The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 15, 1893, Image 4

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    MUigcnc City Guard.
Arm i. i.v.
lhming of l'jiluinifiit.
Tlio .'riiii'viHe lieview rv:
l'Miiiiin lit aiiioii tlioc wh' ore
ntiirnl f ir Bj-jiiitiiu-tit Vt fed oilier in rt X""t
i Ix.tli ;iimI!- mil Ii --a-rviin,, i
I Ion. mri Nolan.!, of Aftoria,
alio j Uintf urgil y l.i many
friinil to J''lr for tl uniMiint
merit of L'. .". ilii-trit-t attorney fur
the dintrii-t ( nym. Mr. Nuluixl
it well known to many f the rei-i-drnU
of !. Ic eounty, having
..tidied law in i. V. JUrm-' olliee
in I'rimvillr, and having practio d
for ft short time in tlu court of
thi county afUr having h-n ad
mitted. For yer jaet he
liat been one of tin' leading attor
ney of Aftoria, having gained that
prominence by bin ii-rior ahility
and attentivetn - to bin j.rofeMon.
I u ri n if tin- lat presidential cam
iairn Mr. Nland a a candidate
for elector on tin- di iu.K-ratic tick t,
and made an active campaign in
tbe western part of the Mat-, thu
by bin untiring energy In- bait ren
dered ixrvi'T d'-rviii(f reward.
Hut aside from what tho denim-ratio
party may owe him for at M-r-vie
t, his inantT ability, strict in
tegrity anil moral worth entitle
him to recognition by tbe ndiuiui
tralion, and hi u -jiitrti-iit would
not only be uct-j. table to a large
majority of tbe in.c of tbe ctate,
but they would coiiMil'T it a com
pliment to all Op'Roiiiaii to -e
tbe honor of the oitioii of di-trii-t
attorney conferred ujn a native
The bicycling ilavit will noon be
here. The patron and devotee nf
tbe whirl are already laj'inning to
take the road.
The tneetin'H of the State Horti
cultural Society were well uttendci
ami coniilcralli' iiitcrcut wa tie
velopcd. Fruit Kroitiu in Ixing
done in a practical manlier by men
who conduct it in a buMm-en way
Hon. C. II. Hi llinifi r who ha
Ixi'il npiNiintiil u i'nited State din
trict juilK'e, ha. rare Iil'.iI attain
tnent. Hi t Icvatioti to tbe di-
tiliKiiislicd iM.hitiuii will meet with
the uuiUalilicd apjiroval of the bar
of Oregon.
In 1S7'J when the crime of de-
mnnetiing silver wan committed
the white metal wa relatively
worth more than k'"'d. And now
tbe gold btitft proti Ht n'ainut fur
tber purcbaiM! of ilver lxraue of
iU ilcprei'iation. They feck to re
tain tlio advantage Hccunil by their
almofl criminal act.
I'oslma-tcr-t iein-ral Hicitell i win
ninir eoldcii oiiiniomt for bin
rdraiKhllorward wav. A man went
to him with it m tition for Nt
mantcr at Mayllower, I'al., iinlorMtl
hv Senator Voorlu' and i'almcr.
"Voil are mitakcn," paid l!iet
"if you think I'll ucccpt lllinoi
and Indiana iiidor-eiiiciiU for I'ali
fornia ollicc."
Tho ilecirion nf the city council
to ac and collect taxc inde'ii
dent of the provision of the .Man
ley bill i or the IksI iiitcrct of
the city although if payment of
taxc waa rt'itcd the title made
under font! mile- would Imi clouded.
Tho tieople will pay their taxc and
the city will not lm un h r tbe lie
cciity of Ixirrowintf money.
One of the mot c-ntial Uali
tic tif a iucccful faniier i econo
my. J. Sterling Morton, the new
ecrctary of agriculture, appnviateit
the principle and I applying it to
bin dcjiartuient. In the jlurcau of
Animal IndiMry alone he ha din
K'tiel with the frvict tif a Mif
licicnt huiiiIm r of tmiii to reduce
it cxn ni I J.'i.iKNI nt annum,
lie found that a number of doctor
had I -en drawing halarie of 1,'JlHI
per annum fun-tamping out pleuro
pneumonia long alter the dicaie
had entirely iliap-anil.
Iln. John II. Mcl'lung. who h i
aer veil r.upue a mayor for the
a-t ollicial term, and who ha
htvisi aa councilman lor a iiuml r
of year, retired Ia.t night. Helm
alway been a faithful publii- h r
vant, and ba l.tUmil at all time
for the ImtI intercut of tie citv,
without reanrd. lie ba given
much of hi valuable time to help
build up a city that we are all
proud of. Kvery man, woman and
child owe their thank to Mr. Mo
Clung f..r the manner in which be
hai no faithfully laUirod for their
interest. The (il'AHli hereby
inatiKt inm lor the many courtcn
and fuvr receivtsl at hi hand
durirjg bis long term of o!hv.
