0 Absolutely Pure. Indispensable in the preparation of the finest foods. I have found it lupcrior to all others. I recommend it. M. Gor;i late chtf, Dclmonico'i. IK I tit. ISMHO. At ihe shallow, ni'i .1 tie rem with Vc s.ise u( i.lir ll'isi-M f. I'-tiils: flow .mi were tit art mul miiii. wen- sd To tb farawa) varlueliil.. An1 by Him nwigir of learning hraria The lt teemed warm ar.'l iimr; Yea, loved to much we could almost lutirh Tbetr bands snd feel llirnt her. jtnd when the lump wrre III, anil i- h Wsird merrier, yet the Ur f rll ttram.-rly imrr. ami rath one there Sll-st-d some la-lnvrd fwss. -K.i hard Ilurlon In llurner's Wit VI r. Elrven thousand two hunilretl sod see-anty-aix pounit sixteen shillinm ami two pmc was tlir nniiiuiil collet ti oil the l'.Vh of October, Ii-M, nt ll,eii'i iiiniif the Wei llnumn I'uiteil I'rvsliytcriiiu chtinh in Glal,ow. The Dismal Swamp 1 imt swamp, neither ta It ilim.il nor unhealthy. It U a brutiful stretch of pure wntt-r, ami it ta Hid to I "t!ic healthiest phu-e (in tli fcrsllhii-sl place mi the American couti- BfDt." The cell of th human limit an? oi.UaV HO la nuni'ier, cotcriiiK a surface fru.n two anJ a half tu three ami a half Hint great r than the whole body aurfuce of lea full irniwn inn GET w GET The Timothy Hopkins Collection of Sweet Peas t .snini-. .-sBl J-O distinct sunele a larv, St. trt of h 1. II., of a pBsk.1 ul Ilia win. 1 uifis sut.il, (uf 10 owl. 12 Carnations (di . . $i.m 12 Chrysanthemums $i. 12 l,ctargoniunMi" "i 12 ROSCS uuniMi . Jt.C) luitn'f. uf. est-grear t'aafs, frit fc ' Flower 5eeds- 2irTJT-.;?i:r Vegetable Seeds 7.1"" kiiliriiherof libov Ci"lluiivt our hidvrrly f .eiri.r-i ie )(. cultu U n far. ' rt.a i. vaMitr. to t a trnrk of art, and cuniaitH a rriw-m c t T,ifi tMlural o4r, of (ri t witv-ra nnn r r niir rtocnifrd Th Timothy Huctkln Shirwood Hall Nursery Co. an rnaNcisco, cat. ft T T WKII.WK TIIK V.i.t II II II llUllnll (i. A II. Mill- It II r nh ' "t 'iu II n II I..ii.-I,1k. k anil till - '"a aav Asia lyIO. m-iI ! riilia (ur .i'l(-ini'Miir-Bifiil. 'unii.le. (ur any a mil of miii ami nl W imi.lmi..ll atalinuc Irtf. iJ. & CO., CLOTHIERS, Portland, Oregon. 'August 99 r lower " I am ready to testify under oath thit if it had not been for August Flower I should have died before this. Right years ago I was taken ick, and sulTcred as no one but dyspeptic can. I employed three i our best doctors and received no benefit. They told me that I had b'arf, cidney, and liver trouble. Everything I ate distressed me so that I had to throw it up August Flower cured mc. There is no med icine equal to it." Lokenzo F. UgfKit. Appleton, Maine. 9 V Getting Thin is cftcn cfjuivalcnt to jetting ill. If losof flc-h en be arrested and dis e.e baffled the "weak ;Hts"in the system art: eradicated. Ssott's Emulsion U an absolute corrective "f " weak spirts." It is a builder of worn out failir.;! tissue nature s food that stops waste and creates healthy flesh 4 Yt' l.i ATOt- r T rrT" M. BO 0 I Pile KHftDT, n VWl M Iqftf nC A Kb- OtaMWKfatam. It trJ H btw rw initio I LIFE AND DCATM. Tbrr mrt im U lii-l lo low. rnkCVrwltiI.it tWalU IH tbb Iht ( lnmh porrb A miMirnrr Inl !li flrl. ninrt-1 In iiluhl, Uvrauiilliflit tfi'ti Imi aiim Ik r arm. win llht. Driilr-hkr, tin- ntli.T ramr. a r.ul.jtit f.irm A inoltirr, with ht r I rt-mni rr fttrunit anil Harm Nuw In that U.-r, rtiiniii'l frtii aiorin and Inl. TU lo iriKiH.,luti. Iiall.il nhi rr thrr mrt. Tlie nmlhrr. 1t.iIii i i r )i l hrr ilrar, l'Hin lha tut)- -n;Mn tlrnt,-. a d ar. The mnnrnt-r. Uiful a lln thil nf Jnr. Bmilisl ihmiik'h h-r ti-nrs iiium tli lit itiir t.tjr. -Wiiii. tr, il in llumt-makrr. Ilnw In Chit and l-a a Ukuiu. If then itir nlliiT K'K'ia In Ilia num irrrvt '.it !i nin ilr:i nit I v ii'i i iiti-rinn No iii.it t.-r if yiui r. in tMt m iitiii.!' tlii tn m anjf nl Iht t, mt. Kl iti tt il. iniiii.l. Ili.i' J'i'l tn it tlio-' u'Hi-Mt" i nl.t.