The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 08, 1893, Image 6

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    Tt"FPAY, Al'RII
J. A. Ilii'litx II. of Junction City, !
In the city.
'hull. I-nu- r went
lll llil morning.
a r l.4'1nn rvluni"! In-Ill
portlaiM ill!" fti-rii'ii.
Mr-. ..i. Adair p tun. 1 I'.rt
Un.l ..ii (I.. . nl IM f! ri....ii.
Iloll. !. Thlli"ll, ( Molten;
aine up ii thi aft rits.n's tmln.
tieorge 11.11 Jr. returned toll.- Im-i-lies
o.K. ire at Portland this morning.
J. K Yiwiiif f lt l '" '
appointed crfary public ty the gov.
The city ofns-r i -left will ! Induct
ed Into their ff..y lu t Monday
IU-v. W. II. Wi!te and d.mght.r, i,f Harri-l-urg, nr.- vl-iting fr a
f. l.i In this city.
(ieorge V. I'.l.iiiehart, f'.riii
Cp-swcI1, he if'l'l hi. p'liTil
chandi- business at Con. Ion.
rly of
'" '
hUrilT Nolatid will likely I-;
through lure tonight, with llichard
jii. the "hero" tnniute to Il-.biirg.
Albany -t at l r Ut city elect! I
In a very eieitltig coiit.-st, vote, j
Kugcne cat yt-.ti r.lay T3J votes.
CliK-iiiiiall an.) U. v.!aii.l -U--tl
liille.1 tl. k t veMerlay: Tol.-l went
r iiiMl'-au au.l Coluiuhu. di-iiKM-ratlc.
Ail-any I. im.-rat: Mr. IL F. Wy-j
att, the lawyer, U-t for Ie.iw City, !
Idaho, Oil. Iiooll on ail ltliM.rtnllt pr.e
".-he fro H.-.I on 1. 1 ill au.l i-all.-.! htm
Mr., U-.-UII- in fun lie'.l m r.-ly Kr., I
ami thi n, In .it.-, the foowlii nlte, ,
Ihi. nauihty Mr. Kr. !r."
Mm. M. Hum an.l ilniiuht. r, who,
have I.-. II .liclili the winter with
relative liere, n'turne.! to tlu ir Imnie
at Imh Moiu.-a, Iowa, yi-tephiy.
Mra. A. I'lyinate au.l ilaUK'ht.r
lfotn, w ho have II vi.llihtf at the
ntlili-niv of Win. I'urwiii in till, rity,
n-turiie.1 to th. ir home at llul-y thi
Henry WilkiiiM.ii who h l.-'ti -n-
fllie.1 to hU home w ith Iiiiik f vi r fr
the t week I now rolivali-w ilii; Hli.l
llnliiiitioti. Mint to Ilia l
Alla-rt J.-wiip, Howard llavU .lid
t Iareiuw K.i'lie, llirve .inn- uiuveniiy
alu.leiit., arrlve.1 Hntiir.Uy fnmi Ku-Rt-IU'
to ..'iid their l'ji"t. r vm-nlloil lit
Inline. Nilelil Joiiriuil.
AIUhiv IVni.H-nit: li-. IJIrlmrd-
.oil, the "hero," of the recent w reek at
Yom-ulU, l marly well. Then- I. a
ptvvailiiiK opinion that
did not w-etirw hi. wound, in l lit- man
ner elulmed.
There it p. -a aittiln. A rude fellow
(fi.n to the .tain-w iii.low and ak for
two ' Landiiic" .nd one "IHwoyi ry"
but lie a"'1" t',',l B oM-elit
po.lii(e .lamp..
A hor-e l not (food for mueh until
he i. entirely hn.krii, wi. a well
known liole lamer, lie I. K'nmI lor
.till lea. if he I. only partly broken; n
for iu.tauiv hi. I.'K or hi. l.-k.
Halem Journal: "The Itelleetnr,"
Mihll.he.1 bv the .tin lent, of the State
1 - . .
1'iilvi y, for Man h U mvived. It
eoiitaiii. .pitte a pn-tty, tii..iik'h lalMirvd
x. iu on "A Siphomorv Maid, n."
I'ertere Irnchikow.kelow .kl I. a
Sail FranciM-o nil. in. I niaUir, and
I'erterje .inn. li1koiin.U. kow low .kl 1.
a lluirulo l.iiler maker. Their iiaiuca
II Ui.hI iin.Ln a llrnlntle
H woul.l make a iiralral.
It I. n-irt.-d tliat Clmrl.
.- Nickel, of
the Ja.k. nvllle Tiiini., will .n U
married to MImi J. nnie Penny. An ex
change ui:i;c(. that (hey an iT"lii In
to (lie coluni;e hiiiiieiu.