The eli tonal dej-artmetit i again
at Variance wit!i tbe t-h graphic
part of the On goniau. The man
al the helm mu Clcxeland ha
U-en discharging fourth cl.t
tnater at the' of a week.
The telegraph man ay tliat from
March 4 to April 3 but .".7i) were re
moved. The t-htor lllake hi
stupid lie the of a half col
umn homily on civil iM-rvite, muir
wuinji, and indinvt abuM- uf Mr.,
t'leveland and hi partv. "Thou
halt hot lcar fal w itnr' ii I
romtnandmeiit that the I'urt! ind
ninc-tory taxhxlgmg oinn rn ai-'
lara never to have berd of. At I
leat it make no tTort to
I .1 .
lit X tl.
Islli; '.uanl Arftl II
K. J. McClklinliatl Vilte. Join t lull
Ii. It, llye l-ave loiil-lit for a trip
to fvui r ranclaeo.
IU it Lurch, of Collatfe tiroVe, Vlaitnl
rortlaml yist rly.
V. (. Koirinnri returned lut liU'lit
fnm a t rl j to Portland.
Mr, fv lilul r went to I'ortlaiid on a
l.iiimM lri I liia iimriiiiiK-
'. II. linker ami K. M. JkaUni, of
Waderville, Were ill town t.alllV.
l!rv. I. I). Driver Kiel !" Merluu n-
turn.-d from .vilt-iii thi anVrn.a.u.
I lev. M. Hilt iturnil to lilliome
at Portland on tlie local thi mornimt,
lloM. IL lb id went to Cortland till
mormiitf inli iiilinir to muni to
T. N. Nrar and J. letioii have
furmiil ao.rlm rM) in the Coal J I ill
mir ry.
Mm. J. K. KliU'rt and children went
to Irvinir on thi inorniiiK' hxitl to
X 1-1 1 n ItttlVea.
ieo. T. Hall went to I'ortlMlid till
lii'TiiliiK to riii Ive a car lorn I of ho
w hlrli lie riHviitly ptircliaxeil there
Dr. and Mr. J. K. I'aytnii, Mr. ami
Mr. Flirnr Kurrimrtoii nnd fumilie
were ii 'Hnpiiiel Iioiim thi afternoon
ly Mr. Dr. rUn.
('.('. I U ii like, of Klorelnv )irecilict,
tarted from h.-rw thi mrniiiK on a
trip to ( ahml.i, ami will vinit the
Worlil'n Kmr hi return.
r.l-lin II. ilt, of the I'lllliil Krelhrell
church, ikim.iI tlinnik'h thi lunriiiiiK
en hnite to J'lirllnlnl Hint 1 exvtcil to
nturii ami ileiiver a rmun at I tic
eliiiri'li hen- Monday iii)(ht.
7a ke Itiii ey and w ife, w ho have Ui ii
viitiiii( n hilivc mi frleml In IJH
iimiity, left for their home nt NVeiwr,
bliho, I till iiioriiiliK. liny wereai
ci.iiiiiiiiilel l.y their mui and AlUrt
('.II. Ilaker, of U'ulterville left fill
thi iiioriiiiiu' IinuI fur Chicago, where
liu w lil tv until after the n nniir of
tin- i.rlil rulraml then viit al .Mu
eoti, I ieairia, hi trip laxlluir, in all,
two or tlin-e inoiitli.
Notice lu Kudeavor Sorietle.
I'nulili iit Miller nay that In electhiK
ilcleviitf to I lie rortlainl coll-
vent ion, April 17 -.'in, we hould
ii the lllllllNr of active, B-
MM'iate, boiiornrv and temiirarlly
alwlit liii'liilnTi, then elect live for the
llrt liny, ami one for every ten over
bo if your toiul memU-rxhlp I Toy hi
art' eiitltliil to m-vcii ili leu'iit'-. N'lid
oulv your iiiot active ini iiiU r.
Al.lOIlT MIKl.ToN.
I'll)r l.w.r.l. April 11
.Hlll1lli AMI lMMAHia:li. '.
K. liver nrntei ut Junction Citv
hy li puiy hherlir t'rmier, yintepluy,
iiihiii n eomiiliiinl from Jiillce Kite
ev' courl, of thi cit v, eharKlng him
w ith the luriviiy f wiine water il'
frinii the Ktore nim of J. II. (iim
mini. After the arraignment of the
ilrli inliuil lu eoiirt, the charire wit
ilimioed, on million if the pnweut-
liiU utlorney, a the complnliiing w it-
hca, J. II. t imxllllllll, nilleteil it ami
pnlil all the eMl lu the eiuH'. It lili
i'ar that the lili' in iiuewllon he- to Mr. litem, Ihenforv he wa
lint K'lilly of any crime w hatever.
