The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 22, 1893, Image 10

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    ruLrti.-r-vt ,',,.''"3':V
iv . r - .
Kvorytliin Kx-j'ti-iu-in Iuij"rtcl IVrftim. ry, Saj,
Toilet Article. Al- a n.ii)il,S" ami M-lnt slock of 'a
'I '
Oil Varni-lH-, Hru-!-' :im1
-. M.T Hi, .-.-."-l !'! -I '
tevin; .w i-j - - ' "'
.! I.II UIM OM .
I I Hi Mtai-HI
at rrXli laM.
'l...l.1oN, April II.--II"-''Hilt
viuihisall a llif I'l.t'f f-t holding
tin- Inst slllte -tI'-:tl! i l lit !
A. It.
The uflln-r l"i"l are
low :
J. I'. ! r, of l'u-t. r l'.t
MiMiimvillf. i-iiiiiiii.iii'l' r.
. W. limniiiii. of Kit
No. li, iViiillit -iii'-r i"
1 1.
I I llll .t II-
It. irn-nl.-uf, if ;-ri.'
1'oat Nil 1. Portland. Inni'ir i
(t. M. Ik-l-m, ( Il'-'k. r l"o-t
N'n. a, linker t ily, nn-dind dim--li.r.
Ilt-v. (J. W. tine, of l.iiKi'lii i-irlM.
I'.mI No. .1, 1'iirtUll'l, i lialiii.uii v
. II. Turiirr, t.f i.-.ri.'" riL'lil
1'iat No. 1, I'ortliiifl. h i-'aiit luljil
iMtlt KI'll'T'l.
Tin (lloM'iiitf iiii nil, i n-rln ii
to art " inline II of .iiiiiil-lriln.ii.
Kuki-ih riark of (irf rU'lit l'il
No. , I'lirtlnml: i. . Snmli r-Min, nf
S.-.lKrk 1'ixl No. .-ill' in: ( link
Walti-r, of lii-(iyliiii l'o I No.
lli-llx; II M. Nirifriii, of Miiniii r l'ol
No. 1', Kju-t rorlliind: ll. nry lt'i-1.
Jm ll.x'ki r. I'ih.1 No. j i, liaki r ny.
Th oiiiiiu Iti lii f Cori nlliii m
ami ilrli-ifHli-a an- nn follow: M r. I..
M. )IiiiIi iiiI of lt:ik-r Hy, iir--ilt nt;
lr. It. K ltiirnmi.'!i. ( I inlli I
M'liior vlii inili'iii; Mri. lm Miilili,
ofNilrin, lunlor viii .n -nli lit; Mr.
Ituvoii, of Itiiki-rCiiy, tnniin'r; Mr.
CliainlN'rliihi, of NiIi ih, -1 1 ii 1 1 In i it.
Ift'li'irnli to tin' iiiitl'iiiul i-oiivi iilioii
nt liiilininiiMill In N pli inU r: Mr. J.
(iaiilt, of Nli'Mliiiivilli', Mr. C. Itur
Ion, of bull in. Allrriiiiii : Mr.
Hiiillli, of 1'ortluinl, ami Mr. M l'
vill, of I'nrt liiinl.
W Kf "H N t lt K M Hit MS
1rtt inriil, fl(H-inr I. if H ! m. t'l- in. n,
Nvnrlici, 1 1 !) h, -t ii rti-imiion,
mw l tf u nlliii itr t"' N it, W.i f iiiii .
Mfiiul lh-i-rfMiiMt. fniifMiiir of li'ii. 'i-iik
Iti-wnltjr Ml4"ry, Ihi-ftp , l' i . I' f in n t i r ui.l
,-( lUrri'tiiirM, ut ' r hi tttl;.r m i,
lniNilritt'T, W tiNiritt in-1 nil I n- ! i
In -, luiitluiilnry i)it f j. f inn Utrt ti'i
raiiwl It? ntri rti riind ( iin. f !.
v'f Iii'HjIb. iirv. niirtiiti In tttin ut, l. itv
tif I , V -..! i. nil .
i I.IHkl; A III! . lruUl.
)N1 llt, tJ 'lM( KIIM't, f Mill IM t, i m
- ')
. tv I
U"Ha wmH4 rt a Mm A B
Aiirs Parisian Lnamrl
tut IS,
rrlton til ft Iter I
t-tini Cuuii.unon. Hit
Ijro ii Ft em h limrtic.
A r !'' Completion Crcnm i t..n
t4i U fink it , tu4 give lo uc .Wtu the
leitnrcof yuu'h,
ppel'a Skin lllrRch, rt l. tP m
f'iiHtir n,il.wl'iniHHul Ur l
I ait, huiilitutt, I'mkU, kMmlliy
$ tr-v nrnwaiNmr ol llir Uir
Apprl'a Oriental Powdor in I uh,
luutut Ur auJ itu .jin t n-
farf tlli r,
ippel'a Natural Dluth Tht!y h
I ur l Waliiir, m Ik it my .In i (it t?i nr nf
1 1411 ii lc tW lr. l i, l lll up IM i
1 it lil l .r hi. Mi'l . luia. I'i ItiuiK iirft
Viitl Cjisii i::, ti. i i.
A MH'i i ! ii- w i mi . fi
IMI.I.KMtKt'K A J"M ".
rtly Prog blar, i:ujrnr ttrvgoii
(W cl U W karvt Kj'jm an li O
lfiuUttl af tt r-U LritVMt Oa.
Dr. Mil VtNMMl tk, Ukkarl, ,t
fftl' rn : I tt,k r !irir? n im .-...y
ftlhm l-orl-ii.,u ,M j..,, , . 01j
lZ'.!?LC.mJV f "" "
lll.fMu'PY.:,J. .i. j c.j.J
ul-prt . a 4i.nui. ( t,B .i lu ., ,4 u ,
i bW I.'. u r.l ..fl I
r.'S rvt if Krvkl f
pnwnmqrq la n. pou I, n
im li. l I I..! r. f, !-,. it I' i i ' ,
i K im rt U i M -' I w .!...
f1llftlnl m ft Ul c .n-f .irr.i,
M. r I i-nr: I ; T o..wt.
mr I ! iaauajl. a.f n-'. ju
r nt.
til twf 1T iilf.frviitl
itM vlt mmamm .r..