Michlaii held ail election yeter.lay
for a Jii.Ikv of the .iipn-me court aii.T
two n p lit. of the .late university.
The n-publicali. Were victoriou.. The lection. wcn-al.ut evenly
,' J
Tile Ijidl.-. tl.lll.1 of the Fil-oMr
I liiir. I. in. I hi the 1'uri.h .1..111 v.-,l. r-
day aft.-rii.mti ami clcct.-d oftlivr. for j " l'11 1,1 '" ,1"rKI,,,,'1. ,"" I'"1
, ' . ,, . 'driven down Willamette .treet, tlie
the cii.uIiik Incident, Mra. J-1 ,Vrrtap followiiiir in the pn-on
A. Strain).!; vice pnl.l.nt, Mix J.I tilled w Ith a portion of th.w wlio had
tirny; tna-un r, Mr l.ven-lp'; a.-. j voN-d for the .ui-rtWul tick, t, to the
n-tary. I.illiau Khlu. hart. ' "l" of K; ,
Iv. Allh.MiKh it wa. rainliitf hard an
The craduatliiK exi n-i-a of tlie ine.1-1 liiiineina- rmw.l wa. pr.-i.-nt lllliiiir the
l.-al .1. M.r1ii.. lit of the v of "treet and the yanl in fnnt of the re-i-On-iroil pla.v in Portland' la-t ''l'"' Aft. r a Urtloii by the Und
. l r trli.l.illv M I'm I l.l .Mil m.l.l 1. -
nik'ui. 1 lie Kra.iuaica w en-, .Mia 11
l. na Icaiiiinoii, and Minn. Jam.-. II.
I utter, I .1111I r.ihl. Hick. C. I cut. .11,
IL I'.. Cn-hy and C. 1
. .. '
I'n.fiL Hawthorne, M.-Clun- and Mc-
Alli.U-r were pn-w-nt.
Major H.-aly l.a. returned to l'.iiir.-iie.
Thl. mall, we understand, l.a. a
reeonl wlilch many a r UHttht
....... . m.
ifnT,iuiiie una a inonai i.n.v
... 1 1 i.ii. ..
whl.-li ha. bn.iicht I.I111 to em f. llii
frteiid. .h.Mil.l lake tlie mailer lu hand
a. he I. paal ahlhly to work, and mt
that he!, aafely and coif.,r!.W v
tal.IMi.,1 III -Mil -.1.1,. r. home to he for the n.l of hi. hfe.
r. w ariiaiu r lia. pur. li-i a ivt.v
a and two Lnmd. r.
1 h h. inle.,.1. on hi. chicken
. . .. .. - ,, ... .
h, I., tl Heu lrl. k. ad-
1111. .Imp. I . I....... ......
s . in. -
1 . . . . .
ph. Bil l eirs. ou a laive tx-ale. in tlig
gliif a well 011 hi. ran. h th. workmen
., , . . ,
are down .3 f..t . It , ., t,luwti.., ,4
a aumi-lent imppiy of water. I
Tl culilrsl l Uh" city e tl.HI -i..
I'..rtl .i..l..n 'lT.Iv narrowed down I.. a tire
llihl in f..f nf and agslnst
i l TB.U- i.l.-l
t work was
-s.iis, and the f'M-im won
ii.aioritr. Much earm
tl,..,r .-rr..rt. liru the ballot. .ff
omii.U.1. M.-.L wfv furi.l-h.,1 to th
llrvt an.l -.n.l war.U at the ..i.
! ,", hi. I. th.n..t
hat The thirl l.1ioii..n!.r.
It t ,ir u,. . r,t home. l,u, .i,,,-.,.,!
7... .... . ...un.n.i ...e. It
.... ........... , ...... .
lwiiaiiinii; ine
1're.toii. .-..un. iltn.ii --eoii.l war l.
J. I.. liic. eoun. thlr.1 ,r,, 1
II r . ik.rri.. .Mt. IVi; It. i.
. i. i , i . i...
..!.. f..ll.. ., the )M i .m.-l ;
ic.ntl.HHii l.ii.K .an.h.lal on the
. ,.....le.-tlekel .."l tl la.1 i...H- on
'! i,. i.i-
the rltilt li.' ti.'ket
.. H."r ri. i..l!v
J. II. M.Iui.k
ix: :
Majority for McCluug
1 f. it. is.riis
V. Kuyketi'lall...
n Yii.rri.-
s. It. ' William.
t. ). falne
I. K. IVtera
'" !
Vote at,
aKCiMi U'AKIi.
M.-i luiitf
4 'oiiri.-ilniuii :
Win. l'retoii
C h. Frank
j wjuinitii
j Yter
Vote eat,' S)l.
