THE OLD COAT. A wetrnnai ll ura lb !nr, Tbsrhil'lreo (.. gnua.! u II Tl.. iroutiurd deep II i"i. no It lira nl ii nw( ff. And yet II beska In bright nj.ritme, l rehore g!all) tolrrai A ksl u.r 'a If leaii. brf . aiul .l lirr oailook llli brr bran rss.icea, JJrre lovrr. meet when duk drew. Mo, 1 beir icivn hate t arc bnrun; Ati' msf thry kep vrm. iru suit dear, I nut ibnr tesiiagda). are won. for 11 B" every craft that lla ho calmly an kindl) shore; And '! n..l riery heart ! wi lutberl.h !" when youth l.o'rr. Ik-iru I. Tullrtna be la Atedrm. A TALE OF TCiaiHUKLA. o "Turghurla. Turghii.-' '" Tl al'a w her MmniU' KliiHlr llirs, and that art tire Hi jur.ll. H. I'll k' and chance II." to ttronry ii.iM-ni wrote on mere anil ll.t'U t" c'!'tnnl olll-, mrr lln i'.ir tn u n 1 11' t-iil ulTrrul Hi xt of U'rrutiiriit mmit'il ulllfrr III Turjjliuria at a .il irjr of it jrir. Il co ll'l aurrly b only thr li.-ht of M iinil Kiitm' rrr. tlit coulil aiirict a mi'i (rum Knitl iml to Turuliui'l t, m-iii a h it riTiii li", link no n nii uf a It ., i' Mi i n--1 Willi Mli lib l hi- i.l In r Ui-.t .ill l-lainl. nrr nrr il rolilini'iita axtir vri' n lliv bulilmli of ITimlit) lunic. In f ii t, it I. .u.iimll It I. Hoi nu n tmiinl lr nam In " Wlninkcr," i. it tit nt-rw l Imlir.iUil on i imi tlimliv a d it, iirroun l. "! Iy iloi- t r.uil ii.tiirii-u, tint a!l U'.mtu Hi u'iu!.U tuln.f " li i :;; '. II Ni llliU " l'..r liTlii Invrliliraa It 1. a i-'unlrn cf Ivli-n. It. iniiiialiin r:in'.-. of mounluiii. arr wud-d up in Hih f mill taiiiurinds ciimiiiiioii., kiik r..ti..n tne, atid I'oiii wiiok jrlliiiV lilotMiin. ; l:i-li in iu broail al lira of aC' l'l Tl.c nlr I. t Ii it k w lib Hi mvhi of li inaiia eiil:ud ajipir., auur a.ii. and inmior. t: it uroT round tiirlitllr li'iini.tra.ln. and tbc lit'i'l.of tall, u'ri-rn cuim. on ihr .unr r.i.Ur ilie ikl.ind li.U of, rul plMMiit v in Ilie cool M-.t briH ti-. Tlir mpir, too. r.'iii ilrtnrrilrly bnppy; tlir frw Hliilim Iu tiir;r clran drill mm. and .T iw li.ii., the lnv.'ro wonieu with .lately llurc et (i by the erect lioi-cof llnir heid. (n. ronu'l witii Ii nulLin lm-f. of k'l i'ly riM aud )ellow, and tbe little nik'iter ilnldreii running hImiiI, with miked little laxliev Ll'i.n' in the .nil. All of thrc thliu (o-.ITry Il.r tent , delight aa be luuded in TniliU'-M an J ;:. Uowu Miind I he .!.i'e by the Viir p.Tiiilrnt of Ilie 11. nut. a verutle friuleinall c r ' ' 'oir.-.of ti;ieiii. I.iry nwii-ti i.. i,.,r coiiiiiiund nit of e.nH'e and k'enerul dealer III hoiue and ci lo Hid pMilure, who welroiued bun with Riwl .Hirer elTiiiion, and pill In. hoiir, bl ervnnl. nnd caltle ill the er lie of ll.v tirir coiner. Dax nt w a. in kiichawlnri ot I rvv kcnvilioii. that it wa aoinu tune N lore be fouud an opKirtiniily lor hntiir Irnj niter Mi.. Khod.-.. " Ilie!" rXLl.iinie.1 bi. Hew friend. "The Idea of knnuiin; nny one brrr! I Uiiof)oii mean Malnile itiiixliv I liit w.iv hlir'. married now. Yoil never heanl of it' A tnau callnl Conwy-lucky l.-irtar. C.uiie over here a year or two uio n. ovi-r-arrr u Mount I'ieiiaiit, inunied Maimie, ami, on the death of her (.it urr. came into p,rc.iiiu of the whole iMate." D.M iit lienr.l the hitter part of tbi. In : lc chi-. Ii The blue faded from li e t.yiimlthe jjlory from tlie lull. Mmiuie n.rne.l! A v.i;n keliseof the futility of tiling came over bim. and he w ished h tn-ai-If back in Ktiuliiiid. It i it in Turi;hiiela be ', 'in I In 'l urliii. I i be b.'ul to re n nni, mid to learn tin iiiiiinl way. of hi. du-ky I'Ulieiita, mid lo foretr u her w it h hi pirilMiil collraisne, Itrv. M Joiie. who ot'u i itr.l in the limet little .tone i hiircli ouvi-p'd till over w ith tin Ik.,1 upple vine, ml to inert Maimie n if not hum bad ever pi.x'd U twe. il llietn, nnd to dine at her bilkhaii 'n table, anil liiially, to keep a MitT U;r bp w lule workun: out liken miuiibe lot he hud niHirtoiinl unto liini.ivl A mrprie even more illai(n-ealilu than the new . of Mai inle'. ni.irri.ik-n wa. bi. Iu tri-1 i : mil to her bilMml MoiitiLuiii meet a iinetiinr., any the proverb, and I hen rrt iijii. ir follow There w.u no earth. quiiko in link at Tur.'huelt. but lb two men glared for a moinrnl at rat h other. Until ( incay put out hi., h ind, nnd with an aviiiiiitiou of roiih p-tii ility, wnj. "Come, we inusn't lie bad frieiid. here. Let byk'onea I"' byisomm." Ami then Hasriit had rrforee to accept the dive biauch proiirrrd in the ha of t e nun k' baud, although be frit ti.e nnhea of an alinit forijoiteii di- t'n-t l.:itt into flame w ithin him, .M.iImho rrreivril It i i ii with a k'l"'l wel- cotne nhn hanlly .trove to hide. She won '.iil the .a me .wret, utiaophlxtiented little K';rl lr had fallen in love with two year before in Knuland, In apite of aceituiu aeri o inr.M of matronly ilinlty which eemel to him uuuiiilly iiicoiik'ruou. "What on earth made you come out lo tin. br.tvrii fomukeii placer" he u.ked one c iy. He had been illiiiuu nt Mount I'll a ant, nnd it tieinu crop tune ( on way bail off to the works, leaving the two liiiie on the vrrnu'la. "I iloti't oiiiie think it i. that," he re plied, In xi I y enjoying the niixinlikht and the kctiit of the orange bloswuiia In the Kanlru. "1 bad no hlea that Tiirubuela waa tucb a (NtrndU a. far aa (jod made It." "You are a. bad a a womun. You at tack ii!a isiii-. of coiiuiu to lb Co.tit. I n.ked you why you lame out. 11 looked ill) uuicklv at her. lirr bead was turned ni.le in rriticil contemplation cf a twin of jasmine kne wn. twi.tin bull he could nut tell her the exact truth. "What makes mendokilly thiiiu'." "Tlieii it was uniply your own folly that brought you here?" "A. It baa turned out. How have you matured to becouio o anjiitneiilntivef Vlieu 1 ktiriYjon In Kutlniid you were the least lok'iial ol btlU k'irl. " "1 liae ined many yrara .ini' th. n. I m an old married woman uow." And inrn. after a pauae, "Why did you never rite to nier" "Why did you leave Knluml o ud deniy w ilhout lettinic me know One hun uy you were (ml of pluiui for enjoy 111 Jour vimL, and the m xt, whru I Inwl toiicl leu rn'le toaee you, learue. tliut Jou l.l away on Wednesday." "I know," the nud, ru.un "uddenly and ti.rfjwin away the JuMiui.e .tulk, "it waa a ni.take. I mut KJ and re w hut IVtre Lit i lining with Hint coiTr " "h wn. a ini.Ukr." That w.u enigmat ical. J)a.HCiit waited homeward very thoughtful, not without certain mik'l lot-, nhnb the aound of Conway , voice ai.d of a woman, rair.l auddetiljr in anry altercation aome y.pU Iu front of b.iu on the ro.ul. did not allny. "You lie, you black leit." aaid Con way, and bi. ton broke haniily upon tbe n.'