U Iaai u l..v 1mI. U,u.ut,
oio on positivc cuaaANTct
mr on biles' nas, 50 dcse s 2: cts.
ih T: v.
i mil
Drills, Pharmacy
vin iiin
i. .
Physicians Sup
aill t-r irl stock ii I aim.",
4 "
raiut. - r - I iinn-lun;:.
" '" ' ' I" ".','1' 'l".Vl
'A T l'J:I- V, AI'KII. I.
Vi.;ti r (
inltln i illnK nt
v. it. Aim mi I
nniovi'l lo Al-
, '.
Il.iirv Valt, tin-all arouinl l-ilk, U
liovt al All'uiiy.
J. I'. Il..liii.. orColtagr lirovi-, vi
lli 'I I .uu IK' " l:i . Mi.rri-i lit to O.ikliiii'l on
li.: alii riioon', l' al.
I!. K. .-I.i.iirili mi at Juin tioii on
i ':il lui-ill'- lixl.iy.
Mr. ('. I . Colli)' Wrllt to Mllrlll (III
in. riling fir u li"it vlit.
Iii I il.ili-n lurniil lioini to l'"ii-
tlll'l oil 1 1 If IihiiI till lll'Tllllll?.
Mi 1 uiinii-( fun r wriit to 'olliiKf
I ir'.M- on ii vi-il tin ufli riiion.
i; F. ( I.u.iii:.ii all. ii'l. il t!i- luti' i.
A. I!, t-:n aiu j iiii-ii ( at I'm. I. Hon.
I" V. 'tin 1 1 1 ii ami l!.il-rt Jolnioii
riinriH'l In. in I'orll.iml ll.i alli'rnooii.
I'roM-i'ulln Altorni-v S. V. roinlnii
ri'liirui'il Iichiu- on tin- f. ul tin nlli r-
II' Hill.
Mi-m I'.lnll.ii himI Mar I Mri IiuVi
ri lnrni ! hoiiif from u i-i I to I'ort
lui.l. i J ii. Taylor i liiiiMhitf a n-ili'iiii' on
IIikIi Kir.! Itwin l.lli ami lllh
in I.
j Tin' CuMiili MiiMinii' IhIp will
I. ml. I a two or llin' lory lriiiili' tin
iiiiniii r.
Frank (iiHMlinaii 1 luiililiiiir u U
i ri'ilil roltui. on llir cornrr of l itll iiml
I lull in I.
Mr. Frank AiiIiToii rn np on
, llir Iih iiI tlil iifli rn.Min for a liort
; M-il llli n lutlvr.
I A iniinly iniiM iilion of tin farinrr
iilli.ill.i- I I IHK lii'l'l lit till' l-olirt
j Iiimii- llil afli-riiiNin.
I iinri.'!' lU-ru'i r wii Hrn-lnl at in-
1 1
k'on I 'My ii li-w iliiv an.iiui.l lln. il r'l-i
nr iliorili-rlv mmlin-t.
A tolal r'llw of tin- iiii will iMi-nr
tomorrow' l.ul will I- to 1 1
w liolr of Null Ii Aini rli ii.
Mr, t 'link tin, w lm lm I n Ullinir
n-lallvin hi-rv for mm nil ilay, ntiirni-ii
lioini' to I'uillaii.l tlil inoiniiiK.
M. S. S(r.ln ii of Noll valli-y o.
v. nil In a.l ol llni' lall fi .l li f rat
lli' l.iilay to I'alli r.'ii iV Milli-r.
(iiM rm.r Wlilti-aki r n lurm-.l ln-l
1 1 1 t t from n viit to Fnrtlaml. Ho
rvMirt Iiii-Iih j ii It-1 In llic imlrojio
II. N'.wUrK Jiaiiliii-: I ! v. U. II.
liiliin.r. , of M.Mimiu llir, will vi-ry
-. Univ.- to lil hull farm iMin-
i Mi- t'arrii' Frii-mlly ami Hi-llu
Itoin wi-nt to IWilaml on tin inorn
l Inif' I. -ill to i.tlcii'l u 1'itll Hu rt' thi
ton. r.uiloii an. I n --i -1 ii 1 1 1 iirrorn
fmm I'orlliiml, who havr li n at work
In tin I. Inly -M nil il.iy, n-liirni-il
Ii.miic tlil inoriiiliir.
Tin' Ukly of tin' Int.- V. I". l,ivi
w a i in I ii I tiu i toilav l.y nmli rlakrr
Finn iV Ku for lilniii'iil to I'urtlanil
t.iinorrow iiumiiiiik'.
Vi' ni ImI n rani from T. Ii. .'-''.jc
r, a fin nn r i H l n of l.niii' i-ir.nty,
I III inorniiii;. It wa iolmarUi .i at
l.lvirHi, k'.nlainl, Man Ii L".'.
iinli' a iiiiiiiU r of lailii lIUi tin
Ma..ilc iVmiili' tmlav all. I lni li i
tin-flixnillL'. All Wrn lollil In 1 1 i-l r
.ai-- of llir artUllr workmniKlilp.
Mi Minnvillo lt iH.rli r: lr. J. II
, Ni U.ii nml J. F. llMH.k im-aiiiuilnlr.l
' 'I' ll L-all' irolll Kl lili llllll llMlf til till
nullum ot tlic iiruml Umv I In- inlilillo
il'I llt-XI lllulllll.
I Tin' rciii-nt w.iilli of lltli klnx'lari'
iiliiinlinnii In ili-inaliilim; I In' liivlnu
oiwatiT main In lluil iirll. hi of tin-
i low ii. Tin' ali-r ii.iniiaiiv ulionlil
IhtiI tlirlr n-iini-!.