Til I III) Wl(l.
M.-4 'limit
J. I.. 1'iiin-
I ieit. N. Fner
Majoiity I IH
1'eter. s'
Majority 1.1
Vote en.l, t?e.
Notk. Ill the above w.rd thnr
mid ward i.-olilc.' tick. !, wen- eti.t.
tli. n l' v L-iviii Win. I'n-.ton three
! . . , . ... . . . .... .. . .. i
vote w hich wen-uii.louhte.llv Intend -
-.I for J. 1.. I'aife; nl two lllot. of
the Mime party were fl.lel top-ther
ami bad to U-thmw ii out.
Total vole ea.t in city Til'.'
li.rli,tthe.,....ilii. of the UII..I.
hirxe en.w.l. of exeil.-.! adherent. ofi
. . ' . . .. .. .
, nlll, ..ut the ,-.lhntf p U.v.
much inure Inten-at l.-intf limiiifi-l. -I
; J1""1 " P" vlou.el.vl..m ever held
. KiT 1. a 11 1 ii .
ell v. hen it wa Bually leanuil lhat
.1 . . . , , 1.. . ..
lie event had el te. the people . pnr -
ty t.ckel entire much enlWi.,,, w
!;' . ; ;r v'."!',':-1
tlie walk ill fmlit of S. II. r
. on- an.t cou.i.ieic.y mini uir tarp-
.ion-n..... . m l, U-nt i. ..m-rintf I...
.i.Krtull.o.. to the next mayor.
lniiiii-.llately an.r an Impnmij.m
celebration wa. nrrniuitl. The I:i-
' ifene Cornet llulid wa. Pinrain-I and
every mrriaire III the livery -t.l.l.-.
1 wen- hired. Ill a few luiliut.-. tlie band
i Ihu-ia-ilcall v clu-enil. The p ntlcm.-iu
made a brief but appmpriatc .tmech In
w hlcli be wid be would latr, aa In
!,'", I1, '"r upbuildiim of the
c'ly In which lie had lived
-tiinal.l luni. mt.r"-t taken ill the o.iit.M. at ! ".V r n, er-. ...
feit V, of ir rili-. -te. to I--fi-t. "Ith. lu a fl ' t l
avail thwnlr,, of the rik'hl of ,,. .! hi. atlen i.m.. Mi- l.lark
" iho .u.Wlul . i.lh imn .-nt l M aa . lit Uj the N..nli-
,lu. .v ti- major!...,: -" 7' '.lver..ty.
s II. Kn.-L.llv. m.vor. :: i. 1 1, l-r-! ilvl in,, M.uih .ut In an
r,.. Kiii. llimii nr-t arl. 4: Win. ! r.-ran-v. an.l ha.l ln tir.- - lo
( for mt many ear, and after cordially ortl.v akiiir the lni rial authorities
: IhatikiiiK all f.r their work in III. la- ; to n-fum- to aiNi pt J u.l.l a the Ameri
1 half, he Iwle I hem k.. I eveniiiK, i can cou.ul in-neral.
1 w i.hiinr them well with the coinrnttu-i
lalioii. ol iiuiw-lf and family. After.'
w ard tlie iarve cn.wd . relia.ied Coun-
...i 1 . 1.. 1. a
. ii.o-n 1 -. . ...u 1 ir...ii
9.I..I lt.i-or.1. r UxTi. who ra. h niKile
w no u mane
ddr . cpcciaily Hon.
""' IUrrn,lni Kate.1 that
u" l 1 ; !',,'p,'"1l l,""r,-
e tut w a. a fll,t f. the l.t liiterr-t.
"f 1 , ' " '
coinriUite.1 lil.-ral v to the nu of
n lu-ioii and should cntinue t do
in the -future. The -f T-a
' n 1 '" wtr. . It Mr Paine
and wife were out wllm. much to the
gr, t )f ,,, j,,, n.en the pn,
.ion iimic.i 10 jik- rr.1.1. 11. or 1
'...... . 1- .
a . . . .
ii"i"i aim j. it. ito.iinaii an.l ere
"''" f,,r u'r.r ,l41
done f.-T the l-U-e of tlie ticket,
laU .,,,,.,.,,, m.m ,,
mrnta, and the procrwioii tuan lie.1 ti
J Willamette and Ninth siren and duv j
' banded. !
It tu certainly a very euthi'.iastie j
; r. h (.ration, au.l will kMf remem
bered I y the -o lef this city, j
Tkf rater AIM kill IIIbsmII.
Cim .mm.. Ai.rll l.-MI- F.fiV Clark, i
f r--.kiM-. h., s member of the
fre - hmaii clas of the .Northwestern i
... .. a -s... .! III.
