Flurfurr Items. (Tlio Wet, May '..1 V O'. if- I lien-tullictiiit; l.v-. right lnilnJr.il ! lot have I n In this city linl i !r. Over JO,ii,i f.t'l "f luriil r ill I' rut at thu mill here the coining J nr. Jut His new Imu-- cn . r.-ct. d in Klurenco during !'' I '" l,v' month. Win. K.lri'. '( l.ug'-nc, armed in Iton-iKw uu Kri.litv la-i. Hi on hi claim .iiili fr..m inula. Tin- Ktr-ii- 'niuii tiis 'iiiiii :iii.v 1 in tkinir cxicri.ive .r .:niLt i..i.- ' 't in iiini? ami .'iltlng--''l"i"n ill'" . ,ar- Tin- ri i iff ring .ni- r t t A. I' will I' in I'lon-im- "ii Hi.' 1 T t ! i I -. ( May to organize ii l"'-I In 1 '. Mr. C. '. ll.-n.lti. k-. .r r. n il' ' . arrived Ik re Friday, l .-t . t. and " ' P.rt.-. Hint In- !:- I'lifli-i- I "'"' ri al l-tiitc ill tot M. Tin- eitv n'llli'll II" I tu lev ll.n ' and la-Id'.- arrangim fr in- l u . I I ; - of a Jail In llf ii- r "'""--. ih.y -I an i.riliiiiiii.v regulating tli'- -"' '' iiUr. 'I'ln- Ii" if - i l,x"' " " 1 " The (Jot eminent willl-- : .! i. i..-. in give tlii nv. r mini rvn from Vii.iiiim l.v If it I-g''-"' nt.-uim r i ready l... tl..-mini y. it.-' an.l tiacligcr ami fr-li; lit I r if!i.-. Tin- wli.-.t. r H.uii. l-.ii brought .i 1--k lKkl f ruilr'Hi.l Iron to t!n-i"t I it n MiMe tlu.l til'- M A l-i-t--rn .r..K""- laying track til '- S li.Nin.-r l"iil' l-.ii wa t.'. 't into the bay Tuc-da.V '' 1 1-' - r I I' sl.le iii-n liaii.li-. tlx- r hid a large shipment of liny "ii '"'trd. A anw'-liilll rtfl.il I i.-r.' tlint w ill "il lim.ia.l f.-l of liiml" r r .1 iy. :ni huv the flii.-i llr l"g t' k" l' "I- " ' "' motion for thm- ynr, nt : ' K r tl."U- Mtllll. ,.tV. I'l.MH I If ... Ill Oalnlan at (He allure l I I.I m la M.HI'.. I'ollTI.AXK. Mny '- toVi-rii"r I'cii linycr, referring l Hie failim-of thi m-e lo rcgl-tcr, today, .i: " I Ie- r fiiMtl of tli 1'hlnoe t r.-Ki-t.-r w.i- un doubtedly ilie r-iilt of n rollii-ioii l I ween thtt in-idciil nii'1 Hi'- '!! -inlniter to lln-u'.-r. tlx- law. Tin cltl..-nof Oregon lirl leiirin-il of lln- ....I...I.. ...... ......I rri.lii I t.i tilt-mi'll llilic ......"ij ."'-.' riM-litlllllliill of Hie t'oiii.aliii- Mll1 0- IIIIUM- Mll-ll IHIII n Ml AM.j.rli. Tli.. linltl.llt Iill4 tlill In- nine n-".nilile for hnl.-vi I trnulil- limy arle. 1 1 lie liii'l u.-emnii in- r .Me to enforce llie l:iw Hi. re woiil'l have l-ii a i.ni.lctc m:l-t ration. 'I'lit. CIiIii.im mitii-i. r lia ii I . .;. r:. 1. 1 1 . .ii. i..i.ul i i.i. iHilii-v ol Hie ii'liinm-i r.i- Hon ami lie a- .r.lil'ly not iiuar. ol Hie fitct tliul Man- Koveriior lire ii"i in-".lriillnl alm. Artl.-li". of iin- u.nj-lioii.oi liuve iM-t ik iin fi rri il Mj iui-I a n-ilctii for a !.- oil'.-n-- than Mr. I levelaii"! n-liliil to Mricliy . iilorn thu exclu-li'ii law ." twill iiiianl. Mr An.'TIII II 'I l UN. A la w move list Ufli inmlc III Hie Null eiillle ili-iiit. . Mr. Nail liim given I'oroin-r llarri an Iii.lciiiuifx lug IhhkI iiihI I- a-ain In ii.awew.lon of" Hie entile. A III I In . nl U not -et. lr-iiitrtti.ft 111-1 1 if r H-U ru, Im m. ,r ii NruraltfiA. Ilftyi S.-m.ua t r-( in ! i . mi, riirt T kirtili.t' t ..r-.i, W !.(. nti. a. Mt litl l--rt'uni,lt'ii.iiit ol Kiftui. n i i f liiMHiity. Mi.'f", .. I 'mj'. I''ttii'itt' m.i Atf. ItarrfiilirM, l- il l '' f hi i'lii r m . liurMiifli-r, 1.1' in itrt li'i !(! h iualc Wmi MM'tt, 1 1 til till tf f I .. t ' itmtofl tiM riaai hf nvrr ricrllnil il lirmn. "t il W'Ut-, t't-r lintultf nc ... V m tit i ii in i in i.t, II ait It K l. i-ft.l ."iU i. 4 I. II Hi: A I llll lriiKli. ilr ltuli,i I'm! Mfi- t, j-vMK i (Mi.t t, til WW DO YOU HESITATE? IU tou UHTIL DEflTM? NO RCMCOV ON CAnTH CAN CURE YOU UNLESS YOU U6E ITI it docs vou nr a r NObOuOTO nuHU about OREGON KIDNEV TEA UNLESS VOU TAKE IT. ac.ACMff. DiCT. lri.wio lI. Vltitt) It. Hil.Nl I D. !. t.tl Suioil l i' uat TRV IT. V'1-v MRS. CLKIIU IUTCM. HEART DISEASE 20 YEARS. Dr. jrua M IM t, CUUUe. IfU. Iu f 3 wi I tfir.c-1 - S Wrt d W..ii rrt-i-M-uLir l ic i-l mmhmr ttg t Ila ft at ui4 t4 will t- hri lu lmil li4 la l-it m-iV hW 'i4 bar Mt tti Cm . l iftM I I tr. 4-int L I a -'f rvfu n.t r w .ra Mi Im at aiuwoMral aal .. m u. THOUSAND I, i.t I IrnnM. 1 alt tmwiiat Fn tlwlui fn - i y - mtWfl4 l p.-r. .1. u it ' our aa . tM-. I tal lv lAArn it -. k tinul I fc.t Mar tattf. lxl I rn . a tatr 4. a I aioat I feetwiwit Mji,ri'-C .:i-.. uu' 1 a httrOT l.rf A M" I.' m.-t. .- I Ala l im au .! m i I. . 14 .1 Iru't'-M to.1 n u..1 ,yw.f r rv-l t htt. I'l l-- Ma I I'll t'.- H M Hr Tli .. I li Ulrii ar t W'tlrilia. Am t t-.u-r .Mwia III I L U.J la I" I !' ) i ) fm r4 ta4 ttuwW .i "rtin I t no v fri af , n4 U loW el 1f ' Ma una, a OLD OH A actiTlvf Sui1T. TBY DR. MILES' PIUS, 30 03SS 23 efl , Irani. I . )q ' W-v V ""f f Jourtlnu Item . ' 'l inn , My i. .Mi. met Mr. '. A. Ilar. n-turiml fr.mi tie ir t'uliloriiia trip oil Ve.ln--l.iy' l'nl. Kt uik M"irl..n I iiii'l Henry IJuah m II li lt oil Hie overlain! Tuc-lay in. .ruing f r Hie wurM' fair. Tiny uill ir -l. iily li- nWiit f'r four or live I'r..f. ami Mr. ('uiiiiU-II exi t to make i n . xt. ii-iM- l-lt et ami Hitli -Ic.r.l-.. 