Wll.l. r cm'K. Salem SliitiKinnn
" The Suit hern I'aeillc Iih coiiimenii il
the letieiliK of nil their tmck III tin'
iron. The llrt ohliimeiit to arrive
came In the tlrM of the Wii k, eollnit
hilt of ix car of IuiiiInt ami thre of
Iwrh w Ire. Then1 are nUitit ki mile of
thi truck In Marion county alone, and
It u III l li-iunl luatacoxt of alioiit
-ii i'r mile. Work will U com
meiii-eil ut oniv iiml It w ill lie mm
pleliil wmll HMilie. It I l i
liiutiil tliul the c xiK'iiac of feiicinir w ill
icovrrvl lit a Kin ir I time a the
amount of inoiiev cxH'inli-l lu making
KimhI the iim of live nliN'k i eiinr
Dt VI II OK A MlMMKH. ICi'V. 1 hi-
vii K. Neiit. iliiHlm AmiIIo, Ph., on
.Mon. lav, April . I. .Mr. wn
well known lu n llL'ioucin'len tliMiiirh
out me i mien .-laim, Having icii a
uiiwt ipular pulpit onilor ami puhlie
lii tun r, ami writer of religion and
Miiilar article for the lnt twetitv
yean. AUmt tlfteeii venr ago he tv
lilnl In Corvalli, iMi'iiiiving the I'ren-
h) terlali church, litig very 'piilar
III I lie pulpit ami on the leelure
ilntform. Ill death nmiltnl fnnu
leitrt dleit.
lml!T, A.rll 1.1
Ci'wriionui. John Mlllelt. who
liven neiir Junction City, wa rn-tn
yiDtenlay inoniliig on a comiilaiut
innile lv I. r.ilwaril, charging him
with killing one of hi entile
and wa taken I fore JuKtice
lliitler of that citv. The ci
wa upon Millett paving
r.iiwnro ?.i, nn1 vaiuu oi ine animal,
and Millet wa iliM'Imrpil from cu-
Keal ij.late ranalera,
I i.:m:.
IC J Krnler to ton X Frer, lot '1
ami .4, llk l, r A II a addition; f'J.
J M Kitchen to J A Hagau, lOUacrt
nii.l; fm.
Marv K IvhUui to IVler A.hley,
A .TI in I 17 , r 1 w; U.
T J Johiixm to I, I) .S-arhmugh,
olie-liililh iliten-ot ill It'l.lU acre lu t
!' , r 3 w ; fat.
Si.ltiev Horn to Clara A IWrrv,
acn- In t I . r U' w ; Jjno.
KM M.'ul!.'h:.Wm II Muncrv.
land In I I , r I; w ; Ku.
A I Anthony to (tetirge Materui,
lii.."l acre lo t 17, rtw; .!,
Helen M II il- v to liu hard K li
ter, all limU N-lotigiiig to intiito of
Wm I. Il:il-i v; ilml of eornvtioii.
ti W Hon. k totieo A ll.xii k. land
In Ijine ami ii.imli.-; M.
state i tinvm to ttcorve ?vent.
ITiM t a. nn In 1 1 In S. It 4 W; ii.
Iii.truinent iim.le to cornvt former
Jim M smith ! ux to II V Stewart,
3i acre in Tp I t S. K I W; t)h'
or. r. amis,
A:r.rr i: Uf i:l ':!iTT hVM
I '.i-l !..' t-l limiii Ti-' -I I rl
.'.lr.i r rftlrnft.Mt l'rrtl.'lj r trvr
r.1 l.rftt l.aialr U.'.ghl nu4 mi t sii.t n-liu roU
ir A gv.wfti 1 .' i '1 rnr "ft r.n.i '(v r.i iri... tft.l .! Wi'.ftiitrtt trv
l"'tftr Milt, ffuia tlrvru.
tt'i.rE. t"KEi..i
For a squaro dea), go
to Goldsmith's.
l l-lox l.a L u
tkOMIV,, T sytta.ul
mi t,.iMit law ) .mi
S...I ra ... I u rsi.sjaa nl
feat tkl ftlTi.l ura f l -aaa ant
l.u h i.aav. ..aik lL 1 HI HH
i. m.asth Ui I ha. nt.l tea a rr a si.-k.t.
- -. a a a al t V.
Nftlar. ) iwa. FaaTUU aikl IS-pal.SMft
rail, niaa.
( hum.iah!e Weather.
The cholera ha fiiwhcd Kramv.
I .'irtlaiiil ha a of malliX.
tiiitea hail tonn thi ufteriuni.
Mghtwatchman Matthew wa on
duty lat night.
Dr. I I). N-nrhroui;hof('ri-wt II wiu
In Kuci ne toUy.
Only 177 fniirtlii I- jtiiinU r
Were ipolitet yeteriaV.
(ieo. II. llline of I'urCalid - :it
lllt lllk'ht ill Kllk'elle.
The Fnli m Chiller- n fil-e to legUter
a mjuin-d hy the ('. !. laM
Ik puty Sheritr Smith returnul home
fn on .-all in tin Uit nik'lit " train
The trike on the world fair tni'
ililf at Chicago ha ettle
The Nt-otnl Eit;illielit, O. N. (., w ill
not haw an emiiiupmeiit thi yenr.