.h nl of.- ..kanr. Hlnl h. ftrr .h.-.
J"K M t lrk. .l.M "'" ' "
"' , '' "U,'J: J ' "
r. - -f th munUr .the r.f ;f ,
the y.Hinif la-ly to etiterlalii mm Ith
.n.,.il:.f mwriw. Muh
ariMr.. nt.uitorforthe l and ! Mii
I,,, i I... i, .1., .,. rn. rt-Lulo-.!
- - --- -
ui. au. n.,.. io - i -
f..r hi. wife 1 1.1. vniii. f
Ml- lark an.l ,. r.u.l.-.l her to
take a wn k with him. Mie a. a
'-'!" ' 'T r-.n.
AU;r..thy w l,n a. the only fill
flhetraly Huitb url M. auil
Birnin, hut without .now, and tricl
to (ret tlie youtiit lady awtiy from her
miiiiulitii. Mia rvfiio.l to tfo until
Mlillh Mtid he had .iiiethlli( to tell
h. r in eoiilldeiH. They t il off
a hrt .lltaii.-e. ami Mull It at nre
drew revolver and tired five nhota at
her. One bulk t f-iitrrrd her left ear
I and an. i h. r pa ed thrnfli lier left
JJ'l.ide. Mnllli lli.n turnt-l tlie weapon
I nifin-l hln. - If and wtit iMillet
7 : thfMik'li hi" head. Mi. ( lark wa rv
' moved to a neighbor. Iiouv, but ex-
nire.1 In a few mliiule. Multh wna
taken to the li-e .tulioii, w ht-nt
before lanilK it" UIK-oliM'ioll.lit-wi, lie
"I .liot hi r. .-he wouldn't marry
me, m I ht her."
Tin. alia-lor. i.mimllli.i i the Voumr
inan'a .oinlili.'ii a. hopeU-, tlmu-li
lie may live a few Imur.
l.illMKKI.V MV:i IS l"BTLAM.
Hiukam:, April I. A dipateh from
I lliiioi.. rci ived toiiiitht, retM.rta the
: iinird. r of Mi Kflle lark by a n-Jwt--
1 e. .uitor. Mi t'lurk, w!h waa at-
telidiliK M hi.d at the univenity at
Kvan.loii, I. a daughter of the IU v.
NelMiu K. t'lurk, a wealthy and n-tlri
minister of llii eitr. A IU-view re-
iHirter w ho nille at tlie home of llev.
Sir. t'lurk found the family in !
.loll of the new. of the tnuf.-.iy,
were wi irri.-f .tn. ken that it w
...ili In inforiii.tloii frfiio Ihi-ni.
1 It waa learned that the young man
'"l who kilh-d Mla lark waa K. !
7 ' .Mult h, formerly of Portland and the
- mmi of Shipbuilder Smith f the firm
'of Smith A Pa'piet. He waa .tudylus
': iin-.ll. lne in Chli-iiito. The couple had
jU-en enifinre.1 until .ix week ait",
, w lien Mini t'lark broke the -ng-in.
I ('HI. A..O, April il' Ita Smith,
the iiiunlert-r Kllle Clark, die.1 tmlav
i ill tlie .lice rtatioii at F.vau.ton. He
! Ilevef r.-oVere.1 tuilm'ioM.lleaa after lie
had .hot the irlrl l.-eatiM.-.he would Hot
i l.-eoiue hi. w ife. The parent, of the
' unfortunate ir have re.iue.ted that
tin-I.mIh I hipi.-d to tli. iu at S-
kaiieaini i onian.i, n-.fiiveiy. iiiej
will I.- Miit tomorrow after the lu-
iil.-.t. Meiiiorial for Mim
( lark will In- held tomorrow at the
.North weaieni miivcrsit v.
A Terrible KxiH-rii-nce.
Cnrvalli. (oi. tte: Mr. Jainea Web.
l.-r, w in the u lld. of
the Aiwa country would have ciwt U
' men out of Imi their live-, I. p-Mlng
j well w itli M.-edy rei-overy III pn..-et,
1 t the re.i.lcinv of hi. al.ti-r. Alix U.
I W. Ouivev. of thi. rity. Ir. IOiran,
: "t riiilomulh, and lr. Applegate and
! I . -.1 ..... I.I. l. .l I.... I.. . I..
' l-onard m l hi. bnkeii hit in planter
, of Pari, and made him a. comfortatile
j iw "ihle. Wel-l.-r, livlnif far fnun
neighbor, waa on Sunday, Mareli III,
.Iru.-k by a falliliK tree w hich bmke
Iii. leg and pinioned him for aeverai
N(ltwltll.I)Ulll, ,,. ln f hi;
., ,. lt.n .u-nll v Mru-lcd until
.... ...... . . . .... .........t
he cxlricatcd llitlim- f, Bli.l but one
, , u , , , , , f
... . . . .i,.i.i .. ....
rm niallll(!,M ,' Vrawi ,., hi.