Ir. Mult WlliM.n, of I'nitlatiil, i-iiini
iiion la-l nk'lit oxt-rlaml train to
commit wllh I 'i. ."luiri l. iiinl l.iHiini
on tin- i n, of W. F. Ihivi. Ho iv
liiriinl In. nn' on tlil ninriniin' im r-
!aml tuiln.
timri' M. lin oo il .ark.
mllli lini in (hi i lly, ami Ini n--niovtilto
' ii i in hi i r, Wali., wlnro
In- ill i. n a ln'i. IMiiiiuii,
lm Ii . n w in kini; w illi Mr. Mi l
Mill, w ill i; Ilio roiol to Ki ll iMi'l)t
nulil of llio harrow.
Ii. F. Hullo, k, of (ho Fiii;. nr mIii
w.uK, loft at nor ollliv IinImv ii miiiiIo
Imlllo of hi Nirntrillii ami Imu wait r.
I lir w.-ili r I nf an i .i Hi m ijtuiln y
Mini IlirU.III. hno in nl laU l. Tho
inlii't of thl f.H-lory an- l nii wit-i-nilly
iiii In tin M.-inllv.
An ii n I'ii.m i h. - llrou tiville
.linn: Jnlin I iiiini.i., wa in the
i-iii 'l',i..l.iv I.. ,.it.....l . ........
iii hniiur of Hi.- ih buiiu. itirv of tlio i
l.irtli ..f Mr. M l!i,.w.. u i... 1i,.k im... !
mi itii -iii.l r..m i. iK.r ..r i .
Ii:..i...i....ini.'tnu,i hi. ilai.u.
I i.lilll'.' I II. tu li.i-i.lil I.. I...I.. r.,.
tin' lli( mill I mil on tho 'iila'in
nn r in I tun iinintv, in the iar nf,
Ini I In' wt rt' tho turn- w In n ho j
w i i:i I.. All iuv, a ili.un.v (.f 1 1 1 i rt v - i
tin- lui't. In mail a Irtti-r. If jt.ii in i
I I. . ll.M.L i.,..r l..t im - 1.1,1 !
.'ur ..i i a linril ..lit-
in wnlll.l t. I,tro it Wllhaollir
of I l.r i.. I'ltnit r lil. , wo think umi
wiiiiI-I I'lu-li t lln- r-nlt.
1 v,
r .
txniuj i
:i r. tsr
-fill iLi
'-' l . 1 W tk
. . a
t-'-. VWM
1.4M .
! w
Arlr day.
I I .. I ....... l-r
Imlii sl'-a
i weather.
a in ! momi,. m vi
wukill"! by lattcrsoii a .Miner to
day. ft II...... I... ... I...l..l.t...l.-a. Isf
i F. A. Mangold haa tj-jMliit-l
I -iM.t4 r at liervais, Or., ( nil va-
t 'I'liu I . knnv rwmllitii liHllvn
................ - - ... -
,, miiilii mix iimurt ui km In-
"' Slid UtV-olie I'Mtrtll-
i ( j, Kitiiia-(i m wi n- n'li;li-i
I ti-nlay.
! Thalikii to S liutor John II. Mil' h
1 1 II f.r i I -li- iI.k uiih nt ami a pu ka'o
; of lfi.
A iiiarrluKo lit nw lia U-t-li imuoil
! l.y I oiinly l ink Walkt-r lo II. V.
1 I jo k. v ami V.. IL Nowi-ll.
Tlio I'ortlinnl ilrim mt ii-lfl.mti
Tliomu Jt Hrr-ni' I nli lilrllnlay with
a UiiHiiii-t al ni'lit. It wit lurxvly at-
Ii lulnl.
Tin- Vyi r .. i liiM of Chan. White
hn l.iirnr.l toilratli nmr I iranl'n l'a
Vi-l riliiy. Tlit? family n-l.lrini' wa
l.iirin i.
A iiuiiiImt of tlio' atti-inliiitf tin-rt-li
nt inii Inirf of llir Mato Hoitli'ultur
al iiiiivi-iiiliiii l ft for tlioir hoiinn thi
Tho I'. S. iroti ctoralo ovt-r tin Ha
uitiiun l-himl ha li n willnlrawn
ami tlio m iioiial pvi-rniiii'iit Imiow
In of allium.
Tin-i lly coiini-il of riiiiiit;fli'i hn
ami mini tho ralooii oriliiihiiiv mi that
Iiiiiih lut' for lx month of
a t-ar, iiival.U' rlim at tin- ,I-Kinnlii(
of l aril IllltO lllulllll.
Iuiv lo'inty liure wrro nlvoii a
hlm k it" l.y tho Fnt'i-iio ii'rn-Himliiit
to tho l in u'.inlaii lal Mimlay nml now
wiini' of tir I'roinini'lit Iim-hI horn-mrn
art Itii nl in k for liiM-uli.
M. H. Ilark.r, Vrilin-Iiiy, whllo
ri.linii a hlryt-lo fi ll tlimuu'li om' of the
larfr rlii" win. low of tho Mount
hmliliiiK I'littinif nno of hi hamU iiito
ovi-n-lv. ir. Miurili wrt up Hit)
injurt-.i int'inU r.
1'n rlir Imvw liii .'xliihitliiK a
lultril U'ttr In llii- i lly ihirliiK lhi .ii-l
lwotla. Tho iiiliio, Imwi'Vi-r, tliil
not nllrml hU-rally ami tin-.niirlrliir
of lil aiirii'iit ht arhii iirv In iiioiirn
Inu not for tho iIiiviim it lifur, I nit for
tlit-lr nm koln.
Tho lull riui illalo lniruo, nwUtti
hy I raj r'n Juvrinlo llnml u'ave an on-li-rtaiiinit'iit
nt tho M. I;, i-htiroli lat
Wrilniiility t-vriilmr. A itoinI umll-t-iiiv
a in-.-nl. Tiio iroKruiniiiv
wa niiilrn-il in a vory atif:it'tory
liiaiilii-r. A oxlriniliil notioe
wa rn.wilo'l out of yt-lt-rilay' Unuo
Tho hank of North Vaiuliill roo
II iloor lnt Tiii-wliiy ow lug to tlio In
iihilily to uni t ilrnmml iiuulo iimiii it
l.y llli-Mrrrluiiil Nallotial Hank, nf
I'orihiiiil. Tho iro.riilor, Mr. Mar
I i in-, wa ilniiiif Im-liii- on only JiKl
of In ow ii in. nn y. Unite a liuuihor of
irHMllom w III lim iln ir luoni-y. A
nliito Imnkln law I a litiiwity.
