MOUNTAIN RIVAI& Between th Hiuket ui lb Trower y,,r bad long xiied a fud. It bad hrgun back iu tli lima uf gruud father of the P1""1 generation, and th engine! cau bad ! n lost to sight, yet (ririi or eUhl ' the different iiieiuiarr uf th two furuille nd (nun Urn lu time f"t itien dual" 'Mil attempt Ml filling old -cure. ,l Hi oirnmg f mjr story I lie feud waa o a unetllcd tal fur year prevl put. although dilliculllc lu Ibe way uf (tllitl adjustment a-iued lew formidable. (0 t tint oii ole miW retuvaeiitatlv of eat Ii li'ino was left l maintain II honor uiln'lil H reputation fur bravery. Th two young men w er of aluioal th Miii ane. and were well matched in phi leal proportion, bring Ml lilrl U- mid hard) lucre wiii"! to I excellent ground fur aiirrhrl.uu W hr:i ' '" l yuUUg lllfll Lev"" 1 I"1) aitriilloiis In I tir same giri-a ritalry that I pt pnxluce dm-onl, urn between friend Willi a Hiimin't an In l art. even t ! ii li untutored. Mix lb-lay limit..' managed to lead Mill v in I in a n.crry ilmi'V uf ll. ami lo llrge each hIi h'i auil fear alternately t w.i a li.innli-a cqui-lry, however, and she ili'l mean that any trouble ahiiiil.l era III! fnnii ll, ao ahe gat l it h IIIIir In understand I till any breach of llir .ur n I J at mice la? vt.ilrd Willi her laatllig sud M-tcre ili-pleaaiira I let at- strove to avoid favorliLm If kh Weill l singing Mll'Nil with Sieve Trower "i ' ii'thiii, ln" ni lu nl Irii'l meeting Willi I'r ir IIii kiI on t In tuit. 'I'll rival, lnul i..wi.-d a tiu lt under smii'ling regarding Sunday courting, u t i in- ilul uul iihiii I In-oilier Tlirie wax In il rntir Idleneaa nil these Sunday nftiTiim ii. fur wln-ii niilkliiit time c.iuie -'ll- IHy loua lirr plgk'lli and ac ionli'1 n gr.uioiia privilege In her uKruduul to lui;rr nl Hi lurs ami eiilrrdiln ber, prliup lu Ki--; a hungry r.ilf at Lay whlli ,ie mil..c-l Mi liny Wu roquet tr hi.muIi M cliiirm over rvrn ln iiri'iic H-'iiiitliiii. mj that il Ivoaiii urn uf ill ri.Jut.ililc funtiin- uf ll.i-il.iy On Mir ui-i'asiuii, ii kii ant Hli'l milkcl lin "iililrriw wall lb rruniii-'l Imrii," mu ll a iIk-m muiiiiiniiiuii n-ui'iii ili-vui liri'ir 1 1 n ki-1 li iiiii 'l a-uiiil I In- Imr. " I'lrir' it-nil Irr 1 1 ti-ni- iluwu Ifi pry IViL-k M-ttli'iiii-nt, n. ' nivk umir i l inn- l.iv." nui-rvi lirun. "I'1 I114 imi-lia' l'nil. iluwii tin' "r!v" lli'ilin-J Mi. lli-ty. uiaiiiiii: UTrr ll'-r ll'lil'tlT '-Inn km! H i li s' iniviin iluii'l nun olTlill nt'X' iiiunt Ii. Hit' a liu Imw a i:n In',' iiii'fV'l linirr. I.i-t ii. 11 I ' !'. Ii.'ltfr." cr.l l.i rrii-1 .ii.iIii fer a mi ii: miI in Iht htii itluii, mi I ihcifiiv cm t:iiit i.if I In- two atriMin uf milk ll it 6 irl iiiiu I lir p lil wu Ii it inn I IIHI-.I inn I lium.' In Hk limury i-.uf " Vi . irrtv'" cMiiiiiiui-. Iht iiilnin r I. qil M l I'iMy "Si I'urk'-r w ir iluivn ihir I'.ilhi r il iv nil' n titer liii( irlra lilai-'f a U'i'.iu' nil 'l"il bil." "I 'i. yrr uir a ituLi'" Mi Ik-uy r Uiirki.l, nln r a h-wr ruuiiii-iil' ili-nrt "If I km af it U niiiji my, I iimii'.' aal'l liiiivr, Willi tili:lt ini'.ilil.i.'. "I 'In i f iT limk 'r uiiiil 'iiuT. 'Mun i l H i hivi-rful liarl tiling ter tlu K. I'. b .li iiliful 'Unit Jrr " "Auylkxly Ii ti it 'I r iiii;i.uiy." atiil llrv wllii iu;ilmi. "K.ilk i f.ilk. Hi-null." rvinitrknl i 1J.I.V "Onp ran k'" on wvtli ima all' ) ll 'Imlll wi-ll ft t'ulllt-r. " "VVi-ll, I 'low to ku uctli t lirr itirliil fill in all tlw-- yi-ra bill rf ;.r'll i(.i wrtli Bit." oiiitiini-il liruie M-ilm-iitrly "I'li ir U lli-iu r aya M il viny INvrli-r It rn;lil p. jrt liaikiu'. Hi hil'Ii bit urvpr iriick me mrrfiil." aaiil Ml 1 1-1 -y Iti u.tiM l 1 1. i r, aiarviity uimnuUliil at lu r Ivau'a in-M-iiiB. "I wnrrvnt tliinkiu' o' liu M.ilviny 1'i-rv fcr." rt-lurtnl limvu. "Si Ku- li.iiii'i no ml homely pit, i brr bitir I rv.1 nu' Iht hum- turn il" muiii-." coutiiiiiFil Mi IW-iy rilnlvljr "Saw-I'lm-y, kiin '" lie aililml waitliilily lo brr trl ls rill 'Ttim'l ii. i Si Itice. nullicr," iulruol tiMvawillia faint UiuiU of tvrwu.-li In bi Ion. "I'd jiikt miikr a lavliu ft-r yi-r Mia IWty, an' )i-r know hit." "Im, Mr. ll:irki'l!"rxi:liiupl Mia IU-I) wltb a to of her heiul. and lopiiiii( 1. 1114 Dimi;li l .nil a ilUtiirlniiK ' H' dirn.ti.iti uf hr mluiirrr, "wbavrr ill'l bar o' -U fKllillUa?" Ilriiirr Hi iiiilkinil wu ovrr, bowrvrr. Mi ll-l-r hail riiirntri lu .u-oimi 1 ll y .Mr ll.iik.-l U tli rirriia at Dry I'rvek arttlrnii-iii on Tunxliy of l lie fullnwin r-k. Ill riiiikMiieurr of IliU rnunu'emelil Sti-vi Tmwrr fiiiiinl bia plan .tdlr klmtirml wbi-u h prcM-rilml biniaelf lli iirxt Sun Jay ami akkutl for Mi lk-l)' rouuian) to the rlrxti. Ilia iliHipoiuliiient wa m emli lit tint Mlaa lb-lay a heart wa loui'liisl, ninl lie ailv.init! Ilia aoothitiy iik'O-alion that "liii nut-tin' wnrn't a linn dn-d iiillr olT, au' all a'punl fulka wonhl want to ku to bit too." Ailile.l to Slevo'a an of itrcal illwip puiiitini-til nil tb fn-linil lliut bi rival bad takt-n limine nilvantai: uf hi 111 (irov llacket bail f;unr will) Mi lb-lay lo lli cirrm tb yenr la-for. anil ihiaahuiiM bavi lerj b la own (i.x.rtMliil). and bl bvarl waa IlllrJ with a derp n-aelll llivtit. Now Sieve wn aoiurlbliiK uf a M-lwuirl by mil nr.-, mid, uinlrl hjr Jealoiiay ami an iter, he la-Kin In cii.t aleiiil for kuin plau whi-reliy b miu'lit cirruiiivrfit bia rival ami nnini.lili bia own vud. II. t-nn diuk at unif iik'in-all furaitai'k lb weak t nit In In ailrerary' cliarai t-r lit knew Uruve'a fondiiew fur "nioouahlne,'' ami bia inem.ily to grt on a aprro now and then, ami na b bml now la-en miIm-i l'r quite a while h wu pnilmhly lu n III colullliun to la- tempted aiii-rexafully. tirly Monday niorniiitf Siev nl ovei lo Hilly Warner carryinit with him a brown jug of iunorent a.-aralv hut ill rrputalila contenta liiil wa a hariulr. Bwl fur Dot hi n i creature, foud of hu Oram and of aweet Idleuea. II lirnl neat H.u-ket', and bail frequent ly Joinel him OB hi preea. When Stev rial aaa) 'run Hill Warner' h left lb j'ii( ueliiml and bi boat'a p;irtlui word were: "I'll fix him fer V. aartaiu an' alio'." ilv oYl.ark im Tuewluy ui.rnlnK Mia li-ly bad la-atirreil hepwlf and tb ri-l ul the li.iiiKeliol.l in her prvparalloli for au rly departur. aa the road wa a lou and rouyb one and a attirt by da) li.'l.l wa llewkAiy. Afur hrrakf ikt Mia IJ tay arraird her elf In her mint urw iu-binii toilet lu bmior uf lb H-X'a.ioit. Then be not out her raluiK akirt and at dow 11 t f await her ra "rt. w Lo waa already paal du Tb faiul alrrak uf li.'l.l iu tlw e.wl dI"Iieil Into hroail r.