The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 15, 1893, Image 2

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Bill EitMidiiigtlie Time of ( it
ienslii j in Arizona.
Hrakrraao on lb Atlantic and Far I Or
Ikfomrt a Hero ami Ilwlm
a I'ureF.te.
("ounterfait alime, enmaoea ( anti
mony ami tin, are in tinulation in l-ane
ouiity, r.
Mra. Ma Whirta r ha lK'in nuim l
Frenito lor .m,fNl jiiniiramt- on her him
haml'i life.
The Antoria a-anm-m fi the price at
II a mIiiioii, ami 1 1- r inhcrmcn'n I'liion
th-maml 1 1.1ft.
Tin1 American Nnia-tylian
iltititut-l two liU-l uit l Portlam!
iruiltvt the Ortvniuali.
All til" men rltarvnl it rriwe in
tt.liint turn with tlie lalwr Inmbla-n in the
Cti-ur d'Aleiie are now at lilnrty.
Tliere i talk ol n-lu- iitf the mlm-rw
y at Nanaimo, II. ('. The union in
vert atroii there, ami a nlrtke in not at
all improlatble.
HamU o( Ap In are away Irom thi'ir
m-rvatiou in Arin. N lar the In
than are hawl only with (rinlit.minf
nt.ple ami U-iiik very nam y.
(invernor MurpTir Arimna ha veto-!
the bill pannttlbv III" l-t-vinlatiire
externum the mutual i mifiiniiiji imui
pit month to twelve mouth.
Tli whinky HMiHtflinn on the went
nmrinl llriti.h Columbia in not a
tt-nnive aa r-rtin. The hulk ol it in
Irom Victoria, not the 1'iiitatl Stuta-n.
a-narta have Iff n reaviveal al Plei nix,
A. T l new ami rich plaat-r lu'k'intf in
the aotithwiflern part ol Marinapa
county, alnwt thirty milea north o Akuu
huf riiita-mlt-nt llii"nevof the Itrilinli
Columbia .li. eat Vii toria haa.lati.latl
to go north in con mi lion with the In
dian exclli-niclit over the alliY"! Sornaw
Inlaml iiiaiuu re.
Tim International Niikel Company,
w hich owtiatl the K" t nickel mine at
IliiMIe, Or., haa maltl a twaMhinl In
ternal in the iroTty to an Kui;lili nyn
ilicale lor (liiiM.iMi.
The llniiaiiM minea in the llanpia
llala. Yuma minify, A. T., t h-aiianl ui
t.rMl,taHi aa the remill ol the liixt moulh'n
run. Tina in the luria-nl chunk ol K".
ever run into one lar.
Ihiriiitf 1 1 iil i water on the i lilu river a
fa-w ituyn n.-'i a larye mt turn aaf the iliitn
ol Ihe't.ila lleml frriiuliaan t' pany'
canal, nitty mile naaiithwent ol Plm-iiix,
wa Kfliitl away. The alaimiKe In
atatatl to lie not Ion than Iini.uui.
Oregon ha live live ex- iovcrnom. ami
all are IVmanrat hut one I Ion. Z. F.
Motnlv o( tn. The iM-iiiKcrata ate
Ih.n. I.. V. inner ol Portluml, lion. W.
W. Thayer ol Portluml. Hon. John
Wliitenkcr ol Fuddle ami Hon. S. F.
. 1'liavlw i k ol .".ill in,
Inthennit ol John Ikw Bk'uitint the
Watt-rlmi Minnnc t'iuiany, tru-l in the
m Ann. lea I nitatl Slate iMntrict
Court, involxiiiK the title to i!ifiit.-,l
ttnuiinl in the iniiiiiiit chiiiii at t aliin,
JihIki" Hoe" n,inli ri'l venlii t lor the
ilaiutiir. KcvithI nuita are niclii ally
aetllcal hv thin ilixifion.
TheaiKciit "la Cliiuiiuiaii at I nut
Falln, Mont., ho niil to ihii a
Ittiimlry there, ereatetl much excitcmciil,
anl caiiMil a liiai imt lniK ol htloriiix
men, hu n-lit a mininlt'ee to eonnult
till the authon'ii'a. Police Mtii tloll
a Kiveii the Chinaman, lull lie wa
onil to loreyo lua lcijii ami leave
The I'luni murili-r iani at Sun Jone in
attain la-lore the nti.e in the nhit of
hintn at i-viiletiiv tm-tii(f loiino, ami niai
H-nnatiolial nrrvntn will nliortly follow.
The thitiry ol aulcHe han never lnt-n
impiilar, the app-aramt ol the cl.illiiiiK
wliil the nhm-a temlinu to nhow that tlie
Innlv hal lnt-n ilniu'iiitl to where it wan
fiMiml. The iiuinl. r wa itimiuittiti Unt
Tlie Arinma 1 j-iiinlature ha panm-,1 a
!ill which proviilea that iiniii tlie n lt
Won of tin-pan ill. ul lilty puplln in ill-.-.nniratitl
cltlen ami townn a teacher
muni heemployitltoleachSpauinh. The
.ln.n,-nl olilnwltloll Waa tnilll till' net-
tioiia where Slexicann pn-iloiuinate. The
un, iiml of the i.nilinn wan that the
n-nllll woul.l certainly ln the exclllnloll
ol KuKhnh in many m lumln.
Tlie un at uront t of irriiialinii the Mo
iuve ilim-rt hv mean of a mammoth
iluiii to la liinlt at Victor Narmwn, on
the line of the Niuthern t ahloruia rail
Ma.l, .nm to In- an awiintl fait.
iKn unii iil for the formation ol a ixnu-i-any
liave lnt-n ixiinpletitl an. I nitfhiil.
The-eapitahnt inlen-ntitl n Kanlem
men fnuii tHililtli anl elm-w here. The
ripen. Iitun- involvitl mnl.iiil L.'wxl.tnm.
"Tliere' more wlnky on the went
ftatnt than in Victoria," rvimtrkitl Krank
A'tamn, who haa Jn-t n tiirin-l to ic
t.ia, H. C ln.ui that mt 1 1. .11. " The
Imliaiin are all ilrunk, ali.l the nealem
have han! time in irctliii- a crew.
Whmky ia U inu auiiit;i;ht in hy the
wholewtle, at it. I the nil men are having a
lutl oM time. The a hi. ky in ii.ii.iiiit
fnan the Aun ri. an ni.le. I never naw no
tilth It Urillikclilienn on that ixnvt. There
lin-a not mt in to I any government
iontrol there at all."
While in the railnm l vnl at knif
man, A. T.. harlra II. tii-no, a hrake
man, olnn rvml a runaway engine ai
jiruan hinn at fin at .nt-. In-iu one ili
rtt tkin ami pa-t-iiiier No. '.' fn.iu the
other. Imlli on the name Ira. k. He
quxkly npranii to a ni.h-tra. k .wit. Ii
anil nhuittttl the engine, whit It wan .1.
railetl ami nomrw hat .ln.'.t. 1 he en-ylltit-r
hail )iiiiM fn.iu the cah an
aa the Itni.iiM.tiic In imr uninaiiKval A-',
hut the tin-man l.a-l niiiaitit-tl at hi.
nt. The latter eMf. uiiiiitintl. A
j.urx wan inatle Dp lor the l-rakeinaii.
The Chim-MP Six Coiiipanirti nl Kan
Irani lt have innii a new cin nlwr of
fit tally ami on nlv atlvimntf the I hinene
to n liine itiuipliaii.t- with thel.cary Uw.
A trannlaiHin ( the cin nlr in in part a.
.,lliwi: I hia n law In n..
rttfttt. All amliontit-n we have euimultttl
aicree to thm. We have rn.ploytt! tut
atunriteva to r to N liui.-l"ii al the
hiiprt-me Court to tllil thin unjuM law.
Wait until May 6ln-.,rr )oUtlntivlhiiitf.
Walt aivlweaiil help yon. liietlu-IM-e haa (tone to the heat! uh n
ol the govrniinetit to jret ilit i.ioii, aii.l
we hope to f t them Mmn, iii unl. r tlml
our ptt.ple may not ! arrentt-,1 an-l M-iit
to tail. Wete'vlit to tlowhat In rifht
an.l not jntr nemi-y ! rivmiratHin, ami
UiU lot "Ur renjnvlahllltj."
