnlly hut the uir wu warmer. Ihe ni.-aii tcin-
la-nitun- for I be ."A.nige.l Iroin .si
i... .... ..-i.e.
to ..I ilegni , a iigaini 4 io .o m-um-olti.e
pnitiling wit k. The to
tal pii'eiitalion aiiioiinte l to over one
hu ll ill the Willamette vulley lioitliof
Kane .s.iiiitv and i. Ashland; hue
III l.ulie, holiglas, 'Josiphilie lllld
iiiiriSi. ru Jack-.. n eounlii- It ranged
from t.'.o to o.Tiiof an inch. No frost
arc n-portcd.
... .
i nttage Item.
Kcho Leader, May IX
A eniuuery plant i n it way here
for Mr. r. siierwianl.
Als.ut llfty length of small steel mils
Men' nil Ved I'V the A.llile v. 011011. ill-
ted Milling Collil.uliV ltd week, to he
u.-d In laying 11 truck in the tunnel at
the Annie mine.
A company of six cxH-riciiccd miner
cniiltallst arrived nt the Central Hotel
Wednesday. Thev w ill leave for till
Itoheiuia liiin.". t.slay when? they w ill
s inl 11 H.rtion of the summer pros
ii tiiigand Invest Igat ing the niilicral
formutiou of thi famoii mining dis
trict. They are all well c.piii-d w ith
milling tool- mid everything mi'essiiry
for a thorough uml pmcticul prna-et
ing tour.
The JrruaaleiM krlaliait I rla.
I'iiii. Ain i I'lilA. May l i. Ihe pm
lectors of the t hilstiau ( elitcnulal nl
Jcriivali-ui in I'""', the -hief mover in
wliich is Colonel Jess,. K. I'aytou
met Vestcrduv. Colonel I'nvtoii sillied
the ohject of t lie i-elitcliuial to tie 11 congre-
of all nations uml lo mark the
iiiiictcciiih humlr. il anniversary nf the
hil'tll of Chri-t. lie lui'li. r said that a
eoliiliiilt.i- would prepare rellltioiiN
mid nr. -. nl them f..r n t-o 1 ii n nt a
oil .1 i- iiii-t t ini Im held In front of
I mil ls ndeti.t- 1 1. ill 011 July 4. The
re-oliitioii- will then Is -.-nt to Chicago
for .-oii-i.leurl Ion hy the Congn-" of
Keligioii at the V.'oil. I' I'uir. Chair
man M.-Cisik said a 1111i.n1 of Mohain-
in.. Inns, l-raelil." uml Christian
would I. a r.'iiiui 'kuhle thing touccoui
plish, hut if it collld la-dolic it would
is- a lui.-t atl-pieioii oja-ning of the
Twentieth Century.
I'aily iiiianl. M..V I ..
ClIIMlNAt. Cot IIT. The two hoy
lia.pli and Jee Winkle were nrraiin
ed iii Just iiv Kin-i-y' ituirt at HI
o'cI.H-k thi-itiorriiug for the crime of
hiirglarv. Theeli.-.t, Italph, wnsdi
eliargeil, there la illg no evidelni thllt
he hud committed nny erliue. A mo
tion was made hy the attorney for the
U' yciir-old lad Jest', K. Itilyell and J.
F. Amis, to dismiss the itunplalnt
iiL-uiiist him, hut the court held Hint
iilthiuigli the evi.leii.v did not war
rant hi l'ing In Id on the charge of
hiirglarv he should I- for the crime of
'lit lur.-env from 11 dwelling. A Jury
w a-culled for 1111. 1 impaneled, and u
we 1:0 to pn-ss the little fellow I la-lug
t' Later. Silui- the uIhivc Was
written the l.y wu discharged hv tlte
court 011 motion of his nttoruev, la-pti-ty
rn-sectuiiig Attorney I'otter aeiit
ing. I'KK-s Km 1 nsioN. The party of
On-gnii e.litois w ho siurted to visit tho
world' fair nt Chicago, going from
I'orlluml over the l iiion l'uciiic mid
Chi.-ago, Milwaukee A St. Paul rail
roads. iniisistiiiit nf f,i. J. it. Kddy, I!. Mnull and if.-, of the linker
City U tma-rat, J. II. Intidle uml wif...
of tin- St. II. I. li Mit. C. C. lNity, of
the I 'alias (il. r. r. Kditor Smith ami
w ife, of the IlilNlsiro liemiM-rnt, K. M.