-.r,;.k'ht .til.nom. "Whether I'm black or whet her I'm tun latter, don't tnak any diHrmue. Thar "l!te p"np!, ,3. grjd rimi.'li to pull I C"t cut of bla-k ;ii' f t. O tti" fa t' er. Mr. Conwir, you're ml When you'Dot dnnkiRK rum. you r tank-ntt arrunJ re-t"'b'e pe;!e' Ca'ctiH r. and i"r Miw Maimie up yin dr tremH ..e a dm " "Ilo! I your Uingn-." aaiT OiOtf Sr'r. 'Her' five duilars " "N-.t for five nor for fifty dollar. You Can keep your dirty d iiar," repld the Irdi.-natit ma!rin. and then .be ptuard aa Cs-ent ;,a.wj I y. T m.x.til jht wa too itmtii for the ti luen to pr:nd to recojniiz aach Klter. ILey (XCbaCil a cart guod Ble'bi. f c 1 Daaect went on bla wy. O . Ziat&W Of ooonaUaa aooCnnad ta ft mini ib Titrmnoniihl w .re afloat la tb. i.Un.1 cc-orerniBg Mr Couwny'. a -.' . an It U b trd mougb," he rote , bl. , . trinl..,giin,. "i., ,u.. gin ,, for married U ...rr man. but wh.n ILL man hu l-ii known ,,, , , "'"f. ' l""-l himself now to l Imuken l.r.iie. It niaLcone simply fr,u. He. And m,u,... . wi..:ri..,rlfc Don lUilu ,). .... f p.., , , ,, , trust u,y.,.f. .hould not r. , , I bouid cm home lt ni.t lr A u.sor.u I erue In. re,p.,n.lhil. Iir l.jr hiding kl Lewi (mm them, ostru b fashion." Ko IWi,t resolved to.hideloTurgliiieia, itidr,e play plaird i.ul M..i.,i- t led an easy. plrtil ,fr. a. fr a. ma terial plra.iip. rr coiiia-rnrd. He d'tc lnre.1 tl. lay, ..hJ g,tur.i nr.;r.., Iu liraru' ooM.i,t. ami gained tirir cere rsUs-in a. much by In kin. Inc. a. by III uncompromising potency of In. iurtl. j cuica, ami la I. j ir .urr hours idled the . tun ay, Ixtthliitf in III many ". playing strange An a ban Irum. on His ir, uurui up mu b or fir 1I atljuiuintc Hi iaraonak-r, or i luttinu in Hi. of a wlnl tl.a tru,ial .mi wiuuiaiiiiK. ii u a. lilt;, a li .. liljr ruuM of Coiikii. bu, (iu Li anl. Xnnl to ertnt Li. o,ii-jr of roncilmtinii. lliil il I Dot rajr to avi.ul mmm ono Dlk'llr in TurK'liiirln, aii'l D.M-nt u mor of Inn ami .Mmtiiir ibin , for III. -ar of nillnl. Il notlc-nl, loo, lliat Malinl aa Ik-uuiiihi to u. bappr, ami aomrliiiK ha noiilil ratrli a qun-r, furtiv i;l m. dim ml at lirr uii.oann, aii i, mirv man ail-lnmi a o r Uin nlil of irw Ii un lilininUk.v i !! Iiulil In lirr ur.ny rir. lii-u owl iiwi iiirin or IU. prrarnir. lliir bn Tnuurlv liintnl at rvtiiniliiu to Kiiuliiml. Shrlooknlal li 1 tit half friiiliivtiiHl.iiinl laul lirr Imml upon lii. arm In lirr ImpuUiv fa.llion. "Vou niu-t nit ko j-rt nwlulr. Vou tnnt lay ami Lrip rue u. a villi 1'lnlip. Promise me you won't pi yrt." Uur iiiurninii about a wr. k aftrr tlila h rod up to Mount 1'lravunt to ar Conway profruioually. Hum ami l.u and uuliiii Itrd llau bail alln trd tin lurr. ami Ifitariit Wriit lociir It, llliu li a.illi.l bi. will, lis bad a-arrrly liilclird In. .ny up to the nai pot wbru .M i:mir, witb tinut, friuht- cnrai r;r. aim a w nit lurr-, w r.ii a ttranu ml mark arnw. it, riilin out tiin Hi Vrr.nnd , follonrd by In-r bu.liaiid. II b.Jr'idrntly Ix-rininnkiiu. 111. ryra wrra blooxl.liot, nml b r.irruil a tbick ridiiiK hip In In. band. D ix iit aprantr up lb trp with fury in bi lir.irt. "Vou lirutr :'' lis lioiitnl, aa, with a lit tlv cliukiuir aou Maimii ran to In iii fur pro tr (ion and clunir to ln urin. "Stand luu k, or ty bravm! I'll kill you!" cru.l Cuuway, liramli.liiiii bi. whip, "I'll kill tb two of )out You and that" Diwrut .hook lililivlf frrrof MmimiIs and da.brd Iii. Il-l full In I lis kprakrr'. farr. Conway tvrlitl, .truck hi. bradai;aiiulth liutvl, and lay atuiinrd. "lle't dead!" "Oh, no, be l.u'l. M.iImho, darling, bow dlil tbla baprn t" anknl Davut, loaiuK bla arlf rotitrul. "Wr iiiurrrli-d br'aiiM I aaid you bad furliiddi'U him to drink, and turn ih, my luvrl my love! ht-lp mr." And alia fi-U kubliintr into bU anna. "C'omr, .Mallnlr, tin. wnu't do," be aaid, witb kiml roiiKliiira "(irl your bal at one mid no to .Mr. Join-. Tbnt'i the only thinir to l don for lb prrM-ut, I'll Hay and look aftrr him." Tbut nitiht M innie alrpt at III paPKill aue, wlnlt brr biiibaiid reiiuuiird a aullro tuvalid at Mount I'lraxant. jrly t lie lint iiioruiiiK Diwut waa auni moiird by a little black Ini)'. "rirax-, ir, Mr. Conway', rrry au k, and old Joe think, il la yellow fi vrr " Thrrn waa nodoiild uf il. The tihitaliy yellow fu'-r, (lie drlirioii. r).- and lbs rak" lint frvrr told llirir own laia. D.uu-nt tniule a few hurried mcmimry arrauuruirni in the .irk room, will olio luiitst ui r oil to tliechrinl.l'. and aiiothrr with a note for M.illnir, tellinil lirr lirirfly what had oc curred mid icrriiiptorily forliiddinii her to Come near Ilia limine. lie aaw at once that It wn. a lol rare almost boirliu. .Still bi profnational pride wim arouvd, and he llilrmlrdtocoin bat the ilirae de.ieralely. lie win pour IiiK a draiiuiil of quinine down the pa tielil'. throat when the door oerl and Maimie rame into the room. "Cio away, Maimie; ko at oocel I'll ael you nrwa of him," ba aaid rather liup.t tiently. Miniule took off her bat ami threw it on a chair. "He i. mr hiuihaud, anl I am come to curr him." "It's miulurwi. You are not troni(. Y'ou ill he riiiliinn into certain death." "And youf He khruiu;rl bin .boulder. "It . a doctor', duty," lie wild. "So it I. a wife'. I am .Uayinif. Jul tell me what you waut dou and I II do It." Daaetit could not (jnicnay her. He hniKUJ Ii' boulder aaiu id token of rrliiciuul uhmi..iou. Hour after hour durinn that aw ful 111 Dra they watclinl torllier by the kick man' bed, tryiiiK nil that ieiice and uu reiuittiuir rare could ilo towiuhitn to life. In hi delirium he muttered think, thai mode D.wnt'. blood boil and .Mai one', face khimt whit and art. Tbe brume acruaa her chrrk where the whip bail rut ber .till remained. Ijanrut Waa Mtlutl w itb a terrible temptation to let liliu ill there and then. Il wa only too rny, aud It could hardly be called luunler. It aeemitl niun.trou injii.lire that tbl Urunkru ru Hi all .hould lire lo bar bia way and Maimie Ui liai'inr. What if h told ber all Ii knew that Conway wa a fellow mrdirai .ttldeiit of hi.; that be had awiudird hi iu out of a lare um uf money: that he had into an Idle turf loafer who lived upon the hard earned anlury