AjaUtant 8trf nry Spaoldlnr Write
a Erttrr to tbe lullrctor on
Hie I'acifle ( oa.t.
he r tary Hoke f mltli if.ive a hearing
to the rt-priwlitative ol the ltij( III k
(iot .Mitiinv Coin.anr aii'l th ihtti-r
Koot ln-veTopineiit (nniany on the
lletion ol the revocation ol their T
mil, tiraiilr.1 M,me month aio, to rut
ftn -r eent ol the ti'nln-r on tenty-m
tioiia ol laii-l in Molilalia.
Ni n-tary Morton ol the lN-iartiuent
ol Aifriculture ha .1.- iMtt a plan to tet
the litniM ol applicant lor iiliiii
not jrovermil by the i-ivil- rvi-e ril-.
Ka h applicaiit'on llliiitf hi appli ation
ill I rinril lu annaer a a t ol iin--tioiia
a to moral ami phv.irul ualillca
tion aii'l on the work a Inch he will In-rojUin-l
ti "-rlrin. lie ho-a hv tin
meaiin to nat ure a hiih ntaieUnl in the
A l:iiuhlican Kiialor, who ntamln
hilfli in the party mtlliciln, nay the pn
lwi feiiatonaf invent iatiii ol a ri
at charater aiel the nraniation
w hi-lnin Will itine to liothiiiK tin n. n
nioii. They cannot l roiiilerl while
the eouti-tt M-atn an- uiel r niiiniilerw
tion, aiel when that aiihat-t i linn-i'l
ol the N-nate will a-ljoiirn, an
the iiiorum woul.l other w lmpn ur
witliin two ilavn a(t-r the I'reni-leiil n
1 1 Hi-" I the heiiate he ha no further htmi
tiean to pri-M-nt t'l it.
Kt-retart Carlinle i haviiiit i.n parel
a Iml ol tlie i-iiipliyea ol the Tn anury
In .nrtmi i.t, w ith the ralarn-a thev re-it-ive,
ami will hae it arrani.'i-'l hv
Mati n. The lint hun lnt-n preari-l al
remlv to nuch all extent a to thow a
irnat iii-pnimrtion anions the Male
mime havuiK many morei lerkn limn tin i.
pro-r ii)ia aiel otliem en. T lie Ni -r-trv,
it m unhmt'nnl, inti-mln hv eery
iiealia ill hin mwer to ntlwv tliellm
trictol Columhia'a lint ol employe no
that the Mule may reit-ive their pnn r
(Uota ol ainiiiitiin iitn.
Annintant hit returr lum y him r n-ih-ntl
an imimrtuiit lit miou in tlie mat
ter ol the clalMi ol Joneph I', hllilth ir
an ilH renne ol M-iinion on the Piiinl ol
new ilmuhilitien, in which he overrule
the ai'tioli ol the Comiiiinnlolier ol I'eli
nion in allowiiiK an attorney lit- ol tin.
'I he cluiin lor iiicr-iie wan niiele iinh r
the act ol June IT. iwm. aiel the Annint
ant Sit-retury holiln that all nuch i luimn
nlmiiM In- tnatitl aa ntrictly incn-u--claim
whether new li-alulitien are
i laimitl or not, lor which a fee ol only
'i can In allowitl. It in mlil that pnili
alily ?,lnl claim will In- all--. t-l hy
thia ilit inion.
Kt ri-larien in-nhmn amlCarlinle while
linikinn into the Hifilnr. n ol tin
lU hriiiK Hea Commini-loii re:ichit notne
allowamt-n which were extruvitu'aut mii-I
nhoiiM In- ilincoiitiiiul. It p ara
rvervlnnlv i-oniiit-litl w ith the cummin
nioli, Inun the nteuotfr:her ilowu, have
lnt-n irivenverv hln-ruliillowunifn, which
the ollliiiiln of Hun it 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 r. 1 1-ill lll
rlilile limli-r the heailof " lim-li nn eitritv
aalice." llii re are, it in nui'l, el'ht or
ten ollli ialn connit titl with the n
moil who are nvcmnf more
ay hy ilrawiiiu H tol5 n-r'luv in al
ililion' to nitiiLir nalanen, wliich ranp'
(nun l,.'i to l,"ni H-r aniiuin. liu
mora ol then xniin-n lime
liiilo a ntir in the iliiartmeiit, ami mini
interentiiiK lc vulouueut are exnt titl.
The Si-mile Committee on Korean lii
tutioiin he. a iiiittiiii( I In- oilier moru-
illlf. It in Ullilemtinnltliat, Wlllh- IllVor
nl.le to InakltiK pllhlir the text of the
Itiinniun In ill v, it wan uualile to ant
iiiii a (avoralite ri mrt hy n-uxiii of ill
aunt'iuelitn n-lulive to the nirreniiiinl
ence a4itiniianyiiit( the convention. A
well-known N-uator, who In the chum
pioit of Kt-iierul Icwi-Ih-tion,
nlaten Unit, w hell piilli-hr, the
treaty will In' (ouml iieilln-r more imr
h-na ohjit lionalile than n -venil other
t real nn w liii h have lnt-n ill oH-nttioii
for wiiiie yeam. The cnti. inm, he navn,
at- ilue to a iiiik e.l Ion ol the ellei t ol
the iiintrumi-ut II-HI the iiiirhliil ex
Iructnula niirreititioun iiihlication of
the tn-aty lint neiil to the Seiiatu.
Annintuul Sii peturv hiaul'lili h.m
written the follow llltf letter to Collet torn
lull the I'acilli- Coant : " piirtliielit
ia informeil that the pmctice ohtauin
amoiiK Chiueni-liilnirern in thin eounlrv
ol entruntiiiK money to men limit n, whicli
1 1 lr,, tm pHr, the capltnl ill I lie
hil-ine.. Chiuene luU.rcrn who have nuch a tlinnmition ol their nu i it tr-.
althoiiK'h not actuitlly eiifitt.'et in hii-i-lienn,
have t l.iiinitl to In- inert limit", an. I
nay llieyan- therehv t-ntltlitl to leave the
ii.iiiitry ami return at pleiinure. The ile
partmeiit ilenire you to clont ly nt-riitlu-t-
the it-rtitlciilea which may If pn-M-ntitl
at port hy returnmit Chiuene
aiel to reuire evitleiice of the .t.iii.lmtf
ol the lit.l.lem a n Iniua-li.le men ll.llltn,
a. lively eiik''it:t in htt'inenn. In no cat'
nli. ml. I Ounce he in-rtnitteil to enter a
men limit" ntile.n tlieir rik'ht to the priv
ilege i clearly entahlinluil, an. I when' it
ipn-itm the practice lien in n (ern-tl to in
atteml'titl the cert III. illen prt-nelitetl
.Ii. nil. I In iiiiiorttl, the h..l I. -m arrenlinl
nn. I the f.ictn renirtet to the ilipurt
nicnt." The iilli-ntioll ol nli. utliuiit our liavul
vennt-ln m one to w hich Nt-relary llerUrt,
It I nn 1. 1, pnnnM'a to Klve nt.lne earnenl tatii.ii. Naval Cou.tnii tor Hu h
Uirn han pn pantl muiu important .lulu
on the niil.jei . He nhow that the At
lanta on her trial trip Willi a i -lean l'l
totti attaint"! a .tl of 1...
an hour attli a .S,:i.VIi.ire .wer,
while the tkmton, her ctjtl ilnpliuite.
w ith a comparalivi lv foul Imtloui math
hut l.t lt kliotn on :l.;Rm home in.wcr.
t'oii-tnii tor Hit hlnirn Imltl. that tin- iui-
inirtaiiteof the pn-n rvaliou of the Imt-
t.itu of ntit-l enM-ln (nun oirnwioii m if I
foulina can hanllv In' oven-.tunatitl an. I
in iiuitiiiilallv eiiiplm-ic-l hv the r rt
n Umi of nH an. I tin n uml con retviMtl fnuii our new tui
nhi athetl .lit I enel now III ciillilliln
nloll. Cllli-nn our eminent are to ! mil-
tint"! lo i nii-e of nhort iluration ill tin
iteik'hlnirhtnnl of our ow n rt, it woul.l
ap-ar that they are ilclicient nt tin
ln..t iiti.rtant .pi.tltly the ahillty to
maintiiiu luifh njnttl at M-a fr l 1 1 c pt -". lite a-l.titioiiHl exn-tiM in. tirn.t
lit putting on the .In allium of wtnnl nn-i
ipn-r I in rvahtv a vnat navunt ilur-
I II M tlie IlletlUie ill a nlilp, an It ol.V Int.-"
the mst-nnity of (r."in iit tl.n knit; ali.l
the l.tryt lv in. n-anatl .imI hllln w hell the
the metal Imltoin In foul. I"f a ve.-t'l
like the Chit ait the ttmt w.nil.l ! U-twtn-n
J.nnl an l I for .lin km alone.
