The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 22, 1893, Image 5

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    Tin' t looo season fur (rout has ex
pired but tho fiihcruu'f are nut ex
ploiting their skill ai the streams
are tu high.
The Oregon National (iuanl will
march in nil the glory of new uni
form I Tor" long. The hi. Is fur
litiiMing tin? same will lie opened I
May 1.
I'mltT a careful, honest manage-
nient t ho Oregon Pacific railroa.1 it
puyinjf exH-nses. This may indue
capitalists to extend it to the vast
cm hniindary of the state.
liitkor iity lias two liquor cure
"institutes," and not satisfied with
the j.iga they hrinj?, is making ef
forts to secure an insane asylum
Some jHitjili! never will be content
Hospitals arc not always blame
less in their treatment of utienti
although their facilities are uj
(aised to Im of the best, and tlio at
tendanta trained and careful.
1'ortland hospital has been sued by
a patient for lOOO damages on the
claim that ho contracted enial!Kx
while under care for typhoid fever.
l'rinec llismarck isn't too old to
Imj witty. He is reported
to have said when wo read
medical book we fancy we have
all the maladies it describe
hut when we read a book on morals
we find that our nji(hlxra have al
I'm faults that it Miints out.
The indications are that the sum
hut will lie one of strikes and de
mands on the part of hired labor
for licttcr wages, eiiecially on rail
roads and other employments di
rectly affected by the world's fair
The wngo workers appreciate the
fact that their employers will reap
great benefits and will ask for an
equitable division of the profits.
Revenge is sweet. Anglo-man.
acs and others who like every other
country better than their own hare
lieen spending their good dollars
abrosid. Now tho foreigners wil
Im! etriped of their wealth by Chi
cago boarding house keepers. It
will take but little time cither, as
the landlords have the faculty of
sizing up tho financial ability of a
guest at a glance. Then they take
it all.
The attention of the supervisor
l aving charge of the road leading
into Kugeno through tho lilairfurm
is recpcctlully railed to the con
dition of that thoroughfare. While
better than the portion within the
city limits, it is such as to encour
age profanity in many proper
minded ttcrsons who arc forced to
travel over it. In repairing this
road no patchwork should be done,
1 hat is simply throwing money
away. tirade it, then a decentcoat
of gravel will render it independent
of attention for many years. There
is more travel over this thorough
fare than any other in Lane county
and it deserves thorough wort.
The KastOregonian should know
that when an appointment for
judge "meets with the unqualified
approval of the bar of Oregon," lit
tle more can lie said in its favor,
The bar of Oregon is rom posed in
the main of public spirited citizens,
and however strenuous they may
strive for tho advantage of their
clients, when it comes to questions
of public loliev, or an estimate of
the merits of an individual, their
opinion may safely be relied upon
as being free from prejudice or fav
oritism. The law profession brings
men in contact with all classes, and
the true lawyer soon learns to sift
the false from the truth.
That gold reserve of 1100,000,000
is an arbitrary quantity having for
a foundation only a ruling of the
secretary of the treasury. Thopeo
plo will not approve of borrowing
money on lamd issues while this
immense amount of gold remains
in the treasury. This reserve does
not strengthen our credit for we
owe many times that amount,!
while our bonds command a sub
stantial premium. The creditors
of the United States hare implicit
faith in her honor and the bonds
are anxiously sought as an invest
ment. A pressure has undoubted
ly been brought on Secretary Car
lisle to issue more bonds, but with
out success.
J. A. Straight went to Portland this
O. V. Long, of Cottage UmQ, waa
III town lixluy. a.
F?ik vwmrt ""fklng In the
sheriffs oftliv.
A. ('. Itmu u
thi morning.
went to Hsrrl.burg
Hu.lnesa Is gtj nv,.ly Brm1( u
Hon. It. II. Cis-hrau
lowly Improve.
continue to
Dr. 1'owell IbTTFn runic
tip from Ha
lent this artt-riKinn
ii. W. I'lekett went In Junction thi
morning on a brief visit.
C. J. J. Hinltli and wife left
ternuoii for ban Fraucteco.
ls) l af-
Dr. J. U. JUrr. of Foley Spring
spcut Sunday iu F.ugt-ite
W. r. I heshcr returned from ti vMl
10 junction in In afteri i.
The north bound nvetlaiid train wua
one nour late thi morning.
ji r. . m. Andrews returned thin
am rnon rrotu a visit to Portland.