'I li.-y I.I go u far ..uttj a ,. ..i. i. Ii.i ( alv. it. li . .f Jim. I'ulv.-ft, a.--i ; I. iniiily raiii;lil I.i f"'t In a ill-' liarr-.w t 'I.- ol li r "la v uiel got hi f'.t I....IIV Iii.w.'l" t J J . lie I getting aiont,' all l.k'lil. .1. !!. Morm uii'l I'. J. Ulirnmn liaVe I., nil ! .Ii l -' lie I'V Ihl'l l-.-lg'-, N.p. I!. I. O. . I'., to nil -Ii. I llie anim al in i no.' of Hie imil'l liflire lll. ll , t. III I jlL-i-lie MllV 17. -.llg-lie ! i.iakin-j gri til .r.-'tratliii ami vi-it--' will Ii- t royally enter- t tiii' -I. I In- 'lire.-tor- .f Ho- Jiiii. tl'.ti 'ily I ! .i. I ( "o , iii.-l la-t Saliir.lay ami i l.- i- I Hi-- I'.llouing otTni-r: rr.-l'.-iit, I. II iii.li. ii; Vie-rp-ilciil. ' " V M-hl urii; I r. n-iin-r, f. J. l-.lmnaii; niaryaii'l Maiing. r, J. A. Huili- ii. I. Mr. an. I Mr.. I .. o. Itniley -Xi-t to I. ;iv.' nlH.ut I lie I'lll on all i'Uelnlc.1 trin-.i-l. 'I l.i-V w lil Vi-it llie worl'l' r:ni. iiln liii ii'l ami n Inliv.-o in I 11. i i. I lirV W 111 l' aim-Ill IX orelglll lll'llll!.-. ('. I". Il ll-toll lia liii'lve.l lli a .lltlll III :l Hllilliler an.l iiImi Hi. in i-.iry oin-r uml lnirueton for .M. llllllg III iMilol. . IHHI'I Ol noil t vi i- niiiinil, while the .rcriil In. iiiiiiK-iit t a n-iiiri'. lo give a boii'l i-l il'itii.l.' Hint amount. lairiiioiint Nulea. May H, l':i. 'Hilt illixliltie I wel.iillie. Iii'li'-ali.iii are g"n for a heavy i r..i "f v il'l straw U-rrie on the hill. I In-1. milling for llarr Hhm. A t'o1. knit.' facliii v I rvti-iviuir Hie llnlxhlng Ii.iii'Iii . e exii l the Inm lilm-ry to U' .l:i.l'l III HWIIIoll lll'Xl tlK. The i-oiiulv rMi.l l.-inliiig from I'.u li lo Siiriugili'M i nifiviiig i.itrilal r. I'liii, I. il'. -Iiciiil.l If liia.-rtilaiiiu.il a tin- tr. al niiiount of t.nnuiig with li.-ay liM'l, winr li- hole (luring lln- inter M-aon. With liirr.iu.liig Miiiilati.iii ami tnillle our ron.M muit i. iiiiill more uil initially. Th.' rtoii.' (iiarry hllorn i ini'loy til fur - vi ral mini- ami teitm. I III- fiu-t imli.-ate there I i.m.i.li-rii die Iiuililing going on thnMighout the country, ml ilh-lamllug the cry of .lull timii. The I'alriiioiiiil lit.-mry am-l.-ly I lociv.'ii lil.-rary i lit. rtamintiit I In Satiil'lay evening, in Hie hall over the I . i-1 olll.v, in honor ol the 1-l.R.ingM'a -.ii. I In- MH-i.-i v han Ini-n in.i'ru iliinng llie mure w inter ami allor.l.il much i!t !itirc ami lii-triii-tloli to II im iiiIm ri. ..lmiiou fnv ami all in Mti.l. I.nlli.-r Ycugiic, of (hi I'liuv, Im a . i v t -i.-M-r il.- ic? for horing well hy mule iHiu. r. lie lia ii n very uc n'wflil In ihgging well w ith tin' ma . lilue uml hit ju-t llniih.ll olio for Hie rut I. iy fnciory of aU.ut thirty feel In I. t la. Hi th ill w ill 'iif trait ht.uie a- wi II im fti.it. I.. A. ( lark hit fiieil the S.utli. rii I'm -ule railriat'l coiii.iiny for li,uiiii .lama'j.-, for Hie I.. of hi right arm in an an i.i. lit on the narrow- gauge rii.nl, January I lh, U-lw.vn Kigo ami Ml. I.ili loo, w here the 1 nil II Went oil ii ttvitlf iMciily hi t il.iwn. The iiui.lainl allege ihut the train iu running til mi unn nxiiiahle i, .i Mit.tuinty inilc an hour; that a -ii.ini wit .r.-iiiliug; (lint a chImk-? m it- I hi ml the engine iin.t.n.1 of I lug Ing on Hie cm I of the train. The r..rtliiin T. l.-gmiii .l.-acrll' the .'.million of the I.OO I liliialiii-u h. l.l on I he -I 'inner iHiuiil' In that . rt I'V n an. ii of im-ulllclcut ti-rtillcittc a fol l"M: I 'he mi ne on the IhtnuU' i an Int. rc-t ing hut llgulliig out'. !-u hiimlreil uml llfty l . li .tial cniw.li.l into the .lark ami hot ti.ii line of a -liam. r' Iml.l limy I' niort.ciu.ily iiuaiMii.-.l I Ii u it tl.--. ril-.!. Koiil aiul uaii-'.u oilur -tinnnil iii from l lo a- "li.- I- lit hi In a.l ot-r Hie hntchc, an.l the naillc hcr.lnl together like -wine in a ty. Tln-y wen1 not ticcea ai 1 1 v .i.iilliieil U low .luring the tiny, though Hii.-h 1 the rigi.l regulation til nulil, hut the ii.ii-marily liiuit.il ana ol the t. nin. r' rt veiit.il the majority of the ( Tiiiiiiiii. ii from xlavlug on tl.i-k. Ami, a 1 the iiuw ritleii law of all I latum-, Hie I It. r clitMt of the itim-ngi-r u-urN'.l llil- uiilcge, w hile llie nile i l. iii. nt -lay til U low. The healthful (mlni.ni which .rt'Viul miller ucli nimlitioii ha lvu a matt, r of urjirh to ollici n an.l I'liy-I.'iiin. Ileal Kj(ate I riUHtrr. t of.MIIV. V 1 1 W.Nt.lrutr lo J w Walker, 40 .n it . iii I I.i S li :l W; f.'l. llll l.iifry I.. K K W-ilk.r, m re iii i .ii i; ;t w ; f.;:o. (m1I." ii.ltl.lirtll to Win ( 'ti III 1 1 1 i 11 , liM mm of l.iliil; .1ll. J K llar.lv i.i II .