To thin tun inu-l lie n l l.-l al.nil f
for Mrapiiiir anl luttntiiiK. In imal
Untjili comin-titltiii hun hmti.-lit tin-
'harvi n for pt iate tl.n k .low n It. .t tttin
iinutii. I 'lit the iltn k in liilia, t limn.
u.trnlla an-l on the I'm ilic I ol an
very expensive. aptain llictiimrn rf-
ommeinln llial all cruiniliir VenM-la in-
n htl for ir-iierl wrviee in lon-ittn w
tern In- hen t lie. I if atnive I.'"" loiin .ll.
'atfttiefil, an! that litt'li ol 1. n than
ml tottn ili.platvmeut intenlfl ft.rp n-
t-ral M-rvitt- aa cruiniiiti trunlmntn. 1 1, .. In
of a romnnile o.n.iru. turn, with ntitl-
trM iiiit wm.l out.,. I,-, pUtiktng ami cop
p i-ihrthtn.
rnit ha,! in operation on Iviiilr
:tl. In'.'. .iA.Xt kilomeiem o raitwav
lnn-n, an lm rvane oj-y-1 kil.Hut-tera uver
the mileage at lit t-Ji of liwl.
Florida Orange Crop Trobttbly
the Lnrgt-ftt Known.
Xehrt.ka Will Elrrt Her rrmWriillal J
Elertora llerafler hy Cutiirrea
alonal M.lrirM.
Wi-ntern wheat-crop pnwnt t are not
Another i pi.lcmic ol grip in thrcatetiel
in New York.
In l-V.'lhe railnavln in I'eiui.j Ivania
killi"! l.4:r. M-rM.iin.
Ataneof malignant typliun han ap-
an-l in Cincinnati.
The WorM'a Fair ha taken in ",
ui in ailmi.nioun aln a'ly.
A ny mlii Mte in n-porti-1 to have j.ur
t IntMl the New York Tillicn.
Nearly ) applica'.ionn for putentn
were line It- lunt year hy women.
Tim Tn a"iiry liepartmeiit hun nty
of irol'l for all prat In nl purn n.
Arkiin-.i proin men to lax all,
expn nn aii'l telephone i-oHiiitnien.
The new' eoml.ine in the
Southwenl will have (fl.uun.inni
Amerii aim i-iiii now l.tiy hait in New -...uii'lUii't
without taking out a li'i n-e.
An artful New York Italian hit" mu-le
aln.Ut M.iajm l.y raining 1 hilln to t 'l hill".
A bunk, exclunively for the ci.loriil
nice, Inin lnt-n orj;.iiiij-. at Alililtoii,
A l.i.
Cuttle in the Coloralo itmutrr win
tent) t-X'ttiliiiifly well iltirinx tlie late
eol'l "h II.
New York' lloitr1 of Elm trie Control
in ntlll l.llmriliK to gi t the W iren Ull'h r
'I 1... I W , t . m III Ii.. I Irf. ,..,lll.1
ii.- . .. - ... -.
to M-ttlemeiil in nine lor tut punting oi
.prill!! eh. p..
The! Coii"titution in enrm-.t in
tlitlarinir that ..-oria in entitli"! t' I'.'h " 1
rcleral ollitvn.
Two ex-Ailililor of llliuoin iin- In-ini
ntietl for the rituvery of inti-n -l on Mate
money .li;itt in bank".
Tho man llelniof Alt-tin, Tex.,o!rem
'ni to any one w ho w ill .. . iin-liin ap
niintmi nt an 1'o.tmiu-ter at that place.
liovernor Northern of liitiria m lire.l
of Mililicn, mnl hun In-iume en unoretl
with the life of a religion, min.iomtry.
The rii;ht of a aiinin-kit n-r to t j.-i t
feinale crti'.lem fnuii bin pri ini-t " I. to
In- Ictt-il in lliu llliuoin Mipn me Court.
The trial trip of the i-mim-r New York
but l. n every way niiccen-(ul. All
cruint-r (-jhcI recimln have Int n nur
pu"i"l. AChiiiiL'o nyii'licate of ciipituli"tn in
eoiiteutpiatint; the of an
etten-ive pa, Ltni'-hoUM' plant in the
i'i y o( Mexntt,
It in li.irt.e-l Inn-itivelv that ll ilinp.ttch
bun lnt-n nt ene. fnuii Otdml by the
Yule Club i.n iniii; uev'oliiitioun for
an iiiternutioiiiil race.
The City Eltt-triciiui of Nanhville,
Tt-lili., nl.tlen that it woul.l lm verv
Umii" for woitien weiring crinolin.. to
cn.nn the eltt trie t ur track".
liumorn of a nhortui1 ban l.-l tin
Catitlolph Cotiiity l Mo. I Court to I" .-in
an iiivi-"ti.-iitioii of the In.ik" of County
1 reifiin-r Matl.n k of that county.
I'or a loim time hitherto New York
city Inin.ln have miI.I at a pn iiiiiini in ull
the market, of the worM. Nune lii-w II
ht cent, have lnt-n m IIiii)! at par.
A Wiinltiuifton nnt ial to the New York
II. r.ll-l mil Ibilt I're-l'l. lit Clevelau.l lia
lili.illv uia.le up hi" nun. I to call mi extra ol Coiiin-"n next Seplemln-r.
The I'nion Club of New York ban en
jMljitl Captain I barlen I'crrv Smith, late
of the Palace Hotel, Sun r'rant-int-o, an
it" Mi" rintt ii.lent ut a nalary of l.'i.inni
a vi-ar.
'l In- IVliiioitico llentatiruiit at New
York w ill have lo move fn.iu im well
known ntitml in May. 'lite
limtlier", bankem, have Inmhl the
A frieii'l of tbe Peiilmy Ivania I lo-pital,
I'bilaih'lphia, han pn ntt-l the in-titii-t
ion with iraiiUii, with whit h to pay for
a new 1'iiil.liiiK for the (lilt piitn nt lc-
A bill pniviitiiii; for the eltt t ion of
I'n-ni'lf ntiai h.lrctom by Coiiirnional
tllntrit In han pit-"itl the Nebra.ka II..11-. ,
ami in Itkclv to lit" the N-mite mi l In
come a law.
The Imwer llntff of the
lvi-lahin- hun iht lantl iil'iiiii"! tin
liliirrtit.'e of inllin oil the nnlU'l that
cliil.ln u of nuch inarrnik-f" are lreiieiill
The I'llitfil lln.therhinnl of Switebtui n
beltl a ntt ret Inti'tnik' at I'bil.i.l. lplii.i
No ili'timte n-Milntloil wan fortnitl un t.
a nlrike wbt-ii buniue.n in ilur
iiiK the Vit.rl.l'n lair.
There am on tile in the Pontollli-e IV
piirlmt'iit more than 't.txni n-"ih-nati..n.
ol rontma"tf m. I ltent tam n will In
o.itM.le nil ami ili"nMtl of In-fore any
t at-n of removaln are taken up.
Tbe atlminnioii fit1 to the WorM' Fair
itniiimln w ill nhortly In rainati tmni
telil" to 'nl tvlitn, to ili"axiuru)!f Vl.ttom
until tin' work, which mii-t now I
pii-ln-l nihl ami .lay, in i-oinpletatl.
John J. l;!it"le", lieiieral Maiut.'er ol
the lilin-au of Coal Mall.tlin,
ban Inn n arn-nteal on the 1 harve of com
iiiittuiti pa-rjtiry in iiiMiii: ta-tiiuoiiy It-Ion-
the j-viIutle liivt-rtlcatinu Coin
mtlt.t. Mat int ic pn pantl by the Uim-mt t.
Mali. ti. n lor the year en.liui! lel.rn.iri
'.S "liow a Ittlame of It l ie nunm-l tha
I'nita-tl Matati ol rf.'.ixn'.i""', ai:aiimt a
Imlanit- U tfiri.Kt'.iixi 111 faior ol tha
I nilftl Out,n r the pn-vioiin year.
Tbe Flt.rt.U oranuf crop thin na a-ntn
will pmltuhly lw tbe larvv.t t-vt-r known.
The lnt-n an- now in hlm-nuii, ami an- m
lull of bl.n.ui that nlit.ul.t only half ol
tha tn in at 1 in- the lnt-n w.tttl.l not hoi. I
the fruit without it.ti-i.l. r.iUe pmppitiL-an-l
I 'i a. 111:.