" where for four iUv he Kiit-i.t.Hl
, .... ... ...., 1.1 ..i. i.
i'.i.i.iwi Kl." ' 1. Mllllll t.- l-...U I.U1
, , , h- lllu, u?
, ,k. iKtlH.r bv ivln? a line to a
1 -. ' i m.-n-i-
' .-... ..i..i.i
Ill incawLi-. 1 litve n.-lL'liUir. cm..
,,,, , kft , , , ,
lM , Vl ,i, out Into civ.liatl.m;
, , (f , . ,
ami .t n-auia au.l, Willi their
t erv '
'"' ''l''rf"'t. ,, torture- 4 the man,
"""dcd a. he , wereln.t pitiable
! '" '' lr. Uvhii liad aln-ady
x i iu un.aeii iiiiui aa i.-ai ne nui. 111
the hack m'ttlemelit, but came with
Mr. Webta-ra iiiickly a he could for
l.'ttcr .uixioal trtatiiii ut.
II. I. Jw.
Viinna, April I. The aiiti-S-mlU
an.l clerical, arv ureatlv aitllatetl over
the apimliitiiH-lit by I'n-.ideiit Cleve
land of Max J u.l.l. of Mimuri. aa eon-
ul-lp-lielal of the Culled State at
Vienna. The oiiiKvitinn toju.ld 1. taw
imt low.1 on the g-ntuud that Ju.ld I. a
, Helm-w-, and therefore an lllid.wirahle
l.-moll for the otlbv. A letlllotl 1 la-
iiii; pn-pantl a.ldn.s to F.iiiM-mr
Franc!. Wfli to the Austrian fon-iirn
Sawi: Mam. AlUtiy IVmocrat: J-
' no waa ar-
I.- t .1 .
, t
rvU-l at r lon-iitr, Ijne county, for
marry iiiif In., and afterward,
dlachatyed, 1. the aame mall for horn
a warrant w a. i.uel m-veral uiouth.
' A""-v- r"r ltl '
iT-rou. w eai.n 011 Mr. Truax. Ixxif-
L.rniw .kipp.-d out and managed to
t rn-.t. pn.Ullv not .toi..ii.,c un-
J " '1 ' " u"
be n a. li.W Horelu. llu f'iaj'er
Lluu omnty r.el,h!..r. do not .Uk
ell of him.
-"""day '. Oniroyay. contain, a abort
deaerlollon artli le f I Jtlw COUIltT. ainl
,,A,cular of the IMiembx ndliand
4 wtta-v t.r.yp.
(ieorire PaIt
returned Ut night
fmin Pendleton.
J. A. Knlfht, of ConaKla, dlnl y.-1
ter.lay, aifvd C7 year.
S. W. Condon returtR.I Iwmi from
IU-irlurr y-tcrday.
K. M. Warnn and fauilly; Imve 1
moved la. lt lo tow o. 1
Mr.. John Wlthr..w went to I"ortland
thi. morning n a
la puty Sh. ritT Croner uiale Ru-
l.nrtr l.rU-f VrtterdaV.
Ir. B. V. Haniniell.ofCottaifeti Kuifetie tver sumlay. .
K. K. Kuhll ha. trne to hi. home at
Jacksonville to -ud the week.
Ir. K. I. MiKenney baa located at
Macow, Idaho. Hi. health haa Im
prove.1. Kmaiiuel and Barbara I-auer went
to Portland thi. lllonilliK to a-lld
their vacation.
Dan Murdiy, chairman of the dem-m-ratic
.tate central cotunilttee, b In
Waahinifton, D. f.
Tlie reception mom of Catterlln A
Hick', photograph irall'TT U being
U.-oratel by John Hulery.
A inarriaife llceiit wa la.ue.1 thl
morning to B. B. Scott and Bod
ell by County Clerk Walker.
II." D. Norton, of Junction, ..nt
Sundar with hi. farni'y In thi. city,
n-turnlng home thl. morning.
A HianiaKe U-lween two of Kup-ne'a
vnuiijr people 1 on the tapl and will
Im coii.uminate.1 In the near future.
Mio-.-. Mioni. HouMon and A mie.
Ijine w ho have Ix-eii visitiinc in thla
rity returned home to Junction y.ter
day evening.
A ear load of tile to be uaed on the
yi-a re fruit tract adjoining town on
the wct, ow m-d by J. IL and I. L.
Cainpl. ll. I at the depot. The tile
come, from llalney.
