The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 06, 1893, Image 3

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Baking Powder Tests
The United States Official
Investigation of flaking Towdcrs, made by authority of
Congress, In the Department of Agriculture, Washing
ton, C., furnishes the highest authoritative informa
tion as to which powder is the best. The Official Report
Shows the ROYAL to be a
cream of tartar baking pow
der, superior to all others in
leavening power (ft'O.
Jauwey La-nUrra In 1. a ra
Tie cout ihciital inontadc plcte had thelt
ar it D lu th 1 IIHillti (II pieta, larK
SUUlber Ol Win-" vir iniiuiii-ii iu liaij
ihimitfliout ili ?itciiillieentury.aud the
ebjecl"f which Were, Ill theliral instance,
eaarOlluiiy C ill rue on, me a, u ft piiiuftiae
of tli lu-iiiutiuu brink, counteract tin
inliiruiiix t tft-t-l of usury hjr li'UilliiK n.uiic)
cod' puaile al au alllloal ihtlhlleaimal rate
uf ulint. iu r raucix au moti, wit
tbrflrxl lolciid iiimicyon h.""d. and lu I.M.'
IbrJ were allowed by th pop to rcceiv a
ajuurrai amount of lnurcl; but III pro
cneuf tun Hi Italiau n.uuti dl plela be
etnir extensive hankiiitf cor '.oral Ion,
vkicb wire uccuaioiiaiiy piunucrru or null
yaiDrd by forced loan exacted lijr lyrao
Ucal pnuce. ami sometime brought lo
entire rollii I')' Injudicious financial
ulation l-otulon ifd't'M'ih
it's Jusi as Easy
Ti mi Chalet Flower, is It li ti fji
ccsooa ones If oi SUIT IIBIT.
us f in Miwiii MiurtioM rr"
l IUr I fcfXI THr snj"es - - - - "
,;uwn all .iron,, hlthj hk eft
eY Brut P-1 " 1
rara lOTtaiirasi or sweet plu
Cawy-olae " fx. Yorirtim- A tarf rm
0 te-& tl taekfor $1.10. m httkH f
MX rarwlin tala-dar eaJy t erata.
.w irrsas.r
!- r....ilna II.M T.slB-na
i a -
1 Dalirsenlunril tl.OO
13 Chrysantnamumo si.oo
T,(ltliil OLLUU ifow eew w
II tt.Scsaluat St. - - lamta, uL
Cmut bottl of Swift't Spcin fS.5.
0 lr ckunid my yl'-m iA coalfioiu
Wpwon of tha rty wort tvjw.
Wm. i. Uxji, breport. La.
f an icanrt't In 1M, and clnvd my
1 rim entirrly from It by tikm irw-o
bHtkn ot S. S. S. 1 bat not had any nynip
kmurxa t. W. Wili oi.
Spaitanburf , S. G
Tfutivoii llloodand Skin Dl"vn mailrd
Inm. barirr aranric t-o.. AH'""
William McKeekan, Druggist at
o.ooraingaaic, Mien. i nave nau
the Asthma badly evrr since I came
out of the army and though I have
been ia the drug business for fifteen
au . a
jean, ana nave tnea neany every
thing on the market, nothing baa
fivea me the slightest relief until a
few months ago, when I used Bo
chee's German Syrup. I am now
K'ad to acknowledge the great good
it has done me. I am greatly reliev
ed during the day and at night go to
jte.P without the least trouble."
Vt . mak a
Olds & King,
lMMal 01
frr In Ihl.
Art ruh
arvk. Tbl.
Iiai it I.
ol an ori
ental ro).
Portland, Or.
orr.1 Irlnyrd
(11. an
Ini'h., noi
ftvir.i.f frliiKr), hl'h "HI " " )",u
'-ni. i i, with It rnt. br p.ia
nr.-.ti,.n In.m our hoUM-furnl.hin lln
;at.ijorhn atlra. ilt " 1,1
t.r. . . . ... ... I.,
- ii.m 10 art your moiif 7 - 1
, 1o gPi y,,ur aiiailon lo our 1
ii l iiuallllr. know inry 11 ...... .
iht r,. r. aMtimi ol h..n.t footl. aufl
ii r.:iM u, ,vry Urn. Our ,.nn 1
""u. i. Mni Irra for th aklnr
AWK KN' Vr.ltYl
u L. 1 wrll thai f'W ..uiiirT I
"W4H.l 1 al a buiidf"f or two
J milr. ar; but
a 4 ran in ..r r.Hr. I..r
lit J AMm arif-m-a.uwnnl, an.l
lirflOrC w.l.a.l rir ;..u imr
w HW1 U mn.j, umWournan
aniwrri.ion. r li'l
' -'"1 1'.'.itiiuharfnauaJ You.ava mn-
"J i. Imm u. Try iu o'b.
1. B. SUIHB1S1 1 CO.,
SlrictljV One-Price V Clclfclers.
JIAHiV", 'li' I al' !
low.. Knif ht. l rT'h- 1
la. aud other fc-i-Mm
.hould writ 10 I
u. Wir pn. e-n .iite
rvr ta.le.. huttoof.
mr4M and wao-k
eharuj." I heir !
IIM t.rtm:ir fit
wetaitr I ii KMwt.
r rit r4 M tri-
atreota, rarilan-a. Or. ,
nr-. Kmr fVaera k ta-
L I. Mm Him
A klm b tnnk anil a Wkwunl lk.
And brr limrt frt .udilrnlr HnUtafl
A I rifle, you tar. I rolor a Jar.
Yt lb dull trray morn muh.1 trUliur.
For baarta ara .urb t L At a Iviidi-r tuinh
May banl.h a look ol m-Iik-m;
A amall. allglit Ibln . n u.ak u ln.
but a fruwa alii t tin a ur aiaduM.
Th cbfwrirM rr alonf our oaf
la tli Utile act of kimliina.