The ilinttavery i ren.tftl taa hae Int ti
ma-le that the niiui.tlla of Michigan
went aif the ault anl Matkuia,' t. tin-..iiin-al
ami Meiiomintt' rivem an-l
front I-ake Siit r;tr to l.tke Mi, lnati
ami the .trait. li" iiever Ut'tt legally
it"h"l t-a the I int.. I Mii.a.
Millionaire Poller t.f,o ban
."-ti..-l it ua-at-narv to publa ly .It nv 1111-
h-r bin nit-nature the ntory of the 111 w
In.v, I hi tin iv ait I . thai he , IVtti r ' rail Iunnivant to the penttf ntntrv tt
& t him out ol the way ol Inn .laughter,
whoiii he wanttt! lo marry.
The Penult af the rtT.arln to itu n-jt- tha of the I'nttttl Matati with theemin-Iria-a
i !switlt ami Central Atm-riia
nn inn In l-an Hit n m' 111 tbe exporta
tion of An. a rit an ak-n, itltuntl nn pit man
tn. the titftiren of one at.jijtry, tin
Arv ntine lit pail. lit-, alt. tie nhowiti). an
imn-anr from t.C'T.ixxi t.i al ..&al,. a ilur
Ui Uie year.
Fenator Frre will deliver the eulosy
on Diame in' Ikmton, May 3. So twin
knew him letter.
I'n-ni.leiit Ibiwe, of the Ameriin In
ntitute of Muiinif Knirineern, I a aon ol
Mm. Julia Want Howe.
Mr. wotiM be the favorite
l.ianler in an Ann-man private hotel.
He I foh-l of rice puMiiiiran l pruiien.
Mm. Ijttn.itit, a ife of the jn.j.iilar N-.--returv,
will r. -main in New ork until
the . lone of the in iim-l tear lit" ral'i Ih T
r-'t'un II. A 11 1 hour ban wcttliercl the
jfalen of u.lwrne critici-ui for forty yeam,
ami ntlll 1 lin.-n to tin- hon? that h will
Jet In- pa rmittitl to Vote.
Mr. Ijinu'trv ban ma-le anunt-n of
b.-r .li-plav of V..n clotln-n. fUe han a
lTA.mai x u lit in whit h to a njoy her m
aickiien. ami I) fa-liioiial'ly mi-erable,
Venli will have a k". I I mine in "Fal
.tair." lie ban air. -a-ly re-eivatl t):!2,-
( for the on-ra. an-l will have 4U n-r
ca nt of the MTformilii( aiel .ilbli.hini
royalty rn;htn.
!uir.ilo P.ill now ntamln at tlie he.'l'l
ami front of Ami ri. un a iti' ii-lnp. He
tol.l Pra "i.l.-iit ( l.-velaii't that he wan
not an ollica-Mt-ker ami J'1"! "O"
Intely nothing.
Jaiiien J. Hill of M. Paul, the railn.
mamita, ha. a npli-ii'li-l aollit tioti of
Kn-nch pami'iin l.nii;lit on hin own
juilirment. .& talk" an tiii'ler.tun.liii.'ly
ol art an 1 yuilna t-.
William tmlwiiv Partri-le, the I'nanton
-a nil. tor. ci t" l'i.'i f.r bit Mattite of
n-luikeM-are. iin-l will ratvive ILT.m' f"T
In. i-.tii-!riaii ntatuteof tiarlialil. He
in only M ya-iim of a-.
l ite Fmpn-nnof Au-tria ban traii.late.1
"I-ar," 'Hamlet," uml "The lcmn-nt"
into nenli-rii i.ra't k, in hu ll liin.-uue
he in woii'la-rftilly pmli. lent, talkint.' uu-l
itiiiK it like an e-lu. Atlieiiian.
(lliva-r Wcmlell llolma- in arn-ihle
a-miuirli to In- very particular iitnmt hin
ill. I ami in. . inn of Iimiil'. ami to take
can-that no iiiiwim- iii'lulfi-iice on hin
part .hall la-netil tin- aim torn or nliorta-ll
III" -l.ii ".
Theri' i. a fortune in .ton1 for the au
thor who h.l" 8 I'.Ult lint of annl-pfltllltf
!,.!,, h.m written alt.v'ner
twclltv a-M-ll now-ln. TheV ntlll enjoy a
lunre nale mi l n-turil lurve Mvaltlea to
their until. r.
If tlie Infanta I-aln lla of Spuin cotin-n
to tin. a mi try, .lie w ill nhow the Chi
cil'i a 1 1 " that a woinun of (ortv-two t all
'1 1,1.. ..,ri I.,.,, 1 i;l u t f II
ami .Inn1 a (..iir-in-haii 1 like tin- l'n-i-
I. nt ..( a coat liini; chili.
Anion.' the late-t of tin- (imminent
a- torn to n-i.'v to I ll-ri'l-.-e T. i.errv'n
I..I. lit 11--11. lit IIhiii the women of the
"la.-.-l" .I.1I111 irew,who "iintn to hi"
'liFiin.'ui-hitl mother, who In-v'iin her
i.n.f.'.-iotiiil a ant-r aln.ut U ya-itm of aw'1.
lie h...l" that the a bil.lri ll are In ttaToll'
on Ilia- .taL'i- than in any other an-ciipii-ln.ii
that I" open taa tin-Ill.
Papa r I- im l" are a ntici-i ...
Tin-1 iii ir.-tte iiiiiiiiil.ictun- i" ilecn un-
ill.'. oin. ativi-n now biiM flit trie li. a.l-li.-l.t-.
KiiL-l.ii.'l i" biiil.lin a .hiji that will
co-t I.T'n',"'".
Fun .if in r.irtf.l to bavai ., a
malt h l.a. I'.rit -.
Then- ar- aava r "l.iill Wente rn I'ltioil
tel. irrapli ..lli. e".
'I In- ka .'- tt-.-.l the i i".rtiilion of
-.'I I hoi I t"n,im.
'III.- 111. mi. il prmltii ti.. n of ifpnT nv
eruj '.."".i toil..
I lit tl If liL-htn un- a-xtllitll"ltel I.V a
1 l.n k III I.lll. llll lit.
Tw . tit y '-live 1 1 tit" a tlav in pn.l wat'
f..r a laU.n r in I luna.
'I In-New Yot k I 'antral hun ilu r. a-
it- cipital to llmi.iMi.nm.
I'.irioiiiL'h.iiii. I.iii.'laml, inatitlta.'ttire"
lnal,llll,onl ,.( pin. 1 I v ,
Twi Im- million fan" are exportatl an
itiiiillv fn.iu Caul. .11, China.
I In- Infill "! pn. a- a va r pal. I lor "ilv. r
Wll ll .'1 llll aallllif, Aivu-t p.i, lH'.m.
l ot" of I. ill. I i" 1 1 ;l 1 1 1-1 1 1 if hainln liow ill
Franklin faultily, Kan., 11 1 u un acre.
Tin- nixtv-laiitr ii.rn-i aiiniru: l.n toria-n
in Maine put up .l,i.l,t'.'tiui," la.t ya-iir.
Tweitty-ttiie thoit-aii'l n-ma.ti lire eni
plotttl makiiii; pinn ut liitl.liti h, En
(.l.i n. I.
I'uritiu' the lut M ar tbe iin.rt of
Wtkiletl pnnln uuiolllltitl ill Millie to
I limine Isii1.' tha'n- wa n- I.TiM "trikata a
the Mute taf New York, involving "a.TM
More tluiii liva- ntrtt-t nil
na.ln un- t.-ruta-t by e la-, trn ity on thin
Coiitnif nt.
Tin- 1U ""i-mi-r inan minern of Mi. liifati
a.lmit the formation of a p.. I to limit
their output.
M..n p.1.1 lian In-a ii obtainttl fmtn
"-paiii-h Aiiu-ri. il than (nun any other
part of tha- work).
A new wire, auUa-. the Hungarian,
i" fa.ven-tl w ltd tlin"-.t.ut ,.f tlm u.l an.l
two coat a ol fa 1 III Ii it. I.
I n. 111 ull M-a t ton. a. f the S.titlii-rn atit
ton U-lt n.ine n rtn of a laiyely in
1 n u-ttl cotton ucn-au'i-.
Tliere an- itiile a iimnU-r of women in
Na w York whoeHrtt lis by tak
iiii; in "baby Imunlem."
More than .Sm.itnl lianl nkinn were
htptt to thin atitiiitry la-t M ar (mm
the Mate of Tail naw ia, . ,,1.
Tin- ti-li liati lia-rv at Ikirk,,
win. Ii ha. a lapat itv of 1 .'),. 1,1 xxl frr, in
-a 1. 1 to U- tha- lar.--l in I aim. la.