-ly nlimn yon mii't in a frii'tnl a Iioiimv I) m't kihIi' intn the II ril rhmr i ri'.tcit, Imt p wi ll Into tlirroom la'fiirr Hc.itinn yonrsflf. A gvutli-m in ImiiU liii hat anl rnnr while makins a fnnn il call. Try ami aimr In nsiis in w li.iti-viT aiilijii't I. int riMlintil, ami lirvrr aiiC'-'ii-t aaiilijii t whirli l not of Kcnrrnl intrrrat to IIikm- aronii'l you Ami Ihti it Utinif tu liriiu yoilrr.ill In a rlow, don't Im-kIii to IhU'i t iilmiit iii your chair. (1 rem I Ink to inaki- tlie Hot inotr. It la very iiwkwnnl to have the rmrii durinx a lull In the coiimt itloii. Wait Until yiui yuuriM-lf are t iUniu. then ri- In yimr lift. It i iiin tiiinii'i-s-ary lo ak every one In I he room to come ami nee you, ami even t he frieiel iiiui nhoui yon are callini; knows that you ill hoe for u call from her in the mar fill lire wit lioiit your atinouni inu the fait. Now In-fore leaving turn tocacli one in the room, make n liht Imiv ami juMrcH. in uC r.u'h l.y name hhl tlietu "l;ihmI after noon." llii not keep your hoiici. Mfjimliuif forak'rrnl inany lat remark., Imt liiivlni; C'linol your fwl, move c.iily totvnnl the diHir ami l.'l.e your I'eparture. Kor tlni nlio are iiivariahly awkwanl ami ahjron riier.n.' or leaving a room il i agooil plan lo prut iii- the aUoe ruica at bome hef i:e the iin inU r. of nne' own family. Il Hill Ix-eoiue a ureat help lo tbetn in iw s uin iilC natural e.i ami cmce. -Cor. Sprliu'll.M lloincstcail. Thlr.t In t'orpulrnl IVil. Corpuli'ht (Htiple verv ui nernlly auffer from thirst mi l luti) .irL-e ftiauliliea of water to.it.ify It. Tliethirsl I. also the tnoet inteiiv nf.'cr e.iiii,' a henrtjr meal. J ol what ca in t hi. .yioptoin i. not clear, but it ta iiiile .afi to uttnhute It to a low form of Irritation of the xtomai h. A. a rule, al.o, th'-v M'iiplo iu.i.t that I hoy are Comparatively ".mall eater., wlicrrna, an a matter of fact, the numt of llieui have ahnornmlly l.ir.-e apiei ilea, ami rat more than other who are at or near the atanilanl wrlnlit. Aain, very many of them auffer more or leaa from ily-eila, (Iie.lioii heinif lulu b leaa active tlian normal. Tlie alom.tcli of a healthy pernm iIi.ukm . of a hearty meal In the course of four or live hour., while that of corpulent -r-on iloea ita work Indolrntljr ami nvii'ie. aevenil hour. loliKer. I'orpuletit I - J 1 e are alao aiiiKU larly Incliiuil to liiliuu.ncR., w hich la mil urpriailiK rou-iileriim the ronilltloll of Iht Stomach. Aa a rule, too, there la .Indian luteatiuul actli'll. The popular met liml of treating corpti lenrjr la ly n-trntlh the diet to fiaxla which are 'r in fat, ami other, which are Dot convertilile into ( it M it hill the .y.teru. Tbla leada tu a mlm lion In weixhl; It also leaaena the work of the iliii'-.ihe orana, and Kivra them a chance lo real and regain their atremith; morenver, il imliniily, If Dot directly, favor all vital uru'aiia. A. aoon a tin. clT.i t i (.'I:. I lie ill-li.ir,'-of waale pri.lucta (nun the ayaleui I. ilei .1I11I ly freer. IJostoo lleral.l. The Wundrrful Number Hevea. Seven is a numla-r of trrent prominem- and ainuularity. There are M-veii planets seven metal., seven color ami m-vcii ta.tc There are seven principal irltle. three divine and four cardinal. There are seven daya ill th week and aeven au'ea of man There are aeven w itidow . t hroiu'h n hli the ordinary aeiieaare riereiwsl the ey the ears, the no.tril. uud ihe nioiii There are eeti lila-rul arts, aeven wienc and seven note In mii.ic The seventh o Is a wonder uud Ihe seven! Ii soli of seventh sou la .lmily marvelmi III HI hewlinif powers. Vidrajjo Herald. The medical Mime of near .iijht ta my opla. In tliia defect tlie raya of l;',! cmi vrrue lo a fm ua la-fore n- n nini( I lie retina The op.isite of tl.l., Ill which Ihe convert Inn point . beyond the retina, ia calico ht(erop!a. II vperopin wivia ri to head aches ami neuralgia from the cou.taiil strain of the muacle of aicoiniuiHliiiioti in riewituf di-tunt ohjeets. I'eruis amu teil with it need rouvrx u'.as--. but naiurnllj select concave ones Alfrel Tennyson ha laen Kiiifland'. port laureate ainee l".', a lotiu'er -nol than the honor wa. h-i-l by a-iy of h: preilectMor. folli-v r..:-r i nj .ve, ti.r distinction from ! to l.n.aiel ll"i-ri Snithev fpun 1-13 tu ls.l; nil the others, from Kdmuiid ."ii-r down, for much sorter terms. It is tai-d that Ihe toothache mavis-; annietiniearunil au-l usually alvUte. by ! a weak galvanic rum-tit. wl.nii can i. generated Ly pi ' m a Silver L .tli liolie Bi le of toe iiii.u'li and a piee of mn the other. To lie reuse the effci t nii.n.g the mouth wub a idulte-l water will found efficacious. la- v ToU-di, O , eomea to the fit w lib one of the largest casks In ue In th.s ciuntry It Is of ok, weigh ',"U J.iund stnl h.iM ft'. . gioona of wine. It lstweuty 1 ft t high, anil reats on a mas.ive era. I la of oak, which raises It ahout ttirve Iel tr-.m the floor. , hve meant origin:. y a brddor t;e-a sls'ti. lo alios sl.il s-irvmr.gQ-i tif-Ia'e, enrss-t ime, c:i-. Wbni ' h i-raea begao to take on f.