Florence Weat: K. A. Pickle, our
etimatle f. How leave, for
the KaM on Monday and will remain
hi t hieairo rr a couple or ween in at
tend the world' fair.
O. W. Pickett returned frru Junc
tion City yesterday. He inform, ui
that a committee wa. apMilntel to
prK-ure the Inetiqioratlon aiier of the
new propo-ed bank, of which he la a
Flornc Weat: The city election
w ill he held on u--xt Tuesday. Thereat
mii.t be elccte.1 one mayor, four cotlti
eilmeii, one recorder and one city mar
hal. The polling place will be in
the Weatcott .lore.
Card are out announcing the mar
riage of Charlea 1. Thomaa, a ri.liiK
voiiiiir attornev of Mom-ow. Idaho, and
.mralt. Bond, at tlie home of the lat
ter jMn-nla, near Irving, on the IMh
of tin. month at h o'clock p. m.
Th citizens' league held a meeting
at Ithlnrhart'. theater Saturday even
ing Pmlei-aor straub, Bailey and
Condon, IWv. Driver and Batea and
Councilman Wheeler were the .leak
ers. A ifxxl audience was present.
Profs. B. J. Hawthorne, 8. F
M.-Clureand h 11. McAllimer, accom
nie.l by hi family, went to Portland
tlii. morning to attend the graduating
exercise of the M.-dlcal department of
the l iilveraity, to be held in that city
this evening.
Autone and Joseph Vey, bmther,
the well known .been men, am having
some leiml trouble at lloppner. Jisx ph
ha. had hi brother's herders arretted
for tnpaM4, and Antolie retaliated by
cauoing Joseph' arrvst tor keeping
scabby sheep.
It la proposed to lueortxirate the
town of Toledo, county seat of Lincoln
under the general Incorporation law
.vwh1 at the last stwlon. Achangeof
name la also prnpoae.1 and a citlxens'
meeting lo take the initiatory ste
will l held In that city to
night Mcdfonl Mall: Hie annual conven
tion of the state grand lodge, I. O. O.
F., will lie held at F.ugcne on Mav 17.
Mulf..rd halgii No. hi, at their last
meeting, elected Measr. 8. lioaeiithal,
W. I. Vawtcr and ('has. Strang as del
egate to represent thciu In the grand
assembly at F.ugcuu.
THE IKIM ll.tVI HtOl.t: ICI U.
aaria 'st.vlV.a.'" '
Winch. tlh, Ky., April 3. The
bill which has iassed the Legislature
allowing the humln-d. of fclouv case
growing out of the fa nous Freuch
Kvcrsole feud, and which were bnught
here front Perry County on account of
the stale of anarchy lu that section, to
be sent back there, meets with the ap
provnl of the H-ople here, Inasmuch aa
it frees their courts from a mass of case
which ctl'eetually prevented anything
from U-iug done lu the way of local
husiuam. Many of the best Informed
.eople believe, however, that when
these case come up for trial at Hazard
hostilitiea will I again n-sumed.
11. F. French, the leader of one fac
tion lives here. John F.vcrsole, the
leader of the other, live at lUmnevllle, County, both many tuilea from
Hazard and from each other. The old
feeling of hatred I Hot dead, but sleep
ing, a is shown by the coulession of
the Whit taker hi other., who after t ic
ing sentenced for life for a murder
grow inn out of the feud, Mated that at
a late term of the Perry Circuit Court
thev lay lit wait for Frunch, Intending
lo kill him. The ett'ort to convict
some of the leader have cost the State
thouant of dollars, and It ha t.-eti
clearly ahown that tlie only one that
can la- reached are some of the ignorant
tool., and that the principal, cau lievar
he convicted. In view of thl fact, an
etrrtwill he made to Induce Judire
Scott to file these case away at the
next term of Circuit Court, instead of
sending them hack to Perry Couuty.
AlUny iH-tn.-rat: We knew It.
Saleiu fwl. ver:,Jjot account of the
Sildiera' imnie going to Boat-burg, and
will get out an injunction. Built up
on the state', "pap" the city la Dot
even willing that a f liow) soldiers'
home should go somewhere eUe. If
the injunction Is served It will do more
to dVgUat the people of Oregon with
the Capital city than any movement
that could be taken. Don't be a dam.
Mttn.r iiar.
WtxTSirtKioa. WU.. Auril 4.
Tlie IVrn bit- elevator Collap-d t.v
day Isjryiug five men. Two are dead-
l..i:. I.usrd. Aciil 1.
warrant was orn out al if ""
iKirg thl. morning ihargtng t.eorge
Bi. hardson, the party who claimed l :
havet.-cn aault-.l bnitally at Ihcel
Hi:i by train n.hl.r. last Thursday
night, which charge, him with tlie
crime of a-ault with Intent to kill. In
tearimr un the track. He was arreted
by sheritf" K. llev. f Multnomah
ty last night at the n-iuest of Sheriff,
James 1- .olanf, of this
cltv Vio went to I ortiaim
to 'take iTTanre of the primer, by thi
mnmlnif'i l..-al train. He will I-"
through her tomorrow evening with
lUchanl n. and will I aoooiiipan.oi
bv Slienir .Miller, I i.iukibs couiiit.