The "ilver output ai Colnra.lo w an in-t-n-ana-l
l.t.t bv :t,ii,iaiBii" 111
pita- of the boa pn. a' af the In.-tul.
l ln-n- I" !.' m ai inni in m ,,f ,(,. in.ur.
ati'f w 1 iitt ti in ail part" of the worM,
in I of tlim lia-arh tine-half in plufa-tl in
fii loiiniry.
Mativ At. 11 ri, mm Hra invi-ntiifx in the
tn lie" of Nb-xiiti. The S' p tin.
v. ar w ill I.-very larje, an-l in M-llin,; at
1-7 r tti
tutit ft .li:.- intert -t tlT the Ijtke Sti--rior
mine, in .tr I'uliitli, ban tnt n pur
. I 1-.-.1 bv tin-W 1 ttnort-Mi-rritt'
f.-r :''. 1 m'.
Un- l.iti;.--t or.l.-r for tv If niliit- the
ittvi-titi .ti a.f i.rmt'.iij wan f..r T'i."a'ik
.iin l-. fcWfit t. a New York tirui by Hit
t ...11 riinia f t Pr-.t.tiiu 'ttt.-e.
It t. a-.t.-i it. -I at W-bitii.-t..n we
..i M. a -1 I :-ln ! ..( w In at. an.l 1 .it
;,. ,.41 .... !,.,.-,. :,.. ; .
!,..... I ...
Twei;t t!:.
." a 'lai t-i ' .r w al.'...
1 ton" of mat. !n an-
rtt-l rcrv tear Irauii ..rwav an.!
"wt-l. 11; ih. futtii-lii-n atti:t one-thtrl
( '.In t nt.n" nti:nln-r ttitm-iuiitl in I 11-
hiittv the Capf .bainon.l-llel In no
l.-.ninl in w ;, 'ii.ini.uii kara'n (t
l..m-n .iUi. I at .'... have lt 11
X"rte.l. 1 Iii n- w.-ul.l kai up two bij;
tial Iraiim.
The !arv-t ha. p rati, b in the worM i.
n the itiiint!. l iMmttiit an ! Webb.
r... I, 1 ..1 c 1
acre nn. I va-arly ture fnitii l.i"',i'i
' ...ii-. "I .'a t-i -tx
to i,mx,ixi itwii
rrince Roland Bonaparte Will
Visit the United states.
Tlir Kin? of Siatti ta JUIn an Intef"
r.tltur Mnplay at the WorM' O I
Fair In ( blfHijo.
rnivi-r-ul niiffraire in AitnlrU in favorxtl
by the native Im.Iii-In lull party.
liiiuior nava another Ama-ria-an C'anli
tial will In- luimttl at tbe ai.tiiiiij,' eoli-in-tory.
Tha- Sa-iiat.iiial t-lat-tionn in Spuin have
reulti"l in a awtt pinK victory for the
Moiiun hint.
li.fian urn I Anntrian -nii;ntntn are
ptobiliiii-tl In. 111 pan.ini; tlmui;li I'riin
niaii territory.
The K.pulati..n of In latnl in l.i, at
atinhiiit to n'vi"t"l returiin rtt-t-iitly in
nuatl. wa -ttl,:'i.
Chili ami Argentina have M-ttlati their
Imiimlarv almpute by lixing on the niim
11.1t of tin- Aii'len an tin-I.Hin-lary line.
Mini-ta r to 1 aa-rmany William Walter
I'ha-lp" in to have In ".rtr.iit by
Ib-rr Koppay, the imta-.l taa-rman artint.
Prince b. .hall. I I U .11 11 tiixrt o .n.aen
travt-lihn thnau.'h t'ne I'liita-'l Stuta-n thin
ya ar with the obja-a t of ntil'ly ami n
w an h.
Father JoM-nti, Cutbolii- iiii.nionnry
in Con-a, won maltn-ati-'l by u
mob nti iitlv, ln-iii In uta-iunto inna-n.i-bihty.
' u
Mini-. N'avarni (Mary An.lera.n;, who
in livitu' at T unbri.l;.'!- Well. Kn.'lan.l,
in reni to In- w nl 1 nv' her reminin-
a flu a".
It a-o-' alniutdl'i to have a ton of
lfn.l triiii'paartitt by currier fnam M.-ta-lli
to the I'aml in' Afria a, a iliMam e of
I'.ui mile".
It i" a fact of fiirioun inten"t that ir-
ra llilolln Frnilif na-llt the l'of lliaart
"P. ta-r'n n-m e" H-''",1"11' than any
other nation.
An I'-tiiuuti' 1aa"l am BBlliciiil liifim-n
phn a-n tin' ntfipt" a.f I'uri" thi-uti-rn hmt
va ur ut '."J.inm.ixni (ran. , more than Hie
rati ipt" aif lf.i.
An elfvutair i" In-iu,; built in the Hoiim
of Coiniuoiin, I.ii.oii, mi that woiiii-n
iia-atl not a limb t iK'ht tli'htnof ntuim to
the la.lia-"' i;iillt ry.
Prince I '1:0 In.ii.iimpa.'ui, 11 hiu'lt Ito
1111111 nol'le iin-l (..rn.t-rlv Clerical iin-in-
U r of die I:. .mail Municipal Council, in
illniilt toa lita-r a Inona-lery.
The Iinutii iul "it nation aif Chili hun.
lnt-n itn atly n lia va"l. Tlia.iaova-rninent
w ill take up tbe fon-eal loann of Halina-1
ffU. Utliolllltilli; lo fjll.lnall.llllll.
The invi'iitiary of Victor llui'o'n inanil- .
a-riptn ha" oa a-upie.l hin literary exit 11-
ta.rn eiuhteen inotitb", an-l they have
4iNi,mni p.i"-r. uml tinti n
Flint year- pnititn of the Cininnl
Sta iimnlnp ( t.inpiiiiv wt re exceptionally
"in. ill, Ut .nine ..I the low (reijht rate"
uml the niinpi-linion a.f etii rn(.'e Ira.le.
Monaco in n in.rt.-. nn pliinniiar to
h...a iinncr-al c".nit;..ti next year.
M..naniliii"U ta-rritorv of einlit ntpiitre
mill-" an l a ntamliiii: army of lJil tnen.
The liii.-ian laovertiment him nti-
IM-Il'li 'l till' a aainaa' a.f nilvaT ruble" oil
privuti-iiteotiiit, for tin-n n-aait thut the !
Mlvi-r ruble in now i lia apt-r than paM-r. I
Challiiiiel-l.ilfour, Ilia
Iiewly flat ta-.
iiia-iiiU-r of tin- Fra-nch Acii'lt mv, liu
ln-i n 1 lio-i-n l'n-i-leiit of tha- French
-i iiat... He in a .-a'li.itor fnitii IttBtichen-ilii-bhotie.
Tha- protui"!' 11111 le by Mine. S. hlie
in. inn utter the ileath of her ilintill-irtn-hai!
1 1 1 i-l ia ii. 1 in, tui theexa-a-vati..ti-at
Trov woul.l If contiutittl in
nlnallt to In- fllllilletl.
The eruption of the San Martin vol
cano in Iha Tonal. 1 .li-tri.t, State of
Cliiapa", Mexico, ban ara-at.-tl rcat
iilaiui. The llamen at one tune "hot up
l.inn (n t illnave lit- a rata-r.
Pailway exta-iinioii" an to If built in
I'ppa-r tiiul liwer Fiiypl to nw-ti.l
1' I nun. Tha' exi.tiui; line (nun I ihir-i-t
h to kiiia-li will If evti' ami a
narrow uauue railwuy built to I. uxor.
Iiitriiii; the a.t year, it in ti,
that the Vii"t ajfnn '..( over 7iNi,lnia1, man
w an "" nt in tin- I'.rit 1-I1 I.-le. in alcoholic
tlrink", 11 n. I i'Vi'11 thin in 1,-n bvnt.nii
." at . " xl than the exjn-n.liiurv of the year
In the pro iinf of Antwerp, Iteliiun.
tin- un.. III. I.ll n-t. leli.lilm ban n-.ulta-al
in the approval aif matihinnl "iillrak'.' bv
I'a.VM aif the 1 jn,7t H men who vote.1.
Farty-tiX,-t. H-r o-ut of the a-livtom wa-nt
ta the nII".
A anble t.i the New Yolk Eveniiivf
l'tn-t navn: Much .l.ini.i.'e hu" lnt-n .lone
tn an.p in uUia)-t eva-rv part of the
I'ltitatl Kin.-. I. in by fnmtn. In "tune
(.iirtn t.f lluiii:arv cenul" an well a.