-al litn!. wlille ll. nuau aluwly liflrd fr.uu the awaken nut World, Ilk curiam of tfnuie ruiied up leoiu Mime fair (il. ture. and yet no :iin uf li tardy raralier. A tl.e iiiomeuta aped iliaa lleuy trew quit mtiea and kepi her (albrr buy aiiihliutf down to tl.e Mil to look for brr lnl.nrf eacort. Kiu.illy "rap" '"-riij:! ii,. or rued aa approaching Iw.x uui ieadintf auotU-r animal, au I M be')anidorn to Hi lli to be lu rMll eeaa, aa It wa already o Ut. To ber nr fn tl. rV-r pmved to lar Slav Trower Inatrad .W ..e llai krt. "Hi-llol haia t iron yil" b daimed. - 'hiwnl yer'd la? off 'f jt day " "llow'a a body ur ai 'thout company r li t- nutber" ak.l Mia lleuy witu v, leot irriiatioa "He yr eo auytbiuK ' lir.vt l!a ket Ibia mawnin'f" "Why. hevo't ba turned up yit" que Uoaed Meva in well feigned urpn "Not ea aii)lly kuowa." tried Mla IJet 7 ltulacitly. tf teat tber caa. bit' Jer f on I rt ryaa oa 1m unUy. I'm t HJJ." cuutlmiad M, with md.let, . T" . "in Warner la' niitbt, u bU.I. m. 1'a. a powarful praaiu." "Well, k.mmJ merrv! m !,,' n... 1 Ufuir cried Mi llet.y Inditft-'illy I MJea' li.wu irT ,,," a,,,,),,,,, .r. uaalrely. after a luoineiif. reflerti.... Jr . a mar a'rrady al.ed an' bridled au kh. a 'uu too. Now w'at'a tUer uaa ter.uyat bo.u wbea yr klu jump riitbfcoa ber au' tfo alraiuht ter ther abuw bub bit a pity ter ml fer fellow? w'al llkea lli-ker la-tter'u a pruini." M ia llet.y l.ked up tb road. Ibn w ifiilly down It. "Hit uiii.t b llcker w'at'a kcepla Mtu, ln l. d ba' lava yr 'forw tbia. aha aid In beaitation. "VJ folk la a Koln' they'd ouuhler b on tbr way tbnr." kald JSp" Scrui; be tween tb piilT uf bia cuhpipe, and aeem lOtfly addreaaliiK bia remark to "They aay el bil l a powerful bltf abow." a.lded Steva with alliinnii Impmaleeuea. "Tbar'a er' Iiik1 vannlnt on tbar whole face o' thr yarth yer kin e, au' ridin' an' tumblln' an' hlliate. dov mi y,r d a lallin' at 'en i-ultiu' up ther ahllea." Tb picture waa moat alluring una. Tap, I'm attoin' wetb Mr. Trower, that 'a je" wr'at I ain'aald lieUr, Rather Idk up ber ndinit akiru Kully an hour later Urn Market role op to th .Srin.'K hotnrwteoiL Ha waa till tinder Ilia lulliienr of liiiior, and bowed uniiiiatukuhle evidence of a uihl'a debauch. When b learned that Mia llrtay bail Kon away niiiie lima la-fore lu the com pany of Slev Trower, be turued alamt wiihout a wonl, and itirinu hiabonw anr k'f cut wilb a wiu-b, KaKopeil liaek to tha dim-tlon uf bl home. "Tbar'a irnin' lo I trouble ylt 'twlx Steva an' Gmva jea' "bout tlii very tbliik',' tuulteml "pap" ricriiiti; aa be Jowly re traced hi le to th bullae, dubloualy baking lli brad aa he weut. Sum two week after tbl im-ideiit Uarket waa out on day with bit rilla for th purpoa of bailing mint name, and lao to freahen up a bit after hi lung pre. II had learned from Ilill Warner, In a moment of uiau.lliu roulldrnc. of th part bia rival had played In the matter of bia recent apre. and a deaire fur revenge burned Here, within him. IU had aim ponaenaed biinarlf of th lde that Mia Urty ScniKg waa a willing ala-llor iu th hahhy trick that bad been played biin, and bia feeliiu were unileruing that atrang pnai-a by which hatred can lw Dually evolved from love. He bad aeen neither uf tb partie ainre, and it waa with iirpria that b camvaud denly uion SU v Trower taking a bath in one of tb ahmty pool of a creek who ourr waa in Ilia higher bill beyond. lirove'a prraeur wa uo la unexiwrtexl to th bather. They looked at eiu h other In alienee for a luuuieiit. Sieve itaiiding In water up to hi waiat and (jroveon tb bank above I1I111. The bank waa little overhanging at thia point, aud Steve, with apparent ludif fruce, moved alowlv toward ll, arh tep bringing tb water further up uu hi laxly and placing biin mora In lb abelu-r of tb bank. tirov waa uut ohlivioua to tbia, and lowly raiaing hi rifle to bia ahoiilder said "Slop right Ihar!" W b 1 Ir I h wonia were om i tioua, t he art ion waa more mi, aud Sieve' head Invuliiiita rily dlnpiiml under th water like a loon which had eapled a foe. Presently he cam up within a little dia tauceof w here he bail illwip-ared. w hile Urove, with a gnil4iie leer, deliberately brought bi gun to bear Uxii him again, aud Steve na pnmiplly ducked hi bead under tb water. Tbl oild M-rfonuanre waa repeated ae rral time, until Stev la-gau totbow un Ulatnkabl aignt of fatigue. Minting aud blowing a be cam to th urface. A yet uo wonl bail l-en aikrn. "Ciiltin' akeerce o' wind, ia yer" demand d Grow with extiltaut aatiafactlun. " Yer Ihievin' akuuk, I'm nigh a mind ter make yrr drown yi-r Irlllln' oirki. I hi-v Uii! Sieve promptly ola-yrd Again aud ugnin lirove compelled him to go down under th water, each time giving vent to loud guffaw uf delight which echoed through th valley. Iletween the oiituural of merriment Grove kept up a running commentary: "Inl y! Ixinlyl tbia 1 a heap ight fun niertban tlieralmw, hit air. Hit' beiter'n them cddicateil animiie Kf yer gil a little wet 'twon't hurt yrr much. I'll git Lli 1 1 Warner ter f.itch yer down aorii prim ol redeye, but don't yer git on uo pre, koa yrr iiiuut not la? aid ter keep yer pint turut with me. S'imw yrr dip dim n again that' bit only yer niu-tri't kivp yrr noggin under ther water o long, fer I 111 'feared yer heallb'li la? ao (Mirely yer can't go down ter Dry Crick Settlement nex" how day, which would be powerful on fortuuit on Ml lb-lay Scrugg. now wouldn't hit? Mu' yer dip down agin Well, don't uy tbar long, fer I want ter re yer pnrty face oon. Here yer mie up. Now i'ihwii yrr try dlvin' oticl more bit orter 'mind me of a tiirklrklippln' uffi-u a log. Danged ef thl hain't a aight lalter'u any how I ever eed Ha! h! ha! how he kin dive." Final ly, utterly exhauated and breath IrM, Steve caught hold