Wnitc. of Salem. l!ol-rt Johnson, nf
Corvnllis, 1 iisi. 11. Vi.ran und 1. !..
t (II 1 1 1 In 1 1 , of Lunelle.
SlKAMIIovr Kl t'llstoN. A stenlll
lM.t eellrli.. is U-iut; planned hv
Cnptiiill lluleh mid the en-W of the
snug Umt CorvalMi. The -leiilner
11. mg or Time Si-;, it w il U- ehartenil
nml the exeur-i 'ii inn f-oin I'iU city
to llarrishurg and r i in 11. i',. 1 vent
i c Xi'ted to i-oiiic tl' u it;t:ii t.. or
wn-k nml the w ill pi.iii4,hiv not
I, over M for the round inj,, wiiiiehi).
In n half fare.
i'slij ..uar.I. Mar l "
A imivi- The Diinlniond
l.nither have a lurgi. drive of
1 log in the Mi K. nie river. The
drive amoiiiit to 7.oi.ii in t ami ia
dis.tine. for the Cohurg, Hurriahiirg
and Corvalli saw mills.
- I.
ifts 'J -
(-n 13
f ten
i .jl i,a
!h rival:
J... ; ..1. yt7 ,f
J"1' 1-S'.--1-I . 11
t 1 k " ( ht.
'J' Cz." ila: Lk .-j.
shilo'i z:
"- r--,t. ' -ritna.
Corvallls News.
Tlnim, May In.
Thel). I. are on hand ,rllllit.
Willi fund lo meet the .M,r, "J
roll. l'aymaaU-r iliipkiti , tt
Va.Ulnu t.shi v to y ml t. ,..,
the steamer W'llluliiell.. Valliy . ,
the y car will roll out Mou.h.v ; "''4
lug and settle up with all eini,'v ,,
pal ivnt oil the dollar. The aii,UNi
to I dihiircd I als.ut fl',,ii, 1
Armm-cinchta ure ubout itimiiLi.
for Hie 9 1'. excursion t Sun tn '
Cisco. A clal tldul train w ill .. J1'
to itiiiuii t W illi the st. niiu r , uv. "
Va.Uliiiinn Ihei'Tth In.t., ull, "
trip llcketa from all vall.v i,.,. for tlltll ll lllj, W ill Is'O hI
l i. I'liaseliger Agent WurdluM 1, 1
reivlpt of A aullleu-lit liuilila r of , l (.
of pllry tollidiciilea,lv !
nil w ho apply muy not l. rj . .;,,,,.
ilnl w ith i age.
Fr twelve inonths , ,,. li, ,,,,,,
county paiipei w ill Is- kept 1,1, u i.,r,u
Ihn-e nub a wi-st of .Monn-. .ir
lavid lliiggln I tin- new ..iitr.,,'t,,f
uml Ihe priii'. w hich is .; j r w,,,,!,,!
elud.-s ill mldilioll to the M-rviit-s ml
deivd hy Mr. Kmrick, tr.f mii-n,,, !
,..L-i.. . ......... ... . S 'U
"w"1""!i (
nod fnun the farm, uml im- hini.ii ...
ivpt that ttie jtuinty rurnishi c..,'!,,
und clothe. The latter item snvt. u,,.
county fi'ioneach intcriiieiii. 1, '
present u.-tual snving to th,. i ( , , t v u
slii.T-i r nioiilh. ." 1.1 t' j,,.
mate ol.jn-t to the new nrii.n-, m.1.1.
on account of having to
hut the contrai l I made Im . : 1 . 1 r
deinptioii, und then- is U h, . , (,,
iiiucii v irtue in 11.
l a Pre rl I111 ..! iu,,
Point. AM', May JJ y
Kmirt.t nlli Infantry, urriied in '',,,i!
land ut (i'cliH-k llus niornii,- ii,.m
Vancouver, Waali., on a I -1 r .tvi
Piiynllup, w here they nre r..inr. . t
Iirevcnt ilcpledallolis on l in l,. AUl;
The eoliipaliv eoiisit, . of 1,1 i,,,,,
under the mlilliiaml of C:a) taiu ( r.