5co. T. Hall left for Portland thi!
morning to look after hop Interest.
Some ursoii sloued Judge Wat
toil's valuable wateh dog lust night.
T. li. Hundilcks went t Linn coun
ty this morning to look after land mai
Mcsduiuc J. M. ami L.
N. ltouey wont to Salem this inornlmr
on a short visit.
Itoy Skccls. of Palouse fit v. Wuh..
la visiting at the residence of 11. ('.
im on in this city.
II. I). Norton, of Junction t'liv.
iit Sunday In F.ugene, returning
home this morning.
C. C. Hendricks of Pendleton i vi.
iting relatives In this county. This is
his flrst visit during twelve years.
Jss K. Duty, a native of (Ireat Ilrit-
ai ii, today tiled his declaration to I
come a cltUen of the l ulled States.
(Ico. F. Craw, who has been on the
sick list for th pant week is How able
W altvlia liusiiits Ml the oltloe again.
V . T. l ork. formrrlv of Kuirviie ami
Florvnee Is now BHMoelate with A. H.
liliton In the nutilitiou of the Med
ford Mail.
J. V. Lowrv. of Houth Dakota, who
lias been here several weeks lookluu; for
location, went to Southern Oregon
this afternoon.
Mrs. J. It. Underwood and daugh
ter, Miss IVvgle, returned yesterday
from a visit of several mouths to rela
tive in Tacoma, Wash.
Harry Dunn and Victor Foglo are
now running the meat markvt on
Nortli Willamette street, formerly
owneu oy a. 11. lieagle.
H. H. Hendricks, a graduate of the
normal department of the Stato l'nl
versify, Is praoileiiiK law at Condon
Oregon, with gMd success.
Kd Hanson has rented the J. II
iioiMiinun store itMiin. lormerly iktu
piei Dy a restaurant ami will move his
stock or clothing Into the same.
Fisher & Watkins tixlnv purchased
seveml head of tine stall fed U-cf cattle
from ltobt. Allison, of Cliexlier nre-
einet, which they will use in their
Medford Mall: W. W. Haines of
Kugece was in Medford this week
gathering up the cast-olf epidermises
n ciem net bo vi lies for the tannery at
that place.
W. II. Abratus. superintendent
the F.ugcne cannery, went to Portland
on this morning's train, to look after
the purulikslng of supplies, etc., for the
coming season.
The U. 8. senate adjourned Saturday
nignt. in the cloaing hours Jton. t
a.. w . .
Ii. llclllnj.iT was eon tinned as 17. S.
judge of Ungon, in place of M. I
Deady, deceased.
cw lork lady recently irave a
dog party In honor of tho birthday of
her pel ixxMlle, anil twenty canines
that attendinl were treated to ii rciiaat
of sliced chicken, gamo tile and ice
Everybody will notice Dclmoulco,
the most famous caterer in America,
was lined fMO the other day In .New
York city for serving woodcock out
of season. Served him rieht. The
game laws must be resrcted.
A Mr. Hpceraian and family arrived
here about one week ago from Crocker,
Mo., and not finding thinirs as tin y
rxiiectcd tlioin, purcliaetl tickets this
morning for Springfield, Mo., and left
on the local train. Fmilish man
Kir Knight Templars J. L. Page,
Wm, Preston, Dr. Paine, I N. ltouey,
M. loran, A. C. UiKHlwH'k, . .
Henderson, Dr. Iys.inls, J. F
Ibibinson and 11. D. Paine went to
Salem on this morning's local train to
help Institute a couiumudery In that
city this evening.
Haii Tm) Majcy Hhkkp. Albany
Herald: A good Joke is told' at the ex-
nseofex-SherilTMatt H-ott. A few
avs aim he made a shipment of sheen
to Portland. They had been kept lu
Muntelth's pasture near this city. On
reaching Portland he found that he
had four more sheep than ho had
owned. He did not know how to ac
count for the extra sheep, but on his
return he was met ny some or Ills
friends who sorrowfully informed him
that he had been accused of stealing
sheep. He then found that he hail by
mintage Bliippeo away tour munoii
sheep owned by II. llroder. which had
been piaceo temporarily in me same
pasture. He hastened to pay for them
and the mistake was adjusted ss tl fac
tor! ly to all partiea.
Elected CaaiiiEU.-Junctlon Times:
The directors of the Farmers 4 Mer
chants bank met Wednesday afternoon
and elected . C ashourue cashier.