of the Imred ,nal of a tree pnije ling out over thr water. "Kf yrr air g"iu lerahiail, why, ahootl b rnetl kullenly "What thrr una o fooliu'r" "Taln't none," anwrrd Grove lacoulc ally, "though bit do look like a pity ter pile a nice love match, liken yrr au' Miaa UeUy hev got iii. l iu arter game, now omever, an I don I low ler mi none w'at collie In my way. Una air a giaal lime, too, ter settle up nomeuie corra w'al hev hern ruuulu' fer a long time back." He klowly lowered hi rifle, examined th lock carefully, then th priming and d Uheratcly raianl It to hi ahoiilder again. "Keaily. la yer, yrr plwu headrd rat tier'" he called out to Steve, w ho through 11 tbea prelimiuarie bail maiutaineil a toiral law ring "Shiait, yer lira kin' coward!" th Iwther called out uutlilichingly. Tb next liiatant tlie aharp rrrt uf a rifle ran it out through the aiirnl valley. awakening the rrboee the hill. GrovtoMl and watched theatart w here Steve one mor went down until Iherir cling nnga wnlrneil and wideiieil aud bruk u:am the lurtlier MM. mniwnrii troubled wairr grew cairn attain he klowlv aiiu'ildrml hi rilie and ilrmle away. 11 U Woml In It-im a nee A Zewlooa , r. C. A. OIBree. A man wbJ waa furtouly driving through the ttrart aud laaiting bl bona rr(atdiy wa liaited by a numtar of iudignant cilixau. Wuat th uiatterT aked om; "g.alig after a d.artorr" "'.'," replied th man; "1'in a rpreriita tie of the H P. C. A. We've ft a tuau on trial for crualty to borr, anJ I'm tha prin cipal witnea. I Bun et to to trial in t.m to roimut bint. Out of tb way, pl" Wbackl wbackl Yauke illala. A Olebrwtee) Traveler. parner (to t'nirwgo dniruiiri Do yoo roo-ii. w that gentleman wated further up tMfarf II Mouavf Uigratat trtvre- la th tvoaU7 i djo t know now uumy time b croaae tb ocan rverr year C"blca;o Drumnjr Voo don't aay aol I aver aw bim before In my lif. Wbat't hu Damal Paarnir Jamr Ruarll Lowed. Cbi'wgo Urummer Janie Ku.i Lowell, eb. Wuat Lite of rxaktWae Blii Saw York bun. ra f llplaaary. t , If th ('vernmebt want flnt r!a mluiktrr to in court of St Jatue fc;.i.k u ll maa. 11 borw diplomat. Witika Tbmk aol i know ao. Why, nr. I've -r that man fiiink tat t-J a uo.f'a-me.1 rai.rc.! c-oodoo-tor bbUI t oilt" Puladelttua baoorl EM) UFULU WARSUHti THE VESSELS Or THE CIVIL FAST DISAPPEARING, WAR What lleexme ( the IWal Thai rigal Sm Mure Mew t rwlaer Taklwg Ike flaca ml Ike Vtoadea tinea 4'kaage la Wewl teara-Waeaa raaaea Halka, Of th nearly TlO atram Vvwaela which wer rervn!el 11 (am tha navy regiater In It'kV, at III rloaeof th civil war, there now remain only the Ijincaater. IVtiaarol. Hartford, Kirhiuoud. Kearaargr. Inii-ii, Wabaah, Mi line, it , Pranklin, Yanllc, Monorwry, Mirblgau, Paliwaud llnla. I? Idee the thirteen aiiiitle turreteal monl tor. Thi eulira fl.-et came fewer gun than wer carried by three of th original hip of th nary-th 'un.litTitl.iu. the Conatellailon and the I'll I ted St ate-in lb war of IM'l Four of I he olawlet war .hi, old llmert that wer familiar to the navy yard bi pltal nurae. aud whnti hwl been run demnel by the government, ht their up portunity of ever agaiu having their wound healed at tb navy yard, and wer old to tb hlgheat bidder for old j'tfik. And ao on after auntherof Ih old crip plea la dlaapH-aring. and in a few more year th new rrtiiaer. rommerr destroy r, bat. I hi. Ironclad and torpnlo boat will have di. placed thrm nil. It la likely that whi-er VI. II t'ow bay, a plrtureaiie arm of Umg I. land aound, will have bl rurnnity excited by a picture that will aiigk-rt to biin a marine Junk hop. Ilia a place where I he hiiainraa of breaking up old ahiw I Carrie.) on. Iti th place where th last arene uf the evenl fu4 hlatorlr of very many of thr war vr. aria baa lavii marled, and where the old Brooklyn and I he (Jiuuneliaug will have their weary and rotten lame laid away lo real. That ia, they will b torn or blown lo pircea. UK! PKU'M Full III I K. All that ran I taken apart with thr crowbar and lb ax and aw will la taken ont Intact, and then dynamite will la brought into play to complete the ruin. Tb titular aud plunk that ran la? got out whole will he mid to the farmer and Contractor for building barn, and bridge; and there I many a bridge along the drive on Umg laland 11 am the tiuila-r uf which may att ill be aeen the numea of aea mrn and landamen, cut In by tli.Mewho fought and died In battle nn the liuerriere, tb Itoanoke, tbeShaiiirock. Ih Powhatan and other of the war veaael. Aaide from the few tlmla-r. the iron, eopa?r and ol her metal are the only real valuable tbiug in tb hlp. Thropwr, of courae. I moat in demand, and alwayt bring a kinm! price. Finally, when everything ia taken out that la of any value, and w lien all the tint ber la taken out that will pay for the labor, whether for buildiug or firewood, th real of tb bull I art on fir and hurued. The tight of one uf theae burning veaael at night la really a brilliant one. The verdigria and other comlmalihle matter In Ihe tim ber give off rich lightaof the moat brilliant tint, and mine of the ilierlilioii aik'lit err have vowed tlmtofleiilimetheghiat of dead mariner have la-en aeen walking tb aand and digging iu them for their tolen kila. It haa often been a matter of wonder to thoae who know uothing about the value of old Junk aa lo where the buyer uf theae old veaaela make a profit Kor In taure, the old Qulnnrlmiig wa bought for about fln.OUU, aud tb buyer uo doubt mail a pretty fair prollt upon bia pecula tlon. Ab'TIIOH OF A TXUnV UKMXHK. Upon aomaof theae old hulk there ia often aved out aoin particular part of th veaael that ia looked upon a valualile fora relic. On uf th greateat treaaurra uf the odd and end from the old ahlpa la the leering w neei or tl.e olu Lou.lilution, or "Old Ironaidra," aa ahe waa railed The old kalling bip Cyane, which waa one of the veaael ahe rnpliiml in IMS, and which did aervicefor many year afterward In the Pacific, waa cold a few year ago and broken up. Few veaael of the old navy aaw more active aervice duriug the civil war than tb antiquated aide wheel ateauu-r I'ow balau. Hefor then, in S'u, ah formed part of tb squadron which went lo Japan under