(-itliiKll' I.I Mr- mrrr: I.atii' tinin
I y' rv In U-tti-r 1'irouiiiKliiiiti-a.
Iliiatii'ially, than art- tho ti..lrof in.l
all t In ntln-r riiiintli In tho Matr.
I.HII0 lukin tho iirio u tho ii hi ii I v III
w liirli tho -lo t t'ollii'liou t.f taxi
ha 11 n mailt' thi yiar. Tho riiitlini;
alillity of ln riir.Niiliiuil nml liilivily
ili iutlr. ni;rllii T w llli tho fat't that
tin- nii.Io I no I lln- tiiouoy to my with,
atr w lial liniiiflit a .roiiL)it uiyiurnt
ami i liM' t'oiiii-iioii.
Salurilay ovi tilm; a tlio ovrrlaml
wu inilliiii; out of I In -tf. ni City at a
nt.i rnio, it i aim' m ar riiniilinf nvt-r
ami kllliiiKa man Ivlmron tho trnok a
i-liort ililnniv Miutli ot Unit oily. Tho
naiiio of tlio iarty mill. I not do Iraninl,
imr iiuilil hi l'u-Mvrtninti.
It I iinniiiiuil ho lahl iluwii with mil
rlilal lull lit. a ho lunl hi lin k jut
ovt-r tho rail. Iliul It not li-n for tin
alt i lm- of tho I'liKluifr, ho wouhl liii liiKlantly killttl.
''ho I.. T. Cluh wn I'lilortaiuoil hv
Mi- (Villi l.otuiil nl lux homo TIiiim-
t'..i altrru.Min. Fivoof tho linniUr
iN-imt in-i'iit. At " oYliN-k It a u
iiiiuoiiiiiiiI, tho hullo follow nl tho
ouiiir nnti- to mo 1 1 ii 1 1 1 ti tc r.N.ui
whort'tho liihlo wa iuot tiili-fullv
ot, nml i-vi-rv tlainlv wa M-rvotl in
tho iuot ilt Hi Ion iiiannt-r. Tho
yiaiiitf liulio iliil not hiil Mi Ci-lia
Kih nik'lit till tw illcht, uftt-r KiN-iuliiiK
a iii.i1 ilrllulil ful aMt-riiiH.ii. I'hiix
prow -nl wt-if Mi.- Hull', Straitfht,
I- it. li ami Khiui'hiirt. ('.
Tin-luirnlnr aro i.lviutt thoir vm-a
lion at a lin-lv ralo ovt-r nt 'niiooiivor,
iiiiiiriliiiK to tho iiiili'N'mli-iit. A ft-w
iiIkIiU hi;o 1 1 it-in I i-rM of the liuM-llm
(frnil liricailo i-ntoml tho irt-uiitit of
t lavt.ui I lark. II. Millt-r, A. Ihimiuv
ami John lutniit. ,t tho forini-r
l.latl- lln-v tliil ho furlht-r tlama.f limn
to i i.rrv Nlr. I 'lark' uiut nml otlirr
Hi.irt l into tlio Nu n v.inl. At .Mr
.Mlll-r thrV Mi-lintl llulhlllir. VI
Mr. Il lliin,-' tlu-y mi-lintl alanit M
wlillr at .Mr. Pai;nii i.latv llu v inl
fit) nml Homo valuahlo Jrwilrv that
lunl li-li paw I nit. Straiiin' a it liiav
ni'iii, lint olio of I ho almvo -roii
km w lmri;Iant wrrv In thu Iiimi-o till
t'Vonil linur aflrr. It wouhl mviii
from tlio I'iiviiniainiiiin that no iiovltv
tixiiuiiltiil tlio l.url.-irit-.
'rini;ln I.I I not oino ha. I ktrn-t. If
thl from tho MoMt-iiKi r I mrrti-t. Two
im n mi hurt Inn k mi t linuu Ii
town Thuril:iv liiornitiir ami rotlo
thoir hoix-a on (ho l. It-walk aloiiistlio
it rrnl of Main Mrot-t. iHiuitv Mar-
r'"'1 M,,llll':"' ': "'t-iii ami lartotl
.iiruil. I la I ho emu-ht (In in no
I. ml. I tht-y Woul l halo Ktit tlrnrly for
"'r ' r1,,lr- V ""I
I1' T llif IlllllllllOU of
wo (ill In
luv-l Main
t ni t w. rv imt ur.rlr. that lioro.
im n w ill riilo on tho iii-walk ami run
tlio nk of U'lin; Until, ntlii-r than mu
the l'H-al.-r rik of .lll lln Illirlve
ami h..ri .i in mif of tho eoml
iiiu.IIi.'I. aluinliui! in that lnil.
( tin umi ii. k i t in iriiu, oui ilio
irti t ..k uiiii-li worn'.
lrrl)raiilBl MIiailN.
W.mNt.p., April II Tho prt-.
il. lit t nl tho f.illtiu mi; II. -Hi I it nt i. i . to
t ho ennto ihty :
I.. II Mitiiiilii,-, or .rl,ii!, mii-vry.
or ifi-orrtil of Arimia. '
I.. l I'. Ijtuiar. of Mivi. .., iv !
Ii.l.l. r-f in ral of tin- lall. I olli. , . I
III. Iiard II. Alvt-v, of .,rhiu.t,
i-Ii it-f ullii-: Martin I". M ut
I in' I 'l.l rli-t of I i'liilul'1.1. It S.. .al.
of r.-a, ii. i itr Jutliv txiirt t.f M--
t.l. i.f i!io lii.lii.-t of I "
I. hu I' rtii.rtler of !!.
C'oi - rti html tiftliv, 1 tin t-'.tt -.u ..(
II"' l tl Jii-ll.v Ivtin ir. i.f tlw nii'H Uie
tunrt. Ilo i..r . ti kilt. I li-U't-of
tin- lilt lliikl of I .'m- llllt-IK tlilMilt-
n.t nt w In ii irii:df mi n liy to In
fjilin - r w In ir ho w .ia if tho lu
ll n..r.
t'.r nil, 11:ui-: Tin' mIo of ttio II.
