EUGENE CITY GUARD. lrprtelr. EUGENE CITY. OREOON. I)iIay of Orison (ame I'.irJs for tlie Worll's Fair. A MISAPPROPRIATION o OF FUNDS Tie Huge fur HMilr-o Treasure Homing la the XelgMurbood ol the San I.uts Htj illiilon. Arlnn'a Legielatur rhaje It esion on April 14. Hlock lxty feel in lengh withont litaak are lonnl In th onyx quarries in Lower California. The Arisona Council ha passed a bill exempting Irom laa'nn lor tenty years all railroad tlial ueg.n work in th Yarn lory within una year. The last ol the Oar d'Alen rioter bald In Jail hava been released in obedi ence to a recent United Blate hupreme Court decialon. KailroaJ hop employe at Hacramen'o threaten to boycott member ol It. a Hard ol Trade ll the latter pereiat in taking btmnee Irom the Or. Ochre found on K.lljab Welch' place below I'endleUm, Or., make paint ol about the sain body and rotor a burnt lenua, which It reaeuibiea greatly. In the Arixona Legislature the Field bill, which provided lor the diviion ol the Territory into litigation district, baa hren killed in the llou by an over whelming vol. The mieapproprialion ol fundi In tended lor improving the capitol r round at I'lionix. A. T baa lexl to the utrodurtion ol a resolution in (he Leg iilature to remove the capital. The content over the KUialde will at Hants lUrUra haa besun. About (50, 000 era involved, and the widow her huetmnd waa unduly Influenced in bil bestowal ol the properties on other people. Frank Ieenet, receiver ol the Koewell, N. U.. United htatee land Office, dieap peered a lew week aince, and advice at hanla Fe atate that be waa abort to the government somewhere between (U,OtJ and (20,000. A lew daya ago Miaa l.liiie Ihigm, In tractor at the Indian school, known a the Hlewart Institute, at Carson, In at tempting to teparate two ludian girls who were quarreling, waa struck over Uia bead and It la believed tcrmu-ly In jured. By the proviaion of bill which baa paneed the Am ma Donee no boiiee ol ill fame can enat within Ht varda ol a piiMtc-erhool bil Iding. It wl.l break no and clear out the ilivea on Monroe alreet In I'lio nil, aa all that portion ol the town la witiiin Iwj bliicaa ol the High Heboid bu I .it g. Allen Hli'xlea of Salem haa prepared a dlaplay oi t Iregon game birda that wil. go to the Wor.d'e Fair, ll omenta ol eaveuleen Mongolian pheaeante, Includ ing co k, ben and flit-ii ctn. . (our fair lor a group; two pair ol Ktern regon prairie clih kena, two pair ol dueay grouae, two pair rul!UI grouee, four pair valley tpiad, three pair moun tain quad, a g oup ol jack aniand aome other aingie pei'imena Tlie government attorney! have aeked for the diamieeal ol the raae ol the United Hlatea V. The Willamette Vailey an. I I'aacade Wann HMd IVimpany, now on the calendar ol the Untied Matwa Cir cuit Court ol regon, the tint having been brought by the government to r cover about $i'00,iM worth of land granted to tlie coinaiiy lor the con etruction of certain wagon made. Aa the I'niUxl Hlalt-a Supreme Court haa recwutly rrmlered deciaioo adveree to the government in two Identical with Una one, the attorney! concluded to aak lor ita diiiumal. The Oregon and Calllornla Und Com pany uaed to be aaeHd on b.l,tHU acre ol land In Lane county. A new onr ahln book revealed l"o0.l) acree. The cumpanv longtil an aaeeeement on that ! .. . j - ...... ll iM-idixl Uaaia. 4II pupirmv moallv In lavor ol the county of Una. A compromise baa jnat beeu made on 11,000 acree. The principle ha been fully eelabltahed that the railroad, or land company, mint y laiee on the land they areeutitletltounnerinegrani, whether patented or not. Aa a reeult, lane county will receive tbia year over 10,000 Irom that aconrce, where aeveral year lormerly a few hundred dollar were paid anuually. The rag for bidden-treaanre bunting till tii'ta In the neighborhood of the han Key Mieelon, ai)) the Ueatora tloa Society la Uking atepe to put a atop to the I arrowing In and around the walla. Aaan Illustration ol the elueiona, there live In l.o Angelee aa old Indian woman with the name of Trinidad. She waa young gtrl, about twelve year old, at the miion id San Juan Capialrauo, when that onilding waa diatruyed by an earthquake In U12, and thirty eight In dian were kl led on that memorable Knndav at high maw. Trtn'dad, who elalmi to be a witch, aaya alia knowa where a large amount ol gold an. I ailver la buried in that budding, and tlie spir it tell that It la alill there. Tli .Virfawrlrm I timUrman of Chi cago, treating ol the growing erarritv of wliil pine lor shop work, tngg-la aev eral woods t fill it place, audaavaol th! Coaal' woods. : The two We-tern woods that now seem likelv to become important (actor in the Itctorv trate are aprora and red cedar. The lorrner is i a light, woou. ewny wnraea uni not ; eqirpincnt uraan ror ins nam mtntia etrong, with a close, ataxht gram, ll j The sum charged to Oreg-m amoitrud a been need to aome ei tent bv one of o 472. and this ws ile-lticted from tb local ab, door aud blind (actur'ee (lie I.'i,0o0 direct tat due the Siat-. with aatU'acUiry reeoil. 