Mr. Washburne was born and ralaed
here and enjoys the confldem of our
people. At present he Is a resident of
Springfield but will remove to this
place as soon as rsible. The bank
experts to be oiien for busineM ats.ut
May lst."
CofXTV Warhaxts Par. Iluyers
are now seeking county warrants and
are paying par for them. Less thsn
a year ago they were hawked around
our streets at a discount of from live to
ten per cent. The prment county
court Certainly entitled to the
thanks of our citizens for the able
manner In which It la handling
the county finance.
D. ( lu rry U.iled Harruhurg tola.
C. V. Hurllmrt, of Junction I in t,0
Peach ami cherry trws are In
Jtltiiv Kiln
cm liMlay.
ey W quite blly
J. L. Pace i (ending a dav or two
In 1'ortliunl.
IVie lllautoii came up from Junction
this afternoon. q
M. U'vinger vUiu-d the lower imit
of the county t.hlty.
Chas. ami M. Van Vrankinof Juue
lloii t iy are In town.
Van llureii the painter I. lettering
Mini A kays' windows bolay.
Mr. I.. X. Roney returiieil this af
tern.hui from a hort vlit to Salem.
Wm. Ilcllaliaw leavr Sun I rime!....
for home on tonight s overland train.
Mm. II. W. Holdeii ntiirnnl from a
vicit to MXitle-rii i iregon tin inoruliu;.
Our n-al eattte nifi-nlH r'mrt more
inquiries for farm and city prierlic.
It I now conceded that the fr.wt
yeierday morning did not duiuiiue the
frill I.
li. II. Siult'i, wife uuil sou, went to
Shlavllle UiU iiiornlug to k ihI a few
d;i .
Hohi are now only worth alwiut It
vul nr .ouad, an, I are sleadilv de
cliuitig. I', igi lie lloiul and family went to
Irving this morning mi a s'lioit viU
witli relutlve.
Polk county hatlievouui;i't mother
in t tregoii h.-r child Mug Im.mi oh her
o ii l.ith birthday.
J. It. Haven, of the gn at cattle linn
of J.w D. Carr V To., of Northern
California, (nt Monday In F.uuciie.
A marriage llivno n grau'ct to C.
D. Thomas and Mir Dora It. Koto I,
laxt evening, by County Clerk Walker.
Is puty Sheriff Cruiicr went to Junc
tion this morning to uIhi'Uu wit
licaecu for the MiH leveiand examilia
tioil. Sir Knlt'ht Tcinplunt J. C. ( oodalo
ami O. P. Hull ill. .Nk imrt In I he
in-tilution of the eoiniiian.lerv ut
Tho cariicntcni uro cnik'cd on the
llisido work of Italit:" A llellilclXon's
new stable. It will U rcadv for u
by May 1st.
A rumor Is again attoat that the ( ic-
gon faelllc railroad will wsin build
eastward to a connection with the
Iturllnuton system.
T. I. Hendricks and family, (!. It.
Chrlsmiiu and wife and Darwin llri-t-
tow will leave on a to the world's
fair alsiut May 1st.
The delegiit ion of Kulghls Templiir
which was at Salem to attend I lit- in
stitution of a coiiuiiandery returiieil
home this afternoon.
County School Sus rliitendenl Stev
enson, J. M. Williams and Fnl licit
man arrived homo from Florence
shortly after lioou today.
Hoy Skeels, who has U'cn vlxlting at
the reaidemv of II. C. Dunn In tills city
for several days, returned to his home
at Palouse City,, this morning.
A. I(. Vogle, adjustor for tho Sun lire
Ihsuramv conipiiny of San FninclK.ii,
was in the city yesterday, alutiug
the lose of J. C. Pluiuerth in the n-ecnt
Col. StepheiiiHiii, of Astoria, has Ut-n
delivering teniisTanee lectures at the
M. K cliureli during the past two
days. He is an able and eloquent
That ''tired f.-ellng" never troubles
man w lieu he wants to iro llsliimr.
is only painfully manifest when house
cleaning sets in or the garden Is to In?
Virgil Htltos, a son of leader StiUs,
men at nlem ys-terilay or coiir.uui-
iioii, ageii aismi .1 years. I he voting
man had many acuuuiutamvs lu this
I lie reports of the failure of the
peach, cherry and anrlcot enm
Walla Walla and Snake river valleys
nru coniinutii nv tale llivestlLMitloii.