V. r-.t l run i,' up M "IkUv
lot jtlilv ilin. t.f l.r an
or.ler l..r an uiire-trn inl mIo t4 thr
pri'pi-rtv 011 tho Ltli of in nt Juno lor
IimIi it r It otill 'xii
The uJvcut of cpritiu ha cuun J
a partial ri vival of lUfitM.
The Southern Taiifif ratiroa.l
Hill H-iiotj in Inn in crt tfoii. uic
reult of a Un u.tJ by the bat
Tlic ar.iounl of inomy cxjH'inlcJ
on the world' fair by the i'iiing
day. May 1, will have the
eiiormou rum of .!0)0,lO,OUO.
The road leading into town fruni
the west i bring ropaintl o a to
tnako it p.iahlo. l! tt r bto than
never. It huM have been done
last fall.
Astoria in in the thros of a tern
ieraiii' font t. The aloon have
been running on the broad guujro
plan and tlw ollict r deebrc they
tnOrt conform to the law.
Thi April in breaking the record
fur disagreeable weather. The far
inei have been unable to w any
pring grnin und it i probable that
cunaiderable land will not ! put
in but will be. "uiiitner fallowed.
( levebnd will to the worM '
fair but Mr. I'levebnd will Uy
ut home, and by torching an elec
tric button open the fair. There
may be ouiethiiig in th" rejiort
but then the inn xected often hap
The Maine li-ginlalure ha reject
ed u bill (stablinhing woman Mif-frap-.
The Minnesota wn-ite hu
puM--l a bill continuing the right
to vote at all date, county ami
municipal election Unjii all women
21 yi at of age or over.
The United State government
rcaluc that the enforci-nifiit nf the
Chinee dcmrtatinii law i going to
lo a big job. The C'hint-o refue
to n-giter a required. It would
take a good many thip to handle
JUIl.triXJ of the heathen.
The Kat has Urn favored with
another job lot of cyclone extend
ing over a ide range of territory.
It i getting o there now that a
man i liable nt any time to wake
up in the next towmihip to that in
which hegocii to tdecp.
l'rridcnt Uleveland'n apo:nting
machine i not in good working or
der. There are two oIliciH in O re
tro n that nhould lie attenilel to at
one Thev are tho collector of
ciDttom ami United State marshal
nt Portland. Sunt eourteny ohoulil
lie extemli'd the occupant.
The citv will collect taxes a for
merly, i "it v Attorney Skipworth
having ndvi"l the council that the
Manley bill t uucontitutioiial
1 lie h'Ki-lature certainly w.i verv
cari'Itf to pu a law that if placed
in (iMratiou would leave incoror
ated town without revenue for i
The tiresent count r bu.ird will
coon xcltle the iUetiun of Lane
county indcbttsliie. A large imp
tion of tho debt hu N-cii paid oil
and county warrant for the
time Hince the tlnartrourt IIihmI
of 18'Jl are Helling for pur in Ku
Farti-nin jiiiirmil continue to
revel in their tleitcription of what
they are ili -a-t-tl to term uu undig
nilitil Hcramble fr olli 'e. They
ignoro tlio lad that there have
lieen fewer change made than ever
liofor on the oecanioii of a change
of K)litical parties.
Director (ieneral Pavi ha ex-
temlt.'tl the lime tor receiving ex
hibit at the world' fair from April
10, the day originally net a thu
but one on which thev would U1
received until April oil. Thi i
rendered neccary by the fact that
only about one-third of theexhibit
are now on the grounds.
The governor of North Carolina
can no more repeat hi celebrated
remark to the governor of the itor
ftato without lietng diwourttMUf,
inasmuch a South Carolina i ro
ing into the calooti luir-inci", closing
Up all hop except thooconducted
by the tate. Switerlaml ha a
eimilar law, and drunkenue! i
banlly known in that country.
1'ublic ceiitiiiiiMit favor the an
nexation of the Sandwich island
aim win not ilea
il kindiv with
the itlrl of ohstructionit.
It i probable that the Cleve
land administration pro'Hws
to unnex but desire to take
advanlagw of all the condition
which have to lie met at the island-.
teides the native popula
tion, w Inch 1 mainly unfitted for
the ballot, there are large numbers
of Japanese and Chini-sc, most of
whom are there under contract.
In a recent stntvli at the New
York Imard of trade dinner (iov-
erm r Stone of Miouri, told some
plain truths which the merchants,
tinain ior and ixditictan of the
Kast nav profitably rottoct ut..n.
The V.'et is not satisfied with the
com; 1. in ol thing which tlr.un
it ri-.'urov and keeps it Kiile
The vital fad of our current j
tsili'i u that the Witt i daily
Utvii ing more impatient for rem
ulies. which it has the ower to en-f'-rit-
ihenever the question of rem
tily or no retnedv put in issue.
The uMitrati f,.r trnerihiiiir tho
rtitir.: fur eounty hs not yet
lvll n vanlnl. J. S. Vail inkle" A
( '., of Alliiiiy, failtil lo slifii tho
ami t -lilt-tit cuarn'iti'.iug that tho
total e -I of tho w '. 'ioul. Hot rl
tin! M.a''. It. ..- ha tho net
kiwi-t Li l at H. will pn. I.
If t-veral tl.i l Vrr l..e matter iet-
Ill4lib.v, I ko inrk, Item; "We
l:tr lhal '. I', liri.-g i alHll ft silo
Ilio New .aland Fire I ti limn. I v.
for ten tlii.iiau. i.l!am d.tiiiast-. 1 lit.
Vouug 11111 ha a lut of frit iul sliu
rv w ijrxC loiu thnmcli i tear."
This iWho young man that Wa ar--t-t.
on a warrant from I'tM-va.'lis, in
1'alitT irni. on the i-lirvs nf haling
burnul a tliaunng null at Mnnw. ,
o o 0 (
That Jtoironhn Kilre t a
fearful trial to the ir-giiiian' tli
lnrial nervin.