And tba kn.l .ilnit tout i arrlfia tlilnf
Tbat waa doii0 In a uiomrut uf bhudorti.
Vi can braxljr far Ufa lu a boiua wbrra
No foil bold ran dlvuvrr.
And b lorrra .1111 It oemilr will,
Tboutfb foutb'a brlbt da ara orrr.
Ab. sharp a aword. rnt th unklud worda
Tbat ar (ar U )oiid rtvallinc.
Wbro a fat li bid 'nraib a culTln lid.
And biltrr l"r.r falliuit.
W (aln would give balf lb llvra llva
To andoour Idl Mtirnlnir:
Tbn let u not iiiIkb lb mullr and klaa
Wbro rt lo lb licbt l uiorutnc
-Lillian riunkrtt in lan KraurUx.'O C'alL
Ilrarvtary r'oalar anil III MmmntnL
Wlirn Socrtary KiIr llrt rain to con
fm th WaabiiiKton rtniniinirnt waa
literally Ilia oatiomtl IniU'liuu to It. look
Ins. aa It .tool thrr. liko the trunk of a
atiirm Bprrml rnnut nimrtntlr the tnwrr
which the (iambi kmiiL of wblrh th
bulldrmull not liniili Ix-ratinc h iiml tint
eounti tli coot. Itwiuttbe anorr of th
tooriat ami th aliame of th rrnliirnt. It
waa prfTlly fvidrnt I but it wna Dot Ifolnn
to tw flniKlml with tin lonti-nta of the
little collection lix lilwlwl "Kor the
Waahinirton monument," wlilrh atarl at
you aa you rnu-r! any public bml.linu,
any more than with the "nimorinl" or
Tot I re atonra nl hy rountrm, clln-a and
aoHtia. It wiiiripinllr rvllnt that no
other prirat nx-ana would mill. I. It
would hare to l coniplrtol by th govrrn
tnnt if compltl at all.
Hatnucl J. Itanilall waa rlmintixti of tbr
committ on appropriation, of which
roaUr had hern made a iio-mlier ly
Speaker Ki rr. Itandtill. who Kinder.
fciklnuly en iIh him a anti lonnniite on
tnonnmenti. ami turneil over to him a
aucb a lot of lill for innnuniriita to thia
man and that memory On dar there
came over from the iinte a hill which
John Sherman had nUrn throiiub there
nrovldinii fur the coninlrtlon of th Wah
tnifton monument by Hie overniiient, ami
ppropnatinu rfli.("i for that purpoa.
Knater wa wai' hini;. and Jii"t aa Kan
dall. acowliiitf at it. w alKiut to iiit;ion
bole It. he .poke up and wild: "No, no, Mr
Chairman. I'm lb aiib committee on
monumrnla: that bill lrlonv to me." with
that peraiiaxive aiuil whirh hn mornl
more otxlurrite heana limn luirinnn a
"Take It, then," anid Itmnlnll, IhrowiiiK It
orer the table. Koaier did lake it, and
went to work al om-e mllrrliiiK the data
forarenorton ,n aubjwt, which waa ao
fnll and o atronu Dial it convinced a ma
loritrof the committee linn, ami after
ward a majority of the hoti (uiaaed I be
bilL The work then la-uun never ceaaoi
till th aluminum cap wm put on lb apei
of the pyramidal top. No wonder Koater
Bad eatiaUrtlnn vry tim ne looaa ai
bla handiwork. Waahlngton -or. rhila
delpbia KecoH.
A rit lelrse4 hy Nllenea.
Amycla. If th ohl luni of Ha fal i to
be relied upon, actually peniii inroiiuti
ailenro. The legend com-eroinu the unlin
...1 ti.u .n. lent rltv la aa follow.: Aniv
SOU w -'
cla waa a town of Ijuiila, founded by tbr
Lacedemonian klni( Ainyciie. it waa an
Independent city for many year., but wa
Anally cono,uemJ ny llie rianana. 1 m
.0. UmA lnwti ao often aliiriuril by fal-i
t.i. .... - .
rumor of a projette.1 hpartau tnvaxion
that at laat. weary of llvluu lu a atnle ol
.v !.. i.mir it waa ilei-roeil that II
ibould b made a public offeno to n-airt
ibe approach of an enemy. So, when tin
liri.m 11 lat actually aptieareil U fon
the city, no one dared to want the official
Of their approach, and thin they were al.l
..1,. l.. i.,arn with acarc an effort. mint be admitted, anotl.ri
M-iLn. niti h concern I nu A myelin. S-r
-1... that tba city waa founded bi
Pytbajtoreaoa. forbidden by law of theii
.l.r io uneak of or to harm aeriietita. Tbr
reanlt waa tbat tlie aoakea from the bill
ouitbt the precinct ot tb city, and, n
mi UariDK lo afak of It to hi neii!hloror
to barm the alimy crraturea, on by one
tb ioaabUaota left, until nuaiiy iii cuj
waecornpleiely turned into a uak dn -
Be Loul Itepiiiilic-
v.Mrlmeatlae le Teak.
One of tb moat Inu-mting and valtiabl
featorea In tba shipbuilding yaru 01 me
Denny, on tb Clyde, what ia known aa
tba eiperiment. which la HW feet long and
10 feet deep. In tbia tank nr eiierimeiil.
.1.1. H.trniineil tb l-e.. reiitn( and
..k.. .imll.r nualiliraof all vewel to I
k.u. k.rnm tha ilenik-ri. are mmulrteil
unn. - -
ai,,.i.r. ami the nirxlela which are ul
ax by no mean toy, but areof yoluai.l
... - ifk.fiieinat.ical meinoiii 01
adentifkally determining facU of th ut-
Tbe model employed are made from
paraffin wai. aad lif au Hjtfenioua ma
.L -. . M ,t fmm thia maleriaJ to th es
act form of th ahiptbey represent upon
- irot trale Tbia mecbaniatn l
i.It automatic and aeif reftji.terlDg, and
.1.. ok remarkabl accuracy. It It
a... ... f v. afrnerimenta which are carried
on In thia tank and otber meibmU of a
character that aucb aocceaarul rw
aulu ar obtivd in tb ronatrurtion of
aia with ei'-elleut .niw and a going
4aJLUtie.-New or lelegram.