of a provincial uctrein. In hi. ilelirium Con way culled bl. wife "Kloie," and aked ber for money and cursed her Utterly. And Mitiuii litrunl aud half Kue-ied lb nilaerabl truth. Hut Uiu-nl acarcely .poke to her, ar in w hisiervl luomatjrl lahlni, k'l'lfif I1"' direction. They llb U kiirnt, waUbiniC the iiibu they l-tb liateil, whoa death with a terrible dread ol their own aelvr. at their heart., they were both lunidnK for, and yrt, at tb rua of :hnr own live, were .t riving to avert. Aa old oeicro wuiu.ii, Maimie' nuree faithful In all thin;j. a nrsme. re hared lb nUht watrb with them. At dawn Uueiit, f"iin out to breatli .be freh air, wa. .iirpnl at arritin a traoc thlnu hanitiK ly tb Uoor. ii waa an old bottle liiir.1 with ratr and traw. and from tb mouth .tuck three crow' feather.. S I, .ton earth I. t.iV b aaid aloud tobliuelf. "Thit I obeah." replied Munilr, who bal crept out behind bun. "lUv you Drrer hranl of it It I. a i-il to bnri.' drath Into tbe bouae. Th neaT"e bate bim o." Wbrn the fatal black romit ram Daaent ro'itterr-l to biinarlf, "It I all orr. .Sot Jrt. ther I .till bop. Maimie, In a low voine. for two honm Conway borrel betwrvn Ufa and death, vitality only kept In bim by upremr, nnrelaiinir devotion. Hewa do lonirrr a man ID Uaarnt'. ryra, but a r which be waUhr.1 with breatblea l:i terrat. At length the tnmi paaard, tbe fever abated and Conway fell ibio a cajm alerp. "W he aarnl Ina HI. aail uaaroi. witb a deep breath. Althoutih the worat wa over, loeway rrq-nred for day b mat eonatant ran that ttaaent and Maimi could (Dv bioa. H lay Unsaid and ezbauated, ail but aooaciua of tbau preaaaoav Xb4 tbla waa thaw aaat irisi. It auyil ay to pul .f to tb tMrtirronnd rtunru I toe ( of battling with tbe dir ; Dot o lo continue watchful and ten Qer &o that ll.a rjti4 i..t. I...I ........ ki.fl 1 they ran.tmin!.antly ...a of ih or-lr,!, acb .lreria-thrnr.1 to lot aud rec t for lb oilM-r Due day thry were w. kluri b) the w.u dow of tbe n k rsiu whrn tliev were tartled by arrul Cum.av nw in bed and poiul urn.r slruarn lo the i.or. It wa. Uitlrsl.i,-n of vitality be bad show a. "Who l that woman II w di I eh bereV Auakthen a voice waa heard from the ball. "I don't rare whether Mr C mway is ill or not. Just tell bim that In. wifr, Mr. Conway, w l.hes to speak With bllll." "Klosaie! My wile!" cried Conw ay. "Do you mean to .uy you married Ihvt woman )ou .in,.i on in Copland '" enrd l)ent llrnx-iy. The woman', vnue outside waa barely audible. Conway fell back rhaulesl on bi pillow. "Yea," b "Th name' up. Whydidu't jou 1. 1 m dm Itbiu.latii dying now-Malinie" He .triik'tfUsi to kity tuore. but the word, atuck In In. He drew two or three paamodic breath, and tlirti r liiuwlf conuliuvely and fell back, dead. He bad died of ".hock." "Ah, my dear Mis. Prin-illu!" aiid a ne gro woman, alum two in, int in after this, to a frieud who waa doing brr Hi kindly ofTlreof plaiting her hair, a. they aut ot th threshold of a house. "Ii wa, tin. Olieah na llid it. Wlme sople luUk'h at olvah, hut when you put ubcnli over a door Kimeihin'. Uiun' ,ir In !iaprn in nle." "How hi. wife roine to I'.ud bim'" in quired Mi. rriM-illa. "Well, the reverend .ay n. bow It war judgment of the gisxl Uod, but 1 think il war the olieah nnd ih mouth that war put upon him ever sruce he i uuie that brjunt bl. wife out lo II UnliMi play nctliu " "What", thai, Mis. S.phyV "I'lay arling," replml Mis Sophy, wbo bail ern the world, "i pnMen.ling to be omelssly els... like if you mid mewarto go rotl II ' saying we war w Into iieople ou a plat form, and toe folk, nil laugh." "1 sew," said Mi. I'nscilla. "And llienoiie.iii must bare told her bo waa here, and .o she came. Ah, in) dear Misa I'rin illa, he w.u rcnl wicked. Too debble' got hi in n iw by the fisit. And Dow Mi.. Maiuiie'. gwme to lie married, and i. gwme away Irom Tnruhuelii, iiorr that Mount I'leasnul Is to Is' .old. I wish wa could put ohenh on ber an. I make her .lay, but thar'. some thin,-, itwou'tdo, my dear child. Hut I'll go to old Joe, aud make the old nik'er put a k'reul bit; ola-ali when Mis. Maiiiiiean I Dr. Dasrnt get mar ned for them lo have lot. of pretty chil li! u. Thank you. Mis. rn-ill., I mu t Iwo able lo get any on to do my hair f.r th lat three mouilia. All Ih War Itouud. Copper. Car r'ar. The other eveiiiug. riding on a street car witb a lady, the w riter f.-lt in hi waist coat m kel and discsivervd there no .mull change except a nickel and live cte per cent. All these com. be took out and poised ta-tweeh thumb and linger reurii tory to paying the two fare when the con ductor came along. "Dear me!" the ludy exclaimed, "you are not going to give tlio rrnor fellow coppers'" "Why uotf" 1 asked; "wouldn't be rather have them than change a dollar?" "Of course tint," .he aid; "don't you know that the company won't Irl them turn In -iunrs, but that Ibry have lo go and gel rid of them boiuu wbere?" 1 did Dot know it, and Indeed seriously doubted that a corsirnt ion could le aa mean toil, rmploy r ua t hal. I Insisted oil paying the fare, w ilh toe nickel and the live cois-rs, bin n amui aa he had rung hi Isll punch the lady usknl the mull point blank, "Is it true thai tlie company won't receive s-uttics from you?" "I Hi, yea. It', true." said the man; "they won't let Ua turn in any m-uiih-s, and a good I.OMj.f ll.JB lltflM ll.HM 'M 111,.' til llir. wire w-r have lokpriid ill running arniind and getting rid of Ihe miserable siuff." X fell guilty "U many people give you copper.?" "Women, iiiosilv." uid the conductor. They Just dump'lhrm on if. Whenever l . ,.,.,,..,,,., ,.- i . l.i nle .lit.'