While I tan K. Murphy, chair
man of the tate democratic cwn
tral committee, i at Washington
liKikingout for sjlitical appoint
ineitts, hi wife wa attending to
business in I'ortland. "April 13,
twin a Isiy and a girl," in the un
pretentious announcement.
It would U an excellent reform
to i lift tmast'r by the eople.
The pp -idt lit would be felievetl of
a great amount of worry from the
iiiinriuinty f ollice aei-ker leav
ing him far more time to devote to
more iiiiirtunt business.
Michigan ha pas.-ed a more
stringent mortgage tax law than
the one rcjialod by the lat Oregon
h ci-lature. it provide for the tax
ation of mortgage at their face
val i". no matter where they are
owned, the owner of the protM-rty
to have hi taxes reduced by the
amiiuiit of the inortg.iL'e; the taxes
on the inor'.gage may bepaitl by the
owm-r of the pro rty and deduct
from the interest due '.he holder of
the mortgage.
A good ileal of writing ha been
indulged in by the pres. of .the
country almut how to obtain good
county puds, hut none of these se
dentary theorist has told the
Ativricaii N)iiple how to go alsiut
improving the highwir without
putting their shoulder to the pick
and shovel, and building them by
the sweat of their face, a the old
highways of Koine were built a
thotiaud years ago. When eople
fit 1 like K'ting to the trouble and
exM'iie of building road they will
have them.
The change in the rank of our
principal diplomatic representa
tives abroad from minister to am
bassador is I'hjat'ially welcome to
foreign diplomat. It will raise to
the first rank various foreign em
bassies to thi country and make
Washington a desirable station fur
distinguished men in the service of
foreign government. A ambas
gidurs our own representatives
abroad will receive much more con
sideration. Kven a wedding often
d.s-s not bring a much all-round
satisfaction a ha come from thi
simple change of a name,
When the Cleveland administra
tion elo-ed four year ago many of
the iinncipal treasury ollicor at
once accepted restHiusihle tsisitiou
in bank, trust companies and large
busmes luuse. 1 lie same move
ment among the treasury ollicers of
the Harrison administration i now
to lie oh- rved. The demand in
private business for men trained in
the treasury department is satisfac
tory evidence that the detail of the
nation' finances are managed hy
men of exceptional ipiahtication
and character nnd limit to a con-
sid' rable improvement in the tone
of the public service since the re
form law began to be enforced in
it spirit.
A bill ha lei n introduced in the
Ohio legislature to prevent jjav and
festive Iwmilict from trilling. Thi
piece of freak legislation is a fol
low: "Vny married man who
shall fraudulently represent himself
to to unmarried, and make pro of marriage to any unmarried
woman of gotsl character, or re
jH'atcdly call on or keep company
wiin sucn woman iisui i.iise pre
tense that he is unmarried, shall
bit deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,
and upon conviction lie lined not
les than 100 nor more than I'UX),
or imprisoned in the county jail
not less than six month nor more
than two years, or both, at the dis
cretion ofthocourt." Amendment
exempting senators from the pro
visions ot the bill, ami reversing
the condition, so that it would ap
ply to scheming women who make
love to nu n, were voted down.
The siHtvh made bv Senator
Mitchell opiMising the admission of
senator ap'toiuted by governor
when the legislature refused to
elect i clear logical, and convinc
ing. In closing, premising that the
majority was opim.od to his views.
he said: "You establish a rulo-hy
virtue of which the great funda
mental principle of tho constitu
tion, which ve-da- in the leeislaturts
of state the exclusive jiower of
choo-ing senators, will be aubverU
ed. You will establish a tirocedeiit
which inside of ten year w ill, in
my judgment, result in witnessing
one-thlM ol tin great Isxlv seated
here by virtue of no other title than
that oonfcrnil by h mporury ap
intuient of the executives of
state.; you will establish a preec
denl which a ill tend todemoraliia
tion in statu b gi.latures, which
will Uan-fi r the iuri.lioti,.ii a t,
the i ltvti.ui of I'liitnl State, u na.
tor- ir.uii the legislature of the respectively, where the con ve-ttil it, to the gov
ern r of state, and ytl wiilin-th.-'
. fatal stab at tlio great strtu-
I ri'iuiilt'.lll g ut rillnel.t Ull-
which we live, .ni l eu.siuML'e.
... I :
pro'. 0 -i O defend aiit.igtinim to
t. e '- si inn r.-' i f the states re.
sjt- tivt i v. and to the greatest nml
I st of all the republics that his'
ever i xittsl iinv the world U--an.
The l'.ritih amba.iiltr in all '
the glory of silk, s.itin, di.iim.nd,
and ca-kiil hut. presented his en-' to plain Mr. Cieveland, i
h. wore ordinary clothing, the,
cut ,hjnr at t!i- elUms.
Nothii g U;ur i.iUttra'aVlhe .Irm ;
ts racy and 'r--itial eua!itv nfj
this ti.e cjuil if not tl,e grvntt-t ;
nat: oi of anjr in the world
rit om. April 11.
Mr. H. Munru, of Ju ml ion City, U
In r UL'ono
the city today.
Dr. W. M.Kl.-ijly,ofCotlaKr(.nive,l
wa III r.uirrii0Miuar.
It. r. I alii well, or JUIICIIOII 11 y, ia
mylng h'.ugriioa visit.
Itcv. IL M. lUhh hua returned from
a trip to han Francisco.
Pia.tlllSj.ter llonejr, of (ioaheo, visit
ed the county at-at totlay.
lU-v. J. A. Ilaiina haa returnetl from
a visit to Iteiiton county.
Sum May, of IlurrlslsjrK, i-atne upon
the lis-al thi aflermsui.
N'orria Humphrey hu gone to Cor
vullia to ss-ml a few day.
Mm. M. M. Adair n turnnl home
from halt-in this afternoon.
si. H. Train, editor of the Albany
Hi-rald came up on thi afternoon
Hick Kelitoll,well know n here has
gone to rMkaue Fall, to practice tlu
medical pnifesaion.