- Kurmaii, IJn m-n m I' K .- It .. W; Ml. W illanl J I ti ki v to J M fully, MO acre in I' IT S K 'V; f Inm. II ItiMtiit iii Nl.irv J ftnhl, I tit acre in I' I '. S K I W; I IKM.il NT. i t.:k ' . M M.ll.-r to l.ht M Wlcka, lot I, ".ifi. ;ii.iii lit. H V M lin-tow to i: J Ik. wuii, an, i: i ii i. ii.M.i 1 1. k !:. 1 1 t.t m; l'l.' l- Il Km- v to I. X lv.ui.-v I ..ii I ., I !W 1'., -a'. kar.l' a.l; -.. lot I tr I laaiiua car. i 1 i . , M.tv I. Tiie local I -'I - ' - -1 t !. .! t t-ml tta ago onl. m I.- . t . i.t 'r. ui Ho city Hirough i:i t'..- -I..'. . .': 'tig m.i.i -,ui Kraiiei- i ' ii r.i'- r .! I In in--.. laU.rer, I ' . . , ..r It,,- li,. n i., I .il.l. ; -!..-..il tint t!,.-ir . ,iih.J ... ! I- i i, I mi. I tii. v w i. ol I I.- ta. i ,.:t. r t a ii :irri..l ,, ie. The ' ,1 li:.. i,i-, on May I. r t" t'.- -;ti;ouit the I'lii- i . : nil. i thr . it v from nil ' A, t 'ie t'l'l.i ol the S. i...i.it:e C',n,ee .x.n.uiiu I I r. . r i. iil. I U- kt.ri.t-1 f i r-r-liv ihe me, l,m ,r ; f- w..l.-i. Il I Ulieveil i' i. ar to oi.tt n k and , . I.,.- a Int. iu en-e IIm 1. l i 1- I - . 1 t . I ti 1,. t , 4 il u 1 1. li.tl I : ---. I . !.:., a li'llclelit f.r.v 1, -. .,1 1 u, 1 t 1 ,1, (, n I 1 In tml a 11. . t . I . - . -1 . .,. 111 t,. Vlrw 1 -. , 1:.. :,: . i'i., r. -:,.',re. Hint tlta I,.--, 1.114 law 1 .1. lr-l -..-tit 11 il iili. I ite-ttill l-ti' l -irr.M iJ rvt if ii.til Tin? Cli'inttx' .i m to favor Tort .inl a a I.iiilini oint at 're nt. Aliout 1 .!) I of tlicir no-call- 'l ni'-r-chants are en Icivoriti).' t- l.rcali throuli tl.o cxtluMjn j.ii v-. WliiU'lilW Iteiil l-.)lloIe l.illl-lf witlt the .. rell'-ctioti that M.vcr:il of tin- nut. that went democratic at the I i-t lo tion ari ntially republican. I!y tlie Millie colir; of reanoniniC the ni'-e ful Iftii'-rti i-.iriili'l.i'.. ar eiiti.illy rcpuliii- can. Kveu a c.it can l e-e hy n coll "luct. A New York w .iu hi 'li'il the otlu r ilay aid provi'li -l in h r will for thf "ii-tcii.in'f ami elu.-.i-tiotl of four rat. The tip. li f.-line owti'il hy li r wa a Thom.iK f l.u.l j P'j.iitiitioi) uml w.in rut oil wiuiout a rent. The (.'him e have not r i-terd . i ' to ativ r.iii-ileralilc ext. ni, ran- illf tiiat liny have the of tin- dilution. A rij-'M exrlu-ion m.iic i the only .racticul one in .l.alin With thu t hllicc .lue-ti.ili. A low no C'hinainan to enter tl''' eoiintry after li once ilejiart-. The ili-cini hi that C.irlvlc ll.irrts tlie wifo munli n r, will h ive to uf f. T tl.i' ll.llt)' of the law will Inc. t Willi the p-iifMl ii 'MVat o all who real Ihe.eviilenee ill the raw. The tnur'I'T wai coM hl.xi !cl ati'l the inunlcrtr will ju-tly culler ilcath for hii wicLnl ad. The Salem ncw paM r nu n -re in a pretty row. Uril- t ikitij; aiel l rjury are jut orlinary accua tioim. ThU rtfullf from over crow. ling the new-paper ln-M in that rlty. I href il.ulles and lour weeklies ure too lli'lch for " lively a town. lootiiii'-h ci.K-k on a pi.ee of ran not only Marvc them hut kill the (fra-.it. (hie of tlie ilciceiKlantriof t'oluin uu wan rcecivcil with extraorli nary honor ilurinj? the New York naval .li-pl.iy aid the oi iiing of tho t'hicapi fair. The tliroviry liappciic.l tin I year ago. Will Home tine kindly figure out how much of the blood of the diicoverer run in the ilir.i-ii'l.int'i vein., granting him to he uch. The Vote on propoed rcvi-ioll of tlie I're.-hyterian rntd ha re.ulteil inthedcfi "t of the liic.i-ure. Of the loH pre-bytericft, JO take no ac tion, .'JO approve tlie nevr article entire, -It a approve only in part, I difapprove entire, while o7 reipiet a new creed. The vote hhow thai, illHtead of the iHle.-tiiili leiiij (..-t- tlr.1, the church) ha only come a littlo nearer the (treat criiH it in uniit'tioii:ihly facing. There i. no rraon for lie.-itation on thu part of tho-e in aulhority ovcr the Miag boat about m mling her ut once to remove the ob-.truc-lion in the channel of the Willam i-tto lietwi-en llarri-htirx und Ku gene, nay a the t'orvalli Time. The latl.-r place ha a lar'e and iuiHirt'int coiiiincn-e that i practi cally at the im-rcy of the Southern I'acilic, a cororation a miu!c a corporation, ever p i to Ik'. The Htatemeut. of tlie river men khoir that the only thing that .taml in the way of making Kugciie ea-ily acce-ciiile to the Orcj;'iii I'acilic line i tlie himple rein.ival of Hiiag from the channel, a work of o Miiall i-xm-uc that it .1 win. tic into iniguiticani-c compared with the imHrtatit Ira llie thu to - oeued to comp 'litivc tr.ui.