The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 22, 1893, Image 2

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lpalar Aasaseasral la ""Bass ls,Ndwa
Wra I rati sad Ishaassa.
Of tb character of the entertainment
W have frequent representation on tbt
British cup and - Tbey were too
gUg frightful topic of tlx worst fashion
of Horn. The bull fight, with It la-sliariu.
Of Bialador, U MT painted (ill lb common
pottery; II b llll preaarvvd lu lb national
amueeinenU of Ssin. L'uk light were
alto popular every a here, and gam cut kt
Wllb daogeroiu spurs hart left their hour
Bovong lb nil it Alblalie na and
harlot rvq wee no doubt M at
tended la linulu aa at Home or Couatao
Uoopl. lint the amphitheaters, wllb
their hidauua contest of Dim with wllii
belt or wiih each other, teem U have fol
lond th Kuniao colonist btfw bt
TbJ ar found along Iba wall of Ha
drian, la I ha cllkreof IIm we. I, at (dour
ler nd Chaster, ul oo doubt lb amphi
theater of lod..n will at tome lima l
I burned or vimt trace found of lu III
omened lu. Tlia amusement of a Datloo
Indicate lu character ami Ha fata. Tbt
ballon thai sink Into cruel sensuality to
It moat popular rerrealinua la certain to
fail to decay. 'ngreiv development to
ward humanity ami refinement tan alofi
(It Uatinil lrtiglh to political Institu
tions, and Itoman llrttaiu perished by IU
wo baoL
Tbt Isvrlsvrmi thirst for Inhuman pro
laclaa U n everywhere In Iba Kutuao re
main. Onlheruptand ee that adorned
tbt family Ublt tbt favorite ornament
nam i to tart Uo uktn fruia tbt tporu
fihoaraua. Tbt heatiarlua, or matador,
la lata engaged In a fearful ttrugglt wllb
lharag bull; tb gladiator purauea fait
deadly aim. The designs, which miial
havaeducated Hit in I ml f childhood anil
been familiar to Iba niaasra of tbt panpla,
could on 1 7 hart served to prepare tbtm for
revolution aud mrnilcse iliaonlrr. It la
Dot tbt ballad so much Bat lit ainutament.
of a people Ibat wlaa legislator would
art to diml
Tba amphitheater of Colrlieater, till
baaur, Carrleon, ItichlMirough and many
Other citie arm of tone, Ilka those of
Home, ami wtra of considerable extent.
A theater uf large sue haa been found at
H. Albana, but aa yet wt kuow too littlt
of tba ltouisn cilice to lUtermln bow
many boaatail ibrlr place of public amuse
maoL Wt rau ouljr lufrr Ibat no law
Iowa waa wltlioul Ita amphitheater. Tbt
tait told on tba Id. man ttry evema oun
closlv. Tbt Ibimano Urlllsh wrr accut
lomed from chllilbiMid to delight In ecenee
f cnialtjr aud human wot. Kugen Law
i la HarM-r a.
Taallag Iba achaalwaalar.
la tbt town rreonla uf tbt ell j of IbaUia
Ibartlaa ourloua paauKt wbirb raounlt
bow a aibooluiaalrr waa tiaiulitnl ami
wbal bapiriird. Hit mauiivr lu which tbt
Taut of luapm-tiun It rruinlnl niakra out
locllna to Ibt tirw Ibat ll.t lllilm k a IuhjI
naaUriuar mil havt bwl fair play, although
If bt waa rrajljr luvllli irul ha majr la aal.l
to baa limn Jinlgrd i.y I. la m-r.
In tba rrcord for tbt Ud of Majr, ITJU, ll
la art fortb that!
"Coll lta Towiwnd, Jaramlab Allrn
Rar, Jk John Kdwanla logrthar with lb
feWlact mail, VlaaitU-d ibt wrlgblllig S boot
at tbt houlbtrljr Kml of lk.u on Tblra
daribakHtb apll I Til and Kianiinnl Ibt
bcholara ui.rfrr mr Aiutw Anurra tuition at
to llieir pnillrltncjr In Itradiug writing
Hcypbartug St Iht luaaitra atiillljr of Uai b
lng luairiiftliig youth bit rultw A
BWtboda tberrfor Aud araof Opinion Thai
It will bt no hrrvb-o lo tbt Tuo to Cou
Unua, nir augrr lu that Kin.l..)f "
Wbtrtuiou It waa toir thai Iba aald
Mr. Auira An ii-r abould nut coullnut
aaatrr of Ibt "Niid Houtb K IumiI."
it la trut that nothing U aald of Ibt
wtttliwU uf tprlhiig liiculratoil at tht
"whghtlng Siliool," and II la alto poaalblt
that a rlrrk raUitr lliau ibt nun in I Ut waa
raaputiaililt for tbt error of Ibt rtranl; bul
Ibtrt la orrlaiuly aumrihliig aUunl lu tbt
i It tlauda. 1 outb t Companion.
Ira A boat IMrllag.
It la aranvly urcraMry lo go drrply Into
Iba aubji-clof dirt. Tba llrat raarnUnl la
to rtatnct tht quantity of food to Hit
actual orvxlaof ll.t ayatriu A rafrnoua
apptUta can grutrally bt eoii((iirrrd In
tbrat or four ilaja During Hi la UilrrTal a
ptrtun "turning orr a urw leaf" fivlt
qulU weak and tllapirlted, but bt liranw
np with aurpriaiiig rapidity, ami xmn won
dara Ibat ba ttr made a gluiloa of blm
elf. Ha who llH abould maka up hit
Bilud brfnro lit ailadown Jutt huw niurb
ba will vat, aud on tba Inataiil Ibat bt hat
flnltbtd bit ratlout ha tbould leaa Ibt
dining room, "lit who heaitatrt la bait.
If Iba corpulent aiil.j.vt lia.k no inurt
food than bt ought, lit might tat lui
aaytblng. At tbtaanit Unit ht would do
batter U deny blmaelf axerla and aUrrhy
fuoua, cakra, plea, paatry and Hit Ilka. Tbt
quantity of bread abould la real ru led; unt
r two allrea of dry liuwt U ijullt ulllrleul
for a meal. ISHat.oa art rr (aliening,
and, Ihtrtfort, hail brat Iw ricludeil from
tba diet. If milk la Hard tba quantity
abould bt tnialL A for mraU, thathlib
art leaa ibould ba preferred. Sou pa, for
btloua reaaoua, art objerlionabla. Iloa
toa lltrald.
Tba Hilar tlaally Klllea.
A Gwnnan cohl.ler, wbo waa rtpulail to
bt on of tbt laaleat aud Una! worlblaaa
Ban la Ltatlrllla, dug a bolt In bit yard
ad aaitad It with ora, aud, abowing tba
pit to tba rrpraaenlallrea of a romiwuy, ha
waa abut to tail out for HJnX During tba
arouat wbkb followed bt buaalxd pul.llcly
f tba way la which ba bad fooled tba
aplUlUu, but befora lha purcbaaera of
bla pmparty beard of tbrat remark I bey
bad took Iba abaft four feet deeper and
bad tru k ont of Iht rk beat veina of car
boaau la Ialnlla Tht cobbler, on learn
tag what bad happened, danced about tba
dga of lha pit and twort that ha bad been
awindled. Tba mint yielded about II.Ouu,
),iU h.
er Mat Wittaa Nig.