1 he red cedar , ll-ptewnttive Hermann, a t o w the la more brittle than spruce, rather author ol t' e law which c ve theOre cuarwe-grained, lint easily worked and mi I'm a la-ge quo'i !r .' a-ir. an t eery durahle. It meet with aome lavor ' ei'i pn.eots a lew ea a a. I a tna.le la ihi market aa a flunhiiig wood, hut i var,ou appea'a to Ihe r-x. retarv to r la bardly aa draira le lor factory work aa . le the rha'c made ak-anl the il rec' enruca. Yellow or Itiuglaa llr 'ariaimeit ' tat due the Mate. Some oli erS'a'e- by oni I' l oaal mill men to tw an aa eicalien! fln'shing w.t. hot it la t.o heavy to a I m l ol shipiornl Fast in competition with apnea and cedar, lu eommercial value i greateet lor con airtictioa porjioao. Charge of murder have been re'erred against ihe Lincoln, eh., penitentiary oihelai (or punish nf a prisoner no - verety that he d e-l. A committee ai l mak report thai prom t a rulioa. FROM WASHINGTON CITY. Tbe Opening, L'p to Settlement of the Cherokee Strip DeiwnJmt Upon tl( Cherokee Coiifn.ll. Kecetary Carllel haa a gned vouchert to the amount ol t2-iO,l:0 in Uvor ol the World's Fair Couitwesion, which are payaMe In aouvenlr liall-dohars. The commissi- n np to Ihi Mine haa received (l.iOr.liA ol the (2.Vk'0j appropria turn )v Cuugrse, payable in aouvenlr ba (-dollar. The de egate to the recent Interna tional Monetary Conference have re 'gned. Am nig niam'vra o tJongrest It la Iwlieved the President will eend a miiimteamn to llrnssel to represent th' rountrv when the conference reassem hlea. The HeereUr nl Hate la now en deavoring to ascertain how many coon triea will 1 represented at the reawm bling ol the conference. There a'e some r.llicial who hold to the opinion that the reeidnt will not eend another delega tion to ltrti-i. lnt will drrgnate our M nieter to Italgmm to attend the ron-lrfvn'-e a the representative of the United Metre. Kecretary Carlisle, it it ttated on good authority, intende to irive much ol hie time thi oinrner to the consideration ol th tar IT. l i view to o thorough ly familiarising himself with tli.Q il). ct aa to lie ah e to Indicate in a way outline lor the formation ol a taritl hill by the neit lemrratlc House. Nearly every loail thet recbe the Treasury leprtmerit coiitain ug;es tiont from statistic. an and o'hera a to compilation ol hill. Home tbirty or forty of there communication have already twn received, prominent among them being that Irom the Net York H'lorm Cluo. Tl veneral r-.--line ol the New York Ue'nrm Cluo't taritf prorition correinda cloee;y to the pronoa.tion euhrnittel in l"H by K laaril Atkl'iaon ol iwnn to rreenieiil t'leveland and Kecretary Manning. The ei-ollicrhoMerg are aim t itelirl on with joy over Cleveland a modifica tion ol the rule concerning reappoint menta tonttire. It le believnt that the I'reeiilent will appoint "eiea" where it nit bla pleasure, and apply the rule where randidatea are ohnoi'oiia. One reeult ol the announcement that the "eea" would Hand aome chance la that the Sen k tore and Keprewnlativea are hedegel by greater mini' er ol canti datea than ever. When It waa an nounced that the "etea" were not in li, the? retired reluctan'ly Irom the field. and othera, who had not held oil ire, came to the Ironl by eenree. Now. bow ever, the "em" are attain lighting bravely in the Iron! ranka, and le-tween all the ('ongreaaman'i Ilia la mule mie- erahle. Henahir Do'lih calUil noon the Se re lary ol the Interior the other dav re garding the propoeed tillilier reimrvation at Ashland, Or. it waa understood inai till reservation wi illcl be made iturin the laat administration, but I'reeident Harrison did not find time 'o reach it. iecn-tary Smith told Senator iMi'pli that at present lie waa nnalile to do eiV tiling regarding thla reservation sn I too tiusy reorganising the Uepartmi-iit to give anv lime or attention to the work of the department eicept that nl mo t pressing nature. The neo-ea'ty lor hav ing the At bland reservation la said to la titat the water supply nl that town is dependent noon havlmr the timlier re-er vation, a the denndtion tlie lands where the water now come Irom would protmblv reeult in greatly Impairing the water ciipply. When tlie Senate ratified Die trea'y lor Hi ce-ai' n to the United Stales o' the Cherokee Strip, th re w Inserted therein a clue a Inch pr ivldci for th -ompen4tton (or the land to lie made in time payments in place ol the re quirement ol the iroverniiieiit to pH cash, as contemplated In the agreemeni orlginallv draa n up with the Indiana tin ino-lill atlon of the treaty wn not accented bv the Indian, but l:l ponaidcred bv their Icgislaiive lenly, the i licrnkiHi l irincil, at a meeting to Im lieM imn, Tli" early opening ol tlie Strip will la) entirely deiM-ndi-nt upon the action ol the Council, lor, should It reject the in li Ileal ion ol the treaty made by the i-nl, then it will - nec essary lor the mat'er to heavain tiroiiKht ticfore Coiii;res, which would, of course, indefinitely delay the opening ol ll lauda to settlement. The State Iti-partment baa received ut flcial Information that Ijuecn Victoria has raised the rank ol Sir Jul-an rauucelote. her repreM-ulatlve in Waah ington, from that of Kitraordinarv and Mini-tcr l'lemiotentiary to that ol Am haseador, and lii cretciilials aa inch air on their war here. I ntlcr the provis iona ol the diplomatic and consoler ap propriation hill ol March I, IH.t, Presi dent Cleveland I author ed to con(cr the aamerank niHinonr representative at Unidon. Sir Julian rauiuvfote wil, l-e the tiret Minister to Washington to hold O.he title ol Amtieraoilor, lint it I h'ttlilv prohatile that r ranee, tuirmaiiT, ICn-sis and Austria will lie prompt to follow the eiample thus aet by Knglaud and changr the t:ll of their Minister to Auilsissa- dora, thin necessitating by International ivnriesy a corresponding change on our part. I.!tiiltiw I ween the l'nite-1 Slate and the late corporation of the Church ol Jeeua Christ of l-atter-lhir Snin's commonly knewnaathe Mormon Church, I not a yet ended. The Supreme Conn baa before it an appe! renK- .i Ihe use to which ahall h put the chur.