Commodore Perry. It wa on thl CTuiae I bat tbe fiimou expreakion, "llliaal U thicker than water." origlnaieil. The xpreaaion baa been credited lo other aince that dale, and to nn ullicer of tbe navy wbo died in tin city recently In fuel Commodore Tattnall wa tbe originator of it. He waa in command of the Powbalan during the trouble between the Kugludi anil lb Chluea on the Pi river, w hen h wa obliged lo remain neutral while Ih Chinese fort were shelling the French and Kngllab Btinboale. One of the F.ngllah ininlaiaLa waa aillkk tiv a ahul fnim tlie fort, and turning to some of the nlli.vr 1 aloniraideuf him he said. "Ilhaal i thl. ter i than water." and ordered llml-a.t low ered and keiit them lo reM-ne the dpiwiiinu oflicers aud crew of the lliitlah gnnlaiat. Th Puwhatun once chuard lb privateer 6umter f nun tiff the mouth of the Miaai ippi to Maraiihao. Ilraxil, and miaaed cap turing ber by tbe giving mil uf the I'ow hatan a coal when she ismld not obtain a new supply. Th Powhatan hn diaap pea red, except a amall irtion of brr milk and a maaa of old material which In- piled upon th shore at Cow hay New York Tribune. CoL Hhepsnl Advlew. When Frank Oray went ere-r "prlnj to beeonie Iiiiriih- marrier -if 1 he New Y'k Uad and Kxpr he natural!! fi ll timid l'-t hi hearty weatem maime' iioi,. hM-k hu new aaaofiate and stand 111 Hie " iv of In? ru'-rea in that new fl.-id line da hi em plover, Co. K!li"tt K S!e-urd. Inviii-.! him to lunch at lelitHinico'a. and a auia-rd iuurb It waa. ton Involving i.uin-mu crtir-e and vat niaount "f diapiay After tin bowy affair CoL Sliefatrd drew Gray aile and aid very rriai.'y to In in "My young friend. I hnuld gt leva lo w.kiii.I yiair fel ne. bat there 1 on thing which I think I aught to tell you on I. it of a.lvi.-e whi'-h may come with pnrrtety fnnii me, an lid ni"rwex(a.i-n-iil man, hi you ho are Jut tartuu ii;am a hual:ie- i-rireer." "Why. certaiulv. i'l tiray, e-ii.ri.v "You have a rigm, Cd Klieird -an un diaihted right tiadvi me In matter which pertain to our mutual affair?, my. 11 i your duty, for, a you aay. I am young and uua phiatn-ated. while, on Ilie otiier nand, ii'l are oiler an I i-h-i v exie-netice 1 Ri.t.iere. I firr. M-tr that y.,ii wi.l f.a-1 no heitiii- linut to me Ihl r-ouii-l of wm. rj you (k, nd wln.-n, I n.i- t. wiiJ grrativ fa.-il.Ute my wnm in .N" York jMjrnal tain" But I fear.' replied l'.. Suevr 1. "that I snail wound fair d-win;; Hare no fer on tual .'-. erie.1 l,Qr. tl 111 beb ajve either uf u to R.iK-b In In fare of duty " Well, turn. sai l C..I Hl.efcJ 1. l.-:iirt-e Steely, "what I wauled to te, y.aj laltna: Alway eat l creim witli a I'ra -lu Iw-t, never eat with a paa when a f-k can be naad Uutrad.''-uMM Fie.J la Chicago Kewa Merawlue' Tills. General Amhrcawr K liumaide, wbo re lieved Mi-i'lellan aa commander of tbe Army of Potomac, waa at Brat colonel rf Mb- Firt Hh.aJe lalaud, but w hen be rane . . . . t 1 , . 1 .i to llil uiuii7 J liririai um waa ,.v--i "Khudy." Inculeiiially it n.ay he taled that General llurnaid a!e gave name Ut th part.cuiar cut of "aidehuru'' so much In Vugu a few year since, "Th geberal with hi whukers" was coniderrl eery kabdauOi Cajiira. Waalubftoa fetar MARK TWAIN'S COUATS'lir1. faree ft!' Iterora Ik II aeart.1 lit "t ea'' lur aa Aawwer. Mark Twain, if lie I In llu nrnul. a ill l..!l the story of hi own nairuhip in 1 near Wiarthy uf Ihagnpalewl i4llltl tluil O'l Wbea b Arl met toe n aitersard tawmina bis wife Ue waa n.4 i dilui.uiH-.l aa now, hu origin wa huinl.., a-id It hi Q I ear or bl lite M nail laa-n a piioton I lie luauatippi river Tha future Mr Clemen wa a of pwilion and fortune, ber fatuer waa a Judg and dmilitleaa aa-led "family' ami wa-ial uurian in hi mnt 111 few. Clemen, however, bm-auie luiemled In hi daughter au.1 after awiiiaj pr..wl. but was rejei-led "Well," be aid lo Ilia lady, "I didn't nm. h believe youd have low, hut I I d Uy." Afur awVla be "tiled" ,-ain, with Ilia wine reault, aud then n inarkel with hi,-.e bru.ed drawl: "I Hunk a great deal uf you lhau If you .1 aai.l 'H e. tail 11 luml tobear." A third lime be met w 11 ii lazier fiatun. and then cam to the dillicuit part of hi tawk, to addrr the u,d man. "Judged he aaid lo the di.tullcl nil. lion aire, "have you seen anything goiut ou l tweeu Ills l-imeand met" "Whatl Mhair" exchtlmeil the judke, rather ahari1'. apreiitly n ! uuderataud lug Hi itualion, yet a Uuiwa of it from Ilia inquiry "llave you evli anything going oil bet wer a ilia l.lui and met" "No, uo, indeeu!" repl ed tha manual, sternly. "No, sir, I have not," "Weill Uk luirp aud ymi ill." aai.l the author of "lum-ul Abroad." n.l tlial th way he aked lb Judicial luminary bar hi daughter' baud. Mark ba a child who Inherit .'in of her father' brightnea. She ke.i a iliury at one time, in which h noted Ine i-. ui rein-ea in the family, and. among oilier linna, tne ay lug of ber pan-uta Uu one iagi- ! wrote that father sometime uwal atronger word when UHilher au t by and he tiioiu'lil "we" didn't bear. Mr. Clemen found Ihadinrr lid showed it to Iter hutlaiiid. prulwitilv thinking the rticular ia wmtn hi notice. After tin Clriiii-ii did and said rv ral thing tnal were inleudial to attract tie child alteiitiou, aud ( am i tnem duly not-.l afterward. Ilul one day tb follow in. eulry on-urrsd: "I don't think I'll put down anything more about father, (or 1 tb.nk h d, thing lo have m mK hnu, and I l..e be read this diary." Slw wa Mark' own cuitd. 