A Big Caaa Ba.
Tb total vi3ur.: U big gam brought
lobavgdunngtiKaLarajab aabikar party
waa ela t itr. Ure pantbexa. two
beavra. two rbltvrn. lveo buffaioea. forty
In deer and twenty -out boar. Tee fl
lovlol wr tb weight and iengtba of tbe
flee bigge-t tig.: liengrh. U rt 2
lnclM; weight, 41 pounda; 10 feat, 4i
tMMBda; IWt m h. P"'o-la; fr-t
jjojo,,, 4 poulei-. '-- Inch, w
nomU. Tb ! larseat .wamp di-er iRu
JlTrdaTacei:i) wee. :o unda. 1.6
noaada. pound. pouoda. t pagoda
od 480 poon.1. Tb two largeat aambhor
(RuaaariaUX..) wetgiail l""
-iad a4 Waia q
The T.rrlbla nilttard ef Ital Had for
aoaa ml ta Tletlaaa M hula l aailly
WMcb rrtxa ta Ileal I) la Dead Maa'a
CovalleroU I rTnrt. of a Mother.
"Tliat'i D-a.l Man'a cove, rinlit N fiiro
jonr eyi," aunl tlinold nun a he "iiit
J to a ret-eaa of half an at ro In ef.eiit
In th southern face cf the I.ittlo V. h kv
Biountaina. "That' Ih-ail M.111 rvr,
anjyoukin the Iron work of tin
wagon lyin alnrnt when re it liwr.
When I first looked iu bent tliar wt
fly human Invli, lym ilea.l in tliut
wagon. Me an mr ji ir l we dug a M,
gray and bnriinl 'em all together Ku k
aidn that cliff, wlmr th riU i.
We piled tha rx'ki tint wny x tin
wolves ronldn't git at tli dc;nl."
"Dut there U no lira lUarl nn
namea," I jirote.ted as I rilo clo-cr tit
the spot pointed out.
"Cnuliln't l nn name. Vans we
couldn't flint aur," he n-pluil, "aiid them
rock, la a pTvetnn n will l.t-t forever.
We'll pit off and sit down fur a Miioke.
and I'll (rin ye the full part ick lent. Vvf
paaaed here a hundred tune in the l.iot
three year, and it allu pivct 1110 tlin
heartache. I oor huHluud ruHr wifo
poor children'.
"It waa this way, he continued after
hi pipe waa alight. "Me and pnrd hud
onr shanty down tlio vullcr aUiut a
mile. I'lenty of emigrant iiithe'rkiv
ered wagotn timd to come by this trail
and turn south into Wroiiiin, or keei
went into Idaho. They'd come live or
ix families at a tune, and they'd t-otnt
singly. Some of Vm would tuko mi-Ii
chances of Injuns, sirkucsa, lamNli'les.
itarviuhun and death aa would uiaku
your lm'r atnnd on rud to think of. No
man kin U-gin toguitu Low uiaiir grttve
tbar be of men, women and children 1 be
tween the Dakota line and the wct
branch of the Miaauiiri river. I've
counted a hundred iu a day's ride.
"Waal, one December uiornin me and
pard woke tip to feel that tliar was a
blizzard mukin ready to bunt on u. It
had been cooliiill but pleasant tip to that
time. We could toll by the feel of thinsi
what waa comin, and legan to git ready
fnr it It vena jent artcr noon when a
woman walked into our ahaiity. She
waa an emigrant. Right here in this
cove ahe had hither husband and four
children to try and find some help. He
bad bin sick fur three weeks and was
little better than a dead man, ami she
had bin drivinthe team an takin keer of
things gener'ly. She orter to her turninl
back long before, but some fool of a
doctor had told the man Im'd get well if
they kept on.
"They had got separated from the
party they Marted with, and had inada
tbe lift hundred milea alone. They
war out o' grub, hadn't a matcli left to
build a fire, and the woman knnwed a
change fur the wua waa blowiu tip.
She was a fruit, lectin woman, and alio
bad gone through with 11 11 IT to down a
man, but she hadn't loxt nil her pluck
yiL As noon aa he told ua tlio story we
got ready to go back with her an bring
in the outfit. We made a Mart, but we
never got tliar."
"The blizzard prevented, eh?"
"Shedid. She camo swoopmdown nil
of a suildt n, likemitim great bird dnippiu
from the rky. A linn snow begun to
fall, the wind started right in to blow a
livin gale, and I lielicve the thermom
eter went from 45 dogs, above to ludega,
below iiiKideof half nil hour. We hadn't
any with us, but the change waa sudden
an amazin. You couldn't face that gule
to save your life. It jft atoppod us and
turned us around U-fore we bad got lif-
teen rods from the hotiw. As to th
cold, it jent paralyzed you. We had to
go back, and arter takin a big drink o'
whiaky all around and puttin on more
clothes we tried It agin.
"Me aud Sam was aa tough as bars
them days and could hev laid down in a
pond of water and let it freeze np with
as. but we could 11 1 uum agin mat uiiz
lard. When we made the second start
we got alxmt half way up here, the little
woman leadin the way alt the time.
Then we had to stop. You couldn't see
three foot from your noee, and all of ua
waa freeziu to death by inches.
"And you went back?"
"We did. The woman was dater
mioed to puh on, and we jont hod to
pick ber np and carry her bot k. It was
only by the Uirn s iiunn pinun ine way
that we ever reached our cabin agin.