'The evidence I. said to be iiulte
.trong but whollv, of course, of a cir
cumstantial natun-. One thing l
quite certain, and that K that Kali-arl-m
I an Inveterate liaf.
The sum of ISmi l oiun-u t.y ine
rsiims.l iminriaiiv for the arret and
oonvktlon of the guilty lrty.
KesolDtlon Pawed.
At tlie meeting of the l.ird of re
gent of the university of on-gon. the
following resolution were ltitr.slu.vd
by linn. T. O. Hendricks, and unani
mously adopted:
W Ht RKAS, President John W. John
son has tenden-d to thl. I.mrd hi
resignation a the executive ofll.-erof
lh In.titution over which he ha.
successfully pn-sl.led fnun lt founda
tion, ana
Wiikkka. HI. Indefutlinililc liula
try, unsurpassable executive ability,
scholarly attainments, ami launiui ue
votlon to the Interest of the univer
sity, have done much to give that In
stitution it pre-s-nt high standing
among the educational lu-titutioii ou
thi. coast, then-fore,
lUx.LVKIi. That It I. with gn-at re
luctance that this l.mrd aovpt the
resignation of President Johnson.
1:nLV:i, That It give, the Uard
much j'h-a.ure to expn-ss it apnt-iu-tlon
of the highly suoWul character
of hi. administration, and of the con
scientious maimer in w hich he ha
ev.-r discharged his onerous duties.
Klx.LVKIi, Tliat the otllcial rela
tlnn. between '.he president and the
hoard have l.-en of the mt pleAsnut
and witi.factorv character.
lUxiLVkt), that this tenders
its thank to the pn-sld.-nt for hi
faithful lies and deotiou to the Inter
eat of the university and dmin-s to
sav: "Well done, thou good and faith
ful servant."
Orrgaa) slal. W.alh.r rrt lr.
i Station, lnlvcrsitvif Oregon, March,
F.levatlon above sea level, 4.15 ftvt.
Mean tiin. rature. 41.
Maximum tciupcratiin- 72, date ITT.
Minimum teini-iratureJ, date 1 and
Mean of maximum tenii.-nitun-, -VI.
Mean of minimum temperature, 3s.
Numl.-r times maximum tempera-tun-
W degree or al-nve, none.
Numt.-r time minliiium Uiuperatun
or U-low, 4.
NumU-r time iniiiiiiuiiii tempera-tun-
40 or Mow, Zi.
Total pn-cipitatioii, 2..17 Inches.
(ireat.-st pn-ciiiltation In -4 con-4-.-u-live
hour and dale, .Oil on the Kth.
Prevailing direction of wind, south-
Numl.-r of clear dav, 1.
Numls-rof partly cloudy days, 2.
Numls-r of dav. !!S.
NumlK-rof dav on wliich .01 or more
of i.reclpitatloti fell, 19.
.N. of
day ou which .04 or more
fell. 15.
Date on w hich hail fell 12 and .?.
Date of light fnwt. 'J.
1 at.-, of killing or injurious frosts, 1,
2, 6, , H, 13.
H. H Mlt'Ll RK,
Oorver U. and On-gon Weather
Industrial Legiun Instituted.
On Saturday nftcmoon at 2 o'clock
T. J. F.lllot, organizer and leciun-r, In
tltuted an Industrial Legion In North
Kugene precinct No. 3, with the meet
ing plai-e at the school house, a couple
of miles below town.
Twenty-two mcmls-r were taken In
to the l.-iiion, and otlh-er. were elected
as follows: V. IL Fuller, captain;
1J. strong, adjutant; Chas. Brady,
Uartenuuster general; T. J. Beck.-l,
reomling ortlivr; (ieo. W. Cornell,
chaplain; F.rvlu Johnson, S-ntiiu-1.
Tla Apit.laiB.ral. Taaav.
Wajiiiixotom, April 3. The prosi
dent toilay sent the following nomina
tion, to the senate:
William Edmund Curtis, of New
lork, lo Is? assistant secretary of the
treasury, vice (lenlo M. Laml.-rtson,
Charles 8. Haiiiliu, of Massachu
setts, to be secretary of the
treasury, vice John II. (ieer, resigned.
James II. Belt ki ts, of Illinois, tu U
comptroller of currency.
watnes F. Meline, of the District of
Columbia, to la? assistant treasury of
the 1'ulted States.