-l pMierty eacheated by the court 'a de-i-ion at a prevtotia term When the prop erty waa declared forletted the court di rected the Utah Suprene Court to tlx the charitable use to a hii-h it should he pnt. The court ree te I the proposition ol the government aa to the use a hu h should le made of the fund from the protiertr, amounting to alut Mi',l '. and directed It should le applie-l to tin support and aid ol the p()inember ot the Church ol Jesita t'hri.t ol IjitUr Iv Saint and to huildinx nd repair iair9ne ol ej-sli'p 'or mem tier i Ihechnn-h. Tlie l nite.1 State haa ap eae.l from tin decree, aaserting n wou'd practicallv permit the property t Iw devoted to the aanie ptirposej fo which It waa formerly held. The Se.-re'ary of the Treanrr ba .'e- cide. that the lormer action of the de oartment Is Invalid wlilch de.(nc' froc the direct 11 due the s vral State tin sum heretofore chsrtcd for arui an are interested aa to iml'ar charge made aairt their qn la under the law ol April, I rn'H, which providee foe an an nual appMpr-al n ol J.l.i lor po v il rg arm and qiipmr. lr the whole Isely ol Ihe no ma. 1 l e depart ment new iWldee that m Vew of the long continual practice ol a'lowina; the Stair to ant e pa'e iheir qno'as and to honor the reqrj aitton nf t ei, .e'nof on their representation of the enetencw ot emergennee demand n the r liume dot'. no charge ihoid Le made. ItEVOND THE ROCKIES. Heavy Immigration Flowing Into Northwestern Iowa. STRANGE DISEASE AMONG CATTLE. lilslrp W!er la uej a ClrcuU Aik'rcssl to the PriesS RfnclndlDg His Former Order. The Colorailo Senate ba passed a bill aUi.lfhlng capital pnnlslnnent, I'rof. Totu-a pre-.'. lb end ol tli world om time in Septeiulwr net!. Fifty thousand hotel room willO aval .able near tlie World' Fair ground. Tl.- IIUMrtn..kMA run ln(,orir!a la r r. reisirteil to I overrun with wild A big llosUin ryiidii-kte I trying to ae enre coiilrol ol the C' steel indue trie. Waahlngton newatmy are lorbidden by law to sell paer except on th date of iasue. The city of lloaton i making a hard fltiht againat the trolley ayalein ol eli-c-tric car. The Aranaa Taaa railroad ba rlrtn tlly paaae.1 into th poeion ol the Southern I'acitic. In the liwer llouae of the Pennsyl vania legislature th anti-l'lnkrton bill haa Dually pueed. A stranne dieae among cattle in Central lllinoit I lielieved to be du lo th feeillng ol millet. Katlmate aa lo tit cost ol the t! in the World'a Fair district rang from ia,r jo.inio to M.owvm Tli heaviest immigration that ever Mowed into Northweel Iowa and South iiakota la in pngreea now. A crinoline-manufacturing concern ba been ealabhahed In Uhode lalaud, tlie Ural ol th kind In America. It ia thought that the coinage ol World' Fair eotivenir hali-doliar will lie completed in three nrnnthe. Alaiut 150 Chinamen living in Iloeton have liitiinsled that they intend regie tertng within the prescrilied erlo I. S-jine one ba gone off willi all the coin and record ol the noted Tenderloin Ciub al New York, and it 1 now In the throe o dissolution. South Carolina haa istned bond cov erimr Ita new loan, amounting to k-,2i0. ,Kl, hearing 4't per cent lnleret and to run lor forty year. Iiy a vote ol 31 to 11 the Minnesota nnate ha tiaraed th Senate hid ex ten ling the lull snllrane at all elect on in Miiiuesota lo women. The ca-e involving the Mormon Church proiertr lis leu advanced in tlie 1'nlied Statt Suprt ma t'ourt to the sec ond Monday ol tne next term. ihe receivers ol the Heading road have definitely decide! on the issue ol receiver rertltlcate. the lamilholdera committee will protbly tight it. A corporation with a capital nl fl'i, 'k 0.000 ha lieen lormed to cover New Jersey in tlie neighliorhood ol Jersey City and Newark with electric railwaya. ll I prnpowd by the organiied tin and (heet-lnin ) ib worker and corn'ce worker of St. Umi to eatahliali a train ing eclnxd where apprentice will be 'aught the trade. The Canadian Pacific andtiran 1 Trunk road have an reed upon a rate of 1 tare (or Ihe round tr p Irom Canadisu iMiinta to Chicago during the Wond'a Fair. Ticket UI te good for one month. The Kansas U-gialainr ha pa-sed a lull making ll illegal lo require a gmd iiiutracl in no'es, tnortgjge or oilier ol ,, gallon and making aiivcr, aa well aa oid, a legal U-nder lor all deTita In Kau saa. A committee appointed by tlie House ol the Tennessee l.'-gislature to investi gate the charges agaiual Judg lluikiise ol the Shelby County Criminal C out haa reported that there are no grouml tor iuieachiuent. Keorta to the bureau o' stat sties nl the Treasury Ivpartmeut !iow a dec del increase in the numlier ol ImiuiKraiits entering tlie port ol San Francisco, while in the other Mirla ol the country there ha Is-en a lallinu-otr. It I thought prntmhle that at the con-i-lua.on ol ihe naval review Secretary I lerliert will divide the ihip Into three lleeta, put new ollieer in command and aeud the vessel away at once to the I'a cine, the South Atlantic and Knrope. I'ian lor the America cup defender how that aotii radical change have la-en lntndueed over the lormer type of vachta. The new bwu are neitlyall 124 leet in length. 