Iniitn are wholly ili-"tmva-t.
The Kin.'. if iatn, nt hi" own exn-nne,
ban ilit i'leil taa make an afi n-tiiiii tli.
plav in the Matiufa. ttin-n, Aitria-iiltural
ami Fontrv l.ui.nn;n at the WorM'
Fair, ami will alnoent t a naval l.avilion
of i-lalntruta-lv aurvetl wmnln.
San iali-t tli
:ata-n front liertnanv, tl fj
Netherl.iti.l". Ila-lw'iiiiii. Fiii:laii.l. wit
erlan-l, Frainv an-l llalv ut a inti t 111 in
Itrutl" have ibviahsl that the Interna
tional N lalint I'tuiirre" in Zurich .hall
Inyin aati Atii;tint )i an-l (or one week.
Ilainbiinj. which l.t"t ya-ar wan the
"tnaiik'hol.l an-l the a hia-f aht.iiij plaa-e
of a hola-ra in Ftin.n-, m now in "tl. h a
healthy Mute that the .lm torn have tin
l.bif". an.l. an a table 1 1 -1 -it 1 , 1 1 nuvn. it
"an-lll an if the a pi l. tnlc )ial 1 ll up-. out
the n, her inalu-lu-n."
Twetitv-.ix iiieiiiln-m of the anti-Si-niitia-
party in the tia-rm.ui liei. liMai; art
bat k ol tin- lull pmlubiiiiiif Ji wi"h mi
iiiik'ratioii ari l tha-naturaiiatioti of f,.r-eik-n
Jew. Tlie bill m .la-nik'tnsl to catch
vote in the aiuuitrv tli.trift when' the
Ju-b-iilii -ire pri-.t,l" like an cpi.lctuii .
Ibtrtit a.Mitioii" to the l'.ritih Xavy
have nut-len-l in-fa ...try a lare in. na-t-in
the tiuniin-r aa( nia-ii n-.uire-l. Iii
1'.'-'..1 then- wa-n- 1, tali men on tlie
tbttliM. In l".il-!2 the iiuinU-r wa"
71.ii. the pn-fiit yaar, an l f..r
the i-oiiiiin; titiaucial yaar pmii.ui i.
a-kat (.,r 7ai,7i.
A 1: ii t.i .an invi-t t.Br a iaiin. to In
ab'e to -p'tl onlniarv ,..) pulp, or tvl
utltw. int-i v iirn. In. 111 w hi. h ll .or!, of
ta xtlla- tlUan call In- Ill.l-l.- Ill the aanll
nary way, eiualiii, in .lurabilitv, ap-
aran.v an l f.t.tni-n of tx.l..r the In nt
o t tun tftn.ln. H hi" n, heme m j.racti-cabla-.
it will the textile in
'lii"trx. lair ;rx ra-ttl ba.k t.t Ix.n lon fnatn
.ur Mi-literranean x . h! itiij tmirwith
the utinont .tfi-l wha-n nbe In anl the
new of the il. athof Ni.nre Abiiutoia
lbnnl. but exit pt to Uwva-ra nhe ban '
tnt n at home taa nol.niv nme. Her I ig, I
.-ainTlv niAnttin in l an I. .,.!....
. a .... . . ",
. a rm .1 v n na-r..tin ...... a 1. ... . I.
Vbintr Um'i triKht to .n,"h the furniture j
Qel to be mxagniW. I
raoDctr, raiir, tc.
WHitr-Valler, 11.121.15; Walla
Walla, l.(.i6l.lrS rintal.
Ftut a-Stanalanl. 1X30; alia W alia.
I3.-W; trrahaui, li'.w; fuperllne, 2.uo
per barrel. .
OtTn haaia-e. 4.T We r btinhel ; fair,
k-: rallatl, in Imp, lrt.2ft-tl.5oj Umln,; lint, I.T.75.
HiYlla-t, III1.1IX.V1 M-r bin; eotn-
tnoll, 'i P.
Miixnitrra Ilran. HI"17: nhortn.
P.i'iju; irnuin.l burla-y, '.'.! .-21: fh"l
(tt-.. tin H-r ton: whole fattl, barla-y. wi
.. S'n- tn-r tt-lltal: lllitl'llillltn, I'.tl - 21 1
n-r ton: bn-win barla-y, laintiv )n'r
ntal: 1 hi. ken w ha at, 11. ID n-r it-iitui.
Hi rim 'nvon fana-v rreunierv, .. 't
...;v: fumy aiairy. 221-2-V; fair to
tpnal, 17'tfi" 2"f; l-olllllioll, 12'si I-"' H-f
.inml; pickle nail bittta-r, ;m-:kV Jn-r
mil: California, Hi.-IV in-r mil.
CniiKnr linvmi, 11 -Ik-; Ku.ta-ni
Twinn, I.V; Yoiiiik Amerii-a, l'k- n-r
Fiiiin tlnvon, Jak- Jaer tIoa-n.
I'ol-I.TKV t Ilia ka-ltn, inixatl, tl
iai4..Vi; ..Ll henn, (ft -.V.Vi; oi l nnn-ta-m.
$1 ,1 4..'xi i" r iair.a-n ; aln-nMtl a hi. ka-nn. in
nt is- n-r inuintl; aim k. rt.ftu.-7.-V;
ira-i-M', tin 1 11 in-r aloia-ii ; turkey, live,
IV: aln-nMtl, l,a- n-r nitll..
Ytin:rvHi.t: ubUite. $l.ftii-l.tA I- r
tt-iitul; oiiiaaiin, 11.75 a. 2.1) -r at-ntul:
cut otliolin, 7ft "'.: natata-n, ll.l") faar
iaariii-t Chili; 11.21 (or BurUiik: new,
V n t. niun.l : Unuoii turnip, 7.1-iiV
n-r niPk ; vouiiifi armtn,7-Vi l.l"i; nwit-t
(..tlltm-n. 2.ft'"l."" JH-r aa-lltul; lUllli
llowi r, n-r tloa-u, 2.7-1 n-r iTttte;
ta-la-rv, inia- a-r aloa-n; artiilioka-", fV
m r alaaa-n ; h-ttiia-e, k- ia-r aloi-n : u"pur-
uutm, 11 - PU- n r(J'.iiii.l ; pamiiip". nV
n r nua k ; Int-tn, l2 tat r nua k ; ru li.ha-n,
2V H-r iloa-n; (fnt-n tanioiin, 1V n-r
iloa n: rhuburb, i .1 lm-ht f-mii'l : r-
a-iroii, ftiK- n-r alot-n : itret-n n-an, in. lie;
" :i'..t- n-r iniun.l: a-tifiimln-m.
1.7ft -2.IKI n-r aloieii; nlrini; beuim, 2.
n-r ".llll..
Fm im Sia-ily 1. 111. ut", ft aa ft.ftt) mt
Imx: Ciiliforniu new enap. l..Vi..ift.ii
I- r In.x ; buiiiinun, ('.'.."nil-l.i"1 n r bunch ;
oraiiKa-n. M-eillniL'n, 2 ' 2.7ft H-r Imx : 1111-va-ln.
;l.ii no.ftn; i-raiilaa-rrien, 12.-VI n-r
barrel; apple, l.ftni.i 2.2-1 -r Imx.
nrvri.K iiMiH KidEn.
llaaXKY Choice atainb. lft "17a- fo r
inuiml ; inr 1 invon, lrt 2) V.
Svl.t r.lVa-rnn,l, 2l, Ibl.ftll: lKin,
lii..Vl; ftnn, 17.ftH; ntm k, 1 1 .J - 1 1.. 'HI.
Ilium Fm trn Petite pruna-n, lu.- 12c;
nilvaT, 1 1 1 tat-; Italian. 12 - lie; I it-r-man,
ln-lli", pluinn, ol.l, ft "lie; new,
7... tv, uppli-n, ll.- lb-; ev".rat."l apri
antn, lft" iia ; niiihi", 12 -lik-; K-urn,
7." Ill' " r Inallll.l.
I; la KI"laml,f 1.7-1 .'.1.1"); .lupttii, M-7-1
n-r cental.
Cl.H I K-Ca.nttt Ilia a. 22c : I!io, 22. :
Sal va. lor, 21 '...a-: M-nha, 2ii'.ti:l"i' ; Java,
2l'.."i:ine: Arbti. kle'n, .Mitlluml, M.a-ka-ku
ami l.ioti, lin-".iiii. i-um-, 2-1
:i"i-iS' n-r .un.; C..luinl.iu, rami',
21 Kl-pllla-.
IlKVNn Small whita-n, V..r; pinkn, :k-;, ,'!' .1-; butter, II '41; lima, Ilmle
n-r l"atin..