. gning to give mccopier." This, In view of tbe tact that It wn. the lady with ,,,, ' wbo bail protested against my transaction, made, me feel guiltier .till. Hut lb con ductor went on tclctit lessly: "We have to take 'em; but we get even with 'em u well a we cun. I al it at. give a woman some oopper. in change; live rent most always, arid alwnv w hen she give, me a dune to pay ber (are Hut I ain't iuite got Ihe gall to give copier to a man. acript. lloHton Trau- 1 m.marrk ea Hi Throw of Kraore. it raw lint to protet t bi. w eak eye.. Human k on the t hone of Krnncel Tbl They were not three grace., tin. distill aniind. rather aalouiahiinr. but he waa onca euikbetl trio of I ram lis! Wordsworth waa ipokrn of Iu that connection. And by Na- poleon, too. It wa during Ilie ilrleiillun of the dethroned rtnpcrornl Wilheltnshoh iu 1KT I . when Napoleon and some member. of bl. stulT were dist ussuig tlie probabili- tlu of NaMilisin rensceuiling the Krench throne, iinttaof tbe doing of Ihecomiiiun waa brought in. "Humble too horrible!" exclaimed la petit eniprrriir. And then, after a I'ing klleure, b r unietl, "1 know a man wbo, if on Ih t'rrnrb throne, would I master of (cer ruauy Id six mouth.." "111. name, .ire?" asked hi urpbew. Prince Murnt. "Hisuiarckl" replied the emperor, aa b turtle. I on bla heel. New York Telegram. Tb fleerel t Vta Mollk' Kurce.a, Th lias i. of Mullk' .uct rs. wa. prepa ration, precision. Kor ye.nt llir.tiiet bad bent every energy to detail. He ha.! devoted no time to .how work; h care 1 naught forth outward paradrofeflicirrirr. II hail made kure that whnt Ihe army wa uq IHIS-I I. WIS lit oiw , rtrii nmu and ortlcer waa ready, aud knew In. place ! and dutr: that mobilization .hould mean actual aattembly. Kvery untertain rleinent wa eliminate.1. A far aa lay within hu man (tower th war bad l-ren reduced lo a mathematical calculation. Colonel T. A Dodg in Vorum. fark llarrel I. Posterity'. Prltl. f . ,l . ,i BtL't li,-, (.' I la a pork barrel owned by David I'erry that waa mail and uard by Mr. 1'erry . over lot) years ago, and baa iirvt r lieu re paired ainoa. It wa. made of white oak throngbout and Mill appear perfect I y BtMind. If all barrel, laalwl likatbia the emperor buaiiirea wouldn't m very good Uviftvo Journal. A re. ..nry After lb Frt. lavdy Why, you have mad mc twenty year younger at Hi very lrat, you Cat tererl rainier If yoar llyshlp wlsbee ll few dab of tb brush and the matter I art right. Lady (energetically) No. no; don't touch Ik War il a it la. Wiener , Uaaa aa4 Frfl Is. firt riagu (on tbe way to a cltyy What ar you? Senond I' (traveling In th Mm di rect ion I am a common coi'L "irt I'laaTie (loftily l-Vou might aa well tay away. Noiaely reeojiura you any mora I am the grip New York Warily If Ilia .arfare uf the Albuil.c wa low ered t,jM fwt it would ba rvlured to ex actly half IU praawtit wldUi. If tb Med lurra oaa n were Icw.rssl 80 feet Italy woo-ul b Joluad la Afrtoa, aad tba aep arala aaa would rmala, L1TERAUY TIIAMW. AUTHORS WHO ARE NOTED H Mlf.- TORV A3 PCDESTfliANS, Beater Waa Aevont; Ih I Irs ol rtmi TT llai Any I'.rei.rd In Ib MIJ l.'a Ac lb njnfrr of I'.allxU Moved f rni . riare lo IMaee na I ih.i. The literary tritnp I. no new thin." riiouiiiiUof year. nM'o u blind one snK. i f 1'ie la-auty of Helen n t I Hie v.ii.r if Aihllle.. Nearer our own il. .ini.r, ilh M-rip and M .ilh . I il. in.d .i,.s I f tread a. tin v It.m -il low.ud tin- ll.. v I latud or liomr front it Tfiib ni..iir h.u.'; I they .trolle.1 from .: le ! cil . aid I became the f.itli. rs of ,n.r.,l:ir. illlrr iture era. .1 I i i i in f..f. W I. en it I rou 1.1 nut ride, a. I'bnin i r n t.nd M ! botlie. 1'irtd r wnU. pai m I it 1 1,( tt ii lis, U' o 11, 1 Ii Kro v i Ii of ill les, did away w it u lit erary viik'atsiniiiikc. l.i:i tature nl:tn -t fork i t nature In tune, ai d Hi- ti.iinp to. li to k'arret. rather 1 1 a t to iiu-tiw,is ui d role hlyll. Ill Is-d to krrpw.irtii. tlioy within Hie last bilti lrr.1 y, art I, .is 'nu-i.t lure a'.ilii found f el. in. J tin- p!, ii-.iin iettai Ir of II. milker tratnpu, a, ..lie or III couple, a'altl Im-i prol.i.lii lit . Almost tlie Oist of l.'. iiny tr io t ". If Hu t come w it bin li e ilrsi-npt .on at all, were Mu lli y and Mai y I., u mi '1 n y have left little tiareof t la ir adveiitun ., yet that tin v could wiilk. or tl.o aghl lh y eoiilil, I. evi l. lit In liiir plan lo go nt listt from Paris to latiisaniie V.'ecatih a n.-etiiig glimpse of them tru.l,;itn with Jane Clairmoiit tbroiikh the itn.t and Kriiinbiitig blttirly lit Iheivd f.ue and LnllMfgcf Vagiiboliilage. t he It tt,in. u ruling I y I n res ci I hi ir on v ioiik"v 1 1 il n pnininl ankle 1 r tnote.1 r .ell. v l.ltnst !f lo rule, ami tin v had to buy "u t n tti .." Th MMirest of trinps tiny uni.i have bet ii, for liol lot e of lint lire but m an-lt y of gold put them on their feci. W hat the Dative, of the country ll.oiiklit of thnii iu Dinn can say, for thegiris Irudk'rd in bint k ilk guwn. and wi re of the hated inition. Doiiliilrs. hImi t bey triulk'i tl nloin; in the kid kliisrs nnd silk Ktn kings nnd I'e Corilml and Iron husked stay, that tt. re of that ilnr. ,o wolnl. r tlie p. 1 1 k .i n "kprniii!" A Moiiter If lesa roinnnt ic rr of pe I. s Irian, were Jiiiuc. uud Hariiet Maitinraii, w ho In I "--.' iniide a tour on foot to.rt '..rill Scotland, walking .'.oO milt. In a lin.iith. Mis Martineitu wa. ulwny. a enpilul walker w hile she luul brail h, and Wonls worth accused ber of "walking the lcc oil" of half the g lit It turn of . n for all Hint she na. nnt iiniinai:uiii. live of Women. She bud n "nialily si rule," ami never nymph or pixie, elf or dr. ad lured brr lo loll.nv kireaiii. or to ilr.-aiu btneatli rustling loliuge llcrlarl Drown ing and Sanaiiiia were another brother lid si.trr w ho covered miles iihiii mile, logt-i hrr. The pe. illint ity of t lit i r Jou me) lie in Ihe fait that they did not Is cm llieiu till Ih tli wne iiinhlle iignl. Tney formed their companionship lifter Mrs i'.row llillg'. ileal h, with w hose treble klep. neither of I hem bad CUT kept par". Hrow ning sih iiLs of kcventis u mile walk. With So r in li i ui. un I reconl. nine linn, accomplished in le-. than two hours, which certainly niilrcd more Until tl.e usual "manly si rule" from hi c"iiiiaiii'.n. The Wurbwnrths, brother mid sist.