I he Iims is es'imatcd al f lii.Ooo.
It is imtunil for tho people to trade
with the advertisers In the natsT thev
read. There Is not an advertisement
in any corner of a local iiais r witli
which the regular readers are not fit-
We understand that Dr. P. K. Wat
ers has sold acres or his Ss-ncer
t rccK rancii 'o some iiiimtgnuits tor
fo,4no. Jos. Ivim-Ii went to that is-ctlon
t-Mlay to survey the laud that was sold
A civil suit is bciiur tried liefom Jus
tice Kinney and a Jury this afternoon,
wherein K O. Oililsms sues Dr. Pow
ell Itceves and wlfo for tho sum of
M.-i, money all. gel to be due for
farm work.
John W. Ilookwaltcr. the Ohio mil
liouaire, said the other dav: "I coutiot
tell you how much money I have
ss nt trying to build a machine that
will fly. Hut I think I have a model
under way now that will solve the
problem. '
Itarwln Vornn guessed the nearest to
the numla-r or Is-ims in the Inr at
Hfiiderwui & Linn'a and ilrew the
rize which was award.-d Saturday
nk'lit. It was a line stand lamp. The
nuuilM-rof lsans In the Jar was 4471
He gui-ssed VSi7.
Albany DemiM'rat: if.Salem sets the
hog In refureuce to the SiMier's home
the next legislature should provide for
in.) amen.iment or tne coimtitution.
State buildings, anyway, should not
I? concentrated; but should be spread
over the state, as they are In nearly all
W. II. Morgan of Salem alsiutaycar
and a half ago had the misfortune, to
strike his thumb on the left hand with
a hammer, Inflicting a painful wound,
but nothing serious was thought it
at the time. It gradually grew worm
and the nail had to l removed, then
later the hone Is-camv diseased, and
now amputation has lawn necessary to
save the hand.
tavilT Quart. April 17.
Hurr has purehaanl the Jacob Mlti-hell
resldeiu on Sixth street, between
Chamelton and Lincoln. The price
lid was His). Mr. Uurr will oc u-i-y
th ItiHiae as sisiit as it Is vacated.
Mr. ititiliell am family exss-t to
leave for Sun Franciw-o 1'hurs
day flight where they w 111 heiTafter re
liiMoerrd III
tll ( reek
near Her
IwMr l.uti.l, IT. was brought to this lily
, tt r.luy morning that the Uslv, of
mliiig Jordan woniaii, of l.ri,.jt
. ha.lVvll totllnl the veiling la'forv.
oiuc men u. rv uorkiug on some
''K logs Just the the
creek, w hlcli Is aUait one-fourth of a
iule from the Jordan home. Here the
i Wly was discovered. Conuier J. W.
Harris acompaiitcd by sherllf Xo-
Inn. I, and Dr. 1. A. Paine w. nl Im-
iiie.uaiciy to i lie mtuc ami held an
I ii. tit at , arrivlhtf home again late last
Welling. lU-low we publish the sub
st.tmv of the testlilioiiy and the ver
dict of the Jury summoned by Cormier
W. i:. Jordan tcatillet: Age.'.; years,
o.euillon a farmer, idcfttilb-a the
IshIv as that of F.liaU-th A. Jordan.
iw her last on Momlav lllo.-ulng of
bniary 7, isH'l. at To'cl.a k. I live
oi e fourth mile aia.vo her. sin. was
in good health that luorulng: saw her
at im-akfast. Think -he eaui-i to licr
l ath by falling Into the ens k. She
v is not in the habit of gump near the
ci "eg. she w as not of g.s. I mind.
II t.l wandered oli.v la-fore; W ji a great
Ii ml to pick flowers. She vns Urst
li !cd by me at I-' o'cl.a- i w hen I
nt home to dinner. She cut out
at ll:'i teiii.y a vcs.m-1; not ilng was
i urn t-Kci. 1 live al ul one-
f i rtli of a mile from i he cni k. Mr.
F aicr Mas Koing to llie lion e when
si o went out lo empty the vt si I, and
o; r boy called her back. H1 I sa-arch-ii
; ens k the lu ll day; did u t l.s.k In
tl o creek the night she vas first
in ssed. I'hey .(nil searehiug .Monday
al out suudow u. She never i ad cra.v
sp -lis; no lisxilou to comm. t suicide;
m ver knew of her to o to til creek to
e iply viwl. She ot to Ihi
hi Mind children. She cou d climb
re:i.v; woubl have Uvii 61 M-ars old
the .'ml of April.