2d to 'M feet beam, and base a mean draught ol 12 to 14 feel. 1 he custom ollleer at New York are holding the trunk ol aitumlwrol Ital Ian opera inner under the belie! that Ihe clothing in the trunk ia not the propertv ol individual member, but nl llenrv Abley, who haa charge ol the troupe. Judne Pallaa in the United Stsle Cir cuit Court at I'liiledelph'e haa deniel a motion to require John F. Searlea, Jr., Tressurer of the American Sugar h lin ing IVitnpsny, to abow cause why be houid not I compelled to anaaer lm ikirtant queetiou In the tint ol the gov ernment auainsl the anger trust. Hishop W gger of the diocese of New- Bra, J., Iia. ipbiiti mi mai ic,i, addressed to each priest iu the dioceee, reecir.iitng lit lormer order in which priest a ere ordered to refuse aolution io those memlier ol aparhh who rent their children lo the public echoole in prelerrnce U the parochial ichool. Joseph M. lia(am of 1'liiladeiphia de n ir that be tin sin an aired the $.' 0K.t,iM. ectaleol hiafalheMn-law. Johnti. Head ing, of which he waa thf)eteculor. I'her waa aome Kwe in ,.rmka-e in value ol certain seen ri lies, but the loss. ava, will te trilling compared lo the allegation ol I ree dent I ieve and ha notified the iiiember 1 hi Caomet that they mut uake no apointmenle nnlll the names I thM eoelfl to iwiim ottiee have tnen tnhmitlol to and approved by htm. ("It a m e la laid down by the t'-sident a the mot no terra', and JV la to applv even to nerka In thedenartuiente. J rlMveof Laving saind.ed aealthy Irw al' over the runtrv lo the tnne oj k,(kO, whii) rel-nd'ng to co.lec' U"d lur the reliel ol Russian co re, iilop sts, l'b neaa li)in.-ah, who taiuis to be the son of a aeaithv n anu-f-turer ol I'er an rareu and mK ol Salinas, lVrsia. and also ol New York, haa been arrested at Chicago. The government patronage herel'ore i,nulrrd the eected prperty of Sena or, 1. r instance, aa Marrala and I' V I-1 Attornev. I t"t d-c'arl !. for t:,ard a-wd n to the ruling f the lreidf-nt hnmble menitril tie House evre a group ol pnvalecit-en nnv freer nt the tauie ol can 1 dsiee wl:h ron bop of occr la th appllcatida. INDUSTRIAL BREVITIES. Bottles are blown by machinery Q Vineland, N. J. Unci Sam' boy have faO.OOo.OOO 0f capital Inveated In Hawaii. Th Angora goat npp le the hair which adorns ordinary doll. T e.ihone chat cat $i for thr min ute belaren I'arl and London. There are now r.esr'y 2tK women prat lic ng dent, .try in the l ulled Sta ee. Kiirnlvi ol the 3'5 town in Maeea- chueeita contain no rea dent phy-lcian. There are in tlie Unded Slate mor than l,7iM)ditiiict andaeparatera Iway. The lvtchllld l'r Work in Indiana are about to be moved to lllrm nham, Al. Over 100 eleitrlc car are lo I bui't at once at IMlaburg lor a Chicago com pany. .New Kng'anl ca:italis' bav pur chase-1 7.i ,iKi) worth ol Tei4 tim ber lands. Several fleet' ol rivari")'t are to be et iIi.ui.inI Ihi year on the Wertern riv-ra. The Armonr Packing Cou.;anv ha In corporated in New Jeraey ; capital, 17,- 1. II R bog'-W;Hi,no(j, Woolen-o!e, hoe a'e be'ng alowly introilucol In the cheup shop!. 'rWi ilrlfikm llrford. The novelty of th C-ilumbian ttnp I wearing o:f. and tae old-titueri are re turning to lavor. Maker o( maple sugar in Vermont av that tlie anpply thi year wil exceed 7,0 O.tkaj pounds. The I.ingham gold mine in Belmont, llaatmga county, OnUr.o, i proving highly protitahle. In some of th Kutern hre-blai kinr i9 ar yon can have your high hat pol ished by elcc'.ricy. Canning lactorie. it I rejiorte I. are lielng erei'tl In large number In vari oua part ol Georgia. It ll reported that Mttlhitirne, Aus tralia, ! overflowed with men who want work, hut ara unable to secure it. Chautauqua county, N. Y.. ha 14,l) acre ol le-aring vines and .VX) ai re ol young vine not In liearing. For llltv-two cxin seen live mile on the ll-ieton and Albany railroad, it i Raid, there I not a grade crnsaing. An nuni-eol pure gold I worth f'JO.t.4; therefore, a ton ol pure gold, which con tain 21,0 0 ounces, ii worth $ l'.r,:tA. Last year there wa borrowed out nf banks and trust com panic in New York and Brooklyn on real estate l8,0t,0,im It i aid that 3.H00 mile of electric road will he added thi year. One road in Pennsylvania I to be eighty mile long. A Clearfield (I'a.) InmWinan, Simon Flvnn, will rnn as.iHXi.Ottl feet of log down the Susquehauua river to the law mill. The lurenCneKtliererof tWrgia, it ia estimated, have during the past live year destroyed fiOJ.OO 1,000 worth ol pin timlier. Million upon million ol herring are taken every year. It i aaid that there are more herring eaten than any other kind of II iii. It i estimated, Ihe Pittsburg 'ijirva ay, that -U.:U',mi cottagea could w erecfd out of the standing timlier In the State ol Washington. There came into New Orleana in two da of Inst t k nine ateameia and one schooner, Uarinir 102,00.1 bunches of banana and ul.cOJ cocoanute. The larnesi pumping plant in the United Stales waa that placed in a mine at Iron Mountain, Mich. It pump Omi.imO gxliona in twenty-lour hour. Now lint tin Pennsylvania minera have an e nt hoiir Uw, rotne xipleare inclined to ill lik they will have to keen well nrg.ttiired to get iinv goo.1 out of It A sir mg i Ifirt is b-ing made in New Jerrey to deleat the law winch make li tv-lie hours the limit of a week' work. It l chiimed that the law i un- c uistitulional. PURELY PERSONAL The fine lace owned by th Vander hlll families are said to be worth i.'KKi, 000. iMvid 11. Smith, tlie aon of the Mor mon prophet, Joseph Smith, lm lieen an inmaieol tho aovlum lor the insane al V. gin lor leveu'.een year. Ijidy Henry Kuneraet is aliout to start a paper, to he ailed Ihe llniiiii't Un ,i,l, which will lie the i man ol the Woman' f hrntian Temperance Union. 