-r, wrre kplemli'l rxample. of literary tiatnp Ing. Mrs. Wordsworth told Harriet Mur tlnrau that W illiam and DomtLy koine time walked forty mile, a ibty. Tout, on toot werealnrge purl of their rxi. rience tngelher. Tii iirsl thing they ili.i after their reunion in I7P4 was to start oir iikiii D lit tie .troll, of which Dorol hy wrote, "I wnlked w ith my brut her from Kendal to Grnamere, eighteen miles, and nfierwnnl lo Keswick, lifteen miles, through the most delight fill country that rver was ecu." In November, l?.ij, they stnrtr.1 upon a iHili-strlan tour with Cob ridg along the s. in wt.t. A lit I lo later in the same inoiiih the I lnr,'e ! ""K'' ' n . Inrk and cloudy , 'teri.o. n. walking rlkht mil. for a turt j while the two s u luld the plan of a lull- I U. '"' lllB ttlu ' "'" V I'-'ll o ! W , ,ll,",l"'"'" '" ,U' T,' j nirthotU of ll.e iwo did not run ex-ily .r Briber, and The Ancient Mariner" waa sin given over entirely lo Colerlilgn. U..r.,lhy did not wnlk In a bla. k inlk gow n. Doubt, are n uaonnlile if even she rt er bad one. Her Usunl walk I tig cos mine wan "lit tle Jacket mid brown ilrtsa" Cohridgew may imagine in the kutnr rainu nt Iu wliich be afterward traveliil with Hie two In fcrotlalid the aoiled Innisers, I In) blue ctatt wit b brio bullous In wlncli ba niouiilrd a U'liitiirian pul,it and pn achrd ouiiuiihi. prrnimi, tt ortisworm tiouoi- lira also wore hi ii.uul iut of iluuy brown, wllb a Hupping, broud brirniiud mt a hnndsome man; not even an iiuprt sa- IV man. Ill spue or Ilie fact Hint Ihe brother and sister w alked, aceorduig lo Ito Quincry' calculation, between I').i.jO hihI no,'J mile., his In:, were li.u worst part of bim, and t he total t iled of In. narrow person wa even more tun on ( ly in move- nu-nt Ihun in rrrsate. Hi. walk wu. a mil and a lunge, with eye lixed on the grouiiil. j'Wlutnbly on bis leg-," the neighlsir ile- trrilad him. Once Dorothy, walking far- thrr la-hind him thau usunl and thiia get- ting a better view, wa. hi rd lo exclaim dlscnutclitnlly sevrrnl t litis s, "Can that I William?" Dorothy berst If wiu short uml light, wllb aucb a grivy tun a i. rarely keen Ukiii u Kngllsli f.oe. Hrrrtuwire ootfte.liior were tney fieri or Ixild, but they were wild and and hurried In their motion, like thoseof mine wild wood crrature.- Mucuilllaii'. M A Mate IHuner In V.ul.a. In IVJIIi p.triarc h of Aif mil iu fetr1 ftauiicrio Faruese, the Hip'a nephew, in the pul iu on lb (innl.cra. Ihe rim wrr de knl with rxlraoriuiinry kumiitu- i.l m , , .,, n'-- ""V K'o rn. iiu.g. ..... i.iu- ,... - - .. -. j the iatriur' h' cis.k. Among Hie gU'-sta wrre twelv grnllnnen in f.uu y in an lie Bistum of green aatin v.ilh rd lining, aearing ram of tb antne colors, and eut.b icroiriinitd by a latly dresstti iu white. Tin. repast lasted lour hours, varietl by I and lb profewtioual riitrriainer. of o a- ., -.l.l .. i. i. a loeuny. nni.i,ii nnu tut tin. nig ui u. i- i . i it i " i . " . Ic It ll.e birtl tew out Into the room. The gur-' strove aitb each other to caUb tbcae binla. National lb new. V. hslr. That Have leelh. I e lire, n land whale but no trh, a r .a it i.a.e l.aa Ihr.ri iu great tjucu ni i... lower Jaw, and ti s th- m, t.x, wui'iti resjuirea Ou tne other W th. - III -s lllll baud, the narwhal very arldom ijrteiojst Dior I h.n .ilie, Ih left nplsrr sinrm. ll make up for tne lark uf tin in 1st. by the extraordinary growth attained by tins one Us .to. It grow, out and right forward, on a linawitu Hi besiy, until it Is-. n. -. a veritable lu.k. oinetiuie. , begtb of tu l-ert New York W 'or id th bebitraa, j T it considered an honor to be arnt out aa a miaaioriarv'" . "Ya. Why?" I "I waa only wonderiBj," aaid Mr. Vealy "My husband longfgatioo are unanl moualy drairuua that b aha.1 gj." Nw York tpocb. I'm for five. I Eba (U tb theater) Tbut blind man ia tb next row atmi to b n-g to play aa wall a tbt real bf ua Bm Ueatad Utund a high tilr- T -. w aoaot, Joat asoat. rod ew-i. "CZSij) r.-'TV-CNC" A apnr.., i I h i,lrr Tl .t II.. rnoleat s, .,r Ir ns Forlbepol .'..lor 1.1 ye.ii. I'.e f.T .w lllg o call I "l i,r's I tit l one " less I on , a puli to l'..ti..i it . i d if s. and t j were tt rei I aliMrl la a-ir mi vd ciniriri r, ! Il ai )in t!. f i1 e if i' fr..'1'l i,. lit re i Would be iLictrrv, so Ifiii', fill Is I'.e .'ir.t and I u k' ...'- f t ' l '. I I . t ini. '.t ! II l t ue i l. . th fraud in full 1 I. And II i .tins ,i n':, r t' lllll I .f t I f- s tli ll A Mo on .it 1 1 , ii,., ' f I. lei.t at Unit Ihe j.Hlii.' 'I" O'l'l'-. III. 'i And l I. I a ii in l-.w I mr CSIlie frolll I r w It n( I . w l.,,rf m ,s. Iran llig int a sia'T It And ii. ih. on nr. -r o. I n,. i ' bit ni k.i'l unto him. 'I'ur-i in. I tltt're, a' and nil 1 a:. 'I whj.Ii tl.v bet. r.i. I ti r i l i.ik'il llioil .licit arise r ii .) nil Ihe uioi.ov g lliv way i Hut I in nrni said, Na . f r 1 will at i le Oli'lrr this It-e o 5 And Ahr tliam presM I Ii . mi k-n tt ir. so he t lin e. I n I t hi y t. . -tit ln' i I he lent, kll I Ahrnh.ini bnike I b. 1 1, au l they .Ii. I e.t n. A lid w '.'Mi Ai r tt .tut in t hat ll e m ill b!e-e. li. t li .. .r s ,i unto I. i n. lo t,, fort d.N--t thou li"t t..r.ii.i tl e in t.t b.ll litsl. ! - r uf he Ki ll and e II h' J. And Ihe man answer, d lltil sill, I ibl lot Wor.lil'l the ll i Hi.i'l .;s irt of, neither do I i il up ii hi.liitnr I'lll.tvr made to let.'.f a c d tt ;,i. ii a'. .!. Ii al : h me w it li mi. III my liiiiise and orot i. all thitiL's H And Abraham's nn r wis kinlbsl against t h it in in for n Ii it I. la I so I. un I lie nr. and ilrote tniu forth wita blotts Into I be tt .Mi l in V. And ni uii'li i !.t ll" I i i'h I upon Abrnhnin, sating, . i,r ih.i'n, w t ne Is the t ranger I hat i nine I't I he way "f the tent at t be goitu .low n of the tin IU And Anraham utisw.rt'l nnd al., Iord. be w-ouM not ttr.ln;t tins-, iieiilor Would he call ii"ii Ihv ii.irne, therefnrt I bate driven I . tit out I. "in I . fore my foe Into I be w lilrriics. II And (l"l s ii. I, Hue ii I I. niie tvn Ii lilttl thre Ini'i.iird mid tiiti. lt nti-l eiiM .I n itir hed him. an I . lot hcl linn, tan. lit.' be li 's rlillrl nn':t 1 1 - st il.!-tii."i in. i. tin .- iiits. II Uiii le ir ti 1 1 Ii In iii i" . in.: al ? Ii i I w , lt:r? I" a h tun r, IJ And A bra I At not the nn gi i of my I tir il wax ti.'i nt hit s.-rv. tni. I-' I hate siiiiiisl, I ;,iH' mr I pray of II. III. And Alirahiin uro.e an. I went forth ' Into tbe w ildrrn. s. nnd sotilit diligem ly for t be man nut d he had found bun nnd returned w .Ih him to Ihr teat, nnd when lie bad eiitertaiiiisl bun kin III lie .rut bitu away on Hie morrow with many kilt.. I 11. And Ii.mI spake ne,.iiu unto Abraham, I any I ng. for t his thy .'ti iik' unst I he st ranger, I thy sis d r. 1 1 it , I In iiillh led i J year, tti a atrnug" l uul. li lb.. . for thv n-is iiianis-, w 111 I de' them, ni,. I they si a, I come f rtli tttt!i power and with gladiii.sof heart The author of this einlo H.i.ln alciirh - Ity I. unknown. It h it lireii tr.i'S'l buck uvrr "tin years to a rerstiiu kitu ply sat. "It wn. ko relaiisl to me." Si. llll. H.iuloir, ntftii tiitttd 1'Ulaui I. Id. tig. neneral Merri'.T, iu W.i, fi ll with a bat talion of the i'liili rata. rv to the relief i f 1'iiyti, and ci vend Ho -s fnuu 11 a. in . O. U 3. to S p m , t h t. .'