Sherlsr Noland n 'turned home from
li.nt liiiru on thi moruiiiK' Iik-uI train
The 71th anniversary of i. Fellow
hip occur on the J.lli of thi month
Mr. II. V. Il.ililelinlid little .lau'l
ler Weill to ItiwhlirK thi Wil li to VI-
it fur a week.
Will. IEehaW left Oil l lill-IIH-
trip to Sun Kraiiclwo on lu-t night
overland train.
Ir. W. Kuvkeinhill I In S il. in t.
ihiy attelnliliK the fimenil of the lute
Dr. D rnyton.
Mr. Itol.l. Clow, of Jom-tinu ( 'it '. I
ill Koret tipiVe lllteliilitli; (lie flllierill
of her Uncle, IhlViil S tir,
Herman Wi-e, mi A-tnr!n merchuiit
will known here, .u mu le nn a-ign
Cha.. II and A. K. Wh.
er, of I Jlt'elle, h ue U-eii m hih. i mi
lurie pill. lie l.y the i;ivcriir.
Ji.Iiii It. Itailev I- the nl'li-l man In
Snl. in. He w u fi.rmerlv a of
l.uiicaxter, I.ane ci.imty.
'Mum. Ilrow n w n iihle to come dow
limn tlav after n wvcre uttack i
liillammatory rheiimutim.
A rWo.ycnr-ol.1 chllil of Cmmett Hut
ler illcd at Juiietlnii Citv, Momliiv
lllk'lil of hpilllll llli'llillKiti.
Dr. Curraii (l-l.iiru. of I'ortlaml
(lime up on thi iifteruiM.u' train I
vUil relative fi.r a few il.iv.
The New York li'L'l-l:iturc ha Vole
to u!miIII CHI'itlll lUllihmellt. I II.
law w ill go Into ctlivt Npt. 1.
Trv the Miitlik I.ilk'iMu' llmi
I- IINil-hfd riMiln to let I iy the iluv
week or month. 'Si cent r niuht
ami up; tl r wii k ami up.
fieo. t nier w ill leave for remlletoii
Thurxliiv. Mr. I'ruer i-nt that town
now it h delegate to the Women' IU1
lief Corim Ntitte convention.
I II V l ni l Inn wen lielil III .New
York and New Jeisev Veterd:iv, am
the ilemiN-rilt were generally kui'iv-
A daughter of Mr. M.-Ciirtnev
JUIielloll illnl ill Hie liimilv n-.. llii
III that iilaee .Moinlav moriiiiiir. iil'h
III m oil 111 year. Ihe tllllenil mtvici-
were held Veoterdav
S venil r.llgeiie laiiiile Went to Junc
tion liMiny to nlteiiil the H'rformaiic'
to lie Kivcli I'V I In tnri'lNII tiiiu'e to.
ill that city tonight.
Salem Journal: S' vera I memlT o
the bruin-Mi MN'ietv of lameiie. ain
of ihe I 'ti i l hi in I Ii lii ii MM'ietv of Salem
vlilei the Joint reoaioli of the WN'ielie
rriitav tiiL-nt.
S-eoud I. lent. S. A. ( 'Ionian. Con
O. I.. Sargent, privule N. D.
ainl II. A. Ilanie.1, fnuti Co. ii 1'ir.t I
H. lufantrv. are nt the Hotel I'.iil'. ih- to
n-eelve hi'ruit for the I'. S. nrinv.
There w ill be eoiillrmiit imi r In
lit the ehiir- li i;i I'ri.lav
eveiiinif. at . ;.' p. iii. I'.i-lioo Morn
Will deliver the -i rilloll. Tlie nuhlic I
conlially lliviteil to ntteml thew m-r
A man huine.l linker wa arnKte.)
yesterday for imliivnt eXINMiire. II
wa IinuI hy Kimriler m.rri ' ainl
coot, ami I now Kcrviug out hi lime
ill the city Jail.
I hoina l.luville. of Aitoria. tleimtv
collector of cntoiii at that place, vi- Sherill' Nohunl thl morning. He
w a a w Itm-Kt in the Kieharilxui ex
amliiatioii at IIehurg yeoterday.
tiovertior Miiteaker Went to 1'i.rt-
laiiil on the Kox'hurg In al thi morn
ing on a vi-it to hi ilaiiulili r. Mr
Jarv i. He w ill ntteml the Jell'er.tiinn
haiiillet Ihiirwlav evening and ex
vt to return Saturday.
AILtinv l inm nit: A hirt ilriiiu-
nier ha Ui-ti through the vnll.-v I, lik
ing hotel. A Salem hotel, the lievere
Horn', lu thi city, n Kugeiio hotel,
ele , got left, rhe fellow n iiinina few
itnv and kip away, ow ing hi hoard
A few ilay ago I". A. rullv ran ou
Vnnl at Salilu Ann In HI .... I
bnnUIng the recor.l. Hi opainiit
wa Tom Morn, who had
everal of the fiu-t.-.t runner in the
world. The rcconl hentofore ha
11-11 t) HMIIln.