1-ord Ch el Justice Coleridge of Kng land will pnt.ah y visit ' h, country Airing ihe World' Fair. He wa here m Ixh', and was then a tad, spare man of t.l year. Mim F.iuily Faithful ol Uuidon ia en deav riug to oigtuiie in one ol the aub urbe a home (or wnun-n n ho are working tor their own living, the id -a lieing to provide eat h ocenptnt with a private room at a low rem ami the use of com mon dining and reception room. Tlie lird Mayor of Ixindon. who Is a Hunan Cat hoi c, went out of his way the other dsy to pty a visit in atate to the Church of Kngland Young Men' Soci ety In l.ndt;al Circn. and he not only made an excellent speech, but led a tub stantial t it In hi own and the I-ady Mayoress' name. Hon. Warwick 11 uh of St. I'lia, ex Judge ol the Supreme Court ol Missouri, ill he an applicant lor the othce of A ia'ant Attorm y-tieneral o the Interior I'epartmetit, now held r Hon. tteorge II. Shield. The latter was appointed a memlier ol the Arbitration Commieaion n Chil an matter. - J Thou. a Alien, a veteran ll'.l rear old Iiva in Tvler county, W. Va. He ervei under Weihnirton in the war with Neio leon.uinlertiene'al Sott in the Mexican ar. and at the sue of 72 yeara he en I sted in the war of the rell!ion. li s physical aiqiesrance waa such that he passed muster as leing under 4.V. ll ia aaid l.ird Koery' icreat deaire ia to see a new and mrgii:!h-ent ldon hit lit up on the I ni ol the old c yj In his Uivhnxxl. it appear, his three attihi tions were to fiarrr one ol the richest women tn Kurope, to win the IVrbv and liecome Prime M nister ol Kng'an l. O these tt ree aiub tion be ha attained none ao (ar. Secr.tarv tlrehtm love t it hours and h ittra leW'l-s statue p( tJenera! M. 11 e'son iu W hington. The two ' were ir.t mi'e i :ti -era in Sherman's! a: mv. O e d lie ore At'ar'a lirea! am ' as t.-rr-.hy .! ! si M- l'tn-r,n's l ie, and r;y tinrii,' lte M Theratn waski e, Tii-rt-' room for Icciing In! a r"e oke that. j Sir AI't-nI S ep n. the ex Chief Jo- t-ceoi Nw outti Wa e, can give pom even m Mr. ti'.nds'nne in th matter of juven'itv. Ileum hia f-'d yer, unt i keei4i l,i l ti i danh'er I ny for an Itourw da !y tking down h a rraini-i rvnee from du-'atioo. S r A frwl ia the , N.stor ot I.'nc-iln's He enter.l li ere as a stu lent n ldend mas called lo the liar in N iern-, l;'.t. Tw vesrs a'trar l I e ere, krt--d to t !i ait p-'es v,lT,',"i.rn.ri 'f ll then pensl coonvo' Van l eunn'a I an I. now lb , aeil-fovemiti colony ol Taeuiaaia. FOREIGN CABLEGRAMS The Bltxxiy Banle of Santa Lucia in II miuras. SOCIAL DEMOCRATS IN GERMANY. me Corinth Cmal Approcblng Comjil-. Hon GUdsfone Fivori tte CtaDQcl TuantL Ixndon music balls clear (row MtoTO per cent. A nother I to lie erected. In mali hotel in Kit- eai-h gnert Is expected to find hi own lie.clothlng. Th extradition treaty Is-lween Swe den and tl. Unitol SUle ha brn rat-llie-l. Tlie operative co'toii-ij inner of Min chesler, Kngland, bav cirred to coin promise. The Kiel oUervetory has fonnd an other planet. Thi i the tlfteenth (ouud tin year. A mas meeting at Ihida-I'iHh adopted resolution favoring Hungarian Inde pendence. i The Nlcarsgnnn CongreM i discnss'.ng I the proMiiiliun to declare war against I I llonuutH. j The foot and mouOidiseaseba broken 'out in th Merlin cattle market, and all i remova'a ol call e have lsn prohibited. The Itratilian Min ster at I'ari ha ' denied Ihe truth of the report '.hat there ha leen fighting in Kin Grande do Snl. 1'el-all, a rharniiiig StatToriUhire vil lage, is in dunnerol disappearing thrringb a suhMdeixe caused by unmug c era i lion. I The talk ol lower wrg for coal min er in Kngland l.aa tceitainned threve that not a pound of coal will be mined , for a month. j The oil industry lias changed Ilakn from a villata to a large, tl inrishirg ! town. The lluk u oil retinery i thelarg i est In exiatence. I A plot to overthrow I'reaidenl So nga !ol Nicaragua ha lieen frustrated hy mean ol iii fori alion given by the wi e of one of the conspirators. Tlie (Vngo Free State authoritie have iirmniied n expedition having for it 1 olij-ct the n prennon of the trailic car ried on by Arab ilave dealer. A nn mlier of the f.imous Oldenburg carriage horres will lie rent to the t hi- - cago Kxhihitiou. -Thi i the moat noted Ul ll'JI-r, ill nil .ifiuniij. The l'oie ba informed the French Rishnpa ot hi deep-. on to crown his Kp s.