-ortation. (ia-tronomic liend. neeni to per meate all pirtf. of the world, and Orcjtoit cannot e-cai'. The San Krancico Chronicle learn that a corrcjondct.t from Yonooll.i. t'r., aH that he nudcr-t.iml'i California will give lUHHltoany man who n ill eat one iiuail a day for thirty tlay. lie add: "Now if thin i true I am the man to eat the I'Uail." The Chronicle concludi it i. cad to dah ucli coiilidcm-e, but the truth force ti to -ay that thin drcgonian w ith euch tmiMUtid ci 1 faith in hi -tomaeh ha. Urn gro!ly dtvrivcd. Some practical joker ha playnl iini hi crctlul ily.' Caliiorui.k h.m done onie very fooli-h thing. For in-t.mce, nhe ha iaid a large um f,.r coyote ncalpit; thv ha upnrtcd many worthlca ollicial. in fat cinccure; but we are happy to vy the otato has never Urn inveiglnl into pav ing a bonu to .pi. iil c.it. r. The line inut la- draw n .imt-whi re, and it is well to dr.uv it at gactronomic wagt-r. Mr. John Wl.it.tkcr, a iuvel'ul farmer of r.ciitoii county, narrate an ex rience that warrant the lie lief that much or all of tin- white hind in that county will ultimately Ih nvl.iiin.il for cultivation. Sewn vear iijjo Mr. Whit.ikt rtMtntnctut d cultivating a pie.v of thi land, which at that time would only pro duce a . ry limit. -d and wry p.'t tul crop of oat. e:id would li"t inipiirt wln-.it loir: en. nigh far it to till at all. Fr.-.in the lirt he .- i:i and cotitiinii-l to plow tin l.it.d the .itue w.iv, an 1 a. a n-i'!: ta.h I" I- Nvnine vnr.l. w .Jc. an.l an a ridg- .- . r.d -i Kir ' -1 tr un each other by the .a.l lurrow, .. t dii l, t i.i.'h i a ilit. li thr.. ' rilii c.i!u;n le drainage h ill ?r t.i :tirell il. I he .; iM J.nie04,-k ! rid., and is . i i . ii i d. scnUil a a v. t liable gird- n I"'!, pro-I-.leir.x t - tin. t kind ol a crop of h' al. dr. Wl.itakt r at- tr.butc- the ! m-It C'lclv to il. tli druiiug", rough li I b. ves .'.at a i: if t.ie dr..: luge ..tiM rtvl.i ni the worst I'jttv of white Un ! l:i the etciutrv I'rn it g thi Ian I into cu'.tn .-vt;,.;i ouM add much to the j r.vlu. tive- lie an.l wcaith I tti.tt section. , Ilunromii. Our l 'n a well friemln if watiii( their breath talking over the pro lathed removal of the county eat of Lane county. An enabling act would U firi-t required at the hand, of the legixlalure.whirh it in not like ly could Ik? pawil. If it hapi-enud to g'. t through, Ih" Votilif pulAtiou a iim H.tereata naturally tiraw them to Finn-iie. otltnuinixT other two to one. Kvcu Junction, which claim to k-hoftile U) F.u p tie, would Hot vote to l cnin 111. d lo travel tw lve mil'-f fartVr t.i lea.'h the i-otii.ty mat. The legal authority obtainable iay theeouiitv pro-rty in Kugonecar. not 1- .d'd. In ca-e of the removal of the count v H-at it would revert to Mulligan'iind th- kinner heir. The talk about "ring"' in KugeiK i i.!l buiicouilx-. The county c iur: ha thown it ind.- ndeiice in d -aling with public affair and in n t unl r the domination of any tt n.gof men. The uffair of the county art- I -in iC coliduct.-l ecu nou.ically, the debt i Iwinjr rapid ly r-ducil with iroi"vt f b--. u iiig the rate of taxation in the fu ture. It ii an uiijut relh-ction on the integrity of the court and ha not tho leaat foundation in fact. The jail, that it a credit to Lane county, and of which every citien rhoul'l I? proud, waa built at aac rilic; to the contractor, h- having lout his cummer's lafatr and t'-W on the job. A for Iniilding a new court hoU-e, there w ill U- no demand for it until the county i out of debt. A new building i badly needtd, and when the pro r time come?) it will le built. Ac.urthou-e is a ticcc-Mtv, no dill, rcm-e w here the county iw at may be located. Any adverse fcclinx to Ktigem- i unju-t. he pays over one-fourth of the county taxe, has few crimi nal charges t her account, and bear all the burdens when the re RourceH of the county areadverti-cl abroad. Her citizens have uni formly advocated the building of roads and bridges in every .riioii of the county. The amount ex pend, d on the new jail, an ab-olute ncccs-Miy, is the only sum that ha ever lam di-bursed for public im provement in the town. Thece are fact. that cannot lie controverted. A (irOM lllhUlt. If we had at this moment forty thou-iind more Chinee lalxin r in the Pacific Northwcct to do work which white men will not do. and which yet is m-cecary for develop ment of the country, the reult wouIJ be (rood forevt rylxidy. Ore pinian, May 7. The alxivc is the niot wanton and unjuctitiahle attack of the many made on the tailoring; nu n of the Pacific coaot by the Chine-e loving inon'iiily organ of Portland. It conic too at a time wl eiith. (.treets of Portland and San Fran cisco are thronged with idle men "i king work, and for whom there i no work. The came renditions prevail in every town and hamlet throughout this ctate. It I due in part to the presence of Chinc-e among u. They can live on a few cent a day, have no families to MipHirt. contribute nothing toward the supHirt of our city, county and state governments and public fchools, do not recognize our laws or the sanctity of an oath, have