-ii' J !.; tirf-y w- j;koo D aa paasrtueut. uf w k.cb oar iiSsaniae una I TM6 DEATH Cf TCMMV. Ttrtlnla ne.Pltallt mid J ft. PU retarrieal Toat Llfhlle. Th wutb haj alwayt Iwn known for lt hoapitalitr, and nntrlier haa this qnalitr U-en nior rrliKionaly main U:ne,l than In Viruitiia. L'nfortnnatelr the war Iliad.) aad liuvx writU the Vir flnian'a reaourcca, Imt hia old time ( pen heartcOllraa lias m vtr altereij. Some year ai frieti.l .f mine trav litis in tlie K.wer mrtiott uf thut itute ti'MH-d for a few boiira with old ac-quttiiitiinci-a and retiiuincl for tex An craaion of tliia kind tu VirinM rail iuvariuMy for the favorite Uish of the outh-fn.d chicken. Alan! there w bj but one young rhli ken on the place, and that one J.'t. It luid been left an orphan by tt luotlier at a Very early ne, and, like Tip tu Charli Oickcna' Ureal KiiTtatioiia,'bnd U-i-n brought tip by band. The children call ii I it Tommy, and were very fond of It, win! Tommy tu turu was attached to tlie children. The mutter was a very scrums one. and a family coii.uliution was held. Virginia hospitality could imt tat lightly dlMearded, and it waa det'ideil that poor Toinmy must lnvome the eacritice. II y friend of course knew nothing of Uie tragedy that was bci!ij rnacteil for bis comfort, and when tea was served regarded the plate of liiccly browned chicken with contemplative yy. tyain, however, he became aware that aoinethinn was ami. An uir of aileiit sorrow pervaded the lit t lo family croup nstiiilly so b':1.v. and the children took uothiii on their plates. The chicken waa pucd, hut with the exception of my friend no cue mrtook. Selecting a juicy looking druiu.lick, he fixed it with his fork, ond cutting off a choice bit conveyed it to his mouth. ' At this there was a sudden and heart breaking howl from one of the little boys, "Oh, matniua, mamma, he"s eating op our Tommy:" Thereupon the other children mingled their voices in a wild wailim;, and the older iiieinUr. burst into tint-out Tollable laughter iu which, ns the truth dawned opou him, tny friend joined. Then there came explanations, more Laughter uud tears, ami adjustments all irouud. Pool Toinmy could not 1 restored to lit" but he was buried under a bi,; apple tree with appropriate ceremonies. Al bert D. I'aiue in Harper's Voting People. A Hall of l ire Makes m Vl.lt. A very singular story is told concern ing tho vagaries of one mass of c'"' lightning. A tailor in the Hue St. Javiiiea, in the neighborhood of the Val de Grace, was getting hit dinner one day during a thunderstorm when he beard a loud clap, and soon the chimney board fell down, and a t;lolo of lire aa big as a child a head came out quietly tnd moved alowly alumt the room at a imall bright alwve llio floor. The sjiec tator. In conversation ufterward with M Uabhiiiet, of the Academio des Sciences, said It liMiki-d like a good iz-d kitten rolled tip Into a hall and moving without showing its paws. It was bright tnd shining, yet he felt no sensation of heat. The globe camo near his feet, but by moving them gently aside lid avoided the contact. After trying several excursions in dif ferent directions it rose vertically to the height of his head which he threw back to prevent It touching him steered toward a hole in the chimney above the mantelpiece, uud made it way Into the One. Shortly afterward "when he supjiosed it had had time to reach the top," tho tailor auid there was a dreadful explosion, which de stroyed the upper part of the chimney and threw the fragments on to the roofs of some adjoining building, which they broke through." Chambers' Journal. A Theory About Man's Heard. There is a theory favored by the disci ples of Darwin thut the beard is merely theiurvivul of a primitive decoration. Wan, according to this viuw, was orig inally aa hairy as the opossum it.vlf, but aa he rolled down the iig-s he wur the bair off in patches by sleeping on his idea and sitting against a tree. Of course tho bair of the dog is not worn off lu this way, but a great theory is not to be set aside by an objection so trilling. By and by our ancestors "awoke to the Consciousness that they were patchy and snotty," and resolving to "live down" all bair that waa not ornamental they with remarkable unanimity lui-w to have fixed on the eyebrows, the mus tache aud unfortunately, as the self temper mostly think the U-nrd as be ing all that was worth preserving of the primitive covering. English Illustrated Uaicaxine. . What Tug Mraua. Professor Iteynolds nice a practical II lustration of the rirn tof fog in connec tion with soma new belting which liml been running for four hours nt Owen, col lee during a heavy