-lit.-r. They remuiiied lit the 1 1.
until the Northern I'm-iilc tmiu aM
ready lo leave, when they left f,
Piiynllup, wheletlny will . i,t, .v
f.iree, Il lutt ssary, the iliviisnui i. ,
I'liyulliip Indian nscrvutinir hv 1
fnl'ee of men under Ihe siil rv.-imi
Frank '. Itos, 11 railnmil imilder.
Some time simi- the Men tiny nf tU
Interior niiestcd the vvnr ilepart:iHiii
to send tr.". to the Piiyiilluy n-M n
tion to iin-veiit U.m fioui I u 1 1 t i 1 1 tf 1
rallroud uens the n-ervation. flu
deliartllielll xelit an nltln-r lo the mviw
to look into the mutter, and c-tcrUr
ntvived a telegram stilling that Unit
was in paring to do some gnnlini; xuil
had cut Dome, tlmU-r.
On mvipt of thi iiiforiuiitiiiti In
atructlon weri'etit to (iem-nil Ituirrr,
coiniiiaiidiiig tlie department of tiu
Colllllihia, (lin-cting him to take tltv
neii-ssnry step to prevent lt. fnni
further pushing work in vi:ati..ii'iif
the law. Yesterday llftermaill tielirrxl
Kugi-r lued the lun-ssary order fnm
hend.iiarter, and Cnptiiill Curs iitrr
nml his compuuy of tlie foiirl.-. iiih ii
funtry weiv neleeted to n-ja-l tin- In
vader. The Cottage Grove l a.
Hailjr (iuM. May I I
Judge Flsk reii-lved an uiiwertlay
fnuu hi iniiiry n-gardiug the Amu
r.ial standing of John (ir.iy. w Im livn
neur Cottuge (inive, und hnUy
uhiisnd hi w Ife nml drove her inm
home wliile in 11 delicate coinhtiin.
The hllsliand i said to have no pre-r-ty
exivpt one cow. The wninaii niti
Unit he lia lnight In r no el. 'II, in.' M
two year, mid all she ha- is the l'
rag she wore when she came to ( 'ul
lage (irove. h'.ie n lily asks as-i-taii
until after her child I li 11. A Mm.
linker ha kindly consented . can- f"f
her, uml the judge has w ritten to tlx
parties to do Ihe U st they cull f -r V
county uml Unit the woiimii i
cured for. The IiiisImii.1 shmiM I
Miimiiiarily dealt with.
ll!y oiiar.l, Mar 1.'.
Maiiiih ii. Iii ilii" city ln-t eMiait
at the resid. bee of the olll. ialinj
clergyuuin. Key. I'. K. Kuril. tt, Mr
John" W. Fountain nml Miss s-.-ilimU
A. l'uxtoii, Is.lh of Kane county, lire
Boot& Shoe Store
A. HUNT. Prop.
Will hrrrofUr ki a nniilrle t.s k .if
biidies' Misses' and Cliiblren's MIOK.S.
SUjpors, Thita aid ElacJc
An.) in fact rrrylhin In tl I' "! "
Sb. lins, in which I inl. n.l ti .Iro.u
D17 Miaxjl atUoli,'H.
An.l KiiaranUsl a r-,rr iwiit-sl, ami i'l
h aold th" lwst iirieM t) at i-'""'
artk.Ucaahaagnr.Ul. A. HI NT
Sportsman's Kporiuin.
Practical OiniMiiiih
Dnlira iu
cr.VS. KIFLKii,
7- y
FlihlOt Tirklr lBii I-lltrillt,
Mewing Marhlnea mA reill("'
III Kind for Male !
R--ir!l. la ,- Ultr.t tjlr l I
Guns InareV Amm'.:tion Furr'it
Hum-t nm V'.Untl att-
If vou want Croccrle-J
or -rj. cry, call on.
!f tronMrt with (Kionfrt ft
fff' a uil hn.lM. lUff Ml
. ' rmir .lr.,,t I. a h.MI at
him tl. Il rim In IrW !'
Ojnotaldcpit ;i-lir -'
mm, PBOitw'w-'-r
f-rtr ao l irSiy'.
VaBniartnnd br 1 1
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