no homes and pack like cardines in a box, tlo not intermarry, except in rare instances, or intermingle with our iicople. With few exceptions they are slave brought here under contract w ith the express stipula tion that their bones must le re turned to China. This is the clai-s of men of whom the Oregonian wants 40,000 more to devour our fair land like a cloud of lovuets, and drive our lalmrerc, tlicir wives mid children from the homes RCiuircd by toil and priva tion. It is incomprehensible how such arrant ctulT could be written by n man w ho certainly must be familiar w ith the dirt, tilth, crime and pros titution of the small quarter occu pied by the oHOO Chinese in Port land. " The language util is a gross in sult to the pioneers who braved the dangers of these western chores; to the m.vhanic and laborers who have iixsistctl in the upbuilding of the state, and who constantly con tribute to its maintenance. Put nothing else could be txvtnl from that sourof. It has been made wcali'.y bv the money of white la! r ami now stabs them in the had. .1 its excess of Chinaphobia. F.t.dmd has been iKm.-tiug about a Jar the ran ; bliH-kofcoal she s'tids to rld'a fair, but Washington at her on that. A bUtck was mil., to b IIH'I mcl mm pt-l - i . , ..ii i at i.ciyn wnicn is tuougm the largest ever movtil in the ! I states. The block is tw n-' .-f.tt lonp, five ftft eight' -wide and four feet tight' high ami w-i(h marly 41,- . il'.l.l It lot L-n hio. ,r ethVl.ition at ChicaiM c The -il, r. tlie oe.trt of t!.e I'lct'd Mate has had ocv.i-:o!i to declare list ii oil the iU'- ' whither sltlg- lll p . . ti! 1 rt 1 tu 1 i ti.. '! .1... I-.. ...I -i.i... Ti m .... I. r' ......... tlj-'1 411 r 1 1 IJ IL Kkt a. IU'1 , con st. tution... form. T! f I t i'-i 1-: it are, and of right ought t-t U ken of as tuoro than one. They are. in :act. forty-four. They are ut.it.d -tat.-, which have luiid tl . tn-elr.-s ttf-tht-r in union f r .1 rta:n I urioci, retainir.g their s.ver. :gTi v anJ indi i ! Jilitv for all other l urjto-. SATCUn.VV, MA V ii. i , ., Tai.ie lrswl rric in I1ihii. Tb. nhiioii run it! A-l'.ri! I he rut- Ing. The t.ile rt ("1111 ai-h.ail l mil I" ow rtl -wing. l " ' '"' in.l. l.i.'l lieaa.'f I.'.'MI. Wi i. lU n-haw nitH.ila.nr L-a.ioi. hiky y. -t. r.l.ty. w is... . .--I lu.rti.n are In n' from the tlC0rv.t t.l..y l -.king f..r farming lan.l. I'ha. Iktkt r ami Wife are no o.ll ducting a r.tiiuraiit In .tii Fran. i-i, ami t.'.nig a pi. n.lld l.uiii.-. 'flie t..te printer hit iiilll'l. I'll t'ie r.iit'l ami game law., aiul liny me loot, in t!.- hi.ml "f the liin l. ry. Y. hi K-iiio. will eri.lint.-fp.ni the Wn-I ttigtoii uml fai- t inv.r-ity, nl Ieniigt"ii, Va., in June I'.il.torK. ll"! r, of the .-at. in Jour nal, ha lfll el.i lti eolollt I t.f the cxiii of Veteran ol ir. goti. W. I., liy-ingi-r Im purcli:-1 an liiU r -t in the planing mill nt 1I hurg ami w ill r.-move to that city iii tlie li ar future. Cor.nlli ha n law ami order 1. -ague thai inteiel taking purl in the city t in t."ti lo I- lit hi III that plac- on May ll!h. J. A. Mr-aik-ht Bil l Lionel .-lag'.'"' nre toe principal lii.i.rriti.r of the I'acilic I!. nk. r' 1'ul.li-hitig Co., with oilkv ut I'oilluml. A 1. it. r from the llcmlri.-k I'hri liiaii trty bring the iiit'.iii.atioii that Ih.-y un-nt Moniert y to.lny, nml w ill I, axe for .-alt Itke City .M.'ii.l.'.v. II. II. II. ie hi. k. of Fiil, Oregon, a gni.luitle of the stale miiverily nor mil inlir-e, ha Ihi-i u.lliiilled to pnn-tiiv 1 tw l.y the -upr.'iiic nuirl nt I'eliill.toll. The p. niioy.-r 1. 1. grain lo S-en-laiy I ir.-liinn i U iiig ciinin nt.'l mi gi-n-rally by the pri- "f tlie country. I he tiitt'rii pre- critiei.- the governor's aeiioii very bitterly. The sici.nii-r llamlorilie, formerly kliov ii a Hie Chami', I iigniti plying la tw.i'li Portland umlllngoii iinl In. -Ill, ling Mii-iaw- nml Vmiuimi. The ptilar M-iimiiii, ( apt. J. J. in.itit, i the t-t .li i n ni li. Ii r. A stnnig.-r fnun lrain, w ho Idled up with nil h.iior a iu it lienrriv.il in theeiiy, flannel he wa rohlsil of ?' hv some one Vt-ter.lav. The oltlcer tinilil llmliioeiiie to the tnui-gni-oni of the law. Coroner llarri Wasii. il lie-t evening for tJ, ion hy W. V. Nail, for taking a ilrovc of entile Hint i lit tll-pute. Mr. llarri I only sued a an ollli hil. uml ha no 11-uui.'iry iiitcn-t in the trans action. And the end I Hot yet. At the exalllimitiou for the Wel Point eiiilethi!. for the wi-ond tine gn-wiouul ili-trict, hehl ut The I hides uml. r the ii'rvilon of I 'ougn--ui!in Kill-, I lam. Id Fi-ke wa iiiiint. .1. with Ntile John-ton :t ulterniile. Itoth ure from Portland. It. v. I. T. r-tiinlcv, maunging edilor of The llaihing. r, the organ of the Chri-liiin ehiiri-h, lui -rt."Uil ar nnii; -in. lit hy w Inch lie w ill at omi' mov his i,ai.r from I'orlluml lo f-nii Fnuicl.ii. I!ev. ."