fog. The belt inc. which was new and bright w hen siartnl, waa found, w hen topH-d, to be black ami loaded with dirt. It bad la-en runiillitf at 4,000 feet an hour. I'rofesaor Ilcynolila pointed out the reneniblauce to theillrtl Dosa of an express train, the phenomenon In both cases being due to the fact that the rapidly moving body comes lo contact with a irirater quantity of air Id a Riven time than a stationary body, and, there fore, picks np a greater quantity of atmos pheric pollution. New York Commercial Advertiser. riatll lord. General Johnston, who man Hired to out live bis friend, ihe enemy, .Sherman, by a few weeks, waa wounded in nearly every battle, while Hierman ami hheridan K"l off with mere scratches. Admiral Nelson owed bis fate to hia mama for bravina danger lo every form, hut In spite of a aim liar recklessness Marshal Kuwaroff waa wounded only twine, and Frederick the Great only once, when a piece of rase shot on horsed him In the luiltle of Tortfau. Felix I Oswald In Philadelphia Time. A Oervleesbls tliUL Father This Is your birthday, Bobby, and here Ua wairbany boy might be proud of. Bobby Are Ihe cases wstrr light, pa pat Father Why do you a.k that, Hohiiyf Bobby I heart jo-i leli mother you bail tad it In soak inai.y lime Munaey's Weeky Coavlaced Agals.t Ills Will. Judge Oullty or nut e"i-'J' Inoer (dssel-l thought I was guilty, your honor, but my Iswyer says I 0) aad be s proved It, and I believe it, and when you bear him talk .jour booor, yoo'.l believe il loo. tpoco. 0 (T) A MasSawt Wish. AQr (no hia nrflt night, locking tt rough tb spy bole In the curtain) My oosvieorel only tnree prrsoow la tbe w bole boosel I di hoi three more will turn op just eaougb to pay for a oissal ball i assist as- A THRILLINO NARRATIVE. TTia Tale of T.aa al(atr I a.ily laid Thae nelleessl. Tbre wr.s in eo,ulal jon In Ihe select circle nt t!.e corner (.-rooery. I'.e wa. a tall, m l iv. rou liaising Imlivi.liinl, with shy urnop'nit ear, no!. -tin lime eje, ami a fale, wau Hose. The crowd Immediately s.icl I.I in up a. a man with 1 ln.lorv, ami buwi.s iunl to contril'iiie something (or the eilitlcation of those present. Hi eye wandered, wild a far away ex pression, over the f.Mi-a i f the men h'roiiiei annuel him, a i l then he said h (lo'lld re late nn Im nli nt lli .t isvurn d w hile he waa at sea, al.iut lifti-en )r.ir ni!". "I wa lorn," be la-iian, "ut Portatnoulh, of rich but honest pnrvnl. My father ow lied a line of steamship, ami, aa I waa passionately fond of the water, he said be would put me in command i f a strainer aa Soon aa I was old enoiis'h. if I would start ' at the l.it'om and learn all tilt-re waa lo la learned alaitit navigation. 1 k'Udly areept 1 ed hia proiwaj n, and al the a,-r of lifteen 1 was In-tall.. I on one of the l.vits as rahin I t.'V. I Mm that s.ition I wa proniot.il, as soon a r.iialile, to the different posts, until at la-t I rem hid that of captain. ! "Then my fit her, in nir tre it J.y, cvr I nie eommand of the N-a Hawk, oik- of the trimmest tnucl. Ill lilt servliv. It waa a I proud day for me when I at.irml on my ! first trip serosa the Atlantic. I hid mails ' several successful trip, an I a. I lie si-asou waa al.mt to close It waa decide 1 that my I next one waa o Is) my last. It waa, but badly in the sense my father meant It, On thl passage we had a verr auniil numla-r I .f paaeni:cr, a the weather was quite fUsaitni-ahie. We got off all ris-ht. and bad la-en nut at.'iil four das when the I bammrler Indicated that we were to have some uh-ly weather, ami It was not mi.- taken. "I have sei-n storm. In my life, hut never, I think, one equal tu that which, alauit mliltiis-ht broke tiioii us with all the un bridled fury of the elements. The wsvea rem hid a hcifc-ht that would seem Incred ible to one n ho bad never la-en In a storm at sea, and our vessel was tossed statu! aa though it had l.