Woea Uail iraa la gwd bumvr bt waa la
tba bautt of klaaing ail Iba pretty pupil to
biac-Uaa, remember on out ooraaloo a
wry luealy young girl cama to Iba learn. n
wnng a hat that had a raibar titraordl-
wary weja urim. iumi Korea tot aai a
leoa, od going p to hel ktaaed btr OT'T. I
Irst wltb aoat little difT.cult t. owing to tba
Bro)eeuog brim nf lha hat. Tata at aaid,
bauf aanoualy. "My dear, yon will bava to
get aaother bat. out wtlh rather tea I. not
to ll."-tui la Udiea' Homa
fjaellaa Ilea.
"Do yon aetlhal Iwly on thm trotting
boratr" aaid Charlie Ku.. kerUa ker, point
lag to a femai who waa alternately rialog
la tba air and pounding a aa.l.l.e.
-mi what of her" repi.ed but Soob
bwrly. "Notbing. ttrvpl !. remind ma of
paper on Wall tnt, alwayt ruing and
Calling. Tetaa rifunra.
Iteeaeeplag a Lll laaarr Llle.
Xa OB of Mra. Ue'-'a lerturr to UHitb
ara aba ud, "The only way Ibat faith
ful, part and holy lilt ran b niadt aa ab
uluutwrtaliity I by developing Mrtcgtb
of will and Uu iligeaca wlibia Iba ubiul,
raibar thaa) by Berrtlj eurruundl bla
TVa raaat tfca Aaglawaavaaai taea W
WaaJIb Waa aertttl ta Abaaiaata.
A tbouaaiMl year ago, wbeO Ibt dinner
aroa ready to ba aenred tba llil ibii.'
brought lutotha great ball waa tba labia.
Moravia ireallra were brought, CO wiiiib
War plated boarda, and ail wera carrlrd
way agalnallbtcloaaof Iht lured. I'poO
yjul waa bud tbt tablecloth. Tbrrt la au
old Lailu rbldla of tbt Ligbtb century lu
Which tbt Ublt aayti "I feed people with
many kind of 1. Hrl, I am a qual-
tupad, aivl adorned wllb banuwiua cioin
ng; then I am robbed of tuy append and
bvaa my b-ga alao."
Tba total of Iba Anglo-rwson waa largrl)
bread. The bread waa baked In round, Hal
take, wlili b tba uprratitlou of the look
Buubed wll b a croee, to preaerre t Hem from
tba Deri la of Iba lire. Milk, butter and
Cbaeatwertalaoeauu. Thepnuiipal Uiral
waa bacon, aa Ibt arornaof tlia oak forrate,
which Ibrn cot. ml a Urtitpartof kng
Land, auppnrted uuiurroua uruvraof twine.
Our Auirlo-Salou forefalbrra were Hot
only brarly talera, bul alau deep drinker.
Tba drinking borna wrrtaturai nu ruiiy
boroa, and o mut bt liniiieiliaU-ly en.p
Urd when flilrd; later, whrti Ibr priluitivt
bora bail brru rrplai .il by a glaa cup. It
reUlnnl a traiiiliou of Ita rude prnlraair
Lo IU ahape, au thai It, too, bail to lie r in ti
tled at a draft. hub gue.1 fur
Blabed with a p"n, while Ilia knife beal-
aya tarrinl lu l.ia la-It; aa for lorka, who
dretuiird of thrin, w hrti nature hail i;ifU
BULO tea flllgrref llul you Will tee why a
errant with a baain of water and a lowrl
Jwaya preariiled blliiarlf loearn guet le
(ora dlunrr waa aervrd and after It
ILuaalml meat waa trrvrd on Iba -pit or
rod on which It waa conked, and the gural
rut or tore off tiieca lo anil bimaeK.
Iiolled meat waa laid 'U tbe rnkra ol
bread, or later, on thick alicea of brrwl
callrd "trenchrra," front a Norman word
meaning "to rut," aa llirx r-rt to tart
tba meat on, Ibua pn-arrving I he tabtr
Cloth from the knife. At llrat tht trmcbrr
waa eaten or thrown upon tht atone floor
for tba dog wbo crouched at their inaa
tcr't fret. At later data It wna pill lu a
baakrt and glvrn lo tba eir who gathered
at tba manor gata.
During tba Utter part uf tba Middle
Agra tba moat eouaplrunua olijrrt on the
Ublt waa the tallrellar. waa K. n. r
ally of aiWrr In the form of a hlp. ll wna
placed la the renter of Ilia long table, at
which tba bnuerhold gal tiered, my lord
and lady, their family aud gueu, la-mg at
one end and Ihrlr retainer and arreanla at
lha other. Ho one' piiioii In reiinrd lo
tbtaalt waa a teal of rank the geiidr'nlka
lilting "alma theaalt" and the yroinaury
balow U. In tbt hoiiaea of the great nolilca
dinner waa wnrel with iiitirn crrruion)'.
At the hour a atatrly proceaaion entrrnl
tba ball, r'lrat came aeerral muali'laiia,
followed by tbt alrward hearing bla rial of
ofllce, and then came a long line of arrv
nta carryiug dilTrrenl dlahra.
Homa Idra of Iba variety and profunlou
may be gainrd from t lie provlaion made by
King llrury III for hi houarhold at rhrlat
Biaa, 14. 1 hi" llii liidnl 91 ulrii. III) piga,
CiO fowla, SV barra, ill rabhlla, U phraMllla,
U partridge, lit wiaalroi k, .IU plovrr and
I.OJU egg. .Many of our fnvoriie ilhloa
hart draceiided from the .Middle Agra,
Macaroon hair arrvnl a draaert an.ce
tbtdayaof I'haurer. Dur favorite winter
breakfaat, griddle rakea, lot come dowu
to u from Hit faraway ltrllwia of Walra,
wlill tht l. bava luuihrd on glnn.-r-bread
and girl on picklce aud Jclli.- aimt
tha time of Mwanl 11, more tbau &ou year
ago, American AualyaU
Tbaader I -or.
Tba Datlteaof Iba rtnudwii h lalauda eon
Idrred thunder aa bring Manna U'arcl.o
from Iba cloud. Tbl curlou uoi Ion baa
eryatallltrd a weather proterb which la
now current among many of the white
reaident of the lalniide vii, "It will rain
today; Manna 1am ebakea tbe cloinla." In
Ibla connection It may lie remnrkrd Hint
tb early N an. Illilau arlllcraof lii land
btllefed thai there wat tolue myalrrloua
ml aiiiernaiurnl ctmiiei tlmia brlwreu tbe i, f llerl.i and Hit "angry iiiiiic r
lug of Jure." lu Kngland many of the
peaaalitry allll plant thr holiae l.-ek "Jupl
ler't liranl" ou their bouae r..(a aa a prr
Tenllvaagaiuat thuiidrr, lightning ami evil
tplrlla, a cualom which remind out of
Charlemagne' edict, "Kt haleat iill-jiir
upra domuiii aiinm Jovla Imrlmm."
Another wldreprend Um'PIiiIoii, and
oat that baa heeu lioteil among I he IrlU
ml nallone from China l.i hiit-Und, and
from Cae llalieraa In the llle,
tell ua that If Hit "cIah" or r-Mirla of
thuiidrr conit In even number the alorm
will ba of thort duration and very mild,
llul, on Iht other band. If ihey comt lu
uneven numbrra, taieclally If the reuti
bt err tea of five, blue or thirteen dlatincl
Jaia, niurb lor of life and proerly w ill
reaull. St. I jiii l 11. pulil.v.
tlaaMl 1'wlula of a Mwl.