S kit Kata-rn, in barnln, litciftftc;
in half-barn-1", 42 aft7'...t-: in aua-n, ;jft -toe
n-r gallon : t2.2ft ht keu' ; California,
in barn-la, '.ii-liii- n-r gallon; 1.1.75 n-r
miivk Na-t priit-n: I, -b-; (aol.len C,
I'v; extra C, 1'... a-; Mairliolia A. VHf,
irrunuliititl. ftc; eiiln., t-runhitl an-l
"iw.. r."l, ft', e ; a-ainfat tiaiiia-m' A, ft'ua
jn r ". 1111. 1 ; muple miar, 1-1 - Pn- ht
I'lvvr.iil ianuin Table frttitn, anortit,
1.7-1 "2.1" 1 : HUaha-n, tl.Kl.u2.ltl; Hurt
letftfum, tl.75-2.iN: pluinn, tl.:;7'...'
l.ftii; ntrawln-rrie", 12.2ft "2.1ft; a ha-rria-n,
2.2-1 ..2.1"; bl.wkU-rriin, tl.M-2.iNi;
ru-pln rria n, t2.1"; pin. appla-n, t2.21
2..ti; upri..t", 1.u1.i2.ini. Pie fruit",
U-Mtrtetl. l.'Jtl: In-itcba'n. tl'Jft: lillltli".
j .ju .-J,,- bin. k If men, tl.2ft - l.ln In-r
. b iti. Pie Irtiitn, pillaaim, an-..,
.'i.l.V-:l.ftil; Hitchen, t'l.ftd.i 1.INI ; upri
aot". tXft'i -l.tni; plinii", t2.7ft -:I.ini;
l.l.i. klfrrii-m. 1.2ft - !..'.
VKoi:riiii.Kn Com, tl.ftii - 1 ,7ft ; t una-tm-, .1 1. lft; nucar h-u.", !; ntritii!
In-all", !l.V H-r ahaen.
MKvr ( a.rne.1 t,.vf. In, l..'nl; 2",
'.'.in; a hipintl. I2.-Vi i1.INI; bin, It
totiL'ii.-. 1". tl; 2, tii."ft; ilevilitl hum,
1.7-1 -1 l.M In-r iloa ll.
F1-11 anlitian, 4n, 7V-.it2.2ft; ..n,
2.1ft. 1 1..': lobia-m, 2.3 -Xftti; i-itl-iiiou,
tin 1 -1 1 tall", tl.2-1 -tl.ft"; Hat",
1.7-1; 2-llan, 2.2ft - 2..'n; ,-liarivl, tft.rm.
Live a,i imr."M.i) mk.vt.
P.kkk Prime ntat-m, fll.M - 1.2ft :
choiif nta-a-m, .'t.7ft -l.INI; lair to pnl
ntat-m, t;l.ll'. t'A.i Itl; )finnl to choice tt.wn,
::.lft i-:t.7ft; nunnioti to iintliuin ttawn,
J.ftn .i 2.7-1; aln-nntsl Ut-f, .im ) 7.1m.
Mi rtoN Chtaitw mutton, l.ftu -1.7ft;
fair to irtnnl, l.ui -l.ftil; tln-nMtl, M.ini;
lumbn, t-t.lNl.ii4.,1il; ilrenMtl, .1 H.latl.
II...." Choi. -i- heavy, 7.a7.21; mt
' 1 i 11 1 1 1 . trt.fttiiaiii.7ft; 'it;ht ami fit-tlem,
tli.INI tili.fttl; iln-"-f, I'l.tNI.
Vk i.
Sviokiii Mr.vr and I.ian lluum,
In rye, 17.- 1 7 bo' Jn-r natin.; hainn, 1111-
1 1 11 1 1 , 17'....- IS.ji-; bn-akfa-t bufon, 17
"i IS-; nhort a bar ni.h-n, Ul8i-lft'..c;
airy null ni.len, l.'l'.ji- ; lanl. atainniun.,
111 titi, U'.c in-r iuii.l ; pun-, in tin-.
in .1 1,
Dnvaan laral, Il'iiu 1:
llau-n, WimiI, AMI lilt. In.
Horn illote 12 - Ilia-.
Wanat 'lnpia Vllllt-V, ll .1 17f ; fall
clip, 111. lift'..,,-; Wilfehiftte valley, lft .1
te, aifonliiitf to .piality; Fatern lrt
ipui. PI - Ilia- jn-r l".uii., (fcconliiiK to
Hlin:n I try bi.h-n, nelat te.1 prittie,
lijSe; ifnt'ii, M'lea titl. tava-r ftft Inaiimln.
; umlcr -Vi natimn, ;(,-; nhtt-p in-ltn
Il.irl Wanal, 11 It". 1 1 till) . ("C.l-vl,
loiii!,lNii-.aitl.21: nhi-arlini:, 10-2IN-; tal
low, t...nn to choitt', .'I -lif jaer .tll..
BVH" AMI OVIililVal.
I'atirlapn, H-oiimt-, 1-1111 h, na-t eanh.
k-; burlap, lii'..-ouniv. 4ai-iiich. ti.-t
ah, 7c; hurluan, 12-otiiiaf, 4ft-inah,
t '...e : burlap, lft-aaumv, iKi-im h, ll'-a-;
burlap. 2i-aiiinit', 7ii-incli, 14a-; wha-at
t-iit.'". t ill. iltta. LoXiKi, hn.t,
J-llUnlll-1 iaat lir, 7f.
Mint :i.i.Axroi a.
N vti.n P.u-t iotationn : In.n,
tat-i, .'.,.: wite, ij.;! n-r La-it.
Ikov par, 24i- n-r jnauntl; piit-imn,
2 i 1 21 t-r tain.
Sim. Per "atin.I, lnlva-.
Tlx I. C. a hara-iaal, 1 Ix2i, prime itial-
Ity. tt. n' 'H.ll per In.x ; ,.r cm.v-n, t2
extra at-rlns; lj. plata-n, 11x2',
pi-inie .piality. f. ' K.iNi r l.x ; t.-rne
plata-, 1. C., prime anialitv, i.iv
UxJii, til.
I k via Per rn.tin.l. 4,,i-; ltr. li' .f.
Nvv vl. Sranirn tiukutii, 4.ftii .. .1.111
n-r Utl.-; rain. l.i.1.ui .r 41
-aiin.l-; tar, Mmkholiii, tU.iNi; t'am
Ima. ;i.ii ht lrra-l; pitfh, pi-r
barn l: turjn iitine, LV ja,-r tallon, in
car ..t".
Aa I iparriraatre4 AtnlM.
Star Thin in a very cmxl j.lay. bnt
wriu nave to ! rrvinml art.ii-i U-rably.
Iratnati.t Imj.wible. nir.
Star ih, it n u-t be. You make the
ha ri u in-r in every act. That wont
do. The Ua-ro iiiimt lae taken out of the
t.rt art, an.J aluamt a.f the lat
Praiuatint What:
len an.l cluae I
I'lay without the hero?
tur CcrUiuly. Yoo e
,.- ...i. . ... 1 t
I am bit
be bate in
xrry of-.en batr with th. aher.5 dtlrinx !
U Ut acL-.V.w York X-vf. i
III fail 1 fi.-J .tntn.n (1. M. .
Many Truck Gardeners Ha ve the
Simjili'st Kind of Hotlieds
A llotlifil S lm 11 bl lie Plut-i-il nn fla
SilltllSlilenf a Fi'lireur lltlll.1.
Itttf Farm Xulea.
If one ilm not have a'atiii
bout-, he li.fl imt on that accniiii
without early pl.tntn, for a In.x in the
liotl. or Ull l-anllv liillntnia ta t hotU
will atinwa-r tbe purna"t' very "atinfacto
rily. Imltttl many trtia k i;arali nt-rn who
ruif a rabla' viiriety of early vav
t table" never have iinylhiiiK more aaanllv
thaii the nimpli-"t kin. I ..( hotln.ln. The
early nturtiitit of plant" in thin way-pre.
aui..ia-" that it wun thought of ali.l pna
vialatl for In-fore w inter na t III. It W011M
mat If i-U"V ill Inaant fanen to obtain the
pm" r kin-1 of mail air ca.tii".t at thin
neii"-).f tin' year, Btial if no pra para
tiaaii hit" int'ii lu.ule, the plant mii-t If
111 1, 1 ll'l'le, tllll' "" H.llie oil.- t e mom
pmvi'l. tit can niipplv the in-a t nary noil,
A iannl. liirbt. nuiialy loam the rit In r
Ulul liu'hter the Inttar maki a t,'.nl
i iiiaiiu'li noil, lit (ore ti-init it nhoiiM I.
nin thmuli u nit-ve, hi a to remove ull
"tone", lump" an. I nil-binh. A table.