-eii a chip. Suddenly there waa a vivid Hash of lluhlulnk'; then, al.ivs tlietcrnl.le tumult of the roaring waves, alxivethe shrieks of passengers, came the nuMt soul terrifying clap of thunder It has ever laren my uii-fortiino to hear. I in me diately following a great crackling of tim bers w is heard amidships, and a yawning chasm appeared In the center of the boat. We had la-en struck by lightning. "In another in.tant the ship, with a fear ful plunge, settled mpldly and sank from view, rnrr; ing rvery mortal on board with hrr. I had lasrn Handing near the rail, and when I saw we were atsuittoslnk I leajasil upon the bulwarks and sprang Into the water aa fir from the Teasel as poaalble to avoid being drawn down with brr. I waa fortunately successful. How the night passed I know not. When the morning daw mil there waa not a vealige of either wreck or human la-ings. I w aa alone upon the brood bosom of the Atlantic, with not so much aa a straw lo cling to and a thou sand mile f ruin bind." Here the narrator paused and gazed con templatively Into the stove. Ilia audience aat with bated breath, staring at bliu with horrified rouutcnances. "What did you ilnF" one of the men asked In awestruck tone. "Oh," a in weird Ihe stranger, "I swam ashore." And, arronipauit-d by his breath, he went forth Into the still, chilly night The crowd in the store was mule for fully ten minutes. Then one of them softly whis tled, "And you wink the other eye." Chi oago Figaro. A Keel's Kklaw If we look nl a lady's sealskin Jacket, we at once observe its rich brown color, and the velvety softness and delist neas of the One hair composing It, If this becoiuuircd with the coarse, hard or dry salted skin aa Imported, or, at ill bet ter, with the i mi l of the living 4ur seals, one is struck with the vsst diltereiioe be- tween them, and wonders bow theooarse, Oily liaiking, cffe pressed bair of lha live animal can ever l Iriui.formed Into the rich and costly garment alaive spoken of. Paaslng our lingers among the hairs of the cat or dog, we may notice due short hairs at the n.it of the longer, coarser, general covering of I he animal. Thl. I so called under fur. Hut ill the greater liuin btr of animal the short hair, are so few and often so Hue aa to las, comparatively speaking, lost .it-lit of among what to our eyes constitute Ihe coal. The remarkable feature then In the fur Seal, la iu aliunilntii y and density. The operation which the skin umhrjoe. lo bring out, so to say, the fur, may be briefly described as follows: The skill, after being washed free of grease, etc., Is laid flat on the stretch, flesh Side up. A flat knife la I hen passed across the flesh sulisiame, thiniiig It to a very eolisldrrable extent. In doing tbla ihe blade severs the ri.'ts of the long strong bair, which penetrate the akin dceier than doc the soft, delicate ones under the fur. The rough hairs are then got rid uf while the fur retains its hold. A variety of suladdiary manipulations In which Ihe pelt is softened and preserved are next gone through. Kxchange. The !f Jell Hurt. "Fpeaking of the brain tsowrr of anl mala," Mid II. K. M-irtin, "reminds me of an incident I witnessed while living at St. Joseph. A neighbor of mine bail a Urge New fouudlaud dug, which did the market ing for the family. His mistress would hs him a basket, put In it a note and send Llnilothe itrtxrr or butcher. On the day lu question be was carrying bome a One ruaal, and half a do ten curs were trotting at his side trying to get their buses Into basket. He turned bis bead, first to one tide then to the other, growling fiercely, but they Were not to he thus intimidated. Finally his patience gave wsy; he put the basket down and sailed Into the hungry horde. "Hut while lis csve battle to some the others mails off with the coveted prise. When be reali.el that be bad Issen de spoiled he lis-ki d the very picture of de epair. lie sat down by the empty basket and howlis-l like a achmlltoy that bad lat his circu li ket. He took up lha basket and walked home at a snail's pace, put It down on the porch and fl under the house, where he remained all day. despite attempts lo coax bun out." bk, louia Globe-He tnocraL Tbe Nf V.irb lilrt There are no women In the country who can touch the New Yorker on the q notion of drraa. With her, dressing I an art, Ibe toilet a sacred rite. Her conversational power are not of the highest outer, but they are fine, nevertheli-ss. A real New York girl of society, who has been brought up in the atmosphere of so- lety, who love It and lives for It, la grner nl a remarkably good Ulker. fchc la keen, supple, remly to lead the con Verwati'rti or lo follow when tbe lead Is glveu ly anoi her M." an las amiiaing, at times slimnt witty. I he way she covers Op brr Ignoring and makes tbe Inoat of tbe meager .mattering of knowledge she puaaisi i i la little snort of niirarulous. The Iblrd attnhute for praise her self poses ston , her extraord.i ary savoir fairwla sd ibis. ban I ram istu-gis?iaat tuirab Am I'ssvoldstiis Oslar. Bingo I went Into the sntlqtM furniture deaUer s Uelsy lo get that beveouwntb Century cha.r you admired so much, hot he had ju.t s.,1,1 it. Mrs. B.d.