Rightly ii ".il, kinilly tr.air.l, given tbt
ame gea cart a hore t he mule baa
alwaya ahown hlniM-lf kind, giaal l in
pered, willing, d.ile ami intrlligmt.
Moreovrr, while be baa iiiM.e of tin' h..r.-'
gnurful, rniialhrtia w) of ahoning
Urn t Ion and ri'mllng to appn-ciatloii,
tba mule la capable of genuine di-toi l..u In
B kind tnaalrr. Itolh ti.e bore and the a
havt affect Innate dlHaiiloii, and Ibeoiily
re.u lb mult d.a nut rvlm-e audi i I
cauae nothing call It out. Jack I not
demotialrutlve, but lit doea respond i lil.Ij
to kind treat inrnt.
11 makra, moreover, an r) pat i-d, rare-
ful, kindly riding aiiinml when well treat
Takru allotirtbrr be I a uwful, Intel
llgrnt, much enduring, little appreciated
bruu, bi uirlaiHboly Naitlou I tbnt
of ailog with a bad name ht giaal quail,
tlta rarely mentioned, w bile hi bad one
art crralileil at their full value.-vu I ran
A Ueer rredleaaaeatt,
Two Interpreter wert ureded la atrial
In tbt court of criminal Correrlion, .Mi
chael Chiller la-ing able lo eak only tier
man, and l.i wife only I rruch. Tbry
tr married lu twii-r!aiid In 1U aud
rame to tl.ia country alaiul a year aga
llelng poor thry pi jut. I Ibeir lby with
bVhulrr a alati-r, w bo live on a farm la ht.
Ixhii conn tT, and both wrul to work, tb
Wlft enuring ruiplo) inrnt a a evrvahl
girl. Tbt testimony developed that tbry
bad lived logrthrt oirr a yrar without bt
Ing al.le to uinleratand rack other bt.
boo la I'uet Liatch. .
A Blairv el Mlaalr Vaaltv.
To make himaelf lot.k mora uauly ami
hibutL l..aa.tfilr fraaillrntle inrMaa.1
diaHuullva leg In hug cavalry Ukki II
prtuked dally before Iba mirror, and waa
Bevar weary of comparing himaelf with
Other email turn, to thaw 110. bt waa read
ly not to very lilt la. T tha end ha con
Bdtd la hit (neiitU tbt paug bt ever tuf
BBrtd ob account of bla email -f'. I Vt
tonally, but i-uly orraa.onaliy. aid Met
ooier Bod the .leairrd ciia.Ution be
ought from bla ac-'uaint4iice Hue aftrr
Boon, a ibt aculptor Il.ilui rulered hi
lodlo, Mrtoiiu-r ri.laimed joyfully
"What do you think) Tot corn d.-toc waa
hut bar, and wbal dii Too aut.OM ba
aayaf A all foot grenadier cannot get any j
bigger ourna t baa niloa." mui frmockaco I
A ahr railtosl Clerk.
Ton and I might not know where to dt
I UTee aaniar Muranawaa air. Iffrtaienaaa,
, iWagor," but a tUal rlerk figured It ont
right away He f.r warded ll to th re re out
o1i.-r ta Ibat du avion, and It proved to ba
frora a asaa whoaaaud ta pay a special
tag fur IB aai of tol a.-LawutoO Jw
$ (MM Kallatate Thai Bt.toa.ooa la
awat Tearly far l'brliaa k lb
pU f tbt A hlraeg ran
Ataeat l aabrella Bleallag.
Tbty coat New Vork good deal of
money tvtry jrar, " aald Iht fat umbrella
man aa ba daftly rolled a tilk uiuhrellt
nd placed It bank lu the caaa 'Tl
mount mual run to far up lo tht thou
anil It would are in an eotggrra'lon lo
out who didu'l know aiijtbiug about It
If Iba amount waa eiprmhd in harity no
ooa In tin town herd gi hungry
"Tha ratio of r..plr who curry umbn-llw
U bvgrr In Ihi Vino than in any other In
Ameri'-a I npe It I lea-au a t hart
to many rainy day. I'miatbly u prr rent
of tb adult population of New Vrk r.irry
ambrelloa, and 10 ier cent of the children
over twelv year of i;e I have br-n In
lha umbrella biiainea for twenty yrar.
and I bavt watched ll pn-tly cloely
"Tbt average life of a gool uij.hrl la
about a year N.u.rtlu.ra au uiuhrilla
will wear four or flvo tear Vou can inl
ootbing ala.ut tbriu. There i nothing
mora uncertain Tbe man who will guar
antra an umbrella lafoollah. Tha arterret
tcata will not reveal anything, hwane
tvtry V"" umbrella la can fully eiaiulned
befora It I put on tale. Kvery part of It
paaae tlinmgh tb hand of an eiari.
Thaulk 1 haaard ue.n, tba framework
and tb atik. If anything I found not
up to the tanclurd ll la aeiit law k. and yet
ll la a very common thing for an umbrella
to go all to piece of three week.
Tba beet umbrella eiprrt In tbl loan rao
tell nothing about thrin
Mitn r or i wiiiii t la
"Aa I aald lafore, the average lift of an
umbrella I about a year, If the owner ran
keep II a long a Ibal, which I el. loin tht
caaa. There trrma lo la) many lorn wbo
maka It huaitie lo lo umbrella a
faat aa thry buy them, while othrr nrvrr
loaa an umbrella The average life of an
umbrella and the average arrvlre of an
umbrella are two very dillrmit thing. I
uppoaa that the latter la alx.llt ll
mouth. A nearly a Iran artiva at It
from cloae ulaa-rvation about 7UJ.KU ieopl
lo New lork rarry umbrrlliia
"That I a giMal many, but I think thera
llmaU I uiiilcr nit her than over tha eiiu t
truth. Kor, mind you, there art many
who have two or three umbrella at once.
You can buy an umbrella for almiwt any
price. The average of Hit good cheap Ulll
brellaa U about two dollar Tbe average
nf tba giaal silk umbrellita It flvt dollar
Tht general average la almut I bree dollar.
"Now you rau readily arrive at an rati
mala of the amount nf money w hi. h New
Yorkrr aprnd for uiiilirrll.i every year
You will rememla-r Ibat I Mid thai Iheav
raga aervlce of an umbrella I alioul all
month. o tbnt every one of thra Tuu.Oij
people havt to-nd all every yrar
loaupply tbrmai'lve with umbrell.ui. Juat
multiply that and you will II ml that thi
big town irml M.'JKVI") a year Mind,
that la not rinugeraliug In the leiial. And
tba timbrellit hahlt I growing Titer I
one firm In riilladrlphi alone which turn
out lO.UJu iin.lirrllia a day
"There I aomcthlng at range about uin
brellaa. To la-gin with, lathnr general con
trarimaui al.0.1 wearing. Then Ihey bait
a curlou rll.a t uh.ii human nature I
wouldn't trttat my brother with au umbrel
la, aud ht I a bonrat a man aa ever lived.