-tnnley will nl-o move hi family to that eily. The llarl.inger w ill'itmintiiiu a hrnm h of-ll.-e in I'ortlnml. Tl is is Ihe way il a done nt Cor vallit It related lv the Tilue-: Salvu Hon I- fm for all who will l n.il. The -nlvatiolii-l-, lielie in. Wi ll gell tli nii n, vi-ited Ihe al.N.i of the plait-la-t .-umlay ami it wu highly enter tinning to i the .ml j-mr from the lcl. .liMir. Men of ull .I,---riiti..n, big ami little, high nml low iun-.l fourth like-li.i p Ihrotigli a hole in the fcllti-. Collage (intve I.c.'i.lcr: W. A. While ami family, lift tin eitv for their form- r home nt Snli-ni, Vc.nc-ilay. Mr. White ha rc-nl.il on the fnrin of Hon. It. M. Veatch, on li.ov river, the mt year, lie n turns to .-all in to a.-, tt-pt hi old ,-itii. as one of Ihe inaiiagin of the Male H liiti lit:ary. The l.a I .ramie Oiij-tt.-: Mark F.lisu orlh, of I laklnii.l, ( 'iilil'nrniii, hml a narrow .-.a from .hath April IT. lie i--luge uutiiiiger of the New Park t li-iit n ion! in Ihe piny "Cemlemii.il for Life." .luring the avalanche stt-lie, lie w a throw n Inun a bridge ami rt n .leitd inni.li-. mu-. While painfully hurl he i ow y improving. Cotliig.' I hove I Vho-I.f'iit r. May (i: Mr. S. K. Veatch, who wa stricken with partly i m tcral Wi-k since. I gradually gmw ing iu..n fu l le. IL I. Pear-oil, the .li-.nv. n-r of Ihe Annie nil lit- at Itoh.-mi.-i, i in this city. He Im Just n-turu.il fn.iu WolfCn'fk nml n-Hirt mining iuten-t in that viein--ily cten.lilv gniwing ami devt loping. He will Mihy - inl thi -umiut-r in lloh. lilla. Col tag.- (iroxc Leader:. Mr. IL I to little eiiine .low n from the L. Aiigele mine In lt"h. una, Monday. He tin li'ii working in thi mine all winter ami -ay Ih.-y have tunm led nl.ut one humln-d f.i-i. ii.raiioii will lgm a iiii n Hie live tamp int. I- a.l'li d w hu ll w ill make thi a ten -tump mill. The rti-ult of a -hort run in thi mine lnt Fall proved o cnmuragitig th.-.t a ver- pnuitahle run I eit.-. thi siiuioi.-r. "i-vcntl fift of -now i r rit .1 Tl nt- or four yenr ngo a young man tiiiin.il l'.i!l. t. r, n-idiug ii.-ar On goii City. a nil. c d I,, have -t.il. u x.uie t hi. i.. ii and turk.-y to provide a That.k-git, ing dmni r for theSnlvntion Army, and he f. II into the toil of the law ami un l'H'kc.1 up III iail. Sliort ly a! . ruard there writ a Jm delivery l.y w Iii. li f.iurpri-oi..-re-. al. young till!' t. r I ing Mining Ih.-m. He ha lut riluni.il t" ii,;-ar U f. r.-th.-enmd jury of I 'liiekama county f..r hi of-fen-. lie ha Ui-ti nti, tiding a tin logical t miliary in thin, i.ndihe . ! of h;- n-hgloli in I.i li-ii,, ili'in-'l bim to ch ar ii, hi n-nTil. l'. 1 1. In M-.ht.wk rn.-iii.-t. Mav 4 I-- :, of lung fc.r, Mr. 1U rt 1,'n l.l.;kin, .tL't-l ' ..ir-. 1 1. inter im n' t..k I'lace INI Mioiii nt t'ie i i q rd i in. t. ry, priiigl'n I I. Contmual cmplaiMs " are heard rt g iMing the st.itc i I the rountr'rt'lar,ii i""l'Ie th.m. Thev w.uii.i , M.td-. I'n I. r ...;r -. -!em of work- ling rals t!.. v .,'r.- ivntinu .11 v I .. . lvm'n,1-"J .prott.ng w..r.... 1 !, Inv, in- I '-"'h y.-ar. W.I? a large ,,r. ti.f. ol t'.e r.il ! i1 r i a-...... 1 Fxt.irtli.li . :; - ! i ; . Chi ago. i'i c t. . t .11 ' -1 llK'' " i ",r-e. a or ' d I.t w rite tint a t-t r- .;i -t m l.K--0 Hn "it !.r-i the va-.:. r t,. p . t'.r t-.l t tc -.'M.U if. i-ii w i i.r c gr i. :.L 1 : 1 r that tr. '. 1 when he te oa-t g .cri;,' ! t.i t-.ur w.t- ...1 ..r t: Kv.-i. t.t hi m. r M ,y ' I l.lli.-e v s,.uie one A' 1 im; s.-l uj o AUDIT TIIK KIVF.lt. I sMg Ik-iwerii Harriliurir iWil F.u- i f w , iilt neMfd if .V.utlou ran lie Jk-iilUl-J j Thef..ll .wi.Uf e tl. r I Ifa-xi'lana- 'l-ry: -v(i,x,:t.i. i mo,-. I',,rll,u,il Nlav .1. l;i.'i. I V. S. M.-t 'lure, ccn-tiirv of Kugt-ne lU'iiitl of l iade. Inr.-ir: Iteplying to v.iur l.-u. r of the i.tl uliiuio, I have to i nf. .nil vou that 1 have lntrucl- ..l il. .-.ii.ti.iii i.f the miitg IsMtt Cor vitlh to .i.nf. r with Hie captalii of the ntcatn.-r .M.-teiiger and luxiTtalu wlinl 1 snagging work i im ! .lone l'twtvii Harii-hurg ami l.ug. lie II. at win i m udvanlage lo him In navigating thi reach "1 the Willamette river ami if then-1 any that willju-tify Ihe trail f. rofthe-iiag Unit to thi reach, he 1 to pr.i-ed at omi- todoil. Vt-rv n-i t fully. I n.'.-. 11. ILVM'IU'UV. MaJ. Corp of F.ng., I.'. .". A. From pn- iit iip-annice it would do hid'- i.'' I to iiil. rvlew the captuill of the M t lig r. When hen- he e. pr. d bun. If pic:, "d with the rivtr and .roiil--d to initio' ivgular trip t LiiL.nc After leaving nothing wu heard of the l.al for eentl tlay, w In li the captain informed the Fu geiie lloard of 1'rad. tl hi ill-iiieliiia- lion to run on the up r river. The .-oiKh. rn Pa. Hie railroad bridge nt llarri'l.uig Im a tlraw thai 1 very . ii-ive oo late, and Hint proba bly furiii-!n a clue to the Midd.