-o How ot.fortunate. Bibgt-Yes. He Bal l It would beatlasaU a week before be could lorrBx tavnt te kk ls.-klllliis1 WeaaUf. C' o o .9 rrayed Collars and Cuffs, Worn linen It a mmt deceptive svldend In the snm total of apparel. A pair of old cuffs will look so la-wiichlngly nrasrtabkt after a visit to a good laundry that yon will take Iheni np wnksnkfiil tender Dess snd adjust llieui VtilU a look of lv algnliy waudi-r all over them. "Didn't know I ever could wear ihrm again," you say, Slid you feel so satiatletl at having counted one against Hist dreadful oppo nent, the raggedy man. Of coarse you have felt Ju.t so. and Just as surely aa you have gUm-rd due n s-sm after and found your wri.ts rmlrclnl by a pair of soiled and shaggy rulN. A little ruli here and a little rub there, a few grama of dust from mother earth nn. $la'ticdiction (xom a rain dmp and your cull a have gone Iwk whence thev came from out side the pale of respect ability. Next time you treat Ihnse ruffs aa rxpiwtl falsiilrra, but some flue dsy w hen a sp.isin of economy I contracting the muscle w Inch open your pur you'll get rails-lit again. Ni- if you dun e Toronto Ulolv Aa Imleiug ttrl.b Uurd. Tbe 1. 1. teller once knew some excellent Welsh people, who init est that no lan guage in the world la so fne from bard words a Welsh. They cited ihe wonl ewrw a pns-l of the fal.ny of the notlou Hint Welsh w. nl. are uiiproiioutii cal.le. Tin f.k-mai nig word I prunounced ex actly a If u wire s ilisl ki.inai, slid II nu an beer. To hear a Welshman pro nounce that word Is i noiigh lo make one's nioiii h water. You n. tgl t remain IiimiisJ ble lo the leu pt.il ions i f mi re 1st r, hut an iuviui: ion In take a gla. of ki.'ns o(herwis, cwrw Is Irresistible. Boston Transcript. Wanieil a llll.tr. Housekeeper Now )ou char out right square olT, or I'll call I ne l.uc-l man. Tramp Pleas,-, mum, I only wanted to tarry a 111 Inc. If j. u have one to .para. "Hibli sr I've gol slsiut forty." "Well, ilium, will ye please Ii ml me one a few loiniitea. I w mil to read atauit Bel liaar's fiasl. Mel, l.y wiil stay me ap petite Mil I gil In some town where folks W few er Bibles nn limre pii-s." Our readers wilt serve thrma.lv. I,. Dotickng the remarkable offerings atlverUaed in another column br the Sherwoo.1 Hall Nursery Co. of lleulo Park snd Han Fran ciseo, who srs haulers on Ihe caul in fur nishing everything fur the fsrm and garden. Tlir I1 of May I. luil ,si l.llr .ail. Vet a srral many ale very inui h lut-icd l It. t-oinlus. HrfTlKI Asll FILM Cl'HBIt. We pnaltlvslv ear rutilurv. pllns snd sl rer- lal illsessrs wlinoHl istai uf iletetillnu In ss tmai , So cur, no pay. Alan all tlinu ilia em. A.Mreaa (or Mninhltil lira. PorWalSaiil A sjb Msikeiatnwt, eau frau'Saeo " hat make, some slrl. hs.k Vtuins to Inns "llieliii ll.rel.ilil.ini-. 'I hr) Won I l-rul.iM-.' The World'a Mam moth Hotel la the lift) mom. lireprtNif, summer Hotel, the' iHT Kt.txas.' si M l.asreiieesveniiranilnnli ttreet, Cbicsjo, Iwo blinks from Mnlssy rial. am e orld a rsir entrance and over looking fuiiioua Ws.hingtoii I'stk. World's Kair viail.ns can svonl aminvanoe ami ei- loit ion of sharks by engaging nanus now si tl.'aJai sy, ca.'h person, ( Klriq-eanl by sdilressing i'lqMland t'owti.eud, Msnager, I formerly insnnger I'sliner House), 4.' Ihe llookery, I lucsgo, 1 I. Vhr-I. voiir wile eutrrtslnliis tlilt winter? lle-Nnl very - vieri.t lo oilier men. IIIH'IKI or IIIMTMIIITI rilK CA- TAKKH Til tTI'ONTAI MKItt'l HT, At mrrtiry will atir r ilwcttoT thm wmnm nl ml a it I iifTilrU if il m- f lh tiir ylm h ii mlM.un II thfiMih lh BimfiMa tut Isw-tra. urb artl It- whoiud litr b UtM riv4 mi intM'riiloii In m n-fntt ithtrlaiia. aa Ihr lamatf h tnry will tin u irni ui tu ina yu an ptttMilti it ttfftva lrim Ihvin lUU'a Catarrh M-Oii, , iiiiiii nn man-iiry. 'ti laian-o in ternal jr. a UiigT dtriw ily iiniu lia IiIimi ami mu tuna nilatna 1. 