We had our ears, mate aud fingers friz.
and an hour arter we got back water
friz solid in our cabin within five foot
of a roarin tire. The woman prayed to
God and appealed to us, but we k no wed
it waa no um. That was tbe blizzard of
1881, and I've heard men say it was 42
dega. below aero in this valley that
The woman got tripped wnas than wa
did, but her mind was on .the family
back here. Sue was bound to come back
alone, but we stood her off till sliout
dark. Then she made a bolt fur it and
got away."
"And went to her death?"
"Jeot as sartin as if she had Jnmped
off that cliff- The blizzard shet us in
fur threa days. When we got out we
fonnd her within twenty rod of the
cabin. She hod friz to death goin that
fur. Of couroe weknowedbowit would
be np here. The borne had been on
hitched and turned out They loy over
by that tree. The folks in the wa,oa
bad crowded together and kivered up
wub all the blanket, but all war stuu
dead and aa bard as r k. They never
saw that ftuit Bight come down.
"Me and jard overhauled the wagon,
bot we couldn't Cud anythin givtn the
name of tb family, and so, like hun
dreds of others out in this kentry of
mountain and valley, Injun and wolf,
we kivered 'em in to sleep till th Lord
(1U ready to call Vm fur judgmenL
Seems awful that A hull faiu'ly should
be wiped out that way, but they it"
alwrpin tbar together, and I guess the
Lord'll know tbe .pot even if thar is no
(rretun to mark It-" New York ller-
The roe deer la It and moat
Mavrly domiaaiicatel of in three a n-a
which Inbabillrrniany ll ia likewiaetb
inuat beautiful, and It f!.b I lb daintieat
veniaon known to tbe epirura.
It would Uk all tbe Incaab re cotfin
tactonce 40 year to spio a tbrevi long
Iftotiab lo reb !b fceareat star at th
prsaent rat of pteluetioq cf rv-at IM.
uutj Jta) 0111 per day
It a a cimmit tmX thai mayoDbsoe
dreaaaog will diaarraw with delirat penpt.
waeraaas tb suss togredlenta pot logetuer
wit bout aa egg (l"rKb dnenii.g) will be
aaa.y dagarataaL
Hail Ua th Waaler with Ik Cahrf
A amiably inclined young couple who
ar comfortably qu.rtrd In on of tl
larg apartment bo's up town Invited a
few tin-nd toaenfd party on rvmltn
hut week. Owing lo a tnlmndrraiandin
regarillpg t. t dale not on f tb exprctrd
giicat apiM-nrt on th rVciillig lu qllea
tion. Tuejoiiiig wifewa. t:rral'.y te..i.
bb had prei'.tml a teinptllij little iip;ht.
aud bn ei'ononiical aoul rrtoltid al II
bli-aof tt la-nig wleil. One of tb fea
ture of lur t title waa a birwe otnanirtiUl
cake, w hi, h he bail pun li.wd at a to l.h
U'rirnf eolifetliolier'a. Mi cut the ckt
nd riidt avorril In Indue her li
it a . rtl.aa of It. but he did not I.k rake,
r-hew.i. deteriiiiUed. however, that iiie
btaly n,.iii! l rnt it. ami "be 01T1 red it to I lie
ball and elevator liy.of wlocb tl 'ere were
four. Tin y accepted it w itb entbuiaiu
and iin kly iIi-immmI of It e
Tbe follow ing day every loy wa. .Irk
Very ft i k A lK tor waa called, and bla
InteMigatioti bd to the u.pM'n tbat
aoliietli.iig a th matter w nil tbat rake.
He Mid that the t.y bail uiidotil.tnlly
ben poi.ounl. Tb confectioner' bop
aa vi.itnl. and tli atory of tb hum out
breiiluift! cake was lold to him. He had
evldi tn It beard a similar story In..v. for
be ha.tily 1 kcliuin.d: "till. It wa. part of
that vartn-li batch of cake. I am ao aoirv.
You nm-l excuse nie. Mye'k put InTi 1 up
ofvariii-h. That la all. You I have
Un buinftt Hi wiM.lwork in my .tore
varnlftbe.l. Yi. that waa it. lie put lu That Is all."
Tbe boa cot will, and the atorynf th
"varniuli cake" baa U-cn rciitiri all orr
thenel.liUirli.l. When the bidden eiie-l.
wiio.lnul away from the card party heard
of it they wen glad that tin y bad ini.iiu
dcraiood the ilui.- New York Tunc.
Indian t'heaa.
Indian rhe, i r "1 liaturatiga," la plsye.1
with a rajah, an elephant, a bora ami a
ship, and four foot soldier, rorrcaponding
toa king, a cn-dlc, a Liubt. and a bibip
and four jmw ua, aii'l there are four play
er, llach player face bi partner, and
place his plecea ill theonlerof kliip, borae,
elcpbaiit and raj.ili. la gliiiiing at the left
band corner -1 lie four fool soldier lieing
of course In front. I'artner ar thuaoii
the op;ai-;le iliiiftTotia'a. Tli player mime
In tbe order of t lie uu. T be tactu aof the
game, appall lit!)' Iroin th "Hhavlalita
ruraiia." are not to attack your opiaiiietit
whohaJut playnl. a would b ibme lu
double rln .a. Inn tooliatruel the opa.n nt
who baa to play 111 xt. Tbe game ia ill. from double rhewa by markeil
There la no uccti. and the ship or bl-hop
la "lame" an only move two Muarc at a
lime, though he can hop over nu Interven
ing piece if he like. Moreover, a player
can take bla mrt tier's rajah If things are
Dot going well, and so n nine rommaiid of
both ariniea, nod If llh sides have lost s
rajah tbi y can l reliired by miilual con
The game I ihu pi-rvaibd by a military
spirit, t bough not o tiff but that tbr
opening tnovea an made by tli aid of dire.