. -t a o ihit. an 1 l boiir--a. i "inp tiiinl by a b itt ilion id infantry in wagons, whn ti ui uli retard' 1 th man h. lie arrived on Hie sti nt' In gootl ortlrr and re tlie ll. 'it Mii,;le courirnj hud rl lih u In ovr the stiiir ids Innvc Inmi Thoruhiii g'. coiumnud during Ihe prrvloii. two or t line d it s in lesa I bin tweuly-foiir hoiirH. f upturn IV S l) ' l.;e Diarcltisj his coiiuii.tml on tlir .uti.i'isra .Ion right y iinlea iu sixteen hour. I.i. ti tenant Wtael, of t!ie Koirth cutalrv, niltrclltHl hut tf'Mip selell'y nine, ill tW'tdle bourn fl a in lo 0 p in -uiid r.uiu. In fresh, and double that il.. has la-ell niude from III u in till.' p m in t il iy. Ill ISlD four men of Company II, I irsl cavalry, Isire ili..iii li.i Foil llariirv torort Win in r, MO imh s over a b.ul twenty of It k ind - wit h In le ami I il l Water, in twentr two lionrs, eighlts-u and half of w hh h arttl il mar. lung Hiiio. The horse, were in sui h goisl t on iiilou nt the end of Ihe rule tlml aftrr one il,iy' rest tbe men stalled Ink k, mid made Ilie borne trip at the rate of sixt y mile, a day In l.tK), l.ieuteiialit IIoIstIsoii, Klrslcaiiil rv, rode from I'ort ltpwailo t-'ort Wall.i Walla, I HI mile., over the .uotv, i'i-.t In plncen, iu twenty Hiiro nnd a half hours, and starting next umrtill.g. rode hack in two ila) a. These lire but a few out of m iii.uI riilnl perfortnnnee.. Tlie keen niiprei lulioii nf pare and of the ability of tin-nniinal. rid drn III am ll fr it. i. niarkr i Men w hit can do work like this nnd come In fresh must lat consummate hiir no ll Colonel T. A. Dodge ill li.ira r'a. Aa llngllshlinin'. Ilwtila. An Englishman, but lotio since Atnerl canlzril, thus tells him .e stHi'.ie I a l. 'ln v count of hi. by Ids hoot,. He In. 1 recelvetl n telegram I nut nn old fileml o.' hi il .K, wlm tr :s n turning lo Knglnnd fnuu Mexico null, e Stale., ttoul.J lay at the I'ltlmer House on a lerl.tin morn Inn. Ile bad not seen thn man forr giit year., and hi. fa.e w-a. utterly forgoti.-u The hotel clerk cmld give no further In formation than that the lanl'slnnnti In qtifsllun Wn. illiewiiere in Ihe rotund. i. and that be tv re li :hl bicker. I tinu-ris WbereiifKin lh l'.:i:;li-li At.ieriran la-gnn to strut inie nil the t muser lb at ut, a'.eMl or w nlkrd w ithin the n.l nulla At lust l.s saw a pair that n-ruii d to en wer the dent.riptiou Tiiry litir.1 b'llly. morroter Ihe owner fair ml a .loot lick, wore a ...rt of allotting Jacket, nnd an air of liitleM-ndeiire The looker un thought to himself: "I believe that must b an Knglishmnn Hut ) l" Then bis rye gin ii retl downward nuin until tney rrarhrd tbe Ixeita. Tiie sik'hl w.i. enoiivii ll recalled nieuiorie. tint nothing i Im- Ii been able lo awake Ile went up to the man with the Ik.iU and wn. not !,.en It wa. bi. old friend Afterward Ih ac cent and audi phrase, a. "tl i, I .ay, you know," "that' Hie game, I. il" brotnrbt "Iha Ktigli.h of ll" very emph ilicall) hotns to bun, but it wa. tlie hunt tual really ilid the trlek. The traveler won d.-rrtl afutrwitnl in a nuive way, lieeause "I say, I don't knot why, but tln-se fellow. all aes'in Ui know I'm Kngbsh! '" My frit n I acuirare in wonder oisiily. Secretly be thought of Ihe hoot, and did not wonder Chicago Tribuna Tidal Have at Humanity. Tlia IniTfajo or l-' ri a.-o of iK.jiiilaU'in by natural or ar.iiii nnise and lUi dutnbution of matikiii'l ov r i.!f..r. nt ratrta of the globe are tint dominant tim of the l.ubirr and coti'htioii of too bumun men. Tun rise and fail of tns t;ot. arid of i mpire., the jrogre or d'-chr.e of civil, za'i' ti r,.J the d ni.liia- tlotl of man ov. r tl.o niu ultivatt; 1 p irt of the earth are kll due to tt.a wuve. of population wliich ar driven by varioua cause to new cTic of rxuunc aail Dw aeal '.f power. ! Tlie tidal inon'tii.'iiU of buniaruty Lav ocrnrrfl our and over aguin at many p-r)l of the world'. Iiiitory, but with (rr.-at Irregularity. Thera tigva been time wh'-n tne ini-r.-aaa of jopulav ' Una l.aa Irfv-n slow and it babiu e.lrn tary. Tb'-r have tern time) when tl whole l.titn.n ri - mi to have been In motion, driven 1 y uni my.tenoua Iwpulv to aek new Utid to culUvA4) and tew ktouiea. Lin liart' lUrurw. I I? ii;::.'!: is a land snir. IT 19 A TmiVO "CN ron cxplop.- WILC1 l?.G !l I' MI He H. I. lo Irtol liver I SS'I and Hir.tiiKlt itai'r, anil loiittlalMt Wl'l IH'i .t lllisltttrlloMa, lirlnil. t.f Vtr. Irmrrt's I'litu. I' "tniiriil t ' ' s'i' ii.r.i. i;t of Juli. V. Mie I if Is . ii I ii'.i r ...llij . (ipertt cf P lit e t . n."l I It- I if. ' ui t- ' i mi "f C M t ni 'til i i" 1. 1 t i. . ir,v four iriir. s ,il:.,l l' I tti.ii.ii j iliawiliL's . i i . a,' -m-l I-.!,. ,i. j,, e ilh I,.- ,, ;s. lo ro.iin fro'ikh lie in i . I i'"l l rejioiis and tlirulirv Ml llli .;.-o I ' red I ui.i . : t . . uf Ami n, i!i-. ov ei . n .' i f .s. of i III I. erull' ion :r i' - il.-i ' . . ; . f r, I he sour, e n "ii s k I .1' i c it hi r:i-g toll i. :s it ot. 1 1 i . i i.g Hie un know u U. of tlatt'l and l.i,, 'iture, and gen .lining we tl, h ninl latne if s.iix .-.. I, a.l bis l.r.p.-.. II s land rh.p is a I !g car of alninl until, stroi k' "t"l I vl.t, w Inch is to riunb llli'llllt. litis. Jo t ot . r . gs, Ir.'Hel through forest, un. I ot.r pi i. ns. i,nd like a .I nk pliuike from I he I. an I., of rittrsainl Ink. a rn:hl Into tie writer mil s;sd uuuiter ruptisl to n;'.os.r shores '1 In. com rie would Is- at once I he bniue, fort, .In I ter, mrans of trnii.ji'iri.r ion an. traveling kl ore house of I he t -luring mrt y ' ll l not I he lir-l n'; t to i "tubuie a team road t-nu'iue nnd si. niiiboat, y. t the ppln -it mu n' to I., an or one with Vr Is'inert 1 Mr l'iiirrt wa ll's to lie neither nn en HuiM-i.t nor an iiiltrntitrrr lie Ini. no p-irtit ular niiihiti.iii lo la a trrral evfloit r, ninl Ilie w imle I tn'ig Is lo lillli a Imsiliess prnssi ion r is ii ipin t iiiaiinered man, I thirty .tie. jear. old, and is a m irhinr-t ntlil engineer oy traile lie tins Issni ou the I'at uic co is fifteen years, and during four year, of Hint time waa III businesa at lieiio, Nev. ile baa spent a uissldtalof tune prosss-t ing for gold, nm n a pro Ns-tor he .jH-nl n i.