1 it pyU m. lit buyhigj ilail a Catarrh u tw utv )oi I tht a-hiiia. It I i-at-tt inii rita ijr ami mail in loiiMu, tt., vj r J Ci t-tit-T A t u. liriiiiolaU I'r. aVrt.ld by Iruiciai. ruv( 74 rrtiti prr UlU.t. luhicb truly cuik ..si, S1S1 (i.uur iwiisj. Cms ouiit a 1 uss. Trnl Oar.T Cocuh ( i i.a po.ii.i.uy c-.rr. where all trfhers fuu, Coujht, Cru. tor Ihrosl, Hi'iHiiiM , W Soaping Ceua and Atthma. l-ie Csnauaiplua It has no rival; haasursd IhsuaanSa. sud will ( I lia Too If taken lo t rao. b-.lil hjr niggs(s on a gunr-snd-e. r a lrns lie k rr h-.t, use SillLOIl tltLI.AOONNA LASIkftisj. HILOH'S CATARRH ks.s 1 swifssi pur e v 1 vir 'jprr ' rttMLui. lt itev.,,,1 n .irhl- 'Ihi reraclTlariiaran. tetsl loiura y si. J'rM.e,Ucts, ln.Oirlros. BEST Hfc"T AMV.HWM Ntlvrr aii'l liiatta" Ul riil. Wairh rw, far rlrrt tllnr- k-wjrrw, fun . rlr.l, ftnlr $20. W fltt Isi lht tarp-r-l )-ifr Id I-.. rll.ii. I, WATCHES ALBERT FELDENHEIMER. t. P. N. V. No. 4e7- F. N. IJ.No N4 Ale) r. a 1 insr" From 10 to 40 Per Cent Discount to Agents. Agent wanted in every t.wn in Oregon and Washington toaell tbe leadintr BICYCLES ! BICYCL (n all uradi uianufai tured in America. New and ewon'Vlvtnl mftcrunea inent. rite hr ratalnjftie ami terms. FRED T. islERniLL I'ioneer Dealer of the I'acitic Coaat, 326 WaaliiiiBton Stret. iortland. f)r. p. rr-i;., i I : . tr l. :u. ' cm f I c vjuni nvaiicuiy 1 4 .tci su Ul A,xpuall10 OUUQaUs r HEVBXTIMU rCTlKE MIIKKT. It tbars la. In thl. vsl uf leers, s nw nmlias an of snsrry Uiaa m rbniBtsiW lelus. we sais ve it) Bear nvm reopis ar lMslJl a lan.l.in T to rlieiusssT.im. lu.l aa lb v are with on in ts.n.iiiiiiiiiiu nr io,i iuIu.s. slibleaiisra m.v 11 vint iiita. At sism aa to, asntutius ii'liM.UlliI aulleala il-)'. rrenrsa .h.inij L A' 'o'.lelUr tslouia b Hlllsra. w bit-sea i k. iwiarinrr n.Mail. an ba.ii.hra tb remnant p l .11 ll.nn II x.tria. ul. aUlrBiriil Ulilr. riaillf Willi ihr lesllun.nv ol pbyslclsus alio li.ir emi iioisl Ibis nils III.. si it burelil la Ihrlr l.riistr l .i iiiv. ner I. ll III. Sllliirsl -iiiii.i .im aepersi i ,iimuli aa lo llirrnieaey ul Ibi- H.l.er. Inr mtUilt. liter rsnni.lallll. r.ill- tl. .Hi n. Units, .tiou. ki.lnrv tmul.ls. usrviiu- uesa all. I nl s.s-llir su i rli-sh. Allef s wet Iiik. aheihrr Im .....I in a co'.l r 11..1. is. Hit Ur. It 11sel.1l a. s prvtellllvsol tliellilllsl Hack o rueiiinaiora. Mltlrtss.-Ilul l.r. k..s l,.ti..... ilwst. In M-rve on t'hr lell? Man llh.n,il ii.innrvi oh, ins. 1. 111, hia i.u't ilisl turrrly a Till Mi WOIITII KKWKWHKKINtl. When you feel a kind of goneness shout Ihe stomach it is a sign that your food docs imt ail well and that you sre slsiut to hste a tit of Indigestion. When you begin j fe. nervoui and are unal.leto.it alill romforlahly ; shell voiir .'In tlir. auddrnly seem I 1 lose their llt'sml liecome t.si tiglii in placea the III of indi gestion Is aiirelv ill-on v. u. hen this hi of iii.lige.tioiioa reteatei1 from day lo ilay il linally restdves lUell uto ilysi pus. Itemt-mU-r that three to ten of I'Sts nsstu's I'lLtasill cure Ihe worst rnnriil 111.iiKc.t10n or dysH psia. or both, and thai a regular i-ourse of ihr in. say two every 10.111 inr a wees or len uava, will set sa a preventive ol either complaint. JnBin .ay. that our l.siti etiiiiuli,n. can he leont ii..u itTiuH- uirj are utir la.l Irlen.l.. For bronchial ami a.lbmallc romplainta Slid cough and cold., "rfrw-t't HiimrHtnl ViK-Aej" have remarkable curative pmp- rriiea. iJ n.. a mil. Il a,ieari In 11. that these meelliis. hrtwren .1,-1 l.-rs ami emliinrt are largely over dun. TlV ll a Si for breakfast. KiiamelltirHtote Ptdlsb : no.lu.t,nn tmrll. Till: MOST STUBBORN Skin ami Scalp Diseases, the wont forms of Scrofula, all Hood -taint ami poisons of every name and nat ure, are utterly rooted out by Dr. I'ierce'a t.oMcn Medical Discovery. For every discas caused by a torpid liver or impure blood, it i the only remedy to certain and effective that it can be awiranttttl. If it fails ta benefit or cure, you have your money uacic. Eczema. Tetter. Salt-rhenm. Err. linrlaa, ltoilt, Carbuncles, Enlarged Glanda, Tumor, and Swelling, and every kindred ailment, are com pletely and permanently cured by iu I R'r 1 SjDl.Sekanwtsilr. l-svtlrtf eatwsav for all 1st saaalaral sisraaraas sa rri.stssiaawssaol sa. J rssTtsia ewes rut is Ssalll latl.f waaSssts jtitlls t I rtijSf sraerikelsa4fsslssM Tltatana"lfVl Is raroaiatsaSIs Ms .' eT-TW r.,.."'7T'. s. I..,, isi a, w , ihmtss as avaJd aJ brwassaSa. l-aUUI (Oe. 171 ELY'S CRt AM BALM-rw All,l I' lit 1 r swim llHilnrra TrMh MlMl l.lve Kellel ul out-e lr. IX. ,-lnlt. we. liruirguu ur by suu, KLT 'HE THAT WORKS EASILY. WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO RHEUMATISM CURED BY THE USE OP lYloorc's Revealed Remedy. Airman, lis soon. January 10 MixihX.Kr.N HAIKU KKaEliY kim UAIIsM aud N At la at ebsu U aoi.n DR. CUWS OffOf SYRUP. . 