Ha could havt all tbe money I have, but
not my umbrella. A man cannot Iw bonrat
about Ibrm. I don't kuow w hat there hi In
tb thing, but I do know that la tbe r fleet
they hav uM.n people There I mil day
paaae but a man contra In her and want
tba stick and hand I lu an umbrella
changed when both are perfectly good. Wt
know well that tha umbrella brlntignl to
omrludy rlae. but, of roiirae. wt never tay
"I remember once that man UniL'l.t an
nmbrella from ua. and I remembered It ba
can of a H-i'tilnir mark.
". long after another man brought ll
In and hail another handle put In It. Wt
put In two other hand lea for different men,
and then Iht original owner brought lu
tht umbrella. Wt put In tha ban. 11 that
waa first In It, aud ht never dlacovrred it
I never saw a man who would not appro
prtate an umbrella If there waa any miI
bUeicua fortodoing A mau who will
wtiliatitn.l all other temptation I utterly
belpleaa at Iht lt.-ht of an umlin-lla. I
don't pretend tooDer any expUnntioii for
ll; I simply know thai It U a fai l, and that
lha man who takea the uiiihrelln la uo
mora to bUiue than the kleptomaniac who
teal from dry good store.
"It t hard work to tell umbrella. I "Tu
ple always rrlirl agiiiual having to buy
tbein. Thry term to think they art
being lmaaM-d u.n. and reaeiil It aironl
Ingly. Yuu hitve to anawer more iiietioiia
than a mau at an iiiformntion, and
guarantee tht wmthrr for tbe tint ten
year. And we do meet Hie rrnukieat lot
of crank The other dny a man rnme in
her and sprnt nn hour and a l.nlf h.kiiig
over tl.a stuck After he bad lntrd
vrrythli.g h looknl at hi w.iti h ami
aid he waa much obliged. He bod alaiul
that much tlm to put in befora hi train
left, and he had apent ll very
"If you ever buy umbrella jonrx-lf li t
m tell you eomelbitig a a guide. You
ran buy lb brat umbrella that i made for
Ml When you pny inor than that you
ii in) Ing for tht handle or a name. If
yuu want to rnd a lot of money you can
go up town to out of tht big Jrwrlry
boitaea aud spend auywhert from t- to
KU for an umbrella, and tht umbrella It
elf bt the same old frvSU umbrvlla. And
If you don't want an umbrella of that kind
you ran get on for I I which will outeQr
any tilk umbrella Ibat was ever tuad."
Ntw York Kecinlrr
Uerlvatlea af Hurrah.
On familiar f'nglish wonl of our
"Uurrah ")' arl Urn Jewell In bri
tnumting work on I he Normnu. i s.ii.1
lo data (nun I..lf n-in "(..u," lh
Frenchmen c.ill.-d our ll.-lf, and there
a l Ibal If mau wa In .l inger bliuvlf,
or caught bia enemy doltiit any lUitir, In
could raia th cry "II!" and o in
vokt Juati.t in llukt 'q It' name At tin
aouud of the cry eer.Hly laumd or
tba tnataut lo givt chase loti e oflriider
and whoever failed lo rend lo the rr ol
"Ha lloiil" mu.t pay a bravy line to K.. I
klnueif. TUiiata-gan the old llnic.i.h
Ion of "hue and cry," a well a our ruatoiri
of abeutmg "Hurrah " a Leu a are plraarJ
and iiou.L
A ThewghlfMl teeglee.
A dear little U.y five rear.. .1.1 had pA.
rather a trii;g day Wniitl.e lri of in
tenllon. he n.uld not quirt hi lrrrprri
hi apirit llr uiild n..t rrnirn.t r to::.itl
and ha.1 revird rTe reprimand. I'hit
night, whrn berudrx! b pravr- with tin
usual pet ill. n "ai.d mae n.e a --l 1 : 1 1 i
boy," le ne sinhl-nly (r.iu l.i ki.r.
balked up Into bia .nl a f o-e, end nili
tbl lnm-ei.t remark "Wot it fuui.i
aunt) can do everything e'.ae. oil
btoaa't mat met g.J bu) ' New York
IHelag t ar.
j t)imng car are generally tuu at a Kv
i and are at ta hed to tran.a j ninil
ter of attraction. A sirwsrd, l ur i.eli
j and Dv wallers ar site hnl .ar
Tht f.aal roala from'. a ii.--.irh.
ll rxaiis irm lt.t"o to f a yrar to r.i
I ont of Ibr cart, xrluiv tb wear and
I tear oa tba rn c-rty and Itaclruta.. la
ut placaa, and parlicniarly In tb -uta.
tlxepera art alao rua at kaas.-l'uUkt
fa AeaerUaa ll l'reat Maay Mra
T..t "orlJ U B-w rapidly acqulrtnf
CiMleUe about Corea.and at ll Iram
oir it U t ll Biort aianbd. It really
rem a If that lit
tle corner of crea
tion doe la many
reaped All lb de
scription given
by fanciful writ
era of Imaginary
laud Vlalled by
ibeir btrott.
Thouiih Iht coun
try contain bul
j, f ai Stuart miba
It stretcbe U
mile from north
to south, and
ntl.rr from tbt
sudden and great
variation of cli
mate, thrir Isola
tion or soni other
rau lb peoplt
art on occasion aa
fierce aa hungry
FATItt It or TDK KIS'l. wolve. Tbelrgov
rfnmrni I an alexiliit dritiam, tem
pered a lull by aaaaaaination. A father
Lu.. il.e power of life and death ovrr his
Cblldrrii; ea h I'sral ruler ha lb sama
priwrrovrr lit subjects, and lb king haa
ll over all. The women of tba king
bouarhold manage I.y Intrigue, and rival
partira try eoticiuii. by aaainatioa.
Tht latest event loeirile the kingdom waa
an sum. .t to blowup th king's father,
I'nnra l a! won kun. Three caaea af gun
powder, weighing fourteen pound each,
Were pi ed and one eiploled lu hi palara.
whuh. being : . g..i '--
.plinter. but b. crawled out of th. ruin.
Tbl art I. acrtlal lo tb Ming. lh
powerful family to which lha queen lie
long. They had for soma tlm ruled th
country, but th king' father proved t
talented for them. II I quite a clever
old gentleman, according to Mr. II. Sav
age I-amlor, tb artist, one of tba very few
foreigner allowed lo travel through the
country. (Inly a frwyearaagolbeCorean
bail a lad habit of iniinlrriug sue h foreign
er aa fell liiloll.eir band by shipwreck or
Otherwise, which brought on Iron I.I with
th I'uilol State, China and Japan.
Tb rirat Marltr uf th llevolulloa
AU of the school historic and ponnlar
tell book given la underi.m 1 that on
April IV. 177.1, at Ijrilnitou. .Mm., the
Orst IiIimmI of the American war of hide
peodrn.- wu shel. Within the last few
year historians, who bar lwu giving tba
matter uiuili at trillion, rl.iim Weatmlu
ter, Vt, aa Iht scent of lb llrat tragedy
In Ibal memorable conflict and nut Will
lam Krench a lha victim. Yrrtiiout al
that tune w.u a part of New York. Tbt
people of tbt Vermont district were Imdly
Worked up over the ryallt question and
bad derided not to allow the reirnlur sea
alou of Ihe king's court to bw held In Wrst
minster tint spring.