-.ssl deal of time evplor Ing the Sierra M i.ln iiioiiiitattis m Mexico I Alsnit four )car nuo be l.s ame liu pressed with t he hlea that Hie I lark Cont I iient WrtsHieone reiiiniiiuig new roiiutry w lure a Ixmr man could g. t ru Ii easily, and the I. h a b is clung to hint en r nin e. Ile believed that there w as plrlit y of gold III African mountains forgotten or yrt umlia cotere.1, nnd he l.-lieve. .o e lie wnultsl to go there to prn.iirci for mine., mid In pluuiiiiig how he could travel long tl 1st. huts through nn almost unknow n omul ry t he Idea of a strum engine lo travel on laud early occurred lo him A.strenglh ami lightlies, are rr.ulsitr. Mr. l-eiiirry proposed lo build the Innd ship almost etitin ly of aliimuiiiii, which weigh. niiiiiis to the cubic fsd, while kteel weigh, nlsiut 4 la tsiumls to the cubic The cylinder of Ihe engine would 'lsof steel and much of ihe lilting, and I fumiliire inside of wtssl Tbe Issly of the 1 land .hip a. planned i. M lis l long, IJ feet , wltle ami I feet high ll ia lo Ire made of aluminum plate one fourth of an inrli thick for the lower half .ml one .nt.s'iii h of an Im h llmk forth llisr half of the si lot and the rnnf. In Ihe rear end I. a I. li ke spare (or wotal, which tan la cut and hunted anywhere, and the boiler si amis ulrtft the center Al the ("i waul end air two twenty four bur. powir tylni.ler. working a .hull w ill, h Lairs a whrrl out. nle the car al r .wh end I'.y mi endless chain the motion of Ihl. w hcl i. transmuted to a larger one hrlwriu ll.e two main wheel., fourteen tret Iii ili.uneler, which are driven by !i, i'. ins of chain out the driving whisl la-lwivii them. Th main wh.s-.. are built like a bicycle w heel, the nikr Is-lng iiliitnliiuiii Mils one (oiirth of an lui h iu diniiieier. The llr. . of I ne mnlu wheel, are eighteen Iliclu. In di.tlileler. 1'he large w hct-l. have no axle coiiins-tiUa with tbe tur. Iii cur lasts on a .hint which passe through the i.ritlug wheels, ami Ihe main whff Isiirerniiticctrd by a strong aluminum bar w Inch .ups.rt. t he car and call revolt on th main shall Th W heel, oollld Hill go over log without elevating the rnr much, and the end ol the lutra Is-aring tn front main wheel can la booknl up readily, making a three w herbal rnr. r.i r lo turn around. T he front end of the tar retta on a .Ingle wheel, which turn, readily in any dim Hun. At the front end U a drum, on w hlch no fret of cable, In pull Ihr car If necessary, or to pull oUt ruction, out of the way, ran lay wound by a small engine for Hie purse Ihr bottom of Hi car I a water tank, while another waler ctimpnnmriit aur round the outside of the car. The interior i. lo prnvld living accom modation for twenty men As a steamer the hotly of the car or land khipresetn hlea ou It bottom a lint bout or a cow achooiier. A lever ctmurct. a pro.-llrr haft with tlie niai hlnrry, and a. th land hlptllml down Into thvwnler and iar glui to lion I, Ihe proieller aeml. il onward over Hi glassy kiirfac of mint crystal lake, ripplid only by tli awful hlpout ami. If Ihe water trip Iw long tli laud w heel call Iw lukru olf and laid uu Hie roof. Whrn wood I. to be rut Ihe propeller I llptrd off It .hafl and a In He wood saw chew up furl In no lime The engineer work the bind ship from lit. pilot lions In front. Th whole car I planned lo writ-lit llfteeu or twenty Ion. "ton see," said Mr. Ieinery, a h ex plalurtl In. drawings, "every part will be Uiaile ko that II cull lot lukru off Very readily I would eiHs-i to make from three to twenty mi list a day with ll, accord lug lu tl.e troubles met iu clearing away Thry would be grial Iu a loresl. but I wuuld avoid forests. "Attarhe.1 tolbi. land hlp I would have auolher cur Just Iik this except that II would hair no murhiuery, and In it I would Ink a three yrara' aupply of provision. and tiinitiintloii. The rxi'iis of an army of iurtera would lay avoided The car would let proof against th arrow of host 1 1 native, aud in It w could defy ti.oiisanda "Well, 1 haven't been able to figure closely on the cost of Ihe ship yet. bull auppoee on would cost alsrit M'.UUU, I would Iik lo get bucking enough to build two of tbrm and Iwo aupply cars III New York, and I ought lo hav fl.iU.uuU. I would calculate ou la-lug gone live or H year. I would go mainly to priMpect: for gold. Tbut country ia full of IL No, I lou t know Just w here I would go to look for It. I would go lo m.s.1 auy of th mountain irhp Ih Mountain, of lb M sin. No. I do not know whether thry hntahreu prospected or tiol. but I duu't think ao. "Oh, yes, there', plenty of gold there. Where else did Solomon ret In. gold? I would tak a co.upnov of strong men with , tn. I would but three or lour mining xprrla. a tbs tor, a in. in to writ th book, 1 a puotorapher and a ktirnlifir nian or1 two. I here 1. Ivory to Iw Ira. led for Hi the luteri'rr, and ivory i. worth kix ib'iinra a Pound. I could carry tons of it. The bonk ami tie view, woold Iw worth a gotai dral of nioo. y " .-ail Kr.Drist-o Chronica. How rireasllilr Waa Naaaeti. sJl'a curioiia how the name of town and etrrcta man from o.netlnng that ba lseu to fish ion of the day Wbo know wber lb wort "ricradilly" originated from?! tb name of that wonderful atreetof Im h ) i written mat -nine make lov ami aotn mis pnriry In IMccadill." Th atrert waa built by a tailor named Higgin. whose fortune waa ninl. In a kind of collar called I'.rradrl or IVkadill or I'loradillry, whithwoa worn by all ib beaux uf Hi day. Of cour it ia not meant that th ' tnt a It Mao da tolay waa built by bim, 1 Mil a ereclau a raw bouae lo which ba av. tha ttaoka lit atraat Bow bear. Nw , tnk boo. I ROMANCE OF PnOSiCsAL 60N3. Itraeg rnrluar. lief. II Taa VTay. ll). la llirir ttaaslerlei. M.y.r htreie, of Allstny, lit., recall an Intrn-sliiig imi letit i.l udventui II Ull Ih at. .ry in hit own word. "Near my father a home. In Ail.-k'lni.iy county. Vir ginia, lived a ( niii.y by the ua'tiaof ICry Dolds, oomased of a nuu aud wife aad everul aolis They Illiterate jieople. and wi r regarded l y th.-ir iieighieir. a. a preily lough t not. I. No iii.u. it ever treated hit llai.. wiiii gretier set'-rdy than did old Pi. in Ifey.ioi'l. tre.t hit sons, and under u. I. tre.ttinei.l they had hill I, tti rt-swct I t their parents and no lot fur h'Hlte "When I was nun teen yrara old Iwo of tinsels), went ti a. hnol lo me. and on of I lit-nt c . i it .. I iietrr utiil. rsi tiul Hie prtu ci ie..f siibtr.icti. ii. lliougli ul In. father' I'ltnls r y trd he louid ci. Hit liimlasr 11 bl head faster ami more accurately luau I colli. I with a I cm il "Old li 1. 