Judge C. II. llt-llliigerwlll tpiullfy as
I'liitnl Hlate district Judge alsiut
Wiilnewlay of next Week, lie IS clos
ing up hi law businotai.
Davtou, Or., Herald: Mcmrs. IL L
Ilarr'ian.lK 11. follard liave Uvii
eloetotl iiy Yamhill ltlge No. HU, 1. .
O. V., npnuetitatlvm to the grand
lodge w hich uioeta at Kugeno ill May.
(ieo. N. Kraxer left thl morning for
Tort Angelea, Washington. He w ill
I goiioalMHit a mouth. Mrs. Frazer
I in I'riidloton altemling the state
( C, hut will
inert him la l'ortlaml.
W. F. Ihivl, of I'orlliiiid, miiiiiier-t-iul
traveler for Watlhaiii A Co., I
daiigerounly ill w ith pniienionia nt the
Hottinaii I'louao. A Portland uuro Is
in attoiulance, Mrs. I'lark ( f I'ortlaiul,
a sister of Mr. tSeo. F". Craw. Or.
.-harple and lsuni are the physi
cian In ehiirge. Mrs. Tlio. OThiy
ami Mr. W. . Cotton, latly friend,
came up lat night toht-lji wait on him.
lx Friotle, a tneinU-r of Ids Drill, also
no no up mid has charge of the manage
ment nf the ease.
Mr. J. C. Hnotlgrass I writing a brief
historic poem uf Oregon, w hich 1'nif.
Haw thorne will sooii transmit to the
literary ih imrtmont of the Coluinbiuil
cxhiliilloii for aeei-ptaiice as a art of
our literature. Thougli Mr Slitslgrasa
ha never carctl for notoriety, lie Una
fioiu school day Ixt-n a coiitrihutor of
the press, ami reeelveil various ifsjajn
slve eulourles. Ami. Ill Ilia local sl.hero.
our author poet has mainly uppre--ed
KN'tlc inspiration, and stuck to the
pre, with the oft nt-'urrlng promise
tu liunself ami urgently solicitous
muse, that, at some future time of ol
iMirtunlty, lie would give the graivful
intru.lrr a fair trial. ro, with vory re-
tvnt leisure, this promise has been nil
Mini with wry pleuslng results to the
I) 1) Ju.Uins to Mary Stearns,
acres In Tii Ih si. 11 3 V; tTjo.
M Harlow to A H l'allersou i t al.
a tplit claim to laud in Tp 17 S, It 3 ;
II M Ik-ariug to James W Sheldon,
interest in laud; l.
Stale of Oregon to C II WiaMlwanl,
.IJi aeres in Tn 17 , It 7 W: f Kl.
Jos I'rbank to Jiniih KIipH'l, sOacn
In Tp Hi s, lion; o.
W II Iturlngeet al to V. V Itugers,
2uo neres III Tp 111 S, It 5 V;fci.
M 1) Wit ks to Jaiue W Mieldon,
land In Ijiiio county; f;i,3o4.
imTTAtiK t.lloVK.
Kl Irii McMartiii to K 1 Cat heart,
lot 1. hloek 4, Miields' addition; MO.
W II Churchill to K IX'atheart, lot
1, Hock 4, Shields' addition; 70.
W W Scarlett to K 1) Cat heart, lot I,
block 4, Shield' addition; flu.
S It t iilheart to K I) t'lithourt, lot I, 4. Shields' addition;!.
It A Wootlrult to K I) Cat heart, lot 1,
bl.M-k 4, Shield' addition; f 10.
Win M I'atheart to K I) Catheart,
lot 1, block 4, Shield's addition; flu.
The Mauley ' Kill I'uroiistltuthunl.
.ily (iuid. April II.
The matter of assessment and collec
tion of taxea for city purMf tunic up
In the council at its meeting Monday
night ami il was suggested thai the
atsive law was n-ptignaut to tho con
stitution and therefore void. Tuesday
last Mayor Friendly submitted the
matter to City Attorney K. IL Skii
worth for an opinion a tn the legality
of the act and after a critical investi
gation of the subject Mr. Skipworth
pronounces the act in coiitliet w nli Ar
4, S-ellops 'M ami of the const It u-
tiou of tlio state, audit bereft ire null and
void. A concensus of the opinion of
the nieiiiU-rs of the council disrl..-
the fact that that Issly acivpts the
views of the city attorney aa sound.
coiittiiently the asnesiimeut of the tax
able pnierty of Kugeiie will U- in ado
under the old laws as heretofore.
Pailr Uuar.1, A Til U
Sii'kkvim.k l.v Tuol ltl.K. A war
rant was sworn out la-fore Ik-puty
I'nuacutiug Attorney Totter vesier.liiv
by M. W. Workman, of "Nltihawk
charging John T. (iaerte, auerviai.r nf
roatl district No. s7, with t-iiiU'Elmg
public funds. It appears, that Mr.
(iaerte, In hia n-Mrl to (hu count v
court alstut one mouth ainoc. stittotl
that he had rtivived taxes, fnm
the S. I IL IL Co., and that the same
was expeiitlott. 1 he iri-ntleman. Iioar-
lllg that Ilio warrant was to be sworn
out, came to l..w n la.l night ami inter-
vieweti juuge ri-K. Ho elnliiietl lliat
Instead of the wonl ex-iul.i, it shoiilil
nave reau "" Quite a
illttervnee. This morning he paid over
to the county the amount for the la ne
lit of hi rernl district and rvtigiietl us
naitl sutH-rvisor, to which offlct. lie hail
Iwn reappnlnU'-l, ami aottlnl the costs
made in the cam-. Therefore Mr. Tot
tor sent wonl to the Mohaw k Jutice nf
the aoe to dimia the
Cirants paa Obst'i-ii-r: AlsKit two
yearn ago lU-v. lti.t. Mi Iau received
a call from the rnahyteriaii chunh of
l- ugone.' A unanimous pmu-at from
iheinetuUrsof hia nun iihurJi and
iiiiigregatUm iltt ldi-il him at that time
lo remain. Within the pa week a
ttelegation fn.m the Kugcne
have again called upon Mr. McLean,
a-king him to reconai.lor hia former
decision, llut 1 will make no change
at present.