1'biladeiphia I'reaa. Cheat HI laMlglwg every Week. There I a well known bachelor uf mid dle age and prraraing apa-ar.ini In tbl town who reaemhlea 1 lioinaa Ih? (Jills Cry in every particular trail of hi char cter. He alway mainlaiii four or five different loduing plac-. and rotate from one to another at bia ow 11 aweet w ill Ilia liicom I kiilllclenl lo H-riuit him lo live a b plraara, but he allow extravagance In no other way except in the nuuila-r of theae balging place and Ih plir. Iiaae of eaura, which lie haa deaaitrd in large lot lid varieties iu bia aevernl habitation. Once a wrrk he uaually ditie at the Clarendon wilb four or live laavini i ruiin-a, ml be mayufirii l-aeru iu Ihelimcli raiiii of that gilded biavtclry: but none of In tmavl Intimate friend ever know J ! t where to find him at bum. Nor 'I. a-, any of hi laiidlndiea know w lieu lo anil. the aound of hi latchkey. Ilia r.a.iii. ue kept reaily for hi coining at all linn . Mu baa nut Ugured )et a all n-crulric man IU any novel or dramatic rrprrariitiitiou, nor doe be poae for any way eccentric among buainra men; but it la certain he baa figured lu giaaj many isviiaoru of the heart, and I till ararchiug for a fair par! ner who will bring bi mid cxlaleiic lo a fitting climax iu marriage. Not having married be ba tried to up- tly th lark of au e.talilialinieiilof bl ow n y ubliluliiig fragment uf ex-ni lodging houae. lualead of roiiataiilly 1 l"ovl"a! bia belougiug every limn be tin. I tbe buiia uol.y or crowded wilb union I genial person be merely walk away when 1 Uighl come to allot her of hie abode and triea that for a variety, lu Ih courae of a mouth or ao prrhaiai be will get around lo tb first on lie left and find It Improied. Thl ha beeu bia way of living during many year. Among other lodging he keep one, iinimer and w inter, away off In tbe locality of PaU-bogue. llriaAlyu t'itl leu, My Cartlea aa Oultm. There waa on great dilTrrem-e bet ween tbia ganlen uf mine and the garden of my neigh lairs an cnormoua dilTen-nce, I might ay for, while they had union lu their ganlen, my ganlen waa on an onion. In fact, the union waa my ganlen, and in some rraMcta tbia waa au advantage to me. I bail uo soil to prepare, uo erd to sow. I hail merely to keep my oulon a little mnlat aud tbe crop appeared uf tbrmaelve. Th first to rum waa a aagr green down, Plring near tha iih k of the uuioii, Juat where th clear, ahiumg acah-ache round jthesUlk. If tbe oulon were put lulu the I ''. "' almigbl up ml liearacrow-ii uf llower, folioweil by a crop of onion ared. It make i-lforl to sprout even in a dark cellar It puahea the Males apart, and the lual n ui.iant uf lif leave them of theirown life, I mean, fur, no sooner ar they dead, than a lnt of tiny ajHirrs find life final in their remain. Tlieaporra bad la-en fulling un my onion ale for month, but, so long aa tue viile were unbroken, could gain uo najth.ild. Now thouamula of them had puahed out little threail, which, branching and inter lacing wilb each other, at laat forme 1 a film that th ey could M-e. Then ijun kly folioweil tha sage colond, velvety kp.its, and I knew that ray first crop wa re kly for examination. Wbatwaaltf Tbe boueknr;a?r called it mold. Sh aid that my oulon "bail begun to get moldy." Mold i one of ber deadly enemies. She recognlie It a a sign of rot or do-ay, and, wisely from ber int uf view, she get rid of it na quickly aa sible. I railed ll mold aiao-a mold Kor 1 knew that before long there would appear other crop unlike tin one. yet lik enough to hear th name of m.,11 ala Katbarin 11. Claypul lo Popular Science Monthly. Tb Hhler wf the t.aat. Tb ancient nide without aaildle or allr rupa, on a blanket ur pwl or bare Uirk, and In aplte uf tbia fart, or prrhup by may on of It, rod extremely well. It I won derful what fealaof military horseinanablp th barehay k rider could a-rforrn in th ag of what we might rail gymnaatir eijue Inaniam. Noihing but Ih knowleUe of our olillline enables ua to credit tha historical account uf bia auilily and aklll. When, renturira later, kail. lie cm. into Uae. there grew up two rhuol of riding that uf th mailed warrior, wii-ee iron armor well rhimed in with hi "i-,nk-? i.q a wall" aeat in hi peaked a-l lie. and I hat of tbe uneielal, wb'ae and k'teea ail but lurheL Why th eaateru rid r Q ng to hia extrtiiirlr ahort leal ber it u I. n I in ay, Ulil.-a It lartopiore hliu th l.i.-li. r aiwv bi burae, and llierrfor triaae in in tbe more lmaiiiii when he stand up hi ulrmjav to hrandiau riuaar ur uiau": lock. Yet b la a wonderful rider, Ihl am oriental, a indeed ia every man who from youth up la the companion uf the eorse. -Colonel T. A. Dodge In Harper' Tt kal U TTeold key. TerAIns Ce L'X ur:.lyi-P.rowo, what would yoesayif I wer 1 ,. yea ts lend me I Jul ISrowa ireVirt; ve!r Whit w il 1 sry I Oh, I woual (a-otahiy MV "11 k l -ha. ha. ha wow. wow, -,, or sa.'.binf of Uat ava-t, JetvaiiaV Tb tjaj a. J: l; I IKK KAILKUAUl.M. ENGINES WITH A THIRTY FOOT DRIVER ANO A WIDE GAUGE. A ymp rrwas kea . la t klragw lw faar Huar, si Ik Hale ut 31 stile aa aaj ke klou tlelaeea A rrapkeefTkal M Nul lis aarKal. Teu years fnmi now thrr may lai only on railroad In thl coiiulry 10 which trunk line w ill te The American of the near fill 11 n mnl tratel faaler 1 her ar un reaaoiiable gnuiiul for la? Having that the present r.aorJ uf l aoino tire ?el ran e.1 uan while the gauge and rolling alia k continue a they uuw are The diameter uf the ha-ouiotie driver wheel miikt la? lucreaa.-?! lo a?a ure greater a?rd, but maater liiei uilc are n,l al all agree. I aa to how Ihla ,Tu la-at I? done The enlargement of the driver la-l..nd even feet would tiei-eaail ale a w i.lcniu, oO tbr gauge, and I hi et rliiicnl . not like ly lo lar reM-a(eil while Ihe preaent f.min of mlling ktia k are lu 11 Hut mir mile an hour 1 not lai nough f r the American of today The locomotive ha .r..Uil.y allanied Ihu max Inium of Its rllii leucy It make a more economic uae of aieaiu than any other form of engine The marine engine loa U per cent, of Ihe latent euera'V 111 I he coal, but th locomotive utilxc fully 3.1 wr cent of IL Therefor Ihe pmldrm I not to Uu prove the ha-omotlce. but lo enlarge II ra kM-lly lo get o- ft th itrouiid M 1 11 MUll all Alal Ml Tbl ran only la dona by some ra-lual rhaug In Ihe form of the and Ihe rolling alia k To Uicreaae (he dl.imi-t. r of th w heel la Ih flral rrqiiiaitn I'hiawill nrceaailate a widening uf the a-rin Hu nt way Supaw Ih driver wheel to la thirty fret In beik-tiL Ih gang ought to be twenty feet The rail would hat lo be a fiaK high, and ought to wrinb a lou to the real They w ill la? lailled lu, I lea made uf the Inrueal tree trunk l lamalile Mammoth "llab plates" will Join Iheuiend to end Th coat uf ronaiructloii will la (rrhlrd llrldgee and viaduct will hat (o la? built of th heaviest material, and tcaled lo la-ar th weight of a DVlou lia-oinollvel Th heaviest engilir 011 Ih Priina) ham rail ruad Uaetl In Ih paaaenger ai-rrice wrlk'b forty ton, and one lite time a Urg will glv power enough to pull the great car that will travel uu 30 I. ail wheela The gigantic engine will la? euaprlided below the a ilea, luatead uf resting upon them The boiler will lw built around tbe axle, aud the aumkeslack will uot lw higher than the lo of the driver wheels The cab will la very commodious, audio catrd juat behind the smokealack at op 1 lie boiler Several firemen will lay n-qilln-d, and they will la? provided for on a platform at a lower level uu th rear of the engine Hut Ilk laiM'T HK I iVg. If Ihe sain uumla-r of pialon at n ike ran b obtained by thirty f.a.t driver' wheel per minute a attained by an rugiu wilb SIX foot wheels, th lllcreaao in veloolly will he aa ninety feet are lo eighteen l.