-o al jubilee by the beatification ol the rrencli heroine, Joan o! Arc The Imiltid iry question between Chili and Argentina Inn Iseti delayed in Ita settlement, Argentina wishing to con tilt C nresa belore ai-n nj a treaty. The Italian government lu m-t rent the (iei man Kmiieror a innun tic-nt al- hu in cor.taininir photograph and pict ure ol every ship in the I uhan navy. It i the law in It -nuiark that every ! drunken man shall I taken to hi home in a carriage provide,! at the expense nl j the saloonk'-cper who sold hiui til1 aet i drink. I A Irtni-h antrchist nainel Barnard I lis U-en yrre-leil at Koine. He is sus pected nl luviug cauw-d the ex plosit li st the 1'alace Ant Iti Mattel aui the Pal ace Altieri. The Social in Itermanv have decided not to o'werve Mav dav, gmnt a a reason the imn-iverieheil coti l tion of the woi kirumeu throughout J the Umpire. Several rise of cho'era have appeared in a convict prison in Mo-eow. Hu-sm. The I'rovincialConncii haa voU'd IW i.CO-t fntni to he spent in iiiHtitufng prevent ive measuree. Tlie police authorities of Birminirbam have serve noth-es upon the small shop keeper, info'tuing them that if thev continue to trade on Sunday they will I prosecuted. The Mikado has aroonhed the law in Japs.ii winch provided that the author iti could pick out a mun (or an unmar ried woman ol a certain age and coiujel him to marry Iter. C'liaiicel'or Caprivi re'uei to compro mise on tlie t iarinan army hill, and an appeal to the country is v-rv likr-ly to I iliow thedeieat ol the mru'iire, wtilch seem now to b certain. Niiineron Austrian, ti-rman and Prussian Catliohca have pe-i turned the Pope to call an international convention to use their influence in trying to stop gambling at Monte Carlo. The Chinese government haa dis patched IS,') reieaiihir title to the troop on the western frontier in ihe vi nnitv ol the I'amir, and numerous drill inspector accompany the transport. The work of the ahlp canal between the North Sea and the Baltic are lining pushed forward with inch energy and regu arity a to give In pe of lu being rtmshed in l.V-'i, a originally intended. Bisinari-k aaya that all he care for now i to remain at home with hi fam ily. He rarely, Ifx-anee he ha no house there, arr.'t he dislike on lamiliar beil and hotel a-vnmmodatinn. Kelig'ou riot have broken ont in Amoy. Manv native Christian have te-en tortU'e.1, and a few have la-en k (4 I. An Knglish missionary aa at tacaeil by a amliol fanatic, and l-arely saved hi life by flight. Th Corinth cana1, which i now ap proa, lung completion and is to be opened on April t next, waa forma'lv com menced on March 27, lJi The canal i over It', mile in length. tkS fret wide on the U.ttom, Ml leet at the water line and 'H feet deep. The battle ol Santa l.ticia in Honduras i staled to hve lieen the t noiiiesl ()e which l as taken p ace durmit the ri aition. One hundred and ti ft r men were killed on fe nrld, of(T)honi 100 le longl to Villela'a i'iik, tt-neral II. ha ck-cupihI Jut c- pa. meeting no resiflance. He a ) captured SoO r tie. Tlie commission at M. rvershjrg, ap I to define the te-rn "P-rntora1 water" aa used in trie Behrni Srcae, ha decid- d that the term app'te to an aa era within thirty leene of the coast tne Keen at StlVtersborg there 1 '.i:'le ev ition that th' dec ran will 1- e.veptjlv any I irein power except rrrhap tl.e Unord !. After repeated interrocation and much I'arhau enta'V pressure the lir.l l-h M.ti'siry haatla-t avow-d ita U" renter to rir Klaard Wa'ains. Hia Chsnnel rnr.nel hill i not lo l. ppoorHi h the M n'-fy nor hv any M ni-t-r a dirtmenL li.a.lstone i a convert to the tunnel. A new evietr jmrnal, the i.m ' '.:, aa lonnle-i -n Ixn d,m lore eek-aito. In tt co uti.ns cirrent ti-von-e rar are to he str a 'v ren-"te.' with nre o- the .'etai omitted. Art c e on divorce will tw yiS. TabelpW,! ail matters ol in'ereal in th panicuVr province of tb papar. 1 PORTLAND MARKET. rrmmm. fym. WMEaT-Val-y, 11. 12 i WalU Walla 11.05 per ceotai. Fcn-fundard. 13.30 s WaIU Walla, ' 43 60; urauam, 6uprnn. I2.S' per twrrwi. Uarw Cboicw, 43 i 45e per bnhi i fair, Or; rolle.1, in tag, o.25.3tl.60 barr!, rtt.lOig'J 7; caae. 3.75. Uv iw.t. Ill I3.W oar tons com mon, r'."J';10.iJ. Miujrri rr liran.118 .7j umtu, .1 JO; ground jarler,i3 ;4; chop 'ee-l.tls par t-.u; whol (red Uney, B0( per cental, midd Ing. 123 424 per ton; brew ing Parley, H0n c per cental; cbickeo wheat, l.l" per cental. BiTtiB Oreg-n lancy creamery, ia-toe; lnc dairy, 22i2-c; lair uj g.wd, 17S'i roinmon, UVl'V P' pound; picti roll butter, 3ooi3ic pi-i roli; Calilornia, 40,4oc per roil. Cua-. Oregon, lloXldc; Kastern Twin, 15.-; Y'oung America, loc per pouud. Koo Oregon, Itlc per down. Poi LTay Chicaen, mixed coop, 11.00 4 M; oid l.em, 6.00 ni.frO; old ro.iierr, ft.OMi4l.5J; dreewl chicken, Itbitloi per pouiil; duck, 0.5v(7.!,J; geese, flO.ikt 4H.00 per doen; turkey, live, lt.ia- l7c ; dreeae.!. iMit ll per pound. VaonrAHX Cahtsage, l.&J4t.t pe' cutei ; uuium, l.75"2 U ; cut onlou. uinK-; potato-, l.00 lor tiarnel Chii; l.2- fjr burbank; Oregon turnips, 7 j i J.'v per cat k ; young carrot, 7V tl er aatk; weel iUUie, U- ti.v per ceuul; cauiitlower, WOc r per doMtn, $2 75 Jier crat; colery, tk'C per doten; artichoke, 6c per doxen; lettuce, 4-ic per doxen; atparagu, 2 -c nr nound : naranin. K'k per sack ; beets, l.lo ier sai; rauiinei, ioc wr uuim , grteu onions, ISc per p-.und ; rhutwrb, like per pound; green pea, 10llc per pound ; spinach, 3',c per pound. rai'tTe Sicily lemon, a.O M 5.5 ) per tox; Calnornia new crop, Jl.oOoio; tw nanna, fJ.5ori4.0J per hnnch; orange, enllitigs, l'.iJ'a2.75 per lx ; nae, .i00,3 .'.; crAn'a-rrtee, $12.50 per bar rel; Pi'l4, l 5 2 .'5 p.