T. Howard, next sworn, tealifle.1:
1'iiliik 1 know the laxly. (In tin 1T7 1 1 1
of February was called on to n-arch for
her. A Is.y came to Impure for liss
Jordan, sai.l she was gone. After eat
ing dinner I went up and scinched for
h. r. It mas llu'lo when thev came for
me. The next day thev found Isiiiuct
in the creek; I hcla-d search the creek
that tiny. Person could down
tliroiiuh the drift alaiye this place.
We found tracks we thought weiv Iter's
In tho back yard, went over fence into
orchard. Water was ten fivt ditui
near the bam. The I a. I of the creek
In center is clear, near the hanks it
wassnapgy mid the water was high
at the tunc. Don't think the eddies
would stop a Ualy us then- Is a current
all the way.
John N." Abls.l, test Hied: Age .V)
years, lalairur; was at Mr. Howard's
when Is.y nunc and went up with him.
Found tracks leading to the ena-k. It
was plowed ground, traced tracks Ml
or 70 fiat toward the creek, found
tracks on the other side of fen. a. but
could not trai-e tracks any further.
l.oke. for her only that one-half day.
Wesley Xia-t, next sworn. Monday
evening alaiut 4 o'cl.s k heard she was
gone. J he next morning went down
there and searched. .Near the bank
found a Ismiiet on a willow. Straight
acr from the house water was mud
dy where It was deep. It was recog
ui.ed as her iHiiiuet. laiu't think the
Isaly aiuld lloat down to when- it was
J. M. Parker, testified: On Feb. 27lli
.or. min-iiKcr mm nic him was
gone and I went down. Mrs. Jordan
told us lo look In the creek. We went
there hut found nothing, then came
down tho 'creek searching tho ens k.
.or. Jordan sal. I she had not gone to
me creca lor sue was afraid r water,
that she was not up the crvc for he
had Just come from then'. I told him
that it was a cold night and that she
uould mtUIi, but no March was Insti
ll ted. I was there on TutWav when
the bonnet was found; Mr. Jordan said
"That tells the storv." Don't think
the Isaly eon Id float down hi re. The
lay of the laud bctwucii the hoiiso and
deck Is rouirh. Ltaiked when the
bonnet was found but saw no bin v. id.
tl ough it might have ls-. ii lb re.
Dr. 1). A. Paine, examiulm- surmam.
tc-ttlilcd: Find no marks of vloTcm-e
on the Isaly. Xo fracture of skull.
C di not determine there us 4iiy vlo-
ice. t ould Hot determine I she died
In the water or not. Water i iMit m-t
ii to the lungs after getting into the
OtllO llirv l-lil led lii Im. i In- Inln
tl e cause of death of Miss 1,1 hiu Jr-
I -II have tills dav v im-. lli laalv
ai d llnd from tho evi.lem-e modui-ell
tl at she eaitte to Iti-r death I y drown-
W. II. iUt (IIIMA.V,
Ft reman.
Die Nalv was much su. Il. o and
badly dceoiiiMed and Intorii.ent will
I a- made as sisill lis immsIIiIi-
I'sily .iiiar-l, Ai-rll H.
Xow o.MAJiili" YoKAN-Wor.l u
r .a h. ro this mornlmr a com-
mission had la-en duly issued to dipt,
(i. o. Yoran, of this city, i romoting
him to the otlliv of First Major In the
Ss-ond reifiment, O. X. (., ihe oflliai
to which he was elected some Weeks
si ma-. Hut lor a delayed action on the
examination paiiera It would have
came several days Rao. Mr. Yoran is
an enthusiastic member of the militia
lid call la-li iM-udcd llism to fill the
ofllce In a manner commensurate with
the ts-sl inten-sla of the Oregon
(iuards. lie w ill (aimmaud the 1st bat
taliou of this h-gimeiit w hich wlllc.n-
lat of one eomiianv each from Salem.
Albany, Ashland and Eugene, with
Imitation !;ca.iuarters w ith C compa
ny In tins city.
Alii i.
tart. April K
Surveyor '.. M.Collier has left for the Al-
s-aauntry to work on the I'nited
Stat. -a surveylnif -on tract which he
ns-eiv.-d lat full. He was accom
panied by J. E. Young the law stu-
ent and Mr. Hunt, a former Culver.
sity student, who Will helo hilll 111 the
work. It -vl'J take a-ut six v r- 'i. o
la.mjdete the lamtraet.