Accordingly, when ibt court ofllrrrs
wert sent tbry were accompli uird by a body
of royal troop. 'I lit wo.le were rtaaa-r
ted, and rowembled lu the coisrt bouae lo
reaial. Wbrn tht court ollli inl. and triMii
rnvrd order were i.tvrn for the people lo
vacate Ihe room This thry relUM-d to do,
wheu the trooiiif (ieorge III croswd the
groilll.l and llriil Into tht little Luidnf
patriol. "wouii.liug some," the account
aay, "aud lualuiilly killing William 1 n-lich,
who waa shot clrau tlirutigh tb he ul with
muakrt ball."
Krench waa burieil lu t lie c hur.-li tird at
Wealinliialer. and a stone with the follow
lug Inscription was erected to hi memory:
"In memory of William Krench, Who
Was Shot at Westminster, Man h ye 1.1 h,
1771, by the bund of the Cruel Ministerial
tools uf lieorge 3d at the Court llotiae, at
1 1 o'clock al Night, In Ihe il year uf hi
Aga"-M- loills Ib'puhlic.
Irish tar Maklog.
After tb famine of 1M7 luce making w w
revived in In land l.linrni k, the most
uiTcasful Irish hue, 1 not really a lace at
all. It la tamlwur work Us.n net and
The Irish point, to called, I the ancient
Cut work, bring made lu quit lb saint
Net wa first mad by machinery In I7t'.
The machine was au adnptnti.m of thr
tasking loom to la.-e making, and wiu and n..l very rUcclive. lu 14
John llcHlhcoti", a farmer sou, evolve.)
from cutiBcloUBiir and rxisTlrni-e the liM
machine to in. ike I rue l.l.l.iiirt w ith per
feet six tided boles. It bniught a great
bu and cry alsmt his ears fnim luce work
era, who fancied thry saw themselves thm
reduced lo Is-ggury.
Tbe Luddites broke Into the factory
where the machine were Unit set up and
mad scrap inm and kindling wisk ol
them. Tbe only result was to drive tin j
new manufacture lo other and safer quar-
ter. Kor long Ihe aecrel of the initchitir't 1
Const rucllou was m.l Jealously guvnlrd
by Kni;liii m.iniifa. turer.. Not satisfied
with letter patent thrv kept upaconM
patnd lo make sure ibat noissly t.n.k
tuodcl or dru inga lo Kraii.e. j
Al laal, though, thry wrre outwiltiil A
discharged workman, w ho hud Ihe plan ol
It in hi mind, man igrd lo get safe ov. i
tea and build a mm lime in France. New
York Herald.
The slllorsl" VllnVrtTf '40.
Th early miner hat never Is-en truly i
palntoL I pnitrt against the flippant !
ityle and eccentric rhetoric of those writer i
who havt made him a terror, or who, aril
Ing upon a aisirndircaae of extreme oddity,
torn brawling wretch, hav given a cart i
ealuretoth world ax the typical miner.
The so railed literature that treat of tb
goldro era I loo extravagant lu this direr j
tlon. In all my iersoual rxerirnce lu ,
mining fnmi IMU to 164 there wa. I
But a case of bl.ssUhe.1, n.bla-ry, theft or i
actual violence!. I duU if a more onlerly j
ortety wa rver known. How could it Iw ,
otberwisrF Tbe pioneer wee young, ar !
dent, uurorrupted, most of them well edu
cated and fnim the Isxt familira lo the
Beat, j
The rarly miner waa ambitious, ener i
getic and enteqiriing No undertaking '
wa hw great to daunt him. Thr pluck
nd reaotirresrv.hil.itrd by him in attempt 1
Ing mighty projects with nothing but la
eoursxeand hi l.rawnv armstocarry thrm
out was phruomrual. Ill genrnsujv waa ;
profuse and hit aympalbv active, knowing :
BO distinction of race. His selitinirnl that !
justice U sacred wa never dulled. Hi
erv Ice were at command to settle differ
tncea, or with pistol lu hand to
right a grievous wrong to a stranger. Hit
capacity for sc.f government haa nrvrr
been surpassed I If glnr.oua rfaa-h, he
was uf glorious race. K. U Wait In
faalshaieal fr ateallag Iw Tangier. j
A New Yorkrr who ha spent tome year
at Tangier, tbe quaint old esrt of Mj I
Mcco, and who rrtitrnel to Mud th nea
BnM-rs more ')w i-r'msrily full of Ihe
misdoing of luti k and truai company of I
Betels, thinss It I fortunate forth of! red I
er that thev did n4 operate In that Afri
can tow
TLev don't mince matter over
there.' he a) s, "for man who loaea aight
of tb distinction la-twee hi own pnve
ty and torn on else's. W ben a thief is
caught la tht must trivial offense h I told
to bold ap both hands. Tbeo Ihey ask
him which band b would Ilk lo keep.
Wbea h baa bla choice Ihey cut off
tbe other This naturmilv crasatea a nre.u
dice against kleptomania la IU vanout
forms I don't quit know what they
would do with bank ocftcer who A k.
elotch m.llioa. but I gue tbey would '
ave th bsu-i with it coatenu and throw I
Us ra of turn to Um tusrLa,'
l , t . Xr'r
Wa a mmt aiawt a Ifsa taw
Ommt alailg T . e" la '
Ta tl-ry Told B lb af lis t
glaeer Wha Italll aatlld Tarapik H-aaV
I can f umiak to reader Daniel
VYnstr tearlie-t eiper.eoc la managing
difflcnll legal I Hl't It oo tht au
thorny of my f al btr. for I be aceti data
hack to l"' ,
At that le-rtod tbrrt wa no g.l mail
from wbal e r called tb "I'orU." Xa wit.
tbtu.wu. ol IV -tou, Salem. New bury.rl
rid INirtamoolb, through thr Slate of New
ilamhirt to liie Coiine. tn.iil ruer at the
point now known a Whit Itiver June
Hon. The nieaua of c.niuiutiication wrr
ao wrvtclirdiy lud llil the merrbanta
could not en. ht'eala lo ihe interior ticept
at grt iiiiiiiiveiiiemw. I he -m'ilatur
of Nrw ll-i illy chartered th
"Fourth New ll.imie.lnre Turnpikt" to
constructed over Ihe route meulloiied. Tb
lock wa pr.ncip.iliy tnkni In lha town
on lb sealsairl. and Ihe corporation of
I'ortan.'Mitli r.aelf ul rual largely lo lb
undertaking A -cml ta wa lnel lo
meet the subarnptloo, the molirr collected
nd paid Into tbe lrr.iury This iimne
wa only to I paid urt lo th lurnpik
ODniwny whrn th rd had lan flnialie-l
to a crrf .itu .o, ul.
Myfilbrr wa. Ibr enirineer forth upper
part of the rood, and w hen allwatrrtdy
tht pn.r dia iimeiil wer preriaieil to
verify what bad tern done The wer
Uken bt him to the ollWeof Judge Thomp
i ;;rV,;M..;,uVi;
J'" , , .., l)lloW. lo m,
pike comtutuy I git wtiat lollowt in my
father's own words
Tlll:V or Till! C Aag.