1 ll lie) li ihl. a. so owned a grist null, ami one moriiitg almul i liestnilt llm those si l.ol ir. of mine wrre sent to lb mill to get meal for brt ukia-t "After getting tne meal thry started on their return houie, but wao.lere.1 out Into the WissU, nnd Iu y it heriug curst nuts lot .ight of the hn;lit of I nie, and forgot tna.r errand until t ne lurakf ts hour bail lor.a) Hire ussed.nn.t know ing Hi il they would g"l an uiuiiercii'ul n.'i.iug for their tru am y, t lie i ile. i led runt then aud ther t4 Ir tt llirir failure to return that day aroused the fears of tlnir parent, and the country w ... se.uire.1 (or Iheni for day alterwn.d w it lunit uinru and Iben they were kit. n up as lo.t " Twenty tear, or more after that a stranger rode up to my father' cat and asked (or lodging for Hi night It wa cheerfully gnuited him, nnd that night, ua they w. re situng around ihe lire, (or it wa.agtin chestnut tune, the Mrungrr be gan to make uuoiiriea concerning tn (ley UnhL family. The khrrifT of Hi county wa. also ss-ti.lingtlie night at my father's , and reuit tnlsrlng the lost Ixiy.uf old man Iteytu. Ids, during the progres. uf the stran ger'. Itiiinric. be turned Iu bia chair and asktsl bun: " 'Ain't you one of them anu. of old man Itrviiiihls Hi. I ran atvn) ?' "'Ye. I am one of them,' replied th t rnn ger, and thru he went on to tell how h and bl. brother made up thrir muni, lo lent home, never Mopping until thry b.ul reached the Ohio rivrr. bow tln-y bad drifted Into Mississippi, grown up and In come lost to each other, and bow, after many year, an Irresistible longing bad come over him to revisit the kernes of hi rhlidbnod, and bow be bad mad Hi long lourury on bontelwck lo aali.fy that long lug "Klndlog thai bl parent wer .till alive, and that thecld mill was still running and grinding meal for the ctimmiiulty aa of yore, when he left fur hi old home Hit next mornlDg, be went by lb mill, urcur tl a .mall rack uf mrul and carried it tn bla father bouse, where he received kiitb a welcome na b never lfor received. "He srtilatvrrl week with but parent and thru Irf I for hi. home Iu Mlseuwlppl, aud that wo th last ever heurd of bim or bia bnilhrr truant, who wa thought to havo gone lo California and become awnl lowed up and luat Iu lb ruab lo tb gold llelda" There wa. a far away look In the major' rye a be concluded, and Ilia reporter linnitifil Hint probably bli.old Virginia 11011. was again lieing looked at through tlie.trong leu. of lore and memory, aud to be kipet out and left bim lingering amid Hi recollection of cbvainut lima. Albany New and Courier. The llo.itta Ma wlta a Caa. Ther I a mid. 11 aged mun la D wton who walk, with a cnur and wear niuilon e( whisker. I met hi in one 00 Milk street, and I waul lo meet him Ju.l one inoi In Ihe llesb. llr it wa who told ma the way lo th Hsto:1lce,aiIirectiou which, If followed, wuuld bar taken in up tba Mains cruut nearly to liar Harbor. IU also told ma we had live minutes lo catch a certain boat, l.ikoa kiiewithagracefullr diminishing tail th littl proceaaion, of which I waa Hi humble bead, lor through lb atrert aeeklng lo follow our gu.ilv' direction. Wa flew east four block and collided with th public building. Wa dashed altuut and aped north by northeast aud entered a circular park, where w gy rated madly until a po lie man cumlf placed 11 In a cab and told u to take our tun a our boat did not leava uul.l V o'clock. Aalt waa then 7 SO, and wshad been run ning eleven blocks with th mercury in th seventies, our thoughts reverted to Iha middl aged man with rupture. And tb rapture baa grown with ru until I quit yearn to meet him again and thank bim for all b did tn niak our brief stay In Ibnlon BO exhilarating It ia Dot luuck. perbap, that a middle aged man with a can can do lo this sllrriug, antra world. but if provtdrace only throw a worn aud wanted female ton r 1st la bl way occasion ally h Deed nut lira In vain. Though bora lama, and having attained an ag when th madcap Joy of youth pn.ll a little, aa It were, the opportunity to inak thing lively ror lour l.u i hi, an long n. b live In Boston and pretend, lo l posted ou lo catiouaaud boata. Chicago Herald. Brwlbara Ksshang Casta. Two brother want into a restaurant tha other day to din. It was dark when they cam out again, and both of them when tbry got to the elevated station step slop pe.L "Hang It," eid one. twisting bis arm uncomfortably, "I got soma on' coat. I'll have to so bark ami change It." "Hold on," said lb other brother; "I got Into th wrong coat too. I'll go back with you and let my cot.".So thry start e I back. When they cam Into Hit lighted room for tbt aeeoud Hmt ont brother aaid to Hit other: "Conn, get oul of brr right nwtiy be for any UDoe ua You barton my coul aud I hav 00 your, and neither of u bad ens enough to think of that when w wer at tbt tlavatcd .Union." New York Tribune. Ua 1 1 Last Leg. Several bvlie and gentlemen Visited Central fcpark. New York, and they ad nil ml lb auimal very much aud mor particularly tbe kangaroo. "That poor auimitl is going lo dit pretty toon," remarked Uu Suooheriy, punching It with a can. "1 don't aet aoythluj wrong wlta It," aid Giibooly. "Youilon'lf Well, Ida. Can't yoaet that it la 00 it last leg.?" Tx Sifting. Tea Leave fur a My. When yon feel th pricking pain on tb tyelid that announces tba couilogof a sly, us aa au application very .trong lea, or .Imply lb tea leave, nioUtoMtt lib a llttl water, put In a (null baj of tnualin and laid ove r tb eyelid, iloiaten again a it drlca. Tola. If Used btfor tba ety gel rU under way will macraUr driv It away. Greta Deverly la Good iIouackepln2. It Lalitl lalllaa I wa vtsitlng a magistrat In Kerry county when a Malwart fellow wa. brought In a prisoner, charged with nearly killing an oxl bald beaded man, whose brad waa a bloody "What waa It lb la fellow did to yon?" a.ked ibe magistral. "Noth ing." Then what nintle you ria It?" "Well, I'll lull your Donor (ud truth. Y see, I cam lat Into Ih fuir, luck waa agio me, fur all tb fighting wa aver. M I waa M rolling alrout, looking for aotn boy to crteat a stick wid. I saw tti. poor man', bald bead poke.) nut of a slit nf Ih teal that b might cool It, and II looked Inviuug that, for tu sou I of me, I couldn't, baip alUlEg lit UtWw." d. C IUU' Ciaa-y, o CO o O O O o O OO (C.1 i o 0