Pally .irtf. Ayr
1 IT
lo- A thin lis- forin.d on the ,d.v
alka Issl niifbt. It I, thoutrht that
th.-fi,? this moriiinir tirevei.ud (be
fruit from any damage. However,
this i debatable question.
A Colnftl Illlk.
t'sily ii'ii-l. April I"
A mulatto w alter natni d J It Mc lev
land, w ho left the city suddenly yetcr
day morning, is wauled by the otlUvrs
here for stealing a watch, lie had
laa-n In the city but a few days but
had made the aciiialutaticeof a clonal ciaik at the Matthews laairding
lioii.-, and yesterday morning he In
du.vil her to let him 'carry her w atch
until the afteru.a.iw hen he was ton
fkt u it to her as llifv wen going out
driving. Instead, however, he left on
the north bound l.s-nl. His It 1 lit was
disoovenal lute I u the afternoon and
the oftl.a-ra liotilbal. Telegntms Here
sent ami liiformallon dlsa-lostal that he
was lu Junction late in the aftermaui
but has not laa-n nvii slma. The
w utcli was worth a-rhaM t)i or .
It is rvMirteil that aouie clothing Is also
mlssliiK from the (ilaia- where he
workial and it Is sllpjaaied that till
was stolen by him also.
Sine writing the IVputy
Sherlll'Cnim-r tel.'gmphs that the man
wanted left Junction last night on the
fn ight train after trading oil' the gold
w. itch f.r a silver one ami a few dot
lars. Mr. Croiu-r ex h s to capture
(li.- mail lu Portland.
I.ATI'll. A di-patch received this
afternoon from Chief of Police Hunt of
Portland states that thev have ca
tn til the man. la puty Sherlll'Cnuier
is low u the valley and will doubtless
bi ug tlie prisoner up on the overland
The Colored t'riuilual.
Psllf (iuahl, April IS.
IVputy Sheriff Croner arrivial heie
on last night's overland train front McClevelaud, the
co orcd man that stole the gold watch
from theeolonal ciaik of the Mallt
sv s's laianling house, and Ineana-niled
hi it In the taiunty Jail. The ladv
el.., ma the watch and clinlu Is worth
al least t;.'. It apa-ars that M.-Cleve-Iiiii.I
tradial the watch nll'at Junction
Cliy to M. Van Vrankiti for a silver
on, and t-".."H). Ho then went
to Portland on Sunday night's freight
train, and sold the sliver watch to a
pawnbroker for Deputy Sht-ritt
Croner recovered Isith watches and
brought them here with him. The
prisoner claims the lady gave him the
w i. tch. Ilo la la-lug given an exami
nation on the charge aa we goto press,
lajfore Justice Kiiisey.
OrSrrsst le lmp Wsrk.
Ciiu-aoo, III., April 17.-SNa-lals
from Omaha and Denver say a strike
has laa-n ordered among the holler
makers, pattern makers, blacksmiths
and moulders lu shops along the en
tire Hue of the Cnlon Pacific system,
to take cll.-cl nt main. The trouble has
arisen concerning the reduction of
standard time of working days. Ijist
year the company agreed to so reduce
the working force us to permit work
nine hours a day Instead of eight. The
coiiiMiny la-gau violating its agree
nici t in January, and the men have
laa-n unable to bring alsiut a restora
tion. Fully 3,0110 men are involved In
tho simps at Omaha, iVnver, Salt
Ijike, Cheyenne, Ogden, Portland,
Kansas City, Itawllns, Laramlo and
Itoliud House (ail Ills.
PoUTI.AMi, April 17. Sixty men in
theLnion Paclllo shops In this city
struck at noon today.
SHlria ef Ike Wile ml m Ussk
('hlsr al Uahsr t llf.
Uakkr City, Or. April 17. Mrs.
J. II. Parker, wife of the cashier of the
Flint National Hank of this city, com
milted suicide last night by taking an
ovsrdoso (1f morphine. Domestic. In.
i. ucuy was the cause and the act was
no surprise to the public, but on the
other hand a double tragedy has long
laa-n eiiecUaI. A IKillcemail broke
osjii the bedroom disirand found the
dioouw-d lying on the Door dead,
d I. -seed In her night clothes. Death
lird resulted several hours previous.