C. It. M.ire of Salem I in town mi
Im-iiic il with tln jilc n
land of Ihe Miire c-tnle "
mill- U-low F.ugche on the irairie
Mad. There i alaiut l'ni a. n of the
tract n'uinining iiiiwil.l. It I n tine
ImI v of land ami houli eommnnil
gil prhv.
Portland WeliMiue: The Kvenimr
leiegram ava II would have li ii U .
terthnt Hlchnrloii' iliniitioii -IioiiM
never have Uvn ili-iv. ni tlmn that
our coiiM.lemv Iii humanity tdioiil.l
have l'lt mi hnkeii. Ib.wi'ver that
mav I', each ix raon mar have hi own
opinion, hut if the fellow had really
Ui'ii the hero the Journal nlctiinil him.
inntl.lemv In It nl.ilitv to ilix rimi
nnle U-twti'ti fact ami faiicv wotil.l not
have leii wwriail all out of hni'. It
gulliliillty ha gone 'wny nlaive tmr.
rrini'V illo lU'view : Yct.-r.lsv after-
tiiii Jiiilgi- in marriage
A. It. C.'tilv and l.n-n J. IUn..
The wi-.liling .ai-urml nt Mr. Conlv'a
reai.leii.v, eight milio .-t of town
Ttiat no r-vTi tor )ealouv l
hv tht lirnle former hol.ati.l. Ijirkin
r ,te'.l
Weaver, Ui-nu-a- of the mnrriin
proven fnm the fa. t that he w
ncoompniiinl Mr. I onlv to the
oflhv ntt.t n to hi forim
Olia I aiix. r.. Ii. I.lli'k. V. id I Hi-. II.-.
arrtvisl hen- lt rvetnm;.
Nf. i. W alti. r n tiling t 'lisrU-a
K.din A I n, li.Uor d.-ai.-r of .rt-
land, a in t.o n Tu.-iitT. I ,,.
lnr rretiim; liast. Mr Walter I ' Neil, of
t X. il Itn- .ami M ii Msuie lluat..ii(
ilaiiKliti - rorMr. and M'Mml.i llut..n.
.-.. We Aiei J.-v. I V I y 1 ;y . TatVV
and lieii ra-tlrtftr In lua la'a ! II r I Q " g f mt
arm, may li- lli. n i jn. iu-.- all the f . J t -' V.
jova of .e... lliss, ami may In. . i'.1' 1 ! fk -t MilitU Ntt-et
"Iihi.iw" JM im lis.. ' L? -V "V '"'Lp''ji ' ' ' " '
Prinet t IU ie: W;.'-. , i. 1 L' :4 1 i 0 '! t tiSU K - ' ."Pt
err luarrtasl at tlie isid.-ins ,
'nl Mr. It I'. INmtift.-n, Ju
j I lir .s.fmr
iU'et, i.-l r.n tin- tvl.tiw-. of
o.titn. - ting' rti.- kn.. ing ant tl.u
H it until ire nr.l ii.-tv; howrvrr. It I
a m-at liant'T Inarr,.,-.. la.tli l'-
rti. laatnir am.-iif l lie la-.! reaa-t.l
and t.-i.Bt ir nrraJ'y like.1 (.utit sj le
In Irnievill-.
TIIt lHAY, MAl:TI -v.
Arla.r .lay tomorrow .
I'lutiriat ht A H -inl.-r.nV.
liOtmj;.- at Diy X lb n l r-ui'u.
Carj t at Ifciy A lb iol. r.u'.
Kxteiiiioti ta'.J. ut l.iy & IIi-ihI. r-
poll .
Will. low .had. at Day A 11
ft. III.
I!. It. ."ylftjpwi.rtli h II :
a notary O.nn,..
It la Nil I tint Ihe, III
i tii ii ry
win not run tin. M-aftoii.
liuy ti worth of g'ml utluvA'
II nili r.u a ami ree.-iv.-a pn- nt frn-.
( ilaajt i ut to opli-r any -i.-.
F. I. I'll vMiu.i:-.
Have you .i ii that Imhliy line of
iiec'iwear. If hot call on Jl.iwe V
Matn- at Day . I l-inl. rn'a.
The remuiiia of the late Mr. C. C.
Cherry were huriiil til S item to-lay.
Juat received n tllie line of eli. thing
at Hnwc.V Kk i.V.
The Carols ii l.a.'.- Co. ton
lare Miidiemv in Junction Citv j-t
Toruadi- and eyi -lone vi-it.-l many
of the Wt-atlTII aid southern a
yeati-rday. O
Mr. J. 11. I. alula rt, w. ll Km ii in
Kugi'iie, .li.-il in I'ortlaiid y.ier lay
age I -VI cat.