In this early game the rajah could la
taken, but he can always. If all the other
pieces ar taken, rel ir w itb the honor if
war and draw. lunlon Siectalor.
ruBl.hmenlB la tineea.
The notion of suiting Ihe puiiMiinrnl to
the crime, however ll may have found fa
vor wlib th medieval sultans of
Cordova, di in occur to tb .Marouuin
ofllcl.i'.. of tmlay.
A .MiMiriNh law court I a parody of all
tbat Kuropean mean by jtitic. Kxtor
tlnu Is th main object of th Judge, and
the contempt for stilTerlng la al"ilute
Tli rich tuny rMnie with wiiol akin, but
thie w it bout "pal m ml" have acant luercy.
For intntir. tbe nu-r acunllon of a
paltry theft, if made from some favored
Suarlrr, will bring on tbe accuaed th or
inary pniiiabnieiit for such conduct. This
coiiHixia lu breaking the anklo Irone and
pllchlug the sullerer Into the lira real lane
or ditch, whence his relative may or may
not remove him. Aa therear nosurgeout
and no medical appliance, the bouca can
not beset, and rciinil so na lo leave the
toes turned Inward directly facing each
other. At Tangier I have several limes
Seen one of thcee K.r creatures pwuiibly
quit Innocent of tbe often. attributed to
bim hobbling over tha cobbled alleys,
whit tb paaacnihy binlgrd each otbrrand
mutlerril "Thief."
In the priaoii men and women, chained
together night and day under every clr
cunmiaiice of indi-acrilialil flllb and bur
ror, wait until their friend, who bring
them all the final Ihey get, are able or
willing lo offer a britre sulllclenl for their
releaae. Nlneteeiilb Century.
Do Nut hleep os Yoar Left Mid.
When a patient complaint of a bad tast
In bis mouth every morning on waking up,
the Uit qucatlon I ok him I as to tbe
sltion lis aaaumr when going to sliap.
An Immense humla-r of pioplo sleep on
tbe left side, aud thia la the moat common
eatiM of the Uliplcaaaiil Uatawbl' h Is gen
erally attributed to dypcpia. If a meal
baa la-ell taken within two or I lire hour
of going to bud, to sleep oil tbi luft side I
to give lb stomach a task which It is dif
ficult In the extreme to perform, Tb
atudeiil of anatomy knows that all food en
ter and lenvc ih aiomacb on tb right
Bide, and hence sleeping on tbe left side
soon after cat isn Involves a sort of pump
ing ojieruliou width la anything but cuo
ducive to sound repose.
The action of tim heart Is also Interfered
with considerably, and th lung ar un
duly cutnpred. It la probable that lying
on the buik la the moat natural eailioti,
but few men cau real eaaily so, and b-u e it
Is beat to cultivate the habit of sleeping on
the rigl.t n le. It la very largely a matter
of habit, and th sooner It ia acquired tb
beV-er for ll-e sleeper aud tb wor for tb
physician, Interview In St. Louis lilobe
Lemucrat. At a (Juaher WwtdlBg.
Ko clergyman I neoivd at Quaker
wedding becaue lb happy principala per
form tb ceremony theiuaelvea. This la lb
formula repeated by lbs bridegroom at a
recant Wedding: ' Ktiend. here, lo tb
presence of tb Ird and In tb divlu
prearnre, I lake ihla, my friend, blub
Mary lianbury Agga.tobamy wife,proln
Uing, In tb fear of lbs l.ord and Wllb
divin aaaiatoiioe, l- b bar faithful Olid
loving btiahaul?" Th bnd repeated a
Sim liar declaration, tn certificate of mar
riage wa signed by wltneaaea, abort ad
drraae from racript'iral text wer made,
prayers were ofl. r-l. aud th rmooy
waa ended. Kxcbang.
Ra Show with That Jary.
On of the old settlers of SL I'aul. weary
Ing of calling and dunning for a bill,
brought eult to teyfuree It collection.
Wben tb day nf tbe trial rim on the old
aeturraaa a litil lt., aud to jury had
been Impaneled aud sarorn. II entered,
sat behind tb attorney, and rapidly ran
I bia eyes over the Jury When h reached
I tb lat man he sprang to bis feet and. r
' gard.eaa of curt etupiett and decorum.
coiled out: "Judge, every man on tbat Jury
1 ewes m a bill Ih.uuaa tb ca quirk nr
i Ml torn op la thai fel.ow'a debt."-r-t
1 Paul Glob
' Herbert epencer U now a man of seventy,
though b look ten year yniager. lit I.
of mtdium stature and bis bead Is bai1.
except for a thin fringe of Lair. II Lease
euilir.e n-. a rudly .kin and ao Intel
Uctual fat.
Oo of tb cbcooeat reiica la tb fln col ,
ksr-Uoo of trrg Vf. CbUdt, of I'bUaaaL ,
pbla, le a liu.1 green harp thai oaos be-'
kociftfad v Tom Muore, and wbtcA Us poei
wxned Lb lo huaiitmU ti LnaA baatawav
'Cfg KU IM IT."
Jadg H r lieeOled la Tatar af
Kelly-Kelly .. r.alow.
John J Sally r. : . rank t al. Malnt
IS bef.n this lull by wiftnf s iutlary ticket,
uiif-lrutieth uf a hu'. lUkrl, ablrh bad un
I'.S.oe.i.d had tt.n loraaided lu ti e I'eopl t
il.iik (or i-ollei ileii, sad luahlch he claimed
onr'totirtb Inierrftl a. uiir. hy en.ent lh
lliftrt .. eatir1. and ihe iim-Llinrd three.
inaitrr. arre, Irav.tis Ihr islitealed
etir-iuanrr, wlurli a. shi eiaimrd by John
Knl.', limb r cuiml ,, il.rr.niit
Tlir lartle. I ix e In el luu., and hate teen
Uilc 11 iid 1 Min. le In li Keiil.ia. krll) , Norle
lii.n, I' k. le stnl reiiner. lorinnl ,iiaal eluti,
and en three er luiir iaianiift nift liaM-d live
fraction Initrrt in ki t.. ald Ira, t e,wt.
tl'S 1 r.i h, and eat h U.ellila-r.eolilril'tltlna hi.