L. Slolsj Farrow, of South Carolina,
to be second auditor of the treasury.
John B. Brawley, of rennsylvanl.-i.
to 1 auditor of the tn-aaurv for the
post ofiloa department.
Jamc. J. Willie, of Florida, to a.
deputy fifth auditor of the treasury.
Henry W. F-glor, of New Jersey, to
b cf'.irtor of cuMimi for the district
of New Jersey.
Dudley O. WaUon, of Michigan, to
be collector of custom, for the district
of Michigan.
John Tracy, of New York, to U
uperiutendeut of chanties for the Dis
trict of Columbia, vice A. J. Warner,
. I Acci.
New- York, April 1 Lawyer Hutu.
mel. wh repnMeuU Iugilit Mitchell',
interest. In thi ct-uiitrv. La. cable.1
hi. principal, adviiug him to actvrt
the Coney Island Club', offer of ii,i.iii
for his fight with CorU tt.
S-e ailvertisemt nt of (rrnev Mineral
watar la another coluiun.
According to a popular preacher
every man i Ifo,
ni let men j r. Tcr to be on the in
ri le tLim the- outsMc of all good
thing that nrc jroin?.
The txticwrit. r., machines, not
ojs.TaUi., ure lx-ing fornHti into a
trust. The enormous profits male
fnmi tlu ir sales would n-em to pre
clude the nm-f-ity of a trust.
The ex pent account of tlie
American couimit-Moners to arbi
trate the IWhring sea fuetion has
made quite a scandal. It it but a
relic of the extravagance that de
pleted a vlOO,000,(XX) treasury, and
left a deficit of nearly 20,fX)O(00O.
The change came none too oon.
The j.-ojde of Michigan areai-ked
to give any county that desircg to
introduce any system of road im
provement the con;-titutional right
to do so. It impa-es no burden on
any other county. The clause in
the con?titution is antiquated and
a M-riotis obstacle to tlie growth and
projsrity of thoe countie that
Ut 1 able to afford the road improve
inentf. sjieaker Keady my tho Portland
s)rt.-iucn got all the legislation
they a.ked. The courts are now
trying to settle the status of laws
recommended by tlie gentlemen
pot hunters of Portland, but how
ever the decision i made the prac
tice of resident., of the country in
need of meat will not lie varied.
The rejiorts from the use of the
voting machine in the state of New
York a week ago are very encourag
ing. In one place the total vote on
41 names was read and verified by
the p ill b-viks in six minutes after
the nlU closet!. At another the
total vote nf the chief candidate
was read and verified in exactly
one minute afhr the closing of the
polls. No error has yet been found
nor lias the machine been discred
ited. It may be hard to prove that the
man UKliardson, whom tho l ort
land pre-s has been exploiting as a
"hero," is the man who removed
the railroad rail near Ilice hill, but
it is almost a moral certainty that
he committed the deed. Sheriff
Noland and his efficient deputy
(Jcorge Croner, are entitled to credit
for the part they have taken in
tracing up the crime. The man's
statements heretofore brand him
as an uncommon liar seeking for
notoriety. His mind is a diseased
one to say the least.
The prosecution of some liquor
sellers on the ice below Niagara
falls resulted in the discovery that
the boundary line between Canada
and the United states follows tlie
channel of the river and that it
runs so that two-thirds of the river
is in Canada and one-third in the
United .States. Hence Canadian
criminals escaping by tlie suspen
sion bridge will have to run twice
as far as t'e American criminal.
This favors the American criminal,
am! is another reason for " annexa
tion, for then running wouldn't
help either of them.
The agony of the city election is
over and all will feel relieved.
The American jxuple must have a
vent for their feelings and elections
come in good play. City elections,
however, where there is a contest
excite in. ire rancor and ill feeling
than any other class. It often is
tho cas tliat voters must choose be
tween personal friends because of
the principles involved, then there
is soreness and heart burnings.
The people should have a choice of
rulers, but elections for city officers
should be held at the same time
with the county, and then but once
in two vears.
A recent decision of a federal
court judge is that railway em
ployes are not allowed to quit work
when such act would be an inter
ference with interstate commerce.
Tlie St. Louis Kepublic comment
ing on the decision says: Some
way must be found of ridding the
federal lunch of corrupt men, and
as pr. -n.t methods of impeachment
are a f.iilure there must be a
chang under which the legislature
of any elate may lodge ai tides of
impeachment with the United
states - r.ate against any federal
jude. With such an amendment
we rr.''jht have some show of re-sr-'t.sil.ility
fron the federal judges
who ate now the irr sponsible crea
tures of corrupt and tyrannical cor-Ioratiocs.
j HMU a