"On handing Ihe wk ratoditdgrTbomp
on be told me he would srud his sou In
law. who waa bis partner. Immediately to
Portsmouth, and requested nm to call lu
couple of dnja, whrn the money would l
reaily for me At the appointed time I wa
t hi office ll: partner bsd returned
without th money ll seems there bad
been a change of r.litlcnl parties, and Ihe
new selectmen decided Hint Ihe action of
their predecessor wa uticontltullonaL
nd declared they Intended lote.1 thequea
Hon In Ibt roiirt-
"I wudiinifotindrd I hail frit sure of
tbe monry The company was In great
Deed of It, and I know how much this
urt would etiilwrras them. .My face
must bavt exhibited Inlet. disappoint
ment Suddenly Judge Thompsoo ti
" believe I will send Dan.'
"At this a thin f we was turned up from
a desk near bv. show ing a pair of Immen
black eves and swarthy visag ll waa
Dnnlrl WrUter, then twenty iwo or twen
ty three year old. He waa a law student
In Judge Thompson's odlce and had nearly
finished hi course
" 'Yea, I will send lnn.' Judge Thump
ton rcM-ated Come again III three days.'
"All Ibis lltne Han did not utter a
wonl, but continued bla reading
"Al the end of three days I returned.
Young Webster bud col Hit inouey
1 exchanged Iml a few word with hi in at
the tune W heu In Judge Tliompou't
private ollice I akcd how it waa dona.
This was his rvpliiu.illoii
"Taking a letter of introduction to ihe
Judge' com-apomleiil in I'nrumuiilh,
young Weixlrr presented himaelf aud
aked M-rmiioii to u hisoilic to trans
act little biiainex He nl once proceeded
lo isaiir, In Judge lliompaout name.
aeparate w rit for em h of the town oftlciala.
holding em h lo lunl. alter Ihe practice of
thai lime. Hi bis individual capacity The
berilT was sent (or. tbe writs put In III
' bamls with d;ri tosrrve Iminedialely
! and to inform the i--t...tia ag.un.t whom
they run Hint Judge Tltotiirou't re pre-
aentatlv would lea. for that day. at tbt
' ofllce desiguaieil
' I. WIN.
In short time ttn-y came running in."
' "'Young man,' said Ihe okeman,
j 'you are making a miaiiik. You should
tut tbt coriMir.'iti.ui Wt a Individual
have nothing lo do with the mutter '
" 'Yuu are yourselves inialukrn, gentle
I men,' was tbe reply The corporation ha.
nothing to do w lib 11, for the corporation
baa done Ita duty I prosecute you Indi
viilually for milft-.i.iiice in olllrel The
mouey baa la-cu paid In for tins -cillc
purpcsi, and tbe turnpike coinpaiiy will
bold cai n uf you ieroiiiiIly reaiua.ble for
; heavy damage for filtriutig It works.'
"Tb result wa that the pMer order
' waa tigned and the luxury paid the next
morning. "
My father afterward taw much of young
V Blister, and it waa In this way thrir ao
quainUnre commenced
What gives a special value to this auec
dote U that many year later, after I my
Mf bad lcome Intimate w ith Mr. Web
g,r res-ate. It lo him. II recalled the
giTair distinctly, aud tvtn corrected mt In
one trilling particular
During me l iter years of bit lift I waa
often at Mr W clMcr's house, es;iecilly
when he visited bis New lUiniialiire burnt
at Franklin I have fmiunitly hern with
him when be wo. quite alone, but gen
rally the place wna riiliirm-d by ihe pre
rue of congenial Irirn.U He wa fond of
titling ou the pi. isj.1 lu lh summer even
lugs, and riij ocl aud eiileml luto th
pleasantries of t he company
Wbeiial Krankl.u hi h ihits were prlml
tlve and temis-r ite He always asked
blessing at the tal.le stall ling He did not
light the service I.y uttering a few uuiu
telilgiblr wonl Hi nature wa devout,
"No one can full) appm i.ite the IValmt
Of Ihtvid until he . ....t lift v . " he said to
ma ont evrntnj Hn uuother uccoslon,
after be bail la-en makitig a search for a
sreoud cou-io. who hr tliunuht 1 1 veil near
frauklin, be s.u. u lieu ne art young
very one is f..r himaelf We give little
thought to n-lativr Aa we gmw old and
approach n.e ci.iilines of age we cast ala.ut
forklodre.1 "-Hicb.iid 11 KiuiImII lu Nrw
York Titius
Willing o Sat III learner.
Mr. Froiiiir t.-lU a story of bow a naiivt
Maori t hi. f, Trkt.i, In imaged .i lulu thr
lal.les iia.u l.i. missionary Irachir. The
Chief bad 1 ii I rv-., u lit .y wnrneil by hrn
gaitiat ti e eil t in.iulgitMe lu "uri-
rr. A i.. y e nm. , l.i.wrver, w i.m tiir
B'i"i"ry, in ilnnger of ,u b,ng c ol. Ml
Const raimd to fortify hiiu-.f i;h a gla..
Of wl.i-ky At hr n.
j alsiut to rn-e the tempting fluid to u
, lisi a difky li.ure an-d, and, la) in.'
i bu Liigrr ou tLe g.ass, Ull- 'M.ji, 1, t ,
father: If you drina, lirrwatrr j.u en
lose jour brail n; Jou wdi ,. j,H,r ,..;ir
! aster. 1't r..ap j.mi wi'.I ins,. jur .,,.
(Nay. little fa. her. you ill l.e-l,ul l!m'
i sl.a.l n tar. oiir iiiimi.rials. wli.uion
i precious than mine. Ti e dr.nk s ill I ur'
Oie lass than it W.U hurt To save
i your soul w ill ilru.k ll mj-if." Wnnh
bt il forth nb.--iu Atg.i
Ban L
ChilJrsw bjmI Islrll.., m iu1
M. I'm., a disseriiii.g tu.l. i.i of
iren. ba i-areful.y retisnltU tl, Id, his
tone and tany iru,. of two .l kill. l.s,Lln mile of Scottish abort line,
aud fouud consiaul i- asioo tod raw ana...
glea Is-laern the k.ll.i.aand infai.t-' ;,..i
abow al st.,g,, ,J drr...pu.eut ll.r
ppraramar of the same fsc'lil.e.. ,.(:, o l.i
Krikins y f .nus. iniaiiis
leavTB to brtweru n.rll aid
women, briars n rii, d.ff.-reut.y
ore.aeu. lartwera o.d aid young, kin.irvsl
stranger, so au min, gent d..g U-ari..
te di.l.LfcUi.h bet a ran visitors sil I.
ri- hetwa slian.ers and fnendauf the '
samily, brtwrea tbsss wbo will foodl bito
asi ihsss who wij bsnv ' - j
Vm BUasarSsbl (Uewrd far Xfl(
Uaasi Msg hr a Mala Mooter.
There mivmnd before tbe committee on
Ludvertaa and game at Augusta one of the
moat romarkabla huuter living la Main
-Alexander McUin, of Mattawamkrag,
Ixiy-aevea years uf age. He gave bis trail
mooy for tbe protection of game and fur
the enforcement of honest law. Mr. Mc
Laia la rmrkbl from iht fact that in
bUtxpenence a a hunter and guide for
forty-Mvca years, killing mor gam than
Buy otber man within her bonlrr, lie ba
alwaya breu a still huuter It Is the boast
of hU life thai be never do.'ged a deer, even
wbeo tbe law allowed persona to slaughter
came In an unsportsmanlike manner. Mo
Lsvln alwa) gsv . deer a fair chance for
In outwitting them be experienced tbe
rami u Joy ment uf a true hunter ltd-
Dot rwiuir much skill to put a hound on
tb track uf a deer, and then to si..uu
yourself on the banks of a lake, and whrn
the dog bo driven the exhausted alumni
into the water to tho., perhaps, by n-.tiug
your gun over a stump. That Is lb mod
of the ot huuter and poacher, but iml of
tbe true hunter and guide that M. 1-iln is
acknowledged lo las.