M.e threatened to take her life yester
day luorulng if her husband did not
re: urn home. Ho had not laa-n home
- s a .
ior several uaya. lKaa-ased leaves a
fa' hor w ho resides at Ilyo valley, In
this county, and a daughter by a form
er husband, who Is attending school at
i esieruay tno east-bound passengur ran into and killed J. J. Cavnna,
a firmer living three miles west of
Huntington. The deceased was a lit
tic deaf and was struck just as the en
gino w as inaaing a curve. I lie coro
ner's Jury found no blame attached to
the railway employee, the causo of
death being due to his own careless.
ticNM. The decesjK-d leaves a wife and
several children, all grown.
Florence News.
The West, April 14.
Agues Million commenced Instruct
ing the youths at Heatou on lust Mon
Huirliitendent J. O. Stevenson, and
Prof.aors J. W. Williams and T. If
Ifc llman, all of Eugene, arrived hern
lust Wednisalay.
Last Friday monilna? when we
awoke from our sliimla-r and arose
from Hir sliatp we were surprised and
delighted (?) to flnd the ground covered
with a soft, white mantle of snow.
Wm. Sutherland la olantimr out a
hop yard at (ileiiU-na. lie Intend to alsiut acres now, and If the
grow th of the present plauting prove
U U satisfactory, he will make another
addition to the yard next spring.
Dsllr Guard, April la. 1 Morri.-so. The W'll
lamette As-iation of Congregational
eh un lies meets at Ourvallls hxlay and
Uimorrow. Ity. 11. I liale Mr. and
Mm. A. K Wheek-r. Mr. X. Win ten
and Mi Xellie Lssimls left on the lo
cal this morning to attend the associa
tion, i
IIIIMK imilSTIlY law.
X He puty C'.d lector Visits Kugene hut
Oets in. t hliiHiiian uu 111 List.
Pi!j loi.H. A-rtl l,
A I'lil'.ial States law provides that
all Chine-, i.-.!, 1. nis who have hot
pos rl h git. . I Is lore u i-.,l,a tor of
uii.iiii.l rciciiue pi ior 1. 1 .May,
an- sit'iject to arrest and l- i. ui.
According to the first Instruct ions of
the tn usury department r. ihologniilt
of Ihe in.liv i.lual ( liiiiamalt and i.U-n-titt.-atioti
l-v two witues-s- mut ac
eoinpsii the a rtilleate. This has laa-n
luialillcd by dl-'Ualng w Ith the iho
toraph ami one witu.-ss. n- alx
coiuniii1cs of sau I'raiieiseo, practical
ly colli rolling the Chinese in (lie Initial
States, have advised their countrymen
not to register and o far lin y luive re
fused to do so.
Hu T. Chauils rlaiu of I'm (land,
d. put v coll.-.-tor of Intel nal revenue, is
lu I jiK" iie a.a-otdiug t (.n vioii an-uoiima-iuriil,
for the purhSH of n-gls-terlllg
the Chines.. r.-id. lit-.. He in
forms us that I h.-y are disiu. lined to
register, 111! hollcll til st is nothing.
Al Portland about -Mil registrations
have Isa-u made, ulmost exclusively
by trusted hoiis. cr :.nts,
employe them lo take the
step fr.uu tear of losing their services.
Mr. Cliamla-ilalu wt.s it t Salem cater
day but had no Chinese customers.
Ilo will nolo Albany on the overland
in the iiiorulii.
A Had Arc ul cut.
Pally Uusi.l, Ai-nl lv
Yesterday the Wm. M. I long made
a trlii up the river to llarrisburir.
Wlicii la-t wia-u Corvallla ami Harris
burg, alsiut ten miles from the latter
city, the fireman on the siuiKlssit Cor
vallis, who had Ua-ti llshim; mi the
bank of the river, asked to la- taken oil
laaird ami carried to his lamt up the
river. In going to the shorn tlie Is. at
hit the nails of a decayed tree. It was
nearly ready to hill, and the jar sent It
over oil the lauil. due of" the dis k
bauds, J.a llrown. known as Itiir
J.., waa hit a fair blow on the head
and laxly and kn.a-kial insensible to
I he dis k. He was badly Injured on
the head one let: was broken and ikm-
sil'lv Injured Internally. There were ir he llve.1. lie was taken to
the hospital ut Portland on the morn
ing train troui llarrisbtirg. Among
t he passengers una Postmaster TIkw.
Moiiteith of Allsmy, who witnessed
the accident.