.r, i.itlicn nl Die .rn, aa. eil.lly liitcriti .1
In t lie iniiliiili I ,-n (.. (ener.i;) ch.rkr.
anh iiri l aftln 1 1. in tel., and lield llietn
until t lie lira 1 1 . at
1 lie nieiiiia r. iiftiiail) paid Itielr i-eiilrihullon.
t Intel lie dra Hi... and tclilu paid the lot.
tery II. k. I velldet.
Ill Atril. Iv.', the? Iin.-(ed (I'oniior had
do w-'l "OH :i l l.l ei. el hell. In. had
triad In pa) hud. liar ell III. d.) .rc rding
lln- tlraa n u
I tie tn .el. had 1,-en .clcted hy Sorleman
ttiete 110 hirtlicr n ten eill.e la-l e.-i llir
11,1 ml. r l the 1 lun limit aller I tie d.aa Ins en
lil. ..U. tpni I.'. Mhru II a. learmil lliat one
-I Hie l ull in ki t. ami i ..iiai ,r u, kHi.
Il.le Leu paid ti f 1-1 I til.iv, , an.) Ihe i Heal loll
lot 1 In-1. hi 1 1 10 ih . nle i In 1 li, r renin h,i I
int 1 i'l hi li) 1, .0 li.Mli. r II w a. lor
hi 11 a titint.
I lie .la) aller llie draa IiiC kelly tendered hi.
.Imi.r, I'lit waft I .... I Ilia I he a "Iiai late ' and
tli.l lie Baft "llnl III II "
II. 1'c.iiiii i-.iiMinlea that Keliluw sre Kellv
tn lliat lie leu.i-w l wmiid ce that
ken) 11.1,-reftt 111 tlir ti.-k,-l WiMi'.d ta paid lor
III. tlnrelnle .irii M .1, ai.iiliod ami dia-revd
tliat Itiere la liilKt I In Umr ol J,, In, J
kril) ami Mtrain.t Joint renliiw, dcreetiis.
kelil III lia.e liei-ll llie iiwiirr ol an 1111.11 l.t..
'Iiiiirlti tnleot III llir lottery In ket, and
tli. I lualnllR reielie alnl collect t-'.' . rejira-.-!
1 1 1 at Hie olir-loiirlh ol the pTiaeeitft o the
I. .11. r In ft. I una on ih a.ftl Nra leau.
(I.a l ily Hem, tchtuary ;.
111. .1.1 I drink a cheap r.llli.rnla rlarel
a I1I1 li I kn.iw to la renal. e t lsas - I
klluW lln kind aar bill hne.i.
llfctlttaHK AMI IIVarcralA.
Wllliuiu ll. Ift.a kaell, Nu. 112 West ITtb
slria t. New York, says:
" 1 have iarti a martyr to bilious head
ache and dy.pep.ia. Any iudiarrelion in
diet, oteitaligue or cold brllift-s tut a lit ol
Iiidigr.lioti. tolhme.1 by a headache lasting
two or three din al a tune. I think I timet
have tried over twenty dillerenl remedies,
which were rcconiliir inl-! M lerlaill cute
by lining Iriends. hut II waa no ne. At
laat 1 Ihoiigli. I aoul. I take a iinplecoiir
ol purgation ilh l avM aiitn I u.i. Kor
the tint week I I 'k two pills rte v night,
then on p II tor thirty night; In I fiat time
I gained three p.ninil in ei,lit. ami never
hate had an at lie or a pain lice."
Ihscaac 111 one fart uf t ,e ImmIv will
eventually till 1 lie a hole IhnI)- Willi diaeavae.
r.tery year or tan some part ot the system
glow weak, and begin, to decay. Much
part ali'Mild lc removed al once and new
matter la allowed lo take lis place. I here's
no in 11I of culling it out with a surgeon's
scalpel. I'urge say Ihe old, dineaaeri and
worn out patit nh i atai aarii's I'li.ta.
A Ketituckv aentietiiaii ha. la-en laintlrmed a
Mtlll.ler to 1'eru llcle I. Ihe aaal old eolnlil-
nniioit ol a and iuiiilu over .gain.
As a cure for sole throat and cough.
"IrimVt Xrnnrkinl 7'"fif " have lieeli
thoroughly tested, and maintain a good
site What . the iim.1 animated aai taele you
ever asa f He A iloaton yirl rlisaing a aireel
Our reader will serve IbNiiatlvea by
noticing the remarkable offering advertised
In another column by tbe Sherwood Hall
Nursery Co. of Menlo I'ark and Ban Fraa
eisoo, who are hauler on th eoaal In fur
nuvbiug everything for th farm and garden.
A iiermaiiloan aat 1. wrtlltiR a amin entl
tied " I lie lay ol llir tauter rlS "
As merrury will sun ly destroy l ha sens ol
aiueii siki laimpieieiy ueranr in wnn .ysteaa
when enieilna ll iliroush the anieoa. .i(a aac
aueh srtlelet fthuiiid never he uatal esieit ou
Sieau'ripuniit le ni rryir.l. e lane, as th
m.i Hie. will ilu I. lenfold vu llie ! you
en piawllny derive Iiuiii thein. lull 1 1 alarrh
me. Biauiilai-lureil hy I". J t'heuey A t'n.,1o
ledo, ., euiiiaina no mercury, end I. laaen In
lemal'y, a tins illrva-tly utam he blued a lei ana
emus .urfaras id llie .y.leui. In btiylus Hall's
( alarm I ure tieiiire you t the irnulne. It Is
Ukeu Internally aud Diaue In T.ledo, u., by t.