For ten year be waa a INb aud une
warden, and baa done aa much lu pmtrct
gam aa ai.y man living lu Maine. Hr
never made a dollar as wanlru, but broiu'lil
many a p.-ul..r to justice. Mr. M.ljtiu
give tbe following stitli.tlisof game killed
by himself: Ucer, I.UW; moose, Ui, can is. u,
IS; bear, 211; wolvra, U; ml fox. 3.'r, otlrr,
lbi, black cat, l-, sahle. 17.1. beaver, Xt.
mink, ViU; raccoon, iA lynx. Ci. and in ad
dlllon thousand nf mu.kral and other
mall game.
Mcluln ba. haul many ailvriiture in the
wood. One he caught an Indian lu a
bear trip. Tbejiw of the trap fastened
bout tb ankle of the ludiau aud held biiu
a prisoner for thirty-six hour. The lu
diau's criea wert hranl for a long il.atam e
before tbe trap was reached. Five yrar
ago be bail a liht wilb a bear which was
caught In a trap. A. be lulrndcd to take
Bp tbe tras he wrnt Into the wood, wit bout
buguu. When the trap was n-.nhrd l.r
found an enormous bear fastened by one
loot. Tbe bear had Ju.t got in and was
Ugly. Mc I jiin nt il lo kill the animal
Wllb a club. The (log which held the trap
gavt way, and the hear, with tbe trap htitig
Ing to hi foot, made for Mcljiui and a
tavage fight ensued. The bear caught -Mc-Liu
by the arm and bit it through. Hi
clolbea were torn off, and occasionally a
portion of the akin with them.
Alibi Juucturt the clog caught nn.iir.d
m small tree, anchoring the trap, and .M
IjxIu waa able to make I. is rsca(e. With
tb blood pouriiigoutof his arm be walked
two mile to l he river, w here an Indian wiu
enrainiesl. Hi arm wa. partially dn-sx-d,
and wltb tbe Indian and a gun be slnrtr.1
back into tl.e woimIi for the la-ar. The an
imal wa found, but before the Indian could
hoot the la-nr pullrd bis f.sitoutof thr
trap, leaving hi toe in llie Jaw , and made
bla escnar.
Mr. Mcljiln haa caught tmsvl all kinds ol
gamealivo. Hecnugbta live iiuhm and
old biiu to Charles Welds, of Olamuii, for
IIju, to whom be also told thn-e caribou
for 1175 aud thirteen deer for seven dollurt
each. Seventeen young la-ar bnve Is-en
captured alive. Two wolve were caught
In a trap and an attempt made to tame
thrm, but without avail. In rapturing
them Mcl-aiu piled brush on top of thrm
and then Blipcd a inuz.lcovrr tlicir lu-a.U.
He say uotwuhataiidiug hi yrar he it
ready to put hi fnriid ou the track of
game lu the seAson, and will warrant that
the bunt will not I fruitless. Ha lui
guided I lei fast sfsirtemeu and thry are loud
In hi praise. llrliuel Juurbal.
Th Miner's ( rsie (or I. old la Lumps,
Whrn work was over, around Hie supper
Or the events of t lie day were discussed,
earplug compared, reports made of gntzly
bear or deer bring seen or killed, of better
digging of "coarse gold" discovrn-d. Tiii.
wu the hour for aa-culntiou aa to Hie ori
gin of tbe gold In the rivers, and a strung
opinion wat entertained by many who were
not well read Ibat immense musses of the
precious metal would tome day be brought
to light lu the mow capped peaks towering
to the CaaL
"Coarse gold" was a charm to (he ear nl
tbeonlinary miner. Hi claim might I
liaylng hi mau ounce a day In line gold, but
Le waa alwayt Inten-stol in tome reisirted
digging far away w here the pnslurt was
In lumps, aud not Infrequently he left a
g.ssl nun lo seek mini richer eldorajo.
The characteristic and besetting fault of
tha early miner wo. unrest. He waa for
ever seeking better fortune. Yet It wa
this passion for prospecting that re u lied
In the discovery of gold In an incredibly
thort time from the southern end of tht
Ran Joaquin valley to the northern limit
of the slate. ii. Wane lo Century.
Jay Could a Itelaoial.
I waa astonished a year or two ago at an
rohlbillon of Uould't versatility, which
waa also a tribute hi tbonuiglinesa, A
party of ua, backer aud Wall street men,
Went out to liould' country sent at Irving.
ton-on-tbe-Hiidson. It is a beautiful place,
aa most people know, and Mr. Gould took
u. Isjut la-fore dinner to we the lion.
Ann tig othrr thing he showed us tbe bo
tanual collection which he had moils. It
OouUiiu, I believe, the principal plauu ol
almost every country In the world-snni
growing out of doom, othrr in the hot
houses. Hut Hint was not all
Mr. riould himself, as we wandered
among tbe flower and leave, u.ld the two
gentlemen who wrre lucky enough to be
beside him nurd of tbe time the nam,
character and life history of every plant
they chauced to notice or be topped to
point out. Hit acquaintance with botany
wrnt far beyond Ihe text book. It spoke
of personal observation and painstaking
analysis. It opened my eyea more lhau
anything W nil sln-rt ha.1 ahown me to the
positive grtilu of lb man. 1'ituburg
A Uevslvlng Tap Li a.
An iiigeniuiit device for mraanrlng tlj.-Uuo-a,
and which will be likely to interest
architect ai d builders, I an invention of
an Kuglish tlrm. It rouuu of a small re
volving wheel which operate a spindle,
the revolution being accurately regisu-red
by a dial counter. Uv running th uistauce
wheel along a wall or other surface the re
conlrr will show how many fret have been
fccasiinrd. There is practically no limit to
the distance that may be determined by
this little device. New York Journal
flrsaatl Igaorsace.
Wlirn will eniployrr Irnrn not to expect
unreasonable thiug of their servaotaf
A New Y'ork gentleman waa put out of
patience by some blunder of hi. new grot
"Look her:" be cried in hi anger. "I
won't bar thing done in thu way Oo
yon think I'm a fool?"
"Slinro. torr," said the groom, "Ol can't
ay. enrr. I only came here yesterday "
Youths Companion.
Tbrre 1 a to every fourtrra
mile of Kngli.n coast, to every thirty-four
mile of Irish roast and oo to every tbirty-
Afterspuriglng patent leatherwitb warm
-tier ami letting it dry. while still warm
rub just Iml sweet oil in it; then rub it 1
Well out ot It-
Ninevrh. th ancirnt city, waa 14 niilr
Ior.g and nulrt wwlr. surrounded by a
wa.1 lix) feel and feet wula.
" wrt oil la aip.ied lo tbe akia lame
liut:7 aflar blow ar brtUao ht wul not
Hum Isasvk kod baasv .
THE CAT IS llisTimjq
Ttao ttlasil Ai.lmsls af Aacleal i,, (k4
th laai ftpealuaea That lla N Talt
The Chinaman' Aulsnalrd (lack v,,
lalerestlMg Information.