-U change of (he iniml of the captain of the -teiiin. r M t iig.-r. If the sua, w.-re removed from Ihe river a steam 1-uit of g. iwer. built for upper riv- t r n.tvii;iilioii, colli I run to l.ug. lie Veil lllnlllh In the y nr. .riligliel J llrllis. Me . iiger, May .'.lb. F.dward Arm-lroiigi viiditioli re mains unchanged. lloh Piivi-, the slit maker bus g' in to Mclfo.-d. W.J. Peiigra, P. ti lieerii.g and Mr. Churchill It It for Kiddle on Ihe Tues day night' over. and. They will go tro'ui there on a prm'.'tlng tup up ihe Siutli Ciiisiia nv.T. The physician rforined a mm lid c ml Ion on F.dw ard Arnistn.ng Mn day. The pleural cavity wiut opened and a till' in rt. l. He -I.hkI thu o-nitto Well. W. W. Che mini I having a new lioue hnlll on his lot in the eat part of town. The Mrticture w ill l InxLH fu t, storv and a half, w ith a T llxhi fu l, nml 1 1 1 1 U- an addition to that part of Hie city. Mi I-iiacs, the voting lady who walked from Victoria to her home lieur Cohurg, arrived Iiut SuiuUiV, She i-a -i-ter to Mr. McCaun, w ho lives on Curtwriglit i-lund, opiio-ite Wet Point. Levi ( li. -tnut, who was taken to Stockton, Cal., for hi health, hv hi nephew, F. M. Car liter, died in Hint city I- ndaV, April il. It will lie IV- iiiciuUt.-.I that I'Vi's hrollier, John Chc-llilll, died ill the nsvltiui lat win ter. A Linn Coim v At t ii.knt. Cor- vnlli Time: Aens the Willamette riv. r is a bull Ihut w. ur a Ismrd on hi horns. At o'clock Sunday after noon he had i-chihiI from the pasture and the hin d mull w a after him, w hell the ow Her, A. lain liauir, enilie down the Ian.-, returning home fnuu church. Pn ing the line to hi vi liV Mr. Ita.lir in li 1 1 - I .mt to -top the hull ju-t a- a little .log ii--iiulle. the animal from the rear. The I -oar I on his horns iii i lit. d the hull from mt'ing w linl w a al.. ad and in hi mad Might fnuu w hat wn U liin.l he -t.i n d hiln-. il -traiL'ht for Ihe buggy. The horse li, hi t w ant any of it, and w lul ling ilddi'iilv around, Mr. Ka.lir Was thrown from the buggy and her writ fractured. .-In- Ill.-o received M'V'ernl hriii-t alHiut Hie face and head. r ilrlliad al Idrnillirallan. IH.Mtoir, May 4 The rfcct nlen- till.'iitioii Vi -t. r.lay of the iMNly of the late Lllgelie Sloliuin, of thi eily. hid fair to lmmc famous In medical juri prudeiiif, a ii".,noi iii-urui.v .cieuds mi the n-ult. ir. Sloimiu was .In. u iie.t in Oiniiha la-t July. The in-iirau.i- eoiupiiuy il. inan.l.'.'l the privl lege of ill V '-llgatlllg, proft ing to u. i l Minietliuig tnmg. The Work wa tolidueteil by three Ik troit pliysi eiali, and a prof. --or from Chiuigo. Itiiiiiuiiiou had pn filed o far that .'Miliary meat of id. iitill.-ntioii were iniHiilie. It w a learned that in iiniilia lr. .-Ionian had hail ituiid-t-rable deiiti-try .l.uie, an.l that the d.-iili-t had made a chaii of the tit-th, and mmplctc Hole of hi o ration.. He wa brought lo iMroit, uml yester day the ly was exliiiin.il.' The t.i-th were i-Miiiilii.-.l and a chart nml tie-, riplioii uiade that Were identical with the n.ird ..f the Omaha den tist. San FiivMist.i. May 4. It is rumored that the Cnitcl "state gov i riini.-iit w ill take a hand in the pur--lilt of the liotoriou ban. lit hnli and Soiitng. Tnp It, Fourth cavalry, Captain Parki-r, ha lfii ordenil to the vielmty of Vi-alia, w hen- Iheo .t laliavc ln n-is-ntedly .t-n. It ha Isi-li -iii.il Hint the troop wu goiiig lo pofni- the .-tiitmia national ark. but the -tat. in. lit hn lfii iiiikIi' Hint Ihe mil In. loll of thi' .. Idler i to eaptuiv the oiillau w ho have for i long u!ft fully t-. u-.. the authori ties. Cm!, r I ie law He; n -,ti, S.ljO tag an outlaw-, ii.-ix o.cv ih lled the autboriiie-. k i! d j rs.iu who w.-re in their pir-uit. ai.. tnmiTi"l w ith the Fiiit.il .-tat. luai.a. tatt-a hf at aalnr J aik-.n, Mi-., Ma-. 5. The court of llna.kluivt n ye-t. nlav morning wa otiupi.il with the ca-e of lu whiteeaHiiu jail then. fr ,ootllig a negro ami burning hi cabin w.v,ral month bl-o. . rt .n, jut 1 o.'ii a moo o im ii, eu rKl,. ! jX Z: oho tow ii uu. i siirrouti .l II... . w .. , r. l,'t '1v'' 1 1"-d;tit. and it 0""' ,"" l"f'.'r'' ""' ''""'' it to . Il,,' n-i-ii.', the j.nlgr tcinti them in-t tl,.-r...t.r. i,eiT,t,'" I"l The mil,' tla tllntilv armed and 'I1'1 '"il the .ii-turluili.f . O ! ! ourt. M. l'l- II AKi.Hi AMI IlKAKKK-TKri. J The U v. iLilj.h .nd Jc Winkle, i h" have l-t KTVeil t-til.tw in th. t i.,mty tad u.t -teitling a etmt,e ef l-tt " iiw nor .re dl. Imr aal fri'in en-i..y thi iu..rrinig by MieritJ , .V.l.tnd their tune hating exjiirt-J. ; ll- iinin.-li!. Iy rt-arn-tt-l th.-in on a warrai.t charging them with hating' l.,i!g:.