County Ci.-rk Walk, r ha -rallied t
man iagr liu n- to All red ll. h'utiki
and .Minnie J. M . -til 1 1 .
A tile factory nt l.uj. iie woi.l l l
a giaal pa ing iiive-liii. nt. Where i
a mail that w ill Mart one.
The It. A. K. Stat.- Clieauipiiii lit I-
III m loll lit r. nd,. t.ui. Il.v aitelid
nin e of Vctcnih ii hug.-.
I'urtie wanting lali wianl em pn
cure the name hy ai-nding order t
to the I .a he I.umlar League, lit Sprim
The la-at a ol'tlll. lit of lllel.i', liy
and chililreii'a hat ill Fug. lie ainl
prin-a a low a the lowed nt
Howk A KukV.
J. '.V. Page, a n-aiil.-nt i ,f Fun.-
tv from .'. to i, du d nt I.awi'h,
Harney ii.iiuty, .March J i, ls i.;, uged
i.'.i year.
Shiloh' Cure, the great eoilgli
croup cure i for Mile hv u. 1'ia-kct
aie lontaiua t wi litv-live do, only S
ii lita. Children love It.
Citv Ditt u stokk.
Cliplailt Swii-iiev, I'. S. A., San Hi
go, I'al., says; "Shiloh' Catarrh
Keiiiniv I the tir-t uiedieim- I have
ever foiiii.l I hai iiiild ever do me an v
good. rriii- ") H ill. SoM Pv
Cliv Dm i si.iiu:.
Pleasant Hill Item.
, IV...I.
Miii-mue la at a ptemium.
Miaa Anna Matthew of s Ur
staying with Mr. Wvlic.
Suite of the la-nple living ill tin- ll.-
...... ...i .t-o.i
l ' li l. il i.-i alley nave li! II II
lni d for M.uie time u illi a low- .low ii
thief w Im haa In n making too I'r.i-
Willi Ilia lielgllla.r a lilola-rtV. A l. V
Uigllta ago ii load of -In. I VI aa --lit ntt. r
them and if I hev don't d.-sit in th.-ir
liefai loll l.llaiiii s the a. rvi.1 s uf the
(uroiii r w ill I- iii demand.
After i-itlng for ..iie dav at I'. I1.
Kelly l.randi a Wlnla-rv ha- n ti.rned
lo Irving.
What i our count v court doiiiL' that
tin V do not have all the nam r U -ii.
tsl at Thurston. If thi ia not done,
and that ani, and llu-r. I. I., 'i. to n-
linv our iiim-s, m.i,- uf n
ill think it an act of favoritism.
We are in a s.i(ioii to know that
the large amount of railroad ti. that
an- now l-ing made nn- tint for the ex.
elision of the S. P. road road eal of
Natron, hut for repair on that
Many of your reader iiuiiplain of the
piril shown lv me of ..ur corn--
aiiideiit u hen ni.ti.r i taken of re
mark made hy each nt her, Kii p mi
voiir miderliueii, laiys, and I. more
kind in your remark!
Horn, In Trent. Dr.:; V i i-i I 1,
Vl.l, to the wile of J. W.tillll.-v a ftoli.
You'd iH-tter mil him "t in.v.-r.1' John.
or your ollicial head mav Is-one of the
the .", umi p. M.'. lo go.
Ihilllel Hillkill. a Well-kliowii citi
zen of I jine ii.iiut v ha laa-ii ulllieted
with a calm r in hi lai-ef..ra lom-tmii-
nun we recrci to learn Ilial he I now
aim. ( hliinl from thi eaii-e.
Horn, April :... l'i,l, to (he wife ef
. l'aN-liliis, a !'!'. I.y.
We regn-t to iv Ill i' M.s M;,rv
.illtoll a Sti! t,l . I
W. D. Mulkev. a in. r. '.m ..f Ion...
tioll i here oil hti.ilie-.a.
. K
.ini M nisi-
iiw lh pvat,
f-t'irj ! I la-li.
I ! 1 t ..1. and
the r...t I ha
l-vnlist ivtrt of
it. eiiliw. nur
troet.i.- am only
t.-. inning whru
J. u r.-t 1! il.miL
It all u n n
:ua You ran
l . ', '
Ir.s to rufr-r fur it. lth Dr. I i. nv 1 ..-awuit
rr.Vt.1. Nii ui.Tviy (ral. t ut
h!p tH-.l fa-. la a rt.-tlv nvr nnd nat
ural a.iy UVy rlmiu.. imi m:uLit t'-o L .1
Ti.tii, ami t7 it rc.iiUtnl. t-i. k nn.