F.x-PostruaateMieneral Wanauisker
and his party, which Incluik-a Mrs.
anainakrr, two daughters, aon and
hi wife, ami two others, are to arrive
In I". inland on Sunday, the 2V1, at A't
a. nu They will have on the l'4th al
p. w. Oa the even I ng of the 2:ul M r.
V anainakrr will deliver a ki t u re tn
young men at the Flmt rrvbvlerian
chureli. Nothing tait t t.l..iiitj'ii4r,
stain), will be re.vive.1 in the ctitri
butitin box on that occasion.
Ilt-giniiitig on Mav 1st the Fttlev
rrrawrll i.yrioufa.
April )., 1 r-
I ..vere. Krina Howe. AlrJ M u"?
Mli- Whltuioraii. verrJ,th,.r, ,
r l,,,.,,,,, i n.. .nll.-rt'in
The Bt-hisil eloattl Monday iimriiln.
Mr. rooit ami Mi Wlntmoro l,Ui
lug unable to teach.
Mr. James Finch arrived from ,,.
Muutlay innrning ami vi.lte.1 u ,
w ith Ills miii, Jun. A., leaving fur
county Tuewiay morning. Jl- t x,-t,
to return to Ijiiio ot.unty in tt f, w ,a. t
to rniaiieiilly IikiiIo.
There w 111 Iw a tlamv nml oi.t,t
supper at t'lovertlule hall Friday lxu.
log. A gtsMl time ulilieipuleti.
The Weali-ru I'lilnii To. hve l.,a
men at work for several duya et.iiiii.
lug thi ollleu w ith the inaiii line. y,
now have dlnt'l telegriiphieiiiiiiin-tii(,
w ith the outside world.
We promised the full parlirular. nf ,
enurtliip and wethling .last wnk but
the "ehuiate" liiterfen-tl, and mi r
are out an item.
Mr. bv (iordoii n tiirned to I'.uurut
Tuesday morning after s-mlii ,
vacation W illi hia fallu r, Jim. (.i.i,i,u,
A g'ssl many euttle are I ing
onetl by eallng larkspur Una .iii,
(oo. (tiltry hail two iimn .i,,)i
but saved them, lhui Stallion has .'
three head. Win. Wulker also ha
several head.
IL K. Walker is suM'uiiig with u l.a.l
ease of mump.
Juurlloli I It)' Item.
Times, Ajirll IV
' F. L. 1-MwuriU of ImleM'mleii.v ,
now running a dray in thin eiiy.
Cha. livers Is now proprietor of tin
F.uglish liilcht-n.
Arbor Ihiy wa appropriately i.U
si-r veil by our public seli.s.l. Two 'n,f
evergnt-ns were purehasi'tl and set nut
by the sehiNil and nlo several Ud i4
The new ndiiiiulslratioli hu Kivrn
it out that the foiirth-ela pis-lnui-Un
w ill be allowed to eomplele their term
of four years anil no longer. A.i-tiril-Ing
lo t'lils ruling there will la- a chant;
ill the Junction City nftliv before I. ii(
as rostuiastiuaster bt-'s term will it.
pi re May Mil next.
Mr. ami Mrs. C. Harp and Mr. niij
Mrs. C. W. Ioiiiisoii will leave for Sao
F'raneiseo Suiuliiy evening. Mr. aiul
Mrs. Harp will la- ulwiit nlaiut nu
moiitli ami will visit frit-mi in
Southern California, returning l.r
steamer via Sim Fraiielsen nml i'nrt
land. Mr. and Mr. Lain, n will l
alH'tit alaiut two wttk.
Cottage tiruve Items.
F'ho-b-mli-r, April I V
Mr. Ihirwiu Itristow, of the linn i4
Fjikiu & Itristow-, Kent rul merchaiiu
and bankers of Cottage (Srove, i xi-u
logo hjist stMiii ami wilt vi-il Ut
world's fair ut t'bleago.
Key. SwiS'liev, of ('oust Fork, Wont
to Kugeno Wednesday, from w here lie
will soon tnkc his tieparture fur liia
old home ill Kansas, for an exit tultj
visit with n-lativtu.
KlderS W. (Jin-tuck tit pin ted fnTi
this place Monday, to iiumoa miui
teriul charge in Juiietioii City ami rt
ciliity. Kider (i laset ii-k is ail able ntiil
earnest nkiT and a true goutli mill.
Kvt-ry train coining Into t'oti.tge
(irove (.rius from one to t ilil Iu.iiis
stfkor now and the houses here are
all full. There w ill Is' a larue addition
lo the population bore thi ynir.
The Hotel Kugeiie has had slgm
iaiutet on Ita w ititlows.
(Mil U(l
For Sale Complete
AJ.Ir..' K'
cro t. lit isr ilhi-, Es
ttl. UrrnD.
Boot & Shoe Store
A. HUNT. Prop.
Will InrrafUr Vrrp a ctimplrto ata k ..f
Ijnlles !llssls and ( lildreu's Ml 013.
SliFFcrs, Whita ari Slack Sasiali
Ami in fact rrthin lo tli I'mi an1
Sh.a tii which 1 iiik-ud to tlrinU
U.J BSasdal atUDtiiiD.
Ad.I jpiaranUI as rrprwnl'il, ami i'l
b at. Id l. th liivasl prii-a that a in-(
srtkl. nan U A. HI NT
Sportsimm's Eporium.
Practical GuiiMiii(li
Dii rs lit
fiUXS, IJ1FL1T..
Fuliiiij aid loliriili,
Mewing 1arhlne nil .r-llrul
ll lilnUs lor hair !
K. 'ilrls . .,a ia tl I....I.-.I l)lr i..l "
ral.U L
0w Uarpd 4 Ammunitlcn Furri
Sltr op iUllirttt tt--t
If vou want Crocerlea
or ro. cry, call on ,
r .....
' IMfmi-lrlwmiHrtt'T- M
iist V h tr f-TT'titOrliil h
r ur -u mt'.t ili'
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