"naotiful oi nilH rpho-pliate to fill'll iui(
btinhel ol muI may If n.. t ( u.lvant
iH.'a1, Uli'l live or nix iilartn of n ut it.o.n
or nphaL'iium. nut h H ntir-i rv men ti-.-for
puckjw.', tltonuiuhly alrn-1 uml "ill.. I,
to the I1.1. 1 bii-bt I ot "oil make un iA'i-1-leiit
material for "tartiut:". If it j
tln.lll.'llt I'm ltill. lt taa Itiitke hotln-i",
Inaxa-n B'nailt thirty ilia lift. It ill c t W a Is .-
inclu-n w I'll- ami three im hi' tl. i p, m.i.l.
aaf half-inch Mull, luuy If una-.l in the
llolt-e. The-a- tuny If pl on a (lowi-r
ntamloraaii the win. low "ill, wha-re tba-v
nhaaiil.l In- no mi 11 re that thi-y will m. t I.
kii.n ka- l oil. Win n-a larva- iiumln-r of
plant in not ra-.piin- l, thae Imxa n are
ull that ure lut-ennary, uml they un- a
naiuna- aaf plea-1 in- uml ilintrui'tion un
wi ll it" aaf lucre utility, c-Ht i;illv if tha n
urt fhiMn-ii in the family aaM i-ni.iit.-li taa
aabiM-rva- ami Itnnint. A hotlntl nhoiiM, if
.-"ll.i', In- pl.tfttl on tha' Ninth ni.le of
eiuf air buil'lniir, w here it will If pm-ta-a-tatl
fnatn the "t v. re win. I" ami ut the
nuine time nt-a-ivi- tin' full In-ncli! a.f the
niin'n rayn. Tha-re lire two wayn of inak.
im; it. tine i" t. a place f.-rmi-iitiiii; ma
nun' tail the niirf.ict' of the cmuiiil, tuk
ill); t are to l.uil.l it up in 11 it even,
man", with the buin ami nhort manure
eauully ili-tribiitat, until it in (mm two
fit t to thirty im lia-n hii-h. It nhoiiM U
aln.ut twai fat-t longer ami w i.ler than that
frame of the botlfl, un the c. titer w ill
If hotta-r than the otiti.le of the iininn.
Allot he r nifthml in ta) alijf 11 pit two feet
loimi-r 11 ml wiah-r than the frame, (ill it
with the manure uml tn.ll it
evi'iily anil noli.lly. A convenient ni.
(or the "iinh in liMi In I. The (niiu.-n
nhoul.l If ma il- of tvvaa-im h plank, the
buck twalve uli'l the fnint t-if It t inelien
w i-1,-, which itlltiM "iillia ii-tit nlof to
carry oil water front the na-h. The M-l.-n
"In. ill. 1, ..( foiirni-. If plaiiftl tlon 11 tat tit
the two elial", an. I the hat k ami fn.nt
pia-a-a-n In-va-la-l tatf, h that the na-lt will
tit flona-lv ut the t-ml" ami ni.le". A "in
file brace acna-n the Ini'MIe of the frame,
the nhort way, in a 11. .11 -)t to inuke it ti nn
if two-inch IuihImt in 11 -1. 1. The n...l
may In- put into the frame U" h.ii u it
in in place. i.x aar einht III. ha " aaf noli in
U tter than a nballouer U-.l, an when at. -.1 tbnatii:li il vv ill n-lain the
licit longer, ami the hint" vi ill If It-"
likely to burn than ll in cl'.-a r n.nt.i. t
with the hot 11 1 .1 la 11 ra-. Sti-.U "IttttiM not
In- "t.w 11 for at b a-t a wit-k atta r the In-tin
In-itin to In ut. Meantime tin- wi-i tlnuml
irra-n will npn.ut, uii'l may In- n-mova-tl
In (ore tin' nee. I in put in. A i.""l
ileal of fun-uml t x In-rienie in rt 'Uira .
to ri filiate 11 hotln-tl. It littlnt In-i,-uar.. .
iiuain-t I. th heat an.l 11. hi nut)
inir the foriin r by a-aava-rimi with In.unl"
or mat" at' iiiuht. tin- lm tar bv pn.n-r
va n tila tit m wha-n I ha--tin nh i nea (.rightly.
Hut it will n pay ull tin' tmuble it an-t
if nlla-tt-nnfiilly luaiiil);eaU
Try hiith fittlin w ith obi P.rinlla.
Tha-ra- have lat-n noine n-murkabltt
yii-Mn by very coiuiiinn ttawn.
A u'mnl liiirne can no morn ntaii.l on
biitl fat-t than a kmI hounv t un ntuu.l on
a I -a-1 fotimlutitaii.
Perhitpn your i.M Urimlle linn never
hii'l a full ration in her lid-. Not that
ha- hu not In-i-n exin-rimeiite.1 w ith to
tin. I out how much nin- coul.l t at.
If yoti huve a ttaw- thut nlwayn exit ln
the aathi-m in yn-M l.ntsl her to a pun
bntl tliiiry hull, an-l if nhe han a heifer
calf tn at that calf In tter tluiii yoiieva-r
tn-ata-. a a ulf lat-fort'.
In fa-aslini: a l-aaw we llltlnt (fo aln.ut it
.ant xid-lv; not ntul! her with ull i-he
can a ut thi' hot wat-k, but train In-r ap-n-tite
an l ilifit-.t ion by ru.luully in-cn-U"iiij:
the aiiioiint fnli
It i" 11 .lilli. tilt matter to al, tor ni. k
lllllliiill-. It in atampuriitively nl-v to
kit-p tllflll Well l.y (riving ianl f.n.l,
pure water ami t-U'-ivj iuurta r. Thmo
uiattt-m nhotiM liavtVAtti-iitioii.
Poilll'l for Jnauiitl chit kl-ll a an In'
k'n.w n i liciin r than mrk, an.l w ho will
ay the t ail.-.! chi.kfii in not more jrrut
fill ami heulthy than the milt in.rk an.l
cornatl Ifef everlu-tiiiL-lv (o 1111. 1 on (ar-
aQ rn' table?
Tha-re are nune very pn "t. nt i-.l
fownamonu the ata rubn; they Iraimmit
their itialitit-a to tha-ir aulva-n in
npite of the na-rub bull by w Iii. h they an
wrvitl. Tha-ne a-ow nhailll l I.-tc-te-l hv
aSLIl flttlilllf.
C Farmim ala-irinir to iinimtve tin- ilairv
ipialitie of tha-ir aa without iht n-u
intf nue ,, i,,ii, Ii 11 the une taf Jt-rn-y
bitlln woul.l .hotil-l try the 1 nn -rnnev '.
The bull o till" bri-ftl often t-Xaa-a-l
2.ii jminiil" in wa i-:ht.
tirain may ln thrown into a litter of
fla-uii ntruwr aar bav for tin- ( it
rati h for it. but no (...I, banl or V
nhoul.l In- t.iit wln-rt- tin- irrniiml or l:tt. r
imlirty. It in for the
heii". an.l may prove .h-trJw, ntal to lm
man U-iiit-n who inav pat!He of tin ir
Kalian ha alwayn pri lml h.-r-t If i"i
In tiur a krn at win at Mate, but It i na; I
that In-r aiiltry t m-1I f..r 11 ion
than all ha-r wheat. K. houeva-r. tlm ."
pa on mu, Ii lt,i!k., r ;l. 1 r, t ritu .-.
all . l(-n-."i miij In 11 to nay nothing
of other blpa-,1 w ill h ave tlia- r-tate.
IIo na.lntena Mf-a Lawk.
Btninrna Man irainlr tryin; 10 p-talonchl
At wLat L-n.r t. t:.i ra.i over, u.ual.jt
lUntauranMV i;, r nl.'-i,t I, Lib.
Buwntt .M U rU, nxl t.iue I U
ar.til tia.f ni L
RttvLauraut Waitrr IVttah n. t. mh: Bit
to'left tiaa, naa. PlnUtirlphia IaMrvl
II'iw tie ( r.K-k.
"I as alwa.. poor w tia 1 waa boaMIS."
and Emith.
Ilow dij roa Biaa mr Bfjorf fincT
atkaal JotM.
lawcaa to kMp boiwtkn Bywnaat,
o o o