Thecal Ualwsyato Iw s,ken of wltk
th highrt re--t, f ir bia genua e.-,.4
11 other In Coiisistrni y nf purpi, ,,j
prralalelice of t) e. And It ba kl ;
allagi. From the v. ry flr.1 a is-ursn-
of any animal of ibr cat kind. ai,v u ,
In the age, il.xnto t !. Snsr ,",
tiger, and from the cougar to the u.el,,,,.
OU "Tom," of the iimbiiiI t fence, th r4t
ba alwa) and everyl,rre la.n a iiur. From Ihe IW ngsl t,,r t0
the cl.imury Angora kitten, not only i,
very rssriit iul and ill.un. tively f.-Im,
gan prrservrd, but apiM-arun.
and general halm ti.ere Is far 1. s. d:f!.-r
uce than ls-trni ll.e :or-e and ll, In-;,
pis-iyor Is twnutbrlnaslill and thep..;r
NeVrilbeUs there r some old ciila
each a the l.iilU-s .Manx rat and tl.
Wfsjlly IVrsiiiu, for Instance. Dm
these only rinpliasie the main fa t. N
rat differs s.i much from any other cat hut
that a child can rrr-ognue It at sigi,t.
F.vro Ibat i'tlllar bn-rd In the
Man dlfTi rs fnmi oibrrs very litil except
. i. ' i
In having no t ul, and the lack thereof a
the insoluble pux.le to Iin1ttralit. S.u.
It h IsTome th fiisliiun In cip'.iiu er).
thing by Ihe principles of evolution two
theories have li-n olTcixl 4ine, thai owing
to the limited range and lack of ilrnsr f.,r
rats thr original cat bad no use, for 1 1. .,
nd consequently tliry (the tails, not ll.r
rats) gradually atrophied for l.i. k of us
nd Is-cnme rn.liin. marv; another, thai
the primitive Manx rut uJ all their rats'
Uil Slid in course of time developed a tsil
Irs breed. One thing i certain the rat
re there, and tlicv have lioluil.
Tbe high brrd CL'.lese cat I a splendid
proof of what may I done by
nd culture. If jou were to r-snl t..
well todu lull nntravelcl Cliin.-uuaii th
current saying with n t Iml tat s an- e Ij.i,
c real u res. ut'erlv devoid of iitl.-ction. I.
would Iw vrry tuui h ntoiiibrd,ini 1. if tli
owner of a thoroughbred, proliahly in
dignnnt. The Clilin-e rut ups-nr
of intense nttai lun. iit in one p-r-. m. iaj
age of ael.i-ti .u and car. fill hrer-ling
have liniughl the sjr'iics up to a lu.t,
tandanl. The Clnr.r-r claim thai one uf
these rat (mid any cut to some ext nti las
valuable clia k. In the moriiln:; the pii,i!
of lla eye is a I. road bami; it contr.uta
regularly till lus.ii, w hen it Is a men- 1, -i r
line, and exittid k.aiu lis t gul ir'.y till
night. So when a Cl.iiiuimiti want l
know Ihe tune of day he pick up hia cat
and looks.
The pret Ileal cit ill thu w orld probably
I the royal rat nf Nam. Ii is of a U anu
ful fawn color, w it Ii a blin k unilr M.J
liquid dark r)r. mid is of n most nlT. cli i
te dixdtioii. For ctn'.urii-s tb.-y wrr
teen nowhrie save In tl.e palio-e of tiir Si
amese king, and to lake otii away wait
capital oflni-e. .l length some writ
loli n and taken to Fill os-, bin thry m
to delicate, .tllt of ret,
Hraof csnliil J.ettliig. that illsdonhlM
If the brrril inn Is- -r-t iimU-.I. M.mj
Othrr line bns .ls nre kln.H n to thr puhlic,
tspeciiilly in F.hgliiii.l. h i re annual cat
how. have brru held for many yt-nr.
The Sl.ii.-s govrruiuetil I tht
pn.prirtor of some le'i cits, for wnicli
regular alloxan. e is mu le in the pustotlli
driartiieul. 'i'lo y are I i i ril.ittel amon
the larger post. .ll'.. ! s, w here liuicli it. ail U
likely to be stored. They lire tuii.'l.l t
live among the mini sucks, and are f.l
only when the supply of rats and no.
run out. I ty the way, it Is a fact not
Well known as it should lie cat are
unsafe rrratun lo keep in Viuy part uf
acity where all the ground I pavrd nr
otherwise covered by stone or brick. Tli
Instinct of the en a; ore arns him ti. it i.
nrcrs-ities nre iluiigenni to hi kind n
Well a to human Im-Iiius, mid n hiin-vrr
possible lie Impnivisrs nn i-artii closet, l.ul
where tins cannot In- iloiir the result is uu Uad.
Tliis is one of mnny reason urged I.y
that peculiar Imud of women who trav.rss
the sln-ets of Nrw Y'ork rescuing liotm iisi
cat. When this baud, w Inch now eo-is.t
of teven woiiuti. was llr-t Inri.tioliisl iu
the press, the article was thought tu Ik
Joke, but tbry nre now-a n-rognl.rd section
of the Ili nry lb ss i..iiou. They go
Out Inte at bight, each il h a lia.sket cf
chipped liver, iliickens' fwl mid oilier nf
Use meat, mImi n lsi!t!e of chloroform nui
nine catnip. Tl.e vagrant cats of the bi.k
He; soou learn their voices, nn. I nt
call come lu joyous to nill in tl.t
catnip and feed on ll.e scraps. All ttie
tick and woiiuded are put lo a linal sleep
with the cliloni.'orm. The last ri'p.rtuf
the cat nnd li'tl n fuge al 7'd K. -l-'-li
venue showed that the band iai.o'V u,ni
even gallon of chloroform per tnohtu,
nd in ten mouth bad "treated" 4 'rfl
botnele-s cms ami seventy-one. h-,;" t::f
wounded spurrows, one ulJ ou
OpcsMtim were ai-o cared for.
Till: IH1NE-.E CAT.
TL Common rat 1. surti. irnt ly for
hie in a fight, but tie
cats of tbe enrly quaU -rt.nry peri.l
have la-en! There was the gu p:..
pat. tiier weighing pn.lsshly I"
II list
111. -is,
with two tee; h iu each jaw "'
common butcher knives and near
slurp. There l.o waa the j-gon.
which irriij to bav extern. maid e
fs-cie of smaller animal", and ll r
l- Led tiger.
A Saii,it,ern 1U)L
Bishop Sessums, of Ill.s.i,t!.a. tr.! '
kl delightful wny au exj ri. i iu "' '
bi recent vUitatioc in bi.ilio.Tse
town lis you s. n:. thing .r .u. r-'
flooded, ow lDg to a break in tie !"-
creaae, tbey call It. The water wo !'"
or twelve feet dr. p in iLe tre. t. ;
tbe 1-lsht.p wsa U.aill.g Lis v. .'' :1 !u
rowtasst O pss,i mll tol.-e W!.'f
Ltveil a good, in. pie hearted c.iorri r-u
A th Llshop glai.ced lip at the bouse t
aawtb colored man situr.g In the s.f
lory window of bt little I. .me, wi:a
tklS fastened Just oulaide, wliI t-'
coBtenietiiy p'aylng "Horn, Sweet H jq
a a ourac Nw York Tnbtus.
- . 1, . '.' ' . .
c . ' r .1 0 t 1
O cP