110 Afwrif COLDS AKO CROUP. GRANDMOTHER'S ADVICE. fa fatatnv a famllr f Vina hlMrx, aav adf lor Cotaha, Col ! ant (u) waa anM artma. i I'tsj Menoiit4 1 aj ll a lrt mf Ifrte.,Urlrn f, ! V UMM tttm fctO 11 U I'aTsfTsltv tfrsttcra4 t4 I r i-voai a laa tsMtart, asrvir tvaffwhaVsi, lfsj wla M mmi. laaMiilaaU4C4 TTWw BraHiaiadJ li FRAZER AXLE Get the Genuioelllll Hi INr ScldErwhertM"- 'HOK W IMILSKT, Ageal, rertlaad.Or. ITS 2. DONT MARK BE A srr hot ssn ms Vwt aisT ae ros, ees ftiasoews -tsu vewauaesvf CRtjl pACiFIC (JYCLK (a mercies or tvinv DLmKfiioH." kiteyvf Bviiwss -pQwruaNQ QtvtryON. OPIULIairo rwfs is 11 III! t.rM. YOUNO MEN! The Soseolflo A N. I. CVirsa, wlllvsat fii. ai1 M is Wasw , .I-S no SMIM if S ,w aasf l.lliiS 1'is.rii .n. Inrs. H Hr, h hi ori.slr. ror.ir Cur.. wi,m rvrtjlsitsl . isi it wi,in n ail l-rusatstsv Hanslai llirrnk 1 1st A Sx frtrss. SI SS. tts. Jus. la. TX w Vr- V 1 SV O! tho Agony Of Those who tutYer from Scrofula aTesHl'e JtorMssarHU Jrltee, Jossfare, iraU, CCSxa, ' Mr. T. T. JoStHon Baa Joss, Cal "I hsvs for many years been a great lafftrsr torn Mori I.A breaking out oa my arms tnd tec ; they were covered with snipUoa and tores, dlachargtwg all Ibe tiase. lUisdnry tuny Btedlrlnes and eontultsd phytlelaot tax tnd near, but eessataatlr geetr wttit. I have Ukea but three boUlet eg llood't Barasp. Hood's x Cures tills for iheuBiaUam, aad has derived to much beneBt from It Uist the declare there Is no ether medicine 00 earth. We would ant be without It In tlie house If It easts ISO a bottle." T. Yabi.iv Johxsok, raa Joss, Cat. M. R. Be sure to gel Hood's rUrupartlla. Hood' Pills act easily, yet promptly aad anciently, oa the liver aud bwwtlt, lie. SAVE A CM A I t. KTOKB rani have sa so a.Mirinirni a. a Isrsa un. Try ahal ad vantage the inil.irl- er ran give Vi tm bulh IB PENNIES, eg ml iUallly, nia snd Cent .ira i r isMiase we will ni.ll v,,u . Ia,lv'a Jrs sey Hihla-d l, with high neck, long alrerea, thas-d waltl aud lu .,,,,r, ssiU IF, IVtSIIII,. I.UI r,rillfj Catalogue trllt all alsnil new (nnda and loeasl pritea. ws eill teud It lor Ibeaakln. Olds & King rrllai altBf OlVf ) Will mi Hry or flrsea Bonos, Ural. urlM l sad all Ureea Cut Bo.MLe wlU draihis ihe nnsihrr of ess ill mat llicsi mors ft tile-will carry u,, ken safely through Ike etiing perhal and pnl thess la familltloa le lay whes sen csoraaiand Uie big beat priee and will dovslope roai shirks fsstsr thaa aa )tb food. reed Orssw llnnse and aa rewsoasms la kul Ihe lies, snd yoe will --f l"V swr eras snore pesdii end for Cat logs mt mm mmi coin, rniunu. ul teiisam iiiswif Wa itrtM B g a atttfl Mtrll, artel i mryS lai1iuitmltN. Ilvtaial ' Cat. r.av 1 mm n lor I old In lleail. If it UuwSra Jl.irt.g. IIHiMk, Is Warms BC, M. T I eaa sute s Its p'eaaare thai br tbe sst af sty bualatud waa rellryrd In.m an old rat ol Ust. Is I my ynunsratboy rurt-d riillrelyul IKrbA it uasl docks' I eould get did bin Be good. V. una at UAiiiuvkitr.u. otiralsgmltuds. at Ra, M. mt Tiit K iiitrooisT. If You Think (UT kind f mitt wl t o, iSdM 1 ny a lixt rt tse-estl m U tin ; t ttr UtdP ltfT4 Mull fi MMHiM Bviailit FERRY'S SEEDS. slit. a it ftraartA, iir-r mm fnmmtmA , lb) sssUMinl tartrate I. PfmVwl -.mm a I la Ut mnaft VHUkivttltt Isuattr. I II, Ittful ul- sWaeskt. I M IM4ait4le la I fHmntt. W e ml it I rf, O.M.I IIRkY&CO. MTI0IT, raica. BLOOD POISON A SPECIALTY. &Z7ZSE Til I M) rrM.se)illF sfswrtMl in Mi toOu Oaf a. Waaia naiaail !- ttn lhariaB,iauihjaA tbdra ama) tf sWittlBfBtiMlftll ewtrsweV ixi Catn IMP I f teal 4 at a-arsa rsf (aa mmm prtf an1 aiMie-r ia a lVMiM,tMii vita iht-isa Mfcuisrvtwr loas'ttMirs. ra a ill iilrao lo rtra I0as r raa4 a!) atv Mar anl faar ani triKucsc of rstminax rwiirtaswl irt tic aM sMltdt if ftl l Ctra If ' BMlUea rtarr. ktlide Brlak, and aiiii araMail Mtrw-eM I'aU-a) in MuniKk rW Thftaat, ft'lisUMtvek. I i-4M'rtktr1 NtHeftA, I tswtfsa tm fttf part uf ItMr (tMMtf . 1 1 air r MbriatafcM. Ii lata aHvashkiw tttrn Hi---4 fiHtsiia I'tau a auarsts u tIMfl tbd) sl tt IIMI mmm Ojl'-I CahaVlxraira la ttstal lr I MM Wl Mlirurl tttf IDs - taMMl aiart sMbaw-el ihaali l of la mm rtiMta Hi ns Waisa, A largiai imumtm W tmi ilaiatt aMf, Aaiiilta gHuoft ateOA aatiMwl am ai plea-tl turn, AAOraa lUMmla) T4atv Cliftcf Itk DROPSY TKI Arm ran v irvarts wllh TM.aab HaearsM. lauaaaas. ol Cars I V SaaSSSISSrtsAW h k . eraruata Slaatii i.r tmm .... si allaratftoau nansl. Bd l- r tea. SsavS Isatlao. kvls nl alrxk awes. Tsss J.T arsalasia ir f BiaJI If To a sraa trial ss.4 IS la auatsa west sustsaw Oa. u II laassaeBoBa.Allaaia.tik Ulvawskwutai sewiaiais - ---Tinr w sa. CHINA PHEASANTS Wanted la pairs, for tieesdlag wn.ai Writ. IrSDlrdialelv. tlaung lowast pries. SS luX Ul, ronlsad. Or. from 120 up. Caah or on install- EJS I o la a modara Instsnf. O CO O Sm- oo o o o 0 a Oo O Oo