-cl lu oilier wonl, th train will travel nacv ly fit time aa fast If lb best peed of tbe present uaeugrr liK-omollte be al It y rnlli-s ?r hour it may la? ho-d that the engine of the future will allaiu 8UU nilliw ar hour. Si rang aa It now sound. It will then be xiaihle to run out lo Chlrago after breakfast, take luucheou there with a frlrnd aud return lo ab-ep In New York Chicago ought to be about a four hour run. Tbr track will la? kept alaoltitely clear, and there will not be any to;except to change eugluea at a half way point Uf course uch a road can only la? mail to pay between great cities Ilk New York and Philadelphia, Chicago or I had on. In another generation there will be ten citlee In thl country with a million peopl each Tb saving of lime will stimulate travel lug, aud every train will la? II I led. Tbrrn g I lira will burn a tremendous lot of coal. but tb cost uf driving tb train will he bout the same aa al present, lierauee the time committed will be a mere fraction uf what Ut now requlatle. Nolaaly will travel long diatancea by the old line Thrr will uot be any comiwiltloii offered by the ( lating system of trauMirtallon Tbia bring u to a consideration of the cars. They will be IS feet wide ami prob ably IM feet long. Tbe moat scientific art I Ii' ial venlllatiou and healing apparatu will be adapted lo the vase Of courae no window can he left oa?n uu a tralu going JjO mile an hour They will bat lu la? closed with the brat-lest plate ulaaa doilbl window. In fart The t met ore of (be car will be much the aam aa thus of today Lfcii OAVGMHil They will la? httllt w holly of Iron and aleel The wall will lie ateel plates, and the lute rtor finish ami fiirnl-hlng will la? Ia?aiiliful ud luxurious Th ant of (he car will Insure a single compart iiirnlforevery trav ler. An aula will run through th car, and tbe stateroom will la? arranged on each aid thereof, shut off hy a curtain or wlckerwork door These ria.m will la? even feet In width aud provided with a larg easy chair or sofa. Th train will be veatlhulcd. so that It will la? quite poe ibt to pas from on car to tb 01 her. It la very doubtful If the element of dsn ger will b llicreaaed. Tbe car of steel can be made uf iiicb form and braced In ucb manner aa to render them lea II, ihl to go to piece In caae they leav th rail Collision will b Impossible, because tralu will never be permitted to follow each other within half au hour, and not even then uulil lb preceding train ha passed tb at at Ion, situated at least thirty minutes' lime distant, say lot) miles Double track will bekhe rule, not then caption. blfuculliea about atopplng tbe train when once under headway will occur, but they will be met by Impr run-Ma on tbe brake that will render the gigantic ma cbJnery a tractable a any now In wa. An Ingenious )teui uf lgual will be de vised, tb bell and whiaii no longer being useful, because Ibry cannot la? relied UpuU. They will be drowned by the uolMofth nionaler train. Tbe local service of the present njada will be utilized for Intermedial point. If tnau want to go to la-troil b will run through to Chicago In four hour and tbtuce to bl deatmation by an ri press Cleveland and Piltaburg will La? reached by regular tralu from th station at which th halt 1 made to change engineers. Cor. Nw Y'urk World rahllrly Hl.iefrrted. A somewhat rare and rurlou ight waa seen lo Pari few day 1 ago. About al XI y f ypay caravan were draw n up in line, and with their la-rupaiit ( 'J In niiin brr) publicly diainfix-ie.1. 1 he meaaiire waa taken In Cuuarqilrnce of five or "IX raae uf cholera among the gi pairs who ba-1 recent ly arrived from It. Ikimn and Pruaala. Th caravan wer found to la? lu a niiatt flilh ca-vlitlon. The Ural Txeaaloe. ft baa only la-en eighty inie year ainre tb Drt OiliiHiaa Were llltpalU'rd la America. The urlglnal plant wa cultivate ed aa Vegrtable y at Salrin, Maaa. His Masse Is Leglasv. "II can't live comfortably la tb coun try. He too much gitvo to uachroo lua." "What that got to do wltb Uf "IJ fue tl train at lb wrong time." -PocA. Thor waa god of tb rba. and waa rep- lad aa Lava Li g seated uo couch of iklu aratpCar la bus hand. Thursday, or "Tbor e da " was IM da Tkor waa wurablued. sua inin siia iiT.r i, nrin inn a FOR RUSSIAN CONVICTS. TVs Lalewt Ireil la tie laaawkea free a Hyde hklwisrw. The statement In Free lluaala that a Ruaalan convict aleamer. flltnl with Inai rage fiar th Sila-riati exile trade, waa la? Ing built on the I lyde turn uut lo la? rr rrct. Mri. la-nny A I tk, uf Iluniluir liaa, are the build. r. Thelilaagow Malt aayt "An eihamJite Inquiry at all Ih yanle In tb u;i-r reache uf th Clyde fallnl to elicit any cHiHrinatiull uf the alaive reairt. but Ih re.llll uf our reairl tr Viall In IhlllilMrtoll pliel Ih fact la. J. Hid lllapllte that a alrailialllp arl'ially cleaigiieil and intended foe Ihe iiHiVeyanc f coli riil ami contracted for by lb Itu ian fternmeiil I now on the aii k In tha )anlia! Meaai Ik liny A.t o at Iluiu bartiai. "There I nothing ala.iil beriaitward ap-w-ralM-e lo llgk-e. the grrwwim bllatneoa for W llli ll ahe la la-lug IIMtat rill (ed. Indeed rxtiinal ain-araucr wimld lea.1 any on liaikllig t her to pill the veaael dow u a an ordinary, re-labial. le. iailly coliimoii- I'1"' going .learner uf ala,ulUO Ion. Sli bwhal Ihe exta-rt In liautl ral mailer would call a ilgurrhead ur llddle laiw. and althoiiith In4 iipaaa lo go very foal I pmvlilrd with a Iwiu , In a;, however, of very much aiwer. Ill Ih upa-r lin k the veaael is got up III some thing like the manner uf the ord 4vry rlaa uf ship, and ll is only la-low where tb real nature of thr rrafl I revealed. "( here ill Ihe lower deck and under th lower de k the apai loll ai-commialal loll 1 11 divided off Into Ih rrll. Theae cell, ll I quite apparent, are very, for a large niimlvr uf barred iron ibairsar la-Inn pmvnlial fiaT Ihelu. A deaa rilanl to II. tbe d.air reaelllble gale Inade of flat In. u. and rilila-d with tula- one Ini h In diameter ami alamt lite or ix liiche urt. 