-r On. enle iiratanti. HoxxT Choice comb, loj.7i) per noil ud : new Oregon, Itl $ IMc. hLT Uverpooi, 'AMt, I15.M); 1D0. tlo.oO: 5. 117.50; atocx,, Daiau Fbiit I'etita prune, 10nlic; liver, ll(4l4c; Italian. l-ct 14c ; Oerman, 10' 1 11c; plum, oid, 6"t'ic; new, 7'tfc; applet, o il lie; evaNrated apruxita, l.'i dltic; Peacliea, lJiiloc; pear, 7nf 11c iM-r oonnd. Kilm Uland,4.75ii$5.lJ; Japan, $1.75 ner cental 0orra-CoU Rica, 22c; Klo, L-Jc; Salvailor.lM'.c: Mocha, 2u'.i4 Jc; Java, .T.'i Arbuckie', Midland, Mo- kaska and Lion, 100-pound caae, 3.-bkic per pound; Columbia, tame, L'4 (vVlduc. Bkax Smalt white, 3',c; pink, 3c; bayo. 3'c; buttor, '4c; uuiaa, 2&c lr pound. Svai' Kaotern, in barrel, W4Vc; hall-lrrel. 41,'57,.c; la cane, ioi4 sOc per gallon; per keg. California in barrel, J0t4oc per gallon; (1.75 per keg. moab Net price : D, 4c ; Golden 0, 4'4c; extra 0, 4 V; Magnolia A, 4 Vi granulated, 6'4e; cube cruahed and pow- dereil, 57c; cxiulectloner' A, 5'tc per pound; uiapi itigar, 16,t I'-c per pound. Canki lloiiiM-Table IralU, aaeorted Quoted 1.75ol.'.00; peache,; llartiett eura,1.7-4.'.oo; pluma.ll.Ji i'l.W; straw herrie. IJ.Ujur.ifi; cher new, V-Xtiil.W; black bernea, ll.5.) '.'; rasp berr lea, (2.40; pineapp ee, (2.25td 2.10 ; apricota, ll.ti.') ui.OO. Tie fruit: Asanrteil, (1.20; peaches, (1.25; plum, (1.10"tl.20: hlackberne. (1.2 1.40 ier doten. I'tej Irmt, gallon Aaaorte-1, 3.15"(3..V); iM-iu-he, 3.50it4.lkl; apri pot. (H.50'44.l)ii; plum, (2 75'rf3.ilO; black lierrio. l4.2Aur4.50. Vegetnblea corn, fl.5l4l.7,; tomatoes, (1. 10, .11.15; augar )wa, (; firing beana, tVic per doxeru Meat: Corned lieet. Is, 1 Ml; 2.s, ?2.40; chipe. Ireef, (2.55 4 4.t0; itinefi lonirue, (4.00; 2s, ri 75; loviled ham. (1.7541. Ht pr d,i.. Fish: Sardine. i4s, 75c'4(2.2.5; ,. (2.ri'f4..ra; lohe'era. 2..1hii:l.5il; aalm on, tin l-,h.tnlls.$l."5 4l,50; lint, (1.75 2I1., (2.25-42.50; sj bhl., (5.50. Tae Mew Market. Bxxr I'r line steers, (1.HV4 4.15 ; choice tM, M.75'44 0t(; fair to gooil steers, ( iki iill..'a' ; good lo choice cow, ( 1 15'4 3.50; common tj) meinin cow. (2.50-4 i75; itreste '. (1.50 7.0(t. Mrmi Choice, (4..'i0 44 75; fair to ltid, (4 ik' 50, dressed A.OO; lamlw, (l.l tli.14 50; dressed, (s 00. Hoos Chou-e hravtr. (7.00'47.2."i ; me dinrn, ('t..ri0 ml 75 ; light and feeder, ii J.'ii.rti.M); ilreseeit. (7.0-.). VxaI (t Ik)iit7 00. Swoxxn Mxtra Irtre ham, 174 l"'jc; niedintii ham, 17 'ir IH'yc ; break- fast bacon, 17'41Hc iliort clear aides, i 'ft Ho 14S"lf"c dry (alt lides, 13' re-r (Hiiind. Laid Compound, in tin. 14'4'c; nnrw, in tin, IT'c; Oregon, UVJ V2c par ponn.l. MlMMiiiaHwtaa. Nui lle quotation: Imii, J 75 teel, (2.75 ; l; e, (.' V) per ke Ikon lUr, 24c ir pound; pig Iron, f -.I d 25 per ton. Grimly lo'.c per pound. Tim I. C. charcoal, 14120, prime quai ItT. (4.50t'.U per bo; lor cr-ieaew. (2 extra per boi; I. C. coke plates, 14x20, prime quality. (7.ft;if S.iaJ per Iwx ; tern plate I.C.. prim quality, (tl.M a7.00; 14x20. (li 00. Ijiad iSicper pound; bar, Bc roior (l.i) per lack. lioRsxsiioia (5. Nwal Sroax Oakum, (4.5V5 per hale; resin. (4.liJ o per4tniunds: tar. Stockholm, (13.00; Carolina. IH.OJ rer laurel; pilch, (o.OO per barrel; turpen tine), b5c per gallon in carload lot. Haa and Haalat Burlap, 7-ox., 4--incii, net caah, ric burlap. ltKu.. 4-ini-ti. net caah. 7c burlap. 12-oa., 44-inch, 7lc; buriaps, 15-oa., til-inch. ll,c: burlana. LM.oc. 7d. inch. 14c. Wheat ha Calcutta, 2JxJ, pot, 6c; two-buihel oat bag, 7c li( la ftitcar Makla' Time. Ever' f. Ilrr hu . sraoa (hat hia fee-Ma li ken Ike not. ktartw suiDim-r. mrS winter, that a thinka brain all the r.-t; Bat Ihrdar thai make mj dronpla' Bptrtta )eM (it ap ami climb Air Ihadim'ilav or winter, Tom la nnr nuUia' time. Then thr httlr hint la singlo", Ionia' ap lhair littlr thnt. Tlklnkin' ar ihe comln' harreat. or tae wnra and shna and ol. Aa' the tn.kiiTi ar the herp briU. with tbe rinjur i-iiw h-ll- rhimr, la the dun' iUii ar wintM-. 1oi In sium' limow TUra th little Uuaha era pukjls' ao' i raf arts' anun.t Aa' tb tlri blie J-hnnr-Jnmp-BpOSw a-pavp- ln throu'a th a-nunt. An' Ui ll.wr4 out t.rma. n auw kappjr.ktader s4nt-in' In a rh) m. 'a in ana' iU ar winter, tooc-Ja una' tun. T. . averthina-. I.,tb d-,l arui Una n U ami k i lint,. twixt tae Seems n muiin' an' to flrin'. aa If all h-4 Ml in l or; Q o. far rii. ti.,, lr ka, tare eaat be uo fAirrr rum TLaa lh Ji m' data ar wtatar. loow la ewawr ladianawila THE FARM AND GARDEN No Good Reason Why Cooperative Farming Should Not Pay. ABOUT THE PRODUCTION OF CAPONS. Tie Rnju'rrs .Nothing But a Qulik Sieatly lUnd, a Comet Eye and a Little Puctlce. Amerlran A(rlrulttirlil. A great di al h i tw n putuiahej con cerning th enormuu print to Iw made hy producing cion. itiere it no dom.t that the tirf-ti I extreme, y delicate Hcd iia.a'alile; but, II tli profli were at tri a cla'Uieil, snreljr more poultry raiser WnUtil produeerapon (or market. Tne price ol I'hiladelph a large capon in New York city rebrtitry S waa il to 22 cen' ier pound. The beat price, (or I'lilla-ie pli-a chicken on the sjiiim data wa Id to 17 cent, thtu sh iwmg 6 cent in lavor of cMin. Young lirntic,., Iiowever, brirg all the way from 35 1 1 70 cent per uiid during March, April and May, when moet in detnaud, and capon tel'lom reach up to :t l cent per pound. Whether they will pay a well a broiler is doubtful, but they certain