J. I'l eney , tlo. leallrnonlels free.
vold by prlie, 71 ran la per
SullfHl l!aetly.
A servant who had Jual laru rnageil by
Madison avenue mlatreee wat told by her
mlatmaa that everything was lo be done In
th bout witb great punctuality. "I shall
expect you lo get up at 0 o'clock, illu at 12
aud go to lard at 10. "That's all right,"
was th reiMinae. "If I have nothing elae
to do this place will soil in exactly. "
Nw York Evening Sun.
Sicilian women, two or three hundred
year ago, excelled lu the art uf tb drawn
work embroideries now so popular. Tbey
traced their patterns on linen, then drew
tb threads from tbe parte that were to lay
transparent, and filled In lh 0nlngs
with fancy stitches lo glr lbio a lacy ap
Afr. it . churchiU
Jit. Veraoo, Wash.
""""" "
An Hoi-.cst Mcdicimi
Ithenmtttim Cured HeaJth BuL'tt Up.
Mr. fh'irrtilll. formerly of Churchill A Tsylor,
Surveyi.f. siel roil rnxlueer. ML ernoo.
WsniiivnMi. wi.te.: "ruMilhern rallfortiia
W.ftni) li.-mef 4 litany year. Vft hee I raan
bar I bewail tu be arfiirted all over wit
And slvi rvln. In mv heck and a tneral fIln
tat heiiif ii-.l up. My laitineae Uk-t me ul la
th elrmerilft all III llrna. aiet I liHind aiy
Self u .f.l ha aura, h'ftvlllif aa adrertlae
eerit of ll-avt t harvapar il.av, aad irarnitif
aiMi that ih rn'St'-ine waa efie-irioiiiiilee la
Inynen ar .f M iaarhiitt. Ifoneiui'.ed
t'.ll m .y I- are hea sraeattrlae. I loo
tlaulsi'a B'i Bxrix lu.j'tuttd last Its out
Hood's x Cures
la all waa'tert Bnd waeel s i d.y with aej
Jatitrne anl inH feelmr. Tv any en Uiat
ri. L.a-1 a,l o-r I .ay Uk ll'ai t kai ae
r.i. 1 1 ha nired ate. It II. I Ml o wiu.
HOOO PtLL Liver Ills, Jsuulftoe.
itUou.aaaa, tel Haaoarb oaat UmUunUo.
. F. M. V. o. r. N, U. Ko. oT
I; ri :tJV j
II there is. In Ihl. vs.e uf bin. a store prolific
anaree of misery thsa tha rnumstlc twins. e
asve yet in beer ol 11. renpie ere lyirnwitn e
teodetiey lu riieiimail.m, Ju.t a. tb y r with
mi to cotiftuntpiina or to ft. tolu.a. shit til causae
Inay rt' vnup this A. warn as the arnnittnc
eimrilnl atilteats lllf. reeourae .hinlld lie
tift.l to lioawrtuo .SMiuia k riiliert ahleueh ek.
lu Innhrr li.roao. an th r eurnsur
p i li llem ti e .f.leea. rtl ttalemeut tahlet
a t;ylll the Uwlltnoiiy of phy.lelalil bo
naie emiioyei iai. Due enawi u pureiii iu tneir
;irlt.te tlie. I n re I. alaa the smpieal prie
Mfttons I anil setietal lfttimouv aa to iherrlieai y
I in Hitter, lot malaria, liver coiniilaiitt, con
kiilftll.'U. Iiiatri. .lion, knlner trouble, nervous-
iiMe and loa. ol siiailte sul f1-rs. Attrr a wei-
UlK. ahelher lcil,n,.l hi aro'ilcr mil. the Hit
ler. is iift-il s a pre) en live ol Ihelitiiial Itai k
oi rrvriiutso.ia.
A mn f,al. troiidehrn he . workine h
up t.t llie lop. hut he feel, dirternit pi
ne ktie to do the .erne Ihlns.
srritukt anu r-it ita ci'kbu.
W lawlU'ely rare mpiiire. piles and all rec
tal ellkoat pel or deteullon Horn blisl-
na. So cire, uo wy. A leu eil rVtenu rtis
eaaaa. A'ldri-es for pemphlet lira rurterOalJ A
laey, aw Market street, nau F randan.
" Iticlie. msv hsve wins.." ..11 the 1lh.
Haled mail, " but there sre no Hie. un uiy
nine) ."
Tar 11 it a it for brraklasl.
t'se Rtiamellue Sin) e INdirh. nod ul, no smrll.
l'rMMftlrr,e Prrisa Hlwesl rarlflrr l
llir lai remedy lor I'lesnaing your .).ieiu.
. , TO BRACE fr'th
't V vtnn after "I Unpe,"
, pneumonia, levers, and
other prxwtrauug acuta uia-
enftre; to puna up neeiuai
flimh and strength, ami to
reUir health and vigor
wben you feel "rundown
and ud up. tb beat Uung
In tb worU Is Ir. I Wre
tioklen Medical IuoverT.
ll prumotea oil lit bodily
functions, rouse every or
gan Into beaJthful SA'lion,
puriflie and nrtcb th
blood, aad through II
rhwme. rtirs, and Invig
orate tu enure it ft em.
For tb nxa' (tubborn
8rofuloua, Bkln or Scalp IHnena. ly.
tls, llilioii.neaa, and kindred aihiMMit. tha
IHacovery " ia th only remedy that
yuorunferd. If It doean't beuetlt or cure,
you have your money back.
Can you think of anything more eonvino-
Ing lliao th promift that ia made by tb
proprietors of l'r. Sage s Catarrh iteiiwdy I
It it tbia: "If we caul cure your Calarrh,
we ll pay yon IVkJ to cosh.