'I don't think there I any actum 111'alatlon In her for Ural claa paaartlgcr,' aid one of our informer, 'bul there I no doubt ah I Intended for carrying omvlcta fmm on place to another -w herever they r going to employ them. Whether she Is to carry anything else but convict, or torngage In any other traftlr, I can't say.' "It further aps-ars thai It I no secret In th town uf Iluinlutrton that theahlpln Course of runslrurtloQ Is drallned for serv ce aa a convict ship by Ihe l(ulan gov ernment. Th work I so far advanced that tbe ship will be launched In the course of a fortnight ur ao, and Ihe people have alt along rrgantcd the mailer with Indifference, or a they would th accept ance by any builder of a contrail forth building uf a prison." MODELED AFTER THE HAWK. A Machine wllk W kick Ike levealer Tklnk He t aw My. Ilcrnard Cresaler I Ihe but man to Inalat that he ha Invruted a practical flying ma chine, but aa be I a hermit living In Hi Wild at lb bead uf the Cheat river. Writ Virginia, acirnlial may Mill duubl with out offense. Mr. Cresaler I, however, remarkable man In other reaarta, a sci entist who know all alaxit hia district and n aalninomer uf ronaldrrable ability. Tbe flying machine la bl hobby. He ha prut year iu (hi study, and la-llevrs th only -rfect machine ia that devlaecl and coutrulled by tb Divine ltullder, ami h baa takrn a bl imalel Ihe enoriniMi hawk of Ih mouulain, which I abl with Im movable wing to Mwr for hours, not coin bating lb wind, but iitlllxlug such air current a power to lift ll higher. Thl bawk he compare to a skillful akater, who haa acquired thl momentum artificially, nd tbrn by merely thniwlng hi body thl way and that by force of gravity continue a b pleases, hi cleverly poised body ou th keen skate being an assistance Instead of hlndrauce lo grace and speed. to ru ovi:r iioritA. rieliig a taxidermist, wltb a wonderful y for nature, h haa score of hawk lo hi cabin poised In all lb position sa in in ed fur flying. Some of theae altitude to a layman's rye appear extremely awk ward, but tb scientist' explanation an plauaihl and bl proof convincing. For Instance, be ba gnu so far Into the arlroc of the hawk flying that ha haa dlaaected the muectt- of arore, mail drafta of each particular set and noted ou tb drawing their peculiar Dae when lb bird la flying. Ha baa alsocliswly estimated lbs strength exerted by each musrls or set of must lea, and applying them to th w hoi declare positively that man posseaae each muscle necessary, and besides that haa tenfold thl reqiiiail strength ills machine I made to be woru like an ordinary lull, but when donned It unfold niarveloll laaulhllltlea. Il III lik a glovt and la manipulated luailnrtlvely aa a part of Ihe body, each muscle of arm and leg and body exerting Itself at tbe propel lime. The wearer la expected to rise against the wind like a kite. Inform- nalely the correspondent who relates all this does not tell u whether Mr. Creae ler really baa flew or flown or sua rod, and ao tbl is till a painful doubt, Tks Tark mm III Rearo. The Turk esteem the beard aa tbe most noble ornament of tbe male sex, and con Ider It more iufamou for any one to have bia beard cut off than to be publicly whipped, pilloried or branded wilb red hot iron. Almost any orthodox Turk would prefer being put to death rather lhao bar bia beard removed from bl face In that couui ry to pull or Irreverently ban die the beard u an Insult which can ooly be avenged by taking the life of the person wbo U rash enough to commit aucb crime, or for the Turk to lose bl own lo making th attempt to call lb offender lo account, Turkish wives ktas their hu band' bearda, and children 'heir father's, aa often a they come for tb customary aJuta-bt lei Kepubli. C kelera Meal tear. Cholera I not contagious, declare Munich pnifraaor, wbo ha lately enjoyed ainpl opportunities of testing hi theory. ISoth Professor von Pettenkofer and a fel low Klentlst swallowed quantllfee of chol era bacilli with no evil result. Tbe pro fessor thinks that th local surrounding must b preilipoed to an ephlemie before tbe cholera can apread, while, like moat other authorities, h believe In a sen oil rat urn of thedleae next year. Should Iheeeataon b dry tha epldemie will be all tbe Worse, though tbe late great rainfall ha probably cleared tb air. Tka Bratel She Cnjnying yourself, dear lie Hugely, my love. (the brooking one of those lovely cigars I gave youf lie No, dear. I said I wa o joying say-sslf.-Pittsburg Uullesta. Tb Uaaralaa sf ike raae. "Yea, he died a natural death. Ue just went from one sleep into another, tlii b fU Into th laat sleep. " "What wa th deceased's occupation "Urn waa a poUcemaa." Epoch. FAITM ANO DUTY. Vat eaade asst I alll t aplrle The wurkuwuship I hia; If Iria sad fair The credit -if ll ireiurt i I do aol harw It It b rsvleir reared, and en despise It eualnl 4ai-a. aaal ilanro to rrllh aa, I mass ao emriuur. hw I Lav nn rar I quasi k,a a? lit Hull. ler tier aur Ibergk Helievlii etlll thai all hu wa)ar wise. Thia I Ibe 'M ! 