I'llh u llM.l.v-h, t'or.-iikit.on. In ,n
Ii1kj tta.-kt. ait :i ieraiij-iiM-nta.-( l
liTr. . ua. h a:i I l..rl an rr:i.:.t:r r
l.i t.1 taTTtumti'ir.nst
TI vv r th nu,! Ijv-r 1Y!. th. m.s!l
Wt, .. ttlikl l.-.l MLalft and lia T is, 11-
r- IfKI r ini.lninlrt-, to civ
I iiu... a. er v.-r u ivtur-.l
j i t .air I r tan o t-p,, p. 1
i ir.t an.r , it, rrnri niali..iinft
j A rf.t vrst -k. t ramntr, iii unall
Tlal aisl otily n Msssaau-y for a d-aal
j -. .rj yft
If ' 'f.vv',
lo ,-ure you. In t,
I'Krlf. O .
C !f l"Mf a,,.,.
II I. t'
-X fc.tJ tio-i-,, -- ',-..;
T- I . f.a , .,ro . , Sl ir ' i' .' T
"T- I I..- i'j i .. . .. ,. .... ., : - ' .1
t'-e' ,. a.t.-a . I -r"f-'" -'. W '.'I
s-. trn i uu it v tjA ; a .fin 1 Trr:- '
or Ili-W I'illll-
to yen
liilv ' f,,r nun, Kiu.-.'a-
ri h. Iioiigola lindane
Calf cannot help hut
' pi. a- Voil, f..r
i The I'ri.i- l Illght,
. Mil
I he Fit i liight.
The Style la night
The Ju.t 1 1 r v it Itight
Dnui in Ladii-
prop in. i
. . i A
Pprfppt We arv- showing wme
1 lULll ,A.iilsite stvl. In Iji-.Ii.--'
huttoii 'his9 (Mir
I dove Fitting Hand
Sew.l and W. It at M.
i ami f.t.os, are la -ui-te
that cannot l.elphut
,.a-e Voil. and the
pi in- I Tiaihly Hot ex
tm vagalit.
Dr p In and take a l.k
at them.
IUt ki r
i .. nt;
ii.At.i l: IN-
AtiUi.1.1 F. I.', bl'i KKV COS.iUnl,
Eugene, Oregon.
Every Sack of Flour
A-k your gnHi-rvnian for Fugeiie
llo'ir. If ind what it i- rcpivi i:te. the
liioiiey w ill 1. refunded.
'! .n- Fligi lie Mill have the latest illi-
pro em. nt-, and have no in
tin- uiaiiul'aeture of lir-t ela-s Hour.
All kinds of mill feed
to order.
" T.
I Ki.
, tii l-ni.l.t the
I.YNN, f rm
i"i i 1 it .11 1
.i ii - K..l
i I y I. tr X
t' ;. a .-. ii.
1. . . I l'.r
"J I
x rrti. r of
i .hiiv, 1 'f rn
f.rnif n nit. I
t" i'H t" lriiir
"rtl iu atiy
i tl.r pt two
I. .
ti .t r r .
: 111
.1 .i.,
1 V
11 r- ttitt
l.'-l I. tt.j
.-it v.
I in
in tie
Anything in the Gro
cery line. Goldsmith's.
Dim and ) mines.
HMincral Vater,
H - invli- a. r.- I t 1 I I V F l-.lrr. tm0 .j
,i . i
' "" '"' " B'hiOft-L
- v , lllT'lnr.n nraam..
ki' imiU.ILU IILIIIft,UI rtCsl.
- - , ail p if. . .ill i . -
-has; ct i:i:i)
lus-'iili a. !ur
. . r...
1 II r ii
. I';a'. I.-.. Kldii.-y
rT..ii lo.,...
. Si II. ft.rl.r.
1-f..--i -.-. im.
I H.'f l'lrtlril A .
.'a-rli ..I Ii-.
i:. Ci
: ii;..i..
. -L ... .V
I--.-H t
-.a. N
i 11 . :i. i
y d nt'
if.- m-I a
j Dealer in Hay & Grain.
'..(.. ft A .Vs. I ..
I'M!. it lili
: h ' f ni.i -IT.' I
1 11 111 til
If you want to buy goods Cheap,
And get the Highest Price for your
Same Old Corner.
We are selling goods CHEAPER
than ever.
NAILS. VI!:i:.
i'oiiks, i:aki:s.
stuvks. !:..;i:s
1 waiii:. rr.Mi's t
1 CI.OSKTS. Kti-.. l'l.l
stuvks. !:..;i:s
am. i;i:ni:i:ai,
Wall Paper from 20c.
to $1.25 per Roll.
Ki n.n.tftiit'.jr on liali.l t!.,- I'.irrat lni- an. I l la-niiral. Ill- a:i;!.
t)fuuls-it Sun. hios. l'ntettt Nl l-i llfl i i .-,
lor Mollroial .nr. ,-. T"f t!i. r Ith It. a ..'.:.. Ii.w
"THAT ' H'(!II Mliim iNi:,
Cures iiielpient t'oiumntioii, r.ronehltl-, Il. .i:-.ii- ,
Ihroat ami
Mi KINNFV'S IMI l:i)VFI) t'ATAbllll t'FKF will i-rn.nmiitlv relieve
v.. 1 t . 1 -
anv loiiii uf .Nn-.-. I t iilarrh
J. Ii. I I I. F. t I UF- Tl
Itchin,' Pile.