Tlttl lIUkiT t'OCOn ll hl MviuMO lure.
where all oirftKee faiL Cee.hs, Creep Bare
Ihreat, Heereeneae, Vheepiig CeurtB and
Asthma. !r Ceneuaapllca It be no livsl
hascurtd theustnrla, Slid will ctMl Ton If
tskenln I'me, hold by Imi.ylrte oil a guar.
sniei. 'T a lam lla-'li or t hl, na
biilLOU't PtLbADONNA fLAaibRXky.
Old tlmo"
of trcttine
Coltls and
Coughs were
ImsciJ on the
idea of sun
prcs.iion. U c
n o w know ' feeding a
cold" is good doctrine.
Scott's Emulsion
of cod liver oil with hypo
phopphitcs, a rich fat-food,
cures the most stubborn
couh when ordinary medi
cines have failed. Pleasant
to take; easy to digest.
IV. a t? ew'f s ".an T i'iii..fiei
f Oregon Blood Purifier.
V a.ur. i rx rttra.r a a a c rw rum
av r-i- IDftUi or , a i"""' wm i " x "X9 ,JF y
aaotar vtaf atay
ivs-tiivit sia leant
)ee roe, eea (iaua
bicycles or tvtay DesufiPTioM(
aUyv ftyftouta PorTia.NO 0cr3fi
ITnT) rn.a kou-) ie
I tyi ii i ' y
-na. en. i vah o inn wtsr,
fy I a, a a. Siraaeif ea parfta aaaat,
w a'iraaftalra,aU.Taltal. ne artatee
ITO a-"e -.1 .ea. frt ftav hr.aei'
rJL 0 aa t OaaeB. lliUOalpftua. 1-a,
t f 1 1 1 1 f WaepMwa Ilablt rweeal la 1 0
1 1 W 1 1 1 1 ItoSOva.. S pay lllleareal.
W I I U 111 (ia. i. S 1 r H I MS, USSIB,0t.
Brrr" tww.i ja at- taw ltj
Have ) ou i alart li t This teniedy Is ausrarv.
teed lu cur you. rrk-e,6JvU. liijcvior (rue.
ITIoore's Revealed Remedy.
Aaroait ", January
MrxiKK . arVkAI.KU Kkw
I F.I)
ai'li m Allan aun aiy younr -
UaIIkM aliea U. taaU dixtur
Aad representing lUat t be Jual a ood a
'Victors,- "mmklart," "Clovolanda," 4Hah.lh
" "MgrV, Hr'ph.'' Wootorn Wheel Wetrlta, (to,
Ata4 for eataliajnes, club and ae-eera Srkvjoaaaa.
320 WathlngtQa ttrt, Portland, Or.
Three thing which all know give
the most trouble in their
hard-strain work are :
Sprains, Bruise and
Three supreme afflic
tion, which all the world
knows afflict mankind the
moht with Aches and
Tains arc : Rheumatism.
Neuralgia and Lumbago.
to i!o are simply these
Kuy it,
try it
and be
ly ami rvrrm.i-
nently ctiretl by
thu tibc of
Roda, Rla, Lines, Hooka, Laadors
Ho., of tho Flnost Quality.
03 First St., Portland, Or.
fSF Urnd 'or e.laliatue.
a BHrveeianlef the eewsleeeaaSay te en. re Bar
kaulie. l'Saa.sllaftipplf aim lea ftf l..ksas
taaa ll r-enl.r. They ear H . Sa-testea tae
Sra end elaar tb CmaftSlailae aaaiaa laaa eae.
raaiiea They art aiflair, aalUiae trisa saw taoSi ae
aa.! pill. ftlo. Ta aawvleft yaw at Ikaar taaatis are
will ail aarJalM. a hdl Sea rr asaatnar. SaeA
eaerywfcale. linearise Mae. Veai yllaelSia . .
t kales
Bawrk Iteete V
a-n nr tatajraxua.
Set tha 6enBine!l(riNr
rttANK W OtlLSKT, Aseat
at, rertlaaei. Or.
Hercules Gas Ennino
Made for Power er PWaAnaj Pirsassse'
Tae Ckiitn.l Kallahle tka atiaslae
r.r leapt lelty It IteaU tba H.rM.
II ells llaeir froaa B.sarewlr.
Me I'arbwrertar U (i wat wf eeetet
Re Hellerlee ear Bsttttt Ssauav,
It run wltk a Cheaper (Iratte af ttseaattj laaat ear
tot a.ftglia,
eaaa rwa uavauavee a
til tarsal tl'wl lu rrwia, U.
ye (t re tae ark
saaaiarei iaeaartrae ll. naae. a
a a rmrw rr ust eaaanw
arttavnte . I rteMnSeHeeatstel taa
ITattitsstMeiatifV) le iin.eiHIii I aa
. rvaailst rri -sj ejl swarerere.
.e.. ill IHrtl II.Btm a.
ev tj a." y uraiiwak
10 - I eaa tNala.elth klaaaura thai ki the raaa of
V lay tftUMjn was sailer 4 Inn an aot aaa mi
fttki y
rweeat aetlrely ee? IN FLAM at Alt rstT IHIU.
let OKI aiat ao r" leure tn rrnutiM
oa. a. v. sua.
a .-..11
ft 1 Out or t Betas
K Ol Pvaavt.
I Th 9aMilfle A No. I. H
I rwraa, wUtwrm' aa. all of II s e i H
kaea ai tllee. nu ma I let vt Uttw a
aui u.a P'rvaa. alrtrture. H helne art o H
ift.eal i efttftiy. 4 ure l.ea rT '- a alee B
B ka. a.ile.1 ! k all Iroietiala
M ftmaMabhetarafwi fee A SftlHaiMtlryaaBae) H
B r , Mea t..aeaause.i-ea.
r jtweetie i
fl nil OA V. J
a jj Mftftii.iiftft .ft ej
P- I