4'ilr Ibal I clalun To keep me uaiace 1 hambers eiag sod pare Aod Illy cbaale willun. a bil eadure. And sll th Diany turret lig-hla snsms-, Ta puur leva slue, and tkl th world lak part. Around lbs pirple altars uf my heart, ejsine Newtua Malllisut hlcaa-uTrlbos. Itwse sad Tsrkk "It would itive a genuine aud rellgiou Turk a lit If he saw bow little appreciation American show for tha r,av and what Utile reverence they have for It," spoke m florist a b wrappe-l Ibe foil about the tarn of a boiitlouiilrre. "Tb ne I beyond question tb pret tiest flower that lil.amia, and ll waa so considered by the Turk many year be fore tbe conquest uf Grenada. There la rellgtuu legend generally believed In tbmughoul Turkey that tbe red rose prang from a drop of the great prophet Mohammed uhaxt Kverythlng beauti ful lu nature I asrrlb-.! t him. Th Turk, therefore, have grvuvt reverence for the flower, aud allow It to bloom and die untouched, except on iat occasion and for Ihe purpose of making na water. "After Ihe couqtiral by the Turk Ibey would not worship In any church until tb walla wrrerlranerd and washed Wltb rose water and thus piirilhM ly Ih blood uf th prophet, ll I uae. I oil th body forth same purr. A Turk w how conscience b slung hy some act or dew! be haa com mitted will rare and pay revrrenc to th rise? to appease the wrath of the prophet and Allah. "With these Ideas Inculcated In him from youth It would etna k bllil severely lo see the pretty flower trewo lo Ih path of a bridal couple, thrown on th public stage or banked up in hundred al a wll recep tion or parly to be rruahnl and spoiled la an vulug."-SL laiui fowl Dlvpalcb. A Wowderful t'kleaga Cat. A woman asked a Chicago Herald repre arntatlv a few day ago to rum to ber huuae aud ulawrve th cunning device of ber ral In It war agalnat the rata. Tbe cat, a big torn, wa found iu the hack yanl, landing on a box under a tree. Th board around th fence had been rut, end through this aperture the rat were In the habit of merging. The woman took a baron bone nd threw It luto the yarU. Immediately Tom gut up. Jumped off th box, and tak ing th bone, crrle. It nearth bol and began rolling on It ami rubbing himself with It lndutrtouly. Aftar h bad greased himself well be left tb bone near tha bole, lay down In front of il aod appeared to go toileep. "Now," said the woman, "be will fUy there through the night, and In the morn ing there will be half a doaen rata laid out around him. You are, the rat nnell biin If b remain lu hia natural condition and won't com out, but th grease of tb bacoo bun deceives them, aud when they com out he caU-hea them. When h cau get a venison lame hi catch la enormous, eoroe 11 me a mauy a twvlv rat bring found dead In tb morning. A aoonaaanyof ua get up in tb mornlug be will scratch at tb door lo la? let In. aud will, by hia mew ing. Induce us to go out to ar th reault of hia ec belli. A few Crrata. A numt?r of errors rreit Into tb (tory oa tb first fag of but weak' lasu. writes A. W. ilellaw, in Tli Yank Blade, tb prin ter being Intoxicated and tb editor being off, that kt to aay, off oa bunting xpdi Hon 1 Fur "the fll Into a river," read '-reverie." For "be wore red beailed hair," read "be ws an hereditary heir." Por "In front of tb niaualoo he had the boll pup," read "to pull up." For "darling, thl U) your naaal morn," read "nataL" For "I never wa so awfully hungry Ut my Uf," read "angry." For "yon aay the at toe with a smile," read "eat lata" Fur "sue did not tt a moment cease ber Violent trombone," read "tremhlinr." For "b gently thrw her played out shawl around her," read "plaid." For "tome said 11 wa th splnage maoia gltl, read "lyiinaL" For "lleehert, I know yon rascal," tai , read "risk alL" For "ah saw hi lip grip ale," read "grow pU." For "I It polbll And owtow f- board, with nothing to sualalu ma," read "over board." Fur "he threw both arm aroand Ler ao. elent malileo aunt," sin. t rlod after "bar." For "but my ag must la rmumbered, read "rsrosmhered." For "bar heart wu flllaxl wltb at Vetera, read "crslaei." For "yon are my but darling," read "lost" For "I am thin, 1 am wholly thrt," read "thine." Hew lie larssl a Fas, When Agora Booth waa here a Mr. Bcbosffel her husband waa on th door up stair at alcVh'kar om night wbo a young man presented himanlf and asked that lb privileges of tbe hause be extended by rsesuo of th young roan 1 poaliioa a corr?oadot of nm eaatere Mwpaer. Mr. nVboeffel aid be could not neogala tb young man ta that extent "I desir to know s ho you ars, sli ," said th corTeipondenL "I'U attand to yoa la my paper." "kly nam kf 8cboffL, lr; Joho & BcnoeffeL You can have my nam and be to yon, lr." I didn't bear the nam aright," sold tha young man. "rl boeffoL air; J-o-b a, John 8chnefTol." "Writ It for ma; I want to gt It right," thundered tbe correspondwut. Air. HchoerTal wrote tb name oa a card nd almost flung 11 la tb oorrssooodeo t tar. That n'ghl when the "count ap" wa flnf a Ur. Bcboeffel found hi autogrrph among tbe tickets, and over It waa written "pea two." Tb correspondent bad utilised the autograph al the box ofilo. Ur. Bcboeffel I now the partner of lUnry Abbey. Chicago Time. aaelelewa fa pie. People wbo suipect everybody are very anhappy, and we know of no remedy for their discomfort except aelf Improvement. Let them root out of theouwlve whatever vlclou propensity they uppos to bare it counterpart In Ih brr a la of all mankind, and lhair oplulou of their fallow mea will at once change for tbe better. Peopl wbo have no faith la their kind re daugeroui person to deal with. Tak ing It for grained that everybody with whom they come la business contact te bent 00 overreaching them, tbir object Is to plk the nemy artillery by being the flral to overreach. Candor la lost apoa thara; they consider It refined hypocrisy. favor they look npoa aa cunningly de vised lure. Intended to lead them Into a trap, and while receiving them willingly, (huckl Inwardly at th thought that they re old bird and can uot Ut caught by any aucb device, Nobody will lose anything by avoiding aucb peopla New Yurk lodger. lion. Charles Francis Adams, Jr , who was for six year preableut of tb Colon Pacta railroad, la a gradual of Harvard and a thorough IlualonUa. II has a de lightful home oa Commonwealth Venn, hut live at (Juincy, bl birthplace, during lb summer. Having served his eountrr wltb distinction during the war b began the study of raalrueJ law, and met with much uccaa la It practice la later yar. 0 o CO Ofi9 O o 0 CD 00 0 eiMo iviaO0