ly do pay better than railing lowli, chicken or turkey. Tiiere ii nothing to prevent any care ful farmer or fanner' eon irom learning to cuponite if he ha ihe right kiui of tool. The work require nothing but a quick, (teady hand, a correct era and a little p-actice, and a tin re are men in New Jersey making in the neighborhood ol (15 a day by ca(onmng for farmer, it ia rv:dent!y'worth while to learn how to do it. The eaoiiiiing ihnu d be done on a bright day, but, II possible, out of the tio o a to avoid any (hadow fail ing on the work taiile. For 0eratiti upon select large early-iualnrinir cocker el, rich ft 1'iymoiitli Kock and Wysn dotle crossed on I'rabrnaaor ljinghii. If operated upon in September, Octoher and NovemN-r, they ahould I ready for market In March, April, Mar and June, when they will bring the highest price-. Like other fowl capon ihotild be fasted twenty-four hour tiefora killing. Tne head, which I tne distinguishing murk of capon, should always tie left on. They stiotild be bled by cutting inside the mouth or throat. Tn neck and tad- die feather are large and tine, and dis tinguish a capon Irom oilier low it, there fore are left on a well ns the feviiieri on the leg from the hock pint half wav op the thigh, also those on the outer j unts ol the wing. The brea-t, buck, win,; next to the body and the upper part ol the thigh are dry, picket! clenu. The mouth, thanks and leet should I waehed, especially removing clotted blood from the innulh. The Rhode Inl and rtatiou at Kingston ha published in I'ullet'.n 20 the results ol tome very in teresting experiment in caponixing, de scribing the varion kind of tools that can I uaed and voing minutely into the details of per orm rg tlie opera ton, all of which Is additionally explained by illustration. Ct-iiieratloN of Farmer. John M. NUhl, editor of the h'armrrn' Call, Ij'imcy, III., and whose n Iterance have great weight a tho-e of anv ag ricultural writer, tay in a recent lesne nl hia paper: " We can perceive ol no good reason why co 0ierelion should not tie success Itn among lariners. it is eminently stic ceeslul anion other classes. Among other people it hn spread with gr-al rapidity during re -en t jers, un il now the greater p.rt ol url an transaction are aciMinp ishe-l throogti co-operat'ou in tome lorm or other. A hundred ex ample might be cited ; we have space lor only one. 1! nldn at id loan associa tions now exlet in everv city and in niiMir towns, and throng i their aid ttiou saudswho otherwise would always re main ren'er are procuring comfortable home. We taks building and loan a rc ationi for our exanpie because they are not one of Ihe older, accepted forms ol co-operation, but have bu: recently emerged from the exerimental ttate, and because, while they have in aome cases heenisrd hy iionndrel todefrand bard-working, honest people, tl ev have trinmphantlydemonstrated their utility, lalety and great beaefit. "To keep dlrei'tly along thi line, if city MNipe can o cteoerate that the money fiat wood otherwise be paid at rent is uaed to boy a home, why cannot farmers so co-operate that the money that otherwise would go a rent will par for a farm? Why cannot the building and loan association! be transplanted to the country Why cannot farmers as w?ll a city people enjoy the benefits of this form of co-operation? We hope s on lo see lull-Hedged association, like those now in existence in the cities, formed in tit country to enable renters in Illinois and other of the older State lo recurs a farm in those Mate. I'n d mbtedly ail clasre would be bent filed by mch association." f Inlrreat to lialri men. There are three iecial lines of dairy ing, and from these it will generally pay the dairyman to choose some one and follow It steadily rather than to combine the d.rjcrent branches, tayt V.xiro" '(lirtiiKiii. The ttiree divisions are: Tlie retail trade orthipmentol milk, the manufacture of butter and tl.e manu facture of chee. The cow that is the bst for one of these It not the best for the other two, and consequently tbe lock thonld lie relected in the Mrt piai e with particular refe snce to the brand) of butines that it to 1 followed. Tl.e man w ho tmsatnn-iallr uoo.1 butter herd cannot atTjrd to furnish mi.k lo acheefe factory nor to iliip hit prcxluct to a city to lie rold with low-grade milk from ail sources. Kind ont what you want to d before you tieyin in build yonr herd and then follow that pnrnoee s'eadilv. end yn will ! apt to com out all right. It has been etimatel that to o.Iiett a single round of honey the bees must de prive .',tjj clover hlossonn ol their nectar. To do this tl e ti2,00 flowers mut be visited by an aggregate of S.7.W.0W bees. (J OiBc'a' fignrrt Kive Ihetrca plant! to wheat in r ranee lor th IM'O crop at 17. 4.g),0 0 cre and ti e cr. p at 3 0,477.0 O tnttiel. Ti rye there were 3.s l.'kW ai res rdai.tej, and the c o was 72,07", 'V bruhrl. The r!L K-w ennir a in,lj rv. UW-w, The Mr flrra Im Brce..V?..)W. Tbe beatnt tma aearljr o're, The rrl puu up are bathlnr :tt. TfMtr bau al airaw the etslthr atMOS, Tbe tt it in laiyrha alm-l won glea, .omor ii4 mrU-4l UnJ m be. The rachu ar UM al wharrra aad dorka, W aear liw autumuai euioua, Ab-I r"-ts bo renri their kratth For ut'S' tuna afnd uwr wealth. Asal eey weraaBl was Www tkxa kucp liitiurf tad adrrnia -avia Courre. o o o O o o o O o o o o o