-,ri.. a ..l!ing t Mi.ithth-.d. j , . mi'''- civt 11 an examination l- 1 1 ,"f- Ju.ti,v Kitit-v t.'nn.rrow tie. ruing. ( .i I ! - I. J ...ik-ht to I tit ti the rv , f"tni eh.. 1 1. tl s in.ttliiii. n i lud I l..... rtl..iiig. an. I t he t tVut r C9 -, jn ' , "(Uaiidary m hat I the t.t to tio w.h I llia am 1 1. I hi am u lalal tall al WiknH a-- OliKn.N (Try, May 4.i ;,,,, -plyii.a liilnri-ii.,oy ,v Ul,"..l inelte Pulp A Pr C..ii,,l " fn.iu a aeallohl by the i,H of n' tllgelt-r III tlie sulphlt,. , '"J " llionillig, lamlllig mi I,,. i.,., ,L cru.lilng 1,1. .dull. No.,.J ! fall, but another workinnii fouml lying on the Moor. rv.. ,,,1V ,'''' had jiM fallen, f.r ,e liiniof,.,., '7 of hie durliiK aU.ut v,. i,Hlll iin. sitn. warn. tin- conuicr ninl r wire iioiiiioiiiii nmi liinit- mi nation of the ni,., w iih-h .,.,, """ l.i ii an atv i.lei.t. 'I i.... ... . ' ''" ..I, r.ii.i. i.v ihe.id.. .,r n. nl.ul 4 f.f t al.ve the tU r other altout .'Ml fn-t high I. ; " known from which of ili,. i , , fell. 1 kirn... I uh. ..I- . "' I'M mi. nml iiiniiHrri. il ' - . - 1 h naM.allaa. W in n,,",',, Wamiinotox. Me i 'll the order lll-lriletlli'g 'i,i,.i w, . oitl.lal not loi.rr.--t the chin. ... I.-... . r. ,.i....r...l .1 . . -'" lie lr.li.tirv .1.1 nrli,,..,.t .... . .. " TltKAM KV Dl.fAltlMixT , AslllM.To.N, il. , Mn : llie lime witinii which tl,.. I i i... 1..!.... h.lhlh-l I... ., . '"- III'-. I. ,..,'.,'. .1 O, t. U,., llf y Is .' to tinM-iire i.riiii - . . - . . , .... ,,, --1.1,., will expliv oil the .'.Hi luv of II... . .. i-nl month, and it i evident in n. o partial n-iri imele p, t ,' . liieiil hy llie ii.ll.i tor of Ii,t,.,,, ..i ' emit' Hint in some of the ii,t, . h Itr r-toi ie i t. K- t.uiio-r OI Mile i i. , , . ... ..;!.... . t . .1 -"li lia.- i.i..". ". ic.i-.il I(l u. . Ion h r.. ti (n.il I... tl... t . til nunplele n-Mirt nre r.n i, , ,,, ( name ami residemt , t1(h-. , n-giieivi uo'i in-urti tn-rl lll.-ule n.l n ni.-...i .. .o. i-At-uii irnui urrwt cannot if omeiniiy know n. Ti,,.,,,). u cioi-oi iiiii inai revenue nmi , j, tor of t-u-toiii ami nil cu-toni. ..ffi. tt-r-oi i ne i nil.. I Mni tir,. ufa iu-lriiel.-d to lefrnin frnm innku it u re. uii'i.'i toe .ot i-ion OI tli.. ij' ei-lioliof llie net lippn.Ve. J.lt s'C. i lit It lnl "An net to prolii'lui t eouiiiig of Chinese- t-on ii,t t Cmte.l stale," uniul ftirt Ii. r .iUft ami Instruetioii fnuu thi iUm. inelit. J. O. Caiii.Isi.k, Serttnry The attorney geliend -.upph Inrtitn) this clreulur by Instructing i,r I nitrd Stale tlistriel alloriiey to defer pr ttfding under the act of May .1, except under uu order of court,' uoui the Heel-wary nrrangeiin iit fr ltu. ft-t, iiuprisoumeiit ami desirtntina ,i the IhtsoIis aeell-ed ran l rldcd if which tlue not hv will he given. MoKK O. P. LlTICIATION.-C.irviJIi. Times: Ju-t a we goto pn- f "rtn of new development in ii, p. itiwtM matter. Thi time it is the (In,,.. HcVclopuiciil company Hint i in it 1 ue.lay a suit to font-o-e nmrtj,. oi fi,'vu aguinst me i). ii.i, pntrties wa tiled in tit.- Ik nv itiunly circuit court. Ilrowuan.l UUir an phtiutilN and the O. 1). fn. the Alanliattaii Trust Co. nml H. v. Wilson, a trultt-, nre tl. ft ndauu The plaintill nlo wniit a mt-lvrr in. H.intttl for theO. I). Co. Sliitirinff un sun w ii ii i.ii ii came to lighl tliat a ntfiver, Mr. It. A. Pen-ell, 4 Sur Hit, bad Ut-ii uppi.intcd by tl.f I'u.W Stale at Portland. It ulo lU-vrl"! thai II. W. Wilson Is not a tru-l ii the company; but Hint the trti-tr,ii eastern mnii, Is gtin a suit in tin foki it.urt at Portland, which in tfi-i would aliiouut to the same a tlx- llltil here. This will not nlln-t I pn-M'lit iirrangi uietit-of the u. p. Ilitf lrr far I. ran I arrrar. .MvH-iinun, tir., May .. Jui J'ullerton IihIiiv pasMil m-iiIcihv u;-i Henry Sunft r.i. convicted of larniiy, giving bim one yenr in tl Stale ji iiiti litiiiry. Snnford l.a l-t n n -incut of lhl" niiintv for tdr rx JO Vein-, and has iilwnys Ueii a n spic-.io-.i'. Mgure in the tiiiirlr.siiiiiinvi as a litigant. He la wed villi Li brother over the ow nt rhlp of a j'iet laud for 14 yenr. iiiifoi.I's erini.-a stealing l ef onl of a lmt. Ih' l' large fiiinllv. He hsik his until w ithout a Miiicb. Boot & Shoe Store A. HUNT. Prop. Will htrraftrr k tumpU-tf V-k Ladies' Misses' and ChiMr.-u's sHoEN ncTTox 111 tors. Slippers, WHia ard Lbck FIXE KID 8II0KS. MENS' AND BOYS BOOTS &SH0EJj Ami in fct vnftlilnir in tl li.-tu'l Slew lim, to which I ii.Ui.'l t" '"" tujr mm-i kttrntii.n. MY GOODS ABE Flltsr tU!- Ad.I BturuiUsl ii'ita-nt'-l, "1 11 .il.l for th l"-l isriim tl't H articU can t .tfcrlr-l A IH M Sj)ort!n)airs Kporiisit- HORN 4 FAINE. rraetic.il GimMiiill- D'-t!'' in fJL'Ns. K I YU' Piihini Tarklr ml IJlrril. N-wUtz lliliJk mud Srrdlf' III KIU lor hmifi E-liHni .l. Id Ih n-.U' ':' -J " rmi.U.1. 1 " St.... ..B W i'ln 'tf if vou wsnt croccr or r j ery. c?ll op 0 jl aft il ...fr.- 1 r 1 w "" O o O O CD 00 o Q i' o