Hoard of Trade.
Pally liiiard, April Is.
The reirular scmi-moiilhlv imadlmr
of the lU.ard of Trade con veii.-d ut the
rooms last night with M. U'Vlnger,
president pro lem, In the chair.
After the regular routine busliism. a
motion was made by M. S. Haikerlhat
the sia-retary oiN-ucorrcandciic with
noil, inngi-r nermann, and make lu
iiulrltai coma-rnlug the dlsaltioii of
the aiuirolirlatlnn made bv tin. rtaa-nL
coiignaM for the Improvement of tho
upia-r Willamette river.
Another motion was made that the
secretary llotlfv memls-rs Hon tlu.snli.
Ja-t of the Improvement of Ihe Upper
Willamette river Would la-Up for dis-
Cllsalou ut (110 next n-gular meeting.
Tin: Latit Xovki The latest
addition to sensational literaturu Is a
dime novel entitled: "Tho Itoslyu
Hank Itobls-ry; A History of Zachary.
Kllusey and tin llalu linn., the Hols-la-ra.
and Life of Those Who Wit IisUmmI
the Slurdcroiis Attack. Truth Strang
er than Fiction." We have not read
the romance hut aro Informed that tho
description of Ihe event Is ispuil to the
lasd gctiou of Feiiiilmore Css-r and
the Illustration of I ho scenery and the
men are alsmt as true to iiatuie aa a
iilcliire of the old kIiimi factory In lUa-k-ami
would Is. of tho Mormon temple
at Salt Lake, t'ndouhtcdly many laiys
111 the vast will n-ad w ith gn-iit Inter
est this a-u .leturo of life in tho far
went; but we lios the laiys of the Pa
cllle sloMi jiay little attention to this
style of machine literature. 'The
Dalles 1 liiicH-.Momitalneer.
Wild. Hb Hii:.mki. There Is a re
port based upon what apis-ar to be
g.asl authority, that Corey llros. will
psy the liens on the completed port Ion
of the Portland A Astoria railroad and
rcsiimo os-nitlons at an early date.
As it now stands, the road is gnulial IS
miles front Astoria ami a few miles of
track are laid. The report comes from
Tom Homage, one of ihe foremen of
construction of the road. He went to
Salt Ijik.i some time ago and returned
to Portland Friday. In conversation
with a foreman of a grading gang, who
has acliiim uiraiiist the eomnaitv. lie
aaid the work on the road would he ro-MUin.-d
Pally liiurtl, Arll II
Kkmunkii. Iter. It. M. Hal.b ra-
slgn.-d the iastorate of the First Ha-
1 1st church or this city last Sunday
evening, the resignation to take efTia t
at the eliMW of his jinsa-nt year, about
i lie nrs i oi june. I ho gentleman and
his w ifu have made many friends hero
during the year's stuy w ho will legret
lo siaj them leave, but If an eastern
home is found more couldiiIuI their
friends here cannot but wish them
dial i sail and success in their Chris
tian work. Mrs. Iuhb Is now visiting
at her former home In New York and
Mr. Kubb will Join her there some time
In June.
Tiik .New Stamph. The new Co
lumbus suiuiat are now dcslguatctl aa
Ma-lit, a "discovery:" 2-chtM a "laud
ing;" ffcciitM, "llshlssxt;" 4-iaiita, a
Maria;" .Went, "louci.itiir the old
laily;" 8-a-iit, "congratulatioiis;" 10-
ia-iiu, "whiskey to Indians." The
tain w ill I, taken from use a year
from tho time they were first Issued.
A great many isplo are willectiuu
samples, prohubly to use In evldeuoe
against ex-PttmaaU-r-iencral Wana
maker iu the future. A full set of sam
ples of all kinds -o.t tl'l. Hi Slid will be
worth more after they are out of Issue.
A N'fcw Km am rM knt. An I. O.
O. F. encampment will be ortrnnlzed
at Ilalacy on the eveuing of May 8.
it is extM-cUsi that a numla-r or patn-
arehs from Lugeiie and Allny will
A Pi.KW. Mr. J. C. Smslgrasa has
w ritten a "Hlstorlu Pa m" dtallcattai
o On-goit at (he Columbian ex ismUIoii.
It eonsisls of i'Si line .ej disntuTS
eoiisldprable s-(lcal imQu It will at
i-u wun urvgou s eoui.auonal ex-
O 0
... 0
. c
ii. . a a ni.1.