J. It. CIIMI.F.KA Cl ItF, f. r t 'holeia. 1 tit. rv.
Complaint. I'.illiou C.ilie, I hnlera M01l.11., Ftc
FI. Ft TKIt' llHllll At HI". IdJiiI'S five in-ti.i t r.
Th 111
ll.-lt.. a-.- p-it 11; l.y iiim-,( ,
S II 111. ri'.. . It. r - i . i-. i.e. . a l t
My l.-.::;i.. !.-r r.
ii'-' lii l.l I 'I IVMIi
V "Lari- ui J...1I j it:
r- ,ua. It. in,- l l.-T.
1 St., In:
Watch this space for
. Announcement.
This space is
Gents : Fnrnishinr : Goods.
. r- -
y . TT-, , r OftkV r. I
tchool in mn.'H thr rniir r t s... ,,i,i lM
It V
N ts-a ID. ah, ,. l-rirr. Ill F.Trlfl, ti.l
1hio.-i1p Mart lf and i.rtnltr. V .i.iimnita.
it. aj I'rD.rl, rt w. rk , f
11 kli.da (.r o.
all wtuiK ;r.i:.x r i ; i : i :
"-nia!t tfat, ,rr h air,.. t.Uflf.ft.
;ko. w. kix.-i:y, At tTitixKKK.
NVIi. n y.m want irla, lioiia..
hold furniture o Inn. I a., , nt aii.-ti..n.
call on i.. W. Kiti-t-v, the .iiu-r
and ims ,fu au. Imi
eounty. He m ill .it. ml to all aale on
rettaomil.le isnmiil ion.
We lead in quality &
prices. GoJdsmiths
X.ic i. hmhj rfrm tht J,,.tin...
bft. tasra d-.. ,.ir,t-d Mrat-f ut It..
j Q-si . ,ri.j,, n
lra.aM kfttiatrlaima a.-ftio.t tl.a astftt. ar
, r,.ratr.i u .rarr.t t asm t.. the ft In
tru r at J..BrtH t it. 1HT i,, ,, a Ik
.1 I
-r ri..
r ujr, , 1 1, t
UMb an n-aiti.a (r
, aj 11 la a-'I'.a.
tl.a Srt .:.t - uftlH a
r a
1-Ue.t. Ar ril I It. 1
.. J. t Jin:) ., .
Clu. It Is.a. ., A.imuuai.0
AttJ hf lb JUu-.a.
CUMMIN Tool..-.
;i:ni:i:al siiki.f
am. ckskiiai. tin-
m. iMi-i:. u ati:i;
I'Mi'iiNC ijiiorixi;,
.ki; wokk.
.-. t!i ull lil.r
niol I.I
i-l-il;;. .
1 1. 1 1 r
11. i at and nil
1. 11111; In-, a.-.
knew II rilnnlv
r loiml, KlmliliK nt
I liiiirhia a, Sun. loir
:.. f.
.snl:- ,-.i.on:r.- '.:i':t
,1 1-,
I1.11-. 1,-r.iiiiiv 1 'r.-.-ri . in
- St. -I,-, Kl.iiifl, art's j:', , k.
reserved for
r. pTi.ic.'
t t ;v.nrt auj pruU -.nt caI nta cf Salfai.
't(-; ri!in Pl fintt.itsk:p,IiZtiih
im Loan and
S:::-::::r :. ::.:::; II.:::::! Bill.
IncntporattJ w'tH a Capita! cf $60,'
000. i:h iO.COO Pa:d Ur-
I- - - r . . ,-. i !
I 1 l.-l
IV l v
. ,)!.,
I ' II.
11. I,,
d-1 1 I. .11.
I lit '
I '
l.a I"ar. an. I
I ...,r,...
n . . -. al.jrr,
t"-.t a rat . j
. i.l ,n ..i.r
ran ta- .u; miui .i t. la
a. !- r- In -1 a i.-;,,i,i
H It. 11
r.i.a.-- in ir
. ,.(-
I. Inat:
I tHIt K rn i l:I.IHil-
' N'.tiiv ia h.-r. I.v Kiv. n tlmt Mr' r-
Jelikllia ,.-ia las-li h " lilted erUin
of i f l:U-kL-n. e II- l''- .v
I..-al. All jar-.tis l.aii.s' rl.ilm
ukM'tist Mid ,-!;,',. un- Ii. n'y n.-titl'-'
In ns.i t t.,. ... the r. utriv t
the ortlee ,,f t;,.ri:e It. Ia.rn. at I
l- to- t in ,,n sol, ... i iii..'t.'.a fri.m
toe .Int.. ., ,i
Aim 1. 1
t.ll-. 11. Ih.HKI. M.IKV F.JtsI.
k ! P If
Ally. fir eaUte.
"r r"l